Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅻ-ⅩⅩⅤ-ⅯⅯⅩⅨ | 12-25-19

Postby Katrione » Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:27 pm

- W E A T H E R -
      Greenleaf- The greenleaf sun is bright and cheery, though it quickly grows to a sweltering heat that the clan cats aren't quite so keen on. Neither, it seems, is the prey, which is less plentiful than in newleaf as the little animals spend much of the daytime hiding from the sun in underground burrows that cats cannot reach. Life goes on though, for greenleaf is still a bustling season full of births and visits from nomads. The clan cats might even find little gifts lying around their territory from a particular nomad called santa claws.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

      •A member suggested to use this thread for more herb options. If a herb you don't recognize from the official herb list is given to you, please go here or message me for help!

      •All images linked are from Unsplash, Pixabay, and many other F2U image sites.If you have a image font for your Clan name, please link the specific font used to credit the site.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -
      [ Mapleclan ] • [ Forestclan ] • [ Gustclan ] • [ Swiftclan ] • [ Groveclan ] • [ Lochlain ] • [ Forgottenclan ] • [ Mandrakeclan ]
      [ Drownedclan ] • [ Legendclan ] • [ The Shadowed Kingdom ] • [ Risingclan ]

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
Immortes wrote:
hunting patrols
at specific location. n/a
at specific location. n/a

border patrols
at specific location. black, crypt, pale, storm, ibis, mallow
xxx ↪ searching for wandering cats
at specific location. storm, cedar, mist, bramble, lotus, winter
xxx ↪ hunting down invading predators

herb harvesting
near the meadows. lionpaw and swallowdusk
xxx ↪ major priority for herbs that treat injuries

mate assignments
╞ celandine x seraphlight
xxx ↪ not/trying for kits

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Blackstar's patrol scented a cat on their south border
      ↳↳↳ Stormshroud's patrol luckily found nothing out of the ordinary

      Herb Gathering Results
      ↳↳↳ Swallowdusk and Lionpaw gathered x1 celandine, x1 goldenrod, and x1 horsetail

      War Results
      ↳↳↳ After the heat of battle died down and the war patrol returned, Swallowdusk and Lionpaw had their paws full. It was apparent immediately that no cat had left the war unscathed.
      ↳↳↳Rainstrike, while trying to pull another cat off of Viperrasp, was clawed in the eye. The medicine cats did what they could for the young tom but it seems the young tom will lose the eye. Rainstrike will need x1 chervil to keep away infection.
      ↳↳↳ Viperrasp received deep gashes on his shoulders and back. Viperrasp will need x1 cobweb to keep the bleeding down. Further herbs might be needed if the wounds don't heal.
      ↳↳↳ Mistbreeze was cornered by two other cats and received injuries to her muzzle and chest before Ibistrut and Winterhaze came to her rescue. Mistbreeze will need x1 cobweb to keep the bleeding down. Further herbs might be needed if the wounds don't heal.
      ↳↳↳ Before going to help Mistbreeze, Ibistrut received a deep bite wound on their left shoulder while Winterhaze's right ear was shredded. Ibistrut will need x1 chervil to keep infection away. Winterhaze doesn't need any herbs at this time.
amethyst14 wrote:

[Border Patrol] Pintolily and Flintfang patrol.
[Hunting One] Thornshade, Whiptail, Spottedlily and Breamheart hunt.
[Hunting Two] Sootnose, Bouncefall and Acornpatch hunt.
[Kitting] Barkpool and Blackspot practice their skills to help Oreowing, Alkanetfur and Marigoldpatch kit.
[Training] All apprentices train in hunting.
[Prey] 1 Squirrel and 1 Big Fish (5 Servings)
[Notes to Mod] Boop, you can do lineart or descriptions if you like.

      [u]Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Pintolily and Flintfang's patrol passed uneventfully
      ↳↳↳ Thornshade's patrol caught x2 small fish
      ↳↳↳ Sootnose's patrol caught x1 squirrel

      Kitting Results
      ↳↳↳ Barkpool and Blackspot maintained their skill level just in time!
      ↳↳↳ Oreowing gave birth to one kit!
      ↳↳↳↳ ( shorthair tortoiseshell with high white spotting )
      ↳↳↳ Alkanetfur gave birth to three kits!
      ↳↳↳↳ ( shorthair solid black with minimal white spotting ) ( shorthair grey with white toes) ( shorthair grey with medium white spotting)
      ↳↳↳ Marigoldpatch gave birth to two kits!
      ↳↳↳↳ ( longhair ginger broken mackerel tabby ) ( longhair brown mackerel torbie with medium white spotting )

      Training Results
      ↳↳↳ Foxpaw, Chinchillapaw and Skipperpaw learned the Hunt skill. Unfortunately, Cariboupaw and Tippaw failed
solyn wrote:

✦ servings consumed
18/18 - x16 mice & x1 rabbit
✦ clan events
harepuddle is kitting! he is surrogating for pinefeather and roseclaw as the fathers.
↪ goldleaf assists and gives him x1 raspberry leaf
genetics chart
beepaw, tallpaw and strongpaw learn to hunt
mousestone and spidernose search for kitting herbs
juniperstorm and thunderspark become mates
↪ cannot have kits
rivuletflight moves into the nursery to help look after the kits
adderstorm returns to warrior duties; squirrelwhisker takes her place in the nursery
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - fawnrunner, harrierstreak, falcongaze, sleetbreeze, thunderspark, mottlebloom
2 - maplefall, midnightstream, deerstripe, ternflutter, cinderdawn, cormorantpath
3 - acornstream, hazelskip, quailberry, burningcloud, brackeneyes, fircloud
4 - hawkthorn, sootface, mirage, riverbubble, crowcharm, pebblebird
5 - shadowtail, meadowfang, featherpelt, silvermoon, flintburr, sparkfur
6 - pinefeather, russetbound, halfpond, flowershine, brackeneyes, elkbounce
border -
1 - adderstorm, roseclaw, stonepatch, fernstone, archibald, kererucall

      Kitting Results
      ↳↳↳ Harepuddle gave birth to four kits!
      ↳↳↳↳ ( longhair ginger with sun shaped white patch on chest ) ( longhair ginger classic tabby) ( shorthair dilute ginger classic tabby ) ( shorthair classic ginger tabby )

      Training Results
      ↳↳↳ Beepaw and Strongpaw learned the Hunt skill while Tallpaw sadly failed

      Herb Gathering Results
      ↳↳↳ Mousestone and Spidernose gathered x1 fennel, x1 raspberry leaves, x1 chervil and x1 ragwort leaves

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Fawnrunner's patrol caught x3 mice
      ↳↳↳ Maplefall's patrol caught x3 mice
      ↳↳↳ Acornstream's patrol caught x3 mice
      ↳↳↳ Hawkthorn's patrol caught x3 mice
      ↳↳↳ Shadowtail's patrol caught x3 mice
      ↳↳↳ Pinefeather's patrol caught x2 rabbits and x1 mouse
      ↳↳↳ Adderstorm's patrol scented badgers to the east
graveyard gracen wrote:

    monthly actions.

      mandrakeclan fasts.

      lead: hemlock hunts in the field/meadow.
      lead: hemlock patrols his camp's borders.

    consona's den

      name trains name in skill


    proauctor travels
      at the canticum nix, hemlock requests a cordus- a cat that will act as his second.

    advent collections (mochi's)
      5 deer mice (days 1-5) | 5s total
      4 meadow voles (days 6-9) | 4s total
      4 collared pikas (days 10-13) | 4s total
      4 tundra shrews (days 14-17) | 4s total
      1 oriental shorthair of any patterning! (18th claim)

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Hemlock caught x2 deer mice
      ↳↳↳ Hemlock found a magnus

      Ancestor Results
      ↳↳↳ A cordus has appeared in Mandrakeclan's territory

      Mod Notes
      ↳↳Here is your 18th cat!
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the 18th cat is: a flame point oriental with blue eyes
      ↳↳↳ The 18th cat was colored in by: H155
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the cordus is: a brown and white tabby with green eyes
      ↳↳↳ The cordus was colored in by: H155
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the magnus is: a battle-scared dilute tortoiseshell with minor white and green eyes
      ↳↳↳ The magnus was colored in by: Grey_Hoodie
lameloserlexi wrote:
Cats: 8 M: 5 F: 3 Servings: 3 *Archive
Next Request: 12/29 Pebbles: 38

*archive holds all extra post info
    ───── wip ─────

      Border Patrol ── Rex, Arthur, and Daleel
      Hunting Patrol ── Nimbus, Gamma, and Pickles
      Training: Fighting ── Pickles takes Gamma
      Herb Gathering ── Aliah
      Consumption ── Risingclan eats 3 servings of hare
      ── Arthur and Maxine join Risingclan
      ── Rex takes on Arthur's training, Nimbus takes on Daleel's training
      ── Rex requests a warrior

      ── Note: Hope I fixed the training? Linked it below the prey pile, along with herbs and other info on the archive. I had it all worked out on the archive, the skills they have and everything. I hope that works. Otherwise, I'll change it to whatever you need me to. Also, the next post the Swan Family will be added.

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Rex's patrol found a warrior
      ↳↳↳ Nimbus's patrol caught x3 minnows

      Training Results
      ↳↳↳ Gamma learned the Fight skill

      Herb Gathering Results
      ↳↳↳ Aliah gathered x1 alder bark and x1 beech leaves

      Ancestor Results
      ↳↳↳ Starclan accepts Rex's request and sends Risingclan a warrior

      Mod Notes
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the first warrior is: a solid dark brown cat with yellow eyes
      ↳↳↳ The first warrior was colored in by: Me
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the second warrior is: a pale brown oriental cat with odd-blue eyes
      ↳↳↳ The second warrior was colored in by: Me
inky. wrote:

Patrol: Weaselstar, Antlerpool, Owlgaze, Skinknose
Hunting: Kitewhisker, Antlerpool, Riversnap, Agaricthroat
Training: Cypresspaw takes his final assesment (id like to keep his image ^^); Agaricthroat teaches Spikepaw hunting
Rank Changes: Antlerpool joins the clan ; Snowdrift joins the Clan
Herb Collection: Droserathorn, Riversnap
Mates/Births: Littlefawn (1)
Servings: x1 big fish, x1 mouse
Other: claiming x 4 chervil from the advent calendar and x2 rabbits from the advent calendar (using 8 days)
Cats to find: haypelt ; goldfinch ; hollymist

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Weaselstar's patrol found Haypelt
      ↳↳↳ Kitewhisker's patrol caught x2 mice

      Training Results
      ↳↳↳ Spikepaw learned the Hunt skill

      Assessment Results
      ↳↳↳ Cypresspaw passed his final assessment and is now ready to become a warrior

      Herb Gathering Results
      ↳↳↳ Droserathorn gathered x1 celandine and x1 chamomile
Kazin wrote:

[ Hunting ]
Frostbird, Icethorn, Twilightstep,
Stormstar, Lightfeather, and Smokeflight hunt.

[ Border Patrols ]

[ Med Cat ]
Dockleaf gathers herbs.

    [ Rank Up ]

    [ Mates / Kits ]
    Mociswing due in 2 moons.
    Soraflame due in 2 moons.

    [ Other / Request ]
    No request this moon.
    Fasting 3/3
    I'd like descriptions or F2U pictures, if possible c:
[ Training ]





      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Frostbird's patrol caught x3 squirrels

      Herb Gathering Results
      ↳↳↳ Dockleaf gathered x1 blackberry leaves and x1 borage leaves
jarside wrote:
font by

[hollystar asks starclan for a deputy.]
[hollystar hunts]
[hollyclan fasts for 1/3 moons]
[note: i prefer colour-ins!]

      Starclan Results
      ↳↳↳ Starclan accepts Hollystar's request and sends Hollyclan a deputy. The deputy also brought along their mate, who is due in two moons.

      Patrol Results
      ↳↳↳ Hollystar caught x2 birds

      Mod Notes
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the deputy is: a longhaired dark brown classic tabby with yellow eyes
      ↳↳↳ The deputy was colored in by: Me
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the queen is: a longhaired cream spotted tabby she-cat with green eyes
      ↳↳↳ The queen was colored in by: Me
      ↳↳↳ Your mod will be Duplex
Last edited by Katrione on Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Smallfox » Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:18 pm

[Quoted because 2 mods skipped]

Smallfox wrote:
Number of Cats: 2 | Next Starclan Visit: Thursday | Pebbles: 24

Nightstar was walking through the forest when she heard a rustle in a bush. She turned her head before a light grey and white shape jumped out and pinned her the cat quickly jumped off. "Sorry my paws lead me here." The tom meowed. Nightstar lifted herself up. "So you jump on me?" She snapped. "I said sorry!" The tom replied. "Anyway I'm Pale, are you a clan cat?" Nightstar studied the tom, was this the cat the one that was sent to her by Starclan? She almost forgot about the question. "Oh! Yes, I am a clan cat. I'm Nightstar, leader of Fateclan." Pale looked excited "Ooh! Can I join, then?" He asked. "Do you know anything about Fateclan" The black and white leader asked. "I don't remember being told but I do." "Then follow me."

When they reached camp Nightstar leaped onto the Leaning Rock. "Pale!" She called, feeling no need to call out 'clan meeting' as Pale was the only other cat in the clan. Pale came forward and looked up. "By the powers of Starclan, I give you your clan name. Pale, from this moment on you will be known as Palemoon. I welcome you as a full warrior of Fateclan. I will assist you with hiding techniques because of your light pelt." She looked down at the newly named warrior and just as she was about to jump down she remembered something. "One more thing." She noticed Palemoon backing away. "Palemoon, step forward." She told him. "I say these words before Starclan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Fateclan is Palemoon, as there is no other cat to give this role to."

She jumped down and told the younger cat the duties of a deputy. He jumped up onto the Leaning Rock. Nightstar turned around, waiting for the patrols to be announced. "It's time for me to set out patrols. I will go on a hunting patrol and Nightstar will patrol the borders. Uh, Nightstar dismissed." Nightstar nodded and the two cats headed separate ways for their patrols.

          Nightstar | 43 moons | She-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Palemoon| 38 moons | Tom | X
          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Voles | x0 | 1 servings
    Jays | x0 | 3 servings
    Blackbirds | x0 | 3 servings
    Robins | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

[Nightstar goes on a border patrol]
[Palemoon goes on a hunting patrol]
Image Image Image

▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ © ▁▁▁▁▁▁

Hi I'm Smallfox! I can be found on some forum games and other neat little topics! Don't be afraid to ask me anything!



I am a holibomber!
I have gifted 28 people.
I have received 29 gifts.
I have nuked 13 people.
I have received 9 nukes.
I have won 0 gift wars.
I have lost 4 gift wars.

(combined scores from 2020)
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hollyclan 002.

Postby jarside » Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:24 am

font by

number of cats: 3 - pebbles: 24


hollystar awoke to familiar voices. she silently padded out of her den, spying around for the source of the sound. she spotted two cats talking. one was a large, lean tabby and the other was an uncomfortable queen with a large belly. hollystar moved forward. "ugg why are we doing this?" the queen complained. "well," replyed the tabby, "i have a feeling about this. that it would be best for us. for the kits." the queen mumbled.

"bramble?" hollystar called, making the couple turn in their tracks. "holly?" the tabby called back. "what are you doing?" "im hollystar now." she said. "and, its complicated. how about i explain it over some prey?"

[bramble and oasis join the clan]
[bramble is renamed bramblestripe, oasis is renamed oasisspring]
[bramblestripe is appointed deputy]
[hollystar hunts]
[bramblestripe patrols]
[oasissspring rests, giving birth in 1/2 moons]
[hollyclan fasts for 2/3 moons]

hollystar - 22 moons - female - X
lives: ★★★★★★★★★

bramblestripe - 14 moons - male - X

medicine cat:
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]
skill points: ✿✿✿✿✿

name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]

name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]

oasisspring - 14 moons - female - X
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]

name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]

name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]
name - age - gender - [url=link]X[/url]

mentor - apprentice - number of sessions - skills
mentor - apprentice - number of sessions - skills

herb - amount - usage
herb - amount - usage

mice - amount - x1 serving size
shrew - amount - x1 serving size
squirrel - amount - x1 serving size
rabbit - amount - x2 serving size
hare - amount - x3 serving size
birds - 2 - x3 serving
Last edited by jarside on Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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2 - [ lochlain ]

Postby w0ah » Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:05 am


    © font image credit

    total citizenship - 002
    (m) 01 ; (f) 01 ; (n) 00
    servings - 000
    requests - 01/02/20

    archives - located here
    last post - located here

    moderator - katrione




    i. honlai and grendahl hunt and patrol throughout the territory.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ii. honlai requests a head nurse from the gods.
    iii. advent calendar: x4 birds, x2 stoats, and x2 shrews (18 servings) & day 18 - a manx cat, like this (if possible)



    maudra honlai , ♀ , 053m
    ↪ health: fine



    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine

    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine



    sir grendahl , ♂ , 060m
    ↪ health: fine


    ( ★ = # of honors )
    ( ★ x6 = general )

    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ honors:


    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m


    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ skill-points:


    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m


    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ health: fine'

    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ health: fine

    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    ↪ health: fine


    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m

    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m

    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m
    namehere , ♀♂ , 000 m




    shrew . . . 1 servings (2)
    mice . . . 1 servings (#)
    rabbits . . . 2 servings (#)
    stoats . . . 2 servings (2)
    birds . . . 3 servings (4)
    big fish . . . 3 servings (2)


    located here


    located here


    group name , ally/enemy , user
    group name , ally/enemy , user
    group name , ally/enemy , user


    north; group , username
    northeast ; group , username
    east ; group , username
    southeast ; group , username
    south ; group , username
    southwest ; group , username
    west ; group , username
    northwest ; group , username


    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..
    mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills ..


Last edited by w0ah on Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:47 am, edited 3 times in total.
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` ` pyreclan - vii.

Postby w0ah » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:26 pm



        population. 016 - toms. 08 - she-cats. 08 - servings. 04 - request. 00/00/00 - archives. here...............




      actions for post vii.
        ─> consumption: the clan consumes two weasels.
        ↪ request: none.

        • hunting patrol: pyrestar, strawberrynose, pelicanface, & birchwind.
        • border patrol: none.
        • herb gathering: chervilgaze.
        • training: laurelpaw trains with ternwhisker.
        • other: sootpelt is cared for by chervilgaze during their second moon of rest.
        THE LEADER
        - pyrestar ─ ♂ ─ 39 moons
        ↪ lives: ★★★★★★★★★ (9)
          THE DEPUTY
          - strawberrynose ─ ♀ ─ 39 moons
          ↪ other information here
          - chervilgaze ─ ♂ ─ 52 moons
          ↪ skill points: ✦✦✦✦ (4)

                martinfang ─ ♂ ─ 26 moons
                pelicanface ─ ♂ ─ 29 moons
                robintuft ─ ♀ ─ 48 moons
                ternwhisker ─ ♀ ─ 36 moons
                sootpelt ─ ♂ ─ 42 moons
                birchwind ─ ♂ ─ 23 moons
          laurelpaw ─ ♀ ─ 10 moons
          gannetleap ─ ♀ ─ 47 moons
          ↪ nursing russetkit & kestrelkit
          ashenstep ─ ♀ ─ 33 moons
          ↪ nursing aspenkit & sedgekit
          russetkit ─ ♂ ─ 02 moons
          kestrelkit ─ ♀ ─ 02 moons
          aspenkit ─ ♀ ─ 01 moons
          sedgekit ─ ♂ ─ 01 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons

        allies & enemies
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user

        bordering clans
        north; group name , username
        east ; group name , username
        south ; group name , username
        west ; group name , username


        prey pile
        meadow vole . . . . 1 servings (2)
        lemming . . . . . . . 1 servings (2)
        snowshoe hare . . . 2 servings (1)
        weasel . . . . . . . . 2 servings (0)
        muskrat . . . . . . . 3 servings (0)
        canada jay . . . . . 3 servings (0)

        medicine storage


        tern ⇾ laurelpaw (3): cl, hu, st, sw
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .

        families & the deceased

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Re: a new era

Postby noctenne » Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:24 pm


        𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 XXXII
        𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 XIV
        𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 XVIII
    𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 none
    𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 tba
    𝒑𝒆𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔 XCI

        ↪ oneclan celebrates the birth of darkkit
        ↪ they welcome minkskip, digging bird, and flamekit to their ranks

        ↪ one raspberry leaf and one chervil are used for darkkit
        ↪ one horsetail is used on pigeonpaw
        ↪ one stick is used on cinderpaw

        ↪ hunting 1: meadow, aspen, willow, sparse, thorn, wilted
        ↪ patrol 1: ellis, crypto, rook, trout, pond, bracken
        ↪ hunting 2: ibis, cormorant, boreal, mink, digging bird, and shoal
        ↪ the apprentices train with their mentors

        ↪ oneclan consumes: two eagles


        Shoalstar, 27m, she-cat

        Borealtooth, 39m, she-cat

        Autumnleaf, 29m, she-cat

        𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒍
        None; chosen by the leader

        Meadowheart, 39m, she-cat
        Aspentail, 40m, she-cat
        Willowsong, 40m, she-cat
        Sparsefeather, 27m, she-cat
        Thornstrike, 18m, she-cat
        Wiltedfur, 51m, she-cat
        Ibisdancer, 33m, she-cat
        Minkskip, 35m, she-cat
        Digging Bird, 22m, she-cat

        Cormorantcry, 27m, tom
        Sunsetpelt, 32m, tom
        Ellis, 54m, tom
        Crypto, 57m, tom
        ● Rookpounce, 41m, tom
        Troutleap, 18m, tom
        Pondsplash, 19m, tom
        Brackenstep, 15m, tom

        𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒓 𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒚𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 & 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔/𝒆𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔

    Timberpaw, 12m, tom
    Weaselpaw, 12m, she-cat
    Silverpaw, 11m, she-cat
    Dustpaw, 11m, tom
    Witheredpaw, 11m, she-cat
    Redpaw, 11m, tom
    Cherrypaw, 11m, she-cat
    Pigeonpaw, 11m, she-cat

    Cinderpaw, 9m, tom

    Smokepelt, 22m
    ↪ Nursing Darkkit and Flamekit

    Darkkit, 00m, tom
    Flamekit, 02m, tom



        𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒅

        Aspentail + Weaselpaw ( 4/4 )
        ↳ hunting, tracking
        Crypto + Timberpaw ( 4/4 )
        ↳ hunting, tracking, fighting
        Meadowheart + Pigeonpaw ( 3/4 )
        ↳ tracking, hunting
        Willowsong + Silverpaw ( 3/4 )
        ↳ hunting, fighting
        Rookpounce + Dustpaw ( 2/4 )
        ↳ hunting, tracking
        Sparsefeather + Witheredpaw ( 3/4 )
        ↳ hunting, fighting
        Troutleap + Redpaw ( 3/4 )
        ↳ battle, hunting, tracking
        Wiltedfur + Cherrypaw ( 3/4 )
        ↳ tracking, hunting, fighting

        Willow + Nova = Silver, Dust, Withered,
        Red, Cherry
        Aspen + ? = Timber, Weasel, unnamed

        Smoke + ? = Darkkit, fostering Flamekit
    𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉-𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒆
    Shrew ( x3 ) 1 serve
    Vole ( x18 ) 1 serve
    Rabbit ( x8 ) 2 serves
    Small Fish ( x6 ) 2 serves
    Hare ( x3 ) 3 serves
    Eagle ( x2 ) 3 serves

    𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒌
    Yarrow ( x1 ) extracts poisons, helps
    a cat throw up toxins
    Water Hemlock ( x1 ) poison
    Mallow leaves ( x0 ) bellyache
    Parsley ( x0 ) stops a queen’s milk,
    also cures bellyaches
    Oak leaves ( x1 )
    Willow Bark ( x1 )
    Celandine ( x0 )
    Bright-eye ( x1 )
    Ragwort ( x0 )
    Sweet-sedge ( x0 )
    Wild Garlic ( x1 )
    Raspberry leaves ( x0 )
    Goldenrod ( x2 )
    Willow leaves ( x1 )
    Feverfew ( x1 )
    Daisy leaf ( x1 )
    Chervil ( x0 )
    Stinging Nettle ( x1 )
    Horsetail ( x0 )
    Stick ( x0 )
    Bindweed ( x1 )
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ NORTHERNCLAN - xxxiv ]

Postby solyn » Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:13 am

population: 74 cats [ 37 fem : 36 male : 1 nb ]
servings required: 12 [76] - pebbles: 63
𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 15 dec.
moons since last nonsense: 3 (gl)


    𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
    ironpaw n daisypaw talk


    minkfur n thunderjaw talk abt fear


    wolf n plum comfort duck

    𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧.
    summit n midnight fluff + brackenstrike named deputy




    apprentice ceremonies

` servings consumed
12/12 - x6 stoats
` clan events
advent claims: x2 chervil, x2 catmint, dec. 25th advent cat (unadded)
while midnightblaze is in the nursery, brackenstrike is named deputy!
ospreypaw, magnoliapaw and carnationpaw learn to hunt
tulippaw and eaglepaw learn to battle
daisypaw and pansypaw choose to delay their warrior ceremony until ironpaw passes.
added owlhop from advent (x)
` patrols
1 - sleetstar, honeyheart, mapleskip, burningflame, bearears, primrosepetal
2 - ausmasthorn, lunardawn, foxspring, bramblingrose, duckbriar, featherfall
3 - splitface, koishimmer, viridianfire, robindapple, blackdusk, owlhop
4 - hazerise, plumiris, auroracloud, erminebubble, falconstreak, addersong
1 - minkfur, thunderjaw, frostclaw, twosight, tempestflame, fogbelly

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 78 moons | ♀

    ` deputy
    `` brackenstrike | 87 moons | ♀

    ` medicine cat
    `` poppywish | 69 moons | ♂ - [5sp]
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` sprucepaw | 18 moons | ♂

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 81 moons | ♂
    `` hollyfeather | 56 moons | ♀
    `` thunderjaw | 76 moons | ♂
    `` howlingeye | 59 moons | ♂
    `` splitface | 84 moons | ♀
    `` minkfur | 73 moons | ♀
    `` bearears | 51 moons | ♀
    `` fallowstep | 76 moons | ♂
    `` hawkeyes | 81 moons | ♂
    `` viridianfire | 43 moons | ♀
    `` frostclaw | 93 moons | ♂
    `` koishimmer | 45 moons | ♀
    `` birchfang | 51 moons | ♂
    `` sunnynose | 64 moons | ♂
    `` waspshine | 52 moons | ♂
    `` winderstrike | 66 moons | ♂
    `` twilightflower | 56 moons | ♀
    `` sorrelsong | 42 moons | ♀
    `` twosight | 92 moons | ♂
    `` ausmasthorn | 30 moons | ♀
    `` bramblingrose | 30 moons | ♂
    `` addersong | 61 moons | ♀
    `` graypeak | 61 moons | ♂
    `` falconstreak | 57 moons | ♀
    `` emberpetal | 27 moons | ♀
    `` flamestream | 27 moons | ♂
    `` honeyheart | 61 moons | ♂
    `` primrosepetal | 45 moons | ♀
    `` wolfwhisker | 24 moons | ♂
    `` butterflyshine | 24 moons | ♀
    `` duckbriar | 25 moons | ♀
    `` lunardawn | 45 moons | ♀
    `` foxspring | 36 moons | ♂
    `` fogbelly | 73 moons | ♀
    `` hazerise | 71 moons | ♀
    `` leopardrunner | 28 moons | ♂
    `` tempestflame | 23 moons | ♀
    `` brewingice | 23 moons | ♂
    `` lightningivy | 23 moons | ♀
    `` lynxdash | 22 moons | ♂
    `` dapplelotus | 36 moons | ♀
    `` featherfall | 24 moons | ♀
    `` snowsilver | 24 moons | ♂
    `` silvercreek | 18 moons | ♀
    `` auroracloud | 18 moons | ♀
    `` blackdusk | 16 moons | ♂
    `` argentripple | 32 moons | ♂
    `` robinwhistle | 36 moons | ♀
    `` mapleskip | 62 moons | ♂
    `` burningflame | 78 moons | ♀
    `` plumiris | 25 moons | ♀
    `` erminebubble | 19 moons | ♂
    `` owlhop | 25 moons | ♂

    ` apprentices
    `` ironpaw | 15 moons | ♀
    `` daisypaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` pansypaw | 13 moons | ♀
    `` ospreypaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` eaglepaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` carnationpaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` tulippaw | 8 moons | ♂
    `` magnoliapaw | 8 moons | ♀
    `` pepperpaw | 6 moons | ☉
    `` gustpaw | 6 moons | ♂

    ` queens and kits
    `` rivermask | 66 moons | ♀
    foamkit, spraykit & oceankit [4, ♂♂♀]
    `` whisperwind | 33 moons | ♂
    ↪ due 1 moon
    `` midnightblaze | 84 moons | ♂
    ↪ due 2 moons

    ` elders
    `` magpiefeather | 123 moons | ♀
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
↑ | open
→ | whitebark | grey_hoodie
↓ | two-leg village
← | ski slope

` medicine store
catmint [6] | greencough
lovage [1] | coughs
lungwort [1] | yellowcough
chickweed [2] | greencough
tansy [1] | greencough
fennel [3] | hip pain
ragwort [1] | strength
mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
dock [1] | scratches
burdock root [1] | infection
blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
raspberry leaves [5] | kitting
cobweb [3] | bleeding
marigold [2] | infection
horsetail [2] | infection
chervil [3] | infections/kitting

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x11 | 1 servings [11]
rabbit | x6 | 2 servings [12]
stoat | x6| 2 servings [12]
small fish | x14 | 2 servings [28]
hare | x6 | 3 servings [18]
bird | x7 | 3 servings [21]

` mentors
ausmasthorn | ironpaw [4]
↪ hunt, battle, swim, adv. battle
duckbriar | ospreypaw [1]
↪ battle
winderstrike | eaglepaw [1]
↪ hunt
silvercreek | carnationpaw [1]
↪ battle
summitsky | tulippaw [1]
↪ hunt
fallowstep | magnoliapaw [1]
↪ battle
wolfwhisker | pepperpaw [0]
↪ skills
brewingice | gustpaw [0]
↪ skills

` deceased
galepaw | murdered by boscoe
stormkit | weak at birth
hurricanekit | weak at birth
willowpaw | crushed in landslide
dawnbreeze | killed in battle
blizzardheart | killed in battle
sycamorepath | killed in battle
buttercuppaw | killed in battle
breakerhowl | killed in battle
sootfreckle | killed in battle
dandelionpaw | injuries post-battle
the stranger | old age

` family ties
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Chaosclan 013

Postby Kazin » Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:32 am

Font credit
Number of cats: 030 | 13 ♀ | 16 ♂ | 1 nonbinary
Servings Needed: 6, next at 35 | Next Request: anytime | Mod: deimos
Herb/Pebble Storage | Mates/Families | Deceased Cats



    New Members;; --> The new scout is named Skippercloud.
    --> Kiwikit joins from a fanclub raffle.

    Hunting;; --> Crowcatcher, Sparkbreeze, Longbranch, Rookfang,
    Marshminnow, and Cinnamonflight hunt.


    Patrolling;; --> Fallencrow, Icetuft, Weevilsnap, Phoenixfur,
    and Atlasrain patrol.

    --> Buzzardshade, Beebuzz, Ravenstrike, Skippercloud,
    and Emberlily patrol.
    Medical;; --> Amberdawn searches for herbs.

    Family;; --> Flickerheart due in 1 moon.
    --> Duskwillow tries for kits with Lechwehorn of Scarabclan.

    Training;; --> N/A

    Request;; --> N/A

    Other;; --> Chaosclan consumes 3 rats [6 servings]
    --> Collecting x1 coltsfoot, fennel, marigold, x2 raspberry leaves
    and x20 servings of prey from the advent calendar.
    [x5 squirrels and x10 mice]

    --> Please don't kill cats marked with a ♦, though
    injuries are fair game!


    Raptorstar | | 40 moons | ★★★★★
    Songbirdstar | | 42 moons | ★★★★

    Soldiers [3 max]
    Buzzardshade ♦ | | 40 moons
    Petalsong | | 38 moons in nursery
    Fallencrow | | 32 moons

    Amberdawn | | 36 moons
    --> 5 Skill Points
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons

    Rookfang | | 45 moons
    Longbranch ♦ | | 34 moons
    Otterleap | | 32 moons
name | [url=x]♀[/url] | moons

Petalsong | | 38 moons
Flickerheart | | 32 moons

Sagekit ♦ | | 1 moons
Thistlekit ♦ | | 1 moons
Condorkit ♦ | | 1 moons
Kestrelkit ♦ | | 1 moons
Basilkit ♦ | | 1 moons
Kiwikit ♦ | | 1 moons

Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Hunters cont.
Duskwillow | | 30 moons
Cinnamonflight ♦ | nb | 25 moons (powers)
Marshminnow | | 24 moons
Cricketstripe ♦ | | 22 moons
Sparkbreeze ♦ | | 20 moons
Crowcatcher ♦ | | 13 moons

Icetuft | | 56 moons
Ravenstrike | | 37 moons
Beebuzz | | 33 moons
Emberlily | | 32 moons
Weevilsnap ♦ | | 30 moons
Phoenixfur ♦ | | 26 moons
Skippercloud ♦ | | 24 moons
Atlasrain ♦ | | 22 moons


    Ally Clans
    Name | Username
    Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Name | Username
    Name | Username

    Border Clans
    North | Ravenclan | inky.
    East | Twistedclan | spasticjazzhands
    South | Steamclan | Katrione
    West | Name | Username
    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 | 14
    Squirrel | 2 | 8
    Hare | 3 | 3
    Shrew | 1 | 2
    Rat | 2 | 6 [-3]
    Pigeon | 3 | 3

    Mentor | Apprentice | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim
    name | name | Hunt, Track, Fight, Swim
Last edited by Kazin on Thu May 07, 2020 4:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 057 ]

Postby solyn » Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:14 am

# of cats; 116 (: 57 / : 59)
servings req'd; 18 servings (118)
next moonpool visit; any time
pebbles; 119 (gl)

    𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,

    i will write this later rn i just rlly wanna get something up f

✦ servings consumed
18/18 - x9 rabbits
✦ clan events
claiming petalpaw from dec. 18th advent calendar [won't be added for a while rip]
roseclaw moves to the nursery to help with the kits
sunpaw, brindlepaw, redpaw, eclipsepaw, brightpaw, runningpaw and poppypaw
take their warrior assessments
beepaw and strongpaw learn advanced battle
tallpaw retrains to learn the hunt skill
all patrols are wary of the east border from adderstorm's warning
all medicine cats practice medicine
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - harrierstreak, flowershine, burningcloud, halfpond, pinefeather, silvermoon
2 - hawkthorn, acornstream, quailberry, hazelskip, riverbubble, mirage
3 - badgerstar, maplefall, fawnrunner, stonepatch, thornfern, starlingthroat
4 - shadowtail, dustfang, falcongaze, cinderdawn, sleetbreeze, oakback
5 - ternflutter, avocetnose, brackeneyes, morninglight, tuisong, woodbloom
6 - featherpelt, fircloud, archibald, cormorantpath, cherrystorm, flamescorch
border -
1 - novella, meadowfang, adderstorm, fernstone, ashenstrike, sootface

        badgerstar | 73 moons | ♂
        lives: ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰

        lionheart | 94 moons | ♀

        medicine cat:
        goldleaf | 95 moons | ♀ - 6sp
        spidernose | 68 moons | ♂ - 6sp
        mousestone | 52 moons | ♀ - 6sp

        flintburr | 109 moons | ♂
        maplefall | 69 moons | ♀
        hawkthorn | 83 moons | ♂
        shadowtail | 83 moons | ♀
        acornstream | 83 moons | ♀
        dustfang | 88 moons | ♂
        ashenstrike | 94 moons | ♂
        stonepatch | 70 moons | ♂
        fawnrunner | 69 moons | ♀
        harrierstreak | 61 moons | ♂
        flowershine | 60 moons | ♀
        longriver | 59 moons | ♂
        boulderflame | 57 moons | ♂
        sootface | 77 moons | ♂
        pinefeather | 103 moons | ♂
        dusklight | 51 moons | ♂
        novella | 51 moons | ♀
        halfpond | 55 moons | ♂
        willowthroat | 61 moons | ♂
        grouseclaw | 61 moons | ♂
        burningcloud | 90 moons | ♂
        meadowfang | 90 moons | ♀
        woodbloom | 47 moons | ♀
        adderstorm | 46 moons | ♀
        featherpelt | 95 moons | ♀
        archibald | 51 moons | ♂
        fircloud | 107 moons | ♂
        silvermoon | 92 moons | ♀
        ripplemist | 49 moons | ♂
        frostbranch | 49 moons | ♂
        cormorantpath | 46 moons | ♂
        sparkfur | 46 moons | ♂
        sandcatcher | 40 moons | ♀
        avocetnose | 39 moons | ♂
        ternflutter | 39 moons | ♀
        elkbounce | 38 moons | ♀
        thunderspark| 38 moons | ♀
        mistcreek | 38 moons | ♀
        deerstripe | 38 moons | ♂
        juniperstorm | 37 moons | ♀
        midnightstream | 37 moons | ♂
        kererucall | 97 moons | ♀
        emberwing | 37 moons | ♀
        falcongaze | 33 moons | ♂
        cinderdawn | 33 moons | ♀
        sleetbreeze | 33 moons | ♂
        oakback | 33 moons | ♂
        hazelskip | 32 moons | ♀
        quailberry | 32 moons | ♂
        riverbubble | 72 moons | ♀
        russetbound | 26 moons | ♂
        eveningfeather | 26 moons | ♀
        frecklestep | 26 moons | ♂
        morninglight | 26 moons | ♀
        crowcharm | 25 moons | ♂
        ravenflight | 25 moons | ♀
        starlingthroat | 25 moons | ♀
        tuisong | 25 moons | ♂
        lilactail | 25 moons | ♀
        lavenderspring | 25 moons | ♀
        fernstone | 24 moons | ♀
        cherrystorm | 24 moons | ♂
        pitchrunner | 24 moons | ♂
        mottlebloom | 24 moons | ♀
        pebblebird | 24 moons | ♂
        flamescorch | 24 moons | ♂
        mirage | 73 moons | ♀
        brackeneyes | 22 moons | ♀
        bramblepoppy | 22 moons | ♂
        thornfern | 22 moons | ♀
        thicketshade | 22 moons | ♂
        dahliashadow | 28 moons | ♀
        sparrowflower | 28 moons | ♀
        finchpounce | 28 moons | ♀
        chubholly | 32 moons | ♀

        sunpaw | 13 moons | ♂
        brindlepaw | 13 moons | ♀
        redpaw | 13 moons | ♂
        eclipsepaw | 12 moons | ♀
        brightpaw | 12 moons | ♂
        beepaw | 12 moons | ♂
        runningpaw | 12 moons | ♂
        tallpaw | 12 moons | ♀
        poppypaw | 12 moons | ♀
        strongpaw | 11 moons | ♀

        dawnblossom | 51 moons | ♀
        sedgefire | 55 moons | ♀
        wolverinejaw | 58 moons | ♀
        burrcall | 57 moons | ♀
        harepuddle | 65 moons | ♂
        rivuletflight | 55 moons | ♂
        squirrelwhisker | 47 moons | ♂
        roseclaw | 105 moons | ♂

        sunsetkit | 4 moons | ♂
        peachkit | 4 moons | ♂
        elderkit | 4 moons | ♀
        cedarkit | 4 moons | ♀
        cypresskit | 4 moons | ♂
        elmkit | 4 moons | ♀
        cannakit | 2 moons | ♀
        oxaliskit | 2 moons | ♂
        ferretkit | 2 moons | ♂
        novakit | 2 moons | ♀
        polekit | 2 moons | ♂
        steppekit | 2 moons | ♀
        minkkit | 2 moons | ♀
        nightkit | 2 moons | ♂
        daisykit | 1 moons | ♀
        chanterellekit | 1 moons | ♂
        orchidkit | 1 moons | ♂
        amarylliskit | 1 moons | ♂

    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    echoclan | Katrione
    clayclan | hazilnut
    highgarden | eagle,
    hazeclan | nightwolf950
    quickclan | eagle,

    enemy clans;
    none yet!

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | spruceclan | gracen
    south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
    west | highgarden | eagle,

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [4] | greencough
    chervil [9] | wounds/aches
    marigold [4] | wounds
    tansy [2] | coughs
    goldenrod [5] | wounds
    catchweed [3] | poultices
    poppy seeds [3] | pain
    cobwebs [3] | bleeding
    fennel [7] | pain
    raspberry leaves [4] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [7] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    chickweed [9] | coughs
    parsley [1] | bellyache
    rosemary [1] | burial
    willow bark [1] | pain
    bindweed [1] | binds sticks
    blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
    borage leaves [1] | milk
    bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
    burdock [1] | infections
    broom [2] | breaks/wounds
    burnet [8] | strength
    celandine [4] | eye infections
    horsetail [2] | stops bleeding
    oak leaves [1] | stops infection
    comfrey root [1] | wounds
    daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
    dock [1] | soothes scratches
    chamomile [1] | strength
    cob nuts [1] | unknown
    coltsfoot [1] | breathing
    dandelion [1] | bee stings
    elder leaves [1] | sprains
    feverfew [1] | fever/headache
    goatweed [1] | eases grief
    hawkweed [1] | greencough
    heather nectar [1] | sweetner
    honey [1] | soothes throats
    ivy leaves [1] | unknown
    juniper berries [1] | bellyaches
    lamb's ear [1] | strength
    lavender [1] | fever/chills
    lovage [1] | unknown
    lungwort [1] | yellowcough
    mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
    mint [1] | scenting
    mouse bile [1] | kills ticks
    rush [1] | breaks
    sorrel [1] | traveling herb
    laurel [1] | herb wraps
    stick [1] | pain
    stinging nettle [1] | swelling; pain; breaks
    sweet sedge [1] | infections
    echinacea [1] | coughs

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x16| 1 servings [16]
    vole | x16 | 1 servings [16]
    rabbit | x7 | 2 servings [14]
    bird | x15 | 3 servings [45]
    fish | x15 | 2 servings [30]
    squirrel | x15 | 2 servings [30]
    hare | x15 | 3 servings [45]
    capacity: 170 servings (10 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    flintburr | sunpaw [4]
    ↪ hunt, battle, climb, swim
    acornstream | brindlepaw [4]
    ↪ hunt, battle, swim, climb
    novella | redpaw [4]
    ↪ hunt, battle, climb, swim
    sleetbreeze | eclipsepaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunt, swim, climb
    falcongaze | brightpaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunt, swim, climb
    longriver | beepaw [3]
    ↪ battle, swim, hunt
    pinefeather | runningpaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunt, swim, climb
    frostbranch | tallpaw [2]
    ↪ battle, swim
    juniperstorm | poppypaw [4]
    ↪ battle, hunt, swim, climb
    dusklight | strongpaw [3]
    ↪ battle, swim, hunt

    deceased cats;
    twilightkit ; murdered by dante
    redrunner ; heart failure/age
    fallowshimmer ; heart failure/age
    bronzekit, reedkit, paisleykit,
    streamkit & tinykit ; weakness at birth

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HazeClan | Post 65

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Dec 28, 2019 12:04 pm

Writing Archive: x - includes link to actual archive
Number of Cats: 170 (84 males | 86 females)
Speak to the Dark Forest: Jan. 3rd
Servings Needed: 25 (164-171)
Pebble Count: 83

Font Credit and Divider Credit



Spidersight dies saving Midnight [aka Spiderpaw]


{Hazeclan consumes x15 mice and x5 rabbits

Request: n/a
Ceremonies: Brackenpaw, Briarpaw, Tansypaw, Smallpaw, and Amberpaw are ready to become warriors [Smallpaw = Tinypuddle]
Other: n/a

Medic Info: Topazpaw has 2 moons to rest
Kitting Info: Sunsplash is due in 2 moons
Deaths: Spidersight passes away after saving Midnight from a falling rock

Gathering herbs: Darkflower and Cloudypaw [training in prophecy understanding]
Hunting: Petalthroat, Cherrybranch, Mousestep, Orangesky, Fawnlily, and Blossomcrest
Hunting: Swiftfeather, Swivelspear, Hickorysmoke, Mottlesplash, Fernflank, and Monarchdawn
Hunting: Lightningstrike, Wollypelt, Hailstorm, Seedpatch, Weaselheart, and Rapidfall
Hunting: Beetleclaw, Charcoalpelt, Cinderflame, Splashshade, Tawnythroat, and Cindermask
Hunting: Bearclaw, Gorseeart, Meadowbird, Splashstreak, Flickerfall, and Cougarshadow
Patrolling: Ghost, Haunt, Slatestone, Brightgaze, Whispcloud, and Rowangaze
Patrolling: Robinheart, Ploverwing, Whitemoon, Larksong, Dunebreeze, and Minnowfin
Patrolling: Cardinalwing, Almondfall, Wraith, Newt, Sedgling, and Rosethorn
Patrolling: Heavystep, Fallowpelt, Skull, Patchpaw, Dappledwillow, and Koisplash

Training: Fleetpaw and Spiderpaw

Mod. Note: Claiming advent day 25 - cat babe [Panther's dad]
All hunting and border patrols are good fro super high risk kill rolls. Thanks =D
Color Code: Red = Kill-able
Note: Shout out to all the CAC Mods for the color-ins

In the Nursery
Lives: ★★★★

Starlingflight | 51 moons | Male | x

Jayfur | 59 moons | Male | x

Medicine Cats:
Darkflower | 90 moons | Female | x

Inkfire | 66 moon | Male
Batwing | 59 moons | Female
Marshpool | 59 moons | Female | x
Oakfang | 80 moons | Male
Emberspark | 57 moons | Female
Ghost | 65 moons | Male - missing left ear
Haunt | 72 moons | Male
Adderstrike | 56 moons | Male
Slatestone | 53 moons | Male
Tansypetal | 48 moons | Female
Maplebreeze | 48 moons | Female
Brightgaze | 65 moons | Male
Turtledove | 97 moons | Female
Heatherflame | 73 moons | Female
Whispcloud | 48 moons | Male
Sandfire | 50 moons | Male
Honeypool | 45 moons | Male
Rowangaze | 43 moons | Male
Robinheart | 59 moons | Female
Ploverwing | 40 moons | Male
Whitemoon | 41 moons | Male
Larksong | 39 moons | Female
Driftsnow | 36 moons | Male
Dunebreeze | 36 moons | Male
Ripplesong | 36 moons | Female
Hazelwing |35 moons | Female
Tallwhsiker | 54 moons | Female
Cardinalwing | 54 moons | Female
Almondfall | 34 moons | Male
Elmbranch | 33 moons | Female
Icepetal | 33 moons | Male
Leafbreeze | 33 moons | Female
Wraith | 32 moons | Female
Newt | 32 moons | Female
Jack | 32 moons | Male
Sedgeling | 36 moons | Male
Rosethorn | 35 moons | Male
Chestnutblaze | 29 moons | Male
Flarefeather | 29 moons | Male
Faintcloud | 29 moons | Female
Heavystep | 58 moons | Male
Fallowpelt | 53 moons | Male
Skull | 32 moons | Male
Hornetwhisker | 29 moons | Male
Sycamoretooth | 29 moons | Male
Cinnamonberry | 29 moons | Female
Lightleap | 27 moons | Female
Patchpad | 27 moons | Male
Pineshade | 73 moons | Female
Dappledwillow | 89 moons | Female
Koisplash | 58 moons | Female
Bearclaw | 97 moons | Female
Gorseheart | 47 moons | Male
Meadowbird | 53 moons | Female
Splashstreak | 27 moons | Male
Flickerfall | 24 moons | Male
Cougarshadow | 68 moons | Female
Mockingjay | 23 moons | Male
Beetleclaw | 23 moons | Male
Peridotgaze | 23 moons | Female
Charcoalpelt | 49 moons | Male
Cinderflame | 63 moons | Male
Splashshade | 61 moons | Female
Tawnythroat | 22 moons | Female
Cindermask | 22 moons | Male
Lightningstrike | 35 moons | Female
Zipperfang | 21 moons | Male
Puddlestream | 46 moons | Female
Wollypelt | 64 moons | Male
Hailstorm | 46 moons | Female
Seedpatch | 49 moons | Male
Weaselheart | 42 moons | Male
Sootwing | 29 moons | Male
Twigscratch | 21 moons | Female
Wrenwillow| 21 moons | Female
Rapidfall | 20 moons | Female
Swiftfeather | 19 moons | Male
Beetlecrawl | 19 moons | Male
Swivelspear| 66 moons | Female | x
Echoripple | 44 moons | Female
Mousestep | 31 moons | Female
Azaleacurrent | 43 moons | Female
Orangesky | 61 moons | Female
Hickorysmoke | 54 moons | Female
Mottlesplash | 40 moons | Female
Petalthroat | 19 moons | Female
Cherrybranch | 19 moons | Female
Tigereye | 19 moons | Male
Mothtuft | 18 moons | Male
Sunsplash | 33 moons | Female
Boastrike | 56 moons | Male
Lotusbloom | 40 moons | Male
Willowshine | 21 moons | Female
Wildflame| 18 moons | Male
Sunsetpool| 41 moons | Male
Finchflower | 16 moons | Female
Foxwish | 34 moons | Female | x
Sorrelfang | 13 moons | Female
Shiverstone | 31 moons | Male | x
Radishpatch | 26 moons | Female
Ivorypelt | 16 moons | Female
Riddelripple | 13 moons | Male
Diamondgaze | 13 moons | Male
Fawnlily | 13 moons | Female
Fangsnap | 13 moons | Male
Gustwhisper | 13 moons | Male | x
Flintfang | 13 moons | Male
Sharpeye | 13 moons | Female
Pansypounce | 13 moons | Female - twisted front right paw
Burrowmouse | 13 moons | Male | x
Monarchdawn | 13 moons | Female
Flurrybreeze | 13 moons | Female
Websnout | 13 moons | Female
Cranestalk | 13 moons | Female
Coldtooth | 13 moons | Female
Pikeleap | 13 moons | Male
Smallminnow | 13 moons | Female
Fernflank | 13 moons | Female
Blossomcrest | 13 moons | Female
Sprucebelly | 13 moons | Male
Tumblefang | 13 moons | Male | x
Piperpounce | 13 moons | Female - twisted back left paw
Hillrunner | 13 moons | Male
Bubblemist | 13 moons | Female
Streamnose | 13 moons | Female
Bluepoppy | 13 moons | Female
Drizzlecloud | 13 moons | Female
Tealfeather | 13 moons | Male
Tortoisewatch | 13 moons | Male
Poppypetal | 13 moons | Female
Icedusk | 13 moons | Male

Cloudypaw | 21 moons | Male | x
Topazpaw | 13 moons | Male
Brackenpaw | 12 moons | Male
Briarpaw | 12 moons | Male
Tansypaw | 12 moons | Male
Smallpaw | 12 moons | Male
Amberpaw | 12 moons | Female
Fleetpaw | 11 moons | Male
Puddlepaw | 12 moons | Female
Spiderpaw | 10 moons | Male | x

Wolfpelt | 48 moons | Female
Pumpkin | 32 moons | Female - mute
Butterflywatcher| 24 moons | Female
Pantherstar | 49 moons | Female | x
Cinnamonbreeze | 36 moons | Female
Dragonflyflight | 89 moons | Female

Jaykit | 5 moons | Male | x
Smokykit | 5 moons | Male | x
Lizardkit | 5 moons | Female | x
Fishkit | 4 moons | Male | x
Lycan | 4 moons | Female | x
Cicadakit | 3 moons | Female | x
Vaporkit | 2 moons | Male | x
Lionkit | 1 moons | Male | x
Mumblekit | 1 moons | Male | x
Swallowkit | 1 moons | Female | x
Brightkit | 3 moons | Female | x
Jacobinkit | 0 moons | Male | x
Weedkit | 0 moons | Female | x

Sootpelt| 114 moons | Male
Runningbrook | 126 moons | Female
Comfreystrike | 137 moons | Male
Lavenderbreeze | 110 moons | Female
Badgerstrike | 67 moons | Male | x
Shadowheart | 106 moons | Female
Rookwatcher | 104 moons | Male


App. Skills | hunting, stalking, offence, defense
Med. App. Skills | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies

Darkflower | Cloudypaw | 3
Ghost | Topazpaw | 2
Sunsetpool | Puddlepaw | 3


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0| 1 serving
Shrew | x13 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x6 | 2 servings
Stoat | x8 | 2 servings
All Birds | x5 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 4
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 1
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 2
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 3
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 1
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 2
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 5
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 3
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 1
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 4
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 3
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 1
Fennel | helps hip pain - 2
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 2
Foxglove seeds | x - 0
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 4
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 3
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
Holly Berries | x - 1
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 4
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 2
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 3
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 2
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 2
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
Mint | hides scent of death - 2
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 2
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 5
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 2
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 1
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Sorrel | x - 2
Stick | x - 2
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 3
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 5
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 1
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 7
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 3
Water hemlock | x - 3
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 1
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 2
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 2
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