Create A Tribe - (v.1) - v.2 open!

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

tribe replies / 018.

Postby deimido » Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:39 am

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Summer.
Next Replies Due: 11/25/17

while the heat can be bothersome for most, cats are reassured by the fact that the nights seem to grow a little bit colder, which could possibly mean that autumn might be on its way. there seems to be a lot of prey creeping out of the woodwork, so cats will have an easier time hunting today.

[ CAT Fanclub ]

[ Tribe of Burning Suns ] [ Tribe of Tall Trees ] [ Tribe of Muddy Ferns ] [ Tribe of the Falling Fire ] [ Tribe of Moonlit Waters ] [ Tribe of Flaming Sands ]
[ Tribe of Glowing Gems ] [ Tribe of Breaking Waves ] [ Tribe of Crystal Streams ] [ Tribe of Golden Dawns ] [ Tribe of Frozen Waters ] [ Tribe of Jagged Shores ]

The Tribe of Burning Suns | Katrione wrote:Image

[ The tribe consumed x1 squirrel + x1 mouse ]
[ Sunteller went into labor ]
[ Jackal left The Tribe of Burning Suns ]
[ Bird, Nut, Jackal, Shadow and Thunder went hunting on the mountain paths ]
[ Hiss, Bear, Light and Nettle went on a border patrol ]
[ Bird and Hiss took Thunder and Nettle training ]
[ I want them to learn all of the skills for their rank that you have listed on the front ]

[ Sunteller has delivered a healthy four-kit litter! ]
[ one - two - three - four ]

[ Jackal's scent has completely vanished from the Tribe of Burning Suns' territory... ]

[ Your hunting patrol caught +1 big fish and +1 bird. ]

[ Your border patrol encountered a potential tribe-mate who is willing to join the Burning Suns. ]

[ Training results: Thunder and Nettle both learned the swimming skill. ]

The Tribe of Flaming Sands | vampiress_fox wrote:Tribe of Flaming Sands

[Sun, Shadow, and Leaf go hunting]
[Ash, Stone, and Moon go on patrol]
[Flameteller goes herb hunting]

[ Your hunting patrol caught +1 hare and +1 snake. ]

[ Your border patrol encountered a potential tribe-mate who is willing to join the Flaming Sands. ]

[ Flameteller gathered +1 alder bark and +1 catchweed. ]

The Tribe of Glowing Gems | Savannah-the-Caracal wrote:The Tribe of Glowing Gems

Gemteller goes to the Gem Cave and asks for a random cat
Smolder patrols/Hunts

{ don't forget to update your fresh-kill pile so i know what your tribe eats! }

[ The Tribe of Endless Hunting heeds Gemteller's request; a prey-hunter is sent to join the Glowing Gems. ]

[ Smolder catches +1 bird on his hunt, he also encounters a potential tribe-mate who is willing to join the Glowing Gems, they are also carrying +1 mouse as an offering to the tribe. ]

The Tribe of Breaking Waves | mackstarr wrote:The Tribe of Breaking Waves

[Tideteller goes to the cave of pointed stones.]

[ The Tribe of Endless Hunting heeds Tideteller's request; a prey-hunter is sent to join the Breaking Waves. ]

The Tribe of Flowing Brook | _Ravenfeather_ wrote:Tribe Of Flowing Brook

The Tribe Of Flowing Brook lives in tunnels underneath a brook in a large forest abandoned by two legs, which makes it hard to be found by them. The cats in this tribe have short fur to help them run through the tunnels quicker, and brown, ginger, black, and gray fur colors being the most common. The cats are very short and aren't the fastest runners, but are quite stealthy and can swim well due to the brook outside their tunnels. The cats are quite wise and calm. But that won't stop them from fighting as hard as they can in battle. Their biggest dangers are dogs, badgers, foxes, collapsing tunnels, and drowning. Their prey are tree frogs, brown squirrels, thrush, and mockingbirds.

[ The Tribe of Flowing Brook has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be iceypopCS ]

The Tribe of Crystal Streams | Breezecat wrote:Hello, and welcome to The Tribe of the Crystal Streams.
This tribe lives, well near three streams that have crystal clear water. The cats that live in the stream are known for being kind, intelligent, and selfless, but some cats can turn out to be very unkind, silly and crude... But most cats are quite OK. These cats usually swim in the water and live in a large cave tunneled out by erosion, directly above the largest stream, which they call "The Mother Stream." The dangers around would be badgers, dogs, foxes, drowning, flooding, getting eaten by bigger animals in the stream, and falling into the stream, or a rock on the stream. Their prey are fish, squirrels, birds, (From the forest near by) frogs, and bugs. (Only if they have too.) The cats are excellent climbers and swimmers. They have long, black, and sleek fur with strong paws that are good for climbing. These cats WILL tell you the truth if you ask any question because they are proud of their truth-telling ancestors.

[The Tribe of Crystal Streams has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be deimos ]

The Tribe of Shimmering Dawn | ~Glaceon~ wrote:Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
Personalities and Strengths:
This tribe is rather calm and cold, said to have been inflicted by the icy winds from above and clouded by the shimmering mist. They are rather intelligent and sharp like ice, and will often get on another cat's nerves by making witty comments about the things that annoy them most or treating them in a cold manner. They can be quick to judge. However, they are cunning and light footed, said to be as quiet as snow falling. They also get things done quickly and don't complain, and they prefer to tell the truth. These cats are also very selfless but take care in their appearance. Their paws have tough pads due to walking in caves, and their coats are usually medium to long length and in lighter colour, such as white, creamy or grey, but there are sometimes light ginger/brown cats. They are described to have shiny, sleek pelts and eyes shimmering with pleasure as they feel comfortable with their home.
This tribe is known for having good swimmers and prey-hunters, and for their cats to be hardened against illness and rarely ill.

Small Fish - Common
Big Fish - Common
Vole - Uncommon
Frog - Uncommon
Ermine - Uncommon
Rabbit - Rare
Birds Of Prey - Common
Foxes - Common
Rats - Uncommon
Twolegs - Uncommon
Dogs - Rare
Badgers - Rare

Kit - 0 moons when obtained, leaves rank at 5/6 moons, will be kept back if necessary.
To-be - Obtained at 5/6 moons, leaves rank at 13 moons. Will be kept back depending on what they are training for or if they need to carry on training.
Dawnteller To-be - Obtained at 5/6 moons, leaves rank when the current Dawnteller is deceased.
Haze-Hunter - Obtained at 13 moons, usually left at 120 moons/depending on when the Prey-hunter chooses. Sometimes a Haze-Hunter will be forced to retire due to injuries or will carry on serving their tribe until they can no longer do their role.
Gale-Guardian - Obtained at 13 moons, usually left at 125 moons/depending on when the Cave-Guard chooses. Sometimes a Gale-Guard will be forced to retire due to injuries or will carry on serving their tribe until they can no longer do their role.
Kit-mother - Obtained between 20 moons and 70 moons depending on when a she-cat is expecting kits.
Elder - Obtained at 120 moons or when a cat is forced/chooses to retire.
Dawnteller - Obtained at current healer's death.

This tribe is quite high in the mountains, living in a large clearing with cold winds and mysterious mists. It doesn't often snow, usually only in Leafbare and late Leaf-fall. Few trees grow here, the only ones being pine and yew with a few exceptions. A clear river runs through the territory, being one of the main sources of food for the tribe. A cave is at the edge of the meadow and is perfect for dens, but many bushes and hollow rocks also function as places for cat's to sleep, mainly used by cave-guards, but some prey-hunters choose to sleep outside. A small hollow near the entrance of the cave is the fresh-kill pile. Kit-mothers sleep in the centre of the cave, and to-bes have settled closer to the front of the cave where the ceiling is lower. Prey-hunters sleep close to the front of the cave, right next to the fresh-kill pile where the ground has a dip in. The Dawnteller sleeps near the back of the cave closest to the kit-mothers, and a passage by their den leads to a clear spring that is the source of the river. This pool is called The Pool Of Shimmering Truth, as it is said to reveal a true cat's personality or future; it is also the way to connect with The Tribe Of Endless Hunting. A large hole is in the ceiling of the pool's area, where a cat can see the skies clearly and climb out to find themselves near the peak of the mountain. Also the path to the Pool of Shimmering Truth raises. The Dawnteller's to-be sleeps by the spring as it is one of the safest places in camp. The elders den is on the other side of the Kit-mothers den, and is rather small but cosy with little dips in the ground resembling a circle.
Cave-guards have their dens outside to guard the camp, within a large, hollow rock that was carved by a spring that dried up. Dawnteller will sit on top of this rock to make announcements.

On the outskirts of the territory sits several abandoned twoleg cabins, and cat's try to salvage what they can from the cabins: often blankets will be stolen so kit-mothers and elders can be comfortable, and sick cats can also be satisfied.

All to-bes must have gone to the Pool of Shimmering Truth with Dawnteller, as the Dawnteller can get a glimpse of their future and see if they are truly meant to be a cave-guard or prey-hunter. New warriors (a term used to describe the two sub types of warriors together) will either hunt until dawn or guard the territory until dawn depending on their role respectively. Short-furred kits are considered bad omens and will be taken to the Pool of Shimmering Truth at four moons old to see if it is their destiny to live or die. Then the kit will have to go into the meadow and find a herb or piece of prey to be accepted. If not they are taken to the nearest tribes border or left in the wild. Cat's found with short fur are still accepted, but the cold wind of Leafbare may put them off. Instead of a Dawnteller to stay in the cave, they will be out the most and always on patrol.

[ The Tribe of Shimmering Dawn is founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be iceypopCS ]

The Tribe of Golden Dawns | marya d. wrote:Image
      welcome to the wonderful tribe of the golden dawn! here you will see cats of all colours and backgrounds coming together as one to live in peace and harmony. here we live on an island, surrounded by many biomes, and an ocean all around us. your rank will determine where you live. if you are the dawnseeker, the healer and communicator of the clan, then you live in the central clearing, the closest place possible to the cave of dwelling stones, where we can communicate with the tribe of endless dancing. perchance you may be a sky-guard, where you are positioned in a circle surrounding the sunteller's den. or you may be a dawn-chaser, in charge of providing the clan with food, and live pretty much anywhere on the island.

[ The Tribe of Golden Dawns has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be deimos ]

The Tribe of Shattered Ice | bel. wrote:

    welcome to the brave, and adamant traditions of the tribe of shattered ice.

the tribe of shattered ice resides in a thickly snowed over land. there are cliffs and frozen rivers and waterfalls, and vast spaces covered in ice and caves. through an array of icicles lies the cave large enough to house the mountain cats. treading beyond the cave mouth, outside is a winding path leading down to the training hollow. further down the long slope is a another clearing with several burrows and leaves, where prey often abides. if you press on, there is the cave of frozen water where cats share tongues and fish for the prey in air holes, where fish come to breathe or bathe in the sun flowing from a hole in the roof. beyond are unexplored regions, not discovered or imperfected by an cat's paw.

typically, cats must have thick fur to live in such a cold environment. they must be sure footed, rough-padded, and strong.

instead of a stoneteller, like a traditional tribe, there is an iceteller. he or she is chosen by the tribe of endless hunting, then they are succeeded by their kin. if the chosen kin falls to darkness, the iceteller must choose a successor before they pass.

the sacred ritual and blessing preformed by stoneteller to the union of assigned mates is one of the most important traditions. it is preformed at 18 moons of age, with the exception of an age gap between chosen mates. they are told who their assigned mate is when they reach 16 moons. customary, the oath must be taken first: do you both promise to loyally serve on another, to forge a bond and to protect one another no matter the cost? each cat must say "i do" before the ceremony begins. the ceremony of boundment is; "i, stoneteller, bless {name} and {name} with an abundant mating and kit-birth, to be bound together until your time to join the tribe of endless hunting." both must agree to the union. those who do not agree to the union, will be forbidden to take a mate of their choosing, without explicit permission from iceteller.

a mate that dies of a she-cat or tom who has already had one litter enables the she-cat or tom to not be reblessed. those who have not born a litter must be reassigned with the allowance of a period of grief.

to-be's will be assigned a selected role the moment they have reached six moons old. they must always abide by this assignment.

the graduation of to-be's is as follows; "i, stoneteller, call upon my ancestors to approve what i am about to say. "name of to-be" do you promise to defend your tribe and obey the tribe code at the cost of your life?" "i do," "then by the powers of our ancestors i grant you full succession as a {prey-hunter/cave-guard}.

will the tribe of endless hunting grant this tribe a brave and loyal leader?

[ The tribe of Shattered Ice is founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be iceypopCS ]

The Tribe of Frozen Waters | OrigamiVulpix wrote:Tribe Of Frozen Waters
Where the extreme is normal, and the normal are gone
This tribe is known for their chilling personality towards outsiders. While they may be very supportive of their own members, other tribes will feel their in-hospitality they moment they meet. Still, the heart of their tribe is warmer than the sun, showing how caring they could be. They believe in purity within each tribe, as their snowy tundra is only fit for their thick coats and wide paws. Rules are made for safety and protection, something they learn at a young age. While stories may be told that their hearts are frozen blocks of ice, their blood freezing, they truly do care.
Known for their white coats and freezing gazes, their members would faint of heat exhaustion in territory normal for other cats,
or of hunger, as they only know how to hunt the waters and snows of their homeland. Their claws used to gripping ice and their reflexes fast from catching fish. The prey that they hunt quick, they run faster than most.
Their healer, better known as Frostteller, reads the signs of the Frozen Fall, a waterfall that is on the side of a large mountain in their territory. This waterfall is thawed for only a moon every greenleaf, giving to a river when not frozen.

[ The Tribe of Frozen Waters has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

[ your mod will be deimos ]

The Tribe of Crumbling Stone | Grey_Hoodie wrote:
    xx .territory.
      The Tribe of Crumbling Stone live in a mixed forest where the land stretches out flat in front of them. They are walled
      in on almost all sides by towering mountains. A wide, deceitfully deep river separates the camp from the main hunting
      area in the territory. On the camp side of the river, the earth begins to slope up into one of the bordering mountains.
      The tribe’s camp sits on this slope in the curl of some oddly stacked stones. The gaping holes of the structure are
      plastered up with mud and sticks and more stones to make suitable dens for the cats.
        Teller of the Morning’s Mist, or rather Mist-teller, tends to live further up the slope so that they can geta good look at
        not only the tribe’s camp, but also the vast territory the tribe controls. Their den is hidden beneath a protruding boul-
        der and they spend the early morning hours reading the morning’s mist before they move down to the camp for the
        rest of the day.
          Outside of the camp and the small thicket of trees surrounding it, there is a vast meadow with a couple of similar tree
          grounds spread out along the length of the field. The open area is typically used by the tribe to train their newest to-
          bes, whereas the scattered bunches of trees are used as a cover to any bird of prey flying overhead and a diversion to
          any enemy tribe looking to attack the Tribe of Crumbling Stone’s camp.
            Scattered about the territory are other formations of oddly stack stones, similar to those back at thetribe’s camp. The
            structures are unnaturally crafted, and the tribe cats aren’t entirely sure where they came from. Each year makes the
            stacks of stones become more and more unsteady, and the cats have to be careful whenever they walk across them in
            case they begin to break apart. These stones are what eventually give the tribe its name: The Tribe of Crumbling Stone.
            The stones curling around the tribe’s camp are the most stable the cats could find. The formation won’t come crumbling
            down any time soon,not when they’re constantly reinforcing it with more stones and mud.
              On the other side of the river lies The Greenwood. The Greenwood, named as such because the pines give the
              forest an eternally green look, is where the tribe usually conducts hunts and patrols. Out in the woods lurk predators
              such as black bears, bobcats, mountain lions and coyotes, but the bounty of prey that can be found is worth the risk. As
              soon as a to-be learns to swim, their training will continue out in The Greenwood.
              xxxx .nature.
                The Tribe of Crumbling Stone has a pretty good reputation. They tend to be pretty friendly toward strangers and are
                happy to allow outsiders to test out tribe life. They do, however, become a little bit wary if a cat deciding against tribe
                life chooses to stick around in the tribe’s territory. The tribe won’t hesitate to chase out a loner.
                  In terms of their nature toward their own kin, the cats are usually very close. However, cats of the tribe are expected to
                  be hard-working and eager to explore. Any among the tribe who do not fit those standards find themselves without a place
                  in the tribe sooner or later.
                    The cats are usually very generous toward allies in terms of aiding in battle and sharing prey, but they can be very possess-
                    ive over the herbs they collect. While not overly aggressive, the cats of the tribe make sure they are constantly training in
                    order to appear threatening to enemies. They aren’t pushovers and they will defend their territory and their kin until their
                    very last breath.
                    xxxxxx .customs.
                      These are currently in the work and will be developed through the tribe's posts.

                    [ The Tribe of Crumbling Stone has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

                    [ your mod will be iceypopCS ]

                    The Tribe of Jagged Shores | ❝ aesthetic. wrote:
                    the tribe of jagged shores.. a tribe known for its talented mem-
                    bers and big hearts. They live on the coast of the highlands
                    , where humans rarely visit to at the time. Though many would
                    expect it to be free of problems, it is a dangerous place where
                    the meek fall as quickly as the leaves fall in autumn. A perfect
                    example that you can't trust for even the most serene places to
                    be undangerous, as even a white rose has a looming shadow in it.

                    as stated above, they live on the coast near the highlands (pictures
                    based on the isle of skye in the u.k) which is mainly uninhabited by
                    the humans, though a few villages have been noted by the cats, so
                    kittypets can be occasionally found upon the tribe lands. The cats
                    camp resides in an abandoned castle-like home overlooking the shore
                    which is right next to many of the pools that are dotted along the
                    territory. One, however, glows in the middle of the night and has
                    a small cave entrance which they use as their own cave of pointed
                    stones. Besides that, there is a small unused barn that has lots of
                    mice that they'll hunt, aswell as a forest and even a river that are
                    all great hunting spots. Behind them are forest and then mountain.
                    Lots of flowers grow around their territory, thanks to there love for
                    them and knowledge about them.
                        pratices and traditions
                        just like any other tribe, this clan has a particular set
                        of traditions that are set in stone for the tribe. Firstly,
                        one tradition includes the process of first spring hunting,
                        where the cats of the clan will basically hold a small
                        competition and festival about prey and well-being, all
                        prior activities are cancelled on this day for the cats to
                        go out and hunt and fish together. It is a joyous
                        occasional with cheering and love for the tribe lifestyle.
                        another is the ceremony of death. death is extremely
                        saddening for the clan, and do not take it lightly. Even
                        stillborn deaths are deeply mourned for, as it could have
                        been an amazing cat there beside the clan. So, the clan
                        will often give them special trinkets and items and lay
                        them over their graves, which are always next to a special
                        fairy pool that has a tiny waterfall in it, and is very calm-
                        ing to any who go. They plant certain types of seeds from
                        flowers over their graves too.
                        nature and personalities
                        the tribe is known to be quite civilized for the most part, holding themselves with a respectable nobility that many others do not. They are proper most of the time, not brutish beasts that are apart of other tribes. Though they appear to be a approachable tribe and calm for the most part, it is warned not to cross them, as they will turn into cats as fierce as the wolves. They are talented in their work, whether it be defence or attack, they'll give it there all to defend their clan.

                    tell-tail traits
                    longer pelts are a common trait in the tribe, as they often need it since their is sharp winds near the waters edges. The tribe usually has cats with tortishell, marble, Lynx, calico or black smoke colourations upon their pelts. There Is a vast variety of colours that are seen on the cats, some including silvers, creams, lilacs, cinnamons, ginger and many more.

                    [ The Tribe of Jagged Shores has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

                    [ your mod will be deimos ]

                    The Tribe of Rolling Thunder | Maplewhisper wrote:The Tribe of Rolling Thunder

                    Storm had always dreamed of the tribes that her mother spoke of. She loved the adventure of the cats, and was enraptured most of all by the mystical connection the tribe had with their ancestors. When she and her mother went hunting one day, a terrible storm shook the mountains where they lived, and Storm was separated from her mother. The young cat found herself in a wide plain of rock, a flat stretch surrounded by rocks that was open to the sky. A few fox-lengths behind her was a towering spiral of rock, ending in a peak just wide enough for two cats. Compelled by a sudden inexplicable urge, Storm climed the spire and stood on the peak overlooking the mountains. As the storm blew around her, she realized that although the rain poured down, she was dry. A lone star could be seen in the sky directly above her, and Stom suddenly understood the message of the tribal ancestors. Bowing her head, she declared her new name to be Teller of the Calling Storm, or Stormteller. Stormteller voed that she would create a tribe on the rocky plain as her ancestors commanded. In honor of her mother and the storm that guided her, she named her tribe the Tribe of Rolling Thunder.

                    Having plenty of time to herself, Stormteller fashioned some traditions to benefit their life on the plain and to indentify their tribe.

                    The rock where she had become Stormteller was to be the place where she met with her ancestors. It was to be called the Calm Peak, and would only be visited when a storm ravaged the mountains.

                    Kits are given a single-syllable name at birth, such as Moss or Cliff. They recive their full name at assesment. Stormteller selects kits to be cave-guards or prey-hunters when they are three moons old.

                    To-be's were to be trained in pairs - one cave-guard and one prey-hunter. The pair must never be separated during training and must learn to function together as well as with the other pairs.

                    Since trees and plants are sparse in the high region of the mountains, it is also a to-be's duty to travel once every quarter moon to the base of the mountain to collect branches, bedding, forest prey, and anything else that might be needed from the forest. Stormteller travels with all of the to-be's to gather herbs and to look out for danger while the young cats scavenge.

                    A to-be's final assesment consists of a pair being sent out in the mountains for two days. During those two days, the cave-guard to-be must discover a cave marked with something - such as a cave with mist around it, or a cave that has a holly bush growing in it. The specific sign is believed to be sent by the tribe as an indicator for the cat's full name. A prey-hunter must successfully bring down a bird of prey, and many factors about the bird determine the prey-hunter to-be's name.

                    No cat is to venture from the camp alone.

                    [ The Tribe of Rolling Thunder has been founded! Pick five herbs from here to pick your medicine store. ]

                    [ your mod will be iceypopCS ]
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby breezey   » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:50 pm

                    Tribe of the Crystal Streams
                    Number of Cats: 1

                    Streamteller sighed and padded to her new den that she made a few minutes ago. She prayed to her ancestors and the tribe of endless for something, as her Tribe had no one and it was quite boring. She got up and started to explore her new home as she would be staying there forever until she died, even then she would watch her tribe thrive. She hoped it would grow larger than just her and a few other cats, but now wouldn't be the time to fantasize, she had to find a good hunting place, and a good place to plant her herbs. She also had to find more cats, she realized suddenly.
                    Streamteller goes hunting
                    Streamteller goes on a patrol

                            Streamteller | 12 ((moons)) | Female | ø

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Healer to-be:
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                      Ally Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      Enemy Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      North | Tribe Name | Username
                      East | Tribe Name | Username
                      South | Tribe Name | Username
                      West | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                      Medicine Store:
                      Chervil |For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting
                      Honey |Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
                      Dock|Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads, If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.
                      Catmint|Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
                      Marigold|Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.

                      Fresh-Kill Pile:
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings

                      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
                      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

                      Deceased Cats:
                      Cat Name | Cause of Death
                      Cat Name | Cause of Death

                      Name and Name | Kits
                      Name and Name | Kits
                    Last edited by breezey   on Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby shawty-cs » Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:14 pm


                    this tribe originated from a kitty pet by the name of rose who fell in love with a former tribe cat. The tribe cat was The bird that sits above (bird), he wondered into two-leg territory and met rose while trying to escape her back yard, it was love at first sight. Bird had convince rose to create a tribe with him. She agreed but didn't know much about how a tribe worked. After many moons, rose learned the ways of a tribe cat and they finally attempted to create a tribe. With a little gathering of a few kittypets, loners, and rogues their tribe was finally creates but by the time they has settled into their new territory, rose was dying of green cough. (This was rushed wow lmao)

                    this tribe consists of cats of more pale and dark pelts but bright furred cats are welcomed into the tribe. Their camp is located on top of a mountain that is usually foggy. They usually hunt birds, rodents, and rabbits for food. But they would occasionally travel to their closet stream for hunting and drinking. Like windclan, their camp is pretty open so they are very quick and jumpy. They create large badger-like dens only to store their herbs, and hid their kits from predators. Their Biggest threat is mountain lions/cougar, bears, Wolves, badgers, foxes, and eagles. The tribe also worships deers as a companion from starclan.

                    I hope this is enough :0
                    any designs you see of mine, that is not credited to shawty on th is STOLEN artwork.
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby cloudy days » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:32 pm

                    Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
                    Number of Cats: 1 She-cat, 0 Toms.

                    Two icy eyes shone through the mist. A small, rare smile appeared on her face as she entered the haze.
                    ""At last I can pay my debt to you, will you forgive me?"
                    Her voice rang out in the cold pleadingly. Her eyes filled with desperation.
                    Stumbling, the she-cat made her way to a cave. The sun was shining brightly, and Dawn was so unused to the heat she began to wonder. A cave's mouth was nearby, set into the mountain. As she entered the icy stone made her jump, but it was a better change to the sunlight's burning rays. Dawn's eyes sharply looked around, but her eyes were drawn to a small tunnel. She found her paws leading her along the narrow passage shortly after stopping to look at it. Her eyes reflected in the stone walls of the cave, and the she-cat was startled to see two eyes staring back at her, wonder shimmering within them. Dawn took a deep breath, and carried on.

                    A sapphire pool awaited Dawn as she entered the silent chamber. Lapping waters touched her paws. She looked into the clear water.

                    "The path your paws take you shall be full of twists and turns, but it will be alright." Dawn looked up at her mother with big blue eyes. "Are you sure?" She squeaked back, her eyes fixed on her mother. "The Tribe of Endless Hunting have told me." A faraway look crossed the amber eyes of her mother. Dawn looked at her mother with curiosity. "Okay," Dawn purred, still confused, but a sense of certainty warmed her fur.

                    We hail you by the name of Dawnteller, to lead the Tribe of Shimmering Dawn.
                    Dawn-like colours sparkled on the surface of the water. A silent gasp came from the new Teller of Shimmering Dawn's lips, only to be stopped by a very faded cat.
                    "I Have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. You shall do the same one day, young one."
                    The eyes of the cat were fading, yet Dawnteller could easily see the two sparkling tears that quietly fell onto the smooth rock. This she-cat was vanishing, forgotten. In every moment she was growing fainter and fainter. "Wait!" Dawnteller's eyes grew watery, and two more tears joined those on the stone. "But... Don't go!" she cried.
                    "We must all leave some day...
                    Yet we grow strong as we stay together.
                    As flowers bloom so does hope, and faith, and they shall always remain."

                    The last petal fell off a dying flower and the she-cat's wise eyes blinked slowly, before vanishing into stardust. A single petal lay in the center of the clear waters, and as Dawn looked up she saw a single beam of light falling from the starlit skies. A shining wind soared up, and up. It was a spirit that would one day be revived after being forgotten.

                    "Thank you."

                    Suddenly, a white swan feather fell from the hole in the cave's roof. Looking up, Dawnteller saw a beautiful white swan flying through the clouds and soaring into the sky. A cat as white as swan's feathers purred, before disappearing.

                    [Dawnteller goes to the Pool of Shimmering Truth to ask for a Haze-Hunter]
                    [Dawnteller goes on patrol (hunting and patrol)]

                            Dawnteller |30 Moons | She-cat | ❄️

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]

                            Healer to-be:
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]

                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                            Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]❄️[/url]
                      Ally Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      Enemy Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      North | Tribe Name | Username
                      East | Tribe Name | Username
                      South | Tribe Name | Username
                      West | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                      Medicine Store:
                      Catmint | Best remedy for greencough.
                      Can also be used for whitecough. | x1
                      Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache.
                      Can also be used when kitting. | x1
                      Comfrey Root | Repairs broken bones or
                      soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws and
                      shoulders. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on
                      stiff joints. Can be used for burns. | x1
                      Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to
                      hide death's scent. | x1
                      Yarrow | Extracts poison from wounds. Will
                      make a cat vomit up toxins.
                      The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads. | x1

                      Fresh-Kill Pile:
                      Small Fish | x0 | 0 servings
                      Big Fish | x0 | 0 servings
                      Vole | x0 | 0 servings
                      Frog | x0 | 0 servings
                      Ermine | x0 | 0 servings
                      Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

                    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
                    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

                    Deceased Cats:
                    Cat Name | Cause of Death
                    Cat Name | Cause of Death

                    Name and Name | Kits
                    Name and Name | Kits
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby scarecrowz » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:33 pm

                        Number of Cats: 1

                        The she-cat awoke at the side of the brook, the peaceful sound of the water filling her ears as her head jolted up, the last two nights she had spent digging out tunnels for her tribe. Why would a cat waste all their time on this? The Tribe Of Endless Hunting had told her so, in a dream when Brookteller was once known as Bark, a she-cat struggling to survive like any other cat, in her dream she was told she would be the Healer of a new tribe, and she would be named Brookteller. She lifted herself off the grass below her before wincing in pain at a stomach ache. As the early morning sun shone down on her pelt she rose her muzzle into the air, taking a sniff the slightest smell of prey had caught her attention, she lowered her head and trekked forward.

                    Brookteller hunts.
                    Brookteller goes on a border patrol.

                                Brookteller | 19 Moons | Female | X

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Healer to-be:
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                      Ally Tribes:
                          Tribe Name | Username
                          Tribe Name | Username

                          Enemy Tribes:
                          Tribe Name | Username
                          Tribe Name | Username

                          North | Tribe Name | Username
                          East | Tribe Name | Username
                          South | Tribe Name | Username
                          West | Tribe Name | Username
                          Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                          Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
                          Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                          Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                          Medicine Store:
                          Elder Leaves | Soothes sprains
                          Fennel | Helps pain in the hips
                      Honey I Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
                      Willow Leaves I stops vomiting
                      Cobweb I To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.

                          Fresh-Kill Pile:
                          Tree Frog | x0 | 0 servings
                          Brown Squirrels | x0 | 0 servings
                          Thrush | x0 | 0 servings
                          Mockingbird | x0 | 0 servings
                          Minnow | x0 | 0 servings
                          Robin | x0 |  0 servings

                          Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
                          Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

                          Deceased Cats:
                          Cat Name | Cause of Death
                          Cat Name | Cause of Death

                          Name and Name | Kits
                          Name and Name | Kits
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby Maplewhisper » Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:51 am

                    Tribe of Rolling Thunder
                    Number of Cats: 1

                    Stormteller looked out over the grey plains, watching clouds gather overhead. Letting out a satisfied mew, she climbed the last mouse-lengths to the top of the Calm Peak. Looking up at the sky, the first few raindrops fell and she closed her eyes. "I am ready to start this tribe - but I need the guidance and help of my ancestors. Please, help me in my endeavors...
                    Stormteller travels to the Calm Peak and asks for a kit-mother.
                    Stormteller goes hunting.

                            Stormteller | 18 moons | She-cat | X

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Healer to-be:
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                      Ally Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      Enemy Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      North | Tribe Name | Username
                      East | Tribe Name | Username
                      South | Tribe Name | Username
                      West | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                      Medicine Store:
                      Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough. Can also be used for whitecough.
                      Cobweb | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
                      Honey | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
                      Poppy Seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
                      Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting.
                      Herb | Usage

                      Fresh-Kill Pile:
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
                      Prey | x0 | 0 servings

                      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
                      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

                      Deceased Cats:
                      Cat Name | Cause of Death
                      Cat Name | Cause of Death

                      Name and Name | Kits
                      Name and Name | Kits
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                    tribe of wasted dreams

                    Postby spookypuff » Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:55 am

                    tribe of wasted dreams

                    we are strong, we are fierce.

                    we keep our weaknesses to ourselves and we have a tradition.

                    when a to-be becomes a prey-hunter or a guard, they're sent off to the dream tree where they make a shelter and dream for a night. they receive a dream from the tribe of fallen stars which reveals if they are ready. if they are not ready , they pad to camp and bow their head to the leader and then return to train for another 6 moons. if they are ready, they will stay in the dream tree's territory for two more days and then return to camp, finding a gem that represents their outside, but very rarely they find a gem that represents their personality. they show the gem to the healer and the healer keeps their gemstones in mind, remembering if somecat brought a dark gem or a light gem.

                    citrine - personality: salty, lucky. outside: yellow eyes or lion fur.
                    amethyst - personality: moody, always changing. outside: violet eyes.
                    peridot - personality: calm, polite. outside: green eyes.

                    of course,
                    Spooky | She/They
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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby clarke, » Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:09 am

                    Number of Cats: 0 Tom-Cats | 1 She-Cat

                    "I heard you calling, so I came, but I did not expect the land to be so barren." Iceteller murmured, her voice quiet and low, as if
                    in a permanent whisper for fear of what might happen if she raised her voice. She did not want to anger the ancestors that had
                    chosen her to lead the tribe, but she was still in awe at their choice. She used to a house-cat, before one day her elderly house-
                    folk never returned and she was left to fend for herself. She could hunt, but ebbing the life away from any creature wasn't her
                    favorite thing to do. She had a natural talent for healing things, all things; for fixing the broken, mending the bent, and providing for
                    the weak. She wondered if that was why she was chosen to be a healer, still so, it seemed hard to imagine that a once-kittypet was
                    brave enough to lead an entire tribe. "You're silent now, and I'm not sure why, but send me a to-be, so that we might explore the
                    barren lands together and find beauty in the desolation."

                    Cloud that Hides the Sun | 56 moons | Female
                    A pure cream she-cat with piercing blue eyes that
                    glow purplish under the moonlight. She has little
                    to say and is gentle in most prospects. Also know
                    n as Iceteller.

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Healer to-be:
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                    Ally Tribes:
                    Tribe Name | Username
                    Tribe Name | Username

                    Enemy Tribes:
                    Tribe Name | Username
                    Tribe Name | Username

                    North | Tribe Name | Username
                    East | Tribe Name | Username
                    South | Tribe Name | Username
                    West | Tribe Name | Username
                    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
                    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                    Medicine Store:
                    Borage | Helps a queen's milk to come.
                    Cobweb | Stops bleeding and binds wounds.
                    Comfrey Root | Sooths itching, inflamation,
                    and stiffness.
                    Juniper Berry | Helps breathing, gives strength,
                    and soothes bellies.
                    Marigold | Stops infection, stops bleeding, lowers

                    Fresh-Kill Pile:
                    Snow Hares | x0 | 2 servings
                    Snow Bunting | x0 | 1 serving
                    Snow Ferret | x0 | 1 serving
                    Fish | x0 | 1 serving
                    Hawk | x0 | 3 servings
                    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
                    Eagle | x0 | 3 servings
                    Small Penguin | x0 | 3 servings

                    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
                    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

                    Deceased Cats:
                    Cat Name | Cause of Death
                    Cat Name | Cause of Death

                    Name and Name | Kits
                    Name and Name | Kits

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                    We roar, we rage, we reign

                    Postby Dinolil1 » Sat Nov 25, 2017 7:52 pm


                    This tribe is nestled in a cave, dwelling among the salt-spray and guano. Their quarters are cramped and many of the tribe cats prefer to sleep on the beach despite the biting frost and nipping wind. Nearby is a rotting ship, creaking and groaning through the night, and that is were the tribe gathers all their herbs, all their prey and hosts all their meetings. This tribe is not only resourceful but also very tenacious.

                    During the time of shivering, the tribe often raids other tribes for prey and herbs! They give no gratitude to their allies, scorn their foes and stubbornly cling onto their granite cliffs for dear life. However, come the time of sunbathing and they will pay back the tribes they stole from. They may be harsh on their own tribe cats, but they are not dishonorable.

                    This tribe values the fighters, the survivors and the ones that won't ever give in. They don't tolerate cowardliness among their ranks and they will not hesitate to use the cliffs that line their territory if any cat displays signs of treachery or cowardice! Deserters, even a single one, can devastate the small tribe.

                    Their leader came from afar, a fisherman's pet, and with devotion to the visions, came to this lonely stretch of beach.
                    The leader eventually became the teller of the tribe of tempest tossed seas.

                    I believe that you are purrfect!

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                    Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

                    Postby Katrione » Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:05 pm


                    ❝ THE SUN WILL RISE AND WE WILL TRY AGAIN. ❞


                    Number of Cats: 17 | Toms: 6 | Mollies: 11


                    "Just leave her alone." Horizon mewed quietly to Hiss, stepping in the charcoal tom's path. Hiss looked down at the dilute calico, an annoyed look on his face. "She's taking care of her kits and she's lost her mate. Sunwatcher doesn't need you there to remind her she chose the wrong tom."

                    Hiss stiffened at this and his gaze dropped to his paws. Horizon sighed, rolling her eyes. "Just give her a few hours or days, Hiss. Nobody gets over things this fast." Horizon turned on her heels and retreated back into the kit-mother's den, immediately greeted by the excited squeals of Bee and Hummingbird.

                    Sunwatcher looked up when the fellow kit-mother entered the den, her excitement dying when she realized that it wasn't Jackal returning to her with an excuse that he went out hunting. The tribe healer turned her attention back to the four kits suckling at her belly. "Did you name them yet?" Horizon asked as she snuggled into her nest with her daughters.

                    "Yes. This is Squirrel, Fawn, Stag and Doe." The brown, ginger and white tabby mewed, nuzzling each kit in turn. Horizon eyed each kit, trying to hide how satisfied she was with none of the kit's looking like their father. They all shared a color that Sunwatcher had in her pelt.

                    "How come Squirrel's name doesn't match the other three?" Hummingbird chirped up, balancing on the edge of Horizon's nest. Sunwatcher got a sheepish look and looked back down at her kits, her tail swishing back and forth in the moss that lined the floor of the kit-mother's den.

                    "I... I ran out of deer-themed names." She mewed.

                    "You could've done something with began with Deer." Bee piped in, a smug tone in her voice. Horizon snorted in amusement, her whiskers twitching as she tried not to burst out into laughter. Sunwatcher shot her friend a pointed look before snorting in amusement herself.

                    "Thank you for pointing that out, Bee."


                    Hiss paced outside of the kit-mother's den, huffing slightly as he tried to think of what to say to Sunwatcher. The tom must've been pacing for ten minutes before Sunwatcher's face appeared in the entrance to the den, her eyes glimmering in annoyance. "If you're going to come in and say something, just do it. Your pacing is keeping the kits awake." The charcoal tom muttered an apology and followed her inside.

                    Horizon and her litter were already asleep, but Sunwatcher's kits were still squirming in the nest and squeaking, trying to find their mother. Sunwatcher stepped into the nest and carefully curled around the kits, drawing them back to her stomach. The litter eagerly latched back onto the kit-mother and fell silent once more. "So what is it, Hiss?" Sunwatcher questioned, looking up at the lead cave-guard.

                    "I-I'm sorry about Jackal." Hiss mewed, shuffling his paws. Sunwatcher stiffened slightly at the mention of the tom. "I know you don't want to talk about him, but I'm still so sorry, Sunwatcher." She shook her head roughly, leaning down and burying her muzzle in Stag's fur.

                    "You're right, Hiss. I don't want to talk about it so stop bringing him up." Sunwatcher grumbled.

                    "Sunwatcher, I want to be in your life again. I'll be just your friend if that's all you'll give me. You need someone to help you raise these kits, I want to be there for you and for them." Hiss begged quietly. Sunwatcher closed her eyes, breathing in her only son's scent. After several moments, she raised her head to look at her best friend.

                    "Come back tomorrow and I'll give you an answer."

                    [ The tribe consumed x2 rabbits ]
                    [ Bird, Nut, Shadow and Scatter went hunting at the Sacred Lake ]
                    [ Hiss, Bear and Light went on a border patrol ]
                    [ Bird took Thunder training ]
                    [ Hiss took Nettle training ]


                        *Watcher of the Burning Suns (Sunwatcher)
                        37 | Molly |

                        Bird That Sings At Dawn
                        37 | Molly |
                        Nut That Falls From Tree
                        36 | Molly |
                        Shadow That Looms Over Light
                        35 | Tom |
                        Scattered Paw-prints on Fresh Snow
                        16 | Molly |

                        Hiss From Startled Snake
                        35 | Tom |
                        Bear That Drinks From Pool
                        36 | Tom |
                        Light That Chases Shadows
                        31 | Tom |

                        Healer to-be:
                        Name | Age | Gender | ✸

                        Thunder That Shakes The Ground
                        14 | Tom | Prey-Hunter |
                        Nettle That Clings To Pelt
                        11 | Molly | Cave-Guard |

                        Horizon That Never Fades
                        30 | Molly | Prey-Hunter |
                        *Watcher of the Burning Suns (Sunwatcher)
                        37 | Molly |

                        Bee That Kisses Flowers
                        3 | Molly |
                        Hummingbird That Sips Nectar
                        3 | Molly |
                        Squirrel That Scampers Up Tree
                        0 | Molly |
                        Fawn That Struggles to Stand
                        0 | Molly |
                        Stag That Stands In Shadows
                        0 | Tom |
                        Doe That Leaps Logs
                        0 | Molly |

                        Name | Age | Gender | ✸

                      Ally Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      Enemy Tribes:
                      Tribe Name | Username

                      North | Tribe Name | Username
                      East | Tribe Name | Username
                      South | Whispered Briar | amethyst14
                      West | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
                      Southeast | Burning Skulls | Heda
                      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
                      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

                      Medicine Store:
                      Catmint x1 | Remedy for greencough
                      Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing, helps
                      cracked or sore pads
                      Dock x1 | Soothes scratches and sore
                      Dried Oak Leaves x1 | Stops infection
                      from setting in
                      Ragwort x1 | Gives strength and energy
                      Raspberry Leaves x1 | Eases pain + helps
                      stop bleeding
                      Stick x1 | Distracts cats from pain, used
                      mainly during kittings
                      Thyme x1 | Calms nervousness, and helps
                      cats in shock
                      Wild Garlic x1 | Prevents infection

                      Fresh-Kill Pile:
                      Mice | x1 | 1 serving
                      Vole | x2 | 1 serving
                      Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
                      Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
                      Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
                      Birds | x1 | 3 servings

                      Bird | Thunder | 8
                      Advanced Hunting, Stalking, Endurance
                      Speed, Agility, Stealth, Swimming
                      Hiss | Nettle | 5
                      Battle, Tracking, Climbing, Strategy,

                      Former Tribemates:
                      Jackal That Wanders At Night | Tom |

                      Deceased Cats:
                      Cat Name | Cause of Death

                      Horizon + Light | Bee + Hummingbird
                      Sunwatcher + Jackal | Squirrel, Fawn,
                      Stag + Doe

                    Last edited by Katrione on Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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