Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

quickclan x o21

Postby eagle, » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:23 pm

never stop running on and on with the wind
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( archive ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

            number of cats seventy-seven | thirty-nine ♂ | thirty-seven ♀ | one non-binary | servings needed thirteen
            next moonpool anytime | injuries dustpaw | kittings

hit the character limit - writing is here

[ added cats ] rookwatcher takes cloudykit and zipperkit to hazeclan to foster them. he will stay with hazeclan to watch over the kits
pinekit and crakekit are given to redstar by cleopatra of the empire of the gods
chanterellestep, rowanpaw, rosepaw, grasspaw, and hollowpaw added from graveclan (grasspaw and hollowpaw via discord, aged down with permission)
[ consumption ] quickclan eats four big fish and a minnow
[ moonpool ] n/a
[ kittings ] kindleflare tries for kits with bearstar of laurelclan
[ rank changes ] daffodilkit, dandelionkit, dovekit, finchkit, and cricketkit are old enough to become apprentices
peckerpaw, oriolepaw, dustpaw, and grasspaw take their warrior assessments. if they pass they will be named peckernose, oriolefeather, dustear, and grassthorn
after rookwatcher leaves, splashfall is assigned to mentor fleetingpaw
[ hunting 1 ] kindleflare, treespirit, falconflight, twiteflight, hollyfur, and hawkrise
[ hunting 2 ] oakseed, berrypad, canterellestep, sproutclaw, and patchwing
[ hunting 3 ] snakespots, pearsblossom, alderpatch, flamestrike, cherrydawn, and brightcreek
[ hunting 4 ] sparrowcall, whitesnow, minnowjump, splashfall, mulestomp, and aspenwish
[ hunting 5 ] redstar, tumblejaw, brackenrose, piperskip, mintstem, and honeyflower
[ herb hunting ] alpinemask and gorseberry
[ deaths ] while out of camp, gullfeather is killed by the loners in the barn
[ training ] flintpaw, darterpaw, and hollowpaw try to learn agility
cardinalpaw, fleetingpaw, owletpaw, webpaw, rainypaw, heatpaw, and boulderpaw learn fishing
[ other ] quickclan was given x1 mouse, x1 bird, x1 feverfew, and x1 watermint from hazeclan
[ notes to mod ] i removed the exact moves my apprentices learned from the coding, because it was taking up a lot of space. i've kept the number of sessions - if you want me to put the moves back just let me know. i'm just trying to reduce clutter in my code

      redstar | 48 moons | ♂ |

      cyanslash | 37 moons | ♂ |

      medicine cats
      alpinemask | 42 moons | ♂ |
      gorseberry | 23 moons | ♂ |

      medicine cat apprentice
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      sparrowcall | 72 moons | ♂ | (left)
      sootstone | 65 moons | ♂ |
      duskflower | 58 moons | ♀ |
      snakespots | 54 moons | ♂ |
      mothtail | 54 moons | ♀ |
      tallpeak | 49 moons | ♀ |
      honeyflower | 47 moons | ♀ |
      piperskip | 46 moons | ♀ |
      sweetecho | 46 moons | ♀ |
      tumblejaw | 44 moons | ♂ |
      blizzardrush | 44 moons | ♂ |
      brackenrose | 43 moons | ♀ |
      falconflight | 42 moons | ♂ |
      flurrywind | 42 moons | ♂ |
      splashfall | 41 moons | ♂ |
      aspenwish | 40 moons | ♀ |
      nightfall | 39 moons | ♂ |
      frostfur | 35 moons | ♂ |
      hollyfur | 35 moons | ♀ |
      kindleflare | 34 moons | ♀ |
      oakseed | 30 moons | ♂ |
      duneserpent | 29 moons | ♂ |
      loonlight | 28 moons | ♀ |
      screechwing | 26 moons | ♂ |
      hawkrise | 25 moons | ♀ |
      patchwing | 25 moons | ♀ |
      pearsblossom | 25 moons | ♀ |
      treespirit | 24 moons | ♂ |
      berrypad | 23 moons | ♀ |
      whitesnow | 23 moons | ♀ |
      flamestrike | 23 moons | ♂ |
      alderpatch | 23 moons | afab |
      brightcreek | 22 moons | ♀ |
      minnowjump | 19 moons | ♂ |
      mulestomp | 19 moons | ♂ |
      canterellestep | 18 moons | ♂ |
      twiteflight | 15 moons | ♀ |
      sproutclaw | 14 moons | ♂ |
      mintstem | 14 moons | ♀ |
      cherrydawn | 14 moons | ♀ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      flintpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      peckerpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      grasspaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
      oriolepaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      dustpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      rowanpaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      rosepaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      marshpaw | 9 moons | ♀ |
      darterpaw | 9 moons | ♂ |
      hollowpaw | 9 moons | ♂ |
      cardinalpaw | 8 moons | ♂ |
      fleetingpaw | 8 moons | ♂ |
      owletpaw | 8 moons | ♀ |
      webpaw | 8 moons | ♂ |
      rainypaw | 8 moons | ♀ |
      heatpaw | 8 moons | ♂ |
      boulderpaw | 7 moons | ♂ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      poppyhaze | 68 moons | ♀ | (right)
      zinniabelly | 59 moons | ♀ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      daffodilkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      dandelionkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      dovekit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      finchkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      cricketkit | 6 moons | ♂ |
      autumnkit | 5 moons | ♀ | | blind
      magpiekit | 4 moons | ♂ |
      tinselkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      rivuletkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      valleykit | 2 moon | ♀ |
      ploverkit | 1 moons | ♀ |
      pinekit | 0 moons | ♀ |
      crakekit | 0 moons | ♂ |
      charredkit | 0 moons | ♀ |
      lagoonkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
          ally clans
          hazeclan | nightwolf950
          clan | user

          enemy clans
          clan | user
          clan | user

          north | hazeclan | nightwolf950
          east | clan | user
          south | clan | user
          west | quartzclan | miles morales

          medicine store
          alder bark | x1 eases toothaches
          beech leaves | x1 carry herbs for travel
          bindweed | x0 keeps broken bones in place
          borage leaves | x1 for fevers, tight chests, bad bellies; also
          produces milk for queens
          bright-eye | x2 cures coughs when used with loveage
          burnet | x1 traveling herb to keep up strength
          catchweed | x1 stops poultices from being rubbed off
          catmint | x2 treatment of whitecough and/or greencough
          chervil | x0 treatment of wounds, kittings, and infections
          cobwebs | x0 bind broken bones and stop bleeding
          coltsfoot | x1 eases cracked and/or sore pads, eases breathing,
          and treats kittencough
          deadly nightshade | x1 poisonous
          dock leaves | x1 soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds
          fennel | x0 helps pain in the hips
          feverfew | x2 treatment of fevers, chills, and headaches
          goldenrod | x1 used to treat wounds
          horsetail | x1 treats infections and stops bleeding
          juniper berries | x1 soothes bellyaches, strengthens, calms,
          and eases troubled breathing
          lavender | x2 cures fever/chills; hides scent of death
          marigold | x1 used for infections, bleeding, and inflammation
          parsley | x2 cures bellyaches; stops milk production
          poppy seeds | x1 soothes shock, distress, and eases pain
          ragwort | x0 used to soothe aching joints and give strength
          stinging nettle | x1 induces vomiting
          tansy | x2 cures coughs, soothes throats, and can be used on
          tormentil | x1 good for treating wounds and extracting poison
          water hemlock | x1 poison
          water mint | x1 eases bellyaches
          wild garlic | x1 draws out poison in rat bites and prevents
          willow bark | x1 eases pain
          yarrow | x1 extracts poison from wounds, induces vomiting
          herb | usage

          fresh-kill pile
          minnow | x10 | 1 serving
          mouse | x8 | 1 servings
          rabbit | x5 | 2 servings
          small fish | x10 | 2 servings
          hare | x12 | 3 servings
          big fish | x8 | 3 servings
          bird | x16 | 3 servings
          total | 156 servings

          nightfall | flintpaw | 3
          snakespots | peckerpaw | 4
          mothtail | grasspaw | 4
          falconflight | oriolepaw | 4
          oakseed | dustpaw | 4
          hawkrise | rowanpaw | 4
          sweetecho | rosepaw | 4
          duneserpent | marshpaw | 2
          loonlight | darterpaw | 1
          frostfur | hollowpaw | 3
          screechwing | cardinalpaw | 1
          splashfall | fleetingpaw | 1
          sootstone | owletpaw | 1
          duskflower | webpaw | 1
          tallpeak | rainypaw | 1
          flurrywind | heatpaw | 1
          blizzardrush | boulderpaw | 0
          mentor | apprentice | 0

          ivystripe | 34 moons | died during kitting
          petalkit | 0 moons | weakness after birth
          flashkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          batkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          privetfang | 23 moons | died during kitting
          flutterkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          gullfeather | 34 moons | killed by nolan
          cat | cause of death

          duskflower + ♂ = patchwing
          sunnywhisker + ♂ = sproutclaw, mintstem, cherrydawn
          aspenwish + ♂ = flintpaw, peckerpaw
          piperskip + ♂ = grasspaw, oriolepaw, dustpaw
          ivystripe + tumblejaw = hollowpaw, marshpaw, darterpaw
          sweetecho + redstar = fleetingpaw, owletpaw, webpaw, rainypaw,
          redhawk (hurricane) + redstar = cardinalpaw, vanillastrike (hurricane),
          kestrelheart (hurricane), rowankit, russetkit, windkit
          poppyhaze + sparrowcall = magpiekit, tinselkit, rivuletkit
          mothtail + ♂ = boulderpaw
          mushu (hurricane) + sootstone = juniperpaw (hurricane), daffodilkit
          gullfeather+ paleflick (hurricane) = petalkit, flashkit, batkit
          meadowspirit (hurricane) + alpinemask = laurelkit (hurricane), valleykit
          turtledove (haze) + falconflight = dandelionkit, dovekit, finchkit,
          flowerskip (char) + redstar = oleanderkit (char), ploverkit
          cleopatra (empire) + redstar = liftkit (empire), sneezekit (empire),
          aspkit (empire), pinekit, crakekit
          privetfang+ ♂ = charredkit, zipperkit (haze), and lagoonkit
          zinniabelly + ♂ = cloudykit (haze), flutterkit
          ♀ + ♂ =
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:54 pm

Number of Cats: 54 (8 kits)
Number of Servings: 10
Next Ruins Visit: Whenever
Next Birth: Deerleap (1)
Mod Notes: n/a
Cats to Find:


Viperstar looked at the cats gathered beneath him. “I have gathered you all because the time has come for an apprentice to become a warrior. Ashpaw, please step forward.” He announced, watching the grey cat approach him “Ashpaw, you have proven yourself ready to become a full member of BearClan. Even though the journey was long, Weaselfur and I have agreed that you have learned all he can pass down. So, let us begin.” Viperstar’s olive gaze flicked to the sky. “I, Viperstar,leader of BearClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” The leader looked down to the apprentice, and continued, “Ashpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” Ashpaw grinned with determination and nodded wholeheartedly. “I do.” He responded firmly. With a grin, Viperstar nodded in approval. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Ashpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Ashtail, after your father. You show the same courage, selflessness, and passion as Cindertail, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BearClan. Congratulations.” Ashtail’s chest puffed out at his new name. He would make his father proud. The young tom knew Cindertail’s eyes were watching him from StarClan, and he would honor his memory. “Ashtail! Ashtail! Ashtail!” The congregation yowled in excitement. The new warrior climbed the slope and greeted Viperstar and his mentor, Weaselfur. Ashtail nuzzled Weaselfur and moved to Viperstar. The leader rested his chin on the young tom’s head and felt his tongue rasp over his shoulder. They separated and Ashtail looked proudly down on his Clanmates, smiling from ear to ear. “Who knows, Ashtail,” Viperstar smiled “Maybe you’ll become Ashstar one day. Then, you’d have this view every day of your life.” Ashtail blinked thankfully at the two toms and slipped down to the camp floor, greeting and thanking his congratulating Clanmates.


Viperstar avoided the huddling cats in the middle of camp. He could see Ashtail’s excited, but overwhelmed expression through the gaps between cats. He couldn’t help but snicker. Ah, what a fine warrior he would be. Perfect for his plans. The leader flicked his ear, dismissing the thought, and squeezed into the nursery. His ears were pelted by high-pitched whining as soon as he entered. “But mom!” Darkkit protested, staring her mother in the eyes “It’s only sunhigh! We have plenty of time to play!” Hazelkit nodded, pushing in front of her sister. “Yea! Everyone else is outside! Why can’t we be?” She pouted. Ravencloud sighed with a small smile. “Darlings, the other kits are much older than you. They play rough and I don’t want you to get hurt.” She reasoned. Owlkit slid down her black and white back and landed next to his sisters. His ears were alert and he had a serious expression. “I promise I’ll look after them, Ravencloud. Besides, playing near the apprentices’ den is overrated. I much prefer the sunny spots outside he nursery.” Darkkit pushed her brother away. “Why are you so weird? ‘Blah I’m Owlkit and I’m so serious.’” She mocked, frowning. Owlkit scoffed and rolled his eyes. Ravencloud flicked an ear. She opened her jaws, no doubt to refuse, but Viperstar spoke before she could get out a single sound. “I think they should go out. Every kit needs to play wrestle. It builds skill.” Hazelkit bounced excitedly up and down and Darkkit smiled. Owlkit just nodded and looked hopefully at his mother. Shadowkit and Featherkit sat quietly by the edge of the nest, watching the persuasion unfold. Viperstar leaned down to his mate’s ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll watch them.” He whispered, winking. Ravencloud sighed. “Fine. Be careful.”

The kits tussled in the open area in front of the nursery. Viperstar observed them carefully as they tackled eachother. Owlkit was strong. He expected nothing less from his first born son. Shadowkit was taking on his brother, and often ended up pinned beneath Owlkit. Viperstar’s eyes narrowed. He could see some potential in Shadowkit’s lithe black figure. His limbs were long, but they’d only come in handy for catching birds and running. And Viperstar would never run from a fight. Neither would his offspring. The black kit let out a huff as his body hit the ground once more. “Come on, Shadowkit.” Owlkit sighed, exasperated “I’ve pinned you like five times. Try a bit harder.” He got off of his brother and waited for an attack. But one never came. Shadowkit just sighed and stared at his paws. Owlkit turned his head and flattened his ears. “What’s wrong?” He asked, scooting over to his brother. Shadowkit sniffled and blinked. “I’m sorry, Owlkit, but I’m not strong. I don’t think I’m ready for play fighting yet. You should go play with Darkkit. She’ll be more of an equal challenge.” Shadowkit got to his paws and slunk off into the nursery, dragging his tail and hanging his head. Owlkit blinked in confusion and shrugged, taking his brother’s advice and wandering over to his sisters. Viperstar wrinkles his nose. What a mouse-hearted coward! No son of his would back down from a challenge. The only way to learn is by practicing, after all. That kit had a weak heart. He would never be of use. Licking his lips, he flicked his tail and felt a body next to him. Looking down, he saw Featherkit, her fluffy fur blowing gently in the breeze. “What’s wrong darling? Why aren’t you practicing your skills? Don’t you want to be a mighty warrior?” He asked his daughter softly. The small she-kit looked up with her round grey-blue eyes. “Oh, momma didn’t tell you?” She asked with a straight face. Viperstar furrowed his brow and shook his head. Featherkit hummed and turned her gaze back to her tumbling siblings. “I want to be a medicine cat.” She murmured, blinking at her paws. Viperstar’s eyes widened. A what? “I really like Minkblossom. And I would love to help others.” His daughter explained, a small grin creeping across her muzzle. Loss flooded Viperstar’s heart. That was even worse! Not even wanting to be a warrior? Why in StarClan’s name would one want to do that? Still, he kept his thoughts well hidden. “That’s great, sweetie. I’m sure you’ll do great.” Featherkit didn’t respond, but he could see her eyes brighten with joy. The tom flashed a winning smile. Once Featherkit decided to go in for a quick nap, he looked at his three promising kits. Three out of five would do.


That night, Viperstar slipped through the shadow-filled camp without a noise. The moonlight looked down on him as he moved to the nursery. He poked his head in and looked around. Everyone was asleep. Perfect. He silently stepped into the crevice and made his way to Ravencloud’s nest. He looked down on his litter. Owlkit, Darkkit, and Hazelkit were practically on top of each other while Shadowkit and Featherkit were snuggled into their mother’s belly a few mouse lengths away. Viperstar poked his nose into Shadowkit’s black fur. The small tom’s head popped up. “Viperstar?” He yawned “What are you doing here?” Viperstar smiles at his son. Leaning down, he whispered, “Hush, wake up Featherkit and meet me outside. Make sure you’re very quiet.” He flicked his son gently with his tail and exited the nursery. It was only a few moments before two small bundles of ungroomed fluff appeared next to him. “What are we doing our here, Viperstar? It’s chilly.” Featherkit asked quietly. Viperstar smiled. “I have a surprise to show you. Follow me. It’s in the forest.” Shadowkit’s eyes widened. “The f-forest?” He trembled “B-But it’s dark! And Ravencloud said we can’t leave camp until we’re older.” Viperstar growled softly. “Just follow me, ok? I’m allowing you to go. I’m your father and the leader, so you have to listen to me.” Shadowkit swallowed and nodded, he and Featherkit following him to the entrance. He passed Hickorywind, who questioned him, but let him pass nonetheless. The group was alone in the forest. Viperstar led the kits to the edge of the island. “Viperstar,” Featherkit yawned “What are we doing out here?” Shadowkit shut his eyes. “Yea, I’m tired.” He whined “Can we go home now?” Viperstar looked at the lake and flattened his ears against his head. Taking a deep breath, he plastered a smile on his face and turned to face the kits. “Come on,” He coaxed “I want to give you a swimming lesson.” Featherkit and Shadowkit exchanged confused looks. “What about Darkkit, Hazelkit, and Owlkit?” Shadowkit asked. “Yea, shouldn’t they be here too?” His sister agreed. Viperstar swallowed. “Well, yes. But I can teach them another time.” He meowed, going closer to his son’s black face “You two are special.” He walked behind the small kits and nudged them with his nose. “Now let’s go. Get in the water.” He pressed, voice tight. Shadowkit went first. He took a cautious step into the water, chuckling at the way it lapped at his paws. He turned to say something but he was cut off be Viperstar shoving his head underwater. “You imbecile kit! You honestly think that you have a place in this Clan?” He hissed “You’re weak! You have no promise! You will be of better use in StarClan.” He pressed the kit down until the bubbles of his son’s struggle eventually fizzed away. Viperstar lifted his paw and let the cruel waters sweep the body away. He turned to Featherkit who was staring in horror. “P-Please, Viperstar! Daddy please!” She cried. Viperstar growled and unsheathed his claws, snarling. “You know what’s worse than being a weak warrior?” He rumbled “Being a medicine cat. Useless cowards! Not having the courage to fight for their Clan! I will not have my daughter be a spineless observer.” He sunk his teeth into her scruff and carried her to the lake, ignoring her screams and cries for help.


Hickorywind yawned. He emerged from the warrior’s den to see a huddle of cats around the camp entrance. ‘What now.’ He groaned inwardly. There was always something wrong in this StarClan forsaken Clan. Couldn’t they just have one moon of happiness? “Hickorywind did you hear?” A voice behind him asked. The tom turned around to see Acornfall. His sister loved to sneak up on him, but he stopped squealing in surprise like a kit moons ago. “Hear about what?” Hickorywind meowed with disinterest. Acornfall leaned closer to him, walking him closer to the group of cats. “They found Shadowkit and Featherkit’s bodies on the shore during the dawn patrol.” She whispered. Hickorywind stopped dead in his tracks. He was about to say something when Ravencloud came stomping up to him, Viperstar close behind and the rest of the cats gathering around. The three cats stood in the middle of camp for a few moments before Ravencloud gathered her words. “Well?” She choked out “You were on night watch right? Did you see my kits leave?” Hickorywind swallowed. “W-Well, I-“ He stammered. “Did you or did you not?” The queen yowled, voice tight. Hickorywind looked at Viperstar. The leader had brought the kits out into the forest, and now that he thought about it, the warrior didn’t see him return. Viperstar’s eyes narrowed. His gaze flicked down to his paws. Hickorywind followed his gaze and saw Viperstar’s long, hooked claws unsheathes. His jaw clenched. “Answer the question.” Viperstar demanded, shaking his head subtly. If he told a lie, he’d have an enormous weight on his shoulders, but if he told the truth, Viperstar wouldn’t hesitate to rip out his throat. Hickorywind sighed and looked at his paws. He didn’t want to die. “I’m sorry Ravencloud. I didn’t see them. It was very dark and they were so small. Maybe they slipped out while I wasn’t looking.” He murmured. The queen hissed and batted him on the muzzle. “It’s your fault! If you were more alert, my kittens would still be alive!” She cried, lunging at him. Viperstar blocked her. Pressing his nose to his mate’s ear, he told her go to the nursery. After a few heart beats of coaxing and tears, she slipped into the nursery. Viperstar emitted a low growl. “Hickorywind.” He grumbled “You have let your Clan down. It is your fault Shadowkit and Featherkit are dead.” Hickorywind took a step forward. “B-But Viperstar!” He protested, but the leader shook his head. “You depend so much on your eyes. If you were using them, my son and daughter might still be here.” He snarled. Unsheathing his claws, he swiped at the young warrior. The sharp blades sliced over Hickorywind’s face, spurting blood. The loud, shrill yowl of pain echoed off of the stone walls of the camp. Hickorywind hung his head. The cut started from above his right eye, over his muzzle, and through his left eye. Thankfully, he could still open his right eye. His left eye, however, was gone. He didn’t need Minkblossom to know he was blinded. Still, the medicine cat rushed the tom to her den to get him cleaned up and treated. Viperstar watched through narrow eyes, a sense of pride flowing through him. No one would know his secret. He licked the blood off of his paw, scattered his Clanmates around him, and padded over to the nursery to check on his remaining kits. They would be the future of the Clan. Owlkit, Darkkit, and Hazelkit would be his legacy.

[Ashtail becomes a warrior!]
[Viperstar examines his kits while they play, trying to keep track of his 'perfect' legacy. He observes Shadowkit and Featherkit and deems them weak and unworthy. That night, he sneaks the two out of camp and drowns them in the river.]
[When Ravencloud can't find her kits, she frantically asks Hickorywind (who was on night watch) if he saw them. Threatened by Viperstar, he lies, saying that he must have fallen asleep. Viperstar attacks him out of fake rage and blinds him in one of his eyes.]
[Minkblossom has never treated an eye injury before, so she cleans the wound and uses x1 marigold to stop infection. She prays to StarClan to tell her what she needs to do and hopes for the best.]
[Adderbreeze, Astercry, Ashtail, and Wisteriawind patrol]
[Cougarleap, Ashtail, Weaselfur, and Rabbitspark hunt]
[Otterfur, Nightfur, Redfin, and Rookfang hunt]
[Thunderpaw takes his final assesment. If he passes, he will return as Thunderstone]
[Stonepaw takes his final assessment. If he passes, he will return as Stoneclaw]
[Shrewpaw trains in swimming]
[ Shrikepaw trains in swimming]
[Fognose teaches Badgerpaw swimming]
[Otterfur teaches Gorsepaw climbing]
[Wolfbreeze teaches Thornpaw hunting]
[Windfeather teaches Burrpaw hunting]
[Acornfall teaches Sparkpaw hunting]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[The Clan consumes x10 mice]

          Viperstar | 64 m | M | X

          Otterfur | 65 m | M | X
          Lionclaw | 57 m | M | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Minkblossom | 73 m | F | X

          Cougarleap | 49 m | M | X
          Batfur | 49 m | M | X
          Weaselfur | 83 m | M | X
          Grassheart | 51 m | F | X
          Stormfang | 42 m | M | X
          Quailthroat | 59 m | F | X
          Fognose | 36 m | F | X
          Swiftwind | 33 m | M | X
          Wisteriawind | 69 m | F | X
          Nightfur | 30 m | M| X
          Elmstream | 30 m | F| X
          Talonsky | 30 m | M| X
          Robinheart | 29 m | M| X
          Rabbitspark | 55 m | F | X
          Wolfthorn | 59 m | M | X
          Hickorywind | 23 m | M | X
          Acornfall | 23 m | F | X
          Adderbreeze | 36 m| F | X
          Squirrelheart | 36 m | F | X
          Hareshadow | 24 m | M | X
          Windfeather | 38 m | M | X
          Astercry | 36 m | F | X
          Hollypounce | 23 m | F | X
          Wolfbreeze | 29 m | F | X
          Rookfang | 30 m | M | X
          Darkmask | 23 | M | X
          Rosemist | 59 m | F | X
          Hawksnow | 14 m | F | X
          Redfin | 36 m | Male | X
          Ashtail | 16 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stonepaw | 14 m | M | X
          Shrewpaw | 14 m | M | X
          Shrikepaw | 14 m | F | X (Asthmatic)
          Thunderpaw | 14 m | M | X
          Badgerpaw | 12 m | M | X
          Gorsepaw | 10 moons | F | X
          Thornpaw | 7 m | M | X
          Burrpaw | 7 m | M | X
          Sparkpaw | 7 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ravencloud | 52 m | F | X
          Deerleap | 50 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Shellkit | 5 m | F | X
          Redkit | 5 m | M | X
          Nettlekit | 5 m | F | X
          Sootkit | 5 m | F | X
          Birdkit | 5 m | F | X
          Owlkit | 1 m | M | X
          Darkkit | 1 m | F | X
          Hazelkit | 1 m | F| X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Barknose | 102 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | KwamiClan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | HurricaneClan | Yukon_Shadows

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | Stops bleeding | x0
    Chervil | Helps queens give birth | x0
    Marigold | Stops infection | x0
    Poppy Seeds | Eases Pain | x2
    Mouse Bile | Removes ticks | x3
    Broom | Helps broken bones | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Brings down swelling/induces vomiting| x1
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Dock | Helps soothe scratches | x2
    Willow Bark | Eases pain | x3
    Tormentil | Extracts poison | x1
    Blackberry Leaf | Eases bee stings | x1
    Lovage | Helps cure coughs | x1
    Parsley | Stops a queen from producing milk | x1
    Ivy | Used to store other herbs in | x3
    Chamomile | Calms a cat down and gives strength | x1
    Wild Garlic | Prevents infection when rolled in, esp. rat bites | x3
    Ragwort | Treats aching joints | x1
    Goldenrod | Heals wounds | x2
    Borage | Brings down fever, reduces belly and chest pain, and helps queens produce more milk| x1
    Bright-Eye | Helps cure coughs | x1
    Coltsfoot | Eases Breathing | x1
    Lamb's Ear | Gives strength | x1
    Wintergreen | Treats wounds and poisons | x2
    Bindweed | Helps mend broken limbs | x2
    Raspberry Leaf | Used to help queens during kitting | x0
    Stick | Used to bite down when a cat is in pain | x2
    Mallow | Soothes Bellyache | x3
    Beech Bark | Unknown Usage | x1
    Alder Bark | Helps toothache | x1
    Rush | Holds a broken limb in place | x2
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Rosemary | Hides scent of death | x1
    Horsetail | Treats infection | x3
    BlackBerry Leaf | Eases bee stings | x1
    Lungwort | Cures Yellowcough | x1
    Yarrow | Extracts poison | x1
    Mint | Hides bad scents | x1
    Foxglove seeds | Can cause paralysis | x2
    Deathberries | Kills a cat when consumed | x1
    Burdock | helps rat bites | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x6 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x7 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Hare | x6 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x5 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves (hunting, battle strategy, climbing, stealth, swimming)
    Wolfthorn | Stonepaw | 5 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, Stealth, Swimming
    Quailthroat | Shrewpaw | 5 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, stealth
    Swiftwind | Shrikepaw | 5 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, Stealth
    Stormfang | Thunderpaw | 4 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, stealth, swimming
    Fognose | Badgerpaw | 3 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, stealth
    Otterfur | Gorsepaw | 1 | Hunting, Battle
    Wolfbreeze | Thornpaw | 0 |
    Windfeather | Burrpaw | 0 |
    Acornfall | Sparkpaw | 0 |

    Stone Pool: (on pause)
    Cat Name | Number of Stones Left
    Cougarleap | 3
    Batfur | 3
    Rabbitspark| 2
    Weaselfur | 3
    Grassheart | 3
    Wisteriawind | 3
    Ravencloud | 3
    Stormfang | 3
    Quailthroat| 3
    Otterfur | 3
    Adderbreeze | 3
    Fognose | 3
    Squirrelheart | 2
    Deerleap | 3
    Astercry | 3
    Swiftwind | 3
    Nightfur | 3
    Elmstream | 3
    Talonsky | 2
    Robinheart | 3
    Rosemist| 3
    Wolfthorn | 3
    Hickorywind | 3
    Acornfall | 3

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]
    Dunewing | Died from wounds caused by the bear | X
    Cedarsplash | Died from wounds caused by the bear | X
    Thistlepaw | Froze to Death| X
    Cherrypaw | Froze to Death | X
    Flickerkit | Weakness after birth | X
    Wasppaw | Killed by Otterfur | X
    Cindertail | Killed by the Bear | X
    Lilypaw | Killed by a Fox | X
    Sandstep | Killed by a Fox | X
    Slatestar | Finished off by Vipersun | X
    Oaktooth | Poisoned by Lionclaw | X
    Shadowkit | Drowned by Viperstar | X
    Featherkit| Drowned by Viperstar | X

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Sandstep, Viperstar
    ??? and Cedarsplash | Adderbreeze, Fognose, Squirrelheart
    Batfur and Quailthroat | Nightfur, Elmstream, Talonsky
    Thornshard (HurricaneClan) and Wisteriawind |Darkpaw, Hollypounce, Wrencry, Bristletuft, Robinheart (foster)
    ??? and ??? | Cedarsplash, Wrenpond
    Aster(rogue) and Wrenpond | Thistlepaw, Hickorywind, Acornfall, Cherrypaw
    Cindertail and Rabbitspark| Flickerkit, Lilypaw, Ashtail
    Unknown (Stormfang) and Adderbreeze| Thunderpaw, Hawkpaw
    Stormfang and Squirrelheart | Stonepaw, Shrewpaw, Starlingpaw, Shrikepaw
    Duststorm (HurricaneClan) and Astercry | Lynxkit, Hornetkit, Badgerpaw
    Wasppaw and Splashfeather (SnakeClan) | Thornpaw, Wasppaw (SC)
    ??? And ??? | Rosemist, Wolfthorn
    Otterfur and Rosemist | Burrpaw, Sparkpaw
    Viperstar and Ravencloud| Owlkit, Shadowkit, Featherkit, Darkkit, Hazelkit
    Viperstar and Nettlefrost (HurricaneClan)| Shellkit, Tansykit (HurricaneClan)
    Viperstar and Briarclaw (HurricaneClan)| Sootkit, Birdkit
    Nightfur and Kestrelheart (Hurricane Clan) | Redkit, Nettlekit
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[ clan replies ] [ 015 ]

Postby deimido » Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:14 pm

Image Image
terraclan, black-toothed grinners, lagoonclan, hazeclan, eanakhclan, kwamiclan, snakeclan, rainclan, eclipseclan, evanora's reach, glassclan, dewclan, gatorclan, suoloclan
owlclan, hickoryclan, northernclan, the neighborhood
[ NEWLEAF ] The weather is getting hotter as weeks go by, signaling that greenleaf is slowly approaching. Today, a light sprinkle of rain falls down on Clan territory.

Ragingsoul's patrol caught +2 frogs, +1 squirrel, and +1 rabbit.

Herb Gathering:
Boulderwhip and Aloeshade gathered +1 deathberries, +1 chickweed, and +1 yarrow.

Swallowtwig got injured on patrol and her wound has gotten infected! She'll need +1 sweet-sedge for the injury.

Basilpaw learned a new skill - patrolling!
Mintpaw failed to learn anything new...

Final Assessments:
Peonypaw has passed her assessment!
Hornetpaw has passes his assessment!

Sleetstar learned that she's expecting kits! Her litter is due in two moons.

Herb Gathering:
Poppywish gathered +1 broom and +1 lungwort.

Splitface's patrol caught +1 vole, +1 rabbit, and +1 stoat.
Sleetstar's patrol caught +1 hare, +1 stoat, and +1 vole.

Minkfur and Thunderjaw encountered two cats while patrolling; they're both apprentice-aged siblings.

Toadlegs's patrol caught +2 stoats.

Dustclaw and Emberflight found Whitestone while patrolling.
shorthaired blue smoke with yellow eyes.

Herb Gathering:
Twistedcloud gathered +1 holly berries and +1 lovage.

Mod Notes:
In the future, please group treated injuries with the rest of your Clan's actions.
If you're looking for border Clans, you can ask around in the fanclub!

Seedstar and Orangetail caught +1 rabbit.

Orangetail got attacked by a rogue cat on patrol! He'll need +1 cobwebs for the injury.

Herb Gathering:
Sapfeather gathered +1 daisy leaf and +1 juniper berries.
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𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖓 - 48 / 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖓 - 9

Postby Galipaygo » Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:39 pm

Number of Cats: 98

Salmonkit and Tansykit jumped around happily at the sight of their brother, Ashkit, with them again. "Ashkit! You won't believe it, they have old cats here that just sit around telling stories!" Tansykit exclaimed. Salmonkit nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, and they don't make the mothers work at all!" He added. Ashkit seemed amazed by the news and smiled widely. "I can't wait for Charkit to come with mom and see all this! It sounds amazing!" He said happily. wip

[Valleyglow, Blazepool, and Pinegaze gather herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one parsley on herself]
[Valleyglow uses one alder bark on Rosinpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one mallow leaf on Poppystep]
[Blazepool/Pinestep use one raspberry leaf, ragwort, and fennel on Yewfeather]
[Firpaw - 2 moons]
[Smokewhisker speaks with ___]
[Pebbletip speaks with ___]
[Slitear trains Cherrypaw in advanced combat]
[Willowfern trains Paperpaw in swimming]
[Ambereyes trains Marigoldpaw in hunting]
[Birchfur trains Nimbuspaw in swimming]
[Brindlestripe trains Snowpaw in hunting]
[Reedtail trains Icepaw in climbing]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in hunting]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in swimming]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in climbing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in swimming]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in climbing]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in swimming]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in climbing]
[Emberfoot trains Oceanpaw in fishing]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in swimming]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in hunting]
[Silvertail trains Hollowpaw in swimming]
[Shadowpaw is named Shadowgaze and made into a warrior]
[Poppypaw is named Poppystep and made into a warrior]
[Pinepaw is named Pinegaze and made into a general medicine cat]
[Fuzzypaw is named Fuzzyface and made into a warrior]
[Boulderpaw is named Boulderlife and made into a nursery hands]
[Coltsface and Greystar evaluate Blackpaw]
[Slitear and Greystar evaluate Aspenpaw]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Ravenear, Shadowgaze, Poppystep, and Fuzzyface hunt]
[Tatteredpelt, Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, and Oakclaw patrol the boarders]
[Forgottennose, Firestripe, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]
[Puddlefoot and Riverstripe try for kits]

Number of Cats: 21

Barkstar, Hemlockface, and Crabjaw padded through the forest in search of a strong cat to join their ranks. It was New-Leaf, so surely there would be plenty of cats coming out to find a place to settle or even just searching for food. Any cat that survived the harsh Leaf-Bare was almost guaranteed strong and a useful asset. At least, that's what they thought, until they came across a scrawny looking grey tom lapping water just beside the waterfalls. Barkstar growled, Hemlockface following suit, but Crabjaw stopped them before the aged tom could notice. "He may be just a malnourished cat from Leaf-Bare. A lot of prey is taken by Fireclan lately." he suggested uneasily. Barkstar glared at Crabjaw. "You could be right... but remember you vowed to do my bidding when you joined and I found your brother." He noted menacingly. The group padded closer to the tom until he raised his head in notice to their nearing. Already a bad sign, since they got quite close before he noticed. The tom smiled warmly and purred in welcome to the group. "How nice it is to see such strong toms as yourselves!" He said in a raspy voice. Another bad sign...
"This is Crabjaw." Barkstar said curtly, clearly hating the exchange. The grey cat nodded happily to Crabjaw, eyes smiling at the unique name. "This is Hemlockface." Barkstar then said, nodding to his second in command that was clearly ready to pounce. The tom felt the angered aura and sat down to ensure he didn't look like a threat to the group. "And I'm Barkstar, the-"
"You're a clan cat!" The grey tom bursted out in joy. He marveled at the leader with sparkling eyes. "Oh how much I've searched for a clan to settle in, my old joints have been aching as I search for a proper home to stay in." Crabjaw's heart sank as the tom gave out his far age. If it weren't for his clearly silver face and complaining of joint pain and settling down...
"But I should introduce myself. I'm Falcon, a rogue at the moment unless your clan accepts me into it's ranks." Falcon said happily. Barkstar smirked. "I am the leader of Deathclan." He purred as if it was such a wonderful thing, his purr seemingly distorted and crazed. Falcon's ears turned back a bit. "That's a... unique name as well..." he said, eyes wandering to Hemlockface. Now that he thought of it, water hemlock was a deadly plant to cats, so his mother told him when he was younger. "Isn't it wonderful?" Barkstar said, stepping closer to Falcon. "Just think of the power in the name, how it strikes fear into the weak, and how it shows just how far we all are willing to go..." His voice lowered by the end, almost as if he had become another cat. Falcon stood and backed away from Barkstar. "Ah... I agree it does strike fear... so I assume you wouldn't want an old tom like me in it, so I should get back to my sear-"
"No, you should stay longer. We'd love to get to know you." Barkstar's voice was getting tremulous now. He laughed a bit at his thoughts, embracing his demons for even a moment, and unsheathed his claws. "B-But I should really get..." Falcon's eyes searched Hemlockface and Crabjaw for help as the crazy leader closed in on him. He felt the edge of the river at his back paws now. He couldn't back up any further. Crabjaw looked away. "Let me tell you something about Deathclan..." Barkstar said, sitting. His eyes looked empty, his voice flat now. "We don't like weakness within our ranks, that's why we don't have elders. We don't even accept weakness within our boarders..." He almost moaned, like he was singing a tune someone else owned. Falcon's ears were pinned to his head, his tail wrapped around himself in fear. "I will happily leave your territory... please..." he pleaded. Barkstar cackled in a laugh. "Please! Please, please, PLEASE!" He howled through his laughs. He sounded hysteric. The grey tom trembled in the eyes of Barkstar, Hemlockface even looking unsure of his leader's actions after looking happy about the thought of getting his claws dirty. "Please won't help you, you sealed your fate already." Barkstar hissed, his claws kneading the ground with anticipation. Crabjaw turned his head back to try and hide from the sights and sounds. Falcon's hind legs slipped against the wet banks as he tried to get distance from Barkstar. "I hope you believe in Starclan..." Barkstar growled in a low voice. "Because they are your only salvation now..." He hissed, lunging toward Falcon. The elder ducked out of the way, Barkstar crashing over his shoulders and into the swollen waters. He emerged from beneath the water quickly and swam his way to shore, not wasting a beat in lunging at Falcon again. This time the elderly tom didn't have the time to react as Barkstar dug his claws into his shoulder. Falcon howled in pain, whipping around to try and get the younger tom off his shoulders. This hurt worse than any battle Falcon had been in before... this cat knew where it hurt. Falcon's joints already started giving in to the weight and he collapsed to the ground. Barkstar raked at Falcon's sides and back, biting and tearing at his neck. Falcon choked up in the pain and closed his eyes tight, knowing even if he fought back he would never come out on top. Even if he did, Hemlockface seemed to be ready to jump in and finish the job whenever needed. Barkstar continued to tear away at Falcon, ignoring any cries of pain that could get out, as he let his mind get clouded by blood lust. Falcon's mind, rather than getting taken by pain, wandered to his old mate - Gentlehope.
She was a molly born without eyes, born in a warm clan. When she got her warrior name as a star seeker, she got lost in a storm when trying to find her destiny. Falcon, a young and healthy rogue at the time, had only recently left his home of twoleg streets to try the forest. He found Gentlehope in a meadow, surrounded by barley and daisies. They made an instant connection, and in no time became mates. They had a litter of three beautiful kits, one born blind like his mother, and named them after constellations Falcon had learned of in the city. The blind tom was named Aquila, the other tom Cetus, and the molly Columbia. They lived as a group happily for many moons and seasons, traveling far and wide. The happiness they all shared was one that would never leave Falcon... even when Gentlehope fell ill. She left the world at only 50 moons. Falcon was 65 moons at the time, their kits 20 moons. Falcon and his kits wandered around for many more moons after mourning Gentlehope's passing. Falcon was separated from his kits when he became 100 moons old, his kits then 55 moons. He searched for them for 30 moons tirelessly, meeting cat after cat but never finding a clan cat. Eventually, he decided his searching had been spent and that there was no hope in finding his kits. He decided to find a clan to settle in while he waited for Gentlehope to embrace his coming to Starclan. His kits would now be 91 moons... he just wishes he would have seen them before he passed to Starclan. Told them how his love never ended all those seasons. He took in his last pained breath, Gentlehope with Aquila, Cetus, and Columbia on his mind. He opened his eyes again to see Gentlehope in Starclan... alone.
Barkstar stood heaving over Falcon's lifeless body. It was torn to unrecognizable shreds that aren't even close to what he once looked like moments before. His fur was painted red with blood, claws covered with the loose fur. Hemlockface stepped forward. "Let's wash you up so you're presentable when we return to camp once more..." He said coolly. Barkstar looked up to Hemlockface, nodding gently. He stood and composed himself, turning to look at Crabjaw who laid with his back to the scene. "Dispose of 'Falcon'. Don't bother with a grave, either. Committing a crime as he did doesn't deserve the respect of a grave." He said. Crabjaw looked over to Barkstar, his eyes taking in the sight finally, and nodded quickly. Barkstar and Hemlockface went off to wash off Barkstar's fur. Crabjaw stood and walked limply to the body. "Starclan..." He whispered to Falcon. "Please, don't reject him for his age... he did nothing wrong..." He choked a bit on his words, his eyes getting wet with tears that didn't dare to drip. He took Falcoon's body to a tree a distance away and buried it.
The group returned to Deathclan in silence, as if the event didn't even happen. Crabjaw wished that was so.

[Ivysong searches for herbs]
[Ivysong gives Lobsterpaw one lungwart]
[Barkstar, Hemlockface, and Crabjaw patrol the boarders]
[Tigerfang and Lobsterpaw go to steal kits from Fireclan]
[Fighter actions here]
[Tigerfang trains Lobsterpaw in combat]
[Crowfeather and Robinfur watch the kits]
[Leader actions here]
[Tawnypelt tries to sneak her last kit into Fireclan]

The clans consume five rabbits, six voles, one small fish, and one mouse, 19 servings!
[Note to mod: Text Here]
Total Number of Cats: 119

    Greystar | 38 moons | Male |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Forgottennose | 44 moons | Male |

    Head Medicine Cat:
    Valleyglow | 41 moons | Female | -0 moons

    Nursery Medicine Cat:
    Blazepool | 23 moons | Male |

    General Medicine Cat:
    Pinegaze | 16 moons | Female |

    Silvertail | 81 moons | Female |
    Goldenflower | 93 moons | Female |
    Rippleface | 89 moons | Male |
    Brindlestripe | 47 moons | Male |
    Tatteredpelt | 96 moons | Female |
    Willowshade | 73 moons | Female |
    Coltsface | 69 moons | Male |
    Puddlefoot | 32 moons | Male |
    Riverstripe | 36 moons | Female |
    Lavenderfoot | 53 moons | Female |
    Willowfern | 96 moons | Female |
    Firestripe| 30 moons | Male |
    Lavendernose | 30 moons | Female | -FR paw paralyzed
    Lionheart | 30 moons | Male |
    Reedtail | 29 moons | Female |
    Jaggedear | 49 moons | Male |
    Slitear | 49 moons | Male |
    Littleheart | 56 moons | Female |
    Snowheart | 36 moons | Male |
    Brightheart | 57 moons | Male |
    Burnettface | 53 moons | Female |
    Ambereyes | 46 moons | Male |
    Birchfur | 72 moons | Female |
    Cloudstride | 26 moons | Male |
    Ashfur | 23 moons | Female |
    Lightfrost | 44 moons | Male |
    Skyear | 25 moons | Male |
    Emberfoot | 23 moons | Female |
    Coaljaw | 23 moons | Male |
    Sandsweep | 19 moons | Male |
    Snowtrail | 48 moons | Female |
    Quailcloud | 54 moons | Female |
    Smokefoot | 17 moons | Male |
    Galestep | 17 moons | Male |
    Lunarshine | 17 moons | Female |
    Nightwing | 17 moons | Male |
    Jaguarpelt | 57 moons | Female |
    Brighteyes | 16 moons | Female |
    Oakclaw | 16 moons | Male |
    Ravenear | 16 moons | Male |
    Stillvoice | 17 moons | Female |
    Shadowgaze | 17 moons | Male |
    Poppystep | 17 moons | Female |
    Fuzzyface | 15 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Smokewhisker | 67 moons | Male |
    Pebbletip| 19 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Blackpaw | 17 moons | Male |
    Cherrypaw | 16 moons | Female |
    Aspenpaw | 16 moons | Male |
    Firpaw | 16 moons | Male |
    Paperpaw | 16 moons | Female | -Deaf R.Ear
    Marigoldpaw | 15 moons | Female |
    Nimbuspaw | 15 moons | Male |
    Snowpaw(right) | 13 moons | Female |
    Icepaw(left) | 13 moons | Female |
    Ebonypaw | 10 moons | Female |
    Summitpaw | 9 moons | Male |
    Rosinpaw | 9 moons | Female |
    Saltpaw | 9 moons | Male |
    Mudpaw | 9 moons | Male |
    Goosepaw | 9 moons | Female |
    Flintpaw | 9 moons | Male |
    Oceanpaw | 9 moons | Female |
    Halfpaw | 9 moons | Male | -Deaf L.ear
    Beepaw | 9 moons | Male |
    Hollowpaw | 7 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Nursery Hands:
    Daisypatch | 45 moons | Female |
    Boulderlife | 16 moons | Female | -Paralyzed mid-back down
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Shadowstride | 94 moons | Female | -Permanent
    Twoeyes | 56 moons | Female | -Permanent
    Yewfeather | 66 moons | Female |
    Greypelt | 41 moons | Female |
    Leopardeye | 37 moons | Female |
    Sweetpatch | 39 moons | Female | -1 moons
    Sparrowwing | 34 moons | Female | -2 moons
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tansykit | 4 moons | Female |
    Salmonkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Ashkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Beetlekit | 0 moons | Female |
    Dewkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Starlingkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Jaguarkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Carpkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Sparrowkit | 0 moons | Male |
    Badgerkit | 0 moons | Male |
    Gladekit | 0 moons | Male |
    Sapkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Greenkit | 0 moons | Male |
    Shroudkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Waspkit | 0 moons | Male |
    Rosekit | 0 moons | Female |
    Shalekit | 0 moons | Male |
    Flamekit | 0 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Sunsplash | 103 moons | Female |
    Honeygaze | 110 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Forestclan | Simonpet
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Leafclan | Zephyrine
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x2 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
    Birds | x2 | 3 servings


    Deceased Cats:
    Featherkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Riverkit♂ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Ravenkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Poppykit(left)♀ | Poisoned by Juniperleap | 3 moons
    Skypaw♂ | Drowned | 7 moons
    Dovekit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Softcrow♀ | Old Age | 177 moons
    Crowwhisker♂ | Old Age | 166 moons
    Saltwind♂ | Murdered by Snaketail | 64 moons
    Fernheart♀ | Poisoned by Barktail | 70 moons
    Flickerkit♂ | Poisoned by Barktail | 0 moons
    Bramblestrike♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 29 moons
    Timberstar♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 74 moons
    Stonebark♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 61 moons
    Hollypelt♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 54 moons
    Rainpelt♀ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 63 moons
    Juniperleap♀ | Killed by Timberstar | 30 moons
    Snaketail♂ | Killed by Valleyglow | 27 moons
    Lunarglow♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 99 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Brighteyes | Attract one cat on every patrol | 9% Fatality chance |
    Beeltekit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 26% Fatality chance |
    Starlingkit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 29% Fatality chance |
    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


    Barkstar | 78 moons | Male |

    Second Command:
    Hemlockface | 51 moons | Male |

    Ivysong | 41 moons | Female |

    Crabjaw | 39 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tigerfang | 39 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    In Training:
    Lobsterpaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tawnypelt | 49 moons | Female |
    Crowfeather | 33 moons | Female |
    Robinfur | 36 moons | Female |
    Cobaltface | 46 moons | Female | -1 moons
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Charkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Dawnkit | 5 moon | Female |
    Duskkit | 5 moon | Male |
    Moonkit | 5 moon | Female |
    Shadekit | 5 moon | Male |
    Flamekit(top) | 5 moons | Male |
    Gingerkit(bottom) | 5 moons | Female |
    Pollenkit | 5 moons | Female |
    Koikit | 0 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Medicine Store


    Deceased Cats:
    Falcon♂ | Murdered by Barkstar | 136 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


Last edited by Galipaygo on Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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moonclan ((008))

Postby LooneyLani » Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:00 pm

Number of Cats: 9
Servings Needed: 3
Moonpool Visit: 2nd of March


requests - n/a
patrols - Mountainstar, Stoneburr & Featherwillow go hunting / Snowtail & Larksong go on a border patrol / Blossomspeck is accompanied by Echobreeze to gather herbs
relationships/kitting - Streammist is due! Ivynose stands by to assist Blossomspeck

mod notes - n/a
consumes - Moonclan consumes 3 servings, finishing off a hare

          Mountainstar | 38 moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ivynose | 31 moons | Female | - 1 moon

          Blossomspeck | 43 moons | Female |

          To Be Healer:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Snowtail | 30 moons | Male |
          Larksong | 32 moons | Female |

          Stoneburr | 46 moons | Male |
          Featherwillow | 48 moons | Female |

          To Be Warriors:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          To Be Hunters:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Kit Mothers:
          Streammist | 48 moons | Female | - 0 moons
          Echobreeze | 33 moons | Female | - 1 moon

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wise Ones:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | greencough | 1
    Chervil | infected wounds, bellyache & kitting | 1
    Cobweb | bleeding | 1
    Dandelion | painkiller | 1
    Feverfew | body temperature, aches, pains & headaches | 1
    Ivy leaf | store herbs | 1
    Fennel | pains & kitting | 1
    Oak leaf | infection | 2
    Goatweed | grief | 1
    Sorrel | travelling herb | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Frogs | x1 | 1 serving
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Streammist and unknown | Kits
    Ivynose and Snowtail | Kits
    Echobreeze and unknown | Kits
aussie aussie | she/her | creds
existentially confused adult

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby goneeeeee :) » Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:59 am

i. court population
01 males
02 females
ii. visit with the darkness
iii. servings needed

    xx- encountering basil

↪️ visit with the darkness─────
───── there is no visit this moon.
↪️ patrolling─────
───── lead: numbani
↪️ hunting─────
───── lead: lilo, dragon
↪️ herb gathering─────
───── basil gathers herbs

↪️ mod notes─────
───── i added in the warlock + 5 herbs
i believe i have 1 moon left to gather prey
before i have to feed them?

          HIGH LORD.
          lilo ───── 30m, ♀
          ↪️ lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          ↪️ chosen by lilo.

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          ↪️ progeny of lilo.

          dragon ───── 30m, ♂
          ↪️ bloodlines/info.

          basil ───── 32m, ♂
          ↪️ bloodlines/info.

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          ↪️ bloodlines/info.

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀

          numbani ───── 34m, ♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀

          name ───── age, ♂♀
          name ───── age, ♂♀
    ✔️ clan name here ─ user
    ✔️ clan name here ─ user
    ✔️ clan name here ─ user
    𝘟 clan name here ─ user
    𝘟 clan name here ─ user
    𝘟 clan name here ─ user

    NORTH: clan name here ─ user
    SOUTH: clan name here ─ user
    EAST: clan name here ─ user
    WEST: clan name here ─ user

    located [url=x]here[/url]

    mentor + app (#) | moves
    mentor + app (#) | moves
    mentor + app (#) | moves

    chicken | 1 servings | x00
    small bird | 2 servings | x02
    rabbit | 2 servings | x00
    large birds | 3 servings | x00
    salmon | 3 servings | x00

    located [url=x]here[/url]

    name | age at death | cause
    name | age at death | cause
    name | age at death | cause
    name | age at death | cause
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Re: [ clan replies ] [ 015 ]

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:05 am

[quote="⠀⠀⠀⠀deimos"]Image Image

Toadlegs's patrol caught +2 stoats.

Dustclaw and Emberflight found Whitestone while patrolling.
shorthaired blue smoke with yellow eyes.

Herb Gathering:
Twistedcloud gathered +1 holly berries and +1 lovage.

Mod Notes:
In the future, please group treated injuries with the rest of your Clan's actions.
If you're looking for border Clans, you can ask around in the fanclub!

Terra Clan
Number of Cats: 11 Here

Ashfeather ran over to Whitestone, tears welling in his eyes. "Whitestone! You came back!" He touched muzzles with his mate, and stepped back. "I missed you, Ashfeather. After all the terrors our clan has been through, we are still together." She purred happily. She looked around the camp, as it was new to her. "So this is our new camp? It's very warm!" She smiled at Ashfeather. "It'll also be a wonderful place for our kits to grow up in." Ashfeather purred. "Certainly." Whitestone replied back.

Hunting: Toadlegs, Ashfeather, Softspots
Patrolling: Dustclaw, Whitestone
Moonstone Trip: N/A
Herb Gathering: Twistedcloud, Emberflight
Food Eating: 1 mouse has been consumed
Other happenings: While Dustclaw has been treated with goldenrod, Whitestone and Ashfeather try for kits!

[ A clan who had just begun, and where a friend must find a friend to start it. ]

Rubystar | 65 moons | Male | Grey tabby with yellow eyes
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Toadlegs | 32 moons | Male| Black smoke with lighter undercoat and yellow-green eyes

Medicine Cat:
Twistedcloud | 50 moons | Male | Dark gray tabby with blue eyes

Cats being treated:
Dustclaw | 29 moons | Male | Ginger mackerel tabby with amber eyes

Warriors: N/A
Ashfeather | 34 moons | Male | Chocolate smoke cat with green eyes
Softspots | 30 moons | Female | Shorthaired calico with hazel eyes
Emberflight | 30 moons | Male | Shorthaired tortoiseshell with yellow eyes | Sterile
Whitestone | 30 moons | Female | Shorthaired blue-smoke with yellow eyes

Apprentices: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Queens: N/A
Skygaze | 39 moons | Female | Black and white cat with green eyes | Nursing Heatherkit and Featherkit
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Kits: N/A
Heatherkit | 3 moons | Female | Black smoke & white with green eyes
Featherkit | 3 moons | Female | Black smoke & white with blue eyes

Elders: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans: N/A
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Borders: N/A
North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store: N/A
Goldenrod | 2 | Juices for bellyache, root for infected wounds
Tansy | 3 | Cures coughs, poison, and prevents Greencough
Dandelion | 1 | Heals bee stings, great painkiller
Sorrel | 0 | Traveling herb, builds up appetite
Feverfew | 1 | Heals aches, pains, and reduces body temperature
Daisy Leaf | 1 | Traveling herb, eases aching joints
Borage Leaves | 1 | Produces better milk, brings down fevers, soothes bad bellies, relieves tight chests
Mint | 0 | Hides the scent of death
Water Hemlock | 1 | Causes a cat to die slowly
Elder Leaves | 1 | Soothes sprains
Foxglove seeds | 1 | Deadly, kills a cat
Wintergreen | 1 | Treats wounds and some poisons
Broom | 1 | Used in poultice, helps broken bones and wounds
Holly Berries | 1 | Deadly to only kits
Lovage | 1 | Mix with Bright-Eye to cure coughs

Fresh-Kill Pile: N/A
Mice | x1 | 1 servings
Stoat | x2 | 4 servings
Birds | x0 | 0 servings
Hare | x0 | 0 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

Mentors: N/A
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats: N/A
Larkkit | Solid black | Died during birth
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family: N/A
Skygaze and Toadlegs | Heatherkit (Black smoke & white, eventually has green eyes), Featherkit (Black smoke & white, eventually has blue eyes), Larkkit (Solid black, in StarClan now)
Name and Name | Kits
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Gatorclan (01)

Postby gloom » Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:05 am

population: 2xxxxmales: 1xxxxfemales: 1 xxxxnonbinary: 00xxxxservings: 2xxxxvisit with the ancestors: nowxxxxarchive: herexxxxmod notes: none

      A large black shape bounded through the trees, the marshy ground soft and wet underneath his paws. Beside him was another feline, her long, thick fur a snowy white apart from the patches of black and reddish brown. When they reached a towering oak, they stopped, eats twitching and tails flicking this way and that. ”You must go back to camp. I have to do this alone.” The first, the male, speaks up after a moment after gazing at the magnificent tree. This was the place. He could feel it. The female looks at the branches, the sunlight filtering through its leaves, and knows this is the place he was searching for.

      The Great Oak. “Very well, Gator. And when you return, you will be a leader.” She says, lightly flicking him with her tail before she turns and races away, back the way they came, back to camp. Gator paused, taking a moment for himself before he approaches the tree, towering over him. The spirits, his ancestors, had led him here—and Sicily was right. After he met with them, he would receive his nine lives and would no longer be a loner, but a leader. The Imperator of Gatorclan.

    ── hunting.
    ↪️ gator, sicily

    ── patrol.
    ↪️ gator, sicily

    ── death.
    ↪️ nothing happens this moon.

    ── visit to the great oak.
    ↪️ gator asks for a worthy bishop.
── healing work.
↪️ nothing happens this moon.

── life.
↪️ nothing happens this moon.

── training.
↪️ nothing happens this moon.

── order.
↪️ nothing happens this moon.

    gator, 21m, ♂
    ↳ lives left: 9/9.

    name, age, gender
    ↳ chosen by gator.

    name, age, gender
    ↳ progeny of gator.

    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.

    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.

    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.

    sicily, 30m, ♀
    ↳ formerly neritestar.
    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.
    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.
    name, age, gender
    ↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.

name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.

name, age
↳ kits here.
name, age
↳ kits here.
name, age
↳ kits here.

name, age, gender
↳ other.
name, age, gender
↳ other.

✔️ clan name here ─ user
✔️ clan name here ─ user
✔️ clan name here ─ user
𝘟 clan name here ─ user
𝘟 clan name here ─ user
𝘟 clan name here ─ user


shrew | 1 of serving | x00
frog | 1 serving | x00
stoat | 2 servings | x00
small fish | 2 servings | x00
salmon | 3 servings | x00
big birds | 3 servings | x00


located here

located here

located here

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the jade empire [ 001 ]

Postby gossamer, » Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:13 am

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔧𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢
where the sun rises !!

numbers > 01 m 00 f
required servings > 02
next ancestral commune > march 02

        the cave faced the east.
        where the sun rises.

        sheltered from the outside world by a torrent of cascading water, a natural moat. surely a gift from the stars!, dìyīxīng told himself. really, he knew it was a wish -- hopefully this.., perfect home wasn’t taken.
        "it's not," his mother whispered softly behind him. "it's your home, remember?"
        he didn't.
        "remember? i do not recall anything about here, perfect it may be."
        "oh -- you do not?"
        "i recall a powerful empire, headed by someone -- you. it is a fair and just empire -- oh. perhaps it is just what i foresee."
        she smiles. "either way, it will be grand."
        then she is gone.
      dìyīxīng asks for an empress

          emperor / empress regnant
          dìyīxīng > 24 m > male > x
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]
          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]
          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]
          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]
          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]
          name > age > gender > [url=link]x[/url]

    clan name > username
    clan name > username

    clan name > username
    clan name > username

    north > twistedclan > spasticjazzhands
    east > clan name > username
    south > dewclan > billie eilish,
    west > spruceclan > graveyard gracen

    medicine store
    herb > usage
    herb > usage

    fresh-kill pile
    minnows > x0 > 1 serving
    frog > x0 > 1 serving
    trout > x0 > 2 servings
    squirrel > x0 > 2 servings
    carp > x0 > 3 servings
    prey > x0 > 3 servings

    mentor > apprentice > # of training sessions > moves
    mentor > apprentice > # of training sessions > moves

    name > cause of death
    name > cause of death

    name & name > kits
    name & name > kits
Last edited by gossamer, on Mon Mar 11, 2019 2:56 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:32 am

Mod: winter
Number of Cats: 34

TwistedClan uses: 6 servings
| 17 females | 17 males |
Next Moonpool visit: later

╰☆☆ ℓαsт мσση ☆☆╮
Stonefrost and Briarwhisper were casually flirting when they were interrupted by two arguing cats. The tuxedo cat was the louder voice and the brown splashed tabby only seemed to be humoring the other one. The two groups of cats both seemed surprised to see the other.
“I told you we should have avoided this forest, Geronimo!” The tuxedo cat mewed.
Geronimo, the less interested cat, said, “We’re out of the sun, it’s fine.” He turned to the Clan cats. “I’m Geronimo, and that’s Crow.” He introduced.
Stonefrost nodded. “Nice to meet you.” He shared a look with Briarwhisper. “Are you two alone?”
“It’s just us.” Geronimo assured. “Are you two wandering mates? You could travel along with us if you’d like.” Crow huffed but didn’t say anything.
“W-we aren’t mates.” Stonefrost stuttered embarrassed.
“Actually, we live in a Clan.” Briarwhisper saved her companion. “You two would be welcome to join us, I’m sure.”
“A Clan?” Geronimo echoed. “I don’t know, we were planning on going further to the mountains in the distance.”
“We could check it out.” Crow surprised his partner by speaking up. “Take a small break from travelling.”
“Are you sure?” Geronimo asked. “We said we were going to the mountains.” He sounded annoyed. Crow shrugged. “Fine.” Geronimo eventually relented.
“Camp’s back this way.” Briarwhisper pointed her tail in the direction of TwistedClan.
The four cats started to head back. “Are you two brothers or something?” Stonefrost curiously asked.
Crow snorted. “Definitely not. Mates actually.”
“I figured.” Briarwhisper laughed. “You two bicker like a couple.”
Thus, Crow became Crowtalon and Geronimo became Valleyrunner, warriors of TwistedClan.
Starlingpaw rushed ahead of the two other apprentices. She was becoming bitter that younger apprentices were now warriors and she was still stuck training with the native apprentices. Flamepaw was close behind her, a natural climber. Rushingpaw was slightly struggling along behind them. Wolfclaw and Neritefang were on either side, encouraging them further. After a few short leaps and a few long leaps from tree to tree, the warriors seemed satisfied enough at their climbing abilities. Flamepaw leapt down from his low branch, and Starlingpaw hugged the tree backwards until she was on the forest floor once more. Rushingpaw hesitantly climbed down, daunted by the height. A couple feet from the ground, Rushingpaw slide past a branch and it caught in her fur. She winced and had a small cut slowing oozing blood. “You’ll want Galalight to look at that when we get back.” Wolfclaw said. “It doesn’t look too bad though.” Rushingpaw agreed and the five cats returned from their training session. Rushingpaw went directly to the medicine cat den where Galalight was thankfully awake.
“I cut my leg.” Rushingpaw showed her leg.
Galalight sniffed it. “On a branch?” The apprentice nodded. “It’s not very deep. We should get by with only cobweb to stop the bleeding. If you step to the side, I’ll go get it.” The orange medicine cat ducked underneath the leaves to grab the cobweb. “Sorry, Spottednose is taking a nap, otherwise you could go in too.” She expertly wrapped the cut up. “Good as new!”
Rushingpaw flexed her leg. The wrap felt nice and secure. “Thanks, Galalight!” She exclaimed.
“Happy to help!” Galalight saw a disgruntled Blossomfall from across the camp. “I’m glad I’m now a full medicine cat.” She said less confidently.
“Me too,” Rushingpaw smiled, and Galalight felt marginally better.

╰☆☆ ρяεsεηт ☆☆╮
Nightpaw scrutinized Ruststripe and Morningstar sharing a shrew. After those two finished their meal, Nightpaw was scheduled to attempt his warrior assessment. He was looking forward on getting away from Starlingpaw’s annoyance and the boisterous young apprentices. However, he was surprisingly anxious of failing. He enjoyed being able to complete tasks, and even going out again with Ruststripe to relearn swimming was embarrassing enough. Having to take a second warrior assessment would be mortifying. Nightpaw raked the dirt with his claws.
“Nervous?” Flamepaw surprised him since all of his attention was directed elsewhere.
“I suppose.” Nightpaw narrowed his eyes. “I just want it over with.”
“I wouldn’t be that worried if I were you.” Flamepaw laid next to him. “I’m sure you’ll pass.”
“And if I don’t?” Nightpaw spat.
“Then we train together for a moon, and you try again next time.” Flamepaw said. “Not the end of the world.”
“See you later,” Ruststripe touched noses with his mate. “I’m taking Nightpaw out now.”
“Wish him luck from me.” Morningstar purred. She watched him leave and then dragged her and her big belly towards the medicine den. Galalight poked her head out as she approached.
“Everything okay?” She asked worriedly.
“I’m fine,” Morningstar said. “I needed to talk to you both about this prophecy. Do you guys have a minute to discuss this?”
“I think so, let me check with…” Galalight got cut off.
“I was listening.” Spottednose said. “Come in.”
“You were lurking.” Morningstar teased. “Step aside, very pregnant cat coming through.”
“I haven’t had any more dreams or signs from StarClan yet.” Spottednose hadn’t even waited until the two she-cats had settled in. “I have been reading into all that I can…”
“Becoming increasingly paranoid.” Galalight muttered.
“…but nothing has caught my eyes.” Spottednose glared at his apprentice. “Being overly cautious seems better than being too lax.”
“Our stock of poisons is now split up into different sections of the camp.” Galalight pointed out.
“So one of us will ingest poison by accident?” Morningstar wasn’t amused.
“So we don’t have all our birds in one tree.” Spottednose argued.
Put them back,” Morningstar ordered. After a brief staring contest, Spottednose relented.
“What is our next step?” Galalight brought back the conversation to the more important topic.
“I think we will have to wait and see. Nothing thankfully seems amiss at the moment. Wolfclaw hasn’t noticed anything wrong from any of the training or patrols.” Morningstar said.
“Have you told him?” Spottednose tilted his head.
“No,” Morningstar shook her head. “I haven’t told a soul. And I think we should keep it that way for now.”
“That might be best. We cannot allow another panic to run through the Clan. Especially when we have so many young cats.” Spottednose sighed. “I’m keeping my eye out, but only time will tell.”
Honeypaw, Maplepaw, Thunderpaw, and Willowpaw trekked through the forest. They had spent the majority of the day training and were taking turns complaining about their least favorite parts of the day. Honeypaw made sure to steer clear of bashing on his mentor too much since Birchwhisker was their mother.
Sunchaser chased a squirrel through the forest. It was a squirrelly one and kept ahead by a claw length. He grunted in frustration. If he didn't catch it now, it would be lost across their border. A burst of speed sent him directly on top of it, killing it instantly. He skidded to a halt, panting heavily. Trying to catch his breath, he looked around and saw a black and white tom looking his way. Tired and annoyed his glared at him. "I'm still on my territory!" He hissed in warning. He took in the stranger. Something about him seemed eerily familiar, yet he was sure he hadn't met him before. He hoped the tom was alone since his hunting patrol had split up to search for prey, and he was by himself.
“I said nothing to you about borders,” The tom walked closer. “Unless you’re looking for a fight?” He added evenly.
Sunchaser made sure they were still both on their own territory. “I’m just making sure you stay in your place.” Sunchaser flattened most of his fur down but was still on guard. “Why is a DewClan cat so close to our border in the first place?”
The tom flattened his ears. “I didn’t cross the border, and I’m allowed to stay as close as I’d like if I’m on DewClan territory!” He retorted.
Sunchaser snorted. The cat wasn't wrong, but he still didn't trust any intention the cat might have. "Sunchaser! You catch anything?" Neritefang called from the distance.
"Just a squirrel!" Sunchaser yelled back. He didn't think she could see the encounter he was having, and she didn't come any closer. The two toms were silent for a moment, but no one else appeared. "Well, just make sure you stay on your side. We don't need any more problems from DewClan." Sunchaser couldn't help sounding bitter. "Our nursery is full enough." He muttered.
The tom now seemed interested in what Sunchaser had muttered. “It seems like kits are abundant now; Marigoldstep and Fallowfur just had a litter.”
Sunchaser hesitated. Now he knew information about DewClan. "I suppose," he said slowly. "Rainsong's three are a handful at times, and Morningstar's litter will join them next moon." He took a step back. "I think my patrol will be missing me in a few moments." He was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Wait!” The tom whispered. “What’s your name?”
"Sunchaser?" Now the orange tom was getting concerned. The strange warrior got too excited too quickly. Did he say something to set him off again?
“So you’re Rainsong’s…mate?” The tom asked awkwardly.
"Of sorts." Sunchaser narrowed his eyes. So this was the tom Rainsong had fell in love with. He wasn't unattractive he guessed, but what had she seen in him that was so special? Why couldn't she had just stayed on their side of the border, not bringing her complicated relationship in between them? "What's it to you, Patchedmask?"
“Rainsong made me a promise.” Patchedmask meowed. “There’s no reason to get snappy. I see that her and I have both moved on.”
Sunchaser thrashed his tail. He guessed he understood Patchedmask’s want to see his own kits, but he didn’t have to be extremely pleased about it. Rainsong and him were finally getting along again, and the kits really enjoyed playing with him. He assumed the kits even thought Sunchaser was their father, just like the rest of TwistedClan. “I don’t know what she will say to the kits, but you can see them at least.” Sunchaser finally responded. “I was supposed to help bring them out anyway.”
“I can meet here next moon?” Patchedmask asked.
“I suppose that could work.”
“I’ll be here.” Patchedmask nodded. “Don’t blame her for the mistake we made. We were both young and dumb, just give her time.” He added and padded back in his own territory.
Sunchaser didn't say another word. He had things to think about and trotted along to rejoin his hunting patrol. "Where's that squirrel you caught?" Neritefang asked him as he approached. Sunchaser froze. He had forgotten it in all the chatting.
"It ran through a decaying rabbit before I got to it. It was really gross." Sunchaser said weakly. She looked doubtful but only introduced him to the new cat they found instead. Sunchaser had more important thoughts on his mind. He decided to swing by the nursery after the patrol returned to camp.
“Sunchaser, could you take us hunting with you?” Petalkit squealed. She pounced on his tail as soon as he entered the nursery. “Please, pretty please!”
He raised his tail out of her reach. “A baby sparrow would just snatch you up.”
“We’re big enough!” Dovekit ran circles around him. “We can catch a sparrow!”
“He just came back from hunting, leave him be.” Rainsong was trying to unsuccessfully rest her eyes. Silverstem had been out with Wolfclaw, so she was all alone in the nursery.
“How about I take them outside and show them a proper hunting crouch?” Sunchaser offered.
Rainsong shot him a grateful look. “If they are too annoying, send them back.” She curled up and was snoring softly a few moments later. Sunchaser doubted she would wake up even if he shook her, so he herded the three kits outside.
“Keep your front end low.” Sunchaser instructed. “Your hind will also remain low, but if you’re stalking it’s harder to keep to the ground.” The three kits were now stalking around camp.
“How am I doing, Sunchaser?” Patchkit called.
“Good.” Sunchaser wasn’t really paying attention. His thoughts were now elsewhere focusing on the problem of Patchedmask. He and Rainsong were now getting along better, and he didn’t think another meeting would help their relationship at all. He considered just never telling her about their conversation, perhaps even embellishing the story to say Patchedmask wanted nothing else to do with any of them. However, if he wanted his relationship to improve with Rainsong, lying did not seem like the way to achieve that. The afternoon seemed to quickly fade to evening, and Sunchaser had to practically drag the kits back into the nursery. They were very restless and clearly were not ready for a nap. Rainsong was still dozing when they entered. Silverstem had returned from her excursion, so Sunchaser handed off kit duty to her. He carefully prodded Rainsong awake. “I need to talk with you outside. Silverstem has the kits.” He muttered. Still groggy, she didn’t argue and slipped outside with him. He quickly debriefed her on his meeting with Patchedmask.
“He has another mate?” Rainsong asked.
That’s what you got out of this conversation?” Sunchaser exclaimed exasperated.
“I’m just glad he moved on.” Rainsong flicked his side. “I did too, you know.”
“Sometimes I’m not sure.” Sunchaser hung his head down low. “I miss when we were just a small Clan hanging out. No worries and no problems.”
“I don’t.” Rainsong placed a paw on his. “I only miss how happy we were together. I want to be happy with you again.”
“I want that too.” Sunchaser whispered. He intertwined his tail with hers. They sat for a while in the evening breeze. “You never mentioned he had different colored eyes.” He said after a while.
Rainsong snorted. “I didn’t think you’d appreciate me mentioning that. What, did you like them?”
“It’s not like they made his appearance worse.” Sunchaser muttered. Rainsong burst out laughing and eventually he did as well. Perhaps they could work through this after all.
Neritefang, Wolfclaw, and Toadsplash had split off from their main hunting patrol and was scouring for signs of prey. Neritefang’s joints were starting to hint at stiffness but was putting off a visit to the medicine den to avoid any pity or claims that she was uncapable of remaining a warrior. She knew her time lounging around, having ticks picked from her pelt from the misbehaving apprentices was nearing, but she wanted to put those thoughts far from her mind. TwistedClan allowed her the freedom to patrol without judgements about being much older than the other cats, and she didn’t want to waste the chance. She took off after a stray mouse, ignoring the sharp flashes of pain from her shoulders and haunches. Bursting through a bush, she tackled an unsuspecting cat and tumbled into a heap. Her old bones really hurt after this rough landing, but she couldn’t show any sign of weakness in front of this potential threat. The stranger was longhaired, mostly white with brown snips on his face.
“I didn’t recall asking to be plowed into the ground.” He groaned and wiped dirt from his face. “Where are you going in such a hurry?” He drawled.
Neritefang tsked in annoyance. “I was hunting. You were in my way.” The other two of her patrol came up behind her.
The white cat bristled. “What is this?”
“A hunting patrol.” Wolfclaw started off a lot more diplomatic than Neritefang. “Don’t worry, we aren’t an ambush.”
“Good, I’m too old for a three on one fight.” The cat still kept his sharpened claws in the view of the others. “But if I’m pushed, I don’t mind spilling a bit of blood.”
“You just passing through?” Wolfclaw asked.
“If you’ll allow me.” The cat shrugged. “I was planning on staying in this forest overnight and leaving later, but if more cats are going to barrel into me, I can wander out faster.”
“How about spending the night with us?” Wolfclaw offered. “We have a shelter with a clan of cats.”
“Y’all a clan?” The cat asked. “I’ll be darned. I reckon I can check it out. I’m Marsh.”
The TwistedClan cats shared an amused look. Marsh must have come from very far away; his dialect was very strange. Briarwhisper and Stonefrost were surprised to meet a new cat when they met back up carrying their catches but quickly warmed up to him. Sunchaser was the last to show up, and they all made their way back to the cabin.
Morningstar just wanted to take a nap. She felt huge. She looked huge. But Wolfclaw wanted to brief her on the day, and there was a new cat joining them. Ruststripe wasn’t back with Nightpaw yet, so she couldn’t even pass it off on him. The tom was older, and Morningstar figured he might join them as an elder.
“Howdy, I’m Marsh.” He introduced.
She was taken aback by his strange words. “Greetings. I’m Morningstar, the leader here.” She ran through a bunch of suffixes in her head. “I assume you are staying with us permanently?”
“For a night or so at least.” Marsh shrugged.
Morningstar narrowed her eyes. “That doesn’t help me.”
“We’ll just see where our paths take us, hon.” Marsh casually said.
Her eyes narrowed into slits. “That is not my name. And if you stay, you’ll have to change yours.”
“Change my name?” Marsh didn’t sound so pleasant anymore. “Why would I do that?”
“You’ll receive a clan name. Marsh is fine for the first part of the name, but we’ll add something else to it.” She gestured to Crowtalon a few feet away. “His name was originally Crow, but now he is Crowtalon.”
“Well, I don’t like the sound of that.” Marsh huffed. “I have had my name for my entire life, and I’m not about to change it.”
Wolfclaw could tell Morningstar was getting very annoyed. “We can discuss this at another time.” He interrupted. “Let’s give you a tour. I’m sure you’re tired, Morningstar, so I can take it from here.” He said apologetically.
“Whatever.” The leader closed her eyes. “I’m going to bed. Send Ruststripe to me when he returns.”

    The Clan consumes two thrushes (6 servings).
    Neritefang, Wolfclaw, Toadsplash, Sunchaser, Briarwhisper, and Stonefrost hunt.
    Crowtalon, Valleyrunner, Blossomfall, and Mallardwing hunt.

    Claystream, Birchwhisker, and Sagefeather patrol.

    Spottednose and Galalight hunt for herbs.

    Galalight treats Rushingpaw with one cobweb.

    All apprentices train in Stalking.

    Nightpaw attempts his warrior assessment. If he is successful, he will be known as Nightpelt.

    Crowtalon and Vallyerunner join the clan as mates, no kits.

    Crowtalon and Valleyrunner are accepted as warriors.
    Marsh is accepted as an elder.

    Thanks! Eventually there will be some rabies action with the prophecy, so look forward for crazed cats.

          L E A D E R:
          Morningstar | 60 m | ♀ | due in 1 moon |
          twisted back paw
          Lives: ★★★★★★ [6]

          D E P U T Y:
          Wolfclaw | 40 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T:
          Spottednose | 52 m | ♂ |

          M E D I C I N E ~ C A T ~ A P P R E N T I C E:
          Galalight | 18 m | ♀ |

          W A R R I O R S:
          Neritefang | 91 m | ♀ |
          scars all over pelt
          Toadsplash | 64 m | ♂ |
          Claystream | 58 m | ♀ |
          Ruststripe | 45 m | ♂ |
          Birchwhisker | 44 m | ♀ |
          Sagefeather | 42 m | ♀ |
          Briarwhisper | 37 m | ♂ |
          Stonefrost | 36 m | ♂ |
          Sunchaser | 31 m | ♂ |
          Valleyrunner | 24 m | ♂ |
          Crowtalon | 21 m | ♂ |
          Blossomfall | 17 m | ♀ |
          afraid of heights
          Mallardwing | 15 m | ♀ |

          A P P R E N T I C E S:
          Starlingpaw | 16 m | ♀ |
          Nightpaw | 14 m | ♂ |
          half a tail
          Flamepaw | 12 m | ♂ |
          Rushingpaw | 10 m | ♀ |
          Honeypaw | 9 m | ♂ |
          Thunderpaw | 8 m | ♂ |
          Cloudpaw | 8 m | ♀ |
          Willowpaw | 8 m | ♀ |
          Goosepaw | 8 m | ♂ |
          Maplepaw | 8 m | ♀ |
          Stormpaw | 8 m | ♂ |

          Q U E E N S:
          Silverstem | 40 m | ♀ |
          permanent queen
          Rainsong | 26 m | ♀ |

          K I T S:
          Patchkit | 3 m | ♂ |
          Dovekit | 3 m | ♀ |
          Petalkit | 3 m | ♀ |

          E L D E R S:
          Marsh | 105 m | ♂ |
          Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link]✾[/url]

          S T A R C L A N:
          Morningstar: Life One | Poison
          Morningstar: Life Two | Drowned
          Morningstar: Life Three | Attacked by dogs
          Bluekit | Stillborn
          Stormstrike | Drowned
          Gingerblaze | Attacked by dogs
          Pebblepaw | Attacked by dogs

          D A R K F O R E S T:
          Copperleaf | Attacked by dogs

          F A M I L Y:
          Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
          Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker | Thunderkit, Cloudkit,
          Willowkit, Goosekit, Maplekit, and Stormkit
          Patchedmask of DewClan ♥︎ Rainsong | Patchkit, Dovekit,
          and Petalkit
          Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream | Goosekit and Mallardwing
          Ruststripe ♥︎ Morningstar | due in 1 moon
          Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingpaw
          Valleyrunner ♥︎ Crowtalon | no kits

          A D O P T E D ~ C A T S:
          Galalight of LambClan
          Stonefrost of CherryClan
          Wolfclaw of HollowClan
          Neritefang of GraveClan
          Briarwhisper of RoseClan
          Starlingpaw of BearClan
          Toadsplash of GraveClan
          Claystream of GraveClan
          Mallardwing of GraveClan
    A L L Y ~ C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    E N E M Y ~ C L A N S:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    N E U T R A L ~ C L A N S:
    The Coven | Blackpearl44
    DewClan | billie eilish
    The Jade Empire | petrichor

    B O R D E R S:
    North | The Coven | Blackpearl44
    East | DewClan | billie eilish
    South | The Jade Empire | petrichor__
    West | OPEN | Username

    M E D I C I N E ~ S T O R E:
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 3
    Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
    Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg | 1
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs | 1
    Burnet | Gives strength | 1
    Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 1
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough | 1
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, and burns | 2
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 0
    Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | 1
    Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 1
    Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 1
    Honey | Soothes infections, sore throats, and coughing | 0
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills | 1
    Lovage | Can help cure coughs | 1
    Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding/Helps stiff joints | 1
    Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
    Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 1
    Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting | 1
    Sorrel | Builds appetite | 1
    Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting | 1
    Sweet-sedge | eases infections | 1
    Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 2
    Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison | 1
    Yarrow | extracts poison/soothes pads | 1
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 1
    Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 1
    Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 2

    F R E S H - K I L L:
    Thrushes | x1 | 3 servings each
    Magpies | x7 | 3 servings each
    Shrews | x6 | 1 serving each
    Squirrels | x8 | 2 servings each
    Mice | x8 | 1 serving each
    Voles | x4 | 1 serving each

    M E N T O R S:
    SKILLS: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
    Nightpaw | Ruststripe | 5 | H, ST, F, SW
    Starlingpaw | Stonefrost | 4 | H, F, SW, C
    Flamepaw | Neritefang | 4 | H, F, SW, C
    Rushingpaw | Wolfclaw | 3 | H, SW, C
    Honeypaw | Birchwhisker | 1 | H
    Thunderpaw | Toadsplash | 1 | H
    Cloudpaw | Claystream | 1 | H
    Willowpaw | Sagefeather | 1 | H
    Goosepaw | Sunchaser | 1 | H
    Maplepaw | Briarwhisper | 1 | H
    Stormpaw | Blossomfall | 1 | H

    P R O P H E C Y
    - known by Spottednose, Galalight, and Morningstar
Last edited by jazz. on Tue Feb 26, 2019 7:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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