Create a Village - V.2

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:10 pm

    Season: Summer
    Weather: There is a slight breeze in the air and a few clouds scatter through the sky. They are not dark enough or heavy enough to carry rain but it sure makes for a pleasant spring day.

    Announcement: There is new stuff on the front page! Please take a look!

| Black Rock Weyr | Expanse | Empire of Xerxes’ Fidelitas | Mournstead | Mar Sal | Verander | Hyinan | Windbriar | Nightbellows | Ice Cavern | Barren Moors | Magia Dynasty | Volkov Brotherhood | Adolphen Empire |


Simonpet wrote:
𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 16.5 servings: x2 carrots, x6 corn, and x0.5 small fish. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 2 servings: x1 large fish. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.25 servings: 0.25 small fish. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.5 servings: x1 carrot. ]
[ Seanni requests a candidate. ]

[ Shollun passes the tests to become a master healercrafter. ]
[ Eshni is old enough to help gather fruits and vegetables until she is apprenticed or becomes a Lower Caverns staff. ]

[ Shollun (4 KP) tends to N'reg's injuries. ]

[ Seanni and N'reg (and Rosanth and Predath, dragons) go on a border patrol. ]
[ Abesses, Ayal, and Nitia (and Sparky, fox) hunt. ]
[ Jesni, Baridna, Boldosh, and Tugall fish. ]
[ Renolla, Eshni, Fudiom, Kivee, Waxinnan, Eshni (and Pellar, bird) gather. ]
[ Eshni tests the Harpercraft. ]

[ Corn seed 1 grows with Borrin overseeing it. ]
[ Corn seed 2 grows with Ershar overseeing it. ]

[ Bovine 1 and Bovine 2 (bovines) mate. ]
[ Etasi and Fire (fire-lizards) mate. ]

    The ancestors sent a candidate.
    Shoullun is now a master healercrafter.
    Seanni and N'reg find 2 iron while on patrol.
    Abesses, Ayal, and Nitia caught 2 bovine and a wherry.
    Jesni, Baridna, Boldosh, and Tugall caught a small fish and 3 big fish.
    Renolla, Eshni, Fudiom, Kivee, and Waxinnan gathered 4 cucumbers.
    Pellar found a cucumber seed.
    Eshni has tested Harpercraft.

    Corn seed 1 yields 5 corn.
    Corn seed 2 yields 2 corn seeds and a corn.
    Both plants continue to grow items.

    Bovine 1 and Bovine 2 mated successfully.
    Bovine 2 gave birth to two calves.
    Etasi and Fire mated successfully.
    Etasi laid 6 eggs, 1 will not hatch.

    The candidate's traits are: ST-E1 | HC-9 | HS-HW | EC-F5 | X | Human
    Your village has adopted child 007, congratulations!

nightwolf950 wrote:
{Takeshi requests a male Head Cheif
Yuri tests gathering
Hikari tests warrior duties
Myles stays back to rest, Scout right there beside him

Studying Medicine: Timber
Hunting: Axel, Rose, and Mitsuru
Gathering: Kiirion, Wisteria, and Xzavier
Patrolling: Takeshi (riding: Twister)
Scouting: Evidone and Ophelia
Training: Madoka/Chi - defense}

    The ancestors sent a head chief.
    Yuri has already tested gathering, she tests shaman duties.
    Yuri is now old enough to take on an apprenticeship, she can choose; Hunting, gathering, warrior-ship, scouting or shaman-ship.
    Hikari has already tested warrior-ship, she tests shaman duties.
    Hikari is now old enough to take on an apprenticeship, she can choose; Hunting, gathering, warrior-ship, scouting or shaman-ship.
    Myles has fully healed and can return to their duties.
    Timber gained a knowledge point.
    Axel, Rose, and Mitsuru caught 3 trout.
    Kiirion, Wisteria, and Xzavier gathered 4 apples.
    Takeshi found 2 leather while on patrol.
    Evidone and Ophelia found a cow while on patrol.(You can choose the looks)
    Chi learns the defense skill.
    The head chief's traits are: ST-C11 | HC-37 | HS-HW | EC-D9 | X | Vampire

inky. wrote:
[Rovi And Mica patrol]
[Nyke and Raiden hunt]
[Vida and Avi gather]
[Delki asks for a Hunting Chief]
[Alyia studies]
[The village consumes x5 blackberries and x1 salmon]

    The ancestors sent a hunting chief.
    Rovi and Mica found 2 stones while on patrol.
    Nyke and Raiden caught 2 salmon.
    Vida and Avi gathered 3 carrots.
    Alyia gained a knowledge point.
    The hunting chief's traits are: ST-B8 | HC-22 | HS-HC | EC-G2 | X | Human

requiem, wrote:
(ash patrols with alyssa while searching for food. she later requests a healer from her ancestors)

    The ancestors sent a healer.
    Ash and Alyssa found a hunter while on patrol.
    Ash and Alyssa gathered 2 carrots.
    The healer's traits are: ST-A4 | HC-10 | HS-LC | EC-A3 | Y | Shapeshifter (Hawk)
    The hunter's traits are: ST-D7 | HC-5 | HS-S | EC-B4 | X | Shapeshifter (Wolf)
    Volkov Brotherhood has 3 more fasting days.

    (Do you have a gathering rank?)

✨Moon✨ wrote:
    everyone knows the tale of ragnorak━━when the sun and moon is
    eaten by haiti and skoll━━when all the gods have their final reign
    ━━when the earth is burnt to a crisp and everything goes to die i
    n the waters. everyone thought that this was the last of the earth,
    but they were proven wrong when the land once again reemerged
    from the dark, murky ocean waters and burst into life for a rebirth
    . not all is dead, one god materializes over this empty world, risin
    g to power. he has the grand idea of recreating the superior life on
    ce more, the humans, but he has another creation━━the lycans..
    and so with his creative whim, he remakes humans, but also makes
    lycans━━anthropomorphic canines. with the anatomy of a human
    but the characteristics of a canine, the lycans rule alongside the h
    umans, though neither of them have been fond of each other. the f
    irst remade humans were jealous of the lycans' abilities, with their
    inhuman senses and predatory advantages. the lycans seem to adv
    ance more in life than the humans, adapting better in this new wo
    rld. one certain time, the rivalry between the lycans and humans g
    et out of hand,,, and the god who created them━known as lykos━
    gets too irritated by their hatred of each other, giving them curses
    of horrible qualities. humans, already being so weak, are made so f
    eeble to the point of being incapacitated. lycans are given more as
    pects of a canine, but they are not the good kind━━lycans have a
    worrisome thirst for blood without control over it, and every twelv
    e moons, they are forced to go into a belligerent rage that can be d
    eadly to not only humans and other animals, but their own kind too.
    these traits were supposed to make humans and lycans get along, b
    ut maybe it all wasn't a good idea. still, lycans are the stronger race
    in later years, the adolphen empire came about. this empire is still e
    xisting today and rules over much of adolphe today. having grown in s
    ize and become more vicious and powerful.. both lycans and humans
    are seemingly dominant and potent, having to fight to get to their cu
    rrent positions. even though lycans and humans rule here, its mainly
    the lycans that have all this omnipotence. the people and lycans of u
    nder the adolphen reign live in fairly decent houses made of wood to
    protect them from the bitterness of adolphe's seasons. they usually w
    ear fur coats and thick cotton in the winter and autumn, and switch t
    o silk and thin fabric clothing in the spring and summer. lycans and hu
    mans are expected to do their jobs and pay taxes, or there will be con
    sequences from the emperor or empress. the follows under adolphe ge
    t along by telling tales of mythical beasts and stories of gods, demigod
    s and humans to people━━most people of adolphe believing in reiken
    (fictional) mythology or being atheists━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
    may my emperor be a lycan, please? their shifting form.

adolphe was originally a small land that was said to be created by
one of the new deities, areic, who is sometimes said to be seen w
andering around his creation today in the form of a over-sized whi
te wolf, named athens━━who is his separated wolf form that has
a mind of its home, areic only sees through the wolves eyes and h
as no control of its body, but part of its mind.. it is said that areic
had lost his human and anthropomorphic form long ago, and is tra
pped in the body of athens who was originally his wolf form but n
ow has a mind of its own━━seemingly possessed by a spirit or ph
antom. those who are next to athens and areic are said to feel shi
vers down their spines and the constant feel that they are being w
atched, even though they may not be necessarily watching them..
areic, before being trapped, had created adolphe by soiling the la
nd and rising it up, creating the famous mountains known as the s
kolly mountains. he grabbed the water from the ocean and remov
ed it of its salinity, dragging his finger through the dirt to suppose
dly make the freshwater bodies of water. lycans and humans were
said to be given the dream of this place, being as divine as heaven
itself back then, and had felt the overbearing need to come here
and start a new life━━and so some of them did and it was given
the name adolphe. the land of adolphe had grown tremendously i
n size since its prehistoric beginnings━━its named landforms and
water sources consist of the skolly mountains, the pool of nadia, s
alem woods and the ryndale dip. more acres of land has been adde
d to adolphe itself but they hold no significant importance.

    Adolphen Empire has been founded!
    Your leader's trait are : ST-B4 | HC-3 | HS-LC | EC-B4 | X | Lycan
    Adolphen Empire has 5 more fasting days.

    (Do you only want natural hair colors, eye colors and skin tones?)
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:13 am


Summer is here! During summer, your villagers are likely to catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

It doesn't appear to be much different from the spring, as the weather remains nice and mild. However, some villages may soon experience heat waves and/or droughts as the weather heats up.

It is now summer!

Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare | Mekhanikos | Skytree | The Stormclouds | Floukru | Vale of Archaic Corybantic

Makoto Naegi wrote:

[ Alina and Emma gather x1 watermelon seed, x2 lettuce, x1 carrot. ]
[ Eli catches x1 small fish and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Marvis and Alex find a wolf pack that once alerted to their presence, attempts to drive the villagers out of their territory. Thankfully, they were able to drive off the wolves which left a young and confused pup behind. Alex, unfortunately, was injured (though not too seriously) and will require a shaman with at least 1 KP to look at his wounds. In addition, he requires two posts of rest. The wolf will have the same stats as a dog. ]
[ Celeste gains 1 KP. ]

Dinolil1 wrote:

[ Solaris, Sitara, and Thurayya find nothing of interest. ]
[ Ayberk, Chandra, and Leo gather x1 pear, x1 tomato, and x1 carrot. ]

[ Mod notes: Oh no, I feel so sorry for Stella! Also, maybe Artemio's middle name/nickname could be Pran? Like maybe only his mother calls him that and it becomes a term of endearment. ]
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⊰ volkov brotherhood [03]

Postby requiem, » Sun Aug 05, 2018 9:55 am

people 004 | animals 000 | servings needed two posts to gather food | ancestral visit 08/06
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx━━BEYOND FEAR LIES FREEDOM

'how many rooms do we have to clean before you're finally satisfied?' 'i feel like my arms are going to fall off.' ash, alyssa and the two new members, cal and noah, had taken on the huge task of cleaning all particles of dust and every cobweb in the castle. while noah and alyssa weren't exactly motivated to do some chores, cleaning four at a time was rather efficient. although their whining and complaining wasn't the most enjoyable background noise. 'how about one more room and we'll call it a day?,' said ash with an amused smirk. her statement earned her two long sighs of relief from her friends and a chuckle out of cal. the brotherhood's new healer was eager to return to the castle's library, where the group had found thousands of books. unfortunately, most of them had rotten due to the humidity or were now unreadable, their ink having greatly paled over time. he had been thrilled to find multiple tomes on medicine but noah had forbidden from reading them until they finished cleaning. 'are we done?,' cal asked ash, waving a hand across the now perfectly clean room. 'yes, yes,' she responded with a laugh, 'you can go explore the library's shelves now, while we explore the rest of our territory.' alyssa and noah raced out the door, screaming at ash that if she arrived outside last, she'd no longer be empress. cursing under her breath, the brotherhood's leader dashed out of the room, knowing that the childish pair would constantly tease her if she did in fact lose. cal shook his head and told himself that even though he was the youngest, it certainly didn't feel like it.

( ash patrols with alyssa for skilled animals or new members. noah tags along to search for food
( cal researches medicine

[note to mod! yes, the hunters gather fruits & vegetables as well as hunt prey animals.]

        ashley 'ash' volkov | f | 25 y
        ↪ st - a4 / hs - s / hc - 38 / ec - b2 / x

        callum 'cal' novell | m | 23 y
        ↪ st - a4 / hs - lc / hc - 10 / ec - a3 / y

        head knight
        alyssa williams | f | 26 y
        ↪ st - f8 / hs - ac / hc - 1 / ec - c7 / x

        name | m/f | age
        ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
        ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

        head scout
        name | m/f | age
        ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
        ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

        name | m/f | age
        ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
        ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

        head hunter
        noah maxwell | m | 26 y
        ↪ st - d7 / hs - s / hc - 5 / ec - b4 / x

        name | m/f | age
        ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
        ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧
    name | m/f | age
    ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
    ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

    name | m/f | age
    ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
    ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

    name | f | age
    ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x
    ↪ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

    name | m/f | age
    ↪ st - x / hs - x / hc - x / ec - x / x

    relations and kinships
    name and name
    ↪ xxx
    name and name
    ↪ xxx

    name | m/f | age
    ↪ xxx
    name | m/f | age
    ↪ xxx

    skilled animals
    name | m/f | age | species | ✧
    name | m/f | age | species | ✧
    name | m/f | age | species | ✧
    name | m/f | age | species | ✧
    name | m/f | age | species | ✧
    village | username
    village | username

    village | username
    village | username

    bordering villages
    SE | BRW | Simonpet
    x | village | username
    x | village | username
    x | village | username

    food storage
    rabbit | # | 1 serving
    squirrel | # | 1 serving
    boar | # | 2 servings
    trout | # | 3 servings
    carrots | # | 3 servings
    cucumbers | # | 4 servings
    potatoes | 4 | 3 servings
    blueberries | # | 1 serving
    apples | # | 2 servings
    peaches | # | 2 servings

    item storage
    item | amount | uses left
    item | amount | uses left

    cadet | profession | # of sessions
    cadet | profession | # of sessions
    cadet | profession | # of sessions
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby inky. » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:13 am


Number of People: 9
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 9
Next Visit to Totem: 8/12
Mod Notes: Couldn't find a good picture for Seth either

Raiden picked at the grass. He was sitting by the rock he and Nyke lounged on constantly. The fire burned in the middle of the village, food piled on stone slabs and drinks being held by the people surrounding him. Mica and Vida stood together, Mica's arm around his wife's waist. The wedding celebration had been going on for hours now, and even though Raiden was happy for the couple, he didn't really care. He didn't really consider Mica or Vida as close friends, in fact, he didn't even know they were together. But he would sit through it. The warrior picked up his cup and took a sip of the strong beverage it contained, so used to the taste that he didn't even flinch at its bitterness. At the same time, Seth started to cough. Nyke , who was beside him, paused from her conversation with Vida to laugh and comment about the drink's strength and how he would get used to it eventually, even if he choked on it. Vida giggled as well and the two girls continued talking happily, Nyke obviously excited and happy about Vida's position. Raiden hadn't though of Nyke as one who would enjoy weddings. He figured that his friend would never fall in love, due to her prickly nature. But, he corrected himself, she was a lovely person. She was kind and sweet on the inside, you just had to get past the rough exterior.

Soon, however, Nyke was forced to pull away from her chat. Seth grabbed her elbow and leaned close to whisper something to her. She nodded reluctantly and excused herself. Then, the two exited the village to hunt. Or at least that's what Raiden assumed. Ever since Seth had arrived, Nyke hadn't gone on a hunt with anyone else. Raiden was relieved of his hunting duties to patrol with Delki. He didn't mind going out with his leader. Delki had proved to be an interesting buddy and good company. Still, Raiden missed the hunts he and Nyke went on. The two had been spending less time with each other as well. When they weren't hunting, Seth and Nyke were in the hunting lodge, doing god knows what. Probably kissing. Raiden tightened his grip on the cup he held. He felt a strange burning in his heart. He blinked and shook his head. What was happening? He wasn't jealous! He didn't like Nyke. They were friends, and that was that. Heaving a heavy sigh, he pulled himself to his feet and dusted off his bottom, clearing off all of the leaves hanging to his pants. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked to his cabin, nodding to the couple before disappearing into the darkness.

[Rovi and Mica patrol]
[Delki and Raiden patrol
[Seth and Nyke hunt]
[Vida and Avi gather]
[Alyia studies]
[Mica and Vida become partners and try for a child]
[The village consumes x1 elk and x3 potatoes]

    Head Chief
    Delki | Male | 28 y
    ↪ ST-B4 | HC-24 | HS-HC | EC-G1 | X | Shapeshifter
    ↪ Bear has a red mark on his face (as a warning)

    ⚫ Alyia | Female | 31 y | 1 Knowledge Point
    ↪ ST-B7 | HC-25 | HS-LW | EC-H1 | X | Shapeshifter

    War Chief
    Rovi | Male | 25 y
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-1 | HS-LC | EC-H6 | X | Human

    Raiden | Male | 25 y
    ↪ ST-C2 | HC-11 | HS-LC | EC-H1 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Mica | Male | 22 y
    ↪ ST-A5 | HC-3 | HS-HC | EC-D3 | X | Shapeshifter
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    ⚫ Seth | Male | 26 y
    ↪ ST-B8 | HC-22 | HS-HC | EC-G2 | X | Human

    Nyke | Female | 24 y
    ↪ ST-A1 | HC-9 | HS-S | EC-A2 | X | Human
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Vida | Female | 23 y
    ↪ ST-B2 | HC-7 | HS-S | EC-G5 | X | Human
    Avi | Female | 22 y
    ↪ ST-B2 | HC-12 | HS-HW | EC-G6 | X | Shapeshifter
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    ⚫ Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Hares | x3 | 1
Wild Pig | x2 | 2
Salmon | x2 | 3
Elk| x0 | 3
Carrots | x5 | 2
Lettuce | x2 | 4
Potatoes | x1 | 2
Blackberries (uncommon) | x0 | 1
Gooseberries | x0 | 1
Wild Raspberries | x7 | 1

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Stone | x2 | 2 uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
??? and ??? | Mica, Avi
Mica and Vida | Kids
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Wolfypoof » Mon Aug 06, 2018 7:51 pm

Number of People: 7
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed:
Next Visit to Ancestors: anytime

"A PUPPY!!" Celeste squealed when Marvis and Alex returned.
"Actually, it's a wolf," Marvis pointed out. The wolf in question curiously looked at everyone staring at it.
"Tell me how you came across it," Alina said. The two explained about what had happened. She nodded in approval when they told her they chased the wolf pack out. She congratulated them in a manner that seemed unusual for her. But it was soon ruined when she spoke again. "You two finally did some good around here."
"Yeah, yeah whatever..." Alex grumbled. "Anyway, I'll be waiting in your house, Celeste."
"Okay~!" she squeaked then turned towards Alina. "Can we keep it? Can we keep it!? Pretty pleeeease!"
"Of course. It can be very useful around here," she nodded. "Since you seem very interested in it, you can decide it's name."
"Yay! In that case, his name is Muffin!"
"...What?" Alina looked at her like she was crazy.
"It's um... creative?" Eli shrugged.
"Whatever its name is, you can look after it," she said. With a smile, Celeste picked the wolf up and walked to her house. The rest of the village went about their duties as usual. Emma stood in the clearing while everyone left.
"I wish I had a pet..." she sadly said. Eli, who was still near by, turned towards her.
"Maybe next time you can."
She nodded and then walked off to sort vegetables.

[The Iron Rosette consumes lettuce and a rabbit]
[Celeste looks over Alex's injuries]
[Alex rests]
[Alina and Marvis patrol]
[Eli hunts]
[Emma gathers for food]

    Alina| Female | 28
    ↪ ST-D4 | HC-24 | HS-S | EC-C10 | X | Elven

    Celeste | Female | 29 | 2 KP
    ↪ ST - E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph

    Head Knight
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Alex | Male | 24
    ↪ ST-A4 | HC-12 | HS-S | EC-A10 | X | Elven
    Marvis | Female | 33
    ↪ ST-B1 | HS-HC | HC-38 | EC-G5 | X | Witch

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Eli | Male | 44
    ↪ ST-L9 | HC-19 | HS-S | EC-A5 | X | Elven
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Emma | Female | 30
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-44 | HS-LC | EC-G1 | Y | Human
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Ida | Female | 98
    ↪ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | x3 | 1 serving
Chicken | x2 |2 serving
Rabbit | x4 |2 servings
Deer | x1 | 3 servings
Potato | x0 |2 servings
Carrot | x3 |2 servings
Lettuce | x5 |2 servings
Apples | x3 | 2 servings
Orange | x1 | 2 servings
Watermelons | x2 |3 servings (1 seed)

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Muffin | Male | 10 months | Wolf (dog) | # of times bred | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Re: The Stormclouds [06]

Postby Springtalon » Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:39 am

Image 003
↪ villagers: 03 | animals: 00

Image 7
↪ 7 servings of trout eaten

Image whenever
↪ last ask: a elf

Two more members had joined the Stormclouds' ranks. An elf named Creeping Ivy, who had bright green skin and served as a hunter, and Vanellope, a werewolf who served as a scout. Cassandra, on more than one occasion, had caught the new werewolf and Tyler returning to the castle after sneaking off to one or another of the barrier islands. Cassandra wasn't surprised when Tyler had asked her for permission to wed the other were.


{Tyler and Vanellope get married}
{Cassandra, Thorne, and Wynia patrol}
{Krill goes fishing}
{Finnick studies medicine}

head chief
Cassandra | Female | 21
↪ ST-D4 | HC-32 | HS-LC | EC-H7 | X | Kitsune

Finnick | Male | 31
↪ ST-K11 | HC-21 | HS-LW | EC-A5 | Y | Merman

war chief
Thorne | Male | 34
↪ ST-B8 | HC-7 | HS-LC | EC-B7 | X | Human

scout chief
name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y

hunting chief
Krill | Male | 26
↪ ST-B9 | HC-37 | HS-S | EC-A9 | X | Merfolk

name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y
name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y

Wynia | Female | 21
↪ ST-E8 | HC-17 | HS-HC | EC-F3 | X | Kelpie
Vanellope | Female | 22
↪ ST-E2 | HC-32 | HS-HC | EC-A7 | Y | Werewolf

Tyler | Male | 26
↪ ST-J9 | HC-54 | HS-LC | EC-F6 | Y | Werewolf
Creeping Ivy | Female | 31
↪ ST-I6 | HC-27 | HS-LW | EC-H1 | X | Elf

name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y

name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y

name | gender | age
↪ ST- | HC- | HS- | EC- | X/Y


Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Trout | 11/3
Salmon | 9/3
Deer | 0/3
Wild Boar | 0/2
Carrot | 0/3
Potato | 0/3
Lettuce | 0/4
Banana | 0/2
Mango | 0/2
Pineapple | 0/3

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Family Trees
Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids

Found Species
Merfolk, Kelpie, Kemonomimi, Nixie
Wood Elf, Light Elf, Human, Were
Fairy, Satyr
Kitsune, Dark Elf

Knowledge Points
Finnick = 3

Font = Fontmeme
Coding = XXX
artwork =
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby NightWolf950 » Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:08 am


Number of Villagers: 16 (Males; 8 Females; 8)
Next Request: August 9th
Servings needed: 15

Windbriar consumes x3 trout and x2 potatoes


Next post. <3


{Yuri chooses Scouting
Hikari chooses Gathering
Timber and Scout are left behind to rest

Studying Medicine: Timber
Hunting: Axel, Rose, and Mitsuru
Gathering: Wisteria and Xzavier
Patrolling: Takeshi and Kazimir
Scouting: Myles and Evidone
Training: Madoka/Chi - offense | Ophelia/Yuri - peace keeping | Kiirion/Hikari - Harvesting}

Head Chiefs:
Takeshi | 49 | Female | Human
↪ ST-E8 | HC-94 | HS-S | EC-Green | X
Kazimir | 50 | Male | Vampire
↪ ST-C11 | HC-37 | HS-HW | EC-D9 | X

Timber | 37 | Male | K. Points: 5 | Shifter
↪ ST-D1 | HC-2 | HS-LW | EC-C7 | Y | Baboon Shift

War Chiefs:

Madoka | 40 | Female | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-B9 | HC-64 | HS-HC | EC-DBlue | X

Scout Chiefs:
Myles | 52 | Male | Human
↪ ST-B10 | HC-110 | HS-HC | EC-Blue | X

Evidone | 29 | Male | Nymph
↪ ST-A4 | HC-38 | HS-AC | EC-Hazel | X
Ophelia | 32 | Female | Vampire
↪ ST-D5 | HC-10 | HS-S | EC-C11 | X

Hunting Chiefs:
Axel | 50 | Male | Elf
↪ ST-E5 | HC-10 | HS-HW | EC-Red | X

Rose | 39 | Female | Human
↪ ST-B7 | HC-55 | HS-LW | EC-A6 | X
Mitsuru | 41 | Male | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-E8 | HC-15 | HS-S | EC-C8 | X

Kiirion | 51 | Male | Elf
↪ ST-A10 | HC-27 | HS-HW | EC-B4 | Y
Wisteria | 51 | Female | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-C10 | HC-48 | HS-S | EC-Violet | X
Xzavier | 27 | Male | Human
↪ ST-G6 | HC-11 | HS-LC | EC-B11 | Y

Chi | 18 | Female | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-D6 | HC-55 | HS-LW | EC-A10 | X

Yuri | 13 | Female | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-C10 | HC-76 | HS-S | EC-Green | X
Hikari | 13 | Female | Kemonomimi
↪ ST-C10 | HC-76 | HS-S | EC-DGreen | X





Madoka | Chi | Warrior | 1

x | x | Warrior | # of sessions
↪ Stealth/Balance/Offense/Defense
x | x | Scout | # of sessions
↪ Tracking/Peace keeping/Percussive talking/Friendliness
x | x | Hunter | # of sessions
↪ Tracking/Stealth/Land layout/How to properly kill
x | x | Gather | # of sessions
↪ Harvesting/Planting/Soil care/Crop care


Food Storage:
Deer | x2 | 3 servings
Rabbits | x3 | 1 servings
Hares | x3 | 1 servings
Trout | x0 | 3 servings
Potatoes | x0 | 3 servings
Carrots | x2 | 3 servings
Wheat | x1 | 2 servings
Apples | x6 | 2 servings
Peaches | x8 | 2 servings
Watermelon | x1 | 4 servings

Item Storage:
Cotton | x1 | craft-able
Wheat seed | x1 | 1 use
Iron | x1 | craft-able
Watermelon seed | x1 | 1 use
Gold | x2 | Money
Leather | x2 | craft-able

Twister | Male | 7 | Horse | Owner: Takeshi
Scout | Male | 6 | German shepherd | Owner: Myles
Bessy | Female | 3 | Cow


x | Gender | Cause of death

Ally Villages:
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages:
Village Name | Username

North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Kennel Name | Username
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Re: Mar Sal [002]

Postby dea invidia. » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:49 pm

❮population of mar sal❯ 003 ❮men of mar sal❯ 002 ❮women of mar sal❯ 001
❮servings required❯ 003 ❮next request❯ now
as aengus walked along the beach he noticed a figure sprinting towards him. he focused on the person running at him, and as
they quickly approach closer he realised that it was a woman. she had dark caramel skin, and lightly curled red hair that whipp
ed her face as she ran at him. as the monarch was taking the female in as a possible threat he was knocked to the ground by t
he woman just as he was about to speak. she shoved him into the ground with as much force as she could apply, "why are you
she asked with a look that could kill. before he answered aengus quickly pushed her off and got up as calmly as possibl
e. he looked at her, she was clearly tense and ready to fight as she got herself off the sand. "this is a beach that is claimed by
my village and my ancestors. i am the ruling body over this beach and the land around it."
he told her, watching as she narrow
ed her eyes at him. she crossed her arms across her chest as he spoke again, "i am aengus. who might you be and where are y
ou from?"
he asked her, she seemed to think for a bit before deciding to answer.

she looked around the beach, "adara. i come from nowhere and everywhere. my mother abandoned me when i was young, i've
travelled around the land with various nomadic groups. the group i was with left me, and i found this beach. i've been staying
in that cave over there for a while now."
aengus craned his neck to look at the small cave she was pointing at. aengus sighed,
walking towards the cave and grabbing what little things she had. adara followed angrily behind the monarch, yanking some th
ings out of his grip, "what do you think you're doing?" she demanded angrily. aengus rolled his eyes, turning to watch as the g
irl tried to make sure her items weren't ruined. "if you're going to stay here, you might as well join the village. you'll have your
own accommodation, a proper sleeping place."
he told here, but she didn't look convinced. she crossed her arms in front of he
r chest, "what makes you think i was planning on staying around here anyway?" she asked him. the brunette boy sighed once a
gain, "you don't have to stay, but i would assume you would like a place to stay for a while. you can work as a ranger, you're q
uick, and you seem to know the land rather well."
he told her, starting to walk back to the village, still holding multiple items
of hers.

adara grabbed the rest of her stuff and followed aengus back to the village. it was fancier than she had expected, rundown, bu
t fancy all the same. aengus stopped in front of a small two-story house, it was over-run by ivy and other plants and it despera
tely needed to be repainted. he walked up and pushed the door open, "this will be your house. rather small and a little old, but
i'm sure it could be amazing with a little work."
throwing the key to adara, the young monarch left with a wave. adara stood, gl
ancing at the keys in her hand, wondering what she had managed to get herself into.
a blonde boy tousled his hair as he walked into the village, a smirk made it's way as he heard the whistling of an arrow being re
leased. he turned, coming face to face with an arrow that seamed to have been dipped in a poison made to paralyse. with a slig
ht motion of his hand, the arrow was sent sideways and rolling into the bushes. he looked around, before coming face to face w
ith a girl, "h-how?" she asked, as she readied another arrow. the boy chuckled as the bow was pulled out of her hands and sent
clattering onto the stone street. her eyes widened as she realised what he was doing, "yes, my dear, psychokinesis. now, would
you be so kind as to show me where aengus is?"
he asked, a charming smile playing on his features as she quickly collected her
self and started leading the way.

"so you were sent by the ancestors?" aengus asked as the stranger that was currently entertaining himself by manipulating a gla
ss full of water up and down. the boy, who had come to be known as faolan, nodded as he was growing increasingly bored, "yea
h, i'm a 'priest' they said. i've grown up around healers and all that sort of stuff, that's why they chose me apparently."
he explai
ned, shrugging as he let the glass drop to the floor. aengus cringed as the glass shattered and water was sent everywhere, he st
ood up, deciding he really had no choice but to accept this powered boy into their ranks as high priest.

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text te
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text te

        new membersfaolan accepted as priest. aisling accepted as ranger
        consumption❯ mar sal does not eat.
        patrollingaengus and aisling patrol laughing point.
        requestsaengus requests a wrangler.
        researchingfaolan researches medicine

        ooc❯ jarl and viscountess ranks have merged into single monarch rank. capall trainers have been removed and merged i
        nto the rider rank. also, i am happy for you to choose the powers please.

        faolan accepted as high priest
        aisling accepted as ranger
        ♔ mar sal does not eat
        aengus requests a wrangler
        aengus and aisling patrol laughing point
        ♔ ooc jarl and viscountess ranks joined into a single monarch rank ,capall trainers have been removed, and merged into
        the rider rank
♔ aengus─♂─22y─human
xxi↳ st-a6/hs-lc/hc-8/ec-e7/x
xxino power or ability

♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
high priest❯ 0kp
♔ faolan─♂─21y─powered human
xxi↳ st-e3/hs-s/hc-12/ec-h2/x
xxi↳ has psychokinesis

high commander
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
high ranger
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability

high wrangler
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
high reaper
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability

high rider
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability

♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ aisling─♀─21─human
xxi↳ st-e8/hs-lc/hc-23/ec-e1/x
xxino power or ability

♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability

♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability

♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
midwives & mothers
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxino power or ability
♔ name─♀♂─age─species
xxi↳ st/hs/hc/ec/xy
xxi↳ cause of death
♔ village name ─ player
♔ village name ─ player

♔ north ─ village name
♔ north-east ─ village name
♔ east ─ village name
♔ south-east ─ village name
♔ south ─ village name
♔ south-west ─ village name
♔ west ─ village name
♔ north-west ─ village name
♔ village name ─ player
♔ village name ─ player

item storage
item name ─ amount ─ uses
xx↳ craftable? (y/n)
♔ name─♀♂─age
xxi↳ species
xxi↳ 0/0 times bred

mentor ─ apprentice
xxi↳ profession
xxi↳ 00 sessions
mentor ─ apprentice
xxi↳ profession
xxi↳ 00 sessions
food storage
rabbit ─ 00 ─ 1 serve
boar ─ 00 ─ 2 serves
mutton ─ 00 ─ 2 serves
sea trout ─ 00 ─ 2 serves
blackberries ─ 00 ─ 1 serve
apples ─ 00 ─ 2 serves
honey melons ─ 3 serves
oats ─ 00 ─ 1 serve
potatos ─ 00 ─ 2 serves
pumpkin ─ 00 ─ 3 serves

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dea invidia.
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Re: a new beginning - athens

Postby ilhdc7 » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:27 pm






at the birth of a new century, the gods and goddesses of the greek's became angry. each held a fire in their eyes at the subjects, who had once worshiped them, fell away from their original religion. with anger in his eyes, zues sent out a message to all of the humans of earth, telling them, "those who were children of the gods, grandchildren of the gods, and further on, will be spared. but on the night of the change, those who were not decedents of gods would be struck down. technologies would be immobilized, and the survivors of the world will need to rebuild."

mass carnage. mass hysteria. mass fear. nobody knew who was going to live, and who was going to die. and when the clock struck midnight on that fateful day, the earth began to shutter. Volcanoes erupted, tsunami's swamped the shores of every coastal cities. tornadoes struck down. hurricanes swept up the coast. the animals, of all kinds, turned on their humans. then the next morning came. and those who stepped out of the rubble realized that they were survivors. the people who survived turned to the gods, and in turn the gods granted them with the ability to rebuild.

the leader crawled his way out of the rubble of his former home, and started to rebuild. his godly parent put her name in the back of his mind, athena. he was the son of athena, and he started to rebuild. he was the only survivor in his town, a 'blink & you'd miss it' place he had moved to to get out of seattle for the summer.

i've decided to completely restart lol
head chief = founder
shaman = oracle
war chief = general
warriors = hoplites
scout chief = commodore
scouts = scouts
hunting chief = huntsman/huntress
hunters = the lions
gatherers = garden keeper
apprentices = pupil
testers = pre-pupil
mothers = mothers
children = children
elders = elders

*they will have powers
but those will not effect
the outcome of any hunting
or gathering. just for
writing purposes only

skin tone, hair color
& eye color;

all natural




        middle; based in the middle of a rubble town
        north; farmland
        northeast; lake
        east; desert
        southeast; an old highway
        south; thick forest
        southwest; river
        west; thick forest
        northwest; mountain range
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Re: ♣ direnyth kingdom { 00. } ♣

Postby carpe noctem. » Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:33 am

❝ If it is a fight you want, expect a war ❞

      Once, The Direnyth Kingdom reigned. They were fearsome, a nation of warriors who endures the harshness of their land and their people. Revered as stoic and merciless, the Direnyth had the rugged mountains of the north claimed strictly for themselves. They would stir trouble in other villages, becoming harbingers of war and chaos. However, as the Direnyth Kingdom progressed and excelled, a darkness eventually loomed, and struck. War broke out after the assassination of their leader, and the once powerful kingdom fell. Now, however, a new era has dawned upon the Direnyth, and the kingdom shall once again rise.

      The direnyth aren’t the friendliest folk one might come across, often considered overbearingly hostile and challenging. They are a bit competitive and headstrong, though the calmest of the group will often settle down those who are eager to butt heads. Though strong-willed, the Direnyth prove to be useful allies and are loyal to those they trust.

      The Direnyth Kingdom is located on the coast, further south than their original place of stay. The territory is mostly grand mountain, with the camp in a steep valley in the mountains. The village is rather large, with some homes overlooking the waterfall while others are just next to it. Their is a cave system that leads out of the valley, and they will use that or go by dragon or horse. They use the sea for fishing, as well as a few rivers and lakes. The terrain is mainly rugged mountain, with a small temperate jungle and forests.

      xxxSkilled Animals
      Skilled animals are a crucial part of the kingdom, and considering the fact that these people are shifters, they are rather in tune with nature. The people of the kingdom are often quite connected to animals. All species are accepted, with dragons and canines being the most popular among the people. At one point in time, the people even tamed the wolves of the mountains, though it has been a long time since that, and they are now thought as omens.

      The kingdom consists of almost entirely shapeshifters. These shapeshifters have enhanced senses caused by their shifts. They vary in forms and shifts, though getting shifts can come from three reasons. the first being their “primal” and birth shift. their primal shift is the shift that most represents them, while their birth shift is the shift they get at birth. the second reason is emotion. if a shifter feels a very strong emotion (love, sorrow, rage, etc) they often gain another shift. the third reason is less common, but it is the practice in which a shifter will ask a deity or shaman to bless them with another shift— this does not always work. The rare siren and vampire can occasionally be found. Vampires have a single power that they are born with and develop as they age. All other species aren’t accepted.

      i decided to restart since i had low muse and i got an idea! i’ll be bringing a few people for the empire too. natural hair, skin, etc please!
      ↪️ if possible, could i have my leader match this? she’d be a shapeshifter with her primal shift being a cheetah
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