Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Cats of Limestone [1]

Postby Chinchy » Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:41 am

Cats of Limestone
Number of Cats: 2
Toms: 1 Mollies: 1
Servings needed: 2
Intro: x

As the rays of light found their way inside the window's of the tower, the two lone royals began to stir. Stretching, yawning and grooming themselves and one another in preparation for the day ahead, they enjoyed the morning, even if still a bit sleepy. They hadn't saved any prey from last night, however, so their hungry bellies promptly reminded them of how empty they were after a long night.
The two cats hopped off the human bed, their paws leaving the cushions and mattress behind and their pelts briefly bushing as their warm pads made contact with the chilly stone floor. With Leaf-fall gripping the land, the air was growing chillier.
An unspoken agreement, the mates marched down the stairs pressed side-to-side, sharing their warmth as they made their way down then through the halls of the castle until they were finally out in the forest. It was far nicer here...sure, they had each other, but the castle, with only them two around felt eerie, quiet and lonely. Out here there was the rustle of leaves, still clinging to the trees, in the breeze, the crack of the dead leaves or twigs off in the distance and the waking birds filled the air with their voices, though there were fewer and fewer of them every day it felt, now that a portion had left off in search of warmth for the coming Leafbare. Lucky.

"You go left, I'll go right." Apolloswarm finally broke the silence between the two cats, her mate nodding as he ventured off the straight path of sorts they'd been following as they ventured under the trees. With that, they'd separated, seeking prey out to find a meal for themselves, just as they had been. By the time they met back up at the castle, the pair had both managed to catch a significant amount this time. Great, considering the sun had moved a noticeably large amount, it being sometime around sunhigh now. The creatures they'd brought, all furry just like them - rodents, such as mice, squirrels and shrews, a rabbit and a stoat shared between them. They pressed their noses to one another's as a form of a kiss.
"Missed you, Sweetheart." Locustwing purred, taking up a share of the prey, pooled together once they'd both fetched all of their own.
"Come on, let's just go eat. I'm starving." Apolloswarm took up as much as she could carry at once too, following her mate and overtaking him on the way to the food storage where they could put the food. It took a couple trips, but it was safer here than that of any cat or beast out there, out in the open.
"So you really didn't sneak a bite while hunting?"
"Did you?" Apolloswarm gave him an accusing look, though an amused smile remained on her face as she regarded the tom.
"Might have snuck a shrew or so." He confessed with a mock guilty look.

"It's lonely here..." Apolloswarm confessed, the two snuggled up together in a bundle a while after their meal, sunbathing in the Meadow.
"But we have each other." Locustwing reminded her, purring as he nuzzled into her white fur.
"Yeah, but it's always so quiet in the'd be nice to have a few more cats around at least." After all, Apolloswarm had been raised in a large group of loners, helping each other out. She'd enjoy the company. Locustwing had had...the opposite upbringing, growing up with only his mother and siblings, trying to survive and then tending to himself once he was bigger and tougher.
"I'll see if the Ancestors could offer any guidance later." He addressed the concern, referring to the spirits that had led both of them here. Locustwing had quite taken to them, though his mate, just as opposite as ever, preferred to avoid them more so.
"That won't do you any good...But while you do that, I guess I'll go see if I can find any of those cats that live in the forest." The molly sighed.

As agreed, come sundown, Apolloswarm ventured out, heading out to the forest on her own, while Locustwing found his way to the Ancestors' Hall. As he stepped inside, he could have sworn he heard mumbling, which went silent with his appearance. His ears twitched as he examined the room, jumping up onto the elevated piece of ground at the end, sitting there and trying to think of a way to contact the old king that had once spoken to him. He'd never had to seek him out before, after all.
"Eaglestorm?" He called, his voice echoing in the room for a bit before silence ruled once more. The tabby sighed, slipping down to lay on his belly, trying to think of something else, only to be disrupted by something else. He strained his ears to key in on the mumbled voice of a tom, barely audible, seeming to come from nowhere. From what he could make it, it kept repeating the same things, though he only understood that it was saying something about a Priest.
"I need a Priest?" He dared interrupt, the voice gone for several seconds after the living cat's words faded. Having heard a faint yes, he was satisfied enough...But where would he get one? He heard the whispers still, but he found them too faint to interpret now, particularly when more than one voice mixed into it all, creating a racket...and yet oh so faint and quite. A cold, colder than the coldest of Leafbare frosts he's experienced, seemed to rub into his pelt now, making him feel like his pelt itself was turning into ice. Freaked out, the tom forced himself up, with surprising ease as he'd expected his muscles to protest, to find himself heavy and his limbs stiff. Nonetheless, he gladly took the chance to bolt out of there, back to the bed he and his mate slept in, awaiting her return.
[Locustwing and Apolloswarm hunt]
[Apolloswarm patrols]
[Locustwing asks the Ancestors for a priest]

Locustwing | 42 moons | Male | X

Apolloswarm | 47 moons | Female | X

Royal family:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Royal guards:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0 | 1 serving
Shrews | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Stoats | x0 | 2 servings
Birds | x0 | 3 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits

Locustwing - Longhaired mackerel tabby
ll, BB, oY, Dd, ww, Aa, McMc
Apolloswarm - White shorthair
Ll, Bb, Oo, dd, Ww, Aa, mcmc
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby banooky » Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:00 pm

"JungleClan cats are generally passive, preferring to stick to the sides and stay out of other Clan disputes. They tend to take things slowly, thinking carefully about their moves before they make them. While they are slow to think, their movements are quick, flashing through the trees faster than you can say 'mouse'."
Number of Cats: five

[Aspenstar goes to the Mooncanopy to ask for his brother [url]Cedar[/url]]
[Cloverblaze discovers a tree that would make a good nursery]
[Froststep and Ashfrost go hunting]
[Bluebellsong patrols]

          Aspenstar | 38 Moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Froststep | 22 moons | Molly | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloverblaze | 42 moons | Molly | X

          Bluebellsong| 22 moons | Molly | X
          Ashfrost | 29 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | Sweet-smelling herb, the best remedy for greencough/whitecough
    Poppy seeds | Helps a cat to sleep
    Lillies | Poisonous, causes kidney failure
    Borage | Bring down fevers and relieve tight chests
    Lovage | When mixed with bright-eye, can cure coughs
    Chamomile | Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind, given to travelling cats for strength
    Feverfew |Reduces body temperature, especially good for headaches

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Pigeon | x1 | 3 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    father x mother

    Unknown x Unknown | Bluebellsong, Frostbite
    Cloverheart and Aspenstar are half-siblings
    Name and Name | Kits
▬▬ ▬ ▬ BE A ▬▬▬▬

I F Y O U ' V E
xxY O U ' V E


yo i'm kelsey nice 2 yeet u.
extrovert and goofball so
feel free to pm me !


xT R I C K !!!
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jaggedclan | 003

Postby chaotic creativity » Sat Feb 02, 2019 2:43 pm

(( population ;; five )) (( servings ;; two )) (( next moonfalls visit ;; february second )) (( mod ;; phina (temporarily) )) (( archive ))
(( mollies ;; three )) (( toms ;; two ))

      (( ✏︎ [ summitstar p.o.v. ]
      if cats could whistle, summitstar would've as loonfrost padded by him. her thick, fluffy tail swung back and forth enticingly as she left the camp, presumably to search for herbs. cherrystep flicked his tail across summitstar's ears, chuckling as he saw the tom's jaw drop. over the pas moon, the two had become the best of friends and hardly left each other's side. "seriously, you're going to catch flies!" cherrystep cried as summitstar snapped back to his own mind after fantasizing about the jaggedclan medicine cat. "if you wanted her that badly, you could've made her a warrior," the senior warrior groaned as summitstar sniffed the air.

      "what else was i supposed to do? starclan sent her to be my medicine cat. i couldn't deny their wishes," summitstar explained, and cherrystep rolled his eyes. he stood and stretched each of his legs. "besides. i just think she's pretty. i'll find the right she-cat sometime soon," summitstar mewed, and cherrystep grinned as if to say ''atta boy'. summitstar rolled on his back and stretched his legs straight up to the sky, or, really, the ceiling of the gathering cavern. cherrystep bunched his muscles and leaped, landing squarely on summitstar's stomach and knocking all the breath out of his lungs.

      [ loonfrost p.o.v. ]
      'he's handsome. i'll give him that.' loonfrost thought as the image of summitstar's smiling face flashed through her mind. she pawed angrily at the ground, digging through the snow and snorting when all she found were dried out and dead shoots. she huffed, her breath billowing outwards in a cloud, and leaped up a medium sized boulder that was blocking the path. her claws scrabbled uselessly at its icy surface and she slid down the far side and landed with a thump in the snow. two sets of paws came into her line of sight, and she gasped when she realized they were intruders. she leaped to her paws and then relaxed when they just smiled.

      "my name is song. do you, by chance, know a summitstar of jaggedclan?" the pretty tabby she-cat asked, and loonfrost let out a sigh of relief. starclan had sent them to help build their ranks.

      "my name is loonfrost. i'm summitstar's medicine cat, meaning i heal the sick and hurt while communing with our ancestors," the medicine cat explained, and song let out a chuckle.

      "i know what a medicine cat is. whisperfeather here is actually from a clan. she won't tell me anything else though. i just happened across her at the base of the mountain and invited her to come with me to find summitstar. oh, you will take us to him, won't you?" song explained, and loonfrost let out a snort. she nodded and turned around, beckoning with her tail for the two she-cats to follow her. she leaped back up the boulder, leaping off the top and landing gracefully on her paws this time. she padded back to the camp, all the while listening to song recount her journey from the valleys below.

      as soon as they entered the gathering cavern, summitstar shot to his paws and padded over. song and whisperfeather dipped their heads in respect, sensing the authority that seemed to practically radiate from the young tom. "i'm summitstar. who might these two be?" he asked, directing his question towards loonfrost. the medicine cat ducked her head in embarrassment

      "meet song and whisperfeather," loonfrost then told the story about song and whisperfeather, all the while noticing that summitstar stared at the brown tabby. summitstar then appointed song to be addersong and to serve as his deputy. he grinned and invited her to patrol the territory, and loonfrost bristled with anger. his infatuation with her was completely gone, and loonfrost wasn't exactly sure if she liked that. cherrystep padded up to her and leaned down to whisper something in her ear.

      "you couldn't have had him anyway," he muttered, and then stalked off to introduce himself to whisperfeather. the two left on a hunt, and loonfrost was left alone. ))

      (( addersong is welcomed into the clan as deputy.
      whisperfeather is welcomed into the clan as a warrior.
      summitstar and addersong patrol.
      cherrystep and summitstar hunt.
      whisperfeather and addersong hunt.
      loonfrost searches for herbs.
      the clan consumes one hare. ))

(( summitstar ;; thirty-two moons ;; tom ;; x ))

(( addersong ;; thirty-four moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))

medicine cat:
(( loonfrost ;; thirty-eight moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))

(( cherrystep ;; sixty-six moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( whisperfeather ;; sixty moons ;; she-cat ;; x ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; parents ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; parents ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
(( name ;; x moons ;; gender ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))
prey pile:
(( mice :: one serving ;; none ))
(( shrew ;; one serving ;; none ))
(( stoat ;; two servings ;; none ))
(( small fish ;; two servings ;; none ))
(( hare ;; three servings ;; one ))
(( mountain birds ;; three servings ;; none ))

herb store:
(( catmint ;; cure for greencough ;; one ))
(( cobwebs ;; stops bleeding ;; one ))
(( marigold ;; stops infection ;; one ))
(( poppy seeds ;; soothes shock and distress and eases pain ;; one ))
(( stinging nettle ;; induces vomiting or eases swelling ;; one ))

(( north ;; clan ;; user ))
(( northeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( east ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( south ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southwest ;; fireclan ;; galipaygo ))
(( west ;; evanora's reach ;; tēorian ))
(( northwest ;; clan ;; user ))

(( mentor ;; apprentice ;; training sessions ;; moves ))

deceased cats:
(( name ;; cause of death ;; [url=x]x[/url] ))

(( molly ;; tom ;; kits ))
Last edited by chaotic creativity on Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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sanctuary ` 2

Postby faerie; » Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:52 am

[ males: 2 ] [ females: 3 ] [ other: 0 ] [ total: 5 ]

[new cats]
lyra from patrol.

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: sheep, noel, lyra
↳ border: sheep, lyra
↳ herbs: perch

[ training ]

( fighting )

[ assessments & ceremonies ]

[ kitting ]

[ deaths & injuries ]

[ other ]
(moonpool) this catcomes to noel in her dreams. she isn't sure what it means.

[the clan consumes x2 mouse.]

          sanctuary director
          noel | 36m | molly | x

          director's second
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          perch | 21m | molly | x

          those who are involved in the sanctuary's plot.
          these cats are found on patrol or born into
          the sanctuary.

          sheep | 31m | tom | x
          lyra | 20m | molly | x

          those who were adopted into the sanctuary. not
          used for plot, background characters.

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          coverpaw | 7m | tom | x | proof
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

    medicine store
    borage | x3
    burnet | x2
    yarrow | x1
    poppy seeds | x3
    ragwort | x2
    cobweb | x1
    colt's foot | x1
    feverfew | x1
    stick | x1
    dock | x1
    lovage | x1

    fresh-kill pile
    mouse | x3 x2 | 1 servings
    water vole | x6 | 1 servings
    frog | x5 | 1 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    big fish | x0 | 3 servings

    coverpaw | 2 | hunting, swimming, climbing, fighting
    mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves

    deceased cats
    cat name | cause of death
    cat name | cause of death

    name and name | kits
    name and name | kits
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Shiningclan post 27

Postby Kazin » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:18 am

Number of Cats: 039 | 20 ♂ | 19 ♀ | 7 servings needed next serving needed at 42

Scorchstar was not himself. Neither was Birchstorm. Each had taken it personally that the patrol had gone missing, walking around the camp like dazed cats, barely present in their lives. Not even the birth of Birchstorm's kits could shake him from his stupor for long, though he was present for long enough to name one of the kits - choosing Olivekit for the smallest of the bunch. He absentmindedly would watch them when Nightfrost brought them out of the nursery, but most of the time, he was distant. Cherryheart couldn't even shake the tom from his stupor, the disappearance of their sister weighing heavily on Birchstorm's heart. He had always sworn to protect his siblings, so what kind of brother was he if he let Junipersplash go? The brown tom hadn't even been out to train his apprentice, who was on his last leg of his apprenticeship, about ready to become a warrior. No, nothing could shake him nor Scorchstar. Their grief and confusion was too heavy.

Cricketheart had taken it upon himself to continue assigning at least hunting patrols. Scorchstar had forbidden any other patrols from leaving, save the necessary hunting patrols and herb gathering, though neither Nettleblaze nor Timberleaf would be allowed out without a guard. Nettleblaze, however, though he was handling the disappearances better than Scorchstar or Birchstorm, had been in no mood to herb hunt, leaving the duty to Timberleaf. The older medicine cat seemed subdued lately, constantly muttering to himself about the prophecy. It was as if he had figured something out, but he didn't want to tell any other cat. At least not yet.

It had been an even harder moon, with Hazelstream and Sparkstorm both going missing but turning up as... not themselves one night. It was Nightstorm who discovered it, her eyes wild as she tried to protect her kits, Maplecloud driving the shadows away. Their yowls and growls had brought most of the other cats running, watching as the shadows disappeared into the sky as Maplecloud delivered the last blow to the once queen of Shiningclan, and Timberleaf rushed forward to finish off Sparkstorm's shadowy figure. Dunekit's yowls filled the air, calling the rest of the cats out of their dens. It was there that most of the cats found themselves, subdued and stricken with grief.

"I don't... no one is to go out anymore," Scorchstar said in a monotone voice. Losing a patrol was one thing, but to see his own son, or what appeared to be his son, attacking his clan? It was too much. "Unless absolutely necessary, no one is going out. We will... hold a ceremony for Sparkstorm and Hazelstream... I will only allow one more training session. No more than hunting patrols or herb searching until we figure this out. Stay with someone else at all times." He jumped away without another word.

Timberleaf found Slatefang as soon as he could. He didn't say anything, following her shake of her head, sitting by her side. The sun was beginning to rise before Slatefang even moved a muscle. "I'm going to stay with you," she said without looking at Timberleaf, her voice hoarse with her mourning. "You aren't going to get rid of me. I am going to keep you safe."

Timberleaf glanced at her, grief in his eyes. "And I will protect you," he whispered, hanging his head.

In the nursery, Maplecloud was quieting a distraught Dunekit. It had been hard for him, to see his mother get struck down... though he was old enough to understand that it wasn't his mother anymore. That she would have killed him if she could. Maplecloud had appointed herself to take care of the small tom, keep watch of him as if he were her own kit. After all, he had no father right now, and his mother was... gone. Even his half-brother was gone. The only one left was Ferretclaw, but she had asked for an apprentice to keep her mind off of her mother and brother, turning to training instead of mourning. Dunekit was left with no one but Maplecloud, and he was sad.

"When I become an apprentice," the young tom announced unexpectantly, as Nightfrost was just putting her kits to sleep. "I am going to be the best fighter this clan has. I'll avenge my mom, and find my dad," he said, puffing out his chest, glancing at Maplecloud, who smiled sadly at him.

"Of course you will, little one," she said sadly, sweeping him closer into her. "But sleep for now, hard times will be upon us soon," she said gravely, though her words caused the kit to shiver against her body. It wasn't going to help to tell the kit everything was going to be fine, she thought. He would need to be prepared, prepared for anything...

Hard times were definitely upon Shiningclan.


New cats/rank up:
--> Hailkit and Owlkit are ready to become apprentices! Hailpaw will be apprenticed to Ferretclaw, and Owlpaw will be apprenticed to Appleclaw.
--> Sootstripe is added to the clan (adopted via the fanclub from Roseclan). Turtlegaze and Argentfang are also added (adopted from BearClan via the fanclub).
--> I just realized (because I forgot to search his name before giving him a warrior name) that Otterfur is in use by another Clan. I'm changing his name to Otterpelt!
--> Nightfrost's kits are named Rainkit, Olivekit, Minkkit, and Martenkit.

--> Deerleg, Snowflower, Thornstrike, Sootstripe, Rivergaze, and Honeyflame hunt.
--> Timberleaf does a solo run for herbs, though Slatefang accompanies him as a guard.

--> Ashpaw and Emberpaw train in swimming with Firesong.
--> Bramblepaw trains in fighting with Cherryheart.

--> Maplecloud due in 1 moon.

--> ShiningClan consumes two rabbits and a frog [7 servings]
--> Pikewhisker, Peachfrost, Junipersplash, Otterpelt, and Robinbreeze are still missing [for my own info].
--> Hazelstream and Sparkstorm have been killed by the shadows.

          Scorchstar | 49 moons | ♂ |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆

          Cricketheart | 32 moons | ♂ |

          Medicine Cats:
          Nettleblaze | 73 moons | ♂ |
          Timberleaf | 17 moons | ♂ |

          Peachfrost | 73 moons | ♀ |
          Pikewhisker | 55 moons | ♂ |
          Firesong | 54 moons | ♀ |
          Argentfang | 48 moons | ♂ |
          Turtlegaze | 41 moons | ♀ |
          Robinbreeze | 40 moons | ♀ |
          Sootstripe | 39 moons | ♂ |
          Thornstrike | 38 moons | ♂ |
          Birchstorm | 32 moons | ♂ |
          Cherryheart | 32 moons | ♂ |
          Junipersplash | 32 moons | ♀ |
          Snowflower | 30 moons | ♀ |
          Appleclaw | 28 moons | ♂ |
          Deerleg | 27 moons | ♂ |
          Daisypatch | 25 moons | ♀ |
          Cindersong | 21 moons | ♀ |
          Slatefang | 21 moons | ♀ |
          Otterpelt | 19 moons | ♂ |
          Ferretclaw | 19 moons | ♀ |
          Rabbitmask | 16 moons | ♂ |
          Rivergaze | 16 moons | ♀ |
          Raventail | 13 moons | ♀ |
          Honeyflame | 13 moons | ♀ |

          Ashpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
          Emberpaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
          Bramblepaw | 9 moons | ♂ |
          Hailpaw | 6 moons | ♂ |
          Owlpaw | 6 moons | ♀ |

          Nightfrost | 29 moons | ♀ |
          Maplecloud | 28 moons | ♀ |

          Dunekit | 3 moons | ♂ |
          Rainkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
          Olivekit | 0 moons | ♀ |
          Minkkit | 0 moons | ♀ |
          Martenkit | 0 moons | ♂ |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x1 Beech Leaves x1
    Bindweed x1 Blackberry Leaves x1
    Borage x2 Bright eye x1
    Broom x1 Burdock x2
    Burnet x2 Catchweed x1
    Catmint x2 Celandine x1
    Chamomile x1 Chervil x3
    Chickweed x1 Cob Nuts x1
    Cobweb x4 Fennel x1
    Feverfew x1 Horsetail x3
    Lavender x1 Poppy seeds x3
    Ragwort x1 Raspberry Leaves x0
    Rosemary x1
    Stick x1 Stinging Nettle x3
    Sweetsedge x1 Thyme x2
    Wintergreen x1 Yarrow x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x4 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x7 | 3 servings [2 being eaten]
    Bird | x6 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x6 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
    Frog | x5 | 1 serving [1 being eaten]

    Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
    Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

    Birchstorm | Ashpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Firesong | Emberpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Cherryheart | Bramblepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Sparkstorm | Hailpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Appleclaw | Owlpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flowerkit | Weakness at birth
    Softkit & Morningkit | Birth
    Lionkit | Birth
    Scorchstar life 1 | Rogues
    Scorchstar life 2 | Shadow army
    Hazelstream 46 moons | Shadows
    Sparkstorm 21 moons | Shadows

    Mates / Family:
    Scorchstar x Firesong | Sparkstorm, Cindersong, Slatefang
    Pikewhisker x ? | Maplecloud
    Hazelstream x ? | Ferretclaw, Otterpelt
    Thornstrike x Maplecloud | Ashpaw, Flowerkit, Emberpaw
    Appleclaw x Snowflower | Softkit, Hailkit, Owlkit, Morningkit
    Pikewhisker x Hazelstream | Dunekit & Lionkit
    Birchstorm x Nightfrost | Rainkit, Olivekit, Minkkit, Martenkit

Last edited by Kazin on Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby cloudy days » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:32 am

Larch's Advance
All saplings should be able to thrive, nurture that life and let it grow!
Number of Cats: 14

It was time. The celestial bodies that were used as a guide in the darkest nights began to awaken in the almost eerie winter moon, casting their protective glow over the tall larch trees of the clan's territory.

Three cats were walking, hardly a force to be reckoned with compared the the vast amount of stars, ancestors ready to show them the way on a very special night. The moon was full, and it was time for a true leadership for Larch's Advance. Tipwhisker and Birdsong flanked Simon, reassuring smiles on their faces as they walked along the bank of a frozen river, snow crunching under their paws. The scrawny black cat had a nervous smile on his face too as quietly pondered what he was going to do when he met the ancestors. His two friends had explained a leadership ceremony (or rather Tipwhisker had, with Night Breeze also chipping in nervously and Birdsong loyally trying his best) and Simon was ready to become a true leader.

They approached the Darkened Pool, and Simon gave a shiver as he saw the shadows darker than a wolves mouth surrounding this place - he felt more certain that he was about to get jumped by a group of rouges rather than that this was becoming a sacred place to his clan. The river led into it ominously, sloping down beyond his vision. It was eerie and the faint glow coming from the tunnel in the darkness made his pelt ripple with nerves. Birdsong seemed to sense his fear, and pressed to his side reassuringly. Tipwhisker smiled gently, a glow brightening her eyes with awe of the spirits, ready to welcome Simon properly as leader. Her fur had fluffed up (because of the cold) and she too seemed slightly scared of the darkness surrounding them, but she lead the way, into the mouth. The river thinned down here and had a sheet of ice over the top, enough to make all the cats shiver. "Is this really the place?" Simon asked, his tail twitching nervously. Birdsong's

Light bounced off the walls, providing just enough light to see so that the scrawny black tom had to adjust his eyes to the light before he could properly look. The source of the light seemed to be emanating from the walls, or rather from the entrance and maybe even the thin river that lead into it. The space was large cavern to Simon, and his footsteps echoing around the space underground made it feel even bigger, and there was enough room for a group of cats to gather and it was a fairly sizeable place. Birdsong and Tipwhisker hung back at the mouth of the tunnel, as if they were waiting, with just enough space for them to avoid walking in the river.

"What happens next?" the little black tom asked his friends, turning towards them for help. Birdsong looked slightly panicked and didn't say anything, while Tipwhisker gave him a look and muttered softly, "Wait and see, it happens soon," she looked behind Simon, her eyes reflecting the light, "I think so, anyway." Simon nodded, but didn't really get what the laid back Council member was saying. "It usually happens on nights like these." Simon looked confused. "So you're saying these star cats might not turn up?" he looked panicked too now. Birdsong leapt to his paws (being increasingly careful of the stone floor and any remotely jagged bits) and looked around. "Night Breeze says it happens on these nights, you'll be fine. He was a leader once so he knows this things," the tabby said, his tail twitching. Suddenly Tipwhisker pulled out a paw and tapped his wagging tail. "Stand back!" she ordered, her eyes lighting up in wonder. Birdsong clumsily swerved as he saw what looked like a mushroom on the cave floor. Simon looked at the two cats, who were staring behind him in a mix of awe and wonder as they tucked themselves into the tunnel, avoid the river running through it. He followed their gazes, and gasped in surprise, his pelt standing up at his shock.

Cats. Everywhere there was space, all of them arranged in a semi-circle to leave some space. Some were faded, others were heavily scarred, and some were young while others looked ancient. All of them had an unnatural gloss to their fur, like they had bathed in the moons light for many moons. The glow around the cave was brighter too: it seemed to emanate from the watching crowd, as abnormal as the bright fur that shone with stars. "Where did you come from?" he gasped, eyeing the small hole at the back of the cave where the water dipped and disappeared into the abyss beyond. They surely couldn't have crept through there, could they? It seemed likely though - they clearly hadn't streamed though the entrance, as he had just been looking there and talking. He had forgotten everything Tipwhisker had said, the only events unfolding in his mind being the ones before his very eyes.

"We are your ancestors," meowed a voice, not as loud as some of the cats that could have yelled and filled the forest, but still having a dignified air.

The cats parted, muttering among themselves in disbelief at Simon's question, as a cat stepped out from the many against the cave wall. He had shining but faded sleek dark grey fur, large and shining golden eyes, as well as a torn ear tip. He walked gracefully along the stones until his paws settled in front of Simon, a tail length away. Simon looked at him with great respect, and he could sense that the other cats had that for the grey tom. The cat who stood before him held his head high, and certainly seemed like less of a battler as some great heroes were, but he had the intelligent eyes of a great thinker, and among the golden depths was a gentle tom, who clearly had more respect for the cats around him rather than drawing attention to himself. The voice spoke again, softer, but still drawing in every pair of eyes when he was speaking even so.

"I am Grey Wing," he continued, dipping his head to Simon. Simon dipped his head back to the tom, who gave him an amused smile before continuing. "You can know us as StarClan," he continued, gesturing with his tail to the cats behind him. " StarClan!" Simon breathed, mystified by the name, and how magical it sounded rolling off his tongue. From behind him, he could hear Birdsong gasp in wonder, and one quick glance over his shoulder confirmed that, as well as Tipwhisker's excited gaze staring intently at the StarClan cats, but she gave him a reassuring nod even so.

A dainty tortoiseshell she-cat boldly walked up until she was a few pawsteps behind Grey Wing, and added, "Some of us are known as the SpaceColony, while tribes' ancestors are the Tribe of Endless Hunting. All of us watch over the different clans tribes and groups. Some groups even have different ancestors, but it depends on what you believe in." She had ginger and black fur that was much brighter than Grey Wing's, and her eyes burned with bright, emerald green fire. The black fur was much more predominant on her pelt but light ginger dots here and there were scattered like stars on the short-haired pelt. She had a few more scars than the tom, with most of them predominantly on her left side, stretching towards her broad shoulders. She didn't seem to have as much respect as the grey tom had, but cats stared at her in wonder and admiration. She had a more leader-like air surrounding her, but she seemed to be a more passionate warrior judging by the scars on her side, and the way she held her head.

"As Cosmo said," Grey Wing began again, starting slowly at first to make sure she had finished do that he wouldn't have to interrupt her, "There are many different beliefs cats may have. We have come to you as you are new to our world, I suppose, and both StarClan and the SpaceColony can help you. Even tribal ancestors are ready to help your quest." Simon nodded, taking it all in, before dipping her head to Cosmo as well. She returned his welcome, an amused smile springing up on her face just like Grey Wing had done before.

"Simon, are you ready to recieve nine lives and become the leader of your group, and to protect the clan you will govern?" Grey Wing asked, casting his great golden gaze behind him, as seven cats raised their heads and tried to look important, despite that they were already wonderous in Simon's eyes. The tom took a hesitant step forward, and began to open his mouth.

A leader was a position of great power, and seemed like glamour compared to being a warrior. You didn't have to do as much work. Or did you? The leader was the head of the clan, and Simon had first paw proof of such qualities a leader should have, displayed in the eyes of the gathered cats of both StarClan and the SpaceColony, united to help him. Would he ever be able to have such dignity, to lead cats into battles like Cosmo had and gain scars that told tales of successes and failures, or make wise decisions that would reflect from his eyes with such intelligence like Grey Wing? Everyone before him reflected these qualities, their heads lifted with pure confidence Simon felt that he could never muster. He wasn't sure he would be able to do such successful things.

Cats relied on him. Without the support of nine lives they still looked up to him as a founder of the clan and a fairly intelligent, if a little cowardly cat. With cats he knew he could let himself go a little ,and with his friends, the group of cats that had gathered purely because of him being there to support others, he would be confident. His friends were the ones who had helped him be in this place right now. They expected him to become the leader, as as more cats joined them, so did more support on the young cat. They didn't see him for what he looked like, but rather how he treated them with kindness and respect that kept them together.

"Yes," Simon meowed with a little smile. He could almost hear Tipwhisker and Birdsong's supportive spirits from just behind him. "Let us begin," Cosmo said, beckoning with her tail to the seven cats who had previously been noticed by Grey Wing. Both Cosmo and Grey Wing stepped back into the semi circle of, nodding at eachother.

Cosmo went first after a negotiation of discreet nods and flicked tails, her eyes shining like green beacons."Simon, you should know that the SpaceColony is proud of you. You are a great cat, and I am honoured to be giving a life to you." the tom was surprised that the light-hearted she-cat spoke with such seriousness, and was even more surprised by the trust she placed in him. "Simon, I give you the life of trust. Not only stay truthful to yourself, but stay truthful to others. A cat does not need to be big or strong to have a large heart, and I place my trust in you to know that you will be able to fulfil this life." they touched noses, and Simon felt a zapping feeling spread through his limbs, bringing him to attention at the sudden shock. Then it passed, and another cat stepped forward.

This cat was small, possibly a kit and maybe four moons at most, with faded fur that shimmered purely, like the snow on the land above. She had large luminous eyes that swirled and sparkled as she looked at him. "I am Misty of CloudClan! Everyone falls down one day, but don't be remembered for the faults you had, but rather the things you did do. I know that I may not have done much when I was alive, but I am remembered for what I do now, helping cats find their feet. I give you the life of having Endless energy to do as much as you can while you are alive, and to help others as much as possible." the kit touched noses with Simon, bit rather than being shocked by a zap, energy flowed through his limbs, making him ready to run through meadows and gallop over rivers, even jump over the moon if he had to. His tail twitched as he had the rush of the energy, and the only thing holding him in place was the moment to recieve the next life.

He at once recognised the next cat, her dark fur, her bright, pale green eyes that glinted yellow and gold in the light and her small size that mirrored Simon's own. His mother, Onyx! He purred, his heart filled with love. They had been separated far too soon when he was a kitten crawling through the snow and the twolegs had found them and taken them away from each other, but she was here before him, making him feel happy by the mere sight of her. "My son," she purred with delight, her eyes shining. "I'm so glad I can see you again!" he meowed, rubbing his cheek against hers. "I'm so happy as well, my little Simon. We have so much to catch up on!" her vibrating purr told him as they stared into eachother's eyes, united once again. "I'm sorry to say though, we can only be together for a short while," his mother said sadly, her tail brushing his flank reassuringly. "Oh," Simon sighed, bowing his head. "Stay positive, my son. I do not have to go just now. Simon," she meowed, looking into his eyes, "I give you the life of compassion. Love others and make them feel welcomed when others won't, and care for them with equal respect. I was not always there for you, and it may hurt to know that, but even if wasn't there for you you should be able to be there for others. I love you Simon, and I hope you carry that love with you for everyone to know. You have made me so proud in more words than I can describe, and I know you will make me even prouder." they touched noses, and a warm feeling spread though Simon, making his heart swell with happiness. The strength of the feeling overwhelmed him, but he managed to meow, "I will, I promise!" as she turned and began to walk away, leaving her lingering gaze for him to smile.

Another cat, quite large in size but with gentle steps came forward next. The tom in front of Simon who had emerged from the semicircle of cats, had large, tufted ears turning towards the black tom as he approached, and the brown-furred tabby looked a little uneasy, as if he wasn't used to the whole ceremony thing, but even so he continued. "I'm Bramblingtuft," he meowed, looking at Cosmo. She nodded in a reassuring manner in a way that reminded Simon of himself looking towards Tipwhisker and Birdsong. Simon smiled at him, and the tom looked a little more at ease, then continuing with the ceremony. "I give you a life, the life of Loyalty to your friends, yourself and your clan. Your clan must be your first responsibility, and you must listen to everyone to know what is right." Bramblingtuft touched noses with Simon, and instead of any kind of pain, he at once saw a vision.
He saw the tabby before him, as a new warrior (if that was the correct term) standing in front of a old cat, with honey ginger and white fur. All around them was a mysterious forest, and they were in a large clearing with cats all around them. Bramblingtuft pledged his loyalty to the clan; then Simon saw flashes of patrols, laughing with friends, still putting his clan first. Then he saw heavy rain. The tom in front of him had his fur plastered to him, and he was running, running to a rocky place with a few cats surrounding him, while there were wails from the trees. Bramblingtuft ran to the edge of the cliff, and a narrow path (which Simon recognised, despite not going there, as the Sunjaw) but he was hit by a rock collapse.
Blinking it out of his eyes, Simon knew that the warrior in front of him was very loyal to his clan, even if he had spent a short time there. Bramblingtuft dipped his head to Simon and walked away again.

A black and white cat with a very long tail stood before him, lithe and swift on his paws. He too, had a leader air about him, and Simon dipped his head to the leader. "I am Tallstar, of Windclan," he began, his eyes shining with the stars. His pelt also was quite faded, but even so it was clear that this cat was respected. "I give you the life of Confidence and Courage, to be able to guide the ones you lead with faith in your leadership. Be able to know that if you stray from your clan, you will have the confidence to make things right in times when it is hard to do so. Be adventurous with your decisions, and be sure you can carry them out for the good of the cats around you." They touched noses, and Simon felt a bolt of energy take him by surprise once again, so that he had to close his eyes to absorb it. It carried the strength of all the cats around him, confident and sure in their abilities, and at once he felt braver, stronger, ready to face the next life.

He opened his eyes again to see a slim smoky grey tom approaching him. Two blue eyes watched him as he faced the tom, intelligent and observant. Then he spoke, still watching Simon in a slightly unnerving way. "I am Crowfeather. I give you the life of Determination. If it is what your heart feels it right, then follow it. Do the best for your clan, and they will give the best to you." They touched noses, and at once Simon felt like a spark of fire had lit his nose alight.
He saw a journey through snow with five others, a feeling of dislike towards most of his companions. Pain as the one he loved was killed in a brave mission. Determination to push on, bringing many cats through the mountains and arriving at a lake. Then he heard the name Crowfeather, in memory of the one who had died. Determination paying off eventually, as a few more sights passed his eyes. He saw a pretty tabby with amber eyes, three cats, ignored. Another cat, a shadow of Crowfeather
only with black fur and amber eyes, growing up, betrayal, and at last forgiveness.
The eyes of Crowfeather flashed and he dipped his head. Simon knew he had intended to share those memories, as locked away as they were in this cats mind, to show determination through out his life, and Simon could feel that they were delicate memories. Whenwfeather looked back he could see complex emotion in the depths of his eyes, and knew just how much those memories meant. He dipped his head back, and blinked to see another coming forward.

The next cat had dark grey fur, and when she opened her mouth to speak he could see snaggly yellow teeth, as well as her fierce eyes and frazzled whiskers. She looked fearsome but her eyes were full of wisdom. "Simon, eh? I'm Yellowfang of ThunderClan. I'm here to give you the life of Intelligence," she rasped, watching him as he squirmed under her sharp amused gaze. "I recall you being a kittypet, is that right? I know a kittypet like you, he came many moons ago. Young and a little headstrong, but a leader when it came to it. You do StarClan proud, and use your mind to lead your clan, rather than brute strength alone. Let others come to admire the wisdom you possess, and know when it is right or wrong to do certain things. If decisions are hard trust your head to work it out, and listen to others opinions as well as your own," Yellowfang's eyes reflected many emotions, and Simon knew these words were just as important to her as they were to him, she touched noses with the black tom, and he felt like a wave was swamping his body. He staggered on his paws a few steps backwards, trying to stay upright until it had passed.

A large tabby she-cat with many blends of grey, white and black in her fur stepped forward. She looked a little out of place, but had the same confident look to her, and green eyes that were sharp and perceptive. This cat also looked more suited to snow, with her long, thick fur and wide paws, but she was fine in the cave, looking at it with a sort of longing like she had once lived in it. "I am Ash with Quivering Branches, of the tribe of Shimmering Dawn." she smiled, looking a lot more friendly then some of the cats in the semi circle. "From the mountains?" Simon asked in awe, his eyes shining. "Of course! I have come from the Tribe of Endless Hunting. Not many of us come to clan ceremonies, so thank me for this rare occasion. Some of us are among you now in this cave," her eyes twinkled happily as she spoke, and he could definitely see why she seemed a little out of place now. "Thank you for coming," he meowed, a little hesitantly, causing her to chuckle. "I give you the life of Adaptation. Be able to change yourself and others for what is right, and know that change is not always a bad thing. When these changes happen, be able to follow what you believe in and adapt to every situation." He touched noses with her, and he felt an icy chill spread through his veins, making his teeth chatter as images of mountains with snowy peaks appeared, but then feeling like once again fire had engulfed him. He jumped from paw to paw, pain spreading across him as he saw arid deserts and felt the hot sand on his delicate paws. "You will do great things," she muttered to him, her green eyes shining into his with pure hope, before turning, her long black tail swaying behind her.

It was no surprise to see Grey Wing again, looking just as dignified as before. The tom spoke once more, his golden eyes alight with sparks as they caught the glow, still flowing in the cave with the strange light. "I give you the life of honour," he began, blinking warmly. Use it to lead the cats in your care, belonging to your clan or otherwise. We brave and strong and noble in your decisions, ignoring the differences between you and others to accept them for who they are, uniting for what is right in the face of any danger." he touched noses with Simon, and the glow of the starlight in the air dazzled Simon as he felt a lion's roar shake his body, and the agony of the life take hold of him. He was bathed in pain, forced to close his eyes until it would fade. When his eyes opened again, his paws were shaking.

Grey Wing continued to speak, their eyes locking. His new was quiet, but it was enough for Simon to hear. "You are unique, Simon, and you do not have to be someone else to be an excellent leader for your clan, and everything in this forest. You are stronger, smarter and braver then you think, and everyone here respects you. Every blow of wind or blade of grass will listen when you speak, and we all know you we will be very proud of what you accomplish." Simon nodded slowly and carefully, feeling all eyes on him now.

Then all the mouths opened, and an ancient voice spoke through the cats of the stars.
When the walls of trust are newly built,
They are still able to crumble and fall.
Use your heart to guide you
Through the right and wrong, the good and bad.

Simon listened carefully, blinking. When he opened his eyes again the cats were gone, but he could still feel eyes on him, watching him proudly as they waited for his next move. The words were cryptic (like he would come to know that all prophecies were that way) but he knew he would have to trust himself, like Cosmo had said.

Simon turned round, his eyes shining with a new light as he looked at his friends. They stared at him in wonder, nervous smiles on their faces. He smiled back, taking confident pawsteps on the old stone. Birdsong and Tipwhisker flanked him as they began to start the walk up the tunnel, not minding where they stepped, ready to go. Simon looked back one last time, and thought he saw the cats again, but it was only the starlight, still lighting the cave. He shared a smile with the empty cavern just behind him and meowed, content with everything at the moment,

"Let's go home, to Larch's Advance."

[Birdsong, Pebblesong, Wavecall and Night Breeze hunt]
[Copper, Tipwhisker, Silver Sun and Simon patrol]
[Birdsong and Cedar train: climbing]
[Tipwhisker and Evening Star search for herbs]
[Simon recieves his nine lives!]
[Larch's Advance consumes 4 servings]

(Silver Sun and Cedar were received from the advent calendar, and Bramblespirit was received from RoseClan, Rainwing was received from BearClan)

          Simon "Raven"
          | 22 Moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          → A smart and cautious young cat

          Birdsong "Sparrow"
          | 40 Moons | Tom | X
          →Supportive and clever friend
          Tipwhisker "Tip"
          | 37 Moons | She-cat | X
          → Kind and calm healer
          → Formerly of LilacClan
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          →Council Role

          Sunflower "Sunny"
          | 40 Moons | She-cat | X
          →Mischievious warrior and nicknamer
          Copper in Cavern Walls
          | 32 Moons | She-cat | X
          →Skilled and head-strong hunter
          → Formerly of BasinClan
          Night Breeze "Night"
          | 43 Moons | Tom | X
          →A quiet and helpful tom
          → Formerly of RavenClan
          Pebblesong "Pebble"
          | 29 Moons | She-cat | X (left)
          →Quiet and resourceful
          → Formerly of OceanClan
          Wavecall "Wave"
          | 33 Moons | Tom | X (right)
          → Brave fisher and fighter
          → Formerly of OceanClan
          Meadow "Cloud"
          41 Moons | Tom | x
          →Down to Earth and resourceful explorer
          Silver Sun "Stream"
          | 25 Moons | She-cat | X
          →A clever and cheerful cat
          19 Moons | She-cat | x
          → A light-footed and smart young cat
          → Formerly of RoseClan
          | 76 Moons | She-cat | x
          → Sensible and reliable
          → Formerly of BearClan

          | 7 Moons | Tom | X
          → A dreamer and wonderer
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          → Description of developing traits

          Evening Star "Dusk"
          |27 Moons| She-cat | X
          → A swift, cunning she-cat
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          → Description of role and traits

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          → Description of developing traits
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          → Description of developing traits

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          →Description of role and traits
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          → Description of role and traits
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | MoorClan | Dinolil1
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage | x1 | Usage
    Catmint | x1 | Usage
    Chervil | x1 | Usage
    Cobwebs | x1 | Usage
    Comfrey Root | x1 | Usage
    Dock Leaves | x1 | Usage
    Herb | x0 | Usage
    Herb | x0 | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Haddock | x2 | 3 servings
    Brambling | x1 | 3 servings
    Snow Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Rainbow Smelt | x2 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    Vole | x1 | 1 servings

    Birdsong | Cedar | training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ?? and ?? | Birdsong, Sunflower and
    Pebblesong and Wavecall | No kits
    Evening Star and ??? | Due in 1 Moon
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cloudy days
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby cloudy days » Sun Feb 03, 2019 7:53 am

Cats: 102
Next SunJaw visit: Anytime

Rocks. Bramblingtuft had seen enough to last him a lifetime, or rather end a lifetime. He observed the ones that had fallen on him as he tried to go to the Sunjaw to find anything to help CosmoClan, and instead he had been toppled over, slipping on the narrow rocks surrounding the path to the Sunjaw. His collision with the rocks, along with the water pushing the rocks and making them be unstable, had been enough to take him down. What he was now looking at was where the paws of death had rolled onto him, but he was relieved to be alive.

Bramblingtuft had opened his eyes to the darkness, and slipped out through a narrow space through the damp rocks, feeling dazed but otherwise completely healthy. The tom had then looked around a bit, ready to go to the Sunjaw. He walked round the narrow path with confidence, ready to please Larksoar and his clan, and then he had closed his eyes and dreamed at the great, sacred place.

What he had not expected was for him to see Russetheart, Speckledleaf and Blacknose walking around, travelling towards a light. It was very close to them, and Bramblingtuft tried to follow them. They must have dreamed themselves into this place as well! He tapped Speckledleaf on the back lightly with his tail, and she jumped. "Hey, do you know where we are then? Are you visiting the SpaceColony as well?" he asked, his bg, tufted ears twitching. The pretty she-cat looked towards him peacefully, but he could sense that she seemed distressed. "Should we be heading this way?" she asked, ignoring his question. "I, um, don't want to leave Sunkit and Blossomkit and Rookkit, I hear Blossomfur calling to me. She says follow the light." the tortoiseshell looked confused. "We aren't leaving CosmoClan, silly, I dreamed myself here?" he said, the end of what he intended to be a sentence turning into a question. The way the cats were drawn to the light like moths was odd. Russetheart followed it almost joyfully and Blacknose strutted along like an apprentice while Speckledleaf hesitantly walked along, all the while drawing nearer. The light was closer to their eyes now, and Bramblingtuft blinked to adjust his eyes to the intensity.

They started to walk up, up a slowly ascending hill bursting with light. They were on a journey to the SpaceColony, but he wondered why they had to walk when leader's dreamed themselves into the place. They were beginning to see more cats, just shadows visible on the light, which now seemed like a gateway. A tortoiseshell quite like Speckledleaf, but with more lighter gingered fur that was dotted on her pelt rather than in spodges. Her pelt also was faded. Aha, Bramblingtuft thought, the ancestors. He walked forward with his clanmates, ready to ask them his question.

"How can I help CosmoClan? Like right now, I mean?" Bramblingtuft asked, his eyes wide with concern.

The tortoiseshell with the faded hair watched as his clanmates entered the light (on the other side of the hill, be could see was where a paradise began, where the land flattened out again and led to a forest that had previously been shielded from view by the bright glow that came from the outer trees), before frowning at him. "You are Bramblingtuft, right? How come you are here?" she asked, her emerald green eyes alight with stars, but seemingly shadowed at his appearance. He nodded. "Some rocks fell on me but I escaped, and went to the Sunjaw?" he said, cowering a little under the she-cat's wise and dignified gaze. "You aren't here to dream, though, I'm sorry to say," she meowed, looking at him directly in the eyes.

The realisation shocked Bramblingtuft, and his paws trembled a little. He should have realised! No wonder everything looked much shinier, including his own fur. He had walked as light as air while on CosmoClan territory, and felt much more peaceful, but now he knew why.

"I'm... dead then," he gasped to the she-cat. She nodded, but continued to engage in conversation. "You can still help your clan, Bramblingtuft. You have a much stronger connection to the clan then you realise, and that is a very unique gift. A cat in your clan will hear your voice beyond visiting the Sunjaw, and you have more connections to the living world then any cat here." she paused as he digested the words, and continued. "I, Cosmo, the founder of CosmoClan, knows you have a much greater destiny then you realise. Enjoy the StarColony, but relish your connection to CosmoClan and others, especially when they need it most. " Then she sent him on his way, and he followed his clanmates, but sent a thought out, beyond his own mind.

Hello CosmoClan, is anyone listening?

[The floods begin to die down]
[Greystone, already frail after the cold weather and being exposed to the cold water, dies from greencough]
[Lyrastar, Ebonypool and Birchkit catch whitecough]
2x Catmint was used on Ebonypool and Birchkit, and the kit also recieves 1x Heather Nectar to help him swallow. 1x Chickweed was used on Lyrastar]
[1x Daisy leaf is used on Eaglefrost after he complains of aching joints]
[1x Sorrel is given to Flamewing to ease some of her grief]

[Willowthroat, Whitefoot, Briarsweep, Mosstooth, Spottedcloud and Lizardstorm hunt, scouring the trees and high landmarks in the territory]
[Oliveshadow, Runningclaw, Tumbletooth, Fernshade, Redwhisker and Berrystone hunt near the cliff and on high ground]
[Thunderbird, Bearfoot, Applefish, Leopardgaze and Streamripple patrol to find continue to find flood survivors that are loners, rouges and kittypets, with more urgency as the cold weather sets in]
[Otterfoot, Hawkcall, Saffronblaze, Burnetheart, Verglas-strike and Aspenleaf patrol, searching the land to see if the water has gone down, and also trying to see the clan's old camp, in the hope that they can find Speckledleaf's and Russetheart's bodies to bury]

[Acorntuft and Harerise train: Fishing]
[Thornstride and Cherryrise train: Stealth]
[Oliveshadow and Ternrise train: Fishing]
[Willowthroat and Pinerise train: Stealth]
[Badgerstrike and Oakrise train: Stealth]
[Raccoontooth and Dapplerise train: Battle]
[Stonestep and Robinrise train: Stealth]
[Fernshade and Seedrise train: Battle]
[Leafpounce and Roserise train: Battle]
[Lizardrise, Berryrise and Streamrise become warriors despite not having an assessment, as they were courageous and helped their clan in a time of need, showing they have matured enough to be ready as warriors.]
[Thornstride and Raccoontooth take over Cherryrise's and Dapplerise's training]

[Oliveshadow, Yewheart and Kitetalon search for Catmint and their substitutes]
[Fernshade and Juniperberry search for Juniper berries and chamomile, as well as anything that can help cats like Emberblaze and Flamewing with their grief]
[Emberblaze and Flamewing grieve instead of doing their duties]

[Dawnkit begins to develop schizophrenia, showing symptoms as she begins to hear voices]
[The clan consumes sixteen servings]

Feel free to worsen or better the conditions of the cats with greencough. Also, please can I have the images for Floodkit and Skykit?

          Lyrastar | 71 Moons | She-cat |
          Lives: ★★(2/8)

          Solar Guardian:
          Featherfall | 27 Moons | She-cat |

          Lunar Guardian:
          Emberblaze | 72 Moons |Tom |

          Swiftsky | 77 moons | Tom |
          Thunderbird | 48 Moons | Tom |
          Oliveshadow | 47 Moons | She-cat |
          Juniperberry | 60 Moons | Tom |
          Fernshade | 63 Moons | Tom |
          Briarsweep | 81 Moons | She-Cat |
          Blazeheart | 64 Moons | Tom |
          Whitefoot | 73 Moons | She-cat |
          Kitetalon | 46 Moons | She-cat |
          Hurricanegaze | 59 Moons | She-cat |
          Arrowfang | 61 Moons | Tom |
          Amberowl | 44 Moons | She-cat |
          Sycamoreheart | 76 Moons | She-cat |
          Lionscorch | 78 Moons | Tom |
          Badgerstrike | 43 Moons | Tom |
          Yewheart "Aconite" | 47 Moons | She-cat |
          Ebonypool| 73 Moons | She-cat |
          Willowthroat | 38 Moons | She-cat |
          Poppycloud | 70 Moons | She-cat |
          Cloverfield | 36 Moons | She-cat |
          Bearfoot | 45 Moons | Tom |
          Owlwing | 47 Moons | She-cat |
          Leopardeyes | 57 Moons | She-cat |
          Wisteriawhisper | 53 Moons | She-cat|
          Wolfclaw | 44 Moons | She-cat |
          Acorntuft | 48 Moons | Tom |
          Aspenleaf | 53 Moons | She-cat |
          Flamewing | 30 Moons | She-cat |
          Thornstride | 29 Moons | Tom |
          Riverfrost | 38 Moons | Tom |
          Dustfeather | 31 Moons | Tom |
          Stonestep | 28 Moons | Tom |
          Birdlight | 28 Moons | Tom |
          Fawnshine | 31 Moons | She-cat |
          Herontalon | 27 Moons | Tom |
          Raccoontooth | 27 Moons | She-cat |
          Goldenwhisker | 27 Moons | Tom |
          Magpietail | 26 Moons | Tom |
          Lilypad | 40 Moons | She-cat |
          Larksoar | 27 Moons | She-cat |
          Sedgebreeze | 48 Moons | She-cat |
          Verglas-strike | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Gorsetalon | 23 Moons | She-cat |
          Rushtail | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Grassleap | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Leafpounce | 23 Moons | She-cat |
          Mosstooth | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Doestripe | 40 Moons | She-cat |
          Mouseflower | 54 Moons | She-cat |
          Saffronblaze | 18 Moons | She-cat |
          Daisystream | 18 Moons | She-cat |
          Burnetheart | 18 Moons |Tom |
          Hawkcall | 46 Moons | Tom |
          Otterfoot | 33 Moons | Tom |
          Fuzzywhisker | 59 Moons | Tom |
          Applefish | 44 Moons | Tom |
          Flowersplash | 27 Moons | She-cat |
          Dovewhisker | 47 Moons | Tom |
          Redwhisker | 20 Moons | She-cat |
          Brindleshade | 16 Moons | She-cat |
          Spottedcloud | 15 Moons | She-cat |
          Tumbletooth | 15 Moons | Tom |
          -Allergy to Rabbit
          Runningclaw | 15 Moons | Tom |
          Jaywing | 15 Moons | Tom |
          Umberheart | 15 Moons | Tom |
          Lizardstorm | 12 Moons | She-cat |
          Berrystone | 12 Moons | She-cat |
          Streamripple | 12 Moons |Tom |

          Harerise | 11 Moons | Tom | (top)
          Cherryrise | 11 Moons | She-cat | (middle)
          Ternrise | 11 Moons | Tom | (bottom)
          Pinerise | 10 Moons | Tom | (bottom)
          Oakrise | 10 Moons | Tom | (top)
          Dapplerise | 10 Moons | She-cat |
          Robinrise | 10 Moons | She-cat |
          Seedrise | 12 Moons | She-cat |
          Roserise | 9 Moons | She-cat |
          Blossomrise | 7 Moons | She-cat |
          Sunrise | 7 Moons | Tom |
          Rookrise | 7 Moons | She-cat |

          Softstep | 61 Moons | She-cat |
          Heatherclaw | 28 Moons | She-cat |
          Flurrywing| 34 Moons | She-cat |

          Dawnkit | 3 Moons | She-cat |
          - Developing Schizophrenia
          Mallowkit | 3 Moons | Tom | (left)
          Mintkit | 3 Moons | Tom | (right)
          Birchkit | 2 Moons | Tom |
          Hollykit | 2 Moons | Tom |
          Larchkit | 2 Moons | Tom |
          Windkit | 4 Moons | She-cat |
          Whisperkit| 4 Moons | Tom |
          Twigkit| 4 Moons | Tom |
          Fernkit | 0 Moons | She-cat |
          Shadowkit| 0 Moons | Tom |
          Floodkit | 0 Moons | She-cat | [url==]⋆[/url]
          Skykit| 0 Moons | Tom | [url==]⋆[/url]

          Eaglefrost | 123 Moons | Tom |
          Whimbrelpelt | 93 Moons | Tom |
          Harrierflight | 93 Moons | Tom |
          Petalfang | 94 Moons | She-cat |
          Spider | 79 Moons | Tom |
          Solarspark | 52 Moons | She-cat |
          -has Asthma
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North |Tribe of Shimmering Dawn| ~Glaceon~
    East | WaveClan | lame loser lexi.
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | MistClan | scarlet_wolf
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x2 | To soak up and stop/slow
    bleeding. It may also be used to bind
    broken bones.
    Catmint | x2 | Best remedy for greencough,
    which kits and elders might catch in
    leaf-bare. Can be used for whitecough.
    Borage Leaves | x1 | It produces more/better
    milk. Also brings down fevers.
    Chamomile | x0 | Strengthens the heart
    and soothes the mind.
    Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and
    bellyache. Can also be used when kitting.
    Honey | x0 | Usage
    Poppyseed | x0 | Usage
    Lamb's Ear | x0 | Usage
    Sweet Cedge | x2 | Usage
    Celandine | x1 | Usage
    Parsley | x1 | Usage
    Wintergreen | x2 | Usage
    Deathberries | x1 | Usage
    Raspberry Leaves | x0 | Usage
    Sorrel | X1 | Usage
    Thyme | x1 | Usage
    Marigold | x3 | Usage
    Catchweed | x1 | Usage
    Broom | x1 | Usage
    Chickweed | x1 | Usage
    Heather Nectar | x1 | Usage
    Lavender | x1 | Usage
    Tansy | x1 | Usage
    Rush | x1 | Usage
    Fennel | x0 | Usage
    Comfrey Root | x1 | Usage
    Beech Nuts | x1 | Usage
    Daisy leaves | x1 | Usage
    Beech Bark | x2 | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 Serving
    Vole | x7 | 1 serving
    Wren | x8 | 1 serving
    Robin | x8 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x7 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x8 | 2 Servings
    Big Fish | x6 | 3 servings
    Hare | x5 | 3 servings
    Pigeon | x4 | 3 Servings
    107 Servings

    Acorntuft | Harerise | 4 training sessions | Hunting, Stealth,
    Flamewing | Cherryrise | 4 training sessions | Battle, Fishing,
    Oliveshadow | Ternrise | 4 training sessions | Stealth, Battle,
    Hunting, Climbing
    Willowthroat | Pinerise | 4 training sessions | Fishing, Battle,
    Badgerstrike | Oakrise | 4 training sessions | Fishing, Battle, Hunting
    Heatherclaw | Dapplerise | 4 training sessions | Stealth, Hunting,
    Stonestep | Robinrise | 4 training sessions | Battle, Fishing,
    Hunting, Climbing
    Fernshade | Seedrise | 2 Training sessions | Stealth, Swimming
    Leafpounce | Roserise | 2 Training sessions | Fishing, Climbing

    Deceased Cats:
    Cedarsun | 0 Moons | Tom | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Tawnyheart | 2 Moons | She-cat | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Blossomfur | 48 Moons | She-cat | Badger Attack
    Joaquin | 47 Moons | Tom | Fox wounds
    Speckledleaf | 29 Moons | She-cat | Drowning
    Shellrise | 9 Moons | Tom | Greencough
    Bramblingtuft | 34 Moons | Tom | Crushed by Rocks
    Blacknose | 70 Moons | Tom | Drowning
    Russetheart | 110 Moons | She-cat | Drowning
    Greystone | 137 Moons | She-cat | Greencough
    Cat Name | Death Cause

    ?? and ?? | Wimbrelpelt and
    ??? and ??? |Lyrawing and Sun (Shimmering Dawn tribe)
    ??? and ??? | Swiftsky, Cloudyspots(PineClan),
    Dreamingwing (?Clan), Misty
    ?? and ?? | Arrowfang and
    Swiftsky and Redhawk (FloodClan) |Skygaze(MistClan),
    Emberblaze and Blossomfur | Flamewing, Speckledleaf
    Wisteriawhisper and Blizzardrush(QuickClan) |Featherfall,
    Herontalon, Raccoontooth, Goldenwhisker
    Arrow Fang and Hurricane Glider | Heatherclaw, Stonestep,
    ? and Poppycloud | Willowthroat, Briarpaw (RidgeClan),
    Burrpaw (Snowclan),Windpaw (Pebbleclan),
    Bramblepaw (Snowclan), Eaglepaw(Honestclan)
    Aspenleaf and ??? | Verglas-strike, Gorsetalon, Rushtail,
    Grassleap, Tawnykit, Cedarsun.
    Leafpounce + Mosstooth (adopted)
    ?? and ??| Dustfeather, Fawnshine
    Swiftsky and Ebonypool | Lizardrise
    Blazeheart and Leopardeyes | Spottedcloud, Tumbletooth,
    Runningclaw, Jaywing.
    Acorntuft and Owlwing | Berryrise, Streamrise
    Brindlerise (adopted)
    Badgerstrike and Amberowl | n/a
    Lilypad and ??? | Saffronblaze, Daisystream, Burnetheart
    Thunderbird + Bearfoot and Kitetalon (surrogate) | Pinerise,
    Oakrise (Bearfoot's), Dapplerise, Robinrise,
    Shellrise (Thunderbird's)
    Riverfrost and Speckledleaf | Blossomkit, Sunkit, Rookkit
    Birdlight and Featherfall | Dawnkit, Mallowkit, Mintkit
    Softstep and ?? | Birchkit, Hollykit, Larchkit
    Heatherclaw and Burntsight (FloodClan) |
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby aurea. » Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:59 am

        ██░░ ██░░
        ██░░ ██░░

        We know that in September, we will wander through summer's wreckage.
        The hardiest and most resilient of all, VoidClan centers their livelihood in an area no other cats could fathom, much less live and thrive in. Baked by blazing sun rays and high heat throughout all hours of the day, VoidClanners make their homes in the nooks and crannies of a mountainous desert, complete with a towering canyon, rocky plateaus, and flat sand and sage scrub for miles. The hardy VoidClanners find respite from the blistering heat in the shade of the towering canyon walls, and make their camp at the mouth of a ravine, surrounded on all sides by rock faces and precipices going far above their heads. Sheltered by scattered foliage and small, shaded caves, the land is irrigated by a small, remarkably clean river carving out the canyon at the bottom. With strong, firm pads made for walking on hot rocks and climbing steep precipices, VoidClanners are muscular, short-furred cats with a penchant for adventure and a lust to see the world. Just like their nature, they have come to call the river running through their land 'The Wanderer', and they see it as a gift given by StarClan to make it possible to live in even the harshest of conditions. Where natural disasters and rockfalls can force VoidClanners to evacuate, their hopes are never dashed and they always return to their home when the dust has settled, knowing that no matter how far they may wander, the call of the canyon always pulls them back.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Bumbletear » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:00 pm

Number of Cats: 21 [+2 snakes]

Splashfeather smiled as she sat near the front of the circle. "From this day on until she earns her warrior name this cat shall be known as Wasppaw." at the name, a small shudder ran through Splashfeather's spine. When she'd given her daughter the name Waspkit, she'd known this day would come, that she'd have to hear the name of her dead mate over and over, but...the memories weren't all bad.

Lifting her head and calling the name with the rest of the clan as Wasppaw was given to Amberclaw as apprentice, Splashfeather wondered how Thornkit, surely Thornpaw by now, was getting along in Bearclan. One of these days maybe she'd have to give him a visit.

Glancing towards the nursery at the three kits who'd been found wandering alone, Splashfeather sighed. Poor dears, they had a faint scent of clan, but not one from around here. Venomstar had taken a patrol to the border, and had discovered that Graveclan had disbanded. The three kits, who knew that their names were Raccoonkit, Batkit, and Beaverkit, must have come from there.


the following may be found at any time - claimed from advent calendar dec 25
Raccoonkit, Batkit, and Beaverkit are claimed from Graveclan

A bird and a fish are consumed
Waspkit is made an apprentice! Her mentor is Amberclaw
Oaktail, Paleskull, Settingsun, Wolfshadow, and Cotton go hunting
Venomstar, Briarwish, and Paleskull go on patrol
Oaktail teaches Snowflakepaw how to climb
Amberclaw teaches Wasppaw how to fight

          Venomstar | 53 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Oaktail | 29 Moons | Male | 🐍

          Scale of Shadow | 36 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Scale of Snow | 33 Moons | Female | 🐍

          Medicine Cat:
          Splashfeather | 30 Moons | Female | 🐍
          Honeypaw | 19 Moons | Male | 🐍

          Birchtalon | 77 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Paleskull | 62 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Goldenglare | 43 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Silverstrike | 37 Moons | Male | 🐍
          Wolfshadow | 35 Moons | Female | 🐍(L)
          Settingsun | 33 Moons | Female | 🐍
          Amberclaw | 29 Moons | Female | 🐍
          Cotton | 28 Moons | Female | 🐍
          Briarwish | 18 Moons | Male | 🐍

          Snowflakepaw | 13 Moons | Female | 🐍

          Ribbon | 28 Moons | Female | X
          Petalmist | 48 Moons | Female | 🐍

          Waspkit | 6 Moons | Female | X
          Clothkit | 5 Moons | Non-Binary | X
          Turtlekit | 4 Moons | Male | X
          Shellkit | 4 Moons | Male | X
          Raccoonkit | 1 Moon | Male | X
          Batkit | 1 Moon | Female | X
          Beaverkit | 1 Moon | Female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Heath | goldentiger
    South | Wilted| clarke kom
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Burdock Root [2] | Infection
    Burnet [1] | Weakness
    Catmint [1] | Greencough
    Cobweb [2] | Bleeding
    Dried Oak Leaves [2] | Infection
    Dock [1] | Scratches
    Feverfew [1] | Fever
    Hawkweed [1] | Greencough
    Lavender [1] | Chills
    Lovage [1] | Cough
    Poppy Seeds [1] | Sleep
    Ragwort Leaves | Strength
    Sorrel [1] | Traveling, Appetite
    Stick [1] | Pain
    Tansy [1] | Coughs
    Thyme [1] | Shock
    Willow Bark [1] | Pain
    Wintergreen [1] | Wounds
    Yarrow [1] | Stomachache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Lizard | x0 | 2 servings
    Frog | x0 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x1 | 1 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Fish | x1| 2 servings

    Oaktail | Snowflakepaw | 3 | fighting, hunting, stalking

    Deceased Cats:
    Martinwhisker | 31 Moons | Male
    >> | Regent Venom | X | In-Between
    Lynx | 30 Moons | Male
    >>| Regent Venom | X | Dark Forest
    Fox | 29 Moons | Female
    >> | Regent Vemom | X(R) | Starclan
    Kade | 92 Moons | Male
    >> | Regent Venom | X | In-Between
    Shadepaw | 8 Moons | Male
    >> | Regent Venom X | Starclan

    Scale of Snow and Scale of Shadow are mates
    -> no young yet <-
    Splashfeather and Wasppaw
    -> Waspkit and Thornkit of Bearclan <-
    Cotton and Ribbon are sisters
    Petalmist and Goldenglare are mates
    -> Turtlekit and Shellkit<-
    Ribbon and unknown loner are mates
    -> Clothkit <-
    Ravencall and Fallowstep and Raveneyes are mates
    (all assumed loners)
    -> Raccoonkit, Batkit, and Beaverkit <-
Last edited by Bumbletear on Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:26 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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The Neighborhood [04]

Postby amethyst14 » Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:04 pm

Number of Cats: 3(2 Servings)
Toms: 1 Mollies: 2
Hardmode: Off

        Russentnose looked over at Goldenflower, it has been moons since they have lived here and it was thanks to Finn’s kindness that they found a safe place to stay. He even showed them this hollow in a park that stayed away from any upwalker activity. Goldenflower was still asleep but her breathing started to change just as Finn had told her, short and quick breathing.

        Russentnose got up and prodded Goldenflower lightly, “I will be back in a little while, there’s some pigeon left if you get hungry.” That was another thing, there was a lack of appetite from the queen but Goldenflower never seemed to complain. Russentnose then left the little hollow in the ground and walked off to look for Finn.

        Finn was already up and laying on a wall of an upwalker nest, his tail dropped down as he teased the small yapping dog below him. A pleased smirk on his face as he teased the dog. He spotted the familiar pelt of Russent in the distance and didn’t get up to meet with her, he knew Goldenflower would go into labor soon and he planned on staying around to help her in case she needed it.

        When Russentnose was in ear shot Finn got up and stretched before he left down from the wall, the dog grew quieter then and hardly barked. “Good morning!” Finn purred to Russent, she just rolled her eyes and nodded.

        “Goldenflower’s breathing is starting to change like you said and she hardly ate anything last night. I came to tell you so you can be there.” Russentnose sounded like a cat that was just reporting the events, there was no big emotions in them. She then turned away and walked on, away from Goldenflower’s direction.

        “You not going to be there?” Finn asked curiously. It made the molly stop for a second before turning towards him.

        Russentnose shook her head slightly, “I’m not good with kittings, I don’t like to be around that. I am probably going to look around more, I will be back in a few days. Hopefully the kits will have come by then, just look after Goldenflower for me okay?”

        Finn nodded, he wasn’t going to force her to be there and he wouldn’t let harm come to Goldenflower. It looked like he wasn’t going anywhere for awhile and asked Russentnose, “You mind heading north? I haven’t been that way in some time and I wanted to check out that area. Make sure things are safe and there is no trouble makers around.” The molly nodded and set off in that direction, rubbing her scent on a few things so she could find her way back eventually. Finn watched as she left before heading towards Goldenflower’s direction.

          [Border Patrol] Russent patrolled around the northern border.
          [Kitting] Goldenflower is going into labor, Finn is there to help her if needed. Father is unknown. (If I can I would like this to be the father. If not that’s okay)
          [Prey] ⅔ Pigeon

      THE CLAN
      Finnegan | 37 Moons | Tom |




      Russentnose | 27 Moons | Molly |


      [0] Goldenflower | 27 Moons | Molly |


      Mice | x1 | 1 servings
      Finches | x0 | 1 servings
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Kibble | x0 | 2 servings
      Sparrow | x1 | 3 servings
      Pigeon | x⅓ | 3 servings
      Total | 2 ⅓ | 5 servings



      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username



      0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      0|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      0|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      0|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      0|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      0|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      0|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      0|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      0|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      0|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      0|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      0|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      0|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      0|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      0|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      0|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      0|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      0|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      0|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      Mentor | Apprentice | # |
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