Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sat Dec 17, 2022 3:03 pm

Number of People 21+: 5
Number of People 8-20: 0
Number of People 0-7: 0
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 5
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Next Visit to Ancestors: This post
Yemons: 50

Troy watched as Natalya and an Haiden left to hunt, fighting off the unease string in his stomach. Haiden was a nice enough guy, but he always seemed to be glued to Natalya's side, even outside of their shared duties. While he had no reason to distrust Natalya, he was not sure how much he could trust Haiden. Sure, he had been with them for a year or so, but the two of them had spoken markedly little for being two of only five people.

He shook off the feeling, and set off to find Blaire, Haiden's sister, and the closest thing to a best friend he had outside of Natalya. Plus, being Haiden's sister she was well suited to advise him on this specific problem. He tapped on the doorframe of the hut before pushing aside the moose hide that provided a little protection against the weather. The walls of the hut were lined with shelves, on which their few supplies were carefully packed. The meat and tallow from the moose, hare, and mutton Natalya and Haiden had brought back, as well as the corn, potatoes, and carrots his untrained eyes had managed to scavenge from the surrounding land. It wasn't much, but it was nourishing.

The other side of the hut held the few things they had managed to bring with them, or make. A flimsy bow, some traps made of moose sinew and willow branches, and several daggers. It was not much, but everyone was becoming more and more inventive as time went on, as evidenced by the traps Natalya had made of what many others had considered scraps.

Dragging his eyes away from the traps, he smiled at Blaire, who had been sharpening one of the daggers when he entered, "Hey, Blaire. Everything look up to snuff?"

"I'd say so, but Haiden still always forgets to fully clean his daggers when he comes home. I'll have to get Natalya to mention it to him, he insists I don't know what I'm talking about." She rolled her eyes in mild frustration, cleaning the dagger's edges on a scrap of sheepskin before placing it back in it's sheath and setting it with the others.

"That's, actually something I'd like to talk to you about." Troy hesitated, trying to put his words in order, "Do you think Haiden thinks highly of Natalya?"

Blaire looked up sharply, sensing the unease in his voice, "I would say so, as a hunter at least. But now that you mention it, he has been skipping dinner with me more often and giving excuses of helping her with some chore or other."

"Hmm." Troy mused, "I mean, that is the truth. I'm normally helping her with it as well, and they are normally chores that require only four hands, if you understand me."

"I do," Blaire mused, "If it is any consolation, she never seems very eager to see him. It is fully one sided. But still, unfortunate as they do have to work together."

Troy pursed his lips, mulling over his options, "I suppose there's no real solution at the moment, is there?"

Not necessarily," Blaire cautioned, "I think we may have some luck if we can encourage him to spend time with Veasna. And I know you mentioned you were planning on proposing soon."

"I was," Troy agreed, "But I don't want it to seem that I am proposing to fend him off."

Blaire scoffed, "You think Haiden applies that much critical thought to the actions of others? No, I would do it. You planned to do it in what, a week? No point putting it off because my brother cannot get his head on straight."

"Fair enough," Troy admitted, "This is why I'm always glad to have you Blaire, even if your brother is a pain."

"No more to anyone than to me," Blaire chuckled, "Now you worry about finishing the preparations for your proposal, and I'll manage my brother. Veasna were going to take a picnic lunch to the lake in a day or so anyway, I'll drag Haiden with us."


The first rays of the sun had just barely escaped from between the mountains when Troy was already up, his bedroll quickly cooling in the morning chill. It would be hours yet till Natalya reached over to find his spot empty. He had much to do, and needed all the time he could get.

The camp was silent as he slipped out, collecting one of the tanned sheepskins as he slipped out. The peaceful hum of birds and insects was shattered by a whispered, "Morning."

Troy jumped what felt like a mile, whirling to face the sound, the sheepskin brandished in front of him.

Blaire looked at the bundle of fluff, then up at Troy with bemusement, "Oh no, my allergies. You've fended me off brave warrior!"

"What have you been doing awake?" Troy hissed, pulling Blaire away from the little camp.

"When you said you were getting up at sunrise to start the flower garlands, I knew you wouldn't have enough time. Especially since you've never made one before. I've been up for maybe an hour collecting the fresh flowers for you, they're all in bowls of water at the moment and should start blooming any time now. I hope you managed to make that needle after all?"

"It took like ten tries, but I have two of them, incase one breaks." Troy murmured, smiling at the thought of how lovely the garlands would be strung up in the willows by the lake.

"It'll only break if you're rough with it," Blaire whispered back, "Plus, you still need to weave the arch from the willow wands, and you can't take them from the trees we're putting the garlands in, you'll have to take them from the other cluster across the lake. That'll take longer than you think, so give the needles to me and I'll handle the garlands."

"Are you sure? I don't want you feeling like you have to do everything, I can manage it." Troy insisted, digging out a folded piece of sheepskin and handing it to Blaire.

"Oh don't worry, you'll still have plenty to do." Blaire laughed, taking the needles, "I'm just helping you get it all done on time, now get out of here and get twice as many willow wands as you think you'll need."


"Haiden, I really don't have time today." Natalya brushed past the other hunter, materials for the new batch of traps balanced precariously in her arms, "I have to get these sorted before lunch with Troy, which is very soon."

"Oh, why do you always spend so much time with Troy?" Haiden huffed, "It's almost like he doesn't want you to have friends or something."

Natalya shot him a venomous glare, "That's quite enough of that. You know as well as I do that he doesn't care who my friends are, plus there's only five of us. And on top of that, I spend so much time with him because he's my boyfriend. Do you have an issue with that?"

"Oh, come on Natty, you know I didn't mean it like that."


"I'm sorry?" Haiden glanced at her in confusion, unsure what he had said wrong.

"My name is Natalya, not Natty." The Hunting Chief tossed her honey gold hair out of her face and glowered at Haiden.

"Troy calls you Nat all the time, what's the issue?" Haiden attempted to offer a casual smile, but halted upon seeing her expression.

"The issue is you seem to have forgotten that I am your boss. I am in charge of you. You do not get to dictate how I spend my time, have an opinion on my relationships, or refer to me in ways I deem inappropriate. I like you Haiden, you're driven and talented. But you are also stubborn and cannot take a hint. I. Am. Not. Interested in you. And I never will be." She paused to take a breath and tuck her hair our of her face, "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go sort these materials. Alone."

Haiden stared in shock as she walked off, confusion written clearly all over his face. He was still standing frozen to the spot when Natalya emerged from the storage hut and went to meet Troy, who was waiting for her at the edge of camp with a wicker basket.


"What was that all about?" Troy whispered, taking Natalya's hand in his.

She rolled her eyes, "I've been trying to gently get Haiden to leave me alone for weeks, and he just refuses to take a hint. So I had to spell it out."

Troy released a breath he did not realize he was holding and smiled, "Well, at least it's over with."

"Thank goodness for that," Natalya agreed, leaning into him to try to peer into the basket, "What did you end up packing for lunch?"

Troy quickly shifted the basket to his other hand, "Oh, you'll find out. I think you'll like it."

Natalya playfully pushed him, "Oh, don't be a spoilsport, what is it? I've been waiting for a week for you to tell me."

"Then I'm sure you can wait a few more minutes can't you?" Troy teased back, "The willows aren't far, come on."


"Troy...." Natalya was speechless when they rounded the bend. The willows were bright with light colored flowers, the branches dripping with coils and coils of blooms. The arch, perfectly between the two largest trees and framing a view of the crystal clear lake, was interwoven with the largest of the blooms, the stems twisting among the willow wands into a thick blanket of green, studded with bright yellows and purples and pinks. "When did you...?"

She turned to look at him, and he smiled, "This morning, it's why I asked you to sort the new supplies."

"I wondered, you normally like to handle that," Natalya murmured, looking back at the sight in wonder, "But..this is lovely, but it seem a bit much just for a lunch don't you think?"

"You're right as always," Troy's voice shook a little, and Natalya turned to measure him, but froze at what she saw. Troy was on one knee, holding a woven box filled with sheepskin. Perched in the center was a dark oakwood ring, polished to perfection, with a thin maplewood inlay that sat in the very center. The ring was delicate, yet clearly thick enough to withstand decades of wear.

"Natalya, will," Troy's voice caught in his throat, but it didn't matter. Natalya threw herself at him, hugging him so tightly he could barely breathe.

"Of course I will Troy!" She exclaimed, half sobbing in her excitement, "I was afraid you would never ask me, of course of course I will!"

[ Verander has three fasting posts left ]
[ Natalya and Haiden hunt ]
[ Troy attempts to gather food ]
[ Blaire patrols the borders ]
[ Veasna goes on a scouting patrol ]
[ Troy asks the ancestors to send a new villager ]
[ Verander claims X2 gold jewelry, 35 servings of food and 14 random materials from the advent through day 16 ]
[ Notes: Verander villagers only have natural hair, skin, and eye colors, and are all shapeshifters ]
[ Verander is being transfered from the site to CS, this is their first CS post ]

    Head Chief
    Troy Verander | Male | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Guinea Pig, Hawk, Brown Bear

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Blaire Rocans | Female | 22
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Badger, Puma
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Veasna Griffith | Female | 23
    ↪ Shifts: Vole, Sparrow, Coyote

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Natalya Grosh | Female | 23
    ↪ Shifts: Deer, Fox, Wolf

    Haiden Rocans | Male | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Quail, Hare, Wolf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Gathering Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Mutton | 2 | 3 servings
Hare | 1 | 1 servings
Moose | 1 | 10 servings
Venison | 0 | 6 servings
Corn | 1 | 4 servings
Potato | 1 | 3 servings
Carrots | 2 | 3 servings
Strawberries | 0 | 1 servings
Apples | 0 | 2 servings
Cherries | 0 | 1 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:29 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:00 am


Spring is here! During the spring, births will be smooth and the chances of mothers and children dying will drop dramatically. As animals return to their summer ranges and plants begin to bloom, your villagers will find more food and nomads who wander through their territory. The odds of sickness begin to drop.

Got a few announcements! One, I'm very sorry for the delay in replies. College got much more intense very quickly, and I was scrambling to keep up with that. Because of that, January will be a continuation of spring on CS. Two, we've implemented the new birthing mechanics! If you have currently-pregnant villagers, just let them finish however many posts they need but it will be different for new couples starting now. Three, I'm gonna triple-check the marketplace stuff because I did promise to revamp it. Which shall get done!! Four, I would like to remind everyone that we have a readopt hub and that there are many villagers who are very sad and want homes. Five, please check out the advent calendar if you haven't already!! And six, I've sent out activity checks so the lists may be getting a little shorter by end of next January. If you received a PM/DM, please respond or else your village will be removed from our lists.

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | Souls of the Lost | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

broken* wrote:

[ Phoebe gives birth to a pair of healthy twins! Medea gains 1 KP from the experience. ]
[ Tate, Niikura, and Navesa are healed and may return to their duties. Medea gains 1 KP from the experience. The stress gets to her and she bites through her lip, although it's nothing major and heals within a few days. ]
[ Chantal is healed and may return to her duties. Althea gains 2 KP from the experience. ]

[ Samuel's patrol catches x2 fish and x2 rabbits. ]
[ Erin's patrol catches x1 deer, x1 fish, and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Navesa's patrol catches x6 rabbits, x1 deer, and x1 fish. What a haul! ]
[ Kumiko's patrol gathers x1 apple seed and x2 melons. ]
[ Tate's patrol gathers x1 potato seed, x2 cucumbers, and x1 berry. ]
[ Alette's patrol gathers x2 squash. ]

[ Ariella and Malila find a ram stuck in some brambles. Unfortunately, in the process of freeing it, Ariella is knocked onto her back and tweaks something. She needs a shaman or 1 post of rest to fix her injury. ]
[ Malva and Solomon find a caregiver! ]
[ Athena and Gnome have a peaceful patrol. ]
[ Sycamore's patrol comes across a hostile hippogriff! Unfortunately, Alfy is killed by its attack and something is severed in Evanora's left leg which requires her to be seen by Medea and rest for 4 posts. If she doesn't get the treatment, her injury will guarantee an extra 20% chance of coming across hostile animals while on patrol. Perhaps the only good that comes across this patrol are the x1 copper ore, x1 stone, x1 silver ore, and 4 yemons gifted by the hunter that joins on the way home. ]
[ Zuximi's patrol finds 7 yemons. ]

[ Abijam's potato seed blooms for the first time! It produces x1 seed and x6 potatoes, and will bloom a second time in the next post. ]
[ Tama's cucumber seed blooms for the first time! It produces x1 seed and x6 cucumbers, and will bloom a second time in the next post. ]

[ Acorn produces x1 wool and can be shorn again in the post after the next. ]

[ Chantal and Kasyn both pass their assessments! ]
[ Abere successfully tests hunting but Bifrons falls on his back when he slips in a puddle, bruising his tailbone and failing the session. He will need Medea's attention or 2 posts of rest. ]
[ Oletha successfully learns animal preservation. ]

[ The animals find x1 carnivore scrap. ]

[ Phoebe's first child's traits are: ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph. ]
[ Phoebe's second child's traits are: ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / nymph. ]
[ The caregiver's traits are: ST - B11 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - G8 / X / orc. ]
[ The hunter's traits are: ST - A2 / HS - HW / HC - 29 / EC - F9 / X / siren. ]

LooneyLani wrote:

[ Souls of the Lost has been founded! I will be your mod. ]
[ Your leader's traits are: ST - C9 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - H1 / X / human. ]

[ Your species/traits and foods have been accepted! Please know that we can't add extra foods for your village to find nor can we simply nix a skilled animal from the possible-to-find list, as it severely messes with the rolls. You can note in your actions that your village refuses to take a skilled animal home if it doesn't fit with your story. Additionally, since we don't give out references and use traits instead, you can write any of your characters as having scars! ]
[ Please either create a separate scouting rank or use special characters to denote which villagers are scouts like in this post. ]

Phina D Wolf wrote:

[ Natalya and Haiden catch x1 venison. ]
[ Troy gathers x1 corn, x1 apple, and x1 cherry. ]

[ Blaire finds x2 iron ore, x1 silver ore, and 5 yemons. ]
[ Veasna finds a caregiver! ]

[ The caregiver's traits are: ST - A9 / HS - AC / HC - 4 / EC - D5 / X / shapeshifter. ]
[ Troy's request of a villager (hunter) has been granted! The hunter's traits are: ST - D4 / HS - AC / HC - 12 / EC - B2 / X / shapeshifter. ]

[ Verander receives x2 gold jewelry, x4 potatoes, x3 hares, x1 apple, x1 carrot, x2 cherries, x1 mutton, x1 moose, x2 gold ore, x2 silver ore, x4 copper ore, x2 twine, x1 cotton, x2 wood, and x1 stone from the advent calendar. ]
[ Verander has been transferred! Spookypuff will be your mod. ]
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby Phina D Wolf » Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:36 pm

Number of People 21+: 11
Number of People 8-20: 0
Number of People 0-7: 0
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 11
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Next Visit to Ancestors: next post, specific
Yemons: 55

Troy sighed, rubbing his temple as he stared at the little diagram, trying to figure out where to put all the new villagers, and how on earth to accommodate Larisa, as she would obviously need more privacy than maybe one of the single villagers would. Natalya camp up behind him, placing a hand lightly on his shoulder, "Everyone is settled for tonight and it is getting late. We can work on permanent arrangements in the morning."

Troy leaned back, resting his head on her stomach as her fingers intertwined with his hair, his face softening into a smile, "You're right of course. But six new villagers is..much more than I expected to have to deal with. Let alone all at once. And I worry for Larisa, we need to figure out..."

"Shhh." Natalya placed a hand over his mouth. "Tomorrow."


The morning broke over a restless camp, with several people having risen early to escape the cramped confines of their shelters. Others had shifted into their smaller forms and nestled int branches or hollows in order to get decent rest. Troy was one of these, perched over the camp in his hawk form, head tucked under his wing. At the sound of a commotion however, he was quickly roused. He ruffled his feathers back into place, gliding down and shifting back into human form to see what the fuss was about.

Haiden and Natalya stood, facing each other, in the center of camp. Both were bright red with anger, and a few of the other villagers had gathered nervously, unsure of how to intervene.

"I don't buy it!" Haiden snapped, throwing his hands in the air, "You spend all your time with me for MONTHS! Months on end! And then Troy who can't be bothered to give you the time of day most of the time proposes, and now you're in love with him? That's insane!"

Natalya shot Troy a glance, which clearly communicated that she did not need his help. He raised his hands in a pacifying gesture and moved to leave against the wall of one of the huts, watching. Natalya turned her attention back to Haiden, "First, let me say I am immensely disappointed that you thought it was appropriate to handle this at this volume, as this time of day, in the middle of camp. People are still sleeping so I would appreciate it if you would lower. your. voice."

Haiden opened his mouth to protest, but Natalya cut him off, "Secondly, I do not know what you've inflated to mean I spent 'all my time with you'. I spend the time I am required to with you, as I am the hunting chief. I am in charge of managing you and teaching you and making sure you manage your equipment correctly. Which, by the way, you do not. Which I have warned you of repeatedly. If you cannot learn that you are not entitled to my time, energy, or emotions outside of our literal job, then I can ensure that your life will be miserable. You will hunt on you own, you will be in charge of cleaning all of the equipment, and you will not leave the storage shed until I am satisfied with the quality of your work. So from here you have three options. Shut up and focus on yourself, don't shut up and spend all your time in the storage shed for months, or leave."

The clearing immediately became silent, and all eyes turned to Troy, who nodded slightly in agreement. "She's right. People who insist on actively disrupting the relationships of others, regardless of who they are, to the point it interferes with their job and ability to contribute to the village either need to learn to work well with others or leave."

Haiden's jaw dropped to the floor, as he stared between the two. He whirled away, shifting into a grey wolf as he bounded out of the clearing. Troy cleared his throat, stepping forward slightly, "That's the end of the show everyone, if any of you have questions about what just happened feel free to approach me about it."


Mattia knocked lightly on the doorframe to the hut Troy and Natalya shared, glancing back nervously. At the offered, "Come in," he pushed aside the deerskin in the door and offered a hesitant smile. "Hey so uh. I just. Some of us new people wanted some clarity on what the like. Rules? Were here?"

Troy offered him an apologetic smile, "Because of this morning?"

"Because of this morning." Mattia confirmed.

"So, I understand that what you saw seemed....extremely harsh." Mattia nodded in agreement, "As of right now, we do not plan to kick anyone out unless they have actively harmed another individual here. What you saw was in no way kicking Haiden out, and was the culmination of over two years of poor behavior on his part. Natalya and I have been a couple for about six years, but Haiden refused to respect her boundaries. She has been trying to gently discourage him, which was ignored, and then blatantly told him she was not interested, which as you saw was also ignored. Unless Haiden escalates to violence no one is going to kick him out, and no one will kick any of you out for disagreeing with either me or your respective chiefs. We appreciate both insight and concerns that everyone has, but that was not what was happening with Haiden."

Mattia nodded slowly, thinking, "That makes sense I suppose. I appreciate the clarification. I think this will actually measure lots of us, I know there were several concerns about how disagreement would be handled based on what we saw."

"That is totally understandable given the unfortunate display this morning." Troy assured him, "That was admittedly the worst interaction we have had to handle so far, and I apologize it was your first introduction to us. Please tell the others I would be more than happy to discuss it with them as well."

Mattia offered a much more relaxed smile, "Thank you, I'll let them know."


"I don't want a wedding."

Troy glanced up sharply, "Come again?"

"I don't want a wedding." Natalya reiterated, carving another curl of wood off of the willow wand she was whittling into a trap, "It's so much hassle and stress, I don't feel like making fancy clothes, and we are basically already married. I'd rather just have a big dinner and some dancing without all the ceremony."

Troy tilted his slightly before nodding, "Makes sense to me. Anything special you would like at the dinner?"

Natalya lit up, immediately answering, "Apple pie, please! I have not had an apple pie in. Ten years? Since I was a kid. It's my absolute favorite."

"Apple pie it is." Troy chuckled, leaning over to gently kiss her forehead, "Anything for my warrior queen."

"Oh, hush." Natalya laughed, leaning into her fiancé with a soft smile.

[ Verander has two fasting posts left ]

Food Patrols
[ Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, Nnuku, Troy and Sarai hunt ]
[ Blaire, Trin, Veasna, and Berne hunt ]
[ Troy, Sarai, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, and Nnuku gather food ]
[ Blaire, Trin, Veasna, and Berne gather food ]

Safety Patrols
[ Blaire, Trin, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, and Nnuku patrol the borders ]
↪ x1 gold jewelry is brought on the patrol
[ Troy, Sarai, Veasna, and Berne patrol the borders ]
[ Veasna, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, Nnuku, and Troy go on a scouting patrol ]
↪ x1 gold jewelry is brought on the patrol
[ Sarai, Blaire, Trin, and Berne go on a scouting patrol ]

[ n/a ]

[ n/a ]

[ n/a ]

Villagers Welcomed
[ Verander welcomes Berne Mercier, Trin Wesley, Nnuku Adondi, Mattia Bianchi, Sarai Makelo, and Larisa Whitlock ]

Villagers Bid Farwell
[ n/a ]

[ Troy Verander and Natalya Grosh, now Natalya Verander, are married! They do not try for children this year. ]

[ Berne researches medicine ]

[ Verander claims X1 trap, x1 dog, x15 servings of food and x6 random materials ]

[ Verander villagers only have natural hair, skin, and eye colors, and are all shapeshifters ]
[ Larisa is due next year ]

    Head Chief
    Troy Verander | Male | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Guinea Pig, Hawk, Brown Bear

    Berne Mercier | Male | 25 | 5 KP
    ↪ Shifts: Ermine, Grey Fox, Great Horned Owl

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Trin Wesley | Male | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Mink, Anaconda, Puma
    Blaire Rocans | Female | 23
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Badger, Puma

    Scout Chief
    Veasna Griffith | Female | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Vole, Sparrow, Coyote

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Natalya Verander | Female | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Deer, Fox, Wolf

    Nnuku Adondi | Female | 29
    ↪ Shifts: Bat, Golden Eagle, Wolf
    Mattia Bianchi | Male | 28
    ↪ Shifts: Mole, Roadrunner, Wolf
    Haiden Rocans | Male | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Quail, Hare, Wolf

    Gathering Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Sarai Makelo | Female | 27
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Hare, Elk
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Larisa Whitlock | Female | 30
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Coyote, Bison
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Mutton | 3 | 3 servings
Hare | 4 | 1 servings
Moose | 2 | 10 servings
Venison | 1 | 6 servings
Corn | 2 | 4 servings
Potato | 5 | 3 servings
Carrots | 3 | 3 servings
Strawberries | 0 | 1 servings
Apples | 2 | 2 servings
Cherries | 3 | 1 servings

Item Storage
Gold Jewelry | 2 | 1 use left
Copper Ore | 4 | cartable
Iron Ore | 2 | craftable
Silver Ore | 3 | craftable
Gold Ore | 2 | craftable
Twine | 2 | craftable
Cotton | 1 | craftable
Wood | 2 | craftable
Stone | 1 | craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Sun Jan 08, 2023 5:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
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Epikos Muthos ; p01

Postby bsktcase » Wed Jan 04, 2023 7:10 pm

mod: Wolfypoof
Number of People: 1 |Number of Animals: 0 |Servings Needed: n/a | Next Visit to Ancestors: now

Helga awoke with an aching pain in all her limbs and a splitting headache. In a daze she looked around taking in her surroundings. Devastation was every where she looked trees broken, structures collapsed, fields destroyed, and the list just went on from there. It broke her heart to see her home this way. The place that she took comfort in since she was a child. Playing in the very fields that looked to not have a morsel left to eat. This place was given to her by her father who use to run it before his passing. It was tradition for the offspring of the previous emperor or empress to take over. Normally if there was more than one offspring a tournament would commence with the winner taking the title. In her case Helga didn't have any one to go against so she inherited it out right. Now not even a few months later a devastating storm came through. Now she had to go look for other survivors most importantly her priest or priestess. They are the most important tool for an empress like her to have at her side. Now she worried that maybe they didn't make it out as unscathed as she had.

- n/a, 4 fasting post left
ancestral request
- Helga requests a priest/priestess
new members
- n/a

border patrols
- Helga patrols the borders
hunting patrols
- Helga goes on a hunting patrol
scouting patrols
- Helga goes on a scouting patrol
- Helga goes to gather items
- Helga tends to the fields

- n/a
- n/a

- n/a
- n/a

- n/a
- n/a

mod notes
- everyone one is human; well very strange-looking humans. they are all either reincarnation of a mythical creature, supernatural creature, or a demigod. refer to the starting post for a list of creatures, and demigods.

    Helga | Female | 27 years
    ↪ ST - C9 / HS - HC / HC - 33 / EC - F4 / X / griffin

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Figs | 0 | 1 servings
Apples | 0 | 2 servings
Pomegranates | 0 | 3 servings
Wheat | 0 | 2 servings
Potatoes | 0 | 3 servings
Lettuce | 0 | 4 servings
Sheep | 0 | 3 servings
Chickens | 0 | 3 servings
Cows | 0 | 6 servings
Boars | 2 | 10 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
❝ And I lost you
The one I was dancin' with
In New York, no shoes
Looked up at the sky
and it was maroon
- Taylor Swift

Toyhouse bsktcase ✦ Discord bsktcase#0423
Moon Light Kennels
Lunar Blossom Kennels
The Nexus Colony
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the name is bskt
my pronouns are she/her
i'm pansexual and demiromantic
full time sterile processing technician

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wooded gardens | 002

Postby selkirks » Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:17 am

Wooded Gardens
Number of People: 3
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 2 1/2
Number of Seeds Allowed: ?
Next Visit to Ancestors: next
Yemons: n/a
Last Post: x
Mod: Spookypuff


Orion and Artemis go on a border patrol (One gold jewelry is taken)
Orion goes on a hunting patrol
Apollo researches medicine
Wooded Gardens fasts (2/5 posts)
Claiming x50 servings, x22 random materials, x1 skilled animal, and x3 items from Advent

I’ve accomplished something!
Achievement(s) you’ve accomplished: An Isolated Dwelling, Enemy of Mine Enemy
Total prizes: 50 yemons, x1 random item

Wooded Gardens only has cats and big cats
Natural and fantasy colors are permitted
Hybrids are permitted
Mutations are permitted
References are done by me on bases by gooagoo on DA

    Head Chief
    Orion | Male | 33 years | Ref
    ↪ ST - G11 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E8 / X / cat

    Apollo | Male | 36 years | Knowledge Points | Ref
    ↪ ST - B9 / HS - LC / HC - 15 / EC - F4 / Y / big cat

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Artemis | Female | 13 years | Ref
    ↪ ST - I3 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - D2 / X / cat
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Gathering Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Verander | Phina D Wolf
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Verander | Phina D Wolf
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | 0 | 1s
Large fish | 0 | 6s
Mackerels | 1 | 3s
Bats | 0 | 1s
Cucumbers | 0 | 4s
Wheat | 0 | 2s
Lettuce | 5 | 4s
Apples | 5 | 2s
Honeydews | 5 | 3s
Cherries | 5 | 1s

Item Storage
Gold Jewelry | 3 (-1) | 1 use each
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Diablo | Male | 2 years| Doberman Pinscher | 0 times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby iRoxy » Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:02 pm

Number of People: 9
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 7 Servings (Fasting post 5 out of 5)
Next Visit to Ancestors: Not Now
Yemons: 14

It was over. Ram curled around his two children, purring contently. Halo smiled at them, sweat dripping from his brow. “Have you picked out names for them?” he asked.
“Mabel and Cain,” was Ram’s answer.
Lux flopped onto his bed. It sure had been busy these past few months. Ram had finally given birth, and he even planned to stay in Fireborn! Then there was also Richard and Cherry, the two new members. Richard was having a bit of a hard time adjusting, but Cherry was happy to buzz around and help wherever they could. It was great.
And yet, Lux felt like something was missing. Contrary to popular belief, Lux wasn’t an idiot. Or well, not as big of an idiot as they thought. It was really just social situations where he had a hard time. And lately, there had been a lot of social situations. Mostly from Halo, who seemed to enjoy Lux’s company.
Lux burrowed his face into his pillow. He really needed to confess to Halo… but how? Lux was so head over heels for the fellow fallen angel that he had no idea how to proceed!
Speak of the devil, and he shall appear… Halo knocked on Lux’s door. “Hey, uhm, Lux?” he called through the door. “I have something to tell you.”
Lux couldn’t answer the door fast enough. Halo stepped back in shock at how quickly the door opened. “I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU!” Lux shouted, no doubt waking the neighbors.
Halo brightened, flapping his hands excitedly. “THATS WHAT I WAS GONNA TELL YOU!”
Lux smiled so bright that the stars looked down in jealousy.
“STOP YELLING!” howled Marcy, effectively waking up Ram and his two kids. The village would not sleep tonight, for it was too loud.

Hunting: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
Gathering: Art, Marcy, Lux, Richard, Cherry
Boarder: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
Scout: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
Families: Lux and Halo start dating oooo~ (note: Halo is infertile)
Request: requesting a head hunter!

    New God
    Lux Everdays | Male He/Him (AFAB) | 29 years
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 54 / EC - A11 / X / fallen angel

    Halo Skyrider | Male He/Him (AMAB) | 32 years | 2 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - B5 / HS - AC / HC - 38 / EC - H6 / Y / fallen angel

    Head Warrior
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Scout
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Hunter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Marcy Wellington | Non-binary She/They (AFAB) | 26 years
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 20 / EC - A4 / X / human
    Richard Storm | Male He/Him (AMAB) | 30 years
    ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - B10 / Y / harpy
    Name | Gendee | Age
    ↪️ N/A

    Head Gatherer
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Art Viceroy | Male He/Him (AMAB) | 34 years
    ↪ ST - K9 / HS - S / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / tiefling
    Cherry Tomato | Non-binary They/Them (AFAB) | 23 years
    ↪ ST - L7 / HS - AC / HC - 27 / EC - B7 / X / insectipod
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Daycare Attendants and Birthgivers
    Ram Darkvoid | Male He/They (AFAB) | 33 years -> nursing Mabel and Cain
    ↪ ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / demon
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Cain Darkvoid | AMAB | 0 years
    ↪ ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / demon
    Mabel Darkvoid | AFAB | 0 years
    ↪ ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 53 / EC - E10 / X / demon

    Wise Ones
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Grubs | 2 | 1 each / 2 total
Moles | 2 | 1 each / 2 total
Pigs | 2 | 3 each / 6 total
Goats | 2 | 3 each / 6 total
Mushrooms | amount | 2 each / X total
Potatoes | 1 | 3 each / 3 total
Corn | 1 | 4 each / 4 total
Strawberries | 3 | 1 each / 3 total
Peaches | 2 | 2 each / 4 total
Watermelons | 1 | 4 each / 4 total

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Ram Darkvoid and Unknown | Mabel and Cain Darkvoid (divorced)
Halo Skyrider and Lux Everdays (dating)
Name and Name | Kids
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Hello yes I exist in this space.
Open to trades!

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Spooky's Replies!

Postby spookypuff » Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:33 pm

Spring is here! During spring, births will be smooth and the chances of mothers and children dying will drop drastically. As animals return to their summer ranges and plants begin to bloom, your villagers will find more food and nomads who wander through their territory. The odds of sickness begin to drop too!



Ataraxy ● Black CrystalBlack Rock WeyrholdEpikos Muthos Fireborn ● Old Gatorsbite ● VeranderWooded Gardens

Simonpet wrote:
    𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
    [ Ayal leads Diatilon, Jarshonen, Neachunno, and Veashmorell on a gathering patrol. They bring Caling, Quest, and Speedy (birds). ]
    [ Basil leads Hantyn, Kalliarrah, Kivee, and Miklo on a gathering patrol. They bring Batman, Redi, and Screech (birds). ]
    [ Renolla leads Bansendon, Ezekiel, and Saltulo on a gathering patrol. They bring Aurora, Precious, and Savvy (birds). ]
    [ Jesni leads Bess, Eden, Erisha, Kyniken, and S'gan on a hunting/fishing patrol. They bring Pumolth (dragon) and Ash, Mark, Red, and Sparky III (foxes). ]
    [ Abesses leads Beallolril, Griengrilon, Nitia, and Tugall on a hunting patrol. They bring Ember, Moonflower, and Turkey (horses) and Firefox and Rusty (foxes). ]
    [ Boldosh leads Balidosh, Jesse, Jomiovit, and M'sha on a hunting/fishing patrol. They bring Endyr and Currith (dragons) and Carmine, Pinecone, Rose, and Snowfall (foxes). ]
    [ Baridna leads Alikit, Rowan, and Tigill on a border patrol. They take Chaser, Spot, and Yeller (dogs) and Breenu, Mant, and Zux (fire-lizards). ]
    [ Rabrusull leads Aidan, Anna, Dulcia, and Bechal on a border patrol. They take Faith, Lucky, and Shadow (dogs) and Cari, Sunset, and Theseus (fire-lizards). ]
    [ N'reg leads Fella, Miburrun, Soyah, T'gin, and Tutikko on a scout patrol. They bring Borinth, Diasrioth, Predath, and Noneth (dragons) and Thorn (dog/wyvern). ]
    [ Ze'ku leads Mairmun, Rorria, Tollioma, V'bin, and Waxinnan on a scout patrol. They bring Hosurth, Siarlith, Kenralth, and Fareth (dragons). ]
    [ Borrin looks after the corn seed with the help of bovine 10. It blooms for the first time. ]
    [ Ershar looks after the carrot seed with the help of bovine 11. It blooms for the first time. ]
    [ Tholo looks after the carrot seed with the help of bovine 13. It blooms for the first time. ]
    [ Minty and Sencety test dragonriding. ]
    [ Eryn, Ferrelion, and Lemmima test Harpercraft. ]
    [ Gevol tests Woodcraft. ]
    [ Hinraul and Narra test Tannercraft. ]
    [ Illias tests being a LCS (Foster). ]
    [ Perani tests Healercraft. ]
    [ Riva and Teruna test Starcraft. ]
    [ Sadia tests Glasscraft. ]
    [ Ester and Tiennen train with their mentors, Lolardra and Eshni. ]
    [ Dallumi and Samantha attempt to learn going between from F’dust and Seanni. ]
    [ Fay (7 KP) and Fira (7 KP) study medicine. ]
    [ Ezekiel and Jomiovit get married. ]
    [ Hinraul and Lemmima get married. They try for children. ]
    [ Tigill and V’bin get married. ]
    [ Ermid and Eshni try for children. ]
    [ Jarshonen and Rowan adopt a child. The form is posted above. ]
    [ Benorri goes into labor! The father is Rabrusull. Shollun (16 KP) oversees. ]
    [ Nilani goes into labor! The father is Bansendon. Shollun (16 KP) oversees. ]
    [ Nebenni goes into labor! The father is Balidosh. Camilla (11 KP) oversees. ]
    [ The 5 cats and 9 dogs hunt for scraps. ]
    notes ;;
    Please ask before killing anyone. All injuries are accepted.
    I’m not accepting anyone except from Search (scout) patrols or requests. If anything other than "person(s) found" is rolled for on Search, the patrol finds nothing.
    ✰/✧ is for scouter dragonriders. ➵ is for hunter dragonriders.
    Underlined names have disabilities that affect the rolls.
    I will now start accepting villagers with any eye colors. Skin/Hair colors must still be natural only. <3
    I accept humans (common), demigods (uncommon), and witches/wizards (uncommon).


Jarshonen and Rowan successfully adopt Anisha! May their family be strong and happy for years to come.

[gathering patrol]
Ayal's patrol finds a corn and a carrot! While they were gathering the food, Quest also spotted a moonflower fruit seed and brought it back to the patrol, as did Caling (corn seed) and Speedy (blueberry seed).

[gathering patrol]
Basil's patrol found a cucumber, two blueberries and a moonflower fruit! Batman found a redfruit seed while looking around as well, while Redi found a cucumber seed and Screech picked out another redfruit seed.

[gathering patrol]
Renolla's patrol scored a carrot, two moonflower fruits, a redfruit and a blueberry! Aurora brought a cucumber seed, Precious - a blueberry seed and Savvy - a moonflower fruit seed.

[hunting patrol]
Jesni's patrol hunted down a wherry, and S'gan managed to pull off a successful hattrick by catching two small fish and one big fish. Mark also fearlessly hunts a bovine. Unfortunately, while hunting, Eden and Erisha lose a grip on their fishing equipment and accidentally hurt themselves with it. Luckily, they only get minor injuries, so they each need either 4KP or 1 post of rest.

[hunting patrol]
Abesses' patrol hunts down two bovines and two wherries. Firefox and Rusty each bring back a wherry of their own.

[hunting patrol]
Boldosh's patrol hunt down two large fish and a wherry. Endyr, Carmine and Rose bring back a bovine, a small and large fish respectively. Unfortunately, Boldosh and Jesse overwork themselves and end up getting the flu and pink eye respectively. Luckily, it's minor, so it's either 3KP or 1 post of rest for both. While walking back to camp, M'sha trips and ends up getting a minor foot injury which requires 2KP or a post of rest.

[border patrol]
Baridna's patrol are walking by a very interesting bush when a wild, angry cat appears! It begins hissing and growling at the patrol before deciding to attack them. Tigill ends up getting a major leg injury from tripping when the cat attacked him - he's going to need 14KP and 3 posts of rest to heal the injury.

[border patrol]
Rabusrull's patrol is uneventful.

[scouting patrol]
N'reg's patrol comes across a very frazzled and scared gatherer who doesn't know why they're there, but after N'reg invites them to join the weyrhold, they accept.
Traits: ST - E8 / HS - AC / HC - 9 / EC - G7 / X

[scouting patrol]
Ze'ku's patrol stumbles upon a scout, who immediately pulls out their weapon when spotted. They eventually calm down and join the patrol.
Traits: ST - D9 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - G3 / X

Fay and Fira both gain 1KP.

The corn seed gives 6 pieces of corn and another corn seed! It doesn't wilt.

[seeds pt.2]
The carrot seed gives 4 carrots, a seed and wilts.

[seeds pt.3]
The carrot seed gives 6 carrots and a seed. It doesn't wild, but manages to give 3 herbivore scraps.

Minty and Sencety fail to test dragonriding. Perani also unfortunately touches a plant which makes her get a stomach flu - she's going to need 8KP or two posts of rest. The other testers test successfully.

Dallumi fails to learn how to go between, meanwhile the others learn whatever they need to successfully.

Hinraul and Lemmima's children will be born in two posts, as will Ermid and Eshni's!

Benorri gives birth to one child! Their traits are: ST - F7 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - B4 / X
Nilani gives birth to two children! Their traits are: ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 9 / EC - F3 / X and ST - E4 / HS - HC / HC - 26 / EC - D1 / X
Nebenni gives birth to two children! The first child has a missing leg (on border/scout patrols, roll d100 and on 1-10, encounter additional hostile animal), but is otherwise fine. Their traits are: ST - C7 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - F7 / X and ST - A6 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - B4 / X

The cats and dogs find 7 carnivore scraps.


obnixious wrote:
    Frimbaeg is giving birth this year! Eribaeg assists the best he can.
    Usaeth and Cendis go on a border patrol with Snuffles and Flaik, and also bring an iron sword (protecting Snuffles)
    Parados and Bletroldi go on a border patrol with Terbis and Cobbles
    Solnar and Breyze go on a border patrol with Vreex and Febreeze
    Geo and Box go on a scouting patrol with a stone pickaxe
    Jar and Ekri go on a scouting patrol with Molasses and a stone dagger (protecting Jar)
    Kryz and Andromeda go on a scouting patrol
    Updog, Gwinmera, and Crefai go hunting with Mhilran and Oscuna
    Kishri and Penelope go hunting with Zumit and a stone spear
    Strykx cares for the mushroom plant
    Leopold and Pagni go gathering and take the x1 use compass
    Liquaxis and Scribble go gathering
    Jareth shaves Sweetpea
    Eribaeg and Nebula train
    notes ;;
    Efeesz requires medical attention (16+) or a vial of medicine in 3 posts or she dies


Frimbaeg gives birth to three kids! The first kid is partially deaf (20% chance of losing 1 prey when hunting) and the second has a missing arm (20% chance of losing 1 material when patrolling or 1-3 yemons when scouting), however the third is fine. Their traits are: ST - C5 / HS - LC / HC - 16 / EC - G7 / X, ST - B4 / HS - AC / HC - 16 / EC - D8 / X and ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 15 / EC - G7 / X

[border patrol]
Usaeth's patrol finds an elder, who seems to be lost. Their traits are ST - A1 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - B4 / X / Goblin

[border patrol]
Parados' patrol is uneventful.

[border patrol]
Solnar's patrol find x1 sand and x2 gold ore! Terbis also manages to dig up x1 copper ore.

[scouting patrol]
Geo's patrol ends up finding two cows. The patrol calmly leads the cows back home, and Box also picks up x2 stones and x1 gold ore on the way.

[scouting patrol]
Jar's patrol is uneventful.

[scouting patrol]
Kryz's patrol is uneventful.

[hunting patrol]
Updog's patrol hunt down two moles and a bat. Oscuna brings back another mole too.

[hunting patrol]
Kishri's patrol hunts down a badger and a bat, and thanks to the awesome spear, the patrol also brings home two pieces of cony and a mole.

The mushroom plant blooms! It gives three mushrooms and then wilts.

[gathering patrol]
Leopold's patrol bring back two plums and a potato, and thanks to the compass, a zucchini and a gooseberry.

[gathering patrol]
Liquaxis' patrol bring back one zucchini.

The sheep gives +1 wool.

Eribaeg gets +1KP and Nebula trains successfully.


Phina D Wolf wrote:
    [ Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, Nnuku, Troy and Sarai hunt ]
    [ Blaire, Trin, Veasna, and Berne hunt ]
    [ Troy, Sarai, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, and Nnuku gather food ]
    [ Blaire, Trin, Veasna, and Berne gather food ]
    [ Blaire, Trin, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, and Nnuku patrol the borders ]
    ↪ x1 gold jewelry is brought on the patrol
    [ Troy, Sarai, Veasna, and Berne patrol the borders ]
    [ Veasna, Natalya, Haiden, Mattia, Nnuku, and Troy go on a scouting patrol ]
    ↪ x1 gold jewelry is brought on the patrol
    [ Sarai, Blaire, Trin, and Berne go on a scouting patrol ]
    [ Berne researches medicine ]
    [ Verander claims X1 trap, x1 dog, x15 servings of food and x6 random materials ]
    notes ;;
    [ Verander villagers only have natural hair, skin, and eye colors, and are all shapeshifters ]


[hunting patrol]
Natalya's patrol hunts down a moose and 3 hares.

[hunting patrol]
Blaire's patrol find venison and mutton, as well as a hare.

[gathering patrol]
Troy's patrol finds a corn, a potato and a strawberry.

[gathering patrol]
Blaire's patrol finds an apple, a potato and a cherry.

[border patrol]
Blaire's patrol is attacked by a wild dog! It barks at the group before running away and leaving it's young behind, which the patrol can take back to camp. Along the way back, they run into a group of four - a woman who is pregnant, an elder, a young child and a stranger who tagged along. Their traits are: ST - F4 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - G3 / X
ST - D8 / HS - HW / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X
ST - A9 / HS - LC / HC - 22 / EC - H6 / X
ST - D7 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F4 / Y

[border patrol]
Troy's patrol finds an old blanket lying around.

[scouting patrol]
Veasna's patrol runs into an untamed and angry dragon! It roars at the group and attacks them before running away. Luckily, everyone gets out safe except for Haiden, who tripped and got a bruise on her arm. It's a minor injury, so it's either 3KP or 1 post of rest. The dragon also leaves its young behind, which the patrol can take back. While heading back, they also run into a group of four strangers. Their traits are: ST - E5 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - D1 / X
ST - C11 / HS - HW / HC - 12 / EC - A3 / X
ST - A10 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - H7 / X
ST - F1 / HS - LW / HC - 22 / EC - D2 / X

[scouting patrol]
Sarai's patrol finds an apprentice-aged person! Their traits are: ST - A4 / HS - HW / HC - 6 / EC - E3 / Y

Berne gains 1KP.

Verander gains x2 Stone, x1 Steel, x1 Wood, x1 Gold Ore and x1 Twine from the advent calendar!


bsktcase wrote:
    - Helga requests a priest/priestess
    - Helga patrols the borders
    - Helga goes on a hunting patrol
    - Helga goes on a scouting patrol
    - Helga goes to gather items
    notes ;;
    can have unnatural hair, skin, and eye colors! refer to starting post for list


The ancestors hear Helga's request and send her a priest. Their traits are: ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - C6 / Y / Angel

[border patrol]
Helga finds a soldier while patrolling the border! Their traits are: ST - M10 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - H9 / X / Satyr

[hunting patrol]
Helga hunts down a chicken and a sheep.

[gathering patrol]
Helga gathers a pomegranate and a wheat.

[scouting patrol]
Helga finds a scared fox and convinces it to follow her back to the village.


selkirks wrote:
    Wooded Gardens
    Orion and Artemis go on a border patrol (One gold jewelry is taken)
    Orion goes on a hunting patrol
    Apollo researches medicine
    Claiming x50 servings, x22 random materials, x1 skilled animal, and x3 items from Advent
    notes ;;
    Wooded Gardens only has cats and big cats
    Natural and fantasy colors are permitted
    Hybrids are permitted
    Mutations are permitted


One day, a box with 50 yemons and a vial of medicine appears in the middle of the Wooded Gardens.

[border patrol]
The pair find a fire-lizard and eventually manage to convince it to come with them. On the way back, they also find 4 travellers who seem to want to join their group. Their traits are: ST - K3 / HS - LC / HC - 5 / EC - G8 / X / cat
ST - I7 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - E6 / X / big cat
ST - M6 / HS - LW / HC - 3 / EC - D6 / X / cat
ST - F4 / HS - HC / HC - 59 / EC - G11 / X / cat

[hunting patrol]
Orion hunts down a large fish and a bat.

Apollo gains +1KP.

Your x22 randomly generated materials are: x5 Steel, x2 Twine, x4 Gold Ore, x5 Wood, x1 Silver Ore, x2 Wool, x3 Leather.


iRoxy wrote:
    Hunting: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
    Gathering: Art, Marcy, Lux, Richard, Cherry
    Request: requesting a head hunter!
    Border: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
    Scout: Lux, Marcy, Art, Richard, Cherry
    notes ;;
    *Humans and Powered Humans have natural colors only, while the rest can have unnatural colors


One day, a head hunter arrives to Fireborn. Their traits are: ST - H9 / HS - LC / HC - 39 / EC - C5 / X / Kobold

[border patrol]
Lux's patrol find a hunter and a mother, who is due in two posts. Their traits are: ST - E1 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - B4 / X / Human and ST - F4 / HS - LC / HC - 53 / EC - H6 / X / Oni

[hunting patrol]
The patrol hunts two pigs, a grub and a mole.

[gathering patrol]
Art's patrol finds two mushrooms, a potato and a strawberry.

[scouting patrol]
Lux's patrol runs into a calm dog, which they bring back to the village.


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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sun Jan 08, 2023 9:03 am

Number of People 21+: 18
Number of People 8-20: 1
Number of People 0-7: 1
Number of Animals: 3
Servings Needed: 19.5
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Next Visit to Ancestors: this post, specific
Yemons: 55

The party was grateful their run in with a literal dragon, an animal most of them had previously believed to be made up, had ended with so little damage. Shockingly, even at it’s size the creature seemed prioritize it’s personal safety over picking a fight. When they had slowly approached the area the dragon had been rustling around in, they quickly discovered why it had seemed so distressed. An egg, webbed with hairline fractures and spattered with mud, lay in the grass, clearly having rolled for some distance.

Natalya quickly stepped forward, wrapping the egg gently in her cloak to hopefully prevent further fractures. She glanced at the others, who were staring at her in confusion. Signing, she explained, “Listen, if what we have heard about dragons is true they can be trained! Are you seriously going to tell me it would not be useful to have an actual dragon working with us?”

Troy hesitated, then nodded slightly, “Fair enough. How are you sure the egg isn’t dead?”

“I don’t, I guess. But it’s worth a try. Worst case scenario we just get rid of it if it never hatches.” Natalya hoisted the egg gently, keeping it suspended in a cocoon of fabric to ensure no area was experiencing excess stress.

The journey back was slow and tedious, as no one wanted to be responsible for jostling the egg. They had already been out significantly longer than they were supposed to have been, when a quiet crumbling noise stopped them all in their tracks, eyes fixed on the bundle. Natalya hesitated, then her eyes widened, and she took off running toward the village.

The others followed, shouting in confusion after miles of careful travel. But as inhuman shrieks became audible as they neared the camp, it became clear what Natalya had already realized: the egg was hatching.

As the group burst into the clearing, where the entire rest of the village was gathered to discover the source of the noise, the dragonlet burst out of it’s containment, sending shell fragments flying in all directions. It flew for a moment, before faltering and falling to the ground. It darted between the villagers, sending many shrieking away into the safety of their huts, peering out of their doors in disbelief.

Blaire stared in confusion at the…creature before her. The leather-y wings flailed behind it as it darted to and fro, trailing almost limply as it scaled one of the huts. It coiled at the top, staring out over the crowd, searching for…something.

Suddenly, the mottled green lizard locked eyes with her. “You.”

Blaire whirled around, trying to find the source of the strange voice, “Who are you?!?”

“Hey, hey, no stop, there!” Blaire stopped her frantic spinning, finally facing the dragonlet again.

“How…” Blaire glanced around at the other villagers who were looking at her like she had grown a second head. “Are you talking to me?”

“Blaire who..?” Haiden started, staring at his twin in concern.

“Blaire is a nice name!” The voice was chippy, and clearly young. Maybe that of an eight year old child. “I like you a lot, you’re my friend now! I don’t have a name yet, would you give me one?”

“Just…just so I am clear.” Blaire started, feeling like she was losing her mind. “I am speaking to you, the baby dragon, on the house.”

“I don’t know what a house is, but you are looking straight at me and I am a baby dragon!”

“I…okay. Um. Moss? You’re kind of colored like moss so maybe that..would work?” Blaire felt herself turning red with embarrassment as everyone stared at her like a lunatic.

“I like it!” The dragon chirped, “I’m going to take a nap now, goodnight!” The dragonlet turn around three of four times before settling comfortably on the roof.

The silence hung heavy in the clearing as Blaire looked over at Troy and Natalya. Finally she broke it, haltingly. “So…the dragon can talk. But uh..I guess not out loud? And I guess her name is Moss now?”


The healer piled his long hair onto his head, fastening it in place with a long hairpin. The poles of herbs and medicines he had brought with him had dwindled to almost nothing, as had the bandages. He had spent the morning collecting ingredients for poultices, and now it was time to weave the bandages. The sheep they had found had not hat the highest quality fiber, even after rinsing the blood off, but he had salvaged enough to make several bandages. The task of the evening was to spin the fiber into a thin thread, which he would then weave into gauze and bandages.

He glanced up as the sheepskin at the door was pulled to the side and Blaire entered, Moss pacing at her side like a scaly hounddog. “Oh, hello.” The healer’s voice was scratchy, he had not spoken much since his arrival.

Blaire glanced around outside the hut before letting the hide fall behind her. “Hey.” She offered, hesitating a moment before beginning, “So…no one talks about it. But we know we’re all here for the same reason.”

The healer immediately put the spindle down, his full attention on Blaire’s soft words. “Of course.”

“And we all know that…everyone thinks that it is impossible to cure.” Blaire continued, keeping her voice low incase people were passing by.

“Not everyone.” Berne countered, crossing his arms, his face a mask of neutrality.

Blaire smiled softly, “Well, until last week everyone thought dragons didn’t exist.” Moss glanced sharply at Blaire.

“What do I have to do with this?” she demanded, “I’m not sick.”

“No, no I know.” Blaire assured her, “You actually cannot get this sickness, only we can.” Berne shook his head slightly, suddenly remembering that the dragon could not only talk to Blaire, but understand human speech. “But,” Blaire continued, “We tried all the remedies we knew existed. What if there are other creatures out there, other plants, that could actually have the cure?”

Berne sat, thinking for a long time. The silence was tense, broken only by the dry sweeping of Moss’s tail across the floor of the hut. “So, tomorrow then? We set out for unknown plants?”

Blaire grinned excitedly, “I don’t see why not!”


[ This is Verander's last fasting post ]

Food Patrols
[ Natalya, Veasna, Mattia, Nnuku, Troy and Sarai hunt ]
[ Blaire, Trin, Apollo, Gael, Daphne, and Berne hunt ]
[ Troy, Sarai, Natalya, Veasna, Mattia, and Nnuku gather food ]
[ Blaire, Trin, Apollo, Gael, Daphne, and Berne gather food ]

Safety Patrols
[ Blaire, Trin, Natalya, Veasna, Mattia, and Nnuku patrol the borders ]
↪ Honeycomb tags along
[ Troy, Sarai, Apollo, Gael, Daphne, and Berne patrol the borders ]
[ Veasna, Natalya, Blaire, Mattia, Nnuku, and Troy go on a scouting patrol ]
↪ a trap is brought with and set up
[ Sarai, Trin, Apollo, Gael, Daphne, and Berne go on a scouting patrol ]

[ n/a ]

[ Sarai trains Alden ]

[ n/a ]

Villagers Welcomed
[ Verander welcomes Alden Walker, Honey Madden, Joshua Felx, Sybil Barret, Apollo Fernsby, Gael Hartz, Daphne Axton, Maeve MacNally, and Alaband Barlow ]

Villagers Bid Farwell
[ n/a ]

[ Larisa is giving birth! ]
↪ Berne attends the birth

[ Berne researches medicine ]
[ Haiden rests this year ]

[ Earned the It's Only a Flesh Wound! Achievement ]
[ Earned the We Call Him "George" Achievement ]
[ Earned the An Isolated Dwelling Achievement (never claimed) ]
[ Earned the Hamlet Achievement ]
[ Earned the Enemy of Mine Enemy Achievement ]
[ Earned the Hannigan or Warbucks? Achievement (last post) ]
[ Earned the Jack of All Trades Achievement ]
[ Berne requests a mother to join Verander ]
[ Maeve and Alaband go to the market ]

[ Verander villagers only have natural hair, skin, and eye colors, and are all shapeshifters ]
[ Honey is due next year ]
[ Maeve and Alaband are at the market ]
[ all human referenced created using this generator ]

    Head Chief
    Troy Verander | Male | 26
    ↪ Shifts: Guinea Pig, Hawk, Brown Bear

    Berne Mercier | Male | 26 | 6 KP
    ↪ Shifts: Ermine, Grey Fox, Great Horned Owl

    War Chief
    Alaband Barlow | Male | 31
    ↪ Shifts: Quail, Hawk, Puma

    Maeve MacNally | Female | 27
    ↪ Shifts: Grass Snake, Fox, Puma
    Trin Wesley | Male | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Mink, Anaconda, Puma
    Blaire Rocans | Female | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Badger, Puma

    Scout Chief
    Veasna Griffith | Female | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Vole, Sparrow, Coyote

    Gael Hartz | Male | 27
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Fox, Coyote
    Daphne Axton | Female | 24
    ↪ Shifts: Guinea Pig, Falcon, Coyote

    Hunting Chief
    Natalya Verander | Female | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Deer, Fox, Wolf

    Nnuku Adondi | Female | 30
    ↪ Shifts: Bat, Golden Eagle, Wolf
    Mattia Bianchi | Male | 29
    ↪ Shifts: Mole, Roadrunner, Wolf
    Haiden Rocans | Male | 26
    ↪ Shifts: Quail, Hare, Wolf

    Gathering Chief
    Apollo Fernsby | Male | 32
    ↪ Shifts: Deer, Falcon, Elk

    Sarai Makelo | Female | 28
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Hare, Elk
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Alden Walker | Male | 14
    ↪ Shifts: Snake, Hare
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Larisa Whitlock | Female | 31
    ↪ Shifts: Mouse, Coyote, Bison
    Honey Madden | Female | 25
    ↪ Shifts: Quail, Hare, Coyote

    Sybil Barret | Female | 4
    ↪ Shifts: Deer
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Joshua Felx | Male | 67
    ↪ Shifts: Rabbit, Roadrunner, Jaguar
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Wooded Gardens | Selkirks
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Wooded Gardens | Selkirks
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Mutton | 5 | 3 servings
Hare | 8 | 1 servings
Moose | 4 | 10 servings
Venison | 2 | 6 servings
Corn | 3 | 4 servings
Potato | 7 | 3 servings
Carrots | 3 | 3 servings
Strawberries | 1 | 1 servings
Apples | 4 | 2 servings
Cherries | 4 | 1 servings

Item Storage
Copper Ore | 4 | cartable
Iron Ore | 2 | craftable
Silver Ore | 3 | craftable
Gold Ore | 3 | craftable
Twine | 3 | craftable
Cotton | 1 | craftable
Wood | 3 | craftable
Stone | 3 | craftable
Steel | 1 | craftable
Blanket | 1 | one use

Honeycomb | Female | 3 | Dog | bred 0 times | Looks
Oakley | Male | 0 | Dog | bred 0 times | Looks
Moss | Female | 0 | Dragon | bred 0 times | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | bred 0 times | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Sarai Makelo | Alden Walker | Gathering | 0 Training Sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby LilyHorse » Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:42 am

I'd like to create a village!

The Edge

My village is called The Edge. They get their name from their home - the top of a sheer cliffside above an estuary leading to the ocean.

The Edge is composed only of humans (for now). I would like realistic skin tones and hairstyles, with all hair colors possible but natural being more common, eyes natural colors and row 9 (if that’s possible)

Foods that the people of The Edge eat are

Rabbit -meat-small-1
Cod -meat-med-3
Trout -meat-large-6
Walrus -meat-extra large-10
Blueberry -fruit-small-1
Plum -fruit-medium-2
Watermelon -fruit-extra large-4
Fiddlehead -veggie-small-2
Cucumber -veggie-large-4
Butternut squash -extra large-5


Ranks of The Edge:

Leaders (The equivalent of the head-chief, 2x, typically one young and one old, one male and one female):

Council of Vice-Leaders (The equivalent of the chiefs, 1-2 from each job):

Healers (Shaman):

Apprentices of each job:




Emerit (equivalent of elders): (Not always on the council, will often help the caregivers)

Thank you, I hope this is what you need :)
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Epikos Muthos ; p02

Postby bsktcase » Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:10 am

mod: Wolfypoof
Number of People: 3 |Number of Animals: 1 |Servings Needed: n/a | Next Visit to Ancestors: unknown

insert writing here

- n/a, 3 fasting post left
ancestral request
- n/a
new members
- The soldier is name Drew
- The priestess is named Fallon
- Helga names the fox Flick
border patrols
- Helga and Drew patrols the borders
hunting patrols
- Helga goes on a hunting patrol and takes Flick with her
scouting patrols
- Helga and Drew goes on a scouting patrol
- Helga goes to gather items
- Drew goes to gather medical items
- Helga tends to the fields
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
mod notes
- everyone one is human; well very strange-looking humans. they are all either reincarnation of a mythical creature, supernatural creature, or a demigod. refer to the starting post for a list of creatures, and demigods.

    Helga | Female | 28 years
    ↪ ST - C9 / HS - HC / HC - 33 / EC - F4 / X / griffin

    Fallon | Female | 25 years
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - C6 / Y / angel

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Drew | Male | 30 years
    ↪ ST - M10 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - H9 / X / Satyr

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Figs | 0 | 1 servings
Apples | 0 | 2 servings
Pomegranates | 1 | 3 servings
Wheat | 1 | 2 servings
Potatoes | 0 | 3 servings
Lettuce | 0 | 4 servings
Sheep | 1 | 3 servings
Chickens | 1 | 3 servings
Cows | 0 | 6 servings
Boars | 2 | 10 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Flick | Female | 1 year | Fox | 0 | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
❝ And I lost you
The one I was dancin' with
In New York, no shoes
Looked up at the sky
and it was maroon
- Taylor Swift

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Moon Light Kennels
Lunar Blossom Kennels
The Nexus Colony
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the name is bskt
my pronouns are she/her
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