Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Dinolil1 » Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:26 am

Friend or foe, the dead do not care.
Number of Cats: 5 | Males: 2 | Females: 3 | Last Post: X | Territory

Rot, Rot, Rot

Coughing, Owlfeather shook out her pelt and rose unsteadily onto her paws. A dark pine-forest rolled out before her and sub-consciously, the tabby wondered where all the smoke and fire was. ''Ivykit? Starlingkit? Antkit?'' Owlfeather called softly, looking around - There was nothing, but shadows all around. ''Kits?'' Pale-green eyes glazed over with concern and the fluffy she-cat whirled around in the dark, crying out their names but getting only distant echoes in return. ''...'' Owlfeather blinked slowly, ears twitching - There was no use. ''...Oh StarClan.'' Owlfeather mumbled, trembling as memories surged like clumsy, savage wolves. The first litter had all but perished in the cold, the second were all stillborn and the third had succumbed to sickness. Privately, Owlfeather wondered if there was some powerful StarClan cat that bore a grudge towards her - Or perhaps a jealous queen? There were rumours that she killed her litters and they made Owlfeather's claws twitch. It must've been Ryecloud, Owlfeather mused, that infertile molly could never handle being barren and must've taken out her anger on her beloved kits. That was it.

That was why her fourth had perished in a blaze, and her with them.

''This...this can't be StarClan?'' Owlfeather stared at the forests - They reminded her of the old territory and they did not match the stories that she had been told. Silver pools and whispering forests, decadent sunlight and bright blue skies...StarClan was a place of peace and paradise. Not this solemn ensemble of shady pines and crows that looked as though they were slowly dying. Scoffing softly, Owlfeather prowled quietly through the fog and disappeared into a copse of damp ferns. At least it wasn't the Dark Forest, Owlfeather realized, observing the lack of terrifying beasts and cats in varying states of disarray and agony.

Quietly, she padded her way through the quiet forest. There was no bird-song nor any particular landmarks that Owlfeather could see and a prickle of unease found its way along her spine - She had not heard much of limbo before, and had not expected it to be so bleak. Owlfeather peered through the thick-canopy and spied no stars among the dark sky; It seemed StarClan had forgotten them, Or perhaps they were trying to? Shaking her head softly, Owlfeather pressed on and came across another cat.

A large-eared bengal, with the most furious expression on her face.

Seethe, Seethe, Seethe

Stalking her way through the dark woods, Tawnystorm glowered at her paws. The sting of failure still lingered and faintly, the Bengal could taste the iron-tang of blood on her teeth. ''So, I'm evil then?'' Tawnystorm grumbled bitterly to herself, tail lashing with anger. ''Because I didn't bend over backwards for my leader, I'm stuck here?'' Shaking her head, Tawnystorm ducked under a moss-strewn log, shivering as raindrops slithered down her pelt. Wet leaves squelched softly under her pelt, the snapping of wings taking flight overhead - The ravens were watching her intently, Tawnystorm realized, glancing idly at the dark canopy. Before long, Tawnystorm had walked into a moonlit clearing, and slowly clambered ontop of an ice-cold boulder - She stared up into the void, and gradually Tawnystorm could feel the void staring back at her. ''You guys don't care, do you?'' Tawnystorm scoffed miserably. ''I mean, I guess I get it, you're immortal...we're not, so why on earth would you care?''

''Why on earth did I ever think you cared?'' Tawnystorm rumbled bitterly, trembling with sorrow and rage and all those dark emotions that welled up from the shadowy, closed-off corners of one's mind. ''So listen here, StarClan, because I'm not gonna repeat it for you again.'' She rambled, claws scraping the boulder and leaving pale scratches behind. ''I'll never worship you or your foolish gods again, not even if you came down here yourselves, and I day, I'll find a way to bring you all down!''

''And how exactly do you plan to do that?'' A long-furred tabby strode into view, staring at her with a slightly judgmental expression. ''That was a passionate speech, dear, but we're dead if you haven't noticed.'' She murmured, ears twitching with disinterest. ''My name is Owlfeather, queen of BluffClan.'' Her green-eyes flashed disdainfully. ''And you are?''

Tawnystorm bristled, glaring at Owlfeather. ''I'm Tawnystorm, deputy of RainClan.'' She replied curtly, tail twitching. ''And I know that, all the more reason to fight StarClan.'' The Bengal reasoned. ''We can hardly fight ghosts when we're alive.'' She pointed out, bright yellow eyes burning in their sockets. Pelt bristling, Tawnystorm spoke up again, determined not to be put down by the long-furred tabby. ''I'm not going to take this lying down, I'm not just some worm that they can toss aside.'' Claws sank into the leaf-litter, tail lashing to and fro angrily. ''StarClan's just a pile of steaming...!'' Eyes bugged furiously, Tawnystorm leapt onto the boulder and stood tall, her head outlined against the dark sky. ''It's not fair! And everyone knows it!''

Owlfeather blinked slowly, watching the Bengal huff and puff loudly. How had she been a deputy in life? Owlfeather mused, recalling her own deputy; Yellowwhisker had been a calm and level-headed figure, and Tawnystorm was anything but. Who was the deluded leader that had thought her fit to a role of such organization and patience? ''I hear you, I hear you...'' Owlfeather's ears twitched as Tawnystorm turned her burning and scorning gaze onto her. What a warped, strange little cat. ''...And I agree.'' Owlfeather crooned, recalling her poor little kittens. They were all so far away from their mother. They must be so alone, so scared. And what kind of cats would separate a mother from her beloved kittens? Surely, not StarClan cats! ''If you can find it in your heart to forgive my scorn, I assure you I will be a wonderfully helpful ally.'' Owlfeather murmured, willing to do anything but obey or listen to Tawnystorm. She must've been the deputy while she was alive, but Owlfeather was clever and she was patient.

Unknowing, Tawnystorm smiled and nodded. ''I can overlook it.'' She murmured. ''Welcome aboard.''

Run, Run, Run

''You're a mousebrain!'' Scoffed a dark-grey tomcat, watching his friend scaling a tall pine. ''Just give up already, you're never going to get to the top anyway.'' A raven let out a loud croak, bursting out from the leaves - It seemed that they were getting riled up by something. And that something was a scrawny white cat, determinedly clawing their way up. ''Patchnose!'' He called out to his friend, voice strained by concern and amusement. ''You're going to get hurt!'' He peered around, blinking slowly - It was a strange quiet place, and he supposed it looked a little like GladeClan's territory but it was so so dark. He could've sworn that he was closer to MeadowClan's territory too. ''Patchnose! Come on.'' He groaned, watching his friend inching his way along a thin branch - There was no way that it was going to hold his weight. ''Patchnose!'' There was something wrong - Above his friend, there was a streak of clear sky. It was dark as night, and yet it bore no stars. It was unsettling. ''Patchnose, get down here!'' The branch snapped, and he landed with a soft thump directly on top of the grey tom.

''Sorry, Cuckoofoot.'' Patchnose whimpered, slowly peeling himself off his friend. ''I could've sworn I was a little fitter.'' He smiled apologetically, helping the grey tom to his paws. Scrutinizing the branch where he fell from, Patchnose sighed softly and walked stiffly away. ''I suppose we should both be getting back to camp, Harestar will get suspicious if we're out for too long.'' They'd supposed to be hunting, but like always, they ended up a tad sidetracked. It wasn't Cuckoofoot's fault - His friend was too loyal for his own sake. Everyone in HollowClan knew what Patchnose was like - The scatterbrained joker, the one who could never focus on anything for more than five minutes at a time. It made for a lonely time in HollowClan, and some days Patchnose considered running away completely. The only reason he stayed was because of Cuckoofoot - He had no other friends. If it wasn't for Patchfoot, Cuckoofoot probably wouldn't even be alive.

''We all know you eat those extra mice, Patch.'' Cuckoofoot grunted, shaking the pine needles from his paws. ''Come on, you lunkhead.'' He rumbled good-naturedly, prodding at his side. The two friends walked through the woods with tails held high and eyes gleaming in the moon-dappled shadows. ''...Is it just me...'' Cuckoofoot hummed, frowning thoughtfully. ''...or is it a little too quiet for you?'' There was no bird-song in the trees, no distant murmur of running water and everything was as silent as the grave. Fur prickling, the dark tom plowed his way slowly through the pine trees - They stretched for infinity beyond him, and even beyond that there was only darkness. ''This isn't GladeClan.'' He muttered, eyes wide in horror. ''Patchfoot, this isn't GladeClan.'' Something was terribly, terribly wrong - And as he looked around, things slowly grew more and more unfamiliar.

Patchnose stared at his friend, ears twitching - Cuckoofoot had always been a little anxious after-all and there was no use panicking. ''Okay, okay, okay...'' Patchnose pressed his head against the grey tom's chest. ''...Take a deep breath, Cuckoo.'' He murmured softly, feeling the heavy thump of his heart. ''Take a deep breath for me, come on...'' As the dark tom slowly took a deep breath, Patchnose looked around slowly and quietly scrutinized the surroundings. He wasn't wrong. There was something off about this place and the white tom had wondered why they hadn't been caught by a GladeClan patrol yet. It was highly suspicious after all. ''We'll figure it out together, at least it doesn't seem dangerous at the moment.'' He reasoned, finishing with a bright smile. ''I'm here, Cuckoo, don't worry.'' The white tom promised, coiling his black tail around Cuckoofoot's. ''Come on.''

They had been walking for hours and there had been nothing but the aching of their paws to suggest that any amount of time had passed. ''Patch...'' Cuckoofoot whined numbly, pressing close to his friend - The warmth of his pelt helped ground him in this land of unrelenting darkness, deafening quiet and indifferent cold. ''Patch, we're not going home.'' He murmured, coming to a halt. He had heard the stories all the same, had heard his clanmates fervently discussing that sooner or later they would end up dead - What had they done this time, Cuckoofoot wondered, for them to be here? ''We're dead, Patch, we're dead.'' His voice was strained.

Patchnose stared at Cuckoofoot, shaking his head. ''I think we'd notice if we were dead.'' He scoffed uncertainly, suddenly looking as though he'd much rather be elsewhere. ''We would be in StarClan, right? We didn't murder anyone or anything.'' Patchnose smiled goofily, knowing what he had seen, just out of reach, above the leaves. A vast unyielding darkness. He might've been a foolish cat in life, but he wasn't an idiot in death. Patchnose knew they were in limbo, doomed to wander aimlessly till their judgement day that would see them either exalted to the heavens above or dragged howling into the darkness below. He didn't want to tell Cuckoofoot want had happened that day. He wanted it to be like the old days, when they were still young kittens, playing in the warm green-leaf summer. ''It'll be okay, I promise.'' Patchnose smiled encouraginly at Cuckoofoot. ''Come on, it'll be fine.''

Sick, Sick, Sick

Goshawkfur couldn't believe what the white cat was telling her, and slowly she sunk to the ground. The grey tabby looked around, gauging the responses of the others around her - Owlfeather and Tawnystorm seemed to have already accepted it, speaking in hushed whispers to one another, as had a large grey tom who was comforting his shocked and frightened friend. ''...Dandeliontail.'' Goshawkfur murmured numbly, turning to spot the small cat approaching her. ''Dandeliontail, please...'' Goshawkfur's eyes were wide with fear as she rose on trembling limbs. ''Please tell me its going to be okay.'' She felt so ridiculously alone, her anxiety clawing at her belly again and tightening around her heart. ''Please, I haven't got anyone down here.'' She didn't want to be alone again, she didn't want to go back to that dark place again, she didn't want to be abandoned by others the way that both StarClan and BeachClan had. Collapsing beside Dandeliontail, Goshawkfur leaned on them for comfort.

Dandeliontail blinked, taken aback by the display of emotions and they leaned back on Goshawkfur. They didn't blame the she-cat after all, hearing that you had died when you had no recollection of what had happened was a nightmarish prospect. ''...It'll be okay.'' Dandeliontail nodded wearily, not sure if they even believed what they had said themselves. ''Nothing's happened so far.'' The white cat reasoned. ''Nothings happened so far, Goshawkfur, I promise you that we will be okay.''

Dandeliontail, Goshawkfur and Tawnystorm go hunting
Owlfeather, Cuckoofoot and Patchnose go patrolling


    Dandeliontail | 46 | Female (They/Them) | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★ (Dead)

    Tawnystorm | 26 | Female |X

    Medicine Cat:
    Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]

    Owlfeather | 39 | Female |X
    Goshawkfur | 30 | Female |X
    Patchnose | 24 | Male | X
    Cuckoofoot | 24 | Male | X

    Name | Age | Gender |[url]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender |[url]X[/url]

    Medicine Store:

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x0| 1 serving
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Blackbird | x0 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x0 | 2 servings
    Raven | x0 | 3 servings


    Deceased Cats:
    Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]– Cause of Death



I believe that you are purrfect!

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driftclan | 004

Postby dstars » Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:05 pm

' ' in the process of healing ' '

' ' but its time to say goodbye? ' '

number of cats: 004 | next above ones visit: now | pebbles: 0020 | mod: kazin | servings: 006 | servings needed: 000

    - briarsea goes hunting at Tidepools
    - briarsea goes hunting in Elders Forest
    - tangerinebelly searches for herbs in Elders Forest
    - mothglow joins driftclan
    - silkstar requests a warrior from the above ones

    - would it be possible in the future for my
    healer and leader to have kits together?

    males: 001 | females: 003
          silkstar | 35m | f
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


          tangerinebelly | 40m | m
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          briarsea | 22m | f


          mothglow | 30m | f | 1 u-d


          Old Ones:

          name and name | kits
    ally clans:

    Enemy Clans

    north | clan name | dm
    east | clan name | dm
    south | clan Name | dm
    west | clan Name | dm

    medicine store
    catnip | x1 | used to treat greencough, sometimes whitecough.
    deadly in high amounts.
    chamomile | x1 | calms the senses and mind, strengthens the heart
    and body for travelling cats.
    cobwebs | x1 | used for bleeding, or to bind broken limbs.
    lavender | x1 | cures fevers and chills.
    wintergreen | x1 | treats wounds and some poisons.
    chevril | x1 | for infected wounds and bellyache, sometimes for kitting.
    marigold | x1 | stops infection and bleeding; can be used for stiff join
    broom | x1 |
    blackberry leaves | x1 |

    red snapper | x1 | 3 servings [ uncommon ]
    flounder | x1 | 2 servings [ common ]
    minnows | x0 | 1 servings [ common ]
    quail | x0 | 2 servings [ uncommon ]
    swallow | x1 | 2 servings [ common ]
    robin | x0 | 2 servings [ common ]
    wood mouse | x1 | 1 servings [ common ]
    crab | x0 | 2 servings [ rare ]

    mentor | apprentice | training

    Above Ones
    cat name | cause of death
hi im dani!


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Postby Kazin » Sat Oct 12, 2019 1:12 pm

font credit
Number of Cats: 0016 | 07 ♂ | 09 ♀ | 4 servings needed next serving needed at 21
Next Starclan visit: Oct. 18 | Pebbles: 28
Herb Storage | Deceased Cats | Mates / Family

writing to come...


[ Hunting ]
Smokeflight, Hazelshine, Hawktalon,
Swiftblaze, Sandcloud, and Barleypelt hunt.
Tigerfire, Frostbird, Icethorn,
Sunfox, and Minnowstar hunt.

[ Border Patrols ]
Stormecho and Moonbreeze patrol.

[ Med Cat ]
Aldernose searches for herbs.
    [ Rank Up ]

    [ Mates / Kits ]
    Barleypelt & Sandcloud become
    mates and try for kits.

    [ Other / Request ]
    Archclan consumes 4 servings.
    Minnowstar requests an apprentice.
[ Training ]






Minnowstar | 26 moons | ♀ |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Stormecho | 23 moons | ♂ |

Medicine Cats
Aldernose | 39 moons | ♂ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

Swiftblaze | 34 moons | ♀ |
Sandcloud | 32 moons | ♀ |
Hawktalon | 32 moons | ♂ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

Skippersnow | 27 moons | ♀ |

Phoenixkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
Warriors (cont.)
Barleypelt | 32 moons | ♂ |
Tigerfire | 29 moons | ♂ |
Smokeflight | 24 moons | ♂ |
Hazelshine | 22 moons | ♀ |
Moonbreeze | 20 moons | ♀ |
Frostbird | 19 moons | ♀ |
Icethorn | 19 moons | ♀ |
Sunfox | 17 moons | ♂ |

name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]


Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Ally Clans: none (open)
Enemy clans: none (open)

North | open | location
South | open | location
East | open | location
West | open | location

filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler

Fresh-Kill Pile
Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Rat | x3 | 2 servings
Bird | x1 | 3 servings
Hare | x1 | 3 servings
Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
Minnow | x2 | 1 serving

2 rats being eaten
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[ clan replies ] [ 037 ]

Postby deimido » Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:15 pm

lagoonclan, hazeclan, kwamiclan, rainclan, strikersclan
whitebark, seaclan, flurryclan, shimmerclan
northernclan, the neighborhood, cloudclan, chaosclan

for some, the first snows have arrived. fo
r others, it is simply a chill in the air. reg
ardless, all clans will experience leaf-bare
as a harsh and unforgiving season. queens
and kits are more likely to die during birt
h, prey will flee from patrols, and loners a
re less likely to stray from their warm ci
ty homes. in addition, predators and sickn
esses abound, waiting for the chance to pi
ck off the weak. all in all, it is best for a cl
an to be at full strength during this time.

descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah

all images found on pexels, unsplash, and


starlingflight's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 shrews.

chestnutblaze's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 squirrel.
↪ +1 mouse.

peridotgaze's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.

twigscratch's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 squirrel.

orangesky's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 shrews.


slatestone's patrol found . .
↪ +10 pebbles!

leafbreeze's patrol encountered . .
↪ a random event.. *

heavystep's patrol found . .
↪ +5 pebbles!

meadowbird's patrol found . .
↪ +15 pebbles!


cloudypaw gathered . .
↪ +1 tansy.
↪ +1 sorrel.


the apps. learned . .
2 apps learned defense!
3 apps learned offense!
9 apps learned stalking!
22 apps learned hunting!
6 apps learned nothing..

    ancestral request
    ↪ the place of no stars heeds pantherstar's request for a new clan member and sends a warrior to join hazeclan.

    medicine den
    ↪ -1 burnet and -1 dried oak leaves are subtracted from the medicine store as cloudypaw is told what to do. after a painstakingly hard night,
    spent by cooling down topazpaw's body with damp moss and routinely cleaning out his wound, the medicine cat feels his eyes water in relief as
    topazpaw's breathing steadies by daybreak. exhaustion overtakes him, and finally cloudypaw allows himself to sleep now knowing his patient is
    out of critical condition. before he completely nods off, one of the medicine cats praises him for a job well done and notifies him that topazpaw
    will need to spend five moons in the den to fully recover and that to give him either +1 chervil or +1 cobwebs if he comes across them to shorten
    the time.

    ↪ butterflywatcher gave birth to one healthy kit! (1; molly)
    ↪ dragonflyflight is expecting weaselfur's kits! her litter is due in two moons.

    patrolling results
    ↪ despite how fast leafbreeze's patrol ran, there was no escaping the monstrous blizzard that brewed during their session. the six fled cats
    in their panic, reuniting with each other from their respective hiding places a full day after the storm. waspflight wasn't among them. and no
    matter how badly they wanted to find him, the patrol knew they had to be at full strength first. so with heavy hearts they return home; grief
    hollowed them to the bone when a much larger patrol ordered by pantherstar reported no sign of the missing tom, and after a few weeks of
    searching, the leader declared him deceased.

    mod notes
    ↪ would that format b okay for future training rolls? that way you can cross out what they need maybe starting w/ older apps first bc omg
    @ fox and radish


hollyfeather's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 stoat.
↪ +1 vole.

splitface's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.

midnightblaze's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 vole.


thunderjaw's patrol found . .
↪ +12 pebbles!


poppywish gathered . .
↪ +1 fennel.
↪ +1 raspberry leaves.


the apps. learned . .
tempest > nothing..
snow > adv. hunting.
sycamore > adv. hunting.
willow > adv. battle.
feather > hunting.
spruce > hunting.
silver > battle.
aurora > battle.
soot > battle.
black > battle.

    warrior assessments
    ↪ lightningpaw, blizzardpaw, and brewingpaw successfully passed their final assessment!

    ancestral request
    ↪ starclan heeds sleetstar's request and sends hazerise's mate to northernclan.


heavypad's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 small fish.

calla's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mice.
↪ +1 finch.

scorn & sugar caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.


finn's patrol encountered . .
↪ a random event..


dotty gathered . .xxxx
↪ +1 mallow leaves.
↪ +1 tansy.


no training occurred!xx

    weekly meeting
    ↪ finn returns with two cats named mudspots and barknose.

    patrolling results
    ↪ to cut the time needed to get back home from their patrol, finn suggested that maybe they could take a shortcut by crossing
    a thunderpath. after weighing their options and agreeing they'd like to return home before their paws fall off, they decide to do
    it. padding to the nearest one, finn remarks that it's not that busy, but maybe they should reconsider as the path is covered in a
    thin sheet of ice. winter tells him not to worry - twoleg monsters never veer off the path. slightly reassured, finn asks for eagle
    to race across with him. the two get to the other side safely, with winter, mothwish, and cobrafang following shortly after. but
    finn's optimism plummets when he hears the familiar, ominous hum of an oncoming monster. yelling for the the three mollies to
    hurry, winter and mothwish run even faster, but cobrafang slips on the icy road. an accident that proved fatal, much to the others'


longbranch's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 squirrel.

raptor & petal caught . .
↪ nothing..


no patrolling occurred!xxx


amberdawn gathered . .
↪ +1 catchweed.
↪ +1 rush.


no training occurred!

    ancestral request
    ↪ starclan heeds raptorstar's request and sends an apprentice to join chaosclan.
Last edited by deimido on Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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♕♔ chessclan - post 008 ♚♛

Postby chaotic creativity » Sun Oct 13, 2019 7:59 am



mod ;; amethyst14
pebbles ;; sixty-nine
servings ;; nine
population ;; fifty-three
toms ;; twenty-six
mollies ;; twenty-seven
next request ;; october seventh

— orangeray, sopranocavern, raventalon,
lynxpaw, & genetpaw patrol.
— goldenpoint, juncoflight, termitetongue,
violinpaw, & chasmpaw patrol.
— violinpaw & threepaw train in climbing
— martenpaw & chasmpaw train in stealth
— genetpaw, gannetpaw,
& spectacledpaw train in hunting
— patisseriedew receives x1 raspberry leaves
— sweethen receives x2 cobwebs and
one moon of rest
— valleyrunner receives one moon of rest
— wolfwhiskers keeps an eye on
montpellierkit's runny nose
— wolfwhiskers keeps an eye on eclairkit
— none this moon
— horizonstar requests a cavalier.
— wolfwhiskers gathers herbs.
— twilightpaw is welcomes as a full cavalier
under the name twilightpounce.
— spectacledkit is welcomed as a
cavalier apprenti
under the name spectacledpaw.
his mentor is
— chessclan consumes three big fish
— i paid five pebbles for the raspberry leaves
and added the four for my past post
— i am waiting until i have more cavalier to
implement my fifth patrol!
— i'd prefer color-ins please
— richterscreech,
rookwhisker, flamingonose,
martenpaw, & threepaw hunt.
— coatiheart,
twilightpounce, thistleheart,
& spectacledpaw hunt.
— none this moon
— none this moon
— none this moon
♔ 𝐑𝐎𝐈 ♚
— aspstar | tom | forty-nine moons |
♖ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐑 ♜
— in nursery
— name | tom/molly | age in moons | ♗
— richterscreech | tom | twenty-eight moons |
— sweethen | molly | forty-one moons |
— orangeray | tom | thirty-six moons |
— coatiheart | tom | fifty-eight moons |
— goldenpoint | molly | sixty-seven moons |
— rookwhisker | tom | eighteen moons |
— raventalon | molly | fourteen moons |
— argentéhop | tom | forty-seven moons |
— threepaw | molly | eleven moons | - missing front right leg
— lynxpaw | molly | eleven moons |
— martenpaw | tom | nine moons |
— gannetpaw | tom | ten moons |
— loonfrost | molly | sixty moons |
— horizonstar | molly | fifty-six moons |
— patisseriedew | molly | fifty-two moons |
— butterflyleap | molly | twenty-four moons |
— boarshine | molly | thirty-three moons | | barren
— mistysoul | molly | forty-four moons |
— seineripple | molly | fifty-three moons |
— morningwhisper | molly | eighty-three moons |
— name | tom/molly | age in moons | ☀
♕ 𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐄 ♛
— currently in nursery | ♛♛♛♛♛♛
— wolfwhiskers | tom | thirty-four moons | | five skill points
— name | tom/molly | age in moons | ♗
— valleyrunner | tom | forty-one moons |
— flamingonose | tom | thirty-seven moons |
— thistleheart | molly | forty-seven moons |
— sopranocavern | molly | forty-nine moons |
— termitetongue | molly | nineteen moons |
— juncoflight | molly | eighteen moons |
— twilightpounce | molly | fourteen moons |
— name | tom/molly | age in moons | ♘
— violinpaw | molly | eleven moons |
— genetpaw | molly | nine moons |
— chasmpaw | molly |nine moons |
— spectacledpaw | tom | seven moons |
♙ 𝐏𝐈𝐎𝐍 ♟
— mouflonkit | tom | four moons|
— steppekit | tom | four moons |
— ottomankit | tom | one moon |
— montpellierkit | tom | one moon |
— viperinekit | molly | one moon |
— tremorkit | molly | one moon |
— seismickit | tom | one moon | | mute
— tectonickit | molly | one moon |
— archipelagokit | tom | one moon |
— hurricanekit | tom | one moon |
— whimbrelkit | molly | one moon | | blind
— croissantkit | tom | one moon |
— eclairkit | molly | one moon |
— croquembouchekit | tom | one moon |
— mosquitokit | tom | five moons |
— pikakit | tom | four moons |
— barbastellekit | tom | zero moons |
— serotinekit | tom | zero moons |
— noctulekit | tom | zero moons |
— pipistrellekit | molly | zero moons | | runt

— goldenpoint | violinpaw | five
xxxxxhunting, fighting, stealth
— flamingonose | threepaw | four
xxxxxhunting, fighting, stealth
— orangeray | lynxpaw | four
xxxxxhunting, fighting, stealth, climbing
— sopranocavern | genetpaw | two
— rookwhisker | martenpaw | two
xxxxxhunting, fighting
— termitetongue | chasmpaw | two
xxxxxhunting, fighting
— juncoflight | gannetpaw | zero
— twilightpounce | spectacledpaw | zero
— morningwhisper (morning light) and butterflyleap (butterfly's flight) of owlclan
— boarshine (forsythiashine) of charclan
— flamingonose (pixie) of strawclan
— orangeray of dewclan
— coatiheart of rainclan
— valleyrunner, twilightpounce, and raventalon of twistedclan
— thistleheart of mooseclan
— sopranocavern and violinpaw of roseclan
— genetpaw and martenpaw of relicclan
aloekit | zero moons | stillborn
dicekit | zero moons | stillborn
myotiskit | zero moons | weakness after birth
— borage | reduces fever & produces milk | x01
— catmint | cures greencough | x01
— chamomile | strengthens heart & soothes mind | x01
— cobwebs | stops bleeding | x03 [ - 2 ]
— goldenrod | heals wounds | x01
— sweet-sedge | eases infection | x01
— mice | one serving | four
— vole | one serving | five
— rabbit | two servings | three
— stoat | two servings | four
— small fish | two servings | zero
— big fish | three servings | four
— bird | three servings | one
— honey | soothes throats | x01
— poppy seeds | soothes shock | x01
— raspberry leaves | eases pain & stops bleeding | x01 [ - 1 ]
— sweet-sedge | eases infection | x01
— tansy | cures coughs | x01
— sweethen | can find weaned kits on border patrols, makes apprentices learn one skill automatically, & brings back a chicken or rabbit from hunting
— richterscreech | excels at finding cats on patrols, lessens chance of stillborns, must have two or more mates for powers to work. powers are currently activated.

font credit.
Last edited by chaotic creativity on Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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( moorclan / post 09. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sun Oct 13, 2019 1:31 pm

font from 1001 fonts
( statistics: 13 toms, 11 mollies, 24 total // 05 servings needed // next request from starclan is 10/06/19 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 02 pikas; 01 servings, 01 birds; 03 servings, 01 hares; 03 servings, 01 mice; 01 servings, 02 rabbits; 02 servings, 00 small fish; 02 servings // 18 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 01 catmint, 01 cobwebs, 01 poppy seeds, 01 borage leaves, 01 goldenrod, 01 thyme, 01 feverfew, 01 horsetail, 02 sticks, 01 lavender, 01 bindweed, 01 chervil, 01 burnet, 01 stinging nettle )— -
( archive // 20 pebbles )— -
    ixxx▬writing here later !

consumption ; moorclan does not eat for one moon.
medicine ; tulipstar rests for her second moon out of two.
pondflower returns to her warrior duties.
hayfeather searches for herbs.
hayfeather practices medicine.
hayfeather has five skill points.
training ; splashpaw trains with satyrsplash.
ripplepaw trains with mirra.
ruffpaw trains with peccarypelt.
new apprentices ; there are no new apprentices.
warrior assessments ; there are no new warriors.
patrols ; mahoganynose, satyrsplash, and peccarypelt patrol the borders.
mirra, hootwhisker, and pondflower patrol the borders.
hunting ; massasaugafang and trilliumheart go hunting.
tadpoleskip and mocisfang go hunting.
nursery ; there are no events in the nursery.
deaths ; there are no deaths.
other actions ; tulipstar requests a heavily pregnant queen from starclan.
clan notes ; sweetdrop attracts at least one cat while patrolling.
mirra prevents complications during births if she attends the kitting.
ripplepaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
splashpaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
saltkit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
bellkit will be rolled for powers when she becomes an apprentice.
copperkit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
quakekit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
mod notes ; none !

( the leader )
tulipstar, molly, 48m
brown bengal with green eyes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

( the deputy )
satyrsplash, tom, 41m
ruddy somali with green eyes

( the medicine cat )
hayfeather, tom, 42m
flame point bicolor with blue eyes

( warriors )
peccarypelt, tom, 37m
brown classic tabby with amber eyes
mirra, molly, 41m, powers
classic calico tabby with amber eyes
mallowpath, tom, 36m
black bicolor with olive eyes
mahoganynose, tom, 33m
longhair lynx point with blue eyes
massasaugafang, molly, 43m, primarily blind
silver tabby with orange eyes
trilliumheart, tom, 42m, deaf
solid white shorthair with amber eyes
pondflower, molly, 38m
solid blue shorthair with amber eyes
hootwhisker, molly, 16m
solid black longhair with green eyes
tadpoleskip, molly, 31m
black and white bicolor with green eyes
mocisfang, tom, 71m
ginger spotted tabby with amber eyes


( apprentices )
splashpaw, tom, 11m
blue bengal with grey eyes
ripplepaw, tom, 11m
silver ticked tabby with green eyes
ruffpaw, molly, 6m
brown mackerel tabby with brown eyes

( queens )
sweetdrop, molly, 28m, powers
longhair lynx point with blue eyes

( kits )
saltkit, tom, 4m
longhair lynx point with blue eyes
bellkit, molly, 4m
shorthair lynx point with blue eyes
copperkit, tom, 4m
shorthair seal point with blue eyes
quakekit, tom, 4m
chocolate ticked tabby with brown eyes
fitchkit, molly, 3m
black smoke longhair with amber eyes
chickenkit, molly, 3m
solid white longhair with blue eyes
donkeykit, tom, 3m
shorthair seal point with blue eyes

( elders )
none yet

( families )
sweetdrop & richterscreech | salt, bell, copper, & quake
xxxxxxxxxxxx↳ from chessclan
unknown & unknown | splash & ripple
unknown & unknown | chicken & donkey

( deceased )
name | cause of death
( training )
splashpaw | satyrsplash | 04 skills
ripplepaw | mirra | 04 skills
ruffpaw | peccarypelt | 00 skills

( borders )
north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

( allies )
clan name | username
( enemies )
clan name | username

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` ` pyreclan - v.

Postby w0ah » Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:43 pm



        population. 011 - toms. 05 - she-cats. 06 - servings. 03 - request. 00/00/00 - archives. here...............




      actions for post v.
        ─> consumption: the clan consumes a weasel and a meadow vole.
        ↪ request: none.

        • hunting patrol: pyrestar, martinfang, strawberrynose, pelicanface, robintuft, ternwhisker, & sootpelt.
        • border patrol: pyrestar, martinfang, strawberrynose, pelicanface, robintuft, ternwhisker, & sootpelt.
        • herb gathering: chervilgaze.
        • training: laurelpaw trains with ternwhisker.
        • other: the new warrior, sootpelt, is welcomed into pyreclan.
        - gannetleap has gone into labor (father)! chervilgaze is with her to assist during the birth, with all herbs nearby for use.
        THE LEADER
        - pyrestar ─ ♂ ─ 37 moons
        ↪ lives: ★★★★★★★★★ (9)
          THE DEPUTY
          - strawberrynose ─ ♀ ─ 37 moons
          ↪ other information here
          - chervilgaze ─ ♂ ─ 50 moons
          ↪ skill points: ✦✦✦✦✦ (5)

                martinfang ─ ♂ ─ 24 moons
                pelicanface ─ ♂ ─ 27 moons
                robintuft ─ ♀ ─ 46 moons
                ternwhisker ─ ♀ ─ 34 moons
                sootpelt ─ ♂ ─ 40 moons
          laurelpaw ─ ♀ ─ 08 moons
          gannetleap ─ ♀ ─ 45 moons
          ↪ due NOW!
          ashenstep ─ ♀ ─ 31 moons
          ↪ due in one moon of time.
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons

        allies & enemies
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user

        bordering clans
        north; group name , username
        east ; group name , username
        south ; group name , username
        west ; group name , username


        prey pile
        meadow vole . . . . 1 servings (1)
        lemming . . . . . . . 1 servings (1)
        snowshoe hare . . . 2 servings (1)
        weasel . . . . . . . . 2 servings (1)
        muskrat . . . . . . . 3 servings (0)
        canada jay . . . . . 3 servings (0)

        medicine storage


        tern ⇾ laurelpaw (2): cl, hu,. . . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .

        families & the deceased

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Kazin Replies | Oct. 13th, 2019

Postby Kazin » Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:22 am


✧ Notes ✧
If I have missed
anyone, or have messed
something up, please don't hesitate
to PM me. My inbox here or
on the discord is always open!
**CaC has new features, please
read the front and message a mod
if you have any questions!**
✧ Weather ✧ Leafbare
Cold temperatures are here
and the frost has settled in.
Prey and cats should be
tucked away in warm dens,
making both hard to find.
Sickness is prevalent, and easy
to come by in this weather.
✧ Clans ✧
Pineclan | Tundraclan
Ashclan | Shroudedclan
Hyperborea| Frigidclan
Moorclan| Pyreclan
Driftclan| Riverdem
Steamclan | Wardclan

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

General Mod Notes | [ Font credit: 1001fonts. All pictures I link are free-to-use, found on Unsplash, VisualHunt, or Pexels. Lineart cats are drawn and made by CaC artists and staff. ]

dstars wrote:DRIFTCLAN

Hunting | [ Briarsea catches x1 minnow and x1 flounder. ]
[ Briarsea doesn't catch any prey on this patrol, but does come back with a warrior aged cat who is looking for a clan to stay in before Leafbare takes it's full grip. ]

Herb Search | [ Tangerinebelly collects x1 sweet sedge and x1 tansy. ]

Request | [ Silkstar's request has been granted! She is sent a warrior. ]

Mod Notes | [ Yes! Just keep in mind you may need to assign a 'temporary leader' while she is raising her kits/in the nursery c: ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

scarlet_wolf wrote:MOORCLAN

Consumption | [ Moorclan has one more post to fast before cats may start starving. ]

Medicine | [ Hayfeather collects x1 dandelion and x1 raspberry leaves. ]
[ Hayfeather remains at 5SP. ]

Action | [ Splashpaw successfully passed his training session! ]
[ Ripplepaw successfully passed his training session! ]
[ Ruffpaw passed her training session, but scratched her paw pad. She will need either x1 goldenrod or x1 stinging nettle, but requires no rest, or no herbs and just 1 moon rest. ]

Patrol | [ Mahoganynose's patrol encounters a stick hidden in the ground. Cursing, Peccarypelt accidentally stepped on it while talking to the others, and will require x1 cobweb or x1 horsetail to stop the bleeding, but no rest. Peccarypelt did decide to bring back the stick to give to Hayfeather, not wanting another cat to step on it. ]
[ Mirra's patrol finds a potential warrior - a brown mackerel tabby. ]

Hunting | [ Massasaugafang and Trilliumheart catch x1 small fish. ]
[ Tadpoleskip and Mocisfang catch x1 pika. ]

Request | [ Tulipstar's request has been granted! The queen will be due next post. ]
[ The queen is a long-haired dilute tortoiseshell. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

w0ah wrote:PYRECLAN

Hunting | [ While out hunting, the patrol caught x1 muskrat, x1 weasel, and x1 lemming. ]

Border Patrol | [ The border patrol comes across a wandering warrior-aged cat. ]

Herb Gathering | [ Chervilgaze collects x1 feverfew and x1 lungwort. ]

Training | [ Laurelpaw successfully learns stealth! ]

Kitting | [ Gannetleap gives birth to two healthy kits! Chervilgaze sees that the birth goes quite smoothly despite Leafbare, and no herbs are required for the queen or her kits. ]

Sickness | [ Pyreclan's Leafbare sickness seems to have started. After overworking themselves, Chervilgaze finds himself overrun with cats visiting his den this moon. He diagnoses Martinfang with a bellyache, and he will need 1 moon of rest. Robintuft came down with a mild cough, and requires either a coughing herb (catmint, chervil, honey, lungwort, tansy) or 1 moon rest. Ternwhisker came down with a fever, requiring x1 feverfew and 1 moon of rest. Sootpelt has come down with more serious cough, and will need x1 of any cough herb (catmint, chervil, honey, lungwort, or tansy) and 2 moons of rest or he will develop Greencough. ]

Mod Notes | [ Patrols can only have a max of 6 cats! Any extra cats on patrol will not increase rolls, but I will roll each cat for sickness if they are sent out twice regardless of patrol numbers. Sorry about the high sickness this moon D: ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 050 ]

Postby solyn » Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:43 pm

# of cats; 94 (: 42 / : 46)
servings req'd; 15 servings (97)
next moonpool visit; any time
pebbles; 111 (lb)


𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
"Psst," Ashenstrike's whisper made Lionheart snort, curling up closer into her mate's shoulder, tail tucked comfortably around him, as he groomed between her ears. "Hey. Hey, wake up." Lionheart cracked open one eye, glimmering with amusement as she tilted her head up to face the silver tabby. Instantly, he pressed his nose to hers, purring as he nuzzled them together, making Lionheart laugh.
"Is that all you wanted?"
"Maybe," he teased, before he nodded to the mouth of the den, "Badgerstar already agreed to cover for us, so don't go stressing, but I was wondering if you wanted to go dawnwalking, so we could find a nice place to watch the sunrise. It feels like a while since we've had time alone. Someone's been keeping busy, running herself ragged looking after the clan, as always." Lionheart chuckled a little, eyes closing contently as her mate groomed her ears.
"I wonder who that could be," she said, "but yeah, I would like that. The clan is okay now, I think. They don't need me all of the time anymore." She pushed herself to her paws, in the darkness of the early morning, and Ashenstrike swiftly followed. The pair of them cast fond smiles at their sleeping kits, Cherrystorm's long form stretched out, his paw touching Flamescorch's across their nests as they slept. Carefully, the pair of them picked their way toward the entrance of the den and vanished out of it, and then out of the camp.
The walk was nice, through the forest before the sun was up. It was still, without birdsong that came with dawn. Ashenstrike's shoulder pressing against her own kept her warm, as they stepped carefully through the heavily wooded territory that GroveClan called home. Lionheart's breath fogged in the cold air, as did Ashenstrike's laughter as he half-slipped on some icy grass, only caught by his mate's teeth in his scruff.
"You really are like a third kit," Lionheart teased, bumping shoulders with him. Ashenstrike snorted.
"I see you've decided to hop into the clan tradition of being mean to me for no good reason."
"I invented that clan hobby, I'll have you know," she laughed as Ashenstrike affectionately nipped her ear, shaking his head in amusement at her.
"You know, this is supposed to be the part where I lament where I went wrong to be stuck with someone so mean, but there's no way I could even conceivably joke about this being wrong when there's never been anything more right in my life. I love you, even if you are super mean to me." He paused, purring as Lionheart licked his cheek before pressing her nose there with a lilting purr.
"I love you too, Ashenstrike. Now come on, we better find a spot to watch the sunrise, because it won't wait for us."
"Ever efficient," he teased, laughing as her tail lashed his nose, before he bounded after her. They fell into companionable silence again, trailing to the north. They climbed up the rocky terrain at the foot of the mountains, making their way around to a plateau just as the sun began to rise. "You know, sunrises always remind me of you," Ashenstrike said as they settled, his tail sweeping around his mate.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah," he nodded, "the way the sun shines so brightly reminds me of you- fierce, but so bright, so furiously strong that you have to look away, but when you see all that the sun touches, you see how much beauty it brings to the world around it, how it imbues everything else with its fire, with its strength, with its life. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into things and being too poetic, but I love you a lot."
"I think it's very sweet. You know I never thought I'd find anyone as right for me as you are... but I'm glad that fate threw us together like this, even if we had some bumps in the path to get here." Ashenstrike chuckled, leaning his head against hers as Lionheart nestled against him, and the pair of them fell quiet again, watching as the sun dawned on a new day in GroveClan.

"All cats gather beneath Hightree!" Badgerstar's call had cats clamoring around him, converging on the shape of the small tom as he sat at the base of the tree. Across from him, beaming in anticipation, was Bramblepaw, his siblings and parents crowded close. Brackeneyes jostled him companionably, beaming happily at the tom as he laughed, curling a pleased tail over his paws. When the whole clan had gathered, Badgerstar continued.
"I, Badgerstar, leader of GroveClan, ask our warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of the code and to learn the skills of a warrior, tireless even if a sickness held him back at the start of his training. I am honoured to recommend him to the stars as a warrior of this clan. Bramblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!"
"Then from this day forward, you will be known as Bramblepoppy for your relentless dedication. StarClan honours your sweetness and your determination, and it is my pleasure to welcome you- finally- as a warrior of GroveClan." He smiled as Bramblepoppy stepped forward to exchange ritual, his whole body shaking with excitement as the clan yowled for him. He took a step back, and then turned and ran back to his family, falling happily into their embrace with an elated laugh, as Flowershine and Boulderflame nuzzled the top of his head, purring loudly.
"Full circle," Maplefall said softly beside her mate, making him jump, before his face softened into fondness, "I remember how you were at Flowershine's warrior ceremony... so worried about putting a foot wrong. I'm so proud of you, and how much you've changed. How much you've grown. You have no clue how happy I am to see you stand up like you do and lead this clan."
"Maplefall, you know full well I wouldn't have been able to do it without you," he pressed his nose to her forehead, "you might be the prettiest molly I've ever met, but you're also my best friend, my rock, and my closest confidante. If I didn't have you there to dust me off when I fell, I never would have made it this far. This is your success as much as it is mine- your family. Our family."
"Our family," Maplefall agreed, touching her nose to Badgerstar's as elated congratulations carried across to them on the wind.

"Excited?" Badgerstar asked as Sunkit vibrated next to his mother's paws. He blinked up at his father with a grin, and then nodded enthusiastically. Redpaw yawned and snuggled into Maplefall's side, sheltering himself from the Leafbare air as the new season settled in. Goldleaf said it looked like it was going to snow, and so Badgerstar had opted to have the apprentice ceremony a little earlier just so that they wouldn't be interrupted.
"It's always an exciting day, watching your kits grow up," he started, moving away from his family to address the gathered clan, "it worries you too, when you see how big they're getting, because it reminds you of the gray in your own fur, but I am very proud of my youngest kits for reaching the age where they will become apprentices. Sunkit, Brindlekit and Redkit, from this day on until you receive your warrior names, you will be known as Sunpaw, Brindlepaw and Redpaw respectively. Sunpaw, your mentor will be Flintbur- he is one of our oldest warriors and one of my oldest friends, and I know for a fact that he will teach you with kindness and patience. I have full faith he will pass on his wisdom to make you the best warrior you can be." The clan cheered for Sunpaw as he bounded across to Flintburr, stretching up to touch his nose to the tall black warrior's.
"Brindlepaw, your mentor will be Acornstream. She is an adept hunter and a kind, smart cat, and I can't think of anyone better suited to teaching you how to be a fantastic warrior." His proud beam only grew wider as his daughter touched noses to Acornstream, the Somali molly purring happily as the apprentice settled next to her paws. "And last but not least... Redpaw. Your mentor will be Novella. Once upon a time, she was a scared, shy apprentice. But under Flowershine's excellent training and compassion, she blossomed into a strong, determined warrior, and I know she will teach you her strength, her tenacity, and the deep wealth of love she feels for this clan. I am certain there is no better mentor for you than Novella, and she will teach you to be as great a warrior as she is." Redpaw grinned, and Novella ducked her head bashfully as the clan cheered for the new apprentice. He moved through the crowd to press his nose to Novella's respectfully, as a snowflake drifted from the air and landed right on Badgerstar's head.
"Just in time," Lionheart said with a chuckle, as more snowflakes began to fall, "we better head for the dens to wait this out. I can assign patrols from there."

The snow fell for the better part of the morning, all the way until sunhigh, where even in Leafbare the sun beat down with enough strength to warm the air. Cats emerged from their dens, paws touching the first snow of the year for the first time. They looked to Lionheart and Badgerstar, who were looking at the sun, and at each other, before Lionheart shrugged with a laugh and flicked her tail. Badgerstar beamed, excitedly, his tail lifting like a banner as he called out to the cats watching him:
"Forget patrols; they can wait till tomorrow- it's the first snow of the season! I think that calls for a clan-wide snow day." Cheers went up from around the clan as friends and family groups converged, chatting excitedly. Badgerstar chuckled, before something wet hit him in the side of the head and he yowled, whirling to see Ashenstrike grinning at him, paw arcing through the snow to send another flurry at him which caught him directly in the face. "Okay, it's on!"
He bounded through the snow and slammed into the tabby tom, the pair of them toppling to the ground with friendly yowls. Suddenly, Badgerstar felt weightless, as he was hauled off of Ashenstrike and placed neatly on the ground. He looked up to see Lionheart, and he purred a little bit, before sputtering as she slammed her paws into the snow and drenched him, the two larger cats turning to scramble away as Badgerstar chased after them. Cherrystorm and Flamescorch were quick to join in the snow fight, with Juniperstorm jumping in to defend Ashenstrike a few minutes later, all of them laughing hard and yowling as snow splattered all through their pelts.
Finally, the adults gave up, dropping down under one of the trees together, Maplefall coming across to join them. Their kits played on, dragging both Midnightstream and their newly apprenticed siblings into the fray, Mottlebloom and Fernstone teaming up with Juniperstorm and Brindlepaw to pummel the boys with relentless assaults of kicked-up snow. Badgerstar and Lionheart huddled close together, Ashenstrike and Maplefall on either side of them as they watched their kits streak through the snow. Midnightstream spluttered as Juniperstorm shoulder-checked him, sending him sprawling as she dumped more and more snow onto him.
"You know, when I first met you, I could never have imagined you playing in the snow like that," Badgerstar grinned as Maplefall groomed off the last of the snow from behind his ears, "I thought you were there to save me from your mate, but you betrayed me at the last hour." Lionheart laughed a little bit, leaning into Ashenstrike's flank as he purred smugly.
"Nothing personal, kiddo, I just know when to pick the winning team, and everyone knows we make a formidable duo in any kind of fight." Badgerstar nodded, his eyes trailing across to their kits playing. Fernstone shook out her long fur, looking so much like her father with her mother's regal air, while Cherrystorm's fur flashed the fiery colour of Lionheart's, but his cheeky grin evoked Ashenstrike's mischievous aura. "What are you thinking about?"
"Mostly how happy I am," Badgerstar said, "we've experienced some hardship, these past few moons, but it's moments like this where I remember what's important, and how even when things seem terribly bad and like they could never get better, that they can and that they do. I never imagined I'd have a family like this- and now my sister is back and I have amazing kits, and a grandkit too. And I got to see Lionheart fall in love, and see both of your genetics create kits just as incredible as you are."
"She did all of the work," Ashenstrike said with a chuckle, "I just worried a lot and tried to teach them to have a little fun sometimes."
"Don't sell yourself short. I try to balance what I'm teaching them, but I couldn't have done it without you. From day one you were more than involved in their lives, and they're lucky to have a father who supports and loves them so much. And you did good with Juniperstorm too- she was hurting, a lot, and it helped to have someone who understood and who helped her overcome her anger. She and Sedgefire have both settled in so well." Ashenstrike ducked his head with a shy smile and a little half-shrug.
"Love is the most important lesson you can teach someone, I suppose. I try to treat everyone with the same compassion, because that's the least a cat deserves. Everything else was on them, but... I'm proud of how they've grown." His fond gaze shifted from Juniperstorm to Sedgefire, where she and Wolverinejaw were lounging with their friends.
"You know," Dusklight said, "you never told us how you met Novella." All eyes swung toward the big black molly as she chuckled a little, tilting her head back. Novella purred from her spot next to Mousestone, who was wedged up against Dusklight on one side while Dawnblossom was nestled on the other, between her brother and her mate.
"You thinking is always dangerous, Dusklight."
"Hey! I was just curious, I guess. I remember how everyone came here, how Wolverinejaw tried to fight Badgerstar, and how Ashenstrike talked about Sedgefire being wild... but you didn't know about Flintburr being here, not like Halfpond did, and you were a loner... so I guess I just wondered what happened between then and coming across Novella."
"Honestly... not a whole lot," Sedgefire said, "I was with a clan for a little while, but then it fell apart when I was still a kitten. A sickly queen tried to look after me, but she died shortly after, some lingering sickness from something going wrong in kitting. So... I was just a kit, and I was on my own. For the first few moons it was grisly- I had to stay mostly hidden and hunt small creatures when I could and when I was sure I was safe. As I got older, I taught myself more and more, moving after the prey with the seasons and all that. I realized I'd forgotten my own name when I came across a group of travelers who asked for it several moons later, and so I renamed myself Sedge, and they told me that they were going toward this kind of territory where prey was more bountiful, so I traveled with them for a bit, before we split off on the other side of the mountain. They continued on, but I went up and through EchoClan territory, and then down the other side, where I found Novella at the border, scared witless and bleeding. I smelled cats, and... well, the rest is history I guess."
"So you just decided to help her even though you didn't know her at all?" Dawnblossom asked, eyes twinkling. "Everyone thought you'd been friends for moons, and you never bothered to correct them because you didn't want anyone to think you were soft." Sedgefire pouted, her ears flattening.
"I'm not soft, it was just the right thing to do! Novella was so small back then... it would have been wrong to leave her there, scared and alone. I figured a clan of cats could help her where I couldn't, and then I planned to move on, but obviously... fate had other ideas."
"And thank StarClan it did, because I couldn't imagine this clan without you," Sedgefire chuckled a little as Dusklight grinned, "seriously. We needed someone strong and brave like you; like Lionheart. It's what makes GroveClan so special is that everyone has this incredibly capacity for love, no matter how stoic or cranky they are."
"I'm glad too. I never expected I would find my family again- not the one I was related to by blood, and certainly not the family I've found in all of you. I never thought I'd have a brother, or a sister in bonds, or be best friends with such a peppy warrior and such a headstrong medicine cat... and never did I think I'd put my own values and way of life on the line for a complete stranger who turned out to be so, so strong. Plus, I didn't ever see myself with a mate as cantankerous as Wolverinejaw."
"Hey," Wolverinejaw protested, and everyone laughed as she rolled her eyes, "sure, tease all you want."
"We will," Halfpond said with a smile, before his mate nudged him, and he jumped a little, "but I'll have to entrust that task to Dusklight. Excuse us for a moment." The pair of them got up, shaking out their pelts as they moved away from the group, passing Archie and Rivuletflight as they moved toward their little group. Dawnblossom beamed at them as they passed, before she lead Halfpond into the abandoned elder's den. "Okay... what are we doing here?"
"I've been thinking," Dawnblossom said, settling down with her tail over her paws, blue eyes staring determinedly at her mate, "just about things. About everything. And this isn't going in a bad direction- at least I don't think it is- but... well. I'm done training my apprentice now, and Newleaf is just around the corner and... seeing all the families together like this, I think I'm ready. I want kits." Halfpond blinked, before he let out an excited yell, pressing forward to rub their foreheads together with a loud purr.
"Yes! Yeah, of course, I mean. I... well. I want to be a father to our kits. I want to have kits with you; I'm happy with us as a family, with all our siblings and the love we have, but... I think I'd be a good father and I know you're going to be a great mother and... I want kits." He grinned, broadly, and Dawnblossom laughed a little, pressing their foreheads together again. "Are we allowed to tell people that we're trying?"
"Maybe we'll tell them when we're sure," Dawnblossom said with a purr, "when we know that we're doing to have little kits running around, causing havoc, which they will, because they have my genes. You can and should tell your parents though."
"And that means I'll love them, havoc and all, just as much as I love you." Dawnblossom purred, touching her nose to his, before they jumped as Sleetbreeze fell in through the entrance of the den, skidding across the ground a bit before he flipped back to his paws, shaking out his short pelt. He jumped as he noticed Dawnblossom and Halfpond watching him with amusement, before he purred a little.
"Don't mind me, I just have to go get my sister back. Cinderdawn!" He yowled, ducking back through the entrance to tackle his sister, the momentum carrying the two of them over and over as Falcongaze and Oakback batted snow at each other while their parents wrestled teasingly, kicking snow at their children whenever they got too close.
"Hey!" Sleetbreeze complained as Shadowtail nailed him behind the ear, "we're meant to be on the same side!"
"Oopsie," she said innocently, squealing as Dustfang flipped her and pinned her to the ground, laughing as she batted gently at the side of his face, purring up at him. He leaned down to nuzzle their noses together as she folded her paws around his shoulder, flipping him onto his back as they tussled, laughing so hard that there were tears in Dustfang's eyes.
"And they say you're the one with good aim," Dustfang wheezed, as Shadowtail teasingly bit his ear, his paws pushing lightly at her stomach, in a faux-movement to push her off of him.
"What, struggling to keep up?" She teased back, rolling away from him and dumping snow on top of his head as he spluttered, his mate darting away to shoulder-check her eldest son into the ground, pouncing on him as Falcongaze hollered for Cinderdawn's help, trying to swat snow at his mother while Oakback raced to block his father from helping his brother, the pair of large toms laughing as they swept massive flurries of snow at one another.
"Don't you wish Cardinalheart was here to help yo- ow!" Sleetbreeze teased Falcongaze, cutting himself off as Cinderdawn stepped on his stomach, racing toward their mother to bump her off of her brother, helping him to his paws. Sleetbreeze laughed at Falcongaze's glower, before he spluttered as the big tabby tom swept snow directly into his face.
"Don't you wish you'd closed your mouth?" He asked innocently, bursting into laughter as Sleetbreeze darted after him, chasing him around camp. Falcongaze skidded behind Adderstorm and a startled Squirrelwhisker, using them as a buffer between Sleetbreeze and himself. "Hey Adderstorm, can you flick him with snow for me? He's being annoying again." Adderstorm laughed, using her tail to flick a meager amount of snow at the tom.
"Fight your own battles," she said, and Falcongaze bolted, Sleetbreeze leaping over his cousin and his friend to chase after his brother, finally catching up and knocking him down, only to be immediately drenched in snow by his father, giving Falcongaze time to push to his paws and tackle Oakback instead. Adderstorm laughed, as Squirrelwhisker gave her a blank look.
"I'm not related to them," he said, and Adderstorm laughed harder.
"Come on, there's no reason to be embarrassed, you know I love your cousins, and I know you love them too." Squirrelwhisker's maw twitched into a smile. "They're cute, admit it."
"They were cuter when they weren't big enough to bury me in a cat-made snowbank," he said, and Adderstorm laughed, stretching to groom the snow from between the somali tom's ears. When she pulled back, Squirrelwhisker was smiling at her fondly, his eyes soft and gentle as he stared at her like she'd hung the sun in the sky.
"What?" She asked with a laugh, and he turned away, his smile embarrassed now.
"Nothing," he said, "you're just pretty." The sun turned his pelt to a fire orange, his eyes sparkling, his shoulders strong. Adderstorm felt affection for him well in her chest. Squirrelwhisker had been her best friend since she'd come to the clan, had challenged her and pushed her, but had supported her unconditionally. He'd been a perfect gentleman throughout his courting, had made his feelings known but never expected any reciprocation. The words had felt heavy on her tongue for a long time for fear of what they would mean, but with the way he looked in that moment, they had never seemed easier to say.
"I love you," she said, and Squirrelwhisker jolted, turning to blink at her, eyes wide, "I've known for a while but I've been afraid- afraid something would go wrong and I would lose you. I love you not just as someone I want to be with for the rest of my life, but as my best friend, someone I depend upon, someone I know I can trust... and I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you."
"You won't, Adderstorm, you never could. Even if we were capable of ending things badly, I'd never stop loving you. I couldn't; you mean too much to me, and for that you'll always have me, for as long as you need me. I'm not going anywhere." Adderstorm took a deep breath, smiling at him as he gazed shyly back at her. "Are you... are you saying you want to make it official?"
"Yeah," she said, "I am. I want to be your mate." Squirrelwhisker purred, smiling broadly as he nuzzled their noses together. His purr was cut off as Sleetbreeze tore past him with Dustfang hot on his tail, drenching him in snow again. He shook out his fur with a huff.
"Okay, that's it. Hazelskip! Woodbloom! Quailberry! Let's go!" Laughing, Adderstorm got to her paws, chasing after her mate as he threw himself into the battle, a broad grin on his face as he dumped pawful of snow after snow onto a tackled Sleetbreeze, howling laughter echoing into the air.


✦ servings consumed
15/15 - x13 voles & x1 fish
✦ clan events
the medicine cats search for kitting herbs
adderstorm and squirrelwhisker become mates! (yes kits)
halfpond and dawnblossom try for kits!
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - sootface, harrierstreak, longriver, burrcall, boulderflame, flowershine
2 - shadowtail, kererucall, avocetnose, harepuddle, hazelskip, quailberry
3 - acornstream, squirrelwhisker, adderstorm, woodbloom, cormorantpath, sparkfur
4 - hawkthorn, ashenstrike, lionheart, silvermoon, roseclaw, pinefeather
5 - fawnrunner, maplefall, badgerstar, mirage, dawnblossom, halfpond
border -
1 - dusklight, dustfang, flintburr, stonepatch, archibald, meadowfang

        badgerstar | 66 moons | ♂
        lives: ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰

        lionheart | 87 moons | ♀

        medicine cat:
        goldleaf | 88 moons | ♀ - 6sp
        spidernose | 61 moons | ♂ - 6sp
        mousestone | 45 moons | ♀ - 6sp

        flintburr | 102 moons | ♂
        maplefall | 62 moons | ♀
        hawkthorn | 76 moons | ♂
        shadowtail | 76 moons | ♀
        acornstream | 76 moons | ♀
        dustfang | 81 moons | ♂
        ashenstrike | 87 moons | ♂
        stonepatch | 63 moons | ♂
        fawnrunner | 62 moons | ♀
        harrierstreak | 54 moons | ♂
        flowershine | 53 moons | ♀
        longriver | 52 moons | ♂
        boulderflame | 50 moons | ♂
        burrcall | 50 moons | ♀
        roseclaw | 98 moons | ♂
        sootface | 70 moons | ♂
        pinefeather | 96 moons | ♂
        dawnblossom | 44 moons | ♀
        dusklight | 44 moons | ♂
        novella | 44 moons | ♀
        halfpond | 48 moons | ♂
        sedgefire | 48 moons | ♀
        willowthroat | 54 moons | ♂
        grouseclaw | 54 moons | ♂
        wolverinejaw | 51 moons | ♀
        burningcloud | 83 moons | ♂
        meadowfang | 83 moons | ♀
        woodbloom | 40 moons | ♀
        squirrelwhisker | 40 moons | ♂
        featherpelt | 88 moons | ♀
        adderstorm | 39 moons | ♀
        archibald | 44 moons | ♂
        fircloud | 100 moons | ♂
        rivuletflight | 48 moons | ♂
        silvermoon | 85 moons | ♀
        ripplemist | 42 moons | ♂
        frostbranch | 42 moons | ♂
        cormorantpath | 39 moons | ♂
        sparkfur | 39 moons | ♂
        avocetnose | 32 moons | ♂
        ternflutter | 32 moons | ♀
        elkbounce | 31 moons | ♀
        thunderspark| 31 moons | ♀
        mistcreek | 31 moons | ♀
        deerstripe | 31 moons | ♂
        juniperstorm | 30 moons | ♀
        midnightstream | 30 moons | ♂
        harepuddle | 58 moons | ♂
        kererucall | 90 moons | ♀
        falcongaze | 26 moons | ♂
        cinderdawn | 26 moons | ♀
        sleetbreeze | 26 moons | ♂
        oakback | 26 moons | ♂
        hazelskip | 25 moons | ♀
        quailberry | 25 moons | ♂
        riverbubble | 65 moons | ♀
        russetbound | 19 moons | ♂
        eveningfeather | 19 moons | ♀
        frecklestep | 19 moons | ♂
        morninglight | 19 moons | ♀
        crowcharm | 18 moons | ♂
        ravenflight | 18 moons | ♀
        starlingthroat | 18 moons | ♀
        tuisong | 18 moons | ♂
        lilactail | 18 moons | ♀
        lavenderspring | 18 moons | ♀
        fernstone | 17 moons | ♀
        cherrystorm | 17 moons | ♂
        pitchrunner | 17 moons | ♂
        mottlebloom | 17 moons | ♀
        pebblebird | 17 moons | ♂
        flamescorch | 17 moons | ♂
        mirage | 66 moons | ♀
        brackeneyes | 15 moons | ♀
        bramblepoppy | 15 moons | ♂
        thornfern | 15 moons | ♀
        thicketshade | 15 moons | ♂

        sunpaw | 6 moons | ♂
        brindlepaw | 6 moons | ♀
        redpaw | 6 moons | ♂

        sandcatcher | 33 moons | ♀
        emberwing | 30 moons | ♀

        eclipsekit | 5 moons | ♀
        brightkit | 5 moons | ♂
        beekit | 5 moons | ♂
        runningkit | 5 moons | ♂
        tallkit | 5 moons | ♀
        poppykit | 5 moons | ♀
        strongkit | 4 moons | ♀

    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    echoclan | Katrione
    clayclan | hazilnut
    highgarden | eagle,
    hazeclan | nightwolf950
    quickclan | eagle,

    enemy clans;
    none yet!

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | spruceclan | gracen
    south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
    west | highgarden | eagle,

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [4] | greencough
    chervil [6] | wounds/aches
    marigold [4] | wounds
    tansy [2] | coughs
    goldenrod [5] | wounds
    catchweed [3] | poultices
    poppy seeds [3] | pain
    cobwebs [2] | bleeding
    fennel [7] | pain
    raspberry leaves [6] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [5] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    chickweed [9] | coughs
    parsley [1] | bellyache
    rosemary [1] | burial
    willow bark [1] | pain
    bindweed [1] | binds sticks
    blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
    borage leaves [1] | milk
    bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
    burdock [1] | infections
    broom [2] | breaks/wounds
    burnet [4] | strength
    celandine [4] | eye infections
    horsetail [2] | stops bleeding
    oak leaves [1] | stops infection
    comfrey root [1] | wounds
    daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
    dock [1] | soothes scratches
    chamomile [1] | strength
    cob nuts [1] | unknown
    coltsfoot [1] | breathing
    dandelion [1] | bee stings
    elder leaves [1] | sprains
    feverfew [1] | fever/headache
    goatweed [1] | eases grief
    hawkweed [1] | greencough
    heather nectar [1] | sweetner
    honey [1] | soothes throats
    ivy leaves [1] | unknown
    juniper berries [1] | bellyaches
    lamb's ear [1] | strength
    lavender [1] | fever/chills
    lovage [1] | unknown
    lungwort [1] | yellowcough
    mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
    mint [1] | scenting
    mouse bile [1] | kills ticks
    rush [1] | breaks
    sorrel [1] | traveling herb
    laurel [1] | herb wraps
    stick [1] | pain
    stinging nettle [1] | swelling; pain; breaks
    sweet sedge [1] | infections
    echinacea [1] | coughs

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x13| 1 servings [13]
    vole | x0 | 1 servings [0]
    rabbit | x13 | 2 servings [26]
    bird | x13 | 3 servings [39]
    fish | x15 | 2 servings [30]
    squirrel | x13 | 2 servings [26]
    hare | x13 | 3 servings [36]
    capacity: 164 servings (10 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    flintburr | sunpaw [0]
    ↪ skills
    acornstream | brindlepaw [0]
    ↪ skills
    novella | redpaw [0]
    ↪ skills

    deceased cats;
    twilightkit ; murdered by dante
    redrunner ; heart failure/age
    fallowshimmer ; heart failure/age
    bronzekit, reedkit, paisleykit,
    streamkit & tinykit ; weakness at birth

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driftclan | 005

Postby dstars » Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:37 pm

' ' in the process of healing ' '

' ' but its time to say goodbye? ' '

number of cats: 006| next above ones visit: oct 18 | pebbles: 0020 | mod: kazin | servings: 009 | servings needed: 000

    - palestag joins Driftclan
    - simon joins Driftclan. he keeps his loner name for the time being
    - briarsea, simon, and palestag go hunting in Elders forest
    - silkstar goes hunting at Tidepools
    - tangerine searches for herbs at Above Ones shore
    - silkstar and tangerinebelly confer and decide briarsea has been loyal
    and dedicated to her post. she becomes deputy in the Ceremony of Succession
    - silkstar and tangerinebelly become friendlier with eachother.
    - x1 flounder is consumed.

    - thanks! do they have to find a cat to pose as the father
    or can i have Driftclan allow healers to have a mate and kits?

    males: 003 | females: 003
          silkstar | 36m | f
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          briarsea | 23m | f

          tangerinebelly | 41m | m
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          simon | 34m | m
          palestag | 27m | m


          mothglow | 31m | f | due


          Old Ones:

          name and name | kits
    ally clans:

    Enemy Clans

    north | clan name | dm
    east | clan name | dm
    south | clan Name | dm
    west | clan Name | dm

    medicine store
    catnip | x1 | used to treat greencough, sometimes whitecough.
    deadly in high amounts.
    chamomile | x1 | calms the senses and mind, strengthens the heart
    and body for travelling cats.
    cobwebs | x1 | used for bleeding, or to bind broken limbs.
    lavender | x1 | cures fevers and chills.
    wintergreen | x1 | treats wounds and some poisons.
    chevril | x1 | for infected wounds and bellyache, sometimes for kitting.
    marigold | x1 | stops infection and bleeding; can be used for stiff join
    broom | x1 |
    blackberry leaves | x1 |
    tansy | 1x |
    sweet sedge | 1x |

    red snapper | x1 | 3 servings [ uncommon ]
    flounder | x1 | 2 servings [ common ]
    minnows | x1 | 1 servings [ common ]
    quail | x0 | 2 servings [ uncommon ]
    swallow | x1 | 2 servings [ common ]
    robin | x0 | 2 servings [ common ]
    wood mouse | x1 | 1 servings [ common ]
    crab | x0 | 2 servings [ rare ]

    mentor | apprentice | training

    Above Ones
    cat name | cause of death
Last edited by dstars on Thu Oct 17, 2019 12:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
hi im dani!


19 - married - pet hoarder

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