Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

empire of the gods --- {post 1}

Postby legolas the elf » Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:08 pm


Cats 06 Mollies 04 Toms 02 Other 00 Servings 00 Archive Here Mod xxx

noble opened his eyes to familiar surroundings. and groaned. this dream yet
again? he thought he had gotten rid of it after meeting the love of his life.
the dream held no emotional attachment for him. it didn't haunt his every
step. why he barely remembered it when he went to sleep! and after he had
met barley, the dream had gone away. now it was back. noble was starting
to think his mind really wanted to annoy him.

the dream was more like a memory. the same chilly wind - unusual for the
area or any area surrounding it - blew around noble, ruffling his fur. the same
trees rose in a ring around him, like sentries standing watch. the same mound
of recently disturbed dirt below the palmetto glowed softly with the sun's
midday light.

and noble knew what he had to do to end this dream - what he had had to do
every time.

noble sighed and checked under the bush nearest to them - sure enough, there
was his sister's black pelt, dull in the spell of death. a small emotion tugged
at his heart, but noble ignored it with a resigned sigh, padding over to the
mound of dirt.

he started digging, swiping dirt to the side with his tail. soon his claws were
clogged with dirt, but noble pushed on until his claws hit something other
than dirt - something cold and soft.

moving faster now, noble uncovered the body of his brother who had died
only two days before the day of the dream - or, to say it in better words, the

he turned to get his sister's body when he heard a small cough behind him.
odd. no other cat had ever been in this dream before. no other living cat at

he turned, expecting to find some cat asking him what he was doing, or
frowning at him in disapproval. instead, he didn't see anything. something
drew his eyes down to his brother's grave.

only when he looked at striker's body, his brother was sitting straight up and
was looking as healthy as he had in life. the scars from his demise were gone.

and his eyes were red.

fasting moon one

{1} noble, barleyslash, widgeonfeather
{2} name, name, name, name, name, name

{1} barleyslash, cider
{2} name, name, name, name, name, name

herb search

all available corporals train
x takes assessment

{1} name

ranking up
x becomes y, of the z rank

medical care
{1} name (#treatment)

x and x (try for kits)
x and x

widgeonfeather (moon 1)
name goes into labor! [url]father[/url]

mod notes
striked out means its not applicable


even though he knew it was just a dream, noble still jumped back in surprise and fright. not much frightened the stoic tom, but
his long-dead brother coming to life with red eyes? even in a dream that was terrifying.

with a shrill chuckle that unnerved noble, his brother leaped out of the grave with ease, curling his tail in front of him as he sat
down, face to face with noble.
"i'm glad to finally meet you, noble." said striker - in a voice that was not his, had never been his.

in the voice of a molly.

noble backed up, his eyes never leaving the face of the stranger that had entered his brother's body. his hind quarters hit the
invisible barrier that was always in his dream and panic flashed through noble just for a moment before he reminded himself it
was just a dream.

but, looking into those red eyes, he wasn't so sure anymore.

"who are you?" he asked, surprised at how strong his voice sounded. the cat - or demon, maybe - possessing his brother's body,
made a dismissive noise that reminded him sharply of barley. he clung onto his love's name as proof this dream wasn't real - she
wasn't here.

"that is unimportant." the other replied, her eyes narrowing. "what matters here, right now, is you, sir noble."

noble tensed at the casual use of this title, and he let his mind chant the name of his love over and over. barley. barley. and slowly he came to his senses. this was a dream. his mind made this up to annoy him. so noble had every right in this dream - in his mind.

he untensed his muscles, and narrowed his eyes to match the other's expression. "oh really? this is my dream, so I think you should answer my questions."

she chuckled.
"you're inferring im part of your dream honey? how sweet." she was on her paws in an instant, and noble barely had time to duck her blow. part of her claw still nicked his ear. settling down again as if nothing had happened, she gave him an innocent look. "did that feel like a dream to you?"

the cool wind bit into the scratch, and noble was dumbfounded for the first time in his life. this wasn't a dream. how was this possible?

seeing she finally had his full attention, the other sighed and flipped her tail carelessly.
"finally. I was beginning to think you would never come around."

"who...who are you?" noble finally stammered out.

the other drew herself up, looking like a regal goddess.
"I am dolentyn, goddess of manipulation, deception, harm, trickery, possession, deceit - and among other things, evil."

so she was a regal goddess. an evil regal goddess.

however, this made every bit of sense in noble's mind. the way she had possessed his brother's body in a dream. how she had been able to claw him. her red eyes. he remembered stories, stories from barley. stories she barely remembered, of a pantheon of twelve gods. a myth, only now -

"isn't there another goddess of evil? or a god? mort - mort something." noble blurted out.

dolentyn looked proud.
"so you have heard of us. and no, mortimer is no god of evil - though he is the god of death."

but barley's stories were streaming back now. "you have two brothers." he said. "a god of good and neutrality, right? and the gods of the elements, plus a goddess of death - and the sun and the moon."

"you're on a roll." commented dolentyn.

"yes." frowned noble. "the last goddess is for ice right?"

"correct." agreed dolentyn. "though I haven't seen neubia for a while. she's always off up north, making it snow up there."

noble shook his head, trying to process it all. "you all exist." he said. "but why show yourself to me. tonight?"

the malicious smile left dolentyn's muzzle and her eyes became serious.
"cat's are starting to grow up without any mention of the gods at all - no mention of higher powers other than mother nature. with this 'mother nature' thing, terra, the goddess of the earth, grows stronger and more ambitious by the day. and I don't lie when I say this - even my two brothers are getting worried.

"I came here to you because I need you to help me contain her. if - when - I convince all the gods to help me take her down, we'll exile her into a safe community - with surveillance of course. you will be that surveillance. cast down there, in the mortal world with no memories of her former self, she will be a threat no more. and, while she lives her mortal life, you and your society, your clan, will spread word of the gods, and quench the idea of mother nature - so when terra dies and rises to her status as a goddess again, she will be no more powerful than the rest of us."

somewhere deep inside himself, noble knew she was not lying - that terra could become a huge threat to the gods and the mortals alike. but...

"she'll become a goddess again? when she dies? and what are you talking about? clan?"

"i'm afraid she will." sighed dolentyn. "even the other twelve gods put together only have enough power over one of their own to temporarily erase her memory and banish her to the mortal realm." she scowled. "and by clan, I mean you start one, a group of cats. that way, the word starts to spread. we - I - gain more worshippers."

"but...why me?"

"you've seen death and destruction and got through it. the potential to make heirs is already yours. and, quite honestly, you are prepared to save the world."

noble wouldn't fault her for saying that.

"of course," continued dolentyn, "there is a small price. youll find out what it is eventually - just one of my friends - if you're willing to take the risk. will you be the one to save the world noble, or will I have to find someone else?"

dolentyn sure knew how to pull a cats strings. and right now, noble didn't care about the price. he didn't care that this was the goddess of evil - she wasn't lying, noble knew.

"I will watch over her once she arrives. make sure she never knows of her past, never rises through the ranks lest power in the clan give her an idea of what she used to have."

dolentyn sighed, looking relieved - likely the first time a mortal cat had ever caused her relief.


then noble was swept into blackness.



the black tom jerked awake and barley let out a small sigh of relief, stepping away from her mate.

he shook his head. "what? barley? what's wrong?"

the ginger molly looked at him in concern. "you were dreaming." she explained. "shaking violently. muttering about dolentyn, and evil, and mother nature, and your siblings - noble, are you okay?" she asked noticing his awed expression.

"they really did exist." he said wonderingly.

barley frowned at her mate. "noble?"

he looked up at her, his green-yellow eyes bright. "barley they exist! the gods! dolentyn visited my dream, told me terra was getting too powerful, and I got to watch over her, and - "

"slow down." said barley, a small grin spreading across her face. was noble starting to believe in the gods? this would be useful. but if it was dolentyn…

"explain your dream to me in full detail." barley demanded her mate, curling her bushy tail around her paws.

noble did.

by the end of his tail, every hair on barley's pelt was bristling with excitement. for two whole seasons she had been trying to convince noble that the gods did exist, and that they should join a clan to catch on to the trend. but create one? and they were entrusted with watching over a powerful goddess? barley was happier than ever.

mostly because it meant she got to share her lover with noble to a bunch of cats unworthy of him. also, a clan did seem cool...

"it seems to me," the molly said, "like we have a clan to create."


"mommy, mommy, mommy!"

cider groaned and rolled over, putting her back to her son.

"mommy!" smithy tugged on her ear. cider rolled her eyes behind her closed eyelids good naturedly before shaking her son off and sitting up.

"I was sleeping, dear." she scolded him with a tooth-filled yawn.

smithy wasn't cowed. "I know, but I woke you up 'cause it's 'portant! there's this nice molly down the rise. she saw me awake and told me she was looking for a kit, and to come wake you up 'cause she thought you might be a good extra help."

a missing kit? cider stood up, wide awake now. she's missing a kit? if I lost smithy... I don't know what i'd do.

"where is she?" she asked her son. smithy pointed with his tail to the far end of the rise, and cider trotted down the slope, her son at her side.

cider found a tortoiseshell molly at the bottom. she was younger than cider, and from the looks of her, was expecting kits. they wouldn't be born for a while, if cider had to guess, but it was all the more reason to find this older kit. so he or she got to meet her or his little brothers and sisters.

"hello." cider said, dipping her head towards the other molly. "i'm cider. this is my son smithy. who might you be?"

"widgeonfeather." replied the molly, with a quick but respectful dip of her head. "i'm looking for a kit. my adopted daughter, aspkit. she must have wandered off while I was sleeping, but I lost her scent around here and -"

she broke off, looking around in vain. "she can't lose me too." added widgeonfeather quietly, almost so quiet that cider barely heard her.

smithy didn't have much tack though. "widgeonfeather and aspkit are such weird names. and what do you mean, 'lose me too?' did you -"

cider cut her son off with a cuff over the ears and an apologetic glance at widgeonfeather.

"while the names are weird, my son didn't mean to offend you." she sighed, with a sharp glance at smithy. he looked back up at her, innocence shining in his eyes.

widgeonfeather shook her head with a small smile. "it's okay." she said softly. "i guess the names are weird. they're clan names. and aspkit lost her family, and found me, so I took her in."

"clan?" cider said, her tone suddenly sharpened with interest. "i've been looking for one to join - to protect my son from his father."

widgeonfeather shook her head. "i'm afraid my clan has disbanded as well as hers. and I know of no clans in this area." she paused. "and I hate to sound impolite but I really need to find aspkit!"

"right." said cider, shaking off her momentary burst of energy. "smithy, take widgeonfeather to the other side of the rise and search over there. i'll look over here in case she missed a scent."

smithy looked proud to have such a job entrusted to him, and he tugged gently on widgeonfeather's tail, tugging her towards a path that would take them around the rise.

cider sniffed around for any trace of cat scent that was not hers, smithy's, or widgeonfeather's, but found nothing. as she readied herself to go deeper into the greenery, widgeonfeather's excited yowl alerted cider that the other molly had found aspkit's scent.

cider bounded over the rise and down the other side, at widgeonfeather's side in an instant.

"I found the scent! I found the scent!" smithy grinned bounding over to cider, his eyes wide with pride.

"indeed he did." smiled widgeonfeather, catching cider's unsure look.

smithy puffed out his chest, drawing cider's attention back to him. "widgeonfeather says i'll be a great warrior one day. maybe the best in the whole clan!"

cider glanced over at widgeonfeather just in time to see the tortoiseshell's face fall. "we'll find another clan." said cider quietly, making sure smithy couldn't hear her.

"we will find a clan after we find aspkit. for her, for you, for my son. I promise you with all my heart."

cider was surprised to find she meant it with a burning passion, buried deep in her heart.

widgeonfeather took a deep breath. "yes we will." she agreed. then she hurtled for the trail. let's find aspkit!" she called behind her, leaving cider and smithy to catch up.

after only a few minutes of running, widgeonfeather stopped abruptly and cider barely managed to stop herself from running into her. smithy was not so lucky in avoiding collision. he ran straight into his mother's rump.

cider ignored this and nudged widgeonfeather. "why did we stop? is everything alright?"

the tortoiseshell molly shook her head in disbelief. "can't you smell it?" cider took a deep breath in, and smelled 'it.' the scent of two cats - marking a distinct border. aspkit had crossed onto their territory.

smithy had smelled it too, and nudged his way between the two mollies. "mom...?" he asked, voice quivering.

cider looked at widgeonfeather and saw the determination sparkling in her new companion's eye. cider set her jaw. "we'll find aspkit, whether the owners of this territory like it or not."


noble watched the small group chow down on a mouse. he had heard conversation from where he had been hunting, and his ears had led him here. to tresspassers. on his territory.

he readied his haunches to spring on them. he could almost hear barleyslash, barley's new name, advising him not to surprise them. a moon ago, when noble had created the empire of the gods ("a little on the nose, don't you think?" barleyslash had said), barleyslash would have eagerly joined him. but ever since she had had a dream conversation with the god of neutrality, barleyslash had become more reserved and cautious.

but barleyslash wasn't here to stop noble. with a hiss, he launched himself out of the palmettos and onto the smaller of the two cats, a pale tortoiseshell molly.

his ambush was too sudden for them to react. the other molly's first reaction was to push the young kit away, and the molly noble now had pinned beneath him had been too surprised to react.

the kit was the first to recover. "let her go!" eh squeaked bravely, though his whole body trembled with fear. noble hoped his kits would be that brave. if barleyslash ever wanted to have them, that is.

"relax, kit." said noble. "I won't harm her if you tell me what you're doing on my territory."

the mollies shared a glance and the kit stared at noble with wide eyes before the pinned molly said, "i'm looking for my kit - aspkit. I fear she wandered into your territory."

noble looked at her, surprised. "aspkit is a clan name, isn't it?"

"no, it's my name." came a sassy retort from behind noble. the leader whipped around so fast he lost his hold on the molly who squirmed out from under him. a brown tabby kit stood, staring up at him with a fierce gleam in her eye. and behind her, half in and half out of the shadows stood barleyslash, shaking in silent laughter at noble's shocked expression.

"don't you laugh about this." he snapped at her, which made her laugh even more. but noble was distracted from his mate by the kit, who raced up to the tortoiseshell and nuzzled her chest.

the two laughed in joyful reunion, and the other molly - the grey one - and the tom kit stood awkwardly off to the side. the kit - aspkit if noble remembered correctly - pulled her face out of the tortoiseshell's fur and gestured towards barleyslash, whi had gotten over her laughter.

"i'm so sorry I wandered off! I got lost, and I smelled a borderline, so I crossed it and ran into barleyslash this morning! we've wandered around all day and now it's evening, and I found you!"

noble frowned at barleyslash. "so that's why you haven't been in camp all day."

"wait, wait, wait." said the tortoiseshell, pausing the conversation. "barleyslash? camp? those are clan terms if I've ever heard any."

"well," said noble, "i prefer empire over clan, but yes, i can say we are a clan. a small one, but powerful."

barleyslash shook her head. "why don't we all sit down, shake this off, and talk for a minute?"

time passed and noble explained everything he could to them, leaving out a few minor details like the fact that he was charged with watching over a mortal goddess with temporary amnesia; he didn't know when she would come; and he still had that price of dolentyn's to pay. her 'friend' she had said.

so instead he told them that by spreading the word of all the gods, terra's power would lessen.

after his not so brief history lesson and talk about the clan, both kits were begging their mothers to join. eventually, they both agreed, and all six cats headed off to camp. noble stayed behind for just one moment, and looked up at the few stars he could see coming out.

"gods, please give me all the power I need to run this clan."

then he was chatting casually with barleyslash, as if nothing had happened.


name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ mentor

cider | 42 | molly | x
widgeonfeather | 37 | molly | x

aspkit | 4 | molly | x
smithy | 3 | tom | x

name | age | gender | x
Supreme Leader:
noble | 31 | tom | x

Sergeant Majors:
name | age | gender | x
name | age | gender | x

Commanding Generals:
name | age | gender | x
name | age | gender | x

barleyslash | 30 | molly | x
name | age | gender | x
name | age | gender | x

name | age | gender | x
name | age | gender | x

name | age | gender | x

Allowed Death Rolls
marked in red
The Dead

herb | amount | herb 2 | amount
frogs/toads | 1 | 0
geckos | 1 | 0
small fish | 2 | 0
big fish | 3 | 0
possums | 3 | 0
young alligator | 3 | 0
legolas the elf
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Flurry Clan: #1

Postby rayneynix » Mon Sep 09, 2019 3:38 pm


Number of Cats: 1 | Next Starclan Visit: Sunday, September 15th | Pebbles: 20| Mod: Deimos

A lone cat wandered aimlessly across the empty expanse of slowly browning grass while the crisp air slightly ruffled her pelt as it blew past, signaling the beginning of leaf-fall. Letting out a light breath Amber scanned the field as she caught the smell of something not far off in the distance past the old long abandoned barn she'd noticed on the horizon earlier. Making her way there at a steady pace she reached a small secluded cluster of trees which seemed to give off a slightly odd aura but it was also somehow familiar, at first she was a bit wary but cautiously Amber made her way into the groves center where a large pond sat. It was quickly growing dark and from the ponds depths the moons light shone off of it in a beautiful reflection which appeared as if the sky itself was trapped in this pond, but something else seemed to be stirring in the waters. Amber leaned her face down gingerly as she peered over the edge. Expecting to catch a sight of a fish she was startled to find a pale cat that seemed to be made of stars watching her in the water,
"who are you?" she whispered to the odd reflection,
"I am one of your ancestors my dear Amber. I expect you came here because you noticed something drawing you here, yes?"
Remembering the odd familiar smell from earlier she nodded quietly as the older cat continued,
"We have a very important task for you Amber, but we believe you are capable of doing it. If you were not aware your ancestors were cats that belonged to clans but over time they have all vanished due to lack of shelter or other reasons. We have been waiting for a cat to come around these parts for moons and now that you are here we can finally bring them back."
Amber sat up blankly, "So you want me to start up a.. clan? but how am I supposed to lead a clan with just me in it?" she questioned.
"No need to fret, we will provide another cat to join you soon but for now do you think you can accomplish it?" The star cat asked Amber calmly as it's pale gaze watched her expectantly.
"Yes, yes I will do it." Amber agreed, dipping her head slightly in acknowledgement.
"Then from here on out you will be known as Amberstar, may you lead your clan dutifully." the star cat said before vanishing back into the water.
With a small stretch Amberstar stood up and looked into the pond as she thought about what happened before turning around and walked back to where she originally entered.
"If I'm going to try and start up one of these clans I've got to patrol the area to find things, otherwise how will I provide for all the new cats.. and myself." Amberstar murmured to herself as she headed off to patrol the area.

-Amberstar asks the Star Speakers for another clan member
-Amberstar begins a patrol

note: a mixture of colored in lineart, f2u images, and descriptions are fine for any cats

          Amberstar | 30 | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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( moorclan / post 03. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Mon Sep 09, 2019 4:17 pm

( statistics: 02 toms, 03 mollies, 05 total // 02 servings needed // next request from starclan is 09/07/19 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 00 pikas; 01 servings, 01 birds; 03 servings, 00 hares; 03 servings, 01 mice; 01 servings, 01 rabbits; 02 servings, 00 small fish; 02 servings // 06 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 01 catmint, 02 cobwebs, 01 poppy seeds, 01 borage leaves, 01 goldenrod, 01 thyme )— -
( archive // 20 pebbles )— -
    ixxx▬sweetdrop drew her tongue over the fur that lined the curve of her belly, stretched out upon her side, lounging in the middle of the place she and mirra now called home. her blue eyes were slits as she purred with contentment, even despite the ornery tomcat who'd brought them to this place (peccarypelt, as sweetdrop later learned his name to be, was - and she quoted - "pricklier than a hog's backside," according to hayfeather).
    ixxx▬she was happy, it seemed, for once in her life.
    ixxx▬there was no threat of murder, no leader snarling at every turn, as there had been in graveclan.
    ixxx▬things felt... normal. and as she watched mirra's tail tip twitch in goodbye as she trotted from the camp in search of prey, sweetdrop's eyelids grew heavier.
    ixxx▬the dream was . . . warm. fuzzy outlines surrounded everything in this realm of sleep, and faces were blurred by sweetdrop's subconscious. she felt pelts, pushed against hers, numerous cats pressed against her, all purring with joy. she could smell mollies and toms alike, could feel wiry muscles and skinny frames, thick, wavy fur and shortly-cropped flanks.
    ixxx▬"sweetdrop?" one of the bodies murmured, voice lulled by drowsiness. "what's wrong?"
    ixxx▬it was a tom's voice, and as sweetdrop concentrated further, the blurred lines around his face dulled to reveal a chausie tom, ticked brown along his spine but with darker markings around his forehead. he was beautiful.
    ixxx▬and sweetdrop knew, in that moment, that she needed to find him.
    ixxx▬"nothing is wrong, darling," her voice was soft as she nestled closer to him, inhaling the scent of a crisp breeze and oddly scented grass that was unfamiliar to the molly. this tom was not from nearby, but, by starclan would she trek to find him.
    ixxx▬"wonderful," he mumbled, resting his head upon her shoulders. the den was full of purring from the multitude of felines surrounding sweetdrop.
    ixxx▬the dream felt full. not crowded, though. it felt like sweetdrop was put together, like all of her pieces had connected to form these cats.
    ixxx▬she felt love.

consumption ; this is moorclan's third fasting moon.
medicine ; hayfeather searches for herbs.
hayfeather practices medicine.
hayfeather has five skill points.
training ; there are no apprentices training.
new apprentices ; there are no new apprentices.
warrior assessments ; there are no new warriors.
patrols ; tulipstar patrols the borders.
sweetdrop patrols the borders.
hunting ; peccarypelt and mirra go hunting.
nursery ; sweetdrop tries for kits with richterscreech of chessclan. ( proof )
deaths ; there are no deaths.
other actions ; tulipstar requests a valiant deputy from starclan.
clan notes ; sweetdrop attracts at least one cat while patrolling.
mirra prevents complications during births if she attends the kitting.
mod notes ; the following cats can be found at any time !
- fitchkit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- splashpaw (6m tom who will be rolled for powers when he is a warrior & who i would like to be found with ripplepaw)
- ripplepaw (6m tom who will be rolled for powers when he is a warrior & who i would like to be found with splashpaw)
( proof of ripple + splash is here ! )
- mallowpath (32m tom)
- mahoganynose (29m tom)
- chickenkit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- donkeykit (1m tom who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- goosekit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
( proof of mallow, mahogany, chicken, donkey, & goose here ! )

( the leader )
tulipstar, molly, 42m
brown bengal with green eyes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

( the deputy )
none yet
( the medicine cat )
hayfeather, tom, 36m
flame point bicolor with blue eyes

( warriors )
peccarypelt, tom, 31m
brown classic tabby with amber eyes
sweetdrop, molly, 22m, powers
longhair lynx point with blue eyes
mirra, molly, 35m, powers
classic calico tabby with amber eyes


( apprentices )
none yet
( queens )
none yet
( kits )
none yet
( elders )
none yet

( families )
name & name | name & name
( deceased )
name | cause of death
( training )
name | name | 00 skills
( borders )
north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

( allies )
clan name | username
( enemies )
clan name | username

Last edited by notwearingsocks on Wed Sep 11, 2019 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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◇ Create A Clan- V.4 ◇ ShimmerClan Starting Post

Postby S0LITAIRE » Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:17 am

My clan is called ShimmerClan. They live in light woodland, often covered in mist and with many streams and rivers throughout the territory. The ground itself is rocky but covered in grass. The grass is usually very short, but in some areas of the territory it's very long. The trees themselves are very tall: that added with the mist makes it very hard to see the treetops. Undergrowth is scarce, the main things in the woods are the trees, grass, rocks and streams: it's a rather open area.

A common phenomenon seen in the woods is odd rock structures, just odd enough to be natural. Cats often make their homes in these structures, as they're spacious, provide cover, and make for easy living.

The camp itself is a grassy hollow, covered in scattered stones and rocks of all sizes. The cats make their dens inside these, or in dug-out tunnels. A leader would climb up onto a slanted rock to address the clan.

ShimmerClan cats are known for their unpredictability; rarely do they or their actions ever seem to make sense. They're erratic and energetic most of the time. That, or they're eerily calm and collected; many say there's few in betweens.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Red weasel » Tue Sep 10, 2019 9:14 am

Number of Cats: 33 - serving size 6| Next Starclan Visit: open | Pebbles: 32

[Clan consumes 1 squirrel, one ermie, and one rabbit]
[Creamfoot partices]
[creamfoot forages for supplies]
[Patrol - Fernstep, Dusteye, Swiftspot, Volepaw, Sleekshine, Stonepaw]
[Hunting - Laurelstar, Snowcloud, Sandbrush, Coyotefang, Sunflower, Shadestripe]
[Patrol - Bluestorm, Windclaw, Darkstep]
Swiftpot and Sleekshine train their apprentices]

-Laurelstar names the new kitten and takes the kit under her wing
-After Snowkits death, her kits are left orphaned. Dawnrush decides to adopt the 5.
- One kit, reminding Dawnrush of her mother, is named after her
- Creamfoot stressed over not having the supplies he needs for Elmpaw, and expresses to Dawnrush his hope that one of the kits will soon show interest in being his apprentice
-Elmpaw sulks about is his pain, and about his friend making warrior before him
-Dustpaw joins the rank of warrior, earning the name Dusteye for her stalking skill
-Dusteye goes on her first official patrol with her former mentor Fernstep
-Laurelstar praises starclan for sending her a good, but cocky warrior, but worries over her clan to having enough protection with all the kits
-Laurelstar discusses the recent death, the influx of cubs, and her concerns with her most trusted members
-Sandbrush confines concerns for his apprentice to Laurelstar

          Laurelstar | 40 | Female| X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Snowcloud | 38 | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Creamfoot | 26 | Male | X
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Bluestorm | 34 | Female | X
          Fernstep | 29 | Female | X
          Sandbrush| 43 | Male | X
          Sunflower | 50 | Female | X
          Coyotefang | 56 | male | X
          Windclaw | 26 | male| X
          Swiftspot | 40 | Male | X
          Dusteye | 15 | Female | X
          Shadestripe | 20 | Male X

          Elmpaw | 13 | Male| X
          Volepaw | 9| Male | X
          Stonepaw | 9 | Female |X

          Dawnrush | 45 | female | X
          Rosewhisper | 41 | female| X

          Snowkit | 5 | Male | X
          Dovekit| 4 | Female| X
          Pearkit| 4 | X
          Icekit| 3 | X
          Sunkit | 2 | Male |X
          Peachkit| 2| Male| X
          Duskkit | 2 | Male | X
          Ravenkit| 2 | Male |X
          Oceankit|4| Female|X
          Fernkit| 1| Male | X
          Lightkit | 1 | Female | X
          Spotkit| 1 | Male | X
          Snowkit | 1 | Female | X
          Tigerkit| 1 | Male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender |[url=link]X[/url]

          Former apprenticeships:
          Fernstep: Dusteye

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Poppy Seeds|x1 | Aids sleep
    Catmint|x1 | Cures Greencough
    Oak leaves|x1 | Stops infection
    Alderbark|x1| Eases a toothache
    Lavender |x1| Cures fevers
    Sorrel|x1|Builds up an appetite
    Raspberry leaves|x2|
    Willow bark|x1|
    blackberry leaves|x1|

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x5 | 1 servings
    Vole | x6 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x3 | 2 servings
    Ermie | x2 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x 2 | 2 servings
    Large brids | x2 | 3 servings

    Sandbrush | Elmpaw |4 | Stalking, Hunting, battle, swim
    Swiftspot| Volepaw | 1 |Climbing, hunting,
    Sleekshine| Stonepaw | 1 | Climbing hunting,

    Deceased Cats:
    Snowshoe| female | died from birth complications |x
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Dawnrush x Unknown| Volepaw and Stonepaw
    Sunflower x Coyotefang| Dovekit, Icekit, Pearkit
    Rosewhisper x Swiftspot| Sunkit, Peachkit, Duskkit, Snowkit
    Snowshoe x unknown|Fernkit, Lightkit, spotkit, snowkit,Tigerkit
Avatar of Kiani by Dragoncool97, Art By Sixbane
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Re: KeyClan [001]

Postby obnixious » Tue Sep 10, 2019 10:36 am

Number of Cats: 3 | 2 - 1 | Next Visit to Pond of the Stars: Sept. 14
Mod: Duplex | Servings Needed: 0 (fasting for 2 moons) | Pebbles: 0

Humming a tune his twolegs used to listen to under his breath, Cypressstar sits atop the highest point of the metal tracks. His tail softly flicking around below. It's so freeing up here, where he could fall at any possible moment.

He looks down, and for a few dizzying moments images of tumbling down come to mind. It makes him feel small, and it's humbling.

Sighing softly, he gets up to his feet, and nimbly makes his way back down the tracks to the ground. He shivers a little at the sudden gust of wind that goes by, but is quick to shake it off as he heads towards the woods at the edge of the clearing. He really needs to start gathering some food, and should probably scope out his territory while he's at it.

Some leaves crumble under his paws as he walks under the trees, and it brings fond memories to mind. Memories of simpler times; of times when all he had to worry about was when his twolegs would come home from wherever it was they went to refill his food dish.

The memory quickly sours as the mental images shift and warp to cruelly remind him of how his twolegs one day just never came home. How his dish was never again filled despite him waiting for an entire week for their return. He fled the twoleg Clan after that, hissing and swiping at any twolegs foolish enough to try and approach him as he did.

He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head a little to try and physically shake away the thought, but then there's a sudden noise of a twig snapping to his right and he lunges at it with a snarl.

A scared screech reaches his ears, and it sounds too feline for it to have been some foolish prey. It makes him freeze, and he stares down at the wide, terrified eyes of the kit under his paws with wide eyes of his own. They continue to stare at each other for a few moments, both breathing erratically as they struggle to realize what just happened.

Scrambling off of the poor thing, Cypressstar flattens his ears, eyes glancing away from the little molly for a second before looking back at her.

"Ah, sorry. I was caught up in my head. I didn't mean to attack you like that."

The molly is silent for a few more moments, and Cypressstar has the bitter thought of how that snarky Cirque de Étoile cat was right; that he wasn't the right cat to be Ringmaster.

That thought is quickly pushed aside when she finally speaks up. "Oh, no! No, it's quite alright. I shouldn't've been sneaking up on you to begin with, uh, sir! Though, I am a little shocked you didn't hear me coming. I mean," she stops talking for a moment, and reaches up a paw to bat at the little bells around her neck. And wow, yeah, Cypressstar absolutely should've heard her coming. They're pretty loud. "but it's okay! Everyone gets caught up with thinking sometimes! My mama used to do the same thing."

Cypressstar honestly doesn't hear the latter half of what she has to say, and instead is very much focused on the little bells. They're attached to a little silky string that's tied up around her neck, and it's clearly the work of twolegs. Is she also from the same twoleg Clan as him? Was she also abandoned like he was?

"Oh no, I wasn't abandoned, sir! I jumped out of the monster when we were on the hot black path, and then I couldn't figure out how to get home, and then I found you!" Ah, he said that all out loud, didn't he?

"You did, yes. Uh, I'm Jingle Bell! What's your name?"

Cypressstar sighs softly, ears flattening against his skull. Not having another cat to speak to for so long really isn't healthy, if his 'speaking out his thoughts' thing is anything to go by. "I'm Cypressstar. It's nice to meet you, Jingle Bell."

The little molly practically beams at his response, and her purr cuts off whatever she was trying to say next. It's adorable, and Cpyressstar awkwardly smiles back, before reaching out to gently bat against the bells around her neck.

"You'll need to take these off if you want to get any better at being able to sneak around." his tone is soft, practically teasing, and he gives a small laugh at her pout. Getting up to his paws, he turns back to the camp, his tail flicking behind him as he does as if he's beckoning her. "Come on now, I live around here. You're free to stay if you'd like." He really hopes, probably selfishly, that she will stick around instead of trying to find her family.

"Yeah! That'd be great!" Jingle Bell cheers, bouncing on her toes in a little circle around him in pure excitement. Cypressstar nods, and then they're off.


It's a few days later when a small Abyssinian cat stumbles across the clearing of KeyClan. Her wide golden-amber eyes scan over all the metal and the buildings with curiosity, and in her excitement she doesn't notice that there's already two cats here.

Her dainty paws carry her over to the toppled over metal snake, and she curiously crouches down to crawl into the one that she naturally assumes is the head, rubbing herself against the smooth metal of its skull with a morbid fascination.

Crawling back out of it, she then freezes as she meets the strange orange gaze of the large cat in front of her. He looks very intimidating with his thick, fluffy coat, and she slowly begins moving back into the skull.

However, the tom simply sits. There's a rumble of laughter that comes from him, and it makes her flatten herself more against the ground with a pout.

"You're cruel, you know that?" she whines, finally realizing just who's in front of her. She's seen this tom in her dreams, and a pretty Javanese cat told her the other night that she was to seek him out and help him start a Clan. Which, by the way, was a wild dream.

"You're one to speak, sneaking into my home and walking around like you own the place. Just who are you, anyways?" his voice is a lot softer than Weasel had expected, and it soothes her nerves a little bit. But only a little! No tom would be buying her over with a stupid velvet voice like that.

"I'm Weasel, and you must be Cypressstar, yes?" as expected, her words don't even make her flinch. Guess the weird star cat in her dreams wasn't lying when she said he'd be expecting her. Then again, that probably also explained why he hadn't attacked her or anything yet. Sighing softly, Weasel makes her way out of the metal skull and then hops up on top of it, settling down with her tail draped over her paws as she looks down on him.

He doesn't even seem intimidated by this, and Weasel must admit she'd impressed. Her attention is easily brought away from him in a single moment, and her ears perk up at the sight of the little molly that's appearing around the big building nearby. "Oh, she didn't tell me you already had someone else here! What's your name, darling?" she questions, jumping off the metal snake to quickly approach the little molly.

It's clear she spooks the little Juggler, as she gives a squeak and scrambles past her towards Cypressstar to hide behind his bulky form. This makes Weasel pout a little bit, but then again she is a stranger, so it doesn't sting as much as it probably would otherwise.

"I don't know who this she it is you' mention, but Jinglepaw has been here just since yesterday." Weasel makes a mental note of his hesitation on her name, and remembers the words of the weird star lady cat about how in Clans cats usually go by specific naming schemes. This Jinglepaw was probably only recently named that, probably even just today, and Weasel decides quickly that she's not a fan of adding another part to her name.

"The strange star cat! She came to me in a dream and told me how to get here, and that I was supposed to help you with starting up this 'KeyClan' thing. Also, I'm not adding another part to my name like you two probably did. I doubt your dame's named you 'Cypressstar' and 'Jinglepaw', and those certainly aren't the kind of names a twoleg would give you either. And I will not be conforming to this weird naming thing."

She fully expected some kind of complaint. Anything from a whine of 'please' to a physical attack from the large cat before her. Instead, Cypressstar throws back in head in a laugh, and it startles her. Why is he laughing?

"Of course, that's fine." Wait, what? "I don't really see any need to force Cirque de Étoile's strange naming rules, outside of being named Ringmaster. If you'd like to stay just Weasel, that's perfectly fine with me."

Jinglepaw nods from behind him, poking her head around just enough to be seen. "Yeah! My name was Jingle Bell, and Cypressstar gave me the choice of keeping my old name or changing to this! I thought it would be a fun kind of change, so I did, but it's super cool you want to keep your name!" she then bounds out from behind him to approach Weasel, and the older molly feels her chest swell with affection at the adorable little molly before her.

"Well, Jinglepaw, Cypressstar, Thank you so much." she's absolutely not tearing up, and will absolutely deny what these two liars have to say about it later.

It's good to be home, she thinks, as she finally feels herself relax.

KeyClan fasts

Cypressstar and Jinglepaw hunt
Weasel hunts for herbs
Cypressstar and Jinglepaw train

Syrinxecho and Auletris join from Empire

cats wrote:
Cypressstar | 32 Moons | | 🗝️
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Trapeze Artist:
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Weasel | 21 Moons | | 🗝️
Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Jinglepaw | 7 Moons | | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️

Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
Name | Age | Gender | 🗝️
information wrote:
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
x1 burdock root | soothes rat bites
x1 catmint | greencough & whitecough
x1 fennel | helps hip pain
x1 mallow leaves | soothes bellyache
x1 raspberry leaves | ease pain & stop bleeding

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frog | x0 | 1 servings
Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Hare | x3 | 3 servings
Total | 9 servings
cats cont. wrote:
Cypressstar | Jinglepaw | 0 | N/A
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits

font credits: © ©
Last edited by obnixious on Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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hazilnut's replies 31

Postby hazilnut » Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:27 pm


    Greenleaf fury has vanished from the sun's radiant heat, leaving behind only a soft warmth that is easily dispersed by ever more frequent breezes which carry with them the scent of rain. Leaves have begun to tinge with red and orange, and a few unlucky souls have kicked off the descent for which this season earns its name. Squirrels and mice skitter over the fallen few looking for seeds and nuts which they will stockpile for leafbare, ignorant to stalking forms of felines who are making preparations of their own.

    Fireclan | The Empire | Voidclan | Spiderclan | Robinclan | Cliffclan | Vesuvia | Oneclan | Hurricaneclan | Pagtuklas | Paragonclan | Moonclan

    lucifer morningstar. wrote:

    fasting moon one
    {1} noble, barleyslash, widgeonfeather
    {1} barleyslash, cider
    widgeonfeather (moon 1)
    mod notes
    striked out means its not applicable

    ► Noble's hunting patrol catches x2 small fish
    ► Barleyslash's patrol finds a warrior

    asra wrote:

    𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨
    [Aether, Reinhilde, Anthon, Juto & Rye goes on a hunt & patrols the border]
    [Yvette goes to gather herbs (i think you’ve missed the last?)]
    [Yvette practices her medicinal skills]
    [Aether teaches Koda the speed skill]
    [Eris has finished her training! She will be promoted to a hunter if she passes her final assessment]
    [Eris goes through her final assessment]
    [Meridine goes in labour]
    [Aether requests for a second-in-command]

    ► Aether's hunting patrol catches x2 hares & x1 rabbit
    ► Aether's patrol finds an [url]elder[/url] & 13 pebbles
    ► Yvette gathers x2 goldenrod as well as the x1 rush & x1 holly berries she had stashed away last moon and forgotten to retrieve
    ► Yvette keeps her skills sharp
    ► Koda learns speed but gets a small scratch from training that needs x1 broom
    ► Eris passes her assessment
    ► Meridine gives birth to five perfectly healthy kits
    ► Aether's request is granted

    Sky Does Everything wrote:

    [ oneclan consumes nothing this moon - 1/2 ]
    [ thornpaw and brackenkit are welcomed into the clan ]
    [ troutpaw is welcomed into the clan - proof ]
    [ novateller requests a clanmate ]
    [ thornpaw is apprenticed to grasspatch ]
    [ troutpaw is apprenticed to novateller ]
    [ grasspatch patrols ]
    [ novateller, borealtooth, and heavyfoot hunt ]
    [ autumnleaf searches for herbs ]
    [ pondpaw, thornpaw, and troutpaw all train with their mentors ]
    [ requesting no deaths, injuries are okay! ]
    [ oneclan starts their journey to their new territory ]
    ↳ when finding new loners/cats, please say they are a survivor unless otherwise specified
    [ permission was granted to change to oneclan ]

    ► Novateller's request is granted, yielding him a dane
    ► Grasspath's patrol finds traces of fox & 15 pebbles
    ► Novateller's hunting patrol catches x2 rabbits
    ► Autumnleaf gathers x1 ragwort & x1 bright-eye
    ► Pondpaw fails to learn hunting
    ► Thornpaw fails to learn hunting
    ► Troutpaw learns battle

    frightened eyes wrote:

    [ Temporary until I can code ]
    [ Moonstar founds Moonclan ]
    [ Moonstar visits the Whispering Stones and requests a cat from Starclan ]
    [ Moonstar hunts ]
    [ Moonstar patrols ]

    ► Moonstar's request is granted
    ► Moonstar's hunting patrol catches x1 hawk
    ► Moonstar's patrol finds a warrior and a kit as well as 8 pebbles

    CUBESQUARE wrote:My clan is called ShimmerClan. They live in light woodland, often covered in mist and with many streams and rivers throughout the territory. The ground itself is rocky but covered in grass. The grass is usually very short, but in some areas of the territory it's very long. The trees themselves are very tall: that added with the mist makes it very hard to see the treetops. Undergrowth is scarce, the main things in the woods are the trees, grass, rocks and streams: it's a rather open area.

    A common phenomenon seen in the woods is odd rock structures, just odd enough to be natural. Cats often make their homes in these structures, as they're spacious, provide cover, and make for easy living.

    The camp itself is a grassy hollow, covered in scattered stones and rocks of all sizes. The cats make their dens inside these, or in dug-out tunnels. A leader would climb up onto a slanted rock to address the clan.

    ShimmerClan cats are known for their unpredictability; rarely do they or their actions ever seem to make sense. They're erratic and energetic most of the time. That, or they're eerily calm and collected; many say there's few in betweens.

    ► Shimmerclan has been founded
    ► Katione will assign you a mod
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    [ clan replies ] [ 032 ]

    Postby deimido » Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:28 pm

    lagoonclan, hazeclan, kwamiclan, rainclan, evanora's reach
    strikersclan, whitebark, seaclan, flurryclan
    northernclan, the neighborhood, cloudclan

    the first leaves have begun to turn colors
    and drop in forest territories, signalling t
    he beginning of leaf-fall and the coming sn
    ows for some. the chances of catching sick
    ness or dying during birth will rise and th
    e number of cats and prey passing throug
    h will drop.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah

    all images found on pexels, unsplash, and


    starlingflight's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.

    marshpool's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.

    oakfang's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 bird.

    ghost's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.

    haunt's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 stoat.


    jayfur's patrol encountered. .
    ↪ a warrior! *

    batwing's patrol found . .
    ↪ +7 pebbles!

    emberspark's patrol found . .
    ↪ +11 pebbles!

    slatestone's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a warrior & an apprentice! *


    cloudypaw gathered . .
    ↪ +1 raspberry leaves.
    ↪ +1 goatweed.


    the apps. learned . .
    petal > offense.
    cherry > hunting.
    tiger > defense.
    willow > nothing..
    sparrow > defense.
    finch > nothing..
    moth > hunting.
    wild > stalking.
    riddle > stalking.
    sorrel > hunting.
    finch > defense.
    fox > offense.
    radish > stalking.

      ancestral request
      ↪ the spirits that watch over hazeclan pay heed to pantherstar's request and send her an elder; they're a brown-and-white tabby longhair.

      ↪ hazeclan welcomes five new warriors; rapidfall, swiftfeather, beetlecrawl, twigscratch, and wrenwillow!
      ↪ hazeclan welcomes thirty-four apprentices; topazpaw, diamondpaw, stagpaw, fawnpaw, fangpaw, gustpaw, flintpaw, sharppaw, pansypaw,
      burrowpaw, monarchpaw, flurrypaw, webpaw, cranepaw, coldpaw, pikepaw, smallpaw, fernpaw, blossompaw, bearpaw, sprucepaw, tumblepaw,
      piperpaw, hillpaw, bubblepaw, streampaw, bluepaw, drizzlepaw, tealpaw, tortoisepaw, heathpaw, poppypaw, and icepaw!

      nursery related
      ↪ butterflywatcher has learned that she's expecting a litter with hornetwhisker! her kits are due in two moons.

      patrol related
      ↪ the warrior found on jayfur's patrol is a ginger-and-white tabby shorthair.
      ↪ the warrior found on slatestone's patrol is a silver tabby shorthair, while the apprentice is a solid white shorthair.


    no hunting occurred!


    amberstar encountered . .
    ↪ a warrior!


    no gathering occurred!


    no training occurred!

      ancestral request
      ↪ the spirits that watch over flurryclan pay heed to amberstar's request and send her a new cat to join her clan.


    ploverstar's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 mouse.


    darkcrow's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ nothing of note!


    fadedsong gathered . .
    ↪ +1 willow leaves.
    ↪ +1 catmint.


    no training occurred!

      medicine practice
      ↪ fadedsong's skills stay sharp! she remains at 5SP.
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    【 ♛ ─── " 𝑽𝑬𝑺𝑼𝑽𝑰𝑨 | 𝑽𝑰𝑰𝑰 】

    Postby geto » Tue Sep 10, 2019 11:45 pm

        𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 017
        𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 008
        𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 009

      𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 3
      𝙥𝙚𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 47
      𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 12 sep
        𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 | 𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚
        [Eris, Reinhilde, Anthon, Juto & Rye goes on a hunt & patrols the border]
        [Yvette goes to gather herbs]
        [Yvette practices her medicinal skills]
        [x1 broom has been used on Koda]

        [x1 hare has been consumed by the clan]
        [x2 hare & x1 rabbit has been added into the feed]
        [x2 goldenrod & x1 rush & x1 holly berry has been added into the medicine stash]
        [Eris, Meridine, Rye, Juto has been promoted to be a hunter]
        [Seiran has been accepted]
        [Halla is expecting in 1 moons]
        Aether, 08y 03m, male

        Seiran, 4y 01m, male

        ♛ nil
        ♛ nil
        ♛ nil

        Yvette, 06y 11m, female
        ♛ nil

        ♛ nil

        ♛ nil

        Reinhilde, 05y 09m, female
        Anthon, 04y 02m, male
        Eris, 01y 01m, female
        Meridine, 04y 06m, female
        Rye, 04y 04m, male
        Juto, 03y 09m, male
      Gray, 10y 09m, male

      Halla, 03y 11m, female
      - 1 posts left

      𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑺 [06𝒎 - 12𝒎]
      Koda, 00y 08m, male

      𝑵𝑬𝑾𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 [00𝒎 - 06𝒎]
      Connor, 00y 00m, male
      Cersei, 00y 00m, female
      Eleanor, 00y 00m, female
      Tristan, 00y 00m, male
      Diyanne, 00y 00m, female

      [intruders, predators, wanderer, strays, etc]
      ♛ nil

      ♛ nil

      Aether | Eris, Koda

      nil | Meridine | Connor, Cersei,
      Eleanor, Tristan, Diyanne

      father n. | mother n. | child(s) n.

      group n. | ally/enemy

        ⊰ borage leaves x1 — produces more and better milk, brings down fevers,
        helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests
        ⊰ broom x0 — used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
        ⊰ burdock root x1 — soothes and heals rat bites, numbs rat bite to the
        point a cat cannot feel the pain, also treats infected paws and other sores
        ⊰ burnet x1 — used to provide strength, good for expecting queens
        ⊰ celandine x1 — soothes weakened or damaged eyes
        ⊰ goldenrod x2 — good for healing wounds
        ⊰ rush x1 — helps hold a broken limb in place
        ⊰ holly berry x1 — no medicinal value, dangerous to kits

        ⊰ Eris | 𝑰𝑽/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
        ⊰ Koda | 𝑰/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
      ⊰ mouse | 1 s. | x0 | 0 t.
      ⊰ shrew | 1 s. | x0 | 0 t.
      ⊰ rabbit | 2 s. | x2 | 4 t.
      ⊰ squirrel | 2 s. | x2 | 4 t.
      ⊰ small fish | 2 s. | x0 | 0 t.
      ⊰ hare | 3 s. | x2 | 6 t.

      north : name
      south : name
      east : name
      west : name
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    [ hiddenclan ] [ 001 ]

    Postby deimido » Wed Sep 11, 2019 8:44 am

    ┏───────────────── x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    size. 010 ) toms. 005 ) mollies. 005 )
    pebbles. 020 ) servings. 002 )
    last reply. here mod. amethyst14

    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x─────────────────┚

      Puffs of cold air left Lilac's maw as the sepia-colored tom emerged from the front doors of the HiddenClan camp and stepped out into the long-abandoned 'parking lot' outside. Humans were quite funny, Lilac thought. They put so much care into the metallic beasts, to the point where they created large stone floors so that the monsters slept outside while they meandered in the mall. There hadn't been such cases of it now, not since the humans left. The only taste Lilac got of the world where humans and felines coexisted came from his father, Reaper, who shared his stories of youth with him when the moment struck.

      "Greetings, old badger." Lilac mewed as he neared the old, gray cat who sat in the middle of the lot. His sightless eyes stared upward at the cloudly sky. Lilac scoffed as his father didn't bother reacting, knowing damn well that he heard his greeting. Nevertheless, he seated himself beside him. Ears pricked, staring straight ahead at the stone buildings that shared the dead mall's ill fate. His ear twitched as he heard Reaper clear his throat.

      "Where's your buddy? That bleeping tom should've shown up an hour ago." He demanded, his raspy voice grating Lilac's ears. Of course, Ivor hadn't bothered to show up when he needed to. His friend was never the most punctual or responsible. Why Lilac wouldn't even be the slightest bit surprised if he got sidetracked by a pretty molly on the way here, and to be fair, that's probably exactly what happened.

      "He'll show up soon enough." He replied, earning a scoff back.

      "You don't sound very confident."

      "That's because I'm not."

      Reaper rolled his eyes as he got up to his paws, taking a long stretch before he faced the direction of Lilac's mew. "I'm restless. Let's get it over with and go; maybe we'll meet the young idiot on the way." He said, trotting off before Lilac had a say. Grumbling in annoyance, the sepia tom followed after him as they headed into town. Taking in the quiet sights and sounds as they went ahead to meet their new contact.

      HiddenClan made a living out of exchanging information with other wanderers for prey. They usually made enough out of reporting new cats coming from either WardClan or SteamClan, though that was the extent of what they knew about their neighbors. Lilac urged his gang not to pursue any more about them, especially to Astra, their medic. But the longhaired caliby couldn't be stopped from gathering herbs in their part of town. Ivor too didn't listen, but that was no surprise.

      On their way, Reaper and Lilac stopped as they scented a pair of their cats; Cadence and her mate, Bronwyn, who pawed at a sewer hatch in an attempt to get out until the two toms intervened and helped open it up for them. Cadence leaped out first, grabbing Bronwyn's scuff and helping her out right after. The black-and-white molly gave her mate an appreciative lick on the cheek before they turned to Lilac and Reaper. The latter mewed first.

      "Quiverbone, Quickstep, do you have anything to report?" He asked both, grumbling when both mollies shook their heads.

      "Nothing yet, Rea- Nosight. But we're still scouting." Cadence answered, licking her chest fur anxiously to cover her embarrassment over flubbing the senior's name. Codenames were important to HiddenClan cats as a way to protect them against angry contacts who wanted to track them down. It was of utmost importance for them to keep themselves concealed; it was why Lilac and Reaper chose to make camp in the mall in the first place, its size was to their advantage.

      "At ease, Quiverbone. Have you seen Songweaver anywhere?" Lilac asked, gently probing Ivor's sister about her wayward littermate's whereabouts. His mood soured when Cadence said no.

      "But we'll keep an eye out! See you soon." Bronwyn butted in, chirping at Cadence to follow her when she was ready as the LaPerm loped away. Cadence mewed her goodbyes and followed her mate into the alleyway. Reaper chuckled, surprising Lilac.

      "They're good kids." He stated. "Hard to believe Quiverbone and Songweaver were in the same litter. You should've made her your auxiliary."

      Lilac didn't respond, they've been over how Cadence personally told him that she wasn't comfortable with the position many times over. "Come on, Nosight. We've still got a ways to go." He mewed inside, this time leaving his father behind as he padded away.


      - cadence and bronwyn's POV that i hope to write soon i just lost steam rn.
      - they find dewfang, fernlight, icepaw, and mistypaw hiding in a grocery store after having been chased by a dog all night.
      - feeling sympathy for the family, they invite them to come along with them and take them home to hiddenclan's camp.
      - dewfang agrees for his family's benefit, after weighing his options heavily.
      - later on that night when everyone comes home, astra reports that she found ivor sunbathing on the roof of a house.
      - lilac gives his friend the cat equivalent of a slap on the cheek, ivor takes it all in stride.
      - reaper disapproves of seeing dewfang's fam but is reminded that its not HIS decision of whether they stay or not.
      - lilac chooses let them stay, giving them about a moon to decide whether they'd like to move on or if they could formally like to join hiddenclan.
      - he even offers to have he and one of his cats train icepaw and mistypaw while they're here and after the kits show excitement for finally being able to do some formal training, their parents agree.
    ┏────────────────────────────────── x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
    trading secrets (hunting): lilac & reaper.
    scouting (patrolling): ivor, cadence, brownwyn.
    gathering herbs: astra.
    training: icepaw and mistypaw are taken out to train.
    new members: dewfang, fernlight, icepaw, and mistypaw. / proof
    mod notes: color-ins, please!
    for my own ref: dewfang > dewey houndbite / fernlight > varen dimflicker / icepaw > crispin / mistypaw > misty

    x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x──────────────────────────────────┚

    Lilac Steadypaws
    ↳ 25m, tom

    Ivor Songweaver
    ↳ 20m, tom

    Astra Soothsoul
    ↳ 22m, molly

    Reaper Nosight
    ↳ 60m, tom

    ↳ 49m, tom

    ↳ 48m, molly

    Cadence Quiverbone
    ↳ 20m, molly

    Bronwyn Quickstep
    ↳ 18m, molly

    ↳ 6m, tom

    ↳ 6m, molly




    Shares [x] border with SteamClan.
    Shares [x] border with WardClan.

    rats - 1 serving - x0
    lizards - 1 serving - x0
    squirrels - 2 servings - x0
    fish - 2 servings - x0
    sparrows - 2 servings - x0
    pigeons - 3 servings - x0


    Medicine Store
    herb - use - x0


    Lilac & Icepaw
    ↳ n/a

    Bronwyn & Mistypaw
    ↳ n/a


    Reaper & Lilac
    ↳ parent-child
    Ivor & Cadence
    ↳ littermates
    Bronwyn & Cadence
    ↳ mates
    Dew & Fern | Ice, Misty

    Last edited by deimido on Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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