Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Postby bug.gie » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:17 am

Number of Cats: 38
toms: 18 | mollies: 20

"cait!" oighir burst into her den, scaring her in the process. oighir looked like he had witnessed the death of his kit. "what's going on?" cait said, terrified of what could possibly have happened. had a badger attacked camp? had the clan's kits left on an adventure that is obviously dangerous?

"the clan is safe. well not really but not from what you think." oighir tried to explain, trying his best not to scare her. she calmed down a little, still on edge of what could possibly be going on. "i think we're getting closer to who is behind the deaths." he meowed, keeping his voice down. cait sighed, lowering her head. the recent murders have been getting to her and stressing her out. she couldn't focus and felt like every cats life was in danger.

"oíche had found orange fur near deataigh. the scent was robinclan." oighir explained how his mate had found the fur. "deataigh and the cat must have battled a bit, by the drops of blood everywhere and the loose fur." oighir meowed, cait was frozen in place. thinking of who it could be. ghrian had orange fur. maybe he was trying to act like a good warrior so no suspicion landed on him? it couldn't be him. could it? "there is a few cats in the clan with orange fur." he reminded her, seeming to catch what she was thinking about.

"we should be a bit weary for now, not too much though. i don't every cat worried. once we have evidence that points to a specific cat then we will do something." cait struggled to mutter out, she sat down in her nest. not looking up at oighir, he guessed it was his cue to leave. "i'll have oíche look into it more." he meowed before turning around and leaving her den.


"don't you think the clan will soon figure it out?" bán asked lasair, having a look around. the two had gone to the waterfall and were talking about the recent murders. "they are mousebrained. before they can even figure it out the whole clan will be almost wiped out." lasair purred in amusement, sitting down by the water and starting to wash his paw. "by then i can easily just kill the rest and leave." he added.

"you said she bit your tail. that carries fur." bán meowed before taking a few laps at the water. lasair stared at him for a few moments before shrugging. bán eyes lit up as he remembered something. "shouldn't plan b start happening?" he meowed in excitement. lasair eyes widened, how had he forgotten?

"how could i forget!? that's why you're my helper bán." lasair purred, touching his muzzle off the younger tom's cheek. bán seemed proud of himself. "tonight's the night."


lasair looked down at the cats below, all he could see were the cats' eyes glowing in the darkness. he could see bán sitting on the far right, struggling to keep still from excitement. lasair smirked, every cat he slaughtered made him be able to be in this position. every set of dull eyes he looked into brought him higher into this position. he finally made it.

"cats. you are all cats chosen by the dark forest to bring down the true evil that is starclan. our aim is to stop the brainwashing that starclan is doing to robinclan. the cats brainwashed have to be slaughtered for the good of our lives. if we fail, we will be the ones slaughtered. once we are slaughtered, starclan will kill off the rest of robinclan. without us every cats lives are in danger." lasair spoke, most cats below him seemed determined but he could feel slight fear from the youngest of cats.

"if we succeed we will strive! the dark forest will be at our sides through out the whole journey. starclan have abandoned us!" lasair raised his tone, looking up at the moon. it wasn't its usual white colour, it was tinted. it was dark and half covered by clouds. "we will train every 2 sunrises, at night as to not have cats think suspiciously. in a few moons we will attack robinclan."

"what if we fail?" fiáin called out from the middle of the group. "we will not fail! with the dark forest cats fighting at our side, we are bound to strive!" lasair answered, the group yowled in determination. they were going to save their future. lasair smirked before leaping down off the rock.


"cait, you're worried." réalta meowed, padding up to cait who sighed in response. "things are hectic right now, i know." réalta muttered, sitting down beside her.

"it's not just that. the moon. it's darker than usual." cait looked up at the sky, the clouds had cleared and it was now easier to see that the moon wasn't how it always was. réalta looked up, studying the moon for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. "the clan is suffering and i can't do anything. what type of leader am i if i can't do anything to help my clan?" cait hissed at herself, digging her claws in the dirt. she was failing her clan.

"cait. this isn't your fault. you can't control everything that happens." réalta meowed, nuzzling the older molly's shoulder. "we can't be pushing the blame on ourselves while there is a cat out there needing to be stopped." she added, looking up at shinning stars. "oh yeah! while you were on your walk earlier, oighir wanted to speak to you. he had the idea of possibly monitoring the territory more. since all but 1 death was out of camp we could possibly prevent one and catch the culprit."

"i'll talk to him." cait struggled to mutter out, her eyes were foggy with emotions. why was she this emotional? was it because of the possibility that ghrian could be the murderer? why was she being so mouse-brained? she had to get her act together. she shook her head. "we should get going back to camp. we need our rest." cait meowed, getting up and turning away from her.

"wait, cait." réalta quickly muttered, stopping her in her tracks. "the snow will be of help. it will calm the flame." réalta added, dipping her head before padding ahead towards camp. cait watched her leave in confusion before following.

[ oighir, stoirm, caonach, snowtuft, adhmad and lasair hunt ]
[ seabhac, sioc, branar, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige, seabhac, solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ sneachta, cait, darach, ghrian and oíche patrol ]
[ réalta, ádh and rós go herb hunting ]

[ rós trains with réalta - diseases ]
[ ádh trains with réalta - poisons ]
[ carraig trains with adhmad - navigation ]
[ cloch trains with duilleog - navigation ]
[ fuinseog trains with solas - navigation ]
[ fiáin trains with seabhac - combat ]
[ tíogair trains with sioc - combat ]
[ úll trains with branar - combat ]
[ cré-umha trains with snowtuft - navigation ]

[ branar and gloine are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]
[ cré-umha and stoirm are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]
[ sioc and bán are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]

[ dramhaíl and stoirm try for kits ]

[ robinclan eat 2 squirrels and a shrew ]

        cait | 53m | molly | x
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        oighir | 49m | tom | x

        Medicine Cat:
        réalta | 44m | molly | x

        Medicine Cat Apprentices:
        rós | 12m | molly | x
        ádh | 10m | molly | x

        oíche | 33m | tom | x
        dramhaíl | 36m | molly | x
        stoirm | 36m | tom | x
        duilleog | 21m | tom | x
        snowtuft | 21m | molly | x
        adhmad | 31m | tom | x
        solas | 21m | molly | x
        sioc | 64m | tom | x
        lasair | 16m | tom | x
        seabhac | 51m | molly | x
        branar | 39m | molly | x
        ghrian | 60m | tom | x
        darach | 23m | molly | x
        ómra | 39m | molly | x
        caonach | 31m | molly | x
        sneachta | 14m | molly | left
        bán | 14m | tom | right
        óir | 13m | molly | x
        coirt | 74m | molly | x
        gloine | 36m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        carraig | 11m | tom | x
        cloch | 10m | tom | x
        fuinseog | 10m | molly | x
        xx- mute
        fiáin | 8m | tom | x
        tíogair | 8m | tom | x
        úll | 8m | molly | x
        cré-umha | 7m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        gualaigh | 24m | molly | x
        farraige | 62m | molly | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        scréachóg | 1m | tom | x
        marmair | 1m | molly | x
        fómhar | 1m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        fíochmhar | 130m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    catmint | x2
    comfrey | x1
    dock leaf | x0
    honey | x1
    horsetail | x1
    chamomile | x1
    rush | x1
    lavender | x3
    sweet-sedge | x1
    poppyseed | x2
    burnet | x1
    foxglove seeds | x1
    bindweed | x1
    mint | x1
    water hemlock | x1
    dried oak leaves | x1
    thyme | x1
    goldenrod | x2
    tormentil | x2
    marigold | x1
    sorrel | x1
    lungwort | x1
    juniper berries | x2
    ragwort leaves | x1
    celandine | x1
    bright-eye | x1
    feverfew | x1
    alder bark | x1
    heather nectar | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    mice | x4 | 1 serving
    vole | x6 | 1 serving
    shrew | x10 | 1 serving
    squirrel | x7 | 2 servings
    stoat | x6 | 2 servings
    sparrow | x6 | 3 servings

    adhmad | carraig | 4 | combat, hunting, climbing, fishing
    réalta | rós | 4 | herb recognition, herb application, poisons, binding broken bones
    réalta | ádh | 2 | herb recognition, herb application
    duilleog | cloch | 4 | combat, hunting, climbing, fishing
    solas | fuinseog | 4 | combat, hunting, climbing, fishing
    seabhac | fiáin | 1 | hunting
    sioc | tíogair | 1 | hunting
    branar | úll | 1 | hunting
    snowtuft | cré-umha | 0 |
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
airgead | killed by a fox | 107m at death
ciaróg | drowned | 4m at death
foraoise | poisoned | 63m at death
súiche | stillborn | 0m at death
deataigh | murdered | 44m at death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

farraige and unknown | sneachta and bán
deataigh and unknown | ádh, ciaróg, cloch and fuinseog
ómra and unknown | tíogair, úll and (FOSTER) fiáin
caonach and unknown | carraig and (FOSTER) cré-umha
farraige and foraoise | súiche, marmair and scréachóg
oighir and oíche (surr. gualaigh) | fómhar
Name and Name | Kits
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Re: ``✧ ━━ [ ice nation !! ]

Postby clarke, » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:41 am

✧ 79 felines ✧
✧ ♀: 46 ✧ ♂: 33 ✧
✧ servings: 13 ✧
✧ patrol # : 6 ✧

    nolana glanced up at echo, her aunt, admiration in her gaze. orpheus, however, sulked behind the pair and looked grim with disproval and anger. but he was quiet, like always. both of the kits had been trained for this moment, though nolana cared far more. blodreina glanced down at the two spotted felines and beckoned the younger, by only moments, to come forward. nolana glided forward and laid by blodreina’s larger stature. the queen gently drew her claw across the fur on nolana’s shoulder, drawing blood. a sigh of exasperation escaped her muzzle when the blood was red. she painted nolana’s muzzle with a streak of the bright red liquid, and gestured for orpheus to take his kin’s place at the red queen’s paws.
    leksa, now fully grown with glistening fur and silky waves across the grey and white blanket, muttered under her breath, “this doesn’t matter. you and i have more experience, and we will be going to fight in the conclave of commander’s. not to mention that luna and onya will also fight. we will all die, and we all know who will stand victorious.”
    foxberry glanced at her, a familiar look of protectiveness casting over his amber eyes. “whoever octavia’s spirit chooses will win, leksa.”
    “luna killed her own brother for the opportunity to become heda. she may be soft now that ontari is dead, but she feels even more loyal to the commander’s blood than before.” the grey she-cat murmured.
    “she ran away once. she’ll run away again,”
    “she ran because she knew she would win!” leksa hissed at foxberry under her breath. he was a fool if he thought they were coming out of that conclave alive. despite wanheda’s faith in her second, her daughter, she could feel the commander of death holding her breath. perhaps, after all, wanheda did not command death.
    “i won’t just let you die!" foxberry blurted out suddenly, pinning his ears against his head with skairipa hissed at him for silence. leksa gaped at him, but said nothing, and returned her attention to the ceremony; orpheus’s shoulder was torn open, though there was only red blood. there were no new nightbloods; which meant onya, luna, foxberry and leksa would be fighting to the death against each other and different natblidas from the other clans.
    “if nightbloods are so rare why would our succession plan require them all being wiped out?” orpheus mumbled, causing appalled glances from everyone who overheard. echo cleared her throat awkwardly, before sending the disappointed nolana toward alysia to cover the scratch on her back.

    “help!” a she cat wailed to the passing patrol. the patrol’s leader, bellamy, glanced up with his one eye and raced toward the voice. his eye flashed wildly as he noticed a molly and two new born kittens, hardly older than a moon, trapped against a cliff edge by a large wolf. he beckoned toward his patrol to start the advance on the wolf to distract the brute. the molly had stopped wailing, appearing physically exhausted as she hovered over the two miserable scraps of fur. he bounded up the rocky slope, coming up behind the wolf. with a loud snarl, and the help of echoing thunder, he spooked the wolf right into the claws of the oncoming patrol. they battered its pelt while he clawed at the scrawny legs from behind, chancing it far from the desperate queen. when he returned, cleopatra was grooming the shocked tabby she-cat. onyx looked on horrifically, as if the wolf still loomed there; but bellamy knew that look. this was the look of a tom cat who had made a mistake, and though the molly had not noticed onyx, bellamy knew that this was his mate and his kits. he had shared the same look with costia, before the pair agreed never to tell their kits who their father was. as king, bellamy could not afford to have had an illegal mate; though he didn’t know he would be king until blodreina asked.
    “skairipa, cleopatra, alexious, and madi please take the kits back to azgeda lands. onyx and i will escort the queen until she feels better,”
    in other words, bellamy was covering onyx’s ass.

[ border patrol [ north] : onyx, madi, prometheus, medocius, asteria, hickoryfur. ]
[ border patrol [ east ] : remus, echo, talon, storm, torin, demeter. ]
[ border patrol [ south ] : blodreina, niamh, luna, onya, tauriel, bayek. ]
[ border patrol [ west ] : cleopatra, alexious, divona, freyr, osiris, elyse ]
[ hunting patrol [ river ] : qadira, padame, bellamy, helios. ]
[ hunting patrol [ mountain ] : wanheda, arumwillow, foxberry, leksa. ]
[ trying for kits: bellamy & blodreina, arumwillow & dashiell. ]
[ labor: xelane ( father) ]
[ rank changes: niah and az are ready to be warriors. ]
[ training: all seconds train except niah and az.]
[ eating: the clan eats six rabbits and one mouse. owls are added to the prey pile. ]


      [1] queen -
      blodreina - 24m - ♀
      ✧ "the red queen" ✧

      [1] king -
      bellamy - 22m - ♂
      ↳ missing left eye

      [1] ambassador -
      wanheda - 52m - ♀
      ✧ "commander of death" ✧

      [2] proxy -
      skairipa - 38m - ♀
      ✧ "death from above" ✧
      leksa - 14m - ♀

      [2] healers -
      niylah - 51m - ♀
      alysia - 23m - ♀
        [29] warriors -
        onyx - 37m - ♂
        madi - 34m - ♀
        prometheus - 27m - ♂
        medocius - 19m - ♂
        asteria - 27m - ♀
        hickoryfur - 32m - ♀
        remus - 49m - ♂
        echo - 22m - ♀
        talon - 21m - ♂
        storm - 19m - ♂
        torin - 28m - ♂
        demeter - 25m - ♂
        arumwillow - 28m - ♀
        xelane - 23m - ♀
        niamh - 15m - ♀
        luna - 44m - ♀
        onya - 32m - ♀
        tauriel - 42m - ♀
        bayak - 15m - ♂
        cleopatra - 15m - ♀
        alexious - 15m - ♀
        divona - 23m - ♂
        freyr- 23m - ♂
        osiris - 23m - ♂
        elyse - 23m - ♀
        qadira - 13m - ♀
        padame - 13m - ♀
        helios - 13m - ♂
        foxberry - 13m - ♂
        [10] seconds -
        niah - 11m - ♀
        az - 11m - ♂
        maia - 10m - ♀
        cyprian - 10m - ♂
        alaire - 10m - ♂
        xylia - 10m - ♀
        ezio - 10m - ♂
        nolana - 8m - ♀
        orpheus - 8m - ♂
        koipaw - 10m - ♂

        [13] mothers -
        alalia - 44m - ♀
        carmilla - 35m - ♀
        hemlockbud - 45m - ♀
        jayde - 39m - ♀
        waverly - 21m - ♀
        adriel - 30m - ♀
        lincoln - 19m - ♀
        diamond - 48m - ♀
        dea meduna - 21m - ♀
        costia - 38m - ♀
        opexia - 28m - ♀
        yellowsong - 28m - ♀
        harriercloud - 39m - ♀
        [20] progeny -
        serana - 4m - ♀
        ↳ paralyzed waist down.
        rattlekit - 4m - ♂
        alderkit - 4m - ♂
        cassiopeia - 4m - ♀
        sekhmet - 3m - ♀
        ta-bitjet - 3m - ♀
        manasa - 3m - ♀
        asclepius - 3m - ♂
        dyonsius - 1m - ♂
        memri - 1m - ♂
        gaia - 1m - ♀
        thesius - 1m - ♂
        theia - 1m - ♀
        eosphorus - 1m - ♂
        laburnum - 0m - ♂
        sequana - 0m - ♀
        tornkit - 0m - ♂
        orithyia - 0m - ♀
        lakshmi - 0m - ♀
        elesius - 0m - ♂

        [0] retired -
        • name - age - ♀/♂

        borders -
        ⇑ ✧ clan name ✧ user
        ⇒ ✧ clan name ✧ user
        ⇓ ✧ halcyonclan ✧ mochi
        ⇐ ✧ echoclan ✧ katrione.
        ⇑ ✧ skaikru ✧ city of light
        ⇒ ✧ podakru ✧ blood lake
        ⇒ ✧ sankru ✧ desert plains
        ⇓ ✧ yujleda ✧ green forest
        ⇓ ✧ trikru ✧ ghost woods
        ⇒ ✧ floukru ✧ red sea
        ⇓ ✧ delphikru ✧ red plains
        ⇐ ✧ boudalan ✧ stone hills
        ⇐ ✧ ouskejon ✧ blue cliffs
        ⇓ ✧ trishana ✧ glowing forest
        ⇒ ✧ louwoda ✧ shadow valley
        allies -
        ✧ swiftclan ✧ phina
        ✧ steamclan ✧ katrione
        ✧ clan name ✧ user

        enemies -
        ✧ graveclan ✧ scarlet
        ✧ clan name ✧ user
        ✧ clan name ✧ user


        medicine store -
        cobweb ✧ ( x2 )
        beechnuts ✧ (x1)
        catmint ✧ ( x1 )
        alder ✧ (x1)
        thyme ✧ ( x1 )
        honey ✧ (x1)
        heather ✧ ( x1)
        yarrow ✧ ( x1 )
        nettle ✧ ( x1 )

        fresh-kill pile -
        hawk ✧ 3 servings (x0)
        trout ✧ 3 servings ( x10 )
        salmon ✧ 3 servings ( x9 )
        heron ✧ 2 servings ( x6 )
        rabbit ✧ 2 servings ( x3 )
        mouse ✧ 1 serving ( x2 )
        crow ✧ 1 serving ( x8 )
        second training -
        • costia & niah | cl, hu, ba, sw, st
        • flicker & az | cl, ba, hu, sw
        • storm & maia | ba, hu, cl
        • apricot & cyprian | ba, hu, cl
        • torin & xylia | ba, hu, cl
        • coyote & alaire | ba, hu, cl
        • oynx & ezio | ba, hu, cl
        • wanheda & orpheus | cl, hu
        • luna & nolana | cl, hu
        • onya & koipaw | cl, hu

        cats from other clans -
        storm | previously cloudflight of doveclan.
        costia | previously ospreyswoop of ridgeclan.
        adriel | previously thrushthroat of brambleclan.
        tauriel | previously fawnspot of brambleclan.
        talon | previously lynxtalon of zila excidium.
        harriercloud | previously of graveclan.


        families -
        octavia & dragonfire
        ↳ nolana, orpheus, octavian,
        reyna + perseus
        • cerylia & thelonius
        ↳ torin, maia, xylia, cyprian,
        + alaire
        • hemlockbud & mousewhisker
        ↳ beau, rattlekit
        • alalia & julius
        ↳ foxkit, qadira, padame, helios
        • adriel & dogbite
        ↳ bittercress, oleander
        • waverly & blackthorn
        ↳ alder, avacadokit
        • diamond & luxx
        ↳ sekhmet, ta-bitjet, yellowsong,
        bellamy, octavia, echo + 24 others.
        • jayde & oakshade
        ↳ manasa, asclepius
        • wanheda & lexa
        ↳ leksa
        ontari & luna
        ↳ blodreina
        • onya & anwyll
        ↳ zevon, drizzle, ciera, quinn
        • costia & bellamy
        ↳ gaia, theia, thesius
        • opexia & remus
        ↳ dyonsius, memri
        • onyx & yellowsong
        ↳ eosphorus
        • onyx & harriercloud
        ↳ lakshmi, elesius
        • carmilla & torin
        ↳ orithyia, tornkit
        • demeter & xelane
        ↳ on the way
        mates -
        • cerylia & thelonius [assigned]
        • demeter & xelane [assigned]
        • carmilla & torin [assigned]
        • opexia & remus [assigned]
        • yellowsong & onyx [assigned]
        • onyx & harriercloud [graveclan] [illegal] [former]
        • costia & bellamy [former] [illegal]
        • bellamy & blodreina [assigned]
        • alalia & julius [halcyonclan] [illegal] [former]
        • adriel & dogbite [graveclan] [illegal]
        • waverly & blackthorn [graveclan] [illegal]
        • diamond & luxx [swiftclan] [illegal]
        • jayde & oakshade [swiftclan] [illegal]
        • echo & asteria [illegal]
        • hickoryfur & madi [illegal]
        • wanheda & lexa [trikru] [former]
        octavia & dragon [swiftclan] [illegal] [former]
        • onya & anwyll [halcyonclan] [illegal] [former]
        • arumwillow & dashiell [halcyonclan] [illegal]

        the bright reach -
        • ontari | first azgeda commander
        ↳ died of heartbreak ; lost her mate
        • octavia | second azgeda commander
        ↳ died of blood loss ; assassinated
        • evie & lydia | diamond's kittens
        ↳ still-born
        • cerylia | warrior of azgeda
        ↳ died of blunt force trauma; a car
        • thelonious | warrior of azgeda
        ↳ died of blunt force trauma; a car
        • lizard | warrior of azgeda
        ↳ died of blood loss; fox attack

        the dark reach -
        • lexa | first trikru commander
        ↳ killed by skairipa after attempting
        to assassinate commander ontari.
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Postby tigerclaw » Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:32 pm

Number of Cats: 109 cats
Toms; 53 | Mollies; 56
Serving sizes;18
Next Star-Quartz visit = (29th)

[OOC] - I changed over to the other format, thank you for your input kat <33 On a another note, I am so sorry kat that you have to find pictures for all the kittens litters to be x-0 lol.

Also changing the genders to the symbols to make things easier too, but ill do it later

This Moon's activities wrote:
[New cats]
↪ Mollies; NeedleKit, MagpiePaw | Toms; Aput, BagderKit, WildKit, RainKit

[Plot development]
↪ BramblingClaw yet again threatened ThriftRunner's life, this time getting caught by CoalPaw. She convinces CoalPaw that his father is a bad cat.
↪ After DustStorm becomes mates with AsterCry [Of BearClan] LynxPaw gives a dream to every one of his siblings and his mother. Talking to them and he wished he could have talked to them early.
↪ TwigHeart receives a dream from FlickeringFlame, she is currently unsure of its meaning.

[Rank changes]
↪ FlashKit, PartridgeKit, HarrierKit, SedgeKit, and AsterKit -> Apprentices [Flash - MudTuft, Partridge - NettleFrost, Harrier - GoldFrost, Sedge - MouseSpring, MagpiePaw - WhirlShine.
↪ DawnTail, HonetBriar, MintClaw -> Warriors
↪ HopePaw -> Warrior [HopeRise (after the rise of hope his parents had after his other siblings had died but he had thrived to become a full fledged warrior)]

↪ LupineFang is going into labor! Father is a loner.*
↪ [Notes; FrostBite - 1m. TwigHeart, MushroomTail, CypressBloom - 2m]

[New Mates]
↪ None

[Trying for kits]
↪ CricketHeart and MudTuft try for kittens again. Hoping with the LynxPaw sign that they may have luck with kittens.
↪ OliveStrike, not wanting to give up, and GoldFrost try for kittens again
↪ TigerFern and StromCrush try for kittens again, Hoping for TigerFern getting pregnant this time.
↪ PetalDance and RavenWing try for kittens, they are just following the current bandwagon.
↪️ Mushu and SootStone (from QuickClan) try for kittens as well.

[Star-Quartz request]
↪ FlareHeart, overjoyed, finds his younger sister (He finds out because she talks about their parents. He tries his best to convince his sister to tag along back to camp with him.

[Patrol 1]
↪ PineWhisper, RedHawk, MintClaw, HoneyBriar, DawnTail, + WolfBite

[Patrol 2]
↪ MarigoldBud, Mushu, AspenThorn, HazelWing, SnowFluffy, + AdderScratch

[Hunting 1]
↪ BriarClaw, FrozenGale, LeafCrest, RavenWing, PetalDance, + DustStorm

[Hunting 2]
↪ CricketHeart, DriftClaw, DewBlaze, MudTuft, FlintSpark, + GoldFrost

[Hunting 3]
↪ MeadowSpirit, IceFoot, PineHeart, SmallFire, HayCloud, + JayEye

[Hunting 4]
↪ HopePaw, HemlockPaw, AloePaw, WrenPaw VanillaPaw, + DockPaw (Floodclan has a tradition of sending out a patrol completely made up of apprentices for practicing in patrols)

[Herb hunting]
↪ AdderCloud, BramblingClaw, PearPaw, SootPaw, SpiderPaw, BirchPaw, KestrelPaw, CoalPaw, BristlePaw, AshPaw, SaltPaw, + ThriftRunner [Flavor text; The medicine cats (minus newly pregnant TwigHeart) enlist the help of the bored apprentices, hoping to teach them about basic herbs for life or death situations. ThriftRunner tags along to be with his kits and his ex-mate.

↪ All apprentices are training in sheath.

↪ 6 lapwings [6 lapwings]

↪ None

[won't include everyone of these each time but put this for easy posting later <3]

*I was wondering if we could pick the fathers of found/no sire queens? I saw a few other clans pick em and I just didn't know. If I can't just ignore the sire picture <3


▰▰▰▰▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰▪▪▪▪▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰▰▰▰▰
HollyStar | 55 Moons | ♀ |
Lives: ★★★★★⭐⭐⭐⭐ [5/9]
MateFlareHeart | 46 Moons | ♂ |

FlickeringSmoke | 22 Moons | ♂ |
SwiftRush | 22 Moons | ♂ |
Name | Moons | ♀ |[url]★[/url]

Medicine Cats:
TwigHeart | 44 Moons | ♀ |
BramblingClaw | 26 Moons | ♀ |
AdderCloud | 59 Moons | ♀ |
PearPaw | 8 Moons | ♀ |

HareLeap | 77 Moons | ♂ |
BumbleTail | 67 Moons | ♂ |
ThistleFang | 44 Moons | ♂ |
WhirlShine | 70 Moons | ♂ |
BeetleNose | 73 Moons | ♀ |
BearHeart | 78 Moons | ♂ |
FogWhorl | 86 Moons | ♂ |
HawkSwoop | 50 Moons | ♀ |
OliveStrike | 39 Moons | ♀ |
ThriftRunner | 35 Moons | ♂ |
TroutClaw | 34 Moons | ♂ |
HoneyBreeze | 34 Moons | ♀ |
BurntSight | 34 Moons | ♂ |
OakFang | 34 Moons | ♂ |
PaleFlick | 40 Moons | ♂ |
ReedClaw | 32 Moons | ♀ |
RedPelt | 72 Moons | ♂ |
BrackenBreeze | 56 Moons | ♀ |
MallowBloom | 44 Moons | ♀ |
MoorRunner | 30 Moons | ♀ |
TigerFern | 28 Moons | ♀ |
SilentStep | 43 Moons | ♂ |
IceSheet | 34 Moons | ♂ |
MouseSpring | 27 Moons | ♂ |
ThornShard | 26 Moons | ♂ |
StormCrush | 26 Moons | ♂ |
NettleFrost | 26 Moons | ♀ |
JayEye | 26 Moons | ♂ |
HayCloud | 26 Moons | ♀ |
SmallFire | 63 Moons | ♀ |
PineHeart | 38 Moons | ♀ |
IceFoot | 55 Moons | ♀ |
MeadowSpirit | 23 Moons | ♀ |
GoldFrost | 40 Moons | ♂ |
↪️ Blind
CypressBloom | 21 Moons | ♀ |
FlintSpark | 49 Moons | ♂ |
MudTuft | 20 Moons | ♂ |
DewBlaze | 19 Moons | ♂ |
DriftClaw | 19 Moons | ♀ |
CricketHeart | 19 Moons | ♀ |
DustStorm | 19 Moons | ♂ |
PetalDance | 37 Moons | ♀ |
RavenWing | 35 Moons | ♂ |
LeafCrest | 35 Moons | ♂ |
FrozenGale | 18 Moons | ♂ |
BriarClaw | 18 Moons | ♀ |
AdderScratch | 18 Moons | ♂ |
SnowFluffy | 18 Moons | ♀ |
HazelWing | 55 Moons | ♀ |
AspenThorn | 26 Moons | ♀ |
Mushu | 51 Moons | ♀ |
MushroomTail | 26 Moons | ♀ |
MarigoldBud | 17 Moons | ♀ |
WolfBite | 55 Moons | ♀ |
RedHawk | 76 Moons | ♀ |
PineWhisper | 16 Moons | ♂ |
Name | Moons | ♀♂ | [url=link]★[/url]

HopePaw | 12 Moons | ♂ |
HemlockPaw | 9 Moons | ♀ |
AloePaw | 9 Moons | ♂ |
↪️ Missing left eye
AshPaw | 9 Moons | ♂ |
SaltPaw | 9 Moons | ♀ |
WrenPaw | 9 Moons | ♀ |
BristlePaw | 9 Moons | ♂ |
CoalPaw | 8 Moons | ♂ |
VanillaPaw | 8 Moons | ♀ |
KestrelPaw | 8 Moons | ♀ | [lighter one, left]
BirchPaw | 7 Moons | ♂ |
SpiderPaw | 7 Moons | ♀ | [left]
SootPaw | 7 Moons | ♂ | [right]
DockPaw | 7 Moons | ♂ |
MagpiePaw | 7 Moons | ♀ |
AsterPaw | 6 Moons | ♀ |
SedgePaw | 6 Moons | ♀ |
HarrierPaw | 6 Moons | ♀ |
PartridgePaw | 6 Moons | ♂ |
FlashPaw | 6 Moons | ♂ |

FrostBite | 42 Moons | ♀ |
DawnTail | 48 Moons | ♀ |
MintClaw | 38 Moons | ♀ |
HoneyBriar | 30 Moons | ♀ |
LavenderRunner | 49 Moons | ♀ |
FeatherHeart | 22 Moons | ♀ |
FirPounce | 23 Moons | ♀ |
↪ Deaf |↪ Perma-queen
MorningRush | 34 Moons | ♀ |
LupineFang | 36 Moons | ♀ |

SheepKit | 5 Moons | ♀ |
PrivetKit | 5 Moons | ♂ |
AvocetKit | 5 Moons | ♂ |
FritillaryKit | 5 Moons | ♀ |
TernKit | 5 Moons | ♂ |
NeriteKit | 5 Moons | ♂ |
BadgerKit | 1 Moons | ♂ |
WildKit | 1 Moons | ♂ |
NeedleKit | 1 Moons | ♀ |
RainKit | 1 Moons | ♂ |
Name | Moons | ♀♂ | [url=link]★[/url]
Name | Moons | ♀♂ | [url=link]★[/url]

OakRiver | 63 Moons | ♂ |
↪ Broken hindlegs
GingerBerry | 120 Moons | ♀ |
FireBringer | 101 Moons | ♂ |
ClawHeart | 225 Moons | ♂ |
Aput | 300 Moons | ♂ |
↪ Blind + Deaf
Name | Moons | ♀♂ | [url=link]★[/url]
▰ ▰▪▪▪▪▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▰ ▰

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x13 | 13 servings
Frog | x12 | 12 servings
Small Fish | x12 | 24 servings
Thrush | x13 | 39 servings
Big Fish | x12 | 36 servings
Hare | x12 | 36 servings
Robin | x11 | 30 servings
Lapwing | x3 | 9 servings

Deceased Cats:
FlickeringFlame | 60 Moons at death | ♂ | | Killed by unknown cat | 21 moons since death | StarClan
MixedFur | 37 moons | ♂ | | Killed by dogs when saving MarigoldPaw from twolegs | 12 moons since death | StarClan
BraveKit | 0 Moons | ♂ | | Weakness after birth | 11 moons since death | StarClan
WishKit | 0 Moons | ♀ | | Weakness after birth | 11 moons since death | StarClan
LynxPaw | 11 Moons | ♂ | | Indirectly poisoned by water hemlock | 8 moons since death | StarClan
RowanKit | 0 Moons | ♀ | [darker one, right] | Weakness after birth | 7 moons since death | StarClan
Russetit | 0 Moons | ♂ | | Weakness after birth | 7 moons since death | StarClan
WindKit | 0 Moons | ♂ | | Weakness after birth | 7 moons since death | StarClan
RobinKit | 0 Moons | ♀ | | Breathing problems after birth | 6 moons since death | StarClan
DunlinKit | 0 Moons | ♂ | | Weakness after birth | 5 moons since death | StarClan
BitternKit | 0 Moons | ♀ | | Weakness after birth | 5 moons since death | StarClan
Cat | Cause of Death | Age since death | Place of resting
Cat | Cause of Death | Age since death | Place of resting

💙 Link to family archive

Other; Herbs, Other clans, Notes, and apprentices - here
▰ ▰▪▪▪▪▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▰ ▰
Last edited by tigerclaw on Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: GoldClan

Postby Dinolil1 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:41 pm

Each life has it's value, and each is worth more than gold.
Number of Cats: 6 | Males: 3 | Females: 3 | Last Post: X

The brown and white tom stood panting, a puff adder hanging from his mouth. ''Are you okay?'' Hawk wheezed, shaking the sand from his fur. ''I kinda kicked you really hard in the head.'' And it was an accident, Hawk swore, he'd just been startled when Cannastar had crashed into him at break-neck speed. ''...Are you dead?'' Hawk was being irrational he knew it, but the fat ginger tom was laying as still as a corpse, barely a breath ruffling the sand grains.

''Just about.'' growled Cannastar, shaking himself out. ''You nearly knocked my brain out.'' The ginger tom scrutinized Hawk's catch with a steady, but wearisome pair of eyes. ''...Nice snake.'' Cannastar commented, ears twitching. ''Could I have it? I'm kinda starving to death.'' Well, he was truthful. ''...I could let you join my clan, if you wanted.'' Motioning to the horizon, Cannastar turned to Hawk. ''It's called GoldClan.''

Blinking at this clan, named after some mystical material, Hawk broke out in a grin. ''A'ight! Hawkstar, here I come!''

''Y'know, if you want to be leader, go on.'' Cannastar rumbled. ''But it's not fun.''

''No, I wanna earn it.''


The loner joins and becomes Hawkfur.
Cannastar and Hawkfur go hunting.
Embergaze and Oryxthroat go hunting.

    Cannastar | 44 | Male | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★


    Medicine Cat:
    Embergaze | 33 | Male (Trans) | X


    Hawkfur | 20 | Male | X


    Oryxthroat | 23 | Female | X

    Shrikekit | 1 | Female | X
    Larkkit | 1 | Female | X




    Medicine Store:

    Cobweb | x1 | For binding up wounds and broken bones
    Horsetail | x1 | For healing infected wounds
    Chervil | x2 | For healing infected wounds and soothing bellyache
    Catmint | x1 | For curing greencough
    Sticks | x1 | For helping broken bones set
    Chamomile | x1 | For heart strengthening, mind soothing and travelling

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Snake (no cobra) | x2 | 2 Servings
    Mouse | x2 | 1 Servings
    Lark | x0 | 1 Servings
    Vulture | x0 | 3 Servings
    Rat | x0 | 2 Servings
    Lizard | x0 | 1 Servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Vulturefang | ( Died aged 37 moons ) | Female |X | Starvation
    Stonekit | ( Died aged 0 moons ) | Female |X | Still-Born
    Pebblekit | ( Died aged 0 moons ) | Female |X | Still-Born


    Oryxthroat + Falcon --- Stonekit + Pebblekit + Shrikekit + Larkkit


I believe that you are purrfect!

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ash's replies [75]

Postby ashton. » Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:32 am

      beach | coon | eagle | falling | fire | garrison | lamb | lilac | moor | moss | raven | robin | shaded skies | shore | spring | stem

      weather: leaf-fall.
      during leaf-fall, it will start to get colder, so the amount of prey you will catch will go down. the sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into leaf-bare. kittings will start to get a little bit harder, so make sure to stock up on kitting herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. you will also run into predators more often now.

.galaxy. wrote:
Shaded Skies

[Tick, Stitch, Sheep and Rat hunt]
[Algernon, Majesty, and Hawthorne hunt]
[Hawthorne and Elroy go on a border patrol]
[Pepper goes out searching for herbs]
[Majesty takes Bumble out to train]
[Algernon goes to the Sun-Eye to ask Scatteredscales for a kinfolk]
[Shaded Skies fasts for one moon]

[Can find whenever: the siblings Sunkit [4 m] and Hawkkit [4 m], and Dublin, 24 m]

      tick's hunting patrol caught two shrews!
      algernon's hunting patrol didn't catch anything.
      hawthorne's border patrol was uneventful.
      pepper found blackberry leaves and bright-eye!
      bumble failed to learn a skill because sprained his right front paw... he should wait until he is six moons old to start his training.
      scatteredscales sends shaded skies a kinfolk!

      [ please do not have your cats begin training until they are six moons old. ]

Galipaygo wrote:

Tatteredpelt trains Riverpaw in fishing
Snowtrail trains Lavenderpaw in combat
Goldenflower trains Firepaw in swimming
Rippleface trains Lionpaw in hunting
Saltwind trains Puddlepaw in advanced combat
Lunarglow trains Reedpaw in climbing
Hollypelt and Valleyglow search for herbs
Stonebark, Rippleface, Lionpaw, Saltwind, and Puddlepaw hunt
Greyface, Snowtrail, Lanevderpaw, Tatteredpelt, and Riverpaw hunt
Juniperleap, Silvertail, Fernheart, Lunarglow, and Reedpaw patrol the boarders
Bramblestrike, Brindlestripe, Goldenflower, Firepaw, and Rainpelt patrol the boarders
Lunarglow and Rippleface become mates! (No kits)
Juniperleap and Snakefang look for something malicious

The clan consumes two birds and a mouse, 7 servings!

      riverpaw learned fishing!
      lavenderpaw learned combat!
      firepaw learned swimming!
      lionpaw learned hunting!
      puddlepaw learned advanced combat!
      reedpaw learned climbing!
      hollypelt and valleyglow found rush, honey, and coltsfoot!
      stonebark's hunting patrol caught a vole, a small fish, and a squirrel!
      greyface's hunting patrol caught a vole and a small fish!
      juniperleap's border patrol was uneventful.
      bramblestrike's border patrol found an apprentice!
      juniperleap and snakefang found a fox's den!

MagicalFox wrote:

[Seashell goes to the moonpool, asks for a cat, with no specific rank and recives his 9 lives]

__surprise__ wrote:

[ oighir, stoirm, caonach, snowtuft, adhmad and lasair hunt ]
[ seabhac, sioc, branar, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige, seabhac, solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ sneachta, cait, darach, ghrian and oíche patrol ]
[ réalta, ádh and rós go herb hunting ]

[ rós trains with réalta - diseases ]
[ ádh trains with réalta - poisons ]
[ carraig trains with adhmad - navigation ]
[ cloch trains with duilleog - navigation ]
[ fuinseog trains with solas - navigation ]
[ fiáin trains with seabhac - combat ]
[ tíogair trains with sioc - combat ]
[ úll trains with branar - combat ]
[ cré-umha trains with snowtuft - navigation ]

[ branar and gloine are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]
[ cré-umha and stoirm are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]
[ sioc and bán are forced to train with claws unsheathed (roll for injuries please!) ]

[ dramhaíl and stoirm try for kits ]

[ robinclan eat 2 squirrels and a shrew ]

      oighir's hunting patrol caught a shrew, a squirrel, and a stoat!
      seabhac's hunting patrol caught two mice and a squirrel!
      both border patrols were uneventful.
      réalta, ádh, and rós found rush, goatweed, and goldenrod!
      rós learned about diseases!
      ádh learned about poisons!
      carraig, cloch, fuinseog, and cré-umha learned navigation!
      fiáin, tíogair, and úll learned combat!
      branar sustains a sprained paw and shallow scratches on her flank. she needs two moons of rest.
      gloine suffers deep cuts on his belly. he needs goldenrod, cobwebs, and one moon of rest.
      cré-umha suffers a cut across his face and left eye, a wrenched claw, and deep scratches across his shoulders. he needs celandine, comfrey root, x2 cobwebs, and marigold.
      stoirm sustains shallow scratches to his hind legs. he doesn't need any herbs or rest.
      sioc suffers a torn ear and deep cuts on his back. he needs cobwebs, goldenrod, and one moon of rest.
      bán suffers a dislocated shoulder and small scratches to his neck. he needs poppy seeds to ease the pain as the medicine cat forces the limb back into the joint, and one moon of rest.
      dramhaíl is expecting kits! they are due in two moons.
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:15 am

    Season: Leaf Fall
    Weather: Greenleaf was dry and caused the leaves to fall early and now most of the trees seem to be bare already. The dry weather has not changed, but at least now it is starting to cool off. Predators are going to be found more often now as they try to stock up on prey before the coming winter. Prey is starting to become scarcer now, but herbs seem to be in abundance now. Rogue groups are going to be about as they try to claim as much territory as they can for the soon to be harsh leaf bare. As if this is not enough, the smell of smoke is in the air, lets hope that the fires do not spread to the territories.

    Announcement: N/A

| Jadeclan | Pebbleclan | Rippleclan | Northclan | Acornclan | Featherclan| Blizzardclan | Jayclan | Auroraclan | Coyoteclan | Mireclan | Lupineclan | Blueclan | Lynxclan | Cherryclan's Clowder |


Lady Masquerade wrote:
P e b b l e C l a n
[darksky, fawnstep, fogfall, batwing, peachfur, and jayfrost go hunting]
[poppyflower, tigerflame, windchaser, mooseheart, turtletail, and oakfur go hunting]
[duskheart, honeysplash, briarnose, featherwhisker, robinstrike, and pearleaf go on a border patrol]
[sharpscar, lynxtuft, olivestar, pinedust, petalbreeze, and smokeflame go on a border patrol]
[mintfur trains plumpaw]
[dovecloud trains brackenpaw]
[heatherpond trains foxpaw]
[lionblaze trains goosepaw]
[splashpelt and cloudpaw hunt for herbs]
[stormpaw takes her warrior assessment - stormflower if passing]
[pansypaw takes her warrior assessment - pansyspots if passing]
[pebbleclan consumes 11 servings]

    Darksky, Fawnstep, Fogfall, Batwing, Peachfur, and Jayfrost caught 3 small fish.
    Poppyflower, Tigerflame, Windchaser, Mooseheart, Turtletail, and Oakfur caught 3 water fowl.
    Duskheart, Honeysplash, Briarnose, Featherwhisker, Robinstrike, and Pearleaf found the scent of rogues!
    Sharpscar, Lynxtuft, Olivestar, Pinedust, Petalbreeze, and Smokeflame found nothing of interest.
    Plumpaw learns the battle skill.
    Brackenpaw learns the battle skill.
    Foxpaw learns the hunting skill.
    Goosepaw learns the stalking skill.
    Splashpelt and Cloudpaw find goldenrod and thyme.
    Stormpaw passed her assessment and is now Stormflower!
    Pansypaw failed her assessment, better luck next time!

Makoto Naegi wrote:
[Acornclan consumes a bird, two rabbits and a shrew (8 servings)]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Cedarpaw and Beaverpaw train with their mentors]
[Birdstar, Dapplecloud, Mothdapple and Hailmask investigate and look for the injured cat]
[Whitecoal, Cowpelt, Shadepaw and Foxfang hunt]
[Emberstorm, Flakeheart, Strawberrypaw and Twigcatcher hunt]
[Dustbreeze, Cinderflight, Cloudpaw and Blackwing patrol]

    Rabbitnose finds juniper berries and cobweb.
    Cedarpaw and Beaverpaw learn the battle skill.
    Birdstar, Dapplecloud, Mothdapple and Hailmask find the cat's scent going out of the territory. Do they follow?
    Whitecoal, Cowpelt, Shadepaw and Foxfang caught 2 rabbits.
    Emberstorm, Flakeheart, Strawberrypaw and Twigcatcher caught 2 birds.
    Dustbreeze, Cinderflight, Cloudpaw and Blackwing find that all the traps have been removed from the territory. Frustrated by the lack of cats being caught the two-legs take their traps back.

ForgottenShadow wrote:
<Froststar & Marigoldstep train Birchpaw & Sunnypaw together>
<Sandsnarl and Hawkthorn hunt>
<Dawnlight and Greyleap patrol>
<Dawnlight and Greyleap try for kits!>
<Greengaze hunts>
<Blossomdream leaves camp to stretch her legs>
<Lynxclan consumes x1 mouse & x1 hare>

    Birchpaw and Sunnypaw learn the stealth skill.
    Sandsnarl and Hawkthorn caught a squirrel.
    Dawnlight and Greyleap find a warrior while on patrol.
    Dawnlight is now expecting! She is due in two moons/posts.
    Greengaze caught a shrew.

    (Kits count towards your prey count in normal mode. In hardcore mode they do not count towards the count because prey needed is doubled.)
    (Also don't forget to list the skills your apprentices have trained for! That way I don't give them the same skill.)

Simonpet wrote:
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐞𝐫
[ Cherryclan's Clowder consumes 3 servings (x1 bird). ]
[ Storm requests an adult (Snowflake). ]

[ Gannet, Gingersnap, and Huma go hunting. ]
[ Nicholas goes hunting. ]
[ Hare goes on a patrol. ]

[ Storm trains Isabella in hunting. ]

    The ancestors sent an adult.
    Gannet, Gingersnap, and Huma caught 2 squirrels.
    Nicholas caught a bird.
    Hare found a mother while on patrol. She is due in 1 moon.
    Isabella learned the hunting skill.
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅷ-ⅩⅫ-ⅯⅯⅩⅧ | 8-22-18

Postby Katrione » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:45 pm

- W E A T H E R -
      Leaffall- A chill starts to creep in the air, signaling the end of Greenleaf and the beginning of Leaffall. As the days become shorter and the skies turn to a dead grey, it's time for the Clans to start working harder and stockpiling prey for the coming Leafbare. Cherish the last few warm breezes that Greenleaf is leaving behind, they won't be around for much longer
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      The staff is currently doing an activity check! After the activity check is done our lists are going to be moved around some so some of you might have new mods.

      Also, if you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
s8n wrote:

[ Frostclaw, Tinyfog, Turtleglare, Cypressroar, Tulipstream, and Bouncepawgo on a dusk border patrol ]
[ Blazestar, Aurorapond, Ghostcloud, Flintfang, Vixensong, and Salamanderpaw go on a dawn border patrol ]
[ Newtmask, Ryestrike, Asterpool, Bayrise, Toadsnare, and Lizardpaw go on a dusk hunting trip ]
[ Panthersnap, Hazelblossom, Tortoisecreek, Smallstorm, Splatterdrop, and Beaverpaw go on a noon hunting trip ]
[ Finchwhisker, Bassflow, Patchfur, Maplelily, Honeydrip, and Smokepaw go on a dawn hunting trip ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpool go herb hunting ]
[ Mothpaw, Brindlepaw, Mountainpaw, and Minnowpaw go training: Fighting ]
[ Cloverpaw and Spottedpaw take care of moss beds and elders ]

[ Rosethorn goes into labor ]

      [ Frostclaw's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Blazestar's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Newtmask's patrol caught three mackerels ]
      [ Panthersnap's patrol caught three mackerels ]
      [ Finchwhisker's patrol caught two plovers and a mackerel ]
      [ Blackspot and Coralpool gathered heather nectar, ivy leaves and lamb's ear ]
      [ Mothpaw, Brindlepaw, Mountainpaw and Minnowpaw learned the Fight skill ]
      [ Rosethorn gave birth to two kits ]
solyn wrote:

[ badgerstar goes to the moonpool to ask for a medicine cat apprentice
ashenstrike trains longpaw in battle
lionheart, stonepatch and dustfang patrol the borders
maplefall, boulderpaw, fawnrunner and shadowtail hunt near the lake
flintburr, burrpaw, flowershine and hawkthorn hunt in the forest
goldleaf searches for herbs [any priority]
the clan consumes two fish ]

      [ Starclan has granted Badgerstar's wish and has sent Groveclan a medicine cat apprentice ]
      [ Longpaw learned the Battle skill ]
      [ Lionheart's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Maplefall's patrol caught two fish ]
      [ Flintburr's patrol caught two rabbits ]
      [ Goldleaf gathered alder bark and beech leaves ]
osleya wrote:

[ border patrol [ north] : onyx, madi, prometheus, medocius, asteria, hickoryfur. ]
[ border patrol [ east ] : remus, echo, talon, storm, torin, demeter. ]
[ border patrol [ south ] : blodreina, niamh, luna, onya, tauriel, bayek. ]
[ border patrol [ west ] : cleopatra, alexious, divona, freyr, osiris, elyse ]
[ hunting patrol [ river ] : qadira, padame, bellamy, helios. ]
[ hunting patrol [ mountain ] : wanheda, arumwillow, foxberry, leksa. ]
[ trying for kits: bellamy & blodreina, arumwillow & dashiell. ]
[ labor: xelane ( father) ]
[ rank changes: niah and az are ready to be warriors. ]
[ training: all seconds train except niah and az.]
[ eating: the clan eats six rabbits and one mouse. owls are added to the prey pile. ]

      [ Onyx's patrol found a warrior ]
      [ Remus, Blodreina and Cleopatra's patrols found nothing important ]
      [ Qadira's patrol caught a hawk ]
      [ Wanheda's patrol caught two mice ]
      [ Blodreina is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Arumwillow is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Xelane gave birth to four kits ]
      [ Niah and Az are now warriors! ]
      [ Maia, Cyprian, Xylia, Alaire and Ezio learned the Swim skill ]
      [ Orpheus, Nolana and Koipaw learned the Battle skill ]
Yukon_ wrote:
[New cats]
↪ Mollies; NeedleKit, MagpiePaw | Toms; Aput, BagderKit, WildKit, RainKit

[Plot development]
↪ BramblingClaw yet again threatened ThriftRunner's life, this time getting caught by CoalPaw. She convinces CoalPaw that his father is a bad cat.
↪ After DustStorm becomes mates with AsterCry [Of BearClan] LynxPaw gives a dream to every one of his siblings and his mother. Talking to them and he wished he could have talked to them early.
↪ TwigHeart receives a dream from FlickeringFlame, she is currently unsure of its meaning.

[Rank changes]
↪ FlashKit, PartridgeKit, HarrierKit, SedgeKit, and AsterKit -> Apprentices [Flash - MudTuft, Partridge - NettleFrost, Harrier - GoldFrost, Sedge - MouseSpring, MagpiePaw - WhirlShine.
↪ DawnTail, HonetBriar, MintClaw -> Warriors
↪ HopePaw -> Warrior [HopeRise (after the rise of hope his parents had after his other siblings had died but he had thrived to become a full fledged warrior)]

↪ LupineFang is going into labor! Father is a loner.*
↪ [Notes; FrostBite - 1m. TwigHeart, MushroomTail, CypressBloom - 2m]

[New Mates]
↪ None

[Trying for kits]
↪ CricketHeart and MudTuft try for kittens again. Hoping with the LynxPaw sign that they may have luck with kittens.
↪ OliveStrike, not wanting to give up, and GoldFrost try for kittens again
↪ TigerFern and StromCrush try for kittens again, Hoping for TigerFern getting pregnant this time.
↪ PetalDance and RavenWing try for kittens, they are just following the current bandwagon.
↪️ Mushu and SootStone (from QuickClan) try for kittens as well.

[Star-Quartz request]
↪ FlareHeart, overjoyed, finds his younger sister (He finds out because she talks about their parents. He tries his best to convince his sister to tag along back to camp with him.

[Patrol 1]
↪ PineWhisper, RedHawk, MintClaw, HoneyBriar, DawnTail, + WolfBite

[Patrol 2]
↪ MarigoldBud, Mushu, AspenThorn, HazelWing, SnowFluffy, + AdderScratch

[Hunting 1]
↪ BriarClaw, FrozenGale, LeafCrest, RavenWing, PetalDance, + DustStorm

[Hunting 2]
↪ CricketHeart, DriftClaw, DewBlaze, MudTuft, FlintSpark, + GoldFrost

[Hunting 3]
↪ MeadowSpirit, IceFoot, PineHeart, SmallFire, HayCloud, + JayEye

[Hunting 4]
↪ HopePaw, HemlockPaw, AloePaw, WrenPaw VanillaPaw, + DockPaw (Floodclan has a tradition of sending out a patrol completely made up of apprentices for practicing in patrols)

[Herb hunting]
↪ AdderCloud, BramblingClaw, PearPaw, SootPaw, SpiderPaw, BirchPaw, KestrelPaw, CoalPaw, BristlePaw, AshPaw, SaltPaw, + ThriftRunner [Flavor text; The medicine cats (minus newly pregnant TwigHeart) enlist the help of the bored apprentices, hoping to teach them about basic herbs for life or death situations. ThriftRunner tags along to be with his kits and his ex-mate.

↪ All apprentices are training in sheath.

↪ 6 lapwings [6 lapwings]

↪ None

*I was wondering if we could pick the fathers of found/no sire queens? I saw a few other clans pick em and I just didn't know. If I can't just ignore the sire picture <3

      [ Flashkit, Partridgekit, Harrierkit, Sedgekit and Asterkit are now apprentices: Flashpaw, Patridgepaw, Harrierpaw, Sedgepaw and Asterpaw! ]
      [ Dawntail, Honeybriar and Mintclaw are welcomed warmly back into the warriors den ]
      [ Hopepaw is now a warrior: Hoperise! ]
      [ Lupinefang gave birth to two kits ]
      [ Cricketheart is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Olivestrike is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Tigerfern is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Sadly, Petaldance is expecting kits. Try again next moon ]
      [ Flareheat manages to convince his sister to join! ]
      [ Pinewhisper and Marigoldbud's patrols found nothing important ]
      [ Briarclaw's patrol caught three lapwings ]
      [ Cricketheart and Meadowspirit's patrols came home empty-pawed ]
      [ Hopepaw's patrol caught three lapwings ]
      [ The medicine cats gathered burdock root, broom and alder bark ]
      [ All apprentices learned the Stealth skill ]
      [ Mod Note: You can definitely choose the father's pic for a queen who was found pregnant ]
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mapleclan [17]

Postby requiem, » Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:26 am


archive // here - number of cats // 25 cats (13 f, 12 m) - next moonpool visit // xxx


lionfrost anxiously waited in the shadows of the forest, the southern clearing stretched in front of him. the clearing seemed peaceful, but a strange hint of dread loomed over it. lionfrost inhaled sharply when familiar ragged pelts started appearing at the limit of the border. foxstar appeared at his side, his gaze silently interrogating him. "that's them. he brought everyone," he whispered, making the mapleclanners behind him shiver. the tom had explained to them how cruel these cats were, and the fact that they had all come to the glade meant they were determined to win the battle. no, they didn't want to simply win, they wanted to destroy the clan-cats for depriving them of their beloved leader. lionfrost couldn't stop himself from shuddering at the thought of the small black molly and her pale green eyes. as the rogues prowled closer, an intense feeling of foreboding overcame him. freezing in fear, the ginger cat started internally panicking. with each step the rogues took forwards, he wanted to take one backwards. he jumped when a soft pelt brushed against his and turned to see cindertooth beside him. "don't worry, we're here with you. you don't have to face them alone," the she-cat murmured, affectionately nuzzling him. her warm voice and wise words helped lionfrost calm down and he gently nuzzled her back to thank her. the rogues were now halfway across the clearing, and the clan-cats slowly walked out from the forest's shadows, revealing their presence. the cats immediately stopped their stride and waited for the patrol to come intercept them. a bulky, dark brown tabby with blazing amber eyes stood at the intruding group's lead, his eyes locked on lionfrost. as soon as the mapleclanners were close, the tom-cat spat, his voice full of venom: "clover. i knew you wouldn't be strong enough." lionfrost's body grew tense upon hearing howl's words, but he was saved from the tabby's stone hard glare when foxstar moved in front of him. "lionfrost did nothing wrong by moving on from the past. i suggest you do the same." foxstar's voice was just as grim, which was very much unlike his usual self. "move on? move on? whisper was the best leader we ever had, and you took her from us. we'll never forgive you for that." and with a defying roar from the rogues, the battle began.


screeches of anger and hate echoed in acornheart's ears, her heart beating loudly against her chest. it was hard to breathe in the chaos that had become the clan's southern border. the smell of blood was ever-present in the air, mixed with a strong sense of fear. the warrior took a few steps away from the battlefield, her head foggy and dizzy. the rage in every eye she met reminded her of someone she wanted to forget, to bury at the back of her mind and never think of ever again. but that was impossible and she knew it. her memories would always find a way to come back to torture her. the only hope she had, the only ray of sunshine in the dark abyss of her mind was heathertuft. sweet, caring, patient heathertuft. the gorgeous molly was there to cheer her up, to say the right thing, to encourage her to forget her past. she was the only thing left that prevented acornheart from tumbling down into a world ruled by madness and grief. the tortoiseshell suddenly snapped out of her thoughts. heathertuft. where was she? acornheart had seen her fighting a rogue a few minutes ago before being pounced on by an enraged tom. the claw-marks he'd left on her back were there to remind her of the incident. searching frantically left and right for the familiar pelt of the green-eyed she-cat, she finally spotted heathertuft struggling against two rogues with strange, triangular faces. running towards her friend as fast as she could, acornheart growled in anger as heathertuft was pinned to the ground. arriving with a furious yowl, acornheart crashed into the rogues as hard as she could, her enemies yelping in surprise as they tumbled away from her. heathertuft herself seemed shocked to see her friend, but quickly snapped out of it and jumped to her feet. cautiously walking in the woods where their enemies had rolled away, the two mollies were surprised to find them with another rogue, a shorthaired black cat, who was angrily giving them a speech. " were two against one! how could anyone be this bad at fighting? you two really are useless," they exclaimed with irritation before suddenly kicking the smaller oriental cat into the nearest tree. acornheart took in the event without budging, but heathertuft couldn't stop herself from letting out a small gasp. the black rogue immediately whirled around, and when they spotted the pair, they barked: "fight them to regain your honour!" the remaining oriental cat seemed to be in a daze, and blinked in confusion at the rogue. before the black cat could do anything more, acornheart leapt into action by pouncing on their back and slashing her claws against their neck. their body fell to the ground and acornheart stepped away from it to turn towards the orientals. the tortoiseshell smiled when she saw heathertuft gently help the smaller oriental cat to her paws, while their most likely sibling watched in astonishment. "you're not willingly fighting for them, right?" as a response, the rogues nodded in unison. "are there more of you?" the cats nodded again, and acornheart let out a sigh. "alright. now let's get you all out of this mess."


foxstar's vision blurred as he felt all of his strength leave his body for the fourth time today. when the battle had started, the dark brown tabby named howl had immediately charged towards lionfrost. the leader had of course leapt in to protect the warrior, which had led to them fighting the amber-eyed rogue together. unfortunately for them, howl had incredible brawling skills which led to foxstar losing multiple lives. each time his leader fell unconscious, lionfrost had to step in to prevent howl from taking anymore of his lives while he was vulnerable. foxstar suddenly felt his foggy mind clear, a sensation that had become familiar to him. as soon as his limbs were free of the drowsiness that always pursued the end of a life, foxstar jumped to his paws, noticing with horror that lionfrost was shakily standing a few feet away from him, one of his back legs twisted at an odd angle. howl was watching him with an evil grin plastered on his face, seemingly enjoying to see the cat who betrayed him suffer immense pain. his moment of pleasure was however ruined when a certain tortoiseshell molly barged into his stomach, making the tabby fall on his back. "acornheart, no!" if the she-cat heard her father, she didn't pay him attention at all. with an enraged meow, she savagely clawed at the soft flesh of howl's belly, making the tom-cat roar in pain. "your precious whisper once told me that my past actions would always define me," acornheart said, fury dominating her voice. "today, i can finally say that she was wrong." with a deafening cry, the molly delivered the final blow by slashing an unsheathed paw across his neck. howl's body stiffened, then became limp. foxstar watched in amazement as the remaining rogues started panicking and retreating once they realized their leader had fallen. soon, the rogues were all gone, except for a few who seemingly had changed sides. mapleclan's leader let out a loud sigh of relief. they had done it. they had won.

patrols or hunting // foxstar, whitesong, heathertuft, wolfcry and cindertooth go hunting
herb hunting // frostnose and fogpaw search for herbs
training // fogpaw, applepaw and scrap train
prey consuming // a hare and a squirrel
other // - five rogues join mapleclan
- amberpelt, vixenbelly and poppyflight die
- foxstar loses four lives
- magpiefeather loses his left eye
- cloverpatch severely wounds his stomach
- briarleap badly scratches her nose
- acornheart has several long scratches on her back
- lionfrost breaks one of his back legs

[ i have adopted rosepaw from venomclan. she can be found at anytime by a patrol ]


        foxstar | 46 moons | male |
        lives -- ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

        briarleap | 45 moons | female |

        medicine cat:
        frostnose | 47 moons | male |

        med. cat apprentice:
        fogpaw | 18 moons | male |

        amberpelt | 79 moons | male |
        whitesong | 47 moons | female |
        vixenbelly | 46 moons | female |
        heronswoop | 45 moons | male |
        doveflight | 42 moons | female |
        poppyflight | 41 moons | female |
        magpiefeather | 30 moons | male |
        cloverpatch | 25 moons | male |
        acornheart | 25 moons | female |
        heathertuft | 23 moons | female |
        lionfrost | 21 moons | male |
        wolfcry | 18 moons | male |
        cindertooth | 18 moons | female |

        applepaw | 7 moons | female |
        scrap | 7 moons | female |

        tigerfang | 28 moons | female |

        viperkit | 6 moons | female |
        ruddkit | 1 moon | male | - left
        rushkit | 1 moon | male | - top
        reedkit | 1 moon | male | - center
        starlingkit | 1 moon | female |

        none at the moment

        foxstar + briarleap → sagepaw, cloverpatch, acornheart
        unknown + vixenbelly → heathertuft, hawkpaw
        smokeleaf + doveflight → fogpaw, wolfcry, cindertooth
        magpiefeather + tigerfang → ruddkit, rushkit, reedkit, starlingkit
      clan | user
      clan | user


      north | the brook | clan
      south | the clearing | forestclan
      west | maple tree forest | clan
      east | dense forest | clan


      medicine store:
      alder bark | x1 | toothaches
      beech leaves | x1 | to carry herbs
      bindweed | x1 | broken legs
      blackberry leaves | x1 | bee stings
      borage leaves | x1 | fevers, queen milk
      bright eyes | x1 | coughs
      broom | x1 | broken legs, wounds
      burdock root | x1 | rat bites
      catchweed | x1 | poultices
      catmint | x1 | green/whitecough
      celandine | x1 | damaged eyes
      chervil | x1 | infections, kitting
      cobwebs | x1 | stops bleeding
      comfrey | x1 | broken bones
      dock | x1 | scratches, wounds
      marigold | x1 | stops bleeding
      sorrel | x1 | traveling herb
      wintergreen | x1 | wounds, poisons


      fresh-kill pile:
      5 servings per post until 28 cats
      mouse | x0 | 1 serving
      squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
      stoat | x2 | 2 servings
      salmon | x3 | 2 servings
      hare | x1 | 3 servings
      sparrows | x1 | 3 servings
      ( 20 servings total )

      frostnose → fogpaw
      xxone : hunting | two : battle
      xxthree : climbing | four : skill

      heronswoop → applepaw
      xxone : skill | two : skill
      xxthree : skill | four : skill

      doveflight → scrap
      xxone : skill | two : skill
      xxthree : skill | four : skill
Last edited by requiem, on Tue Jan 08, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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🌳 OakClan | 2nd Clan 🌳

Postby NightWolf950 » Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:59 pm



Storms make the oak
grow deeper roots


My 2nd Clan

OakClan is a strong and arrogant clan named after the large oaks in the territory. They feel like they have the rights to anything in the forest, even places outside their borders. Due to this OakClan often get into conflicts with other clans and gain enemies quickly.

OakClan cats are known for their strength and drive to never back down. They are extremely prideful, finding failure to be a sign of weakness. Weakness is also not tolerated in OakClan, often resulting in being forced to survive a moon outside of the clan. After that moon is up cats are able to return to the clan, but are often looked down upon and treated slightly different.

Once an enemy of OakClan it's impossible to fix things between them. They are set in their ways, holding grudges for an extreme amount of time.
However if an ally of OakClan they will protect their allies in a war. They will even offer a helping paw if their allies are in dire need of herbs or prey.

OakClan apprentices training to be warriors train for a grand total of 13 moons. They start training at 6 moons until they are 18 moons. Upon turning 18 moons and completing their training, they are then sent out for another moon to survive on their own as a group outside the clan. During this time the apprentice learn new skills and about life outside the clan. Upon completing their moon of survival the apprentice return home full of knowledge, ready to take on the responsibilities of a warrior, and finally to receive their warrior name.

**Skills Needed **
Understanding Clan Code | Advanced Clan Code Understanding
Hunting | Advanced Hunting
Stealth | Advanced Stealth
Offense | Advanced Offense
Defense | Advanced Defense
Climbing | Advanced Climbing

**Med. Cat Skills Needed**
Herb recognition | Advanced Herb recognition
Healing | Advanced Healing
Herb Storage | Advanced Herb storing
Understanding signs/omens | Advance sign/omen understanding

OakClan territory is made up of mostly lush green forests consisting of mostly oak trees. Past the North forest border is mostly farm land with a few villages that dot the land. Past the East forest border is a large open valley. Past the South forest border is a mountain range. Finally past the West forest border is rolling hills. The main source of water in OakClan is a pond with a small running waterfall that is stationed far enough away where flooding could not reach the camp.

OakClan Camp
OakClan camp is located in a large hollow surrounded by a thick brush and many trees. In the middle of the hollow is a very tall and old oak tree with a den dug below and in between the roots. From here the Leader makes announcements from the lower hanging branches, while using the den below as their den. As for the rest of dens, the elders' den, medicine cat's den, and nursery are located among the roots of three other large oak trees, as they are the more well protected areas of the camp. As for the warriors' den or dens are a few hollowed out trees that lie in the same area. Lastly comes the apprentices' den, that lie nestled in a thick clump of brush near the nursery.
Last edited by NightWolf950 on Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 012 ]

Postby solyn » Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:28 pm

# of cats; 22 (: 11 / : 11)
servings consumed; 5 servings
next moonpool visit; 28/08 onward

𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
"Lionheart-- look out!" Dustfang's yowl was just a moment too late, as the ginger molly turned to see the underbrush parting with a violent rustle, to her left. Instantly, her hackles raised, and she hissed, as a blurry brown-tabby shape launched into her. They collided with a force that would have knocked a lesser cat off her feet, but Lionheart barely swayed as the strange cat spun and half fell into the clearing.
The three patrol cats pricked their ears, watching the strange cat. The tom was young, hardly older than Flowershine, they would have guessed, and haggard looking. His pelt hung off of him like a limp rag, his breathing was slow and his eyes were wild. He looked like he hadn't eaten in moons, and he was carrying an even weaker looking she-kit from his jaws. He gave Lionheart a helpless look, as her ears ceased to flatten.
"Please..." he rasped, and the she-cat stepped closer, "please help us..." his voice faded out to a pathetic mewl from the she-kit, and Lionheart's heart fell. She whirled on her companions, quickly. "Stonepatch, find Goldleaf. Dustfang, get the kit and then help me with the tom." They both nodded, Stonepatch turning and sprinting away to find the medicine cat. Lionheart and Dustfang used their combined strength to pull the lanky tom on top of their backs, taking careful tandem steps with the wailing kitten dangling from Dustfang's jaw.
When they arrived at camp, Stonepatch and Goldleaf were waiting for them at the medicine cat den, with Flintburr, Ashenstrike and Longpaw with them. Ashenstrike stood as soon as he saw Lionheart, his tense body language slowly evaporating as he realized she wasn't hurt. Carefully, they lowered the tom and the kit into one of the medicine nests, before backing away to make room for Goldleaf. The pair of them returned to the camp, facing the four toms waiting for them.
"What happened?" Ashenstrike mewed, "I came back because I heard Stonepatch shouting to help you. I thought you were hurt." He took a tentative step forward, as if to greet the ginger molly, before he hesitated. With a light purr, she closed the distance, rubbing her head underneath his chin. "It's nice that you were worried," she said, "but I'm fine. The tom just skidded into me. We couldn't just leave them out there."
"I'm glad you're safe," Flintburr rumbled, and Longpaw nodded enthusiastically beside him. Lionheart jolted, suddenly. "Where's Burrpaw? And the rest of the patrols?"
"They're still out hunting," he replied, smoothly, "Goldleaf asked me to come back in case you were injured, and she needed help. Stonepatch was particularly incoherent." The tom grunted, and Longpaw chuckled a little, before he caught a look from Dustfang and promptly shut up. Lionheart gave him a kind smile and a wink, as the two older cats settled down with the group. Ashenstrike fitted himself to Lionheart's side, and began grooming her, much to the surprise of Dustfang and Flintburr, who shared bewildered looks.
"Alright then," Lionheart said, with a tired sigh, stretching herself out. They waited in companionable silence, and it didn't take long for the medicine cat to appear from the den. "They're not injured," she declared, "just tired and hungry. Longpaw, can you get them some kill from the pile- nothing too large for the kit, but something substantial for the tom. Flintburr, Stonepatch, take my turtle shells and get them some water." The cats nodded, and splintered away, as Goldleaf gestured for Lionheart to join her. She touched her nose to Ashenstrike's cheek, before bounding after the medicine cat.
The newcomers ate and drank, and Lionheart and Goldleaf waited with them patiently. Finally, the tom cleared his throat, turning to Lionheart with a bashful gaze. "I'm sorry that I ran into you. Thank you very much- both of you- for helping us."
"That's quite alright," the ginger molly mewed, watching Goldleaf settle near her herb storage. "Can you tell me what happened to you?" The tom hesitated. "Only if you want to, I understand if it's difficult to talk about." The tom shook his head with a soft laugh. "You're too kind...?"
"Lionheart," she said, with a gentle, soothing tone to her voice. "Lionheart. I'm Harrierstreak, and this is my sister, Mousekit." Lionheart and Goldleaf both looked at the shy little thing, who shrunk back from both of them. "She looks a little to old to be a -kit doesn't she?" Goldleaf asked, and Harrierstreak nodded. "She's six moons, but the leader was worried about her becoming an apprentice because she's so small, and because she's blind in one eye." His tail curled protectively around his sister, and Lionheart noticed that only one eye actually seemed to be darting about the den.
"Why did you come to GroveClan territory?"
"We didn't know," Harrierstreak started, ears flattening, before he realized that Lionheart was simply asking out of curiosity, and he relaxed. "Our clan... it was attacked by dogs. My mother and father are dead, but my uncle told me to get Mousekit away from there, so I took her and we ran, and ran and ran and... they stopped chasing us after a while, but we didn't want them to track our scent, so we came through the river at the top of the waterfall, and then again at the base, and we were both just... so tired." He let out a shuddering sigh, and Lionheart moved forward to gently touch her nose to his forehead.
"I know the feeling," she said, voice soft, "you and Mousekit are always welcome in GroveClan, if you'd like to stay."


A week later, Badgerstar hauled himself up onto Highbranch. "All cats old enough to hunt their own prey, gather beneath Highbranch!" He called, watching his clanmates start to gather. Longpaw sat with the newcomer, Harrierstreak, sharing tongues as Ashenstrike and Lionheart stood watch next to them. He saw Hawkthorn and Acornstream appear in the mouth of the nursery, with their kits bumbling about at their paws. He'd been agonizing over Dovestar's lack of response to his plea, before it had hit him last night.
"I would like to welcome two new cats to our clan," he mewed, "Harrierstreak and Mousekit. Your journey has been long and hard, but we are pleased to offer you a permanent home within GroveClan." An approving yowl went up, and Longpaw nudged his friend's shoulder with a purr. The two had connected quite quickly, which wasn't surprising since they were fairly close in age, and they seemed to have complimentary temperaments.
"Mousekit, please step forward," the cheers died down, and all eyes swiveled to the small she-kit, who looked bewildered when Hawkthorn nudged her forward from the mouth of the nursery. "Mousekit, until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Mousepaw, to symbolize the journey your paws are on. I asked StarClan for someone special on the day that you arrived, and I don't think it is any coincidence your paws brought you here. At her request, your mentor will be Goldleaf." A cheer went up around the camp, as the medicine cat emerged from her den, which made Badgerstar laugh.
"Hey! I'm not done!" The noise settled down. "Okay, thank you. Goldleaf- you're grumpy, and you kind of scare all of us, but you're a good-hearted cat who is brave and strong-willed, and I know you will teach Mousepaw everything she needs to know to be as resilient and thoughtful as you are." He tipped his head back, and yowled Mousepaw's name, and the rest of the clan quickly joined in, as Mousepaw touched a shy nose to Goldleaf's. As Badgerstar began to climb down from Highbrach, he noticed Maplefall watching him with a fond look. Embarrassed, their eyes met, and they quickly looked away, both feeling hot under the pelt.

"Excited?" Maplefall purred, nudging her apprentice's shoulder with her own. It was quite a feat, as in just six moons Boulderpaw had grown a lot, and was now almost as big as Flintburr, if not a little more lean and not as bulky. The fluffy black tom laughed, and nodded, before using his tail to gesture toward his sister. "Not as excited as she is," he responded, and Burrpaw rolled her eyes at him, but didn't stop bouncing.
"I'm sure you'll both do great," Lionheart mewed, materializing from the leader's den, with Badgerstar trailing close after her. "Maplefall and Flintburr did an excellent job training you, and I know you've both learned a lot from them." Burrpaw could barely contain a squeal of excitement, a low rumbling purr audible from the soft cream molly, which made Flintburr chuckle himself. "It's an honour to have you think so," she mewed, with a bashful duck of her head. The rest of the clan was starting to gather, so Lionheart cleared her throat.
"Alright, listen up! Boulderpaw and Burrpaw will be attempting their warrior assessments today. Wish them luck." A cheer went up around the camp, and Badgerstar stepped forward to say a few words. "To the both of you, I know you're going to do so great! I remember when you first came to GroveClan as sad-looking kits. You've both grown so much, and you have such vibrant, fun personalities, and I can't wait to have you as fully-fledged warriors of GroveClan." A cheer went up again as Badgerstar touched noses with both young cats. Dustfang stepped forward to lick both of his kits on their foreheads and wish them a private good luck, before the two fluffy apprentices turned tail and bounded away from the camp. Shadowtail sidled closer, pressing up against Dustfang with a soft purr. "They'll be fine," she whispered. Dustfang gave her a grateful smile, and a nod. "I know."
"Alright, since we're down two sets of paws, we'll have to be tight on patrols today. Ashenstrike, you and I-"
"Wait!" Badgerstar interrupted, bewildering Lionheart, "we have to do an apprentice ceremony first! I forgot!" Lionheart rolled her eyes, with a laugh, before nodding to the branch. Badgerstar gave her a sheepish smile, bounding up toward it and clawing his way along until he was settled above the clan. "All cats gather beneath Highbranch!" He yowled, watching everyone move in closer. Hawkthorn and Acornstream emerged from the nursery, Woodkit and Squirrelkit weaving around their paws. Dawnkit and Duskkit sprinted out last, quickly overtaking their adoptive parents to skid to a stop next to Fawnrunner.
"Dawnkit step forward," Badgerstar said, watching the cat bounce forward excitedly, "until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dawnpaw, to symbolize the path that StarClan is guiding your paws on. You will be mentored by Shadowtail. Shadowtail, you have shown yourself to be vivacious, determined and kind-hearted. Your dedication to GroveClan has not gone unnoticed, and I know you will teach Dawnpaw valuable lessons." He paused, allowing the clan to welcome the young ginger molly as Shadowtail stepped forward to touch noses with her. Once the cheering had quieted, he started again:
"Duskkit, step forward!" A ripple of laughter passed through the crowd and the grey tabby's quiet little 'yes!' as he bounded forward from the crowd. "Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Duskpaw, as StarClan guides your paws on your journey." He paused, surveying the crowd. His eyes flicked over the cats, before pulling back toward Lionheart, who was making eye contact with Ashenstrike across the way. A sly notion hit him, and he continued: "Your mentor will be Lionheart." He watched her jolt in shock, as Duskpaw's tail kinked excitedly. "Lionheart, you have been a driving force of this clan for as long as it has existed. Not only are you courageous, firm and stalwart, you are kind, innovative and quick-thinking. I know Duskpaw will flourish under your mentorship, as Flowershine did, and as did I." The clan erupted into cheers as Lionheart moved forward to touch noses with an excited Duskpaw.
"I'm going to be the best apprentice you ever had!" He mewed, and Lionheart let out a rumbling chuckle. "You're so lucky," Flowershine mewed, brushing up against him from his other side, "Lionheart taught me so many great things. You truly did get the best mentor in the clan."
"Hey!" Ashenstrike teased, moving forward with Longpaw at his side, "I'm standing right here." He and Lionheart made eye contact again, and his ears pricked forward. "Looks like we'll be training together, then. I was going to teach Longpaw some more hunting techniques, if the new apprentices would like to join us." Dawnpaw let out a gasp, turning with wide eyes to Shadowtail. "Can we? Can we please?!" The brown-tabby molly looked at Lionheart, amused, who just chuckled, and nodded. "That sounds like a great idea," her eyes met Ashenstrike's again, and they shared a warm smile, "thank you."
Maplefall sidled up to Badgerstar, shoulder brushing his. He turned to face her, feeling his pelt heat already. "Very clever, Badgerstar," she teased, nodding to the laughing Lionheart and Ashenstrike. "I didn't realize you'd picked up on that. But... I wanted to ask, since Lionheart will probably be busy with her new apprentice, and since Boulderpaw is off my paws for the day, do you want to patrol together? It would be like old times." Badgerstar didn't even hesitate.
"Maplefall and I will do a short border patrol, Lionheart will sort everyone else into hunting patrols. Goldleaf, if you and Mousepaw need help gathering herbs, collect Ashenstrike and Longpaw to help you." He turned tail, Maplefall just behind him, and the pair bounded out of camp, leaving a bewildered clan behind.


"So then," Maplefall was saying, "they knocked each other into the river, and poor Flintburr had to try and drag them both out while they were still fighting!" Badgerstar snorted at her story, knocking shoulders with her. "Man, having an apprentice sounds fun! I wish I could have one!" A silence followed, and he glanced toward Maplefall, who was staring at him with fond amusement. "What?" He mewed, bewildered.
"You know you can just assign yourself an apprentice, if you want." Badgerstar's eyes widened, as if he hadn't quite considered this possibility, and Maplefall laughed airily, before she leaped forward, padding in front of him to stop him in his tracks. "But I... hope you don't." She mewed, and the black tom blinked in shock, head tilting to the side curiously. "Why's that?"
"It was really hard not being able to hang out with you all the time," she admitted, "when we took that walk a few moons ago- I, I meant to say something else to you, too, but I was too scared." Badgerstar took a step forward, touching his nose to her cheek. "What is it, Maplefall? Is everything okay?" He asked, trying to sound steady, even though his heart was beating very fast.
"Everything's perfect," she purred, "except, I really like you. In fact, I'm in love with you. And I don't know if you feel the same way or not, but I hoped-"
"I do!" He cut her off, excited, "I do, I love you too. I- I hadn't thought about it and then you just looked so pretty and I-" Maplefall cut him off with a rumbling purr, as she wound around him, nuzzling her face against his. Cheerfully, Badgerstar pushed back into her, winding their tails together as she leant on him, with a content sigh. "Ask me," she purred, "go on, ask me."
"Maplefall," he was laughing, so happy he couldn't contain it, "Maplefall will you be my mate!"
"Of course I will be. I love you." Carefully, she touched her nose to his, and he nuzzled against her with a rumbling purr, before his ears pricked forward, toward the forest. "I love you too. But I love living more, and Lionheart will kill us if we neglect this patrol." Maplefall's laugh was tinkling, like the sound of little bells, like dewdrops on a leaf, as the pair of them started to walk again, continuing around the borders of GroveClan.


"We should look for herbs to help with greencough," Goldleaf mewed to her apprentice, as they glided effortlessly through the forest. Mousepaw nodded with the nervous enthusiasm she always had, stumbling along after her mentor. "Do you remember which herbs are best for greencough?" The little she-cat screwed her face up, obviously struggling to recall. Goldleaf stopped, and Mousepaw shrank with a mumbled 'sorry'.
"Mousepaw," the she-cat said firmly, and the molly's green eyes rose to meet her own, shyly. "Remember when Badgerstar said I asked to mentor you? I chose you for a reason, because I see great potential in you. I know StarClan sent you here for a reason, and I know it's hard to feel that you have any power when you've been ridiculed for your differences all your life. I believe in you, Mousepaw, but you need to believe in yourself." The she-cat gazed at her, before, quietly, she said;
"Catmint, tansy and ch... cher- no, chick weed." Approvingly, Goldleaf purred. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Now, where can we find catmint?"
"By the lake, or by the field beyond the dead tree, where the soil is dryer," the younger she-cat was beginning to stand up straight now, excited by how much she could remember. Goldleaf nodded, and began to walk again. "Stress stops the part of your brain that helps you to remember things. You know you know the answers, and it's okay not to know them too. You're very young, and you have a lot to learn, so if you don't know something, at least you'll learn it."
"Yes, of course, sorry Goldleaf," she mewed, trotting along with her mentor. Her ears pricked forward as they made their way down toward the lake, Fawnrunner and Flowershine emerging, pelts dripping with water. "Hello Mousepaw, hello Goldleaf," Flowershine mewed, tail kinking as she spotted the medicine cat.
"I hope you'll get properly dry," the she-cat said gruffly, "Leafbare is coming up, and we don't need either of you catching a cough."
"We'll be careful, promise," Flowershine mewed. "Dustfang is still down at the lake hunting, if you need some help carrying herbs. Flowershine and I are heading toward the field-side of the lake to see what we can catch around there."
"Very well," Goldleaf mewed, ducking her head in acknowledgement, "how's the hunting going? Hopefully the prey isn't too scarce."
"It's running well," said Fawnrunner, "there aren't so many fish in the lake, but we've scattered enough voles and squirrels. We're hoping we might find some birds on our way through." Flowershine blinked at Mousepaw, face softening a bit as she saw how nervous the poor she-cat looked. "And what are you and Goldleaf hunting for, Mousepaw?" Startled, the white and brown molly froze, before she took a deep breath, glancing at Goldleaf for approval as she replied.
"We're looking for catmint by the lake, so that we'll be prepared for greencough." Goldleaf nodded, pleased with her apprentice, and Flowershine beamed, with a rumbling purr. "That's very smart of you to remember such an important herb with so little training! I bet Goldleaf feels really privileged to have you as an apprentice."
"I do," the she-cat rumbled, "now if you'll excuse me, my brilliant apprentice and I have some herbs to find."
"Bye Flowershine! Bye Fawnrunner!" Mousepaw mewed, a little more energetic now with glowing pride from her praise. She bounded clumsily after her mentor, and Goldleaf turned, mouthing a silent 'thank you' over her shoulder to the she-cat. Once they were out of ear-shot, Fawnrunner smiled at Flowershine. "That was kind of you, what you did for Mousepaw." Flowershine nodded, with a light laugh, "well, I remember what it was like to be young and scared too. I know Goldleaf will do just as good a job as Lionheart did of giving that kit confidence, but sometimes you just need a little push."

[ the clan consumes two squirrels and a vole
boulderpaw & burrpaw attempt their warrior assessments. (boulderflame & burrcall)
ashenstrike, lionheart & shadowtail train their apprentices in hunting
goldleaf and mousepaw look for herbs (greencough priority)
badgerstar and maplefall patrol the borders
badgerstar and maplefall become mates! (no kits)
flintburr, hawkthorn, harrierstreak and stonepatch hunt in the fields
dustfang, fawnrunner and flowershine hunt near the lake ]

        badgerstar | 28 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★✰

        lionheart | 49 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        Medicine Cat:
        goldleaf | 50 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        mousepaw | 7 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        flintburr | 64 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        maplefall | 24 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        shadowtail | 38 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        hawkthorn | 38 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        dustfang | 43 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        ashenstrike | 49 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        stonepatch | 25 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        fawnrunner | 24 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        flowershine | 15 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        harrierstreak | 16 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        boulderpaw | 12 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        burrpaw | 12 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        longpaw | 14 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        dawnpaw | 6moons | ♀ | 🌷
        duskpaw | 6 moons | ♂ | 🌷

        acornstream | 38 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        squirrelkit | 2 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        woodkit | 2 moons | ♀ | 🌷

    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    crescentclan | chasing the moon
    echoclan | Katrione
    hopeclan | adiebaby11

    enemy clans;
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | Clan Name | Username
    south | Clan Name | Username
    west | Clan Name | Username

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [1] | greencough
    chervil [2] | wounds/aches
    marigold [1] | wounds
    tansy [1] | coughs
    goldenrod [1] | wounds
    catchweed [1] | poultices
    poppy seeds [1] | pain
    cobwebs [1] | bleeding
    fennel [3] | pain
    raspberry leaves [1] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [1] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    herb [#] | use

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    vole | x2 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x4 | 8 servings
    bird | x3 | 9 servings
    fish | x5 | 10 servings
    squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    capacity: 31 servings (6 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    maplefall | boulderpaw [4]
    ↪ swimming, hunting, battle, stalking
    flintburr | burrpaw [4]
    ↪ swimming, hunting, battle, stalking
    ashenstrike | longpaw [2]
    ↪ battle, hunting, skill, skill
    shadowtail | dawnpaw [1]
    ↪ skill, hunting, skill, skill
    lionheart | duskpaw [1]
    ↪ skill, hunting, skill, skill
    mentor | apprentice [#]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill

    deceased cats;
    name | cause
    name | cause

    halfkit & sootkit
    unknown ♥ unknown
    shadowtail & hawkthorn
    boulderpaw & burrpaw
    squirrelkit & woodkit
    unknown ♡ junipernose
    dawnkit & duskkit
    adopted by fawnrunner (m. aunt)
    harrierstreak & mousepaw
    ↪ not expecting
    name and name
    ↪ kit names
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