Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

the unseen. 020.

Postby broken* » Thu Jan 20, 2022 6:13 am

    population. 63 villagers. | required servings. 57.50 request. 2 posts │ yemens. 56x


    adelis' death is mourned by the village, and she is buried in a meaningful ceremony.
    the nundi kit is given to the new demigod daughter of apollo - ianira - she appears to have a way with the kit.

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 3 deer, 3 squash, 6 apples, 10 berries, 5.5 squirrel.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; zuximi is due in 2 posts.
    ›medical ; medea researches medicine. alinta gets checked out by medea. alinta rests for 1 of 3 posts. chaya rests for 1 of 1 post.
    ›rank changes ; kaslyn, karalyn, & oletha are 8 years old & become testers. with the change of their children's ranks to tester, astrid & saga return to the ranks of gatherer and scout, respectfully.

    ›hunting ; samuel, erin (& crystal), niikura, arne, ansel, aalton.
    ›gathering ; tola, leo, tama, masami, kumiko, zephyr.
    ›border ; phoebe, felix, gnome, kerissa, solomon, romeo.
    ›scouting ; sycamore, nehiti, evanora, yukio, argus, sivert.

    ›farming ; guirec plants the potato seed. félagi plants the melon seed.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›testing ; iolana retests with the guards. kendric tests with the gatherers. chantal tests with the shaman. talulla tests with the scouts. dario tests with the hunters.
    ›training ; ariella trains with athena in the strength skill. atlas trains with ansel in the fishing skill.

    ›animals ; danica goes hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; n.a.
    ›notes ; anyone with '♤' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '♤' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.

              𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ⋆Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 48 years
              ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch
              ⋆Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 51 years
              ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
              ↪ knowledge points: 17
              ⋆Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 141 years
              ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
              Dennis Dion | ♂ | 99 years
              ↪ ST - M9 / HS - AC / HC - 60 / EC - E11 / X / devil
              Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 133 years
              ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
              Yarek Rucryn | ♂ | 75 years
              ↪ ST - H4 / HS - AC / HC - 39 / EC - A4 / X / fairy

        ♤⋆Felix Akuma | ♂ | 50 years
        ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn

        ♤⋆Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 49 years
        ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
        ⋆Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 37 years
        ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
        ⋆Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 37 years
        ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
        ⋆Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 34 years
        ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
        ⋆Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 34 years
        ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
        ⋆Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
        ⋆Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 30 years
        ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
        ⋆Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 43 years
        ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
        Akakios Euanthe | ♂ | 77 years
        ↪ ST - G11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - B9 / Y / siren
        ⋆Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 42 years
        ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
        Kersissa Tellalin | ♀ | 45 years
        ↪ST - D2 / HS - HW / HC - 47 / EC - D11 / X / scorpifolk
        ⋆Cassia Faustine | ♀ | 39 years
        ↪ST - G7 / HS - LC / HC - 47 / EC - F10 / Y / winged person

        ⋆Maria Dracos | ♀ | 45 years
        ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
        ⋆Tola Amitina | ♀ | 41 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
        ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
        ⋆Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 43 years
        ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
        ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
        ⋆Tama Sato | ♀ | 48 years
        ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
        ⋆Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 42 years
        ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
        ⋆Tate Evander | ♂ | 32 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
        ⋆Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 45 years
        ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
        ⋆Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 61 years
        ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
        Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 33 years
        ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
        Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 53 years
        ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin
        ⋆Alette Ondine | ♀ | 35 years
        ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
        ♤⋆Astrid Holm | ♀ | 32 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
        ⋆Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 51 years
        ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph

        ♤⋆Neheti Venus | ♀ | 42 years
        ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
        ⋆Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 40 years
        ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
        ⋆Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 39 years
        ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
        ↪ magma manipulation
        ⋆Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 35 years
        ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
        ⋆Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 37 years
        ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
        ♤⋆Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 31 years
        ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
        ↪ (green tree python)
        ⋆Sivert Larson | ♂ | 35 years
        ↪ ST - A10 | HS - LC | HC - 15 | EC - B3 | X | wood elf
        ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon

        Argus Ariston | ♂ | 44 years
        ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
        ⋆Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 40 years
        ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
        ⋆Saga Ström | ♀ | 40 years
        ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf


        ⋆Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 77 years
        ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

        ⋆Erin Paxton | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
        ↪ dragon - crystal
        ⋆Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 40 years
        ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
        ⋆Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 41 years
        ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
        ♤⋆Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 38 years
        ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
        ⋆Ansel Armani | ♂ | 94 years
        ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
        ⋆Ash Everest | ⚲ | 24 years
        ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
        ⋆Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 43 years
        ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
        Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 61 years
        ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
        ⋆Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 27 years
        ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
        ♤⋆Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 15 years
        ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy
        ⋆Atlas Pan | ♂ | 16 years
        ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur

        ⋆Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 11 years
        ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
        ↪born with a twisted arm.
        ⋆Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 11 years
        ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
        ♤⋆Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 11 years
        ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
        ⋆Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 11 years
        ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
        ↪born without an arm.
        ⋆Dario Ondine | ♂ | 11 years
        ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
        ⋆Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 8 years
        ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
        ⋆Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 8 years
        ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
        ⋆Oletha Ström | ♀ | 8 years
        ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
        ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
        ↪ due in 2 posts
        none atm
        𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
        northeast | serendipity | Lumos11
        east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
        southeast | village name | user
        south | village name | user
        southwest | village name | user
        west | carmina abyssi | jazz
        northwest | abyssal frontier | ariento
        nomadic | Kanaka Helu | Chamrosh

        𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

        𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here
        𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        rabbit | 1 serv. | 13
        squirrel | 1 serv. | 1
        fish | 3 serv. | 8
        deer | 6 serv. | 0
        carrots | 2 serv. | 3
        potatoes | 3 serv. | 8
        squash | 4 serv. | 0
        berries | 1 serv. | 0
        apples | 2 serv. | 0
        melons | 3 serv. | 1

        𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
        x3 glass jewelry
        x0 melon seed
        x1 potato seed
        x1 iron sword
        x1 carrot seed
        x4 berry seed
        x2 vials medicine
        x3 wood
        x1 copper
        x1 steel
        x1 twine
        x2 herbs
        x2 stone
        x1 gold
        x1 sand
        x2 twine
        x1 cotton
        x1 gold ore
        x2 stone pickaxes
        x1 blanket
        x1 stone spear
        x2 traps
        draven | ♂ | 16 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler : phoebe
        crystal | ♀ | 16 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: erin
        timon | ♂ | 13 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
        ⤷ handler: maria
        tatiana | ♀ | 13 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
        ⤷ handler: maria
        fred | ♂ | 02 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: maria
        pumba | ♀ | 10 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: maria
        hibiscus | ♀ | 11 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: nehiti
        danica | ♀ | 03 yrs | matagot | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: astrid
        achlys | ♀ | 02 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: ianira

        ⋆tester ➾ iolana
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ kendric
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ chantal
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ talulla
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ dario
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆ansel ➾ atlas (hunter)
        ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, bow skills.
        ⋆athena ➾ ariella (guard)
        ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.

Last edited by broken* on Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The S.S. Helldiver | 𝐼𝐼 | the escape

Postby ARKYQ » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:23 am

Welcome aboard the
"the Space shuttle "helldiver" Q-13 class heavy duty transport cruiser, and it's captain and crew are hereby declared outlaws of Cybertron, with a warrant for their swift capture."

▮▮Total Crew: 02|Total Technimals: 01|Servings required: 00 (fasting)|seeds allowed: 05|Next prayer to Primus: 03|Shanix: 55 ▮▮

writing will be up on the site with a link here soon. warnings for this chapter: none, it's pretty chill
i literally have no motivation to write anything so have another skeleton while i cry in the background. also, why is my code not working right all of a sudden, that's mean

Mod notes:
as i stated before in DMs with you, Rotorshift's
age has been retconned, he's much older now

Captain CPT
Rotorshift | male | he/him | 114 centuries | Helicopter & Motorboat
ST - J2 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - E8 / X

Second in Command SIC
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief Navigational Officer CNO
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief Medical officer CMO
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief Combat Officer CCO
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Head of Security
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief of Comms. and Reconnaissance CCR
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Communications Officers
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief of Logistics and Engineering CLE
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Scientists and Engineers
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Chief of Stockkeeping and Energon Preserv. CSEP
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Energon Miners
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Older Sparklings
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)

Clockwork | male | he/it | 162 centuries | Pickup truck & Bomber jet
ST - I4 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - F9 / X
Name | Gender | pronouns | Age centuries | Alt-mode(s)
Clockwork joins as a veteran
the avianoid called Wren is found
The crew fasts and does not consume any energon (3 more fasting posts)
Energon Synthesizing (hunting)
Rotorshift and Clockwork
Energon Mining (gathering)
Rotorshift and Wren (avianoid)
Manning the Battlestations (border patrols)
Recconaissance (scout patrols)
Rotorshift and Clockwork
Prayer to Primus (request)

Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

ImageEnergon StorageImage
S Synthetic Energon Ration | amount | 1 serving
M Synthetic Energon Ration | 2 | 3 servings
L Synthetic Energon Ration | 1 | 6 servings
XL Synthetic Energon Ration | amount | 10 servings

M Energon Ration| amount | 3 servings
L Energon Ration | amount | 4 servings
XL Energon Ration | amount | 5 servings
S Raw Energon Crystals | 2 | 1 serving
M Raw Energon Crystals | 1 | 2 servings
L Raw Energon Crystals | 1 | 3 servings

Item Storage
Medium raw crystal seed | 1 | plantable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Wren | male | 2 | Avianoid | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | species | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Trainer | Trainee | Profession | No. of training sessions
Trainer | Trainee | Profession | No. of training sessions

The Well of Allsparks
Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Sparklings
Name and Name | Sparklins

Dictionary wrote:Alt-mode = their 'vehicle' modes
Root-mode = their 'robot' modes
Pede = foot
Primus/the guiding hand = their god and creator
energon = food, fuel and blood. the lifegiving liquid, if you will.

cover art by me
chapter 𝐼𝐼 : The Escape
characters pictured: N/A
do not repost
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Fireborn 002

Postby iRoxy » Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:25 pm

Number of People: 4
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 4 Serving (Fasting post 2 out of 5)
Next Visit to Ancestors: Not Now
Yemons: 14

It had not been more than two days since Lux Everdays had given himself his name when Lux met the tiefling known as Art Viceroy. Art had settled in easily after practically gluing himself to Lux’s side until Lux had finished a house.
During the next few months, Art and Lux got along splendidly, though Lux did think that maybe Art was a bit too clingy. But who was he to judge, having little to no social experience before the heavens fell and the underworld rose to meet it. Earth was fun though.
“…and so that’s why I love pufferfish!” Art said, waving his hands around dramatically.
“Huh,” said Lux, actually invested in the conversation for once. “That’s quite an interesting story!”
“Oh you should hear the one about —” Art was cut off by a person tapping on his shoulder.
“I’ve been sitting here for half an hour and neither of you have noticed me,” the person informed them.
“Oh actually I noticed you I was just talking at the time and by the time I wasn’t talking it would’ve been too awkward to say something,” said Art.
“If you had tried to kill us I would’ve said something but I saw no problem with you sitting there?” said Lux, showing off how little social experience he had.
“…you two are hopeless,” said the person. “I’m Marcy Wellington and I demand to join your village or whatever you call it.”
“We call it Fireborn, and sure, you can join!” said Lux cheerfully.
“Okay! That was a lot easier then I thought it would be, the last village tried to kill me.”
“That’s not very nice of them,” said Lux. Art and Marcy kind of just looked at him. “I don’t really know much about killing okay?”
“I know stuff about killing!” said a new voice excitedly. The three of them jumped, turning quickly to see the demon standing behind a rock. “Also I would like shelter please?”
Art looked at Lux. Lux looked at Marcy. Marcy looked at Art. Art looked at Marcy. Lux looked at Marcy.
Lux proceeded to shrug. “Sure, why not!”
“Wait I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Art.
“Nah I’m sure things will turn out fine!”
Things did in fact turn out to be just fine, surprising Art and Marcy who had though that Ram Darkvoid would try and kill them in their sleep. But no, Ram just wanted a place to stay for a little while until he gave birth. Though Ram was hoping for a permanent place to stay, he understood that Fireborn might not be the place.
Lux was just happy to have company. Sighing, Lux rested his head on his palm. It what now been about a year since he had given himself a name. And still, he wondered about his fellow angels. Had they all fallen? Had any of them died? What did they think of this new earth?
Lux opened up his eyes - when had he closed them? - to see the moon high in the sky and the clusters of stars sharing their light. He stretched and let out a yawn. Time to actually go to sleep in his bed.

Hunting: Lux, Marcy
Gathering: Art
Request: N/A

    New God
    Lux Everdays | Male He/Him (AFAB) | 26 years
    ↪ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 54 / EC - A11 / X / fallen angel

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    Head Warrior
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Scout
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Hunter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Marcy Wellington | Non-binary She/They (AFAB) | 23 years
    ↪ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 20 / EC - A4 / X / human
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Gatherer
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Art Viceroy | Male He/Him (AMAB) | 31 years
    ↪ ST - K9 / HS - S / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / tiefling
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Daycare Attendants and Birthgivers
    Ram Darkvoid | Male He/They (AFAB) | 30 years -> Gives birth in 2 posts
    ↪ ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / demon
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Wise Ones
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Grubs | 1 | 1 each / 1 total
Moles | 1 | 1 each / 1 total
Pigs | amount | 3 each / X total
Goats | amount | 3 each / X total
Mushrooms | amount | 2 each / X total
Potatoes | 1 | 3 each / 3 total
Corn | amount | 4 each / X total
Strawberries | amount | 1 each / X total
Peaches | 1 | 2 each / 2 total
Watermelons | amount | 4 each / X total

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
You can call me Poprox!
Hello yes I exist in this space.
Open to trades!

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Liones Kingdom | 16

Postby NightWolf950 » Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:05 am

Number of People: 61 (31 males | 30 females)
Next Request: Anytime | Archive: Here
Servings: 59 | Yemons: 166

Font Credit and Divider Credit



Liones Kingdom consumes x19 perch and x2 strawberries

Request: n/a
Ceremonies: Febar takes his final test
Other: Zalma, Tsukiko, and Collins mourn the lose of Minoru
Transfers: n/a

Medic Info: Genie, Sirenna, and Nadine all visit Qutugh to get their injuries checked out
Birthing Info: Ruxe is due in 2 posts
Deaths: n/a

Studying Medicine: Timber
Patrolling: Velcar, Gowther, Valentine, Erze, Eden, and Axel
Patrolling: Ban, Meliodas, Madoka, Joey, Takeshi
Patrolling: Escanor, Merlin, King, Diane, Myles
Scouting: Nickolas, Ninleyn, and Zara
Scouting: Caitna, Lyle, and Terasil
Hunting: Kiiru, Deja, Siveril, Hana, Simona, and Amber
Hunting: Nathaniel, Hikari, Ali, Iarus, and Vladimir
Gathering: Riter, Runa, Syn, Lilia, and Cadence
Gatherings: Sebastian, Micah, Angel, Ibaris, and Catalina
Farming: n/a
Crafting: Rolland uses x3 silver to craft x1 silver jewelry

Training Holy Knights: n/a
Training Citizens: n/a
Testing: Zirsa - gathering | Clover - gathering

Achievements: Reinventing the Wheel (grafted x1 gold jewelry last post) | A Hunting Accident (Minoru was killed on patrol my last mod reply)

Mod. Notes: Febar - will finish training using the old ways. Any new apprentice will do the new way
Please refer to archive link for species/genes
Key: ♦ = Do not kill please
♕ = head chief | ☄ = war chief | ♤ = scout chief | ➢ = hunting chief | ❁ = gathering chief
⚔ = warrior | ◎ = scout | ➴ = hunter | ❀ = gather

    King & Queen:
    ♦ Rolland | 46 years | M. Human | ♕
    ♦ Mythia | 38 years | F. Fairy | ❁

    Princes & Princesses:
    Zirsa | 12 years | F. Human

    Grand Master:
    Velcar | 46 years | M. Human | ☄

    Timber | 40 years | M. Shifter | K.P: 11
    Qutugh | 30 years | F. Human | K.P: 3

    Holy Knights:
    ♦ Ban | 32 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Merlin | 38 years | F. Human | ⚔
    ♦ King | 27 years | M. Fairy | ⚔
    ♦ Diane | 26 years | F. Giant | ⚔
    ♦ Escanor | 39 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Gowther | 25 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Meliodas | 33 years | M. Demon | ⚔
    Takeshi | 40 years | F. Human | ⚔
    Madoka | 43 years | F. Kemonomimi | ⚔
    Myles | 57 years | M. Human | ⚔
    Axel | 42 years | M. Dark Elf | ⚔
    Sirenna | 35 years | F. Human | ◎
    Genie| 43 years | F. Shifter | ⚔
    Mako | 35 years | M. Werewolf | ◎
    Nadine | 27 years | F. Werewolf | ◎
    Ninleyn | 32 years | M. Light Elf | ◎
    Caitna | 38 years | F. Human | ◎
    Erze | 37 years | F. Human | ⚔
    Nickolas | 46 years | M. Human | ◎
    Lyle | 31 years | M. Human | ◎
    Zara | 32 years | F. Human | ◎
    Terasil | 28 years | M. God | ◎
    Valentine | 27 years | F. Were-beast | ⚔
    Joey | 29 years | M. Were-beast | ⚔
    Eden | 23 years | F. Vampire | ⚔
    Lilia | 38 years | F. Demon | ❀
    Deja | 38 years | F. Were-beast | ➴
    Siveril | 41 years | M. Light Elf | ➴
    ♦ Kiiru | 32 years | M. Human | ➴
    Nathaniel | 36 years | M. Winged Human | ➴
    Riter | 29 years | M. Human | ❀
    Hikari | 28 years | F. Kitsune | ➴
    Cadence | 29 years | F. Shifter | ❀
    Ibaris | 35 years | F. Human | ❀
    Ali | 37 years | M. Human | ➴
    Catalina | 36 years | F. Human | ❀
    Hana | 36 years | F. Shifter | ➴
    ♦ Angel | 24 years | M. Human | ❀
    ♦ Iarus | 28 years | M. God | ➴
    Syn | 30 years | M. Shifter | ❀
    Zalma | 35 years | F. Human | ❀
    Simona | 28 years | F. Human | ➴
    Vladimir | 26 years | M. Vampire | ➴
    Micah | 28 years | M. Winged Human | ❀
    Sebastian | 31 years | M. Human | ❀
    Runa | 25 years | F. Human | ❀
    Amber | 18 years | F. Human | ➴
    Febar | 24 years | M. Giant | ➴
    Tsukiko | 17 years | F. Kitsune | ❀
    Collins | 17 years | M. Human | ⚔

    Clover | 12 years | F. Fairy

    Vianola | 33 years | F. Light Elf
    Ruxe | 28 years | F. Demon

    Ralnor| 4 years | M. Light Elf
    ♦ Vaeril | 4 years | M. Light Elf



Nova | Female | Rattlesnake Familiar (dies when Sirenna dies)
Tiki | 10 years | Male | Bird
Oslo | 5 years | Male | Black Hound
Luna | 2 years | Female | Cat
Kashikoi | 40 years | Male | Dragon


Mage Skills | healing procedures, advanced healing procedures, study of medicine, understanding magic, basic battle skills, study of the races
Scout Holy Knights| basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, charisma, study of the races
Warrior Holy Knights | basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, strategies, study of the races
Hunter | basic battle skills, advanced battle skills, way of the trade, hunting, tracking, study of the races
Gather | basic battle skills, way of the trade, gathering, crop care, soil care, study of the races

Lilia | Tsukiko | basic battle skills, way of the trade, gathering, crop care, soil care, study of the races
Myles | Collins | basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, strategies, study of the races


Food Storage:
Hare | x4 | 1 serving
Perch | x4 | 3 servings
Deer | x18 | 6 servings
Boar | x1 | 10 servings
Carrot | x19 | 3 servings
Potato | x13 | 3 servings
Lettuce | x14 | 4 servings
Strawberry | x18 | 1 serving
Apple | x28 | 2 servings
Honey melon | x10 | 4 servings

Item Storage:
Carrot Seed x2 | Potato Seed x0 | Lettuce Seed x0
Strawberry Seed x0 | Apple Seed x1 | Honey Melon Seed x3
Copper x6 | Silver x7 | Gold x6
Cotton x2 | Stone x4 | Wood x7
Herb x10 | Leather x2 | Twine x4
Iron x8 | Steel x7 | Sand x6
Carnivore Scrap x4 | Herbivore Scrap x0
Cloth x0 | Glass x0 | Rope x0
Compass | x0 | 2 uses
Stone Dagger | x2 | 1 use
Iron Dagger | x0 | 2 uses
Steel Dagger | x0 | 3 uses
Carnivore Trap x0 | Herbivore Trap x0 | 1 use each
Glass Jewelry x0 | Silver Jewelry x0 | Gold Jewelry x1 | 1 use each
Stone Pickaxe | x0 | 2 use
Iron Pickaxe | x0 | 3 uses
Steel Pickaxe | x0 | 4 uses
Saddle | x1 | 20 uses
Stone Spear | x0 | x2 uses
Iron Spear | x0 | 3 uses
Steel Spear | x0 | 4 uses
Staff | x1 | 2 uses
Iron Sword | x2 | 2 uses
Steel Sword | x0 | 3 uses
Vile of Medicine | x1 | 1 use
Small Bag | x0 | 4 uses
Backpack | x0 | 6 uses
Saddlebag |x0 | 8 uses
Wagon Bag | x0 | 10 uses
Last edited by NightWolf950 on Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stars of Midnight 007

Postby Skarrred » Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:12 pm

𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
Previously named Midnight Village
Number of Animals: 016 (09 Males, 06 Females, 01 Other)
Number of Pets:0
Servings Needed: 13.75 (13 3/4)
Next Visit to Ancestors: This Post!
Yemons: 50
Mod Notes: 'Pets' are considered non-sapient as my village is all animals! - Carnivores can eat veggies and such if completely necessary as this is a game, however, they veer to meat extremely. - Please no deaths or injuries yet until I have 20 villagers. Hope this all looks okay <3

Skele, filling up other posts with writing.

Skarr requests a faithful Hlah, wanting a strong start to the legacy.
Through the advent calendar, Stars of Midnight successfully gained:
x2 silver ores, x3 sand, x2 iron ores, x3 stones, x3 cotton, x2 gold ores, x2 twine, and x3 copper ores
x3 boars, x3 watermelon, and x18 mushrooms
Sanguis the Olah, Imbe the Laho, and Thorn the Loah.
A dragon whom Sebastion takes on.
Sebastian, Osprey, Crow, and Sanguis go hunting. Percutiens, the dragon, joins them.
Apple goes gathering.
Flite, Flame, Cinder, Thorn, and Skarr go on a border patrol.
Imbe and Prick go scout.

Apple tends to the corn seed. It blooms in two posts.
(darn you corn seed making my flawless posts be ruined)
Hay practices medicine.
Angel takes his Paloa assessment, though the threats of Devil previously have set him uneasy.
Devil confidently takes her Paloa assessment, glad her threatening worked in her favor and making Apple focus on her more.
Stars of Midnight eat one boar, 3.5 corn, and .25 of a mouse.
Tabeetha is due in one post.[/b]

    UhuhHead Chief
    Skarr | Male | 34 Years
    ↪ ST-M7 | HS-LW | HC-22 | EC-D4 | X | Leopon

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Skao Shaman
    Hay | Male | 32 Years | 5 KP
    ↪ ST-C6 | HS-LW | HC-23 | EC-H6 | X |Red-Tailed Hawk

    HlahWar Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Flite | Male | 25 Years
    ↪ ST-B5 | HS-HC | HC-3 | EC-H6 | X | Bear
    Flame | Male | 23 Years
    ↪ ST-E5 | HS-S | HC-63 | EC-D7 | X | Gray Wolf
    Cinder | Female | 25 Years
    ↪ ST - F11 | HS - S | HC - 20 | EC - E8 | X | Red Wolf
    Thorn | Male | 20 Years
    ↪ ST-G11 | HS-S | HC-2/12 | EC-G8 | X | Gray Wolf

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Imbe | Nonbinary | 23 Years
    ↪ ST - G10 | HS - S | HC - 10/2 | EC - F4 | X | German Shepherd (Dog)
    Prick | Male | 18 Years
    ↪ ST - H4 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - F2 / X / Golden Eagle

    Hunt Chief
    Sebastian | Male | 20 Years
    ↪ ST-E6 | HS-LW | HC-20 | EC-A4 | Y | Tiger

    Osprey | Female | 22 Years
    ↪ ST-C8 | HS-LW | HC-19 | EC-G5 | X | Timber Wolf
    Crow | Female | 27 Years
    ↪ ST-A7 | HS-AC | HC-26 | EC-E4 | X | Serval
    Sanguis | Male | 33 Years
    ↪ ST-A9 | HS-HW | HC-7 | EC-B2 | X | Irish Setter (Dog)

    Apple | Female | 21 Years
    ↪ ST-A5 | HS-LW | HC-2 | EC-D4 | X | Toucan
    Name | Gender | Age

    Angel | Male | 15 Years
    ↪ ST-C2 | HS-LW | HC-25 | EC-H5 | X | Hawk
    Devil | Female | 15 Years
    ↪ ST-D4 | HS-S | HC-8 | EC-C3 | X | Hawk

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Tabeetha | Female | 27 Years
    ↪ ST-F3 | HS-LW | HC-2 | EC-G6 | X | Sun Bear
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Mini Mini
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Mouse | 4 | 1 Serving Each
Medium Fish | 6 | 3 Servings Each
Elk/Deer/Caribou | 4 | 6 Servings Each
Boar| 4 | 10 Servings Each
Mushroom | 20 | 1 Serving Each
Corn | 5.5 | 4 Servings Each
Seaweed | 1 | 5 Servings Each
Strawberry | 3 | 1 Serving Each
Orange | 4 | 2 Servings Each
Watermelon | 5 | 4 Servings Each
164 Servings Total

Item Storage
Strawberry Seed | 1 | 1
Corn Seed | 1 | 1
Wood | 2 | Craft
Leather | 1 | Craft
Silver | 2 | Craft
Sand | 1 | Craft

Percutiens | Female | 19 Years | Dragon | 0 | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Apple | Angel | Paloa | 0 | Basic Gathering - Grip - Storing - Planting
Apple | Devil | Paloa | 0 | Basic Gathering - Grip - Storing - Planting
Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Devil and Angel are siblings
Name and Name | Kids
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:09 pm


Autumn is here! During the autumn, births will begin to increase in difficulty. Food availability will drop as animals begin to migrate and plants start to die. Fewer nomads are to be found and the odds of sickness begin to rise.


Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Kanaka Helu | Mekhanikos | Riverside Keep | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | The Abyssal Kingdom | The Anak Isles | The Unseen

Wolfypoof's Villages
Black Rock Weyrhold | Coast of Oracle | Delvunder | Fenguard | Fireborn | Liones Kingdom | Moonside | Stars of Midnight | The Mirror Dominion | Zaffari

broken* wrote:

[ Tola's patrol gathers x1 berry seed, x1 potato, and x1 berry. ]
[ Samuel's patrol catches x1 rabbit, x1 deer, x1 fish, and x1 squirrel. ]
[ Phoebe's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Sycamore's patrol comes across a hostile fair of fire-lizards. They harry the patrol, leaving Evanora with some irritating scratches that require 1 post of rest while Argus and Sivert have more severe injuries. Argus falls over while trying to fend off the fair, spraining his leg badly. He will need to be healed by Medea and 3 posts of rest. Sivert ends up smacking his arm against a tree and manages to sprain that too. He will either need to be healed by Medea or rest for 2 posts. ]
[ Medea gains 1 KP. ]

[ Both the potato and melon seeds are planted successfully! They'll bloom in 2 posts. ]

[ Iolana successfully retests with the guards. Kendric, Talulla, and Dario also successfully test. Unfortunately, Chantal can't seem to remember the basics of healing and Medea recommends that Chantal either retry with her or pursue a different profession. ]
[ Ariella and Atlas successfully gain one skill each. ]

[ Alinta needs 2 more posts of rest while Chaya can go back to her duties. ]

[ Danica catches nothing. ]

ARKYQ wrote:

[ Rotorshift mines x1 medium and x2 small crystals. Wren finds x1 medium crystal seed. ]
[ Rotorshift and Clockwork synthesize x1 medium and x1 large synthetic energon rations. ]
[ Rotorshift finds a warrior. ]
[ Rotorshift and Clockwork find nothing of interest. Clockwork gets some minor scratches on his arm when he scrapes it against the sides of the Helldiver. He will need 1 post of rest to heal. ]

[ The warrior's traits are: ST - K4 / HS - AC / HC - 21 / EC - A8 / X / cybertronian combiner team. You can decide whether this is an individual from a team or the entire team. ]

iRoxy wrote:

[ Art gather x2 strawberries and x1 peach. ]
[ Lux and Marcy catch x1 pig and x1 goat. ]

NightWolf950 wrote:

[ Riter's patrol gathers x1 potato and x1 strawberry. ]
[ Sebastian's patrol gathers x1 potato and x1 honey melon. ]
[ Kiiru's patrol catches x2 hares, x1 deer, and x1 boar. ]
[ Nathanial's patrol catches x1 boar, x2 perch, and x1 deer. ]
[ Velcar's patrol finds a scout. ]
[ Ban's patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Escanor's patrol passes well initially; the weather is pleasant and nothing is jumping out of them. However, bad luck strikes the patrol when Escanor falls into a gopher hole and lands on his arm hard, breaking it. He will need Timber to heal him and 3 posts of rest. ]
[ Nickolas's patrol finds a gatherer. ]
[ Caitna's patrol comes across a large wild feline, possibly a cougar. Luckily, the only injuries are Terasil falling over from fright as they scramble away. He will need one of the mages to check on him or 1 post of rest. Also, he probably should have had a cougar knife. ]
[ Timber fails to gain KP. ]

[ Genie, Sirenna, and Nadine are all cleared for duty. Qutugh gains 2 KP from the experience. ]

[ Zirsa and Clover successfully test gathering. ]
[ Febar passes his final test! ]

[ The scout's traits are: ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - D8 / X / light elf. ]
[ The warrior's traits are: ST - B3 / HS - HW / HC - 29 / EC - C3 / Y / demon. ]
[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - E7 / HS - S / HC - 51 / EC - E5 / Y / demon. ]

[ If you haven't already, replace x3 silver with x1 silver jewelry. ]
[ The Liones Kingdom receives 10 yemons, x1 stone spear, x1 glass jewelry, and x1 vial of medicine from the achievements. ]

[ Apple gathers x2 strawberries and x1 mushroom. ]
[ Sebastian's patrol catches x2 boars and x1 mouse. With Percutiens' help, they catch an additional x1 deer. ]
[ Flite's patrol finds x1 wood, x1 gold ore, and x1 herb. ]
[ Imbe and Prick find a pair of bird-of-preys protecting a nest containing several eggs. The scouts decide to try and steal one of the eggs and succeed, gaining a bird, but not without serious injury. Imbe is the one who climbs the tree and steals the egg but decides that the "smart" decision is to jump down. They end up fracturing their leg (it's this close to being broken) and will need x1 vial of meds and 3 posts of rest to heal. Prick is worse off, as he fends off the angered parent birds. He also fractured his arm but he refused to see the skao immediately, which meant that it would never be able to heal properly. He will need x1 vial of medicine and 4 posts of rest but his arm will never be the same; he will likely be the first one hurt on scouting patrols as his grip strength never recovers. ]
[ Hay gains 1 KP. ]

[ The corn seed will bloom in 1 post. ]

[ Angel and Devil both pass their assessments, although Devil excels due to her confidence. ]

[ Skarr's request has been granted! The hlah's traits are: ST - G7 / HS - LW / HC - 61 / EC - H6 / X / bear. ]
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the unseen. 021.

Postby broken* » Mon Jan 24, 2022 8:01 am

    population. 63 villagers. | required servings. 57.50 request. 1 posts │ yemens. 56x


    maria had gained permission by the village's high priestess to travel to the marketplace with two of her four tebo; phoebe the high priestess had agreed that selling the skilled animals may help since it would mean less animals for the village to feed, and even gained permission to trade the tebo for what maria felt was a fair amount of food, since the winter months had been quite harsh on the village, who had so far avoided starvation, but had come close a couple of times. it was decided that one person being in charge of watching two animals, especially large and strong ones such as the tebo, would be too dangerous, and so maria's wife tola and tola's husband leo volunteered to make the trip with her.

    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 1 melon, 9 potato, 9 fish, 1/2 a rabbit.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; zuximi is due in 1 posts.
    ›medical ; medea researches medicine. alinta rests for 2 of 3 posts. evanora rests 1 of 1 post. medea looks at argus to heal & he rests for 1 of 3 posts. sivert rests for 1 of 2 posts.
    ›rank changes ; n.a.

    ›hunting ; samuel, erin (& crystal), niikura, arne, ansel, aalton.
    ›gathering ; tama, masami, kumiko, zephyr, tate, alette.
    ›border ; phoebe, felix, gnome, kerissa, solomon, romeo.
    ›scouting ; sycamore, nehiti, yukio, aiha, chaya, alfy.

    ›marketplace ; tola, leo, & maria travel with fred & pumba (both tebo) to the marketplace.
    ›farming ; guirec tends the potato seed with timon the tebo; it will bloom in 2 posts. félagi tends the melon seed with tatiana the tebo; it will bloom in 2 posts.
    ›crafting ; n.a.

    ›testing ; iolana tests with the hunters. kendric tests with the scouts. chantal retests with the shaman. talulla tests with the guards. dario tests with the gatherers.
    ›training ; ariella trains with athena in the agility skill. atlas trains with ansel in the stealth skill.

    ›animals ; danica & achlys go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; n.a.
    ›notes ; anyone with '♤' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '♤' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.

              𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ⋆Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 49 years
              ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch
              ⋆Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 52 years
              ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
              ↪ knowledge points: 18
              ⋆Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 142 years
              ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
              Dennis Dion | ♂ | 100 years
              ↪ ST - M9 / HS - AC / HC - 60 / EC - E11 / X / devil
              Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 134 years
              ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
              Yarek Rucryn | ♂ | 76 years
              ↪ ST - H4 / HS - AC / HC - 39 / EC - A4 / X / fairy

        ♤⋆Felix Akuma | ♂ | 51 years
        ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn

        ♤⋆Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 50 years
        ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
        ⋆Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 38 years
        ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
        ⋆Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 38 years
        ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
        ⋆Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 35 years
        ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
        ⋆Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 35 years
        ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
        ⋆Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 47 years
        ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
        ⋆Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 31 years
        ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
        ⋆Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 44 years
        ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
        Akakios Euanthe | ♂ | 78 years
        ↪ ST - G11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - B9 / Y / siren
        ⋆Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 43 years
        ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
        Kersissa Tellalin | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ST - D2 / HS - HW / HC - 47 / EC - D11 / X / scorpifolk
        ⋆Cassia Faustine | ♀ | 40 years
        ↪ST - G7 / HS - LC / HC - 47 / EC - F10 / Y / winged person

        ⋆Maria Dracos | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
        ⋆Tola Amitina | ♀ | 42 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
        ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
        ⋆Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 44 years
        ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
        ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
        ⋆Tama Sato | ♀ | 49 years
        ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
        ⋆Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 43 years
        ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
        ⋆Tate Evander | ♂ | 33 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
        ⋆Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 46 years
        ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
        ⋆Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 62 years
        ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
        Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 34 years
        ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
        Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 54 years
        ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin
        ⋆Alette Ondine | ♀ | 36 years
        ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
        ♤⋆Astrid Holm | ♀ | 33 years
        ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
        ⋆Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 52 years
        ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph

        ♤⋆Neheti Venus | ♀ | 43 years
        ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
        ⋆Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 41 years
        ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
        ⋆Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 40 years
        ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
        ↪ magma manipulation
        ⋆Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 36 years
        ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
        ⋆Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 38 years
        ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
        ♤⋆Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 32 years
        ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
        ↪ (green tree python)
        ⋆Sivert Larson | ♂ | 36 years
        ↪ ST - A10 | HS - LC | HC - 15 | EC - B3 | X | wood elf
        ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 47 years
        ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon

        Argus Ariston | ♂ | 45 years
        ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
        ⋆Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 41 years
        ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
        ⋆Saga Ström | ♀ | 41 years
        ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf


        ⋆Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 78 years
        ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

        ⋆Erin Paxton | ♀ | 47 years
        ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
        ↪ dragon - crystal
        ⋆Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 41 years
        ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
        ⋆Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 42 years
        ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
        ♤⋆Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 39 years
        ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
        ⋆Ansel Armani | ♂ | 95 years
        ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
        ⋆Ash Everest | ⚲ | 25 years
        ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
        ⋆Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 44 years
        ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
        Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 62 years
        ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
        ⋆Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 28 years
        ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
        ♤⋆Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 16 years
        ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy
        ⋆Atlas Pan | ♂ | 17 years
        ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur

        ⋆Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 12 years
        ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
        ↪born with a twisted arm.
        ⋆Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 12 years
        ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
        ♤⋆Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 12 years
        ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
        ⋆Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 12 years
        ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
        ↪born without an arm.
        ⋆Dario Ondine | ♂ | 12 years
        ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
        ⋆Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 9 years
        ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
        ⋆Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 9 years
        ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
        ⋆Oletha Ström | ♀ | 9 years
        ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
        ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 47 years
        ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
        ↪ due in 1 posts
        none atm
        𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
        northeast | serendipity | Lumos11
        east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
        southeast | village name | user
        south | village name | user
        southwest | village name | user
        west | carmina abyssi | jazz
        northwest | abyssal frontier | ariento
        nomadic | Kanaka Helu | Chamrosh

        𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

        𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here
        𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        rabbit | 1 serv. | 13.5
        squirrel | 1 serv. | 2
        fish | 3 serv. | 0
        deer | 6 serv. | 1
        carrots | 2 serv. | 3
        potatoes | 3 serv. | 0
        squash | 4 serv. | 0
        berries | 1 serv. | 1
        apples | 2 serv. | 0
        melons | 3 serv. | 0

        𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
        x3 glass jewelry
        x1 potato seed
        x1 iron sword
        x1 carrot seed
        x5 berry seed
        x2 vials medicine
        x3 wood
        x1 copper
        x1 steel
        x1 twine
        x2 herbs
        x2 stone
        x1 gold
        x1 sand
        x2 twine
        x1 cotton
        x1 gold ore
        x2 stone pickaxes
        x1 blanket
        x1 stone spear
        x2 traps
        draven | ♂ | 17 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler : phoebe
        crystal | ♀ | 17 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: erin
        timon | ♂ | 14 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
        ⤷ handler: maria
        tatiana | ♀ | 14 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
        ⤷ handler: maria
        fred | ♂ | 03 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: maria
        pumba | ♀ | 11 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: maria
        hibiscus | ♀ | 12 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: nehiti
        danica | ♀ | 04 yrs | matagot | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: astrid
        achlys | ♀ | 03 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
        ⤷ handler: ianira

        ⋆tester ➾ iolana
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ kendric
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ chantal
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ talulla
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆tester ➾ dario
        ⤿shaman, gatherer, scout, hunter, guard.
        ⋆ansel ➾ atlas (hunter)
        ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, bow skills.
        ⋆athena ➾ ariella (guard)
        ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.

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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby littleminicooper » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:18 pm

I'd like to join!

The Village of Rushing Waters

The meats found here: Rabbit, Chicken, Elk, Moose
The veggies found here: Mushroom, potato, corn
The fruit found here: Cherry, Apple, watermelon

Any species can be found in this land.

Car enthusiast│Memes
Dog lover│Roleplayer
Warrior Cats│The Selection
CoziesMystic Moths

In memory of Eadlyn.
Taken too soon
I miss her everyday.

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Black Rock Weyrhold 37

Postby Simonpet » Sun Jan 30, 2022 2:37 pm

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 105 (50 ♂ | 53 ♀ | 02 ⚤)
Number of Animals: 75 (48 c | 19 o | 08 h)
Next Visit to North: Post 39
Yemons: 170 | Greenhouse: lvl 1 (7 seeds)
Families | Items and Food | Mentors | References

↪ Tigill and Tollioma have a passionate romance that results in a child. Neither wants the responsibility so once Tollioma gives birth, she decides to Foster the child. They break up afterwards. Seeking comfort, Tigill turns to V'bin.

↪ S’gan and Riziolke begin dating.

I’ve accomplished something!
Achievement(s) you’ve accomplished: Village
Total prizes: 50 yemons, x3 random items, x20 random food items

[ The villagers 21+ turns old (73) consume 73 servings: x2 bovines, x5 large fish, x5 wherries, and x1 redfruit. ] 60s
[ The villagers 8-20 turns old (17) consume 8.5 servings: x0.5 blueberry and x2 cucumbers. ]
[ The animals (75) consume 18.75 servings: x2 large fish, x1 moonflower fruit, x0.75 redfruit, and x1 cucumber. ]

[ The following villagers join: Ishai (Glasscrafter), Perani (Candidate), and Sencety (child). ]
[ The following villagers are born: Camilla’s child (Amilya), Fira’s quadruplets (Allona, Bealiram, Ezra, Fallon), and Tollioma’s twins (Gillam, Mabill). ]
[ The following animals join: Dapper (cat), Bluth, Harplith (dragons), Red, Snowfall, and Sparky III (foxes). ]
[ The following finish testing: none. ]
[ The following graduate: none. ]

[ Eryn, Ferrelion, Illias, and Sadia become testers. ]
[ Dallumi and Samantha Impress blue Bluth and gold Harplith. They become weyrlings under F’dust. ]

[ Renolla leads Bansendon, Nilani, Saltul, and Veashmorell on a gathering patrol. ]
[ Ezekiel leads Diatilon, Jarshonen, Hantyn, and Kalliarrah on a gathering patrol. They bring Batman, Red, and Screech (birds). ]
[ Ayal leads Fudiom, Kivee, Miklo, and Neachunno on a gathering patrol. ]

[ Nitia leads Beallolril, Griengrilon, Jesse, and Kyniken on a hunting patrol. They bring Endyr (dragon), Red (fox), and Ember and Moonflower (horses). ]
[ Abesses leads Jomiovit, M'sha, and Tugall on a hunting patrol. They bring Currith (dragon) and Vex (fox). ]
[ Boldosh leads Balidosh, Bess, Lolardra, and Nebenni on a fishing patrol. They bring Lanernuth (dragon) and Snowfall (fox). ]
[ Jesni leads Eden, S'gan, and Riziolke on a fishing patrol. They bring Pumolth (dragon) and Sparky III (fox). ]

[ Baridna leads Dulcia, Ishai, and Tigill on a border patrol. They bring Breenu, Mant, and Zux (fire-lizards), and Chaser, Faith, and Spot (dogs). ]
[ Rabrusull leads Aidan, Anna, and Rowan on a border patrol. They bring Rikal, Tukka, and Zixel (fire-lizards), and Dapple, Shadow, and Yeller (dogs). ]

[ Tutikko leads Fella, Mairmun, Rorria, T'gin, and Waxinnan on a scouting patrol. They bring Diasrioth, Siarlith, and Noneth (dragons). ]
[ N'reg leads Benorri, Eshni, Soyah, and V'bin on a scouting patrol. They bring Predath, Borinth, and Fareth (dragons). ]

[ Shollun (13), Camilla (8), Fay (7), and Fira (6) study medicine. ]

[ Basil plants x1 blueberry seed. ]
[ Ermid plants x1 moonflower fruit seed with the help of bovine 9. ]
[ Pepper plants x1 redfruit seed with the help of bovine 14. ]

[ Borrin looks after corn seed 1 with the help of bovine 10. It will bloom in 2 posts. ]
[ Ershar looks after carrot seed 1 with the help of bovine 11. It will bloom in 2 posts. ]
[ Thiolo looks after carrot seed 2 with the help of bovine 13. It will bloom in two posts. ]
[ Tug looks after cucumber seed 3 with the help of bovine 12. It blooms for the first time! ]

[ Akiniall, Dusteah, Ester, Sharon, Eryn, Ferrelion, Illias, and Sadia test dragonriding. ]

[ F'dust teaches Dallumi and Samantha basic dragon care. ]

[ N.A ]

[ Hantyn and Sedah try for children. ]

[ Benorri, Nilani, and Nebenni will give birth in 2 posts. ]

[ The 5 cats and 6 dogs hunt for carnivore scraps. ]

[ Hallitu, Seanni, Sedah, Ze’ku, and the 8 Candidates stay back to do weyrhold duties. ]
[ Tollioma, Nella, Salano, and Wedassea stay back to care for the 15 weyrbrats. ]

[ Seanni requests a Fostering staff. ]
[ The village claims x12 random materials and x30 servings of food from the advent calendar. ]

[ Please ask before killing anyone. All injuries are accepted. ]
[ I’m not accepting anyone except from Search (scout) patrols or requests. If anything other than "person(s) found" is rolled for on Search, the patrol finds nothing. ]
[ ✰/✧ is for scouter dragonriders. ➵ is for hunter dragonriders. ]
[ Underlined names have disabilities that affect the rolls. ]

[ I will now start accepting villagers with any eye colors. Skin/Hair colors must still be natural only. <3 ]
[ I accept humans (common), demigods (uncommon), and witches/wizards (uncommon). ]
[ Candidates will start testing for professions in my next post. This batch is presumed to have auto-tested for dragonriding. ]


    G. Seanni | female | 61 turns | Rosanth ✰

    Junior Goldriders (01)
    G. Sedah | female | 41 turns | Zerith ✰

    B. N'reg | male | 56 turns | Predath ✰

    Wingleaders (02)
    B. M'sha | male | 36 turns | Currith ➵
    Bl. Ze'ku | male | 38 turns | Hosurth ✧

    Wingseconds (01)
    Gr. Tutikko | female | 26 turns | Diasrioth ✰

    Weyrlingmasters (01)
    Br. F'dust | male | 39 turns | Kimorth ✰
    Hunt Riders ➵ (03)
    B. S'gan | male | 23 turns | Pumolth
    Gr. Nebenni | female | 23 turns | Lanernuth
    Dr. Jesse | nonbinary | 28 turns | Endyr

    Scout Riders ✰ (04)
    Br. T'gin | male | 27 turns | Noneth
    Bl. V'bin | male | 26 turns | Fareth
    Gr. Rorria "Rory" | female | 28 turns | Siarlith
    Gr. Soyah | female | 38 turns | Borinth
    ↪ firelizards: Chirper

    Search Riders ✧ (02)
    Gr. Hallitu "Tutu" | female | 27 turns | Fayaraith
    Gr. Tollioma | female | 24 turns | Kenralth
    Weyrlings (2)
    Dallumi | female | 25 turns | Bluth
    Samantha | female | 17 turns | Harplith
    ↪ gifted with the piano


    Renolla | female | 56 turns
    ↪ birds: Aurora, Savvy

    Healercrafters (4)
    M. Shollun | male | 55 turns | 13 KP
    J. Camilla | female | 41 turns | 8 KP
    J. Fay | female | 44 turns | 7 KP
    ↪ familiar: Lilac | male | Costa's hummingbird
    J. Fira | female | 27 turns | 6 KP
    Lower Caverns Staff (11)
    Bansendon | male | 36 turns
    ↪ birds: Piou
    Diatilon | female | 34 turns
    Fudiom | male | 75 turns
    ↪ birds: Chirpy, Sky
    Hantyn | male | 43 turns
    ↪ birds: Batman, Redi, Screech
    Jarshonen "Jar" | male | 23 turns
    Kalliarrah "Kali" | female | 42 turns
    ↪ has ocular albinism
    Kivee | female | 54 turns
    Miklo | female | 65 turns
    ↪ birds: Catcher
    Nilani | female | 33 turns
    ↪ birds: Grace
    Saltul | male | 43 turns
    ↪ birds: Bandit, Chiral
    Veashmorell "Veash"| male | 46 turns
    ↪ birds: Caling, Quest

    Fostering Staff (03)
    Nella | female | 47 turns
    Salano | female | 68 turns
    Wedassea | female | 68 turns

    Retirees (0)
    None yet


    Farmercrafters (08)
    M. Borrin | male | 60 turns
    M. Ershar | male | 58 turns
    M. Thiolo | female | 39 turns
    J. Basil | female | 33 years
    J. Ermid | male | 29 turns
    J. Ezekiel "Zeke" | male | 20 turns
    J. Pepper | female | 37 turns
    ↪ familiar: Baxter | male | mt bluebird
    J. Tug | male | 35 years

    Woodcrafters (02)
    M. Ayal | female | 50 turns
    J. Neachunno "Chunno" | male | 33 turns

    Beastcrafters (05)
    M. Abesses | male | 59 turns
    M. Griengrilon | male | 39 turns
    ↪ horses: Ember, Moonflower
    M. Nitia | female | 52 turns
    J. Jomiovit "Jom" | male | 19 turns
    J. Kyniken "Kye" | male | 40 turns
    Fishercrafters (05)
    M. Boldosh | male | 54 turns
    M. Jesni | female | 58 turns
    J. Balidosh | male | 23 turns
    J. Lolardra "Lola" | female | 41 turns
    J. Riziolke "Riz" | female | 23 turns

    Tannercrafters (04)
    M. Tugall | male | 52 turns
    J. Beallolril "Ril" | male | 27 turns
    J. Bess | female | 27 turns
    J. Eden | female | 27 turns

    Glasscrafters (03)
    M. Baridna | female | 54 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Hel, Tolly
    J. Ishai | male | 21 turns
    J. Tigill | male | 23 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Breenu, Mant, Zux
    Smithcrafters (05)
    M. Rabrusull | male | 41 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Conni, Keten, Tixir
    J. Aidan | male | 42 turns
    ↪ familiar: Orgon | male | German Shepard
    ↪ firelizards: Rikal, Tukka, Zixel
    J. Anna "Nana" | female | 34 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Plum, Reggie
    J. Dulcia "Lucy" | nonbinary | 38 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Cari, Theseus
    J. Rowan "Rory" | transfemale | 26 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Hush, Vivian

    Harpercrafters (03)
    M. Mairmun | male | 63 turns
    M. Waxinnan "Wax" | male | 52 turns
    J. Eshni | female | 32 turns
    ↪ firelizards: Wish

    Starcrafters (02)
    J. Benorri "Benny" | female | 44 turns
    J. Fella | female | 27 turns


    Apprentices (00)

    Candidates (08)
    Gevol | transmale | 16 turns
    Hinraul | male | 24 turns
    Lemmima | female | 24 turns
    Narra | female | 17 turns
    Perani | female | 15 turns
    Riva | female | 18 turns
    Teruna | male | 18 turns
    Tiennen "Tien" | male | 14 turns

    Testers (08)
    Akiniall | male | 12 turns
    Dusteah "Teya" | female | 11 turns
    Eryn | female | 8 turns
    Ester "Esty" | female | 12 turns
    Ferrelion "Ferri" | male | 8 turns
    Illias | male | 8 turns
    ↪ deaf in left ear
    Sadia | female | 8 turns
    ↪ has ocular albinism
    Sharon | female | 12 turns

    Weyrbrats (15)
    Allona | female | 1 turn
    ↪ blind in right eye
    Amilya | female | 1 turn
    Bealiram | male | 1 turn
    Daniel "Danny" | male | 5 turns
    Ezra | male | 1 turn
    Fallon | male | 1 turn
    Farida | female | 5 turns
    Florisenthi "Floris" | male | 3 turns
    Gillam | male | 1 turn
    Grigolien "Greg" | male | 3 turns
    Harishni | female | 5 turns
    Kansan | male | 3 turns
    Mabill | female | 1 turn
    Minty | female | 6 turns
    Sencety | male | 7 turns


Cats (05)
Dapper | male | 1 turn
Fish | male | 4 turns
Hazel | male | 6 turns | b1
Mouse | female | 4 turns
Soot | female | 6 turns

Cows (06)
Bovine 9 | female | 14 turns | b2
Bovine 10 | male | 10 turns
Bovine 11 | male | 10 turns
Bovine 12 | female | 8 turns
Bovine 13 | female | 2 turns
Bovine 14 | female | 2 turns

Horses (02)
Ember | male | 3 turns
Moonflower | female | 5 turns

Sheep (00)
    Birds (14)
    Aurora | female | 2 turns | hawk
    Bandit | male | 2 turns | hawk
    Batman | male | 3 turns | hawk
    Caling | male | 12 turns | b1 | hawk
    Catcher | male | 10 turns | b1 | hawk
    Chiral | female | 3 turns | hawk
    Chirpy | female | 5 turns | falcon x sparrow
    Grace | female | 10 turns | hawk
    Piou | male | 3 turns | hawk
    Quest | male | 2 turns | hawk
    Redi | female | 12 turns | b1 | hawk
    Savvy | female | 10 turns | b1 | hawk
    Screech | male | 13 turns | b2 | hawk
    Sky | male | 8 turns | b1 | falcon

    Dogs (06)
    Chaser | male | 8 turns | b1
    Dapple | male | 11 turns
    Faith | female | 8 turns
    Shadow | female | 8 turns
    Spot | female | 4 turns
    Yeller | male | 8 turns

    Foxes (05)
    Red | male | 1 turn
    Rusty | male | 2 turns | b1
    Snowfall | female | 1 turn
    Sparky III | male | 1 turn
    Vex | female | 9 turns | b1

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Liones Kingdom | 17

Postby NightWolf950 » Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:19 am

Number of People: 64 (32 males | 32 females)
Next Request: 2 posts | Archive: Here
Servings: 62 | Yemons: 176

Font Credit and Divider Credit



Liones Kingdom consumes x10 deer and x1 apple

Request: Rolland requests a villager
Ceremonies: n/a
Other: x1 glassy jewelry, x1 silver jewelry, and x1 gold jewelry are used (have been subtracted already)
Transfers: n/a

Medic Info: Escanor has Timber look at his broken arm
Escanor rests this moon (2 to go)
Terasil has Qutugh check out his injuries
Birthing Info: Ruxe is due in 1 post
Deaths: n/a

Studying Medicine: n/a
Patrolling: Velcar, Genie, Erze, Valentine, and Joey
Patrolling: Rolland, Takeshi, Madoka, Axel, Eden, and Kal
Patrolling: Meliodas, Ban, King (companion: Oslo), Diane, Merlin, and Gowther
Scouting: Sirenna, Mako, Nadine, Lyle, and Meriel
Scouting: Ninleyn, Caitna, Nickolas, and Zara
Hunting: Deja, Siveril, Nathaniel, Hana, Simona, and Amber
Hunting: Kiiru, Hikari, Ali, Iarus, Vladimir, and Febar
Gathering: Riter, Rezy, Cadence, Ibaris, Catalina, and Runa
Gatherings: Mythia (companion: Kashikoi), Angel, Syn, Zalma, Micah, and Sebastian
Farming: n/a
Crafting: n/a

Training Holy Knights: Collins - magic ability
Training Citizens: Tsukiko - gathering
Testing: Zirsa - leadership | Clover - healing

Achievements: A Spoonful of Sugar (healing previous injuries in last reply)

Mod. Notes: n/a
Key: ♦ = Do not kill please
♕ = head chief | ☄ = war chief | ♤ = scout chief | ➢ = hunting chief | ❁ = gathering chief
⚔ = warrior | ◎ = scout | ➴ = hunter | ❀ = gather

    King & Queen:
    ♦ Rolland | 47 years | M. Human | ♕
    ♦ Mythia | 39 years | F. Fairy | ❁

    Princes & Princesses:
    Zirsa | 13 years | F. Human

    Grand Master:
    Velcar | 47 years | M. Human | ☄

    Timber | 41 years | M. Shifter | K.P: 11
    Qutugh | 31 years | F. Human | K.P: 5

    Holy Knights:
    ♦ Ban | 33 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Merlin | 39 years | F. Human | ⚔
    ♦ King | 28 years | M. Fairy | ⚔
    ♦ Diane | 27 years | F. Giant | ⚔
    ♦ Escanor | 40 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Gowther | 26 years | M. Human | ⚔
    ♦ Meliodas | 34 years | M. Demon | ⚔
    Takeshi | 41 years | F. Human | ⚔
    Madoka | 44 years | F. Kemonomimi | ⚔
    Myles | 58 years | M. Human | ⚔
    Axel | 43 years | M. Dark Elf | ⚔
    Sirenna | 36 years | F. Human | ◎
    Genie| 44 years | F. Shifter | ⚔
    Mako | 36 years | M. Werewolf | ◎
    Nadine | 28 years | F. Werewolf | ◎
    Ninleyn | 33 years | M. Light Elf | ◎
    Caitna | 39 years | F. Human | ◎
    Erze | 38 years | F. Human | ⚔
    Nickolas | 47 years | M. Human | ◎
    Lyle | 32 years | M. Human | ◎
    Zara | 33 years | F. Human | ◎
    Terasil | 29 years | M. God | ◎
    Valentine | 28 years | F. Were-beast | ⚔
    Joey | 30 years | M. Were-beast | ⚔
    Eden | 24 years | F. Vampire | ⚔
    Meriel | 26 | F. Light Elf | ◎
    Kal | 43 | M. Demon | ⚔
    Lilia | 39 years | F. Demon | ❀
    Deja | 39 years | F. Were-beast | ➴
    Siveril | 42 years | M. Light Elf | ➴
    ♦ Kiiru | 33 years | M. Human | ➴
    Nathaniel | 37 years | M. Winged Human | ➴
    Riter | 30 years | M. Human | ❀
    Hikari | 29 years | F. Kitsune | ➴
    Cadence | 30 years | F. Shifter | ❀
    Ibaris | 36 years | F. Human | ❀
    Ali | 38 years | M. Human | ➴
    Catalina | 37 years | F. Human | ❀
    Hana | 37 years | F. Shifter | ➴
    ♦ Angel | 25 years | M. Human | ❀
    ♦ Iarus | 29 years | M. God | ➴
    Syn | 31 years | M. Shifter | ❀
    Zalma | 36 years | F. Human | ❀
    Simona | 29 years | F. Human | ➴
    Vladimir | 27 years | M. Vampire | ➴
    Micah | 29 years | M. Winged Human | ❀
    Sebastian | 32 years | M. Human | ❀
    Runa | 26 years | F. Human | ❀
    Amber | 19 years | F. Human | ➴
    Febar | 25 years | M. Giant | ➴
    Rezy | 30 | F. Demon | ❀
    Tsukiko | 18 years | F. Kitsune | ❀
    Collins | 18 years | M. Human | ⚔

    Clover | 13 years | F. Fairy

    Vianola | 34 years | F. Light Elf
    Ruxe | 29 years | F. Demon

    Ralnor| 5 years | M. Light Elf
    ♦ Vaeril | 5 years | M. Light Elf



Nova | Female | Rattlesnake Familiar (dies when Sirenna dies)
Tiki | 11 years | Male | Bird
Oslo | 6 years | Male | Black Hound
Luna | 3 years | Female | Cat
Kashikoi | 41 years | Male | Dragon


Mage Skills | healing procedures, advanced healing procedures, study of medicine, understanding magic, basic battle skills, study of the races
Scout Holy Knights| basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, charisma, study of the races
Warrior Holy Knights | basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, strategies, study of the races
Hunter | basic battle skills, advanced battle skills, way of the trade, hunting, tracking, study of the races
Gather | basic battle skills, way of the trade, gathering, crop care, soil care, study of the races

Lilia | Tsukiko | basic battle skills, way of the trade, gathering, crop care, soil care, study of the races
Myles | Collins | basic battle skills, magic ability, advanced battle skills, advanced magic ability, strategies, study of the races

Trainee Skills | gathering, hunting, scouting, protecting, healing, leadership

Zirsa | gathering, hunting, scouting, protecting, healing, leadership
Clover | gathering, hunting, scouting, protecting, healing, leadership


Food Storage:
Hare | x6 | 1 serving
Perch | x6 | 3 servings
Deer | x10 | 6 servings
Boar | x3 | 10 servings
Carrot | x19 | 3 servings
Potato | x15 | 3 servings
Lettuce | x14 | 4 servings
Strawberry | x19 | 1 serving
Apple | x27 | 2 servings
Honey melon | x11 | 4 servings

Item Storage:
Carrot Seed x2 | Potato Seed x0 | Lettuce Seed x0
Strawberry Seed x0 | Apple Seed x1 | Honey Melon Seed x3
Copper x6 | Silver x7 | Gold x6
Cotton x2 | Stone x4 | Wood x7
Herb x10 | Leather x2 | Twine x4
Iron x8 | Steel x7 | Sand x6
Carnivore Scrap x4 | Herbivore Scrap x0
Cloth x0 | Glass x0 | Rope x0
Compass | x0 | 2 uses
Stone Dagger | x2 | 1 use
Iron Dagger | x0 | 2 uses
Steel Dagger | x0 | 3 uses
Carnivore Trap x0 | Herbivore Trap x0 | 1 use each
Glass Jewelry x0 | Silver Jewelry x0 | Gold Jewelry x0 | 1 use each
Stone Pickaxe | x0 | 2 use
Iron Pickaxe | x0 | 3 uses
Steel Pickaxe | x0 | 4 uses
Saddle | x1 | 20 uses
Stone Spear | x1 | x2 uses
Iron Spear | x0 | 3 uses
Steel Spear | x0 | 4 uses
Staff | x1 | 2 uses
Iron Sword | x2 | 2 uses
Steel Sword | x0 | 3 uses
Vile of Medicine | x2 | 1 use
Small Bag | x0 | 4 uses
Backpack | x0 | 6 uses
Saddlebag |x0 | 8 uses
Wagon Bag | x0 | 10 uses
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