Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:10 pm

Number of Cats: 12
TwistedClan uses: 3 servings
| 7 females | 5 males |
Next Moonpool visit: sometime

Last Moon
Stormstrike was sharply prodded awake. “Get off me!” He groaned and rolled back over.
“You’ll want to hear this now!” He heard his mate’s breath tickle his ear and sighed. Birchwhisker practically dragged him to his feet. “Come on! It’s still nice and cool this morning.” Stormstrike followed her outside of the cabin. It was relatively cool in the nice Greenleaf morning.
Stormstrike turned his head up towards the cloudy sky. “It feels like a perfect day.”
“It might as well be,” Birchwhisker purred. “I checked with Spottednose today, and I’m expecting kits!”
“Ours?!” Stormstrike exclaimed.
“I sure hope so,” Birchwhisker laughed and nuzzled his shoulder.
“I’m going to be a father?” Stormstrike smiled.
“No, you’re going to be the greatest father.” Birchwhisker and Stormstrike stayed leaned against each other. Neither one of them wanted to move and break the moment. They sat in a very content silence.

Copperleaf pressed down Blossompaw’s haunches. “Stay low.” She scolded. “Your tail’s waving in the breeze.”
Blossompaw sniffed. “Fine, I’ll try it your way.”
Copperleaf rolled her eyes. “My way is the only way that matters.” She had no idea how Stormstrike put up with this. Rainsong definitely wasn’t this hot-headed. At first, she was enthralled by training her own apprentice, teaching the right way to function, but it would be easier if Blossompaw would just listen and not question everything. Now that Blossompaw was actually in a hunting position, she was moving much more gracefully across the ground. “Finally.” She muttered under her breath.

“Get down,” Copperleaf hissed. Blossompaw flattened her ears in annoyance but obeyed. She had just spent the entire afternoon learning to hunt with her mentor, and she was ready to not have to listen to her anymore. Now, the two were doing the tedious task of patrolling the borders.
“What is it this time?” Blossompaw thought she had said that too quiet for Copperleaf to hear, but she still received a paw thump to the head.
“Cat ahead.” Copperleaf glared. “You stay here.” She started forward but paused. “And if you don’t, you will not leave camp for an entire moon.”
Blossompaw huffed but didn’t move. From afar, she spotted the orange cat Copperleaf pointed out. It was a big larger than she was and alone. What she couldn’t tell from her spot was literally everything else. The apprentice used her newly refined crouch to shimmy towards the two cats. She froze when Copperleaf glanced back. The deputy gestured her forward with her tail.
“This is Blossompaw, my apprentice.” Copperleaf introduced. Blossompaw waved her tail in greeting.
“Galapaw of LambClan.” The new she-cat stopped and corrected herself. “Formerly of LambClan.”
“’Formally’? What’s that supposed to mean?” Blossompaw cocked her head to the side. She ducked a swipe from Copperleaf.
“I was the medicine cat apprentice of LambClan, but the Clan disbanded, and I got separated from my littermates, and…” She trailed off. “I’m glad I came across another Clan.”
“You said that weird.” Blossompaw said.
“I saw another small band of cats on the way here, but they seemed… a little different.” Galapaw shrugged. “This seems more like my old home.”
Copperleaf narrowed her eyes. “Interesting.” She gathered herself up. “Let’s get back to camp for now.” Blossompaw fell into step behind her, and Galapaw trailed slightly behind the two of them still a bit unsure. Blossompaw’s mind had drifted off a bit, but she slammed back into reality by slamming into Copperleaf’s still back. “Careful.” Copperleaf steadied her. “Do you smell that?”
Blossompaw and Galapaw extended their necks to the sky and scented the air. “Musky.” Blossompaw wrinkled her nose.
Galapaw’s eyes grew wider. “Dog.”

Sunchaser lounged next to Stormstrike, Ruststripe, and Gingerblaze. “I’ve only seen a dog once, and I never would want to see one again.” Gingerblaze exclaimed. “I say just not to bother with them.”
“I would rather bother a few dogs away from camp then have them bother us here!” Stormstrike rebutted.
“Shouldn’t we wait just a little more? Fighting a fight that is unnecessary doesn’t seem like the best solution.” Ruststripe offered. Morningstar joined the group of toms.
“Hm,” Morningstar sat next to Ruststripe. Sunchaser saw that he looked pleased with her chosen spot. “Debating the dog situation, I see.”
“I would rather claw a few noses in their own territory.” Stormstrike narrowed his eyes at Gingerblaze. “And at least we would be proactive.”
“While I understand that, perhaps not jumping out claws first would be the best course of action.” Ruststripe shrugged.
Morningstar pondered this. “I am leaning more towards investigating a bit more first, at least for a moon.” Seeing Stormstrike lash his tail, her whiskers twitched. “Don’t worry, you can be the first to strike when the time comes.” Sunchaser liked to stay mostly silent in these conversations about bigger decisions. He wasn’t the type to worry about every detail; he liked to see where the day took him. However, Morningstar wasn’t satisfied at his level of participation. “Sunchaser, what do you think?”
He shrugged. “I’m not afraid to get my paws dirty, but they haven’t done anything yet…“ He trailed off as Rainsong and Pebblekit came into view. She and Birchwhisker had been taking turns entertaining the kit when Silverstem wanted a break or a stroll through the woods. Must be Rainsong’s time to babysit, he thought. He snapped back to the present conversation with everyone else’s eyes on him. “Uh, sorry, just I was thinking…”
“She’s very pretty, isn’t she?” Morningstar quietly interrupted. She had seemingly followed his gaze towards the young warrior. The rest of the cats chuckled. Sunchaser wanted to actually start to chase the sun to get away from this embarrassment.
Eventually, Ruststripe decided to save him. “I’m sure Sunchaser thinks everyone here is pretty.”
Yep, Sunchaser wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there, forever.

Morningstar was at the head of the hunting patrol, the afternoon sun pounding down on their backs. The patrol was currently by the creek running through their territory, and it was starting to flood over its banks making the surrounding area muddy. Rainsong lifted up her paws gingerly, slightly disgusted by her white paws turning a darker brown with each step.
“Just letting you know, I have no clue how to fish.” Ruststripe offered from the back of the line.
“We’re not fishing,” Morningstar answered. “But the only time the prey is out of their hiding holes is to get a drink. We’re just waiting for them to leave their cool spaces into our bellies.”
The hunting patrol split into two groups underneath two separate bushes. Ruststripe and Morningstar were crouched under a group of young fir trees, and Stormstrike and Rainsong were a few lengths away underneath a lavender bush. Even though the patrol was silent, there was no prey in sight. Ruststripe eventually groaned and stretched his forelegs, accidently shaking the thin steps of the firs. The sudden noise caused two scrawny mice approaching to run towards the shore line panicked. Morningstar startled, instinctively leaping forward towards the mice but pulled herself back as she had gotten a late start. Stormstrike, however, ran forward from the lavender bush into the marshy mud of the creek. As he got closer to the swells of water, Morningstar ran to him following the shore.
“Stormstrike, come back!” Morningstar called. Ruststripe and Rainsong were further behind, watching.
“Almost got them!” Stormstrike yelled back. His next stride sent him sinking into the wet earth. He struggled, causing him to slip into the creek. Morningstar saw his head duck below the surface of the water, and Rainsong cry in alarm. She knew Stormstrike was a confident swimmer, but his heavy fur and fast current wasn’t allowing him to resurface.
“Stay back!” She spat over her shoulder and leaped in after him, her first friend. Morningstar paddled with the current, trying to catch up to Stormstrike. His head popped up for a brief second, allowing him one small breath. Morningstar saw fear in his eyes for the first time. Now Morningstar was underneath the surface, her eyes cloudy trying to see where her friend was floundering. She hit the bottom of the creek bed, causing her to sharply inhale a gulp of water. The current kept her under. Her vision was now tinged with black and her lungs stung. Pushing once more towards the surface, she snagged a branch and fully went unconscious.
"Get up, Morningstar." Rainstar’s voice called to her.
Morningstar found herself once more standing in the forest of StarClan. Her outline was a hair more vivid now. “I have to go back for Stormstrike, I don’t have time for this!” She hissed.
The old leader nodded. “Understood.”

Morningstar awoke, still held underwater. With her lungs cleared of water this time, she maneuvered her back paw out from the branches grip and was allowed to breach the surface. Her paw still throbbed from being twisted in the branches. The force of the water was lessening as they got closer to the split in the creek.
“There she is!” Ruststripe’s voice came from her left. She rolled her eyes towards the bank and saw Ruststripe and Rainsong running to keep pace with her.
“Morningstar!” Rainsong shouted. “Catch that branch!”
The leader reached out and let the creek carry her to the branch, hanging low across the water. The running water had made the bark softer, so her claws easily sunk into it. Morningstar tried to heave herself up onto the branch but found she was utterly exhausted. Ruststripe quickly met her at the branch and hauled her to safety. Her back paw was twisted, not supporting her whole weight, requiring her to lean heavily on Ruststripe.
“Stormstrike?” She asked hoarsely.
Ruststripe shook his head. “No sight of him yet.” Morningstar moaned. She hadn’t even shaken any water off her coat yet, so she looked very small and pathetic shivering on the branch. “But Rainsong is looking ahead. He was in front of you.” Ruststripe spoke in quiet and optimistic tones. He half-led, half-dragged Morningstar off the dipped branch onto land.
Rainsong reappeared, her legs wet. “I found him.” She said softly.
“Did he make it?” Morningstar rasped. Rainsong shook her head sadly. “Show me.” Rainsong had drug him back onto the dry shore, creating water streams surrounding his soaked body.
“What should we do?” Rainsong whispered.
“We’ll take him back with us.” Morningstar nosed Stormstrike, grabbing a mouthful of scruff.
“I got him,” Ruststripe nudged her away gently. “Rainsong, help Morningstar.” The leader shot a glare his direction but didn’t argue. With Rainsong’s help, they made it back to the camp’s entrance.
“How are we going to tell Birchwhisker?”

[The Clan eats 1 thrush (3 servings).]
[Morningstar, Stormstrike, Ruststripe, and Rainsong hunt. Stormstrike drowns and Morningstar loses a life. Spottednose tries to treat Morningstar’s paw, but it is twisted. She now walks with a limp.]
[Copperleaf, Gingerblaze, and Blossompaw hunt.]
[Sunchaser and Gingerblaze patrol borders. They especially check to see if the dog scent is any closer.]
[Copperleaf trains Blossompaw in Climbing.]
[Galapaw becomes TwistedClan’s medicine cat apprentice.]
[Spottednose and Galapaw hunt for herbs.]

          Morningstar | 50 moons | female | X
          --> twisted back paw
          Lives: ★★★★★★★ [7]

          Copperleaf | 30 moons | female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Spottednose | 42 moons | male | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Galapaw | 8 moons | female | X

          Ruststripe | 36 moons | male | X
          Gingerblaze | 27 moons | male | X
          Sunchaser | 21 moons | male | X
          Rainsong | 16 moons | female | X

          Blossompaw | 7 moons | female| X

          Silverstem | 31 moons | female | X
          Birchwhisker | 34 moons | female | due in 2 moons |X

          Pebblekit | 3 moons | male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | The Coven | Blackpearl44
East | OPEN | Username
South | OPEN | Username
West | OPEN | Username

Medicine Store
Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 2
Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 1
Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, inflammation, and burns | 2
Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 1
Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 2
Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 1
Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 1
Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding/Helps stiff joints | 1
Burnet | Gives strength | 1
Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poision | 1
Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 1
Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 1
Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 1
Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 2
Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Thrushes | x3 | 3 servings each
Magpies | x3 | 3 servings each
Shrews | x3 | 1 serving each
Squirrels | x6 | 2 servings each
Mice | x4 | 1 serving each
Voles | x2 | 1 serving each

Moves to learn: Hunting, Fighting,
Stalking, Climbing, Swimming
Copperleaf | Blossompaw | 1 | Hunting

Morningstar: Life One | Poison
Morningstar: Life Two | Drowned
Bluekit | Stillborn
Stormstrike | Drowned

Silverstem x ??? | Bluekit and Pebblekit
Birchwhisker x Stormstrike | ??
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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Schwellenangst 002

Postby ellipses » Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:40 pm

Number of Cats: 15 | Servings Needed: 4

"State your business or die."
Jagdhund watched as her advisor pinned down the heavily pregnant she-cat with ease, claws pressing into her - not hard enough to leave a wound, but just enough to cause slight discomfort. The intruder winced as she struggled to find her words. "I, uh- I'm sorry for trespassing, I-I was just... I was chased out of my home by some rogues, I didn't know where else to go! I-I'll leave if-"
"Brunhilde, let her go."
The polydactyl tabby looked to her leader in disbelief, but quickly followed her orders when a sharp glare was tossed her way. The she-cat scrambled to her paws, shaking like a leaf under Jagdhund's powerful gaze as the lithe she-cat padded towards her. "You say you were chased off by some rogues?" she said firmly.
"Y-yes ma'am - quite a nasty bunch of brutes they were, said they'd kill both me and my kits if they caught me there again... I-I'm sorry if I-"
"Silence." Jagdhund glowered at the pregnant she-cat, who squeaked with alarm as she cowered at the tone. "...Come with us," the leader finally sighed, turning to glance at Brunhilde. "You. Go let Gwyn know that we have a special guest. If you catch sight of Dahlia's patrol, tell them to keep an eye out for any rogues in the area."
Astonished by her leader's orders, but unable to find the courage to disobey her, Brunhilde nodded and fled back to camp.
Upon their arrival at the camp, Jagdhund was greeted by Dahlia and her patrol with four unfamiliar faces, in a heated debate with Brunhilde. Gwyn, who'd been trying to mediate the situation, glanced helplessly over to Jagdhund, her expression turning to that of confusion at the sight of the pregnant she-cat. Jagdhund was too focused on the four newcomers to notice.
"Klaus! Dahlia! Starling!" The three aforementioned cats quickly turned to face their leader, almost shaking under her harsh gaze. Jagdhund stalked forward, lips curled back in a snarl as she flicked her tail towards the four new cats. "Who are these three? What have I told you about bringing newcomers to camp without my say-so?"

Dahlia and Starling shuddered as Klaus tried to explain the situation. "My leader, we found them on our patrol. This one-" he motioned towards the menacing sphynx tom "-mentioned you by name. We-"
Jagdhund silenced him with a glare before turning to the aforementioned hairless cat. "How do you know my name?" she asked calmly.
The sphynx rolled his shoulders back in a shrug. "Doesn't take much for one to learn of your reputation, Jagdhund. I was intrigued by your history and wanted to learn more of you." He narrowed his eyes in retaliation to Jagdhund's nasty look. "Is that a crime?"
Jagdhund stiffened at the tom's bold tone, flexing her claws slightly as she let out a heavy sigh. "What, exactly, would you like to learn?"
The sphynx beamed mischievously. "I'm glad you asked, my dear."

> Zenzi is welcomed into camp.
> Alois, Sonje, Deiter, and Fritzie join Schwellenangst.
> Deiter, Fritzie, Klaus, Starling, and Dahlia go on a hunting patrol.
> Jagdhund, Brunhilde, Sonje, and Alois go on a border patrol.
> Gwyn goes on a herb patrol.
> Zenzi is due for kits in 2 moons.

          Jagdhund | 40 m | She-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Brunhilde | 28 m | She-cat | X
          Sonje | 27 m | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          War Chief:
          Alois | 34 m | Tom | X

          Hunting Chief:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Gwyn | 30 m | She-cat | X

          Klaus | 30 m | Tom | X
          Dahlia | 30 m | She-cat | X
          Starling | 28 m | Tom | X
          Deiter | 23 m | Tom | X
          Fritzie | 14 m | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Zenzi | 30 m | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Kaiser | 5 m | Tom | X
          Heidi | 5 m | She-cat | X
          Mischa | 5 m | She-cat | X
          Siegfried | 5 m | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Yarrow [x1]
    Cobwebs [x1]
    Catmint [x1]
    Marigold [x1]
    Borage [x1]
    Chervil [x1]
    Horsetail [x1]

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Brunhilde and Klaus | Kaiser, Heidi, Mischa, and Siegfried
    Zenzi and ???? | Due in 2 moons
    Name and Name | Kits
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅻ-Ⅻ-ⅯⅯⅩⅧ | 12-13-18

Postby Katrione » Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:46 pm

- W E A T H E R -
      Leaf-fall- The warmth of greenleaf has begun to fade, leaving a beginning chill in its place. Already prey is beginning to hide, and predators are creeping from the shadows and willing to fight the Clans to ensure their survival as
      the coldest seasons start.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

      •Very soon, a few new features will be added onto the front. I would personally advise that you either stop sending out patrols for new cats or to lessen your numbers to make the new features easier on your Clans.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
Zelos Wilder wrote:

New cats/rank up:
--> Cinderpaw and Slatepaw are ready to take their warrior assessments!
--> Freyr, Osiris, and Elyse are adopted from Ice Nation. They are renamed Birchstorm, Cherryheart, and Junipersplash respectively.

--> Scorchstar allows a small patrol of Cricketheart, Thornstrike, and Sparkpaw to check for the strange black cat (who he said must have been his half-brother Shadow) that Timberpaw saw in the field. [size=70][note: he will not be joining the clan, but will be around to antagonize the Shiningclan cats (especially Timberpaw) for plot].

--> Scorchstar, Hazelstream, Peachfrost, Otterpaw, Appleclaw, and Ferretpaw hunt.
--> Robinbreeze, Pikewhisker, Daisypatch, Snowflower, and Cinderpaw hunt.

--> Sparkpaw and Otterpaw train in tracking with Cricketheart.
--> Ferretpaw trains in fighting with Appleclaw.

--> Snowflower and Appleclaw become mates! They wish to try for kits.

--> ShiningClan consumes a bird and a small fish. [5 servings]

      [ Cinderpaw and Slatepaw both pass their final assessments! ]
      [ Scorchstar's patrol caught three small fish ]
      [ Robinbreeze's patrol caught a mouse and a frog ]
      [ Sparkpaw and Otterpaw learned the Track skill ]
      [ Ferretpaw learned the Fight skill ]
      [ Snowflower is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
Galipaygo wrote:

Leader Happenings:
[Shadowstar hunts]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[None this moon]
Boarder Patrols:
[Reedface and Mudpatch return to the place they smelled the rogue]
Hunting Patrols:
[In leader happenings this moon]
Rank Changes:
[None this moon]
[None this moon]
[Chervilpatch is giving kit!]

      [ Shadowstar caught a small bird ]
      [ Reedface and Mudpatch found the rogue who turns out to be barely old enough to be an apprentice ]
      [ Chervilpatch gave birth to three kits ]
clarke kom skaikru wrote:
───── ( 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 ) ─────
s: echoclan : katrione: negative
w: forestclan : simonpet : positive
────── ( 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 ) ──────
clan name : username : notes

───── ( 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 ) ─────
clan name : username : notes


→ the court consumes a total of 12 servings.
xx──used── four northern goshawks
→ the healers of the court treat nolana's infection.
xx──used── one margiold
→ skai retires to the mother's den.
xx──reas── due in two moons
→ the court welcomes samantha.
→ emilia and clarke turn away the loner.
→ remus surrogates with tauriel.
xx──detai── kits
→ remus also surrogates with clarke.
xx──detai── kits
→ nolana and helios become mates.
xx──detai── no kits
→ members of the court stay behind and wait for the barn cats.
xx──cats── onya, luna, samantha
xx──loc── near the horseplace
→ members of the court look for samantha's lost kitten.
xx──cats── onya, luna, samantha
xx──loc── around the gorge
→ the commander requests a healer from the stars.
xx──cats── clarke
xx──loc── starpool

→ the warriors of the 1st fleet hunt.
xx──cats── padame, helios, ali
xx──loc── in the cove
→ the warriors of the 1st fleet patrol.
xx──cats── alaire, xylia, hemlockbud
xx──loc── near the cove
→ the warriors of the 1st fleet train their seconds.
xx──skill── stealth
xx──loc── training sands

→ the warriors of the 2nd fleet hunt.
xx──rg── hickoryfur
xx──cats── maia, koispots, cyprian
xx──loc── in the pine woods
→ the warriors of the 2nd fleet patrol.
xx──rg── diamond
xx──cats── nolana, orpheus, adriel
xx──loc── in the pine woods
→ the warriors of the 2nd fleet train their seconds.
xx──skill── hunting
xx──loc── training sands

→ the warriors of the 3rd fleet guard.
xx──rg── onyx
xx──cats── ezio, asteria, echo
xx──loc── in the camp
→ the warriors of the 3rd fleet patrol.
xx──rg── bayek
xx──cats── arumwillow, sneezenose
xx──loc── in the twolegplace
→ the warriors of the 3rd fleet train their seconds.
xx──skill── hunting
xx──loc── training sands

      [ Tauriel is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Clarke is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Onya's patrol found the three barn cats ]
      [ The barn cats mentioned seeing a ginger kit not far from the gorge a few hours ago, so the group went
      back there to check. Luckily, Samantha's kit was still there ]
      [ The Stars grant Clarke's request and sends the Court of Roses a healer ]
      [ Padame's first patrol caught a western jackdaw ]
      [ Alaire's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Ilyr, Rattlepaw, Alderpaw and Cassiopeia learned the Stealth skill ]
      [ Hickoryfur's patrol caught two western jackdaws ]
      [ Diamond's patrol found a kittypet ]
      [ Cersei, Sekhmet, Ta-bitjet and Manasa learned the Hunt skill ]
      [ Bayek's patrol caught a northern goshawk ]
      [ Asclepius, Amun and Anubis learned the Hunt skill ]
scarlet_wolf wrote:

[ berrystar has received his nine lives & his leader name! ]
[ berystar welcomes the warrior, clowntail, to mangroveclan. ]
[ berrystar welcomes the healer, frothwhisker, to mangroveclan. ]
[ with her, frothwhisker carries three chervil leaves and two cobwebs. ]
[ berrystar patrols the borders. ]
[ clowntail patrols the borders. ]
[ berrystar goes hunting. ]
[ clowntail goes hunting. ]
[ frothwhisker searches for herbs. ]
[ mangroveclan does not eat for their second moon. ]

      [ Starclan welcomes Berrystar's leadership warmly, wishing him many moons of leadership ]
      [ Berrystar found a warrior. He also caught a mangrove crab ]
      [ Clowntail found nothing important on his border patrol but he did catch a mangrove snapper while hunting ]
      [ Frothwhisker gathered celandine and elder leaves ]
morrissey wrote:

population: 40 cats - 20 toms, 20 mollies | servings: 7 | next ancestor visit: 12-14-18


[ minnowsplash, onyxstone, liontuft, adderpaw, montjacpaw, and wildpaw go on a border patrol. ]
[ asterwind, elmstep, cindertuft, pansypaw, mottledpaw, and buzzardpaw go on a border patrol. ]
[ heronfoot, cypressfeather, cormorant, rowanpaw, willowpaw, and comfreypaw go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ sweetfeather, squirrelcall, sedgefeather, sunpaw, callapaw, and swiftpaw go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ all apprentices train. ]
[ oaktuft goes into labor. puddlefoot is the father. rowanfeather assists her.
note: one of rowanfeather's powers is easing labor. ]

      [ Minnowsplash's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Asterwind's patrol found a battalion member ]
      [ Heronfoot's patrol caught three ermines ]
      [ Sweetfeather's patrol caught three birds ]
      [ All apprentices learned a skill ]
      [ Oaktuft gave birth to three kits. Sadly one of the kits was stillborn. Without Rowanfeather's powers, Oaktuft and the whole litter would've died ]
solyn wrote:

[ goldleaf uses x2 cobwebs, x2 marigold and x1 poppyseeds on stonepatch's injuries
twilightkit is murdered by dante from the kingdom of shattered bones
badgerstar loses a life to dante from the kingdom of shattered bones
mousepaw gives lionheart x1 goldenrod for her wounds
ashenstrike and lionheart become mates (no kits)


the clan consumes two birds, a rabbit and a vole
acornstream is kitting. hawkthorn is the father. goldleaf stays in camp to help her.

please refer to the genetics chart
boulderflame and flowershine become mates (no kits)
all mentors bar roseclaw teach their apprentices hunting. ashenstrike substitutes for lionheart.
roseclaw teaches cormorantpaw to swim
mousepaw and featherpelt search for herbs that help wounds
dusklight, lionheart and stonepatch rest
flintburr's border patrol: boulderflame, harrierstreak, dustfang, burrcall and willowthroat
burningcloud's border patrol: meadowfang, wolverinejaw, dawnblossom, halfpond and grouseclaw
pinefeather organizes sedgefire, adderstorm and squirrelwhisker to protect the camp ]

      [ Starclan weeps as a new star glistens in its skies. Twilightkit will be well looked after ]
      [ Acornstream gave birth to one kit ]
      [ Sandpaw, Ternpaw, Avocetpaw, Elkpaw, Thunderpaw, Mistpaw and Deerpaw learned the Swim skill ]
      [ Goldleaf and Mousepaw gathered broom, chervil and comfrey root ]
      [ Dusklight's swelling has gone down enough for his eye to open... well, for where his eye use to be to open ]
      [ Boulderflame's patrol passed uneventfully ]
      [ Burningcloud's patrol passed uneventfully ]
      [ Mod Note: Your apprentices all already knew Hunting so I just had them all learn the Swimming skill ]
starkiller. wrote:

            THE PAGAN LEAGUE. as their name suggests, the league is polytheistic and worships more than one good. they dwell in a dark woodland with various sources of water scattered throughout its depths, and the expanse of their territory is large. the center god of worship aside from the others is called the darkness. none have seen this god, aside from those he wishes to make himself appear to, often in dreams. he does not mingle with the other gods — jupiter, stormholt, and phoebe — instead, he is rumored to stalk within the wood, mist of dark color curling around his paws, his ears. once a week, the league’s sovereign, may request a leaguemate of his choice from the four gods. it is usually only the sovereign at the time of their ascension, and their healer the darkness appears to. and, once a week, a blood sacrifice, often prey, is used to thank them for their guidance and wisdom.

            may this cat be the league’s founding sovereign, and clarke my moderator?

      [ The Pagan League has been founded ]
      [ Your mod will be Belcalis ]
      [ Mod Note: I'm trying to even out the list, so I gave you to Belcalis instead of Clarke ]
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( court of roses ) • 002

Postby clarke, » Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:46 pm

───── ( 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒 ) ─────
s: echoclan : katrione: negative
w: forestclan : simonpet : positive
────── ( 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 ) ──────
clan name : username : notes

───── ( 𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐄𝐒 ) ─────
clan name : username : notes



              ( pop. count. 78 ) ( females. 49 ) ( males. 29 )
              (servings 12 ) ( ancestor visit. now > 12/16 )
              (# of patrols. 5 ) ( # of prey. 7)


    alysia, long ago, had given up the chance of finding her mother again. though she'd fallen deeply in love with waverly, who she knew had affections for another tom of another clan (she didn't mind, really. alysia herself had past lovers that she would still sacrifice herself for. in her opinion, love never really faded.), it still didn't feel the gap she felt in her heart as she thought of her mother's sweet scent. when luna and onya came back with mickey, minnie, mouse, samantha and the small sap named lion, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. she recognized her mother at first glance and it made her heart ache. for a moment they stared at each other before mouse bounded up to her daughter and pressed their noses together. beyond that, mouse had, had one other litter of kittens, but only one had survived: which meant that alysia had a sister, a mother, and an uncle. her sister was named peach and had grown up on the farm with mickey, minnie, and mouse; but peach and alysia's shared father, romeo, had passed the moon that peach was born. "my family," she murmured quietly, her eyes wide with a mix of euphoria, confusion, and love.

    writing after i get organized!

                  GENERAL ACTIONS
                  → the court does not consume any food this moon.
                  → the healers of the court search for herbs.
                  → tauriel retires to the mother's den.
                  xx──reas── due in two moons
                  → clarke retires to the mother's den.
                  xx──reas── due in two moons
                  → skai goes into labor with niylah's kits.
                  xx──surrog.── sneezenose
                  → echo tries for kits with asteria!
                  xx──surrog.── tigerleap of hazeclan
                  → jayde tries for kits with redstar of quickclan!
                  → brooke tries for kits with redstar of quickclan!
                  → the court welcomes mouse, mickey, minnie, lion, and peach.
                  → emilia and clarke turn away the kittypet.
                  → waverly and alysia become mates.
                  xx──detai── lesbians

                  THE FIRST FLEET
                  → the warriors of the 1st fleet hunt.
                  xx──cats── ezio, brooke, ali
                  xx──loc── in the cove
                  → the warriors of the 1st fleet patrol.
                  xx──rg── poseidon
                  xx──cats── alaire, xylia, hemlockbud
                  xx──loc── near the cove
                  → the warriors of the 1st fleet train their seconds.
                  xx──skill── swimming
                  xx──loc── training sands

                  THE SECOND FLEET
                  → the warriors of the 2nd fleet hunt.
                  xx──rg── hickoryfur
                  xx──cats── maia, koispots, cyprian
                  xx──loc── in the pine woods
                  → the warriors of the 2nd fleet patrol.
                  xx──rg── diamond
                  xx──cats── nolana, orpheus, adriel
                  xx──loc── in the pine woods
                  → the warriors of the 2nd fleet train their seconds.
                  xx──skill── battle
                  xx──loc── training sands

                  THE THIRD FLEET
                  → the warriors of the 3rd fleet guard.
                  xx──rg── onyx
                  xx──cats── helios, asteria, echo
                  xx──loc── in the camp
                  → the warriors of the 3rd fleet patrol.
                  xx──rg── bayek
                  xx──cats── arumwillow, sneezenose
                  xx──loc── in the twolegplace
                  → the warriors of the 3rd fleet train their seconds.
                  xx──skill── battle
                  xx──loc── training sands


    ───── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃 ─────
    ( commander )
    001.] clarke • 57m • ♀

    ( nightbloods )
    001.] skai • 43m • ♀
    002.] onya • 37m • ♀
    003.] luna • 49m • ♀
    004.] leksa • 19m • ♀
    005.] foxberry • 18m • ♂

    ( ambassadors )
    001.] tauriel • 47m • ♀
    002.] madi • 39m • ♀
    003.] cleopatra • 20m • ♀

    ───── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐓 ─────
    ( warriors )
    001.] ezio • 15m • ♂
    002.] brooke • 40m • ♀
    003.] ali • 18m • ♀
    004.] alaire • 15m • ♂
    005.] xylia • 15m • ♀
    006.] hemlockbud • 50m • ♀
    007.] dea meduna • 26m • ♀
    008.] mouse • 45m • ♀

    ( seconds )
    001.] llŷr • 12m • ♂
    002.] rattlepaw • 11m • ♂
    003.] alderpaw • 9m • ♂
    004.] cassiopeia • 9m • ♀

    ( healer )
    001.] peach • 18m • ♀

    ───── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒 ─────
    ( permanent )
    001.] jayde • 44m • ♀
    002.] samantha • 33m • ♀

    ( temporary )
    001.] harriercloud • 44m • ♀
    002.] costia • 43m • ♀
    003.] yellowsong • 33m • ♀
    004.] skai • 43m • ♀
    005.] clarke • 57m • ♀
    001.] tauriel • 47m • ♀

    ───── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐘 ────
    ( king & queen )
    001.] queen emilia • 29m • ♀
    002.] king bellamy • 27m • ♂

    ( first-born )
    001.] tethys • 4m • ♀

    ( heirs )
    001.] thaumas • 4m • ♂
    002.] thalassa • 4m • ♀
    003.] triton • 4m • ♂
    space holder here
    space holder here
    space holder here

    ──── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐓 ────
    ( warriors )
    001.] maia • 15m • ♀
    002.] koispots • 15m • ♂
    003.] cyprian • 14m • ♂
    004.] nolana • 13m • ♀
    005.] orpheus • 13m • ♂
    006.] adriel • 35m • ♀
    007.] mickey • 45m • ♂
    008.] minnie • 38m • ♀

    ( seconds )
    001.] cersei • 8m • ♀
    002.] sekhmet • 8m • ♀
    003.] ta-bitjet • 8m • ♀
    004.] manasa • 8m • ♀

    ( healer )
    001.] alysia • 27m • ♀

    ──── 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇-𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐘 ────
    ( harriercloud's kits )
    ( high-born: royal descent )
    001.] lakshmi • 5m • ♀
    002.] elesius • 5m • ♂

    ( costia's kits )
    ( high-born: crown blood )
    001.] gaia • 6m • ♀
    002.] thesius • 6m • ♂
    003.] theia • 6m • ♀

    ( yellowsong's kit )
    ( high-born: royal descent )
    001.] eosphorus • 6m • ♀

    ──── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 ────
    ( council )
    001.] bayek • 20m • ♂
    002.] hickoryfur • 38m • ♀
    003.] onyx • 42m • ♂
    004.] haloe • 51m • ♂
    005.] costia • 43m • ♀

    ( guards )
    001.] remus • 54m • ♂
    002.] diamond • 53m • ♀
    003.] padame • 18m • ♀
    004.] poseidon • 24m • ♂
    005.] alexious • 20m • ♀
    006.] qadira • 18m • ♀

    ──── 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐅𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐓 ────
    ( warriors )
    001.] helios • 18m • ♂
    002.] asteria • 32m • ♀
    003.] echo • 27m • ♀
    004.] arumwillow • 33m • ♀
    005.] sneezenose • 33m • ♂
    006.] waverly • 26m • ♀
    007.] harriercloud • 44m • ♀
    008.] yellowsong • 33m • ♀

    ( seconds )
    001.] asclepius • 8m • ♂
    002.] amun • 8m • ♂
    003.] anubis • 8m • ♂

    ( healer )
    001.] niylah • 55m • ♀
    002.] serana • 9m • ♀

    ──── 𝐋𝐎𝐖-𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐘 ────
    ( arumwillow's kits )
    ( low-born: half-clan )
    001.] {left} sobek • 4m • ♂
    002.] {right} marie • 4m • ♀
    003.] eidothea • 4m • ♀
    004.] euryale • 4m • ♂

    ( samantha's kit )
    ( low-born: loner blood )
    001. lion • 2m • ♂


    ────────── 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐒 ──────────
    ( herbs )
    cobwebs [x1] beech nuts [x1] catmint [x1]
    alder leaves [x1] thyme [x1] blackberry [x1]
    heather [x1] yarrow [x1] stinging nettle [x1]
    horsetail [x2] bindweed [x1] honey [x1]
    borage [x1] alder bark [x1] marigold [x2]
    bright-eye [x2] beach leaves [x2]

    ( fresh-kill )
    northern goshawk ✧ 3 serv. ( x5 )
    golden trout ✧ 3 serv. ( x11 )
    sockeye salmon ✧ 3 serv. ( x10 )
    grey heron ✧ 2 serv. ( x10 )
    eastern cottontail ✧ 2 serv. ( x11 )
    field mouse ✧ 1 serv. ( x5 )
    western jackdaw ✧ 1 serv. ( x6 )
───────── 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 ─────────
xx( training )
xxsecond training

xx( family )
xxfamily tree
xxcat profiles

xx( mates )
xx• bellamy & emilia
xx• bellamy & costia
xx• niylah & skai
xx• yellowsong & onyx
xx• harriercloud & onyx
xx• diamond & haloe
xx• echo & asteria
xx• hickoryfur & madi
xx• foxberry & leksa
xx• nolana & helios
xx• mickey & minnie
xx• alysia & waverly
xx─────────── 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ───────────
xx( powers )
xx↘ diamond, cleopatra, & bayek attract one
xxcat and catches x2 the amount of fish on a
xx↘ jayde decreases the chance of stillborns
xxto 10% for all of the she-cats in the court.
xx↘ arumwillow will give birth to 6 kits and
xxensures the max amount of prey hunted
xxin a patrol and double the herbs collected.
xx↘ sobek can sense what others are feeling.
xx↘ marie ensures the max amount of prey.

xxxx( traditions )
xx the court traditions and myths

xx( injuries )
xx↘ bellamy is missing his left eye.
xx↘ alexious is missing her right eye.
xx↘ serana is paralyzed waist down.
Last edited by clarke, on Sat Dec 15, 2018 5:39 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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ShiningClan post 19

Postby Kazin » Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:55 am

Number of Cats: 024 | 12 ♂ | 12 ♀ | 5 servings needed next serving needed at 28

Timberpaw had been up nearly all night, sleeping in small bits, though he never quite fell into the deep sleep he so desperately needed. It had been the same for the past two moons now; try to sleep, listen to Nettleblaze's soft snores, drift off for a small piece of the night, and wake up for the rest. The moon was well on its way back down now, the light of dawn just threatening on the edge of the forest. Timberpaw was glad for this night, actually, because he watched the cat he was sure he was falling in love with from the entrance to his den. It was now a ShiningClan tradition to sit vigil at the camp's entrance when passing an assessment, and he had heard that Slatepaw... well, now Slatefang, had passed with flying colors. He even eavesdropped enough on Scorchstar to understand that, out of all the apprentices ShiningClan had so far (which wasn't many; just Daisypatch and Maplecloud that were warriors now) she had done by far the best on her assessment. She made it seem so easy, in fact, that Scorchstar and Cricketheart were coming up with new ideas to make the assessment more challenging.

He had resisted the temptation all night to not go see her. Mostly because Cinderpaw, now Cindersong, was there, and he didn't want to deal with her suspicious looks. He also did not want to break the rules; as the new warriors were sitting vigil, they were not allowed to speak until dawn. He had watched her for the latter half of the night, but now he wanted nothing more than to tell Cindersong to go sleep and be alone with Slatefang until the rest of the camp woke up. It was going to be a nervewracking day for Timberpaw, and he knew Slatefang understood - and thus, he wanted to be with her, to talk to her, anything. Just not when Cindersong was around.

As dawn came a little closer, Timberpaw made up his mind. In the very dim light, he silently padded his way over to the entrance of the camp, peering out of the door of the abandoned twoleg den they called home, gazing for a moment at the beauty of the dark forest. It didn't seem lonely or scary to him, no, but rather welcoming. He had, after all, spent many nights out there alone. He found it oddly peaceful.

Timberpaw mewed a quiet greeting, earning him the stares of both she-cats. Slatefang's eyes softened when she saw him, giving him a quick nod before glancing over at her sister. Cindersong was stretching, looking out into the forest to make sure dawn was actually coming.

"I think you can speak now," Timberpaw said quietly, not wanting to wake any cats before dawn. "Dawn is just about here, anyway."

Slatefang was the first to decide Timberpaw was right, not even bothering to glance into the forest as Cindersong had. "Ahh, yeah, you're right," she said, smirking as her sister gave her a wide eyed look. "Come on, Cindersong, it's nearly dawn. If I don't speak now, I'm going to forget how."

Cindersong rolled her eyes, but still said nothing for a few moments until Slatefang poked her in the chest, a serious look on her face. "You know, Cindersong, maybe you lost your voicebox after that long night. I don't feel it anymore."

"You are so stupid," Cindersong growled playfully, batting her sisters paw away with a smirk of her own. "But I'm exhausted, so I'm going straight to sleep. Cricketheart said I could have the morning off, until a noon patrol." She gave Slatefang a quick goodbye flick with her tail, and meowed a soft goodbye to Timberpaw - she barely even glanced back at the medicine cat apprentice.

Slatefang stretched out her muscles, extending her claws in anticipation of something. "Today's the day, Timberpaw," she said offhandedly, gazing back out into the dimly lit forest. "I'm sure you're a little nervous," she added, continuing as she turned her gaze to her friend. "But I'll personally make sure this cat knows he has to stay away."

Timberpaw gave a small nod, but held in what he wanted to say. Yes, he knew that she would be sure to give Shadow a piece of her mind. But that also meant putting herself in harms way. And Timberpaw certainly would not be able to live with himself if anything happened to Slatefang. He was sure he loved this cat, as forbidden as the romance would be, and sure that he loved her way more than he could ever love himself. He wanted to say all of this to her, but he was afraid how she would react - especially since their relationship would have to be kept a secret, if she did return his feelings. Besides, he was still young; but she was going on a dangerous mission.

"That's why I'm worried," Timberpaw finally blurted, unable to keep it to himself. "Slatefang, I.... I wouldn't be able to handle it if anything happened to you. Especially if it was because of Shadow." He looked down, ashamed, hoping she wasn't perceptive enough to read the underlying meaning of his words. But she was too perceptive for her own good.

Gently, Slatefang pressed her body into Timberpaw's. "I know," she said quietly. "I am... well, I think the same thing about you. All of the time. And that's why I volunteered to go on this patrol; if this cat does anything to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So I want to personally make sure something is done, because StarClan knows my father hasn't done the right thing, until the three newcomers convinced him otherwise."

Timberpaw nodded, thinking of the three. The biggest, and scariest, has still been uninterested in most of the cats, though he seems to have gotten better. Scorchstar convinced all the siblings, at least, to take on warrior names. Shortly after, the she-cat, newly named as Junipersplash, had requested to talk privately with Scorchstar and Cricketheart. When the three emerged from Scorchstar's den, another meeting was called to say that soon a patrol would be formed to chase the tom away from ShiningClan territory, since he had not so good intentions. Timberpaw was happy, but also extremely nervous, knowing that Shadow was a force to be reckoned with. He had told all he knew about his brother to Scorchstar, to better prepare him, which is why the patrol wouldn't be sent out for a little while. The current one was just making sure he wasn't getting any closer - next moon, they had decided the tom would be driven away altogether, if he didn't listen to tomorrow's warning.

In silence, Slatefang and Timberpaw watched the dawn light filter its way into the cracks and holes in the camp, sitting side by side and nearly touching, until Cricketheart was the first one awake. He nodded to the pair as he rose, and took his spot by the entrance to camp to wait for those selected to patrol for Shadow. This time, it would be small, though seceretly Timberpaw knew his brother would either be hiding, or would refuse whatever they were going to tell him - which sucked, because Slatefang promised she would be in the group that would fight Shadow if they had to, next moon.

It was with a heavy heart that Timberpaw watched the smaller patrol go, and watched Slatefang, leading her very first hunting patrol out into the forest. The only thing he could hope was that the bigger and scarier of the newcomers, the one called Birchstorm, would be on the patrol next moon to drive Shadow away - that cat scared almost everyone, except his brother and sister.

New cats/rank up:
--> Sparkpaw is ready to take his warrior assessment!
--> Cinderpaw received her warrior name after passing her assessment: Cindersong!
--> Slatepaw received her warrior name after passing her assessment: Slatefang!

--> Nettleblaze and Timberpaw go to gather herbs.
--> Slatefang, Peachfrost, Thornstrike, Appleclaw, and Ferretpaw hunt.
--> Cindersong, Pikewhisker, Hazelstream, Birchstorm, Cherryheart, and Daisypatch hunt.
--> Junipersplash, Cricketheart, Robinbreeze, and Peachfrost patrol.

--> Ferretpaw trains in tracking with Appleclaw.

--> Snowflower due in one moon.

--> ShiningClan consumes two squirrels and a mouse. [5 servings]
--> Added 7 herbs from the Advent Calendar to ShiningClan! [borage x1, burnet x1, catmint x1, chervil x1, cobweb x2, yarrow x1]

          Scorchstar | 41 moons | ♂ |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Cricketheart | 24 moons | ♂ |

          Medicine Cat:
          Nettleblaze | 65 moons | ♂ |
          Timberpaw | 9 moons | ♂ |

          Peachfrost | 65 moons | ♀ |
          Pikewhisker | 47 moons | ♂ |
          Firesong | 46 moons | ♀ |
          Hazelstream | 38 moons | ♀ |
          Robinbreeze | 32 moons | ♀ |
          Thornstrike | 30 moons | ♂ |
          Birchstorm | 24 moons | ♂ |
          Cherryheart | 24 moons | ♂ |
          Junipersplash | 24 moons | ♀ |
          Appleclaw | 20 moons | ♂ |
          Daisypatch | 17 moons | ♀ |
          Cindersong | 13 moons | ♀ |
          Slatefang | 13 moons | ♀ |

          Sparkpaw | 13 moons | ♂ |
          Ferretpaw | 11 moons | ♀ |
          Otterpaw | 11 moons | ♂ |

          Maplecloud | 20 moons | ♀ |
          Snowflower | 22 moons | ♀ |

          Ashkit | 4 moons | ♂ |
          Emberkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x1 Beech Leaves x1
    Bindweed x1 Blackberry Leaves x1
    Borage x2 Bright eye x1
    Broom x1 Burdock x2
    Burnet x2 Catchweed x1
    Catmint x2 Celandine x1
    Chervil x1 Cobweb x2
    Fennel x1 Feverfew x1
    Lavender x1 Poppy seeds x1
    Ragwort x1 Raspberry Leaves x1
    Yarrow x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x4 | 1 serving [1 being eaten]
    Rabbit | x4 | 3 servings
    Bird | x2 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings [2 being eaten]
    Frog | x4 | 1 serving

    Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
    Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

    Cricketheart | Sparkpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Appleclaw | Ferretpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Thornstrike | Otterpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flowerkit | Weakness at birth
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Mates / Family:
    Scorchstar x Firesong | Sparkpaw, Cindersong, Slatefang
    Pikewhisker x ? | Maplecloud
    Hazelstream x ? | Ferretpaw, Otterpaw
    Thornstrike x Maplecloud | Ashkit, Flowerkit, Emberkit
    Appleclaw x Snowflower | Snowflower is expecting kits.
Last edited by Kazin on Tue Dec 18, 2018 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Galipaygo » Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:09 am

Number of Cats: 8

Text Here after school

Leader Happenings:
[Shadowstar patrols the boarders]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[None this moon]
Boarder Patrols:
[In leader happenings this moon]
Hunting Patrols:
[Reedface, Gorsepaw, and Mudpatch hunt]
Rank Changes:
[None this moon]
[Reedface trains Gorsepaw in hunting]
[None this moon]

[The clan consumes a small fish, 2 serving!]
[Advent calendar: N/A]

          Shadowstar | 77 moons | Male | 🌿
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

          Reedface | 62 moons | Male | 🌿
          Mudpatch | 39 moons | Female | 🌿
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

          Gorsepaw | 6 moons | Male | 🌿
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

          Chervilpatch | 79 moons | Female | 🌿
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

          Sunkit | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
          Lightkit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
          Shadowkit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | Cures greencough | x2
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnow | x2 | 1 servings
    Frog | x1 | 1 servings
    Small Bird | x1 | 1 servings
    Toad | x1 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Large Fish | x3 | 3 servings

    Reedface | Gorsepaw | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Jaggedfang and Dewlight | Shadowstar and Badgernose
    Chervilpatch and Unknown | Sunkit, Lightkit, Shadowkit
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:10 am

Terra Clan
Number of Cats: 3 Here

Twistedcloud goes out with Skygaze to find herbs and more clanmates.

[ A clan who had just begun, and where a friend must find a friend to start it. ]

Rubystar | 52 moons | Male | Grey tabby with yellow eyes
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Medicine Cat:
Twistedcloud | 37 moons | Male | Dark gray tabby with blue eyes

Warriors: N/A
Skygaze | 26 moons | Female | Black and white cat with green eyes
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Apprentices: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Queens: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Kits: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Elders: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans: N/A
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Borders: N/A
North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store: N/A
Goldenrod | 2 | Juices for bellyache, root for infected wounds
Tansy | 3 | Cures coughs, poison, and prevents Greencough
Dandelion | 1 | Heals bee stings, great painkiller
Sorrel | 1 | Traveling herb, builds up appetite

Fresh-Kill Pile: N/A
Mice | x2 | 2 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings
Prey | x0 | 0 servings

Mentors: N/A
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats: N/A
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family: N/A
Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits
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( mangroveclan ) ( post three )

Postby notwearingsocks » Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:57 pm

( statistics: 03 toms, 01 mollies, 04 total // 01 servings needed // next request from ancestors is 12/21/18 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 00 snook, 01 mangrove snappers, 00 starfish, 01 sandpipers, 01 mangrove crabs, 00 seahorses ;; 05 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 03 chervil, 02 cobwebs, 01 celandine, 01 elder leaves )— -
( archive )— -
servings per piece ;; snook : 3 servings // mangrove snappers : 3 servings // starfish : 2 servings // sandpiper : 1 serving // mangrove crabs : 1 serving // seahorses : 1 serving
    ixxx▬writing later !

[ berrystar welcomes the warrior, troutmuzzle, to mangroveclan. ]
[ berrystar requests a strong-willed deputy from the ancestors. ]
[ while on patrol, berrystar finds a pair of cats; they are a mother-son pairing, and the mother, a calico molly, is incredibly hesitant to join. her kin cowers quietly from between her paws. berrystar takes the next moon to bring tiny gifts, primarily prey and bedding, to the minuscule family in an attempt to convince them to join. ]
[ while on patrol, berrystar saves an ornery tomcat from drowning in the outgoing tide; the tom, while he grumbles often and doesn't seem too fond of berrystar, he definitely is strong-willed; perhaps this could be the deputy that berrystar had asked the dead for? ]
[ it has been revealed over the moon that frothwhisker is primarily deaf (and, berrystar suspects, deaf in one of her ears, though frothwhisker is far too independent to even reveal this). this explains her spacey behavior upon first meeting the leader. ]
[ berrystar patrols the borders. ]
[ clowntail patrols the borders. ]
[ troutmuzzle goes hunting. ]
[ frothwhisker searches for herbs. ]
[ mangroveclan does not eat for their third moon. ]

berrystar, 32m, tom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

name, age, gender
frothwhisker, 34m, molly
↳ mostly blind, deaf in left ear

name, age, gender
clowntail, 21m, tom
troutmuzzle, 30m, tom


name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender

name & name | offspring
name | cause of death
mentor | apprentice | 0 skills
↳ skills

north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

clan name | username
clan name | username

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby MockSun » Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:48 pm

(Oh, hey! I remember this game from when I was on CS a few years back, it's amazing that it's still going. I'd love to join in again, if you'd have me. ^^ Let me know if there's anything I should clarify or change.)

There's a clan that lives in the smoggy depths of the city, where the horizon is hidden by towering skyscrapers. Even the stars seem fewer and fainter, there, as if drowned out by the streetlights. The cats who carve out their lives there are ruthless and cunning, and you must be stronger, luckier, or more clever than your enemies to survive. Their idealistic leader wishes to build a world - or simply a single place - where order, mercy and justice guide them.

After hearing word of distant clans, their leader decided to build her own. Naming it "DarkClan", the young clan is fighting tooth and nail to establish itself in the unforgiving city. Against more established (and brutal) rogue groups, as well as capture by humans and competition with coyotes, foxes and dogs, they often rely on underhand tactics, stealth and ambushes to keep themselves alive and their clanmates fed. Generally speaking, this has given them a reputation for being disingenuous, untrustworthy and mysterious - this reputation is exaggerated, but not entirely misplaced.

As their leader was not a native clan cat herself, a few minor things have been altered or simply lost in translation: It is not taboo for Healers to have kittens or romantic relationships, and the Warrior Code is viewed as more of an ideal than an absolute to live by. As well, due to their surroundings, certain prefixes such as Tar, Brick, Candle, or other "human" words may be used in addition to more natural prefixes. This adds to their mysterious and somewhat nontraditional image, as some of the words they name themselves after may be uncommon or even unknown to other clans.

The most common coat colors are brown and black, which are favored for their ability to hide in the city shadows.

• Leader
• Deputy
• Healer (Name changed from Medicine Cat; functionally the same.)
• Healer's Apprentice
• Warriors
• Apprentices
• Queens
• Kits
• Elders

• House Mouse (1 Serving)
• Chipmunk (1 Serving)
• Black Rat (2 Servings)
• Brown Rat (2 Servings)
• Pigeon (3 Servings)
• Squirrel (3 Servings)

Predators/Rivals (from least to most threatening):
• Seagulls
• Skunks
• Raccoons
• Domestic Dogs
• Feral/Rogue Cats
• Feral Dogs
• Foxes
• Coyotes
• Humans (Not necessarily hostile, but should be avoided, as they're highly unpredictable.)
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Re: Kwamiclan [09]

Postby Springtalon » Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:04 pm

Image (c)
starting post

members:: 18 currently | 18 total
next starclan visit:: 7 posts

last moon

this moon

↪The clan eats a hare
↪Tigerlily, Oakmist, and Eagletalon teach their apprentices how to fight
↪Sleekfeather gives Mattedpaw her final assessment
↪Ragingsoul, Eagleeye and Frostwhisker teach their apprentices how to stalk
↪Sunset, Sleekfeather, and Mattedpaw go on patrol
↪Eagletalon, Oakmist, and Frostwhisker go hunting
↪Ragingsoul goes to the moonpool, and asks for either a Keeper(deputy) or Mage(medicine cat)

Finally had a chance to post, even if it's just a skeleton :]

↪I've adopted Coyotefang of Aridclan and Lambstar (lambfur) of Lambclan. They can be found whenever possible


Ragingsoul | 40 Moons | Male |
↪Third leader of Kwamiclan, the Refounder

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❃[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❃[/url]

Mage's Cadet:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❃[/url]

Tigerlily | 56 Moons | Female |
↪formerly Deerclan, mother of Mattedpaw and Tumblepaw, 1/2 cadets
Sleekfeather | 48 Moons | Female |
↪unmated, 1/2 cadets
Oakmist | 36 Moons | Male |
↪first Guardian, unmated, 1/2 cadets
Eagleeye | 26 Moons | Male |
↪former Rodrigoclan, unmated, 1/2 cadets
Sunset | 25 Moons | Female |
↪former Blossomclan, unmated, 0/2 cadets
Frostwhisker | 23 Moons | Female |
↪unmated, 1/2 cadets
Eagletalon | 21 Moons | Male |
↪former Elmclan, unmated, 1/2 cadets


Tumblepaw | 11 Moons | Male |
↪Former Deerclan
Mattedpaw | 11 Moons | Female |
↪Former Deerclan
Pinepaw | 11 Moons | Male |
↪former Sycamoreclan
Sparkpaw | 10 Moons | Male |
↪Former Mistclan
Rainpaw | 10 Moons | Female |
↪Former Jungleclan
Gingerpaw | 10 Moons | Male |
↪Former Jungleclan
Swallowcub | 9 Moons | Female |
↪Former Elmclan

Peachmuzzle | 39 Moons | Female |
↪unknown mate, mother of Peonycub, 0/2 cadets

Peonycub | 5 Moons | Female |
↪ --
Hornetcub | 5 Moons | Male |
↪ Former Lilacclan

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❃[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❃[/url]

north;; graveclan | northeast;; empty
east;; briarclan | southeast;; swanclan
south;; blueclan | southwest;; empty
west;; bearclan(?) | northwest;; empty
Clan name | Owner
Cat name | Clan


Clan name | Owner
Cat name | Clan


Tigerlily & unknown
Mattedkit, Tumblekit, and Umberkit


Medicine Store:


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse [0/1]
Frog [0/1]
Rabbit [4/2]
Squirrel [2/2]
Hare [0/3]
Bird [3/3]


Tigerlily -> Pinepaw [patrol, hunt, agility]
Oakmist -> Tumblepaw [patrol, agility]
Sleekfeather -> Mattedpaw [patrol, hunt, combat, agility]
Eagletalon -> Sparkpaw [patrol]
Ragingsoul -> Swallowpaw [patrol]
Eagleeye -> Rainpaw [hunt, patrol]
Frostwhisker -> Gingerpaw [hunt, patrol]


Deceased Members:
Name | Cause of Death


Former Clans:
Tigerlily, Mattedcub, and Tumblecub (Deerclan)
Pinecub (Sycamoreclan)
Sparkcub (Mistclan)
Eagletalon and Swallowcub (Elmclan)
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