Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: ravenclan - xxix

Postby inky. » Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:58 pm



Number of Cats: 32 toms ; 30 mollies ; 01 other ; 63 total| Next Starclan Visit: 6/4 | Serving Size: 11 | Mod Notes: please no deaths atm! (unless it is for stillborn kits)


More rain. The dark grey clouds had settled above the RavenClan camp, and were assaulting the cats with sheets of water. Though it was an ugly day, the nursery was filled with the warm scent of new kits. Two new litters arrived overnight. Kitewhisker had given birth to her son, Tigerkit. Cubsnarl was surprised there was only one, since Kitewhisker was rather large towards the end of her pregnancy. But Tigerkit was a chunky baby. His shoulders were broad, and he had a strong build just like his father. After he was suckling at his mother’s belly, Kitewhisker made Cubsnarl promise they would never have another litter, especially if all of their possible kits would be as large as their son. Now, the big baby was napping on his back, foot in Kitewhisker’s ear as she also tried to sleep. Owlgaze’s litter was much more active.
“Cloverkit stay still!” She hissed quietly, trying not to wake the other queens. The bundle of spiked up fur tumbled over her paws.
“But mom!” He protested, crawling towards the entrance of the nursery “I wanna go back out!”
“You were already outside for longer than you should have been.” She scolded “Droserathorn said you need to warm up. You could catch a cold!” She pulled her son to her chest and licked his fur dry.
“Stop!” He whined “I wanna go exploring!”
“You can go exploring once it stops raining.” Owlgaze promised “But please, stay still. I don’t want you getting sick.”
Riversnap smirked sleepily as she watched the young tom unwillingly flop down onto his belly, looking ridiculously spikey as his fur was moved around by his mother’s rasps. Without moving her head, she looked over her belly, rising and falling gently. She was so proud of her kits, even though they weren’t born yet. She and Droserathorn would do it right, and make sure they grew up strong. Her eyes fluttered shut and she drifted into a sweet dream, filled with hopes of their kits’ life.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Greenpaw scratched behind her ear using one of her many long limbs (4 to be exact). Stretching, she accidentally bumped into another cat.
“Oh!” She gasped whirling around “I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there!” She realized that she didn’t recognize the stranger. “W-What’s your name?”
“Stinkypaw.” He said blandly, a stupid smile on his face. Greenpaw looked him up and down. His fur was matted and there were tufts of wet fur around his mouth, probably from when he drank water. It looked as if he hadn’t groomed in a few days. She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head expectantly. “What’s yours?”
“Hi, Greenpaw.” He purred, but his voice was bubbly and coarse. He walked up to her and leaned in to nuzzle her shoulder. She slowly took a step back.
“I’m sorry,” She chuckled nervously “But I, uh, actually have to go...train.” She gave a nod and smiled awkwardly. Stinkypaw’s smile remained strong.
“Okay,” He said “See you around.” Greenpaw hummed and quickly scurried off, trying to find her mentor so they could leave camp.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Oleanderpaw flicked some dust away from the bundle of cobwebs. A yowl from above caught her attention. It wasn’t one of pain, so she just looked up in annoyance. Panic filled her, though, when she saw Canispaw standing triumphantly on top of the apprentice’s building. She hurried herself over to where the young tom was perched on the overhang. She was careful not to show her anxiety. Droserathorn was out, and he had left her in charge; she didn’t need a dead idiot.
“Canispaw what are you doing.” She sighed “Get down from there.”
“No way!” He huffed “Lyrapaw bet me I couldn’t get up here. Shows her. I’m just rubbing it in.” He raised an eyebrow at Oleanderpaw. “I thought you would approve, considering you do the same thing to Newtpaw.” The shaman apprentice puffed out.
“Yea, well we don’t do idiotic things like climbing the dens.” She pointed out “You’re going to hurt yourself. The roof is still wet from the rain. Get down.” Her voice was firm, and Canispaw smirked.
“Alright.” he said, bunching his muscles.
“W-Wait, what are you doing?” Oleanderpaw spluttered, eyes widening “No, that’s not what I meant!” But it was too late, Canispaw flung himself off the roof, spinning in the air rather gracefully. Oleanderpaw sprung into action, she ran beneath him, and felt the full impact of his lean body as he fell on her. She let out a cough and started to rise to her paws. Before she could get up, though, Canispaw gave her a quick lick on the cheek. She shoved him off and shook out her pelt.
“I just groomed this morning.” She grumbled, rubbing away some of the mud. Canispaw chuckled and winked.
“I can help you reach any areas you miss. It’s the least I can do.” He meowed silkily, starting to walk away “Thanks for catching me!” Oleanderpaw flattened her ears and growled softly at him as he disappeared from view.
“Someone has a crush.” Newtpaw teased, sitting beside his sister.
“Shut up.” She muttered, nudging him out of the way as she stalked back to the medicine cat den, hiding the blush that was forming on her cheeks.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

It was sunhigh. The rain had held off for a good while, and the cats of RavenClan were taking advantage of every second. Cats were scattered around the clearing, telling stories and laughing. But all conversation stopped when Smallsika walked in.
“What is she carrying?”
“I-Is that a bird?”
“Did she kill a bird?”
“But birds are sacred! Is she out of her mind.”
Despite the whispers, the white she-cat proudly strolled through camp, a crow hanging from her jaws. She tilted her head and raised a brow. “What’s the matter?” She meowed, voice muffled by the feathers “Why are you all so scared?” All around her, cats were pressing themselves to the ground, fangs bared and fur on end. She tossed the carcass at a group of cats, and they hissed. Rolling her eyes, she dragged it back to her. “Whatever, if you superstitious fluff brains aren’t going to eat it, then I will.” She settled down in the open space between the tree and a building and licked her jaws. Cats watched in horror as she plunged her teeth into the bird, chewing mouthfuls of it. Shrieks of terror rang through the camp as thunder instantly boomed above. Cats hid in the shadows and fled to their den, but Smallsika continued to feast on the forbidden prey.
Suddenly, a symphony of cawing filled the air. At first, she thought it was just a reaction to the thunder, but she soon realized the sound was growing closer, louder, and more intense. Looking up, her eyes caught a sea of crows flocking towards her. They were radiating fury, and their calls were filled with rage. Smallsika swallowed her bite. Her throat suddenly grew dry and her limbs became stiff. It was so mesmerizing. The way the crows moved in sync, almost forming one large being, flapping and cawing so loudly it could make mountains move. It was at this moment she knew; she had messed up. Smallsika let out a shriek as the cloud descended upon her, talons extended and sharp beaks open. They clawed and pecked until her impeccable white fur was torn and blotched with blood. Her screams became quieter and quieter, until they stopped altogether. The cats continued to watch as the birds started to eat the she-cat. They stopped suddenly, almost like they were given a command. They then suddenly flew away and Smallsika’s body was lying in the middle of the camp, almost as if nothing had happened. Droserathorn stepped cautiously out of his den, tail guarding Oleanderpaw from going out in front of him. After everything was deemed safe, the two shamans crossed the camp alone, since no one else dared to move. They reached Smallsika’s body and swallowed.
“She’s dead.” Droserathorn announced. Oleanderpaw only flicked an ear dismissively.
“She deserved it, if you ask me.” She muttered. Her father looked at her and clenched his jaw, shushing her.
“I know, but that is still no way to talk about the dead.” He reminded. His daughter only shrugged and helped the shaman carry her body to the burial grounds.

Droserathorn stretched in the starry grass. He wasn’t surprised to wake up in the garden, nor was he surprised to see Aita walking in his direction. The usually kind entity was now dark-eyed, and his shadowy figure seemed more wispy and unkempt than usual.
“Hello, Droserathorn.” He greeted shortly.
“I assume you know why you’re here.” The guardian sounded bitter, and Droserathorn nodded. He scanned the garden, but no white pelt was visible. Aita picked up on this, and took a deep breath. “She disobeyed the most severe rule of the Clan. I was not letting her into my sanctuary. She wanders the fallen stars for all of eternity now.” Droserathorn swallowed and dipped his head, nodding. The guardian tilted his head in curiosity. “Do you not like my decision?” Droserathorn’s eyes widened and he laughed.
“Not at all. In fact I very much agree with it.”

Patrol: Eelshriek, Oriolescreech, Wrenpetal, Littlefawn
Hunting: Hollymist, Goldfinch, Turtletoes, Picklepatch
Hunting: Reefpelt, Haypelt, Cypresstail, Snakewhisper
Hunting: Cubsnarl Dashear, Agaricthroat, Bluemask
Training: Reefpelt teaches Yarrowpaw stamina ; Cometcrash teaches Greenpaw stamina ; Droserathorn teaches Oleanderpaw diseases ; Cubsnarl teaches Newtpaw stamina ; Spiketuft teaches Seedpaw stamina ; Dashear trains Featherpaw in battle ; Snakewhisper trains Rowanpaw in stamina ; Eelshriek teaches Swanpaw fishing ; Cypresstail teaches Chardonpaw hunting ; Stratusflight teaches Museaupaw hunting ; Hollymist teaches Rabbitpaw hunting ; Marshflower teaches Siriuspaw hunting ; Haypelt teaches Canispaw hunting ; Littlefawn teaches Lyrapaw hunting ; Goldfinch mentors Stinkypaw
Rank Changes:
Herb Collection: Droserathorn and Oleanderpaw collect kitting herbs
Mates/Births: Riversnap (now!) - x2 chervil is used ; Ibisheart (now! jaguarslip and seismicwhisper of chessclan are the two fathers) - x1 dragon cassia + x1 socoth is used : proof ; Skinknose (2)
Servings: x5 rabbits ; x1 frog
Other: Smallsika is killed by a flock of crows. She joins the fallen stars.
Cats to find: n/a

          | Weaselstar | 66 m | M
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          | Kitewhisker | 51 m | F

          | Droserathorn | 66 m | M
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Shaman Apprentice:
          | Oleanderpaw | 10 m | F

          | Agaricthroat | 59 m | M
          | Snowdrift | 42 m | F
          | Haypelt | 57 m | M
          | Cypresstail | 33 m | M
          | Goldfinch | 58 m | M
          | Hollymist | 42 m | M
          | Wrenpetal | 57 m | F
          | Cubsnarl | 55 m | M
          | Spiketuft | 28 m | M
          | Littlefawn | 51 m | F
          | Snakewhisper | 50 m | M
          | Jaguarslip | 39 m | M
          | Reefpelt | 49 m | F
          | Marshflower | 22 m | F
          | Bluemask | 24 m | M
          | Smallsika | 60 m | F
          | Lionspark | 22 m | M
          | Vixenhop | 19 m | F
          | Stratusflight | 18 m | F
          | Dashear | 19 m | M
          | Cometcrash | 19 m | M
          | Eelshriek | 21 m | M
          | Oriolescreech | 16 m | M
          | Turtletoes | 16 m | F
          | Picklepatch | 16 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Yarrowpaw | 12 m | M
          | Greenpaw | 12 m | F
          | Newtpaw | 10 m | M
          | Seedpaw | 10 m | F
          | Featherpaw | 10 m | F
          | Rowanpaw | 13 m | M
          | Swanpaw | 8 m | F
          | Museaupaw | 7 m | F
          | Chardonpaw | 7 m | M
          | Rabbitpaw | 7 m | F
          | Siriuspaw | 7 m | M
          | Canispaw | 7 m | M
          | Lyrapaw | 7 m | F
          | Stinkypaw | 9 m | M
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Skinknose | 44 m | F
          | Ibisheart | 36 m | NB (AFAB)
          | Amberclaw | 59 m | F
          | Antlerpool | 42 m | F
          | Bananacurl | 26 m | F
          | Owlgaze | 41 m | F
          | Riversnap | 62 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          | Zinniakit | 4 m | F
          | Xyriskit | 4 m | M
          | Upupakit | 4 m | M
          | Quackkit | 4 m | M
          | Stickkit | 3 m | M
          | Volekit | 3 m | F
          | Peckkit | 3 m | F
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Shrewkit | 3 m | M
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Fernkit | 3 m | M
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Chipmunkkit | 3 m | F
          | Pearkit | 3 m | M
          | Kiwikit | 3 m | M
          | Apricotkit | 3 m| F
          | Violetkit | 1 m | F
          | Cloverkit | 1 m | M
          | Tigerkit | 1 m | M
          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

          [url=link]➣[/url] | Name | Age | Gender

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark | Heals toothaches | x1
    Beech Leaves| Used to carry other herbs | x1
    Bindweed | Binds | x1
    Birch Sap | Cures Yellowcough | x1
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases bee stings | x2
    Borage | Brings milk / helps fevers | x2
    Broom | Can help wounds | x1
    Bright-Eye | Cures Coughs | x1
    Burdock | Helps infections | x1
    Burnet | Gives strength ; helps queens | x0
    Catmint | Helps cure greencough| x1
    Catchweed | Keeps poultices on | x1
    Celandine | Helps with eye injury | x1
    Chamomile | soothing/calming/strengthening | x1
    Chervil | Used during kitting | x0
    Chickweed | treats greencough | x2
    Cobwebs | Stops bleeding | x2
    Dock Leaves | Heals scratches | x1
    Feverfew | Reduces fever | x1
    Fennel | kitting herb | x1
    Coltsfoot | eases breathing | x1
    Comfrey | poultices | x2
    Cobnut | ointments | x1
    Dandelion | helps bee stings | x1
    Daisy | eases aches | x1
    Elder Leaves | helps sprains | x2
    Goldenrod | heals wounds | x1
    Goatweed | eases grief | x1
    Blazingstar | cures disease | x1
    Hawkweed | helps greencough | x1
    Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier | x1
    Honey | soothes sore throats/coughs/infections | x1
    Horsetail | treats infections | x1
    Ivy Leaves | stores other herbs | x1
    Juniper Leaves | soothes bellyaches and gives strength | x1
    Lungwort | cures yellowcough | x1
    Lamb's Ear | gives strength | x1
    Laurel | wraps | x1
    Lavender | cures fever | x1
    Lovage | cures coughs | x1
    Mallow Leave | soothes bellyache | x1
    Marigold | Stops infection | x1
    Meadow Saffron | poisonous | x1
    Mouse Bile | Kills ticks | x1
    Oak Leaves | infection | x1
    Parsley | belly ache | x1
    Poppy seeds | helps pain | x1
    Ragwort leaves | strengthening (kitting) | x2
    Stick | used to hold limbs in place (kitting) | x2
    Water Hemlock | poisonous | x1
    Wood Sorrel | strengthening | x1
    Yarrow | induces vomiting | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x5 | 1 servings
    Frogs | x4 | 1 servings
    Rats | x7 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x5 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x5 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | Hunting, Fishing, Battle, Agility, Stamina
    Snakewhisper | Rowanpaw | hunting, battle, fishing, agility
    Reefpelt | Yarrowpaw | hunting, battle, fishing, agility
    Cometcrash | Greenpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility
    Cubsnarl | Newtpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility
    Spiketuft | Seedpaw | hunting, fishing, battle, agility
    Dashear | Featherpaw | hunting, fishing,
    Eelshriek | Swanpaw | hunting
    Cypresstail | Chardonpaw |
    Stratusflight | Museaupaw |
    Hollymist | Rabbitpaw |
    Marshflower | Siriuspaw |
    Haypelt | Canispaw |
    Littlefawn | Lyrapaw |
    Goldfinch | Stinkypaw |

    Droserathorn | Oleanderpaw | herb recognition, application, kitting

    Cat | Link
    Ibisheart | x
    Oriolescreech, Turtletoes, Picklepatch| x

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:11 pm

archive | Mod: amethyst | TwsitedClan uses: 11 servings | Next Moonpool visit: later
Cats: 066 | 029 females | 037 males | 000 visiting | Pebbles: 175

─ ℓαsт мσση
    xxxxxxxJinx, formerly Sweetpaw, flicked her tail. The TwistedClan border was marked twice as much now, but they knew it was to show they were available if they needed them. Scorch, formerly Sandkit, sniffed and wrinkled his nose. “Yuck, too much Sunchaser.”
    xxxxxxx“He’s Sunstar now, you know,” Jinx said softly. She knew the younger tom had been poisoned more about their old home; he didn’t remember life in TwistedClan due to his young age when they were kidnapped. “I wonder how Morningstar died…”
    xxxxxxx“Who cares? They aren’t our family anymore,” Scorch raked the dirt with his claws. “Or did you forget the lack of patrols searching for us?”
    xxxxxxx“Did you forget how we’re all alone again?” Jinx whispered. This was true as well; the rogues were no more family than TwistedClan. The first sign of trouble (an illness that took out half the rogues and caused infighting) sent them packing once again. The two were alone.
    xxxxxxx“We don’t need help anymore,” Scorch shrugged, “We’re the only family we need.”
    xxxxxxxVolépaw was bending down to grab a mouse when a lump of fur crushed him. “Get off,” He huffed and rolled to the side trying to shake his assailant off. Another set of paws shoved him down and he was dragged to the edge of camp. After a few sharp bites to ankles and cursing, Volépaw shook dirt from his curls and was surprised to see Wishbone and Mountaintop. “Sorry,” Mountaintop apologized, “I told you this was a dumb idea,” He said off to the left where Frostthorn emerged. The medicine cat just shrugged.
    xxxxxxx“You did alright,” Wishbone said which was high praise from the former rogue.
    xxxxxxx“What was that for?” Volépaw looked at his mentor indignantly. He had already mastered fighting a long time ago; when Frostthorn was gallivanting with RavenClan to be exact, leaving him to deal with pregnant queens by himself.
    xxxxxxx“What would you do if you were taken?” Frostthorn asked quietly. “Would you roll out of their clutches only to stop and stare at them?”
    xxxxxxx“I figured I was safe with Wishbone and Mountaintop,” Volépaw couldn’t stop his annoyance from slipping into his tone. “I doubted I was going to get murdered by my own clanmates.”
    xxxxxxx“They could have been strangers,” Frostthorn hissed, “You need to be constantly vigilant!”
    xxxxxxx“I’ll keep that in mind for when I try to get a bite to eat next,” Volépaw finished dusting himself off. He’d had enough of Frostthorn and his paranoia for today. “I’ll be sorting herbs and doing actual medicine cat things if you need me.”
    xxxxxxx“I told you he wouldn’t like being assaulted,” Mountaintop repeated.
    xxxxxxxWe got assaulted more like,” Wishbone licked his bleeding paws.
    xxxxxxx“It’s necessary.” Frostthorn said.
    xxxxxxx“I don’t know about that,” Mountaintop looked to Wishbone for support but received none. “Volépaw is twenty-one moons; I think he’s just frustrated at his -paw status.”
    xxxxxxx“Galalight intended to keep me at apprentice status for a long while,” Frostthorn’s voice was getting tired from speaking so much. “Just like Spottednose wanted. But she was ripped to shreds. While I’m still in one piece, he’ll study under me. Enough talking.” He ended his short speech with an angry tail flick.
    xxxxxxxMountaintop opened his mouth to argue but Wishbone silenced him with a look. Frostthorn ignored them and went ahead. “Kidnapping isn’t some foreign concept,” Wishbone muttered, “if it happened to me and Frostthorn, it could happen to you too.” He followed the grumpy medicine cat still limping from Volépaw’s bites. Mountaintop shook his head. Frostthorn may have won Wishbone’s full confidence, but Mountaintop’s only goal was to keep him safe and not participate in fake kidnappings. He chastised himself for playing along. I have to take a step back, he thought, I can watch from a distance. I have to start living my own life.

    ─ ρяεsεηт
      xxxxxxx - KITTING TIME
      xxxxxxx - stormheart and softdapple become mates
      xxxxxxx - minkkit is apprenticed to pheasantscar
      xxxxxxx - sunstar/windchill's litter and patchnose's litter are born!
      xxxxxxx - frostthorn is having nightmares and volépaw notices
      xxxxxxx - patrol offers six rabbits to jinx and scorch as a peace offering.

      The clan consumes six squirrels (11 servings).
      Snowstorm, Crowtalon, Thistlefur, Mallardwing, Phoenixfire, and Shadow hunt.
      Starlingsky, Lightningflash, Thundercry, Willowbranch, Stormheart, and Crowtalon hunt.
      Robinripple, Tigerstrike, Deergaze, Squirreltuft, Mousespeck, and Shrewfeather hunt.
      Chipmunknuzzle, Mambasnap, Wishbone, Hollyshade, Featherflurry, and Eaglescreech hunt.
      Patchnose, Sunstar, Moosebellow, Mountaintop, Oakbreeze and Tornadosong patrol; they leave out six rabbits for Jinx (Sweetpaw) and Scorch (Sandkit) as a gift.
      Frostthorn and Volépaw hunt for herbs.
      Robinripple goes into labor! Frostthorn and Volépaw assist. Mousespeck is the surrogate.
      Chipmunknuzzle goes into labor! Frostthorn and Volépaw assist. Squirreltuft is the father.
      Mistgale goes into labor! Frostthorn and Volépaw assist. Cypresstail of RavenClan is the father.
      All eligible apprentices train in a skill.
      Frostthorn teaches Volépaw about constant vigilance.
      Minkpaw is apprenticed to Pheasantscar.
      Phoenixfire and Spiderfang of The Kin of the Wildflower try for kits.
      Fogfield and Cypresstail of RavenClan try for kits.
      Softdapple and Stormheart become mates and try for kits.
      none this moon
    ─ OTHER
      the craze will make a reappearance soon but after kit boom (sorry)
      a two-leg development has appeared at the very edges of twistedclan's forest. interesting. ;)
      Spiderfang's geno is Ll Bb XoY Dd aa mcmc spsp tata ii Ccs WsWs AbAb (for later)
    ─ LEADER
      Sunstar | 69 m | ♂ |
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★ [9]
    ─ DEPUTY
      Starlingsky | 53 m | ♀ |
      Frostthorn | 31 m | ♂ |
      selectively mute
      Skills: ✿✿✿✿✿ [5]
      Volépaw | 21 m | ♂ |
      Snowstorm | 84 m | ♂ |
      Lynxshine | 66 m | ♀ |
      Windchill | 64 m | ♂ |
      Thistlefur | 62 m | ♂ (AFAB) |
      Eaglescreech | 61 m | ♂ |
      Crowtalon | 59 m | ♂ |
      Covergrass | 55 m | ♂ |
      Carrotpatch | 55 m | ♂ |
      Mallardwing | 53 m | ♀ |
      Shadow | 53 m | ♀ |
      Lightningflash | 49 m | ♂ |
      Moosebellow | 47 m | ♂ |
      Thundercry | 46 m | ♂ |
      Willowbranch | 46 m | ♀ |
      Stormheart | 46 m | ♂ |
      Wojtek | 45 m | ♂ |
      Elkwhisper | 42 m | ♀ |
      Patchnose | 41 m | ♂ |
      Softdapple | 39 m | ♀ |
      Brindleblizzard | 36 m | ♀ |
      Tigerstrike | 35 m | ♂ |
      Deergaze | 34 m | ♀ |
      Squirreltuft | 34 m | ♂ |
      Mousespeck | 34 m | ♂ |
      Shrewfeather | 34 m | ♀ |
      Rabbitear | 34 m | ♂ |
      Mountaintop | 32 m | ♂ |
      Wishbone | 31 m | ♂ |
      Mambasnap | 29 m | ♂ |
      powersº 3 moon cooldown
      Hollyshade | 26 m | ♂ |
      Featherflurry | 26 m | ♂ |
      Phoenixfire | 24 m | ♀ |
      Oakbreeze | 23 m | ♂ |
      Fogfield | 23 m | ♀ |
      Beetlebuzz | 23 m | ♂ |
      Pheasantscar | 21 m | ♂ |
      Quailcall | 21 m | ♀ |
      missing right eye
      Somni | 20 m | ♀ |
      Nitor | 20 m | ♂ |
      Tornadosong | 18 m | ♀ |
      Lostpath | 16 m | ♂ |
      Ghostshiver | 16 m | ♂ |
      Quakescreech | 14 m | ♂ |
      †powers unactivated
      Dawnpelt | 14 m | ♀ |
      Cariboupaw | 10 m | ♀ |
      Stagpaw | 10 m | ♂ |
      Dustpaw | 10 m | ♀ |
      .Chunkypaw | 9 m | ♀ |
      Morningpaw | 8 m | ♀ |
      Vicus | 7 m | ♂ |
      Minkpaw | 6 m | ♂ |
    ─ QUEENS
      Silverstem | 79 m | ♀ |
      permanent queen

      Pavilla | 49 m | ♀ |
      Robinripple | 39 m | ♀ | | NOW
      missing right eye
      Chipmunknuzzle | 37 m | ♀ | | NOW
      Ashshroud | 26 m | ♀ | | 1m
      Mistgale | 23 m | ♀ | | NOW
    ─ KITS
      Hopkit | 5 m | ♀ |
    ─ ELDERS
      Marsh | 142 m | ♂ |
      Fritillarystreak | 136 m | ♀ |
      Neritefang | 129 m | ♀ |
      scars all over pelt
    ─ ROGUES
      Jinx (Sweetpaw) | 22 m | ♀ |
      Scorch (Sandkit) | 17 m | ♂ |
      missing left eye
    Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link][/url]
    ─ FAMILY
      Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
      Wolfclaw ♥︎ Silverstem | Rabbitear, Deergaze, Squirreltuft,
      Mousespeck, and Shrewfeather
      Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker| Thundercry, Cloudpaw,
      Willowbranch, Goosedawn, Maplebreeze, and Stormheart
      Unknown ♥︎ Maizeflower= Galalight, Warblercry (Highgarden), Covergrass, and Carrotpatch
      Patchedmask of DewClan + Rainsong | Patchnose, Dovestrike,
      and Petalfall
      Sunstar ♥︎ Rainsong | Sandkit, Tornadosong,
      and unnamed
      Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream (HurricaneClan)| Goosekit and Mallardwing
      Ruststripe ♥︎ Twistedstar | Tigerstrike, Riverstone,
      and Cinderdust
      Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingflame (PrairieClan)
      Valleyrunner (ChessClan) ♥︎ Crowtalon (Mallardwing) | Raventalon (ChessClan),
      Twilightpounce (ChessClan), and Mountaintop
      Stonefrost (Celestial Beings) ♥︎ Briarwhisper | no kits
      Minnowflash + Graybelly | unnamed, Ashshroud, Hollyshade, and Featherflurry
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Frigidthorn and Frostthorn
      Honeytail ♥︎ Maplebreeze | Pinepaw, Oakbreeze, Goldpaw, and Sweetpaw
      Dexter + Shadow | Aspenpaw, Fogfield, Mistgale, Vixen, and Beetlebuzz
      Thistlefur ♥︎ Mallardwing | no kits
      Richterscreech of ChessClan + Nightpelt (Softdapple) | Quakescreech, Orangekit, Nightpaw (ChessClan), Dawnfur, and Dapplepaw (ChessClan)
      Unknown ♥︎ Pavilla | Somni, Nitor, and Sopor
      Kash of the Neighborhood + Pavilla | Vicus and Kavilla (the Neighborhood)
      Willowbranch ♥︎ Petalfall | no kits
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Quailcall and Pheasantscar
      Moosebellow ♥︎ Elkwhisper | Cariboupaw and Stagpaw
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Snowdrift (RavenClan) and Windchill
      Crowtalon ♥︎ Eaglescreech | no kits
      Tigerstrike + Gloryrise of ScarabClan | Shinepaw (ScarabClan), Umbrapaw (ScarabClan), Riverpaw (ScarabClan), Cinderpaw (ScarabClan), Rustpaw (ScarabClan), and Morningpaw
      Shrewfeather (Mousespeck) ♥︎ Robinripple | NOW
      Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Lostpath and Ghostshiver
      Weaselstar (RavenClan) ♥︎ Lynxshine | Swankit and Minkpaw
      Sunstar ♥︎ Windchill (Rimefrost of IslandClan) | Blossomkit, Gingerkit, Blazekit, and Peachkit (IslandClan)
      Patchnose ♥︎ Dawndapple (IslandClan) | Daffodilkit, Gladioluskit (IslandClan), and Honeysucklekit (IslandClan)
      Squirreltuft ♥︎ Chipmunknuzzle | NOW
      Oakbreeze surrogate for Pinetail (AspenClan) ♥︎ Turtlecreek (AspenClan) | NOW
      Cypresstail of RavenClan + Mistgale | NOW
      Cypresstail of RavenClan + Fogfield | trying
      Archtalon of BearClan + Ashshroud | due in 1 moons
      Spiderfang of Kin of the Wildflower + Phoenixfire | trying

    - known by Spottednose,
    Galalight, Twistedstar, Sunstar,
    Frostthorn, and Ruststripe


      N | Celestial Beings | broken*
      E | ScarabClan |broken*
      S | RavenClan | inky.
      SE | IslandClan | 爆殺王
      W | ChaosClan | Kazin

      º = 30% chance of
      tripling prey on hunting
      patrol (3 post cooldown)
      † = excels at finding cats on patrols,
      lessens chance of stillborns,
      must have two or more mates
      for powers to work

      Thrushes | x26 | 3 servings
      Magpies | x22 | 3 servings
      Squirrels | x18 | 2 servings
      Rabbits | x20 | 2 servings
      Shrews | x8 | 1 serving
      Mice | x15 | 1 serving
      Voles | x21 | 1 serving

      Skills: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
      Volépaw | Frostthorn | 9 | St, Kitting, C, H, F, Omens, Herbs, Posions, Mind Games
      Cariboupaw | Covergrass | 3 | H
      Stagpaw | Carrotpatch | 3 | H, Sw
      Chunkypaw | Mountaintop | 3 | H, F, Sw
      Dustpaw | Featherflurry | 1 | Sw
      Morningpaw | Deergaze | 1 | Sw
      Vicus | Quailcall | 0 | -
      Minkpaw | Pheasantscar | 0 | -
      Galalight of LambClan
      Stonefrost of CherryClan
      Wolfclaw of HollowClan
      Neritefang of GraveClan
      Briarwhisper of RoseClan
      Starlingsky of BearClan
      Toadsplash of GraveClan
      Claystream of GraveClan
      Mallardwing of GraveClan
      Minnowflash of WhisperClan
      Graybelly of WhisperClan
      Windcall of WhisperClan
      Finchflight of WaveClan
      Thistlefur of WaveClan
      Darkmist of Lucid Shadows
      Patchedmask of DewClan
      Valleyrunner | (ChessClan)
      Raventalon | (ChessClan)
      Twilightpounce | (ChessClan)
      Rushingflame | (PrairieClan)
      Claystream | (HurricaneClan)
      Stonefrost | (Celestial Beings)
      Jaywhistle | (LostClan)
      Windcall | (LaughClan)
      3 | Alder Bark | Eases toothaches
      2 | Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs
      2 | Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg
      2 | Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings
      2 | Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk
      1 | Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs
      1 | Broom | Helps broken legs and wounds
      3 | Burdock Root | Cures infected (rat) bites
      2 | Burnet | Gives strength
      2 | Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off
      0 | Catmint | Cures greencough
      2 | Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes
      2 | Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting
      1 | Chickweed | Cures greencough
      1 | Cob nut | Ointments
      3 | Cobweb | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones
      1 | Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough
      2 | Comfrey Root | Repairs broken bones, and burns
      3 | Daisy Leaf | Eases aching joints
      0 | Dandelion | Helps bee-stings
      2 | Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws
      2 | Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection
      2 | Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains
      3 | Fennel | Helps pain in hips
      3 | Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches
      2 | Goatweed | Eases grief
      3 | Goldenrod | Good for healing wounds
      1 | Honey | Soothes infections, sore throats, and coughing
      3 | Horsetail | Stops bleeding and stops infection
      2 | Juniper Berry | Helps bellyaches and breathing
      2 | Lamb's Ear | Gives strength
      1 | Lavender | Cures fever and chills
      1 | Lovage | Can help cure coughs
      2 | Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding
      1 | Mint | Hides scents of death
      1 | Moss | Soaks up fluid
      1 | Mouse Bile | Kills ticks
      2 | Poppy Seed | Helps sleep, shock, and distress
      1 | Ragwort Leaf | Help aching joints
      1 | Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting
      2 | Rush | Helps hold broken limbs in place
      1 | Sorrel | Builds appetite
      1 | Stick | Braces broken limbs
      1 | Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting
      1 | Sweet-sedge | eases infections
      3 | Tansy | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons
      1 | Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock
      1 | Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison
      1 | Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons
      2 | Yarrow | extracts poison/soothes pads
      3 | Deathberry | Poisonous when consumed
      3 | Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure
      3 | Holly Berry | Poisonous to kits
      2 | Water Hemlock | Poisonous when consumed
Last edited by jazz. on Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Pine Throne [000]

Postby skystar901 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:26 am

when the days are cold and the cards all fold
and the saints we see are all made of gold...

The cats of The Pine Throne are a regal hierarchy, located in a wooded village, in a thick of a pine and oak forest. A city in the trees spirals out around the castle, which is where the royal family and the nobles live (more on the ranks is below). the royal guard tend to live in places more akin to this, or this. non-royals (or nobles) will live in houses that vary from something like this, to something more like this, depending on the size of their family. In the heart of the castle, the infamous Pine Throne lies, the throne for which the clan was named. It is this throne where the king (or queen/monarch) speaks to the gods, listening to their wisdom. Only the king may sit on the throne, however, any cat who sits there can hear the gods, and by receiving the voices of the gods, a cat can become king. This secret is guarded from the rest of the clan, only the king and his immediate family knows this.

Family and loyalty to blood is very important to the cats of The Pine Throne, and if you have no blood family, often others will form a blood-sibling bond through a ceremony in which they spill a small amount of each others blood, and press the wounds together.

The royal family is one of the more "famous" families in the clan, and they are regarded as highly important. After all, they are the king, queen, and heir, no cat is more important than them. Sometimes, the families of guards and civilians can become well known as well, and the more respected a family, the more likely that high expectations are placed upon them. Family names are also passed down, children often sharing the same prefix or suffix as their parents, or other family members.

when your dreams all fail, and the ones we hail
are the worst of all, and the blood's run stale

The hierarchy of The Pine Throne is rather simple. The top of the list is the King, Queen, and Heir. The King is the leader of the clan, and the Queen is his mate. These titles may be swapped with each other, or changed depending on the gender of the leader. The Heir is the kit that the King chooses to take his place one day, traditionally it is the firstborn, but it may change as the kits grow. Typically, the Heir is not named until the first litter is five moons old, old enough to have shown their very base personality traits.

Under the Heir is the Captain, who is sort of like a deputy, he is in charge of keeping the balance between the Royal Guard, Civilians, and Nobles. The Captain's family is often
After the Captain is the Nobles, they are the rest of the royal family, whether the King (or Queen's) siblings, the heir's siblings, or even some cats who accomplished some great deed, and earned a noble title. Often these cats are encouraged to become mates with the king's children, so as to keep the blood "pure" of unrespected families and civilian blood.

After the Nobles come the Doctor and Witch Doctor. The Doctor is the healer for the entire clan, and the Witch Doctor is the Doctor's apprentice, if the Witch Doctor is over eighteen moons, they are often trusted to do the healing for the non-noble cats, whether or not they've completed their training.

The last of the "noble" cats, are the Fools. Fools are cats who have failed their training at least three times. After that, they can't be trusted to become a guard, or a civilian, and so are placed in the castle to clean it and to keep the nobles "entertained" most Fools are resigned to their fates, but some seek out ways to escape the life of a Fool. A Fool's family is often forever shamed, and it is a great disappointment when a noble cat becomes a Fool, however due to their elevated status, the entire family is not shamed, only the cat who became the Fool.

To be a royal or noble cat who becomes a Fool, is to be banished from your family, which is one of the greatest punishments in The Pine Throne, and a ceremony that can only be preformed by the King.

The non-royals are as follows: The Royal Guard. To become a guardscat, a civilian has to pass an extra assessment, testing their strength and fighting abilities. This test is a one and done, if you fail it, there are no second chances unless granted specially by the King. The guardscats protect the kingdom, the whole forest really, and they are the ones to go to battle should The Pine Throne ever go to war. Guardscats are sorted by the most respected, and their families are often at the top of the Civilian list.

Civilians are the other adults, sorted by families, from those with the most influence to the lowest. Families are often being rearranged, as their members preform great deeds. A cats family is marked by a special symbol, which is painted onto each cats fur with a special paint mixed by the Doctor and Witch Doctor. For example the royal family has a crown, and a civilian family may have a flower, or a raindrop.

Under the Civilians are the Squires, who are simply young cats in training to become civilians or nobles, depending on their family. After passing their basic assessment, a Squire can choose to undergo four more moons of specialized training, to help boost their chances of making it into the Royal Guard, any squire who does this is automatically granted a second chance to become a guardscat.

Next are Nursemaids, who are cats that dedicate their lives to kittens, taking care of the children of guardscats so the mothers can return to duty early, or watching over the noble kits so that their parents dont have to.

The last on the list are the Elders, the cats who have served and completed their duties.

i want to hide the truth, i want to shelter you
but with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide.
no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed
this is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

I would like to ask that all of my cats are f2u pics? while the lineart is utterly stunning, I don't want to put any more strain on the artists :)
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[ clan replies ] [ 059 ]

Postby deimido » Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:09 pm

echoclan, lagoonclan, hazeclan, phoenixclan, breezeclan
strikersclan, whitebark, seaclan, flurryclan, shimmerclan
shroudclan, flightclan, beetleclan, fire/deathclan, crowclan
northernclan, the neighborhood, cloudclan, chaosclan

the first leaves have begun to turn colors
and drop in forest territories, signalling t
he beginning of leaf-fall and the coming sn
ows for some. the chances of catching sick
ness or dying during birth will rise and th
e number of cats and prey passing throug
h will drop.

descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah

please let me know if you'd wish for a kit to be transferred to another set of lines (and what lines you'd like them on) when they rank
up to an apprentice! you can add the request in the mod notes in your clan's action queue.

if you need an invite to the official Create A Clan Discord - DM me!


fuzzribbon's patrol caught . .xx
↪ +2 mice.
+1 thrush!

sakuragaze's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 shrews.

lotusstar's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.


blazingstripe's patrol met . .
↪ a parent and their kit! they alsox
found +16 pebbles.


cherrydroplet gathered . .
↪ +1 bright-eyes.
↪ +1 dandelion.


↪ lightning > nothing..xx
↪ bounce > patrolling.
↪ spring > patrolling.
↪ black > hunting.
↪ marron > hunting.
↪ chestnut > patrolling.
↪ walnut > climbing.
↪ cocoa > climbing.

    ranking up
    ↪ phoenixclan welcomes two apprentices this moon: lemurpaw and raccoonpaw!

    ↪ midnightwhisper gave birth to a litter of two!
    ↪ cherrydroplet is expecting kittens! her litter is due in two moons.

    mod notes
    ↪ the growths in this post, as well as midnightwhisper's kits, were done by me! the kits's written descriptions are below:
    - kit 1 is a longhaired white kitten with black patches and yellow eyes.
    - kit 2 is a longhaired black bicolor with yellow eyes.

    ↪ the parent was done by Simonpet, while the kit was done by amethyst14 (app ver here), their written descriptions are:
    the parent is a shorthaired brown (black-based) mackerel tabby bicolor with light orange eyes.
    the kit is a shorthaired brown/black mackerel tabby bicolor with green eyes.


mushroomstar caught . .xxxxx
↪ +1 bird.


mushroomstar met . .
↪ a warrior! they also found +5xx


no gathering occurred!


no training occurred!xxx

    ↪ breezeclan's ancestors heed mushroomstar's request and send a deputy to find and join their clan.

    mod notes
    ↪ the warrior and deputy given in this post were both done by ame, their written descriptions are: a cream mackerel bicolor with yellow
    eyes, and a black bicolor shorthair with green eyes.


stormbreeze's patrol caught . .x
↪ +1 squirrel.

goldenmist's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 shrews.

claypool's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.


an injury occurred on . .
↪ oakshadow's patrol!

carinalsong's patrol was . .
↪ uneventful, but they did find +6xx


the meds gathered . .xxx
↪ +1 lamb's ear.
↪ +1 raspberry leaves.
↪ +1 meadow saffron.
↪ +1 lavender.
↪ +1 chickweed.
↪ +1 horsetail.


↪ arum > combat.
↪ chamomile > tracking.
↪ onion > tracking.
↪ limpet > fishing.
↪ curlew > swimming.
↪ dotterel > swimming.
↪ ember > nothing..
↪ godwit > nothing..
↪ rail > swimming.

    medicine practice
    ↪ the medicine cats's skills stay sharp! they remain at 5SP.

    ↪ the medicine cats were able to safely straighten sealkit's hind leg!

    ↪ flaxmist accidentally cut himself after brushing against a bramble bush and will need +1 cobweb for the bleeding.

    ↪ coppertail gave birth to a healthy litter of five! (1; molly) (2; tom) (3; molly) (4; molly) (5; tom)

    mod notes
    ↪ coppertail's litter was done by me, Kazin, and .:Duplex:. ! the leg edit on sealkit was also done by me.
    - kit 1 is a longhaired ginger mackerel molly with high white and green eyes. / deimos
    - kit 2 is a longhaired brown/black mackerel bicolor tom with green eyes. / Kazin
    - kit 3 is a longhaired ginger mackerel molly with medium white spotting and green eyes. / .:Duplex:.
    - kit 4 is a longhaired ginger mackerel molly with high white spotting and blue eyes. / .:Duplex:.
    - kit 5 is a longhaired ginger ginger mackerel tom with high white spotting and green eyes. / .:Duplex:.


leafgaze's patrol caught . .xxxx
↪ +1 mouse.

wildstorm's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 minnow.
↪ +1 frog.

mousepetal's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.


foudre's patrol met . .
two warriors! they also found +19


cloud&white gathered . .
↪ +1 poppy seeds.
↪ +1 juniper berries.
+1 lovage!


↪ mink > fishing.xxxxx

    leader's request
    ↪ beetlestar's ancestors heed hailstar's request and send a pregnant cat to find and join his clan; their litter is due in two moons.

    mod notes
    ↪ the warriors found on patrol were both done by H155, their written descriptions are: "a calico longhair with green eyes" and "a red tabby
    with grey-green eyes."
    ↪ the pregnant cat given by request was done by Kazin - "a medium-furred dominant white with blue eyes"; their non-pregnant version is here.
    ↪ Kazin also transferred both mousepetal and cloudbreeze!


frostnose caught . .xxxxxxxxx
↪ +1 ermine.


crowstar met . .
↪ a warrior! he also found +14xxx


no gathering occurred!


no training occurred!xxx



willowstar's patrol caught . .xx
↪ +1 squirrel.


willowstar's patrol met . .
two warriors! they also foundxx
+17 pebbles.


no gathering occurred!


no training occurred!xxx



sleetstar's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.

splitface's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.
↪ +1 vole.

fallowstep's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 small fish.

falconstreak's patrol caught . .x
↪ +2 voles.

featherfall's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.
↪ +1 vole.


brackenstrike's patrol was . .xxxxx
↪ uneventful, but they did find +10


sprucefur gathered . .xx
↪ +1 honey.
↪ +1 dandelion.


↪ pine > nothing..
↪ beech > hunting.
↪ dusk > hunting.
↪ shadow > battle.
↪ squall > endurance.
↪ typhoon > endurance.x
↪ crow > nothing..
↪ raven > endurance.

    ↪ foampaw failed his assessment! he'll have to try again next moon.

    medicine practice
    ↪ poppywish's skills stay sharp! he remains at 5SP.


chester's patrol caught . .xxxx
↪ +1 small fish.
↪ +1 finch.

finnegan's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.
↪ +1 finch.

mudspots's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 mice.


finchfeather's patrol found . .xxxx
↪ +5 pebbles!


no gathering occurred!


↪ dandy > swimming.xx

    ↪ phage gave birth to a litter of two! -1 borage was used up.
    - had no herbs been used, all her kits would've died.

    ↪ blair gave birth to a litter of two toms! -2 burnet, -1 honey, and -1 raspberry leaf were used up.
    - had no herbs been used; blair and her kits would've died.

    ↪ petalnose gave birth to a litter of three! -1 borage was used up.
    - had no herbs been used; two of her kits would've died.

    ↪ ryne passed her assessment!

    mod notes
    ↪ all kits in this post were done by me! their written descriptions are:
    - kit 1 (phage) is a longhaired cream broken mackerel tabby with copper eyes.
    - kit 2 (phage) is a longhaired ginger ticked tabby kit with a white muzzle and hazel eyes.

    - kit 1 (blair) is a shorthaired blue/gray mackerel tabby tom with green eyes; carrying longhair, chocolate, and classic.
    - kit 2 (blair) is shorthaired blue/gray broken mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes; carrying longhair and classic.

    - kit 1 (petalnose) is a shorthaired black-and-white kitten with orange eyes; carrying dilute.
    - kit 2 (petalnose) is a shorthaired black-and-white kitten with orange eyes.
    - kit 3 (petalnose) is a shorthaired black kitten with orange eyes; carrying dilute.


starlingblink's patrol caught . .x
↪ +1 rat.

sealshine's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 pigeon.

sagebird's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 minnows.

sparkbreeze's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 squirrel.


crowcatcher's patrol found . .xxxxx
↪ +6 pebbles!

thistlepath's patrol was . .
↪ uneventful, but they did find +1


the meds gathered . .
↪ +1 coltsfoot.
↪ +1 goatweed.
↪ +1 wintergreen.xxxx
↪ +1 daisy.


↪ sun > nothing..
↪ apricot > hunting.
↪ walnut > hunting.
↪ strawberry > hunting.
↪ shark > hunting.
↪ skate > hunting.
↪ inferno > hunting.
↪ volcano > hunting.
↪ rose > nothing..
↪ pear > nothing..
↪ snowy > fighting.
↪ nightshade > fighting.
↪ madder > fighting.
↪ dogbane > nothing..
↪ bamboo > nothing..
↪ flame > nothing..

    ↪ riverecho gave birth to two healthy toms!

    ↪ all apprentices passed their assessments, meaning chaosclan has three new warriors to swell their ranks: pandamask, jasperstone, and

    mod notes
    ↪ jasperstone's growth and riverecho's kits were done by me! the written appearances for the kits are:
    -kit 1 is a shorthaired solid black bicolor tom with green eyes.
    - kit 2 is a shorthaired black bicolor tom with folded ears and orange eyes.

    ↪ firefly's warrior name is optional! you can choose another one for her if you wish.


pythoneyes's patrol caught . .xx
↪ +1 frog.
↪ +1 vole.

hurricanejaw's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 small fish.
+1 mouse!

softglow's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.

clovershine's patrol caught . .x
↪ +1 squirrel.


tawnyrose's patrol found . .
↪ +17 pebbles!

flickersky's patrol met . .
↪ a thorn and a wilted! they alsoxx
found +9 pebbles.


spencer gathered . .xxx
↪ +1 dock.
↪ +1 lovage.


↪ harrier > swimming.
↪ adenium > nothing..
↪ bramble > nothing..
↪ hawthorn > hunting.
↪ snowy > hunting.
↪ hurricane > agility.
↪ cirrus > agility.
↪ tsunami > agility.
↪ tornado > agility.
↪ quake > agility.xxxx

    ↪ beechpaw and quillpaw passed their assessments! they're ready to receive their full names.

    ↪ ferretwhisker gave birth to a litter of five! since the birth went so well, merlinsong places +1 dandelion, +1 chervil, and +1 lamb's ear back
    into his store. (one) (two) (three) (four) (five)
    ↪ betonypetal gave birth to a litter of six! merlinsong couldn't have predicted how disastrous the birth ended up being; the herbs seemed to have
    saved the lives of all her kits, but betonypetal unfortunately passed away... (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six)
    - had no herbs been used one kit would've been born with a defect and another would've died.

    mod notes
    ↪ the thorn was done by H155 (apprentice) and amethyst14 (warrior) - "a calico longhair with hazel eyes."
    ↪ the wilted was done by amethyst14 - "a brown/black spotted tabby with yellow eyes."

    ↪ ferretwhisker's kits were done by both me and Kazin! their written descriptions are:
    - kit 1 is a shorthaired black kit with minimal white and copper eyes - deimos
    - kit 2 is a shorthaired black kit with orange eyes - deimos
    - kit 3 is a shorthaired solid black with yellow eyes - Kazin
    - kit 4 is a shorthaired black with minimal white, and yellow eyes - Kazin
    - kit 5 is a shorthaired black with minimal white; orange eyes - Kazin

    ↪ betonypetal's kits were done by BlackJeans&IceCream! their written descriptions are:
    - kit 1 is a shorthaired solid white kitten with yellow eyes.
    - kit 2 is a shorthaired solid white kitten with green eyes.
    - kit 3 is a shorthaired brown/black mackerel tabby with high white and green eyes.
    - kit 4 is a shorthaired brown/black mackerel tabby with high white and orange eyes.
    - kit 5 is a shorthaired shorthaired solid white kitten with yellow eyes.
    - kit 6 is a shorthaired brown/black mackerel tabby with high white and blue eyes.

    ↪ the pine throne has been founded! your mod will be Katrione
    ↪ you have three posts/moons to begin stockpiling prey.
    ↪ you can add 20 pebbles in your first post, and then add +5 per post afterward.
Last edited by deimido on Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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SpruceClan | 14

Postby ponz » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:17 pm

clan population: 32 | next starclan visit: june 4th (not yet) | servings: 06 | mod: katrione | pebbles: 84 | archive: x

There were two newborn kits at his paws, and Tallthorn was at a loss for words. His ghostly companion, however, was not. "What did you do?" Marshstar groaned, her silver form flickering in and out of sight in her annoyance. The prophet did not answer, but he did take a few uneasy steps forwards the little ones. The ganglier kit, a black-and-white oriental, yawned, flashing his needle-sharp teeth, while his persian sister answered with a quiet sniffle.

"I'm not sure," he said faintly, exceedingly gentle as he swept both small kits close with his tail. "I don't... I thought... I was just trying to help, she said she wanted kits and I didn't realize she meant—" Marshstar's eye twitched.

"Thorn, enough," she hissed. Tallthorn's jaw snapped shut, and the old leader stared at him, unimpressed. He winced under her scrutiny. The two kits at his paws blinked, and it was with some relief that Marshstar realized that neither one of the kittens could see her. It was lucky, very lucky, that the poor things wouldn't have to grow up with the same burden their father bore. "I'll take care of it," she said, after a pause. "I'll talk to the others, see what I can do about slowing the visions and getting you some sleep. You'll need it if you're going to be raising those kits, and mentoring that rambunctious furball of yours."

"Coffeepaw," he mumbled, echoing her words. "Oh, stars, what will I tell Coffeepaw? And I still need to keep an eye on Badgerkit in case they try something, and I still haven't figured out who that other cat is from the visions, and—"

"Great StarClan, will you relax?" Marshstar sighed. "Go take your progeny to one of the queens, see if they'll rear them for you. I'll be back if I hear anything about Sharptalon, but for now, I'll leave you to it." Her nose tapped his forehead gently, before she stepped back, and shot him the most stern look she could muster. "Now sleep. That's an order." Marshstar's silver-striped pelt glimmered, fading into oblivion like mist on the wind. For the first time in months, the buzzing of spirits in Tallthorn's ears was no longer there. His mind was blissfully silent.

"That old foxheart really does care," he muttered, torn between laughing or sobbing in relief. The persian kit, her own mismatched eyes a mirror of his own, licked his paw, before succumbing to sleep just like her brother.

It was quiet outside when Tallthorn carried Dovekit and Crowkit to the nursery. It was quiet outside when he padded towards the warrior's den. It was quiet outside when he glanced between the array of cats within, still asleep in these precious hours before sunrise. It was quiet outside when he made his way towards his own little-used nest. Best of all, it was quiet outside when he laid down in that nest, allowed his eyes to close gently, and fell into the first truly dreamless sleep of his life.


As the sun rose and brought with it a new day in SpruceClan, word of Roselight's litter born overnight spread like wildfire. Applefall, sleep-deprived and snappy, had been unavailable for comment, but a jubilant Honeypaw had come flying out of the nursery, crowing the news to any ear that would listen. Cricketpounce knew of the young kittens' arrival before he knew what patrol he'd be leading that day, and that was saying something— Briarmask had a knack for being up at obscenely early hours to assign work to her clanmates.

"Don't you want to go congratulate Roselight and Brambletuft on their kits?" the sturdy ginger-black tom said, nudging at Ramsey's flank. His mate grumbled, shifting in their shared nest and refusing to acknowledge Cricketpounce's attentions. He just sighed, and tried again, nose brushing against the munchkin's shorter coat. He was rewarded with a poorly-stifled laugh, this time. "Come on, Ramsey, it's only polite. He is your friend."

"Was," Ramsey said sullenly, his ears flicking, but he rolled over in the nest to make eye contact with Cricketpounce anyways. "Do I really have to, Cricket? Kittens ain't that big a deal."

"It's the right thing to do," Cricketpounce said firmly, and he knew that he'd won when Ramsey let out a miserable whine before rising to his paws and shooting him a half-hearted dirty look. "Come on, I'll walk you to the nursery." He just stuck out his tongue, falling into step by the taller cat's side and greeting other clanmates that strolled past, many having just left the nursery themselves all murmuring about the newcomers. The closer they got to the cave-den, the more obvious Ramsey's trembling became. "Alright?" Cricketpounce murmured. The munchkin just gulped, and took a step forwards into the opening of the cave, the large tortie following close behind.

Inside, Nightfang was busy juggling her own kits and Tallthorn's two strays in the corner, while Roselight was crooning an unfamiliar kittypet lullaby from her nest closer to the entryway. There were three little ones curled up at her side. Two tiny tortoiseshell lookalikes, one with white forepaws and one without, as well as a lone dark tabby with bright eyes that peered up at the intruders curiously. Cricketpounce gave Ramsey a look. The munchkin gulped, before breaking the silence with a soft, "Hello."

Roselight looked up from the three kits, and promptly did a double-take. "You must be Ramsey!" she said, once she'd regained her composure, and offered the couple a shy smile. "Micah's told me so much about you, it's a real pleasure to put a face to the name."

"Nice to meet ya, too, Rosie," Ramsey managed, black paws shaking as he padded forwards towards the kits. "These yer' little ones? Must be, 'cause they're just as beautiful as their mama." Roselight just giggled. Ramsey's shoulders loosened, and his answering smile was much more genuine.

"You flatterer," she said, but her preening made it obvious how pleased she was with the compliment. With a paw, she nudged each kitten forwards to be seen more clearly. Both toms cooed over them, each little one even more charming up close. "The two girls're Poppykit and Daisykit, an' the little tom there is Violetkit. Micah— um, Brambletuft— picked the names, actually! And speak of the devil, that might jus' be him now." A chocolate tabby head poked into the nursery right on cue, eyes lighting up when they fell upon the black tom.

"Oh, Ramsey!" Brambletuft said. "How are ya? Feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" Ramsey just smiled tightly, but any last remaining tension in his frame left in a heartbeat as the cheerful tabby scampered over to greet his old friend in some sort of odd embrace with his forepaws. Cricketpounce didn't quite understand the gesture, but he figured that it might've been picked up from living around twolegs. As soon as they left, Roselight having promised to keep them posted on the kits' progress and Ramsey having been convinced to join the couple for a meal to catch up sometime, Cricketpounce couldn't keep the excitement from showing on his face, and even the munchkin looked content as they made their way out of the caves and towards the clearing outside.

"Ramsey," he said, beaming, "I'm very proud of you. I told you there wasn't anything to worry about!"

"I want kits!" Ramsey blurted in response. As soon as he'd processed the words that had just left his mouth, the munchkin winced, ears flattening in embarrassment. Cricketpounce, by now quite accustomed to the other tom's lack of filter, barely batted an eye.

"I'd love to raise kits with you," he said, completely deadpan. "As soon you're ready, of course." Cricketpounce couldn't hide his grin at the unusual mixture of slack-jawed astonishment and hopefulness on Ramsey's face; the memory alone of that expression would be treasured for moons to come.


Heathersong stirred, dragged back into consciousness by the sounds of cats milling about and by the comforting presence of body heat at her side. It took a moment for her to remember where she was when her eyes opened, unfamiliar stone walls all around her and a nest much softer than what she was accustomed to. Only when she rolled over and came face to face with a wall of thick white-and-black fur did she realize where she was and what had happened. It all came back in waves. Her nightmare, seeking him out, Sparrowstar inviting her to stay. They were lying so close together in the nest that she could feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath.

With a sudden heat rising to her cheeks, Heathersong did her best to wriggle free from the nest without disturbing Sparrowstar. She had only just managed to get to her feet when the tom behind her cleared his throat awkwardly. "I was wondering when you'd wake up," he said, voice a little foggy after such a heavy sleep. "Going already?"

Heathersong kept her gaze on the exit, adamantly refusing to look at the leader still in his nest. "I was just leaving," she said, cursing herself for the tremor in her words. "I'll try to keep that from happening again. Would you like me to bring you some prey to eat before I go?"

"What are you talking about?" Sparrowstar said, now very confused. The bicolor stood up, not bothering to stretch before he rolled out of the nest and got to his feet. "Heathersong?" Heathersong bit her lip, but turned to face him again. The worried look in his eyes just made her chest grow tight.

"Disturbing you with my nightmares last night and coming into your personal space like that. Like I said, I'll try to keep from—"

"Stop that," the leader said, cutting her off with an annoyed shake of his head. He grew steadily more nervous and bumbling as he continued to speak. "You didn't do anything wrong, Heather, so don't beat yourself up over it. You'll stay, won't you? I'll even build a nest for you here. For... nightmares. Just in case."

"Right," she said, swallowing thickly. It was sweet of him, but still, she couldn't help the twinge of disappointment. She'd let her hopes get up. "For nightmares."

Sparrowstar had always been too good at reading her. "I mean— oh, stars, I'm bad at this. I'm sorry, I think you and I both know that wasn't what I meant." He sighed sharply, frustrated with his inability to articulate. "Okay. I'm— alright, maybe if I put it this way. Listen, Heather, what would you say if I asked you to stay just because I wanted you to? Would you stay?"

The answer was immediate. Hope was a little winged bird, fluttering around in her chest. "Always, Sparrow."

Sparrowstar smiled slightly, nervously, and took another step forwards. "Always sounds nice, but always is a very long time. Are you sure? Really, totally, completely sure? You'll stay?"

Heathersong, not for the first time, rolled her eyes at how dense this tom was. "Always," she said once more, putting a single red paw on his chest. "I'll stay for as long as you'll have me, Sparrow." Sparrowstar, finally realizing just what she meant, smiled wider than she'd ever seen, and laid his head against her fluffy shoulder, the gentle purr in the back of his throat perhaps the nicest sound she'd ever had the pleasure of getting to hear. 'Yes,' she thought, leaning into him with a shaky breath, 'For you, I'll always stay.'


Leaf-fall was growing ever closer, and with it, the prey levels began to thin out and the weather cooled. That was why, Hailsplash assumed, that the clan was so desperate to stock up on prey now. When the mid Leaf-fall snow came, they'd be able to pack it beneath the ice to keep it safe for sparser days in Leafbare. Now, though, the weather was still good and prey ran well, so the tall silver tabby padded along after Briarmask and Tallthorn on the day's final hunting patrol. The deputy at the lead stopped suddenly, and both toms took care to be quiet as she dropped into a hunting crouch. A quick scent of the area indicated that she'd been the first to pick up on a small mouse nestled between the pine needles.

As she sprung, though, a sudden rustling and the snap of a twig under a large animal's foot somewhere in the woods startled the little critter, and Briarmask's would-be catch darted off further into the pines just as her paws landed exactly where it had once been sitting. "Ah, mouse-dung," the deputy sighed. "So close, too. Did either of you make that noise?"

"No, we haven't moved since you spotted that mouse," Tallthorn called, and Hailsplash shot him a grateful look for the explanation. "Should we detour and try to find the source?"

"I'll go," Hailsplash offered, but Briarmask grimaced at the suggestion.

"We really should keep hunting together," she murmured, glancing back at the abundance of trees around them as she trotted closer to the two toms that made up the rest of the patrol with her. "It's safer to stay as a group, and we are running low on prey."

"Don't worry about it, Briar," Hailsplash said, pressing a nose to her cheek gently. He tried to remind himself not to stay to close, not to make her uncomfortable by letting his affections take the lead, and pulled away sooner than he would've liked. "You go on ahead, and I'll check out whatever's causing that noise."

"Alright, fine. I'll see you later, Hail," she agreed finally, nodding her approval, before gesturing to Tallthorn with a tail. "Let's keep moving!"

Hailsplash watched her as she left, vanishing deeper into the thick pine groves with the lanky oriental following right behind. He sighed wistfully. Coffeepaw was never going to let him hear the end of it if he "didn't get over himself and tell her" someday, but what they had was too precious to risk like that. They both had kits, for StarClan's sake— even if Coffee wasn't exactly his. A bird crowed overhead, twisting between the trees elegantly, and Hailsplash shook himself from his delusions. He needed to find whatever had spooked that mouse.

The hunt didn't take long. Only a few pawsteps off the beaten path and into the thicker patch of pines and heavy fern growth, a white ball of fluff could be seen, springing back and forth in the air as the young cat chased after a drifting fern leaf. As Hailsplash moved closer, he stepped on a small twig, breaking it instantly and catching the white cat's attention. "Oh!" the little tom, probably no older than Coffeepaw, chirped. He dropped the leaf he'd been playing with, and straightened immediately. "Hiya!"

"Hi?" Hailsplash said back, though his confusion made it more of a question than a real greeting. "What are you doing here? Are you lost?"

The curly-furred white kitten smiled sheepishly. "I'm Softpaw," he said, as if his name alone was answer enough. "Um, I kinda got kicked out of my old clan? But this cat called Marshstar met me in my dreams and told me to climb this mountain to find a group called SpruceClan, and she said that I'd still be able to be a warrior even though my clan didn't think so because I'm too small. Do you know where I can find SpruceClan?"

Hailsplash smiled, bemused. "Of course I know where it is. My name's Hailsplash, I'm one of SpruceClan's warriors. Although, I'm afraid I've never heard of a Marshstar. My leader's name is Sparrowstar."

Softpaw lit up at this news. "Well, that's okay!" he crowed, bouncing forwards eagerly and standing to attention right at Hailsplash's side. "You can be my mentor, and show me where the rest of your clan is!" The silver tabby was suddenly reminded of Coffeepaw, this little tom's eagerness and jovial attitude not unlike his daughter's. He just laughed softly, motioning for the enthusiastic young apprentice to follow along, and turned around on his path through the pine forest to make his way back to the main camp. Sparrowstar was sure to love this little one.


SpruceClan consumes 3 small fish

[ Sparrowstar does not ask anything of StarClan this moon ]

Rank Changes & Newcomers
[ Softpaw, Dovekit, and Crowkit are welcomed to SpruceClan ]
[ The clan celebrates the birth of Poppykit, Daisykit, and Violetkit! ]
[ Goldenpaw takes his final assessment! If he passes, he will be known as Goldenheart ]
[ Cherrypaw takes her final assessment! If she passes, she will be known as Cherryclaw ]

[ Cricketpounce, Ivyblossom, Cardinaltail, and Ramsey hunt ]
[ Smokestep, Brambletuft, and Cloudchaser hunt ]
[ Briarmask, Tallthorn, and Hailsplash hunt ]
[ Sparrowstar, Heathersong, and Ivyblossom patrol ]
[ Applefall and Honeypaw search for kitting herbs ]

Apprentice & Skills
[ Goldenpaw and Cherrypaw take their final assessment ]
[ Briarmask, Ravenpaw, Cricketpounce, and Thistlepaw train in climbing ]
[ Tallthorn and Coffeepaw train in swimming ]
[ Hailsplash and Softpaw train in hunting ]
[ Applefall and Honeypaw train in treating illnesses ]

Kitting & Healing
[ Ramsey and Cricketpounce try for kits, with Hollybranch of IslandClan as the surrogate ]
[ Heathersong and Sparrowstar become mates, but do not try for kits ]

[ SpruceClan sends IslandClan x1 honey, x1 burnet, and x1 ragwort to help Hollybranch's future kitting ]

* Please do not kill any cats marked with a ✧ symbol.
* Unmarked cats may be rolled for injuries or illness, but not death!

      Sparrowstar | 49 moons | male | x
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Briarmask | 39 moons | female | x

      Applefall | 44 moons | male | x
      Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

      ✧ Honeypaw | 8 moons | female | x

      Cricketpounce | 44 moons | male | x
      ✧ Smokestep | 35 moons | male | x
      ✧ Heathersong | 47 moons | female | x
      ✧ Tallthorn | 32 moons | male | x
      Hailsplash | 36 moons | male | x
      ✧ Ivyblossom | 19 moons | female | x
      ✧ Cardinaltail | 18 moons | male | x
      Ramsey | 49 moons | male | x
      Brambletuft | 45 moons | male | x
      Cloudchaser | 16 moons | female | x

      Goldenpaw | 12 moons | male | x
      ✧ Cherrypaw |12 moons | female | x
      ✧ Mintpaw | 11 moons | male | x, x
      ✧ Ravenpaw | 9 moons | male | x
      ✧ Thistlepaw | 9 moons | female | x
      Coffeepaw | 8 moons | female (amab) | x
      Softpaw | 8 moons | male | x

      ✧ Nightfang | 36 moons | female | x
      Roselight | 42 moons | female | x

      ✧ Badgerkit | 5 moons | male | x
      ✧ Ashkit | 2 moons | female | x
      ✧ Cinderkit | 2 moons | male | x
      Dovekit | 1 moon | female | x
      Crowkit | 1 moon | male | x
      Poppykit | 1 moon | female | x
      Daisykit | 1 moon | female | x
      Violetkit | 1 moon | male | x

      Redwhisker | 110 moons | male (afab) | x
    Alder Bark (1) | toothache
    Beech Leaf (1) | soothes scratches, sore paws
    Bindweed (1) | sets broken bones
    Birch Sap (1) | yellowcough
    Blackberry Leaf (1) | bee stings
    Borage (1) | eases fever, produces more milk
    Bright-eye (1) | coughing
    Broom (1) | broken bones
    Burdock Root (1) | rat bites
    Burnet (0) | kitting
    Catchweed (1) | removes burrs in fur
    Catmint (2) | cures greencough & whitecough
    Celandine (1) | soothes damaged eyes
    Chervil (0) | bellyache, infection, kitting
    Cobweb (0) | binds a wound, stops bleeding
    Fennel (1) | eases pains
    Goldenrod (1) | chewed into poultice for wounds
    Hawkweed (1) | cures greencough & whitecough
    Honey (0) | infections, sore or damaged throat
    Horsetail (1) | infection, stops bleeding
    Marigold (1) | infection, inflammation, stiff joints
    Ragwort (0) | kitting pains, joint pain
    Raspberry Leaf (0) | kitting
    Yarrow (1) | extracts poison or toxins

    Snow Hare | x 5 | 3 servings
    Bird | x 4 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x 2 | 2 servings
    Ermine | x 4 | 2 servings
    Frog | x 4 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x 4 | 1 servings

    Smokestep | Goldenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Heathersong | Cherrypaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Sparrowstar | Mintpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Cricketpounce | Thistlepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Briarmask | Ravenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Tallthorn | Coffeepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Hailsplash | Softpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle

    Applefall | Honeypaw | kitting, illness, herbs, injury

    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

Last edited by ponz on Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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the fallen|008

Postby salvation. » Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:55 pm

|population total:013;mollies:006;toms:007|serving size:003|pebbles:040|next request:6-10-20|mod:duplex|

-snowstep and mudclaw get closer
-dappleheart and darkheart talk about badgermask
-hawkpaw annoys smokefur
-dappleheart talks to emberfoot about warblerkit becoming an apprentice soon

─1 small fish and 1 mouse
new arrivals:
─one requests a warrior
mod notes:
─one, mudclaw, snowstep, emberfoot, badgermask, and kestrelfall go hunting
border patrols:
─goldenotter, darkheart, and boulderstrike patrol the borders
apprentice training:
─snowstep trains hawkpaw
rank ceremonies:
herb gathering:
─smokefur goes herb gathering

─one|32 moons|tom|
─darkheart|33 moons|tom|
medicine cat:
─smokefur|25 moons|tom|
mc apprentice:
senior warriors:
─emberfoot|30 moons|molly|
─goldenotter|27 moons|molly|
─snowstep|29 moons|tom|
─kestrelfall|25 moons|molly|
─mudclaw|26 moons|tom|
─badgermask|21 moons|molly|
─boulderstrike|24 moons|tom|
─hawkpaw|9 moons|molly|
─dappleheart|34 moons|molly|
─warblerkit|6 moons|tom|

─snowstep|hawkpaw|2 sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
─mentor|apprentice|# of sessions
prey pile:
─mice|1 serv.|x2
─voles|1 serv.|x1
─rabbits|2 serv.|x0
─squirrels|2 serv.|x0
─small fish|2 serv.|x0
─pigeons|3 serv.|x0
herb storage:
─elder leaves|x2
─juniper berries|x1
─poppy seeds|x2
─foxglove seeds|x1
─raspberry leaves|x1
the deceased:
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death
─name|age|cause of death

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby DadjokeNess » Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:10 pm

Font Source


Number of Cats: 3 Here | Next Starclan Visit: June 9 Here | Pebbles: 30
First Post: x Previous Post: x Next Post: X

[]Pizzastar asks Starclan for a warrior
[]Pizzastar and Ice Cream go patrolling and hunting
[]Tealeaf looks for herbs

[]Tealeaf and Ice Cream Join the clan
[]Tealeaf brings 2 fennel, 1 catmint, 1 stinging nettle, and 1 lavender when she joins clan
[]Cocoaclan Fasts [2-3 more to build up food, if I’m counting right]


Pizzastar’s claws flexed in the soil as she stalked the vole through the grass, pouncing with grace as she soared through the air to land on her prey. With a squeal, the vole struggled in her grasp before she proudly carried it towards her home.

The tom nearby had watched with interest, and followed her towards the strange twolegger building. Despite being large, no scent of twoleggers hung in the air. Boards and colorful paint covered the outside, offering only narrow gaps into the building, large enough for the female cat’s girth, but not large enough for a twolegger or raccoon.

Pizzastar dropped her vole into a metal container, and then turned suddenly, shocking the tom into jumping back. She bared her teeth at the tom, and then purred. “Why hello there! I’m Pizza, well Pizzastar now, who are you?”

The tom gulped, suddenly very intimidated. “I guess I’m Ice Cream? I always liked it, though not the loud twolegger kittens that it came with. It tasted nice, cold, and it looked like my fur.”

Pizzastar laughed, a loud purring laugh that filled the building. “Well, then you’re perfect! Welcome to your new home if you want it! This is gonna be my clan, I’m calling it Cocoaclan because this was a human chocolate place, and it’ll be a jolly good time to live here and make a place where we can all be happy!”

Ice Cream nodded, almost afraid of this cat. He hadn’t quite realized when following her how LARGE she was.

Pizzastar smiled again, baring even more teeth. “You know what, since you’re the second one here, why not be my second in command? You can be the deputy and help me hunt and help me greet cats! It’ll be a wonderful time, and who knows, perhaps it was meant to be! After all, you’re Ice Cream, and I’m Pizza.”

Ice Cream nodded again. “That would be nice, Miss Pizzastar. Perhaps you could show me around?”


Tealeaf turned and tossed in her cave, the heat of the other medicine cats making it hard to sleep. She walked out, and started slinking up a nearby tree so she could rest in peace. She was one of several medicine cats, her clan having an abundance of them, and the cave just felt stuffier and stuffier each night. Finding a sturdy branch, Tealeaf jumped up and settled herself in for a rest.

Like most of her Starclan dreams, this one started out with a sense of overwhelming calm. The Starclan cat in front of her was different from normal, standing next to her yet sounding like they were on the other side of a large field. “Tealeaf, your destiny calls! You must leave your clan, and head north, until you find a piece of star! This is my clan, and you are needed to guide them! Find a piece of star, and you will find your home!”

The next day, with hasty goodbyes and a small selection of herbs, Tealeaf set out. It was almost too easy to leave, her clan being so large and her so small. No mate, siblings in another clan, parents gone. Not many to miss her besides the other medicine cats.

Each night she traveled, Tealeaf had the same dream, the Starclan cat telling her to find a piece of star. Each night, the Starclan cat sounded slightly closer.

Then one day, rain sleeting down in heavy waves, Tealeaf slunk into an abandoned twolegger building to shelter from the rain. She went quietly, and carefully, just in case a twolegger or a predator was lying in wait.

Out of the shadows, two shaped formed, one bounding towards her with unbridled enthusiasm and girth, and the other hanging back nervously.

The girthy shadow spoke first. “Hello! I’m Pizzastar! Welcome to Cocoaclan, and why not come in out of the rain? It’s a lovely night to make new friends!”

The lanky shadow walked into view. With piercing blue eyes he looked Tealeaf up and down, and then said in a mellow voice, “And I’m Ice Cream... Nice to meet you.”

It wasn’t until later that night, when no Starclan dream came, that Tealeaf realized, she had found...a Pizza star.

          Pizzastar | 30 | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Ice Cream | 21 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Tea Leaf | 35 moons | Female | X
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Keyclan | 爆殺王
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Twolegger City

    Medicine Store
    2 Fennel | Birthing herb
    1 Catmint | Greencough
    1 Lavender | For fevers and chills
    1 Stinging Nettle | For wounds, infection, brings down swelling

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Voles | x1 | 1 servings
    Hamburgers | x0 | 2 servings
    Stoats | x0 | 2 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings
    Pizza Slices | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by DadjokeNess on Sun Jul 12, 2020 3:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Look at this man.


He doesn't have a problem, but if he did, he'd probably ask you to donate to his hoard. Luckily, he doesn't have a problem.
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The Pine Throne [001]

Postby skystar901 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:53 am

Number of Cats: 01 | Next Pine Throne Request: Seven Days | Pebbles: 20 | Patron: Zion

writing to be put together in a google doc after i finish writing the lore for the clan
rough notes:
Coyotegaze sitting on the throne for the first time and hearing Zion speak to him
Coyotegaze making his first rounds of the kingdom

Coyotegaze asks Zion for a Doctor
Coyotegaze goes hunting
Coyotegaze goes on patrol

          Coyotegaze | 38 Moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Witch Doctor:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Royal Guard:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Forestclan | Simonpet
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Aviaryclan | Sharpie
    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Bird | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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── 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍 ── [003]

Postby dea invidia. » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:18 pm

          writing wip
          ▸ MOD NOTE
          ─ none :D

          ▸ CONSUMPTION
          ─ fasting 3/3

          ▸ PATROLS
          ─ crowstar leads a patrol with spiderface

          ▸ HUNTING
          ─ frostnose leads a lonely hunt
          crowstar ─ 38m, ♂
          ⤷ ★★★★★★★★★

          frostnose ─ 30m, ♀
          spiderface ─ 26m, ♀
          name ─ 00m, ♂♀
          ⤷ information

          name ─ 00m, ♂♀

          name ─ 00m, ♂♀
          𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐓
          name ─ 00m, ♂♀
          ⤷ information

          name ─ 00m, ♂♀

          warrior ─ apprentice
          ⤷ skills

          𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄
          bird ─ 01
          ermine ─ 01
          shrew ─ 00
          small fish ─ 00
          squirrel ─ 00
          vole ─ 00
          location ─ clan

          𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐁 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄
          herb ─ 00
          clan ─ user
          ⤷ information

          name ─ 00m, ♂♀
          ⤷ cause

© © ©
Last edited by dea invidia. on Thu Jul 02, 2020 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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dea invidia.
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Postby Euthymios » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:36 pm

        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfelids: 17
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♀ : 06
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♂ : 11
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx☉ : 00
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgods.: now!
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmod: katrione
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlast post here
        mod notes
        ↠ lowkey hoping to get more adult cats
        cats in action queue have powers.
        cats are important for plot; do not kill

        writing is going to be backflowing

border patrols
↠ aquilegapool, peregrinepaw, shadowcrown, panthercry, seraphwind
↠ borealstar, smokehaze, cardinalgaze, cloudwish, duskcloud

hunting patrols

↠ sagewhisper (injury herbs)

servings consumed
↠ [3/3] x1 ibex calf

↠ high consort
        high lord
        borealstar | 33m | ♂
        ↪ ★★★★★★★★★

        high consort

        royal children

        royal advisor
        cardinalgaze | 36m | ♂

        high priest
        sagewhisper | 36m | ♂
        ↪ ✿✿✿✿✿

        priestesses / priests

        celestial understudies

        sable shrike
        smokehaze | 37m | ♂

        aquilegapool | 33m | ♀
        duskcloud | 35m | ♂
        cloudwish | 28m | ♂
        shadowcrown | 35m | ♀
        seraphwind | 30m | ♂

        peregrinepaw | 14m | ♀

        albendawn | 30m | ♀

        minkkit | 1m | ♂
        blizzardkit | 1m | ♂
        sablekit | 1m | ♀
        tealkit | 1m | ♀
        rosekit | 1m | ♂

          [1] cobweb | wounds
          [2] horsetail | wounds
          [0] chervil | infection/kitting/bellyache
          [1] blackberry leaf | bee stings
          [1] oak leaf | wounds
          [0] raspberry leaf | bleeding
          [1] fennel | hip pain
          [1] goldenrod | wounds
          [1] tansy | cough/poison/wounds/greencough
          [1] ragwort leaf | strength

          aquilegapool | peregrinepaw [3]
          ↪ swiftness

          fresh kill pile
          x10 servings (+ 4)
          ♛ [2] chipmunk - 1s
          ♛ [0] shrew - 1s
          ♛ [0] trout - 2s
          ♛ [1] ibex calf - 2s
          ♛ [1] hawk - 3s
          ♛ [1] salmon - 3s

          family ties
          albendawn ♥ unknown
          blizzardkit, minkkit
          tealkit, rosekit, sablekit

          frostshade ♂ killed by nerinda
Last edited by Euthymios on Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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