Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Clayclan | 12

Postby hazilnut » Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:39 pm

numвer σf catѕ: 14
ѕervingѕ needed: 4
neхt moonpool viѕit: any time

Greenleaf had been kind to the cat's of Clayclan, though it felt as if time had flown by faster than ever. And perhaps it had; time and space could hardly be trusted in the beech forest so haunted by ghosts and strange flickerings. Still, whatever the cause, those long greenleaf nights had been cut short by the chill of oncoming leaffall. Squirrels bounded from tree to tree, snatching still unripe nuts as the chilly energy of leaffall began to settle in their veins. Cats too felt this new energy and hurried about their territory, collecting herbs that would not survive the first frosts or chasing after those twitchy squirrels. The time of aimless plenty had come to an end, this all the creatures, who had just one moon ago snoozed beneath beech shade, knew. What they did not know, would not let themselves know in any capacity greater than subconscious thought, was how truly fleeting those good times were.

"Two more steps towards me Gopherpaw- wait not that big of a step! Yeah right there. Okay stop- there's a branch in front of you." Fogpaw's normally cheerful tone was slightly edged with an anxious concentration. His eyes were tightly squinted against both the setting sun and his own near-blindness. The late greenleaf sun shone cold and glaring, hovering between the branches of an oak tree right at Fogpaw's eye level. Even if it had not been right in the apprentice's milky eyes the evening shadows it cast would have made Fogpaw's task difficult enough, distorting the already smudged landscape. "How many tail lengths up is it?" inquired Gopherpaw. His tail twitched with barely-controlled impatience as Fogpaw mulled over the question. At this rate it would be newleaf by the time Fogpaw and he had tracked down their mentors; and that was only the beginning of their assessment!

When Resinstar had announced it time for Fogpaw and Gopherpaw's warrior assessments, Gopherpaw wasn't sure what he had expected. Catching a certain amount of prey maybe, or swimming across the Aspernclan lake, or even racing through the treetops after a tailless squirrel. Well perhaps that last notion had been somewhat influenced by Resinstar's stories; with him telling Bronzekit the same one every day it was little wonder that Gopherpaw had dreamed of the tree-dwelling terror on more than one occasion. In any case, the apprentice had imagined something simple. Mottledfoot had told him not to worry about it; she hadn't even had an assessment. Clearly then Crocusgaze had had something to do with this test.

"One and a half." Fogpaw interrupted Gopherpaw's thoughts by finally coming to a consensus. Armed with this new information Gopherpaw assessed the branch in his mind. He could definitely jump onto it, maybe even clear it. Ryepath had instilled a slightly inflated sense of his own capabilities in Gopherpaw where doubt had worn it down. Together it all balanced out in Gopherpaw's much improved self-esteem. He trusted himself to clear the hypothetical branch, he just didn't quite trust Fogpaw that his hypothetical matched reality. But Gopherpaw had little other options. Previously he had dismissed Minnowpaw's offer of aid on the basis of it being cheating. The whole point of this assessment was to push Gopherpaw out of his comfort zone in depending on a clanmate; that and Fogpaw's ability to maneuver outside of Beechclan territory. Why else would Gopherpaw be stumbling around former Aspenclan territory with a rush leaf wrapped around his eyes, following the guidance of a much younger apprentice that he barely knew.

"Gopherpaw?" Fogpaw's mew cut through the dark once more. "Are you waiting for something?" Was he waiting for something? Gopherpaw still paused behind the fallen branch. Was he waiting for Ryepath to arrive? To tell him that she had come to her senses and realized that traveling together really was better than settling in a clan and subjecting one's self to potential letdown? Gopherpaw felt a rising panic in his gut, one that usually only accompanied a bad bout of dysphoria. But that was not the cause, Gopherpaw was still tom. No this panic, this feeling of being smothered alive, had a different root altogether. Gopherpaw felt himself trembling and splotches bloomed in his darkened vision. The leaf litter jumped up to meet his belly, or more likely he himself collapsed to the ground.

Fogpaw was on him in a second. Gopherpaw could feel the smaller apprentice's pelt pressing into him far before the blindfold had been pulled from his face. "Are you okay?" Fogpaw's mew had lost all the cheerfulness that had masked his anxiety. "Are you sick? Dysphoric? Do you need me to get Ryepath?" Gopherpaw shook his head tightly to he bombardment of questions, even though the offer of Ryepath made him half hesitate. "I just need a moment," he managed around barely contained sobs of a still confusing source. "The webs said today would go so well." Gopherpaw could hear Fogpaw whisper morosely as he tried to catch his breath. The words caught the older apprentice in the chest like the sweeping kick Ryepath had shown him a few suns ago. Fogpaw sounded so small and subdued, two words which should never have been used to describe the lively tom.

"I'm being selfish," Gopherpaw realized aloud. "Gopherpaw what? No-" Before Fogpaw could protest further Gopherpaw pulled one of his grandmother's classic moves by interrupting him with a raised paw. "I'm not used to clan life anymore," he explained, "I'm not used to cats caring about me that aren't Grainy, or caring about cats other than her. My old clan-" Here Gopherpaw drew a long, shuddering breath. "-they kicked me out after learning I wasn't tom all the time. Cats I had known since birth completely alienating me, all except Ryepath. We searched for other clans. They all reacted differently, few of them well, but it didn't matter. I had her and she had me and that was enough. But now there's more than just us and I don't know what to do." Eyes that blinked back tears and sun searched Fogpaw's youthful face and found understanding there- a quiet, soft understanding.

"My parents didn't like it when they found I wasn't a she-cat," Fogpaw admitted in a low voice, not because to speak louder would bring tears but because of the solemnity that the subject deserved. "They didn't like that I couldn't see right either but being a tom was the last claw. For a while it was just me and the stars." A secret, bashful smile crossed Fogpaw's muzzle as he spoke of the stars that had watched over him. "They gave me a lonely kind of beautiful, my eyes. I saw the feelings of things and knew they were lonely too, especially the stars. It was okay, being lonely together. But then Webwing came and he was lonely too, lonely with me and the stars. There should have been more loneliness, all of us together, but instead there was less. And then in finding Clayclan I became even less lonely even with so many individual sorrows." A wisdom beyond Fogpaw's few moons, or maybe the wisdom was due to his youth, had crept into his mew and hung there in every word until the tom laughed, embarrassed by his own seriousness, and broke the spell.

"I don't know if that was any helpful," he apologized, but Gopherpaw quickly reassured him. "It was," the elder apprentice promised. Gopherpaw pushed himself up to his paws and slipped the rush leaf back over his head, Fogpaw helping settle it over his eyes. "You know what Fogpaw?" "What?" A large grin bloomed on Gopherpaw's muzzle. "I think you read the webs right. Today is going to go well." Though he could not see it Gopherpaw could easily hear Fogpaw's grin as the apprentice instructed, "The branch is one and a half tail lengths. You could clear it in one jump."

With all the yowling that echoed from the Clayclan medicine den, a passerby might have thought Taffytuft's kits had come. But the queen was still pleasantly round and sharing tongues with her mate on the other side of camp. Like all other present Clayclan cats Taffytuft and Gustpond were trying very hard to pretend as if they couldn't hear Ivypaw screeching bloody murder. Wasn't the weather nice? Oh yes, nothing like the just nearly-leaffall chill. It had been so hot recently. When was the next gathering did you suppose? Soon? Oh lovely.

Eventually the formless shrieks stopped as Driftstep dropped the twig she had been using to poke around at Ivypaw's paw onto a patch of damp moss and stomped outside for some air. "I can't do this," the medicine cat whispered to no one in particular. She scanned the clearing for some source of relief but found only Gustpond and Taffytuft's awkwardly sympathetic glances, the kind that older cats gave queens with tantruming kits that was half please-control-your-kit and half guilt at their own thoughts. While Driftstep couldn't blame them, she also couldn't keep her face from flaming. Sending up a prayer for strength to Starclan, Driftstep rounded back into the medicine den.

"Are you going to start stabbing me again?" Ivypaw drew her paw protectively to her chest, her eyes accusing Driftstep of medical misconduct of the highest degree- making a patient cry. Driftstep, however, was far too tired for any of Ivypaw's mousedung. "I was hardly stabbing you," she retorted briskly, picking up the twig delicately with her teeth. Ivypaw flinched, the fur on her spine spiking up even further, before it became clear Driftstep was simply wiping off her tool. Flicking the bloodied moss to a corner of the den, the medicine cat returned the twig to its proper place before turning her attention back to her patient. "I needed to know how deep the glass was, something which wouldn't have been such a big problem had you come to me a moon ago."

Ivypaw flicked her tail irritably, avoiding Driftstep's gaze. "It's no big deal. I cleaned the cut every day," she retorted hotly. Driftstep's mew was nearly a scoff. "With your tongue? A cut from glass needs immediate herbal treatment. Professional treatment." "Yeah well I'm here now." Driftstep, who had been mixing a poultice, paused mid-mash. "You don't seem to understand. Since you didn't come to me immediately there's not much I can do. The shard I felt was big and too far embedded for me to remove it. Now all I can do is try to prevent infection and keep you off your paws so the shard doesn't move around further and slice a vital vein or tendon. If you're lucky your body may eventually expel the glass." As Driftstep matter-of-factly ran through her predictions as to how likely Ivypaw was to suffer permanent muscle damage the apprentice's face had grown several shades paler than it's usual black and orange hue.

"Will I lose my paw?" came the eventual, shaky, question. Driftstep either did not notice how Ivypaw was trembling or did not care enough to cushion the blow despite the apprentice's suddenly real fear. "It's not unlikely." "But I thought you were supposed to be able to cure anything." Though Ivypaw tried to reclaim her tone of distaste the uncharacteristic softness of her mew ruined any facade of indifference. Driftstep sighed and kept working the poultice with her paws. "I can only help as much as cats let me help, and even then I am far from infallible. Medicine cats aren't miracle workers." "That's not what Poppypaw said," muttered the apprentice under her breath, not quite quiet enough to miss Driftstep's ears.

Talking to younger cats had never been a strong suit of the Clayclan medicine cat. Being the only kit in a clowder of old feral cats had somewhat stunted her ability to relate to cats controlled primarily by strong emotions, which cats of Ivypaw's age tended to be. Clan life had somewhat helped remedy this weakness but not enough to prevent Driftstep from what seemed to be her millionth sigh of the day. "Look, Ivypaw. I can tell you're struggling with asking for help, but there are cats here that care about you. Taffytuft kept fretting about how upset Mottledfoot is that the two of you aren't speaking the last time I gave her a check up. Whatever happened with Aspenclan or The Fog, I'm sure it's reasonable for you to be upset over it. But cutting yourself off from the cats who are here to help you will only make things worse." By how Ivypaw avoided Driftsteps's gaze the medicine cat could tell she had struck a cord.

"Yeah I guess," grunted the apprentice. She stared at her paws for a few heartbeats longer before asking very hesitantly, "Was Mottledfoot really that torn up?" Driftstep nodded solemnly. "Enough to keep Taffytuft prattling on the entire time I was monitoring her." The medicine cat made a face. "That was unkind of me. But yes, Mottledfoot does care about you. So does all of Clayclan. This place is nothing if not invested in the well being of one another." Ivypaw began to nod along, mulling over what might spell the death of her brooding spree. "Everyone here is really nosy." "That they are. In the best way possible."

The sun had all but set when Ivypaw's visitor came calling. The pale light that framed Mottledfoot made her appear almost ethereal, more similar to the Clayclan ghosts than a living, breathing cat. It was only when her sister stepped inside of the medicine den that Ivypaw could say for sure that Mottledfoot was truly there and not some specter of the apprentice's too-active imagination. "Hey," whispered Mottledfoot. "Hey," Ivypaw mumbled in return. Mottledfoot moved to sit besides her sister without saying another word and the pair remained there, on the edge of conversation, for several heartbeats.

Ivypaw, for all her pointed lack of eye contact, couldn't help but sneak glances at Mottledfoot out of the corner of her eye. Her sister's face was unreadable, if she was as upset as Driftstep claimed Ivypaw couldn't tell. How could one cat change so much in half a season cycle? When had Mottledfoot become so serious? When had Ivypaw become so bitter? The answer, of course, was clear- it had been the fog, and the time spent apart because of it. Ivypaw felt a new flash of rage rise up in her belly at the desolate cloudscape that had robbed her of seven moons of life. She hated it for stealing her moons, her family, her peace of mind. She hated how she still woke up trembling, fearful it had come for her again, fearful that she had never escaped it in the first place.

Without consciously registering it, Ivypaw had begun to cry. By the time she became aware of her shivering sobs Mottledfoot had already wrapped herself around her little sister and Ivypaw didn't have the willpower to pull away. Instead the too-young-apprentice leaned into her older sister's flank and began to sob openly and without reservation. Mottledfoot held Ivypaw tight, rocking her slowly back and forth like Cloudmask used to when one of the kits would scrape themselves playing and come wailing for comfort. Neither spoke- what could be said?- but in that moment, the comfort of one another's presence was enough.

Gradually Ivypw's sniffling came to halt leaving her tired and lightheaded and hot. She wriggled out of Mottledfoot's grasp, who reluctantly allowed her to, and shook out her pelt, blinking a few times both to clear her eyes of tears and to avoid meeting her sister's gaze. "Ivypaw-" Mottledfoot tried to begin but faltered over the lack of words for an unexplainable situation. Ivypaw shook her head viciously as if shaking off the cobwebs of her previous vulnerability. "Just don't tell anyone about this," she managed finally, though without the usual bite to back up her words. Mottledfoot managed to keep from flinching at the slight, but just barely. "I won't," she promised. As Ivypaw remained quiet the warrior turned to go, only to be caught just before she left by a mew barely above a whisper. "Come back soon, I guess. Tell me how Gopherpaw and Fogpaw's assessment went." A small, hopeful smile began to creep its way up Mottledfoot's muzzle. "I will."

"Ho Pintostream! Waiteth f'r me!" Moosetracks's lumbering gait shook the earth and sent yellowing leaves tumbling from trees as he chased after Pintostream. Though the somali warrior picked up his pace his stumpy legs were no match for Moosetracks who quickly caught up to him. "What do you want?" Pintostream asked irritably, his eyes still fixed straight ahead. Perhaps if he ignored the other tom he would take the hint and get lost. Of course, such subtleties were inevitably lost on Moosetracks who simply cocked his head in confusion."Crocusgaze toldeth us to hunteth togeth'r?" he prompted the other tom easily, as if perhaps he had simply forgotten.

Pintostream barely managed to swallow his scoff. "Well we can hunt together apart. We-" You. "-won't scare away as much prey that way." A confused expression flashed across Moosetracks's face, not that that was anything out of the ordinary. "How can we doth something togeth'r apart? Togeth'r and apart art opposites. Unless this is diff'rent in thy dialect?" "Must be a regional difference or something," Pintostream replied noncommittally, "But really, back off. You're ruining my vibe." "Thy vibe?" Pintostream scowled and finally whirled around to face Moosetracks. "Aye, mine vibe," he replied, in a mockingly bad imitation of Moosetracks's accent. The confusion on Moosetrack's face slowly morphed into shock and then hurt, but Pintostream only felt the tiniest bit bad about it. If he had to spell things out for this big lug to get it then he would.

"You're far from the brightest star in Silverpelt if you haven't noticed, Moosetracks." Pintostream enunciated each syllable so that his meaning was crystal clear, malice dripping from every word. "Everyone in Clayclan thinks you're an idiot, you said as much yourself. They only keep you around because your brute strength is good for something. If I hang around you everyone's going to start thinking I'm as pathetic as you are. So back off." The fur on Moosetracks's spine had begun to stand on end midway though Pintostream's taunts, and by the end his entire body was quivering. At least that had gotten through to him where all of Pintostream's previous brushoffs had failed.

It was lucky for Pintostream that Moosetracks was not naturally inclined to violence, having been hyper aware of his size from an early age and having been taught by his parents to never attack another cat save for in self defense, less he seriously hurt them. Moosetracks could have easily hurt, even killed, Pintostream had he wished to, but he did not wish to. He simply wanted to make sense of the pain that the older tom, who he had maybe even begun to let himself have a crush on, had inflicted upon him seemingly out of nowhere. Words kept trying and failing to form in Moosetrack's mouth, leaving him breathless, confused, and unable to respond.

Pintostream took his silence as an indication of success. "Look," he continued, a faint smile on his muzzle as if he considered what he said almost kind, "You're an okay guy in the grand scheme of things; you just aren't going to cut it to be a friend of mine. Let's just keep out of each others' way and we can pretend this ever happened. Capiche?" Moosetracks was still to stunned to even nod, but Pintostream didn't wait for him. Instead the tom just turned on his heels and disappeared through the brush leaving Moosetracks alone to deal with his thoughts. Well, not exactly alone, handily Lupinekit had just arrived to make things worse.


xxxxxxxxGopher takes their assessmentxxxxxxxxxx
xxx↪ success grants the name Gopherfangxxx
xxFog takes his assessmentxxx
xxx↪ success grants the name Fogcloudxxx
xxxDrift goes herb huntingxxx
Tawny, Bright, Moose, Pinto, Crocus, Rye hunt
xxxxxxxxxxResin, Fog, Mottled, Gust patrolxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx2 squirrels eaten by the clanxxxxxxxxxx

xxxAdvent prizes to 12/6/18 addedxxx
xxxxTaffy goes into labor (0 moons)xxx
xxx↪ Drift attends with kitting herbsxxx
xxxxxxxxx↪ Rye attends ensuring a safer birthxxxxx

        Resinstar | 39 moons | Tom |
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        Crocusgaze | 36 moons | Shecat |

        medicine cat:
        Driftstep | 33 moons | Shecat |

        Ryepath | 59 moons | Shecat |
        ↪ safer births, x2 skills taught, ???
        Tawnymoon | 57 moons | Shecat |
        Gustpond | 52 moons | Tom |
        Brightpool | 45 moons | Shecat |
        Pintostream | 35 moons | Tom |
        Moosetracks | 32 moons | Tom |
        Mottledfoot | 19 moons | Shecat |

        Gopherpaw | 20 moons | Genderfluid |
        ↪ +1 prey caught, ???
        Fogpaw | 13 moons | Tom |
        Ivypaw | 11 moons | Shecat |

        Taffytuft | 50 moons | Shecat |



        Claywhistle | Tom | Resinstar |
        Sorrelstar | Shecat | Driftstep |
        Malloweyes | Shecat | Crocusgaze |
        Honeyfur | Shecat | Ryepelt |
        Momomoon| Shecat | Tawnymoon |
        Stormripple | Tom | Gustpond |
        Bronzekit | Tom | Brightpool |
        Carpstorm | Shecat | Pintostream |
        Lupinekit | Tom | Moosetracks |
        Flaxpool | Shecat | Mottledfoot |
        Minnowpaw | Tom | Gopherpaw |
        Webwing | Tom | Fogpaw |
        Brushfire | Tom | Ivypaw |
        Salmoncress | Shecat | Taffytuft |
            ally clanѕ:
            Clan Name | Username

            enemy clanѕ:
            Clan Name | Username

            North | Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
            East | Aspenclan | dispersed
            West | Soulclan | krazykitty00
            South | Leafclan | dispersed

            medicine ѕtore:
            Blackberry leaf | eases bee stings- 1
            Borage | aids in milk production & fevers- 2
            Burnet | traveling herb, stops bleeding- 1
            Catmint | combats greencough- 2
            Catchweed | sticks poultices- 1
            Celadine | soothes damaged eyes- 1
            Chamomile | traveling herb, soothes spirit- 3
            Chervil | cures infections & bellyaches- 2
            Cobweb | stops bleeding, binds bones- 1
            Coltsfoot | aids breathing & sore paws- 1
            Daisy leaf | traveling herb, eases joints- 1
            Dandelion | eases bee stings, painkiller- 1
            Dock | soothes scratches & paw pads- 1
            Fennel | soothes hip pain, eases kitting- 2
            Feverfew | reduces temp, heals headaches- 1
            Goldenrod | heals general wounds- 2
            Honey | soothes infections, throats, coughs- 1
            Ivy leaf | stores herbs, acts as plaster- 1
            Lamb's ear | gives strength- 2
            Lavender | cures fever & chills- 1
            Marigold | stops infection & bleeding, joints- 1
            Parsley | dries milk, soothes bellyaches- 1
            Poppy seeds | soothes shock, aids sleep- 1
            Raspberry leaf | stops pain & bleeding- 2
            Stinging nettle | aids swelling, breaks, etc- 1
            Tansy | cures coughs & poison, greencough- 2
            Watermint | soothes bellyaches- 1
            Yarrow | removes poison, heals paws- 1

            freѕh-kill pile:
            Minnows | x2 | 1 serving
            Small fish | x4 | 2 servings
            Water fowl | x5 | 3 servings
            Voles | x3 | 1 serving
            Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
            Shrews | x4 | 1 serving

            Resinstar | Fogpaw | 4
            ↪ hunting, battle, climbing, swimming

            Crocusgaze | Ivypaw | 3
            ↪ climbing, swimming, hunting

            Ryepath | Gopherpaw | 4
            ↪ swimming, hunting, climbing, battle

            Cat Name | Cause of Death

            Resinstar ♡ Ivy
            Driftstep ♡ n/a
            Crocusgaze ♡ n/a
            Ryepath ⌇ Peregrinestep
            Tawnymoon ⌇ Foxfoot
            Gustpond ♡ Taffytuft
            Brightpool ⌇ Ty
            Pintostream ♡ n/a
            Moosetracks ♡ n/a
            Mottledfoot ♡ n/a
            Gopherpaw ♡ n/a
            Fogpaw ♡ n/a
            Ivypaw ♡ n/a
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| robinclan | 28 |

Postby bug.gie » Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:39 pm

Number of Cats: 48
toms: 24 | mollies: 24
lasair's group

"bainne?" fómhar meowed pushing through a gap in some thorn bushes to the white pelted tom. if the snow hadn't melted it would be difficult to see the younger apprentice. bainne paid him no attention, staring out into the distance. "what's up?" fómhar asked, sitting down beside the lost looking tom. finally bainne noticed the older apprentice, almost tripping over his own paws. fómhar had to lightly grab the tom's pelt so he didn't accidentally fall off the top of the cliff.

"thanks.." bainne stuttered, his pelt warm with embarrassment. "do you see that or am i just so tired i'm seeing things?" bainne meowed, laying down and putting his muzzle in-between his paws and pointing with his ears in the direction of the moor. fómhar stared down at him for a few seconds before staring out into the moor. he gave a silent thanks to starclan for his excellent sight.

"is that... fire?" fómhar mumbled, he remembered oighir telling him a story of how when oighir was a kit there a huge fire in a twoleg area and it had destroyed way too much that the twolegs disappeared from the area.

"the flame will extinguish the robin."


"fire?!" cait's voice rang out in the camp, fómhar and bainne stood by oighir, the two apprentices trembled as they stared up at their terrified leader's face. fómhar could see that even his father was scared but he hid it well from the other two. "we need to leave here." cait's meow was shaky. despite fómhar being young at the time of lasair's exile, he knew that his leader had changed. she seemed to be more scared and watchful. she got surprised every time a twig would crack near her.

"cait, it's still over the moor. we don't need to panic for now." oighir meowed, fómhar looked up at his father, it was interesting to him how his father managed to keep his cool despite cait's panic. "we can make escape plans. we can't be sure that it will come over to the mountain but in case it does we will know what to do." his father explained.

"you two. show me where you saw the fire." cait ordered the two apprentices, who quickly nodded and turned away and padded towards the exit of the camp. cait dipped her head to oighir, mumbling something into his ear before following the apprentices.

fear makes one weak.


"just a few more fox tail lengths." a voice meowed, as the sound of paw-steps rumbled through the dense forest. they caught glimpses of what lay past the moor as they padded up the mountain. finally they came to a stop. the scent of robin overwhelmed them, only one seemed used to the stench.

"it stinks." one cat hissed padding into a small clearing where the light from the moon shone down onto it. the cat was a thin brown tabby tom. a larger molly followed him, her white pelt shinning as the moonlight shone down on them.

"what else would you expect? they are just a group of soft fur-balls after all." the molly spat. three more cats appeared along side them. an amused purr came from one of the cats. a flame coloured tabby tom stood at the top of the group.

"i wouldn't underestimate them."

[ oighir, stoirm, caonach, snowtuft, adhmad and seabhac hunt ]
[ oíche, úll, seabhac, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige, seabhac, solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ sneachta, darach, ghrian, oighir, stoirm and oíche patrol ]
[ réalta, ádh and rós go herb hunting ]

[ fómhar trains with sneachta - defense ]
[ marmair trains with ghrian - defense ]
[ scréachóg trains with gloine - defense ]
[ bainne trains with oighir - hunting ]

[ cré-umha does his final assessment ]

[ amhrán is kitting! father is unknown ]
[ ómra and damhán become mates! they try for kits ]
[ oíche and oighir try for kits, gualaigh is their surrogate, oighir is the bio father ]

[ robinclan eat 2 stoats and a vole ]

(notes; no prey catches for now)
(rogue - pine)

        cait | 61m | molly | x
        Lives: ★★★★★★☆☆☆

        oighir | 57m | tom | x

        Medicine Cat:
        réalta | 52m | molly | x
        rós | 20m | molly | x
        ádh | 18m | molly | x

        Medicine Cat Apprentices:

        oíche | 42m | tom | x
        stoirm | 45m | tom | x
        duilleog | 30m | tom | x
        snowtuft | 30m | molly | x
        adhmad | 40m | tom | x
        solas | 30m | molly | x
        sioc | 73m | tom | x
        seabhac | 60m | molly | x
        branar | 47m | molly | x
        ghrian | 69m | tom | x
        darach | 32m | molly | x
        ómra | 48m | molly | x
        caonach | 40m | molly | x
        sneachta | 23m | molly | left
        bán | 23m | tom | right
        óir | 22m | molly | x
        coirt | 83m | molly | x
        gloine | 45m | tom | x
        sciathán | 59m | tom | x
        carraig | 20m | tom | x
        cloch | 19m | tom | x
        fuinseog | 19m | molly | x
        xx- mute
        éan | 63m | tom | x
        fiáin | 16m | tom | x
        tíogair | 16m | tom | x
        úll | 16m | molly | x
        damhán | 44m | tom | x
        gualaigh | 33m | molly | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        cré-umha | 15m | tom | x
        scréachóg | 9m | tom | x
        marmair | 9m | molly | x
        fómhar | 9m | tom | x
        bainne | 6m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        farraige | 71m | molly | x
        dramhaíl | 45m | molly | x
        scamall | 30m | molly | x
        amhrán | 46m | molly | x | kitting now!
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        snáthaid | 4m | molly | x
        scáth | 4m | tom | x
        eitilt | 4m | tom | x
        xx- deaf
        péine | 4m | tom | x
        coillte | 2m | molly | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        fíochmhar | 138m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    catmint | x2
    comfrey | x1
    dock leaf | x0
    honey | x1
    horsetail | x0
    chamomile | x1
    rush | x2
    lavender | x4
    sweet-sedge | x1
    poppyseed | x1
    burnet | x2
    foxglove seeds | x1
    bindweed | x0
    mint | x2
    water hemlock | x1
    dried oak leaves | x1
    thyme | x1
    goldenrod | x0
    tormentil | x4
    marigold | x0
    sorrel | x2
    lungwort | x1
    juniper berries | x2
    ragwort leaves | x2
    celandine | x1
    bright-eye | x3
    feverfew | x1
    alder bark | x1
    heather nectar | x1
    burdock root | x0
    willow bark | x1
    wild garlic | x1
    stick | x2
    lamb's ear | x1
    parsley | x1
    hawkweed | x1
    elder leaves | x1
    blackberry leaves | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    mice | x7 | 1 serving
    vole | x8 | 1 serving
    shrew | x9 | 1 serving
    squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
    stoat | x8 | 2 servings
    sparrow | x2 | 3 servings

    snowtuft | cré-umha | 6 | navigation, hunting, combat, climbing, balance, endurance
    sneachta | fómhar | 3 | hunting, combat, climbing
    ghrian | marmair | 3 | hunting, combat, climbing
    gloine | scréachóg | 3 | hunting, combat, climbing
    oighir | bainne | 0 |
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
airgead | murdered by lasair | 107m at death
ciaróg | drowned by lasair | 4m at death
foraoise | poisoned by lasair | 63m at death
súiche | stillborn | 0m at death
deataigh | murdered by lasair | 44m at death
geal | complications | 0m at death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

farraige and unknown | sneachta and bán
deataigh and unknown | ádh, ciaróg, cloch and fuinseog
ómra and unknown | tíogair, úll and (FOSTER) fiáin
caonach and unknown | carraig and (FOSTER) cré-umha
farraige and foraoise | súiche, marmair and scréachóg
oighir and oíche (surr. gualaigh) | fómhar
dramhaíl and stoirm | snáthaid and scáth
scamall and unknown | eitilt and péine
cait and ghrian | geal and coillte
Name and Name | Kits
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( mangroveclan ) ( starter post )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:17 pm


    elusive and tightly-knit, the felines of mangroveclan reside deep within the twisting mangroves that form what the locals call “île de poison.” translated from french, île de poison means island of poison, though many believe that it was meant to be spelled île de poisson, which would mean island of the fish. despite the potential confusion between the language barrier, the name is fitting either way; edible and poisonous berries alike litter the island in surplus, while fish of various flashy colors and sizes weave their way between the spindly roots of the mangroves.

    the territory of mangroveclan is enclosed to the single island and its surrounding shallows, with only the boldest of cats daring to brave the harsh current that might sweep them away if they choose to swim to any neighboring islands. the closest islands to île de poison are uninhabited, for they run rampant with highly toxic snakes and insects, though fish-takers, as the cats of mangroveclan call twolegs, might occasionally drift through on their flat rafts, known to the fish-takers as boats.

    a myriad of predators and prey alike make these elusive cats incredibly versatile and clever when it comes to hunting and avoiding creatures larger than they. mangrove snakes, the black-and-gold banded reptiles that coil dangerously in the trees, are slightly venomous, and while they likely will not cause death in a fully grown cat (only marginal swelling and a painful stinging sensation), kits and young apprentices are at high risk to fall to the fangs of the vicious tree lurkers. salt water attracts many creatures to the lagoon that forms the center of mangroveclan’s home; lemon sharks and nurse sharks alike flood the area to hunt the large fish that reside in the shallow waters.

    snook and mangrove snappers are among the most common of fish to live within the mangrove’s roots. they, along with starfish, sandpipers, mangrove crabs, and seahorses provide the basics of the diets for mangroveclan cats.

    along with sharks and snakes, predators might also include stingrays, poisonous sea urchins if stepped on in the shallows, and, on occasion, an alligator. though alligators do not frequently roam into seawater, they can tolerate it for brief periods of time, and might take the opportunity to snatch up an unsuspecting clan cat in the meantime.

    the mangroveclan camp can be accessed by only two ways; the main mangrove tunnel that contains salty water up to a cat’s belly (and where kits need to be carried through, for they are too small to stand) or the hidden beach. the mangrove tunnel is self-explanatory; the hidden beach is a small section of clear, pebbly shore about two fox-lengths wide. if one did not know it was there, it would be impossible to locate. the shore contains a brilliant array of colorful sea glass; purples and blues and reds alike, they litter the beach in a spectacular rainbow. to get to the beach, one must wait for low tide to roll in, allowing them to navigate the thin stretch of sand bar that connects île de poison to their neighboring island, where rogue felines have gathered for many moons.

    the cats of mangroveclan simply call the other island the neighboring, and they travel there frequently to recruit new members. during high tide, however, a cat who has made it to the neighboring might be stuck for quite some time, unless they are an extraordinary swimmer and is willing to brave the tide.

    the camp itself is centered around the lagoon that connects the clan to the ocean through the mangrove tunnel. the lagoon is only belly-deep, a brilliant blue-green color during the day and mirrored black at night, reflecting the moon. bioluminescent algae grows rampantly within the water; any feline who steps paw in the lagoon at night will cause a fantastic reaction of color, a bright blue glow that tracks their every move for a brief period of time.

    the founder of mangroveclan chose the clan’s camp because of the lagoon, for the incredibly religious tomcat thought the lagoon to be blessed by the gods.

    one side of the island boasts the secret rainbow beach, while the other is a massive line of imposing clifftops that are nearly impossible to navigate, though the most desperate of cats might go there to hunt for puffin eggs that make a quick, easy snack.

    the ranks of mangroveclan resemble those of other clans; the leader is called as such, with the deputy, too, remaining the same. the rank of medicine cat has been divided into two separate ranks; the star-speakers and the healers. star-speakers are those who have the closest connections with starclan, and are selected by the leader for the position; to decline the request would be a massive disrespect to the clan. healers are rather self-explanatory, and collect herbs and patch up wounded felines. there can be a large number of healers at a time, depending on the size of the clan, while there may only be two star-speakers (not including apprentices; each star-speaker and each healer can take on one apprentice). healers are permitted to have kits and a mate, whereas star-speakers are allowed to take a mate but not allowed to have kits.

    while star-speakers have the closest connection with starclan, they are not permitted to request cats from the ancestors; only the leader of mangroveclan is allowed that specific right, though star-speakers commune with the dead frequently.

    the camp itself is arranged in a horseshoe shape, set around the lagoon. the leader sleeps at the center of the lagoon, atop a mid-sized boulder that has a large divot set in the center, in a bowl-shaped manner. the leader of mangroveclan has placed an array of moss and grass within his den, with a palm leaf covering the entrance that protects him from the elements.

    the deputy sleeps at the arc of the horseshoe, directly across the lagoon from the entrance. a den has been dug out for the deputy to sleep on the edge of the water.

    the healers reside beneath a rocky, algae-covered rock outcropping that is cool and damp, a perfect storage for herbs. the star-speakers, however, rest in an arid, rocky den that is rather isolated in reference to the other dens, allowing the star-speakers to communicate with the ancestors in peace.

    warriors, too, are in a rocky den, though they have blocked the entrance with kelp and sea grass, lending some privacy to their rest. apprentices are in a sandy-floored den; the apprentices have taken up a tradition, for as long as anyone can remember, to decorate their den with old hermit-crab shells, so a colorful array of shells marks each apprentice’s nest. the shells are believed to show much about a cat’s personality, and oftentimes the apprentices will keep their shells with them throughout warriorhood and pass them on to their kits.

    the nursery is placed solidly between two massive mangrove trees, obscuring it from view of any cat who did not know of its whereabouts. this serves both as protection for the mothers and their kits as well as a place for the kits to roam, for they enjoy playing hiding games beneath the roots of the mangrove knees.

    lastly, the elder’s den is also beneath a mangrove tree that forms the arcing ceiling. the sandy floor is warm during leafbare and cool during greenleaf, providing an excellent resting place for the oldest of the clan.

    as with any resident ocean clans, fresh water is a necessity that is hard to come by. however, for the cats of mangroveclan, they can boast the fact that they have a massive fresh water supply. on the far end of the island, where it seems to shift from tropical to mountainous terrain, a lake rests precariously on the edge of the cliffside and dumps a small waterfall into the warm waters below. the lake is fresh water, suitable for drinking, and the clan sees this, too, as a blessing.

    the mangroveclan cats set themselves apart in ways such as appearance and demeanor, but no such oddity is as prominent as their religion. they believe in multiple gods, the greek gods to be exact. the gods take the shapes of certain animals, though the cats believe that they can show themselves as felines, too. poseidon is portrayed as a great white shark, and he is mangroveclan’s primary god, while zeus is seen as a golden eagle. the belief in the gods does not stop the cats from speaking to their ancestors; they believe that the deceased cats are there to deliver prophecies and guidance, whereas they believe that the gods influence their surroundings.

    because of the tropical location of mangroveclan’s camp, winter is not as harsh as it is for other clans. warmer weather, in the mid-seventies to far sixties, is fairly common upon the island. however, during leafbare, temperatures can drop to twenty degrees, and, sometimes, the lake that the clan relies on so heavily might freeze over.

    the felines of mangroveclan vary widely in appearance; though many of them have short pelts, thicker fur is not uncommon. rex cats and sphynx cats are common, with their waterproof fur (or lack thereof) making them excellent residents of the lagoon.

    fur color, on the other hand, varies hugely; blue to orange, the ruddy red of somalis to the silver-blue of orientals, color is not of any consideration to the cats of mangroveclan, for their surroundings are so widely varied that blending in is not an issue.

    seen as eccentric and isolated, the cats of mangroveclan boast an incredible loyalty to one another, and would likely kill to prevent harm from coming to their clanmates. they make friends easily and enemies even more readily, what with their quick jumps to defend those that they care for. a mangroveclan cat would rather use their claws to protect a friend rather than their words, though, as in all cases, there might be the occasional oddity within the clan. at gatherings, when they choose to make the long journey to attend, mangroveclan cats might spill secrets accidentally, on behalf of their quick trust.

    traditions in mangroveclan vary widely and develop swiftly, for they are such a family-oriented clan that they often tell one another of their plans. when a cat asks another to be their mate, they present a bauble; whether it be a shell, stained sea-glass, a pretty stone, it is up to the asker. while many prefer the more showy of offerings, some prefer simple gifts, and so one must be close enough with their potential mate to be able to choose with their preferences in mind.

    the leader and founder of mangroveclan is a tall, skinny, odd tomcat named berrystar. a sphynx cat, he is suited for warm weather, though sunburns are a danger that could swiftly happen upon him. to prevent sunburns, though, berrystar smears himself with a colorful array of berries found on the island, hence his name. used as protection from the sun as well as a way to identify and draw attention to himself, berrystar believes that leaders must be marked in some way, must be bright and visible and unforgettable, and he definitely is such. erratic and unstable at times, it takes a short time to gain his trust and an even shorter time to lose it; he is unforgiving and yet easily impressed, a myriad of oxymorons that make up perhaps mangroveclan’s most important feline. sometimes viewed as vain, berrystar is immaculate in his decorations of himself and his den; shells litter the rock that he sleeps in and a stash of berries is tucked beneath his nest for future use.
    - requesting this as my leader!
    - requesting katrione as my mod
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:19 pm

Archive: OakClan
Number of Cats: 6 (3 males | 3 females)
Speak to StarClan: December 14th
Servings Needed: 2

OakClan consumes x



{Badgerstar requests a cat

Medic Info: x
Kitting Info: x
Deaths: n/a

Gathering herbs: Flashfire
Hunting: Magipiesong, Silverdrop, and Paisleypatch
Patrolling: Badgerstar and Leopardshadow
Training: x

Mod Note: If it's not to much to ask could cats not be rolled to die. I'v been working on future OakClan arcs and have planed deaths for just about the majority of my cats. Nothing against you or anything. Just for future story-lines. Thanks for reading! =) }

Badgerstar | 46 moons | Male | x
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


Medicine Cats:
Flashfire | 42 moons | Male | x

Leopardshadow | 47 moons | Male | x
Magpiesong | 34 moons | Female | x
Silverdrop | 35 moons | Female | x
Paisleypatch | 30 moons | Female | x







Skills Needed wrote:**Apprentice Skills Needed **
Understanding Clan Code | Advanced Clan Code Understanding
Hunting | Advanced Hunting
Stealth | Advanced Stealth
Offense | Advanced Offense
Defense | Advanced Defense
Climbing | Advanced Climbing

**Med. Cat Apprentice Skills Needed**
Herb recognition | Advanced Herb recognition
Healing | Advanced Healing
Herb Storage | Advanced Herb storing
Understanding signs/omens | Advance sign/omen understanding


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x0 | 1 serving
Shrews | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbits | x2 | 2 serving
Hares | x0 | 3 serving
Squirrels | x0 | 2 serving
Birds | x2 | 3 serving

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 0
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 0
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 0
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 1
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 0
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 0
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 1
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 0
Foxglove seeds | x - 0
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 0
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 1
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 0
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 1
Mint | hides scent of death - 0
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 1
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 0
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 0
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Stick | x - 0
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 1
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 0
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 1
Water hemlock | x - 0
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 1
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0
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mochi's replies

Postby ghostmaker » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:30 pm

    [ greenleaf ] the season of summer! during greenleaf, you will catch a max of 6 pieces of prey. on patrols, you are more likely to run into twolegs and their dogs, and rogue groups will most likely start to try and settle on your territory, so keep an eye out. you are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of greenleaf. The cats in your clan can get dehydrated easier during greenleaf than they would in other seasons. your clan will still receive new cats but not as many as you would in newleaf.

    chaparralclan [x]
    rabbitclan [x]
    charclan [x]
    cavernclan [x]
    luxclan [x]
    nightclan [x]
    echoclan [x]
    hazeclan [x]
    hazelclan [x]
    quickclan [x]
    the coven [x]

    second clans:
    lifeclan [x]
    vineclan [x]
    charcoalclan [x]

    please pm me
    if i missed you!
    - ravenstalker is patrolling and hits his head on a tree branch that seems to appear out of nowhere.
    it's nothing fatal, but he can't seem to get to sleep that night because of the aching. he asks for x1
    poppy seed
    to help soothe his pounding headaches.
    - sparkfire and hickoryleap catch x1 sparrow and x1 ermine.
    - tigercreek finds x1 alder bark and x1 poppy seed.
    - nightstar's request has been granted; the celestials have sent a battle tech.

    the coven
    - lady angela and cassandra catch x1 small fish. [ as a note, please only have 6 types of prey for
    your clan !! more options are unlocked when you hit a certain number of cats c:
    - baron raven finds x1 willow leaves and x1 deathberries.

    - charcoalclan has been sent a wise healer.
    - heatstar doesn't find any cats, but he picks up the scent of a large snake somewhere in the clan's
    territory. i would watch your step!
    - heatstar, smokeyfoot, and mosspaw catch x1 fruit bat and x1 agouti.
    - mosspaw learns fighting.
    - your clan will begin to starve in 2 moons.

    - hazestar successfully finds reefpool.
    - swivelspear gives birth to two kits.
    - starclan watches grimly as hazestar loses a life, and mourns for the other lives lost.
    - ashfang and twigstorm find x1 mallow leaves, x1 chickweed, x1 stick, and x1 catchweed.
    - nightshadow's patrol catches x1 rabbit and x2 shrew.
    - aspencreek's patrol catches x2 shrew and x1 rabbit.
    - buzzardflight's patrol catches x1 shrew and x1 mouse.
    - jayfur's patrol finds a water source! a pregnant queen is nearby, and she asks to join. does hazeclan
    accept her or turn her away during these harsh times? [ if yes, she's due in 2 moons c: ]
    - tigerleap's patrol is uneventful.
    - oceansplash's patrol is uneventful.

    - twitepaw passes her assessment!
    - marshkit and darterkit are now marshpaw and darterpaw.
    - kindleflare's patrol catches x2 big fish and x1 rabbit.
    - blizzardrush's patrol catches x1 mouse, x1 minnow, x1 bird, x1 small fish, and x1 big fish.
    - sunnywhisker's patrol catches x2 big fish, x1 small fish, and x1 bird.
    - duneserpent's patrol catches x1 mouse, x1 minnow, x1 bird, and x2 hare.
    - redstar's patrol defeats the fox and sends it running out of quickclan territory. he will need x1
    goldenrod to treat his more severe wound.
    - alpinemask and gorseberry find x1 goldenrod, x1 horsetail, x1 deadly nightshade, and x1 tansy.
    - peckerpaw, oriolepaw, and dustpaw learn fighting. flintpaw seems to be distracted and ends up

    - mangroveclan has been founded! your mod is katrione c:
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amberclan ` 45

Postby faerie; » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:47 pm


          notes for simon / substitutes !!
          demelza finds x1 cat per patrol.
          jasper finds x1 cat per patrol. x
          adanya finds x1 cat per patrol.
          bolded names have powers. xxx

          clan count 82 females xx males xx servings 13 moonpool thursday





the morning was unusually cold as summer made its way over the mountains. cats were slow to make their descent from their dens. ferretstar couldn’t blame them; he nervously paced the outskirts of camp, trying to look nonchalant as he made smalltalk with the passing rogues. though, they all avoided his gaze. ferretstar still couldn’t blame them. his guilt balled up in his throat, restricting his breathing. he averts his gaze as tears prick at his eyes. for a moment, his mind is blank.

his deputy takes note of his demeanor; smoke’s rising rushes to his side, brushing her pelt against his as she greets him. “are you going to make the announcement, ferretstar?” her voice is soothing yet firm; they need to leave, they aren’t welcome here.

the tom nods, turning to meet her gaze. “would you collect them?” and in a moment, the black molly disperses herself into the crowd, calling for her clan cats and the rogues who homed them. ferretstar’s gaze is blank as he watches her weave between cats, nudging and mewing for their attention. he’d have to thank her once they were on the road.

ferretstar found himself atop a flat stone, watching as the cats gathered before him. he wasn’t sure how to make this announcement. he’d done it time and time again, but it felt wrong for him to speak for a cat that wasn’t one of his own. yet, dragonfly was under his care. it was only right he honored her this way.

he waits for smoke’s rising to find her spot beside him. with the familiar brush of her flank, he clears his throat to begin. with a final inviting yowl, he begins the ceremony.

“good morning, everyone.” he casts his gaze across the gathering of cats, nodding to the eyes that focused on him. “amberclan would like to take the time this morning to honor a cat who passed away under our care.” the mild hiss of a rogue rung in his ears, causing his fur to stand on end. he takes a moment to compose himself before continuing. “dragonfly gave birth to five healthy kits, now under the watchful eye of one of our queens, applenose. she passed away in the evening, surrounded by her family.” his gaze drifted to the two elders sat up front; dragonfly’s parents. dogtooth comforts her mate with a soft lick of the forehead, letting him cry into her damp fur.

bumbletail was sat near the back of the crowd, trying to console bea. the molly had been restless since the night she lost dragonfly. her watery gaze meets his as she blinks away tears. silently, she brushes her cheek against his and finds herself nuzzled under his chin.

“tonight, amberclan will hold a vigil for dragonfly, if you will allow us.” ferretstar’s gaze skips to the rogue’s leader, who gives him a curt nod of the head. with his validation, ferretstar’s fur could finally fall flat. “although tensions seem high now, we thank you all for housing us in a time of need, and we hope you are not disappointed in our efforts.” and with that, the bengal tom signals the end of the meeting as he steps down. smoke’s rising is immediately brushed against his side once more, making sure he could keep his composure as she ushers him away.

kumonryu is quick to comfort his mate’s worries as ferretstar mumbles incoherently. smoke’s rising and cicadaflutter are close by, with locustpaw settled between them. the young apprentice makes an effort to soothe her father, but is drawn back into cicadaflutter’s protective paw.

“they’re furious!” the leader’s voice breaks as he finds kumonryu’s loving gaze. smoke’s rising took a hesitant step forward and shook her head slowly.

“they’re grieving, just as we all are.” she reaffirms him, taking a cautious look out from the den. rogues milled around dragonfly’s limp body, her parents at her side. “you know their leader would never lay a paw on us. our alliance with thistleclan is strong, even now.”

cicadaflutter was quick to correct her mate softly, approaching to brush against her cheek. “these rogues don’t follow thistleclan’s rules anymore, remember?” after thistleclan unsuccessfully split up into two separate clans, the remaining cats of the latter decided to make their own gathering. ferretstar could just barely recognize some of their faces; a limping apprentice he saw at a gathering, a young warrior now grizzled and grey.

smoke’s rising nods with a sigh, turning towards the entrance. she recognizes her leader’s worry, and knows she may have to make the departing announcement in the morning. for a moment, she wonders how quickly ferretstar’s position will age him; but her worry is content, and she knows she would never trade up her opportunity to lead her clan.

[new cats]
x1 apprentice
x3 warrior

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: mintfur, riverskip, juniperclaw, cricketcall, kumonryu
↳ hunt: tansybloom, orchidstep, millie, dippertuft, boulderfoot

↳ border: sunpeak, demelza, elmtail, ivystripe, turtlefur
↳ border: shellskip, antheart, orchidstep, dawntuft, jasper

↳ herbs: bumbletail, poppyleaf

[ training ]
(fighting )

petalpaw, valerianpaw, minnowpaw, rosepaw, wasppaw, maplepaw, locustpaw
( fighting, swimming, climbing )

flypaw, stormpaw, peachpaw, seedpaw
( hunting, fighting, swimming, climbing )

[ assessments & ceremonies ]
barkpaw attempts his warrior assessment. if passed, he will be named barknose.

[ kitting ]

[ deaths & injuries ]

[ other ]
bea & adanya have one moon left until kitting.
ivoryfang has two moons until kitting.

amberclan says their goodbyes to the rogue group that homed them.
the following cats decide to stay with the rogues.
flametail, sagefur, beau, millie, mintfur, seedpaw, riverskip, willowsnake.

some cats find homes in other clans.
ophelia, darkpaw, reedpaw, and patchpaw go to simonpet's forestclan.

[the clan consumes x2 big fish and x6 vole.]

          ferretstar | 63m | tom | x
          lives: ★★★★

          swan | 40m | tom | x

          smoke's rising | 62m | molly | x

          medicine cat:
          bumbletail | 71m | tom | x
          poppyleaf | 38m | molly | x
          sunnypaw | 8m | molly | x

          ⇁ patients

          orchidstep | 66m | she-cat |x
          kumonryu | 63m | tom | x
          cicadaflutter | 66m | she-cat | x
          dawntuft | 70m | she-cat | x
          goosecloud | 42m | tom | x
          boulderfoot | 42m | tom | x
          shellskip | 42m | tom | x
          sunpeak | 65m | tom | x
          olivebranch | 63m | tom | x
          ivoryfang | 38m | molly | x
          lionwatcher | 38m | molly | x
          brookrunner | 36m | molly | x
          brindleclaw | 36m | tom | x
          starling | 49m | tom | x
          admonium | 49m | tom | x
          demelza | 49m | molly | x
          ivystripe | 32m | molly | x
          turtlefur | 32m | molly | x
          mousecurl | 29m | molly | x
          rabbitclaw | 27m | tom | x
          riverskip | 43m | molly | x
          brandy | 63m | molly | x
          beau | 23m | tom | x
          millie | 23m | molly | x

          jasper | 23m | tom | x
          dippertuft | 22m | molly | x / growth
          cottonleaf | 22m | molly | x
          fawntail | 22m | molly | x
          juniperclaw | 22m | tom | x
          sagefur | 22m | tom | x
          mintfur | 22m | tom | x

          mudspots | 52m | tom | x
          maelstrom | 24m | molly | x
          cricketcall | 19m | tom | x
          antheart | 32m | tom | x
          duskwillow | 27m | tom | x
          tansybloom | 16m | molly | x
          elmtail | 31m | tom | x
          flametail | 40m | molly | ]x
          bayfish | 27m | tom | x
          webstripe | 25m | tom | x

          disabled warriors who cannot meet the daily quota
          of hunting and patrolling. instead, they learn about
          herbs, help kitting, and do other daily clan tasks.

          barkpaw | 13m | tom | x
          reedpaw | 10m | tom | x
          darkpaw | 10m | tom | x
          patchpaw | 10m | molly | x

          petalpaw | 7m | tom | x
          valerianpaw | 7m | tom | x
          minnowpaw | 7m | molly | x
          locustpaw | 7m | molly | x
          maplepaw | 7m | tom | x
          peachpaw | 7m | molly | x
          stormpaw | 7m | molly | x
          flypaw | 7m | molly | x
          rosepaw | 7m | tom | x
          wasppaw | 7m | tom | x
          toadpaw | 7m | molly | x
          cinderpaw | 7m | tom | x
          seedpaw | 7m | molly | x

          kings & queens:
          applenose | 43m | molly | x
          adanya | 22m | molly | x
          bea | 65m | molly | x


          applenose's litter
          beetlekit | 1m | molly | x
          mothkit | 1m | molly | x
          redkit | 1m | molly | x
          cloverkit | 1m | tom | x
          pearkit | 1m | tom | x
          thriftkit | 1m | tom | x

          fostered kits:
          foxkit | 1m | molly | x
          minkkit | 1m | molly | x
          rowankit | 1m | tom | x
          marigoldkit | 1m | molly | x
          beekit | 1m | tom | x

          falconwatcher | 109m | tom | x
          linnetflower | 88m | molly | x
          willowsnake | 96m | tom | x
          dogtooth | 80m | molly | x
          ale | 84m | tom | x

    medicine store
    borage leaves | produces milk, helps fever | x4
    catmint | greencough remedy | x6
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches, kitting | x1
    cobwebs | bandage | x2
    goldenrod | healing wounds | x1
    watermint | bellyache remedy | x2
    goatweed | eases anxiety, grief | x1
    lavender | fever and chill remedy | x1
    poppy seeds | eases pain, helps sleep, soothes shock | x6
    broom | poultice for broken limbs and wounds | x2
    tansy | cures coughs, wounds and poisons. | x2
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches | x1
    oak leaves | stops infection from setting in | x1
    thyme | calms anxiety, shock, stress | x2 x1
    yarrow | extracts poison, causes vomitting | x3
    marigold | stops infection and bleeding | x2
    juniper berries | calms, soothes aches | x1
    comfrey | eases stiffness, broken joints | x2
    sweetsedge | eases infection | x3
    cob nuts | x1
    heather nectar | x3
    alder bark | x2
    dandelion | x1
    hawk/chickweed | x4
    mouse bile | x2
    blackberry | x1
    lambs ear | x1
    rush | x2
    parsley | x1
    garlic | x1
    nettle | x1
    chamomile | x1
    mallow | x2
    ragwort | x3
    rosemary | x1
    horsetail | x4
    bindweed | x1
    willow bark | x1
    burdock | x1
    daisy leaf | x1
    lovage | x1
    mint | x3
    oak leaf | x2
    foxglove seeds | x1
    juniper | x1
    elder leaf | x1
    raspberry leaf | x1
    dock | x1
    catchweed | x1
    ivy leaf | x2
    stick | x2
    honey | x1
    celadine | x2
    willow leaves | x2
    colt's foot | x1
    bright-eye | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x17 | 1 servings
    vole | x23 x17 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x30 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x25 | 2 servings
    small fish | x5 | 2 servings
    big fish | x2 x0 | 3 servings

    update soon dude

    deceased cats:
    larkstream | greencough
    patch | greencough poisoned
    almondflower & unnamed kit | birthing complications
    otterstripe | drowned
    blackpatch | poisoned
    lilypaw | fox attack
    squirreltuft | greencough
    dovewatcher | frostbite & greencough
    dragonfly | childbirth

    orchidstep & father | goosecloud, boulderfoot, mist, shellskip
    dawntuft & father | poppyleaf, ivoryfang, lionwatcher
    tigerspring & father | brookrunner, brindleclaw, sheepheart
    owlbloom & lightningstripe | otterstripe, nettleflower, mintfur
    cicadaflutter & ferretfur | locustkit
    brandy & olivebranch | ivystripe, turtlefur
    newtberry & starling | stormkit, flykit
    willowtail & goosecloud | petalkit, valeriankit, minnowkit
    flurryheart & brindleclaw | maplekit
    pigeonfoot & unnamed father | tansypaw, lilypaw
    ophelia & unnamed father | reedkit, darkkit, patchkit
    riverskip & unnamed father | duskpaw, hazelpaw
    dandelion's stem & russetstrike | valerian's leaf
    almondflower & sunpeak | dippertuft, cottonleaf, juniperclaw, sagefur, fawntail
    demelza & admonium | millie, beau, jasper, freya, adanya
    sootstar & rivergum |rattlepaw, viperpaw
    adanya & cricketcall
    bea & bumbletail |
    dragonfly & antheart |
    applenose & mudspots |
Last edited by faerie; on Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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( mangroveclan ) ( post one )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:10 pm

( statistics: 01 toms, 00 mollies, 01 total // 01 servings needed // next request from ancestors is 00/00/00 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 00 snook, 00 mangrove snappers, 00 starfish, 00 sandpipers, 00 mangrove crabs, 00 seahorses ;; 00 servings )— -
( medicine store: 0 herbs )— -
( archive )— -
servings per piece ;; snook : 3 servings // mangrove snappers : 3 servings // starfish : 2 servings // sandpiper : 1 serving // mangrove crabs : 1 serving // seahorses : 1 serving
    ixxx▬blood was a scarlet river slicing through the carcass of the forest; red tongues of flame lapped at the spindly fingers of tree branches that forked through the sky above, cutting dark shapes into the crimson sky. everything was so red, everything was covered in red.
    ixxx▬berrynose was the only speck of anything other; anything other than blood, than fire, than ash that settled in the fur of his dead clanmates.
    ixxx▬he breathed.
    ixxx▬it was stiflingly hot, it was stiflingly dead.
    ixxx▬nothing breathed but him. him, and the ebony figure who perched beside him, tail curled delicately over toes, muscled frame rippling under sky-dark fur as he rose to his feet.
    ixxx▬"why?" berrynose asked, his green-grey eyes flashing with red as he turned to face the yellow-sighted tom beside him. the black cat emitted an aura, an air about him that radiated something else, something not quite cat.
    ixxx▬he had a feral tongue, a rough rumble of a voice that made his laugh seem mocking, harsh, though, in reality, it probably was both of those things.
    ixxx▬"why, you ask," the black bombay tom's words were laced with a chuckle, laced with cruelty and greed and decay. "why does anything ever happen? why are you here? why am i here?" a lash of his tail, the tip flicking berrynose's chin tauntingly. "because that is how life is. life is selfish, and you must learn to live with that knowledge."
    ixxx▬berrynose was choking on ash, choking on the heat of the air that pressed down upon his lungs, burned his nostrils and made his chest ache.
    ixxx▬"how?" he asked hades.
    ixxx▬a chuckle. "the answer eludes all of you foolish mortals."
    ixxx▬and then he was gone.
    ixxx▬he was gone, and berrynose was awake, and his chest was heaving with terror, with the fright that the dream had wrought upon him, but now he was fine and everything was fine and the salty air on his tongue was refreshing, was reassuring, and he rose to his unsteady paws with a sudden lurch.
    ixxx▬berrynose emerged from the deep hollow formed by many years of weather that he had claimed as his den; his furless exterior was smeared with dark paints, blues and reds that set him apart from his surroundings. not only did it mark him as different, not only did it make him flashy and bold and visible, but it had practical uses, too. it prevented the harsh sunlight from burning his skin, from creating red patches that stung for days and were soothed only by being kept from the sun.
    ixxx▬as berrynose stepped into the shallow lagoon that harbored what would soon be his clan - mangroveclan, he had decided swiftly after examining the territory - he cast his gaze to the darkening sky.
    ixxx▬at moonhigh he would speak to the dead.

[ mangroveclan has been founded! ]
[ berrystar patrols the borders. ]
[ berrystar goes hunting. ]
[ berrystar requests a kind, motherly healer from the ancestors. ]
[ mangroveclan does not eat for one moon. ]

berrystar, 30m, tom
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender

name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender
name, age, gender

name & name | offspring
name | cause of death
mentor | apprentice | 0 skills
↳ skills

north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

kennel name | username
kennel name | username

Last edited by notwearingsocks on Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby beebopbee » Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:14 pm

It's not like we are the strongest cats alive or anything.
    — Nightstar
archive [x]
[♀] 5
[♂] 6
[servings] 3
[eaten] x1 sparrow
[new members] Cisco
[ceremonies] cisco "cissy" is granted a warrior
[hunting I] hickoryleap
[hunting II] lead x - x
[patrol I] sparkfire - cisco - x
[patrol II] lead x - x

[herb gathering] tigercreek - x - x
[healing] ravenstalker / x1 poppy seed
[death] x - x
[romantics] x & x
[celestial request] nightstar requests a hunter - next 12/14
[other] x - x

the hairless tom prowled through the dead territory, trying to find the break in the drought, to the last safe place.
" xena? xena? " he called desperately, looking for the sleek she-cat in the hard, dirty area.
" mal.. " she hissed, scratching his bare flank.
" listen xena i'm sorry! " he mewed, licking his scar.
" i'm done with your apologies! " she fluffed her tortie pelt in the humid morning.
" i just need to know where cyn is! then i'll leave! " he pleaded, dark sap oozing from the scratch.
" cyn is dead! " she turned on her heel into the parched land, leaving the injured tom to rot...

" more! tell us more! " bearkit cried, ears perked.
" awe bearkit, raven probably needs to rest. " clovertail hushed the brown pelt.
ravenstalker swished his tail, " it's okay clover. who wants to hear what happens next? "
" me! " the kits chorused.

[ ravenstalker tells the kits a story ]
[ sparkfire teases cisco for his rogue name ]
[ hickoryleap fawns over ravenstalker ]
[ clovertail and nightstar converse ]


[ king ]
nightstar. . 44.
lives. ★★★★★★★★★
↳ notes.

[ heir ]
alias. gender. age.
↳ hasn't been chosen.

[ witch doctor ]
tigercreek. ♀. 40.
↳ notes.

[ witch doctor pupil ]
alias. gender. age.
↳ notes
[ warrior ]
ravenstalker. . 34.
↳ notes.
sparkfire. . 28.
↳ infertile.
cisco "cissy". . 30.
↳ notes.

[ hunter ]
hickoryleap. . 24.
↳ notes.

[ pupil ]
alias. gender. age.
↳ notes.
[ mother ]
clovertail. . 46.
↳ notes.

[ youth ]
clovertail x unknown
hawkkit. ♂. 3.
↳ notes.
birchkit. ♀. 3.
↳ notes.
snowkit. ♀. 3.
↳ notes.
bearkit. ♂. 3.
↳ notes.

[ elder ]
alias. gender. age.
↳ notes.

[ medicines ]
alder bark. x2
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
beech leaf. x1
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
borage. x1
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
mallow leaf. x1
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
raspberry leaf. x1
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
rush. x1
used on. cat. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.
poppyseed. x1
used on. ravenstalker. cat. cat. cat.
↳ notes.

[ caught ]
cottontail. x0. 2 servings.
ermine. x1. 2 servings.
grey squirrel. x0. 2 servings.
mouse. x0. 1 servings.
sparrow. x0. 3 servings.
trout. x0. 2 servings.

[ instructing ]
rookie. instructor. skillset.
↳ notes.

[ deceased ]
alias. age. cause.
↳ notes.
... see more

[ borders ]
[N]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[NE]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[E]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[SE]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[S].clan. user.
↳ notes.
[SW]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[W]. clan. user.
↳ notes.
[NW]. clan. user.
↳ notes.

[ allies ]
clan. user.
↳ notes.

[ enemies ]
clan. user.
↳ notes.

[ relations ]
hickoryleap. is crushing on. ravenstalker.
↳ notes.
clovertail. is mates with. unknown.
↳ kits;; hawkkit - birchkit - snowkit - bearkit. - notes.
sparkfire. is frenemies with. ravenstalker.
↳ notes.
... see more

Last edited by beebopbee on Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( graveclan // 20. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:26 pm

i▬( the king )
i▬wiltedstar, 41m, tom
i▬★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

i▬( the queen )
i▬geckosplash, 39m, molly

i▬( the heir )
i▬witherpaw, 9m, tom

i▬( the heir's mentor )
i▬knotnose, 27m, molly

i▬( the gypsy )
i▬spidernose, 39m, tom
↪ twisted hind leg
aloeshade, 17m, molly

↪ blind
webpaw, 9m, tom

↪ blind

i▬( warriors )
i▬flintmask, 36m, tom
heavypad, 33m, tom
fallowstep, 45m, tom
chamomilewhisker, 45m, tom
ivytongue, 45m tom
pineflower, 30m, tom
littlefang, 30m, molly
hawkeyes, 50m, tom
cormorantface, 59m, tom
raptorgaze, 52m tom
blackthorn, 25m, tom
silversky, 43m, molly
dogbite, 42m, tom
sorrelcloud, 27m, tom
hickorypatch, 43m, molly
toadsplash, 58m, tom
sugarfoot, 41m, molly
neritefang, 84m, molly
cicadacloud, 27m, molly
barleystep, 47m, molly
laureleye, 49m, tom
valerianthroat, 45m, nonbinary
hornetfur, 21m, tom
applebelly, 69m, tom
avocetstream, 49m, tom
timberspot, 33m, molly
minkbelly, 19m, tom
badgerbelly, 44m, molly
ibiswing, 45m, molly
lemonfur, 42m, molly
ryepatch, 48m, tom
pelicanface, 22m, tom
sweetdrop, 18m, molly

thrushwing, 36m, tom
clovertail, 45m, tom
dirtstripe, 95m, tom
campionstep, 25m, molly
arguspelt, 37m, molly
hollyfoot, 18m, molly
thymetail, 18m, tom
gatorbite, 17m, tom
lizardthroat, 24m, molly
lichenbelly, 30m, tom
pinepuddle, 38m, tom
owlfrost, 17m, molly
chanterellestep, 16m, tom
mantisfoot, 43m, molly
yarrowtuft, 117m, molly
whinchatwing, 15m, molly
magpiefeather, 15m, tom
cherrystep, 63m, tom
claystream, 53m, molly
strawberrynose, 32m, molly
pansyclaw, 15m, molly
perchpelt, 15m, tom
otterdash, 15m, molly
grassthorn, 14m, molly
shoalsnout, 141m, tom
valleytuft, 17m, tom
cobrafang, 36m, molly
vulturewing, 20m, molly
shoalsong, 13m, molly

i▬( apprentices )
i▬hurricanepaw, 12m, tom
coldpaw, 12m, molly
cricketpaw, 12m, molly
mothpaw, 12m, tom
waxpaw, 12m, tom
swiftpaw, 12m, tom
twitepaw, 12m, molly
hollowpaw, 12m, tom
pigeonpaw, 11m, tom
cedarpaw, 11m, molly
adderpaw, 11m, tom
minnowpaw, 12m, tom
avocadokit, 10m, molly
oleander, 10m, tom
ospreypaw, 9m, molly
mallardpaw, 9m, molly
ripplepaw, 8m, tom
wobblepaw, 8m, molly

↪ cerebellar hypoplasia
rowanpaw, 8m, tom
reedpaw, 8m, tom

↪ retinal dysplasia
radishpaw, 8m, molly
rosepaw, 8m, tom
duckpaw, 6m, molly

i▬( dames )
i▬harepuddle, 44m, trans tom
shrikethorn, 34m, molly
mirra, 31m, molly

ravencall, 43m, molly

↪ due in one moon

i▬( kits )
i▬linnetkit, 5m, tom
asterkit, 5m, tom
quailkit, 5m, tom
beekit, 5m, molly
fennelkit, 5m, molly
chubkit, 5m, molly
orangekit, 5m, molly
pearkit, 5m, molly
peachkit, 5m, molly
grapekit, 5m, molly
cranekit, 5m, tom
heronkit, 5m, tom
basilkit, 4m, tom
mintkit, 4m, molly

i▬( exiled & deceased )
i▬plumshade, 35m, molly, killed by ivytongue
vervainpaw, 8m, molly, killed by harriercloud
gorseclaw, 33m, tom, killed by harriercloud
goosekit, 0m, tom, weak at birth
harriercloud, 40m, molly, exiled for the murders
of gorseclaw & vervainpaw
elesius, 0m, tom, exiled; taken by harriercloud
lakshmi, 0m, molly, exiled; taken by harriercloud
leechriver, 52m, molly, died of untreated injuries

i▬( families )
i▬silversky & fallowstep // holly, thyme, & vervain
barleystep & chamomilewhisker // whinchat & ma-

gorseclaw & hickorypatch // owlpaw
plumshade & heavypad // otter
leechriver & unknown // pansy & perch
arguspelt, burntsight, & oakfang // pigeon, cedar, &
badgerbelly & unknown // wax, swift, & twite
frostbite & flintmask // hurricane & cold
unknown & unknown // aloe & gator
ibiswing & unknown // cricket & moth
geckosplash & wiltedstar // wither, osprey, & web
claystream & toadsplash // mallard & goose
harriercloud & onyx // ripple & wobble
strawberrynose & unknown // rowan, reed, & radish
cobrafang & thrushwing // duck
mirra & adderscratch // basil & mint
shrikethorn & unknown // orange, pear, peach, gr-
, crane, & heron
harepuddle & clovertail // linnet, aster, quail, b-
, fennel, & chub
ravencall, fallowstep, & hawkeyes // unborn

( borders )— - n/w = lagoonclan, n = hazelc-
lan, n/e = tundraclan, e = clan-nameeee, s/e
= floodclan, s = kwamiclan, s/w = mallowcl-
an, w = lambclani▬

i▬( allies )— -

i▬( enemies )— - basinclan


(statistics: 56 toms, 54 mollies, 01 nonbinary, 111 total // 17 servings needed // 7 patrols allowed // next visit to angelstone is 10/17/18 // archive )— -
(fresh kill pile: 6/b] mice, [b]2 birds, 9 small fish, 10 snakes, 11 rabbits, 11 voles, 12 squirrels, 7 lizards, 2 ferrets ;; 115 servings )— -
(medicine store: 1 chervil, 0 cobwebs, 1 honey, 1 poppy seeds, 1 juniper berries, 1 yarrow, 2 mallow leaves, 1 stinging nettle, 1 bright-eye, 0 thyme, 1 mint, 1 ivy leaf, 1 lovage, 1 catmint, 0 marigold, 0 raspberry leaves, 1 lungwort, 0 oak leaf, 1 catchweed, 3 bindweed, 2 sticks )— -
(posts: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 )— -
(training: badgerbelly, hurricanepaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // flintmask, coldpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // ibiswing, cricketpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // ravencall, mothpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // toadsplash, waxpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // sorrelcloud, swiftpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // dogbite, twitepaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, swimming, tracking // blackthorn, hollowpaw: [ 6 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking // arguspelt, pigeonpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // lemonfur, cedarpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // ryepatch, adderpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // clovertail, minnowpaw: [ 7 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking, agility // ivytongue, avocadopaw: [ 4 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming // hawkeyes, oleander: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // knotnose, witherkit: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // cormorantface, ospreypaw: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // spidernose, webpaw: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // minkbelly, mallardpaw: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // pelicanface, ripplepaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // chanterellestep, wobblepaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // owlfrost, rowanpaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // mantisfoot, reedpaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // campionstep, radishpaw: [ 1 ] battle // pinepuddle, rosepaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // badgerbelly, duckpaw: [ 0 ] skill )— -

servings per piece of prey ;; mice = 1 // birds = 3 // small fish = 2 // snakes = 3 // rabbits = 2 // voles = 1 // squirrel = 2 // lizard = 1 // ferret = 3

indentwriting,,, eventually,,,,,,,,

[ graveclan consumes seventeen servings. ]
[ spidernose applies x1 bindweed to littlefang. ]
[ spidernose applies x1 bindweed and x1 stick to cormorantface. ]
[ flintmask rests for his second moon out of three. ]
[ ivytongue rests for his second moon out of two. ]
[ cormorantface rests for his second moon out of three. ]
[ strawberrynose takes over flintmask's mentoring duties for the next two moons. ]
[ cherrystep takes over ivytongue's mentoring duties for the next one moon. ]
[ clovertail takes over cormorantface's mentoring duties for the next two moons. ]
[ webpaw searches for herbs. ]
[ all apprentices train for their respective skills. ]
[ hurricanepaw, coldpaw, cricketpaw, mothpaw, waxpaw, swiftpaw, twitepaw, and hollowpaw take their warrior assessments. if they pass, they will be known, respectively, as hurricanecloud, coldflower, crickethop, mothflicker, waxwing, swiftberry, twitenose, and hollowfang. ]
[ duckkit has become duckpaw and is apprenticed to badgerbelly. ]
[ wiltedstar, geckosplash, flintmask, heavypad, fallowstep, and chamomilewhisker patrol the borders. they continue clearing out parts of the new territory. ]
[ ivytongue, pineflower, littlefang, hawkeyes, cormorantface, and raptorgaze patrol the borders. ]
[ blackthorn, silversky, dogbite, sorrelcloud, hickorypatch, and toadsplash patrol the borders. ]
[ sweetdrop, neritefang, cicadacloud, barleystep, laureleye, and valerianthroat patrol the borders. ]
↪ sweetdrop has applicable powers! she attracts at least one cat while patrolling the borders.
[ sugarfoot, hornetfur, applebelly, avocetstream, timberspot, and minkbelly go hunting. ]
[ lemonfur, ryepatch, pelicanface, thrushwing, clovertail, and dirtstripe go hunting. ]
[ campionstep, arguspelt, hollyfoot, thymetail, gatorbite, and lizardthroat go hunting. ]
[ aloeshade has received a prophecy! it shall be then, when what is blue turns red, a deadly duel shall usher forth an end to the crown. ]
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:15 pm

The territories are in full bloom and prey is running rampant, making them an easy catch. Queens and kits will be much more likely to survive during birth and new cats are still likely to be found. However, the chance for drought and dehydration is higher and predators, while unlikely, are more dangerous than ever due to the abundant resources.

Sorry for being late! This week has been really stressful due to chemistry finals (and only chemistry for now) and though I started this a while ago, I haven't gotten much of a chance to work on it until tonight. Please PM or DM me if I've A) skipped your reply or B) missed an action in your reply. Thank you for your understanding!

First Clans
Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Halyconclan | Amberclan | Duneclan | Stoneclan | Dappleclan | Waveclan | Quartzclan | Hurricaneclan | Whisperclan

Second Clans
Paragonclan | Merryclan | Wiltedclan

Trggrd wrote:

[ Shortcall's patrol finds evidence that a fox has passed by. They can either ignore it and possibly let it kill vulnerable kits and apprentices, or attempt to drive it out of the territory, risking their lives. ]
[ Pinestar's patrol catches x1 hawk, x1 shrew, and x1 mouse. ]
[ Weaselwhisker and Hawkpaw find x1 stick, x1 blackberry leaf, and x1 borage. ]

[ Hawkpaw learns basic herb recognition. ]

[ Stormwind fails to get pregnant. Perhaps try another time when there are fewer kits and more warriors? ]

[ Starclan refuses to send Pinestar a queen, citing the above reason. However, they send a female warrior. ]

Cattuccino wrote:

[ Snowdusk's first hunting patrol catches x1 bird and x2 voles. ]
[ Snowdusk's second hunting patrol catches x1 big fish and x2 mice. ]
[ Mudwing's first patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Mudwing's second patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Stormwhisker and Gingerpaw find x1 juniper berry, x1 sorrel, and x1 honey. ]

[ Graypaw, Twopaw, Spotpaw, and Gingerpaw learn a move together. ]
[ Woodpaw learns a move. ]
[ Torpaw and Mischiefpaw learn a move together.]

[ Mod notes: From now on, you will have to use different cats in each border/hunting patrol and no cat may be in either more than once per post lest they get sick. ]

clarke kom skaikru wrote:

[ Drizzlewish's patrol catches x1 hare and x1 minnow. ]
[ Nettlefoot's patrol catches x1 salmon. ]
[ Meadowstar's patrol catches x1 salmon and x1 minnow. ]
[ Ravenheart's patrol catches x1 trout and x1 bass. ]
[ Honeytail finds x1 cobweb and x1 tansy. ]

[ All apprentices learn swimming. ]

[ Arrowfang gives birth to two healthy kits! Both kits are brown tabbies underneath the white, carry non-white, and have a 50% chance for their kits to have dominant white or show other colors. ]

[ Mullienbud is accepted as a full warrior of Wiltedclan. ]

faerie; wrote:

[ Mintfur's patrol catches x1 big fish, x1 squirrel, and x1 vole. ]
[ Tansybloom's patrol catches x1 squirrel, x1 small fish, and x1 vole. ]
[ Sunpeak's patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Shellskip's patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Bumbletail and Poppyleaf find x1 oak leaf, x1 broom, and x1 lamb's ear. ]

[ All apprentices learn fighting. ]
[ Barkpaw passes his warrior assessment and is welcomed as Barknose, full warrior of Amberclan. ]

scarlet_wolf wrote:

[ Wiltedstar's patrol finds evidence of a predator's scent. Do they pursue it or ignore it? ]
[ Ivytongue's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Blackthorn's patrol finds nothing of interest. However, Toadsplash sprains a paw when he's startled by a prey animal and attempts to jump out of the way. He will require two moons of rest and x2 elder leaves. ]
[ Sweetdrop's patrol finds two apprentices, who may or may not be siblings. ]
[ Sugarfoot's patrol catches x1 vole, x1 bird, and x1 squirrel. ]
[ Lemonfur's patrol catches x1 fish, x1 vole, and x1 ferret. ]
[ Campionstep's patrol catches x2 voles, x1 lizard, and x1 snake. ]
[ Webpaw finds x2 elder leaves. ]

[ All apprentices learn their respective skills. ]
[ All apprentices pass their assessments and are welcomed as full warriors of Graveclan. However, Coldpaw, Mothpaw, and Waxpaw have strained themselves and will now need one post of rest to recover. ]

[ Mod notes: That's an awesome prophecy. I'm coming to you next time I need one. XD ]
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