Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅰ-ⅩⅩⅩ-ⅯⅯⅩⅨ | 01-30-19

Postby Katrione » Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:12 pm

- W E A T H E R -
      Leafbare- The snow has slowly started to melt as the Leafbare season draws to a close. With Newleaf coming around the corner, the hunting patrols will now start to catch more prey since it's coming out of hiding. But different predators will start to come out of hiding now as well, so all patrols should be careful and keep an eye out.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

      •Very soon, a few new features will be added onto the front. I would personally advise that you either stop sending out patrols for new cats or to lessen your numbers to make the new features easier on your Clans.

      •I was running out of time so I switched to short replies towards the end
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
Kazin wrote:

New cats/rank up:
--> Ravenpaw and Honeypaw are ready to take their warrior assessments! If they pass, they will be Raventail and Honeyflame respectively.

--> Birchstorm, Pikewhisker, Peachfrost, Junipersplash, Otterfur, and Robinbreeze patrol.
--> Thornstrike, Ashpaw, Maplecloud, Deerleg, Slatefang, and Honeypaw hunt.
--> Cricketheart, Appleclaw, Rabbitmask, Ferretclaw, and Rivergaze hunt.

--> Emberpaw trains in tracking with Firesong.
--> Bramblepaw trains in stealth with Cherryheart.

--> Nightfrost is due! Birchstorm is the father. Nettleblaze and Timberleaf are both there, using 1x fennel and 1x raspberry leaves to ease the kitting.
--> Maplecloud and Thornstrike wish to try for kits again.

--> ShiningClan consumes six mice [6 servings]
--> Birchstorm's patrol is going to go missing. [all except Birchstorm, anyway]

      [ Ravenpaw and Honeypaw struggled a little with their final assessments, having a hard time keeping their pawholds with all the melting snow, but they managed to pull through and pass! ]
      [ Ravenpaw and Honeypaw share excited glances as they receive their new names: Raventail and Honeyflame! ]
      [ Scorchstar sat outside of his den, his yellow gaze never leaving the camp entrance. The Moonpool patrol was supposed to be back hours ago and the Clan was starting to grow restless. The leader stirred when he saw Birchstorm push his way into the camp. Hope soared in the tom's chest only to die down when he heard Birchstorm's news. The entire patrol had disappeared ]
      [ Thornstrike brushed against Maplecloud's flank, asking his mate what was wrong. The she-cat had missed nearly everything she had tried to hunt and it was starting to worry him. She stated that she was just worried about her father, who had been on the Moonpool patrol. Thornstrike reassured his mate that everything would be fine and that they were probably back at camp now. The tom have her a reassuring nod before the hunting patrol headed home with their three rabbits ]
      [ Cricketheart shifted impatiently, his tail twitching nervously as he waited for the rest of the patrol to gather up the bird, squirrel and small fish they had caught. Once they were ready, the patrol headed back to camp ]
      [ Ashpaw shifted uncomfortably as he strained to hear Bramblepaw stalking him through the undergrowth. After returning from the hunting patrol, Ashpaw had been volun-told to help Bramblepaw and Emberpaw with their training session today. Emberpaw had already left to return to camp after successfully tracking her littermate through most of the forest. Now, it was Bramblepaw's turn to train. Luckily for Bramblepaw, Ashpaw didn't hear the younger apprentice until he was already pouncing on the grey and white tom, thus passing the session ]
      [ Nettleblaze and Timberleaf were sure they were going to lose Nightfrost during her kitting. The she-cat barely had any time to rest between kits and it was starting to drag her down. Luckily, Nightfrost pulled through and gave birth to four healthy kits. Without the raspberry leaves and fennel, Nightfrost would've been joining Starclan and leaving the kits motherless ]
      [ Maplecloud shot out of the medicine cat den, her fur bushed up in excitement as she scanned the clearing for her mate. Once she saw him, the tortoiseshell she-cat barreled into the tabby tom, shouting that she was expecting kits ]
kassierose wrote:

Goosescreech sorts his herbs tenitavely

Swiftstar decides Ravenwisper would make a good deputy, she plans to assign her as deputy as soon she can prove herself

Ravenwisper decides to hunt

      [ Ravenwisper struggled a bit hunting by herself but managed to catch a rabbit ]
      [ Please fix how your cat images are linked ]
      [ Please add what prey can be found in your Clan's territory, and add in the prey that was caught last time ]
      [ You have one more fasting post to gather prey ]
unikels wrote:

[Cloverheart checks over her Clanmates to see if they are sick.]
[Froststep goes on a patrol.]
[Aspenstar and Bluebellsong go for a walk.]

      [ Cloverblaze carefully checks her clanmates for any signs of sickness but finds that they're all healthy ]
      [ Froststep came across a warrior while on her patrol. They seem pretty eager to join Jungleclan and learn about Clan life ]
      [ A few weeks later, Bluebellsong slips out of Cloverblaze's den, purring happily as she went to Aspenstar's den to report that they would be parents in two moons ]
      [ Mod Notes: If you didn't want Bluebellsong to have kits, then ignore that ]
Chinchy wrote:Don't mind me, just making a second Clan.

Secluded and forgotten, a crumbling, water and wind worn castle stands tall, nought a shadow of its original two-legged inhabitants left despite their past glory. Instead, a different, more furry group of creatures chose to make this limestone fortress home, even developing a system or rulers reminiscent to the humans' long ago - a royal family. The stone had protected the cats calling this place home for many generations, through peace and anarchy alike. Unfortunately, these cats have met their ends or fled to live like common loners out in the dangers of the woods generations prior. Nonetheless, the spirits of the olden proud felines still exist today and have managed to track down a couple of descendants to beckon back to their true home. A new royal pair first and foremost, thought by their ancestors this way of life since they were hardly able to walk firmly on their paws. And so starts a new tale and new glory days for the silent walls.

Naming of a new King/Queen: There is a celebration in the Grand Hall, and the Hunters are expected to supply a feast. It is considered polite to toss flowers at the new leader when they enter the hall. The new King/Queen will give a few words, which will followed by a night of feasting and celebration. It is time of joy for the Castle.

Birth of Royal Kits: When the kits are old enough (usually considered 2, sometimes 3 months of age), they will be lead down to Grand Hall, where they are showered with gifts and attention to celebrate the continuation of the Royal Family's bloodline. They will be given a suffix early, unlike most cats. They also have special prefixes only used among royals which are most commonly given.

Training young cats: When a cat reaches the age of seven months, he/she will be taken under the wing of either a Priest, a Herbalist, a Hunter, a Guard, or, considered a particular honour, a Royal Guard. They become this cat's apprentice, and the mentor is responsible for the young cat until he/she deems the apprentice ready. There isn't a set time length. It is simply a matter of when the mentor thinks there is nothing left to teach the apprentice.

Names: Cats are born with a prefix for their name (Leaf, Crow, Flame, etc.), and will earn a suffix (-nose, -claw, -fur, etc.) when they complete their apprenticeship. The suffix will be chosen by their mentors. Members of the Royal Family will sometimes accept a prefix from a mentor as well, but this is rather rare.

Finishing an Apprenticeship: When a mentor has decided that their apprentice is ready to finish their apprenticeship, a ceremony is held in the Grand Hall. The King and Queen observe the ceremony, but usually do not participate. The mentor gives a short speech and gives their apprentice a second part to their name. There isn't a strict script, but it is usually along the lines of "Today, (apprentice name) will become a (apprentice's new rank). (Apprentice's name), you have demonstrated (one or two strengths the apprentice has shown--this part is occasionally exaggerated) and for this reason I believe you are ready for your full name. From this day forward, you shall be known as (Apprentice's name with their new suffix)." Here the apprentice is expected to show gratitude and present their mentor with a gift as thanks for dedicating their time and energy to their training. Afterwards cats are expected to approach the former apprentice and use their new name in congratulating them. The apprentice's family and friends may also give small congratulatory gifts to them, but it is not required--it's simply a nice gesture.

Speaking to the Ancestors: When a cat needs guidance, they will generally go the Ancestor's Hall to ask a Priest to contact their deceased relatives and loved ones. Or they will simply go to pay their respects and ask for guidance on their own. Sometimes the Ancestor will speak directly to a cat without the aid of a Priest.

Courting: When a cat falls in love, it is typical for him/her to go the herbalists and ask for flowers to give to his/her crush, either in person or by anonymously leaving them in the crush's Resting Chamber. If the feelings are mutual, the cat will get flowers in return. Due to cats holding pride in their jobs, it is most common for cats to choose mates in their own clique.

Meal Times: There are two meal times in a day: one in morning, and one in the evening. It is not required to be present for both, but those are the only times one is allowed to eat. Preists and members of the Royal family get to eat first, and after that is first come, first serve. Everyone eats together in the Grand Hall, and if anyone is caught eating when it is not time for a meal, they will not be allowed to eat all for the following day.

Choosing mentors: Usually the parents will have their kits train in the same profession they have. The mentor is often also chosen by the parents, but some will allow their kits to choose their own mentors.

Arranged mates: This is most common among the Royal family where the King and Queen will choose mates for their kits, particularly the one that is expected to be heir. Among other residents of the castle, this is not quite as common, but it is not unusual for such a deal to occur between parents of kits of similar ages. Mates among 'commoners' are only ever arranged while they are kits.

Royal laws:

The King and the Queen are allowed to alter the laws at any time.

The heir must be a direct descendant of the King or Queen.

Murder is strictly forbidden. Only the King and Queen have the power to sentence a cat to execution. Murder in any other case is punishable by exile.

No one but the Royal Family and Royal guards is allowed to enter the Royal Tower.

Eating when it is not meal time is greedy and therefore forbidden. Any cat caught stealing from the Food Storage will not eat the following day.

Mentors are responsible for their apprentices. If the apprentice breaks any rules or is injured, the mentor is responsible and will face the consequences along with his/her apprentice.

Prey and predators
Prey found in the Hazard (the outside of the castle) includes: Mice, Birds,
Rabbits, Squirrels, Voles, Shrews, rats and Stoats. In times of famine, cats may go into the old dungeons to catch rats.
Predators that pose a threat to cats include: Predatory birds, snakes, foxes, more rare are wolves, owls may be a threat to kits in the Meadow (the courtyard), and there can be snakes.

King/Queen - These cats share equal power as the head of the cats of Limestone, like two leaders per se. They choose how they rule, but final say always goes to them. They do not have the -star suffix or multiple lives.

The Royal family
- The elites in the castle, the royal family may include all relatives of the King and Queen, but they may also limit it to just their children or may shun some or all of their children, though this is bound to sow seeds of disloyalty that will undoubtedly sprout the danger of being overthrown and killed or exiled. Cats in this rank may have other jobs as well, but it is not a requirement.
They are favoured by the King and Queen and thus gain special privileges.

Royal Guards - The only ones other than the Royal family that may enter the Royal tower. They are tasked with protecting them and their quarters. Some royals may keep them close everywhere they go, but others may try to shoo them away instead, though with such a high position, it is best to have some to keep watch. The training to be a Royal guard takes the longest as they are highly skilled and may be called in to handle tough situations regular guards cannot. Usually an apprentice will graduate at about 2 years old or older, rarely does a royal guard graduate earlier.

Priests - These cats have a close connection with the spirits of ancestors and they usually spend their time in the Ancestors' Hall. They are highly respected and often the King and/or Queen will seek their guidance when a choice is to be made. Priests know many different rituals, including banishing lost spirits. They often use herbs to help lure spirits and thus they see meaning in certain plants. An apprentice usually becomes a full priest at around the age of 20-22 moons. Apprentices are advised to have their mentor there to help with rituals at all times as consequences can be great if mistakes are made. Even as full priests, cats may ask their former mentors for advice.

Herbalists - Herbalists are in charge of the Garden where they grow all sorts of herbs and flowers. They serve as healers or simply supply flowers for ceremonies or courting. Herbalists are often very prideful and protective of the Garden and do not hold back from leaving a few good scratches if someone does damage. Apprentices most often graduate at about 19-21 moons of age.

Guards - Guards are trained for combat. They are either stationed in the castle to protect certain places, may be assigned watch over certain cats outside the royal family if they seem like a threat or in danger or may go out into the Hazard to protect the hunters from predators. An apprentice will generally graduate at 18 moons of age.

Hunters - Hunters have a simple duty. They supply the castle with food during regular hunts. Out in the Hazard, they bring guards to help protect them from the dangers lurking behind every corner. Often times, they are not trained to fight. Apprentices for this position graduate the quickest at an average of 15-16 moons of age as hunters often learn from one another more than from a single cat and creativity is encouraged.

Mothers - Without mothers, the Clan would not survive, of course. They have their own separate quarters and are excused from duties until their kits are apprentices. They are not allowed to return earlier.

Kits - Kits stay under the care of their mother until they are ready to become apprentice at 7 moons of age. This is usually when marriages are arranged between parents, before they are allowed to be independent.

Apprentices - From 7 moons old, a kit will become an apprentice. Most often the choice of who and for what will train them rests on their parents, but some are more lax and allow their kits to choose.

Elders - A cat may retire whenever they wish, as long as they are at least 9 years old by then. They are permanently excused from their duties. Sadly, elders only hold importance to their family and friends. They are considered disposable and last in line for anything otherwise. As such, cats often times will refuse to leave their duties even as they grow old.

If possible, could I start with two cats (the king and the queen, though it's no big deal if not, I could just have them find one another after anyway). Thanks.

      [ Limestone has been founded ]
      [ Your second mod will be Simonpet ]
      [ Mod Note: Since the kings and queens don't have multiple lives, I just went ahead and gave you both of them ]
saralaxy wrote:

( hawkstar eats 1x tansy and rests )
( acornpatch & oreowing try for kits )
( queen is renamed rainwhisper )
( male kit is renamed echokit & the female robinkit )
( sootnose & acornpatch hunt )
( oreowing patrols )
( scorchspring looks for herbs )

      [ Oreowing bundles excitedly out of Scorchspring's den. She darted up to Acornpatch, squealing that she'll be giving birth to his kits in two moons ]
      [ Sootnose and Acornpatch crouched next to each other by the river, their gaze focusing intently on the water's surface. After several moments, Sootnose's paw darted out and scooped a small fish out of the water. Acornpatch pinned it down and gave it a quick bite. Despite trying to catch more fish, the pair couldn't catch anything else and ended up heading back to camp ]
      [ Oreowing gasped in shock and jumped back as a longhair trainee-aged cat darted across her path. Not much longer, Oreowing was telling the young cat all about Monarchclan as she lead them back to the camp ]
      [ Scorchspring carefully gathered up their alder bark and beech leaves, not wanting to ruin the delicate leaves that they knew they would have to set out to dry as soon as he returned back to camp ]
w0ah wrote:

            ACTIONS FOR POST 001
      ↪ advent calendar= x2 birds, x2 big fish, x1 frog, x1 wintergreen, x1 parsley, x1 daisy leaves, x1 foxglove seeds, x1 catmint, x1
      ...lavender, x1 dock, x1 comfrey root, x1 mint, x1 blackberry leaves, x1 wild garlic, & x1 chickweed.
      akela, a queen, & makani, a medicine cat, also join from the advent calendar.

      ↪ kaimana sets out on a hunt.
      ↪ kaimana sets out on a patrol.
      ↪ makani goes herb-hunting.
      ↪ akela remains at the camp to rest as she is due in approximately two moons.
      ↪ kaimana requests for the gods to guide her sister, momilani, to the clan.

      [ Kaimana caught a rabbit ]
      [ Kaimana found a warrior ]
      [ Makani gathered alder bark and beech leaves ]
      [ The Gods have led Kaimana's sister to the Clan ]
Galipaygo wrote:

Leader Happenings:
[None this moon]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[Camberpool searches for herbs]
[Camberpool gives Hickorypaw one broom]
Boarder Patrols:
[Windheart, Gatorclaw, Willowcry, Snowcave, and Mossfur patrol the boarders]
Hunting Patrols:
[Reedface, Troutthroat, Frostfoot, Oakface, Gorseclaw, and Lichenfang hunt]
Rank Changes:
[None this moon]
[Barkpatch and Shadowstar evaluate Lightpaw]
[Mudpatch and Shadowstar evaluate Sunpaw]
[Blizzardear and Shadowstar evaluate Shadowpaw]
[Skyear and Shadowstar evaluate Hickorypaw]
[Text Here]

[The clan consumes a large fish and two small birds, 5 serving!]
[Note to mod: Text Here]

      [ Camberpool gathered beech leaves and bindweed ]
      [ Windheart's patrol came across nothing important ]
      [ Reedface's patrol caught three toads ]
      [ Lightpaw, Sunpaw, Shadowpaw and Hickorypaw all passed their evaluations ]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ItsKass » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:44 am

3 cats

Ravenwisper has proved herself to be a
Respectable deputy!

Swift star leads a hunting patrol consisting of herself and Ravenwisper, she later travels to the star cavern to consult starclan in her choice to make Ravenwisper deputy, may starclan light her path.

Goosescreech and Ravenwisper eat the rabbit she caught

          Swiftstar|23 moons|Female|X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ravenwisper | 19 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Goosescreech| 37 moons | Gender | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Jackrabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    Non-poisionus snake | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by ItsKass on Thu Jan 31, 2019 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Glass Clan [1]

Postby lucas tazmily » Thu Jan 31, 2019 4:27 am


Number of Cats: ♂: 1 ♀: 0


[ Seedstar goes to the frozen pond to pray to Starclan for a deputy ]
[ Seedstar goes hunting afterwards ]


          Seedstar | 26 moons | ♂ |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cats:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Voles | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Frogs | x0 | 1 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Kwamiclan [14]

Postby Springtalon » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:49 am


[ i. population count - 021 ] [ ii. next starclan visit - two posts ] [ iii. servings required - 004 ] [ iv. bird
and frog ] [ v. herbs used - none ] [ vi. litters due - sunset one moon ] [ vi. notes - skuapaw(raven), aloeshade,
basilpaw, & mintpaw(grave) were adopted and can be found anytime. *Facepalms* sorry. Any cats in the battle patrol may die] [ coding credit ]

    last moon
    "Why are you taking me out? You're under Akuma, and they aren't allowed to have apprentices." Tumblepaw mewed as he followed the white furred she-cat through the territory. Lambfur's tail rippled as she called back "I overheard Peonypaw a few days ago, she was talking to Sparkpaw, and well...she gave me an idea. I suggested it to Ragingsoul, and he gave me permission to try it out. I may have given up my nine lives, but I was given them in the first place so despite having to stay in Akuma for a while longer, that does count for something believe it or not."

    They were passing the usual training grounds, and Tumblepaw frowned "Where are we going? Oakmist always tries to teach me hunting here." Lambfur purred "Well, it may have escaped your notice, but I'm not Oakmist. And we aren't going to learn generic hunting." Tumblepaw tilted his head "What do you mean?"

    Lambfur smiled, and continued on. "I'll explain when we get there."

    'There' turned out to be the western border. "Why are we so close to Bearclan?" Tumblepaw asked, flicking his tail worriedly. "Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe Bearclan is just close to us?" Lambfur asked, settling herself near the edge of the water. Without waiting for an answer, the white she-cat continued "Now, I've spoken to Oakmist, Mattedantler, Swallowpaw, Ragingsoul, and a few others. Every cat who's been involved in some way with you or your training. And I've learned something. You have a hard time learning broad skills, meaning you struggle with generic things. In order to really stick with you, you need a 'this is how you do it, always, no exceptions' method. That's how you learned to patrol, fight, and weave through all the trees in Kwamiclan territory."

    She nodded to the river "That's why we're here."

    Tumblepaw frowned "To teach me to swim? One, it's the middle of leafbare, two, Ragingsoul said I can't be a Guardian without learning how to hunt!"

    Lambfur rolled her eyes "I thought you were smarter than that. We aren't here to swim, we're here to fish. And fishing, is a very specific way of hunting. Now get your tail over here before I claw it off."


    "We can't let the badger settle, that much is certain." Ragingsoul hummed, sheathing and unsheathing his claws as he spoke. Tigerlily, who had been with Kwamiclan since the start nodded "I suggest we lead a force now, to attack it before it gets too comfortable."

    "I second,"Sleekfeather hissed, tail lashing "Badgers are dangerous, not only to kits, but to full grown warriors."

    Beside her, Peachmuzzle nodded and said "But especially to younger cats, who don't know how to deal with them."

    Ragingsoul nodded his own head and said "Then we are agreed, we will fight the badger under the light of the next Full Moon."

    this moon
    Ragingsoul glanced at the patrol. Coyotefang, Peachmuzzle, Oakmist, and Sleekfeather had all volunteered to join him in the fight against the badger. Actually, several others had volunteered to help drive the beast away, including the youngest guardians, and Lambfur. "I cannot allow Akumas into planned battle." Ragingsoul had explained "It goes against the entire purpose of the rank." Lambfur had been disappointing, but understanding. To the youngest guardians, Ragingsoul had said "You are the new life of the clan, not to mention far too inexperienced to fight a badger. There will be other fights, but for now, you must defend the clan."

    Then of course Boulderwhip had gotten on his tail about that statement. "Life of the clan, Ragingsoul, what happens if by some freak accident you lose all your lives out there? We have no Keeper to replace you!"

    Ragingsoul had shook his head "By the old laws the Keeper must either be sent by starclan, or trained by the previous Keeper. I am not due to visit our ancestors for two more moons. However, though I was not Keeper in the old Kwamiclan, my father was related to the old Keeper, meaning that I am eligible to train the next Keeper. Swallowpaw takes her assessment this moon, if she succeeds, I will, by the old laws, be able to make her Keeper, and she can train one of Sunset's cubs when they are born."

    Boulderwhip had frowned at him "Or, you can ask the stars for one now. Take your trip earl-" to which Ragingsoul had hissed "I will not disrespect the old laws!"

    Now, as they were preparing to charge the badger, Ragingsoul was starting to think perhaps Boulderwhip wasn't entirely wrong. Ragingsoul had changed the old ways by adding in Akuma, perhaps he could change them again by choosing a worthy warrior?

    No. Ragingsoul shook his head. He had to keep alive the traditions, the old way. For if they lost their traditions, then it would not be long before they lost their sense as a clan.

    [ @hunting: eagletalon, pinefeather, rainbranch, & gingerclaw ]
    [ @herb hunting: Boulderwhip ]
    [ @patrol: eagleeye, frostwhisker, lambfur ]
    [ @battle: ragingsoul, coyotefang, peachmuzzle, oakmist, & sleekfeather]
    [ @training: sleekfeather & hornetpaw [stalking], mattedantler & peonypaw [patrolling] ]
    [ @rank changes: tumblepaw, sparkpaw and swallowpaw take their assessments]

    ragingsoul • 45m • ♂

    tigerlily • 61m • ♀
    sleekfeather • 53m • ♀
    coyotefang • 53m • ♂
    peachmuzzle • 44m • ♀
    oakmist • 42m • ♂
    eagleeye • 31m • ♂
    frostwhisker • 27m • ♂
    eagletalon • 26m • ♂
    mattedantler • 16m • ♀
    pinefeather • 16m • ♂
    rainbranch • 15m • ♀
    gingerclaw • 15m • ♂

    tumblepaw • 16m • ♂
    sparkpaw • 15m • ♂
    swallowpaw • 14m • ♀
    peonypaw • 10m • ♀
    hornetpaw • 10m • ♂
    ✧ name • 00m • ♂♀

    ✧ name • 00m • ♂♀

    lambfur • 38m • ♀
    boulderwhip • 3m • ♂

    mage's cadet.
    ✧ name • 00m • ♂♀

    sunset • 30m • ♀
    ind kit • 0m • ♂♀
    ind kit • 0m • ♂♀


    mattedantler • sleekfeather
    i patrol, hunt, combat, agility
    pinefeather • tigerlily
    i patrol, hunt combat, agility
    rainpaw • eagleeye
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    gingerpaw • frostwhisker
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk

    tumblepaw • oakmist
    i patrol, combat, agility, fishing
    sparkpaw • eagletalon
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    swallowpaw • ragingsoul
    i patrol, hunt, stalk, combat
    hornetpaw • sleekfeather
    i combat, stalk
    peonypaw • mattedantler
    i hunt,
    tigerlily • unknown
    i mattedantler, tumblepaw, umberrise(cosmoclan)
    peachmuzzle • unknown
    i peonypaw

    the deceased.
    kami's lives lost 0/9
    cat • age of death
    i reason
    n • graveclan • scarlet
    e • briarclan • amethyst
    s • blueclan •
    w • bearclan • inky.
    nw • clan name • username
    ne • clan name • username
    sw • clan name • username
    se • clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username


    freshkill pile.
    mouse • one • x0
    frog • one • x0
    rabbit • two • x2
    squirrel • two • x2
    hare • three • x0
    bird • three • x0
    medicine storage.
    cobweb • bleeding • x1
    dandelion • painkiller • x1
    heather flower • swallowing • x1
    ragwort • energy • x1
    rosemary • scent • x1
    sweet-sedge • infection • x1
    wintergreen • wounds • x1
    medicine den.
    cat • injury
    i moons of rest
    tigerlily, mattedantler, and tumblepaw are former deerclan
    eagleeye is former rodrigoclan
    sunset is former blossomclan
    eagletalon and swallowcub are former elmclan
    pinefeather is former sycamoreclan
    coyotefang is former ardidclan
    sparkpaw is former mistclan
    rainbranch and gingerclaw are former jungleclan
    hornetpaw is former lilacclan
    lambfur is former lambclan

Last edited by Springtalon on Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Chamrosh's replies 31/01

Postby Chamrosh » Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:30 am



Bear | Clay
Clover | Cosmo
Dawn | Pumpkin
Night | Sabahi
Sea | Swallow


Weather - Leaf-fall
Autumn. I'll make a weather
report in a few days, when I'm sure I have
the time for it!


AleazariGoldclanPlatjaclanPlain** ❀★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★


23/12 or 12/23 or 23rd December



[After a long day of training, Gorsepaw is hungry and Viperstar challenges her. They have a scuffle and Gorsepaw gets a nasty cut on her muzzle. Minkblossom uses x1 marigold and x1 cobweb to dress the wound]
[Campionfang, Turtlegaze, Rainwing, Nightclaw, Gingerstem, Wrenpond, and Starlingpaw leave the Clan in protest. They say their goodbyes and leave the territory. Where will they go next?]
[Deerleap sneaks out and tries for kits with Redstar of QuickClan]
[Stormfang, Grassheart, Cougarleap, and Adderbreeze patrol]
[Windfeather, Fognose, Swiftwind, and Wisteriawind hunt]
[Darkmask, Elmstream, Deerleap, and Hollypounce hunt]
[Ashpaw takes his final assesment. If he passes, he will return as Ashtail]
[Wolfthorn teaches Stonepaw swimming]
[Quailthroat teaches Shrewpaw swimming]
[Swiftwind teaches Shrikepaw stealth]
[Thunderpaw takes his final assesment. If he passes, he will return as Thunderstone]
[Hawkpaw takes her final assesment. If she passes, she will return as Hawksnow]
[Fognose teaches Badgerpaw climbing]
[Otterfur teaches Gorsepaw battle]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[The Clan consumes x5 small fish]


[ Deerleap successfully becomes pregnant! Her kits are due in two moons! ]
[ While on patrol, Stormfang, Grassheart, Cougarleap, and Adderbreeze encounter a cat ]
[ While hunting, Windfeather, Fognose, Swiftwind, and Wisteriawind catch 2x Squirrel, and 1x Hare]
[ While hunting, Darkmask, Elmstream, Deerleap, and Hollypounce catch 1x Minnow, and 2x Small Fish ]

[ Ashpaw fails his assessment, narrowly. He should be ready on a second attempt! ]
[ Unfortunately, Thunderpaw fails his assessment. ]
[ Hawkpaw successfully passes his assessment and returns as Hawksnow! ]
[ Gorsepaw successfully learns the Battle skill! ]
[ Badgerpaw successfully learns the Climbing skill! ]
[ Shrikepaw successfully learns the Stealth skill! ]
[ Stonepaw successfully learns the Swimming skill! Unfortunately, Shrewpaw fails to learn it ]
[ While herb-hunting, Minkblossom finds 1x Mallow Leaves and 1x Goldenrod ]



[Intense rain spreads across CosmoClan's land and floods the camp.]
[Speckledleaf, Blacknose, and Russetheart drown]
[Bramblingtuft is crushed after rocks are dislodged by the water]
[Lyrastar loses two lives due to falling from a tree and drowning]
[Shellrise dies to greencough]
[Solarspark is diagnosed with asthma after being pushed into a tree, hitting her side on the hard wood. She steps down from her position to become an elder after having a struggle with her normal duties]

[Oliveshadow, Mouseflower, Thornstride, Flamewing, Verglas-strike and Bearfoot hunt, scouring the trees and high landmarks in the territory]
[Hurricanegaze, Kitetalon, Tumbletooth, Blazeheart, Wisteriawhisper and Otterfoot hunt near the cliff and on high ground. 1x Beech nut was used to tempt out any hiding prey]
[Swiftsky, Runningclaw, Yewheart, Flowersplash and Magpietail patrol to find any flood survivors that are loners, rouges and kittypets]
[Arrowfang, Larksoar, Raccoontooth, Doestripe, Sedgebreeze and Brindleshade patrol, searching the land for the signs of water damage and a new place to build camp after the flood]

[Goldenwhisker and Lizardrise train: Climbing]
[Swiftsky and Berryrise train: Swimming]
[Kitetalon and Streamrise train: Herb recognition]
[Acorntuft and Harerise train: Climbing]
[Flamewing and Cherryrise train: Climbing]
[Oliveshadow and Ternrise train: Climbing]
[Willowthroat and Pinerise train: Swimming]
[Badgerstrike and Oakrise train: Swimming]
[Heatherclaw and Dapplerise train: Fishing]
[Stonestep and Robinrise train: Climbing]
[Fernshade and Seedrise train: Swimming]
[Leafpounce and Roserise train: Climbing]

[Heatherclaw is kitting! Kitetalon and Streamrise assist her with 1x Chervil]
[The clan consumes seventeen servings]


[ There's a meteor shower in the evening after the flood. When the bright streaks disappear and the sky falls dark again, the cats swear that a whole new constellation has been left in their wake, They take it as a sign; the Star Colony has accepted their fallen ]
[ While hunting, Oliveshadow, Mouseflower, Thornstride, Flamewing, Verglas-strike, and Bearfoot catch 1x Wren, and 1x Robin ]
[ While hunting, Kitetalon, Tumbletooth, Blazeheart, Wisteriawhisper, and Otterfoot catch 1x Wren, 1x Squirrel, and 1x Pigeon ]
[ While on patrol, Swiftsky, Runningclaw, Yewheart, Flowersplash, and Magpietail encounter nothing much of interest; bar the flood waters, of course, but they already knew about that. The cats are probably sheltering from the flood waters in much the same way as the Cosmoclan cats are ]
[ Arrowfang, Larksoaw, Raccoontooth, Doestripe, Sedgebreeze, and Brindleshade spend a long time searching, and eventually return to the main group of cats. They tell of an area of the clifftop with a slight slope to it a little way away; they hope that the slope would mean water would flow out of camp if another flood were to occur. They don't really report on anything else about the area, but the drainage potential at least sounds promising ]
[ It seems as though the apprentices are too distraught at the loss of the camp to be able to focus properly on training ]
[Robinrise, Roserise, and Ternrise successfully learn the Climbing skill! Unfortunately, Cherryrise, Harerise and Lizardrise fail to learn the Climbing skill... ]
[ Unfortunately, Dapplerise fails to learn the Fishing skill... ]
[ Unfortuntely, Streamrise fails to learn the Herb recognition skill... ]
[ Seedrise successfully learns the Swimming skill! Unfortunately, Berryrise, Oakrise, and Pinerise fail to learn the Swimming skill... ]
[ Heatherclaw gives birth to four kits! All four kits carry (or express) point, long-hair and dilute. One kit is noticeably smaller than the others, but seems to be otherwise healthy ]



- if rolled for injuries, target the cats in red please
[nightclan eats x1 sparrow]
[ravenstalker complains about the lousy patrol]
[jabiru is accepted from the spirits]
[mossthorn is welcomed]
[sparkfire leads a border patrol with cisco&ravenstalker]
[magpietail leads a hunting patrol with rue&hickoryleap]
[jabiru and cisco train for battle-tactics]
[tigercreek leads a herb-hunting]
[nightstar requests a female apprentice]


[ While on patrol, Sparkfire, Cisco, and Ravenstalker encounter a fox. The fox was clearly straying outside its own territory (with its eyes shifting nervously, and its feet flying instantly upon seeing the cats), and it smelt like a dog fox - no surprises there. Nonetheless, the cats see to chasing him entirely out of the territory. In the process, Sparkfire slips on an icy bank, injuring one paw. It doesn't look like it'll need any particular herbs, but he's going to need to have a light work-load next moon; something like going fishing is unlikely to pose any issue ]
[ While hunting, Magpietail, Rue, and Hickoryleap catch 1x Trout, and 1x Sparrow ]
[ Jabiru successfully learns the Battle skill! ]
[ While herb-hunting, Tigercreek finds 1x Tansy and 1x Catchweed ]
[ It was less than a week after asking Starclan before that Nightstar went again. They are not impressed with this impatience, and say that Nightstar should ask again. It is not easy to send enough signs to cats to point them in the right direction (and the younger they are, the harder it is, of course) and Starclan needs to have spare time to point other cats to other clans too! But it looks like, with a little time now having gone by (a week from the previous granted request irl), Nightstar should be able to ask again soon ]


winter solstice.

(Note to mod: Boulderclaw of FangClan can be found anytime~)

[b][ The Clan consumes Hare x2, Sparrow x1, Big Fish x1, and Shrew x2. ]
[ Portius and Natalia, two cats fleeing from the disbanded Kingdom of the Shattered Bones, stumble upon SeaClan and seek refuge. They are granted access, and are renamed Grousewhisker and Lobeliaclaw, respectively. ]
[ Ace, a former kittypet who was left on his own by his former owner, wanders into SeaClan territory, where he almost falls into the river. He is rescued by cats who were on patrol, and upon hearing the explanation of what a clan is, agrees to join. He is renamed Centaurytuft. (Advent cat #2) ]
[ Honeytuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, and Comfreypaw search for herbs. ]
[ Leafstar, Ivynose, Dustflower, and Adderpaw hunt at the forest by the river. ]
[ Campionstorm, Sagefrost, Lavenderpaw, and Mistypaw hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Coppertail, Thunderstrike, Swiftgale, and Stormbreeze fish at the river. ]
[ Carrotfur, Sticklenose, Icyclaw, and Conifer patrol by the river. ]
[ Nightwing, Centaurytuft, Grousewhisker, and Brackenpaw patrol by the sea. ]
[ Brimflower, Goldenmist, Lobeliaclaw, and Buntingpaw patrol in the Pine Grove. ]
[ Everyone else stays at camp. ]
[ Honeytuft teaches Comfreypaw the Basic Defense skill (try 2). ]
[ Thistletuft teaches Sharkpaw the Climbing skill (try 2). ]
[ Boomtail, Ivynose, and Hawkpath teach their apprentices the Tracking skill (try 2). ]
[ Nightwing teaches Brackenpaw the Swimming skill (try 3). ]
[ Hollyspots, Goshawkflight, Carrotfur, Fritillarytail, and Mintnose teach their apprentices the Fishing skill. ]
[ Bellcloud, Goldenmist, Goosewing, and Jadefall teach their apprentices the Fishing skill (try 3). ]
[ Morningflame, Pinefoot, Thunderstrike, Whisperdust, Oakshadow, and Wolfshadow teach their apprentices the Tracking skill. ]
[ Oatstripe will give birth in one post. ]
[ The second greencough epidemic has begun in SeaClan - Breezewhisker, Coppertail, Egretflight, Sulphurstream, Lavenderpaw, Adderpaw, and Sweetpaw move into the medicine cat's den displaying symptoms. ]


[ While herb-hunting, Honeytuft, Dappledaw, Sandripple, and Comfreypaw find 1x Blackberry (leaf), 1x Lamb's Ear, 1x Goldenrod, 1x Rosemary, and 1x Coltsfoot ]
[ While hunting, Leafstar, Ivynose, Dustflower, and Adderpaw catch 1x Fish and 1x Shrew ]
[ While hunting, Campionstorm, Sagefrost, Lavenderpaw, and Mistypaw catch 1x Mouse and 1x Sparrow ]
[ While hunting, Coppertail, Thunderstrike, Swiftgale, and Stormbreeze catch 1x Big Fish ]
[ While on patrol, Carrotfur, Sticklenose, Icyclaw, and Conifer encounter Boulderclaw ]
[ While on patrol, Nightwing, Centaurytuft, Grousewhisker, and Brackenpaw encounter a section of the shoreline that has been significantly changed. A section of rock has been undercut by the sea, and has collapsed onto the shore. Perhaps it's an omen? Perhaps it's erosion? Who knows? Not cats - they don't study geology ]
[ While on patrol, Brimflower, Goldenmist, Lobeliaclaw, and Buntingpaw encounter a flooded section of the pine grove ]
[ Sharkpaw successfully learns the Climbing skill! ]
[ Comfreypaw successfully learns the Defence skill! ]
[ Brackenpaw successfully learns the Swimming skill! ]
[ Two of the apprentices manage to learn the Tracking skill on their second attempt ]
[ Two of the apprentices successfully learn the Fishing skill! The rest must try again another moon...]
[ The apprentices all successfully learn the Fishing skill on their third attempt! ]
[ Four of the apprentices successfully learn the Tracking skill! The other two must try again another moon... ]
[ Three of the infected cat's symptoms increase slightly, and two increase moderately over the course of the moon ]

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Postby beebopbee » Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:36 am

Males: seven
Females: eight
Next Ethereal Visit: feb. 7
Mod Notes: pretty sure my moonpool visits were one week apart? but sorry if i accidentally screwed up though <3
Serv. Size: four

- if rolled for injuries, target the cats in red please
[nightclan eats x1 ermine & x1 trout]

[sparkfire rests]

[ravenstalker leads a border patrol with cisco]
[hickoryleap leads a hunting patrol with rue, mossthorn, & magpietail]
[tigercreek leads a herb-hunting with birchpaw]

[jabiru & cisco train for swimming]
[snowpaw & hickoryleap train for hunting]
[hawkpaw & ravenstalker train for battle]
[birchpaw & tigercreek train for herb uses]

[hawkkit, birchkit, snowkit, & bearkit become pupils]
[nightstar requests a warrior]


    royal division
    nightstar, 47, m, 9 lives - [k]
    ▸ name, age, gender - [q]

    ▸ name, age, gender
    medicine division
    witch doctors
    tigercreek, 43, f
    ▸ name, age, gender
    bulk division
    ravenstalker, 37, m
    sparkfire, 31, m [infertile]
    cisco, 33, m

    hickoryleap, 26, f
    rue, 30, f
    magpietail, 21, f
    mossthorn, 24, f
    clovertail, 49, f

    jabiru, 8, m
    hawkpaw, 6, m
    birchpaw, 6, f
    snowpaw, 6, f
    bearpaw, 6, m
    nursing division
    ▸ name, age, gender

    ▸ name, age, gender

    ▸ name, age, gender
    ▸ name, age, gender
    highmeadow [good]
    ▸ name, age, gender
    ▸ name, age, gender

    stonefall [bad]
    ▸ name, age, gender
    ▸ name, age, gender

    swynhollow [unknown]
    ▸ name, age, gender
    ▸ name, age, gender
    clovertail&rogue [ex]

    ↳ hawkpaw, birchpaw, snowpaw, bearpaw
    ↳ youth
    cisco&jabiru [1]
    battle tactics, basic combat, swimming, climbing
    hickoryleap&snowpaw [0]
    hunting tactics, swimming, climbing
    ravenstalker&hawkpaw [0]
    battle tactics, basic combat, swimming, climbing
    tigercreek&birchpaw [0]
    herb uses, minor healing, illnesses, major healing
    sparkfire&bearpaw [0]
    battle tactics, basic combat, swimming, climbing
    mentor&apprentice [0]
    clan name, username
    clan name, username

    clan name, username
    clan name, username

    [ n ] clan name, username
    [ w ] clan name, username
    [ s ] clan name, username
    [ e ] clan name, username
    [ nw ] clan name, username
    [ ne ] clan name, username
    [ sw ] clan name, username
    [ se ] clan name, username
    medicine store
    alder bark, [x2]
    beech leaf, [x1]
    borage, [x1]
    catchweed, [x1]
    chamomile, [x1]
    mallow leaf, [x1]
    raspberry leaf, [x1]
    rush, [x1]
    sweet-sedge, [x1]
    tansy, [x1]
    thyme, [x1]
    parsley, [x1]
    poppyseed, [x0]

    cottontail, 2, [x0]
    ermine, 2, [x0]
    grey squirrel, 2, [x0]
    mouse, 1, [x0]
    sparrow, 3, [x1]
    trout, 2, [x0]
Last edited by beebopbee on Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( pineclan ) • [ post 62 ]

Postby deimido » Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:57 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( population. 096 ) ( toms. 049 ) ( mollies. 047 ) ( moonpool. n/a ) ( hunting/borders. n/a) ( servings. 015 ) ( last reply. here )
    "Vervaincloud, a word?" Ramhorn's voice was smooth as he beckoned the peterbald over to a secluded area in the camp where curious eyes wouldn't wander. He could tell the tom was wary by the way his deep blue eyes narrowed as he stalked over.

    "Yes, Ramhorn, whatever is the matter?" And there it was, an opening. Ramhorn had a chance to speak with him at last.

    "It's about your son, Pinekit," he stated. Vervaincloud scoffed, feigning neutrality. But Ramhorn saw the way his claws unsheathed ever-so-slightly from the corner of his eye.

    "And what interest do you have in my son?" Vervaincloud probed, his whiskers twitching. "This is ridiculous. If you're going to lecture me, then you're wasting your time." He backed away ready to stop the conversation there, but Ramhorn wasn't about to let him.

    "Oh, no you don't." He threatened, the fur along his neck rose, and his own eyes sharpened like flint. "You are going to listen to what I have to say, Vervaincloud, right to the very end." The air was thick with tension as the two fathers stared each other down, Vervaincloud's tail lashed as he let out a grudging sigh; he was cross, clearly, but he let Ramhorn have his way.

    "I won't mince words: he's not happy here. He doesn't play or interact with the other kits, and when he does, it's only to provoke and aggravate them." Ramhorn described, remembering how he had to step in when Pinekit's antagonizing towards Goshawkkit went a little too far just the other day. It was then he noticed a pattern in his behavior, one that directly involved his father. "It's always to get your attention because he doesn't know any other way how."

    Vervaincloud's ears flattened to the back of his head, and his lips curled into a snarl. "And? Are you implying I'm not doing enough? I give him prey to eat and extra moss to line his nest, to think I'm not fulfilling my duties to that kit as his father is absurd." He replied, his voice clear as he defended himself.

    Ramhorn growled under his breath, but other than that, he was careful in ensuring he wouldn't lose his head. "For a cat who thinks he's so smart, you're actually very dumb." He meowed coldly; Vervaincloud tried to dispute but he him cut off before he could.

    "You're thinking like a Clan member, not a father. What you described is the bare minimum of what every warrior is expected to do. Pinekit needs more than that!" Ramhorn felt his voice rise with every word, his frustration mounting. "He needs support, he needs conversation, he needs love!"

    Vervaincloud didn't react.

    Ramhorn let out a deep, shaky breath. He was astonished and angered by this tom's lack of sympathy, especially from his standing as a father. He had loved his kits before they were even born - when he and Wasptail weren't of the same rank or Clan. After news of their birth reached him at a Gathering, Ramhorn knew he couldn't stay in EchoClan; he cherished his family too much to be apart from them. "Vervaincloud... do you love Pinekit?" He challenged, his mew was steady, but it carried the passion of a thousand fathers behind it.

    Vervaincloud's breath hitched as he let out a broken hiss. "I'm not answering to you." He said, getting up to his paws and turning away. "This conversation is over. Don't talk to me again."


    Snakeshade and Acornclaw sheltered within a hollowed out log as the snow fell gently outside. They cuddled together, Acornclaw giggling about how soft his fur was as she nuzzled into his neck, while Snakeshade purred fondly in turn before he rested his chin on the top of her head. She dozed off not too long after, her soft snores filling the otherwise quiet ambiance. But Snakeshade didn't feel uncomfortable, not as he observed the gentle rise and fall of her flanks and took in the feeling of her warmth beside him.

    Staring out at the snowscape ahead of them, Snakeshade smiled. Already the terrain of PineClan was growing familiar to him, and he could only imagine what it all looked like once the snow melted. He felt welcome here, even if the pines were a drastic change from the mountains, but Snakeshade was sure he found his home. A drowsy 'prrt' interrupted his thoughts, and he looked back at Acornclaw to see that she was beginning to wake up. "Hey, big guy." She mewed sleepily.

    "Hi," He replied. "Did you have a good nap?"

    "Oh, the best." Acornclaw stood to her paws, peering outside the log's shelter before a frown set on her face. "I didn't think we stayed out so long, look at all that snow!" She exclaimed, astonished.

    "I don't think it's that bad." He remarked. But then again, EchoClan was no stranger to heavy snowfalls. His normal compared to hers must have been different.

    "Pfft," Acornclaw snorted, "Easy for you say, mountain cat." shoving him playfully with her forepaw. She stepped out of their den and into the snow, squeaking at the sudden cold in her paws. Looking back at him, Snakeshade felt his heart go warm at her smile. After she spoke about what happened to her mother, smiles like that were rare. "Come on; gotta wake up somehow."

    Snakeshade smirked before he joined her, Acornclaw got into a playful crouch, then she bounded away. He laughed as he gave chase, the two weaving through trees and stone with no destination. Eventually, they grew tired and collapsed into fluffy snow; breathless laughter shared between them. Snakeshade turned to Acornclaw, who's brown fur was dappled white with snowflakes, and purred. "I love you." He mewed. Acornclaw touched her cold nose to his, purring back.

    "I love you too." She responded as the two sat up. Casting a look at the sky, Acornclaw blinked in surprise as she noticed the clouds were parting. A brief glimmer of the sun shone through, and, perhaps sometime during their chase, the snow stopped falling. "Why don't we... stay out a little longer?" She suggested. Snakeshade twined his tail with hers, and that was all the answer she needed.



    stuff to be written will be:

    worries abt being a mom and still hasnt told aspenheart she's expecting. she decides to go to skunknose, his mom, for some reassurance.

    her introduction into pineclan and the retelling of why she decided to go there.

    takes place a little why after she welcomes sunnywhisker in, excusing herself from everyone as she goes into a coughing fit. pineclan's imperturbable medicine cat apprentice, poppypaw, approaches her. he gives her a long stare but leaving, but not without telling her she should get herself checked out. as he goes, she can't help but feel a little off-put towards the young cat.

sunnywhisker is accepted into pineclan!
new name: n/a.

border patrols:
[1] mintstar, wasptail, eaglewhisker, lizardstripe, hyenatooth, juniperpelt.
[2] rowanpelt, comfreyfang, larkclaw, camasfang, egrettail.
[3] duckfoot, ramhorn, minkcloud, magpiewhisker, cottonbush, orchidnose.
note to mod; please check this link!
cats in red are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death and injury rolls occur.

hunting patrols:
[1] skunknose, turtlefur, chickadeefur, aspenheart, skipperstripe, tipstream.
[2] asphodelface, flamefang, blissheart, firestream, marigoldclaw, dandeliontail.
[3] patchmuzzle, sheepcoat, sorrelfrost, asterwhisker, lavenderstream, grebestream.

herb gathering:
weaselstorm, shadeleaf, poppypaw.

poppypaw trains.
any related skill.
hazelpaw, salamanderpaw, and newtpaw train.
stalking skill.
bramblingpaw, ausmaspaw, privetpaw, sloepaw, avocetpaw, termitepaw, and orangepaw train.
any skill.

acornclaw + snakeshade. (trying for kits)

mintstar's cold is getting worse, yet she seeks no medical help.

herbs used:
-1 cobwebs are used for oatfur's leg, now he only needs three moons of rest.

prey eaten:
-3 squirrels and -3 rabbits.
    Mintstar, 78, molly, 7 lives

    Rowanpelt, 61, tom

    Medicine Cats
    Weaselstorm, 63, tom
    Shadeleaf, 33, molly

    Medicine Cat Apprentice
    Poppypaw, 11, tom

    Senior Warriors (2)
    Duckfoot, 79, tom - [bad hind leg]
    Skunknose, 76, molly

    Warriors (54)
    Wasptail, 66, molly
    Ramhorn, 62, tom
    Turtlefur, 62, molly
    Comfreyfang, 59, molly
    Minkcloud, 59, molly
    Eaglewhisker, 54, tom
    Chickadeefur, 53, molly
    Asphodelface, 51, tom
    Sunnywhisker, 49, molly
    Lizardstripe, 48, tom
    Larkclaw, 48, tom
    Magpiewhisker, 47, tom
    Aspenheart, 47, tom
    Flamefang, 47, tom
    Daisystorm, 41, molly
    Hyenatooth, 40, molly
    Camasfang, 39, tom
    Cottonbush, 38, tom
    Skipperstripe, 38, molly
    Laurelcloud, 37, molly
    Oatfur, 36, tom
    Vervaincloud, 34, tom
    Blissheart, 33, tom
    Ratnose, 33, tom
    Waxwhisker, 30, molly
    Juniperpelt, 28, tom
    Egrettail, 28, tom
    Orchidnose, 28, molly
    Tipstream, 28, molly
    Acornclaw, 27, molly
    Firestream, 26, tom
    Snakeshade, 26, tom
    Giliastripe, 25, tom (afab)
    Warblerfoot, 23, tom
    Maplenose, 22, molly
    Pearlnose, 21, tom
    Swiftheart, 21, tom
    Marigoldclaw, 19, tom
    Dandeliontail, 19, molly
    Patchmuzzle, 19, tom
    Sheepcoat, 19, molly
    Sorrelfrost, 19, tom
    Asterwhisker, 19, molly
    Lavenderstream, 19, molly
    Grebestream, 19, tom
    Spiderwhisker, 19, tom
    Hawknose, 19, molly - [blind]
    Birchstripe, 17, molly
    Ashstorm, 17, molly
    Elmfur, 17, tom
    Morningheart, 14, molly
    Lightclaw, 14, tom
    Basspelt, 13, tom
    Whimbrelface, 13, tom

    Apprentices (19)
    Bramblingpaw, 9, molly
    Ausmaspaw, 9, tom
    Privetpaw, 9, molly
    Sloepaw, 9, molly
    Avocetpaw, 9, tom
    Termitepaw, 9, molly
    Orangepaw, 8, molly
    Hazelpaw, 8, tom
    Ryepaw, 8, molly
    Cloverpaw, 8, tom
    Wheatpaw, 8, molly
    Yarrowpaw, 8, tom
    Brindlepaw, 8, molly
    Lichenpaw, 8, molly
    Pinkpaw, 8, tom
    Raisinpaw, 8, tom
    Wrinklepaw, 8, tom
    Salamanderpaw, 7, molly
    Newtpaw, 7, molly

    Nursery (5)
    Mottlecloud, 59, molly
    Rosefur, 53, molly - [2]
    Cloudyspots, 47, molly
    Shuri/Commaflower, 29, molly
    Arnicatail, 26, molly

    Kittens (11)
    Goshawkkit, 5, molly, grown
    Gadwallkit, 5, tom, grown
    Wigeonkit, 5, molly, grown
    Poorwillkit, 5, molly, grown
    Pinekit, 5, tom, grown
    Icekit, 4, tom, grown
    Mistkit, 4, molly, grown
    Chipmunkkit, 4, molly, grown
    Harrierkit, 2, tom, grown
    Peregrinekit, 2, tom, grown
    Elkkit, 2, tom, grown

    Name, age, etc.
    Name, age, etc.

    Medicine Den
    Oatfur, broken leg
    can return to duties in [3] posts.

Molekit, 2, tom
Owlfur, 67, tom
Shadowstar, 80, molly
Firkit, 0, molly
Cedarkit, 0, tom
Shrikeface, 67, tom
Rufouskit, 0, tom
Tanagerkit, 0, tom
Tinykit, 0, molly
Smallkit, 0, tom
Fawnfur, 45, molly

The Dark Forest
Name, age, etc.
Name, age, etc.

Unknown Residence
Anthiese, 64, molly

» Within PineClan
Skunknose + Shrikeface
Fawnfur + Magpiewhisker
Mintstar + Duckfoot
Comfreyfang + Minkcloud
Wasptail + Ramhorn
Chickadeefur + Lizardstripe
Mottlecloud + Eaglewhisker
Cloudyspots + Asphodelface
Arnicatail + Oatfur
Rosefur + Aspenheart
Acornclaw + Snakeshade

» Outside of PineClan
Rowanpelt + Velvetrabbit [JinxClan]
Waxwhisker + Manateecall [SwiftClan]
Vervaincloud + Gorsebird [EchoClan]

» PineClan
Ariete & Emery
xxMintstar, +13 others
Shadowstar & Owlfur
xxShadeleaf, +8 others
Queen Laevatein & King Michalis
xxDuckfoot, +12 others
Skunknose & Shrikeface
xxMagpiewhisker, +13 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxJuniperpelt, +3 others
Magpiewhisker & Fawnfur
xxAcornclaw, +13 others
Daisystorm & Ember
xxFirestream, +12 others
Comfreyfang & Minkcloud
xxMaplenose, +2 others
Wasptail & Ramhorn
xxMarigoldclaw, +16 others
Chickadeefur & Lizardstripe
xxBirchpaw, +9 others
Rowanpelt, +6 others
Anthiese & Lionel
xxLightpaw, +12 others
Daisystorm & Bearstar
xxOrangekit, +73 others
Waxwhisker & Manateecall
xxBrindlekit, +6 others
Tipstream & Dot
xxBramblingkit, +7 others
Shuri & Luxx
xxGoshawkkit, +70 others

» Others
Foxtail & Graynose
xxRosefur, +8 others
Luckystar & Eagletalon
xxChickadeefur, +9 others
Aldershine & Fadedstar
xxCottonbush, +24 others
Mallowgaze & Marblefur
xxBlissheart, +6 others
Rosefern & Jaggedstorm
xxBasspaw, +4 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxFlamefang, +6 others
Orangeleaf & Unknown
xxPoppypaw, +3 others
Mottlecloud & Eaglewhisker
xxGrebestream, +3 others
Hyenatooth & Shadowclaw
xxHawknose, +9 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxCloudyspots, +7 others
Skipperstripe, +3 others
Turtlefur & Reefstar
xxSalamanderkit, +6 others
Rivuletripple & Unknown
xxIcekit, +2 others
Arnicatail & Oatfur
xxChipmunkkit, +5 others

Cats from other Clans
Ramhorn, EchoClan, n/a
Rosefur, TumbleClan, n/a
Cottonbush, WitherClan, n/a
Blissheart, WitherClan, n/a
Chickadeefur, FlurryClan, Rosemask
Basspaw, GorseClan, Tigerkit
Whimbrelpaw, GorseClan, Moonkit
Flamefang, FlameClan, Flamestar
Poppykit, RainClan, Runningkit
Mottlecloud, QuartzClan, Mottledlight
Grebestream, QuartzClan, Barkpaw
Hyenatooth, HyenaClan, Arrow
Hawknose, HyenaClan, Hawk
Camasfang, ConiferClan, Bleakstar
Pearlnose, ConiferClan, Dreamingthistle
Cloudyspots, CloudClan, n/a
Giliastripe, SkyClan, Riverswirl
Eaglewhisker, ColossalClan, Talonwhisker
Spiderwhisker, SkyClan, Spiderpad
Skipperstripe, DuskClan, Embershine
Turtlefur, DrizzleClan, n/a
Salamanderkit, DrizzleClan, n/a
Newtkit, DrizzleClan, Bryumkit
Icekit, DrizzleClan, Iriskit
Mistkit, DrizzleClan, Mistykit
Arnicatail, BloodClan, Swiftwing
Chipmunkkit, BloodClan, Forestkit
Swiftheart, DrizzleClan, Orcaspirit
Pinekit, EchoClan, n/a
Snakeshade, EchoClan, n/a
Oatfur, LilyClan, n/a
Sunnywhisker, QuickClan, n/a
Last edited by deimido on Mon Feb 04, 2019 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Phina D Wolf's Sub Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:57 pm

    Season: Leaf-bare
    Weather: The snow is starting to melt now as the days get a tad warmer. There is still a large blanket of snow covering the grounds of the clan territories, prey is still not so abundant and herbs are still hard to come by.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me!

| Snowclan | Pineclan | Moleclan | Ashclan | Borealclan | Lakeclan | Meadowclan | Twistedclan | Tundraclan | Elderberry Valley | Twilightclan | Silverclan | Jaggedclan | Steamclan | Larch's Advance | Sanguine Empire | Riverdem |

⠀⠀⠀⠀deimos wrote:Image
sunnyflower is accepted into pineclan!
↳ new name: n/a.

border patrols:
[1] mintstar, wasptail, eaglewhisker, lizardstripe, hyenatooth, juniperpelt.
[2] rowanpelt, comfreyfang, larkclaw, camasfang, egrettail.
[3] duckfoot, ramhorn, minkcloud, magpiewhisker, cottonbush, orchidnose.
↳ note to mod; please check this link!
↳ cats in red are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death and injury rolls occur.

hunting patrols:
[1] skunknose, turtlefur, chickadeefur, aspenheart, skipperstripe, tipstream.
[2] asphodelface, flamefang, blissheart, firestream, marigoldclaw, dandeliontail.
[3] patchmuzzle, sheepcoat, sorrelfrost, asterwhisker, lavenderstream, grebestream.

herb gathering:
weaselstorm, shadeleaf, poppypaw.

poppypaw trains.
↳ any related skill.
hazelpaw, salamanderpaw, and newtpaw train.
↳ stalking skill.
bramblingpaw, ausmaspaw, privetpaw, sloepaw, avocetpaw, termitepaw, and orangepaw train.
↳ any skill.

acornclaw + snakeshade. (trying for kits)

mintstar's cold is getting worse, yet she seeks no medical help.

herbs used:
-1 cobwebs are used for oatfur's leg, now he only needs three moons of rest.

prey eaten:
-3 squirrels and -3 rabbits.

    Mintstar, Wasptail, Eaglewhisker, Lizardstripe, Hyenatooth, Juniperpelt's patrol went uneventful.
    Rowanpelt, Comfreyfang, Larkclaw, Camasfang, Egrettail's patrol was returning home when Rowanpelt slipped on a patch of ice. Luckily they did not get hurt but it was a close call.
    Duckfoot, Ramhorn, Minkcloud, Magpiewhisker, Cottonbush, Orchidnose's patrol find Robincloud while on patrol.

    Skunknose, Turtlefur, Chickadeefur, Aspenheart, Skipperstripe, Tipstream caught 2 wrens.
    Asphodelface, Flamefang, Blissheart, Firestream, Marigoldclaw, Dandeliontail caught 2 rabbits.
    Patchmuzzle, Sheepcoat, Sorrelfrost, Asterwhisker, Lavenderstream, Grebestream caught 3 voles.

    Weaselstorm, Shadeleaf, Poppypaw find deathberries and a stick.

    Poppypaw learns about poisons.
    Hazelpaw, Salamanderpaw, and Newtpaw learn the stalking skill.
    Bramblingpaw, Ausmaspaw, and Privetpaw learn the hunting skill.
    Sloepaw, Avocetpaw, Termitepaw, and Orangepaw learn the climbing skill.

    Acornclaw and Snakeshade are unsuccessful and are not expecting kits.

    Mintstar's cold is getting worse, a slight cough and wheeze will appear soon.

spasticjazzhands wrote:Image
[The Clan eats one magpie and one mouse(4 servings).]
[Morningstar and Wolfstar travel to the Moonpool. Morningstar requests a cat (any rank). Wolfstar loses his leader lives, taking the name Wolfclaw.]
[Neritefang of GraveClan joins!]
[Briarwhisper of RoseClan joins!]
[Spottednose and Galapaw hunt for herbs.]
[Wolfclaw, Stonefrost, Sunchaser, and Blossompaw hunt.]
[Neritefang, Briarwhisper, Ruststripe ,and Nightpaw hunt.]
[Morningstar and Birchwhisker patrols the borders.]
[Spottednose trains Galapaw in poison recognition.]
[Ruststripe trains Nightpaw in Hunting.]
[Sunchaser trains Blossompaw in Stalking.]

    Starclan has heard Morningstar and sent an apprentice.
    Neritefang and Briarwhisper ar now warriors of Twistedclan!
    Spottednose and Galapaw find no herbs in the melting snow.
    Wolfclaw, Stonefrost, Sunchaser, and Blossompaw caught a mouse.
    Neritefang, Briarwhisper, Ruststripe ,and Nightpaw a shrew.
    Morningstar and Birchwhisker find nothing of interest while on patrol.
    Galapaw learns poison recognition.
    Nightpaw learns the hunting skill.
    Blossompaw learns the stalking skill.

Cloudpelt wrote:Image
Puddlestar, Duo, Nightstalker, and Blizzardspring hunt
Branchstar, Lionnight, and Blackshadow hunt
Oakstream looks for herbs
The clan eats 1 Harlequin duck and 1 Common raven
Puddlestar goes to the Moonpool to ask for a Knight

    Puddlestar, Duo, Nightstalker, and Blizzardspring caught a stoat.
    Branchstar, Lionnight, and Blackshadow caught a raven.
    Oakstream found no herbs in the snow.
    Starclan heard Puddlestar and sent a knight.

    (You can, however, they must look exactly the same. I prefer if you PMed me with some for approval or another mod.

DiamondDogg wrote:Image
{Snowstar goes hunting}
{Swiftwind patrols the border}

    Snowstar caught a rabbit.
    Swiftwind finds a warrior while on patrol.

sharpiesandhamilton wrote:Image
(( cherrystep is welcomed into the clan as a warrior.
loonfrost is welcomed into the clan as the medicine cat.
summitstar and cherrystep go hunting.
loonfrost searches for herbs.
summitstar asks starclan for a deputy. ))

    Summitstar and Cherrystep caught a hare.
    Loonfrost found dock.
    Starclan has heard Summitstar and sent a deputy.
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Sunblight Empire | 3rd Post

Postby DefendeD » Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:06 pm

Previous Post :: 2nd Post____Archive :: Here____Mod :: Katrione____Next visit at the Hall of Divinity :: Any time

Toms :: 1 | ♀ Mollies :: 2 | ⚲ Other :: none | Total :: 3 (0 kits)

Last Moon
[Petubast and Uadjit meet Ra'katme]
Uadjit trailed behind her Pharaoh as the two made their way amongst the tropical plants that surrounded the wide river. Petubast had been able to answer many of the questions she had asked from him. But there were still some that clung to her subconsciousness. Especially the one that dealt with the claim that there were cats born with some, powers? The whole life she had lived by the human civilisation magical talents had only been known as old mollies tales to scare kittens to behave. Uadjit chuckled as she remembered the times when her aunt had told stories of cats who were able to . And who just happened to eat kittens, like she and her brothers had been, if they didn't do just what adults told them to. Those were the days. But to think that cats like that could really be real? The tabby molly shook her head. No way there are cats that could do something like that. That's impossible. Petubast must be a liar she thought bitterly. But still she stuck by the tom's side. Even had come to call him such things as "your grace" and "Pharaoh". Uadjit could feel the hot embrace of embarrassment on her cheeks at the thought that she surely would be laughed to moon and back if anyone from the village knew that she wasted her time listening the tales of a tom who probably, definitely, had gone insane from isolation by now. Then she remembered. His family had been the only ones residing the Temple for generations. Hadn't they? More so. Petubast had promised to give her some answers regarding that ancient family.

"Hey, Petubast" she called to the fair cat in front of her "Yes?" the tom mewed as Uadjit moved beside him. His head was tilted sideways as he looked Uadjit in the eyes. Curiosity was apparent in them. That reminded Uadjit of her cousin Kauket who had the same type of eyes as the tom before her. 'Shame that the dog got you' she regretted giving room for her mind to even remember the past. "You promised to tell me more but you haven't even said a thing on this whole trip out here" she could feel her tail slashing behind her from annoyance and made sure to stop it before Petubats would notice. Better keep the Pharaoh happy and willing to answer instead of just creating a hissing match between them. "Uh, yeah. Somehow I forgot" now it was Uadjit's turn to tilt her head. The blatant unenthusiasm in the tom's voice was heavy and Uadjit could swear that she heard a hint of sadness in it, too. "But I suppose that now when we have stopped you might as well-" Petubast put down the prey he had in his maw, "shoot away".

After placing her prey onto the ground beside the one Petuabast caught she started, "When we were down in the hall I asked about your family, remember? You said it wasn't yet time to discuss that matter and that I should ask later" the whole time Uadjit spoke Petubast had been slowly nodding in rhythm of her words. Uadjit took it as sign of reassurance, but had the nagging feeling that Petubast was more reassuring himself than her. "I think it would now be the right time for you to tell me the rest of it". “Yes I- you are right” Petubast shook slowly his head and sifted his eyes from Uadjit to the earth under their paws, “just give me a moment”. Before Uadjit really thought about it a quiet ‘okay’ had escaped her lips. She would be patient. Patient predators catch their prey. That was the quote her aunt repeated to her from day to day to till her deathbed. Patient predator. Is that what I she was? No. I’m a Templar. Oathed to protect the Temple and the secrets within. Were they lies or not. Uadjit let her gaze wander on her Pharaoh’s white face. He had lifted his eyes from the ground and now looked straight ahead into the forest. But from the way his pupils kept moving and refocusing it was easy to tell that he wasn’t really seeing anything that was in front of him. A few times Petubast even opened his mouth as of to say something but closed it before any sound could escape from it. As time went on Uadjit started to feel somewhat bad for scorching Petubast so much. It was clear that it was a hard topic for him to talk about. But before Uadjit could decide if she truly wanted to know more Petubast finally spoke, “bla bla bla”.


Petubast slowed down his pace so he was walking next to the new cat, “I should apologize of our earlier… inhospitality back there.” Petubast’s voice was apologetic but even then he wasn’t sure if that worked. For some reason it was nearly impossible for him to be able to read the molly’s eyes even though he was generally good at it. “” her voice was smooth while her eyes were piercing as she eyed Petubast from toes to ears. It would have been a big lie if Petubast were to say that in that moment he didn’t feel as big and confident as he usually did. Truth to be told. The way the molly’s eyes so easily pierced through Petubast made him feel like she could see to the very core of him. Cold shivers ran along Petubasts spine raising his fur in its wake. “On a better note. I think reintroduction would be in place.” he gave the charmiest smile that he could paint on his lips “My name is Petubast and I’m the Pharaoh of the Sunblight Empire”.

This Moon
[Uadjit is sent to patrol]
She could only sneer at the two cats before her as they curled their tails together in a cheesy show of affection. It had only been a few week when Ra'katme joined the Empire and she had already somehow been able to get Petubast's heart between her claws. At least to Uadjit it seemed so. She would have puked for such a blatant display of manipulation, but her stomach was 'unfortunately' empty. The brown tabby didn't waste a step when she walked over to the pair holding her disgusted sneer inside her as best as she could. Though her grinding teeth more than happily gave away her tension. "Last time I checked the prey don't jump themselves on the prey stock, do they?" She gave the lazy pair a tough eyeing, but neither seemed to give much care for her sudden presence. Especially Ra'katme who only gave the templar an eye roll for an answer. At least Petabust had the tact to pretend to be surprised as he twisted his head over his lanky shoulder to meet Uadjit's green angsty eyes.

"Well, we have actually been waiting for you to wake up as we have been thinking that, huh?-" Ra'katme suddenly pulled herself forward, just close enough to whisper something in Petubast's ear. The unsettling smirk on her face gave Uadjit shivers. After closely listening to the caliby molly Petubast met Uadjit's eyes again "Oh, yeah. We want you to check the borders."
"What? Alone?"
"Is there a problem with that?" the white molly purred, her smirk only widening as she locked eyes with Uadjit.
A weak stammer escaped the tabby's maw as she was taken aback by such an accusation: "I- no, but-"
"Get going then. The borders won't check themselves, do they?" This time it was Petubast who talked back. His voice had gained a certain authoritarianism over the moon ever after the she-snake had decided to stay at the Temple, and Uadjit didn't like it one bit. But what she could say? The Pharaoh's word was law, no matter how much she detested it "I- yes your majesty" she bowed before the aristocracy "at once" but she made sure to give the most intense of stares to Petubast before turning around and hastily trotting outside. Her skin itched of hot embarrassment of not being able to stand up to herself.

While making her way over the river, jumping from rock to rock, the lanky cat could note that the river had gotten wider and deeper as it usually did in the late of the year. "The last thing we need is a flood filled with 'dem crocodiles" the molly muttered. Though the sweet image of the she-snake getting swallowed by a crocodile did visit her mind. With deeply in her thoughts the molly disappeared behind the reed wall that surrounded the river banks, oblivious of the dark clouds looming over the skies behind her.


[Petubast and Ra'katme are on a hunting trip]
The sun was at its highest when Petubast and Ra'katme finally decided to leave the Temple grounds. The two didn't have many issues crossing the river - if Ra'katme's whining every two seconds of wet paws didn't count - and even took some time for sight seeing the territory for a bit together. All in all, a splendid time. The difficulties started when the two finally agreed to start their hunt but couldn't find anything for miles. They had been wading through the tropical under brush of the river before they both had come to the conclusion that it would be good to take a break. The sun was getting unbearable anyway. The couple had stationed themselves on the grassy shore of a small pond. Relishing their energies under the shade of palms while entertaining their minds watching tiny fish swim in the crystal clear waters.

After a while Petubast rose from his comfortable spot, leaving a trodden grass under him. Now the was cautiously glaring up in the skies behind them before speaking. "The storm is getting closer. We should hurry" Ra'katme slowly extended her sight off the pond and followed her pharaoh's gaze, only to drag it back to the pond when Petubast tried to meet her blue and green eyes "Do we really?" was the mew to escape from her. The caliby extended her left paw into the pond in a lazy attempt to catch the small fish below. Ra'katme's mood for hunting had dropped significantly over the time they had wandered into the woods. Petubast would have been blind not to notice that. Half of him felt awful for the she cat while the other half of him just wanted to raise his voice and command her to pull herself together and get back to work. Didn't help that as her boredom had grown, her snobbiness had done the same. Petubast let out a sigh before giving the molly's ear a quick reassuring lick.

"I know it's tough for you to be back out here... but we need to keep going if we want to get out of the rain" he would have given a few more licks on the molly's soft ear but she turned her head towards Petubast her voice filled with demanding tone. "Or we could stop hunting for prey that isn't there" Petubast frowned. He really didn't like it when someone back talked him. Did it come from a beauty like Ra'katme, or someone else. Probably seeing the disdain in Petubast's eyes the molly softened her expression and purred in continuation "instead we could spend our last few hours before the rain hits by this nice, sunny bond" as she purred she rolled herself over her back and lifted one of her paws to playfully play with Petubasts whiskers "you would like that. Wouldn't you?" Petubast looked deeply in Ra'katme's eyes, trying to research a reason for her behaviour. But couldn't. It was like there was a hidden wall in her eyes. Well, no. More like a veil, he thought. Nevertheless, it made it hard to see what the molly was truly thinking. But maybe that was what pulled him to her in the first place. Uncertainty. Unpredictability. Something that he couldn't expect. He could feel a tingle form inside him the longer he buried himself deeper in the blue and green shaded eyes. "Of course I would love to do that" as he purred Ra'katme's eyes lightened from relief, but only for a moment. "But like I have been saying. We should get going". Ra'katme tried to use her honeyed words, but Petubast interrupted her attempt. More harshly than he intended. "No buts. I'm going with, or without you" and with that he jumped over the small pond. His shadow over the pond send the last remaining fish panicking into the shadows of reeds. Into safety. But that was not what painted the expressive disbelief that now shone on Ra'katme's pale face.

Ra'katme hesitated to follow for a spare moment. When she had first time met Petubast he seemed so much more gullible. So much more... controllable. Truth to be told, she had thought she would have the tom's heart all to herself by the end of the moon. She was able to influence the way he carried himself, how he acted, and how he ruled. So what was she doing wrong? But then it dawned to her. Maybe she wasn't the only one tugging on the strings of Petubast's heart. Maybe there was someone else, too. A rival. Someone who was pulling Petubast away from Ra'katme. And it wasn't hard for the molly to figure out who it was. There were only three of them, after all. The white molly pulled herself from the ground and pounded beside Petubast. "I'm by your side, your majesty," she purred into his ear while pressing herself on his side as a desperate show of affection. And it worked. She could feel the tom lean himself on her. Not everything had been lost. 'I just have to be patient,' she thought to herself. Both of them could hear thunder cracking the skies somewhere far behind them.

[Updates] Accidentally had put Oracle's Student as Oracle's Apprentice. Fixed it on this post!

[Rank Update] Ra'katme joins the ranks of the Empire as a new Noble!
[Border Patrol] Uadjit patrols the borders!
[Hunting Party] Petubast and Ra'katme go hunt together!

The clan consumes a swallow, 2 servings
{notes :: none}

          Pharaoh ::
          Petubast Scorchingsands | 38m | ♂ | Loneborn |

          Crown Heir ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Loneborn | [url=link][/url]

          Nobles ::
          Ra'katme Snappingturtle | 25m | ♀ | Loneborn |

          Templars ::
          Uadjit Crocodiletooth | 47m | ♀ | Firstborn |

          Hunters ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Craftsmen ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Educated ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Oracle ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Oracle's Student ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Mages ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link][/url]

          Pupils ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link]X[/url]

          Mothers ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link]X[/url]

          Kits ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link]X[/url]

          Elders ::
          Name | Age | ♂/♀/⚲ | Caste | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    Rival Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Effect | x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Tilapia | x0 | 2 servings each
    Nile Perch | x0 | 3 servings each
    Night Heron | x0 | 3 servings each
    Pied kingfisher | x1 | 2 servings each
    Swallow | x0 | 2 servings each
    Dove | x1 | 3 servings each

    Nile crocodile
    Egyptian Vulture (Rare)
    African Fish Eagle (Rare)
    Nile Monitor (Very Rare)
    Tigerfish (Very Rare)

    Mentor | Pupil | No. of training sessions | Skills

    Deceased Cats


Last edited by DefendeD on Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:40 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 030 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Feb 02, 2019 9:19 am

# of cats; 65 (: 33 / : 32)
servings consumed; 11 servings
next moonpool visit; any time


𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
The inside of the nursery was warm against the leafbare wind that whistled past the entrance as Lionheart ducked inside. Goldleaf had vacated the queens and older kits to the elder's den while she and Mousestone had helped Woodbloom with her kitting. Now, the younger medicine cat was excitedly recounting the experience to her mate, who was studiously trying not to look at the blood on her paws, while Goldleaf murmured to her.
Woodbloom's eyes caught Lionheart's across the den, and she let out a tired but pleased purr. Her mate- Jayfur, if Lionheart remembered the HazeClan tom correctly- started, blinking at the deputy as the pair moved their tails to reveal six healthy looking balls of fluff nestled against their mother's side. Lionheart let out a low purr, touching her nose to Woodbloom's forehead.
"That looks like trouble," she teased fondly, "especially if I recall what you and Squirrelwhisker were like as kits." Woodbloom rolled her eyes with a good-natured huff, shaking her head fondly at Lionheart. "Very funny," she mewed, although she didn't sound hurt at all. "Where are your parents?" Lionheart asked, a little surprised that Acornstream and overprotective Hawkthorn hadn't weaseled their way back into the den yet.
"Goldleaf told Dad if he set foot in the den before sun-up she'd scratch off his ears, so they've agreed to wait until morning to meet their grandkits so I can get some rest, and because Jayfur has already been traumatized enough today by Goldleaf." The medicine cat rolled her eyes while Woodbloom's mate sputtered, ducking his face against the back of her neck shyly. Lionheart chuckled, taking a seat next to her. Woodbloom's expression got a little more serious as she blinked at the deputy.
"Why are you here, Lionheart?"
"Ah, I suppose it's stupid but... you remind me of, well. Me."
"Right, you had kits when you were very young too," Woodbloom recalled, but the look on her face betrayed the unsaid 'it didn't end as well for you' that every cat in the den was feeling. By now, Lionheart's story was public knowledge. She'd come to terms with the loss of her kits, but it didn't stop the rest of the clan from handling any mention of it as if they were handling the most delicate dandelion in spring so that the buds wouldn't blow away.
"I did," she said with a nod, "I just wanted to ask... were you scared?"
"Yes, and no," Woodbloom said without hesitation, "I was. Don't get me wrong, I was so excited to be a mother, and I wouldn't change this for the world. But you can't help but be afraid, especially kitting in winter. And sometimes, fear is good, because it breeds the critical thinking skills you need to make a life or death decision, and it teaches you to exercise caution, but sometimes fear... is just fear. I was afraid, but at the same time I was confident. Goldleaf and Mousestone haven't lost a kit yet, and they're smart and capable, and through it all I had Jayfur, who will stand by me no matter what. So... I suppose I didn't have time to remember to be afraid when I was thinking about all the good things that would come of it."
"I think you're a lot braver than cats give you credit for," Lionheart said gently, "I know it's not an easy thing to do."
"And you don't give yourself enough credit," Woodbloom replied, making Lionheart start, "giving birth was the easy part. But I have six beautiful, healthy kits and that's easy. I can't imagine how hard it was to lose your kits, and beyond that, how hard it would have been to pick yourself up and carry on. I don't think I could have done it, but you did. Everyone always says that you and Badgerstar make a good team because he has his head in the clouds and you have your paws on the ground, but I think just this once you need to take your leap of faith."
"I think you were probably born for motherhood," Lionheart said with a laugh, "about an hour post-kitting and you're already killing it with motivational speeches." Woodbloom purred, as Lionheart leaned forward to touch her nose to Woodbloom's forehead. "Thank you, Woodbloom. You've given me something to think about." Woodbloom smiled, watching as the ginger cat got to her paws and paid polite goodbyes to the other cats in the den, before she padded toward the den entrance.
"I'll see you in the nursery, Lionheart." Woodbloom called to her retreating back. Lionheart shot her one last almost impish smile, before she disappeared into the swirling snow.


"What are you staring for?" Archibald recoiled, flicking his gaze forward at the rest of the party. Maplefall didn't seem to be paying attention, scenting the air with her back turned to them. Squirrelwhisker had darted off into the trees some minutes prior, and Burrcall and Willowthroat seemed too engaged in conversation to notice Rivuletflight's curious question.
"I wasn't staring."
"Yes you were."
"I was not." Rivuletflight opened his mouth, and then closed it again, looking amused. "Okay then," he said with a light shrug, taking a step forward. Archibald sputtered, stumbling the few steps after him. "That's it?" The pointed cat turned, giving Archie another curious look. "Did you want me to argue with you?" He asked. The black tom scowled.
"Yes! I mean- no! Ugh," he rolled his eyes, "I wasn't staring for the record, I just... you have odd markings." The other tom purred a little, cocking his head to the side. "Did the name not tip you off? They are like rivulets after all. And what about you, Archie? How'd you get your name?" Archibald blinked, and then looked at his paws. "I'm. I'm not sure. I don't really remember all that much before Novella and I came to the Kingdom... least of all what our parents were like."
"Odd that you're the only two who didn't take clan names," Archibald shrugged, the movement janky. "I never asked her to explain her reasoning."
"And I'm not asking you to now," Rivuletflight said, "but for the record, you definitely don't look like an Archie." Archibald scowled. "And what's an Archie supposed to look like?"

Willowthroat and Burrcall took a few steps into the forest, glancing over their shoulders at the rest of the patrol. "You sure this can't wait?" Burrcall asked, amused, and Willowthroat stuck his tongue out at her. She stuck her tongue out back, and he laughed, lightly batting at her. "Look, Maplefall won't mind if we explore a different area of the territory. Everyone knows when the hunting patrol clusters together it makes it harder to catch prey. And besides, I wanted to talk to you about something, so it's two birds, one claw."
"Uh-huuuuuh," Burrcall said with a smile, "and what did you want to talk to me about?"
"Listen," Willowthroat said, taking a deep breath, "this might seem sudden but I... really like you. Ever since Grouseclaw and I got here, you've been nothing but courteous and accommodating. You're kind, and bubbly, and really, really funny and I thought at first you were just being hospitable, but it didn't take me long to realize that you were just like that naturally, and it took even less time for me to realize that I liked you as more than a friend. And then, as the moons went on and we hung out more and I got to know you... those feelings developed. And what I want to say is that I love you, Burrcall."
"Oh," she sounded like the wind had been knocked out of her, eyes sparkling as her tail kinked high above her back, "oh, I wasn't-- I wasn't expecting that but I- Willowthroat, you're so handsome and you're like a ray of sunshine and I-- I love you too. I thought it might come off as a bit strange and then after I came out to you I wasn't sure if you'd still like me and I-" Willowthroat surged forward and touched his nose to hers.
"You coming out to me in no way changes how I feel about you," he said gently, "in fact, it just makes me respect you that much more for knowing who you were so young and staying true to yourself all this time. I love you Burrcall, not for what you look like but for who you are inside. And... if you'll have me, I'd like to be your mate."
"Even if we can't have kits?"
"Who says we can't! We can find a surrogate-- if, if that's what you'd want." He ducked his head, a little sheepishly, feeling his pelt heat. Burrcall pushed forward and touched her nose to his cheek with a light purr. "I want that so badly," she said, "and I want to be your mate even more. So, yes, I will have you, if you'll have me."
"Always," he replied, nuzzling their foreheads together, "now, and forevermore."


"Flintburr's patrol was the only one to bring back food?" Badgerstar glanced worriedly between the four hunting patrol leaders, as the big black tom nodded gravely. Maplefall sighed, her ears flattening. "The prey hasn't been running very well all winter. We're barely scraping enough to sustain the clan but... this is definitely the worst it's been. Usually we all manage at least something, no matter how meager."
"I'm sorry, Badgerstar," Longriver said, curling his tail over his paws, "maybe we should concentrate more hunting patrols around the same area? We could link two or three up together and sweep the territory in a fan-shape, or we could try and break some more holes in the ice to access more fish, or-"
"It's okay, Longriver," Badgerstar said with a smile, "I'm glad you all let me know, but this isn't your fault. Newleaf is right around the corner, and I'm positive that that will bring better fortune for us. For now, just keep doing what you're doing, but tomorrow I'll get Lionheart to schedule a joint patrol with a hunting party you lead, Longriver, so you can test that fan-shape that you suggested. For now, I believe Flintburr has a family he'd like to return to, Dustfang has kits who'd love his attention, Harrierstreak looks like he could use some love from you, Longriver, and I would like some time with my lovely mate."
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Maplefall purred, sliding up against her mate's side to press a nose to his cheek. Badgerstar frowned, before he lit up suddenly. "Oh! Right!" He cleared his throat, before he raised his voice to echo around the whole of the clearing: "all cats gather beneath Highbranch!" Slowly, cats began to gather in a semi-circle around the trees roots, where Badgerstar and Maplefall waited. Lionheart came to flank him on his other side, proud smile already on her face.
"Sandpaw," Badgerstar said, "please step forward. I, Badgerstar of GroveClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. She has trained faithfully to understand the way of your code, and I recommend her to you, as it is her turn to become a warrior. Do you, Sandpaw, promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do," Sandpaw mewed, smiling as Avocetpaw nudged her shoulder, proudly.
"Then from this day forward you will be known by your warrior name: Sandcatcher, for your hunting prowess. StarClan honours your speed, your tenacity and your level-headedness. It is my honour to welcome you as a full warrior of GroveClan." Sandcatcher stepped forward to exchange pleasantries with Badgerstar as the clan yowled for her, before she touched her nose to Lionheart's, whispering a quiet 'thank you' to her. The pleased cries echoed into the leafbare sky, the warmth of their joy insulating them against the cold wind that whipped through the camp.

"Today's the day," Shadowtail mewed, cuddling close to Dustfang's side. Most of the leafbare snow had melted away, but a persistent chill made hiding against her mate's warm fur extra pleasurable. "Indeed it is," he purred, "it seems like just yesterday they were born, and they're going to be apprentices already. Are you sure you won't come back to patrols this moon?" Shadowtail shook her head, touching her nose to his cheek. "Woodbloom had six kits, darling. I promised Acornstream I'd stay that extra moon in the nursery to help out."
"Mmm, you're an angel," Dustfang said, "but I'll miss you." Shadowtail grinned at him. "I'll miss you more. But don't worry, I'll be back soon enough to tip you into the lake." Her mate gasped, mimicking offense. "I take it back, you're not an angelic ghost from StarClan, you're a horrid, horrid little demon from the Dark Forest." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he stuck his tongue out back with a light laugh.
"All cats gather beneath Highbranch!" Badgerstar called, dark form silhouetted on the branch of the willow tree. Dustfang nudged their kits forward with his nose, before straightening up again so that Shadowtail could lean on his shoulder. Across the campground, his eyes caught Burrcall and Boulderflame's, the pair of them looking every inch as proud of their half-siblings as he felt. "Today, GroveClan gains four new apprentices," Badgerstar called, "Falconkit, Cinderkit, Sleetkit and Oakkit, from this day forward until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Falconpaw, Cinderpaw, Sleetpaw and Oakpaw, to signify the path that StarClan will guide you down on your journey to becoming a warrior. Falconpaw, your mentor will be Harrierstreak. I know he will be a diligent mentor who passes on all he knows to you." Falconpaw and Harrierstreak walked toward each other, touching noses with twin purrs.
"Harrierstreak, you have shown yourself to be compassionate and hard-working. I know you will pass on all you know to your apprentice. Cinderpaw, your mentor will be Wolverinejaw, who will teach you everything she knows. Wolverinejaw, you have shown yourself to be tenacious and, while a little hard headed at times, fiercely loyal with an unending well of bravery. Cinderpaw is lucky to have you as a mentor, and I trust you to teach her everything you know." Almost shyly, Wolverinejaw touched noses with her new apprentice, the little grey she-cat looking up at her with pride.
"Sleetpaw, your mentor will be Featherpelt, whom I trust you teach you to be the best warrior you can be. Featherpelt, you have shown yourself to be an integral and logical member of this clan, and I know you will teach Sleetpaw everything he needs to become a fantastic warrior." The pair touched noses, Sleetpaw's tail kinking proudly. "And last but not least, Oakpaw. Your mentor will be Adderstorm, a molly who will be a fantastic teacher for you. Adderstorm, although you are young I believe you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have learned invaluable lessons from your former mentor, Acornstream, and have shown yourself to be quick-thinking and proud of the legacy you are building. I know you will be instrumental in Oakpaw's journey to becoming a warrior." Squirrelwhisker nudged a stunned-looking Adderstorm forward to touch noses with Oakpaw, as Badgerstar called:
"Let's hear it for our new apprentices!" Mixed cries went up around the campground for the four new apprentices, the loudest of all being those of their parents.


"Pinefeather, can we go and hunt on the western border? I want to see if I can see Hornetpaw when he's training!" Midnightpaw's tail kinked over his back, ears pricking forward a little. The burmese tom shot a look at the leader of their patrol, who stood with Cormorantpath at one shoulder and Squirrelwhisker at the other. Hawkthorn smiled. "I don't see why not, I'm sure Hornetpaw would like to see his hero again after all."
"We're friends!" Midnightpaw insisted. "We've been friends ever since the gathering, the hero stuff is just an old joke. Dad said it's okay because we're allies with Highgarden and he says friendships between the clans will be good." Hawkthorn chuckled a little, with a placating nod. "Of course, I apologize. Hornetpaw will be ecstatic to see his friend. Just be sure that you actually get some hunting done, okay?"
"I'll make sure he stays out of trouble," Pinefeather assured him, trailing after his apprentice. He shot Hawkthorn a filthy look over his shoulder as the tom called: "no more river diving, okay?" After them. Cormorantpath let out a teeny laugh as soon as Pinefeather was out of earshot. "I think I might head a little north, if that's okay? I want to see what prey is like around the foothills, hardly anyone ever hunts there."
"That's fine with me," he said, "be safe and make sure you're on your guard. We should still be a little cautious about predators coming back now that it's Newleaf." Cormorantpath nodded his understanding, before he disappeared into the underbrush. Hawkthorn shot his son a small smile. "I suppose you have somewhere you'd like to disappear to as well?" He teased, and Squirrelwhisker shook his head with a brilliant grin on his features.
"No, actually. It feels like it's been a long time since just the two of us hung out, since you and Mom have been so busy with Hazelkit. It will be nice for us to catch up."
"Of course it will! We can start with your crush on Adderstorm."
"Dad!" Squirrelwhisker huffed and ducked his head, ears pinning against his skull sulkily. "I know Ashenstrike always rips into me for being unobservant when it comes to crushes and things like that but... I have eyes. It's very plain to everyone that you and Adderstorm are... fond of each other, and considering your sister just made me a grandparent, I figured I should ask if I'm going to feel any older any time soon."
"I don't think so," Squirrelwhisker said, "to be honest... I'm not sure where we stand. I told her that I had feelings for her at the vigil, and we had... a conversation about it when she was ready. She said she liked me too, but I said I wanted to court her properly, and so I have been but we haven't really... breached the subject again. I'm not ready to ask her to be my mate, and she has an apprentice now so she'll be busy. Don't worry, Dad, you just have the six grandkits for now."
"I still cannot believe it was six," he blew out a sigh, "there must be something in the water in HazeClan because I know your sister didn't get that from us."
"We'll see," Squirrelwhisker said, looking amused, "you might have to eat those words when I have seven."
"Now that," Hawkthorn said with a good-natured laugh, "is a very scary concept."


✦ servings consumed
11/11 - 3 birds and a rabbit
✦ clan events
avocetpaw & ternpaw sit their final assessments!
lionheart & ashenstrike try for kits
maplefall & badgerstar try for kits
goldleaf & mousestone search for herbs
dusklight, harrierstreak and featherpelt teach their apprentices to hunt
wolverinejaw and adderstorm teach their apprentices to fight
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - hawkthorn, squirrelwhisker, cormorantpath, pinefeather, midnightpaw
2 - dustfang, sparkfur, frostbranch, flintburr, ripplemist, burrcall
3 - longriver, grouseclaw, halfpond, dawnblossom, archibald, rivuletflight
4 - burningcloud, maplefall, fawnrunner, willowthroat, sootface, fircloud
border -
1 - lionheart, ashenstrike, juniperpaw, stonepatch, meadowfang, roseclaw

        badgerstar | 46 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        Lives: ★★★★★✰✰✰✰

        lionheart | 67 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        Medicine Cat:
        goldleaf | 68 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        mousestone | 25 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        flintburr | 82 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        maplefall | 42 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        hawkthorn | 56 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        dustfang | 61 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        ashenstrike | 67 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        stonepatch | 43 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        fawnrunner | 42 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        flowershine | 33 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        harrierstreak | 34 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        boulderflame | 30 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        burrcall | 30 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        roseclaw | 78 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        sootface | 50 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        pinefeather | 76 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        longriver | 32 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        dawnblossom | 24 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        dusklight | 24 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        novella | 24 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        halfpond | 28 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        sedgefire | 28 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        willowthroat | 34 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        grouseclaw | 34 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        wolverinejaw | 31 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        burningcloud | 63 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        meadowfang | 63 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        squirrelwhisker | 20 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        featherpelt | 68 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        adderstorm | 19 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        archibald | 24 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        fircloud | 80 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        rivuletflight | 28 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        ripplemist | 22 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        frostbranch | 22 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        cormorantpath | 19 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        sparkfur | 19 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        sandcatcher | 13 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        avocetpaw | 12 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        ternpaw | 12 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        elkpaw | 11 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        thunderpaw| 11 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        mistpaw | 11 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        deerpaw | 11 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        juniperpaw | 10 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        midnightpaw | 10 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        emberpaw | 10 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        falconpaw | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        cinderpaw | 6 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        sleetpaw | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        oakpaw | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷

        shadowtail | 56 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        acornstream | 56 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        woodbloom | 20 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        silvermoon | 65 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        hazelkit | 5 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        dahliakit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        willowkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        sparrowkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        twigkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        wrenkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        finchkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        redrunner| 140 moons | ♂ | 🌷
    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    echoclan | Katrione
    clayclan | hazilnut
    highgarden | eagle,
    hazeclan | nightwolf950

    enemy clans;
    none yet!

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | open | dm me!
    south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
    west | highgarden | eagle,

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [4] | greencough
    chervil [6] | wounds/aches
    marigold [5] | wounds
    tansy [2] | coughs
    goldenrod [5] | wounds
    catchweed [3] | poultices
    poppy seeds [5] | pain
    cobwebs [5] | bleeding
    fennel [5] | pain
    raspberry leaves [3] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [4] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    chickweed [4] | coughs
    parsley [1] | bellyache
    rosemary [1] | burial
    willow bark [1] | pain
    bindweed [1] | binds sticks
    blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
    borage leaves [1] | milk
    bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
    burdock [1] | infections
    broom [2] | breaks/wounds
    burnet [4] | strength
    celadine [3] | eye infections
    horsetail [1] | stops bleeding
    oak leaves [1] | stops infection
    comfrey root [1] | wounds
    daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
    dock [1] | soothes scratches

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x5| 1 servings [5]
    vole | x5 | 1 servings [5]
    rabbit | x3 | 2 servings [6]
    bird | x0 | 3 servings [0]
    fish | x3 | 2 servings [6]
    squirrel | x4 | 2 servings [8]
    capacity: 31 servings (2 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    hawkthorn| ternpaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunting, tracking, adv hunt
    longriver | avocetpaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunting, tracking, adv battle
    sootface | elkpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, climbing, adv battle
    novella | thunderpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, climbing, adv battle
    boulderflame | mistpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, adv hunt, climb
    flowershine | deerpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, adv hunt, climb
    ashenstrike | juniperpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, adv battle, tracking
    pinefeather | midnightpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, adv battle, swimming
    dusklight | emberpaw [0]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill
    harrierstreak | falconpaw [0]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill
    wolverinejaw | cinderpaw [0]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill
    featherpelt | sleetpaw [0]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill
    adderstorm | oakpaw [0]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill

    deceased cats;
    twilightkit ; murdered by dante

    halfpond & sedgefire,
    due in two moons
    shadowtail & hawkthorn
    boulderflame & burrcall
    squirrelwhisker, woodbloom,
    dawnblossom & dusklight
    harrierstreak & mousestone
    juniperpaw, midnightpaw
    & twilightkit
    roseclaw, russetwing, lionheart,
    gingerstrike & dawnleap
    elkpaw, thunderpaw, mistpaw
    & deerpaw
    featherpelt ♡ seneca
    avocetpaw & ternpaw
    grouseclaw & willowthroat
    falconpaw, cinderpaw, sleetpaw
    & oakpaw
    dahliakit, willowkit, sparrowkit,
    twigkit, wrenkit, finchkit
    novella & archibald
    fircloud ♡ callie
    silvermoon ♡ whitefoot
    ripplemist, frostbranch
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