Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

05. )───the kaokay clan

Postby w0ah » Sat May 18, 2019 2:30 pm

    population 007 na'vi ── men 04 na'vi ── women 03 na'vi ── children 00 na'vi ── companions 00 ── servings 00 ── eywa visit xxx ── archives here────

    Shifting about the brush, a yerik hooved through the vegetation, nostrils lowered to the ground as it sniffed for something to eat. These were strange creatures, with a deer-like anatomy and two fanned structure on each side of their face, bright yellow in color with two oval eye patterns, similar to those of moths. But these were no exception to the like of Nehay, having learned to hunt them since his apprenticeship years. His mentor trekked hours through the entanglements of the forest forests to find them a yerik, then only to scare them away when they failed. Dedicated and independent now, Nehay rarely failed──he, like many others, could not afford to fail, at all. As an experienced hunter now, and a leader of his very own clan, it was true of him to express his talent and skill when it came to the art of hunting. Now, being that his Tsahik was pregnant with his child, he prepared to guide his own through the trial and error, to correct their mistakes and show them the right.

    A child became a daunting thought to Nehay, but he came to trust Awhut as a capable mother who would have no trouble at all caring for their progeny. No matter how many children they bear in the future, she is the only capable female he’d ever trust with the task of raising their future heirs. Over the few years of their relationship, the bond between the two has grown stronger than he expected──sure it wasn’t a traditional relationship, but living beside another for so long can help you learn to love them as though you’ve always known them, and you’ve always loved them. To Nehay, he has learned both to love and to care for another individual just as he cares for himself. Protecting her became his main priority, and added their future children, he would cherish this little family they had begun. This family would become the most necessary and valuable line of the Kaokay Clan, as their blood and further on is royalty among the others, true leaders to behold.

    Careful. He told himself, eyes narrowing on the beast. Strapped onto his back was a hide quiver and handmade arrows, carved from stone and sharpened to a fine point. Held between his hands in a drawn-back position was his tsko, a bow. He aimed the point and leveled it to his eyes, preparing, taking in a deep breath──then, it startled. The yerik picked up its head and curled its lip in a hiss, turning and bounding away into the forest from where it came. Lowering the bow, Nehay hissed. “Skxawng.” Idiot. He cursed to himself. How had the creature seen him? He never moved, nor made a sound, nor even breathed a breath to startle the air in front of him. Had they spotted something other than himself?

    Suddenly, a figure parted the vegetation and stepped where the yerik once stood, lowering himself into a crouch as he tested the indent of their hooves with their fingers. An equally disappointed expression on their own face matched that of Nehay, leading him to believe this individual may have been hunting the same beast. Interesting it was for that to be so, for any hunter in their right mind would have been able to spot him with this bow and arrow. Either not an experienced hunter, or truly just left with bad luck, this tutan was only about to experience even more mishap in his wake.

    Springing from the underbrush, Nehay hooked his bow over his shoulder and leaped toward the unsuspecting hunter, unsheathing the knife at his chest. He crouched with his knees spread apart and bent, tail lashing, ears laid against the skull, nose rippled into a snarl, all taking a very defensive posture. The other, surprised by the appearance, fell back on their heels but righted themselves from their mistake, drawing a sharpened wooden stake and holding it firm between his fingers. Their weapon was very much inferior to his own, but Nehay held his ground──there were many possibilities in this situation, even without the strongest weapon. Any skillful warrior would know any way to use even the worst weapon to its best ability, reigning its use superior over others. The way one decides to use their weapon can, and very much will, determine the success of their actions.

    “Nga za’u ftu penseng?” Where do you come from? He questioned, the snarl sharp on his lips. The stranger curled back a bit, fiddling with the stake anxiously as though searching for a way out of this. “To nowhere of your knowledge.” He backed, tail slashing the air behind. In his half-braided hair he wore a yellow and black feather, accompanied by a blue feather that shone an iridescent hue in any light. His eyes were a dark brown, very dark, but almost seemed yellowish in color as they flashed with emotion. He wore the usual fold around his waist and between his legs, decorated with straps and other ornamental bands around his legs and arms. The length of his tail was strapped in an ornate pattern of twine, much like his legs, but thicker in girth. They must have come from another clan, one able to help decorate him in such ornate woven patterns and garb──such only a tutee was knowledgeable enough to do.

    “Where is your Clan, hunter?” Nehay asked, reigning back the aggression as he straightened his posture. He stood tall now, realizing his size compared to the other, but held his expression strong. The stranger, noticing this, steadied their own, no long feeling much threat from him──this was a mistake, however, as anyone could strike at any moment, as a loner was always sure to keep in mind. “They’re gone.” Nehay furrowed his brows, frowning in disbelief. “All of them?”

    “Srane.” Yes. They returned, expression falling slightly as they began to ponder. Dropping the spear to the dirt, the zìma’uyu bowed his head to the Olo’eyktan. “I am alone.”

    Pushing the weapon back into its sheath, Nehay glared down at the tutan with his lips set firm in a line. “Then you shall come with me.” He turned from the clearing and began his trek through the growth, ears flicking backward as the sound of shuffling behind indicated that the hunter had decided to follow him. Pleased by this, the male smirked.


    “I knew you would come to your senses.” Awhut murmured lowly, a smile gracing her pinkish-blue lips. She stood behind that of Räae, the young female gatherer, braiding her long tendrils of hair into thick, coarse braids. She nodded, smiled, then the pair fell silent.

    The Tsahik pulled back a section of the braids and tied them into a bun on the back of her head, using a red strand of cloth to keep it intact. The other sections of her braids were decorated in ribbons, along with a few feathers stuck behind the ears. In light of the special announcement, Räae wore a long, beaded skirt that compliment the colors of her other clothing. A strand of white feathers and beads was strapped around her waist like a belt, and a sheer cloth was draped over her shoulders. Tonight was a night to be dressed in their best wears, for they were to receive their blessing for Eywa, their deity, for their bonding──all members of the Kaokay, young and old, would gather at the Tree of Souls to ask for her blessing, to ensure that they will live a healthy and long-lasting bondage. And to Räae, this was all so daunting.

    Rising from her crouch, the female turned back toward Awhut and smiled. “I think I am ready.” The Tsahik frowned, shaking her head. “You do not think, Räae, you know.” The gatherer bowed her head apologetically to the tutee, nodding briefly. “You do know?” She looked up to gaze into the other’s eyes, matching the stern seriousness they held. “Srane.” Yes. She replied, voice firm and sure, not leaving a hint of questioning. Awhut smiled at this, cupping the young gatherer’s cheek before turning away and joining her mate, Nehay.

    “Lets go.” His voice rang out over the camp, directing all of the member’s attention of he and Räae as she stood, dressed in her precious wears, bowing her head in slight embarrassment as their eyes bore into hers. She barely notice Elfìweyt as he approached her, taking her hand into his own and squeezing it in reassurance. The gatherer flicked her eyes into his and smiled, relaxing instantly in his hold, although her anxiety still ran off of her in immense waves as her mate, or future to-be mate, guided her toward the Tree of Souls. Here we go. She reassured herself.

    The Clan as one moved into the large clearing where their ancestors have used for the many generations they’ve been, for anything Eywa could possibly guide them into prosperity with. A bonding of two individuals was only one of the happenings which occurred here, and a rather small one to take it, but important for a Clan having just started with little to give. The purpose of their bondage will be to supply their ranks with able hunters, warriors, and scouts, skillful in their tasks and ever loyal to their leaders and Eywa. With Awhut and her rounding stomach, holding the future heir of the Olo’eyktan, Räae would surely be expected the same. It wouldn’t be long after their blessing that she and her mate would try, eager to at least bear children in their age, as they are proud to do if in the means of the prosperity of their Clan. And, being around older and more experienced individuals, she could easily rely on other females for information and advice on the means of mates and children. Personally, Räae was excited and interested in the prospect──and with a strong, healthy tutan such as Elfìweyt, she was more assured.

    Räae instantly recognized the texture beneath her feet, the aura everything around her gave, how it made her feel. In this sacred grounds, the Tree of Souls stood proud and center, glowing vibrantly in the darkness of night. Its strands hung down at great lengths and swayed in the light breeze blowing through it, sending chills down the spines of all entering. The rest of the Clan positioned themselves on the ground, with the roots of the great tree surrounding, connecting their tswin to its roots and entrancing themselves with the connection, to Eywa, and the many voices of their ancestors within. Watching, the gatherer kept silent.

    The Tsahik, Awhut, stepped onto the dirt platform the base of the tree rooted itself into, speaking to Eywa herself as the ceremony commenced. She turned toward the couple, Räae and Elfìweyt, motioning for them to join her on the platform. The male looked down in her eyes and nodded, retracting their hands as their advanced, stepping over the others as they chanted with the Tsahik, and kneeled on the platform. They connect with the holy roots before them and entered the entranced state, and the entire Clan began to move, bend, twist in sync with each other as chantings rumbled from their chests and escaped their lips.

    All after such happening became a blur──Awhut spoke through the realms with Eywa and received the blessing for the couple, spreading smiles across their faces as they shared a glance. The Clan eventually removed their tswin and stood from the great Tree of Souls, turning their backs and entering the forest. The Tsahik stepped down from the dirt platform and joined the others, Räae and Elfìweyt not far behind. The gatherer paused and reached up with her hand, cupping the side of the hunter’s face as she stroked her finger across his cheek. He rose his hand and placed it over hers, turning his head to the side as he landed a kiss in her palm. Sharing another few moments of silence, they returned to the group hand-in-hand, nothing but a smile on their lips until they laid to rest for the night.

              ⤷ this is the last post of fasting for the kaokay clan.
              ⤷ sou, the hunter, is welcome into the clan.
              ⤷ elfìweyt and räae have been mated under eywa──will they be blessed with children?
              ⤷ vìotwì, elfìweyt, and sou perform a hunting patrol.
              ⤷ nehay performs a scouting patrol.
              ⤷ awhut and räae perform a gathering patrol.
              ⤷ awhut researches medicine.
              ⤷ elfìweyt trains sawyulii.


            nehay te tey'on ── ♂ ── 28 yrs
            ↪ j2 / s / 3 / c3 / x / na'vi ────


            awhut te owì ─── ♀ ── 26 yrs
            ↪ j2 / hc / 3 / e4 / x / na'vi───



        𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅
        full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────

        1. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        1. räae te eyä ──── ♀ ─── 20
        ↪ j1 / s / 2 / e5 / x / na'vi───
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────

        1. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        1. sawyulii te uaoa ── ♂ ── 15
        ↪ j6 / ac / 1 / c5 / y / na’vi──
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        vìotwì te oeyri ─── ♀ ── 33
        ↪ j1 / lw / 5 / d4 / x | na’vi ─

        1. elfìweyt te tawi ── ♂ ── 23
        ↪ j2 / hw / 4 / d1 / x / na'vi──
        2. sou te iäri ──── ♂ ──── 35
        ↪ j4 / lc / 4 / a7 / x / na’vi──


        1. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ child's name, ♂♀, 00 yrs
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ child's name, ♂♀, 00 yrs



        nehay & awhut ↴
        ↪ due in two posts

        elfìweyt ⟶ sawyulii te uaoa (1)
        ↪ training to become a hunter


        pet name here ── type ── ♂♀
        pet name here ── type ── ♂♀


        ✓ village name here─────user
        ✓ village name here─────user

        𝘟 village name here─────user
        𝘟 village name here─────user


        extra items here ─────── (#)
        extra items here ─────── (#)


        hare ── one serving ── (#)
        boar ── three servings ── (#)
        deer ── six servings ── (4)
        moose ── ten servings ── (1)
        radish ── one serving ── (#)
        turnip ── three servings ── (1)
        spinach ── four servings ── (2)
        fig ── one serving ── (2)
        peach ── two servings ── (1)
        papaya ── four servings ── (#)

        peach seed ─ harvest in 1 posts

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Postby eagle, » Sat May 18, 2019 3:56 pm


      in the year 3072, the human race has long-since polluted the earth beyond repair. earlier generations took precautions against the
      end of the world as they it, and sent scouts to find if there was any planet in the solar system, or beyond, that would serve as a
      suitable home for the millions of people on earth. after repeated explorations into the depth of space, it was determined that many
      planets housed inhospitable species that would not welcome humans at the time, but the government on earth had no choice. in a
      final decision, the government gathered the best and the brightest on a spacecraft called the wayfarer-one. the rest of the human
      population was given the choice to stay on the planet while it died away, or find their own ways to travel to space. in many instances,
      large cities in developed nations were able to round up a good number of people to ship them to space. when the individual space
      crafts left the atmosphere, the government decided that they were no longer a concern, as the primary concern was ensuring the
      safety and prosperity of wayfarer-one. it was rumored that many humans did manage to find their ways to different planets, which
      ultimately took them in. however, the wayfarer-one had no set destination, and the government thought the best chance of survival
      was to settle in space until the famous and intelligent on the space craft could find a way to heal earth.
      the experiment was determined to be humanity's last hope, but after nearly three generations, the wayfarer was little more than a
      mass of metal floating in space. due to a lack of oxygen and overcrowding on-board, many began to demand those in power that
      the ship be taken to a planet. instead, the government decided that the best coarse of action would be to link up to a nearby ship
      with good relations to wayfarer-one. when the decision leaked to the population, however, the passengers revolted. many people
      died in the following revolt. however, one pilot managed to escape using an escape pod that they turned into a small spacecraft
      that could be piloted. by the time they landed on a nearby planet, the news had already spread that the wayfarer-one reported the
      deaths of most of the population. the survivors, according to the report, escaped to different planets, and the stranded pilot was
      left on their own, with only their aspirations to rebuild the home they once knew. this time, not to try and heal earth, but to find
      their old friends and start a new wayfarer-two.

      territory technically, the wayfarer itself is a spacecraft and does not have its own territory. instead, pilots lead a small hunting
      or scouting patrol to surrounding planets. there, the pilots lead their crew to find food or recruit new members from the planets.
      thankfully, the surrounding planets seem to have animals and plants similar to those on earth.

      species & looks for the most part, the wayfarer houses humans of natural coloration. however, because of the radiation in space,
      humans may have variations of unnatural hair and skin colors. on occasion, other species may also join the crew - humans with
      powers are not entirely uncommon, nor are humanoid hybrids. some humans from the nearby planet nevula are considered to be
      an equivalent of wizards and witches, or elementals. note: none of the powers included in a character will affect the game, but
      are only for writing's purpose.

      farming because of the planets within the range of the wayfarer, farmers have the luxury of a life off of the wayfarer and and do
      not live with their appointed crew. instead, they live on the planet kirby, which has a climate and soil-quality that is same to earth.
      farmers are also often charged with the upkeep and breeding of skilled animals. all species are accepted for skill animals.

      population distribution the wayfarer has a different way of splitting up duties. while farmers remain on the planet kirby, the rest of
      the workers are divided into smaller crews, each led by a captain. the captains are selected by the head captain of the wayfarer,
      who acts as a leader of the entire population, called the chancellor. from there, the captains may select their crew from any person
      who is without a current crew. many crews consist of close-knit friends who grew up together and have a personal relationship, as
      the crew spends majority of their lives together. the crew often consists of about five members: captain, navigator, guard, scout,
      and another member that can be either a guard or a scout. however, some crews may differ from this exact template. there is no
      technical second in command to the chancellor. instead, the chancellor heads a council, on which elected captains are given a seat.
      when on the council, the captain gives up their crew - meaning that their crew needs to find a new captain - and takes a new title.
      the seats on the council change depending on the chancellor, though all have a doctor and most have a primary adviser, head guard,
      head scout, training instructor, and head farmer. the young of the wayfarer find their path from their youth. the head trainer is in
      charge of both trainees and pupils. pupils are children who have not yet been placed into their career paths, while trainees finish
      up their final years before they will likely join a crew. anyone who is not a member of a crew is called a comet. comets may be of
      any career path, but are considered free agents because they are not bound to a crew. therefore, they are most often given a
      trainee, or may be lumped with other comets for patrols. the position of chancellor is given through blood, so the first born of the
      chancellor is given the role of heir. the rest of the chancellor's children are usually given seats on the council, if available, or are
      considered for captain positions.

      can my chancellor please be a natural human?
      for my mod: i'd prefer mainly humans ( though wizards/witches are fairly common )
      and i'd prefer if eyes, skin, and hair were kept mainly realistic. exceptions may occur, just rarely
      thank you x

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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun May 19, 2019 3:55 am


Summer is here! During summer, your villagers will likely catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

It's not quite midway through the summer but the weather has taken a turn for the sweltering. People will be avoiding blankets whenever possible, and children will strongly prefer to be playing in the nearest body of water. Remember to water your plants and animals!

I sent out activity checks to my villages on May 14, 2019 (05/14/2019). If you have not replied two weeks from that date (05/28/2019), I will remove your village from the list. If you wish to come back after that date, simply PM me and I will restore your village to the list and you may continue from where you left off.

The following villages have been disbanded: The Xogiáagaó Tribe

Athens | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Drägen | Iron Rosette | Jurasul | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Timesnare | The Wayfarer

ilhdc7's Villages
Blackpaw Family | Expanse | Hawk Ridge | Moonset Village | Vakarosa | Tortuga

eagle, wrote:

[ The Wayfarer has been founded! Your chancellor's traits are: ST - C8 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - D3 / X / human. ]
[ I will be your mod. ]
[ Mod notes: To clarify, you will only accept humans (common) and witches/wizards (uncommon) with either natural (common) or fantasy (rare) traits? ]
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dovefeather - [08]

Postby legolas the elf » Mon May 20, 2019 2:22 am


People 18 Females 08 Males 10 Other 00 Servings 25 Archive Here Mod simonpet

- myra finds anniken, basically adopts her
- nikolas flirting with raiden, he flirts back
- some fluff between joaquin and amira cooking

- anniken comes up to myra, 'don't go'
- seanni and rosanth take myra, kiiron, raiden, and nikolas to impress

[ the people of dovefeather 21+ turns old consume 17 servings: x2 redfruit, x2 wherries, x1 goose ]
[ the people of dovefeather 6-20 turns old consume .5 servings: x.5 refruit ]
[ the carnivorous animals of dovefeather consume 0 servings: none ]
[ the omnivorous animals of dovefeather consume 0 servings: none ]
[ the herbivorous animals of dovefeather consume 0 servings: none ]

[ the following animals are welcomed to the hold: none ]
[ the following births are welcomed to the hold: none ]
[ the following villagers are welcomed to the hold: anniken, joaquin york, nikolas, roman bellmare, zia infens ]
[ the following crafters have been promoted to master: none ]
[ the following apprentices have completed their training: none ]
[ the following experimenters have completed testing: none ]
[ the following children have started testing: none ]
[ the following dragonriders have completed their training: none ]
[ the following candidates have become dragonlings: none ]

[ no one goes scouting ]
[ carlyn, jurus, marius, and roman go patrolling ]
[ joaquin, lobelia, myra, raiden, and seann go hunting ]
[ asariel and kiiron go gathering ]
[ no one goes on search ]

[ alaris (6 KP) researches medicine ]
[ zia (0 KP) researches medicine ]

[ no crafting takes place this turn ]

[ kiiron tends to the wheat seed. it blooms in 1 post ]

[ anniken tests farmercraft ]

[ n/a ]

[ n/a ]

[ wolves cannot be found in the territory for the next 4 posts ]

[ here ]


name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

anniken | 9 | female | x
xxx↳ vampire

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

carlyn jinx | 35 | female | 0 KP | x
xxx↳ human
m. alaris starsight | 25 | male | 6 KP | x
xxx↳ human
zia infens | 21 | female | 0 KP | x
xxx↳ shapeshifter

jurus | 44 | male | x
xxx↳ centaur

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

Other Staff:
joaquin york | 22 | male | cook | x
xxx↳ shapeshifter
Lady and Lord Holder:
lady myracle | 28 | female | x
xxx↳ light elf
name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

Junior Goldriders:
name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

Junior Bronzeriders:
name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

simon lightfoot | 39 | male | x
xxx↳ werehawk
amira lightfoot | 37 | female | x
xxx↳ werehawk
alaris starsight | 25 | male | x
xxx↳ human
name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

Dragonling Masters:
name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

name | age | gender | x
xxx↳ species

natalia remiss | 41 | female | x
xxx↳ werewolf
nikolas | 29 | male | x
xxx↳ dark elf
raiden lionclaw | 26 | male | x
xxx↳ wood elf

lobelia oakleaf | 39 | female | x
xxx↳ nymph/dryad
asariel onefeather | 36 | female | x
xxx↳ nephilim
kiiron | 29 | male | x
xxx↳ light elf
marius | 28 | male | x
xxx↳ centaur

roman bellmare | 29 | male | x
xxx↳ shapeshifter


name | gender | age | species

name | gender | age | species

shinx | female | lion | carlyn

title font credit to fontmeme
name | color | age | partner
name | color | age | gender | bondmate
Last edited by legolas the elf on Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby salvation. » Mon May 20, 2019 4:06 am

Sanguis is in the icy north. Sanguis is home to both humans and elementals and they
somewhat live in peace, as some do not like their kind. Sanguis is well known for their skill in
taming dragons as many of them are kept as pets. It is a bustling village with a lot of life
to it. The people of Sanguis are generally friendly and open to most people, they are very loyal to
the royal family and take pride in their kingdom.
Humans: The humans are what you would expect in Sanguis. Although the royal family is solely
human. They tend to have natural hair colors and skin tones as well as the eyes.
Elementals: Their unique ability to control one of the four elements makes them popular in the
entertainment/army industry. Some are discriminated against in Sanguis their powers are known to
"scare" the townsfolk. Their old kingdom had burned down, Sanguis offered to the take the rest in.
They have unnatural hair colors (usually aligned with what element they have, fire=red, water=blue
and so on) as well as eye colors. Their skin tones are natural.
King/Queen: Rulers of Sanguis
Prince/Princess: Heirs to the throne
Nobles: Upper Class of Sanguis, they are wealthy family. They are people with land or are
dragon trainers (dragons are very rare yet dragon trainers get paid a lot for their services)
Peasants:This includes the farmers, entertainers, etc.

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Luna Sirenis ( 000. )

Postby carpe noctem. » Mon May 20, 2019 8:50 am


      The Kingdom of Luna Sirenis is an ageless kingdom that has been around for centuries, once viewed as one of the most powerful kingdom in all of the moon's glow. Luna Sirenis is known to be an incredibly luxurious country, with many years of work done to all of the buildings within it's grasp, and it's people taking good care of the land and shelter that the Kingdom has provided for them. In addition to this, the kingdom is recognized to be a dangerous enemy, as they are seen as very brutal in their teachings and have a history written in blood.

      The Kingdom of Luna Sirenis was originally an underwater community for sirens, located in the coastal waters of a large island. They would sing the enchanting song of their kind, lulling ship captains and their followers into the blue depths of the sea. The sirens quickly developed a reputation, and very few ventured near the island, despite it being filled with various gems and jewels, those who did suffering a violent end by the hands of the sirens. That was until a community of shapeshifters came to the island, dodging the attacks of the sirens by shifting into sea creature and landing on the island. The sirens were confused and intrigued, and when they discovered that they could change forms they became especially interested. The queen of the sirens met with the queen of the shifters, and the two fell in love, joining the groups together. Together, their forces were nearly unstoppable, claiming ocean and land from north to south.

      Animals are an important piece of Luna Sirenis, particularly dragons, which have long been apart of the history of this Kingdom. Dragons are considered a blessing from the moon god, who is considered the mother of the sirens and all in the kingdom. They are powerful beasts that live across the island and the islands surrounding it, and even in the water, where certain species live.

      ━━ ( shifting siren. ) a class of siren that is a siren with the ability to change into animal forms, in addition to human form.
      ━━ ( siren. ) a class of siren that is a siren with the ability to human form.
      ━━ ( shifter. ) a humanoid being that has the ability to change its form into that of an animal.

      my this girl be my leader? she would be shifting siren. only natural skin tones please, and natural hair colour with the exception of blue, pink and purple colours.
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Create-A-Village V3

Postby Simonpet » Tue May 21, 2019 4:11 am


Summer is here! During summer, your villagers will likely catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

It's not quite midway through the summer but the weather has taken a turn for the sweltering. People will be avoiding blankets whenever possible, and children will strongly prefer to be playing in the nearest body of water. Remember to water your plants and animals!

I sent out activity checks to my villages on May 14, 2019 (05/14/2019). If you have not replied two weeks from that date (05/28/2019), I will remove your village from the list. If you wish to come back after that date, simply PM me and I will restore your village to the list and you may continue from where you left off.

I would also like to welcome Amethyst14, original owner and creator of CAV, back to the team as a full mod! She will be taking over ilhdc7's villages. At the same time, I have put out a survey on the Discord (which you may PM me to join) asking for your opinions on a new feature that has yet to be introduced.

And finally, I notice that a lot of you seem to really want skilled animals. We've got a marketplace for that! You receive 50 complementary yemons when you put up your initial stall/buy something from the market.

The following villages have been disbanded: none

Athens | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Drägen | Iron Rosette | Jurasul | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Timesnare | The Wayfarer

Legolas The Elf wrote:

[ Jurus's patrol finds x1 iron and x1 copper. ]
[ Asariel and Kiiron gather x2 mushrooms and x1 blackberry. ]
[ Myra's patrol catches x1 rabbit, x1 cow, x1 monkey, and x1 chicken. ]
[ Alaris and Zia gain 1 KP each. ]

[ Aniken has successfully tested being a fielder. ]

[ Black Rock Weyrhold receives the four Candidates for Impression and will take care of their needs, including food, during this time. Dovefeather may remove four servings from their village until their villagers return. ]
[ Mod notes: The following species have been added to the acceptable list: half-elves, orcs, dwarves, and halflings. Parents of two different species will have a roll to determine if their child is one species or a mix of both species. ]

salvation. wrote:

[ Sanguis has been founded! Your king/queen's traits are: ST - C6 / HS - LW / HC - 12 / EC - B1 / X / human. ]
[ Your mod will be Amethyst14. ]
[ Mod notes: To clarify, you accept the following species in Sanguis: humans, who have natural traits, and elementals, who have natural skin tones but fantasy hair and eye colors. ]

noctem. wrote:

[ Luna Sirenis has been founded! Your head chief's traits are: ST - D5 / HS - HC / HC - 20 / EC - E4 / X / shifting siren. ]
[ Your mod will be Amethyst14. ]
[ Mod notes: To clarify, you accept the following species in Luna Sirenis: shifting sirens, sirens, and shifters, who have natural traits with the addition of blue, pink, and purple hair. ]
Last edited by Simonpet on Tue May 21, 2019 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Wolfypoof » Wed May 22, 2019 7:36 pm

Season: Summer
During summer, your villagers will likely catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

Announcements: Check out our fanclub where we have some adoptions for you! And I have also sent out activity checks out last week ^ ^ I have received replies from quite a few of you already but please do if you haven't yet :) Also please let me know if you need anything changed!

Black Rock Weyrhold | Mar Sal |Mournstead | Skyhelm | Kaokay Clan | Liones Kingdom | Aurora Borealis Woods | Vertwyn | Linlithgow

nightwolf950 wrote:Image
{Liones Kingdom consumes x

Requests: Rolland requests an apprentice holy knight
Ceremonies: n/a
Other: n/a

Medic Info: Takeshi goes to Timber for a check up
Takeshi rests for a moon
Birhting Info: n/a
Deaths: n/a

Studying Medicine: Timber
Patrolling: Velcar, TMythia, Madoka, Myles, Axel, and Sirenna
Hunting/Gathering: Rolland, Lillia, Deja, Siveril, and Kiiru
Training: n/a

Mod Note: Everyone but Citizens, Shifters, and Werebeasts have a magic ability

[Rolland receives an apprentice holy knight. Their traits are ST-B5 | HS-S | HC-57 | EC-A1 | X | Werebeast]
[Timber gains 1KP]
[Velcar, Mythia, Madoka, Myles, Axel and Sirenna find an apprentice and citizen. Perhaps they are related in some way? Their traits are ST-F11 | HC-15 | HS-S | EC-A2 | X | Human and ST-B8 | HC-26 | HS-HW | EC-G6 | X | Winged Human respectively. ]
[Rolland, Lillia, Deja, Siveril and Kiiru hunt x2 perch, x1 boar and x1 hare]
[Rolland, Lillia, Deja, Siveril and Kiiru gather x1 apple and x1 lettuce]

w0ah wrote:

⤷ this is the last post of fasting for the kaokay clan.
⤷ sou, the hunter, is welcome into the clan.
⤷ elfìweyt and räae have been mated under eywa──will they be blessed with children?
⤷ vìotwì, elfìweyt, and sou perform a hunting patrol.
⤷ nehay performs a scouting patrol.
⤷ awhut and räae perform a gathering patrol.
⤷ awhut researches medicine.
⤷ elfìweyt trains sawyulii.

[Räae is now pregnant and will give birth in two posts]
[Vìotwì, Elfiweyt and Sou hunt x2 boar and x2 deer]
[Nehay finds a hunter and a warrior. Perhaps they are related in some way? Their traits are ST-J4 | HS-LW | HC-4 | EC-A5 | X | Na’vi and ST-J3 | HS-HW | HC-5 | EC-H5 | X | Na’vi respectively]
[Awhut and Räae gather x1 turnip, x1 fig and x1 peach]
[Awhut gains 1 KP]
[Sawyulii learns a new skill]
Last edited by Wolfypoof on Fri May 24, 2019 2:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Hawk Ridge 012

Postby Kazin » Thu May 23, 2019 10:56 am

Number of People: 020
Number of Animals: 001
Servings Needed: 19.25
21+ need 1, 16-20 need .5, under 6 need 0.
Animals need .25

"Hey, have you met the new warrior?"
"He says he's wrestled a bear!"
"I mean... he is a bear!"
"He wants us all to call him Demon Fang."

Everywhere Elora went, the talk of the new warrior followed. He was an intriguing shapeshifter from a far away place, his accent thick. He had a magnetic personality, drawing all the villagers to him like moths to a flame. While his personality was easy to get along with, it was the stories he brought with him that most intrigued people. The stories of why he wants to be called Demon Fang, the stories of his realizing he was a shapeshifter, shunned from his family because of it. Despite everything, he remained enthusiastic and optimistic about his situation, always pushing forward and enjoying the journey.

She watched him now, telling a story for probably the tenth time. She wondered what he saw in this village, though she would never grow curious enough to ask him directly. She could never be that straightforward. It was incredible to hear about where he had come from, and to be able to have in the village. But it didn't seem all of the other villagers in Hawk Ridge shared the same thought.

Laurel had been distant, making herself scarce around her new warrior. Elora wasn't sure what it was about him that she disliked, but perhaps it was the fact that it had only been Laurel, Samael, and Amara for so long that Laurel couldn't understand the point of adding another warrior. Or perhaps she was jealous that he was getting more attention for his stories than her. Elora watched the lead warrior absently play with the bandages on her face, always covering up wounds given to her by monsters. Not many people asked about them anymore. Not even the new villagers.

Maybe it was time to do a bonding activity with her village... but how to set something up? She was lost deep in thought as the laughter drifted to her, Seraphim's light chime the quietest, but the most significant. She smiled, watching him as he shook with laughter and lightly punched Vikram, or well, Demon Fang, in the arm after he said something. Seraphim would have an idea. He always had an idea.

Yes, things would get back on track. She felt it. Hawk Ridge may be full of differences, but they are shared one similarity; their love of the forest, and of each other. A big family. That was all she wanted it to be. She could fix this, and Elora knew just the thing to get everyone's moral up.

Now, she just had to find the time...


"Alright, everyone takes the day off today. Yes, even you Astor." Laughter drifted happily through the village at the healer's smirk, his mouth open about to ask if he could remain studying. It was all he seemed to do lately, and Elora knew it was time for him to do more with his fellow villagers rather than hang out by himself. Everyone needed a break. Beside her, Seraphim smiled crookedly at Astor, letting out his soft laugh. "I'll let Seraphim tell you what is going on, but I want everyone to participate, even Neru and Vida."

The harpy beamed at Elora, giving her a quick wink before taking her spot. "My dear fellow villagers. Elora has tasked me with creating an activity in which we can all bond with each other. Something to take our minds off of working, if only for a little while. I know we've been working nonstop, and we all deserve a break." Cheers rose up in agreement, though Seraphim shushed the crowd with his arms, chuckling. "While you were all working, I was also working, of course... but on something different. I have set up a series of challenges for different teams - these teams have been pre-selected by me. I will serve as the officiate, and every other being here will have to participate. Even Elora." Smirks from the villagers at Elora's aghast expression. "Allow me to split you into teams..."

"Team 1 will be Astor, Samael, Cylia, Yuki, and Neru. Team 2 will be Laurel, Demon Fang, Polaris, Aelys, and Vida. Team 3 will be Amara, Aara, Evidone, Mica, and Finn. Team 4 will be Elora, Syrinix, Kyran, Paradox, and Merope. This is going to be a scavenger hunt. Each of your team must complete a single task, which will be described once you find it. There are clues hidden throughout the forest, and each team has a different hunt. The first team to get back here wins a prize."

The villagers shuffled around, glancing at their team members, unsure of themselves. Seraphim had chosen each team as people who didn't normally interact with each other. He hoped it would serve what Elora wanted, give the villagers more comraderie with everyone... including Elora. She needed it especially.

"Your first clue is hidden in one of your team member's favorite spots. I will not tell you which team member. Begin!"

It may be chaos, to make them all work together with people they didn't typically work with, but it was chaos that Seraphim enjoyed seeing. He could only hope that it would achieve what Elora wanted...

New Members/Rank Up:
--> The scout is named Polaris, the warrior is named Vikram.
--> Mica and Vida are added via the fanclub.

--> Paradox, Seraphim, Merope, Yuki, Syrinix, and Finn hunt.

--> Aelys and Kyran gather.

--> Cylia, Evidone, Polaris, Mica, and Aara scout.
--> Laurel, Samael, Vikram, and Amara patrol borders.

--> Astor studies medicine.

--> Neru gives birth now! Aelys is the father. Her traits are ST- D7 / HS- LC / HC- 63 / EC- G6 / X / elf, the father's traits are ST - B9 | HS - LW | HC - 61 | EC - A7 | X | elf.
--> Vida is ready to give birth! Her traits are ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - G5 / X / human. The father's traits are ST - A5 / HS - HC / HC - 3 / EC - D3 / X / shapeshifter.

--> Hawk Ridge consumes a moose, salmon, catfish, and strawberry. [20 servings].

    Head Chief
    Elora | ♀ | 33 years
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 7 / EC - H2 / X / elf.

    Astor | ♂ | 26 years | KP: 6
    ↪ ST- F3 / HS- S / HC- 61 / EC- B3 / Y / shapeshifter [kestrel]

    War Chief
    Laurel | ♀ | 30 years
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - HC / HC - 6 / EC - D3 / X / human.

    Samael | ♂ | 26 years
    ↪ ST-G1 | HC-3 | HS-S | EC-C8 | X | dryad
    Vikram "Demon Fang" | ♂ | 22 years
    ↪ ST - D5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - B7 / X / shapeshifter (bear)
    Amara | ♀ | 20 years
    ↪ ST - E10 / HS - AC / HC - 24 / EC - B3 / X / elf

    Scout Chief
    Cylia | ♀ | 24 years
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - H2 / X / harpy

    Aara | ♀ | 27 years
    ↪ ST- C1 / HS- HC / HC- 8 / EC- G2 / X / harpy
    Evidone | ♂ | 35 years
    ↪ ST-A4 | HC-38 | HS-AC | EC-Hazel | X | dryad
    Polaris | ♂ | 25 years
    ↪ ST - B11 / HS - LC / HC - 18 / EC - E2 / X / harpy
    Mica / ♂ / 24 years
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - HC / HC - 3 / EC - D3 / X / shapeshifter [puffin]

    Hunting Chief
    Paradox | ♂ | 26 years
    ↪ ST- D3 / HS- LW / HC- 21 / EC- D1 / X / shapeshifter [ocelot]

    Seraphim | ♂ | 29 years
    ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 12 / EC - B4 / X / harpy
    Merope | ♀ | 28 years
    ↪ ST - E2 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - D1 / X / dryad
    Finn | ♂ | 31 years
    ↪ ST-B5 | HC-19 | HS-LC | EC-A1 | X | Human
    Yuki | ♀ | 24 years
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - AC / HC - 62 / EC - H7 / Y / shapeshifter | [Lynx]
    Syrinix | Non-binary | 20 years
    ↪ ST - C10 / HS - LC / HC - 63 / EC - D5 / Y / dryad

    Aelys | ♂ | 31 years
    ↪ ST - B9 | HS - LW | HC - 61 | EC - A7 | X | elf
    Kyran | ♂ | 22 years
    ↪ ST - C7 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - H4 / Y / human

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Neru | ♀ | 25 years
    ↪ ST- D7 / HS- LC / HC- 63 / EC- G6 / X / elf
    Vida / ♀ / 25 years
    ↪ ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - G5 / X / human

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Item | Amount | Servings
Squirrel | 0 | 1
Catfish | 6 | 3 [1 being eaten]
Salmon | 6 | 6 [1 being eaten]
Moose | 4 | 10 [1 being eaten]
Potato | 4 [+1 seed] | 3
Zucchini | 3 [+1 seed] | 4
Eggplant | 1 | 5
Strawberry | 2 [+1 seed] | 1 [1 being eaten]
Plum | 4 [+1 seed] | 2
Honeydew | 2 | 3

Item Storage
Sand | one | craftable
Gold | two | craftable
Iron | one | craftable
Leather | one | craftable

Amika | ♀ | 4 years | Cougar | 0/2 times bred | looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Seraphim & Elora | no kids
Aelys & Neru | Kids
Mica & Vida | Kids

Images courtesy of Rinmaru Games
and Doll Divine.
Last edited by Kazin on Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Wolfypoof » Fri May 24, 2019 8:57 pm

Number of People: 39
Number of Animals: 3
Servings Needed: 23.75
Next Visit to Ancestors: whenever

With (mostly) everyone being busy and Tessa becoming bored stuck inside, Maria and Alex were left with babysitting duties. Maria was looking forward for this but Alex on the other hand was less than thrilled. However they both felt, they were now sitting on a bench in a clearing near the village. Tessa was running through the grass and scaring the grasshoppers.

"Why do we have to be the ones stuck with this job?" Alex grumbled, his head resting on his hands. Maria giggled.
"It's not that bad, really."
He rolled his eyes and they both continued to watch the child. Except for the fact she had managed to disappear during that small conversation. Maria sighed and got to her feet. "Tessa, where have you gone? Don't travel too far now!" She went about at a light jog, looking in every nook and cranny she could think of. Alex also joined the search where he saw found little Tessa up a tree. She stuck her tongue out at him.
"Here she is. Right up this tree!" he yelled. Maria jogged over and titled her head to look.
"How did you get up there so fast? We hardly talked for long!" she wailed. Tessa gave a cheeky smile. "Do you want the honest answer?"
"Of course I want the honest one!" Maria said, stomping her foot for effect. Alex put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
"Okay!" Tessa shouted. "I floated up here, obviously." She preceded to float back down to where the two adults were. Alex grabbed her and she let out a squeal.
"Well, let's not climb trees! I think that's enough out here. We should return home where it's safer!"
Maria nodded while Tessa pouted. They both held each of her hands and walked back to the village.

Despite what he said, Alex soon found that the word "safe" wasn't in Tessa's vocabulary. Even in places where he was certain no mischief could happen, it happened anyway. Tessa was unlike any child he had ever seen. Maria tried to maintain her high spirits and continued to tell her off with a smile. They both collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"I don't know if I can keep this up..." Maria panted, slumping herself on to Alex's back.
"She has to tire herself out at some point, right?" he asked but it was a question neither of them could answer. Tessa was finished looking through barrels and skipped over to them. She put her hands on her tiny hips and gave a nasty grin. "Wha'cha doing?"
Maria gave a weak smile and laughed. "We're resting! It's what adults do sometimes."
"Adults must be boring!" she spat.
"You'll be one too, you know..." Alex quietly said but it wasn't loud enough for her to hear. Tessa approached closer and put her face as close to them as she possibly could.
"Let's play a game! And I make the rules."
Maria stood up straight and put her hands in her lap. "What game will we play?"
"Hide and seek!" she squeaked.
"Okay, that doesn't sound too bad," Alex replied. Tessa explained the rules, which weren't all that different to normal rules.Maria started to count and Tessa and Alex hid. Alex hid behind a small wooden stand that was sometimes used to display food. He held his legs as Maria begun to look for them. He obviously didn't pick a very good hiding place because she soon found him.

"Okay, where did Tessa go?" she asked.
"I thought you would've seen where she went. Kids can't hid all that good," she said. He tried to jog his memory but nothing came back.
"I don't even remember seeing her run away!"
Maria frowned. "She can't disappear into thin air." With no other clues, they looked all over for the missing child.

The sun was starting to set and they still hadn't found her. "What do we do? Her mother will be coming back soon!" Alex wailed.
"Hey, hey don't panic. I'll think of something," Maria said. The sound of footsteps approached them and Linda, Tessa's mother, came into view. She greeted them both with a kind smile, unaware of what was happening.
"Thank you both for looking after Tessa for me!"
"Um, no problem... Actually, we do have a problem," Alex said. Linda titled her head to the side. The two explained what had happened to her. Unexpectedly, she started to laugh so hard she cried.
"What do you mean?" she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "She's right here!" She pointed above herself where Tessa was, pretending to lay across something. Maria and Alex were dumbfounded. They looked everywhere expect for above them!
"Ahaha, we were just joking," Maria lied. Tessa came back down to the ground and grinned. She hugged her mother who soon picked her up in her arms. "Thank you again."
"You're most welcome! I need to get going now so goodbye for now," Maria bowed. She waved goodbye to Tessa, who didn't give much of a response. She turned to Alex. "Goodbye, Alex," she said, leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. She then skipped away into the sun set. Alex was now a deep red and Linda smiled.

"Ooh~ Someone has a crush!" Tessa teased.
"No I don't!" Alex yelled. Then they all laughed.

[The Iron Rosette consumes a deer, rabbit, chicken, two lettuce, two apple, watermelon and small fish]
[Kaya and Ollie train]
[Celeste studies medicine]
[Maria plants the watermelon seed with the help of Daisy]
[Johnathan, Marvis, Sera and Nadia patrol with Muffin]
[Felix, Nicholas, Sally-Mae and Fabian scout]
[Simone, Eli, Kaiden, Polly and Alina hunt]
[Emma, Benjamin, Nathan, Linda and Farha gather with Jacket]

[General note: Please don't kill anyone yet]

    Alina| Female | 50
    ↪ ST-D4 | HC-24 | HS-S | EC-C10 | X | Elven

    Celeste | Female | 51 | 13 KP
    ↪ ST - E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph

    Head Knight
    Johnathan | Male | 53
    ↪ ST - H6 | HS - LC | HC - 51 | EC - F10 | X | wizard

    Alex | Male | 46
    ↪ ST-A4 | HC-12 | HS-S | EC-A10 | X | Elven
    Marvis | Female | 55
    ↪ ST-B1 | HS-HC | HC-38 | EC-G5 | X | Witch
    Cara | Female | 33
    ↪ ST-C6 | HS-AC | HC-53 | EC-G3 | X | shapeshifter
    Sera | Female | 40
    ↪ST-B6 | HS-S | HC-48 | EC-D4 | X | Naiad
    Nadia | Female | 23
    ↪ ST-A9 | HS-LC | HC-15 | EC-B10 |X | Naga

    Scout Chief
    Felix | Male | 42
    ↪ ST-F11 | HS-HC | HC-15 | EC-A10 | X | Human

    Nicholas | Male | 49
    ↪ ST-J3 | HS-HC | HC-37 | EC-B6 | X | Wizard
    Samantha | Female | 38
    ↪ ST-C3 | HS-LW | HC-62 | EC-E7 | X | Human
    Mina | Female | 33
    ↪ ST - E1 / HS - HC / HC - 13 / EC - D5 / Y / elf
    Fabian | Male | 22
    ↪ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 58 / EC - A7 / X / elf
    Sally-Mae | Female | 20
    ↪ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Jacob | Male | 35
    ↪ST - C11 | HS - LC | HC - 34 | EC - F11 | X | naiad

    Hunting Chief
    Simone | Female | 37
    ↪ ST-C8 | HS-HC | HC-1 | EC-F9 | Y | Fairy

    Eli | Male | 66
    ↪ ST-L9 | HC-19 | HS-S | EC-A5 | X | Elven
    Kaiden | Male| 44
    ↪ ST-C4 | HS-S | HC-17 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Ezequiel "Z" Bertoli | Male | 35
    ↪ ST-D1 | HS-HC | HC-2 | EC-B5 | X | Human
    Letisha | Female | 56
    ↪ST-C9 | HS-HC | HC-19 | EC-A5 | X | Human
    Asher| Male | 25
    ↪ ST-D11 | HS-LC | HC-20 | EC-B4 | X | Wizard
    Polly | Female | 32
    ↪ST - E7 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - E6 / X / human

    Emma | Female | 52
    ↪ ST-C11 | HC-44 | HS-LC | EC-G1 | Y | Human
    Benjamin | Male | 48
    ↪ ST-E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph
    Maria | Female | 37
    ↪ ST - B5 | HS - LC | HC - 11 | EC - H10 | X | human
    Nathan | Male | 31
    ↪ST - C8 / HS - HW / HC - 37 / EC - A4 / X / human
    Linda | Female | 35
    ↪ST - A1 | HS - S | HC - 9 | EC - A4 | X | human
    Farha | Female | 21
    ↪ST - B10 | HS - LC | HC - 10 | EC - H9 | X | elf

    Kaya | Female | 16
    ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - G9 / X / human
    Ollie | Male | 15
    ↪ST-D6 | HS-HW | HC-17 | EC-H6 | Y | elf


    Indigo Vicari | Female | 32 - paralysed from waist down
    ↪ ST-B4 | HS-LW | HC-3 | EC-D6 | X | Human
    Tammie | Female | 43
    ↪ ST - B10 | HS - LW | HC - 55 | EC - C2 | X | elf

    Zola | Female | 4
    ↪ ST - D1 | HS - LW | HC - 2 | EC - B5 | X | human
    Naomi | Female | 4
    ↪ST - C8 | HS - HC | HC - 55 | EC - C2 | X | elf
    Ethan | Male | 4
    ↪ST - B10 | HS - LW | HC - 47 | EC - D4 | X | elf
    Moe | Male | 4
    ↪ST - B10 | HS - LW | HC - 55 | EC - C1 | X | elf
    Tessa | Female | 7
    ↪ ST - A3 | HS - LW | HC - 19 | EC - G5 | X | powered human (single power)

    Ida | Female | 120
    ↪ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Delnim | Male | 90
    ↪ ST - F2 | HS - LC | HC - 44 | EC - F1 | X | merfolk
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | x3 | 1 serving
Chicken | x0 |3 serving
Rabbit | x0 |3 servings
Deer | x1 | 6 servings
Potato | x0 |2 servings
Carrot | x3 |2 servings
Lettuce | x12 |2 servings (2 seed)
Apples | x4 | 2 servings (1 seed)
Orange | x4 | 2 servings
Watermelons | x0 | 3 servings

Item Storage
Staff | x1 | uses left/craftable
Stone dagger | x1 | uses left/craftable

Muffin | Male | 26 months | Wolf (dog) | # of times bred | Looks
Daisy | Female | 37 months | Cow | # of times bred | Looks
Jacket | Male | 40 months | Bird | # of times bred | Looks

Letisha | Kaya | Hunter | 2
Mina | Ollie | Scout | 2

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Indigo and Ezequiel| Zola
Tammie and ???| Naomi, Ethan and Moe
Polly and ??? | Kaya
Jason and Linda | Tessa
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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:11 pm
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