Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

the lights — ii.

Postby birdercrow » Sat Nov 02, 2019 10:55 am

      population. 03 [ 02 ♀, 01 ♂, 00 ⚧ ]xxxnext sacrifice. 11-06-2019xxxservings. 02 required.

        What was the valley if not the land of her dreams? She had heard of terrible winters in the north, of blizzards that swept cats from their families and lakes that frosted over with such a thick sheet of ice that no fish were able to be wrangled from the water. But even in the cold months, the valley was green and verdant as always for the temperatures never sunk low enough to kill the grass and the sea that dashed against the stony cliffs always kept the air thick as gelatin. But, even now, even despite the plenty and the multitude of fish she had pulled away from the cove on the banks of the sea, Tenderstar couldn’t help but look over the hinterland and see a barren place devoid of life. The land was wonderful, but what good was a promised land of milk and honey if she could share it with no one?
        xxxxxxIt felt strange to say that she would be returning to a camp made with her own paws that was completely empty, but Tenderstar was far beyond being embarrassed at the weakness of her has-been culture. The tuna tails weighing heavy between her teeth and flopping from side to side with every shift and flex of her shoulders, Tenderstar carefully forged a path down the side of the hill she had taken refuge upon, her paws tipping the springy shoots of confident grass and nudging against flowers that had not been nailed to their own coffin yet. Her eyes, a molten amber, bobbed from side to side on her creamy paws, letting her whimsy lead her in whichever destination it so fancied.
        xxxxxxTenderstar paused and her head shot up, pupils enlarged to take in every minutia of the gently ruffled grasses of the field. Her ears flicked; with the breeze approaching her and gusting at her face, the sounds of pawsteps crunching grass beneath was easy to understand. Immediately, Tenderstar was on guard, her hackles raised and her back arched in caution. Gingerly, she tasted the air; wait, it couldn’t be...
        xxxxxxA brown ear tinged with creamy white crested the bottom of the hill, followed by a slim, geriatric face and crooked whiskers, and a limping companion at her side. Tenderstar's eyes grew bright and light, recognizance flickering in her eyes.
        xxxxxx"Mistralhowl! Juniperthorn!" Tenderstar cried, joy infectious in her voice. She barreled down the entirety of the hill, nearly crashing into the two cats that were the source of her incredible excitement. Mistralhowl's chuckle was low, while Juniperthorn's laugh rivaled her own in its brightness and energy.
        xxxxxx"What, happy to see us?" Mistralhowl purred, his scarred face curved in a relentlessly charming smile. "I never got this kind of a greeting before."
        xxxxxx"Tenderheart, it's lovely to see you," Juniperthorn's rough, scratchy voice came, a quiver in her crooked whisker and a tinge of white on her muzzle. "How have the moons been treating you?"
        xxxxxxTenderstar paused, her ear twitching as she tried to process their responses. What were they talking about? "Juniperthorn, you accompanied me to The Carved Stone to get my nine lives," Tenderstar objected, tossing her head back towards the monolith she spoke of. "Do you not remember?"
        xxxxxx"Well, she's never been known for her mental prowess," Mistralhowl murmured jovially, obviously not quite understanding the implications of Tenderstar's serious tone. "She's getting old too. Not long before she comes crying to me about aching bones and the like."
        xxxxxx"My mind is as sharp as a claw!" Juniperthorn argued, puffing her chest out and staring at Mistralhowl with a look of authority and a hint of good-natured humor, eliciting more howls of laughter from her three-legged companion, but Juniperthorn quickly sobered as she returned her gaze to Tenderstar. "I just don't remember any of that. Are you telling me that you're Tenderstar now? What happened to your father?"
        xxxxxxTenderstar's stomach flipped at the mention of her dad, the cat she had looked up to beyond all reason as a little kitten. Her eyes, wide and suspenseful, glanced about the two faces who peered at her carefully, willing her to respond to a question she could barely explain herself. How could she tell her clanmates that the cat that brought them all together from every reach of the valley no longer walked among the living? "He—I—I don't—" Tenderstar blubbered, words spilling from her mouth in an embarrassing display of word vomit, before she paused and realized that perhaps she didn't need to get into the details at all. Maybe later, but not now. She needed to get back to camp. "Well, he...He's not with us anymore. But I am, and I want the Lights to remain, if only in his honor. I was hoping, maybe, you could...Make that dream a reality, and make sure that he didn't die in vain."
        xxxxxxJuniperthorn was appropriately saddened by Tenderstar's words, her brows drooping and her maw pulling into a fast frown, and even though Mistralhowl was famously guarded with his emotions, Tenderstar could still see the flicker of somber recognition in the depths of his eyes and how quickly the smile fell from his face. A heavy feeling rested on the conversation as a whole as silence fell over the heads of the gathered cats, and although Tenderstar desperately wished one of them would respond to her, the wind howled on for longer than she ever expected. Then, finally, Juniperthorn's maw opened slightly, piquing Tenderstar's attention.
        xxxxxx"I suppose there's not much else for me to do," Juniperthorn went on quietly, voice ginger. "I have nowhere to go, and the Lights are my home. I want to stay with you and make this valley better than it has ever been. Would you have me be on your council, be one of your Ecclesia?"
        xxxxxx"And me a shaman?" Mistralhowl piped up. "If you even want me anymore, that is."
        xxxxxx"Of course I want both of you," Tenderstar began again, a smile tinging her lips. "By the grace of our ancestors, I need all the help I can possibly get."
        xxxxxx"Well that's a relief," said Mistralhowl. "And here I thought I'd be a wandering vagrant for the fourth moon in a row!"
        xxxxxx"Maybe a badger would have picked you off instead," Juniperthorn needled.
        xxxxxx"What, were you hoping for that?" said Mistralhowl, mirthfully.
        xxxxxxRolling her eyes with a content smile, Tenderstar brushed past them, quickly depositing one tuna in each of their mouths. "Come on you two, we've got a camp to get back to!"

        ────────────────( actions !! )──────────────────────────────────

        ( new arrivals. ) juniperthorn and mistralhowl are brought into the lights of the valley.

        ( patrol. ) juniperthorn and tenderstar go on a hunting patrol.
        ( patrol. ) tenderstar and juniperthorn go on a border patrol.

        ( gathering. ) mistralhowl gathers herbs.

        ( consumption. ) the lights consume x1 tuna.

        ( mod note. ) death rolls are welcome (and probably encouraged) for anyone in the lights!

        ────────────────( the clan !! )──────────────────────────────────
        THE KING [0/1]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE QUEEN [1/1]
        Tenderstar [female - 24 moons - x]

        THE PRINCE/SS [0/1]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE ORACLE [0/3]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE SHAMAN [1/3]
        Mistralhowl [male - 26 moons - x]

        THE ECCLESIA [1/12]
        Juniperthorn [female - 45 moons - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE LIGHTS
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE FADED
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        ────────────────( the resources !! )──────────────────────────
        ALLY CLANS
        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        North | Clan Name | Username
        East | Clan Name | Username
        South | Clan Name | Username
        West | Clan Name | Username

        link here

        cat name | cause of death
        cat name | cause of death

        name & name | kits
        name & name | kits

        mouse | x0 | 1 serving
        turtle eggs | x0 | 1 serving
        squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
        bat | x0 | 2 servings
        partridge | x0 | 3 servings
        tuna | x2 | 3 servings

        HERB STORE
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Sat Nov 02, 2019 11:53 am

clan archive thread is found here
clan population 040 xxx clan servings 007 xxx next starclan visit nowxxx next birth n/a xxx mod notes n/a xxx cats to find n/a

It had been Elmstream’s idea to follow the river. All of the cats were scared, grief-filled, and felt helpless, but the black she-cat firmly stepped in and made the executive decision to move on. She and Ashtail led their clan around the winding river bed. None of the clan born cats had been off of the island, and none of the cats taken in had been this way before. So it was a free for all. Elmstream pushed her way through the tall grass, flicking her ear at the tall reeds that dragged along her cheek. They reached a clear section of the grass. She paused for a moment and looked back. The cats were following in pairs, as she and Ashtail instructed, and made their way warily through the brush. Shrewclaw and Hickorywind were behind the leaders, talking quietly to each other. Hickorywind kept swiveling his head, surveying his surroundings even though he was half blind. “We’ve been through so much,” he sighed, looking at his paws “Can’t StarClan just grant us shelter.” The tom shivered as snow continued to drift down from the sky. Shrewclaw scoffed bitterly. “Seriously. We should change our name to TragedyClan.” Hickorywind smirked at that. He stumbled over a root and tripped a few steps. Shrewclaw rushed to support him with his shoulder and Hollypounce came forward to tug him up by his scruff. Hickorywind huffed in frustration. “I can’t even walk right.” He grumbled. Hollypounce rubbed her cheek against his. “Don’t beat yourself up. You’re tired and it’s unfamiliar land.” Shrewclaw nodded his agreement. “Why don’t we stop here for a while.” Elmstream suggested, walking up to the obviously exhausted group. Her black pelt was dotted with clumps of white snow. She turned to the grey tom beside her. “Ashtail, why don’t you take a few cats and see if there’s any sort of shelter ahead.” He nodded and flicked his tail to Redfin and Harriercloud. The two warriors padded from the group and followed Ashtail into the tall grass. While they were gone, the rest of the clan joined Elmstream in the clearing. The snow had picked up, and the cats had to cuddle together for warmth. The apprentices and kits were herded into the middle of the huddle. Blackbriar and Grousecall let the kits bury themselves into their long fur. Elmstream walked around the outside of the huddle, making sure everyone was accounted for. She gave up halfway through, though, since the white storm blocked most of her vision. It wasn’t long before Redfin pushed himself back into the clearing. “Elmstream!” He called, voice straining to be heard over the loud winds “We found something!” The she-cat’s ears perked up, but she refused to have relief flood her system. “What kind of something?” She asked cautiously. She didn’t want to allow the Clan to stroll into a dangerous situation. Redfin padded up to her so his voice could be heard better. “Ashtail found a small cave in the side of a hill. It’s not much and it won’t be much warmer than it is out here, but it’s something.” Elmstream listened carefully. She looked back at the cats. The cave would be unfamiliar, but then again so was everything out here. Plus she couldn’t make the cats sit outside. The she-cat locked eyes with the tom beside her. “Okay,” She nodded “We can rest in the cave until the storm passes.”


Adderbreeze pressed herself up against part of the small cave. The area was almost too small to fit all of them. That wasn’t a bad thing, though, as close proximity allowed heat to fill the cave quickly. It was becoming quite comfortable, in Adderbreeze’s opinion. In front of her, Heronkit was laying on his back. The tom was coughing loudly and frequently. The cats were afraid that he might have caught an illness, so there was a noticeable clearing around him. Bumbleflight pressed his ear against the kit’s chest. Blackbriar peered over his shoulder, concerned for her son. After a few heartbeats, Bumbleflight leaned back on his haunches and shrugged. “I mean, his lungs sound clear.” He announced “I don’t think he’s sick, but I’m not exactly a medicine cat.” Windfeather tilted his head. “What does that mean?” He asked. Bumbleflight shook a bit of snow from his paw. “It means there’s no fluid in his lungs. He’s probably just coughing because of the fire.” Elmstream’s face lit up. “So there’s no infection?” She asked eagerly. When Bumbleflight shook his head, her lips curled into a smile. She turned and leaped onto an elevated part of the ground. “I’m glad to hear that you are okay, Heronkit!” She meowed “Because we have a very special surprise for you and your siblings!” As the blue tom rejoined his littermates, confusion could be seen in all of them. After a heartbeat, realization struck Piperkit. “Oh!” She gasped “Oh! Oh!” She bounced to her feet, looking at her siblings, who were still dumbfounded. “We’re six moons old!” She whispered loudly. The confusion was instantly replaced with excitement. They looked at Elmstream for confirmation and hustled to the foot of the elevation once she dipped her head. The she-cat was joined by Ashtail on the elevation and he looked down proudly at the kits. “Just because we don’t have a formal camp doesn’t mean that life can’t go on.” He meowed. His eyes subtly flicked to where Shellpond was sitting next to Sparkstorm. The she-cat had passed her assessment and was sitting vigil when the fire had broken out. She was lucky to have escaped the falling log, and it was good to have a new warrior. He returned his gaze to the five cats in front of him. “The older warriors have talked and we have decided on your mentors.” Elmstream revealed. The black she-cat flicked her tail in the direction of Heronkit. “Heronkit will you please step forward.” The young tom rose to his paws and shakily walked closer to the two cats. He swallowed and looked up at them with round eyes. They smiled down and Ashtail cleared his throat. “Heronkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed.” The kit was visibly shaking with excitement and anticipation. “From this day on, until you receive your full warrior name, you will be known as Heronpaw.” Elmstream turned her head and rested her gaze on a black and white tom sitting patiently. “Badgergaze, you are ready for your first apprentice.” She meowed “You have received excellent training from Fognose. She taught you how to be a strong and loyal warrior. We hope that you can pass these traits onto Heronpaw.” Badgergaze came forward and touched noses with his new apprentice. They retreated to the crowd and Piperkit was called forward.


After all of the kits were made into apprentices and given their mentors, the cats split up into their groups again. Elmstream was giggling as she watched Tickkit congratulate his old denmates. Blackbriar sat silently beside the she-cat. “It’s so weird.” She sighed. Elmstream looked over to her with a confused look. “Seeing the kits leave, I mean.” She clarified “It seems like just yesterday that they were born.” She looked down at her paws. “I wish Jaykit was here to celebrate with his siblings.” She added quietly, voice filling with sadness at the mention of her son who had died in the fire. Elmstream laid her tail over her friend’s back. “I’m sure he’s cheering them on from StarClan.” Blackbriar nodded somberly, but smiled once she saw Tickkit. “At least he’s happy.” She meowed. She had been looking after the small tom primarily since his mother, Grassheart, rejected him. Elmstream sighed. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.” Blackbriar’s head whipped to face Elmstream, eyes wide with worried. “What? Is something wrong with him?” She gasped. Elmstream shook her head hastily. “No, no!” She meowed “No, don’t worry, he’s fine. It’s you I’m worried about.” Blackbriar’s eyes furrowed. “Well, you’ve been looking after seven kits for the past few moons. You should really take a break.” Blackbriar scoffed. “Right. I’ll take a break when Tickkit leaves the nursery.” She meowed “Even if I do miss being a warrior. But who would look after him? Tulipclaw and Grousecall are still technically warriors, Grassheart can’t stand him, and there aren’t any other queens.” She sighed. Elmstream smiled. “Well, I was thinking, since he’s an older kit, he doesn’t necessarily need a queen to look after him.” Elmstream gazed across the clearing to where Tickkit was playing with a red-furred warrior. “Redfin and I were talking, and we’d be willing to look after him until he becomes an apprentice.” Blackbriar’s eyes widened, her mouth twitched into a smirk, and she tilted her head. “Redfin?” She echoed with a sly smirk, a teasing tone edging her voice. Elmstream’s face grew hot and she pressed her ears against her head. “Y-Yea. As friends.” Blackbriar nodded elaborately and closed her eyes, pouting her lip. “Right, right.” She meowed, trying to remain serious “What could be more ‘friendly’ than raising a kit.” She broke out into a fit of giggles and Elmstream couldn’t help but smile through the embarrassment. “I suppose I can agree to that.” The former queen winked “If you need any help, just let me, Tulipclaw, or Grousecall know.” Elmstream nodded quickly. “Definitely!” She meowed happily “I won’t hesitate to ask if we need help!” Blackbriar got to her paws and moved closer to Elmstream, leaning into her ear. She looked at Redfin and smiled. “In all seriousness,” the tabby she-cat meowed “if he’s willing to look after Tickkit with you, a kit that isn’t even his responsibility, then I think he’s a keeper.” She giggled and walked away to talk to her kits, leaving a blushing Elmstream in her wake.


Adderbreeze yawned. The cold had settled in her joints and she decided that moving wasn’t a wise decision. Her new apprentice was sitting on the other side of the clearing. Piperpaw was a rambunctious young she-cat, but there was no doubt in Adderbreeze’s mind that she would make a stand-up warrior. Her eyes started to lower when she heard a panting cat reach her. Her eyes snapped back open and she jolted awake. Panic filled her and she turned her head to see Fognose. But there wasn’t any sort of anguish or fear in her sister’s eyes. Instead, Fognose’s eyes were filled with joy and excitement. As she sat next to Adderbreeze, the brown she-cat tilted her head. “Well you can’t just come up like that and not tell me what just happened.” She meowed, twitching her whiskers in amusement. Fognose swallowed and regained her breath. “Swiftwind asked me to go on a walk to see if the weather cleared up.” She said rapidly “Turns out it was just an excuse to spend alone time together. And he asked me to be his mate!” Fognose practically squealed the last bit. Surprise flooded Adderbreeze. “Swiftwind?” She asked “I didn’t even know you liked him! You shouldn’t keep that from me!” She prodded her sister playfully on her shoulder. Fognose giggled, now breathing normally. “I know, I know.” She sighed, preparing to explain “We started talking during the later part of our apprenticeship. We grew really close, but we didn’t want to make a whole thing of it. Plus with everything going on recently, I didn’t want to seem like I was being insensitive.” Adderbreeze smiled from ear to ear. “You’re such a dork!” She scoffed playfully “I’m so happy for you Fognose!” Fognose nuzzled her sister. “So, when am I going to become an aunt?” She whispered. Fognose’s cheeks grew red. “Adderbreeze!” She squeaked. “Whaaaat?” The cat squeaked back. After her sister buried her face in her paws, Adderbreeze slid herself over top of her, resting her chin on her forehead and placing her paws over her back. “Really, though, if he’s ever mean to you, I will turn him into my personal scratching post.” Fognose let out a snort of laughter. “Not necessary, but I appreciate the thought. Swiftwind is a good tom.” Adderbreeze shrugged. “I’m sure he is, but still, I could smack him around any day.” She boasted. “Definitely.” Fognose smiled. She lifted her head and the two sisters giggled light-heartedly, forgetting about the tragedies they had been plagued with, and letting love into their damaged hearts.

Suddenly, a white figure interrupted the sister’s bonding time. Their eyes immediately jumped to look at the interloper’s face. Adderbreeze was about to tell them to bugger off, but her face softened as she saw who it was. “Oh, hey Windfeather.” Fognose greeted “Is Elmstream going to send cats out to scout?” The white tom clenched his jaw and shook his head. His vibrant eyes flicked down to Adderbreeze. “I, uh. Need to speak to Adderbreeze for a moment.” He meowed, deep voice echoing off the stone walls. Fognose smirked and gave a side glance to her sister, whose pelt was growing hot. A few moons ago, Adderbreeze had confided in Fognose that she had started to develop strong feelings for Windfeather. Personally, Fognose didn’t see the appeal. Windfeather was a fine tom, but he came off as extremely serious and a bit boring. But Fognose knew that Adderbreeze had trouble with love in the past, so if she cared about someone, who was she to judge? The warrior bumped her sister’s shoulder. “Well?” Fognose meowed “Don’t keep the guy waiting.” Adderbreeze shot a glare at the grey and white she-cat and got to her paws. “I guess I can come along. Just don’t push me out into the blizzard okay?” She meowed, trying to joke. Windfeather only tipped his head. “Why would I do that?” He responded, genuinely confused. Adderbreeze giggled it off and rolled her eyes. “Nevermind,” She sighed with a smile “Where did you want to go?” Windfeather followed her as she walked past him. “Well, there’s not many places we can go. We’re kinda stuck in a cave if you haven’t noticed.” He meowed. Adderbreeze smiled wider. He had a reputation for being serious, but Windfeather always seemed to loosen up when he was around her. It made her feel special, and she enjoyed going on little trips with him, even if it was a small stroll across a crowded cavern. Her gaze rested on the mouth of the shelter. “We could watch the snow.” She suggested. The tom shrugged, nodding, and the two made their way over to the opening. The cave entrance had a small overhang, allowing the two to sit outside the cave while still being sheltered. Adderbreeze sat down and took a deep breath. She watched as her exhale created a plume of mist that drifted from her muzzle. The white snow was starting to pile up on the bushes that surrounded the shelter. The flakes drifted down steadily, creating a plush blanket. The snow dazzled in the sun and Adderbreeze couldn’t help but stare. “Pretty, isn’t it.” She gushed. Windfeather wasn’t looking at the snow. “Mmm, yea.” Her companion pondered “But I’m looking at something prettier.” Adderbreeze turned to him, trying to see what he was talking about. But as she turned, she locked eyes with him. She realized that he was referring to her. The she-cat’s pelt grew hot and flattened her ears against her head. She swallowed, clenching her jaw, and looked back out to the snow. Windfeather’s soft smile fell back into the stern expression he was known for. His eyes removed themselves from his companion’s face and looked down at his paws. “The sunset, I mean.” He murmured. He had a point. The sky was turning a glorious shade of purple mixed with orange. Adderbreeze only nodded. The tom turned his head away from her and wrinkled his nose, squeezing his eyes together. A feeling of stupidity burst into his heart. What was he thinking? Why was he being so bold? Mouse-brained idiot. Adderbreeze was torn. She cared about Windfeather, she really did, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up. She had lost her first love, and she didn’t want to put herself into the same situation. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t notice her companion get up. The white tom walked out into the snowy wilderness. He walked slowly, but took long strides, tail dragging along in the snow. Adderbreeze realized his absence and hurriedly padded after him. She followed him into the bushes and walked up to the now sitting tom. “You don’t have to follow me, you know. Don’t get my hopes up.” He meowed quietly. Adderbreeze tilted her head and walked in front of him. “What do you mean?” She asked, sitting to face him. Windfeather huffed. “Listen,” He sighed “I understand, okay. We’re friends. I know that we might not be that close, but it doesn’t take much to catch feelings.” Adderbreeze shivered as she scooted closer, craving the warmth he was giving off. “Windfeather, I-” He shook his head and lifted it to look her in the eyes. “No. I’m going to tell you how I feel. You can reject me, but at least let me get this out, because it’s been eating at my heart since I met you.” He growled softly “When I came into the Clan, I was some half-starving rogue who was too nervous to talk to anyone. I had never had a family, friends, or anyone, really, to call a companion. I didn’t want to fit in because I knew I’d end up leaving eventually. I didn’t try to be charismatic, I didn’t try to make connections, because I didn’t care. But then one day I was sitting alone and you came up to me. You offered to share your meal with me and I accepted. I remember we sat together until nightfall, talking and sharing stories. You told me about your kits and I felt as if I had known you my entire life. Your willingness to be friendly made me want to stay. So I did. I stayed, I became the best warrior I could be. I watch you and your kits grow, and I grew with you. I learned how to be more open. And that’s all because of you. We kept talking and I realized how much I liked you- no- loved you. I love you, Adderbreeze. I know that you’re hesitant to be in a relationship, but I’m willing to be yours forever. You just have to tell me when to start.” As Windfeather’s speech came to an end, his head hung low again and he dug his claws into the half frozen ground, preparing himself for the ‘no’ that was surely coming. Except it didn’t. There was only silence. The clearing was still and quiet, save for the gentle blowing of the wind and chirping of birds. But then he felt a pressure against his shoulder. It spread to his cheek and along his neck. The tom’s ears perked up and he opened his eyes. He saw the shoulders and back of Adderbreeze, with her muzzle nuzzled into his cheek fur. She licked the bottom of his ear and whispered those four words he was positive would never be said. “I love you too.” She whispered. He stayed still, unsure of what to do. He dipped his head, nuzzling her back. The two stayed like that until they were both on the verge of freezing. Then the pair got to their paws and walked back to camp, mates, in a joyful silence.

[the clan asks for a silver lynx point cat]
[fognose and swiftwind become mates]
[adderbreeze and windfether become mates, but do not try for kits]
[sparkstorm, shrewclaw, shellpond, and tulipclaw patrol]
[squirrelheart, harriercloud, hickorywind, and windfeather hunt]
[redfin, ashtail, gorsewind, and nettlemist hunt]
[hollypounce teaches sunpaw swimming]
[ashtail teaches owlpaw stealth]
[stormfang teaches darkpaw climbing]
[bumbleflight teaches rainpaw battle]
[hawksnow teaches ryepaw hunting]
[badgergaze becomes heronpaw's mentor]
[adderbreeze becomes piperpaw's mentor]
[harriercloud becomes mosspaw's mentor]
[hickorywind becomes applepaw's mentor]
[shrewclaw becomes archpaw's mentor]
[the clan consumes x2 big fish and x1 minnow]

[url=link]♛[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]♜[/url] name, age, ♂♀

xxxxx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀
xx𝖒𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖙 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖊:
[url=link]✺[/url] name, age, ♂♀

elmstream, 39 m, ♀
ashtail, 25 m, ♂
stormfang, 51 m, ♂
fognose, 45, ♀
swiftwind, 42 m, ♂
nightfur, 39 m, ♂
hickorywind, 32, ♂
↪ blind in one eye
adderbreeze, 45 m, ♀
squirrelheart, 45 m, ♀
windfeather, 47 m, ♂
hollypounce, 32 m, ♀
hawksnow, 22 m, ♀
redfin, 45 m, ♂
shrewclaw , 23 m, ♂
badgergaze, 21 m, ♂
gorsewind, 17 m, ♀
bumbleflight, 41 m, ♂
ravencloud, 61 m, ♀
harriercloud, 43 m, ♀
burrwhisker, 16 m, ♂
sparkstorm, 16 m, ♂
tulipclaw, 27 m, ♀
deerleap, 59 m, ♀
grousecall, 57 m, ♀
nettlemist, 14 m, ♀
blackbriar, 45 m, ♀
shellpond, 13 m, ♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➣[/url] name, age, ♂♀

sunpaw, 15 m, ♂
owlpaw, 10 m, ♂
darkpaw, 10 m, ♀
rainpaw, 8 m, ♂
ryepaw, 8 m, ♀
heronpaw, 6 m, ♂
piperkit, 6 m, ♀
mosspaw, 6 m, ♂
applepaw, 6 m, ♀
archpaw, 6 m, ♂
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]↠[/url] name, age, ♂♀


grassheart, 60, ♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]๑[/url] name, age, ♂♀

butterflykit, 4m, ♀
tickkit, 4 m, ♂
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
[url=link]➸[/url] name, age, ♂♀
al𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖊:
mouse, one serving╶ 009
minnow, one serving╶ 010
small fish, two servings╶ 002
squirrel, two servings╶ 007
hare, three servings╶ 002
big fish, three servings╶ 001

East- pheonixclan ; stormt4lon
West- chessclan ; sharpiesandhamilton

Northeast- highgarden ; eagle
Northwest- the shadowed kingdom ; heavenbreeze
Southwest- vagaryclan ; lyttlekytten

Last edited by inky. on Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frankie (dup) » Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:10 pm

    bloodclan ; dea indivia. | jungleclan ; unikels | skullclan ; heda | thicketclan ; ravenwhisper's wish | mossclan ; étoilée | duskclan ; avenoir | climbingclan ; creme eggs | buddingclan ; HI55 | creekclan ; softlynx | fjordclan ; sky-lines | bristleclan ; katthecat | keyclan ; 爆殺王 | lights of the valley ; birdiecrow
    the barnyard ; heda | crossroad demons ; nightwolf950
    leafbare has come to a close and snow has begun to melt. rain is more common which may lead to floods in water-based or low-lying territories. prey is only just beginning to return although kittings will run smoother and the chances of queens or kits dying during birth will begin to drop. loners, too, are beginning to explore clan territories which makes the odds of finding new cats higher than it otherwise would be.
    if you'd like an invite to the cac discord, shoot myself or one of the other mods a pm!
    all images fall under the cc0 license

    font credit



matings and kittings
mist gives birth to six kits! (hewwo i randomly generated
the father's appearance! if you'd rather i not do that in the
future just throw a photo of what the father looks like at
me--it'd be up to you in the case--and ill use that! also
let me know if you dont want the amab/afab thing
and ill cut that too wahoo. with that out of the way,
the info for each kit is as follows
kit one: afab, carries solid, longhair, and colourpoint
kit two: amab, carries solid, longhair, and mink
kit three: see kit one!
kit four: see kit two!
kit five: see kit two!
kit six: see kit one!
all kits are shorthair black/brown mackerel tabbies with white!

❤ swiftwind's patrol finds two potential acrobats
❤ syrinxecho's patrol catches x1 squirrel, x1 frog, and x1 mouse

training and assessments
❤ babypaw learns hunting! they also sustain a minor scratch that
requires x1 of one of the following: broom, dock, goldenrod,
tormentil, wingergreen, or stinging nettle



❤ crowstar catches x1 rabbit!

❤ remember--you have two
more prey slots! id also
reccomend sending crowstar
on a regular patrol at some point
i dont roll for sickness when you
send a cat out more than once a
post until you have ten cats, so
dont worry about that for now!
you can also request cats at the
moonpool (or whatever bristleclan's
equevilant is, if not the moonpool!) weekly


crossroad demons

❤ dove finds x1 goldenrod and x1 rush
❤ meridove's patrol catches x1 bird
and x1 mouse
❤ raggedstar's patrol finds a kit

❤ raggedstar's request is fulfilled! he is sent a cat



❤ tigerpool finds x2 feverfew
❤ thistlestar's patrol catches x1 bird, x1 rabbit,
and x1 mouse
❤ reedshade's patrol finds a kit!

matings and kittings
❤ congrats! rowanstrike is carrying kits!

❤ for future reference, whether or not a cat
becomes pregnant is decided by the rng ^^



❤ ashfrost's patrol finds a warrior

mating and kittings
bluebellsong gives birth to five kits!
let me know if you dont want the amab/afab thing
and ill cut that wahoo. with that out of the way,
the info for each kit is as follows
kit one: amab, shorthair dominant white, carries
non-white. underneath the white, they are a
black/brown mackerel tabby, and carry solid.
kit two: see kit one
kit three: afab, shorthair dominant white,
carries non-white. underneath the white, they are
a black/brown mackerel tabby, and carry solid.
kit four: see kit three
kit five: see kit one

❤ welcome back!
remember to move bluebellsong to the queens list!


lights of the valley

❤ juniperthorn and tenderstar catch x1 turtle egg
❤ tenderstar and juniperthorn find two lights
❤ mistrahowl finds x2 foxglove seeds

my dms are open,
but im a spoonie
and i may not
respond promptly.
it's not personal.
especially hmu if
you want to talk
about atla,
im autistic and its
been my special
interest for like.
a bajillion years.
➤ they/it lesbian
➤ canadian eh
➤ gay zuko
truther /lh
➤ please use
➤ feel free to ask for
my discord if we've
talked before
➤ help idk how to
make this pretty
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Frisco » Sat Nov 02, 2019 9:58 pm

      Mod: Hazilnut
      Number of Cats: 3
      Serving needed: 2
      Next Starclan Visit: 07-11
      Pebbles: 020


𝖂𝖊’𝖗𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖚𝖕,
𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖜𝖊’𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖆𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖊.


As they made their way through an empty street, Meadowfly blabbered loudly.

“…and then I jumped at him like arrrgh and he was like ‘aaah!’ and then I bit him like ‘mrmph’…”

And she bit the air a couple of times to prove that she indeed was capable of such actions.

She was taking enthusiastically and talking a lot. She seemed to have accepted Luckystar as her new leader immediately and had no problem with it.

It was unexpected because even Lucky himself found it hard to accept. When the she-cat of Starclan talked to him everything seemed so simple. Everything seemed to have a purpose. She believed in him with her whole heart and gave him a destiny and a purpose in life.

But why?

Why him? He was very young with practically no experience. He had no special power of predicting the future that would help him build a clan able to face whatever it brings. He didn’t even know that much about the past. He was born after the great flooding and only knew this reality. Of course, he spoke to the elders, those born when humans were still common and those who heard stories about that world from their parents or grandparents, but that was not the same as having have lived it. She can’t have chosen him for his outstanding warrior abilities either because he did not have them. He was actually a little below the average fighter because his stature was small and his figure slim and not very muscular. He knew a few herbs, but nowhere near as many as trained medicine cats did. He never thought of himself as being special in any way. Just your average cat. Maybe even below average. But then why did she choose him? Could it be that she really saw something in him that he couldn’t?

He tuned out Meadowfly, lost in his thoughts. She didn’t seem to notice and went on with her story, gesticulating wildly.

They’ve only met yesterday, but she was open with her new leader as if they’ve been best friends for years. She told him all sorts of stories, all including heroic acts done by her. Each one sounded more and more unbelievable. For a warrior she was small and scrawny-looking. Bedsides it seemed that she never stopped talking. How could she ever stalk prey or fight like that?

Luckystar’s mouth suddenly dropped and eyes widened as he took a deep look at his new companion.

Could it be that it was all just a farsę? A big, cruel joke someone decided to play on him? Were they picked as a prank to see what a good-for-nothing leader could do with the world’s tiniest warrior?

Just as his thoughts became gloomy, she stopped him.

“There’s someone ahead.”


She nudged her head and he looked. Not a long distance away sat a stranger. He looked like he was bathing in the sun, but it has already disappeared on the horizon and made way for stars and the moon on the sky.

“Lets ask him to join our clan!”

“What, no!”

But it was too late. Fly run ahead straight toward him. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem, Star was sure they were currently at neutral territory, so he was probably peaceful. However, he did look like he could easily take out both of them. Lucky wanted to discuss the future of their clan with Fly first, but that wasn’t an option anymore. He sighed and followed Fly.

“Hey there! You look strong. Wanna join out team?”

The stranger opened one eye and with a raised eyebrow scanned the two cats. Lucky smiled, a little embarrassed.

“I am afraid I am already devoted to the stars.”

Lcuky wanted to say that it was okay and excuse them and go on, but Fly was faster in ehr response.

“Oh, then you’ll like Lucky. He spoke to Starclan and everything.”

The new cat seemed suddenly interested. He opened another eye and looked at Star intently.

“You… you spoke to Starclan?”

“Uh, y-yes.”

Fly smiled smugly.

“He’s a chosen of the gods.”

“What did they tell you?”

“I only spoke to one of them” Lucky’s embarrassment was growing under the stranger’s intent gaze. “They told me to start a new clan. For a better future. The world isn’t safe yet, we…”

“Can I join you?”

“You want to?!”

“It would be. An honour.”

“Yes. Yes, of course!”

“Praise the stars!”

The big cat extended his paws towards the sky in a weird gesture and Fly immediately copied him with enthusiasm.

“Praise the stars!”

“Welcome to the team.”

Hickorypool, as Lucky later learned, was a rather strange fellow, but looked wise and strong. He was the oldest of the group and that was already a good sign since it meant he knew how to survive. Him joining the group boosted morale by a lot and chased away negative thoughts from Lucky’s head. At least temporarily.

[ Luckystar goes on patrol]
[ Meadowfly and Hickorypool hunt for prey ]
[ Stockpile posts left: 2 ]


        Lucky🌟star | | 18 moons
        Lives: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

        Name | Age |

        Name | Age | Gender
        Skill Points: ♦♦♦♦♦

        Meadowfly | | 53 moons
        Hickorypool | | 79 moons
        Maids & Pages:
        Name | Age | Gender

        Name | Age | Gender

        Name | Age | Gender

        Name | Age | Gender
        Mentor | Apprentice
        No. of training sessions | Moves

        Deceased Cats:
        Cat Name | Cause of Death

        Name and Name | Kits


          Food Storage:
          rat | x0 | 1 serving
          lizard | x0 | 1 serving
          egg | x0 | 2 servings
          small bird| x0 | 2 servings
          small fish | x0 | 2 servings
          large fish | x3 | 3 servings
          Medicine Storage:
          Herb | Usage


        North | Clan Name | Username
        South | Clan Name | Username
        East | Clan Name | Username
        West | Clan Name | Username
        Allies: ---
        Enemies: ---

Last edited by Frisco on Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

What a beautiful, beautiful thing
to be able to dream
when you're not asleep.

art by Sixbane
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the mountain wind blows ─── II.

Postby frightened eyes » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:34 am

population two
servings required two
next request date anytime
archive link n/a

      ”who’re you?”

      the maine coon raises his regal head from where he’d just delivered the killing bite to the bird captured underneath his big paws to see a she-cat standing a few feet away, her green eyes glimmering with wariness.

      he lets the silence between them linger for a moment before he speaks. “i am sitka, emperor of algidclan.” he tilts his head. “and you?”

      she looks uncertain───as if wondering why she should tell a stranger her name. “azolla.” she says finally. “i heard the cry of the bird.” she adds, an explanation as to what drew her here.

      his tail swished between his legs, a thoughtful look flickering over his face. “it’s a pleasure to meet you, azolla.” he murmurs. “if you’d like, you are welcome to join the clan, or see if you’d like to at least.”

      azolla‘s uncertainty seems to ease slightly, although she seems startled at his offer. one of her ears twitch but after a few moments, she nods. “okay. but i won’t make any promises. i’m a loner, through and through.”

      “i understand.”

      and he does.

↪ the clan fasts - day 2 out of 3
↪ azollapool is accepted
↪ carpstep is accepted (bday cat)
↪ sitka, carpstep, and azollapool go on a hunt
↪ sitka patrols the border

      ind sitka ─── 021m , tom

      ind name , age , gender

      ind name , age , gender

      ind name , age , tom
      ind name , age , tom

      ind azollapool ─── 025m , she-cat
      ind carpstep ─── 021m , she-cat
      ind name , age , gender
      ind name , age , gender

      ind name , age , she-cat
      ind name , age , she-cat

      ind name , age , gender
      ind name , age , gender

      ind name , age , gender
      ind name , age , gender

      ind name , age , gender
      ind name , age , gender


      username , clan , ✓✖️
      username , clan , ✓✖️
      username , clan , ✓✖️
      username , clan , ✓✖️

      mouse , x0 , 1 serves
      chorus frog , x0 , 1 serves
      ermine , x0 , 2 serves
      trout , x0 , 3 serves
      snowshoe hare , x0 , 3 serves
      white-tailed ptarmigan , x1 , 3 serves

      can be found here
      mentor » page ( 0 )
      mentor » page ( 0 )
      mentor » page ( 0 )
      mentor » page ( 0 )

      sire | dam | relationship
      » kit(s) names here
      sire | dam | relationship
      » kit(s) names here

      name , age , cause
      » starclan/dark forest
      name , age , cause
      » starclan/dark forest
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frightened eyes
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Re: ThicketClan [020]

Postby SunnyStreets » Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:25 am

Number of Cats: 67
23 toms // 24 mollies // 4 other
Feeding Needed: 11
Archive: here
Mod: Duplex
Pebbles: 41

Happenings wrote:Leader:
↳Lemonstar requests a cat ★ 5.11.19
Medicine Cat:
↳Twigwish, Sparkgaze and Nightpaw gather herbs
↳Twigwish, Nightpaw and Sparkgaze practice their skills
↳Glowingpaw is given 1x dock, Zephyrpaw also gets 1x stinging nettle and Tornadopaw is given 1x stinging nettle. Zephyrpaw and Tornadopaw rest for a moon.
Border Patrols:
↳Driftsnow, Goldenwing, Peacock, Glowingpaw, Tansypaw, and Cowpaw
↳Foalfoot, Hawkwing, Pikashine, Softpaw, Heronpaw, and Rosepaw
Hunting Patrols:
↳Fernpurr, Tigertooth, Barkskip, Creampaw, Brushpaw and Crowblaze
↳Batshriek, Newtpaw, Lovagepaw, Burnscar, Dappledhowl and Briarslash
↳Shardlily, Spidermouse, Coltray, Mallowpaw, Ragwortpaw and Oaknose
↳Ragwortpaw, Lovagepaw, Mallowpaw and Newtpaw are ready to become apprentices! Ragwortpaw's mentor will be Briarslash, Loveagepaw's Blackberryglow, Mallowpaw's Foalfoot and Newtpaw's Burnscar
↳Moorpaw takes their warrior assesment (Moorruffle)
Mates & Kittings:
↳Wispflicker is kitting! Burnscar is the other parent.
↳Briarslash and Coltray become mates. (try for kits)
↳ThicketClan consumes 8x mice and 1x small fish


          Leader: (( 1 ))
          Lemonstar | 86 moons | molly |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆

          Deputy: (( 1 ))
          Foggyprance | 57 | tom |

          Medicine Cat: (( 2 ))
          Sparkgaze | 59 moons | molly | ( Sp: ♡♡♡♡♡ )
          Twigwish | 19 moons | deminonbinary ( amab ) | ( Sp: ♡♡♡♡♡ )

          Warriors: (( 31 ))
          Hawkwhisker | 88 moons | tom |
          Goldenwing | 85 moons | molly |
          Junipermuzzle | 82 moons | molly |
          Peacock | 79 moons | molly |
          Heatherpelt | 78 moons | molly |
          Almondpaws | 75 moons | molly |
          Deertumble | 67 moons | molly |
          Sedgewatcher | 58 moons | tom |
          Blackberryglow | 53 moons | nonbinary |
          Twocrow | 48 moons | molly |
          Littledusk | 47 moons | tom | ]☾ ©
          Batshriek | 44 moons | tom |
          Barkskip | 44 moons | tom |
          Foalfoot | 41 moons | gender questioning |
          Blackmuzzle | 39 moons | tom |
          Shardlily | 36 moons | nonbinary (amab) |
          Crowblaze | 35 moons | tom |
          Berrytoes | 34 moons | genderfluid (amab) |
          Lightningpelt | 34 moons | molly |
          Bearsnarl | 34 moons | tom |
          Elmstep | 33 moons | molly |
          Koipuddle | 33 moons | trans tom (afab) |
          Burnscar | 30 moons | nonbinaryquestioning (amab) |
          Robin | 29 moons | tom |
          Driftsnow | 28 moons | tom |
          Ottergrowl | 22 moons | tom | ( left )
          Spidermouse | 22 moons | tom |
          Maplesnap | 22 moons | molly |
          Fernpurr | 22 moons | molly |
          Mothwhisper | 21 moons | molly |
          Pikashine | 20 moons | trans molly |
          Chiveheart | 18 moons | tom |
          Tigertooth | 17 moons | tom |
          Birchwhisker | 17 moons | tom |
          Oaknose | 17 moons | molly |
          Coltray | 16 moons | trans molly ( amab ) |
          Briarslash | 15 moons | molly |

          Apprentices: (( 20 ))
          Moorpaw | 15 moons | nonbinary (afab) |
          Tansypaw | 13 moons | tom |
          Daisypaw | 13 moons | molly |
          Myrtlepaw | 13 moons | tom |
          Creampaw | 11 moons | molly|
          Doublepaw | 10 moons | nonbinary |
          Witheredpaw | 10 moons | genderqueer | | twisted paw
          Whiskerpaw | 10 moons | bigender |
          Glowingpaw | 10 moons | tom |
          Cowpaw | 9 moons | tom |
          Splashpaw | 9 moons | tom |
          Nightpaw | 9 moons | molly | | med cat app
          Rosepaw | 9 moons | tom |
          Heronpaw | 9 moons | trans tom (afab) |
          Softpaw | 9 moons | molly |
          Windpaw | 9 moons | tom |
          Breezepaw | 9 moons | tom | | blind
          Zephyrpaw | 9 moons | molly |
          Tornadopaw | 9 moons | molly |
          Brushpaw | 8 moons | tom |
          Pumpkinpaw | 7 moons | genderqueer (afab) |
          Newtpaw | 6 moons | molly |
          Ragwortpaw | 6 moons | tom |
          Lovagepaw | 6 moons | molly |
          Mallowpaw | 6 moons | molly |

          Nursery: (( 5 ))
          Patchedslip | 66 moons | molly | (kitting now)
          Oliveshade | 43 moons | molly | | 2 moons
          Dappledhowl | 41 moons | molly |
          Bubblestripe | 38 moons | bigender (afab) |
          Glimmerbee | 36 moons | genderqueer (afab) |
          Orielnose | 35 moons | molly | | paralyzed hind legs | nursery assistant
          Steamsplash | 34 moons | molly |
          Wispflicker | 31 moons | genderfluid (afab) | | kits in 1 moon

          Kits: (( 5 ))
          Fluffkit | 4 moons | tom |
          Shrikekit | 4 moons | tom | | mute
          Curlkit | 4 moons | molly |
          Squirtkit | 2 moon | tom |
          Skykit | 2 moon | molly |
          Gullkit | 2 moon | molly |
          Alderkit | 2 moon | tom |

          Elders: ( 2 )
          Grassfur | 106 moons | agender |
          Bumbletuft | 92 moons | genderqueer |
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | DareClan | patience99
    East | ClimbingClan | Creme Eggs
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Tansy | Cures coughs; Can be used to cure wounds and poisons; Stops cats from getting greencough; Soothes throats; Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats | 3x
    Blackberry Leaves | Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings | 1x
    Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches; Gives strength, Helps troubled breathing; Helps calm cats | 1x
    Horsetail | Treats infections and stops bleeding | 4x
    Chickweed | Treats greencough | 1x
    Dock | Soothes scratches, soothes sore pads, if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds | 3x
    Goatweed | Eases grief | 1x
    Burnet | Used to give strength, good for expecting queens | 2x
    Broom | Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds | 2x
    Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength | 5x
    Deadly Nightshade | For Mercy-killing a Cat | 1x
    Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting if swallowed or brings down swelling if placed as a poultice, can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones and chewing the stems helps fight against infection | 0x
    Ragwort | Gives a cat strength | 1x
    Mousebile | Kills ticks | 2x
    Comfrey Root | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, also used for wrenched claws, can be used for itching, or for inflammation on stiff joints, also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest, can be used for burns. | 1x
    Willow Bark | Eases pain | 3x
    Dandelion | Leaves are chewed to act as a painkiller | 2x
    Borage | It produces more and better milk, it also brings down fevers, helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests | 1x
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing and kitten cough, as well as cracked and sore pads | 1x
    Rosemary | Hides the scent of death | x1
    Mint | Hides the scent of death | 4x
    Watermint | Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache | 1x
    Lovage | If it is mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs | 1x
    Yarrow | Extracts poison from wounds, will make a cat vomit up toxins, the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads | 2x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings | total 0
    Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings | total 2
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings | total 3
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings | total 10
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings | total 0
    Stoat | x1 | 2 servings | total 2
    Crow | x1 | 3 servings | total 0
    total: 22

    Crowblaze | Moorpaw |5/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Peacock | Tansypaw | 3/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Coltray | Myrtlepaw | 4/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [▪] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Heatherpelt | Daisypaw | 1/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Fernpurr | Witheredpaw | 1/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Maplesnap | Whiskerpaw | 1/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Shardlily | Cowpaw | 1/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Pikashine | Heronpaw | 1/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Driftsnow | Softpaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Robin | Breezepaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Junipermuzzle | Splashpaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Almondpaws | Rosepaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Elmstep | Windpaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Tigertooth | Zephyrpaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Spidermouse | Tornadopaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [▪] Tracking
    [▪] Hunting
    [▪] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Sparkgaze & Twigwish | Nightpaw | 0/7 training sessions
    [▪] Poison Recognition
    [▪] Medicine Recognition
    [▪] Minor Wounds
    [ ] Major Wounds
    [ ] Minor Sickness
    [ ] Major Sickness
    [ ] Kitting
    Deertumble | Creampaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming
    Chiveheart | Doublepaw | 0/6 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [ ] Swimming

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit | StillBorn | Buried in MonarchClan's Old Territory | Sky of Everlasting Peace | amab |
    Birdkit | Died During Birth | afab | Sky of Everlasting Peace |
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | gender | Sky of Everlasting Peace/Peril

    Families: s: surrogate dam sire parent
    Sedgewatcher and Foggyprance (s: Almondpaws) | Breezepaw, Windpaw, Zephyrpaw, Tornadopaw
    Patchedslip and Littledusk | Spiderpaw, Maplepaw, Otterpaw
    Heatherpelt and Lemonstar (s: Unknown) | Chiveheart, Moorpaw
    Hawkwhisker and Goldenwing | Briarpaw, Maplekit
    Junipermuzzle and Almondpaws (s: Foggyprance) | Glowingpaw, Birdkit
    Berrytoes and Koipuddle | Nightpaw, Splashpaw, Cowpaw, Rosepaw, Heronpaw, Softpaw
    Deertumble and Wolfclaw of SummitClan | Tansypaw, Daisypaw, Myrtlepaw
    Twocrow and Unknown | Tigertooth, Birchwhisker, Oaknose
    Dappledhowl and Crowblaze | Ragwortkit, Lovagekit, Mallowkit
    Glimmerbee and Unknown | Newtkit
    Steamsplash and Unknown | Fluffkit, Tulipkit, Bunnykit
    Elmstep and Unknown | Witheredpaw
    Wispflicker and Burnscar | next moon
    Oliveshade and Foalfoot | 2 moons
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the lights — iii.

Postby birdercrow » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:24 am

      population. 05 [ 02 ♀, 03 ♂, 00 ⚧ ]xxxnext sacrifice. 11-06-2019xxxservings. 02 required.

        "Don’t you think this is weird?"
        xxxxxx"Hm?" Juniperthorn mumbled, carefully navigating a soft, off-white turtle egg away from it’s sand nest and dusting bits of residue off the top with her feathery brown tail.
        xxxxxx"You know," Tenderstar said bashfully, suddenly feeling silly. "Killing the young of a species before it even has the chance to survive? Effectively eating something that can’t even defend itself?"
        xxxxxxJuniperthorn cast Tenderstar a strange look then continued on with her task. "That’s why we’re leaving most of the clutch, no need to take more than we need."
        xxxxxx In the face of sound reason, Tenderstar laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess it just made me sad for a minute," Tenderstar murmured, hoping the crash of the sea on the coast and the sound of the tide rolling in could mask the trembling of her gut.
        xxxxxx"Well then," Juniperthorn said, raising up to balance an egg in one paw and steady it with another, pride obviously swelling in her gaze. "Your father named you correctly, didn’t he? Never much of a fighter, but you always did find the strangest streaks of kindness for anyone who didn’t look like you."
        xxxxxxGiggling in the lack of a response, Tenderstar opened her maw to say something more, but paused as a sound further along the beach reached her eyes from below the monstrous waves of the tempestuous sea. Her ears perked and her whiskers twitching, Tenderstar strained to hear something more.
        xxxxxx"What’s wro—"
        xxxxxx"Shh," Tenderstar ordered with her eyes narrowed, placing her tail over Juniperthorn’s lips. Although the other cat was properly annoyed, she was obedient and loyally refrained from another noise. Just as Juniperthorn ceased her talking, another sound came across the beach. Hearing this, Juniperthorn’s eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed.
        xxxxxx"Are those… Cats?" xxxxxxTenderstar didn’t answer. Instead, she glanced over to Juniperthorn and tossed her head in the direction of the noises, lashing her tail and brushing her paws against the sand underpaw. Gloomy, dark skies overhead, signalling the promise of rain, Tenderstar and Juniperthorn slowly advanced over the long, sprawling coast, heading towards crags and peaks that looked like claws reaching towards the clouds and serving as a buffer between the mainland and the tempestuous waters the Lights bordered. As the two got closer and closer to the sources of the noise, two vagrant dots across the tan landscape slowly grew into two fully grown cats, one the color of the rising sun, the other the color of pure white clouds on a sunny day. They pawed at the water and spoke to eachother in hushed, urgent tones, and even ran from the tide as it advanced on them, yelping whenever a splash of water touched them. Furrowing her brows, Tenderstar rose from her crouched position, immediately ceasing to perceive them as a threat.
        xxxxxx"What’s wrong with you guys?" JSpoke Tenderstar, her voice characteristically soft. "It’s water, I promise it won’t hurt you."
        xxxxxxThe two obviously thought themselves to have been alone, for even just the presence of Tenderstar was enough to make them jump out of their fur and back up and away from the sea, putting ample space between themselves and Tenderstar and Juniperthorn. Realizing the strange looks they were getting, the white one with the long fur as white as a cloud looked from side to side and put on an air of false bravado. "Uh, me and him," he motioned to his significantly oranger companion. "We were just testing the waters, of course! It’s cold today, certainly not good for swimming or anything! It’s just getting out of leafbare, after all."
        xxxxxxLeafbare? Tenderstar and Juniperthorn shared equally confused looks. The leaves never fell from the trees, as far as they were concerned. "He’s wrong," came the toneless, dull voice of the orange cat, his expression blank and his eyes glittering with sarcasm. "We have no idea what we’re doing here. I don’t know why he’s lying."
        xxxxxxThe white cat gave his companion an understandedly heated look, prompting Tenderstar and Juniperthorn to laugh. "Where did you guys come from, anyway?" Tenderstar queried through a giggle.
        xxxxxx"Way up north," said the cloud-pelted one, a broad smile on his face. "It snowed all the time up there! We lived in mountains and stuff and snow was always on the ground and we ate tons of snow hares and ravens. We’re here on a...Holiday!"
        xxxxxxThere was a notable hesitance in the last admittance, but since the orange cat did not correct the white cat, Tenderstar took his word as law. "Well, then, welcome to our humble abode," Tenderstar began, smiling ruefully at how she had to lay down the law. "But unless you want to stay, I’m going to have to ask you to leave."
        xxxxxx"Stay? As in live here?" said the white cat.
        xxxxxxThe orange cat rolled his eyes as Tenderstar nodded her head. "What else would she mean?"
        xxxxxx"Well," began the white cat, glancing at his companion for confirmation, who offered permission in the form of the flick of a ginger-colored ear. "I certainly wouldn’t object to that! I’m not sure we could really survive in a place like this—you have no snow to muffle your movements!—so it’d be helpful to have cats around us who wouldn’t let us die!"
        xxxxxxTenderstar couldn’t stifle her nervous smile, desperately hoping he wouldn’t be a free-loader. "Well, uh, as long as you pull your own weight..."
        xxxxxx"Ignore him," said the orange cat, stepping forward. ”We’d like to join your group, and we can pull our own weight, of course. I’m Firedawn."
        xxxxxx"Nice to meet you Firedawn and..." Tenderstar stared expectantly at the white cat.
        xxxxxxThe tom jumped, realizing this was the part where he was supposed to his say his name only because Firedawn jabbed him in the side. "Oh! I’m Whitelightning."
        xxxxxx"And Whitelightning! Right. Welcome to the Lights of the Valley!" Tenderstar enthused, glancing to Juniperthorn with a grin. "I’m Tenderstar and this is Juniperthorn. Come on! I’ll show you back to camp!"
        xxxxxxWith a wide grin, Tenderstar turned on her paws and began to short trek back to the camp nestled deep in the valley, a pep to her step and a swell in her chest. Her entourage followed close after her, smiles on their faces.

        ────────────────( actions !! )──────────────────────────────────

        ( new arrivals. ) whitelightning and firedawn are welcomed into the lights with open arms.

        ( patrol. ) whitelightning and tenderstar go on a hunting patrol.
        ( patrol. ) juniperthorn and firedawn go on a border patrol.

        ( gathering. ) mistralhowl gathers herbs.

        ( consumption. ) the lights consume x1 tuna.

        ( mod note. ) death rolls are welcome (and probably encouraged) for anyone in the lights!
        ( mod note. ) if you could bring in nectarinebat in the next post, i’d super appreciate it!

        ────────────────( the clan !! )──────────────────────────────────
        THE KING [0/1]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE QUEEN [1/1]
        Tenderstar [female - 25 moons - x]

        THE PRINCE/SS [0/1]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE ORACLE [0/3]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE SHAMAN [1/3]
        Mistralhowl [male - 27 moons - x]

        THE ECCLESIA [1/12]
        Juniperthorn [female - 46 moons - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE LIGHTS
        Whitelightning [male - 28 - x]
        Firedawn [male - 26 - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        THE FADED
        Name [gender - age - x]
        Name [gender - age - x]

        ────────────────( the resources !! )──────────────────────────
        ALLY CLANS
        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        North | Clan Name | Username
        East | Clan Name | Username
        South | Clan Name | Username
        West | Clan Name | Username

        link here

        cat name | cause of death
        cat name | cause of death

        name & name | kits
        name & name | kits

        mouse | x0 | 1 serving
        turtle eggs | x1 | 1 serving
        squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
        bat | x0 | 2 servings
        partridge | x0 | 3 servings
        tuna | x1 | 3 servings

        HERB STORE
        foxglove x2
        daisy leaves x1
        boarage x1
        tormentil x1
        tansy x1
        comfrey x1
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
        herb x0
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jungleclan 005 (i think)

Postby banooky » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:55 am

"JungleClan cats are generally passive, preferring to stick to the sides and stay out of other Clan disputes. They tend to take things slowly, thinking carefully about their moves before they make them. While they are slow to think, their movements are quick, flashing through the trees faster than you can say 'mouse'."
Number of Cats: fifteen
Mod: Duplex

[I clicked on the link for the new warrior and I screamed. So CUTE. Also forgive me but I'm too lazy rn to update my prey and herbs I'll get to that I sweAR. Also my formatting keeps breaking and I have no idea why, and it saddens me ): thank you for not killing my kittens btw since its winter haha.]

[Aspenstar and Cloverheart visit the Mooncanopy to speak with their ancestors.]
[Froststep checks on her sister, Bluebellsong, and the kits.]
[Cedarclaw takes on the role of Daffodilkit's father as he becomes Lionwish's mate. They do not breed.]
[Mottleleaf and Ashfrost hunts.]
[Acornface tells stories to his Clanmates.]

          Aspenstar | 39 Moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Froststep | 23 moons | Molly | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloverheart | 43 moons | Molly | X

          Mottleleaf | 19 moons | Tom | X
          Ashfrost | 30 moons | Tom | X
          Cedarclaw | 39 moons | Tom | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Lionwish | 26 moons | Molly | X
          Bluebellsong| 23 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Daffodilkit | 4 moons | Molly | X
          Cuckookit | 0 moons | Tom | X
          Sagekit | 0 moons | Tom | X
          Cormorantkit | 0 moons | Molly | X
          Sycamorekit | 0 moons | Molly | X
          Skipperkit | 0 moons | Tom | X

          Acornface | 208 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Unknown x Unknown | Bluebellsong, Frostbite
    Unknown x Cascade | Aspenstar, Cedarclaw
    Unknown x Lionwish (x Cedarclaw)| Daffodilkit
    Cloverheart and Aspenstar+Cedarclaw are half siblings
    Aspenstar x Bluebellsong | Cuckookit, Sagekit, Cormorantkit, Sycamorekit, Skipperkit
▬▬ ▬ ▬ BE A ▬▬▬▬

I F Y O U ' V E
xxY O U ' V E


yo i'm kelsey nice 2 yeet u.
extrovert and goofball so
feel free to pm me !


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highgarden ♕ seventeen

Postby eagle, » Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:31 pm

      total 48
      servings 8
      pebbles 55
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods anytime
      kitting tawnyrose, flickersky
      injury none
      archive xx
      font credit x x

paragraph"how are you feeling today, tawnyrose?" the herbalist asked, and the queen's whiskers twitched, though he couldn't be sure if it was from annoyance or amusement. truth be told, he didn't care much either way.
paragraph"good morning to you, too, merlinsong," she said, and the herbalist flicked his ear, not missing the edge to her tone. highgarden's queen was stretched out, her stomach swollen with her kits, which were due any day. around them, the camp was a bustle of activity, as with every morning, as bluetcrest and softglow worked to sort out patrols. while waiting for their mentors, stagpaw helped show seedpaw the proper way to balance her weight in a crouch, and rabbitpaw was grooming her fur, offering small comments to their work, though she kept sending glances to where birchflame was speaking to bluetcrest. ferretwhisker had ushered her kits out of the nursery to stretch their legs, and quillkit took off, elkkit and beechkit hot on his heels. ferretwhisker called after them, but didn't appear too concerned as the seedlings weaved their way expertly through the knights and roses who carried on with their mornings.
paragraphmerlinsong let out a sigh and took the space beside tawnyrose, wrapping his tail neatly around his paws. "i'm just trying to do my job, you know. i want to make sure that you and the kits are healthy," he said, and tawnyrose finally met his gaze. bright green met a more muted green, and the queen cracked a crooked grin.
paragraph"you two are so alike, you know. both so committed to your duties, always putting others before yourself," she said, and merlinsong knew exactly who she was referring to. as if by reflex alone, he tore his gaze from the queen to track where softglow was speaking to otterfur and hurricanejaw. a laugh rippled through the trio from something hurricanejaw said, and the knight jostled otterfur's shoulder companionably, who rolled his eyes and nudged him back, friendly and amicable. all the while, softglow laughed, his eyes closed from the force of it, happy and carefree for just a moment.
paragraph"do you love him?" tawnyrose asked then, and merlinsong blinked, snapping back to turn to tawnyrose, who regarded him through half-lidded eyes. "he loves you, you know. he never had to tell me, but i figured it out a while ago." she tipped her head up, to the blue expanse of sky up above. "the way he looks at you, he turns towards you like a flower looks for the sun. like you were the one who hung the stars in the sky," she said, and merlinsong couldn't help but duck his head, feeling his fur flush. at that, tawnyrose exhaled a breathy laugh. "so you do," she said, and it wasn't a question. when merlinsong nodded, she sniffed absently. "he puts up with a lot, he deserves something to make him happy. you make him happy," she added, and merlinsong swished his tail against the ground.
paragraph"what do you really care, though? the way you treat him sometimes... like he's just a pawn in your games," he said, and tawnyrose didn't even have the decency to look sheepish.
paragraph"everyone is a pawn to anyone else, merlinsong. you're just aware of the game i'm playing. but everyone has a motive for the things they do, and you're naive if you think otherwise." merlinsong still must not have look impressed, for she rolled her eyes and pointed her nose towards betonypetal and where she was chatting with clovershine. "you see two cats who are friends talking. i see one cat who needs acceptance from someone, needs the validation to know that he's doing something right. and i see another cat with a crush, who wants to be nice so that he'll like her back and see how perfect for him she is." tawnyrose turned back to merlinsong, her brow raised, though he met her gaze without flinching. "i'm not saying that it has to be a master plan, or even a good plan. but everyone has a motive for what they do. so, what game are you playing, merlinsong? what's your motive?"
paragraph"i'm glad that i don't think like you do," merlinsong said in lieu of an answer, and tawnyrose shrugged.
paragraph"you're the trickster, and you know it. you like crafting puzzles and stories, talking cats in circles and being amusing. but what do you get out of it?" she asked, and when it seemed that merlinsong wouldn't answer, she let out a bored sigh. "i feel fine, merlinsong. good thing, too, we'll be moving camp soon."
paragraphimmediately, annoyance and frustration turned to concern, and merlinsong stared at tawnyrose. "we can't," he said. "ferretwhisker's kits are still young, and your kits are going to be here soon," he said, though this time it was tawnyrose's turn to look unimpressed.
paragraph"then the knights will have to carry her kits, and we'll have to get to the tower before i have my kits. i'm not risking the floods," she said, with a hint of finality that merlinsong knew better than to argue against. there was no winning when tawnyrose had her mind set on something, he knew, and especially not when it had to do with the spring floods. not when they all heard the stories of just how much damage could be done, how deadly it could be.
paragraphso, instead, merlinsong dipped his head and stood, made to turn away. at the last moment, though, he paused and turned back to her. "do you love him?" he asked, and, again, there was no need to specify who he was referring to. birchflame had approached the thorns and was speaking to rabbitpaw. "do you love him, or is this just a fling that we're all trying to cover up?" he asked, and tawnyrose turned her face away from him.
paragraph"i lost everyone i once loved in a flood seasons ago, merlinsong," she said, flicking her tail. "everyone i cared about, gone." there was a rawness to her tone, one that the herbalist had never heard before, and it nagged at him, as if this was the first time he had ever heard something genuine fall from tawnyrose's mouth. "i don't remember what it feels like to love someone, not like you know. but, this is the closest i think i've felt in a long time." she said, and merlinsong had nothing to say in turn. so, instead, he dipped his head to her and called out across the clearing to get spencer's attention, to go and tell him of the preparations they would have to make.

paragraphthe deaths had been too much for wolfthorn to handle. he was tired of seeing bodies laid out in the bearclan camp to be mourned. from the bear, from viperstar and his loyal deputies, wolfthorn's heart felt heavy with loss. even if he hadn't been close to some of the deceased, he still felt full with pain, when he thought of the families who lost time and time again, when he thought of how many stars in the night sky blazed with the spirits of those that had gone on, their faces already fading from his memory. still, nothing had prepared him what happened next. nothing could have prepared wolfthorn for rosemist's death, and the crushing knowledge that he'd been unable to safe her.
paragraphthe guilt followed him like a shadow, to know that he failed her and her kits, to know that, no matter how hard he tried, it hadn't been enough. it ate at him, twisting his stomach with nausea that evolved into a consuming pain like nothing else, following like a shadow during the day and visible in the bright stars in the sky at night. after the fire, watching more of his clanmates die, knowing that he was powerless to stop the deaths any further, wolfthorn had to leave and move on, to find a new home. the bearclan he knew, the bearclan he had committed himself to for so many moons, brought him only more guilt of what he had been unable to stop. events of horror replayed endless through his mind, and he could only hope that putting as much distance between himself and the ruins of his former clan would erase the sting.
paragraphthrough snow, he walked. he walked when it was dark, he walked until his paws felt swollen and raw, he walked until his eyes drooped, until he was too tired to put one paw in front of the other. at last, when he thought that his body would finally give out from exhaustion and over-exertion, after he sat back on his haunches and stare up at the streaks of dawn that painted the sky, laced with pink, purple, and a light blue, wolfthorn blinked his eyes against the sight of towering mountains and rolling fields of flowers beginning to come into bloom, rising up above the harsh winter snows. he blinked, blinked, blinked, and only then realized the silhouettes coming closer, headed in his direction. slowly, the shapes gained form, became distinctive, until at last a sleek black and white tom called out to wolfthorn.
paragraph"are you hurt?" his voice called out, and wolfthorn shook his head, though he couldn't be certain that the patrol saw the gesture. the thought crossed wolfthorn's mind that, somehow, he'd stumbled across another clan's territory. by the time wolfthorn managed to steady himself, sure that he wouldn't collapse and that he still had his voice, the patrol was on top of him. the lead tom had a distinctive mark on his nose, and he asked again: "are you hurt?" he asked.
paragraphwolfthorn merely shrugged his shoulders, not even sure of himself. "i've been walking a long ways," he said instead. "where am i?" his eyes traced over the patrol that surrounded him. besides the leader, there was another black and white tom, definitely younger, still growing into his long legs and long fur, and a third tom with a spotted tabby pelt flicked his tail. however, it was a tortoiseshell who answered him, her eyes sharp and piercing.
paragraph"you're on highgarden territory," she said, and wolfthorn blinked at her. "please state your name and where you come from." there was a very formal air about her, the sort of tone that allowed no room for insolence. she was the sort who was listened to when she spoke, the type who asked questions and received answers.
paragraph"i'm from bearclan," he said, and the lead tom pricked his ears.
paragraph"bearclan?" he ached, and wolfthorn nodded once, affirmative. immediately, he felt the tension around him release, and the highgarden patrol relaxed, though the lone stranger couldn't tell exactly why until the same tom tipped his head to the side. "you must know otterfur, then," he said, and wolfthorn's exhaustion fell away, replaced by hot rage and anger at the very name.
paragraph"of course," wolfthorn said, forcing his jaw to lax, the keep the fur at the back of his neck from raising, though the molly shot him a searching glance. "i haven't seen him a few moons, it's good to know that there's a friend here," wolfthorn added, and the youngest tom smiled broadly at him.
paragraph"he's at camp right now, i think," the young tom said, and the spotted tabby hummed his acknowledgement, agreeing, though it was also a distracted sound.
paragraphthe tortoiseshell turned her gaze back to wolfthorn. "what did you say your name was, again?" she asked, and wolfthorn had to hesitate at that. he thought of all that he had lost, all those he let down. he thought of rosemist, of his nephews, of the rest of bearclan, either dead or in shambles. wolfthorn had failed them all, left the survivors because he couldn't take the sight of them anymore. wolfthorn had done all of that.
paragraph"direfang," he said after a beat, and the molly shrugged. but she didn't understand. wolfthorn had failed those he cared about. but direfang, he would make up for wolfthorn's mistakes, would confront otterfur for all of the wrongs he had caused over the seasons in bearclan. otterfur was to blame for so much of the hurt and pain, and now direfang would make sure that he would pay for it.

paragraphslowly, the clan gathered together in formation to begin the travel across the territory through the rose pass and north towards the old tower and the secondary camp. already, merlinsong and bluetcrest took tawnyrose with birchflame and sagecloud to the secondary camp, as a chance to get highgarden's queen there safely and at a time when they wouldn't risk the floods, and hopefully before her kits were due to be born. the very thought of anything happening to their queen or any of the future heirs sent a ripple of anxiety through the clan, but by midday, sagecloud returned with the news that they reached the secondary camp safely, and that the path was clear for the clan to begin trip. sand so, by sunhigh, the clan set out together, with softglow leading the group with hurricanejaw and mapleshadow as the senior clanmembers to cover the flanks and report back to the king of any news from the rest of the ranks.
paragraphferretwhisker walked towards the middle of the cluster, surrounded by several of the knights and roses who helped carry her kits, since they were still small enough to be carried in shifts, not yet large enough to handle the trip in any reasonable time if they expected to make it to the camp before sunset. pythoneyes walked at her flank, speaking to daisykit and briarkit, who seemed to be handling the stress of the journey and the travel itself with ease, keeping up as the clan moved together and listening intently to their adoptive father telling them a story from their old clan.
paragraphto her other side, flickersky was talking to maplelily, who had been trading carrying dewkit with bassflow, who carried the kit now while maplelily rested. such was the sight for the rest of her kits as jaytalon had elkkit by the scruff of his neck, otterfur carried quillkit, and dippernose carried harrierkit, and clovershine passed beechkit to betonypetal. however, when bassflow passed dewkit back to maplelily for her turn, flickersky smiled at ferretwhisker. "they seem to be handling this very well," flickersky said amicably, and ferretwhisker couldn't help but agree. her kits usually had boundless energy, often wrestling and tumbling with one another constantly, though now she was grateful that they seemed to behave, as even quillkit didn't stir any trouble for dippernose as the black and white tom carried him the distance.
paragraph"i think they like all of the attention," ferretwhisker said, letting out an easy laugh. "they've started listening to briarkit and daisykit talk about mentors and training, and i think they've gotten it in their heads of which knight they might like to be trained by, or how they want to be the best hunters and fighters in the clan. so to now have the attention of all of the different knights and roses while going off to a different part of the territory? it's exciting for them," she said, and flickersky nodded, letting out a laugh as well. recently, ferretwhisker knew, news had spread from how flickersky was expecting kits of her own, and ferretwhisker noticed that the small molly was beginning to fill out over the moon, and that she should be expecting a denmate in the secondary camp when they arrived. ferretwhisker knocked her shoulder gently against flickersky's. "you must already be getting excited to have kits of your own, right?" she asked, and flickersky let out another laugh, sweet and genuine, when she ducked her head, suddenly and uncharacteristically shy.
paragraph"definitely. seeing you and your kits, and even the way pythoneyes is with his kits. it's sweet. i never thought that i would be a mother but this... it'll be nice," flickersky said, and ferretwhisker purred, happy for the younger rose.
paragraph"you never mentioned who the father is. is it a secret?" ferretwhisker asked after a moment, and flickersky paused long enough to consider this before shrugging her shoulders.
paragraph"not really, he's from the shadowed kingdom," she said, and ferretwhisker nodded, prompting her further to talk about her mate. "well, let's see... his name is stormshroud. he's quite handsome, and we met at a gathering a few moons ago and... i don't know, we just clicked. and then we started saying hello during patrols, and we met up a few times," flickersky continued, and ferretwhisker purred, touching her nose to flickersky's cheek. "i told tawnyrose, too, and she's been very supportive about it, especially since we said that it would make our alliance with them stronger because the kits will have our shared heritage. i wasn't even thinking about that, though. i just - i like him a lot, you know?"
paragraph"what matters is that you're happy," ferretwhisker said, and purred again when flickersky nodded, trying and failing to hide her smile. "that's what i mean. good for you," she said.
paragraphthere was a beat of silence before flickersky nodded towards ferretwhisker. "i don't know, i feel like this is a bad question to ask but... you've never mentioned your mate..." she said, trailing off after a moment, and ferretwhisker managed a tight smile, though it felt like a mask.
paragraph"no... i guess i haven't," ferretwhisker said, before clearing her throat and looking down at her paws. "i met him when i was a young warrior, when he came to our clan. he was strong, and quickly became one of our leader's favorite warriors. you know, one of the inner circle," ferretwhisker said, though she couldn't meet flickersky's gaze and maintained her glance down at the ground. "anyway, i fell in love with him pretty quickly, you know, and he figured it out. he was always able to know what i was thinking. when our leader died," she paused for a moment, swallowing thickly around the lump in her throat. "when thrushstar died, montgomery was given the leader position, and he didn't really have time to start a family, so we waited for a few moons. and then i became pregnant afterwards." ferretwhisker felt bile rose in her throat from the pile of lies, but flickersky's green gaze was even, curious if nothing else.
paragraph"can i ask what happened to him?" she asked, and ferretwhisker worked to retain the same sad smile.
paragraph"he died," she said. he's dead to me. the words died on her tongue, and flickersky ducked her head.
paragraph"i'm sorry, ferretwhisker," she said, so softly, and again, so genuine, that ferretwhisker couldn't help but press against her flank, and flickersky rested her head against her shoulder.
paragraph"it's alright, you didn't know," ferretwhisker soothed, though her stomach roiled from her own lies and guilt. "let's be friends, huh? we'll help each other with our families, how's that sound? and i want to hear more about this stormshroud. what does he look like?" she asked, to distract herself from looking through the crowd to where hornetshade's striped pelt was visible. and instead she focused on the warmth of flickersky beside her, focused on the sound of her new friend's voice, on watching her kits be passed between roses and knights around her. she focused on the knowledge that she made the right choice.

paragraphat last, it seemed that life seemed to be returning to highgarden's territory, and anticipation for the warm moons ahead bought joy to the clan. each day, several patrols were sent out to check the water levels of rose lake, the queen's gulf, and the various rivers and streams, but the clan had settled in their secondary camp for the time being, and obsidianwing felt a new jolt of energy coarse through him as he trailed after smokemane, who he had been paired up with for the afternoon's surveying patrol. he snapped quickly from his thoughts when smokemane paused and glanced back him over her shoulder. "i would've asked to get paired with someone else if i knew you were going to drag your paws all day," she teased, and obsidianwing grinned before he bounded to catch up with his friend.
paragraph"you're so dramatic," he teased in return, bumping his shoulder against smokemane's, though she barely budged, instead shooting him a toothy grin. "i do not drag my paws."
paragraph"you tell yourself that," smokemane shot back, moving a step ahead and beginning to drag her paws awkwardly, in a display that was clear over-exaggeration. "then you move like a lopsided badger. so if that's not dragging your paws, then i don't know how else to say it in a way that doesn't sound mean," she said, and obsidianwing growled teasingly, darting to catch up with her. she tried to duck out of the way, but he managed to hook his paw around her leg and send her stumbling, but the momentum dragged obsidianwing down with her. together, they rolled for several paces across the ground, until they came to a stop, lying side by side, laughing the entire time.
paragraphit was only when they were left entirely breathless, that they turned to face each other, and obsidianwing felt his heart beat against his ribcage, like a trapped bird trying to escape. he tried to swallow the feeling down, but it persisted, growing only stronger when smokemane met his glance and smiled, this time gently, sweetly, like she had a secret that she wanted to share with him. "you know, i'm glad to have you on patrols now, since you're done training warblercry," she said at last, and obsidianwing nudged his nose against her shoulder, letting out a chuckle when she prodded him in the flank with her paw. "even if you do drag your paws. you're fun to patrol with, and now you're not as busy."
paragraph"the training was fun, but i'm not much of a teacher, i don't think," obsidianwing said, shrugging his shoulders. "warblercry made it easy, thoug, she was a fast learner and already had some experience from her last clan," he added, and smokemane nodded once. when her silence persisted, obsidianwing sat up and shook a clump of dirt from between his ears. "i would've thought that sunglow would be your favorite partner for patrols, i'm surprised that you two didn't get paired up together today," he said, feigning nonchalance. smokemane followed his lead to sit up, and she bobbed her head from side to side, thoughtful.
paragraph"i love my brother, of course, but he's been acting so weird lately," smokemane said, then let out a quiet laugh. "i think it's because of how much time he's been spending around tigergaze, it's making him awkward. he has a massive crush on him, it's getting pathetic at this point that he won't say anything to admit his feelings," she added, and obsidianwing managed a tight smile in return, mindful of the way his heartbeat pounded still.
paragraph"it's pretty obvious that tigergaze likes him back, though," obsidianwing said, and smokemane nodded emphatically, her whiskers twitching.
paragraph"i know! and i told him that the other day," she said, and they stood up to finish shaking out their fur. "i said to him 'you know, you are tigergaze...' and you would've thought i said something horrible to him, the way he started stuttering and flushing and stumbling over himself. like nothing i've ever seen before. and all of the times we've been dragged along to hang out with them and warblercry and hornetshade." smokemane let out another laugh, pausing just long enough to reach forward and help obsidianwing pull a burr from his fur.
paragraphhe cleared his throat, adverting his gaze until she stepped away. "you would think that they would've confessed by now, with the way they've been acting," he said, before returning the favor and helping remove a snagged twig from her flank, not noticing how smokemane flushed, her pelt growing warm. instead, she mumbled her agreement before perking up.
paragraph"we should help them!" she said. "you know, like drop hints, push them together a little bit. give them the final nudge they need so they can get together and all that," smokemane said, and obsidianwing didn't even have to consider it. it meant more time to spend with smokemane, and that was all that mattered to him. and seeing two of his friends come together and be happy? that would be an added bonus, if nothing else.
paragraph"let's do it!" he said, and together they continued down on the path down towards rose lake, spending the rest of the patrol concocting different ideas to push tigergaze and sunglow together.

paragraph"- and she's okay with this?" softglow asked, unable to help but crack a smile at the familiar twinkle of mischief in those pale green eyes, and merlinsong shrugged his shoulders, glanced to bluetcrest who shook his head in turn.
paragraph"you already know the answer to that," bluetcrest said simply, though merlinsong didn't look concerned in the least.
paragraphinstead, the herbalist let out a carefree laugh and tossed his head to indicate the direction of the nursery, where ferretwhisker was beginning to herd her kits back into the nursery. "she'll have to get over it. the fact that she's not in the nursery now is enough to concern me. where someone could watch over her, where ferretwhisker could keep her company," he said, and bluetcrest let out a laugh at that.
paragraph"oh, don't worry, she's never alone," he said, and the trio exchanged a knowing glance. at if on a cue, a familiar ginger pelt flashed in softglow's peripherals, and bluetcrest blew out a long sigh. "flickersky said that she would keep her company during the ceremonies, and softglow'll be with her tonight, right?" bluetcrest asked, and the king nodded once. "good, that's settled then. i'm going to check on pythoneyes, make sure they're all ready to go," and then the attendant whisked away, leaving softglow and merlinsong to stare at each other for a long beat of silence until, at last, they shared a loud laugh.
paragraphwhen they finished, merlinsong blinked gently at the king. "are you ready?" merlinsong asked, and softglow rolled his shoulders, feigning nonchalance.
paragraph"sure how hard could it be? it's just a few words, thanking the gods, a few mentors, and then it'll all be over," he said, and merlinsong chuckled, softer this time, more personal. he ducked his head to butt it against softglow's shoulder.
paragraph"confidence, even fake confidence... it looks good on you," merlinsong murmured, so quiet that the words were nearly lost under the chatter of the clan in the clearing, coming together for the ceremonies. "you're going to do great," he said, blinking warmly at softglow, who couldn't stem his tender purr. the words on his tongue couldn't be allowed to escape, not when there was so much balancing on his shoulders. but, for a moment, he felt lost in merlinsong's gaze, more at ease than he'd been in seasons. merlinsong gave him confidence, made him feel like he could do anything he set his mind to. i love you, he wanted to say, but had to settled for replacement words.
paragraph"thank you," softglow said instead, and merlinsong's small smile told him that he knew what he meant to say, knew everything that went through softglow's mind. he knew, and he meant it too. merlinsong dipped his head to the king before backing away when bluetcrest returned with pythoneyes, who was busy fussing over briarkit and daisykit, laving his tongue over their ears to smooth down their fur, until briarkit finally ducked away from their adoptive father.
paragraph"i think we're good," briarkit teased, and pythoneyes smiled bashfully, but his tail was kinked over his back, pleased. softglow caught daisykit's smile, and it only broadened when bluetcrest nodded to softglow.
paragraph"we're all ready, then, so you'd better get going before tawnyrose escapes flickersky," the attendant said, and softglow managed a chuckle before turning away from the small group to climb up to tawnyrose's usual perch to overlook the clan. his shout rang out through the clearing, drawing the stragglers in from the warmth of their dens. his eyes scanned the clearing, from where briarkit and daisykit were looking up to him expectantly, to where direfang had joined the back of the crowd, watching with a curious air of detachment. at last, softglow found merlinsong in the crowd, and the herbalist's smile shone brighter than the setting sun set against the camp, ducking behind the mountains that flanked them.
paragraph"since merlinsong has decided to keep tawnyrose trapped in her den, i'll be taking over the ceremonies for today," softglow began, and he felt a bit of the tension trapped between his shoulders ease when laughs rose from the crowd below him. he drew in a deep inhale and blew the air out through his nose, slowly, until the clan settled again. "briarkit, daisykit, today marks a big day. when clovershine and betonypetal first brought you into the clan, you barely said a word, and then pythoneyes came to highgarden... and ever since, he's come to tawnyrose and i to make sure that we're giving you the best mentors to help you hone your skills and help you grow into the best roses highgarden will ever see. with the gods' grace, you are ready to start your training," he said, and turned from addressing the entire clan to look to the pair of young mollies. "briarkit, daisykit, from this moment on until you are named as full roses of highgarden, you will be known as briarpaw and daisypaw." he allowed for a brief pause, and the clan let out a brief round of cheers. daisypaw shot a glance over her shoulder to where pythoneyes was beaming widely at the kits, though briarpaw kept her eyes forward, attention focused on softglow. she leaned forward slightly, anticipating what was to come next.
paragraphsoftglow nodded to briarpaw first, who straightened up at the sound of her name. "briarpaw, your mentor will be jaytalon," softglow announced, and the young knight jolted from where he was sitting with sandstrike and privetears. his eyes widened and he blinked up at softglow, stunned, until his friends nudged him forward to where briarpaw was waiting at the front of the clearing, her whiskers trembling with excitement. "though young, jaytalon is a mature knight who has many stories and experiences to tell. and pythoneyes tells me that you're a fan of stories, and i believe that his energy will match yours," softglow said, and the mentor and thorn touched noses. then softglow smiled down at daisypaw, who watched her sister fondly, though shuffled her paws when silence fell. "and daisypaw, your mentor will be sunglow. he, too, is also young, but he has an eye for the fine details and has already grown into a well-rounded knight. don't underestimate him, because even those who are more soft-spoken have a lot to say, and i have no doubt that you'll listen to everything he says," softglow finished, and cheers echoed around the clearing, reaching a crescendo, when sunglow padded through the crowd, eyes round from surprise and wonder, to where daisypaw was waiting for him, touching her nose to his shyly.
paragraphby the time the cheers had started to die down, softglow had already descended from the perch, and shook out his fur. he turned to look as the clan clumped together in groups, breaking apart to either congratulate the new mentors and thorns, or to carry on with previous tasks. softglow peered through the crowd to find merlinsong, though the herbalist was speaking to spencer, and softglow settled for the moment, figuring that his friend was busy, that they would speak later. instead, he was interrupted when a flash of ginger fur caught his peripheral vision, and he twisted to where birchflame was standing, waiting. the large knight flicked his ear once. "can i have a moment?" he asked, and softglow nodded. together, they moved away from the rest of the crowd to a quieter corner of the camp.
paragraph"you said merlinsong is keeping her in her den," birchflame said, shuffling his paws nervously, not wasting any time to cut to the issue. softglow couldn't help but respect him for that. "is there anything wrong?" he asked, and softglow shook his head.
paragraph"she's fine," softglow assured birchflame, who eyed him carefully. softglow blew out a long sigh. "really, she's fine. it's just getting close, and he does't want her pushing herself and risking anything. he's been the same way for ferretwhisker, and he's already causing a fuss over flickersky. the queen is fine," softglow said, though birchflame's eyes continued to bore into his own.
paragraph"you would tell me, if there was something to be concerned about, right?" birchflame asked, and softglow shrugged.
paragraph"maybe," he answered honestly. "or maybe not. you're not supposed to be concerned, not unless the rest of the clan knows too."
paragraph"softglow -" birchflame began, his expression finally beginning to soften.
paragraphbut the king flicked his tail, not letting him finish. "i'm just being honest. i'm helping you both here, okay? i don't need to do any of this, you know? the clan doesn't want me to be king? that's fine with me, i don't care about power or position. not when it means that everyone else gets to step on me to keep secrets and try to get their own power," softglow said, keeping his voice measured and controlled so that only birchflame would be able to hear him. to an outsider, it would just appear that they were having a normal conversation. he paused, but birchflame stayed quiet this time, so softglow shrugged his shoulders. "but i know that she needs to be queen for herself, and she asked me to help. and since i'm not cruel, i'm doing what i can, even if it means putting aside what i want. so just let me do my job, and i'll tell you if you should be concerned, alright?" softglow said, nodding when birchflame lowered his head in turn. "alright. the queen is fine, just annoyed that merlinsong is keeping her cooped up. so stand by for now, and bluetcrest or i will tell you when something happens." with that, without waiting for an answer, softglow turned on his heels away from birchflame to tawnyrose's den.

[ advent note (added 1/31/20) ] redeeming kitechaser as 25th advent cat. will be added in next post
[ added cats ] wolfthorn from here. renamed direfang
[ consumption ] highgarden eats two finches and one squirrel
[ kitting ] tawnyrose is due, birchflame is the father. merlinsong stays back to assist her, and gives her x1 stick
[ patrol 1 ] bluetcrest, betonypetal, maplelily, smokemane, iguanaspots, and warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] bassflow, erasmus, dippernose, otterfur, sagecloud, and hornetshade
[ hunt 2 ] softglow, mapleshadow, swiftheart, tulipstream, tigergaze, and foxspark
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, pythoneyes, direfang, and sandstrike
[ training ] stagpaw and seedpaw learn fighting
seedpaw learns hunting
[ herb hunt ] spencer
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xx

    tawnyrose, 35m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - due: now

    softglow, 37m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 39m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 42m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 37m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 71m, ♂
    direfang, 67m, ♂
    sagecloud, 53m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 51m, ♀
    erasmus, 49m, ♂
    hurricanejaw, 47m, ♂
    maplelily, 45m, ♀
    bassflow, 45m, ♂
    newtmask, 44m, ♂
    dippernose, 44m, ♂
    pythoneyes, 40m, ♂
    tulipstream, 36m, ♀
    birchflame, 36m, ♂
    betonypetal, 34m, ♀
    clovershine, 33m, ♂
    smallheart, 33m, ♂
    swiftheart, 29m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 26m, ♂
    jaytalon, 24m, ♂
    smokemane, 23m, ♀
    sunglow, 23m, ♂
    tigergaze, 22m, ♂
    sandstrike, 20m, ♀
    hornetshade, 19m, ♂
    privetears, 18m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 16m, ♂
    racoonslip, 16m, ♂
    foxspark, 16m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 16m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 16m, ♀
    warblercry, 16m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 15m, ♀
    name, age, gender
            stagpaw, 9m, ♂
            seedpaw, 9m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 9m, ♀
            briarpaw, 7m, ♀
            daisypaw, 7m, ♀
            name, age, gender

            ferretwhisker, 40m, ♀
            - kits: elkkit, beechkit, harrierkit,
            quillkit, dewkit

            flickersky, 33m, ♀
            - mate: stormshroud, shadowed kingdom
            - due: 2m
            name, age, gender

            elkkit, 3m, ♂
            beechkit, 3m, ♀
            harrierkit, 3m, ♀
            quillkit, 3m, ♂
            dewkit, 3m, ♀
            name, age, gender

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x108
            mouse | x4 | 1 servings
            vole | x10 | 1 servings
            squirrel | x9 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x14 | 2 servings
            big fish | x6 | 3 servings
            finch | x10 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 2
            smallheart, seedpaw, 1
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 2
            jaytalon, briarpaw, 0
            sunglow, daisypaw, 0
            mentor, thorn, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
Last edited by eagle, on Sat Feb 01, 2020 6:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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KeyClan [007]

Postby obnixious » Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:16 pm

Number of Cats: 22 | 9 - 11 - 2 | Next Visit to Pond of the Stars: Nov. 10, 2019
Mod: Duplex | Servings Needed: 5 | Pebbles: 0

Humming a happy little tune under his breath, Grasswhistle excitedly makes his way to the strange little building that Mist and their new kits live in. He originally tried to sleep there with them, but it was made very clear very fast that that wasn’t the best plan.

Weasel had chased him out yesterday because he had gotten in the Tamer’s way, and he’s really hoping she isn’t there when he gets there. Mist wanted to name the kits today, and even though Grasswhistle will brave the Tamer’s glare to be there, he would really prefer if he didn’t have to.

Hopping up onto the ledge, he feels as if his heart swells ten times in size as he looks down at his beautiful mate and their tiny kittens. They’re mewling and squirming around on the soft floor near Mist’s belly, and Grasswhistle could probably die right now and be happy about it, because it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.

Luckily, Weasel doesn’t seem to be anywhere around, and Grasswhistle carefully makes his way down to settle himself at Mist’s back, and he places his chin on their shoulder to just watch the little bundles of fur and feeling like his heart is going to beat right out of his chest.

Mist gives an adorable little noise in greeting, and Grasswhistle can’t help himself from nuzzling into their neck and purring so loudly he wouldn’t be shocked that the entire camp could somehow hear it.

”Did you think of any names?”

Mist’s voice is soft and Grasswhistle almost misses their question, but it makes him puff up a bit to hear his mate ask his opinion before giving their own. So, he pulls away from his nuzzling to look down at the little kits.

He can’t really tell them apart yet, since they all seem to look so similar, but there are some clear variations in size.

There’s this really tiny and extra thin little tom, who Grasswhistle is pretty sure is the runt. However, he seems to move faster than all the other kits, and honestly Grasswhistle doesn’t think he’s ever seen the little guy stop moving.

One of the little mollys is just a big wider than the runt, but just as small in height. She seems to have almost floppy ears, which is completely adorable, and even though all the kits seem to have sad little faces right now, hers seems almost sadder somehow.

There’s a little pair of two that look even more identical than all the others. They seem to stick close together, and Grasswhistle thinks that’s adorable.

There’s another molly, and she appears to be the largest of the litter. He’s also fairly certain she was the last born, and he gives a small wince at imagining how much it must’ve hurt Mist to bring that little girl into the world. He’s fairly certain he won’t be able to convince them to have another litter any time soon.

The last kid looks just the same as most of the others, and if almost any of the other kits had been the exact same size, he’s pretty sure they’d also be completely identical, like the other pair. This last one is a little tom, and Grasswhistle is just so in love with all of them that he has to stop himself from crying a little bit.

”I, uh, I was thinking maybe Pepper? For one? And maybe something like Energy for that runt there. He’s making me feel tired just looking at him.” His comment makes Mist give a little laugh, and Grasswhistle beams at the sound.

Pepper was his late sister’s name, and he’s completely sure Mist picked up on it immediately. He had felt them tense up after he said the name, and that’s why he had barrelled on to Energy. It wasn’t even a proper thought in his head; he had just rambled a little to make the atmosphere less tense.

Mist hums softly and leans back a little, and Grasswhistle shifts to keep them both in a comfortable position as they look down at the kits.

”Energizer, instead of Energy. The two that look the most alike, how about Claw and Fang?” Mist’s voice is soft, but Grasswhistle knows that they’re set on those names.

He gives a soft hum as a response, and now there’s only two kittens left.

”You should name one Pollen.”

Grasswhistle flinches back at Weasel’s voice, and looks up at the Tamer guiltily. She just rolls her eyes at him before making her way down to the floor, and he slowly places his chin back down on Mist’s shoulder. He can feel them laughing, and wisely chooses not to comment on it.

He blocks out most of what they talk about - it’s not information meant for him anyways, and there’s no way he’d remember it regardless - and next thing he knows he’s being woken up by a tiny paw shoving into his mouth.

Recoiling back, Grasswhistle blinks a few times as he glances down at the little kitten. They’re face down on Mist’s flank where his head just was, and he hears Mist softly scolding the kitten - Shadow, if he heard right - telling her off for bothering her father.

Just hearing Mist call him their father makes his fur stand on end, and so he curls back around his beloved mate, and he feels Shadow curl up under his chin just before he falls back asleep.

KeyClan consumes x1 hare and x2 mice
Jinglepaw is now old enough to take her Acrobat assessment! If she passes she shall be known as Jinglebee.
Wishkit is 6 moons old, and ready to become an apprentice! Her mentor will be Auletris.
Swiftwind is named as Deputy

Cypressstar, Syrinxecho, Diamondstorm, Cottonspore, Mewlin, and Grasswhistle patrol the border
Swiftwind, Babypaw, Flareblitz, Steelwing, Cottonspore, and Poisonfang go hunting
Weasel uses x1 broom to heal Babypaw

Cypressstar asks Cirque de Étoile for an Acrobat.

cats wrote:
Cypressstar | 37 Moons | | 🗝️
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Trapeze Artist:
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Weasel | 26 Moons | | 🗝️
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

Syrinxecho | 19 Moons | | 🗝️
Auletris | 19 Moons | | 🗝️
Flareblitz | 34 Moons | | 🗝️
Grasswhistle | 27 Moons | | 🗝️
Mewlin | 34 Moons | | 🗝️
Steelwing | 25 Moons | | 🗝️
Cottenspore | 25 Moons | | 🗝️
Swiftwind | 52 Moons | | 🗝️
Diamondstorm | 31 Moons | | 🗝️
Poisonfang | 18 Moons | | 🗝️

Jinglepaw | 12 Moons | | 🗝️
Babypaw | 8 Moons | | 🗝️ (has a scratch; needs healing)

Mist | 29 Moons | | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Wishkit | 6 Moons | | 🗝️
Pollen | 0 Moons | | 🗝️
Pepper | 0 Moons | | 🗝️
Claw | 0 Moons | | 🗝️ (left)
Fang | 0 Moons | | 🗝️ (right)
Energizer | 0 Moons | | 🗝️
Shadow | 0 Moons | | 🗝️

Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
information wrote:
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
x1 borage
x1 broom
x1 burdock root
x1 catmint
x2 cobweb
x1 fennel
x1 feverfew
x1 honey
x1 lavender
x1 mallow leaves
x1 mint
x1 parsley
x1 raspberry leaves
x1 stinging nettle

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frog | x3 | 1 servings
Mice | x3 | 1 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Hare | x1 | 3 servings
Total | 13 servings
cats cont. wrote:
Cypressstar | Jinglepaw | 4 | combat, hunting, climbing, stealth
Swiftwind | Babypaw | 1 | hunting

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

? + ? | Syrinxecho, Auletris
Mist and Grasswhistle (real father is unknown) | Pollen, Pepper, Claw, Fang, Enegerizer, Shadow
? and Swiftwind | Wishkit

font credits: © ©
Last edited by obnixious on Wed Mar 25, 2020 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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