Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Briarclan [8]

Postby amethyst14 » Sat May 27, 2017 3:43 am

Number of Cats: 13(3 Servings)
Toms: 7 Mollies: 6
Next Moonstone Visit: Now

"Thank you Archpool." Dawnflower meowed in a sad and exhausted voice. "If you don't mind I would like to name them and say my good byes." The molly pulled all four of her kits close to her, they were the same kits she had dreamed of. It saddened her that two had already joined Starclan but she was still thankful for the two healthy and strong kits.

"Of course Dawnflower, I will leave you be. Would you like me to catch Blizzardsong for you? They went out hunting and shouldn't be far from camp." Archpool asked her. The molly only nodded to him before he left the den. He looked over and saw that Fawnwillow was sitting outside in the sun, waiting. She looked at him and she seemed to understand the frown on his face.

The ginger molly got up and padded towards Archpool "Want me to help look for Blizzardsong?"

"That would be nice, but I don't want you to risk getting injured. So why don't you just stay in camp and take it easy." The tom meowed to her before leaving the camp. Following the hunting patrol was not that hard and they did stay close to camp, to be honest he was shocked they had not heard the queen have her kits. He found the hunting party easily and watched as Blizzardsong just missed catching a mouse "Blizzardsong, Dawnflower had her kits." That was all he had time to say before the white tom darted past him and back to camp. The medicine cat watched him dash away before looking at Cloudstar "Four kits were born but two joined Starclan." he informed the tom.

"Well, it was a pretty harsh leaf bare. I still thank Starclan for her two healthy kits." The leader meowed as they made their way back to camp.

Bouldershade had scented another cat on the territory "Shh, Owldust." he muttered to the chatty molly. He crouched into a stalking stance and Owldust followed suit when they got closer to the scent. There they saw a young cat eating a small fish near the river.

"Oh! Look Bouldershade its a young tom! Lets take him to Cloudstar!" Owldust meowed loudly. It had startled the tom and he looked at the two. The deputy was shaking his head at Owldust who seemed to not even notice as she padded to the brown tom "Heya! What is your name? You know you are on Briarclan territory?" The friendly molly meowed.

The brown tom looked down in embarrassment, he hated his name "I don't want to say." he muttered. He then saw his freshly caught fish and his eyes went wide "I was hungry! I am sorry, I did not mean to steal!" he meowed honestly.

"It's okay! Come on I will show you to Cloudstar!" And with that Owldust lead the way back to camp with the brown tom next to her. Not bothering to see if the deputy was behind them or not. Though Bouldershade did follow after sighing and muttering curses under his breath, at least the tom seemed to be of no threat.

Palepaw had lead the way across the river first, the large rocks that lead across were slippery "Be careful when you cross, the rocks are very slippery." he called across to the trio of littermates. He watched as this made their way across, Bramblepaw of course made it across safely and Willowpaw was right behind her, though she slipped when she got to the other side of the river. His true worry though was Rookpaw, he had injured his paw when he stepped on a thorn and could not get it out of his paw. It had grown swollen and infected now and it seemed tender to step on. The small black and white tom made the first jump alright but slipped on the second rock and crashed into the river. Even when the river looked calm the current pulled the cat under and was moved quickly down stream.

Palepaw and the two mollies chased down the river in hope of finding Rookpaw but he was lost to the current. It was quiet when then, the two mollies grieved for their brother. It seems like this group of cats had lost so much and it pained Palepaw to see the sweet siblings go through so much. The older tom let them grieve as they looked at the river, they were crying and meowing soft things with each other; sharing their memories. Just then Palepaw heard a rustle come from behind him and a large white tom appeared with a Bengal cat. Their stares seemed harsh and angry as they looked at them, Palepaw immediately explained everything to them; from the moment that Tumbleclan spiraled into rebellion as cats murdered each other and now Rookpaw had died.

"Do not worry, you are safe now. Why don't you come to Briarclan camp?" Meowed Cloudstar after looking at Archpool. And so the group of cats made their way to the camp.

"So many young cats Cloudstar, are you sure we have enough warriors to train them all?" Bouldershade meowed his concern. The two toms were in the leader's den after a long day. All the new comers were apprentices now to Briarclan and one was injured.

"Well I know you won't have to worry about Willowpaw for about a moon. I want her to take it easy on that paw, but Bouldershade is right Cloudstar. We need more skilled warriors, when was the last time you went to the Moonstone?" Archpool joined in the conversation as he dipped into the now cramped leader's den.

Cloudstar let out a sigh "I know." he muttered "And I can go to Moonstone when ever I please Archpool; and I will have you know I already planned on asking them for a warrior." he added in a bossy tone. "Not to mention that Palepaw is old enough to be a warrior already! I was thinking about having him do the apprentice trial already. I am sure he will pass very easily."

"That isn't such a bad idea, though would we want such a new member and warrior to train one of the apprentices?" Bouldershade thought out loud.

"Of course not, but while the mentors are busy he can still help out with hunting and border patrols." Cloudstar meowed with confidence.

"That's if he passes." Archpool muttered. The stare Cloudstar gave him didn't even make him flinch "Hey, I am stating the obvious. We don't know what kind of training he has had or anything about his past. Just that he came from Tumbleclan with Bramblepaw and Willowpaw. If he was still an apprentice there at his age then something must have been wrong."

"Well...we will just have to let Starclan decide if he passes the trial. I know it might be to soon but I say we have him start tomorrow. We are going to need the extra set of paws to help out around here and it would be easier to see if he passes now than later." Bouldershade suggested to Cloudstar.

"I agree with Bouldershade, we are running very low on prey as well so the sooner he can help the better." Archpool chimed in.

"No, we need to wait. We can tell him about the trial but what if he decides not to stay? We will be-" Cloudstar was cut off by another meow.

"No! I can do it, I know I can. And I plan on staying, Briarclan has showed so much kindness and I know Bramblepaw and Willowpaw are far to inexperienced. So let me do this trial, what ever it may be, and I can prove to you that I am capable of being a warrior." The pale ginger tom had interrupted Cloudstar, sticking his head inside the already to crowded den. Before Cloudstar could reply the tom went on and said "I would also like to change my name. I don't have anything in mind but Tumbleclan was a new beginning to me and gave me a new name and became my new home. Then I lost it and found Briarclan, it would be a great way to show my new beginning here." the tom finished off awkwardly but meant what he said.

"Very well, you can do the trial and if you pass then you can receive your new name. For now it will need to be Palepaw." Cloudstar order. His yellow gaze looked at the deputy "Why don't you explain to him about the trial and take him to the Whispertree." he commanded yet again. After the two had taken their leave Cloudstar looked at Archpool "I am going to go to Moonstone. I know it is late but I am going to ask for a warrior and pray that they let that determined tom pass and become a warrior."

Bouldershade knew he was suppose to take it easy but it was hard for him to just sit down, especially after doing a lot for so long, it was almost routine for him. He always woke before the sun rose and today was no different. Then he went and checked on the queens to make sure they had food and were comfortable. Today though Blizzardsong had beaten him to the nursery and they had a quail already "Ah Blizzardsong, want to go on a hunting patrol? The clan needs some prey." he asked the tom when they left the nursery. It was weird having his brother around again and sometimes was skeptical of the tom. The deputy knew Blizzardsong was ambitious and had no plans to take a mate when they were younger.

"Sure. Hey when will Cloudstar be back?" The short haired tom asked as the two left camp.

"Who knows, sometimes he comes back the next day, sometimes it takes a few more days, just got to wait." Bouldershade meowed. He knew Moonstone wasn't far but he didn't know how long dreams could take. The two quieted down and began to hunt.

Fawnwillow was curled up in her nest, it was soft with fresh moss and clumps of her sheded soft fur, even a few feathers had found their way into her nest. The molly found it hard to get comfortable as she moved around, giving up with a sigh. She heard the soft mewling come from Dawnflower's nest and couldn't help but smile at her "They truly are very lovely." she purred.

"Thank you, I am sure your kits will be as well." The queen meowed to her den mate.

"Have you given them their names yet?" Fawnwillow asked.

"No, Blizzardsong wants to wait a few more days. Only Starclan knows why, but I already have them named though he may not like it." She chuckled. "I named this little tom Ryekit and the little molly here is Aspenkit." As she said their names she nudged them closer towards her, she did her best to stay positive for the two but was still heart broken for her other two kits.

"Blizzardsong is silly, Archpool said they were strong and healthy and they are growing every day." Fawnwillow smiled at the two. Things were quiet for the rest of the day until the hunting patrol returned, Fawnwillow had gotten up and did a sharp turn causing her to go in labor.

[Hunting Patrol Bouldershade and Blizzardsong hunt in the forest.]
[Moonpool Cloudstar asks for a warrior.]
[Injured Willowpaw has a cut on her paw pad.]
[Apprentice Trial Palepaw is on the eighth day of the apprentice trial and needs an ermine.]
[Kitting Archpool is helping Fawnwillow kit.]
[Prey Eaten 1 Quail(3 servings)]


          Cloudstar | 37 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†

          Bouldershade | 36 Moons | Tom | 🍁

          Medicine Cat:
          Archpool | 55 Moons | Tom | 🍁

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          No plans for one yet.

          Blizzardsong | 36 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Owldust | 30 Moons | Molly | 🍁

          Palepaw | 18 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Bramblepaw | 8 Moons | Molly | 🍁
          Willowpaw | 8 Moons | Molly | 🍁
          Mudpaw | 7 Moons | Tom | 🍁

          Dawnflower | 30 Moons | Molly | 🍁
          [Now] Fawnwillow | 24 Moons | Molly | 🍁

          Ryekit | 0 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Aspenkit | 0 Moons | Molly | 🍁

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Hickoryclan | sstormling

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Mapleclan | purrfect.
    West | No clan will lie to the west.

    Medicine Store

    1|Tormentil|Chewed and put on the wound.|
    Treating all wounds and extracting poison.

    1|Sweet-Sedge|One must swallow the sap.|
    Eases infection.

    1|Ragwort Leaves|Crushed and chewed.|
    Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.

    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound.|
    Stops infection from setting in.

    1|Chickweed|Eaten.|Treats greencough.
    1|Marigold|Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice.|
    Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.

    1|Poppy Seed|Chewed on.|
    They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.

    1|Elder Leaves|Used as a wrap.|
    Can be used to help treat sprains.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Water Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Quail | x1 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
    Total | 3 | 7 servings


    Mentor | Apprentice | No. Of Training Sessions |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing

    Deceased Cats:
    Whitekit | Stillborn
    Quailkit | Weak after birth

    Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
    Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
    β†ͺRyekit, Aspenkit, Whitekit, Quailkit
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CraterClan β€’ 4

Postby kirkwood gaps » Sat May 27, 2017 3:49 am

As Heathersway strutted away with her catch, Tigertail grumbled. She thought they'd gone past this 'passive-aggressive' relationship.
"Apparently not," Tiger thought. She trodded through the thin layer of snow that would soon become fresh, green grass. "I have to be busy with herbs! What kind of medicine cat wouldn't be?" She sighed to herself. Tigertail would have to inform Minnowstar that they don't- can't work well together. He'd understand, right?

A little bit later, Heathersway and Tigertail were at camp. They saw Minnowstar laying down next to the Water Crater with another cat. When Minnow looked up, he saw Tigertail walking towards him, and smiled. Tigertail smiled back, before reaching the two toms.
"Hello, Tiger! Barknose, this is one of the cats I was telling you about. She's the medicine cat. Say, Tigertail, do you know where Heathersway is?"
"Yes, she's over there, putting the dead rabbit she caught in the Fresh-Kill Crater." Heathersway noticed the other cats looking over at her and came over to join the conversation, curious. When she got to them, Minnow beamed, while Tigertail just stared. She hadn't gotten over what happened this morning, Heathersway could tell. The new cat gave a small smile.
"So, who's this?" She gestured to the brown and white tom.
"I'm Barknose, nice to meet you all. I assume you're Heathersway..?"
"That's correct!" Heather mewed. She had definitely gotten off to a better start than when Tigertail arrived. She was liking him as a member of the clan already.

After a small conversation including the four cats, Tigertail told Minnowstar about hers and Heathersway's relationship in private. As expected, he understood. Minnowstar promised her that he would try not to make them do activities together, but once in a while he must, otherwise they'd never be able to get to know and like each other. Tigertail was okay with this. As long as Heather and Tiger weren't doing everything together, it was fine.

One moon later...

"Alright," Minnowstar began, "Barknose, you're on hunting duty with me. Heathersway, you can go on border patrol, for going to the moonpool every moon is pretty tiring, heh. Anyway, Tigertail, are you alright with keeping the clan safe? You can organise your herbs while you're at it." The two warriors and medicine cat nodded. Simple as that.

{Clan consumed 2 servings}
{Minnowstar and Barknose go hunting}
{Heathersway goes on a border patrol}
{Tigertail sorts her herbs}

Cats wrote:Leader:
Minnowstar | 42 | β™‚ | Modest β€’ Observant
Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Name | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

Medicine Cat:
Tigertail | 35 | ♀ | Childlike β€’ Smart alec

Heathersway | 25 | ♀ | Warm β€’ Easily frustrated
Barknose | 37 | β™‚ | Straightforward β€’ Sensible
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]
[url=?]Name[/url] | Age | β™‚/♀ | [color=#?]Trait β€’ Trait[/color]

Territory and Stuff wrote:Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Fresh-Kill Pile wrote:Field Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Tree Pipit (bird) | x0 | 3 servings
Blackbird (bird) | x0 | 3 servings
Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Trout | x0 | 3 servings

Other wrote:Mentors:
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
[url=?]Name[/url] | β™‚/♀ | [url=?]Trait[/color] | Cause of death
[url=?]Name[/url] | β™‚/♀ | [url=?]Trait[/color] | Cause of death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits

Medicine Store wrote:
Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on.
Used to give a cat more energy
and strength, and it keeps the cat
from getting hungry for a long time. | x1

Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses.
Cures coughs. Can be used to
cure wounds and poisons. Stops
cats from getting greencough.
Soothes throats. | x1

Feverfew | Eaten.
Reduces body temperature
for cats with fever or chills.
Also heals aches and pains,
especially good for headaches. | x1

Catmint | Eaten.
Best remedy for the deadly
greencough, which kits and
elders usually catch in the
season of Leaf-Bare. Can
also be used for whitecough. | x2
Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0
Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0

Medicine | Usage
Effects | x0
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby jaiden. » Sun May 28, 2017 2:04 am

Number of Cats: ♀She-Cats: 1|β™‚Toms: 2
Next Moonpool Visit: 5/29/17
Next Due Kits: N/A
Small Ref:X

Snowfrost glanced hastily at the tom stuck in the contraption. The tom glared at him, but seemed to relax as Snowfrost tried to help. "Maybe if I just tug a little bit here..." Snowfrost muttered. He pulled a bit of the wire with his paws, only to hear another yelp from the tom. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," Snowfrost muttered again. "You don't know what you're doing, don't you?" the tom spoke. "Why don't you just leave me here to die?" Snowfrost could see attempted humor in the tom's eyes, but pain as well. Snowfrost shook his head and tugged even harder again. It broke, and the newcomer's paw came lose. "Uh, thanks, I guess," the new tom spoke. Snowfrost nodded politely and asked, "What is your name?" "Well, my housefolk would call me 'Charlie,'" Charlie said. Snowfrost turned to look at the tom. It was odd, the tom had a heart shape on his chest. "Well that's an ordinary name or an un-ordinary cat," Snowfrost spoke. Charlie flattened his ears. "No, no, I meant that as a compliment!" "Uh, okay then," Charlie replied. Snowfrost examined his foot. It had several raw cuts and blood dotted around it. His fur was matted with blood. "That foot looks pretty bad. Why don't we get to camp?" Snowfrost asked him. Charlie seemed about to argue, but then deiced to go with Snowfrost. They walked back to camp, Charlie limping slightly. When they arrived at the top of the little hill, they saw Hawkstar. She had a huge bird in her mouth. "Woah! Did you catch that?" Charlie asked her. Hawkstar's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the newcomer. She dropped the bird out of her mouth. "Who's this, Snowfrost?" she inquired. "A kittypet-" Charlie's eyes narrowed at his discomfort of this word. "-I found stuck in a Twoleg trap," Snowfrost mewed. Hawkstar nodded. "Well, you must be hungry! Do you like bird?" Hawkstar asked him. Charlie's eyes widened. "Uh, sometimes in the garden I would catch a mouse, but I always just let it go!" he mewed. "But, I suppose I'll try it?" Hawkstar glanced at him. Not bad for a kittypet! she thought.

After they had ate their share, there were still two wings left-over. Surprisingly Charlie had liked the bird a lot. Hawkstar stared at the pair of wings. "This prey shouldn't go to waste, but we're all to full to eat more,"Hawkstar said. She looked around. Charlie was eyeing the wings, and Snowfrost shoved him playfully. The two cats had seemed to already get along. "The ground is still cold from leaf-bare. What if we dug a hole and preserved the fresh-kill in there?" Snowfrost nodded, and Charlie looked at her admiringly. Together they soon had a hole in the ground and laid the wings in there. By sun-high Charlie had really seemed to get used to the camp. He bombarded Hawkstar with questions about the Clan. Hawkstar's eyes shined with amusement. "Charlie, would you just like to join the Clan with a warrior's name?" she asked him. Charlie stared back. "Would, would that really be possible?" he asked. Hawkstar nodded. "Well, what are we waiting for! I'd love to!" Charlie exclaimed back. He dashed to the boulder of where the leader would stand on. Hawkstar purred and ran over to the boulder. "All cats old enough to jump onto the Towering Ash, join me!" she yowled. Snowfrost walked over from his den. "We have a new member of EmberClan, Charlie. From this day forwards, he will take a warrior's name, Sootheart, in honer of his warmth and his heart shaped pattern. StarClan, please welcome him as a new member of EmberClan." Snowfrost chanted his name, and so did Hawkstar. They settled down and gathered in a circle. "When can I see the territory! When can I hunt? Could I catch a bird?" Sootheart mewed excitedly. Snowfrost's whiskers twitched."No way. Not with that foot. For today, why don't you rest in my den and I'll see if I can find herbs for your foot?" Sootheart lowered his tail. "But, but, well, I guess, as long as another day I will get to go out," he said disappointingly, and walked to the den. Snowfrost turned to Hawkstar. "I'm going to look for herbs. See you at sun-down." The white tom walked off into the forest. Hawkstar watched him leave, and then she went off another direction to go on patrol.

[ Charlie is now named Sootheart! ]

[ Snowfrost goes herb hunting for Sootheart's foot! ]

[ Hawkstar patrols! ]

[ Sootheart rests! ]

[ The Clan consumes two servings of the bird, and preserves one! ]

          Hawkstar | 46 moons | ♀She-cat | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Snowfrost | 27 moons | β™‚Tom | X

          Sootheart | 23 moons | β™‚Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Twoleg Place
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | Cures Greencough, and sometimes Whitecough. | x1
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyaches. Helps kitting, too. | x1
    Cobweb | So soak up or slow bleeding. Can also bind broken bones. | x1
    Poppy Seeds | Help you sleep, sooth shock or distress, or ease pain. | x1
    Mouse Bible | Put it on a tick and it falls of. | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings | 1 serving leftover
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

EmberClan hunts by jumping up high in the trees, and fishing by the river. They leap up onto the branches to catch birds and squirrel, and hook varieties of fish out of the river. Sometimes, they will catch a mouse or shrew on the ground by cornering it with the help of Clanmates.

To the East there is a Twoleg Place!

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Shiraya » Sun May 28, 2017 3:19 am

Number of Cats: 3

"Hello Leader, how are we doing today?" Stormcloud plopped down next to Ivystar and blinked lazily at her, obviously waiting for an answer.
"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" The she-cat answered slowly, examining the cat next to her warily.
"I'm good." The tom didn't seem like he was planning to continue the conversation, but Ivystar thought it would be appropiate for her to speak and ask about the progress of their young apprentice.
"She's doing good. She picked up how to hunt pretty fast. Doesn't seem like she's bad at it either." Ivystar was pleased to hear that the training of Blossompaw was going well and voiced as much.
"How do you feel about taking her out on a hunting patrol tomorrow? It would be good for her to gather more experience." Stromcloud was silent for a moment, his tail twitching slightly, before agreeing.
"Sure, I'm gonna do that." He stayed silent after this and the she-cat couldn't think of a good topic to start the conversation again. So they ended up just laying next to each other, without saying a word. Ivystar was pretty sure that Stormcloud fell asleep at some point.

[Hunting Patrol: Stormcloud, Blossompaw]
[Border Patrol: Ivystar]
[Consumed Prey: 1 Hare]

          Ivystar | 40 | Female | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Stormcloud | 33 | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Blossompaw | 7 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
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    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
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    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Finch | x0 | 3 servings

    Stormcloud | Blossompaw | 1 | Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

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    Name and Name | Kits
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Moorclan - Justice will come on swift wings

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun May 28, 2017 7:54 am


Tumbleclan fell, scattered to the winds by tyranny, justice and frenzied claws. Swanstar disappeared, into the darkness of the night. The rebels that Eagleclaw had brought, too had vanished. They’d foolishly slain innocents, innocents like Loonheart and Addercloud. But fall Tumbleclan did, under the watchful eyes of Starclan. Sagestar, Greynose, Russetleaf, Pebbleclaw, Rippedear and Mudpaw all watched and all solemnly vowed that a clan would have to rise in it’s place.

A clan to erase all their mistakes, a clan that would be a clean slate. That clan would be Moorclan and guiding one solitary cat, Sagestar and the rest of the ancestors laid down their lives for the stranger.

The stranger, for some reason, is what they all think to be the chosen one, the one to be the most clear-headed of all cats around. The stranger nevertheless obeyed their wise words, deeming themselves to be in the presence of something more powerful than them. The stranger travelled far and wide, away from the other clans. Sagestar didn’t want anyone sullying his new stranger, his last chance of doing something good.

Moorclan is nestled among vast rolling hills, their grassy tops shrouded by mist in leaf-bare, as though they were kings wearing their crowns. Moorclan takes up their residence in a dishevelled house, it’s sides turned green with moss and ivy. They live, true to their name, in a territory that is mainly made up of moors. Moors that are a dusty green by day and pale white by night. There are seldom any trees on their territory, so for them to see one is quite the surprise! Moorclan has one tree that they cherish, the Star-Tree. It is a huge oak tree, it’s branches charred by lightning and trunk eaten out by termites long ago. Although it sticks out like a sore thumb, a giant ugly crooked thumb, Moorclan treat with respect! It is after-all where they go to talk to their beloved Starclan and the cats that guided their first leader here.

Moorclan is a clan with a strict set of rules, rules that no cat may dare break. Moorclan rules are generally the standard warrior code, with a few additional ones; All apprentices must learn how to heal, all must go to the Star-Tree to become warriors/deputies/leaders, Moorclan will not affiliate with the other clans and the leader must be voted into power. Moorclan is a clan that is stern but fair, they believe in nothing but absolute justice!

I believe that you are purrfect!

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clan replies no.6

Postby ashton. » Sun May 28, 2017 8:02 am

      WEATHER: it is currently new-leaf. now that new-leaf is here, kittings will go much more smoothly, and prey and herbs will be more abundant. the trees are beginning to grow their new leaves.

Tigerstar. wrote:

Darkstar got up and stretched, today she would travel to moonpool to as starclan for a deputy, she needed some help running her clan. She walked out of the camp and through the forest. The pine neadles crunched under her paws as she padded through her home. She knew she was close when she saw the rough rock hill comming into view. Padding up and over the rocks she stopped to breath in the fresh scent. She dipped her nose into the cool water, silently praying "Starclan, send me a deputy". Then the she-cat was caught in a wave of sleep.

[Darkstar asked for a deputy]
[The clan ate a vole]

      Darkstar was woken by something prodding her sharply in the ribs. She flew to her paws, fur bristling and lips pulling back in a snarl.
      "Whoa, I'm sorry!" the cat cried, backing away from the leader. "I thought you'd never wake up."
      The MidnightClan leader quickly regained her composure and sat down on the cold stone floor. "My apologies for startling you. Who are you?" Could it really be that StarClan had granted her wish?
      "Well, StarClan had told me to come here because there was a leader in need of a deputy, but since you snarled at me like that, I think I'll just be on my way..." they trailed off as they slowly began to pad away.
      "Wait!" Darkstar called as she bounded after them, skidding to a halt just in front of them. "I do need a deputy. I'm sorry I scared you. Would you please join my Clan as my deputy?" She couldn't believe she was having to beg them, but StarClan had sent them to be her deputy - she couldn't just let them walk away!
      "Hmm, let me think..." they mewed, obviously enjoying this. "Well - oh, fine. I'll be your deputy."

      starclan has given you a deputy!

OcelotDragon wrote:

Poppystar opened her jaws with a yawn. The cold bit at her tail and ear tips, but it was starting to relent a little. She knew Newleaf was o its way, even if the snow still lay on the ground and the grass wasn't peeking through, she could feel it. The larks had begun to come out of hiding, and that was always the first sign. She pulled herself to her paws. It was time to replenish the prey pile. She bounded into the woods to hunt.

{Poppystar has gone hunting}

      The new leader padded through the territory with all senses alert. Suddenly her ears picked up a bit of rustling from behind her, and she slowly turned to spot a squirrel foraging around a tree trunk. Poppystar sank to a crouch and crept forward as quietly as possible. She was about a fox-length and a half away from the creature when it stood up on its hind legs, sniffing the air. The leader held her breath, praying to StarClan that it wouldn't run away. Much to her relief, the squirrel returned to its foraging and was soon in the cat's jaws.

      poppystar caught a squirrel!

sstormling wrote:

    ixxxxtThe skies are cloudy.

    ixxxxtMosspelt was running; running to get something, but he didn't know what he was searching so hard for. He was out of breath and tired. He could see a whole large group of cats in front of him, in Hickoryclan's camp. This was clearly the future. The camp was larger and there was a fresh-kill pile that was bigger than Mosspelt had ever seen. The problem was; someone was missing.

    ixxxxtThe storm is near.

    ixxxxtThe black and white tom didn't care about the cats. His heart was set on something. He was searching for something to save a dear friend. What was he getting? He didn't know. Who was he getting it for? He didn't know. All of it was on the tip of the young medicine cat's tongue.

    ixxxxtTake shelter or the mountains will swallow you whole.

    ixxxxtNow the mountains were rumbling, physically shaking! All he could hear was squealing. It was a bunch of kits; he needed borage leaves! Who was kitting? So many questions were flying in the tom's head. He could now see a cat in the distance, with a familiar build he had seen before. It was --

    ixxxxt"Mosspelt!" a she-cat yelled. It was Poppystar. The tom jumped up, alert but still tired from his crazy dream. Poppystar laughed and motioned the young cat to follow her. "We have a busy day. I will be appointing our deputy!" the she-cat exclaimed. "Alright, alright -- I'm up," he replied. Mosspelt followed after her, he was quite excited too. He just needed to warn her about his dream... later of course. She was racing to the Wind's Tree, her tail hitting the ground in excitement, and at this point he didn't really want to ruin her happy mood. It wasn't too important anyways, he was speculating that it was about Bumblebelly's kitting and Poppystar being under too much pressure. Maybe I should get extra herbs. The medicine cat needed to anyways and it would assure his conscience.

    ixxxxt"Hickoryclan! I call for an important clan gathering!" The word important grabbed the clan's attention, of course most of the cats knew what was to happen. The whole clan has been talking about it for awhile; the deputy. The clan has thrived without a deputy but it needed one and the day had finally came. "Ashenstorm, please make your way to the Wind's Tree," she yelled to the tom. He made his way to her swiftly, with his head held high for the whole clan to see. They both exchanged smiles. "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Hickoryclan is Ashenstorm," she yelled once again. The now deputy dipped his head to show respect to his leader and licked her shoulder.

    ixxxxt"Thank you."


    ixxxxt"I knew you were going to become deputy. You're lucky I'm a queen or a might of beat you," Bumblebelly purred to her mate. He pawed at her paws playfully, "you wish!" He joked. Bumblebelly was already a moon into holding their kits and Ashenstorm couldn't stop thinking about it. He worried about it more than Bumblebelly herself.

    ixxxxt"Do you need anything? Prey, water --"

    ixxxxt"No I don't!"

    ixxxxt"Well I could get Honeypaw to fetch you something."

    ixxxxt"Maybe you should train the tom instead," the queen spat.

    ixxxxtAshenstorm was guilty for that. He has barely even trained the tom, all he has done is send him on silly errands. Well, maybe today was the day because Honeypaw was already running up to his mentor in delight. "Congrats Ash!" he yelled to his mentor. The deputy laughed and rolled his eyes playfully. He liked to put on a show of hating when a cat calls him Ash, but he actually enjoyed it. It was probably because his mate and Honeypaw love to call him that every and he has just gotten used to it. "thanks Honeypaw, want to begin training today?"


    ixxxxtSoftstep was making his way to the medicine cat who was sorting through his herbs anxiously. The warrior noticed that he looked worn out and tired. "Need any help? I was going to go on a border patrol but I have a little time before I go," the white tom offered. Mosspelt shook his but gave him a small nod in gratitude. "Thanks for the offer but I was just about to head out to gather some herbs,"

    ixxxxt"It's truly no problem! Remember to tell me if you ever need any help!"

    ixxxxt"Haha- alright,"

    ixxxxtThen Softstep ran off before the medicine cat could do anything else. Mosspelt couldn't help it but let out a small chuckle. The warrior was always running from place to place offering help, he was a friendly tom but couldn't handle the responsibilities of taking care of the whole clan responsibly. But it didn't seem like Softstep was bothered by not getting the rank of deputy. That's good. The medicine cat set out to the forest to look for more herbs. Maybe this would solve his worrying about his odd dream.


    ixxxxtPoppystar was heading to the forest to do a small lone hunt. Her bones ached but she couldn't go to sleep, she might as well do this to tire her out. This is what Mosspelt had told her over and over. She moved her lithe body swiftly through the thick trees; searching for any movement. The she-cat heard rustling a couple tail-lengths away. She pounced on in a quick manner, but the bird-shaped animal flew away. She squinted her eyes trying to get a better view of it. It was a crow? There have never been any crows on Hickoryclan's territory. The leader turned her head to the sun, her vision became blurry and she collapsed to the floor, unaware of anything around her.
( Ashenstorm was appointed deputy! )
( @near mountains Ashenstorm and Honeypaw are training )
( @meadow Softstep searches for stray cats to recruit )
( @forest Mosspelt searches for herbs )
( @forest Poppystar hunts but passes out from exhaustion )

      Quite shaken by his dream, Mosspelt found it difficult to concentrate on herb hunting. Every time he managed to turn his attention back to the herbs, within a few seconds his thoughts had wandered back to the dream. He sighed as he trudged through the territory, glancing here and there for herbs that had survived the winter - the ones that were just beginning to grow now were too young to collect. Finally he caught sight of the bushy herb horsetail and bounded toward it. Although it was a mostly hardy plant, there wasn't much of it left after the snowstorms. The medicine cat picked as much as he could, tucked it under his chin, and hurried back to the camp.

      honeypaw learned the battle skill!
      softstep found a warrior!
      mosspelt found horsetail!

Zmija's Folly wrote:

Swiftleap had been sleeping soundly but the grumbling of his stomach woke him. Grumbling, the tom got to his feet and stretched, his back arching smoothly. His long claws scrapped against the cave's hard floor and he split his jaws in a wide yawn and he found his eyes instinctively searching for Snowstar. Within the two moons since he'd arrived they'd decided where he should sleep and where her own den would be as well divvying up the big cave for a rather large cave. His grin falter slightly - it was still only he and Snowstar, would they ever truly have a full clan?

Swiftleap shook his fur out - he had to put his full trust in Starclan, they knew what they were doing. The tom trotted toward the fresh-kill pile, if you could call it that, and pulled the one and only rabbit out of it. Guilt tore at his belly; what if more cats came and they were hungry but he'd eaten their only prey this morning?

"Care if I join?"

Snowstar's soft purr made Swiftleap jump, "Of course not." he replied, scooting around the rabbit to allow her room to join him.

Swiftleap wasn't sure why but he enjoyed Snowstar's company - a lot. He wiggled closer to the she-cat until their fur was brushing and continued eating in silence. Snowstar simply chuckled lightly and turned to Swiftleap, running her tongue across his ear. Swiftleap felt his blood rush to his face and ears but he refused to make it visible or say a thing.


Once the two had finished the rabbit they sat and groomed for several long moments before Swiftleap spoke up, "I'm going to go hunting again today. Maybe I'll find someone to join us..." he trailed off at the thought, trying not to get to hopeful.

Snowstar nodded lightly, gaze traveling to the cave entrance, "I'll go on a light patrol and see what I can find."

Swiftleap instantly felt nervous about Snowstar going off on her own but swallowed the feeling. She was his leader she could handle herself.. right?

The two stood and walked to the cave entrance, fur brushing again. They paused as they viewed outside, snow wasn't falling but it sure wasn't melting which was good enough. They said their quick farewells, agreed to be back before the sun began to set and set off toward their own personal missions of the day.

frostclan consumes one rabbit
swiftleap goes hunting
snowstar goes on a short patrol

      Although new-leaf had arrived, FrostClan's territory of tundra was still covered in a light layer of snow. There were small puddles of water across the land, however, so it wouldn't be long before the rest melted away. Snowstar padded down the hill away from the camp, keeping an eye out for cats. She was just about to return when she spotted a dark tabby pelt several monster-lengths away. Apparently the cat saw her, too, for their head was turned toward her, eyes staring intently, waiting for her to make a move.
      "Hello there!" Snowstar called before setting off at a brisk trot toward them. Now that they knew she wasn't hostile, the other began to pad quickly in her direction. The two met in a few moments, and Snowstar was surprised at how heavily they were panting. "Are you alright?" she queried.
      They shrugged. "I... I've been looking for.. a place... to stay. It's been... a couple days.... I'm exhausted," they managed to get out between breaths.
      "Why don't you come with me to my camp where you can rest?" Snowstar suggested.
      Their eyes brightened and they nodded eagerly.

      swiftleap caught a lemming!
      snowstar found a warrior!

..cosmos.. wrote:

Cricketstar woke up and stretched, there was no cat around like there usually was when she woke, it was a few minutes before anything happened. A gust of wind had hit Cricketstar and as she opened her eyes there was a cat walking in. The slender tall she-cat smiled at Cricketstar; "You must be the leader of Coastclan." Cricketstar nodded looked at the new-comer. "And you must be my deputy." Cricketstar was actually pleased to have her as a fellow she-cat to be honest, she would be the only cat at their little four clan gather with she-cats managing both leader and deputy. "My name is Leaper." Cricketstar stood and smiled at Leaper. "Then your name will be Saltleap, welcome to Coastclan. Follow me I would like to introduce you to the rest of our clan."

"This is quite impressive Cricketstar." Saltleap would comment as they entered the camp inside the caves. "It is much different from what I have seen." "Yes, which is why I picked this location, safe and unique." Tallstorm saw them enter and grinned as he saw the new deputy. "It is about time we had a deputy. My name is Tallstorm, I am the medicine cat. I would love to stay and chat but at the moment I have to check on Adderkit and Honeyflame."

"Our clan isn't very big, only six cats but our numbers will rise." Saltleap felt pretty comfortable already about this clan, they were friendly and Cricketstar seemed like a good leader with a firm head on her shoulder.

As the time to hunt came Bluesage grinned, "Good luck with him." He muttered to Saltleap. "Wait what do you mean?" Bluesage started to walk away. "It's like a kit!" He said as he dashed after Cricketstar. A kit, what did he mean-

"I am ready for duty! This is so exciting, my name is Otterleaf. I already know who you are. It's not that hard to not know as there is only six of us. So hello Saltleap! Our names kind of sound the same don't they, leaf and leap. I have a feeling you may be much more fun then Bluesage, he was always groaning and stuff and I am not sure why as I feel like company is always a good thing when you are on hunts or patrols." Saltleap just watched the tom as he babbled on and on and on, he just didn't seem to stop and as they walked across the beach in search of food he just kept going. It was a good thing she chose to catch small prey in the tide pools because if they were in the forest he would scare off everything.

[A serving of sea urchin was eaten]
[Tallstorm looks for herbs]

[Otterleaf and Saltleap go hunting ]
[Cricketstar and Bluesage go on patrol]

      Saltleap remained quiet while Otterleaf continued to talk. She had thought that if she kept quiet and didn't comment, he would eventually trail off, but that didn't happen. The warrior was also too busy rambling to bother catching anything, so Saltleap had to do all of the hunting herself. She swiped a small fish out of the water, snapped its neck, and slid it toward Otterleaf with her paw. "You can carry it back to camp." The fish in his mouth would prevent him from saying anything, and the deputy smiled at the peaceful silence as they returned to the camp.

      tallstorm found yarrow and honey!
      otterleaf and saltleap caught a small fish!
      cricketstar and bluesage found an apprentice!

Shiraya wrote:

"Hello Leader, how are we doing today?" Stormcloud plopped down next to Ivystar and blinked lazily at her, obviously waiting for an answer.
"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" The she-cat answered slowly, examining the cat next to her warily.
"I'm good." The tom didn't seem like he was planning to continue the conversation, but Ivystar thought it would be appropiate for her to speak and ask about the progress of their young apprentice.
"She's doing good. She picked up how to hunt pretty fast. Doesn't seem like she's bad at it either." Ivystar was pleased to hear that the training of Blossompaw was going well and voiced as much.
"How do you feel about taking her out on a hunting patrol tomorrow? It would be good for her to gather more experience." Stromcloud was silent for a moment, his tail twitching slightly, before agreeing.
"Sure, I'm gonna do that." He stayed silent after this and the she-cat couldn't think of a good topic to start the conversation again. So they ended up just laying next to each other, without saying a word. Ivystar was pretty sure that Stormcloud fell asleep at some point.

[Hunting Patrol: Stormcloud, Blossompaw]
[Border Patrol: Ivystar]
[Consumed Prey: 1 Hare]

      Mentor and apprentice padded quietly through the territory. Blossompaw was constantly searching the area for prey, ears swiveling to pinpoint the slightest noise and eyes darting here and there with the hope of catching sight of something. Suddenly she dropped into a crouch, causing Stormcloud to slowly sink to his paws as well, but he let his apprentice sneak after the prey. He searched the trees for what she was hunting and found it to be a finch. The deputy smiled as he watched her skillfully leap upward, seizing the bird between her paws and delivering a swift, killing bite to its spine.
      "Well done, Blossompaw!" he purred.
      The apprentice's eyes were bright with excitement as she mewed, "Thank you!" before picking the bird up in her maw and leading the small patrol back to camp.

      stormcloud and blossompaw caught a finch!
      ivystar found a warrior!
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howlingclan, of the distant moon -- [023]

Postby lameloserlexi » Sun May 28, 2017 11:58 am

❝xxx𝓣𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓢π“ͺ𝓴𝒆 π“ͺ 𝓡𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓡𝒆 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓿𝒆𝓻𝓼π“ͺ𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝒆 𝓭𝒆𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓢𝔂 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓭.xxx❞

Image Image Image
Number of Cats: 22 [ 11 males ] [ 11 females ], five servings
☽ β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬

      Snowcloud nuzzled his mate softly, ignoring as the stubborn and 'emotionless' female stood stiffly at his affection. "You promise you'll be fine while I'm gone, right?" The warrior question not his mate, but Mousebite's swollen stomach. He could see the brown tabby's eye roll, but also faintly heard her loving purr.
      "They're fine, I can tell they're all as strong as Moosenose." She reassured, but he could feel her pain as she spoke of the kits. Snowcloud had listened attentively as she had told of her first son's litter- the rest of them being killed off by Mousebite's own mother. He couldn't imagine such a thing, but he knew to not comment much about it.
      "I'll be off then." Snowcloud told her, shaking out his long fur as he trotted to the badger patrol. He wasn't worried much about the badgers, a patrol this size could at least scare of one or two of them without many injuries. As he did every time he left clan, the tom was only worried that he would miss seeing Mousebite give birth to their kits. He wanted more than anything to be there every second of the kits lives.
      "Finally ready, Mr. Queenie?" Waspface teased lightly. Ever since Snowcloud had been spending every second he could in the nursery, the deputy quickly had given him the nickname.
      "Do you ever shut up, dude?" Blackscars remarked, only to get a stern, silencing glare right back at his face from the deputy. Despite the black tom's aggressive attitude, Snowcloud trusted him as he saw how he treated Drysun. The tom, already planning way too far ahead, couldn't wait for the young mates to have their own kits- who could then have kits with his kits who then have kits with other kits.


[ Mousebite goes into labor ]
[ Swanpaw, Littledove, Burningpaw, Drysun, Covepaw, and Sootstar go training ]
[ Ferretpaw, Troutpaw, Amberpaw, and Sheepflower go hunting ]
[ Waspface and Moosenose bring along Snowcloud, Creamfall, Sootstar, and Blackscars to chase off the badgers ]
[ The clan eats five servings of birds ]

β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ ☾
    Sootfur | Thirty-seven | Tom | β™›
    Lives: β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ β™₯ [ 9/9 ]

    Waspface | Thirty-seven | Tom | β™ž

    Medicine Cat:
    Nightcall | Forty-six | She-cat | β™–
    Lionpaw | Thirteen | Tom | β™–

    Snowcloud | Fourty-one | Tom | β™œ
    Drysun | Twenty-five | She-cat | β™œ
    Blackscars | Twenty | Tom | β™œ
    Sheepflower | Fourty | She-cat | β™œ
    Littledove | Forty-seven | She-cat | β™œ
    Creamfall | Sixty | Tom | β™œ
    Moosenose | Sixteen | Tom | β™œ
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™œ[/url]

    Covepaw | Eighteen | She-cat | β™Ÿ
    Buringpaw | Fourteen | She-cat | β™Ÿ
    Swanpaw | Thirteen | Tom | β™Ÿ
    Troutpaw| Twelve | Tom | β™Ÿ
    Amberpaw | Twelve | She-cat | β™Ÿ
    Ferretpaw | Eight | She-cat | β™Ÿ
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™Ÿ[/url]

    Turtlebone | Thirty-four | She-cat | β™œ
    Mousebite | Sixty-two | She-cat | β™œ
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™œ[/url]

    Smudgekit | Three | Tom | β™Ÿ
    Mudkit | Three | She-cat | β™Ÿ
    Dippedkit | Three | Tom | β™Ÿ
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™Ÿ[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™œ[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]β™œ[/url]
Ally Clans:
Witherclan | seedcakes
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Lotusclan
South | Quartzclan
East | Wishclan
West | Thicketclan

Medicine Store
Burnet x 1
Catmint x 3
Chervil x 1
Cobweb x 1
Comfrey x 1
Dock x 1
Fennel x 1
Feverfew x 1
Goldenrod x 2
Hawkweed x 1
Heather Nectar x 1
Honey x 1
Horsetail x 1
Lamb's ear x 1
Lavender x 1
Marigold x 1
Mouse Bile x 1
Parsley x 1
Poppy Seeds x 1
Ragwort Leaves x 1
Rosemary x 1
Snake Root x 1
Stinging Nettle x 1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Trout (Big fish) | x3 | 7 servings
Blue Gill (Small fish) | x0 | 0 servings
Mouse | x3 | 3 servings
Frog | x3 | 3 servings
Birds | x2 | 4 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings

Creamfall | Ferretpaw | 0 | -
Snowcloud | Moosenose | 4 | Climbing, Hunting, Battling, Swimming
Drysun | Burningpaw | 3 | Hunting, Battling, Swimming
Littledove | Swanpaw | 3 | Hunting, Battling, Climbing
Sheepflower | Troutpaw | 3 | Battling, Climbing, Swimming
Blackscars | Amberpaw | 3 | Battling, Climbing, Hunting
Sootfur | Covepaw | 3 | Swimming, Hunting, Climbing
Fidgetspice | Blackscars
Sootfur | Drysun

Deceased Cats:
Rockstar | Fifty-nine at death | Tom | β™› | Wasp Stings - He's allergic
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family Relations
mate β™₯ mate
parent β™₯/✘ parent = sibling - sibling - sibling
ex-mate ✘ ex-mate

Terry ✘ Mousebite = Moosekit, Sparrow, Milk
Pig ✘ Littledove = Troutkit - Amberkit
Fidgetspice ✘ Sheepflower = Lionkit - Burningkit - Swankit
Sheepflower - Snowcloud
Doug ✘ Turtlebone = Smudgekit - Mudkid - Dippedkit
Drysun β™₯ Blackscars
Snowcloud β™₯ Mousebite
Waspface - Sootfur
"I hope that I'm the reason that you can't sleep
I hope that your whole life sucks without me"

Working 2-10:30pm EST M-F, please bare with me!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby justice'n'joy » Mon May 29, 2017 12:12 am

I'm Joy wrote:
Number of Cats: 2

[Pixiestar goes to the moonpool for a high rank cat (Med cat or deputy)]
[Minnowleap trains Ari.]

Minnowleap took a step towards the young cat. "What's your name, young one?" He asked his new apprentice.
The sandy colored she-cat gulped and the tom noticed her fear scent. "M-my name is Ari," she mewed, "and I'd appreciate it if you continued calling me that."
Neither Pixiestar nor Minnowleap pressed on.

It was time for Ari's first training and Minnowleap could tell she was excited. She was curious about anything and everything and just wouldn't stop bouncing. The old tom was scared they wouldn't get any work done but she finally calmed down and listened.
Ari was a nice, tentative cat.
          Pixiestar | 20 | She-cat| X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name| Age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Minnowleap | 57 | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ari | 6 moons | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Name | usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Deer | x0 | 0 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Fish | x0 | 0 servings

    Minnowleap | Ari | No Lessons | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
Mostly online for CaC
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Re: Skullclan - [20]

Postby Heda » Mon May 29, 2017 5:16 am


Number of Cats: 20 | β™‚: 9 | ♀: 11
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

Soulstar's ear twitched and his head tilted as he sighed, since his second life was lost he had changed a bit. He was much more gruff, he snapped often, and he was much more sly then usually. Basileyes confronted him on it, he asked her he didn't know why but in her opinion it was the fashion in how he lost his last life. He wasn't as forgiven and him and his sister had gone head to head a few times over simple arguments. The first gathering was coming up soon between them and the other three clans. He was interested to see this Roseclan that Coastclan had mentioned.
Runningsong walked past Troutleap and Emberslash without saying two words, Emberslash rolled her eyes. "She can get over herself, it's been four moons! Four moons that she has been sitting their ignoring you and treating you like dirt." Troutleap gave a slight shrug, well he did break her heart. "I just wish we could set things aside and be friends. For Rainpaw's and Kestrelpaw's sake." Emberslash looked at him and smiled, he thought of them more then he thought of himself or anyone else. Emberslash bumped her shoulder with his and sighed. "She's fine, her and Flintscreech are friends and he clearly doesn't like me since they became friends." Emberslash growled. "See that's why I don't like her, making others dislike you like I said she needs to get over herself." He shrugged again, maybe he deserved it.
Runningsong smiled as she confront Flintscreech who was laying down in the shade, the big tom had been observing his brother and Nightstone. "I think they are expecting kits." Runningsong frowned and turned to look at Nightstone. "You're joking." Flintscreech shook his head. "Them.....kits....her....a mother?" Runningsong frowned and shook her head. "Yeah I have too see that to believe it." Flintscreech looked up at her from where he was laying and smiled. "Well Burntpath was already a father....he's intense." Runningsong laughed a little. "I imagine." It wasn't long before her children were running over in a cluster of yells and laughter."We are going on patrol mom!" Kestrelpaw screamed and Flintscreech flinched a little. Rainbow trotted after him and sighed. "Patrols are boring." Kestrelpaw shot her a look and then looked at his mother and Flintscreech. "We might meet a fox! or a rogue! or even better Blazeclan cats! I asked dad if I could come to the gathering with him and Soulstar and the other cats and dad said since we are the only apprentices we could!" Rainpaw nodded proudly. "I want to meet some Blazeclan apprentices, and Coastclan ones too!" Kestrelpaw grinned and gave an odd giggle before speaking. "And Soaringstar!" Flintscreech grinned a little, he told Kestrelpaw how fluffy the Blazeclan leader and for some reason young cats seem to be obsessed with it. "He has big eyes and is fluffy." Runningsong looked at Flintscreech and then Rainpaw spoke. "Cuteness kills." The two siblings broke out in laughter and Flintscreech chuckled. "Now you two cannot say anything like that at the gathering understand me?" The two stopped and nodded. "We promise mom." Giving her a funny look before bolting off and giggling with Kestrelpaw.
"Don't you want your warrior name?" Blizzardstrike questioned curiously to Beetlepaw and the tom shook his head. "No I still want some more training. There are lots of things I still want to know and I don't feel I should get my warrior name until then." Blizzard strike gave him a look for a moment. "Has Ivythistle said anything to you?" Beetlepaw looked over at the medicine cat who was talking to Copperflame. "She asked me once if I thought I was ready and I told her no. She just told me that was fine. I will see if I am ready in a few moons. I know Ivythistle doesn't want to retire anytime soon so I am not really in a hurry."
"Oh she will be perfectly fine. So far she and Riverstrike are doing well. It is a great sign! They both went into labour around the same time, things will be ok. Go on your patrol and they may be here when you get back." Copperflame's tail flicked and he sighed. He chose to listening to Ivythistle, although he felt like he didn't really have a choice. "Beetlepaw! Come now we have somethings to prepare before the kits come." Beetlepaw nodded and bid a goodbye to Blizzardstrike.

[A serving of trout was eaten.]
[Hunting ; Troutleap, Eelswoop, Flintscreech, Cedarmouse, Runningsong, Quailfur]
[Patrol; Emberslash, Kestralpaw, Rainpaw, Aspenswirl, Copperflame]
[Herbs ; Ivythistle, Beetlepaw ]
[Burntpath and Nigtstone become mates]
[Soulstar asks for a warrior at the moonpool]
[Boneleaf is having her kits]
[Riverheart is having her kits]

      Soulstar | 44 | Tom | β‚ͺ
      Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†

      Troutleap | 38 | Tom | β‚ͺ

      Medicine Cat:
      Ivythistle | 59 | Molly | β‚ͺ

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:
      Beetlepaw | 15 | Tom | β‚ͺ

      Runningsong | 35 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      Copperflame | 32 | Tom | β‚ͺ
      Quailfur | 43 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      Aspenswirl | 50 | Tom | β‚ͺ
      Cedarmouse | 56 | Tom | β‚ͺ
      Emberslash | 33 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      Eelswoop | 21 | Molly |β‚ͺ
      Basileyes | 33 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      Flintscreech | 36 | Tom | β‚ͺ
      Nightstone | 37 | Molly |β‚ͺ
      Burntpath | 36 | Tom |β‚ͺ
      Boneleaf | 29 | Molly |β‚ͺ
      Blizzardstrike | 13 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      name | age | gender | [url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]

      Kestrelpaw | 9 | Tom |β‚ͺ
      Rainpaw | 9 | Molly | β‚ͺ
      name | age | gender | [url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]

      Riverheart | 39 | Molly |β‚ͺ
      name | age | gender | [url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]

      name | age | gender |[url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]

      name | age | gender |[url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]
      name | age | gender |[url=link]β‚ͺ[/url]
Ally Clans:
Coastclan | cosmos
Blazeclan | shimmerstream

Enemy Clans
Thicketclan | emberwisp

Border Clans
Northern Forest | Thicketclan
Western River | Blazeclan
Eastern Mountains | Echoclan
Southern Mountains | Jinxclan

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | x2 |
Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.
Burdock Root | x3 |
This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially g
ood for rat bites.
Catmint | x5 |
This herb is good for treating white cough and green co
Chervile Root | x3 |
This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.
Comfrey | X2 |
This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path fo
r mending.
Daisy Leaves | x2 |
This herb is used to soothe aching joints.
Elder Leaves | x2 |
This herb can be used to help treat sprains.
Lavender | x1 | This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers.
It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous break
down or severe shock.
Marigold | x2 |
This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can al
so heal sores.
Nettle Leaves | x2 |
This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.
Oak Leaves | x2 |
This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infe
Poppy Seeds | x2 | This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat
Snake Root | x2 | This herb is used to counter the effects of pois
Yarrow | x1 | This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action
expels poisons from the body.
Cobwebs | x2 |
Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.
Honey | x2 |
Honey is used to treat sore throats.
Wild Garlic | x2 | Rolling in this herb can help to keep infection o
ut of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Trout | x4 | 4 servings
Salmon | x3 | 4 servings
Frog | x3 | 1 servings
Snake | x4 | 2 servings
Vole | x3 | 1 servings
Pheasant | x3 | 3 servings
Total | 20 | 51 servings

Necessary Skills: Fishing, Combat
Common Skills: Speed, Stealth, Swimming
Rare Skills: Climbing, intensive tracking

Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *
Quailpaw | Blizzardpaw | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ
Emberslash | Kestralpaw | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | *
Aspenswirl | Rainpaw | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | β‚ͺ | *

Troutleap + Runningsong β‡’ Rainpaw, Kestralpaw
Emberslash, Basileyes
Nightsone, Soulstar
Flintscreech, Burntpath
Copperflame + Boneleaf = ??
Riverheart + ?? = ??
Soulstar + Basileyes =

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Age | Cause of Death
Last edited by Heda on Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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solarclan (4)

Postby doryphoros » Mon May 29, 2017 9:25 am

Number of Cats: 15
Next Moonpool Visit: 4.30.17
Moonfall's Kits: 2 moons

"Moonfall, calm down." The grey queen's exasparated voice echoed around the nursery as the aforementioned cat began to pace. "You're not going to die just because you can't go on patrols." Larksong meowed in an attempt to appease the pacing queen. "You don't understand, the clan needs me!"Moonfall exclaimed, plopping down in her nest exasperatedly. "Your kits need you to protect them, Moonfall."Larksong sighed, wondering what her kits were off to now. To be honest, Moonfall arguing like a child was pretty entertaining, but it grew tiring after a bit. "B-but, I, I need to, t-" Larksong stopped her with a glare. "Sit in the nest Moonfall. You'll just do more harm than good." Larksong sighed in relief as Moonfall sat down in her nest again, pouting.
"Dovekit, what are you doing? Stop sniffing that leaf and hurry up!" Heronkit hissed at Dovekit, who was in fact, batting curiously at a strangely large leaf. The kits were currently adventuring the forest outside of camp, which they weren't supposed to do. "Ok, no need to get snappy. I'm going!" Dovekit hissed back, and hurried to catch up with the group. Heronkit was at the front of the group, with Whisperkit not far behind. Silverkit was third, with Dovekit at the back of the little patrol. Suddenly, the bushes opened up to reveal a small, burbling creek. The water trickled over rocks into a pristine, rippleless pool of clear blue water. Heronkit gasped and ran over to the edge. "See?! I told you guys there would be something here!" Heronkit meowed triumphantly, looking back at the patrol to see that nobody was listening to him. Dovekit had wandered over to the pond, batting at the small fish that were darting around, with Whisperkit beside her. Silverkit was exploring some caves she had found near the pond's edge. Heronkit sighed and ran over to Silverkit to explore. Larksong's faint voice reached their ears, and they froze. Suddenly, the bushes that obscured the clearing were pushed aside by a panting Thrushflight and a wild-eyed Larksong. She nearly sobbed when she saw that her kits were safe. "Why weren't you in camp? Your mother and I were worried sick." Thrushflight scolded, eyes raking over the kits, who cowered in shame. "W-we're sorry." Heronkit mewed, and the other kits chimed in. "Don't wander out of camp. There's many dangerous things out there, and we wouldn't want you to get hurt." Larksong sighed, and the kits nodded mutely. "You kits can play here until sunhigh, then you need to come back to camp. Ok?" Thrushflight's eyes softened at the kit's excited jumping, and he and Larksong padded out of the clearing.

[Shinestar, Silkpaw: Training Session #3 | Leafrush, Clearsight: Herb Hunting |Thrushflight, Cloudswift: Border Patrol | Ravenfeather, Viperthorn, Aspenstep, Smudgetail: Hunting Patrol | Clan consumes 2 hares]

          Shinestar | 62 moons | Female | Blue Apatite |X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Cloudswift | 33 moons | Male |Dumortierite | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Leafrush | 38 moons | Female | Peridot |X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Clearsight | 20 moons | Male | Yellow Sapphire |X

          Thrushflight | 41 moons | Male | Blue-Green Tourmaline |X
          Viperthorn| 44 moons | Male | Dark Brown Cat's Eye Scapilite |X
          Smudgetail | 17 moons | Female | Fire Agate |X
          Aspenstep | 38 moons | Male | Jeremejevite |X
          Ravenfeather | 36 moons | Female | Jet |X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Silkpaw | 15 moons | Female | None |X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Larksong | 28 moons | Female | Blue Chalcedony |X
          Moonfall | 35 moons | Female |Marialite | X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Heronkit | 6 moons | Male | None |X
          Silverkit| 6 moons | Female | None |X
          Dovekit | 6 moons | Female | None |X
          Whisperkit | 6 moons | Female | None |X
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | Gemstone |[url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint x2 | Remedy for greencough.
    Horsetail x1 | Treats infected wounds.
    Chamomile x1 | Used to increase physical strength.
    Ferns x1 | Also used to clean out wounds.
    Cobwebs x1 | Stops bleeding.
    Yarrow x1 | Applied to wounds. Prevents infections. Expels poison. If swallowed, will make a cat vomit.
    Honey x1 | Soothes throats.
    Feverfew x1 | Cools down fevers or chills.
    Goldenrod x1 | Heals wounds.
    Rosemary x1 | Hides the scent of death.
    Snakeroot x1 | Counters the effects of poison.
    Poppy Seeds x1 | Can put a cat to sleep, ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    Comfrey x1 | Can repair broken bones, soothe wounds, wrenched claws, used for itching, and for inflammation and stiff joints.
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing, treats cracked pads.
    Lavender x1 | Used to cure fevers and chills. Also hides the scent of death.
    Wintergreen x1 | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons. Can stop cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Burdock Root x1 | Lessens and heals the pain of rat bites. Prevents infection of rat bites.
    Rush x1 | Holds a broken limb in place.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. Can also be used to calm cats.
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile: 13 servings
    Hare | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x2 | 3 servings
    Rat | x1 | 1 servings

    Shinestar | Silkpaw | 2 | Hunting, Climbing
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Skills Learned

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Gemstone | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Gemstone | Cause of Death

    Larksong and Thrushflight - Heronkit, Whisperkit, Dovekit, Silverkit
    Moonfall and Viperthorn - N/A
    Name and Name - Kits

    Solarclan's Tradition:
    When an apprentice becomes a warrior, they are presented with a gemstone that either correlates with their eye color, pelt color, or personality. For example, a fiery, energetic tom may receive a red jasper stone. Kits are taught to anticipate the day when they receive a gemstone, and to keep it safely tucked away within their nests. The leader watches the training sessions and goes on hunting and border patrols frequently to determine what stone the new warrior shall receive. When a warrior dies, their gemstone is placed on top of their grave, to forever be a testament to them. It is said that their spirit is tethered to that gem, and if it's lost, then their spirit is lost. If an apprentice or kit dies, then the leader will choose a gem based on what might've been.
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