Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Briarclan [3]

Postby amethyst14 » Tue May 09, 2017 8:17 am

Number of Cats: 3(2 Servings)
Toms: 2 Mollies: 1
Next Moonstone Visit: May 9, 2017

    "I am in a clan, I am the leader of Briarclan. Why do you ask?" Cloudstar meowed to the new comer.

    This seemed to be some great news to the molly as she perked right up into her usual chirpy self "Of thank Starclan! I have been traveling for moons! I ask because I want to become a warrior!" The black and white molly meowed.

    Cloudstar thought for a moment, he knew the clan needed the extra paws for the on coming leaf-bare. He decided to give her a chance "Alright, but in order to become a warrior of Briarclan you must pass a test." and with that knowledge Cloudstar explained the apprentice trial.


    Cloudstar and Bouldershade had met back at camp after a day of hunting separately. They had placed their catches on the now growing fresh-kill pile. Bouldershade had picked up a small fish he had caught a while back and sat near Cloudstar as they shared it. "She is still up in that tree, seems pretty determined to become a warrior if you ask me." Bouldershade informed the leader.

    "Well that is great news, we will finally have a new set of paws to help us hunt and patrol. She has been up there for six days now and this will be her sixth night, only Starclan can help her now with the determination and endurance." Cloudstar meowed, approval was obviously in his voice.

    "Lets hope that she returns to camp with an ermine on the eight day." Bouldershade meowed with optimism, even he knew the clan would need the extra help.


    The black and white molly had finally spent her last night up in this creepy tree. It drove her nuts when the wind blew and it made whispering noises but she was determined to prove herself. "Any cat can do this!" she meowed to herself happily as she persevered. "Look at the bright side Maggie! I won't have to talk to myself anymore, I will have clan mates, a new family." And yes she did plan on talking to every single cat there was for as long as she could. The molly sat up straight and waited for the sun to peek over the horizon before making her way down the tree and into the meadow.

    She tried desperately to pick up a scent of the prey that Cloudstar had told her to catch, it would have been easier for her if she was to taste it but Cloudstar said it was not allowed as he let the one he caught go. The whole morning seemed to have passed as she stalked the grassy meadow, but then the unfamiliar scent caught her attention. It seemed strong but she could not be sure if that was just her hunger, but that did not stop her from following it. As the scent got stronger she flattened herself more and more to the ground, making sure she made no noise as she stalked ever so closer. Then she saw the strange animal, it was digging in a little tunnel when she pounced on it.

    The molly had made quick work of the ermine, thankful it had a tail otherwise it would have escaped down the tunnel. She made her way to the edge of the meadow, sitting and waiting for Cloudstar to return to get her and take her back to camp.


    "Looks like you caught one! Great job, follow me." It was Bouldershade who had gone to bring the molly back to camp. When he had showed up it looked as if the she cat was ready to eat the ermine before the ceremony; he decided he didn't need to tell Cloudstar that part when they had made their way back to camp.

    "Wonderful, now we are going to have your naming ceremony as you eat. Sit over here... no not there, here." Cloudstar meowed in his usual bossy tone. He held back a growl when she didn't seem to pay attention but when she finally took her spot he lept up on the high rock on camp.

    "Since we are all already here I will just go ahead and start. I, Cloudstar, leader of Briarclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this young cat. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior. Maggie, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Cloudstar and Bouldershade looked over at the molly that was eating the ermine, only to see her nod enthusiastically. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Maggie, from this moment you will be known as Owldust. StarClan honors your carefree determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Briarclan."

    Both Cloudstar and Bouldershade chanted Owldust's names as a congratulation to the molly. She of course was beaming with happiness and pride.


    Things in the clan turned back to normal after that night. Bouldershade had took it upon himself to show Owldust around the new territory. The two always seemed to be together as Cloudstar insisted upon taking the border patrols himself. "Will you please stop talking Owldust, we are suppose to be hunting for prey." Bouldershade muttered to the talkavtive molly.

    "Sorry Bouldershade, you are right." The molly finally quieted down as they stalked through the meadow, looking for prey. The leaf fall has caused the grass to brown and die already but it was still standing. The birds here always seemed to hide in it to keep warm from the freezing winds.


    Cloudstar had taken the usual border patrol, he was not all that pleased with Owldust, she always wanted to talk and that never gave him time to his thoughts. Not something he really wanted to be left alone with of course but he needed to feel the worry for his clan. He embraced it as he marked the borders and continued on, so far everything seemed to be going alright. Their luck has been blessed by Starclan as no one seemed to show signs of illness, but that did not stop him from looking for a medicine cat. If he could not find one soon he would have to go ask Starclan at the Moonstone behind the cave. The large fluffy tom let out a sigh as he kept walking.

[Border Patrol Cloudstar is looking for others, hopefully they know the way of herbs.]
[Hunting Patrol Bouldershade and Owldust are hunting in the meadow.]
[Prey Eaten Ermine(2 servings)]


          Cloudstar | 32 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Bouldershade | 31 Moons | Tom | 🍁

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Owldust | 25 Moons | Molly | 🍁
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Mapleclan | purrfect.
    West | No clan will lie to the west.

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Water Vole | x1 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Quail | x1 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
    Total | 4 | 8 servings


    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Blazeclan - [13]

Postby shimmerstream » Tue May 09, 2017 9:03 am

Number of Cats: 15
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

Palesparrow purred down at his kits. Stormshadow lay curled around their daughters, tired but blissfully happy. She'd never expected to be a mother, but here she was. They were finally both asleep. The eldest of the two had screamed from birth. In the first few minutes, though blind and helpless, she already had her claws out. Stormshadow had given her the name Talonkit, and if the little kit stayed anything like she currently was, Stormshadow felt her daughter would live up to it. Grooming little Talonkit, she wriggled and let out a little complaining mew. Her sister, after a couple seconds did the exact same thing, except with a plaintive instead of angry cry. Their parents chuckled softly. "You know what I think would be a good name for her?" Palesparrow spoke quietly, and his mate gazed up lovingly at him. "I feel like Skykit would fit her nicely." Stormshadow gulped, "No." "What?!" He wasn't expecting such a flat out denial, "Why not? What's wrong with the name?" He was indignant. Stormshadow turned her eyes away from his. "It, it's just..." just that Sky was my mother's name, and I don't want my daughter to be a living reminder of what I've lost. But she didn't know how to voice this to her mate. She utterly refused to discuss her past with anyone, so nobody in the clan had any idea where she came from or what her childhood was like, and she wasn't about to start talking about it now. After some extremely long, tension filled moments, Palesparrow grunted in defeat. "Fine. How about Echokit, for the way she copies her sister?" He was gruff, irritated at the queen for shooting him down without so much as a reason. Stormshadow released an awkward purr. "I think that's very nice." She spoke stiffly, which Palesparrow interpreted as sarcasm and narrowed his eyes at his mate, who turned away uncomfortable to groom her shoulder. Stormshadow actually did like the name, she thought it was very sweet. Echokit, it had a nice ring to it. However, she knew she hadn't really given that impression on account of her nervousness while still thinking about her late mother. Eventually Palesparrow left, licking each of his daughters gently on the head before leaving without a word.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Soaringstar said quietly. Velvetcoat looked up from the shrew he had almost caught. "What?" He lost the prey while turning to the leader in confusion. "What are you talking about?" But Soaringstar didn't have to answer, Velvetcoat could follow his gaze to Featherwhisker. "Oh... Velvetcoat trailed off as it was obvious Soaringstar wasn't listening anyway, his eyes glued to Featherwhisker as it was. She padded back to join their hunting party triumphant, a toad dangling from her jaws. Velvetcoat glanced at Soaringstar, who wasn't even trying to hide it. Velvetcoat could not understand how his leader could be so open with his feelings. He shook his head as they both started speaking at the same time, stopping and insisting the other go first, giggling foolishly the entire time. Velvetcoat could not believe them. Usually he was the awkward one. Of course, he still was. Velvetcoat felt very awkward between the two other cats making fools of themselves, while not seeming to even notice.

Falconswoop saved him by showing up. "Soaringstar. It's time for our intercept patrol against the badger that was scented yesterday." Soaringstar turned to the deputy with a goofy grin on his face. "Is it sunhigh already?" He question was rhetorical, but Velvetcoat and Falconswoop both nodded their confirmation anyway. "Well, as I said yesterday, I can't join as Silkpaw is already behind in her training. But Featherwhisker and Velvetcoat, you already know you're scheduled for this task. I'll take our prey back to camp while you three can find Flaxenheart and Ravinepath before heading off." With that, Soaringstar did what he said he would and began to collect their prey. With a wave of his tail, Soaringstar was off back to camp. "Alright. We're headed off to the pond then." Falconswoop said gruffly, leading the warriors off. A bit behind, Velvetcoat and Featherwhisker walked next to each other. "Do you think Soaringstar likes me?" She asked hesitantly, but hopefully, staring into Velvetcoat's eyes, searching for the answer she craved. All Velvetcoat could do was gape at her wordlessly. What kind of question was that?!
Gorsewing followed Poppythorn through the bushes. Poppythorn was walking fast, ducking and dodging branches with herbs in her mouth. Stumbling after the medicine cat, Gorsewing was just trying to talk to her. "Look Poppythorn, I'm over him, okay!" She called, but Poppythorn pretended to ignore her. In a rather petty move, she had been shunning her best friend for the past several moons for having a crush on her nemesis. "Come on Poppy! Seriousl! Can't things just go back to normal?" But Poppythorn rather enjoyed holding her grudge, and couldn't speak with her mouth full of plants anyway. Gorsewing grunted, jumping over a fallen long. Fine. If this was going to be what the medicine cat was like, than she'd bribe her into listening. "If you keep running away from me, you'll never hear the details from the trip to Coastclan." She taunted. Poppythorn stopped dead, thought about it for a moment and turned around, eyes glinting. She spat out her herbs, and Gorsewing smirked. She'd got her.
"This time I'm going to be Ice." Ravinepath announced. Flaxenheart nodded, "Alright, I'm going to be ref." Sleetdive turned to her, wide-eyed. That meant he had to play, and he didn't want to be tackled by Ravinepath, but he wasn't going to complain infront of the apprentices the young warriors had been assigned to watch. Luckypaw and Silkpaw bounced excitedly, ready for the next game. Ravinepath walked off some distance, and Flaxenheart turned to the others. Luckypaw spoke first. "I want to be the Catmint!" She cried softly. Flaxenheart nodded again. "Alright, remember not to make it too obvious." Luckypaw nodded fiercely, and Flaxenheart climbed on to the nearest sunningrock to get a better view. "Okay Ravinepath, they're ready!" She called, and he stalked out to join them, grinning maliciously. The three runners shifted from foot to foot with wildly varying amounts of excitement and anxiety. "Remember, stay within bounds and don't hurt anyone! Ready? Set. Go!"

They were off. Running and pouncing, tackling and dodging. Every time Ravinepath caught one, they had to freeze in place until Luckypaw freed them. Soon enough however, Luckypaw was frozen herself, and with no one to save them, Sleetdive was the only one left. But before Ravinepath could win, with him too captured, Flaxenheart took a deep breath. "Thaw!" She shouted. Ravinepath stomped a foot in irritation, the apprentices were free, for now. But he would catch them again, and then he would win. Before he could win again, another call interrupted him from victory. "The game will have to be put on hold for now." Foxdung, Ravinepath thought, it was Falconswoop, it must be time for that patrol. It seemed he wouldn't be getting victory today. Flaxenheart jumped down from her perch to greet the approaching warriors. Falconswoop was followed by Velvetcoat and Featherwhisker. "Flaxenheart, Ravinepath, we're headed off to deal with the badger." The young warriors nodded and made to join the patrol. "W-what about me?" Sleetdive asked anxiously, and Falconswoop glanced at him. "Soaringstar and Gorsewing should be here soon for Silkpaw and Luckypaw's training. Until they get here, you can keep watching the apprentices." Sleetdive went pale, but the patrol had already turned to leave. Silkpaw and Luckypaw whispered to each other mischievously behind his back, and the two young warriors looked over their shoulders to watch him before they left. Ravinepath grinned widely, but Flaxenheart just flashed a thin, pitying smile. While Sleetdive continued to sadly watch them leave, the apprentices pounced on him from behind. "Sneak attack!!!" They cried together, pinning the surprised warrior to the ground.

[Patrol against Badger: Falconswoop, Velvetcoat, Featherwhisker, Ravinepath, Flaxenheart]
[Hunting: Sleetdive, Palesparrow]
[Training: Soaringstar-Silkpaw, Gorsewing-Luckypaw]
[Herb Hunting: Poppythorn]
[Moonpool: Soaringstar requests an apprentice]
[The clan ate a hare and half of a rabbit]

      Soaringstar | 44 | Male | Ϋ΅
      Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†

      Falconswoop | 62 | Male | Ϋ΅

      Medicine Cat:
      Poppythorn | 54| Female | Ϋ΅

      Gorsewing | 49 | Female | Ϋ΅
      Featherwhisker | 43 | Female | Ϋ΅
      Velvetcoat | 37 | Male | Ϋ΅
      Palesparrow | 25 | Male | Ϋ΅
      Sleetdive | 20 | Male | Ϋ΅
      Ravinepath | 17 | Male | Ϋ΅
      Flaxenheart | 15 | Female | Ϋ΅

      Luckypaw | 13 | Female | Ϋ΅
      Silkpaw | 9 | Female | Ϋ΅

      Stormshadow | 32 | Female | Ϋ΅

      Talonkit | 0 | Female | Ϋ΅
      Echokit | 0 | Female | Ϋ΅

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]Ϋ΅[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]Ϋ΅[/url]
Ally Clans:
Coastclan | ..cosmos..
Skullclan | Heda

Enemy Clans
Hopefully none soon

Border Clans
Northern Field | Blueclan
Western Field | Sandclan
Eastern River | Skullclan
Southern Forest | Pineclan

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | x1 |
Eases toothaches.
Blackberry Leaves | x1 |
Eases the swelling of bee stings.
Bindweed | x0 |
Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place
Catmint | x1 |
Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually
catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.

Chervil | x0 |
For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used
during kitting.

Cobwebs | x1 |
To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
It may also be used to bind broken bones.

Feverfew | x1 |
Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills.
Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.

Goldenrod | x1 |
Good for healing wounds.
Lavender | x1 |
Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death.
Tansy | x1 |
Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
Frog | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbit | xΒ½ | 2 servings
Hare | x0 | 3 servings
Pheasant | x1 | 3 servings
Total | x4 | 4 needed

Necessary Skills: Hunting, Fighting
Common Skills: Tracking, Strategy, Stealth, Running
Rare Skills: Climbing, Swimming, Advanced Fighting

Gorsewing | Luckypaw | hu | fi | str | -
Soaringstar | Silkpaw | str | - | - | -

Poppythorn, Walter are siblings
β‡’ Soaringstar is their second cousin
Palesparrow, Ravinepath are half-brothers

Stormshadow and Palesparrow β‡’ Talonkit, Echokit

Deceased Cats:
Walter | 43 | Greencough
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π™΅πšŠπš•πš•πšŒπš•πšŠπš— ➀ 2

Postby ✬ CyberNerd ✬ » Tue May 09, 2017 9:08 am


`` πšƒπš‘πšŽ πš™πš•πšŠπš—πšπšŠπšπš’πš˜πš— πš–πšŠπš’ πš‘πšŠπšŸπšŽ πšπšŠπš•πš•πšŽπš— πš‹πšžπš 𝚠𝚎 πšπš’πšπš—'𝚝 ``

πšƒπš˜πšπšŠπš• π™²πšŠπšπšœ: 𝟸
𝟸 πšƒπš˜πš–πšœ, 𝟢 πš‚πš‘πšŽ-𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚜
𝟸 πš‚πšŽπš›πšŸπš’πš—πšπšœ
π™΅πšŠπš•πš•πšŒπš•πšŠπš— πš‚πšπš˜πš›πšŠπšπšŽ


The two toms were now walking back to their calm camp so that Duskstar can give Finchstripe, the new warrior , a tour of the Fallclan camp and his new home. Duskstar already gave Finchstripe the option to be a deputy of Fallclan but the warrior politely declined. Finchstripe felt like he wasn't cut out to be a deputy of a clan just yet. The toms saw the white droplets of snow, giving Duskstar the warning that Leaf-bare was coming near and that Leaf-fall was coming to an end. `` So...what's with the feather? `` Finchstripe meowed with a curious tone as he saw Duskstar's eagle feather around his right ear. Duskstar turned his calm gaze onto Finchstripe's curious gaze and meowed `` I thought it would be a good idea to give each cat a rank item to tell their rank within Fallclan. Most clans don't do this, so I thought I might give it a try. `` Finchstripe listened closely and return with an another question that he had in mind. `` So since i'm a warrior of your clan, what item will I need? `` There was so many questions that Finchstripe wanted to ask towards Duskstar. The warrior always had a curious soul, so he was going to ask a lot of questions towards Duskstar and his clan ways.

Duskstar seemed to think for a moment at Finchstripe's question before finally answering. `` How about a squirrel tail? I'll get you a squirrel tail so cats can see that you're a warrior of Fallclan. `` In Fallclan, the leader or deputy have to get the rank item for the cats within the clan. Finchstripe nodded his head giving the sign that Finchstripe understood as they kept walking, the little droplets of snow making their pads cold. They soon make it back to the cold, calm camp. Finchstripe looked around with a curious look in his light green eyes. `` Come Finchstripe. I'll show you around the camp `` said the leader in a gentle tone. Finchstripe nodded as he started to follow the swift leader around the camp. Duskstar showed the warrior the dens,nest,and borders of camp and was telling the cat about the ways of Fallclan and getting into more detail about clan life to Finchstripe. After the tour of the camp, the toms saw the sun as turned into the moon and the stars lighting up the dark sky. Duskstar and Finchstripe decided they should probably go to bed for the bright morning. The two toms went to their warm dens and laid down in their cozy nest. The warm air and the calm night slowly put the toms to sleep.

-- The next morning --

The bright sun of Leaf-fall woke the two Fallclan cats up in their cozy little nests. Duskstar and Finchstripe both got up , as much as they didn't want to , and padded out into the wide,open plantation that they both live in now. `` Good morning Duskstar `` meowed Finchstripe as he dipped his head in respect. `` Good morning to you too Finchstripe `` Duskstar replied nicely to his only warrior at the moment. The two toms slowly got into a nice little talk and Duskstar giving more information about Clan life to Finchstripe. `` Hey Finchstripe, i'm going to the moonpool to ask Starclan for a medicine cat. I thought we might need one since it's going to be Leaf-bare soon. How about you go hunting in the north border? That way he can have some fresh prey to eat when I get back. Don't worry, i'll get your Squirrel tail when I come back. `` Requested Duskstar to Finchstripe. Finchstripe nodded at his request as the tom started to make his way to the north border of the plantation. Duskstar watched the young tom leave as he finally got off the cold ground of his camo and started to walk towards the moonpool. He hopes that Starclan will be nice to him and give him a medicine cat to help during this cold time.

Finchstripe goes hunting!
Duskstar goes to the moonpool! Requesting a Medicine Cat!


          Leader ➀ 1
          β˜… - Duskstar - 35 Moons - Tom - 9 lives
          ↬ Eagle feather around his right ear

          Deputy ➀ 0

          Medicine Cat ➀ 0

          Medicine Cat Apprentice ➀ 0

          Warriors ➀ 1
          ✀ - Finchstripe - 27 Moons - Tom
          ↬ Needs a Squirrel tail

          Apprentices ➀ 0

          Queens ➀ 0

          Kits ➀ 0

          Elders ➀ 0
    Ally Clans ➀ 0

    Enemy Clans ➀ 0

    North | A rich, healthy forest | Clan Name | Username
    East | A clear, clean, running river | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    South | The Florida Everglades | Marshclan | Midnightkitkat
    West | A deciduous forest | Forestclan | Simonpet

    Medicine Store ➀ 0

    Fresh-Kill Pile ➀ 0
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Robin | x0 | 3 servings
    Ermine | x0 | 2 servings
    Crow | x0 | 3 servings
    Total Servings ➀ 0

    Mentors ➀ 0

    Injured Cats ➀ 0

    Deceased Cats ➀ 0

    Families ➀ 0
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clan replies no.2

Postby ashton. » Tue May 09, 2017 9:54 am

      WEATHER: it is currently leaf-bare. the air is very chilly now, and most predators and prey are hiding from the cold in their burrows. herbs and new clan-mates will be harder to find now. and of course we all know the dreaded sickness leaf-bare brings with it: greencough. be careful not to send the same cat out of camp twice, otherwise their chances of catching a cold increases.

Midnightkitkat wrote:

The past moon with Duckwing was eventful... The first MarshClan medicine cat had originally come off as confident and calm.

Apparently the tom had only been drowsy.

"Limpetstar!" The the leader froze and prepared himself, "Do you think the water badgers would let us ride them? I see the turtles riding them all the time. The sky is lovely today, the water too. Do you think fish know when its raining? What- "
"Duckwing? I thought you joined me to search for herbs?"

Getting past the chatty nature of the medicine cat was hard at first. For the past moon the tom had at least learned limits to his questions, somethings were better left forgotten and never questioned..

"I'll be hunting nearby so TRY and keep it down," his teasing only ment to humor Duckfeather. They had grown close friends over the past moon and he was grateful for the company.
●Limpetstar hunts near the border
●Duckwing searches for herbs nearby
(*I added my 5 starting herbs to the list)

(I am calling alligators 'water badgers' from now on. XD)

      Limpetstar hobbled along the edge of the water, his eyes searching its murkiness for sign of something swimming about. He was a bit glad to be away from the chattering medicine cat for a little while so he could actually hear himself think. The sound of bubbles in the water caught his attention and the leader peered at where they had caused the surface to ripple. Another couple bubbles reached the surface. There was certainly a fish down there. Limpetstar crouched over the edge and lifted his paw, leaning forward, eyes straining for a glimpse of the creature. Finally he caught sight of it - and good thing it was close to the bank so he didn't have to wade in to get it. In one swift motion he scooped the fish out of the water and onto the ground, holding it down with his paw and leaning down to snap its spine with his teeth. The trout wriggled for a little longer before lying still. Limpetstar was very pleased with his catch. He picked it up in his maw and headed back to camp.

      limpetstar caught a trout!
      duckwing found cobweb!

sstormling wrote:

    xxxxxhickoryclan's leader was softly dreaming of the future. of course, all she saw was plentiful prey and smiling cats huddling around some sort of clan camp. it would take time for her to start this clan, it would be worth even if she had to make enemies along the way. Then suddenly she snapped, her heavy eyelids opened to find a cat that stood before her. He was a friendly tom, quickly responding to poppystar's greeting, "i'm ashenstorm. starclan sent me here to be your first warrior, i'll be glad to help," the tom gestured. a huge grin laid on poppystar's face. your first warrior. she could talk for hours with the tom, but nothing was on her mind, she was quite blank for being the talkative she-cat she was. ashenstorm seemed reserved, minding his own business as he walked beside his new leader. the two both interrupted their small silence, "would you like- -" "i think i might - -" an awkward tension lingered between the two clanmates. "i think i might hunt for a little bit," the silver tom blubbered. poppystar responded quickly, "oh, i might as well look around for cats to welcome to our clan." she gave a quick smile to the tom as she ran off into the forest, "meet back at the wonderful hickory tree!" her voice raised, her thin tail gently moving from side to side as her paced quickened. ashenstorm remained quiet, giving a small nod to his leader.

    xxxxxwhat an odd tom.. the thought popped into poppystar's head. he was quite awkward and sheepish, she found it rather amusing in a way. he seemed nice though and that was the main quality she looked for in a cat. her walk now remained bouncy, her head turning and ears twitching to every sound she heard. she was taking the patient path of her leadership, not a single bit of anxiety laid inside her head. she was a kittypet after all, she didn't know the ins and outs of the outside world. and it was beginning to look like leaf-bare, soon leaf-fall will be over and prey would be scarce. who knows what waits for her in the time ahead.

    xxxxxthe silver tabby was moving from rock to rock, intently searching for prey to bring to the twisted hickory tree. his moves remained sharp and brisk. he liked the mountains, it was a spot to sit to yourself and gather thoughts. which was ashenstorm did best. he finally reached a smooth part of the bottom of the mountain. a breeze lifted his pelt, he looked at his surroundings. the leaves of the trees popped out at him; orange, yellow, and brown. it was beautiful of how they danced in the wind, showing of their vibrant colors.
( @border patrol poppystar takes a search for cats to recruit
@hunting patrol ashenstorm went hunting for prey near the mountains )

      Popystar padded quietly through the territory. Her ears were up and alert, ready to pinpoint the faintest noise she heard. She was a little surprised when she could not detect any singing from the birds, but quickly realized that it was now leaf-bare and all of them would be huddled in their nests and not out singing. It certainly wasn't as cheery in the forest now as it was when they sang, she thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by a tortoiseshell cat suddenly leaping out in front of her, clearly unaware of her presence, running after a rabbit.
      "Hey! What are you doing?" Poppystar called, causing the cat to freeze and the fur along their back to bristle. They slowly turned around with their gaze toward the ground and their tail hanging low. "Who do you think you are? That is HickoryClan prey. Didn't you smell the markings at the border?" the leader questioned.
      "S-sorry," the cat mumbled. "I-I didn't know...." Suddenly their face lit up as they realized what Poppystar had said. "HickoryClan? Like one of those Clans of wild cats?"
      Poppystar slowly nodded. "Yes, it is. I am the leader of HickoryClan."
      The cat's smile broadened. "I've been searching and searching for a Clan! Most of the ones I've found chased me off.... But w-would you mind i-if i join you?"

      poppystar found a warrior!
      ashenstorm caught a rabbit!

Shiraya wrote:

"And this is our camp. It's a bit empty at the moment, but I hope to fill it with life as the clan grows." With these words Ivystar finished her tour for her new deputy. "This place seems great as the location for the camp. It has a lot of natural protection. Seems like you put quite a bit of thought into the building of Sapphireclan." The dark tom responded, while he examined his new home. The brown she-cat softly purred at his reply. "I was planning to dedicate the den back there to the warriors. You can go now and make yourself at home. When you have rested a bit, it would be lovely, if you could go on a hunting patrol. I want to check the borders, to make sure nothing happend while I was away." "Sure thing, Ivystar. Don't overwork yourself." The gray tom turned around after his leader finished, making his way to the warriors den. Ivystars gaze followed him until he entered the den, then turned around and left the camp.

[Hunting patrol: Stormcloud]
[Border patrol: Ivystar]

      It wasn't long after Ivystar left the camp that she heard a faint whimpering coming from above. Quickly she turned her gaze skyward, searching the trees for whatever it was.
      "Hello?" Soft mewling sounded and helped the leader to find the source of the noise: a young calico.
      "What are you doing up there?" Ivystar queried gently. "Can you get down?"
      It was difficult for the calico to speak due to its throat being tight with fear, and so they only gave a small shake of their head.
      Ivystar sighed softly, "Well then. I'll have to come get you, okay?" She stepped toward the trunk of the tree, eyeing the nearest bough and bunching her muscles together before leaping for it and landing solidly. Gazing upward, she found that there were only a couple more leaps to make to get to the young cat - thank StarClan they hadn't scrambled up to the top. Finally the leader reached the calico, though panting a bit. "I'm going to hold you by your scruff and take you down. Is that okay?"
      The calico nodded, and Ivystar carefully lifted them up. It was going to be much more difficult to descend now, she knew. She struggled to see the branch she was going to jump onto over the fluff of the cat, but she managed to get to it even though she had lost her balance for a second. The leader was getting a bit worried. She was tired and leaping down while carrying the calico was cumbersome. StarClan made sure that they both made it to the ground safely, however, and Ivystar thanked them for that.
      "Alright, you troublesome little one," she chuckled. "What in StarClan's name were you doing up there?"
      The calico looked very embarrassed and mewed quietly, "It was a rabbit.... It jumped out of a bush all of a sudden and scared me."
      Ivystar suppressed a giggle. "Oh, alright then. Where's your mother?"
      They only shrugged. "I don't know. I got lost a few days ago. Can I stay with you?"

      stormcloud caught a finch!
      ivystar found an apprentice!

..cosmos.. wrote:

Bluesage watched Cricketstar as they walked back to camp, the tom let out another laugh and shook his head. "I am never living down that face you made." Cricketstar gave her new warrior a look and rolled her eyes but did crack a smile. As they came to the rocky decent of the territory Bluesage was taken aback by surprise, it was a long way down and he wasn't sure if e could make it. He watched as Cricketstar made her way down the steep slope down to the rocky shore finding himself looking behind towards the pine forest before following after his new leader down to the shore.

"Where is the dens?" Cricketstar smirked and walked across the small rocks before jumping up onto a bigger one. "They are hidden in the walls of the rocks over there, you'll get use to them they can be confusing." Bluesage took note of this and was a little nervous as he hoped he didn't find himself lost. "What about the tides?" Cricketstar smiled rather proudly. "Well they don't actually reach the den, I watched for awhile so our clan is safe, and we are still able to get out of the dens as the water doesn't go that high." She started climbing up some rocks and soon ducked into a large cluster of them. Bluesage was very quick to follow and crawled through the small tunnel, he looked around in amazement as he emerged from it. The clearing was big and spacious, he could see so many other tunnels around them. Some tunnels were even over other tunnels which would mean a cat would have to jump up into it.

"Hey there." Bluesage looked over and there was an orange tabby peeking out of a steep hole. "Hi, I am Bluesage. You must be the medicine cat?" Tallstorm gave a nod and crawled out of the den. "I sure am, my name is Tallstorm. Cricketstar is getting ready to leave again but I will show you around." Tallstorm showed him around when the tour . "I can hunt in the forest right?" "Oh yes but I will show you how to hunt on the beach. There isn't much on the beach, hunting wise but it is still good to know." Bluesage decided for todays hunting he'd do so in the forest.

Cricketstar left early that morning to the moonpool, she knew what she wanted this time. She thought a queen would be another good start. Once at the moonpool she sat there for a very long before actually asking anything, "I am looking for a queen for this clan." She whispered this softly, then sleep took over her body.
[Cricketstar asks for a pregnant queen at the Moonpool]
[Tallstorm goes herb hunting]
[Bluesage goes hunting]

      Cricketstar was sleeping peacefully until someone prodded her shoulder to wake her. The leader's eyes quickly opened and strained to make out what had woken her. "Hello?" she whispered.
      She was answered by heavy breathing and a tired voice, "Hello, do you know of a safe place nearby?"
      Cricketstar tilted her head to the side a bit. "Yes, my camp. Are you alright?"
      "No, actually, not really," they panted. "I believe my kits are coming."
      The CoastClan leader's eyes widened. "Oh, o-okay! Come on, camp isn't that far away, and I have a medicine cat who can take care of you." Yes, she had asked for a queen at the Moonpool, but she didn't think that she would be this close to giving birth, perhaps a moon away? Her stomach twisted and turned as she fretted over the queen, hoping they could get back to the camp in time.

      starclan has given you a queen!
      tallstorm found borage and nettle leaves!
      bluesage caught a vole and a sea urchin!

imp. wrote:

[Skystar goes hunting on the beach.]
[Greypool searches for herbs by a border.]

Skystar brushed against the loner for warmth as they headed back to camp. The grey tom's fluffy fur kept her warm, and she was glad to be next to him on this cold leaf-fall night. Tiny specks of white started to fall from the sky, and they seemed to call her into a deep slumber. Her paws started to drag in the sand, when the tom spoke up, shocking her slightly, but enough to keep her up. "Hey, uh, I'm not really sure what's going to happen to me," he paused, "but I would like to help others. I don't want to fight." He dipped his head, and Skystar nodded understandingly. A medicine cat was what Starclan sent her clan. "Do you have a name?" He shook his head. "You can be called Greypool."

Skystar yawned as light filtered in through the small hole in the ceiling of the rocky den. Her stomach yowled for food, but she knew nothing would greet her in the main part of camp. An emptiness settled in the den, and it was as if she wasn't even there herself. Taking up all her morning strength, she lifted herself from the sandy ground, stretching slightly before leaping up to see camp. She shot through the ceiling hole, and the sunlight flooded her vision, making her slightly dizzy. Greypool was already sorting through the small remains that had been found in the camp and from their journey from last night. "Morning, Skystar!" Greypool called from his den, which was a dip in the ground which led into a small system of caves and tunnels."I assume you're going hunting?" His tail flicked to the empty fresh-kill pile. Skystar nodded. "You should probably look for herbs while you can." Greypool dipped his head before carrying his herbs back into the den. With that, Skystar was off to hunt down by the beach.

      Skystar padded happily across the beach, enjoying the feeling of the damp sand squishing beneath her paw pads. She didn't feel like getting her feet wet today and so she decided that she would try to find some prey among the dunes. She knew it wouldn't be very likely seeing as it was so barren, but suddenly something caught her attention. It was a crab scurrying off behind a sand dune! The leader leapt after it and caught it with ease. Crabs were quite difficult to kill, however, but she had learned how to make do. Skystar swiftly and adeptly snapped off each of its legs with her teeth. She wouldn't kill it, for its shell would be too hard for a claw to penetrate, and if she sunk her teeth into it, it would crack open but would be very cumbersome to carry. The leader picked it up in her mouth and began to trot back to the camp, excited to show Greypool what she had caught.

      skystar caught a crab!
      greypool found tansy and goldenrod!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Midnightkitkat » Tue May 09, 2017 10:28 am

Last edited by Midnightkitkat on Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
β₯½"We have calcium in our bones,β₯Ό
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
β₯½carbon in our souls,β₯Ό
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
β˜† β˜† β˜†
β˜† β˜† β˜†
My SZ Herd
β˜† β˜† β˜†
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
β₯½93 percent stardust,β₯Ό
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
β₯½ we are all just stars that haveβ₯Ό
β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜† β˜†
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby scarecrowz » Tue May 09, 2017 12:27 pm

Pearlclan is a clan located on the beach, most of the dens are underground, but the leader's den is a very small cavern, along with the medicine cat's den, being a cavern right next to the elder's den. The hunting grounds for apprentice's are in the grassy area of the beach, along with the battling hollow, just outside of the hunting area. Moonpool is a small pool far off from camp territory, safely hidden from Twoleg Place. it is surrounded in pebbles, and has a slanted rock covering it from evaporation.

Most of the prey is fish from the ocean, but Hunting Grounds has sightings of voles, mice, and rabbits. The predators, or main threats to the clan are usually vultures that fly overhead, and the rare birds of prey, that barely come along the cats. Dogs can also be threats, since Twolegs abandon them on the Thunderpath so often, the dogs can smell their way to the camp within 2 moons, or sometimes even less depending on the dog, the dogs usually attack in small groups of 2 or 3.

The clan is mostly known for their swimming, and fishing skills passed down from their ancestors, the cats seem to swim as fast as the fish in the water, and are just as great as pelicans at hunting fish as well.

The clan has the same code for the book, but has different traditions, a kit becomes an apprentice at 6 moons, and apprentices must learn how to at least swim, and hunt. If a rogue, loner, or kittypet is seen on territory, each cat from apprentices to leader must chase them off immediately, if a murderer is a clan cat, the leader chooses weather to chase it to the dog pack nearby, or kill them. If clan code is broken, the breaker is kicked off clan territory for an entire day, and must eat their own caught food. To become a senior warrior, a warrior must have fought in a serious battle, if an apprentice has done so, it will skip warrior to senior warrior. A mentor is the cat of 20 moons or older.

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby vampiress_fox » Tue May 09, 2017 1:00 pm

The Clan of the Faithful Outsiders
Number of Cats: Twenty-Nine | Males - 15 | Females - 14
Month: Thirty-One
Next Moonpool visit: Now
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC

Jinxstar trotted out of his den into the bright morning light. He squinted carefully and looked around camp. The last few months had been very eventful for his clan, and he felt that secluding themselves from the rest of the clans in the forest was the best thing at the time.

He was tired of the constant wars that were being raged between the clans and wanted nothing more of it. He watched his clan slowly start to wake up and called a clan meeting.

"My fellow Jinxclan cats, I think that we have stayed seperate from the rest of the clans for long enough now. From this point on we will rejoin society and make it known that we are still alive, thriving, and have never been stronger. We have new warriors, and new apprentices,
and we will show the forest that we are not to be forgotten!
" Jinxstar said to his clan as he looked upon them all with pride.

He delegated the daily duties and headed out for the moonpool. Willowbolt watched him go, happy that he decided that the clan was done hiding. She hurried up with finishing getting patrols ready and then led the other mentors and apprentices out for hunting training.

Velvetrabbit saw this as the perfect opportunity to sneak off and see Rowanpelt. She had missed him terribly as they were shut off from the rest of the forest, and could not get away with how closely Jinxstar was watching everyone. She followed her patrol silently, then at the first chance she got she snuck off and went to find Rowanpelt. She intended to tell him just how she felt about him.

'Starclan, I am sorry to have been away for so long. With all the evil and mayhem in the forest, I had to do what is best for my clan. I know that not showing you the respect you deserve was bad judgement on my part, but please find it in your heart to forgive me and please understand that I was only doing what I felt was best for my clan. If you see fit, please grant me a strong and able warrior to assist my clan in our reintroduction to the world." Jinxstar said with a bow.

He did not think that Starclan would grant him his wish this time, but he understood why they would not if they didn't. He walked back to camp with a hopeful heart.

[Moonpool visit - Jinxstar]
[Gathering Herbs - Blackberry and Ashleaf]
[Sneaking off to see Rowanpelt - Velvetrabbit]
[Boarder Patrol - Skydapple and Brindlethorn]
[Boarder Patrol - Blackmouth and Flintshade]
[Hunting Patrol - Yinpelt, Leopardclaw, Frecklesnow, Hollowheart]
[Hunting Patrol - Yangfur, Barkclaw, Blossomsong, Blueriver]
[Hunting Training - Stormcloud/Firepaw, Tux/Windpaw, Willowbolt/Harmonypaw, Birchfeather/Icepaw, Mulberry/Snowpaw]
[Tending to Dawnkit and Duskkit - Tanagerpelt]

          Jinxstar | 66 moons | Male | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Willowbolt | 46 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Blackberry | 48 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Ashleaf | 20 moons | Male | X

          (48-71) Senior Warriors:
          Skydapple | 56 moons | Female | X
          Yangfur | 56 moons | Male | X
          Yinpelt | 56 moons | Male | X

          (12-47) Warriors:
          Brindlethorn | 47 moons | Male | X
          Barkclaw | 32 moons | Male | X
          Velvetrabbit | 44 moons | Female | X
          Flintshade | 38 moons | Male| X
          Blackmouth | 42 moons | Female | X
          Birchfeather | 28 moons| Male | X
          Leopardclaw| 37 moons | Male | X
          Mulberry | 47 moons | Female | X
          Frecklesnow | 20 moons | Female | X
          Stormcloud | 20 moons | Male | X
          Tux | 32 moons | Male | X
          Hollowheart | 16 moons | Female | X original reference
          Blossomsong | 14 moons | Female | X
          Blueriver | 14 moons | Male | X

          (6-12/16) Apprentices:
          Firepaw | 8 moons | Female | X
          Windpaw | 8 moons | Male | X
          Harmonypaw | 6 moons | Female | X
          Icepaw | 6 moons | Male | X
          Snowpaw | 6 moons | Male | X

          (18-71) Queens:
          Tanagerpelt | 28 moons | Female | X

          (0-5) Kits:
          Dawnkit | Female | 1 moon | X
          Duskkit | Female | 1 moon | X

          (72-108) Elders:
          Name | Age | Gender |
          Name | Age | Gender |

    Blackberry | Ashleaf
    Stormcloud | Firepaw | 0 | Learned:
    Tux | Windpaw | 0 | Learned:
    Willowbolt | Harmonypaw | 0 | Learned:
    Birchfeather | Icepaw | 0 | Learned:
    Mulberry | Snowpaw | 0 | Learned:
    Mentor | Apprentice | 0 | Learned:

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple are parents to Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Frecklesnow, Harmonyheart, Snowbird, and Icestripe
    Blackmouth is mother to Hollowheart
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt are parents to Blossomsong and Blueriver
    Blackberry and Mulberry are sisters
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt are parents to Firesoul and Windstorm
    Skydapple, Yangfur, and Yinpelt are siblings
    Yangfur and Yinpelt are uncles to Frecklesnow, Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Harmonyheart, Icestripe, and Snowbird

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb, Poison, Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x1]Alder Bark | For tooth pain. Eases tooth aches
    [x1]Beech Leaves | Used to carry herbs.
    [x1]Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    [x2]Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    [x2]Borage Leaves | It is chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    [x1]Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    [x1]Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    [x1]Burnet | A traveling herb. Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Catchweed | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x5]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    [x1]Celandine | Juice is trickled into the eye. Soothes damaged eyes.
    [x0]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x0]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x0]Chickweed | Eaten, such as catmint/catnip. Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x0]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments.
    [x1]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x0]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x2]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x0]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x1]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x1]Dock | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.
    [x1]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x0]Goatweed | Given daily. Eases anxiety and grief.
    [x1]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x0]Hawkweed | Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x0]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x0]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x0]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x0]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x1]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x0]Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength.
    [x2]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also a herb used to hide the scent of death.
    [x1]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x0]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x0]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x1]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. The ticks fall off.
    [x0]Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x0]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x1]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x1]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Ragweed | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x2]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x0]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x0]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x2]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x1]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x0]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x2]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    [x0]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x2]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten Used to give a cat more energy and strength, and it keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time.
    [x0]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x0]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Prevents infection, especially rat bites.
    [x0]Willow Bark | Eases Pain
    [x1]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile (6 servings)
    Clan consumes 6 servings: 2 snakes
    3 serving Snakes x0
    1 serving Frogs x0
    1 serving Lizards x0
    1-3 servings Fish
    1 serving *Greyling x2
    2 servings *Brook Trout x0
    3 servings *White/Yellow Perch x0
    1 serving *Sunfish x0
    1 serving *Bluegill x0
    2 servings *Bass x0
    2 servings *Pickerel x0
    1 serving Bats x0
    3 serving *Sparrow x1
    3 serving *Finch x1
    3 servings *Grouse x1
    3 serving *Sandpiper x1
    3 serving *Thrush x2
    3 serving *Blackbird x0
    3 serving *Crow x1
    3 servings *Raven x1
    1 serving Chipmunks x1
    1 serving Mice x1
    3 servings Rabbit x4
    2 servings Squirrel x0
    1 serving Vole x1

    Northern Mountain | Skullclan | Heda
    Southern River | Beechclan | hazilnut
    Eastern Swamp | Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Western Pine Forest | Pineclan | voidgear.

    Ally Clans:
    Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Pineclan | voidgear.
    Witherclan | seedcakes

    Enemy Clans
    Reedclan | Areater
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall make a one week trip to visit Tori and Anna, a raccoon and magpie respectively, that shall make their Clan Collar. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again.

Jinxstar: started at 36 (25)(6 mo jump: 26)
Brindlethorn: 18 (24)(6 mo jump: 25)
Blackberry: 20 (23)(6 mo jump: 24)
Willowbolt: 18 (22)(6 mo jump: 23)
Skydapple: 30 (21)(6 mo jump: 22)
Barkclaw: 6 (20)(6 mo jump: 21)
Tanagerpelt: 6 (19)(6 mo jump: 20)
Velvetrabbit: 23 (15)(6 mo jump: 16)
Stormcloud: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)
Ashleaf: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)
Frecklesnow: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)
Flintshade: 20 (13)(6 mo jump: 14)
Blackmouth: 24 (12)(6 mo jump: 13)
Hollowheart: 0 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)
Birchfeather: 12 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)
Blueriver: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)
Blossomsong: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)
Leopardclaw: 23 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)
Mulberry: 36 (7)(6 mo jump: 8)
Yangfur: 47 (5)(6 mo jump: 6)
Yinpelt: 48 (3)(6 mo jump: 4)
Tux: 32 (6 mo jump: 1)
Dawncloud: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)
Duskwatcher: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)
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Re: Heda's Clan Posts

Postby Heda » Tue May 09, 2017 1:45 pm

Weather Report wrote:
      Leaf-Bare is here and the first snow fall has finally arrived, kits and apprentices are very excited! Although this snow is going to result in some difficulty for clans, less food is running around but there are lots of cats searching for some food and shelter. It is cold out but the sun is shinning making it a rather beautiful day!

.Cronus. wrote:
Spiderstar looked around his new camp and sighed, the rain was rather annoying to him and he growled a little. He was rather a grumpy ill mannered cat today, he blamed the cold weather was brewing ahead. He wasn't a really big fan of the weather, he had been in his territory alone for awhile now and it was beautiful during New-Leaf and Green-Leaf, and even Leaf-Fall but Leaf-Bare was the worst and everything lost it's color and it's beauty. He shifted from where he was laying in the den, Spiderstar was forcing himself to go to the moonpool today to ask for a deputy.

After a long time he pulled himself up from his nest and started his way to the moonpool, it was a longer walk and he was going to probably hate it with the cold. He had met the Coastclan leader the other day and she didn't seem to actually like him, he knew he rubbed her the wrong way and he could care less if he did or not. She was his neighbour so she was going to have to deal with him.

[Spiderstar asks for a deputy at the Moonpool.]


      As Spiderstar woke up, he would see a cat sitting only a few tail lengths away from him. They weren't saying anything but they were looking at him. Spiderstar sat up and cleared at the fellow cat who just smirked at him before standing up from where he was laying. "Who are you?" The other cat laughed and shook his head. "Who do you think? I am your deputy! If you like it or not." Spiderstar tilted his head at the new cats responses, well Starclan did send him...

      (Starclan sent you a deputy.)

amethyst14 wrote:

    "I am in a clan, I am the leader of Briarclan. Why do you ask?" Cloudstar meowed to the new comer.

    This seemed to be some great news to the molly as she perked right up into her usual chirpy self "Of thank Starclan! I have been traveling for moons! I ask because I want to become a warrior!" The black and white molly meowed.

    Cloudstar thought for a moment, he knew the clan needed the extra paws for the on coming leaf-bare. He decided to give her a chance "Alright, but in order to become a warrior of Briarclan you must pass a test." and with that knowledge Cloudstar explained the apprentice trial.


    Cloudstar and Bouldershade had met back at camp after a day of hunting separately. They had placed their catches on the now growing fresh-kill pile. Bouldershade had picked up a small fish he had caught a while back and sat near Cloudstar as they shared it. "She is still up in that tree, seems pretty determined to become a warrior if you ask me." Bouldershade informed the leader.

    "Well that is great news, we will finally have a new set of paws to help us hunt and patrol. She has been up there for six days now and this will be her sixth night, only Starclan can help her now with the determination and endurance." Cloudstar meowed, approval was obviously in his voice.

    "Lets hope that she returns to camp with an ermine on the eight day." Bouldershade meowed with optimism, even he knew the clan would need the extra help.


    The black and white molly had finally spent her last night up in this creepy tree. It drove her nuts when the wind blew and it made whispering noises but she was determined to prove herself. "Any cat can do this!" she meowed to herself happily as she persevered. "Look at the bright side Maggie! I won't have to talk to myself anymore, I will have clan mates, a new family." And yes she did plan on talking to every single cat there was for as long as she could. The molly sat up straight and waited for the sun to peek over the horizon before making her way down the tree and into the meadow.

    She tried desperately to pick up a scent of the prey that Cloudstar had told her to catch, it would have been easier for her if she was to taste it but Cloudstar said it was not allowed as he let the one he caught go. The whole morning seemed to have passed as she stalked the grassy meadow, but then the unfamiliar scent caught her attention. It seemed strong but she could not be sure if that was just her hunger, but that did not stop her from following it. As the scent got stronger she flattened herself more and more to the ground, making sure she made no noise as she stalked ever so closer. Then she saw the strange animal, it was digging in a little tunnel when she pounced on it.

    The molly had made quick work of the ermine, thankful it had a tail otherwise it would have escaped down the tunnel. She made her way to the edge of the meadow, sitting and waiting for Cloudstar to return to get her and take her back to camp.


    "Looks like you caught one! Great job, follow me." It was Bouldershade who had gone to bring the molly back to camp. When he had showed up it looked as if the she cat was ready to eat the ermine before the ceremony; he decided he didn't need to tell Cloudstar that part when they had made their way back to camp.

    "Wonderful, now we are going to have your naming ceremony as you eat. Sit over here... no not there, here." Cloudstar meowed in his usual bossy tone. He held back a growl when she didn't seem to pay attention but when she finally took her spot he lept up on the high rock on camp.

    "Since we are all already here I will just go ahead and start. I, Cloudstar, leader of Briarclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this young cat. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior. Maggie, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Cloudstar and Bouldershade looked over at the molly that was eating the ermine, only to see her nod enthusiastically. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Maggie, from this moment you will be known as Owldust. StarClan honors your carefree determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Briarclan."

    Both Cloudstar and Bouldershade chanted Owldust's names as a congratulation to the molly. She of course was beaming with happiness and pride.


    Things in the clan turned back to normal after that night. Bouldershade had took it upon himself to show Owldust around the new territory. The two always seemed to be together as Cloudstar insisted upon taking the border patrols himself. "Will you please stop talking Owldust, we are suppose to be hunting for prey." Bouldershade muttered to the talkavtive molly.

    "Sorry Bouldershade, you are right." The molly finally quieted down as they stalked through the meadow, looking for prey. The leaf fall has caused the grass to brown and die already but it was still standing. The birds here always seemed to hide in it to keep warm from the freezing winds.


    Cloudstar had taken the usual border patrol, he was not all that pleased with Owldust, she always wanted to talk and that never gave him time to his thoughts. Not something he really wanted to be left alone with of course but he needed to feel the worry for his clan. He embraced it as he marked the borders and continued on, so far everything seemed to be going alright. Their luck has been blessed by Starclan as no one seemed to show signs of illness, but that did not stop him from looking for a medicine cat. If he could not find one soon he would have to go ask Starclan at the Moonstone behind the cave. The large fluffy tom let out a sigh as he kept walking.

[Border Patrol Cloudstar is looking for others, hopefully they know the way of herbs.]
[Hunting Patrol Bouldershade and Owldust are hunting in the meadow.]
[Prey Eaten Ermine(2 servings)]


      Cloudstar kept on his patrol for quite sometime before he came across a something sitting under a tall bush, they looked rather cold and skinny. He sat there for a few moments observing the cat that was trespassing on his territory, he knew he wasn't going to be hostile. This cat didn't look like a threat at all, approaching the new cat carefully he spoke. "Hello." The cat jumped and looked at the leader, shaking the snow that had gathered on it's head it stood and back away. "I-I am so sorry, I d-didn't realize this was your territory." It stuttered "I was just trying to find some shelter." Cloudstar had to admit this snow fall was rather cold so he didn't blame the stranger.

      (Cloudstar found a warrior!)

      Food was scarce and the two of them knew that, it would be hard to find something plump that was for sure but anything would do. Even though Owldust had been chatting for so long Bouldershade almost assumed she scared off all the prey. "Lets split up for a few minutes." Owldust nodded and went left, she was pretty positive that she would catch something. To show to Bouldershade that her catting didn't scare everything away. To her luck there was a mouse digging in the snow, it was small but that didn't matter to Owldust as she approached it with pure silence. She was quick to jump and attack the creature, clenching it in her jaws she grinned as she turned around and dashed after her deputy.

      (Bouldershade and Owldust caught a quail and mouse.)

_Ravenfeather_ wrote:Pearlclan is a clan located on the beach, most of the dens are underground, but the leader's den is a very small cavern, along with the medicine cat's den, being a cavern right next to the elder's den. The hunting grounds for apprentice's are in the grassy area of the beach, along with the battling hollow, just outside of the hunting area. Moonpool is a small pool far off from camp territory, safely hidden from Twoleg Place. it is surrounded in pebbles, and has a slanted rock covering it from evaporation.

Most of the prey is fish from the ocean, but Hunting Grounds has sightings of voles, mice, and rabbits. The predators, or main threats to the clan are usually vultures that fly overhead, and the rare birds of prey, that barely come along the cats. Dogs can also be threats, since Twolegs abandon them on the Thunderpath so often, the dogs can smell their way to the camp within 2 moons, or sometimes even less depending on the dog, the dogs usually attack in small groups of 2 or 3.

The clan is mostly known for their swimming, and fishing skills passed down from their ancestors, the cats seem to swim as fast as the fish in the water, and are just as great as pelicans at hunting fish as well.

The clan has the same code for the book, but has different traditions, a kit becomes an apprentice at 6 moons, and apprentices must learn how to at least swim, and hunt. If a rogue, loner, or kittypet is seen on territory, each cat from apprentices to leader must chase them off immediately, if a murderer is a clan cat, the leader chooses weather to chase it to the dog pack nearby, or kill them. If clan code is broken, the breaker is kicked off clan territory for an entire day, and must eat their own caught food. To become a senior warrior, a warrior must have fought in a serious battle, if an apprentice has done so, it will skip warrior to senior warrior. A mentor is the cat of 20 moons or older.

      The pale yellow eyed tom made it's way through the new territory. There was so much they needed to do and they knew it would be very difficult with Leaf-bare already upon them, the snow had fallen last night and it was rather cold but the sun made the day bright and rather fresh which wasn't so bad. Coming to the cats new camp the leader looked around, taking it all in.

      Pearclan has been founded!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby scarecrowz » Wed May 10, 2017 10:30 am

Number of Cats: 1

After a while, he had finally found Moonpool, Duststar stepped up underneath the Slated Rock, and Moonpool, "Hello, Starclan. I wish to have a cat who can heal.. A Medicine Cat I should say.. Leaf-Bare is here, and I dont want to loose a life to Whitecough.." he meowed, he laid down falling asleep, in hopes to wake up with a new Medicine Cat

          Duststar| 30 Moons | Tom | X
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

    Duststar asked for a Medicine Cat at Moonpool
Last edited by scarecrowz on Wed May 10, 2017 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Briarclan [4]

Postby amethyst14 » Wed May 10, 2017 11:14 am

Number of Cats: 4(2 Servings)
Toms: 2 Mollies: 2
Next Moonstone Visit: Now

Cloudstar watched as the cold and skinny molly was starting to leave the territory. He felt bad just watching her "Wait, I am Cloudstar, leader of Briarclan. Why don't you come take shelter in my camp?"

This made the young molly's ears twitch, did he just say a clan? "I have been looking to join a clan for a whole moon, who knew that I would just stumble upon one. Would you mind if I joined you as a warrior?"

"We can talk about this later, the snow is starting to get worse and we need to get warm." Cloudstar bossed. The quiet molly only nodded and followed him. He was right, shelter was more important now as she began to shiver violently.


It has been a couple of days since the young molly that calls herself Fawn has came to the clan. Owldust was happy to have another she cat to talk to, though Fawn didn't talk much. Bouldershade and Cloudstar were in the leader's den discussing what to do with her. "She said she wanted to become a warrior didn't she? Let her go through the trial that Owldust went through." Bouldershade meowed to Cloudstar.

"She is weak though Bouldershade, not to mention all the snow falling. I don't think she can do it." Cloudstar muttered to his deputy. The white tom wanted to send her on her way but Bouldershade fought him on the idea.

"Why don't you let the trial decide that Cloudstar? We can use the extra set of paws and you know it." Bouldershade meowed, clear he was not going to let the subject go. Even to Bouldershade this argument was out of place for him, did he have feelings for Fawn? He pushed that thought aside when he heard a cough come from outside.

"Come in." Cloudstar almost growled at the eavesdropper. In came Fawn.

"I-I hate to have you argue over me, b-but please, let me prove myself. I know I can be h-helpful." Fawn stammered in her shy and quiet voice to the two toms. Her eyes stayed at her paws, not wanting to look at the cold stares Cloudstar was shooting at her.

"Fine." The leader growled, Bouldershade let out a sigh of relief as they both began to explain what was meant to be done.


Fawn had gone on the apprentice trial, she struggled staying in the tree. It was cold and there was no way to protect herself from the harsh bitterness of it. On the morning of the eighth day Fawn had climbed down from the tree, still just as skinny the day that Cloudstar had found her. The molly knew what an Ermine was and found it easy to track one down, even in the snow. Its white pelt was hard to spot but the black tipped tail made it easier. It took a few times for her to try and catch one but she managed to bring one back to camp before the day was over.

The ceremony took place later when the others had come back to camp, Fawn was given the name Fawnwillow. She was proud to be a warrior but her warrior duties will have to wait. Over the course of the apprentice trial the molly had come down with a horrible cough. Being out in the cold for so long, it was bound to happen. Cloudstar had ordered her to stay in camp until her cough was gone.


Cloudstar had order for all of them to stay in the camp. He wanted to rest up for the day while he traveled to the moonstone. Bouldershade had wanted him to stay because Cloudstar himself had a horrible cough but the leader didn't hear it. They have been looking for a cat that knows the way of herbs for many moons now and had no luck. So he was going to travel there to ask Starclan to send them one, even if he was getting sick.

[Moonstone Cloudstar is asking for a medicine cat.]
[Camp Everyone else is taking a break and staying warm.]
[Prey Eaten Small Fish(2 servings)]


          Cloudstar | 33 Moons | Tom | 🍁
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Bouldershade | 32 Moons | Tom | 🍁

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Owldust | 26 Moons | Molly | 🍁
          Fawnwillow | 20 Moons | Molly | 🍁

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🍁[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Mapleclan | purrfect.
    West | No clan will lie to the west.

    Medicine Store
    Amount | Herb | Usage
    Amount | Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Water Vole | x1 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Quail | x2 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
    Total | 6 | 10 servings


    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by amethyst14 on Mon May 15, 2017 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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