Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

building a broken friendship

Postby ilhdc7 » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:14 pm

total cats;; 003 next skypool visit;; **** kit due dates;; times here clan serving size;; 2 fresh kill consumed;; food here
heatstar stared up at the sky, glad that starclan had sent him a hunter as well as a pupil for her. smokey was her name, and he dubbed her smokeyfoot as soon as she accepted his ruling as the first triad leader. "So," He paused and turned to smokeyfoot, who was curling around the small apprentice, trying to keep each other warm. "Hunting?"

Smokeyfoot lifted her head up, "How 'bout it, Mosspaw? Hunting?" The small apprentice lifted her head and stood up, yawning as she did so. "Sure!"

Heatstar smiled, but annoyance was radiating off him, "Good. Glad. Now can we go!" Mosspaw glanced at Smokeyfoot who was rolling her eyes at him. Mosspaw followed behind the two grown cats ready to hunt and shook her head. She wasn't sure what she was getting herself into.

introducing;; smokeyfoot & mosspaw!
moonpool;; requests a healer

camp guard;;
border patrol;; heatstar looks for cats

hunting;; heatstar, smokeyfoot & mosspaw go hunting

death total;;


rank upgrades;;
training;; smokeyfoot & mosspaw train

mod notes;;
-my fresh kill pile is on the bottom! center column!
-you can just call pupils/squire/cadet's apprentices & i'll put
them in their respective location!
-no assassins found on patrols or anything

Triad Leader 1;;
heatstar, tom, 21
★★★ [3/3]

First Officer;;
name, gender, age

name, gender, age

Senior Assassins;;


Assassin's Squire;;

          Triad Leader 3;;
          name, gender, age
          3 stars here

          First Officer;;
          name, gender, age

          name, gender, age

          Senior Huntress's;;

          smokeyfoot, molly, 25

          Huntress's Pupil;;
          mosspaw, molly, 6

        Triad Leader 2;;
        name, gender, age
        3 stars here

        First Officer;;
        name, gender, age

        name, gender, age

        Senior Soldiers;;


        Soldier's Cadet;;



med cat storage;;
family relations;;

fresh kill pile;;
0 amazon kingfisher = 1 serving
0 sloth = 1 serving
0 paca = 2 servings
0 fruit bat's = 2 servings
0 kinkajou = 2 servings
0 agouti = 3 servings

mentors & apprentices;;
moss&smokey = (0)
prefix&prefix = (#) item



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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:33 am

The territories are in full bloom and prey is running rampant, making them an easy catch. Queens and kits will be much more likely to survive during birth and new cats are still likely to be found. However, the chance for drought and dehydration is higher and predators, while unlikely, are more dangerous than ever due to the abundant resources.

Please PM me if I missed your post or made a mistake!

First Clans
Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Halyconclan | Amberclan | Duneclan | Stoneclan | Dappleclan | Waveclan | Quartzclan | Hurricaneclan | Whisperclan

Second Clans
Paragonclan | Merryclan | Wiltedclan

Trggrd wrote:

[ Shortcall's patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Pinestar's patrol catches x1 lark and x1 hare. ]
[ Weaselwhisker finds x1 celandine and x1 dock. ]

[ Starclan grants Pinestar's request of a medicine cat apprentice. ]

[ Mod notes: I'm going to send you another set of coding! I'm totally fine with your changes to prey. ]

faerie; wrote:

[ Dippertuft's patrol catches x3 voles and x1 small fish. ]
[ Brindleclaw's patrol catches x2 voles, x1 rabbit, and x1 squirrel. ]
[ Sagefur's patrol finds a warrior and their apprentice child. ]
[ Mousecurl's patrol finds an empty fox den. Nothing comes out of it, though the best trackers find evidence that a mother and her cubs had been there recently. For the moment, there is nothing to worry about. ]
[ The medicine cats find x2 borage, x1 coltsfoot, and x1 poppy seed. ]

[ All apprentices learn swimming. ]

[ Adanya and Bea are pregnant! They will give birth in two posts. ]
[ Applenose gives birth to six healthy kits. Three are mollies and three are toms. ]

[ Dragonfly gives birth to five healthy kits. Four are red/ginger ticked tabbies and one is a ticked tabby tortoiseshell molly. Perhaps she could be named Minkkit? All ticked tabby kittens carry spotted tabby. Unfortunately, the queen is too weak to live long after birth and dies scarcely a half-moon later. ]

[ Starclan grants Ferretstar's request of an apprentice. ]

s8n wrote:

[ Finchwhisker's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Tinyfog's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Aurorapond's patrol catches x2 gulls. ]
[ Bearsplash's patrol catches x3 mice. ]
[ Toadsnare's patrol catches x2 minnows, x1 vole, and x1 mouse. ]
[ Ryestrike's patrol catches x2 mice, x1 smelt, and x1 minnow. ]
[ Coralpool finds x1 watermint and x1 chickweed. ]

[ All apprentices capable of training learn swimming. ]

[ Alice, Blazestar, and Silverscar are healed. ]

Cattuccino wrote:

[ Blossomstar's first patrol catches x1 rabbit and x2 voles. ]
[ Blossomstar's second patrol catches x2 big fish. ]
[ Otterfang's first patrol finds a warrior. ]
[ Otterfang's second patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Stormwhisker and Gingerpaw find x1 goldenrod, x1 ivy leaf, and x1 borage. ]

[ All apprentices but Gingerpaw learn battling. ]
[ Gingerpaw learns how to find herbs. ]

[ Stormclaw and Willow are pregnant! They will give birth in two posts. ]
[ Blossomstar, Lilypetal, and Snowdusk fail to get pregnant. Perhaps try another time when there are more warriors and fewer kits. ]

[ Starclan refuses Blossomstar's request of a queen, saying that Whisperclan won't have enough warriors to train the apprentices. ]

[ Mod notes: I'll send you some new coding to make it neater! It'll have all the same elements, but just formatted in a slightly different way. ]
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eclipseclan - post one ☕

Postby east is up » Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:54 pm


number of cats: one male // zero female
next glowpool visit: one week

    the cats visiting him in his dreams had scared him at first. he wasn't sure what to make of them, and did not know what they wanted from him. when one of them claimed to be an ancestor of his, he was no longer scared, but intrigued. her name was miststar, and according to her, she was the leader of a once great clan that had thrived in a place where the ocean breeze rustled the fur of cats, and prey ran well. in his dreams, she showed him this place, and he fell in love with it. he had asked where he would find this place, and she told him "follow the signs, young one. if you follow them, you will know where to go, and you can start a new clan, eclipseclan. claim your nine lives and bring that place to its former glory." she faded from his dreams, and he had eagerly searched for the signs she had mentioned. something had caught his eye, a small white light in the sky, drifting just like a feather in the wind. he followed it for days, and each time there was danger, it would lead him somewhere to hide, and flicker out until it was safe once more. after many days of travel, he finally saw something, a field of flowers and plants that stretched wide, and ocean and cliffs by its side. he recognized this place from his visions with miststar. he was home now.

    he followed the light down the cliff-sides and into caves that seemed perfect for living. they were untouched by the ocean waves, a hidden beauty. he was tired, and drifted to sleep on the cold rock. miststar visited him in his dreams that night. "young one, our time together is dwindling. i have almost completed my task. do me one more thing tomorrow, dear, find the glowpool, our sacred place of meeting with the ancestors. you'll know when you find it. lap the water, and you will receive your lives. any time you need to speak to ancestors in starclan, go there." her form stepped forward towards his, and she touched her nose on his, effectively ending the dream. he woke up and there was light shining through the cave. the small white light had also returned, and he followed it until he came across a pool of water. a ray of light shined into the middle of it, and the white light went to the middle of the pool, going under the water, glowing faintly. eclipse did as he was told, lapped the water, and then fell into a deep sleep.

    a paw woke him, but he was no longer in the cave, he was in a rocky area, where eight star pelted cats surrounded him. the first one, a brown tabby tom with a rumble in his voice spoke to him. "welcome, eclipse, to starclan, our home. you are here to recieve your nine lives, and your name as a leader. step forward." eclipse did as he said, the tom touched his nose to eclipse's head and spoke again. "i give you this life for wisdom. use it well, and make decisions that will benefit your clan." the tom backed away and another tom, a smaller white and gray one, stepped forward, touching his nose to eclipse's head. "with this life, i give you forgiveness. even when things seem bad between cats, they should always find a way to forgive." the third cat stepped forward, a beautiful she-cat with blue eyes. she placed her nose on his head and said "with this life i give you joy. find the littlest things, and make the best of them, it will help you to live a joyful life, rather than a dull or painful one." she stepped back and another tom, an orange one stepped forward and placed his nose on eclipse's head. "this life is for friendship. the best things in a leaders life are the friends they make, but be wary of those you trust, and surround yourself with only those you can truly trust." he stepped back and a she-cat stepped forward, she was pure white. she seemed happy as she placed her nose on his head. "this life bestows honor. there isn't much to say about it. use it wisely." she padded back to her spot and a seventh cat took her place, another she-cat, this time a simple gray one touched her nose to his head. "i give this life with selflessness. you'll need it to be a great leader. put others above yourself, young leader." she stepped back and the eighth cat in the room stepped towards him, a tom, only a kit. "i give you this life for curiosity. find things that others wouldn't." he stepped back and eclipse looked for another cat.

    they had mentioned nine lives, but he had received eight. at that moment, miststar appeared. "i wouldn't miss this young one." she dipped her head and touched her nose onto his head. "with this life, i give you love. find the cats you love, and keep them with you, never lose them." she said, then stepped back a little bit and spoke once more "i hail you by your new name, Eclipsestar. your old life is no more. you have now received the nine lives of a leader, and starclan grants you the guardianship of Eclipseclan. defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity." then the nine cats began chanting his new name "Eclipsestar! Eclipsestar! Eclipsestar!" and their voices faded with his dream. "nine lives, and a clan of my own." he whispered, feeling overjoyed. he would lead his new clan well.


    a little while after becoming leader of his new clan, eclipsestar went hunting for the first time on his new territory. he was very hungry, and hadn't eaten in over a day. he went out into an area with trees and tall grass, carefully stalking, treading lightly with each step. he managed to catch prey, eating some (not actually counting as prey for anything!) then and taking the other prey to start what he learned was called a fresh-kill pile. he felt strange abiding by things such as a warrior code, but gladly accepted it, and the responsibilities of being a leader. while exploring his new territory though, he thought about the clans he saw in his visions, full of cats. he decided to go to the glowpool in the hopes of seeing miststar so he could ask her about the best way to get cats.


    he went to the glowpool and lapped the water. after falling into sleep, he was awoken by miststar. "is something wrong, young leader?" she asked gently. "yes, er, no. i just need some guidance. how might i get cats in my clan?" her tail perked up. "if it is cats that you need, you will find them, but, i will let you request a cat every so often. now, for your first cat, what do you wish? a deputy, or perhaps a medicine cat?" he thought for moment and his eyes lit up. "a queen please, miststar. kits will do the clan well, i think." she purred with joy. a wise choice, i think. very well a queen it is" she touched her nose to his and the dream faded away, leaving him on the cave floor.


    (( eclipse become eclipsestar and recieves his nine lives ))
    (( eclipsestar hunts for prey))
    (( eclipsestar requests a queen from starclan ))


    eclipsestar | twenty-eight moons | male | X
    lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    medicine cat:
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    name | age | gender | [url=link]X[/url]
        Ally Clans:
        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        enemy clans
        clan name | username
        clan name | username

        north | clan name | username
        east | clan name | username
        south | clan name | username
        west | clan name | username

        medicine store
        herb | usage
        herb | usage

        fresh-kill pile:
        mice| x0 | 0 servings
        vole | x0 | 0 servings
        hare | x0 | 0 servings
        fish | x0 | 0 servings
        sparrow | x0 | 0 servings
        squirrel | x0 | 0 servings

        mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves
        mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions | moves

        deceased cats:
        cat name | cause of death
        cat name | cause of death

        name and name | kits
        name and name | kits
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east is up
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( graveclan // 19. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:51 am

i▬( the king )
i▬wiltedstar, 40m, tom
i▬★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

i▬( the queen )
i▬geckosplash, 38m, molly

i▬( the heir )
i▬witherpaw, 8m, tom

i▬( the heir's mentor )
i▬knotnose, 26m, molly

i▬( the gypsy )
i▬spidernose, 38m, tom
↪ twisted hind leg
aloeshade, 16m, molly

↪ blind
webpaw, 8m, tom

↪ blind

i▬( warriors )
i▬flintmask, 35m, tom
heavypad, 32m, tom
fallowstep, 44m, tom
chamomilewhisker, 44m, tom
ivytongue, 44m tom
pineflower, 29m, tom
littlefang, 29m, molly
hawkeyes, 49m, tom
cormorantface, 58m, tom
raptorgaze, 51, tom
blackthorn, 24m, tom
silversky, 42m, molly
dogbite, 41m, tom
sorrelcloud, 26m, tom
hickorypatch, 42m, molly
toadsplash, 57m, tom
sugarfoot, 40m, molly
neritefang, 83m, molly
cicadacloud, 26m, molly
barleystep, 46m, molly
ravencall, 42m, molly
laureleye, 48m, tom
valerianthroat, 44m, nonbinary
hornetfur, 20m, tom
applebelly, 68m, tom
avocetstream, 48m, tom
timberspot, 32m, molly
minkbelly, 18m, tom
badgerbelly, 43m, molly
ibiswing, 44m, molly
lemonfur, 41m, molly
ryepatch, 47m, tom
pelicanface, 21m, tom
sweetdrop, 17m, molly

thrushwing, 35m, tom
clovertail, 44m, tom
dirtstripe, 94m, tom
campionstep, 24m, molly
arguspelt, 36m, molly
hollyfoot, 17m, molly
thymetail, 17m, tom
gatorbite, 16m, tom
lizardthroat, 23m, molly
lichenbelly, 29m, tom
pinepuddle, 37m, tom
owlfrost, 16m, molly
chanterellestep, 15m, tom
mantisfoot, 42m, molly
yarrowtuft, 116m, molly
whinchatwing, 14m, molly
magpiefeather, 14m, tom
cherrystep, 62m, tom
claystream, 52m, molly
strawberrynose, 31m, molly
pansyclaw, 14m, molly
perchpelt, 14m, tom
otterdash, 14m, molly
grassthorn, 13m, molly
shoalsnout, 140m, tom
valleytuft, 16m, tom

i▬( apprentices )
i▬hurricanepaw, 11m, tom
coldpaw, 11m, molly
cricketpaw, 11m, molly
mothpaw, 11m, tom
waxpaw, 11m, tom
swiftpaw, 11m, tom
twitepaw, 11m, molly
hollowpaw, 11m, tom
pigeonpaw, 10m, tom
cedarpaw, 10m, molly
adderpaw, 10m, tom
minnowpaw, 11m, tom
avocadokit, 9m, molly
oleander, 9m, tom
ospreypaw, 8m, molly
mallardpaw, 8m, molly
ripplepaw, 7m, tom
wobblepaw, 7m, molly

↪ cerebellar hypoplasia
rowanpaw, 7m, tom
reedpaw, 7m, tom

↪ retinal dysplasia
radishpaw, 7m, molly
rosepaw, 7m, tom

i▬( dames )
i▬cobrafang, 35m, molly
harepuddle, 43m, trans tom
shrikethorn, 33m, molly
mirra, 30m, molly


i▬( kits )
i▬duckkit, 5m, molly
linnetkit, 4m, tom
asterkit, 4m, tom
quailkit, 4m, tom
beekit, 4m, molly
fennelkit, 4m, molly
chubkit, 4m, molly
orangekit, 4m, molly
pearkit, 4m, molly
peachkit, 4m, molly
grapekit, 4m, molly
cranekit, 4m, tom
heronkit, 4m, tom
basilkit, 3m, tom
mintkit, 3m, molly

i▬( exiled & deceased )
i▬plumshade, 35m, molly, killed by ivytongue
vervainpaw, 8m, molly, killed by harriercloud
gorseclaw, 33m, tom, killed by harriercloud
goosekit, 0m, tom, weak at birth
harriercloud, 40m, molly, exiled for the murders
of gorseclaw & vervainpaw
elesius, 0m, tom, exiled; taken by harriercloud
lakshmi, 0m, molly, exiled; taken by harriercloud
leechriver, 52m, molly, died of untreated injuries

i▬( families )
i▬silversky & fallowstep // holly, thyme, & vervain
barleystep & chamomilewhisker // whinchat & ma-

gorseclaw & hickorypatch // owlpaw
plumshade & heavypad // otter
leechriver & unknown // pansy & perch
arguspelt, burntsight, & oakfang // pigeon, cedar, &
badgerbelly & unknown // wax, swift, & twite
frostbite & flintmask // hurricane & cold
unknown & unknown // aloe & gator
ibiswing & unknown // cricket & moth
geckosplash & wiltedstar // wither, osprey, & web
claystream & toadsplash // mallard & goose
harriercloud & onyx // ripple & wobble
strawberrynose & unknown // rowan, reed, & radish
cobrafang & thrushwing // duck
mirra & adderscratch // basil & mint
shrikethorn & unknown // orange, pear, peach, gr-
, crane, & heron
harepuddle & clovertail // linnet, aster, quail, b-
, fennel, & chub

( borders )— - n/w = lagoonclan, n = hazelc-
lan, n/e = tundraclan, e = clan-nameeee, s/e
= floodclan, s = kwamiclan, s/w = mallowcl-
an, w = lambclani▬

i▬( allies )— -

i▬( enemies )— - basinclan


(statistics: 56 toms, 52 mollies, 01 nonbinary, 109 total // 17 servings needed // 7 patrols allowed // next visit to angelstone is 10/10/18 // archive )— -
(fresh kill pile: 4 mice, 2 birds, 6 small fish, 8 snakes, 11 rabbits, 11 voles, 12 squirrels, 6 lizards, 2 ferrets ;; 117 servings )— -
(medicine store: 0 chervil, 0 cobwebs, 1 honey, 1 poppy seeds, 1 juniper berries, 1 yarrow, 2 mallow leaves, 1 stinging nettle, 1 bright-eye, 0 thyme, 1 mint, 1 ivy leaf, 1 lovage, 1 catmint, 0 marigold, 0 raspberry leaves, 1 lungwort, 0 oak leaf, 1 catchweed, 1 bindweed, 1 stick )— -
(posts: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 )— -
(training: badgerbelly, hurricanepaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // flintmask, coldpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // ibiswing, cricketpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // ravencall, mothpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // toadsplash, waxpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // sorrelcloud, swiftpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // dogbite, twitepaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // blackthorn, hollowpaw: [ 5 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing // arguspelt, pigeonpaw: [ 4 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming // lemonfur, cedarpaw: [ 4 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming // ryepatch, adderpaw: [ 4 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming // clovertail, minnowpaw: [ 7 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming, climbing, tracking, agility // ivytongue, avocadopaw: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // hawkeyes, oleander: [ 3 ] battle, hunting, stealth // knotnose, witherkit: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // cormorantface, ospreypaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // spidernose, webpaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // minkbelly, mallardpaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // pelicanface, ripplepaw: [ 1 ] battle // chanterellestep, wobblepaw: [ 1 ] battle // owlfrost, rowanpaw: [ 1 ] battle // mantisfoot, reedpaw: [ 1 ] battle // campionstep, radishpaw: [ 1 ] battle // pinepuddle, rosepaw: [ 1 ] battle )— -

servings per piece of prey ;; mice = 1 // birds = 3 // small fish = 2 // snakes = 3 // rabbits = 2 // voles = 1 // squirrel = 2 // lizard = 1 // ferret = 3

indenti feel terrible about not writing but i have no motivation whatsoever

[ graveclan does not eat for one moon. ]
[ spidernose applies x1 raspberry leaf and x1 marigold to pineflower. ]
[ aloeshade applies x2 chervil and x1 oak leaf to knotnose. ]
[ webpaw applies x1 stinging nettle to ivytongue. ]
[ spidernose applies x1 stick to littlefang. ]
[ grassthorn rests for her first and final moon. ]
[ flintmask rests for his first moon out of three. ]
[ ivytongue rests for his first moon out of two. ]
[ littlefang rests for her first and final moon. she still requires x1 bindweed. ]
[ cormorantface rests for his first moon out of three. he still requires x1 bindweed and x1 stick. ]
[ strawberrynose takes over flintmask's mentoring duties for the next three moons. ]
[ cherrystep takes over ivytongue's mentoring duties for the next two moons. ]
[ hollyfoot takes over littlefang's mentoring duties for the next moon. ]
[ clovertail takes over cormorantface's mentoring duties for the next three moons. ]
[ spidernose searches for herbs, particularly bindweed and sticks. ]
[ aloeshade searches for herbs, particularly chervil. ]
[ webpaw accompanies spidernose in his search for herbs. ]
[ all apprentices train for their respective skills. ]
[ wiltedstar, geckosplash, heavypad, fallowstep, chamomilewhisker, and hawkeyes patrol the borders. they begin to clear out overgrown areas of the newfound territory. ]
[ raptorgaze, blackthorn, silversky, dogbite, sorrelcloud, and hickorypatch patrol the borders. ]
[ toadsplash, sugarfoot, neritefang, cicadacloud, barleystep, and sweetdrop patrol the borders. ]
↪ sweetdrop has applicable powers! she attracts at least one cat while patrolling the borders.
[ ravencall, laureleye, valerianthroat, hornetfur, applebelly, and avocetstream go hunting. ]
[ timberspot, minkbelly, badgerbelly, ibiswing, lemonfur, and ryepatch go hunting. ]
[ pelicanface, thrushwing, clovertail, dirtstripe, campionstep, and arguspelt go hunting. ]
[ ravencall, acting as a surrogate for the pair of toms, tries for kits with both fallowstep and hawkeyes. ]
[ aloeshade is having strange dreams; a prophecy, perhaps? ]
[ spidernose requests a young warrior from the ancestors. ]

( if u wanted 2 come up with a prophecy, feel free to! possibly involving the request kitty? :0c! if not, i can definitely come up w one myself! but if the request isn't fulfilled that's no bigger either xoxo)
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Forestclan Post 62

Postby Simonpet » Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:36 am

Number of Cats: 52 (27 ♂ | 25 ♀)
Servings Needed: 9
Ancestors | Families | Herbs and Prey | Mentors | Posts | Worldbuilding

Isidora ruthlessly groomed Loonpaw despite his protests. "It's your warrior ceremony today," she growled between licks, "and you're going spotless."

Whimbrelpaw laughed at her half-brother's irritated face. "Want the clan to think that you're a lazybones?" she asked teasingly. Amazing, really, what a few moons and a loving and tight clan could do. Looking back on who she had been barely three or four moons ago, she couldn't recognize the person. Nour, for all his faults, was a good dad. She just missed her birth mom and wished that her littermates could get to know her. Maybe at a Gathering. Maybe next time they'd meet again.

"Gahhh," Loonpaw grumbled, shaking his head as Isidora finally let up. "I know, I know." He stood up and twitched his tail. "I just can't wait for this to be over." His eyes flashed at the sight of the merriment on both Whimbrelpaw and Newtpaw's faces. "This isn't funny."

"May all cats of Forestclan gather beneath the Speaker's Tree!" called Applestar, visible on the branches of the Tree already.

"Time to shine, Loonpaw," said Nour gently, nudging his son forward. "You'll soon be talking to us as a warrior."

"Don't get too uppity," warned Rushpaw with a playful twitch of his whiskers, "'cause we'll be joining you soon!"

"Mleh," responded Loonpaw, briefly sticking his tongue out. But he soon disappeared into the crowd and his family went to join them.

Six apprentices stood by six mentors, with the leader sitting in the branches of the Speaker's Tree. Applestar looked out over his clan (his clan, his to love and protect) and began speaking. "I would first like to congratulate the mentors who trained their apprentices in the ways of the clan. I would also like to thank the mothers who brought their kits into this world. I and the clan are proud of who these apprentices have become and will become." He paused for a moment before resuming his speech. "As of today, these apprentices will have their apprentice names stripped away. I would like to welcome the following cats as warriors: Fallowstripe, Garlicflower, Embernose, Martennose, Loonfoot, and Ruddfang. In addition to her warrior duties, Garlicflower will be joining Isidora as a nursery assistant, where she will help to raise and look after any kits who are in the nursery."

A chant started up among the warriors of the clan, where every new name was called by friends and family. As Applestar looked out over the crowd, he noticed that none cheered louder than Argusclaw.

Barely a quartermoon after Garlicflower had become a full warrior and nursery assistant, she helped Dustleaf and Larknose to oversee Isidora's birthing. Three kits were born, two toms and one molly, and she watched with some bemusement as Nour and Isidora gave them...rather unique names. What was a peach or a koi? Why name a kit after a spark when a fire could do just fine? But Applestar had approved of the names, as Isidora, Mila, and Nour claimed that koi were tortoiseshell-colored fish and peaches were fuzzy round foods that humans ate, that were almost the color of dawn. Faced with that, the clan had backed down. At least there seemed to be some logic to the names, even if they were very different from the normal clan name.

Unusual names for unusual parents, thought Garlicflower with amusement, not for the first time. At the moment, she was supposed to be playing with--and a pang struck her heart--Honeystar and Aspentail's kits while Isidora fed her three and Tipnose took a walk, but the three were already so tired they seemed as though they were about to fall over. Of course, one could only hope.

"I wanna stowwy," murmured Beechkit sleepily.

"Ya! Ya!" cheered Minkkit, blinking bleary eyes.

Flykit simply grumbled and held on tighter to Garlicflower's right paw. Clearly he was in the mood for sleep and lots of it. But the young nursery assistant knew that if she didn't satisfy the other two's needs, they would simply get louder. My how much she loved kits but she certainly deserved a break once in a while! Even when you've been out of apprenticehood for less than a quartermoon? She nodded decisively. Yup. But I gotta job to do so I'll do it right.

"Alright," she said quietly, "but you've got to whisper because Isidora's kits are younger than you and they really need to sleep."

"Okayy," whispered back Minkkit in the loudest whisper she could.

"Do you...want to hear a story about Grayfur and the Starless Badger?"

"Yeah!" cheered both Beechkit and Minkkit. Quietly.

Garlicflower smiled. She had been brought up on these stories and was happy to know that she would now be a part of the cycle that passed them down so that the spirits of their ancestors could never be forgotten. "Well," she whispered, "it starts like this."

"If you can believe it, I once could see."



"Why can't you see?"

"Because of that starless badger, of course! Have I never told you this story?"

"Daddy says not to curse."


"Calm down Kestrelkit, I'll tell it to you if you stop jumping all over me."

"I thought you couldn't see!"

"Hehe. But I can feel those sharp claws of yours digging into my pelt."


"Now. Once, when I was just a young molly, I traveled everywhere! And the life of a loner is no easy one. Just ask your mommas. And you always had to be veeery careful because a lone cat could fall victim to any number of predators. Oh, hello there, Hillpaw! I see that Oakheart let you off early, hmm? Well come sit down with these kits. Now. Where was I? Oh, yes.

When I was a young molly, I had to dodge all sorts of predators--humans, dogs, hostile clowders and toms, crows and ravens...and badgers."

"Ohh, this story? No no, I like it, I like it!"

"Well. One day, I was skirting the edge of a clowder's territory when I came across this horrible scent. It was nothing like I'd ever smelled before. And then, I felt footsteps. Big ones! I looked up and there I saw a stars-be-gone badger. He was big and ugly, that ol' black-and-white menace, and when he saw me, he let loose this growl that made me tremble and fear for my life."

"Wh-what happened?"

"Well, he couldn't let me trespass on his territory, you see, so he swung a great big paw at me! I let out this fierce yowl that even the stars above must have heard, and I flung myself forward."

"And this is what Oakheart was teaching me not to do."

"Heh. Indeed, it wasn't very wise because that badger swung that paw into my head and I fell backwards. But I scrambled to my paws and I ducked under him and nipped his belly, which enraged him! Oh that bellow he let out was almost as loud as a bear's and I'll tell you that story another time. But I pressed my advantage and he dealt me some more blows to the head. Once, he even got a claw into my eyes so I closed them and kept fighting by instinct. If you can believe it...I won that fight. Oh when he ran it was a sound that filled my heart with joy! And the nearby clowder let me stay with them for a few moons while I rested and healed. But! Do you know what happened when I healed?"


"I realized that I was blind."


"Those starless claws, of course. They damaged my eyes pretty badly and from then on, I couldn't see. But! That clowder spread stories about me beating a badger and I was hailed as a hero in several territories. Ahh, hello there Fleckstorm. Coming to take your kits back?"

"Telling them more lies, I see."

"Oh, stop laughing at me. It's all true. Now you kits go back to your mamma and remember that you don't have to be strong, or a good hunter, or agile to accomplish great things in life. Just remember that your heart is what counts. It was courage that allowed me to beat that badger and it will be courage that guides you in life."

"I don't remember that story being told quite like that," Smokefur commented as she lay in the warm sunlight that bathed the ground.

Patchcloud snorted with amusement. "Well, Garlicflower was born long after Grayfur had died so it's not inconceivable that those who were brought up on her stories would tell it a little differently."

Smokefur flipped to be on her back and waved her front paws in the air absently, almost as though she were playing with a feather. "I suppose."

Fritillarynose padded up to the duo, whiskers twitching. "My my," she said teasingly, "who'd have thought I'd find you here."

"What do you want?" Patchcloud groaned, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Honeystar and Minkstar say that the next batch of apprentices are going to visit the Moonpool soon. Wanna come?"

Smokefur rolled over and stood, meeting Fritillarynose's eyes. No resentment showed. Just a question. "Are you going?"

Fritillarynose nodded, tail twitching enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I want to meet Whimbrelpaw. She sounds nice, from what Honeystar said."

"Then I'll come too." Smokefur glanced at Patchcloud. "And you?"

"Fine, fine," the Starclan tom grumbled. "Coming too."

Aspentail loved his kits to a degree that had surprised him. He couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to them and so would try and prevent even the most minor of bumps and bruises, which had earned him the nickname of "tom-queen." He didn't mind, and his best friends, Ashstripe and Cherryclaw, were always there by his side.

"Daddy," said Flykit quietly, "can you tell me a little more about mommy?"

It was understandable, Aspentail supposed, that his kits would want to hear about the mother that had died so soon after giving birth to them. He might never have loved Honeystar, but he had respected her will and her spirit. And he owed it to the kits they'd had together to tell them. To preserve her memory.

"Your mommy," he whispered in a voice he was sure wouldn't wake up Flykit's sisters, "was a very very brave molly. She was the leader of the clan, and stayed by our side since the beginning. I came here with Falconflower--she was the mommy of Reedfur--and Honeystar welcomed us in. She gave us a home and a family, and she gave us you." With this, he touched his nose to Flykit's nose and the tiny tom giggled. "When Birchnose--the deputy before Boulderpelt--scented a fire in camp, she and Honeystar made sure that as many as possible got out." Not everyone had managed to escape the flames and it was too easy to call up the memory of Dustleaf, grief stricken as she realized that Crowcloud hadn't made it out, or Palefur's anguished face at learning that his best friend Egretstep had burned, or Kestrelclaw's feverish cries for her mother who had collapsed just before the entrance due to smoke inhalation. But he couldn't tell that to Flykit, not yet at least. "And Honeystar made sure that everyone could eat and have a place to sleep." Aspentail sighed, small smile on his face. "We all miss her, but she did a very good job when she chose Applestar as her second deputy because he's also a very good leader. And that's because Honeystar, your mommy, taught him everything he knows." Not quite true, but kits needed someone to look up to and if they viewed their mother with more than a little awe... Well Aspentail certainly wouldn't discourage that thinking. In the end, despite her flaws, Honeystar had been a good molly, clanmate, and leader. He missed her still.

[ Forestclan consumes x3 large fish. ]
[ Forestclan welcomes the births of Isidora's kits, Koikit, Peachkit, and Sparkkit. ]
[ Forestclan celebrates Embernose, Fallowstripe, Garlicflower, Loonfoot, Martennose, and Ruddfang becoming full warriors. ]

[ Adderstream, Blizzardstream, Daffodiltuft, Heronface, Icefang, and Palefur go on a fishing patrol. ]
[ Barleystream, Cloudflower, Neritestream, Mila, Reedfur, and Scorchpelt go on a fishing patrol. ]
[ Bitternfoot, Hillfang, Leechstorm, Martennose, Orchidwhisker, and Ruddfang go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ Applestar, Ashstripe, Boulderpelt, Embernose, Loonfoot, and Mottleflower go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ Argusclaw, Cherryclaw, Fallowstripe, Gulltail, Kestrelclaw, and Silverstorm go on a border patrol. ]
[ Dustleaf and Larknose look for kitting herbs. ]

[ Newtpaw, Rushpaw, and Whimbrelpaw take assessments under the eyes of their mentors, Hareclaw, Dawnface, and Mistfur. If they succeed, they will become Newtflower, Rushfur, and Whimbrelheart. ]

[ Cherryclaw and Ashstripe try for kits in order to make Rosie's spirit happy. ]

[ Dandeliontail, Fawnfur, Nour, and Swancloud stay back to guard the camp. ]
[ Garlicflower stays back to care for Beechkit, Flykit, and Minkkit. ]
[ Isidora stays back to care for Koikit, Peachkit, and Sparkkit. ]
[ Tipnose stays back during her pregnancy. ]

Mod Notes
[ Blizzardstream, Icefang, and Mila are more likely to catch large fish on patrols. ]
[ Cloudflower and Mila are able to teach two skills in one mentoring session, mainly a base skill and its advanced counterpart. ]
[ Isidora makes it less likely that kits will be stillborn, no matter what season it is. ]
[ Nour is more likely to bring in mollies when sent out on border patrols. ]
[ Newtpaw and Nour triple the amount of prey caught on hunting patrols. ]

[ I want either predators or nothing to be found on border patrols. ]
[ I don't want anyone to die on border or hunting patrols, but I am alright with any injuries.]


Senior Warriors (2)
Ashstripe | Tom | 71 moons | f. Tumbleclan
Dandeliontail | Tom | 71 moons

Warriors (34)
Adderstream | Tom | 52 moons
Argusclaw | Tom | 12 moons
Aspentail | Tom | 62 moons | f. Asterclan
Barleystream | Molly | 52 moons
Bitternfoot | Molly | 26 moons
Blizzardstream | Tom | 18 moons
Cherryclaw | Molly | 60 moons | f. Aspenclan
Cloudflower | Tom | 18 moons
Daffodiltuft | Molly | 29 moons | f. Leafclan
Dawnface | Tom | 32 moons
Embernose | Tom | 12 moons
Fallowstripe | Tom | 12 moons
Fawnfur | Molly | 41 moons
Gulltail | Molly | 66 moons
Hareclaw | Tom | 24 moons
Heronface | Molly | 26 moons
Hillfang | Molly | 43 moons | f. Obsidanclan
Icefang | Tom | 18 moons
Kestrelclaw | Molly | 39 moons
Leechstorm | Tom | 40 moons
Loonfoot | Tom | 12 moons
Martennose | Molly | 12 moons
Mila | Molly | 58 moons | powers
Mistfur | Molly | 33 moons
Mottleflower | Tom | 46 moons
Neritestream | Molly | 32 moons
Nour | Tom | 62 moons | f. Thicketclan | powers
Orchidwhisker | Tom | 24 moons
Palefur | Tom | 67 moons
Reedfur | Tom | 33 moons
Ruddfang | Molly | 12 moons
Scorchpelt | Tom | 38 moons | f. Wrenclan
Silverstorm | Molly | 24 moons
Swancloud | Tom | 39 moons
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Postby *~GECKO~* » Thu Nov 22, 2018 9:08 am





Blossomstar | 24 moons | She-cat | X
↪ Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
Stormwhisker | 26 moons | Tom | X
↪ mentoring Gingerpaw
Otterfang | 24 moons | Tom | X


Lilypetal | 33 moons | She-cat | X
Goosefeather | 31 moons | Tom | X
Midnightwish | 50 moons | She-cat | X
Quickflash | 41 moons | Tom | X
Rossclaw | 26 moons | Tom | X
↪ mentoring Twopaw
Blazeroar | 23 moons | Tom | X
Creamtail | 25 moons | Tom | X
Duskstrike | 30 moons | Tom | X
↪ mentoring Spotpaw
Splittail | 38 moons | She-cat | X
↪ mentoring Woodpaw
Snowdusk | 20 moons | She-cat | X
↪ mentoring Graypaw
Dapplesplash | 28 moons | She-cat | X
Mudear | 27 moons | She-cat | X
Duskwing | 28 moons | Tom | X
Frostwing | 21 moons | male | X

Dapplewish | 61 moons | She-cat | X
Stormclaw | 45 moons | She-cat | X
Willow | 26 moons | She-cat | X
Graypaw | 8 moons | She-cat | X
Twopaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
Spotpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
Gingerpaw | 8 moons | She-cat | X
Woodpaw | 7 moons | She-cat | X

Torkit | 5 moons | She-cat | X
Mischiefkit | 5 moons | She-cat | X
Fauna | 4 moons | She-cat | X
Sootkit | 2 moon | Tom | X
Buzzkit | 3 moons | She-cat | X
Echokit | 1 moons | Tom | X
Daisykit | 1 moons | She-cat | X
Icykit | 1 moons | Tom | X
Tsunamikit | 1 moons | She-cat | left
Splashkit | 1 moons | She-cat | right

Fennelclaw | 61 moons | Tom | X
Minnowtail | 61 moons | Tom | X

Currently we have 37 cats
Next Moonpool visit is in 2 posts
My clan uses 7 servings

all apprentices train.
snowdusk is now mentoring graypaw.
snowdusk, creamtail, lilypetal, goosefeather, otterfang and blossomstar do 2 hunting patrols.
mudwing, frostwing, duskwing, woodpaw, rossclaw and quickflash do 2 border patrols.
blossomstar goes back to moonpool to request a warrior.

The border patrol had brought news of a peculiar scent on the east border. So Blossomstar, who’d lead the hunting patrol, planned to briefly stray to find out what it was.
“Y’all ready? Let’s go!”
And Blossomstar led them away.
The cats travelled through flat land. Not so accustomed to the hilly territory yet, Blossomstar felt somewhat relieved. Flat land! Finally! The new kits never knew the leafy land we lived in before, Blossomstar realized with a shocked pang.
Rustling in a nearby bush brought Blossomstar back to WhisperClan.
“What are you doing here?” a molly growled.
“No, the question, my dear, is what are you doing here? This is WhisperClan territory. Whatever-your-Clan-name-is’s territory is right over there, a tail-length away. Step back!” Blossomstar was not about to get bossed around by a cat on her own territory.
Making herself twice the height of her opponent, she gave the cat a slight shove.
“Now move, flea-pelt!”
“Take me to your leader,” the molly hissed.
“Suppose I am the leader?”
“Liar!” The tabby pounced on Blossomstar.
More scents mingled in the air, and a cream-coloured Persian stepped in.
His cool expression made it obvious he was totally oblivious to the situation.
“Shortcall! Get off the cat!” He scolded.
“Pfft, Shortcall? Clearly your size won you that!” Creamtail snorted without thinking.
“I’d rather be small than large!” Shortcall hissed back.
“Shut up, Shortcall!” The Persian said. He turned to Blossomstar. “I assume you’re the leader? This is Shortcall, and I’m Lemmingfoot, of FreezeClan - well, we’re StoneClan now. So sorry for this incident.”
“Just keep your cats off our territory and all’s good,” Blossomstar said, as kindly as she could. Though she couldn’t eliminate the edge in her voice.
Two more cats pressed in through the bushes. With a jolt Snowdusk realized that a big tabby tom was staring at her. She glared back until the tom lowered his gaze.
The patrol hunted along the east border, and stopped at the Lake Where Serpents Swim.
They started heading back. Something big splashed in the lake, and Snowdusk’s eyes widened. Her eyes met Creamtail’s, and he gave her a quick wink.
Sweet! But her positive thoughts were brief. I’ve learned before that Creamtail’s always right. There might be danger if there’s really a serpent!
Snowdusk suddenly whirled around. “Blossomstar, I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back by moonrise.”
Blossomstar nodded. “Careful, though.”
Creamtail offered to go with her, but she refused. He’ll think I’m just silly and worried ‘bout nothing.
And she went off in the opposite direction.
Arriving at the east shore, she stopped. Stupid! How are you supposed to find this thing?
“Hey,” a voice said.
Snowdusk looked around to see the big ugly warrior who’d been looking at her with a creepy, loving expression.
“What do you want?” Snowdusk growled.
“Feisty!” the warrior kidded, “I’m Bramblefoot… but call me Bramble. And what do you mean, what do I want? I want you!”
“Well, I’m Snowdusk. Ready and totally willing to break your heart.”
“I suppose I’ll call you Snow. StarClan’s wrong with the prefixes, suffixes and the Warrior Code, y’know.”
Snowdusk gasped. “Lies! Now if you had any chance - which you never, ever did, by the way, you’ve just ruined it all!”
“C’mon, don’t you wanna hang out for just a bit?”
“How old are you? You sound like a Dark Forest elder!”
“Seventeen moons. You?”
“Nineteen. But it doesn’t matter. Listen, buddy, if you want to chase this cat, your heart’s gonna get broken over and over again. It ain’t worth it.”
And with that she whirled around and galloped away.
Somehow, Bramblefoot had made her miss Creamtail. The cat was five moons older than her, but sooo much gentler and kinder.
The snow-white cat felt eyes still staring at her.
Oh, Bramblefoot, quit stalking.
Stirring bushes told confirmed her suspicion.
“Quit it! Show yourself!”
Sure enough, Bramblefoot emerged.
“Get back on your Clan territory! Or I’ll chase you off!”
The bigger cat showed her teeth. When Bramblefoot didn’t run away, Snowdusk headed for the camp.
“Blossomstar! Bramblefoot from StoneClan is stalking me!”
The white cat lashed her tail angrily. “I will not allow such things. So far the new Clan’s been nothing but utter trouble! If they don’t improve we’re going to drive them off. I want to go see their leader.”
So Blazeroar, Creamtail, Splittail and Stormclaw followed Blossomstar into the territory.
“What do you want?” Blossomstar immediately recognized Shortcall, aka StoneClan’s troublemaker. “You’re trespassing.”
“Well, I need to talk to your leader. Like, need.”
“What about?”
“None of your business until your leader says it is. Take me to your leader, now. Or I’ll take myself there.”
“You’ll do no such thing. I’m taking you there.”
And Shortcall did. “These trespassers would like to speak to you, Pinestar.”
Pinestar gave Shortcall a glare. “Get out.”
Seeing that there was a meeting, Lemmingfoot left too, and Blossomstar’s warriors stayed out of the leader den.
“So what’s this about?” Pinestar paused. “No problems, I hope?”
“Oh, problems, for sure!” Blossomstar snapped. “You can’t be so clueless when you’re a leader, Pinestar. Keep track of your cats!! Bramblefoot has been stalking Snowdusk since you guys got here.”
“I should have guessed. He’s been away so much. I’ll keep better track of them.”
“Sure, well here’s an idea. Sounds like you’re a new leader, so what if every three moons we meet somewhere? Whole-Clan meets. We can have queens and maybe some toms in a nursery looking after kits, show-off sessions for apprentices, and kind of like meet-ups for warriors. Though I still will never encourage my cats to have strong relationships with cats from another Clan, but… might work?”
Pinestar tilted her head from side to side, considering Blossomstar’s offer. Finally she agreed.
“Perfect. Next meet in a week? For seven days? Just north of Lake Where Serpents Swim?”
Word of Creamtail’s lake story had escaped a kit’s mouth, and now the lake had a name.
“Where’s that?”
“I’ll send Creamtail to come and show you.”
And it was agreed - one week, for seven days, the whole clan, north of Creamtail’s lake.

Excitement was not a word you could use to describe WhisperClan’s camp. Exhilaration – that’s more like it. Even a week later, the news of the Whole-Clan Meets hadn’t stopped being the big buzz in the WhisperClan camp.
Now the day was here, and they were leaving. Creamtail and StoneClan were already there.
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( pineclan ) • [ post 58 ]

Postby deimido » Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:13 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( population. 085 ) ( toms. 041 ) ( mollies. 044 ) ( moonpool. n/a ) ( hunting/borders. n/a) ( servings. 013 ) ( last reply. here )
    [ skeleton post, as to not let my clan fall so far behind. regular posts are (hopefully) coming back in december. ]
embershine along with turtlefur and her two kits have been accepted into pineclan! they have been renamed to skipperstripe, salamanderkit, and newtkit. turtlefur keeps her name.

border patrols:
[note to mod; please check this link!] [cats in red are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death and injury rolls occur.]
[1] mintstar, rowanpelt, birchstripe, ashstorm, elmfur, spiderwhisker.
[2] maplenose, flamefang, fawnfur, giliastripe, tipstream, daisystorm.
[3] asphodelface, pearlnose, ratnose, camasfang, juniperpelt, orchidnose.

hunting patrols:
[1] magpiewhisker, asterwhisker, lavenderstream, sorrelfrost, hawknose, acornclaw.
[2] hyenatooth, shuri, larkclaw, lizardstripe, chickadeefur, cottonbush.
[3] egrettail, lightpaw, morningpaw, laurelcloud, vervaincloud, skipperstripe.

herb gathering & med. cat training:
weaselstorm, shadeleaf, and poppypaw go collecting herbs. shadeleaf also attempts to teach poppypaw a new skill.

acornclaw, firestream, laurelcloud, and cottonbush take their apprentices out to train. (possibly either the fighting or stalking skill?)

prey eaten:
x3 wrens, x1 thrush, and x1 vole.
    Mintstar, 74, molly, 8 lives

    Rowanpelt, 57, tom

    Medicine Cats
    Weaselstorm, 59, tom
    Shadeleaf, 29, molly

    Medicine Cat Apprentice
    Poppypaw, 7, tom

    Warriors (47)
    Duckfoot, 75, tom - [bad hind leg]
    Skunknose, 72, molly
    Wasptail, 62, molly
    Ramhorn, 58, tom
    Turtlefur, 58, molly
    Comfreyfang, 55, molly
    Minkcloud, 55, molly
    Eaglewhisker, 50, tom
    Chickadeefur, 49, molly
    Rosefur, 49, molly
    Asphodelface, 47, tom
    Lizardstripe, 44, tom
    Larkclaw, 44, tom
    Magpiewhisker, 43, tom
    Aspenheart, 43, tom
    Flamefang, 43, tom
    Fawnfur, 42, molly
    Hyenatooth, 36, molly
    Camasfang, 35, tom
    Cottonbush, 34, tom
    Skipperstripe, 34, molly
    Laurelcloud, 33, molly
    Vervaincloud, 30, tom
    Blissheart, 29, tom
    Ratnose, 29, tom
    Juniperpelt, 24, tom
    Egrettail, 24, tom
    Orchidnose, 24, molly
    Acornclaw, 23, molly
    Firestream, 22, tom
    Giliastripe, 21, tom (afab)
    Warblerfoot, 19, tom
    Maplenose, 18, molly
    Pearlnose, 17, tom
    Marigoldclaw, 15, tom
    Dandeliontail, 15, molly
    Patchmuzzle, 15, tom
    Sheepcoat, 15, molly
    Sorrelfrost, 15, tom
    Asterwhisker, 15, molly
    Lavenderstream, 15, molly
    Grebestream, 15, tom
    Spiderwhisker, 15, tom
    Hawknose, 15, molly - [blind]
    Birchstripe, 13, molly
    Ashstorm, 13, molly
    Elmfur, 13, tom

    Apprentices (4)
    Lightpaw, 10, tom
    Morningpaw, 10, molly
    Basspaw, 9, tom
    Whimbrelpaw, 9, tom

    Nursery (6)
    Mottlecloud, 55, molly - [1]
    Cloudyspots, 43, molly - [1]
    Daisystorm, 37, molly
    Waxwhisker, 26, molly
    Shuri/Commaflower, 25, molly
    Tipstream, 24, molly

    Kittens (23)
    Bramblingkit, 5, molly
    Ausmaskit, 5, tom, grown
    Privetkit, 5, molly, grown
    Sloekit, 5, molly - {left}, grown
    Avocetkit, 5, tom - {right}, grown
    Termitekit, 5, molly, grown
    Orangekit, 4, molly - {left}, grown
    Hazelkit, 4, tom - {right}, grown
    Ryekit, 4, molly - {behind}, grown
    Cloverkit, 4, tom - {left}, grown
    Wheatkit, 4, molly - {middle}, grown
    Yarrowkit, 4, tom - {right}, grown
    Brindlekit, 4, molly, grown
    Lichenkit, 4, molly, grown
    Pinkkit, 4, tom, grown
    Raisinkit, 4, tom, grown
    Wrinklekit, 4, tom, grown
    Salamanderkit, 3, molly, grown
    Newtkit, 3, molly, grown
    Goshawkkit, 1, molly, grown
    Gadwallkit, 1, tom, grown
    Wigeonkit, 1, molly, grown
    Poorwillkit, 1, molly, grown

    Name, age, etc.
    Name, age, etc.

    Medicine Den
    Name, injury
    can return to duties in [x] posts.

    N | OwlClan | winter solstice.
    W | Clan Name | Username
    S | Clan Name | Username
    E | WiltedClan | clarke kom skaikru
    NW | MoorClan | Dinolil1
    NE | Clan Name | Username
    SE | SeaClan | winter solstice.
    SW | Clan Name | Username

    EchoClan | Katrione
    WiltedClan | clarke kom skaikru

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    alder bark | used for | [x1]
    bindweed | used for | [x1]
    blackberry leaves | used for | [x1]
    borage leaves | used for | [x2]
    broom | used for | [x1]
    burdock root | used for | [x1]
    burnet | used for | [x1]
    catmint/catnip | used for | [x3]
    celandine | used for | [x2]
    chamomile | used for | [x2]
    chervil | | used for | [x1]
    chickweed | used for | [x1]
    cobwebs | used for | [x1]
    coltsfoot | used for | [x1]
    comfrey root | used for | [x1]
    daisy leaf | used for | [x1]
    dandelion | | used for | [x1]
    deathberries | used for | [x1]
    dock | used for | [x1]
    dried oak leaves | used for | [x1]
    elder leaves | used for | [x1]
    fennel | used for | [x3]
    feverfew | used for | [x2]
    goatweed | used for | [x1]
    goldenrod | used for | [x1]
    hawkweed | used for | [x1]
    honey | used for | [x2]
    horsetail | used for | [x1]
    juniper berries | used for | [x1]
    lamb's ear | used for | [x1]
    lavender | used for | [x2]
    lungwort | used for | [x1]
    mallow leaves | used for | [x2]
    marigold | used for | [x0]
    mouse bile | used for | [x1]
    parsley | used for | [x1]
    poppy seeds | used for | [x0]
    ragwort leaves | used for | [x1]
    ragwort | used for | [x1]
    raspberry leaves | used for | [x2]
    rush | used for | [x1]
    sorrel | used for | [x2]
    sticks | used for | [x1]
    stinging nettle | used for | [x1]
    sweet-sedge | used for | [x1]
    tansy | used for | [x2]
    tormentil | used for | [x1]
    thyme | used for | [x1]
    watermint | used for | [x1]
    wild garlic | used for | [x1]
    willow bark | used for | [x1]
    yarrow | used for | [x1]

    Fresh-kill Pile
    wrens, 3 servings, [x2]
    thrushes, 3 servings, [x4]
    squirrels, 2 servings, [x4]
    rabbits, 2 servings, [x7]
    marmots, 2 servings, [x1]
    mice, 1 serving, [x7]
    voles, 1 serving, [x9]
    pikas, 1 serving, [x2]

    Apprentice Training
    Acornclaw & Lightpaw [2/4]
    hunting, swimming
    Firestream & Morningpaw [2/4]
    hunting, swimming
    Laurelcloud & Basspaw [2/4]
    hunting, swimming
    Cottonbush & Whimbrelpaw [2/4]
    hunting, swimming
    Shadeleaf & Poppypaw [0/?]

Molekit, 2, tom
Owlfur, 67, tom
Shadowstar, 80, molly
Firkit, 0, molly
Cedarkit, 0, tom
Shrikeface, 67, tom
Rufouskit, 0, tom
Tanagerkit, 0, tom

The Dark Forest
Name • age • etc.
Name • age • etc.

Unknown Residence
Anthiese, 64, molly

» Within PineClan
Skunknose + Shrikeface
Fawnfur + Magpiewhisker
Mintstar + Duckfoot
Comfreyfang + Minkcloud
Wasptail + Ramhorn
Chickadeefur + Lizardstripe
Mottlecloud + Eaglewhisker
Cloudyspots + Asphodelface

» Outside of PineClan
Rowanpelt + Velvetrabbit [JinxClan]
Waxwhisker + Manateecall [SwiftClan]
Vervaincloud + Gorsebird [EchoClan]

» PineClan
Ariete & Emery
xxMintstar, +13 others
Shadowstar & Owlfur
xxShadeleaf, +8 others
Queen Laevatein & King Michalis
xxDuckfoot, +12 others
Skunknose & Shrikeface
xxMagpiewhisker, +13 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxJuniperpelt, +3 others
Magpiewhisker & Fawnfur
xxAcornclaw, +13 others
Daisystorm & Ember
xxFirestream, +12 others
Comfreyfang & Minkcloud
xxMaplenose, +2 others
Wasptail & Ramhorn
xxMarigoldclaw, +16 others
Chickadeefur & Lizardstripe
xxBirchpaw, +9 others
Rowanpelt, +6 others
Anthiese & Lionel
xxLightpaw, +12 others
Daisystorm & Bearstar
xxOrangekit, +73 others
Waxwhisker & Manateecall
xxBrindlekit, +6 others
Tipstream & Dot
xxBramblingkit, +7 others
Shuri & Luxx
xxGoshawkkit, +70 others

» Others
Foxtail & Graynose
xxRosefur, +8 others
Luckystar & Eagletalon
xxChickadeefur, +9 others
Aldershine & Fadedstar
xxCottonbush, +24 others
Mallowgaze & Marblefur
xxBlissheart, +6 others
Rosefern & Jaggedstorm
xxBasspaw, +4 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxFlamefang, +6 others
Orangeleaf & Unknown
xxPoppypaw, +3 others
Mottlecloud & Eaglewhisker
xxGrebestream, +3 others
Hyenatooth & Shadowclaw
xxHawknose, +9 others
Unknown & Unknown
xxCloudyspots, +7 others
Skipperstripe, +3 others
Turtlefur & Reefstar
xxSalamanderkit, +6 others

Cats from other Clans
Ramhorn, EchoClan, n/a
Rosefur, TumbleClan, n/a
Cottonbush, WitherClan, n/a
Blissheart, WitherClan, n/a
Chickadeefur, FlurryClan, Rosemask
Basspaw, GorseClan, Tigerkit
Whimbrelpaw, GorseClan, Moonkit
Flamefang, FlameClan, Flamestar
Poppykit, RainClan, Runningkit
Mottlecloud, QuartzClan, Mottledlight
Grebestream, QuartzClan, Barkpaw
Hyenatooth, HyenaClan, Arrow
Hawknose, HyenaClan, Hawk
Camasfang, ConiferClan, Bleakstar
Pearlnose, ConiferClan, Dreamingthistle
Cloudyspots, CloudClan, n/a
Giliastripe, SkyClan, Riverswirl
Eaglewhisker, ColossalClan, Talonwhisker
Spiderwhisker, SkyClan, Spiderpad
Skipperstripe, DuskClan, Embershine
Turtlefur, DrizzleClan, n/a
Salamanderkit, DrizzleClan, n/a
Newtkit, DrizzleClan, Bryumkit
Last edited by deimido on Fri Nov 23, 2018 1:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby KenkuJuice » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:34 pm

Number of Cats: 18
Next Moonpool Visit: November 28, 2018

The clan is settling well in their new home, and have found new prey to hunt.

[Pinestar is killed by a badger and loses 1 life]
[Weaselwhisker trains Hawkpaw]
[ The clan consumes x1 ermine and x2 pika]
[Weaselwhisker and Hawkpaw search for herbs]
[Shortcall, Weedsmoke, Bramblefoot, and Lemmingfoot patrol]
[Pinestar, Furtuft, Mousetail, Weedsmoke, Hollymint, and Stormwind hunt]

    Pinestar | 29 moons | F | X
    Lives: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆

    Lemmingfoot | 20 moons | M | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Weaselwhisker | 18 moons | M | X

    Medicine Cat Apprentice:
    Hawkpaw | 7 moons | M | X

    Shortcall | 17 moons | F | X
    Furtuft | 18 moons | F | X
    Bramblefoot | 19 moons | M | left
    Mousetail | 19 moons | F | right
    Weedsmoke | 20 moons | M | X
    Hollymint | 24 moons | F | X
    Stormwind I 25 moons I F I X

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=x]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=x]X[/url]

    Seedclaw | 18 moons | F | X

    Moonkit | 1 moons | M | X
    Stonekit | 1 moons | M | X
    Mountkit | 1 moons | M | X
    Mosskit | 1 moons | F | X
    Jaykit | 1 moons | M | X
    Deadkit | 1 moons | F | X

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=x]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=x]X[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | WhisperClan | Cattuccino

Medicine Store:
Adder barrack | x0 | Helps toothache.
Alfalfa | x0 | Prevents tooth decay.
Aloe vera | x0 | Treats burns and skin problems.
Blessed thistle | x0 | Strengthens heart and lungs,
and increases circulation.
Bramble twig | x0 | Helps to sleep.
Broom malice poultice | x2 | Applied to open
Burdock root | x0 | Applied to bites and cures
Catmint | x1 | Cures greencough and whitecough.
Celandine | x1 | Strengthens weak eyes.
Chamomile | x0 | Gives physical strength.
Chervil | x0 | Applied to wounds; its leaves cure
infections and its roots cure bellyache.
Chickweed | x2 | Cures greencough.
Cobweb | x0 | Stops bleeding.
Coltsfoot | x0 | Helps shortness of breath.
Comfrey | x0 | Soothes wounds.
Daisy leaves | x0 | Soothes aching joins.
Dandelion leaf | x0 | Prevents nervous breakdown and
eases shock.
Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches.
Dried oak leaf | x0 | Stops infections.
Echinacia | x0 | Eases infection.
Ferns | x0 | Used to clean out wounds.
Feverfew | x0 | Cools down body temperatures
for cats who have fevers or chills.
Ginger | x0 | Used for asthma and coughs.
Goldenrod | x2 | Applied to wounds.
Goosegrass | x0 | Stops bleeding.
Hawthorne berry | x0 | Treats heartburn and indigestion.
Honey | x0 | Soothes sore throats.
Horsetail | x1 | Treats infected wounds.
Huckleberry | x0 | Relives muscle pain.
Ivy | x1 | Calms down body.
Juniper berry | x0 | Soothes bellyaches and
helps with troubled breathing.
Lavender | x0 | Cures fevers.
Marigold | x0 | Stops infections.
Mouse bile | x0 | Used to remove ticks.
Parsley | x0 | Stops the flow of milk in nursing queens.
Poppy seed | x0 | Soothes sock and distress,
and eases pain. DO NOT FEED TO KITS.
Raspberry leaf | x2 | Eases pain during a queen's kitting.
Stinging nettle | x0 | Dispels poison and brings
down swelling.
Tansy | x0 | Cures cough.
Thyme | x0 | Calms anxiety and frayed nerves.
Watermint | x0 | Helps bellyache.
Wild garlic | x0 | Prevents infections.
Yarrow | x0 | Applied to wounds, prevents
infections, and expels poison. If swallowed, will
make a cat vomit.

Prey Pile:
Lemming | x1 | 1 serving (being removed)
Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
Hare | x2 | 3 servings
Hawk | x0 | 3 servings
Vole | x0 | 1 serving
Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
Lark | x1 | 3 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Poppyleap | killed by a monster

Lemmingfoot and Seedclaw | Moonkit, Deadkit, Jaykit,
Stonekit, Mountkit, and Mosskit
Last edited by KenkuJuice on Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
There will be three cats, kin of your kin, with the power of the stars in their paws. They will find a fourth, and the battle between light and darkness will be won. A new leader will rise from the shadows of his death, and the Clans will survive beyond the memories of his memories. This is how it always has been, and how it always will be.

I can do this Magnus please... Just lie down I don't wan't you to fall and hurt yourself... I love you Magnus I love all of you I'm sorry... It'll al l b e o v e r s o o n...
-Griffin Mcelroy, an evil evil boy that ended my life.

I'll be having my body back, you undead crap!

Animus bell: How would you like to live forever?
Magnus: I'd hate it. Shut up.

Listen, listen, I have a plan - let's eat some ooatssssss, Spectral ooatssssss...

I don't think you heard me. I said. I AM SYLVAIN
Image pls click my eggo
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Phina D Wolf's Sub Replies

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:00 pm

S U B xR E P L I E S
For: Phina D Wolf

List of Clans: SnowClan | PineClan | MoleClan | HollowClan | AshClan | OceanClan | LakeClan | MeadowClan | TwistedClan | TundraClan | Elderberry Valley | HeathClan
List of Second Clans: SteamClan | Larch's Advance | Sanguine Empire

Weather wrote:It is greenleaf. The sun is shining.... too hotly. The weather is clear, with no clouds in the sky, and the prey is also feeling the heat. Most stay in their burrows waiting for the sun to start setting. Drinking sources are getting scarce - be sure to keep hydrated during the hottest time of day.

SnowClan | BrightDays wrote:

Hunting Patrol: Ocrafur, Frostedleaf, Grayrain
Border Patrol: Shadedfrost, Foxstrike, Amberlight
Herb Hunting: Hailwish and Blizzardspirt and Heronleaf
Becoming apprentices: Robbinkit, Dapplekit, PigionKit, Aspenkit
Training: Pebblepaw, Dovepaw, and Bramblepaw

The Clan ate 2 hares and 1 Degu/Deku

[ Robinkit, Dapplekit, Pigeonkit, and Aspenkit are now apprentices - Robinpaw, Dapplekit, Pigeonpaw, Aspenpaw! ]
[ Ocrafur's hunting patrol successfully caught Collared Lemming x1 and Pika x1. ]
[ Shadedfrost's border patrol finds nothing of interest while on patrol. ]
[ Hailwish, Blizzardspirit, and Heronleaf find Celendine x1, Dock x1, and Marigold x1. ]
[ Pebblepaw, Dovepaw, and Bramblepaw learn the Combat skill. ]

Mini-Mod notes: please state what skill(s) apprentices are training for, thank you~

PineClan | ⠀⠀⠀⠀deimos wrote:
embershine along with turtlefur and her two kits have been accepted into pineclan! they have been renamed to skipperstripe, salamanderkit, and newtkit. turtlefur keeps her name.

border patrols:
[note to mod; please check this link!] [cats in red are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death and injury rolls occur.]
[1] mintstar, rowanpelt, birchstripe, ashstorm, elmfur, spiderwhisker.
[2] maplenose, flamefang, fawnfur, giliastripe, tipstream, daisystorm.
[3] asphodelface, pearlnose, ratnose, camasfang, juniperpelt, orchidnose.

hunting patrols:
[1] magpiewhisker, asterwhisker, lavenderstream, sorrelfrost, hawknose, acornclaw.
[2] hyenatooth, shuri, larkclaw, lizardstripe, chickadeefur, cottonbush.
[3] egrettail, lightpaw, morningpaw, laurelcloud, vervaincloud, skipperstripe.

herb gathering & med. cat training:
weaselstorm, shadeleaf, and poppypaw go collecting herbs. shadeleaf also attempts to teach poppypaw a new skill.

acornclaw, firestream, laurelcloud, and cottonbush take their apprentices out to train. (possibly either the fighting or stalking skill?)

prey eaten:
x3 wrens, x1 thrush, and x1 vole.

[ Mintstar's border patrol goes uneventfully until Rowanpelt comes upon a fox. The patrol manages to drive the creature off the territory, but Rowanpelt received a slash along his flank. He needs cobwebs x1, goldenrod x1, and a moon of rest. ]
[ Maplenose's border patrol comes across two kits crying for their mother. They take pity and bring them back to camp. Iriskit, Mistykit ]
[ Asphodelface's border patrol goes uneventfully. ]
[ Magpiewhisker's hunting patrol successfully catches Squirrel x2 and Mouse x1. ]
[ Hyenatooth's hunting patrol successfully catches Thursh x3. ]
[ Egrettail's hunting patrol successfully catches Mouse x3. ]
[ Weaselstorm, Shadeleaf, and Poppypaw find Feverfew x1, Marigold x1, Willow Bark x1, and Raspberry Leaves x1. ]
[ Poppypaw learned the Herb Recognition skill! ]
[ Lightpaw, Morningpaw, Basspaw, and Whimbrelpaw learned the Fighting skill! ]

AshClan | Mimu wrote:
[Traning: Ravenclaw is training Wavepaw and beepaw as Nightcry is handling something with Emberstar
Love: Emberstar and ravenclaw Are expecting kits!
Love: Weaselflower and Steamheart Are expecting kits!
Looking:Smokeheart sets out to find some herbs for the lost kit just in case the poor tom comes back
Other: Blazeclaw is following the strong smell of kit-blood and waiting to find something!]

[ Beepaw learned the Fighting skill! Unfortunately, Wavepaw fails to learn the skill. ]
[ Smokeheart finds Daisy Leaf x1 and Lamb's Ear x1. ]
[ Blazeclaw finds a badger sett, with more blood around the entrance. The badger scent is heavy, but it doesn't seem to be around. Will he go back and warn the Clan? Or will he attempt to go against the badger alone? ]

Mini-Mod notes: I'm not sure what you mean by "expecting kits" - does this mean "trying for kits", or a queen is actually kitting?

LakeClan | honey--bee wrote:
moonstone: Settingstar asks StarClan for a warrior to join his clan
food: LakeClan consumes two thrushes
patrols: hunting: Bluefire, Littlepaw, Settingstar, Kestrelflight, Sweetpaw and Canarysong hunt at the lake.
Ferretfang, Gingerstep, Amberfern, Ravenfeather, Firetail and Stonepaw hunt in the forest.
border: xx

Littlepaw trains with Bluefire. Leopardpaw trains with Snowdust for the first time without his leg. Sweetpaw, Stonepaw and Shadepaw train together with Kestrelflight, Firetail and Fawnleap.

camp life: LakeClan welcomes Rainmask, a warrior sent by starclan. Gingerpaw and Amberpaw become GIngerstep and Amberfern. Sweetkit, Stonekit and Shadekit become Sweetpaw, Stonepaw and Shadepaw.
extra: the picture for sunsong is no longer working??? idk what to do about that.
firetail and sunsong become mates.

[ StarClan hears Settingstar's pleas and grants LakeClan a warrior. ]
[ Bluefire's hunting patrol successfully catches Small Fish x2 and Large Fish x1. ]
[ Ferretfang's hunting patrol successfully catches Mouse x2 and Thrush x1. ]
[ Gingerpaw and Amberpaw are now warriors - Gingerstep and Amberfern! ]
[ Sweetkit, Stonekit, and Shadepaw are now apprentices - Sweetpaw, Stonepaw, and Shadepaw! ]
[ Littlepaw learned the Fighting skill! ]
[ Leopardpaw learned the Hunting skill, with everyone in attendance commenting how much of a hard worker he is. ]
[ Sweetpaw and Stonepaw learned the Hunting skill! Unfortunately, Shadepaw fails to learn a skill. ]
[ Sunsong is now pregnant! She is expecting kits in two moons. ]

Mini-Mod notes: What did she look like? Feel free to pm me about that and I can help find a new one for you ^^

MeadowClan | librarycat wrote:
Meadowclan eats three servings
Mousestar asks Starclan for an adult cat

Training sessions:
Newtclaw + Shrikepaw - Hunting
Magpiecloud + Foxpaw - Hunting
Mousestar + Beetlepaw - Tracking
Smokewhisker + Weaselpaw - Tracking

Hunting - Newtclaw, Magpiecloud, Foxpaw, Shrikepaw
Border - Mousestar, Smokewhisker, Beetlepaw, Weaselpaw
Herb Search - Nettleleaf

Cats to find: Sablewhisper/Sedgewhisker and Nuggetshine/Goldtail from Lambclan

[ StarClan hears Mousestar's pleas and grants MeadowClan a warrior. ]
[ Shrikepaw and Foxpaw learned the Hunting skill! ]
[ Beetlepaw and Weaselpaw learned the tracking skill! ]
[ Newtclaw's hunting patrol successfully catches Hare x2. ]
[ Mousestar's border patrol comes across a potential warrior. ]
[ Nettleleaf finds Fennel x1 and Lamb's Ear x1. ]

TwistedClan | spasticjazzhands wrote:
[The Clan eats 3 voles (3 servings).]
[Spottednose hunts for herbs.]
[Morningstar and Ruststripe patrol the borders.]
[Copperleaf, Sunchaser, and Rainsong hunt.]
[Gingerblaze, Stormstrike, and Birchwhisker hunt.]

[ Spottednose finds Poppy Seeds x1 and Deathberries x1. ]
[ Morningstar's border patrol comes across a potential apprentice. ]
[ Copperleaf's hunting patrol successfully catches Vole x2. ]
[ Gingerblaze's hunting patrol successfully catches Squirrel x2. ]

HeathClan | xGoldenTiger wrote:[Athanasia and Perseus go on two hunting patrols]
[Asclepius searches for herbs]
[Athanasia receives her nine lives]
[Athanasia asks starclan for a strong Champion]
[Heath clan fasts for one moon]
[How long can my clan fast btw?]
[Also I would like to see rival leaders appear]

[ StarClan entrusts Athanasia with the fate of HeathClan by granting her the nine lives of a leader. ]
[ Athanasia's hunting patrol successfully catches Hare x2 and Mouse x1. Perseus needs a moon of rest due to exhaustion. ]
[ Asclepius finds Goldenrod x1 and Dried Oak Leaves x1. ]
[ StarClan hears Athanasia's pleas and grants HeatClan a strong champion. ]

Mini-Mod notes: You have two fasting moons to begin with to stock up on prey ^-^ also, I'm not quite sure what you mean by the last comment ^^'

Larch's Advance | ~Glaceon~ wrote:
[Tipwhisker, Simon and Birdsong hunt]
[Copper, Sunflower and Simon patrol]
[Tipwhisker and Birdsong search for herbs. During her search, they discover the Darkened Pool, a place of ancestors communication]
[Tipwhisker asks for a queen]

[ Tipwhisker's hunting patrol successfully catches Mouse x3. ]
[ Copper's border patrol passes uneventfully. ]
[ Tipwhisker and Birdsong find Cobwebs x1, Chervil x1, and Comfrey Root x1. ]
[ StarClan hears Tipwhisker's pleas and grants Larch's Advance a queen. ]
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
She/Her - Korea - UTC+9hrs.
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winter solstice.
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clarke kom skaikru's Sub Replies

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:16 pm

S U B xR E P L I E S
For: clarke kom skaikru

List of Clans: ZephyrClan | RainClan | Halo 07 | Kingdom of Shattered Bones | SnakeClan | Direwolf League | GlacierClan | KwamiClan | RuinClan | JayClan | Evanora's Reach | EclipseClan
List of Second Clans: BloomClan | OwlClan {my Clan; posted but not replied to}

Weather wrote:It is greenleaf. The sun is shining.... too hotly. The weather is clear, with no clouds in the sky, and the prey is also feeling the heat. Most stay in their burrows waiting for the sun to start setting. Drinking sources are getting scarce - be sure to keep hydrated during the hottest time of day.

RainClan | :.Duplex.: wrote:
[Kits: Linnetwhisker's kits are named Newtkit and Nightkit!]
[Fresh-Kill: x3 birds are added to the fresh-kill pile]
[New Member: Whimbrelflower joins the clan]
[Medicine: x1 bright-eye, chamomile, and dock leaves are added to the medicine store]
[Skill: Climbing is added to Cloudpaw's skill list]
[Skill: Poison is added to Palepaw's skill list]
[Skill: Fighting is added to Laurelpaw's skill list]
[Plot: Daisypaw goes out to find more territory to prove himself, but falls into the river.]
[Hunting: Sagestar, Whimbrelflower, Dunnockpelt, Magpiepelt, Sootheart, and Firefoot hunt]
[Patrol: Lavendercloud, Cloudpaw, Pearfoot, Copperfoot, Ashnose, and Sheeppelt patrol]
[Herbs: Briarleaf and Palepaw search for herbs on the meadow/moor]
[Training: Cloudpaw trains in Running]
[Training: Palepaw trains in Advanced Injury Healing]
[Training: Laurelpaw trains in Climbing]
[Food: The clan consumes x6 servings (-2 birds)]
[OOC: Could one of the patrols find Daisypaw? You can roll for if he drowned or is just injured and/or has hypothermia]

[ Sagestar's hunting patrol successfully catches Small Fish x2. While on their way back, Sagestar discovers the bloated body of Daisypaw - he seems to have drowned after falling into the river. ]
[ Lavendercloud's border patrol passes uneventfully. ]
[ Briarleaf and Palepaw find Bindweed x1, Horsetail x1, and Burdock Root x1. ]
[ Cloudpaw learned the Running skill! ]
[ Palepaw learned the Advanced Injury Healing skill! ]
[ Laurelpaw learned the Climbing skill! ]

Mini-Mod notes: oof, not a good roll at all on Daisypaw's survival rates... I'm sorry ;;

Kingdom of Shattered Bones | jayustea wrote:
demi-god's work.
➢ spencer searches for herbs.
➢ spencer treats archibald's injuries
with x1 burdock root and x1 cobweb.
he is not treated with dried oak leaves,
as they are not found in the territory.

➢ no training occurs in the kingdom.

➢ gator leads a border patrol
consisting of ciconia and reaper.
➢ franz leads a border patrol
consisting of adolph and kai.

➢ dante leads a hunting patrol
consisting of portius and hazael.
➢ caesar leads a hunting patrol
consisting of julius and natalia.

mod notes.
➢ reaper has a chance to bring
back cobwebs or any poison. he
also attracts odd-looking cats (i.e
hairless breeds and lykois) on a
patrol with exactly three other
cats. he also always brings back
two pieces of prey. he will deter
kits from joining, however.

[ Spencer finds Coltsfoot x1 and Goldenrod x1. ]
[ Archibald seems to be healing well; he still needs to rest at least one moon to recover fully. ]
[ Gator's border patrol comes across an odd-looking loner. While patrolling, Reaper also successfully catches Mouse x2. ]
[ Franz's border patrol passes uneventfully. ]
[ Dante's hunting patrol successfully catches Vole x2. ]
[ Caesar's hunting patrol successfully catches Fish x2. ]

SnakeClan | Bumbletear wrote:
Splashfeather sneaks just outside of Snakeclan territory in the night to give birth! (father)
She later returns and claims to have found them while herb hunting, and is sure to bring back some useless leaves to further her story
Silver takes the bite, if he lives he will be known as Silverstrike
Venomstar, at Splashfeather's request, asks Starclan for a Medicine Apprentice
Birchtalon, Settingsun, and Cotton go hunting
Paleskull, Oaktail, and Amberclaw go on patrol

[ Splashfeather gives birth to two* kittens**! ]
[ While "herb hunting", Splashfeather brings back Beech Leaves x3***. While looking similar to dock leaves, these actually don't have any healing effect. ]
[ Silver survives the snake's venom. ]
[ StarClan hears Venomstar's pleas and grants SnakeClan a medicine cat apprentice. ]
[ Birchtalon's hunting patrol successfully catches Bird x2. ]
[ Paleskull's border patrol comes across a potential warrior and their sibling. ]

Mini-Mod notes: * indicates that the kitten is biologically male. ** indicates that the kitten is biologically female. *** is about beech leaves - please feel free not to add them to medicine store, since they don't do anything.

JayClan | dual suns. wrote:
[ the clan has 2 moons of stockpiling ]
houndstar, petalflower, and snakefang go on a hunting & border patrol
houndstar requests a clergy from starclan

[ Houndstar's hunting patrol successfully catches Squirrel x3. ]
[ Houndstar's border patrol passes uneventfully. ]
[ StarClan hears Houndstar's pleas and grants JayClan a clergy. ]

Evanora's Reach | tēorian wrote:
Ivytuft may be found at any time!

[ Iolantha and Kazuto hunt]
[ Areli patrols ]
[ Areli requests a medic ]

[ Iolantha's hunting patrol successfully catches Mouse x2. ]
[ Areli comes across a loner and his sibling while patrolling. ]
[ StarClan hears Areli's pleas and grants Evanora's Reach a medic. ]

EclipseClan | east is up wrote:(( eclipse become eclipsestar and recieves his nine lives ))
(( eclipsestar hunts for prey))
(( eclipsestar requests a queen from starclan ))

[ StarClan entrusts the fate of EclipseClan to Eclipsestar by granting him the nine lives of a leader. ]
[ Eclipsestar successfully catches Mouse x1. He also catches Hare x1 with help from a friendly loner. ]
[ StarClan hears Eclipsestar's pleas and grants EclipseClan a queen. She will be expecting kits in two moons. ]
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
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