Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Hexclan's Twelfth Moon

Postby vampiress_fox » Fri May 08, 2020 12:42 pm

Determined to Defy the Odds
Number of Cats: Nineteen | Males - 10 | Females - 9
Month: Twelve
Next Moonpool visit: Now
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Notes: Finaliazed post with info on prey now up, so feel free to reply to this one.

Darkstar was quiet proud of Santa and his patrol for chasing out the badgers that had invaded their territory. She was also glad it was before they had any babies, so that she did not need to feel bad about displacing a young family.

Darkstar, on the other paw, was plagued by memories about a mysterious tom that she had seen at the last gathering. She could not tell if he was apart of any clan, but he seemed like he wasn't. She felt an insatiable need to figure it out, and had plans to meet up with him to find out.

Snowbell saw Emberclaw limpng back into camp with Santa's patrol and wondered what had happened. He was jealous that he was not able to go and chase out the badgers, and wanted to find out everything.

"Hey, Emberclaw," He said as he helped her to the medicine den, "What happened with the badgers?"

He tried, unsuccessfully, to hide his interest and slightly jealous tone; but failed horribly.

"Well," she said as she carefully laid down in a nest, "if you feel like sticking around I can tell you all about it."

She chuckled to herself as he quickly flopped down next to her, waiting impatiently for her to tell the story. She did admire his enthusiasm.

He listened intently to what Emberclaw had said, growing more and more fascinated as she spoke. The was she got to animated with her description of the battle made him think about her in a different light. He was mesmerized by the glittering of her eyes, the way the light shined off her fur.

Jackrabbit laid in her favorite spot, sunlight shining off her fur. She looked out over the rest of the clan, laughing as she saw how some of them interacted together. Smokestripe watched her kits play, while Greystripe settled himself into a sunny spot outside the elder's den. Blackpaw was stalking a leaf, trying his best to fight it and win. She saw that there was several cats that had sectioned themselves off together, Gingerstorm being the only one sitting alone.

She knew that he was always a private tom, and always a loner even in the large clan setting, but she did not know why. He was a very handsome tom, and she had repeatedly seen how often the rest of the females in the clan looked at him. She had to admit that even she had looked at him that way as well, but she would never try. She was just a plain, boring she-cat, she never stood a chance against the more pretty members of the clan.

Gingerstorm had noted repeatedly the looks that he had gotten from the rest of the clan, and paid them little mind. He was waiting for the right she-cat to come along, and he had yet to find her. While he was scanning camp, he did note that Jackrabbit was staring at him. She was always such a different cat, a very indifferent cat towards much of clan life, though she was fiercely loyal and he did admire that in her.

[Moonpool Visit: Darkstar asks for a new cat]
[Rank Changes: Greystripe is welcomed as an elder]
[Mate Announcements: Darkstar tries for kits in secret with Chad]
[Elder Activities: Greystripe amuses Smokestripe's kits with a story so she can get out of camp for a bit]
[Training: Windstorm/Blackpaw]
[Medicine Den: Rosebud treats Moonshadow with x1 cobweb and she returns to duties; Rosebud treats Emberclaw with x1 poppy seed and she rests this moon]
[Medicine Cat Practice: 13th moon]
[Herb Gathering: Rosebud gathers herbs]
[Dawn Patrol: Gingerstorm, Windstorm, and Blackpaw go hunting]
[Sun-High Patrol: Darkstar, Umeko, and Smokestripe patrol the boarders (and find this cat, given to me by amethyst14 here]
[Dusk Patrol: Waveskimmer, Treefrost, and Moonshadow go hunting]
[Moon-High Patrol: Santa, Jackrabbit and Snowbell patrol the boarders]

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. (failed) | Learned: Offense, Defense, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battlefield Healing
    Windstorm | Blackpaw | 4 (1 failed) | Learned: Hunting, Defense, Offense

    :Cupid's Diary:
    Crush >/<
    Mutual Crush <>
    Mates <3
    Ex-Mates </3

    Snowbell > Emberclaw
    Gingerstorm < Jackrabbit

    Medicine Den:
    Moonshadow | Scratch | x1 cobweb used | No rest needed
    Emberclaw | Sprained paw | x1 poppy seed used | 2 moons of rest

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb or Poison
    Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x0]Alder Tree/Alder Bark | Chewed Eases tooth aches
    [x0]Beech Tree/Beech Nuts/Beech Leaves | Unkown Nuts are good for attracting prey
    [x1]Bindweed | Helps bind sticks together When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in place
    [x0]Birch Sap | Unknown Unknown Suspected as another cure for yellowcough, though not proven
    [x1]Blackberries/Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings.
    [x0]The Blazing Star/Smoothstem Blazingstar | Unknown A rare herb that was used to cure the early settlers of an unknown disease
    [x1]Borage/Borage Leaves | Chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests
    [x0]Bright Eyes/Garden Phlox | Crushed into a poultice mixture Mix with lovage to help cure coughs
    [x0]Broom | Ground into a poultice Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
    [x1]Burdock/Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Soothes and heals rat bites, especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
    [x0]Burnet | A traveling herb. The leaves are swallowed. Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
    [x0]Catchweed/Catchweed Bedstraw/Catchweed Burs | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x0]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough. Can be considered dangerous in extremely high dosages.
    [x0]Celandine/Celandine Poppy/Greater Celandine | Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye. Soothes weakened or damaged eyes.
    [x0]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x0]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x1]Chickweed | Eaten Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x0]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments. Unknown
    [x0]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x0]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x0]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Can also be lined in one's nest. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x0]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x1]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. The roots can also be used to help cure the effects of meadow saffron poisoning Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x0]Dock/Dock Leaf | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds. Can be used to help practice healing on Clanmates.
    [x0]Elder Leaves | Turned into a poultice Soothes sprains
    [x1]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x0]Goatweed | Unknown Eases grief.
    [x0]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x0]Hawkweed | Unknown Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x0]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x0]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x0]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x0]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x0]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x0]Lamb's Ear | Unknown Gives a cat strength.
    [x0]Laurel Leaf | Making herb wraps
    [x1]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death.
    [x0]Lovage | Unknown If it is mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs.
    [x0]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x0]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x0]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x0]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Moss | Used to soak up fluid.
    [x0]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. Kills ticks.
    [x2]Dried Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x0]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x0]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x0]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x0]Ragwort | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragwort gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x1]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x0]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x0]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x1]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x2]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x0]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x1]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats. Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats.
    [x0]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x0]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten When mixed together, they suppress hunger pains and give a cat strength.
    [x0]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x0]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Draws out poison in rat bites. Prevents infection.
    [x1]Willow Bark | Unknown Eases Pain
    [x0]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Unknown Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x0]Wood Sorrel | Coming Soon Coming Soon
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Unknown Unknown Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Meadow Saffron | Dandelion Root Unknown Poisonous Not poisonous to prey, but poisonour to a cat that eats said prey.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Unknown Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile
    Clan consumes 4 servings: 2 chipmunks and 2 mice
    1 serving | Chipmunks | x1
    1 serving | Mice | x1
    1 serving | Vole | x3
    2 servings | Squirrel | x3
    3 servings | Rabbit | x1
    3 servings | Fish | x1
    3 servings | Bird | x0

    Northern | Big Water (a great lake)
    Southern (Pine Forest) | Appleclan | hot-second
    Eastern (Marshland) | The Cove | Lumos12
    Western | Two-Leg Village

    Ally Clans:
    Clan | Owner
    Hazelclan | sharpshooter.

    Enemy Clans
    Clan | Owner

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall go on a week long quest into the Two-Leg territory on the western boarder, where they will look for a monkey by the name of Fitzgerald, and he will make their new clan collar for them. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again. If they fail a second time, they are banished from the clan for weakness and a disrespect for clan tradition and law.
Last edited by vampiress_fox on Sun May 10, 2020 12:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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II. ) CREAGCLAN `not alone anymore.

Postby w0ah » Fri May 08, 2020 1:16 pm

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐒
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              there are currently 003 felines among the clan,
              consisting of 02 males, 01 females, & 00 other.
              they will require 00 servings to avoid starvation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              they currently have 20 pebbles in their storage.

              archives: here last post: here start: here
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    Tawnyflare licked the fur that grew on her side flat, occasionally using her teeth to pull the various knots and specks of dirt from her pelt. Tawnyflare. It was the name Cairnstar had given her, and a title she was still attempting to get used to. Rian had been the name she'd carried with her from birth, but now she was to take on an entirely new name. In a way, however, this wasn't something that bothered the she-cat too much. In fact, she found it sort of exhilarating──what other good way to begin this new chapter of her life than to start it with a new name? Although she was leaving behind her mother and the family she had in the mountains, she was taking-on this new life filled to the brim with opportunities that awaited her.

    "Tawnyflare?" Came a low voice from beside her. The she-cat halted her groomed and flicked her eyes toward the mouth of the warrior's den, where the dark silhouette of Cairnstar stood half in the shadows and half in the radiant light of morning. "It's about time to head out, are you ready?" He questioned. Tawnyflare bowed her head in a nod to the Chief and began rising to her paws, shaking her pelt free of debris. The hair on her back pricked on end briefly, then relaxed and laid flat against her frame. “Of course." The she-cat replied, a smile pulling at her lips. The tom wasn't one to express much, as she had quickly learned, but he shot Tawnyflare a polite smile anyway before swinging out of the entrance and padding into camp. The warrior was not far behind him.

    As she stepped into the bright clearing, the she-cat blinked several times to adjust to the light, then padded to where her Chief stood. He waited with his back to the exit of the camp, which was lined by several brambles, serving as a fortified wall against any predator or foe seeking to enter. Tawnyflare had begun to familiarize herself with the sights of their camp and the territory surrounding, even having only been among CreagClan for what seemed like a moon that passed with the blink of an eye. She'd spent much time alongside the tom she now considered her leader, and learned much of the ways she'd serve under him and for the Clan. She attempted to memorize the code, the ways she was expected to perform her duties, and how even a normal day among it would go about. The she-cat had never lived in a Clan before, not even an organized "group" of any kind, but she was beginning to quite enjoy it. Although it had been just the two of them for quite some time, the idea of growing the Clan and working-together as one appealed to her greatly. She wouldn't need to spend anymore bitter leaf-bare nights on her own, a constant rumble in her empty stomach. She also wouldn’t have to worry of a rogue sneaking-up on her tail as she slept.

    But leaf-fall was upon the landscape, and the Clan was small and weak. Cairnstar had managed to return with perch and trout over the past few hunting patrols, but they were still only two cats. In order to be strong and resilient, CreagClan needed more warriors. The Chief had spoken much of the ancestors──StarClan, in particular──and how they always provided assistance for the Clan. He assured her that if it was needed, the ancestors would provide and the two of them would not be alone for much longer. If Tawnyflare truly wished to place her trust in this StarClan, of which she was only just beginning to learn about, then she sure as well hoped that they would gain some more companions in the near future.

    A chilling breeze ruffled the she-cat’s pelt, her ears swiveling to and fro. Cairnstar signaled with a flick of his tail and the pair padded out from the camp and into the field surrounding it. They halted every few steps or so, the tom lifting his nose to the breeze and drawing the scents through his nostrils. He was deciding on where they should travel to. “Let’s try our luck in the meadow.” He meowed, flicking his yellow gaze to her own. “I’d like a taste of something other than fish.” Tawnyflare chuckled lightly at this, then shook her head as she followed the thick-furred feline through the tall grass. Though the tom was one of little words, he surely did have a sense of humor that the female quite appreciated. It was a form of company she’d begun to miss, having traveled alone for some time.

    The pair quickly quieted, however, as they furthered into the field of grasses. They weaved along paths laid in the field, padded-down from ancient cats having walked them many moons ago. The grasses hid their pelts from view of outsiders, but they took paths which would angle them downwind from any prey they may come across. It wasn’t long before the sweet, savory scent of prey wafted into their noses, and the hunt officially began.

    Cairnstar flicked his tail, immediately bringing the two to a halt. Tawnyflare watched as the tom opened his maw and tasted the scents on the breeze, recognizing that of a rabbit. They must’ve been nearby, for as soon as the scent reached him, he lowered his form into a crouch and crept forward. He pushed his nose through the grasses, parted them slightly, and spotted the rabbit nibbling on that of a dandelion. He was lined-up perfectly, just the right distance, and his hind legs were positioned beneath him in preparation to leap from his crouch and onto the rabbit. He could just imagine how he’d snap his jaws around its neck and kill it instantly, proudly trotting from the grass with his kill hanging from his mouth. But as soon as the thought left his mind, the rabbit suddenly froze, peered into the grasses, and bounded off as quickly as its little legs could carry it.

    The tom was shocked, and with a disgruntled huff, he ripped himself from the grasses and back on the path with Tawnyflare. He met the she-cat’s eyes and shrugged, though still quite bothered that he’d somehow scared-off the rabbit. “StarClan’s not on my side today.” He managed to joke, shaking his head with a chuckle. But the warrior wasn’t quite listening to her Chief, and rather she was glaring into the grasses with her ears perked high atop her head. “Cairnstar, I don’t think you startled that rabbit.” She began, her eyes flicking back to meet his own. “Someone else is near.”

    Furrowing his brows, Cairnstar quickly turned from the female and peered into the grasses, lifting his nose to scent the air one more. Tawnyflare had been right, for as he did so, an unfamiliar cat-scent caught his attention. The tom turned his head back toward the female, nodding in agreement with the intelligent she-cat, and began padding along the path and into the grasses. The warrior was never too far behind, and she trailed carefully with her head hung low to the ground, sniffing occasionally for the scent once more. The tom seemed to find it not far into their hunt, and he led them both toward its source. Before they knew it, they had exited the tall grasses of the field and onto the sandy banks lining the river. How had they ended-up here?

    Well, the pair was quick to spot the cat crouching in the sand, lapping-up the cool water with their tongue. Their pelt was a rich brown, almost russet in color, and they had several white markings throughout, such as on their paws and the tip of their tail. Lean muscle rippled beneath the pelt of the tom, and both Cairnstar and Tawnyflare recognized the pure strength they harnessed. No matter, they still hadn’t realized or noticed that two other felines were standing just behind, watching him drink from the river.

    It didn’t take long, however, for the tom to turn and suddenly meet the eyes of the pair, one set a striking yellow and the other a vibrant green. They seemed rather surprised at first, but they quickly brushed it off and lowered their haunches onto the sand. “Why hello there.” The tom called-out to the pair, a smirk lining his maw. “I seem to have an audience.”

    Cairnstar scoffed, shaking his head as he began to approach the tom, taking but a few steps forward. “It took you long enough to notice.” He chuckled, and the other tom joined him. Neither seemed to pose much of a threat, and thus Tawnyflare took it as an invitation to follow her leader and join him at his side. “And hello to you too.” The tom greeted the she-cat, his eyes sweeping over her pale fur, causing her to narrow her eyes in his direction. No matter, she smirked in response and dipped her head, a chuckle escaping her lips.

    Clearing his throat briefly, Cairnstar narrowed his eyes to the stranger, then flicked them onto the she-cat flanking him. “I see you’ve met my only warrior, Tawnyflare.” He began, his tail flicking slightly. “And I’m Cairnstar, Chief of CreagClan.”

    “CreagClan?” The tom questioned, his head tipping to the side. “I’d never heard of a Clan residing in this region...” He mentioned softly. Though the question was quite abrupt, Cairnstar took it with a nod of his head and prepared to explain. “Well, that should be because it’s still rather young.” He replied, then releasing a sigh. “After all, it's only been a moon.” He rephrased his sentence.

    This caused the tom to nod in response, his eyes flicking just behind the pair for a moment before meeting Cairnstar’s gaze once more. “My name is Ailpein. Unfortunately, I don’t have those cool names like yours.” The tom joked, a hearty laugh leaving his chest. But Cairnstar seemed to take this as a hint of opportunity, and without holding-back on any terms, her leaned back onto his haunches as he met Ailpein’s gaze. “You could always join us, help the Clan out.” The tom began, seriousness evident in his tone. “I can give you your own cool name.”

    Ailpein was taken-aback by this sudden proposition, but it seemed like he was much less offended, and rather more interested. There was a brief silence shared between the three cats, before the tom tipped his head from side to side, as though thinking something through, then delivered a curt nod of his head. “You know, why not?” He chuckled, and although sounding a bit jokingly on the forefront, one could tell he meant it in clarification for his decision. Delighted, and even a bit surprised himself, Cairnstar felt the corner of his lips curl into a smile, and he stood back on his paws, towering over both of the felines. “Well that was quick.” The tom released, all three of the cats sharing a laugh. “But I’m delighted you can join us, Ailpein. Lets head back to camp, we'll show you around.” And with a flick of his tail, the tom turned and headed back into the field, his two companions following behind.


    Cairnstar swept his bushy-tail from side to side, stirring the dirt of his den into a cloud of dust. He then paused as he watched the two forms emerge from the warrior’s den; Tawnyflare and Ailpein, the sole warriors of CreagClan at the time. They seemed to be conversing between one another, a grin lining the maw of the brown-furred tom as he trailed at the she-cat’s flank. She laughed and shook her head at his words, the sound filling the cool, evening air around them. Seeing them reminded the Chief, however, that he had yet to give the new warrior his name. He had assured the tom he’d receive one, but over the course of a few sunrises, an idea had yet to reach him.

    That was until a few days prior, when the trio patrolled their borders. The clouds had been showering the landscape in rain for a day or so, and this had caused quite a bit of mud to accumulate. Once the rain hit the dry dirt, it mixed and churned into the murky substance. The cats were all soaked and covered in the stuff by the time they returned from their patrols during those few days, causing quite the nuisance when it came to grooming. Ailpein, on the other paw, seemed used to pulling the caked-on mud from between his toes. His fur even blended-in perfectly with the mud in color. Mud… Cairnstar pondered, his eyes swirling in thought. Mudmask.

    At the sudden idea, the tom rose onto his paws and padded into the clearing of the camp just as the warriors had reached the center. He paused just at the outer rim of the oval-shaped, dirt clearing, and meowed in greeting to the pair of warriors. Their eyes quickly turned to meet his own, and with a bow of their heads, they stood and waited to hear what their Chief was to tell them.

    “Ailpein, I promised you a name and I intended to follow-through with that.” Cairnstar began, dipping his head in a nod. “And I believe I have decided on just what would suit you.”

    “Is that so?” Ailpein replied, smirking slightly as his tail flicked in intrigue. “Go on then.”

    Stepping forward, Cairnstar peered into the night sky until his eyes caught that of Silverpelt, high and mighty against a black background. He then cleared his throat, bowed his head, and closed his eyes briefly. “Spirits of StarClan,” He began. “you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on he will be known as Mudmask, for his official name as a warrior of CreagClan.”

    Ailpein, now Mudmask, peered into the night sky where they had gazed before, and into the stars of SIlverpelt. He bowed his head, similarly to how Cairnstar had, and met the eyes of his Chief. “Thank you, Cairnstar.” The tom replied, his voice low and soft. “I am honored to take the name Mudmask.”

    The dark-furred tabby felt himself smile down toward the tom, and leaned-forward to touch his nose to his forehead. “Welcome to CreagClan, Mudmask.”

    █ █
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        • Gathering resources. (2/3)

        • None this moon.

        • None this moon.
    i. Cairnstar, Tawnyflare, & Mudmask.

    i. Cairnstar, Tawnyflare, & Mudmask.

    i. None this moon.
    • None this moon.

    • None this moon.

    • None this moon.
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    █ █
    █ █
    █ █


            Cairnstar , ♂ , 38 m
            ↪ ★★★★★★★★★

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
            ↪ sp: 0

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m

            Tawnyflare , ♀ , 27 m
            Mudmask , ♂ , 33 m

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m

            namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
                  clan name, username

                  clan name, username

                  north; group , username
                  northeast ; CloudClan , FairyCharmed
                  east ; group , username
                  south ; group , username
                  west ; group , username

                  name + name =
                  ↪ kits names here

                  mentor ⟶ apprentice (#)
                  ↪ skills here

                  name, age of death, cause

    █ █
    █ █
    █ █
    █ █
            PREY PILE
            voles, 1 serving (0)
            minnows, 1 serving (0)
            rabbits, 2 servings (0)
            perch, 2 servings (1)
            trout, 3 servings (1)
            gannets, 3 servings (0)
    herb name, usage (0)
    █ █
    █ █
    █ █
    █ █

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Cold watch syndicate 006

Postby Lumos12 » Sat May 09, 2020 6:34 am

        coding credit: immortes
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtotal: 27
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♀ : 10
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♂ : 10
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNB : 7
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxservings: 6
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpebbles: 105
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnext god visit: now
        ➸ Coleuspaw mopes about his failing his assessment for the second time. Olivepaw offers some words of comfort, and encouragement.
        ➸ Blackiron enlists the help of Tiramisufrost in aiding of removing both Pompeiicall and his newly born daughter. Tiramisufrost blackmails Blackiron in return, Bambinokit is held as a witness to this dark exchange.
        ➸ Gondolaswing tells everyone a story.
        ➸ Isolakit receives her first dream walking lesson from Temporal.
        ➸ The Cold watch syndicate consumes the following : x1 fish, x1 squirrel, x1 humanfood

border patrols
➸ Gondolaswing, Tiramisufrost, Lotuspearl, Espressotuff
➸ Pigeonflight, Sunstone, Casinoroyale

hunting patrols
➸ Laurelpaw, Kissingpaw, Pompeiicall
➸ Blackiron, Leopardgaze, Basillicaruin

➸ Crescentmoon and Idyllicfields (kitting + injury)
➸ Coleuspaw is given x1 marigold for his injury.
general events
➸ Bamibinokit becomes Bamibinopaw, his mentor will be Tiramisufrost!
➸ Sunstone will be Olivepaw's mentor!
➸ Bascilliaruin tries for kits with Baron.

➸ a 'blue-based expecting queen'

        pompeiicall | 28 mns | ♂ | x
        Lives: ★

        name | age | ♀♂ | x

        crescentmoon | 29 | nb | x
        idyllicfields | 23 | ♂ | x

        basillicaruin | 27 | ♀ | x
        sunstone | 28| nb | x
        casinoroyale | 23 | ♂ | x
        pigeonflight | 15 | ♀ | x
        espressotuff | 23 | ♀ | x
        leopardgaze | 48 | ♀ | x
        blackiron | 53 | ♂ | x
        lotuspearl | 14 | ♀ | x
        gondolaswing | 22 | ♀-♂ | x
        tiramisufrost | 20| ♀ | X
    laurelpaw | 14 | ♀ | x
    kissingpaw | 9 | ♀ - ♂ | x
    coleuspaw | 14 | ♂ | x
    olivepaw | 14 | ♂ | x
    bambinopaw | 6 | ♂ | x

    beachcomb | 28 | ♀ | x
    iontrakit, monellokit, isolakit, marekit, biscottikit
    name | age | ♀♂ | x

    iontrakit | 4 | ♂ | x
    isolakit | 4 | ♀ | x
    biscottikit | 4 | ♂ | x
    caprifogliokit | 0 | ♀ | x
    name | age | ♀♂ | x


        * bindweed | bones | [1]
        * borage leaves | milk, fevers | [1]
        * burnet | strength | [1]
        * catmint| greencough, whitecough | [1]
        * chamomile | strength; heart and mind | [1]
        * cobweb | wound, bones | [1]
        * coltsfoot | breathing, cracked pads | [1]
        * comfrey | bones, wounds, itching, inflammation, joints | [1]
        * chervil | bellyaches, wounds, kitting | [1]
        * daisy leaf | joints | [1]
        * dandelion| painkiller, bee stings | [1]
        * dock | scratches, sore pads | [1]
        * fennel | hip pain | [1]
        * marigold | infections, bleeding, inflammation, stiff joints | [1]
        * poppy leaves | sleep, shock, distress | [1]
        * raspberry leaves| painkiller, bleeding | [1]
        * stinging nettle | [1]
        ✦ basillicaruin - laurelpaw - grandiloquent.
        ✦ casinoroyale - kissingpaw - grandiloquent, sycophancy.
        ✦ sunstone-olivepaw - hunting

        fresh kill pile
        → pigeons| [0] | 3s
        → fish | [1] | 3s
        → human food | [1] | 1s
        → mice | [1] | 1s
        → rats | [2] | 2s
        → squirrels | [1] | 2s

        name | age of death | ♀♂ | x

        Clan Name | Username xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username

        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username
Last edited by Lumos12 on Sat May 09, 2020 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Chaosclan 026

Postby Kazin » Sat May 09, 2020 8:30 am

Font credit
Number of cats: 083 | 41 ♀ | 37 ♂ | 5 nonbinary
Servings Needed: 14, next at 91 | Next Request: anytime | Mod: deimos
Writing Archive | Herb/Pebble Storage | Mates/Families


      Link to Chapter
      --The third and fourth prophecy cats are revealed.
      --Interpreting the prophecy.


        New Members;;
        ➸ Coyotesong joins (previously a cat from the Shadowed Kingdom). Proof.
        ➸ Hazelfreckle joins (given by ame from the Fanclub). Proof.
        ➸ Cricketstripe's kits are named Mosquitokit, Locustkit, Cicadakit, and Grasshopperkit. Phoenixfur's kits are named Mudkit, Scorchkit, Cascadekit, Nimbuskit, and Twilightkit. Sadly, Scorchkit did not make it...

        ➸ Kiwituft leads Starlingblink, Marshminnow, Sparkbreeze, Hazelfreckle, and Gilaspike hunting.
        ➸ Cinnamonflight leads Tsunamibite, Eclipsefrost, Sagebird, Kestrelchaser, and Otterleap hunting.
        ➸ Sealshine leads Rookfang, Darkspider, Duskwillow, Firebolt, and Flickerheart hunting.
        ➸ Crowcatcher leads Wrenbreeze, Daggershade, Longbranch, Petalsong, and Fallencrow hunting.

        ➸ Raptorstar leads Buzzardshade, Minkbriar, Weevilsnap, Skippercloud, and Heatherglow patrolling.
        ➸ Songbirdstar leads Pikapounce, Atlasrain, Basilthorn, Thistlepath, and Zephyrsnap patrolling.

        ➸ Nightmint and Amberdawn search for herbs.
        ➸ Sunpaw trains in poisons.
        ➸ Icetuft rests moon 3/3.

        ➸ Riverecho due in 1 moons.
        ➸ Almondcloud due in 2 moons.
        ➸ Songbirdstar and Starlingblink become mates, but do not try for kits.

        ➸ Rosepaw, Apricotpaw, Walnutpaw, Strawberrypaw, and Pearpaw train in hunting.
        ➸ Flamepaw, Pandapaw, Jasperpaw, and Fireflypaw train in stealth.
        ➸ Snowypaw, Nightshadepaw, Madderpaw, Dogbanepaw, and Bamboopaw train in tracking.
        ➸ none train in fighting.
        ➸ none train in swimming.

        Rank Changes;;
        ➸ Sharkkit, Skatekit, Infernokit, and Volcanokit are ready to be apprentices!
        Mentor(s): Tsunamibite, Atlasrain, Buzzardshade, and Mooncinder.
        ➸ .

        ➸ not this moon.

        ➸ Chaosclan consumes 4 squirrels and 3 stoats [14 servings]
        ➸ Reached 76 cats! Adding another prey type as minnows (1 serving).


        Notes: In case of a death roll, please do not kill any marked with ♦. Injuries are fair game for all!

        ➸ I would like the following to remain on their smaller lines (disregard if growths have already been done for them); Flamepaw, Pandapaw, Bamboopaw, Rosepaw, Walnutpaw.
        Any cats of mod/artists' choice may also remain on smaller lines - I don't mind!

        ➸ Apprentices can remain on kit lines if it makes it easier on you, and just receive grown versions when they rank up to warriors - whatever is easiest for the artist is okay with me! <3


    Raptorstar | | 53 moons | ★★★★☆
    Songbirdstar | | 55 moons | ★★★☆

    Soldiers [3 max]
    Petalsong | | 51 moons
    Fallencrow | | 45 moons
    Crowcatcher | | 26 moons

    Nightmint | | 92 moons
    --> 5 Skill Points
    Amberdawn | | 49 moons
    --> 5 Skill Points
    Sunpaw ♦ | | 11 moons

    Rookfang | | 58 moons
    Sealshine | | 53 moons
    Starlingblink ♦ | | 52 moons
    Longbranch ♦ | | 47 moons
    Otterleap | | 45 moons
    Flickerheart | | 45 moons
    Darkspider | | 44 moons
    Duskwillow | | 43 moons
    Daggershade ♦ | | 39 moons
    Cinnamonflight ♦ | nb | 38 moons (powers)
    Marshminnow ♦ | | 37 moons
    Firebolt | | 37 moons
    Sparkbreeze | | 33 moons
    Tsunamibite ♦ | | 31 moons
    Wrenbreeze | | 27 moons
    Hazelfreckle ♦ | | 21 moons
    Gilaspike | nb | 17 moons
    Eclipsefrost | | 16 moons
    Sagebird ♦ | | 14 moons
    Kestrelchaser | | 14 moons
    Kiwituft | | 14 moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Chickadeefeather | | 47 moons
Almondcloud | | 46 moons
Phoenixfur | | 39 moons
Cricketstripe | | 35 moons
Fritillarystreak | | 35 moons
Riverecho ♦ | | 22 moons

Honeykit | | 4 moons
Satyrkit | | 4 moons
Nymphkit | | 4 moons
Azurekit | | 4 moons
Indigokit | | 4 moons
Mosquitokit | | 0 moons
Locustkit | | 0 moons
Cicadakit | | 0 moons
Grasshopperkit | | 0 moons
Mudkit | | 0 moons
Cascadekit | | 0 moons
Nimbuskit | | 0 moons
Twilightkit | | 0 moons

Skymouse | | 108 moons
Littledust | | 112 moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Icetuft | | 68 moons
Buzzardshade ♦ | | 53 moons
Beebuzz | | 46 moons
Minkbriar | | 45 moons
Emberlily | | 45 moons
Weevilsnap | | 43 moons
Pikapounce | nb | 42 moons
Skippercloud ♦ | | 37 moons
Atlasrain ♦ | | 35 moons
Heatherglow | | 35 moons
Coyotesong | | 30 moons
Mooncinder ♦ | nb | 22 moons
Zephyrsnap ♦ | | 18 moons
Condorglide ♦ | | 14 moons
Basilthorn | nb | 14 moons
Thistlepath ♦ | | 14 moons

Flamepaw | | 11 moons
Pandapaw | | 11 moons
Jasperpaw | | 11 moons
Fireflypaw | | 11 moons
Snowypaw ♦ | | 9 moons
Bamboopaw | | 8 moons
Nightshadepaw | | 8 moons
Madderpaw | | 8 moons
Dogbanepaw ♦ | | 8 moons
Rosepaw | | 7 moons
Apricotpaw | | 7 moons
Walnutpaw | | 7 moons
Strawberrypaw | | 7 moons
Pearpaw | | 7 moons
Infernopaw ♦ | | 6 moons
Volcanopaw | | 6 moons
Sharkpaw ♦ | | 6 moons
Skatepaw ♦ | | 6 moons


    Ally/Enemy Clans
    Name | Username | relationship
    Name | Username | relationship

    Border Clans
    North | Ravenclan | inky.
    East | Twistedclan | spasticjazzhands
    South | Steamclan | Katrione
    West | Name | Username
    Southwest | Scarabclan | broken*

    Deceased Cats
    Raptorstar (Life 1) | hawk attack
    Pecankit ♀ | stillborn
    Songbirdstar (Life 1) | hypothermia
    Ravenstrike | hypothermia
    Scorchkit ♀ | stillborn

    Cat Notes
    Atlasrain has limited vision in his remaining eye.
    Icetuft is blind.
    Tsunamibite is blind.
    Sharkkit is blind.
    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 | 3
    Squirrel | 2 | 8 [-4]
    Hare | 3 | 4
    Shrew | 1 | 4
    Rat | 2 | 0
    Pigeon | 3 | 1
    Stoat | 2 | 6 [-3]
    Minnow | 1 | 0

    Mentor | Apprentice | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim*
    *The swim skill is optional*

    Rookfang | Flamepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim, Stealth
    Flickerheart | Pandapaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim, Stealth
    Firebolt | Jasperpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim, Stealth
    Amberdawn | Sunpaw | Herbs(adv.), Illness(adv.), Wounds(adv.), Poisons, Admin.,
    Icetuft | Fireflypaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim, Stealth
    Petalsong | Snowypaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Wrenbreeze | Nightshadepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Otterleap | Madderpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Skippercloud | Dogbanepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Daggershade | Rosepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Zephyrsnap | Apricotpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Pikapounce | Walnutpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Duskwillow | Strawberrypaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Gilaspike | Pearpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Sagebird | Bamboopaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Tsunamibite | Sharkpaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Atlasrain | Skatepaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Buzzardshade | Infernopaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
    Mooncinder | Volcanopaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Swim
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frankie (dup) » Sat May 09, 2020 8:59 am

The first leaves have begun to turn colors and drop in forest territories,
signalling the beginning of leaf-fall and the coming snows for some.
The chances of catching sickness or dying during birth will rise and the number of cats and prey passing through will drop.

⊷ jungleclan ⋆ skullclan ⋆ thicketclan ⋆ mossclan ⋆ climbingclan ⋆ buddingclan ⋆ creekclan ⋆ fjordclan ⋆ bristleclan ⋆ keyclan ⋆ lights of the valley ⊶
⊷ marshclan ⋆ hollyclan ⋆ the fallen ⋆ appleclan ⋆ portclan
⊷ the barn yard ⋆ crossroad demons ⋆ cherryclan ⊶

if you'd like an invite to the cac discord, shoot myself or one of the other mods a pm!
all images fall under the cc0 license

coding: ©
font: ©


      ⊷ hunting
      xmudclaw's patrol catches x2 mice
      ⊷ border patrols
      xone's patrol is uneventful
      ⊷ medicine cats
      xsmokefur finds x1 elder leaf and x1 poppy seed
      ⊷ apprentices
      xhawkpaw successfully learns a skill
my dms are open,
but im a spoonie
and i may not
respond promptly.
it's not personal.
especially hmu if
you want to talk
about atla,
im autistic and its
been my special
interest for like.
a bajillion years.
➤ they/it lesbian
➤ canadian eh
➤ gay zuko
truther /lh
➤ please use
➤ feel free to ask for
my discord if we've
talked before
➤ help idk how to
make this pretty
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frankie (dup)
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Shiningclan 047

Postby Kazin » Sat May 09, 2020 4:02 pm

font credit
Number of Cats: 068 | 33 ♂ | 35 ♀ | 00 nb | 11 servings needed next serving at 70
Next Starclan visit: anytime | Pebbles: 90
Herb Storage | Deceased Cats | Mates / Family

Gracklewing is plotting more things. Maybe he's recruiting the Dark Forest, maybe he isn't... he asks around about the run in with the shadows Shiningclan had at their old home, a time that most would like to forget. Scorchstar considers moving the clan again.


[ New Arrivals ]
↠ Maplecloud's kits are named Cypresskit and Cedarkit.

[ Hunting ]
↠ Quailstep, Birchstorm, Appleclaw, Deerleg, Sandburn, and Honeyflame hunt.
↠ Thymetail, Hollyfoot, Fernpool, Dustgaze, Asterlight, and Slatefang hunt.
↠ Cindersong, Rainspark, Minkstream, Dasiypatch, Jaguarbite, and Snailheart hunt.
↠ Cricketheart, Ashbreeze, Hailstep, Duckfeather, Ivyflash, and Nightfrost hunt.

[ Border Patrols ]
↠ Rabbitmask, Gracklewing, Cardinalflight, Shadowtooth, Silversky, and Martensplash patrol.

[ Med Cat ]
↠ Timberleaf and Oliveglow gather herbs.

[ Rank Up ]
↠ N/A

[ Family Happenings ]
↠ Raspberryfur gives birth this moon! The father was Stormpatch of Mountainclan.
---kits can be: solid black, solid gray, brown ticked tabbies, gray ticked tabbies, brown mackerel tabbies, or gray mackerel tabbies. All will have under half white spotting.

[ Training ]

↠ Hunting:

↠ Stealth:

↠ Swimming: Sunpaw

↠ Fighting: Mousepaw, Shrewpaw, Batpaw, Shimmerpaw

↠ Tracking:

[ Healing/Deaths ]
↠ Timberleaf uses x1 cobweb on Coppersplash.

[ Other/Request ]
↠ Shiningclan consumes 2 hares, 1 bird, and 1 small fish [11 servings]

↠ Permanent notes: I would prefer descriptions for future cats; I will be using lineart/coloring them on my own c:
↠ Cats marked with a ✸ are ones I would prefer to not die.

      Scorchstar | 69 moons | ♂ |
      Lives: ★★★★★★☆☆☆

      Cricketheart | 52 moons | ♂ |

      Medicine Cats
      Timberleaf ✸ | 37 moons | ♂ |
      --> 5 Skill Points
      Oliveglow | 20 moons | ♀ |
      --> 5 Skill Points

      Quailstep | 60 moons | ♂ |
      Thornstrike | 58 moons | ♂ |
      Silversky | 55 moons | ♀ |
      Birchstorm | 52 moons | ♂ |
      Cardinalflight | 52 moons | ♀ |
      Gracklewing ✸ | 51 moons | ♂ |
      Nightfrost | 49 moons | ♀ |
      Pineleap | 49 moons | ♂ |
      Appleclaw ✸ | 48 moons | ♂ |
      Deerleg | 47 moons | ♂|
      Daisypatch | 45 moons | ♀ |
      Jaguarbite | 43 moons | ♂ |
      Cindersong ✸ | 41 moons | ♀ |
      Slatefang ✸ | 41 moons | ♀ |
      Hollyfoot | 39 moons | ♀ |
      Thymetail | 39 moons | ♂ |
      Rabbitmask | 36 moons | ♂ |
      Sandburn | 35 moons | ♀ |
      Honeyflame | 33 moons | ♀ |
      Ashbreeze | 32 moons | ♂ |
      Asterlight | 26 moons | ♂ |
      Hailstep | 26 moons | ♂ |
      Owltalon | 26 moons | ♀ |
      Duckfeather | 26 moons | ♀ |
      Wolfhowl | 25 moons | ♂ |
      Snailheart ✸ | 25 moons | ♂ |
      Coppersplash ✸ | 24 moons | ♂ |
      Dunewhisker | 23 moons | ♂ |
      Ghostflame | 21 moons | ♀ |
      Rainspark ✸ | 20 moons | ♂ |
      Minkstream | 20 moons | ♀ |
      Martensplash | 20 moons | ♂ |
      Ivyflash | 18 moons | ♀ |
      Rowanwhisker | 18 moons | ♀ |
      Peachblaze | 18 moons | ♀ |
      Warriors (cont.)
      Seedfrost | 18 moons | ♂ |
      Pikeheart | 18 moons | ♂ |
      Fernpool | 18 moons | ♀ |
      Shadowtooth | 16 moons | ♀ |
      Dustgaze | 15 moons | ♀ |
      Swiftmoss | 15 moons | ♂ |
      Shriketuft ✸ | 15 moons | ♂ |

      Mousepaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      Shrewpaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      Batpaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      Shimmerpaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      Sunpaw ✸ | 8 moons | ♀ |

      Snowflower | 50 moons | ♀ |
      Firesong | 74 moons | ♀ |
      Raspberryfur | 49 moons | ♀ |
      Maplecloud ✸ | 48 moons | ♀ |
      Sandcloud | 39 moons | ♀ |
      Mociswing | 34 moons | ♀ |
      Soraflame | 29 moons | ♀ |

      Turtlekit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      Newtkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      Lightningkit | 3 moons | ♂ |
      Thunderkit | 3 moons | ♂ |
      Stormkit | 3 moons | ♀ |
      Blizzardkit | 3 moons | ♀ |
      Icekit | 3 moons | ♂ |
      Coyotekit | 3 moons | ♂ |
      Blazekit | 3 moons | ♀ |
      Smokekit | 3 moons | ♀ |
      Citruskit | 1 moons | ♂ |
      Otterkit | 1 moons | ♀ |
      Porpoisekit | 1 moons | ♀ |
      Cypresskit | 0 moons | ♀ |
      Cedarkit | 0 moons | ♂ |

      Coalbird | 89 moons | ♀ |


Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Nightfrost | Mousepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Deerleg | Shrewpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Slatefang | Batpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Minkstream | Shimmerpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Rainspark | Sunpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Ally Clans: none (open)
Enemy clans: none (open)

North | Mountainclan | Cloudtail_Warrior4
South | open | user
East | open | user
West | open | user

filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
Fresh-Kill Pile
Mouse | x12 | 1 serving
Hare | x10 | 3 servings
Bird | x10 | 3 servings
Small fish | x11 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
Frog | x10 | 1 serving

2 hares, 1 bird, and 1 small fish being eaten
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highgarden ♕ twenty-six

Postby eagle, » Sun May 10, 2020 3:53 am

      total 73
      servings 12 (+77)
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods n/a
      pebbles 125
      archive xx
      font credit x x

in a week i'll be able to write again woohoo

[ added/traded cats ] ayalla gives the kits to axel and percy of the crossroad demons
cougarstrike receives polarkit from nettlemist of bearclan (proof)
[ consumption ] highgarden eats x4 big fish
[ rank changes ] ayalla returns to regular duties
hurricanekit, cirruskit, tsunamikit, tornadokit, and quakekit are old enough to become thorns
elkpaw, beechpaw, quillpaw, and dewpaw are ready to take their final assessments
[ patrol 1 ] tawnyrose, bluetcrest, mapleshadow, iguanaspots, warblercry, seedspring
[ hunt 1 ] pythoneyes, bassflow, leopardsun, charredbreeze, stagscorch, rabbitrace
[ hunt 2 ] hurricanejaw, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, daystrike
↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
[ hunt 3 ] softglow, smallheart, wolfhowl, direfang, sandstrike, katara
[ hunt 4 ] clovershine, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, tanagercall
[ families ] swiftheart is kitting! smallheart is the father. merlinsong assists and gives her x1 dandelion and x1 chervil
[ training ] harrierpaw learns swimming
adenium learns fighting
hawthornpaw, bramblepaw, and snowypaw learn hunting
[ herb hunt ] spencer
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

    tawnyrose, 44m, ♀
    the wayward queen

    softglow, 46m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 48m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 51m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 46m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 80m, ♂
    direfang, 76m, ♂
    charredbreeze, 68m, ♀
    sagecloud, 62m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 60m, ♀
    hurricanejaw, 56m, ♂
    maplelily, 54m, ♀
    bassflow, 54m, ♂
    newtmask, 53m, ♂
    dippernose, 53m, ♂
    arcticblink, 51m, ♂
    pythoneyes, 49m, ♂
    stormshroud, 48m, ♂
    tulipstream, 45m, ♀
    birchflame, 45m, ♂
    yewbloom, 44m, ♂
    clovershine, 42m, ♂
    smallheart, 42m, ♂
    wolverinesnap, 40m, ♂
    riverfoam, 40m, ♀
    kitechaser, 36m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 35m, ♂
    ayalla, 33m, ♀
    jaytalon, 33m, ♂
    smokemane, 32m, ♀
    sunglow, 32m, ♂
    tigergaze, 31m, ♂
    sandstrike, 29m, ♀
    (1) hornetshade, 28m, ♂
    privetears, 27m, ♀
    katara, 27m, ♀
    tanagercall, 26m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 25m, ♂
    racoonslip, 25m, ♂
    foxspark, 25m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 25m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 25m, ♀
    warblercry, 25m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 24m, ♀
    leopardsun, 24m, ♂
    daystrike, 22m, ♂
    stagscorch, 18m, ♂
    seedspring, 18m, ♀
    rabbitrace, 18m, ♀
    marigoldflick, 18m, ♂
    briarbranch, 16m, ♀
    daisypetal, 16m, ♀
            elkpaw, 12m, ♂
            beechpaw, 12m, ♀
            harrierpaw, 12m, ♀
            quillpaw, 12m, ♂
            dewpaw, 12m, ♀
            adenium, 9m, ♀
            hawthornpaw, 8m, ♂
            bramblepaw, 8m, ♂
            snowypaw, 8m, ♂

            ferretwhisker, 49m, ♀
            - mate: nightfur, bearclan
            - due: 1m
            betonypetal, 43m, ♀
            - mate: clovershine
            - due: 1m
            flickersky, 42m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud
            - kits: hurricanekit, cirruskit, tsunamikit,
            tornadokit, quakekit

            swiftheart, 38m, ♀
            - mate: smallheart
            - due: now

            hurricanekit, 6m, ♂
            cirruskit, 6m, ♂
            tsunamikit , 6m, ♀
            tornadokit, 6m, ♀
            quakekit, 6m, ♀
            hollandkit, 4m, ♂
            peachkit, 3m, ♀
            polarkit, 3m, ♂

            erasmus, 58m, ♂

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x160
            mouse | x18 | 1 serving
            vole | x12 | 1 serving
            small fish | x14 | 2 servings
            squirrel | x9 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x9 | 2 servings
            big fish | x8 | 3 servings
            finch | x14 | 3 servings

            pythoneyes, elkpaw, 4
            obsidianwing, beechpaw, 4
            dippernose, harrierpaw, 3
            tigergaze, quillpaw, 4
            arcticblink, dewpaw, 4
            otterfur, adenium, 2
            hornetshade, hawthornpaw, 1
            birchflame, bramblepaw, 1
            yewbloom, snowypaw, 1


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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` ( lochlain , eight .

Postby w0ah » Sun May 10, 2020 7:13 am

total citizens. 014 ⟶ males. 06 - females. 08 - nonbinary. 00 • servings. 03 • requests. 00/00/00
archives. here • last post. heremoderator. katrione • pebbles. 15 • font image credit. ©

    words go here


      consumption. lochlain feasts upon x1 big fish.
      ancestral request. none.

      hunting patrols. grendahl, snowden, linnea, leiv, jørn, & marion.
      border patrols. honlai, joachim, aina, oddlaug, & yngvar.
      herb-gathering. ingjerd.
      training. ampelios trains with their mentor.

      medical. none.
      other. oddlaug & yngvar are welcomed among lochlain.
      notes. none.


    maudra honlai , ♀ , 58m
    ↪ health: fine

    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine

    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine

    sir grendahl , ♂ , 65m
    ↪ health: fine
      snowden , ♂ , 54 m
      ↪ health: fine (powers)
      linnea , ♀ , 65 m
      ↪ health: fine
      leiv , ♂ , 45 m
      ↪ health: fine
      jørn , ♂ , 55 m
      ↪ health: fine
      marion , ♀ , 44 m
      ↪ health: fine
      oddlaug , ♀ , 55 m
      ↪ health: fine
      joachim , ♂ , 49m
      ↪ health: fine
      aina , ♀ , 65m
      ↪ health: fine
      yngvar , ♂ , 60 m
      ↪ health: fine

      ampelios , ♀ , 11 m
      ↪ health: fine
      namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
      ↪ health: fine
      ingjerd , ♀ , 47 m
      ↪ skill-points: 5
      ↪ health: fine

      namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
      ↪ health: fine
      johanne , ♀ , 57 m
      ↪ health: fine
      ↪ due: 1 moon

      namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
      ↪ health: fine


    shrews, 1 serving (4)
    mice, 1 serving (3)
    rabbits, 2 servings (4)
    stoats, 2 servings (5)
    birds, 3 servings (2)
    big fish, 3 servings (1)

    located here
    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    clan name, username

    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    north; group , username
    northeast ; group , username
    east ; group , username
    southeast ; group , username
    south ; group , username
    southwest ; group , username
    west ; group , username
    northwest ; group , username
    name, age of death, cause

    name + name =
    ↪ younglings names here

    jørn ⟶ ampelios (4)
    ↪ track, hunt, combat, climb

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Postby dea invidia. » Sun May 10, 2020 2:42 pm

hell yeah baby, i'm coming back (for like the third time whoops)
.: territory :.
crowclan's territory is primarily taken up by a dark forest of tall trees looming over the land, blocking out a
large amount of sunlight. the forest continues past the reaches of the norther border for as far as the eye ca
n see. to the south of the territory there is a small thunderpath cutting through the forest. apprentices are fo
rbidden to cross without a mentor or trusted cat, however, crossing the thunderpath should only be done wh
en absolutely necessary. monsters usually only use the thunderpath when the sun is high, but crossing shou
ld be done with caution and they have appeared as early as the sun rises and as late as it sets. mountains sta
rt growing in the western region, a river cutting through the base. many mentors take apprentices to the mo
untain in order to work on stamina, strength, fishing and swimming. the crowclan border is a quarter way u
p the mountain, although it is not uncommon for crowclan cats to cross this boundary. in the east there is a
nother river, although a lot smaller in comparison. this river leads from the mountain’s base into a small lake
area and then continues past it out of the territory. there is an island on this lake which holds the bloodstone,
the meeting place between crowclan and starclan. within the dark forest, near the centre of the territory, the
re is a large abandoned woodshed that serves as the meeting ground. this woodshed is in the northern sectio
n of the main camp. for a small area the main camp holds a large variety of topographic features. the leader’s
den is one of the largest trees that had been hollowed out by the twolegs before the left. that tree stands nea
r the middle of the territory, and towards the eastern side of the camp. it is surrounded by small hills, cliffs, b
oulders and some fallen trees. slightly to the south of the camp is the elders’ den, which is a hollowed out fa
llen log close to the medicine den. the medicine den is part of a cave in a small cliff blanketed in moss, it has
a number of holes in the walls in order to hold herbs. the warriors’ den is underneath the large and tangled t
ree roots to the right of the leader’s den, the deputy’s den also lies beneath the roots but is seperate from the
warriors’ den. the apprentice den is within a large hollowed out mossy tree. the clan’s founder chose this tree
for the apprentices and not himself as he figured that the young ones would be able to enjoy their free time c
limbing and exploring as there are many low and thick branches that can act as tools to get higher into the tre
e. the nursery is the largest den and within the hollow area of the largest tree. the ground cover of this den is
naturally covered in moss and provides a nice floor for expecting queens and their kits. the bedding on-top of
this moss creates the best environment possible for the nursery. the fresh-kill pile is found on a large tree stu
mp which is around four fox-lengths in front of the leader’s den.

.: reputation :.
the cats of crowclan are seen to be quiet and secretive, only seeming to reach out to trusted allies. they hav
e been known to withhold information from other clans until reaching a trustworthy status. as of a result of th
is secrecy the reputation of the crowclan cats stem from whispers and rumours. these whispers vary from a w
ar-hungry clan to one that seeks to keep the peace, however suspicions are never confirmed. even at clan gat
herings the crowclan cats are always prepared and are never permitted to give away any clan information.

.: members :.
while from an outsider's perspective the members of the clan are secretive, those who get to know the cats o
f the clan get to see that they are much more than they seem. these cats are determined, loyal and are never
one to turn away another cat in need. they are also known to be extremely diplomatic and having a variety of
skills. cats are known to stick true to the warrior code, and look down upon cats who have been in a forbidden
relationship and any offspring that stemmed from it. appearance wise cats come in all different breeds and siz
es, however one would notice darker cats seem to make up the majority of the population.

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♕♔ chessclan - post 030 ♚♛

Postby chaotic creativity » Sun May 10, 2020 5:08 pm


    moderator amethyst14 | pebbles 200 | servings 23 | population 148 | mollies 74 | toms 73 | non-binary 1 | archive in progress | writing archive here | genetics sheets | last post here | last reply here | next request april 28th
    message me on discord at sharpie#2340 for writing!
    𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 Rookstar and Chasmstar welcome the following cats into the ranks of ChessClan.
      ↬ Brebiscurl's pions (Derechokit and Noctilucentkit) are welcomed into ChessClan.
      ↬ Twilightpounce's pion (Gadwallkit) is welcomed into ChessClan.
      ↬ Coffeakit is welcomed as a pion.
      ↬ Poirekit and Éterneumentkit of RavenClan are welcomed as pions as they are Raviolinose's.

    𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐒 Richterscreech sends the following hunting patrols out.
      ↬ Sweethen leads Croquembouchepuff, Eclaircream, Serotineecho, Pipistrellecave, and Suiecloud to the north.
      ↬ Fourmisplash leads Tachesplotch, Soleilstripes, Crécerelleflight, Hérissonnespine, and Richterscreech to the west.
      ↬ Violindapple leads Noisetteblossom, Edelweißdrop, Mistysoul, Moucheronwings, and Tonnerredance to the east.
      ↬ Freuxfreckle leads Bébéecho, Sopranocavern, Pikachoo, Termitetonuge, and Raventalon to the south.

    𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐒 Richterscreech sends the following border patrols out.
      ↬ No border patrols happen this moon.

    𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐁 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 Richterscreech arranges the following herb hunting patrol.
      ↬ Butterflyleap accompanies Wolfwhiskers to hunt for herbs, focusing on needed herbs for Gadwallkit.

    𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 Wolfwhiskers treats the following for illness or injury.
      ↬ Gannetsong receives 1 moon of rest (3/3).
      ↬ Loonfrost receives 1 moon of rest (1/4).
      ↬ Gadwallkit receives 1 honey.

    𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 A vigil is held for the following new members of ÉtoileClan.
      ↬ Quickcough tears through the Clan at the will of ÉtoileClan and kills many cats (Feupaw, Orangeray, Coatiheart, Belettetwist, Lumiéreblink, Martinskip, Patisseriedew, Boarshine, Genetshade, Araignéepounce, Crabewhistle, Mosquitobuzz, Blaireauface, Macaroncrumb, Croissantcrunch, Fuméemist, Tremortremble, Serotineecho, Tigregrowl, Grenouilleleap, Sourisspots, Genévrierneedle, Épicéaleaf, Canetonwaddle, Cyclonepaw, Chouetteswoop, Abeillefeather, Chasmstar (3 lives), Thistleheart, Étourneaupaw, Orchideepetal, Minuitstripe, Pikachoo, Mouchetékit, Écureuilkit, Glandkit, Anacardierkit, Castorkit, Moineaukit, Étincellepaw, Lierrekit, Mielkit, Chênekit, Moucheronwings, Croquembouchepuff, and Soleilstripes.

    𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 The following apprenti practice their skills.
      ↬ Viperinepurr, Grincheuxsnarl, and Violindapple train Zéphyrpaw, Tritonpaw, and Scinquepaw in climbing.
      ↬ Visontwist, Sopranocavern, and Archipelagoislands train Lionceaupaw, Faonpaw, and Reniflerpaw in stealth.
      ↬ Sourisspots and Pamplemousseeyes train Étourneaupaw and Aloèspaw in fighting.

    𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 ChessClan sends the following apprenti to the Northern Pass.
      ↬ Acaipaw and Quinoapaw attempt their final assessments.

    𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ChessClan consumes the following prey to survive.
      ↬ 7 birds, 2 mice.

    𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 ChessClan celebrates the following changes in family.
      ↬ Whimbreleyes is kitting! Araignéepounce is the father.
      ↬ Traîneaubells is kitting! Leopardtuft of MountainClan is the father.

    𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒 Rank changing ceremonies are held for the following cats.
      ↬ Mouchetékit, Cendrekit, Grebèkit, Pluvierkit, and Collerettekit are six moons old and ready to become apprenti.

    𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 Rookstar and Chasmstar request the following cat to join ChessClan.
      ↬ None.

    LEAVING CATS Rookstar and Chasmstar welcome the following cats into the ranks of ChessClan.
      ↬ 3 of Brebis's pions (Mistkit, Torrentkit, and Icekit) are taken to BearClan.

    𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 The following are notes for my moderator.
      ↬ I would only like color-ins, please, along with a description.
      ↬ Please do not kill any starred cats. They are important for plot purposes.
      ↬ Please no death rolls for this post on cats other than kits being born in said post. I have very specific plans.

⦉ 𝐑𝐎𝐈 ⦊
Rookstar | Tom | 40 moons ✧
⦉ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐄 ⦊
in nursery
⦉ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐑 ⦊
Richterscreech | Tom | 50 moons ✧
⦉ 𝐅𝐎𝐔 ⦊
Wolfwhiskers | Tom | 55 moons
⧽ Name | Gender | Age

Feupaw | Tom | 11 moons


Freuxfreckle | Tom | 32 moons ✧
Orangeray | Tom | 59 moons
Sopranocavern | Molly | 71 moons
Coatiheart | Tom | 81 moons ✧
Termitetongue | Molly | 41 moons
Raventalon | Molly | 36 moons ✧
Fourmisplash | Tom | 52 moons
Loonfrost | Molly | 82 moons ✧
Grincheuxsnarl | Tom | 66 moons ✧
Belettetwist | Molly | 62 moons


Violindapple | Molly | 33 moons ✧
Lumiéreblink | Molly | 58 moons
Pamplemousseeyes | Tom | 54 moons
Butterflyleap | Molly | 47 moons ✧
Martinskip | Tom | 31 moons
Patisseriedew | Molly | 74 moons
Mistysoul | Molly | 64 moons
Boarshine | Molly | 54 moons ◊
Genetshade | Molly | 31 moons
Araignéepounce | Tom | 29 moons



Versaillesheart | Molly | 69 moons ✧◊
Flûtesong | Tom | 66 moons ✧
Tourbillonpelt | Tom | 41 moons ✧
Crabewhistle | Tom | 51 moons
Spectacledsalamander | Tom | 31 moons
Gannetsong | Tom | 32 moons
Mosquitobuzz | Tom | 27 moons ✧◊
Pikachoo | Tom | 26 moons
Bébéecho | Molly (amab) | 26 moons
Blaireauface | Molly | 45 moons


Grognoneyes | Tom | 63 moons ✧
Macaroncrumb | Molly | 38 moons
Croissantcrunch | Tom | 38 moons
Fuméemist | Tom | 50 moons
Mouflonpeak | Tom | 26 moons
Peuwobble | Non-binary | 24 moons ✧▿
Whitefang | Tom | 49 moons
Visontwist | Tom | 48 moons
Juncoflight | Molly | 41 moons ✧
Ottomanspire | Tom | 23 moons


Viperinepurr | Molly | 23 moons
Tremortremble | Tom (afab) | 23 moons
Seismicwhisper | Tom | 23 moons ◆✧
Tectonicmarch | Molly | 23 moons ✧
Archipelagoislands | Tom | 23 moons
Croquembouchepuff | Tom | 23 moons
Eclaircream | Molly | 23 moons
Serotineecho | Tom | 22 moons
Suiecloud | Tom | 22 moons
Tachesplotch | Molly | 51 moons



Soleilstripes | Tom | 37 moons
Crécerelleflight | Tom | 42 moons
Hérissonnespine | Molly | 23 moons
Genévrierneedle | Molly | 20 moons
Noissetteblossom | Molly | 23 moons
Edelweißdrop | Molly | 41 moons ✧
Tigregrowl | Tom | 43 moons
Moucheronwings | Tom | 27 moons ✧
Tonnerredance | Molly | 39 moons ✧◊
Grenouilleleap | Tom | 33 moons


Sourisspots | Tom | 43 moons
Foudrewhisker | Tom | 41 moons ✧
Épicéaleaf | Molly | 20 moons
Rocherpebble | Tom | 20 moons ◇
Canetonwaddle | Tom | 17 moons
Sweethen | Molly | 64 moons ✧
Noirshadow | Tom | 38 moons
Pluiedrop | Molly | 42 moons
Cardinalfissure | Tom | 33 moons
Ciguëblizzard | Molly | 18 moons ✧


Tacheterdapple | Molly | 16 moons
Béliercurl | Tom | 43 moons

Nuitpaw | Tom | 16 moons
Nimbuspaw | Tom | 14 moons ✧
Ramurepaw | Molly | 14 moons
Quinoapaw | Molly | 12 moons ✧
Acaipaw | Tom | 12 moons ✧
Cyclonepaw | Tom | 11 moons
Zéphyrpaw | Molly | 11 moons



Tritonpaw | Tom | 10 moons
Scinquepaw | Molly | 10 moons
Étincellepaw | Molly | 10 moons
Lionceaupaw | Tom | 9 moons ✧
Faonpaw | Molly | 9 moons ✧
Reniflerpaw | Molly | 9 moons
Renardpaw | Tom | 9 moons
Étourneaupaw | Molly | 8 moons
Aloèspaw | Molly | 8 moons ✧


Traîneaubells | Molly | 56 moons ✧
Abeillefeather | Molly | 54 moons
Threeleg | Molly | 33 moons ✧⊳◊
Chouetteswoop | Molly | 27 moons
Chasmstar | Molly | 31 moons ✧
Thistleheart | Molly | 69 moons
Twilightpounce | Molly | 37 moons ✧
Brebiscurl | Molly | 24 moons ✧
Whimbreleyes | Molly | 23 moons ✧ ◈
Pipistrellecave | Molly | 22 moons ✧◇


Mericibubble | Molly | 63 moons ✧
Mouchetékit | Tom | 6 moons ✧
Cendrekit | Molly | 6 moons ✧
Grèbekit | Molly | 6 moons ✧
Pluvierkit | Tom | 6 moons ✧
Collerettekit | Tom | 6 moons ✧
⧽ Oiseaukit | Tom | 5 moons
Balbuzardkit | Tom | 5 moons
Magnoliakit | Molly | 5 moons



Brumekit | Tom | 5 moons ✧
Canarikit | Tom | 5 moons
Lapinkit | Tom | 5 moons
Écureuilkit | Molly | 4 moons
Romarinkit | Tom | 4 moons
Mauvekit | Molly | 4 moons
Lierrekit | Molly | 4 moons
Mandarinekit | Tom | 2 moons
Mielkit | Molly | 2 moons
Noisettekit | Molly | 2 moons


Amandekit | Molly | 2 moons
Glandkit | Molly | 2 moons
Noyerkit | Tom | 2 moons
Anacardierkit | Tom | 2 moons
Cacahuètekit | Tom | 2 moons
Neigekit | Molly | 2 moons
Chênekit | Tom | 2 moons
Loutrekit | Molly | 2 moons
Bouekit | Tom | 2 moons
Castorkit | Tom | 2 moons


Ourskit | Tom | 2 moons
Martinetkit | Tom | 1 moon
Bouvreuilkit | Molly | 1 moon
Moineaukit | Tom | 1 moon
Poirekit | Molly | 1 moon
Éterneumentkit | Tom | 1 moon
Coffeakit | Molly | 0 moons
Derechokit | Molly | 0 moons
Noctilucentkit | Molly | 0 moons
Gadwallkit | Molly | 0 moons



Valleyrunner | Tom | 61 moons ✧ ◈ ⊲
Ochidéepetal | Molly | 114 moons
Minuitstripe | Tom | 123 moons


    — alder bark | chewed | eases toothaches | x01
    — borage | chewed and eaten | produces more and
    better milk; brings down fevers; soothes bad bellies;
    relieves tight chests | x01
    — burnet | x01
    — chamomile | eaten | strengthens the heart and soothes
    the mind | x01
    — cob nuts | made into ointments | unknown | x01
    — cobwebs | stops bleeding | x01
    — comfrey root | chewed into poultice | soothes wounds
    and stiffness of joints | x01
    — daisy leaves | chewed into a paste | eases the pain of
    aching joints | x02
    — death berry | eaten | kills a cat instantly | x01
    — dock | chewed and applied to scratches | soothes scratches
    and sore pads | x01
    — feverfew | eaten | reduces fevers | x01
    — heather nectar | included in mixtures | sweetens mixtures | x01
    — honey | eaten | soothes infections; soothes damaged throats;
    soothes coughing; gives energy; helps cats swallow other
    herbs | x01
    — rush | holds a broken limb in place | x01
    — sorrel | x01
    — stinging nettle | eaten | induces vomiting and brings down
    swelling | x02
    — sweet-sedge | sap is swallowed | eases infection | x01
    — thyme | leaves are chewed on | useful for shock | x01
    — water hemlock | eaten | causes writhing, pain, and foaming
    at the mouth | x03
    — willow bark | eases pain | x01
    — mice | one serving | 13
    — vole | one serving | 11
    — shrew | one serving | 11
    — frog | one serving | 6
    — rabbit | two servings | 8
    — stoat | two servings | 1
    — small fish | two servings | 7
    — big fish | three servings | 2
    — bird | three servings | 9
    — hare | three servings | 3
    sweethen | can find weaned kits on border patrols,
    makes apprentices learn one skill automatically, &
    brings back a chicken or rabbit from hunting
    richterscreech | excels at finding cats on patrols,
    lessens chance of stillborns, must have two or more
    mates for powers to work. powers are currently activated.
    peupaw | attracts kits and repels predators on all
    patrols they go on. subtracts one piece of prey on any
    hunting patrol they go on.
    mericibubble & flûtesong | when together, they
    attract new cats
— flûtesong | nuitpaw | five - returns in one post
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— martinskip | nimbuspaw | five - returns in one post
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— pikachoo | ramurepaw | five - returns in one post
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— brebiscurl | quinoapaw | four
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— fourmisplash | acaipaw | four
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— pluiedrop | cyclonepaw | four
hunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— viperinepurr | zéphyrpaw | four
hunting, fighting, stealth
— wolfwhiskers | feupaw | four
herb recognition, herb administration, broken bones,
infected wounds
— grincheuxsnarl | tritonpaw | three
hunting, fighting, stealth
— violindapple | scinquepaw | three
hunting, fighting, stealth
— visontwist | lionceaupaw | two
hunting, fighting
— archipelagoislands | faonpaw | two
hunting. fighting
— sopranocavern | reniflerpaw | two
hunting, fighting
— sourisspots | étourneaupaw | one
— pamplemousseeyes | aloèspaw | one
◊ - barren
◈ - blind
◇ - runt
◆ - mute
⊳ - missing a limb
⊲ - paralyzed
▿ - paralyzed with wheelchair
✧ - do not kill with rolls
— whimbreleyes | due this post
— traîneaubells | due this post
— pipistrellecave | due next post
— mericibubble | due next post
— hérissonnespine | due in two posts

font credit.
Last edited by chaotic creativity on Fri Sep 11, 2020 9:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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chaotic creativity
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