Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

[✫] spruceclan. [4]

Postby egg warden » Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:05 pm

0014 total ━ 0007 she-cats ━ 0007 tom-cats
archive ━ back ━ forward
mod: simonpet ━ next great cave visit: feb 29th



    with the pair of cats spotted headed towards the border, cavernstar stepped forward and flattened his ears to the back of his head. "from where do you come?" his gaze was trained on the pair, with pearblossom and waspwing on either side of him.

    "oh- are you spruceclan?" the she-cat asked. her voice was soft and she spoke gently, as if not to upset the trio across the border.

    "depends on who's asking," pearblossom said. "from where do you come, he asked."

    "my name is morningstripe, and this is my mate, antlercrash. dalliance sent us to find cavernfall and his clan." the chocolate tom beside morningstripe, now found out to be called antlercrash, nodded his head in solidarity. the young leader's ears perked at the mention of his distanced friend.

    "it's cavernstar now- dalliance sent you?" he stepped forward, crossing the border to get a better view of the pair. he could recognize them, almost. as a kit, the pair had been newer warriors. "i remember you two, i think. come, tell me about dalliance and.. and what are you even doing here?"

    "yes, you were just cavernkit when we first met. mistie was so proud to have been blessed by starclan with such beautiful kits," antlercrash said, grinning slightly. "your mother was a strong cat, cavernstar, and so was your father. but they've nothing to do with us being here. we've come a long way, rocky; might we tell you after some rest?" cavernstar glanced back at his patrol, the two cats still standing in such a way that would easily come off as aggressive.

    "my parents were incredible cats, i agree. but yes, of course. a friend of dalliance is a friend of mine." cavernstar nodded over his shoulder, signalling for the cats to follow him and his patrol. to pearblossom and waspwing, the tom whispered, "keep an eye on them."

    after a few hours of rest, antlercrash and morningstripe sought out cavernstar. underneath the shade of a oak tree, cavernstar and magpieflight were resting, discussing their plans for the next few moons. the days were getting warmer while the nights were still rather chilly, but soon the sun would beat down on them unforgivably and mercilessly.

    "cavernstar, we're ready to speak with you if that's alright," morningstripe mewed. her voice was still soft and it almost felt like she was holding back from speaking too much or being too forward. cavernstar nodded at her.

    "come sit with us. this is my deputy and close friend, magpieflight. magpie, this is morningstripe and antlercrash. they're from my old pack." cavernstar lifted himself into a sitting position as he introduced the cats, magpieflight following suit.

    "hi, nice to meet you both," she said, nodding slightly at the two cats. "what's going on?" magpieflight glanced between cavernstar and the pair. cavernstar nodded at the cats, signalling for them to explain themselves.

    "the rust belt isn't doing so hot, cavernstar. sprite has gotten the pack into a lot of trouble with a lot of different leaders and other packs and she's still acting impulsively. it's putting the pack cats in danger and her guardians are worried that if she continues to act like this, she's going to get the rust belt killed. dalliance was promoted to guardian nearly eight moons ago and-"

    cavernstar cut him off. "guardian? i always thought she'd reject the position, though. i can't believe it."

    "she chose to become guardian so she could do what she's doing now, cavernstar. it wasn't a choice she made in order to help sprite, no. it was a choice she made to help cats like us," morningstripe interjected. this time, she was less gentle and more firm. she needed to defend dalliance's actions and decisions.

    "alright, then. continue on about sprite and dalliance. has she changed her name to fit guardianship?"

    "they've called her tungsten. those who are part of the insurrection are still calling her dalliance, but never in the presence of sprite. but anyway," antlercrash said, rolling his paw. "she's been promoted to guardian and she isn't the only guardian who wants nothing to do with the rust belt. out of seven, three others have joined the insurrection. many of the rust belt cats are joining the insurrection, but not all of them are being sent here. over the next few moons, cavernstar, you may find yourself greeting familiar faces. dalliance is sending a specific group to you, but they have to come in paces, otherwise sprite will figure out that something's going on under her nose."

    "so you all belonged to the same pack and the pack's leader is dangerous? and a guardian called dalliance or tungsten is sending cats away to protect them?" magpieflight questioned, eyes narrowed. "what's a guardian, and why do cats change their names upon being promoted to guardian? and, what's this sprite's big deal? what's she doing that's so dangerous for the pack?"

    morningstripe nodded, sighing softly as she made eye contact with the spruceclan deputy. "sprite doesn't look like much. she's small, smaller than that waspwing we met earlier today. however, it's the guardians that are usually feared. she's their commander and they do most, if not all, of her dirty work. the guardians are savages, usually. they're typically larger than the average cat and are recruited based on their size and their battle work." the she-cat paused for a moment to glance over at the two tom-cats who were watching her intently before making eye contact with magpieflight once more. "they change their names to fit metal ores, something sprite learned about ages ago. the ores represent their strength. but sprite's been called a thief on more than one occasion. she's known to steal fresh-kill, herbs, and kittens from clans without remorse. she's created a lot of enemies for the rust belt and it's gotten dangerous for them. there are bounty hunters out for sprite and her entourage. the entourage includes dalliance, which is why our goal is to get her here as soon as possible."

    "that's... that's a lot to take in. so are you guys the first cats that dalliance is sending to us?" magpieflight questioned.

    antlercrash nodded. "it would appear to be that way. if you'll have us, we'd love to stay. you're part of the rust belt family, cavernstar, and we'd like to keep the best of us together."

    cavernstar stood, pressing his cheek to morningstripe's and then to antlercrash's. "of course. you belong here. welcome to spruceclan, my friends."


    magpieflight was woken up by the voice of waspwing impatiently calling her name from just outside the den.

    "magpieflight! please wake up! this is important!"

    with a sigh, the molly stood and stretched before facing the young warrior. "what?" she mewed, eyes narrowed in an attempt to shade her sight from the sun. "what could possibly be so important?"

    "just come on, you don't have time to ask questions!" before magpieflight could protest, the energetic tom had began to make his way down towards the valley. the molly sighed once more as she pushed her way out of her den, following behind the young warrior. once she finally caught up with him, however, she was faced with a new cat- someone she had never met before. surrounding the thin tom were now waspwing, swiftberry, and twitenose.

    "what's going on?" magpieflight huffed, standing tall to get a view of the new cat. the tom seemed irritated as he made eye contact with the deputy.

    "i'm seeking out magpieflight. might you be her?"

    "swiftberry, take your sister and go see your mom. she could always use your company," magpieflight commanded. "and waspwing, go tidy up your den. thank you for waking me." the three young warriors did as they were told, leaving magpieflight with the stranger. "yes, i'm magpieflight. what can i do for you?"

    "good, yes; my name is tinysnail and your grandfather sent me," the tom said, flicking his ear. "ratbite came to me in a dream and spoke about cavernstar requesting a medicine cat for the clan you help lead. he said that the stars would lead me here, and so they did. and here i am."

    for a moment, magpieflight hesitated greatly. ratbite was, in fact, her grandfather. he was the best medicine cat she had ever known, truthfully. it made sense to her that he would help spruceclan find a healer, especially if her leader had pleaded with starclan to assist them in finding one. "did he... did he say anything else?"

    "he said to watch for the comets. i'm not sure what that means, but i think it's safe to assume that you do?"

    magpieflight nodded. "we used to watch the stars and the comets- the comets were special. you'll have to meet with cavernstar once he returns, but i'll show you to the healer's den." and with tinysnail in tow, magpieflight headed back up towards the dens, leading him into the highest den. "this is where you'll be staying. once you're settled in, please find time to introduce yourself. cavernstar himself will hold an announcement of your presence and will likely give you a tour of the camp so you can familiarize it. we'll all be down in the valley until then, so come and find us when you're ready."


    between the time tinysnail joined spruceclan and the next great cave visit, cavernstar and tinysnail had become quite good friends. this included magpieflight, too, and the three cats had quickly become close to one another. the leader and his deputy had come to appreciate the healer's snarky and sarcastic comments, and tinysnail had decided to make it his mission to break magpieflight out of her hesitant shell.

    on the eastern border, antlercrash and morningstripe were sprawled out on a rock that hung over the river, the mist of the rapids relieving them of the heat from the sun. the pair had been resting there since the sun came up, it seemed.

    "you know, starclan and dalliance blessed us with the freedom we've found, morningstripe." antlercrash said, pressing his nose to his mate's cheek.

    "i'm just worried, my love. sprite and the loyals are ruthless and what happens if they follow us here? then we've only endangered the cats of spruceclan. they didn't ask for that, you know?" morningstripe replied. she let out a soft sigh as she stared up at the clouds.

    "no, perhaps they didn't ask for that, but cavernfall knew the cost and possible dangers of us joining. he still knows, and yet he's accepted us into his life. that counts for something."

    "maybe it does," morningstripe said, sitting up. "but we must call him cavernstar now, antlercrash. he is no longer the skittish kit or the impulsive warrior- he is the dedicated and fearless leader who would do anything to protect his clan."

    "you're right, but we, too, are his clan now. he'll do anything to protect us." the two sat silent for a moment, morningstripe's head rested on her mate's shoulder and his rested on the top of her head.

    "you know, dalliance really did us a favor, sending us here,” morningstripe hummed, her tail flicking in the sunlight. for a moment, silence fell between them as they enjoyed the company of one another. “i just hope that she’s able to make it here in one piece. i remember her talking about being here, with her best friend, for the longest time. she deserves it more than any of us.”

    antlercrash nodded, his eyes scanning the rapids. “it’d be nice to see her in her comfort zone again. she brought us together- i hope that she’s able to experience the unity.”

    dalliance had created a path for the cats to escape to a life of freedom and happiness- a proper clan life like most of them had once dreamed of. the rust belt became a place in which dreams went to die, but dalliance made it her mission to revive their hopes and bring the positive energy back into the hearts of her packmates. they were more important to her than being part of the most powerful pack in the forest. to her, love was worth it all.
    with the sun beating down onto her thick coat, pearblossom pushed her way up into the apprentice den, poking her head in to search for her trainee. “peachpaw, let’s go. you have a lesson.” from within the cave, peachpaw let out a throaty groan that showed her definite displeasure. “now, peachpaw.”

    the young she-cat grumbled, pushing herself to her paws and then shuffled towards the cave’s entrance. the sun made her emerald eyes glimmer, almost pulling out softer and even darker shades of green. she furrowed her brows at her mentor, holding back an irritated hiss. if she knew anything, it was that she should do her absolute best to avoid crossing pearblossom- she may look sweet, but behind the soft face and gentle voice was a stern molly who wasn’t afraid of putting someone in their place. “what lesson do we have today?” peachpaw gazed up at her mentor, brows still furrowed with the sun directly in her eyes.

    “i’ll give you one of two options: the rapids or the treewall?” peachpaw hesitated, squinting further.

    “the... rapids.”

    without another word, pearblossom was headed down towards the camp. peachpaw audibly groaned and then quickly caught up to her mentor. “so we’re what, hunting?” she asked, keeping pace beside the long-haired molly.

    pearblossom nodded, keeping her eyes on the ground to watch her step. “in the rapids, yes. you’ll be practicing in the shallow waters towards the shore. once you’re more experienced, we’ll work on swimming and then we can tackle the deeper white waters.”

    the apprentice was silent for a moment before she said, “i’m a strong swimmer. we don’t have to start in the shallow water. i can handle it.”

    at the base of the mountain of dens, pearblossom stopped and turned to the apprentice. “here’s what we won’t do, peachpaw. we are not going to over exaggerate and assume that we can handle something we’ve never tried before. you’re close to your warrior assessment, but you’re not close to the rapids yet. don’t let your skill and your ego get the best of you,” she paused, taking a deep breath. “that’s how you get killed.”

    peachpaw stared up at her mentor, taken aback by the sudden authority in her voice. when speaking to her, the molly had been soft and sweet, even whilst ordering her out of the den. “i’m just saying i think i can han-”

    “no, peachpaw. we’re going to the treewall instead. that’s final. let’s go.”

    let the training begin.

the run down.
[ spruceclan consumes 1 squirrel and 1 trout. ]

[ shrikethorn, archshadow, and raptorgaze hunt in the rapids. ]
[badgerbelly and waspwing hunt in the treewall. ]
[ tinysnail searches for herbs. ]
[ cavernstar, antlercrash, and twitenose patrol the borders. ]

[ pearblossom trains peachpaw in hunting. ]

[ antlercrash and morningstripe try for kits. ]

the great cave-
[ cavernstar requests an apprentice. ]

notes to simonpet.
✫ i love u^2
✫ i'll age up my cats for my next post, i promise ):
✫ i am so tired but my dedication to sproosclayn is-
- stronger than my desire to sleep


          leader ✫ 0001
          ⊱ ❝cavernstar | 28m | ♂ | bio
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          deputy ✫ 0001
          ⊱ ❝magpieflight | 24m | ♀ | bio

          healer ✫ 0001
          ⊱ ❝tinysnail| 43m | ♂ | bio

          warriors ✫ 0010
          ⊱ ❝archshadow | 36m | ♂ | bio
          ⊱ ❝waspwing | 17m | ♂ | bio
          ⊱ ❝pearblossom | 53m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝raptorgaze | 53m | ♂ | bio
          ⊱ ❝badgerbelly | 47m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝shrikethorn | 36m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝swiftberry | 14m | ♂ | bio
          ⊱ ❝twitenose | 14m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝morningstripe | 49m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝antlercrash | 52m | ♂ | bio
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

          apprentices ✫ 0001
          ⊱ ❝peachpaw | 7m | ♀ | bio
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

          queens ✫ 0000
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀ | [url=link]b[/url]io
          ↪ kit names
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀ | [url=link]b[/url]io
          ↪ kit names

          kits ✫ 0000
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io

          elders ✫ 0000
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io
          ⊱ ❝name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]b[/url]io
    ally clans ✫ 0000
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    enemy clans ✫ 0000
    clan name | username
    clan name | username

    borders ✫ 1/4 filled
    northwest | clan | username
    north | clan | username
    northeast | clan | username
    east | clan | username
    south | clan | username
    southeast | clan | username
    southwest | clan | username
    west | groveclan | solyn

    herb storage
    borage | x0 | milk/fevers/bellyache
    catmint | x0 | green/whitecough
    cobwebs | x0 | bleeding/broken bones
    goldenrod | x0 | heals wounds
    raspberry leaves | x0 | ease pain/stop bleeding

    fresh-kill storage
    sparrow | x0 | 3 servings
    quail | x0 | 3 servings
    bluegill | x0 | 2 servings
    squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    trout | x1 | 3 servings
    frog | x0 | 1 servings

    pearblossom + peachpaw | 1 sessions
    ↪ battle, moves, moves, moves
    mentor | app | #/training sessions | moves

    cat name | cod
    cat name | cod

    morningstripe + antlercrash | none (yet!)
    name + name | kits
Last edited by egg warden on Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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egg warden
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hazilnut's replies 07

Postby hazilnut » Fri Feb 22, 2019 6:34 pm


Rain still pitter-patters on stones and leaves but more time passes to the tune of the slow tip-tip of drainage than the swoosh and crash of storms nowadays. For snatches of time the earth is even dry enough to lay down on and soak in the sun, and gradually the clan cats remember what it felt like not to be sopping wet all the time. Rivers and reservoirs have subsided to manageable levels and patrolling alongside them no longer entails getting mud in places you didn't know you had.

[Moorclan] [Fireclan / Deathclan] [Robinclan] [Eagleclan] [The Empire Of The Gods] [Springclan] [Beachclan] [Winterclan] [Brookclan] [Darkclan] [Pipistrelleclan] [Moonclan] [Voidclan] [Shaded Skies] [Isle of Pagtuklas] [Mirageclan] [Strawclan]

Galipaygo wrote:

[Blazepool gathers herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one dock leaves on Cherrypaw]
[Valleyglow uses one willow bark on Ebonypaw]
[Valleyglow uses one juniper berries on Halfpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one broom, rush, and elder leaves on Firpaw]
[Firpaw - 3 moons]
[Valleyglow uses one wild garlic and two goldenrod on the party]
[Smokewhisker speaks with Hollowkit]
[Pebbletip speaks with Birchfur]
[Coltsface trains Blackpaw in swimming]
[Slitear trains Cherrypaw in advanced combat]
[Lavendernose trains Aspenpaw in advanced climbing]
[Willowfern trains Paperpaw in swimming]
[Ambereyes trains Marigoldpaw in hunting]
[Birchfur trains Nimbuspaw in hunting]
[Brindlestripe trains Snowpaw in climbing]
[Reedtail trains Icepaw in climbing]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in hunting]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in swimming]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in fishing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in fishing]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in combat]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in swimming]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in climbing]
[Emberfoot trains Oceanpaw in combat]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in hunting]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in combat]
[Hollowkit is named Hollowpaw, Silvertail’s apprentice]
[Stillpaw is named Stillvoice and made into a warrior]
[Ravenpaw is named Ravenear and made into a warrior]
[Oakpaw is named Oakclaw and made into a warrior]
[Brightpaw is named Brighteyes and made into a warrior]
[Greystar and Forgottennose evaluate Shadowpaw]
[Greystar and Tatteredpelt evaluate Poppypaw]
[Valleyglow and Blazepool ask Starclan if Pinepaw is ready to become a medicine cat]
[Greystar and Lionheart evaluate Fuzzypaw]
[Boulderpaw is transfered to become a nursery hand and Greystar evaluates if he is ready for a warrior name]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, Ravenear, and Oakclaw patrol the boarders]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Firestripe, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]
[Valleyglow is giving kit! She hides out near the waterfall]
[Leopardeye is giving kit! Blazepool and Pinepaw have herbs at the ready]
[Greypelt is giving kit! Blazepool and Pinepaw have herbs at the ready]
[Yewfeather is giving kit! Blazepool and Pinepaw have herbs at the ready]
[Barkstar gives the injured one broom and two comfrey]
[Barkstar, Hemlockface, and Crabjaw patrol the boarders]
[Tigerfang and Lobsterpaw go to steal kits from Fireclan]
[Fighter actions here]
[Tigerfang trains Lobsterpaw in ___]
[Crowfeather and Robinfur watch the kits]
[Barkstar requests a healer]
[Tawnypelt tries to sneak her remaining kits to Fireclan]*
The clans consume a bird, a mouse, and four big fish, 16 servings!
[Note to mod: Okay... there's a lot right now so hang on.
Growths: Pebbletip to this, Sandsweep to this, Cloudstride to this, Emberfoot to this, Ashfur to this, Coaljaw to this, Blazepool to this, Smokefoot(grey) to this, Shadowpaw(front) to this, Blackpaw(left) to this, Stillvoice(right) to this, Ravenear to this, Cherrypaw to this, Boulderpaw to this, Aspenpaw to this, Firpaw to this, Oakclaw, to this, Paperpaw to this, Pinepaw to this, Brighteyes to this]

► Blazepool finds x1 dock & x1 alder bark
► Blackpaw learns advanced fishing instead of swimming
► Cherrypaw fails advanced combat
► Aspenpaw learns advanced climbing
► Paperpaw fails swimming
► Marigoldpaw fails hunting
► Nimbuspaw learns hunting
► Snowpaw learns climbing
► Icepaw fails climbing
► Ebonypaw fails hunting
► Summitpaw learns fishing instead of swimming
► Rosinpaw learns fishing but later finds herself suffering from a terrible toothache that needs x1 alder bark to cure
► Saltpaw learns fishing
► Mudpaw learns combat
► Goosepaw fails swimming
► Flintpaw fails climbing
► Oceanpaw mutates combat
► Halfpaw learns hunting
► Beepaw learns combat
► Shadowpaw & Fuzzypaw pass their assessments
► Poppypaw passes her assessment eats too much in celebration and needs x1 mallow leaf for stomach pain
► Starclan approves of Pinepaw
► Boulderpaw is deemed ready for a warrior name
► Galestep's patrol catches x3 big fish
► Snowtrail's patrol catches x1 small fish, x1 squirrel & x1 rabbit
► Lightfrost's patrol finds a queen
► Snowheart's patrol finds nothing of note
► A bright rainbow arches over the nursery and the kits make a game of guessing where it ends
► Valleyglow bears two healthy kits and one kit with a crooked tail. The first and third kit inherited Jasper's powers with a 26% and 29% mortality chance respectively.
► Leopardeye bears six hale and hearty kits
► Greypelt bears three kits
► Yewfeather bears four kits and with the use of x1 raspberry leaf, x1 fennel & x1 ragwort all survive
► Barkstar's patrol finds an old cat far beyond warrior age
► Tigerfang and Lobsterpaw steal one of Leopardeye's newborn kits, Fireclan none the wiser
► Lobsterpaw learns disguise but catches a cold from the mud and the weather and needs x1 lungwart
► Barkstar is granted a healer
► Tawnypelt manages to sneak out one of her kits (or herself), miraculously avoiding Deathclan's detection

savages wrote:

[ oighir, stoirm, caonach, snowtuft, adhmad and seabhac hunt ]
[ oíche, úll, seabhac, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige, seabhac, solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ damhán, darach, ghrian, oighir, stoirm and oíche patrol ]
[ réalta, ádh and rós go herb hunting for herbs to treat wounds ]

[ scréachóg trains with gloine - advanced combat ]
[ bainne trains with oighir - defense ]
[ milis trains with óir - climbing ]
[ dúsachtach trains with coirt - combat ]
[ snáthaid trains with cloch - hunting ]
[ scáth trains with sciathán - hunting ]
[ eitilt trains with caonach - hunting ]
[ péine trains with éan - combat ]

[ coillte becomes an apprentice! her mentor will be sioc ]
[ fómhar takes his final assessment ]
[ marmair takes her final assessment ]

[ dóchasach and naofa go missing ]

[ robinclan eat 2 sparrows, 1 squirrel and 2 mice ]

► oighir's patrol catches x3 stoats
► oíche's patrol catches x1 stoat, x1 squirrel & x1 sparrow
► dramhaíl's patrol finds a queen
► damhán's patrol finds a queen and their potential warrior mate
► réalta's patrol finds x1 burdock, x1 broom, x1 wintergreen & x1 lamb's ear
► gloine learns advanced combat
► oighir learns advanced combat instead of defense
► óir learns climbing but winds up with more than a few bruises that need x1 comfrey
► coirt learns combat
► cloch & caonach fail hunting
► sciathán learns hunting
► éan fails combat
► fómhar & marmair pass their assessments

Legolas The Elf wrote:

The Empire consumes x3 hares.

Lemonfur and Ryepatch are accepted into the Empire!
Peregrinefeather (renamed Falconfeather) is accepted into the Empire!

Cadetmidnight, Cadetsurinx, Cadetduo, and Auletris take their solider assessment. If they pass, their names will be Midnightclaw, Syrinxfur, Duopelt, and Auletris.
All Cadets and Rookies train in some unlearned skill except for those taking their assessments.

Snowclaw tries for kits with Oakface of MistClan.

Oleander (Riverstone, 12 moons, tom), and Adderfang (13 moons, tom) of GraveClan

Noble, Blizzardcrest, Graystorm, Barleyslash, Splashingtorrent, and Wormwood patrol.

Tawnyfall and Blazelion 'patrol.' However, Tawnyfall's real intention is to kill Blazelion, and that she does.

Percy, Widgeonfeather, Russetflash, Swantalon, and Rookieslate hunt

Fernlight, Staghorn, Dewfang, Winterfang, and Roamingthunder hunt.

Pasileyburner and Cadetpool hunt for herbs, specifficaly herbs to heal battle wounds in case the 'rogues' attack again.

Rookiestream is give x1 poppy seed, x1 lamb's ear, x1 wintergreen, and x1 moon of rest. 1 moon of rest left.
Tawnyfall will need healing for her wounds. You can choose what to use!

None this moon.

Cadetmidnight, Cadetsurinx, Cadetduo, and Auletris take their solider assessment. If they pass, their names will be Midnightclaw, Syrinxfur, Duopelt, and Auletris.
Duskkit and Aspenkit become Cadets and Rookies, Cadetdusk and Rookieaspen. Cadetdusk's mentor is Flareblood and Rookieaspen's mentor is Swantalon.

None this cycle.

Blazelion is murdered by Tawnyfall.

Whoops sorry about that! It should be fixed now! However, Icekit's link is driving me crazy and is not working in the url code.

► Cadetmidnight, Cadetsyrinx, Cadetduo & Auletris all pass their assessments and are ready to become soldiers
► Rookieice & Cadetpool learn endurance
► Rookieslate fails hunting
► Cadetfallen learns battle
► Cadetdusk & Rookieaspen look forwards to starting training soon (Apprentices can train the moon after they are promoted)
► Snowclaw is now pregnant
► Noble's patrol finds nothing of note
► After Blazelions death to the "rogues" Tawnyfall waits to be found
► Percy's patrol catches x1 hare & x1 rabbit
► Fernlight's patrol catches x1 mouse & x1 small fish
► Tawnyfall needs x1 tormentile & x1 goatweed
► Paisleyburner & Cadetpool find x1 cobwebs, x1 horsetail & x1 tansy
► Copy and paste this: X for Icekit. It's working for me for some reason.

LooneyLani wrote:

requests - Mountainstar asks Starclan for a hunter
patrols - Mountainstar & Stoneburr go hunting / Snowtail & Larksong go on a border patrol / Blossomspeck is accompanied by Ivynose to gather herbs
relationships - Blossomspeck is confused by her feelings

mod notes - that was written beautifully, thankyou!
consumes - Moonclan consumes 3 servings, finishing off one hare

► Starclan sends Mountainstar a hunter
► Mountainstar's patrol catches x1 bird
► Snowtail's patrol finds a queen
► Blossomspeck finds x1 sorrel & x1 oak leaf

nightwolf950 wrote:
My second clan was originally OakClan, but I have
decided to restart. I would like that OakClan not be
readopted out as each cat will still be used by me
personally for a spin off warrior serious I have in the works.
Thank you. =]

"Stay open minded.
Things aren't always what
they seem to be."


MarshClan lives up to it's name, occupying a forest very thick in undergrowth
with a marshy, boggy ground. Their camp is encased by the fronds of a low spreading
willow. A small creek runs through the center, passing by the main bole of the tree. Its
roots protect the dens and the cats within. MarshClan is know for their carefree natures
and taking the time to learn and understand things around them.

Training for MarshClan apprentices last a bit longer then most clans, as there are
more skills needed to know before one becomes a warrior. Skills include hunting,
stalking, offense, defense, swimming, and climbing. All cats are to learn how to
swim in case one finds themselves stuck in a deep marshy part of the territory.

The clan will often back away from conflict, as they try to solve problems
peacefully rather then fighting unnecessary battles. They are a curious bunch,
often willing to learn new things about the vast outside world around them. With
this, MarshClan cats will often form close bonds with many cats outside their borders,
making them a well liked clan.

Requesting this cat as Leader

► Marshclan has been founded
► Katrione will assign your mod
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LostClan | 000

Postby recognize » Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:02 am


REPUTATION - LostClan is known for being savage rogue cats, heartless and cruel cowards who thrive in the darkness. They don't look for fights intentionally; they usually try to befriend another clan and then stab them in the back when they're not looking. LostClan cats specialize in thievery, stealth, betrayal, and crime. They're thought to be distrustful code breakers, and for all that they're a very isolated clan. Do not trust a LostClan cat. You do so at your own risk.

TERRITORY - Warriors of LostClan decided to keep their territory small compared to the other clans. They sectioned off a chunk of a dark forest and bits of a river. The territory is filled with shadows and it's nearly impossible to see through it in the deepest corners of the forest, but warriors in LostClan are used to it and navigate their way through it with ease. Most cats don't see light other than that of the moon until they're an apprentice.

PERSONALITY - From birth, cats are trained to be skilled assassins and taught the deceitful tricks of the clan. The varying personalities a kitten usually develops are sinister, aggressive, reserved, or cunning. A few claim the lonely or obedient personalities. And some cats embrace the darkness entirely and become evil... or insane.

OTHER NOTES - Could my founder be a long haired black cat? ;3
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( mangroveclan ) ( post five )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sat Feb 23, 2019 6:34 am

( statistics: 09 toms, 06 mollies, 15 total // 04 servings needed // next request from ancestors is 01/22/19 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 00 snook, 06 mangrove snappers, 05 starfish, 00 sandpipers, 01 mangrove crabs, 03 seahorses ;; 33 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 08 chervil, 07 cobwebs, 01 celandine, 01 elder leaves, 01 alder bark, 05 poppy seeds, 01 beech leaves, 01 bindweed, 01 blackberry leaves, 01 borage )— -
( archive )— -
servings per piece ;; snook : 3 servings // mangrove snappers : 3 servings // starfish : 2 servings // sandpiper : 1 serving // mangrove crabs : 1 serving // seahorses : 1 serving

[ berrystar welcomes the young cat, shallowtongue, to mangroveclan. ]
[ berrystar welcomes the queen, coralfang, to mangroveclan. ]
[ all apprentices train. ]
[ shellpaw chooses to wait to take his warrior assessment until urchinpaw can complete it with him. ]
[ berrystar, sharknose, clowntail, troutmuzzle, and shallowtongue patrol the borders. ]
[ kelpgaze, puffinfoot, harpfin, and mangosnout go hunting. ]
[ frothwhisker searches for herbs. ]
[ berrystar requests a star speaker from the ancestors. ]
[ mangroveclan consumes four servings. ]

berrystar, 35m, tom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

sharknose, 42m, tom
frothwhisker, 37m, molly
↳ mostly blind, deaf in left ear

name, age, gender
clowntail, 24m, tom
troutmuzzle, 33m, tom
kelpgaze, 40m, molly
puffinfoot, 31m, tom
harpfin, 29m, molly
mangosnout, 47m, tom
shallowtongue, 20m, molly


shellpaw, 12m, tom
urchinpaw, 11m, tom

palmgaze, 25m, molly
coralfang, 40m, molly
↳ due now

dolphinkit, 5m, tom
name, age, gender

palmgaze & unknown | dolphinkit
unknown & unknown | shellpaw & urchinpaw

name | cause of death
berrystar | shellpaw | 6 skills
↳ swimming, agility, climbing, hunting, battle
troutmuzzle | urchinpaw | 5 skills
↳ swimming, agility, climbing, hunting

north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

clan name | username
clan name | username

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alpineclan 000

Postby astrophile. » Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:32 am

      alpineclan; the cats of the mountains. as their name suggests, alpineclan calls the mountains of western canada home. the camp is tucked away in a cave in the side of a mountain, shielding the cats from the unforgiving wind and cold. the main way to travel throughout the camp and mountain are tunnels, second being the equally as dangerous trails around the mountain, where prey can be caught. below the camp and only accessible by a long, winding tunnel is the training hollow; a sandy cavern where the apprentices are trained by their mentors. away from the mountain, much of the territory consists of a boreal forest, where the pines grow tall. climbing is an essential skill every cat must learn. the territory around the mountain and in the valleys is rocky, and smooths out the further away one goes. further south, a good quarter-day's walk from the mountain, the territory switches to more of a marsh allowing for frogs and fish to be caught, however this territory is rarely used outside of leafbare, when prey becomes scarce. a small, remote town to the west and a sheep herd further north in the valley means alpineclan has limited exposure to twolegs, though the occasional kittypet who has strayed too far away from home is not unheard of. a large circular lake sits in the middle of the territory, with a small island in the middle. the water is still and calm and rather deep in the middle, and is where the apprentices are taught how to swim. the falls are just what they sound like; a large waterfall in the northwest corner. streams and rivers are in abundance throughout the territory, with the main water source being beartooth river, which is fed from the falls, thanks to its proximity to camp. beartooth river is also a curse, however. as the heavy rains of greenleaf mix with the melting snow, the river floods. this poses several threats, not just to the camp but to the prey that are just beginning to reemerge after the long leafbare spent nestled in their burrows. wolves, mountain lions- known to the clan as "sharptooths"- foxes, and the rare grizzly bear also make their homes in alpineclan's territory, but the main threat is the fires that blaze throughout the forest every year, clearing out vegetation but also sending dangerous plumes of smoke into the air. the fires never really threaten the camp itself, but there are times when cats cannot leave the cave. couple this with blizzards, it is a difficult life, yes, but it is a rewarding life, and the mountain cats wouldn't have it any other way.

      there are two predominant seasons; the short and wet greenleaf, and the long, cold leafbare. the clan lives in a subarctic climate, with winter lasting up to six moons out of the year, this is the reason for long hair being the dominant trait seen among the cats along with a large and bulky build, as the few smaller, shorter haired felines shiver in the subzero temperatures. darker pelts are the most common as they help a cat blend in with their surroundings, and tabbys are the dominating pattern. second is light-colored fur, and then calicos and tortoiseshells. norwegian forests cats, maine coons, and ragdolls are the most common breeds, though over time the cats have diversified. alpineclan cats have adapted well to their harsh environment, as any who hasn't cannot expect to survive long. they have tough paw pads and strong legs intended for climbing.

      the cats that make up alpineclan are tough, proud, fearless, strong-willed, almost stubborn, a little cocky, and resilient. fierce can be another word to describe this close-knit community. outsiders are met with hostility, although there are instances where the clan will take in the occasional rogue or kittypet. while peace is always preferred, the cats are not afraid to defend their clan with tooth and claw. the apprentices and young warriors are often viewed as a loud, unruly group, while the noble and wise traits are saved for the higher ranks. although each cat is allowed to believe what they wish, the vast majority are very religious and believe strongly in starclan. the glacial pool, located in a small hollow at the end of a long passageway illuminated by crystals and glowworms, is where the medicine cats meet with starclan, and also where the leader requests new cats. every new season brings new struggles for this hardy group of cats, yet every year they bounce back stronger than ever, dust themselves off and say "bring it on".

      prey includes lemmings, frogs, ermines, squirrels, hares and falcons. predators are foxes, lynxes, [common] mountain lions, birds of prey, [uncommon] wolves, and bears [rare]. other animals are sheep- both domestic and bighorn- mountain goats, moose, and caribou.

      may i request this leader?

alpineclan will be replacing my old clan, cloverclan
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Founding New Clans

Postby Katrione » Sat Feb 23, 2019 11:58 am

CatMagics wrote:Image

REPUTATION - LostClan is known for being savage rogue cats, heartless and cruel cowards who thrive in the darkness. They don't look for fights intentionally; they usually try to befriend another clan and then stab them in the back when they're not looking. LostClan cats specialize in thievery, stealth, betrayal, and crime. They're thought to be distrustful code breakers, and for all that they're a very isolated clan. Do not trust a LostClan cat. You do so at your own risk.

TERRITORY - Warriors of LostClan decided to keep their territory small compared to the other clans. They sectioned off a chunk of a dark forest and bits of a river. The territory is filled with shadows and it's nearly impossible to see through it in the deepest corners of the forest, but warriors in LostClan are used to it and navigate their way through it with ease. Most cats don't see light other than that of the moon until they're an apprentice.

PERSONALITY - From birth, cats are trained to be skilled assassins and taught the deceitful tricks of the clan. The varying personalities a kitten usually develops are sinister, aggressive, reserved, or cunning. A few claim the lonely or obedient personalities. And some cats embrace the darkness entirely and become evil... or insane.

OTHER NOTES - Could my founder be a long haired black cat? ;3

      [ Lostclan has been founded ]
      [ Your mod will be Imp ]
bᵢg ♥ ᵣₑd wrote:
      alpineclan; the cats of the mountains. as their name suggests, alpineclan calls the mountains of western canada home. the camp is tucked away in a cave in the side of a mountain, shielding the cats from the unforgiving wind and cold. the main way to travel throughout the camp and mountain are tunnels, second being the equally as dangerous trails around the mountain, where prey can be caught. below the camp and only accessible by a long, winding tunnel is the training hollow; a sandy cavern where the apprentices are trained by their mentors. away from the mountain, much of the territory consists of a boreal forest, where the pines grow tall. climbing is an essential skill every cat must learn. the territory around the mountain and in the valleys is rocky, and smooths out the further away one goes. further south, a good quarter-day's walk from the mountain, the territory switches to more of a marsh allowing for frogs and fish to be caught, however this territory is rarely used outside of leafbare, when prey becomes scarce. a small, remote town to the west and a sheep herd further north in the valley means alpineclan has limited exposure to twolegs, though the occasional kittypet who has strayed too far away from home is not unheard of. a large circular lake sits in the middle of the territory, with a small island in the middle. the water is still and calm and rather deep in the middle, and is where the apprentices are taught how to swim. the falls are just what they sound like; a large waterfall in the northwest corner. streams and rivers are in abundance throughout the territory, with the main water source being beartooth river, which is fed from the falls, thanks to its proximity to camp. beartooth river is also a curse, however. as the heavy rains of greenleaf mix with the melting snow, the river floods. this poses several threats, not just to the camp but to the prey that are just beginning to reemerge after the long leafbare spent nestled in their burrows. wolves, mountain lions- known to the clan as "sharptooths"- foxes, and the rare grizzly bear also make their homes in alpineclan's territory, but the main threat is the fires that blaze throughout the forest every year, clearing out vegetation but also sending dangerous plumes of smoke into the air. the fires never really threaten the camp itself, but there are times when cats cannot leave the cave. couple this with blizzards, it is a difficult life, yes, but it is a rewarding life, and the mountain cats wouldn't have it any other way.

      there are two predominant seasons; the short and wet greenleaf, and the long, cold leafbare. the clan lives in a subarctic climate, with winter lasting up to six moons out of the year, this is the reason for long hair being the dominant trait seen among the cats along with a large and bulky build, as the few smaller, shorter haired felines shiver in the subzero temperatures. darker pelts are the most common as they help a cat blend in with their surroundings, and tabbys are the dominating pattern. second is light-colored fur, and then calicos and tortoiseshells. norwegian forests cats, maine coons, and ragdolls are the most common breeds, though over time the cats have diversified. alpineclan cats have adapted well to their harsh environment, as any who hasn't cannot expect to survive long. they have tough paw pads and strong legs intended for climbing.

      the cats that make up alpineclan are tough, proud, fearless, strong-willed, almost stubborn, a little cocky, and resilient. fierce can be another word to describe this close-knit community. outsiders are met with hostility, although there are instances where the clan will take in the occasional rogue or kittypet. while peace is always preferred, the cats are not afraid to defend their clan with tooth and claw. the apprentices and young warriors are often viewed as a loud, unruly group, while the noble and wise traits are saved for the higher ranks. although each cat is allowed to believe what they wish, the vast majority are very religious and believe strongly in starclan. the glacial pool, located in a small hollow at the end of a long passageway illuminated by crystals and glowworms, is where the medicine cats meet with starclan, and also where the leader requests new cats. every new season brings new struggles for this hardy group of cats, yet every year they bounce back stronger than ever, dust themselves off and say "bring it on".

      prey includes lemmings, frogs, ermines, squirrels, hares and falcons. predators are foxes, lynxes, [common] mountain lions, birds of prey, [uncommon] wolves, and bears [rare]. other animals are sheep- both domestic and bighorn- mountain goats, moose, and caribou.

      may i request this leader?

alpineclan will be replacing my old clan, cloverclan

      [ Alpineclan has been founded ]
      [ Your mod will be Chamrosh ]
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Lost Clan | 001

Postby recognize » Sat Feb 23, 2019 12:26 pm

Number of Cats: 1
Servings Required: 2

★ Actions Log
[Silentstar] visits her ancestors and requests a deputy
[Silentstar] goes out on a border patrol

★ Statistics
✧ LostClan was founded!

★ Notes: ;D

          Silentstar | 29 moons | Female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧

          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
          Name | Age | Gender | ✧
    Allies & Enemies
    Clan Name | Username | Status
    Clan Name | Username | Status
    Clan Name | Username | Status
    Clan Name | Username | Status

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | x0 | Usage
    Herb | x0 | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: the jade empire [ 000 ]

Postby gossamer, » Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:55 pm

              𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔧𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔢
                the home of the jade empire faces the east, where the sun rises. they are especially proud of this fact.
                camp > cats of the jade empire live in the cave behind a waterfall. their paws are webbed and their coats are sleek, enabling them to travel effortlessly through the water. flooding is often the biggest cause of concern. the driest areas are given to the royals and the fresh-kill pile.
                territory > a large section of sparse forest, almost entirely encircled by a running river.
                personality > they are proud and loyal cats. from birth they are taught to obey those of a higher class, the emperor especially so. not doing so is viewed as treason, and offenders will either be tried, exiled, or executed, depending on the severity of the offense. regardless of rank, all cats of the jade empire view the stars as a being greater than them, and as such are always praying to them.
                reputation > though outsiders know very little about the jade empire, it is often regarded as a grand and powerful clan. cats that wander into the jade empire tell tales of felines with silky pelts that move like fish through the water.

              custom ranks

                emperor/empress regnant > the leader
                empress > the emperor’s mate
                heir > the deputy, most commonly the emperor’s firstborn
                healer > the medicine cat
                healer’s apprentice > medicine cat apprentice
                soldier > hunt for prey / border patrols
Last edited by gossamer, on Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:09 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Founding New Clans

Postby Katrione » Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:42 pm

petrichor__ wrote:
the jade empire.
the home of the jade empire faces the east, where the sun rises. they are especially proud of this fact.

    camp > cats of the jade empire live in the cave behind a waterfall. their paws are webbed and their coats are sleek, enabling them to travel effortlessly through the water. flooding is often the biggest cause of concern. the driest areas are given to the royals and the fresh-kill pile.

    territory > a large section of sparse forest, almost entirely encircled by a running river.

    personality > they are proud and loyal cats. from birth they are taught to obey those of a higher class, the emperor especially so. not doing so is viewed as treason, and offenders will either be tried, exiled, or executed, depending on the severity of the offense. regardless of rank, all cats of the jade empire view the stars as a being greater than them, and as such are always praying to them.

    reputation > though outsiders know very little about the jade empire, it is often regarded as a grand and powerful clan. cats that wander into the jade empire tell tales of felines with silky pelts that move like fish through the water.

custom ranks

    emperor > the leader
    empress > the emperor’s mate
    empress regnant > the female emperor
    heir > the deputy, most commonly the emperor’s firstborn
    healer > the medicine cat
    healer’s apprentice > medicine cat apprentice
    soldier > hunt for prey / border patrols
    merchant > gather herbs

    keeping kit, queen, and elder

      [ The Jade Empire has been founded ]
      [ Your mod will be Kacchan ]
      [ Mod Notes: The Merchant role is the only rank from your list that you can't use. Medicine cats are the only ranks that can gather herbs ]
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alpineclan 001

Postby astrophile. » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:16 pm

population ;; 01 ♂ 00 ♀
serving size ;; two
next glacial pool visit ;; now



hunting grizzlyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
border patrol grizzly

herb hunting
medicine den
requests requesting a cat from starclan

ceremonies & assestments

eating nothing -- grizzly fasts
other an icky first post but it's a start
mod notes


at the first sight of dawn, when the sun had just begun to ascend over the jagged landscape and cast tall shadows into the cavern, the outline of a large tom could be seen sitting at the mouth of the hollow he had claimed as his, bushy tail wrapped around his paws, his yellow eyes scanning what he presumed to be an empty cave. one ear drooped lazily while the other was up and alert. with his luck, he wouldn't be surprised to learn he had just shoved into some old bear's cave. thank starclan it would be a few more hours before any bear began to stir, as much of the forest was still asleep, but sleep had not come easy to the long haired rogue, who after much tossing and turning had given up completely, instead opting to hunt at the first sight of dawn. the events of the last leafbare were still on his mind, and despite the warming temperatures and prey being much more plentiful now, his ribs still showed through his thick tabby pelt, and he had become accustomed to curling up in his nest with an emptiness in his belly. really, the tom couldn't remember ever not going hungry. and from his view in that hollow, it was clear going hungry wasn't going to be his only problem. the melting snow mixed with the heavy rains of the new season, and the river had begun to overflow its banks. it wouldn't be long now before grizzly would have to seek higher ground, but how high could he go? the rain showed no intent in stopping as dark, ominous clouds rolled in. a few more days of this and grizzly would find himself waking up halfway across the forest, half-drowned and clinging to a branch for dear life. so no, maybe becoming accidental den-mates with a bear wasn't the worst of his worries.

with a heavy sigh he shifted his weight to the other side, giving the long gaping wound on his shoulder and the surrounding darker, bloodstained fur a few licks, compliments of a few rogues in a skirmish a few days ago, all over a starved mouse. for starclan's sake, a mouse, one he had seen first, thank you very much. his fur bristled as old anger churned in his gut. grizzly had easily been the strongest cat in his litter, but it wasn't an even match up; one starving rogue against three. he swiped away the carcass of a squirrel with disgust, a meal he made last a few days ad even now his stomach still clawed with hunger. he rose to his feet, shaking out his pelt and taking a few stiff steps forward, ignoring the protesting of his joints. padding over to the exit, he paused, turning back to face the hollow. "why don't i go catch us something to eat? you'd better share, though," he called over his shoulder to the bear; black, grizzly, or polar, that may or may not be lurking in the shadows. with a chuckle he slipped out of the cave, instantly being hit by a blast of cold air. he shivered and huffed, then continued on into the forest, shaking out his pelt with annoyance every few steps when drops of rain would fall down from the branches overhead and cling to his coat. he tilted his head towards the sky, parting his jaws to let in the scents of the forest; rain and mud. his ears flicked in the direction of the rushing river in concern, and he turned in the opposite direction, away from the river and deeper into the pine forest.
      grizzly - 29 - tom
      *will be grizzlystar
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      medicine cat
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      medicine cat apprentice
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen
      ♕ name - #m - gen

      fresh-kill pile
      x0 lemming - x1 serving
      x0 frogs - x1 serving
      x0 ermine - x2 servings
      x0 squirrel - x2 servings
      x0 hare - x3 servings
      x0 falcon - x3 serving
      medicine storage
      x0 herb | use
      x0 herb | use
      x0 herb | use
      x0 herb | use
      x0 herb | use
      name - #m - cause of death
      xx ↪ resting place
      name - #m - cause of death
      xx ↪ resting place
      name - #m - cause of death
      xx ↪ resting place
      name → namepaw
      skill, skill, skill
      name → namepaw
      skill, skill, skill
      name - note
      name - note
      name - note

      north | open | owner
      south | open | owner
      east | open | owner
      west | open |owner
      allied clans
      open | owner
      open | owner
      open | owner
      enemy clans
      open | owner
      open | owner
      open | owner


Last edited by astrophile. on Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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