Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

quickclan x o13

Postby eagle, » Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:36 am

never stop running on and on with the wind
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( archive ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

            number of cats forty-four | twenty-two ♂ | twenty-two ♀ |servings needed eight
            next patrol july 29th at 4:36pm | next moonpool anytime
            injuries n/a kittings mothtail now

    the stream of water flowed clearly, the cold water rushing over the smooth pebbles. overhead, the sun beat down on her shoulders, and her tail twitched irritably. a fox-length away, splashfall had walked into the water and didn't seem to mind the way the water pulled at his short fur, or lapped at his belly. over the past moon of training, twitepaw found herself all the more frustrated with her mentor. from the clan, particularly her fathers, she heard how splashfall was thought to be one of the more easy-going, fun-loving cats. he was known for chasing hares with cyanslash and snakespots, the fastest cats in the clan, and twitepaw expected that he would have jumped on the chance to teach her the same. by now, she had hoped she would know the battle moves brightpaw practiced in the evenings, showing off everything duskflower taught her.
    instead, twitepaw usually found herself splashing after fish most days, and even gorsepaw's duties seemed more interesting. at least he was out and about on the moor and wasn't told to stand in one place until his paws felt numb with cold and like stone.
    then, like a flash, twitepaw saw the silver scales of a fish from the corner of her eye. as splashfall demonstrated time and time over, she shifted her weight seamlessly, lest she create a ripple and scare the fish. just when she made a move to scoop the fish out of the water to catch it, her other paw slipped in the sand, sending twitepaw sputtering and splashing in the water.
    immediately, splashfall was at her side, helping her up and out of the water to rest at the bank. "easy there, twitepaw, you got overexcited. it happens," he murmured gently, tone soft and encouraging.
    twitepaw, however, was not so easily placated, and she let out a frustrated hiss, standing and marching a few steps away to shake the water from her pelt. "i can't do it, splashfall! i'm sorry, but i can't. i want to train, not sit in the water for another moon," she exclaimed, and her mentor watching with a measuring, clear gaze. when splashfall didn't immediately answer, twitepaw let out a sigh and turned to look back at the water.
    after another moment had passed, splashfall's tail brushed across twitepaw's shoulders. "come on," he mumured gently, leading her away from the stream and steering her back towards the camp. "let's take the rest of the day off. we'll try again tomorrow." though the very idea of fishing again settled wrong in twitepaw's gut, she allowed splashfall to lead the way.
    when the pair drew closer, and the breeze carried the distinctive scent of the clan, twitepaw turned her head, catching the slightest voice in the distance. "splashfall, i think i heard something," she called to her mentor, who turned, his ears pricked.
    the warrior's stripped tail twitched, and he angled his ears in the direction twitepaw nodded. "you're sure?" he asked.
    twitepaw paused, swiping her tongue over his muzzle. "i mean - i think i did - it might've just been -"
    "twitepaw, did you hear something?"
    splashfall cut her off. his gaze searched her face, and twitepaw felt herself calm down.
    determined and trusting her own senses, twitepaw nodded. "i'm certain i did."
    at that, splashfall smiled and beckoned her with his tail. "alright, then, let's go check it out." together, side by side, mentor and apprentice crossed back to the windy moorland.

    meanwhile, redstar carried a young kit, holding him by the scruff of his neck. the small tom whimpered softly when redstar tried to move at anything faster than his usual walking pace, and the leader's neck ached from carrying the kit all the way from the border. for the most part, his son was quiet and didn't struggle, but he was steadily growing hungry, redstar expected. if the small tom was going to survive, he needed to get him back to sweetecho, who had her kits only a day earlier.
    of course, he loved sweeetecho with all of his heart. she was the one he would have gone to the end of the world to find, who he only ever wanted to protect. but when he met redhawk, he hadn't been able to help himself. the floodclan molly had stolen his eye in sweetecho's absence. he loved his mate, but he also felt an attraction for redhawk, though every fur on his pelt tried to deny it.
    ivystripe had engaged in a forbidden relationship, and paid the price. redstar just hoped that none of his kits would suffer for his love reaching across the border and to different mollies.
    after walking across the open moor for most of the early afternoon, redstar settled down to rest, his son tucked neatly between his forepaws. "it's alright," he tried to soothe when the kit whimpered softly, burrowing into the warmth of his stomach. the kit was young, not even a moon old yet, and he needed help soon - help from a queen that redstar couldn't provide on his own. warm winds whipped across the moor, and the kit let out a wail.
    "starclan help us," redstar whispered, keeping his ears pricked. he worried that any predator might hear the kit's cries and try to swipe an easy meal. the very thought made his claws flex - he would not let one of his own be taken so easily. no, he resolved that he would get his son safely back to camp.
    what would come after, however, was still uncertain. there were already so many kits in the nursery, and sweetecho had five of them at her own belly. perhaps if the kit was one he passed on the border, or one of a dead queen, his mate would be willing to take him in. but the kit her mate had with a different queen - he doubted she would react well to that. and yet, this was his own kit, and his blood ran through his veins. it would be impossible for redstar to deny claiming him as his own.
    before redstar decided his course of action, the familiar quickclan scent washed over him, and his fur stood on end. "redstar!" splashfall's face peered around the boulder redstar had sought for shelter, and twitepaw stood at her mentor's shoulder.
    "splashfall," redstar breathed out relief, though his tail curled protectively around his son. of all the cats to find him, he was glad it was his dearest and oldest friend. splashfall opened his mouth and closed it again, only to glance down to twitepaw. understanding his friend's hesitation, and thankful for the warrior's thoughtfulness, redstar stood and nodded to the pair. "we need to get him back to camp."
    in turn, splashfall nudged twitepaw with his nose. "i'm going to help redstar. you scout on ahead, but don't go far. if you see anything, come back to me." for a moment, it looked that twitepaw might argue, but when the small tom whimpered, she nodded quickly and dashed in the direction of camp. when she was gone, splashfall fixed redstar with a searching glance, and redstar's whiskers twitched.
    "we'll talk later, splashfall," he said.
    splashfall reached forward to sniff the kit, and recoiled when the foreign scent reached his nose. "he's a clan kit," he whispered urgently, glancing back over his shoulder to see that they were still alone.
    redstar nodded once and ran his tongue over the kit's head. "he's a quickclan kit. he's mine."
    it took a moment for the statement to register in splashfall's mind, but redstar saw the moment it did. his gaze darkened, but he only said, "i'll find you later." with that, he reached forward to take the kit's scruff. together, with twitepaw in the distance, the pair of toms carried the kit back to camp.
    at the top of the trail, the new warrior, loonlight, was standing guard. she brightened at the sight of the arrivals, and greeted them. "welcome back, redstar," she said, pausing only when she saw the small bundle of fur splashfall carried. "oh my, you found the kit!" she said, and redstar paused.
    "found?" he repeated, ears pricked.
    loonlight stood and shifted her weight. "piperskip said the kits were missing, but you found them! she'll be so relieved!"
    without waiting for loonlight to say anything further, redstar bounded down the path to the lower camp, where cyanslash was standing in the middle of the mass of warriors. the lithe tom's tail lashed and his tone carried authority. "snakespots, you and nightfall search along the northern border. you will need to be fast, but we can't waste any time. then circle back until you meet brackenrose and sparrowcall to the east -" he was saying, and redstar pushed through the crowd.
    "cyanslash," redstar called, and the warrior immediately dipped his head. "where's tumblejaw?" he asked, and cyanslash shook his head.
    "we don't know, redstar. i thought he would have looked for you or the kits." cyanslash said, and redstar immediately felt sympathy for cyanslash. over the past moons, he had taken over most of the duties as deputy. where tumblejaw should be the one to be organizing patrols, overseeing the training, and taking over in redstar's absence, he spent most of his time in his nest or the nursery. now, he was no where he to be seen. after a moment, redstar nodded once to cyanslash, and he heard the tom return to organizing search parties while he climbed to the nursery, praying to starclan that his newborn kits were still safe.
    inside, splashfall sat with sweetecho. his mate was curled protectively around their five kits, and redstar spotted a reddish pelt huddled closer to her belly. sweetecho looked up to redstar with a sad smile, "they're all still here," she murmured, though the rest of the nursery was empty of the queens, save a sleeping mothtail, who's belly was swollen with her own kits that were due in the approaching days. the others, he assumed, were looking to be placed on patrols to find the missing kits.
    "who?" redstar asked quietly, padding closer to sniff his kits.
    sweetecho paused, and glanced to where the older kits were huddled protectively together. sproutkit and his sisters must have urged the other kits into piperskip's nest, and cherrykit's voice carried gentle words. "grasskit and hollowkit," she whispered, and redstar let out a long sigh. one of ivystripe's kits had gone missing. as if reading his thoughts, sweetecho shook her head slightly, "he was still too young to go on his own, even with grasskit. he was too small." which meant that there was either a predator or they had been stolen directly from the nursery.
    silence reigned over the nursery, broken only when sweetecho gave the red tom a brief sniff. "he's precious," she murmured, and redstar felt tension ease from his shoulders. at least for the time being, sweetecho would take care of his eldest kit. "where did you find him?" she asked, and redstar could feel the burn of splashfall's eyes boring into his shoulders, though he didn't dare to face the warrior just yet.
    "at the edge of the moor," he said, not entirely lying. "will you take care of him?" redstar asked his mate, and watched as sweetecho's gaze ran over the kit once more. then, her clear eyes turned back to her mate, and redstar smiled when she offered a curt nod.
    "of course," she said, then, "does he have a name?" her gaze flickered between splashfall and redstar, though the former remained silent, a mere observer.
    redstar considered the kit for a moment. redhawk said that she left the kit for him to name, feeling it was only his right. out of the surviving kits, this was, without a contest, his to raise as quickclan. a small smile touched his muzzle and he nodded once. "he'll be called cardinalkit," he decided, and sweetecho let out a purr.
    "well, cardinalkit, welcome to quickclan. meet your new denmates," sweetecho murmured as redstar turned to leave, splashfall at his tail.
    outside the entrance to the nursery, poppyhaze and berrypad were settled, and redstar paused between the mollies. poppyhaze flicked her ears to the nursery. "the other queens insisted that they would have their own search party. so cyanslash told us to stay here to guard sweetecho and mothtail," the black molly explained, and redstar nodded once, imagining that cyanslash must have had his paws full with piperskip. the entire clan knew piperskip for her short temper and protective nature over her kits. it was no surprise that, given grasskit's disappearance, that she would not rest until hollowkit and grasskit were back at her belly.

    but, after weeks of sending out search patrols, neither kit made a reappearance, nor was there any clue of what happened to them. as far as any of them could guess, the kits turned into ghosts, leaving no trail behind. cyanslash padded down the trail from the warriors' den just before the break of dawn. at any moment, he expected the moonhigh patrol to return from the moor, and the gentle sounds of voices from above alerted him that the dawn patrol was coming together. as if on cue, patchwing appeared by the freshkill pile with berrypad at her side. whereas patchwing spoke excitedly, berrypad yawned when she moved to pick up a mouse for herself, and cyanslash settled down to groom his chest fur.
    through half-lidded eyes, he watched the camp come to life. after sootstone, rookwatcher, and tallpeak returned from their patrol, patchwing and berrypad went off with snakespots for the dawn patrol. it was only a matter of time until cyanslash gathered the warriors together to divide up their duties. his blue eyes took in the face of each of his friends, and he flicked his tail. "duskflower, you can take loonlight and brightpaw hunting," he said, earning a nod from the older molly, who blinked gently at him, and cyanslash pressed on, stopping only when redstar weaved through the crowd to stand at his side. catching the leader's glance, cyanslash nodded to blizzardrush, "blizzardrush, finish splitting the patrols," he said, bounding off to catch up with redstar back to the leader's den.
    inside, cyanslash found himself staring at splashfall, who blinked his own confusion in return. redstar, meanwhile, settled into his nest before speaking, "i intend to install a few changes within quickclan," redstar began, and a chill ran down cyanslash's spine, though he kept his mouth shut. "i no longer think that tumblejaw is fit to serve as deputy, and i intend to name a new deputy for our clan," he continued, and cyanslash glanced to catch splashfall's reaction. just as he hoped, the other warrior appeared just as surprised, and the fur on the back of his neck began to rise.
    "who will you name?" cyanslash blurted out when he caught redstar's glance.
    redstar tipped his head to one side, eyes widening slightly. "i thought my choice would be clear. there is only one cat i would have for the duties," he said, though cyanslash still found himself at a loss.
    yet, it was splashfall who turned to him, ears pricked and eyes light with respect. "cyanslash, he means you."
    for a moment, cyanslash blinked dumbly at his friend before turning his eyes to redstar, who leveled his own amber eyes to meet the warrior's. "redstar - i -" cyanslash stuttered, shocked to near-silence. "is it true?"
    "yes, cyanslash, and i'd like you to accept the position,"
    redstar answered with a flick of his tail. "you have taken over all of tumblejaw's duties. i hoped it would only be temporary, but..." he tailed off with a sigh, and the muscled tom lowered his head. "the clan looks to you now, cyanslash. i've already spoken to tumblejaw, and he agreed that he wasn't up to the task. please, for quickclan, accept."
    cyanslash looked to splashfall, and the tabby warrior smiled broadly, as if to encourage him. in his chest, cyanslash knew that he would accept, that he was a good choice as deputy. that the clan would accept him. still, he hesitated, "i've never had an apprentice, though."
    redstar tipped his head to one side before nodding curtly. "this is true. because of the special circumstances, i'd be willing to bend the code. but you have a point." cyanslash felt his heart drop to his stomach, and he wished he never said anything. that is, until redstar stood and carefully stretched his long legs. "which kit would you like to mentor, then?" he asked, continuing only when he caught cyanslash's confused glance. "sproutkit, cherrykit, and mintkit are all ready to be given mentors any day. which of them would you like to mentor?"
    cyanslash's answer came quickly and without hesitation, "cherrykit." because of the time he spent in the nursery with twitepaw, he had the chance to observe the other kits. he admired cherrykit's spirit and believed that she would grow into a fine hunter and great warrior in a matter of time.
    redstar nodded and flicked his tail once more. "very well. i've also considered snakespots and brackenrose as other mentors. what do you think?"
    cyanslash was momentarily taken aback and had to weigh the options before shaking his head once. "i think sparrowcall should be given an apprentice before snakespots." when he caught redstar's glance, curious but not a rejection, he cleared his throat and ducked his head to elaborate. "snakespots would be a better mentor for either flintkit or dustkit. either of them could use a mentor to make them more outgoing, whereas sproutkit and mintkit need a mentor to temper their energy into their training. so, sparrowcall."
    redstar's smile seemed to come all at once, approving, and cyanslash felt his pelt flush. then, just as redstar made to dismiss them both, splashfall piped up, and all of the lightness in the den dissipated, though cyanslash could not pinpoint the reason. "redstar," splashfall said. "tell me about the kit." when cyanslash looked to splashfall, confused, the tabby twitched his whiskers. "redstar brought a kit back to camp today. twitepaw and i found him, alone with the kit. and it's a newborn kit, my guess is clanborn."
    from the way he stood, standing in his nest, shoulders rigid and fur beginning to fur out, it was clear to cyanslash that redstar had something to hide. yet, the leader had the dignity to dip his head when he sat down, curling his tail around his paws. "the truth is that the kit is mine," redstar admitted. "his mother is from a different clan. i love sweetecho, but i love redhawk too." his shoulders slumped at that moment, and cyanslash spared a sideways glance to splashfall. "i want to claim him as my son, but i should wait, shouldn't i? until he's older. old enough to understand?" in that moment, he was asking his warriors, but neither of them had an answer for him. instead, redstar looked to splashfall. "cardinalkit is my son, and i want to raise him as my own. but if sweetecho took him in... maybe that's enough. i can treat him as if he is my own." splashfall looked away, and cyanslash had nothing to add.
    by the time the pair of warriors exited redstar's den, the sun reached its peak in the sky. when splashfall slipped away to join a patrol, cyanslash was pleased to find falconflight had returned from hunting, and was sitting beside nightfall and blizzardrush. falconflight's fur was warm, and cyanslash reveled in him for a moment, curling up into his side and pressing his nose to his shoulder.
    "hey," falconflight murmured softly, under the sounds of their friends bickering. "you and splashfall were with redstar for a long time. everything okay?"
    even though falconflight was his mate, cyanslash knew he couldn't tell him everything. he couldn't talk about the helpless look in redstar's eyes. instead, he nodded once and said one secret he could share, as redstar said the entire clan would be informed by dusk. "falconflight... i'm going to be deputy."
    for a moment, falconflight seemed not to hear him, but, suddenly, he twisted to look at his mate properly, whiskers twitching and eyes bright. "are you serious?" he asked, voice hushed in their private conversation. when cyanslash nodded, falconflight's entire body seemed to vibrate with his purrs. "i'm so proud of you. you're going to be great - you already are great," falconflight praised. without answering, cyanslash smiled and leaned against his mate. together, they watched blizzardrush swat half-heartedly at nightfall, who dodged easily with a laugh.

    berrypad trailed behind the rest of the patrol, dragging her paws from exhaustion. up ahead, she watched the new warriors, kindleflare and loonlight, chase down a hare. after the early patrol, however, she barely found the energy to keep her legs moving across the moorland after the other mollies asked if she and patchwing would want to go hunting. patchwing had ducked away to flush out a rabbit's den, and berrypad lost sight of her best friend along the way, but the wind soon carried the familiar scent on the breeze, and patchwing came bounding back a moment later with a hare in her jaws.
    "c'mon, berrypad, you look like the wind has knocked you down," patchwing teased gently when she set the prey down. then, with a glance to make sure that their newest denmates were out of earshot, she leaned closer to berrypad. "what do you think of 'em?" she asked, whiskers twitching.
    berrypad considered for a moment before shrugging. "loonlight is a little loud. and kindleflare seems nice, even if she is a little stuffy," she answered at last. when they first set off on the patrol, berypad feared that loonlight's voice would carry across the moor and scare all of the prey away. kindleflare, meanwhile, told the small patrol how she had been a leader of her own clan until it disbanded. looking at the way she held herself, berrypad supposed kindleflare had the appearance of a leader, but she seemed so young and lighthearted in comparison to redstar.
    thankfully, patchwing seemed to agree with berrypad's thoughts on the pair, and nodded her assent. "do you believe kindleflare?" she asked, and tipped her head to one side when berrypad said that she did. "maybe." patchwing looked back, and flicked her tail when she saw the two approaching. quickly, to berrypad, she hissed, "we should have brought oakseed along. he would have a better read on them." the very thought of oakseed following along with the patrol made berrypad laugh. though the former-kittypet took well to the clan life, he'd already remarked more than once on loonlight's volume. even in her sleep, he claimed, she would give him headaches.
    characteristically, loonlight shouted to the younger warriors when she got closer, kindleflare several steps behind, "nice catch you got there!" she praised, and kindleflare brought forward her own hare.
    "you too," patchwing answered, and berrybad managed a smile.
    kindleflare merely flicked her ear, nonchalant. "it was nothing. i think i'm a natural on the moors here."
    out of the corner of her eye, berrypad watched patchwing try to suppress her own laugh. with a roll of her eyes, berrypad picked up patchwing's hare and led the way back to camp.

    in the aftermath of watching cyanslash be named deputy, with tumblejaw stepping down, and her kits' apprentice ceremonies, sunnywhisker felt s if she was torn in different directions. pride, that her beloved kits were growing up, but lonely now that she would be moving into the warriors' den to join the patrols and leave behind the close friends she had in the other queens. in fact, she was saddened that she wouldn't be there to see piperskip through her pain, nor would she be with mothtail when she had her kits. happy, to see that cyanslash was made deputy and was accepted by the clan, but upset for tumblejaw. she was sure that redstar made the change for the good of the clan, but tumblejaw, as far as she knew, had been a very capable deputy until ivystripe's death.
    when most of the clan had returned to their dens for the night, sunnywhisker found tumblejaw sitting alone at the top of the camp. after moons of grief, his eyes lacked their usual glint, and his paws were raw from searching the entire moor for hollowkit. for some time, the large tom took to guarding the nursery with piperskip, though the pair eventually retired the plans when it was clear that the kits were gone.
    his head snapped up when sunnywhisker approached him, and his green eyes flashed in the moonlight. "sunnywhisker - are you okay?" he asked, and her heart floated in her chest. of course, he always seemed to care more about others than himself.
    "yes, i'm well," she answered simply. "i wanted to ask you how you are. i hope - did you know?" she asked, "i mean, about cyanslash?"
    tumblejaw looked to the sky, where the stars cast light onto the moor. she imagined that he looked to the stars often, hoping to see ivystripe. "redstar came to me, asking if i ever intended to take my duties back," he started, and sunnywhisker realized how tired he sounded. "i said that i wasn't ready, and i agreed that it would be better if i was replaced. i think cyanslash will be a good deputy. if he isn't, then there are others." with a shrug, he glanced to the smaller queen. "i think he knows that they're mine. and i would claim them, but only marshkit and darterkit are left. there's no telling what happened to hollowkit..." he trailed off then, and sunnywhisker pressed herself against his flank, as if to offer comfort.
    "he's your son. wherever he is - i'm sure he would make you proud," she said, basking in the warmth of her fur when he relaxed against her. "and i think, for your other kits, you should claim them. it would be for their good. marshkit is already a troublemaker, and darterkit has the makings of a clever warrior yet. don't give up on them."
    tumblejaw listened to the encouragement in silence, such that sunnywhisker wondered if he was paying any attention. however, when he relaxed further and he nodded, she smiled, knowing that the best had yet to come.

• redstar was given cardinalkit by redhawk of floodclan (proof)
• grasskit and hollowkit were stolen by raptorgaze of graveclan
• sproutkit, cherrykit, and mintkit are old enough to become apprentices - sproutpaw, cherrypaw, and mintpaw
• mothtail is kitting (mate)
• tumblejaw is demoted to a warrior. cyanslash takes the role of deputy
• poppyhaze and sparrowcall try for kits
• redstar, sootstone, tumblejaw, oakseed, and tallpeak go on patrol
• cyanslash, kindleflare, brackenrose, nightfall, snakespots, and falconflight hunt
• sparrowcall, poppyhaze, blizzardrush, rookwatcher, berrypad, and patchwing hunt
• loonlight, duskflower, and brightpaw hunt
• splashfall trains twitepaw fishing
• brightpaw is ready for her assessment. if she passes, she will be renamed brightcreek
• gullfeather and gorsepaw hunt for herbs, gorsepaw learns uses for herbs
• quickclan eats two mice and two birds
• notes to mod:

↳ these cats are from readoptions and can be found at any time: minnowpaw (m, 13m, proof), mulepaw (m, 13m, proof), hawkrise (f, 20m, proof), autumnkit (f, 1m, blind, proof), treespirit (m, 17m, proof), flurrywind (m, 35m, proof), pearsblossom (f, 22m, proof), zinniabelly (f, 56m, expecting kits in 2m, proof)

        redstar | 40 moons | ♂ |

        tumblejaw | 36 moons | ♂ |

        medicine cat
        gullfeather | 26 moons | ♀ |

        medicine cat apprentice
        gorsepaw | 15 moons | ♂ |

        rookwatcher | 75 moons | ♂ |
        sparrowcall | 64 moons | ♂ | (left)
        poppyhaze | 60 moons | ♀ | (right)
        sootstone | 57 moons | ♂ |
        duskflower | 50 moons | ♀ |
        snakespots | 46 moons | ♂ |
        tallpeak | 41 moons | ♀ |
        blizzardrush | 36 moons | ♂ |
        brackenrose | 35 moons | ♀ |
        falconflight | 34 moons | ♂ |
        splashfall | 33 moons | ♂ |
        nightfall | 31 moons | ♂ |
        cyanslash | 29 moons | ♂ |
        kindleflare | 26 moons | ♀ |
        oakseed | 22 moons | ♂ |
        loonlight | 20 moons | ♀ |
        patchwing | 17 moons | ♀ |
        berrypad | 15 moons | ♀ |
        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

        brightpaw | 14 moons | ♀ |
        twitepaw | 7 moons | ♀ |
        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

        mothtail | 48 moons | ♀ |
        sunnywhisker | 43 moons | ♀ |
        piperskip | 38 moons | ♀ |
        sweetecho | 38 moons | ♀ |
        aspenwish | 32 moons | ♀ |
        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

        sproutkit | 6 moons | ♂ |
        mintkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
        cherrykit | 6 moons | ♀ |
        flintkit | 4 moons | ♂ |
        peckerkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
        oriolekit | 4 moons | ♂ |
        dustkit | 4 moons | ♂ |
        marshkit | 1 moons | ♀ |
        darterkit | 1 moons | ♂ |
        cardinalkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
        fleetingkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
        owletkit | 0 moons | ♀ |
        webkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
        rainykit | 0 moons | ♀ |
        heatkit | 0 moons | ♂ |
        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
        name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
          ally clans
          clan | user
          clan | user

          enemy clans
          clan | user
          clan | user

          north | clan | user
          east | clan | user
          south | clan | user
          west | quartzclan | miles morales

          medicine store
          bright-eye | x1 cures coughs when used with loveage
          burnet | x1 traveling herb to keep up strength
          catchweed | x1 stops poultices from being rubbed off
          catmint | x2 treatment of whitecough and/or greencough
          chervil | x1 treatment of wounds, kittings, and infections
          cobwebs | x1 bind broken bones and stop bleeding
          coltsfoot | x1 eases cracked and/or sore pads, eases breathing,
          and treats kittencough
          dock leaves | x1 soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds
          fennel | x1 helps pain in the hips
          feverfew | x1 treatment of fevers, chills, and headaches
          goldenrod | x1 used to treat wounds
          juniper berries | x1 soothes bellyaches, strengthens, calms,
          and eases troubled breathing
          marigold | x1 used for infections, bleeding, and inflammation
          poppy seeds | x2 soothes shock, distress, and eases pain
          ragwort | x1 used to soothe aching joints and give strength
          willow bark | x1 eases pain
          yarrow | x1 extracts poison from wounds, induces vomiting
          herb | usage

          fresh-kill pile
          rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
          hare | x3 | 3 servings
          small fish | x5 | 2 servings
          big fish | x5 | 3 servings
          bird | x5 | 3 servings
          mouse | x4 | 1 servings
          total | 57 servings

          duskflower | brightpaw | 4
          hunt, climb, fight, swim
          splashfall | twitepaw | 0
          move, move, move, move
          gullfeather | gorsepaw | 1
          identification, move, move, move
          mentor | apprentice | 0
          move, move, move, move

          ivystripe | 34 moons | died during kitting
          cat | cause of death

          duskflower + ♂ = patchwing
          sunnywhisker + ♂ = sproutkit, mintkit, cherrykit
          cyanslash + falconflight = twitepaw (adopted)
          aspenwish + ♂ = flintkit, peckerkit
          piperskip + ♂ = grasskit (graveclan), oriolekit, dustkit
          ivystripe + tumblejaw = hollowkit (graveclan), marshkit, darterkit
          sweetecho + redstar = fleetingkit, owletkit, webkit, rainykit,
          redhawk (floodclan) + redstar = cardinalkit, vanillakit (floodclan),
          kestrelkit (floodclan), rowankit, russetkit, windkit
          poppyhaze + sparrowcall
          mothtail + ♂ = expecting
          ♀ + ♂ =
Last edited by eagle, on Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:09 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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( pineclan ) • [ post 55 ]

Postby deimido » Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:13 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( population. 071 ) ( toms. 035 ) ( mollies. 036 ) ( moonpool. n/a ) ( hunting/borders. n/a) ( servings. 012 ) ( last reply. here )
( just another skeleton! i didn't want pineclan to be left behind for so long. )

( weaselstorm and shadeleaf go hunting for herbs, specifically kitting ones. )

( the clan ultimately decides not to give any aid to the rogues, and will be leaving them alone for now and rework what they need to do. )
( lightpaw and morningpaw however, sneak out with the +1 coltsfoot they managed to rob, and attempt to find the rogue camp themselves. )

( aspenheart, skunknose, rosefur, lizardstripe, blissheart, and cottonbush go hunting. )
( magpiewhisker, maplenose, firestream, flamefang, egrettail, and warblerfoot go hunting. )
( ratnose, hyenatooth, laurelcloud, asphodelface, minkcloud, and wasptail go patrolling. )
( ramhorn, rowanpelt, mottlecloud, chickadeefur, daisystorm, and larkclaw go patrolling. )

( sorrelpaw is ready for his warrior assessment, if he passes, his warrior suffix will be -frost. )
( sheeppaw is ready for her warrior assessment, if she passes, her warrior suffix will be -coat. )
( lavenderpaw is ready for her warrior assessment, if she passes, her warrior suffix can -tail, -claw, or -stream. )
( patchpaw is ready for his warrior assessment, if he passes, his warrior suffix can either be -nose, -muzzle, or -snout. )
( grebepaw is ready for his warrior assessment, if he passes, his warrior suffix can be -whisker, -tail, -claw, or -stream. )
( marigoldpaw is ready for his warrior assessment, if he passes, his warrior suffix can either be -fang, -claw, -tail, or -stream. )
( asterpaw is ready for her warrior assessment, if she passes, her warrior suffix can be either -nose, -whisker, -stream, or -tail. )
( dandelionpaw is ready for her warrior assessment, if she passes, her warrior suffix can either be -whisker, -tail, -fang-, -claw, or -stream. )

( tigerkit and whimbrelkit are ready for their apprentice ceremonies, tigerkit requests his name to change to bass-, since his brother had a name change himself as a kit. )

( the clan eats +1 wren, +1 thrush, +1 squirrel, and +1 rabbit. )
    𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [1]
    Mintstar • 71 • molly •
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★ [8/9]

    𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐲 [1]
    Rowanpelt • 54 • tom •

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 [2]
    Weaselstorm • 56 • tom •
    Shadeleaf • 26 • molly •

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 [0]
    reserved for poppykit.

    𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬 [29]
    Duckfoot • 72 • tom •
    Skunknose • 69 • molly •
    Wasptail • 59 • molly •
    Ramhorn • 55 • tom •
    Minkcloud • 52 • molly •
    Comfreyfang • 52 • molly •
    Mottlecloud • 52 • molly •
    Rosefur • 46 • molly •
    Chickadeefur • 46 • molly •
    Asphodelface • 44 • tom •
    Lizardstripe • 41 • tom •
    Larkclaw • 41 • tom •
    Magpiewhisker • 40 • tom •
    Aspenheart • 40 • tom •
    Flamefang • 40 • tom •
    Fawnfur • 39 • molly •
    Hyenatooth • 33 • molly •
    Cottonbush • 31 • tom •
    Laurelcloud • 30 • molly •
    Vervaincloud • 27 • tom •
    Blissheart • 26 • tom •
    Ratnose • 26 • tom •
    Juniperpelt • 21 • tom •
    Egrettail • 21 • tom •
    Orchidnose • 21 • molly •
    Acornclaw • 20 • molly •
    Firestream • 19 • tom •
    Warblerfoot • 16 • tom •
    Maplenose • 15 • molly •

    𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 [14]
    Marigoldpaw • 12 • tom •
    Dandelionpaw • 12 • molly •
    Patchpaw • 12 • tom •
    Sheeppaw • 12 • molly •
    Sorrelpaw • 12 • tom •
    Asterpaw • 12 • molly •
    Lavenderpaw • 12 • molly •
    Grebepaw • 12 • tom •
    Hawkpaw • 12 • molly • blind •
    Birchpaw • 10 • molly •
    Ashpaw • 10 • molly •
    Elmpaw • 10 • tom •
    Lightpaw • 7 • tom •
    Morningpaw • 7 • molly •

    𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 [4]
    Daisystorm • 34 • molly •
    Waxwhisker • 24 • molly •
    Shuri / Commaflower • 22 • molly •
    ↪ one moon until litter.
    Tipstream • 21 • molly •

    𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐬 [20]
    Tigerkit • 6 • tom •
    Whimbrelkit • 6 • tom •
    Poppykit • 4 • tom •
    Bramblingkit • 2 • molly •
    Ausmaskit • 2 • tom •
    Privetkit • 2 • molly •
    Sloekit • 2 • molly • left
    Avocetkit • 2 • tom • right
    Termitekit • 2 • molly •
    Orangekit • 1 • molly • left
    Hazelkit • 1 • tom • right
    Ryekit • 1 • molly • behind
    Cloverkit • 1 • tom • left
    Wheatkit • 1 • molly • middle
    Yarrowkit • 1 • tom • right
    Brindlekit • 1 • molly •
    Lichenkit • 1 • molly •
    Pinkkit • 1 • tom •
    Raisinkit • 1 • tom •
    Wrinklekit • 1 • tom •

    𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 [0]
    Name • age • etc.
    Name • age • etc.

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐧 [0]
    Name • injury
    can return to duties in [x] posts.

    N • Clan Name • Username
    W • Clan Name • Username
    S • Clan Name • Username
    E • JinxClan • vampiress_fox
    NW • MoorClan • Dinolil1
    NE • SoulClan • krazykitty00
    SE • SeaClan • winter solstice.
    SW • Clan Name • Username

    JinxClan • vampiress_fox
    EchoClan • Katrione

    Clan Name • Username
    Clan Name • Username

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞
    alder bark | used for | [x1]
    blackberry leaves | used for | [x1]
    borage leaves | used for | [x1]
    broom | used for | [x1]
    burdock root | used for | [x1]
    burnet | used for | [x1]
    catmint/catnip | used for | [x3]
    celandine | used for | [x2]
    chamomile | used for | [x1]
    chervil | | used for | [x1]
    chickweed | used for | [x1]
    cobwebs | used for | [x1]
    coltsfoot | used for | [x1]
    comfrey root | used for | [x1]
    daisy leaf | used for | [x1]
    dandelion | | used for | [x1]
    deathberries | used for | [x1]
    dock | used for | [x1]
    dried oak leaves | used for | [x1]
    elder leaves | used for | [x1]
    fennel | used for | [x1]
    feverfew | used for | [x2]
    goatweed | used for | [x1]
    goldenrod | used for | [x1]
    hawkweed | used for | [x1]
    honey | used for | [x2]
    horsetail | used for | [x1]
    juniper berries | used for | [x1]
    lamb's ear | used for | [x1]
    lavender | used for | [x2]
    lungwort | used for | [x1]
    mallow leaves | used for | [x1]
    marigold | used for | [x0]
    mouse bile | used for | [x1]
    parsley | used for | [x1]
    poppy seeds | used for | [x0]
    ragwort leaves | used for | [x0]
    ragwort | used for | [x1]
    raspberry leaves | used for | [x1]
    rush | used for | [x1]
    sorrel | used for | [x1]
    sticks | used for | [x1]
    stinging nettle | used for | [x1]
    sweet-sedge | used for | [x1]
    tansy | used for | [x2]
    tormentil | used for | [x1]
    thyme | used for | [x1]
    watermint | used for | [x1]
    wild garlic | used for | [x1]
    willow bark | used for | [x1]
    yarrow | used for | [x1]

    𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡-𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞
    wrens • 3 servings • [x2]
    thrushes • 3 servings • [x2]
    squirrels • 2 servings • [x3]
    rabbits • 2 servings • [x3]
    mice • 1 serving • [x6]
    voles • 1 serving • [x7]

    𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
    Mintstar & Marigoldpaw
    battle, stealth, swimming,

    Rowanpelt & Dandelionpaw
    hunting, stealth, fighting,

    Lizardstripe & Patchpaw
    climbing, stealth, fighting,

    Comfreyfang & Sheeppaw
    climbing, stealth, fighting,

    Asphodelface & Sorrelpaw
    hunting, stealth, fighting,

    Blissheart & Asterpaw
    tracking, stealth, swimming,

    Vervaincloud & Lavenderpaw
    stealth, battle, swimming,

    Larkclaw & Grebepaw
    hunting, climbing, fighting,

    Ratnose & Hawkpaw
    fighting, swimming, balance
    Egrettail & Birchpaw
    fighting, swimming, balance
    Orchidnose & Ashpaw
    fighting, swimming, balance
    Juniperpelt & Elmpaw
    fighting, swimming, balance
    Acornclaw & Lightpaw
    Firestream & Morningpaw

Last edited by deimido on Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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introductions. || probs has spelling errors lol

Postby carpe noctem. » Mon Jul 30, 2018 2:15 am


      the elusive rulers of the city, the arcane are like their name suggests; mysterious. greed and violence shakes their very core, fueling them with a ferocity that terrorizes those of weak spirit. they make no attempts to befriend the weak, and barely manage to ally with those who are much like them. they are cats who are marauders, taking anything that interests them and attacking any who aren’t up to their standards. they have a knack for taking human jewelry, raiding shops and markets when they can. superstition leads them to gather bones, crystals and oddities when they can.

      xxx» personality
      the arcane aren’t the friendliest bunch, for they barely get along with eachother at times. loyalty, unlike other clans, isn’t really a key trait. they can very well be at each others throats so long as they protect the arcane with ruthlessness. ruthless to them is not just being cruel or vicious, it is being able to do whatever is necessary to defend the arcane without a sliver of doubt or mercy. the arcane are daring by nature, often reckless in many regards.

      xxx» location
      the arcane reside in a city where rain is common and mist consumes each alleyway and street. the arcane doesn’t go into the densely populated area of the city often, they make their base in the rather shady part of the city. they will sleep wherever they want, for they aren’t obligated to go to their gathering place for shelter except for meetings, which will always occur at dusk. however, most who have families or are especially loyal to the leader will sleep in the apartment of a tall building. the loft apartment is abandoned, with broken windows and little left from humans raiding the place. it is the highest apartment, placed on the rooftop of the building overlooking the city.

      xxx» beliefs and traditions
      it is believed that spirits wander the cities, spirits of the vengeful and bloodthirsty who search for cats to prey on for avenge their deaths. some spirits protect the arcane, others despise them. the bad spirits are called the invictus, who try take those who have committed crimes against loners, rogues and kittypets such as themselves by sending bad omens and threats at them. to protect themselves, the cats will use the trinkets they have and wear them to ward of the spirits and attract those who protect the arcane. they will pierce their ears with sharpened claws or teeth of animals, drape themselves in jewellery and sling bones across their necklaces. the shaman will fill their den with crystals, marbles and jewelry to ward off the bad spirits from themselves and their patients.

      xxx» appearance
      due to living in the city, the arcane are often purebred cats who have ran away from their owners rather than strays. breeds like maine coons, sphynx, bengals and siamese are common sights. colours vary, though it’s more common to see monochrome shades because it blends in with the city at night.

      could this be my leader? i will also be bring five cats from the excidium; zhiquta, briar, hoatzin, vizcacha and thistle.
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Lynxclan | Post 04

Postby triplethesix » Mon Jul 30, 2018 5:52 pm


Number of Cats: 7
Number of Kits: 3
♀: 7 ♂: 3

Mod: Amethyst14
Mod Notes: N/A

Next Wishwall Visit Allowed: July 30th

<Marigoldstep brings the loner to camp & they are welcomed into the clan and give the name Sandglare>
<Sandglare, Marigoldstep, and Birchpaw hunt together>
<Froststar hunts alone>
<Bluesky uses x1 borage leaves on Brindlepelt>
<The clan consumes x3(?) birds>

wip, will edit

          Leader <1>
          Froststar | 43 moons | Molly | Heterosexual |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Deputy <1>
          Marigoldstep | 36 moons | Molly | Bicurious |

          Medicine Cat <1>
          Bluesky | 23 moons | Tom | Homosexual |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice <0>
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]

          Warriors <1>
          Sandsnarl | 52 moons | She-cat | Heterosexual |
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]

          Apprentices <1>
          Birchpaw | 9 moons | Tom | Bisexual |
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]

          Queens <2>
          Canyoncry | 32 moons | Molly | Heterosexual |
          Brindlepelt | 53 moons | Molly | Bisexual |
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]

          Kits <3>
          Stonekit | 1 moon | Tom | Undecided |
          Littlekit | Newborn | Molly | Undecided |
          Autumnkit | Newborn | Molly | Undecided |
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]

          Elders <0>
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | Sexuality | [url=link]★[/url]
    Ally Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Are they aware of bordering them? | Username
    East | Basinclan | No | luc
    South | Bearclan | No | inky.
    West | The Woodland | No | xGoldenTiger

    Medicine Storage
    Cobwebs | x1 | Used as a bandage for bleeding wounds.
    Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches.
    Borage Leaves | x1 | Brings down fever and used to increase a queen's supply of milk.
    Raspberry Leaves | x1 | Can ease pain or stop bleeding.

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    All Birds | x3 | 9 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 0 servings
    Hares | x0 | 0 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrews | x0 | 0 servings
    Mice | x0 | 0 servings

    Froststar | Birchpaw | 1 training sessions | Endurance
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Cat Name and Cat Name | Forbidden or Not Forbidden

    Bluesky and Birchpaw | Brothers
    Canyoncry and Stonekit | Mother & Son
    Brindleface, Littlekit, and Autumnkit | Mother & Daughters
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Postby bug.gie » Mon Jul 30, 2018 8:31 pm

Number of Cats: 34
toms: 15 | mollies: 19

oighir left the warriors den, his paws weary. it felt like he was dragging his paws along. despite how tired he felt he wasn't able to just close his eyes and fall asleep. he saw cait sitting up on the high rock, staring off into the distance. he made his way over to her, leaping up onto the high rock. he sat down beside her, looking around the camp before speaking.

"you're worried." oighir meowed, bringing her back to reality. she glanced at him for a second before looking down at her paws, letting out a long weary sigh. "robinclans recent deaths are murders, oighir. they aren't regular deaths." cait meowed, her meow was shaky and her eyes were clouded with worry.

"i know.. i promise i will find out who did it. the clan will be safe." oighir meowed, pressing his pelt against hers, trying to be as reassuring as possible. all the cats who knew that these deaths were actually murders were constantly worried and paying attention to any cats behaviour. "try not to focus on it. the cats will quickly pick up on your worry and figure out that something is wrong. maybe focus on finding a mate instead." he let out a purr of amusement, cait hadn't been the type of cat to focus on finding a mate and having kits. always putting the clan before that and saying the clan were like her kits.

"very funny oighir." cait purred, thinking about how she saw her deputy slowly fall in love with oíche. despite how happy she felt for them she felt a tiny bit jealous. what would have happened if she never founded robinclan? could she have found a good mate and have had happy bundles of fur?

"you should get to sleep. you won't be able to find a mate when you're all tired and stressed." oighir laughed before jumping down and padding back towards the warriors den.


réalta opened her eyes to be standing by the waterfall, the water grew red with blood, the stench of blood becoming overwhelming. a red sparkly tom appeared who réalta guessed was a dark forest cat. he took a few steps forward before fire circled around the two.

"the flame, it will turn from orange to stained red. the robin will struggle and the dark will strive." the tom spoke, his meow deep and threatening, réalta could almost make out a figure standing beside him. a fluffy young tom, he was smaller than the dark forest tom and seemed less threatening. she couldn't make out who he was though, she could only make out white and orange fur stained with blood and a proud smirk.

a robin flew down in front of her, a horrified look on its face as it looked up at her. it felt like it was trying to tell her something but it couldn't, she realized its wing was damaged and bleeding. "save t-the clan.." she heard a voice coming from the robins direction before it fell on its side. she watched in horror as the fire closed in on her and the robin. just as the fire was near to touching her paws she opened her eyes to be back in her den.


sneachta felt something prod her on the shoulder, tiredly she opened her eyes and rolled over. "sneachta. come with me." rós meowed before turning away from her, she seemed worried and confused but something about her meow told sneachta that this was something serious. she stretched her paws before quickly following her.

they padded through the dim forest, the only thing they could hear was the crunching of leaves under their paws. "where are we going?" sneachta meowed, her paws were getting sore, having to quickly jump down from boulders and unknowingly walk over thorns and sticks was painful. rós didn't respond instead she stopped, tasting the air before sprinting off in the direction of the waterfall. "um hello?" she called after her, sprinting after her trying to ignore the pain in her paws.

rós stopped by the waterfall, so suddenly that sneachta nearly ran into her. "look." rós finally meowed, pointing with her tail towards a boulder on the other side of the water. sneachta leaped over the water and onto the boulder. she looked down in confusion. a robin with a hurt wing laying in a pile of snow. a pawprint right beside the robin's wing.

"snow in leaffall?" sneachta asked, confused at why rós had brought her here. "the snow needs to save the robin. the snow needs to cool the flame." rós meowed, staring at the robin. "without the snow the robin will suffer."

[ oighir, stoirm, gualaigh, snowtuft, adhmad and lasair hunt ]
[ seabhac, sioc, branar, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige, seabhac, solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ sneachta, cait, darach, ghrian and oíche patrol ]
[ all apprentices train ]
[ rós trains with réalta ]
[ réalta and rós go herb hunting ]
[ cait asks for a warrior ]
[ bindweed and marigold is used for ádh's injuries ]
[ farraige is kitting, father is foraoise ]
[ gualaigh is kitting, father is oíche ]
[ fiáin becomes an apprentice, mentored by seabhac ]
[ tíogair becomes an apprentice, mentored by sioc ]
[ úll becomes an apprentice, mentored by branar ]
[ robinclan fast ]

(need to find; gloine previously named flameshard

        cait | 51m | molly | x
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        oighir | 47m | tom | x

        Medicine Cat:
        réalta | 42m | molly | x

        Medicine Cat Apprentices:
        rós | 10m | molly | x
        ádh | 8m | molly | x

        oíche | 31m | tom | x
        dramhaíl | 34m | molly | x
        stoirm | 34m | tom | x
        duilleog | 19m | tom | x
        snowtuft | 19m | molly | x
        adhmad | 29m | tom | x
        solas | 19m | molly | x
        sioc | 62m | tom | x
        lasair | 14m | tom | x
        seabhac | 49m | molly | x
        branar | 37m | molly | x
        ghrian | 58m | tom | x
        darach | 21m | molly | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        sneachta | 12m | molly | left
        bán | 12m | tom | right
        óir | 11m | molly | x
        carraig | 9m | tom | x
        cloch | 8m | tom | x
        fuinseog | 8m | molly | x
        xx- mute
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        deataigh | 43m | molly | x
        ómra | 37m | molly | x
        caonach | 29m | molly | x
        gualaigh | 22m | molly | x | kitting now!
        farraige | 60m | molly | x | kitting now!
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        fiáin | 6m | tom | x
        tíogair | 6m | tom | x
        úll | 6m | molly | x
        cré-umha | 5m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]

        fíochmhar | 128m | tom | x
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    catmint | x2
    comfrey | x1
    dock leaf | x0
    honey | x1
    horsetail | x1
    chamomile | x1
    rush | x1
    lavender | x3
    sweet-sedge | x1
    poppyseed | x2
    burnet | x1
    foxglove seeds | x1
    bindweed | x1
    mint | x1
    water hemlock | x1
    dried oak leaves | x1
    thyme | x1
    goldenrod | x2
    tormentil | x2
    marigold | x1
    sorrel | x1
    lungwort | x1
    juniper berries | x2
    ragwort leaves | x1
    celandine | x1
    bright-eye | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    mice | x4 | 1 serving
    vole | x4 | 1 serving
    shrew | x8 | 1 serving
    squirrel | x5 | 2 servings
    stoat | x3 | 2 servings
    sparrow | x2 | 3 servings

    oíche | sneachta | 6 | hunting, climbing, fishing, fighting, combat, stalking
    stoirm | bán | 5 | hunting, climbing, fishing, combat, stalking
    oighir | óir | 4| climbing, fishing, fighting, combat
    adhmad | carraig | 2 | combat, hunting
    réalta | rós | 2 | herb recognition, herb application
    réalta | ádh | 2 | herb recognition, herb application
    duilleog | cloch | 2 | combat, hunting
    solas | fuinseog | 2 | combat, hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
airgead | killed by a fox | 107m at death
ciaróg | drowned | 4m at death
foraoise | poisoned | 63m at death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

farraige and unknown | sneachta and bán
deataigh and unknown | ádh, ciaróg, cloch and fuinseog
ómra and unknown | tíogair, úll and (FOSTER) fiáin
caonach and unknown | carraig and (FOSTER) cré-umha
Name and Name | Kits
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HazelClan [15] [We walk in the paw-steps of the Stars]

Postby sharklord » Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:08 am


Number of Cats - 32
Next Moonpool Visit - June 8th
Kits Due - 2 Post

It was peaceful in the camp. Oliveblossom was sitting with Mintwave and Slatesun, chatting about the kits to come soon. Riverdancer watched the three, happy they were talking as friends, family even. Riverdancer looked to her son and daughter, playing with the other apprentices, and her smile dropped. She didn't know how to tell them, but she couldn't wait. The queen called her kits over, chuckling as the other two looked crestfallen. Pinepaw and Creampaw hurried to their mother, Pinepaw with a bounce in his step. "Yes mother?" Pinepaw asked, sitting in front of his mother, Creampaw following. "Let's go on a walk, I have something to talk to you two about." Pinepaw bounced on his toes. "Awesome! Hey mom, Creampaw is working on trying to speak! She can say simple stuff, it's really cool!" He mewed. Riverdancer looked to her daughter. "Is that true, love?" She asked. Creampaw nodded. "Y-yes."

Riverdancer looked at her in shock. "That's great Creampaw! Now let's go on that walk, we can talk more then." The queen and her kits climbed down the rocks that supported their camp, and into the forest below. "Now, um, how would you two like younger siblings?" She asked. Pinepaw thought. "That would be pretty cool!" Creampaw nodded in agreement. "Well, uh, I'm expecting kits. You are going to be older siblings." River told them. Pinepaw looked at her in shock. "What! Really?" She nodded. Creampaw purred in happiness and she and Pinepaw cuddled up to their mother. A few seconds later, two apprentice aged cats tumbled into the small clearing where the three HazelClanners were. Riverdancer and her kits jumped in surprise. The five cats all looked to each other in confusion.

Riverdancer cleared her throat. "I am Riverdancer, healer of HazelClan. Who are you two?" She asked. "I'm Marblepaw, and this is my older brother Draco Lazurus. We were sent by the star-cats to find HazleClan. Can you take us to your... Leader, I think?" Marblepaw said quietly. Riverdancer starred at her. "Yes, come. Pinepaw, Creampaw, head on up and warn the camp. Careful on the cliff now." Creampaw and Pinepaw ran off, and Riverdancer turned back to the two cats. "Let me ask you, what are the things you excel at? Fighting, scouting, hunting, herbs, anything. I need to know so we can determine your ranks." She asked. Marblepaw tilted her head. "I'm good at hunting! I caught most of our prey on the way here!" She said. Draco nodded. "I'm good at fighting and herbs, better at herbs but still good with my claws." Draco added. Riverdancer nodded. Excellent! Come with me please." She said, and led the sent cats to their camp.

Rosestar and the rest of camp were waiting for them, helping them up onto the top of the rocks. Rosestar smiled at them. "I am Rosestar, leader of HazelClan. I was told you two would like to join us, yes?" Marblepaw nodded. "Yes, we would. I'm Marblepaw, and that's Draco Lazurus, but he goes by Draco. We were sent by the star-cats." She said. Rosestar dipped her head, purring. "Quite a few cats were sent by StarClan to us, Marblepaw. Milo, ranks?" Rosestar turned to her mate and deputy. Milo studied the two. Before he could speak, Riverdancer spoke up. "I'd like to take Draco as my second apprentice." She said. Draco looked at her in shock. Rosestar nodded. "Of course, Riverdancer. He will be a fine healer." Riverdancer smiled. Milo stepped up again. "She's strong but lean, very fast. She'll be a Provider apprentice. I recommend Skyleaf as her mentor, they have similar builds."

[Servings - HazelClan eats 3 rabbits.]
[StarClan - Milo asks for a elder.]
[Name Change - N/A]
[Rank Change - N/A]
[Patrolling - Aprésfoot, Gingerface, Shadedstag, Pinepaw & Patchedpaw]
[Hunting - Mintwave, Sootstream, Milo, Custardpaw & Creampaw/Tawnyfeather & Draco (Herbs)]
[Assessments - N/A]
[Training - Patchedpaw {Stalking}, Creampaw {Fighting}, Pinepaw & Custardpaw {Swimming}]
[Mates - Whitefox & Sootstream (no kits yet)]
[Kits - N/A]
[Other] - Okapisun & Eclipseheart need to be found. ]
[Notes - Draco is the cat I got for my birthday by Katrione]

          Rosestar | 33 | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★

          Milo | 35 | Male | X

          Tawnyfeather | 19 | Male | X

          Healer's Roughpaw:
          Draco Lazurus | 11 | Male | X

          Orvomask | 40 | Male | X
          Aprésfoot | 37 | Male | X
          Slatesun | 37 | Male | X
          Gingerface | 30 | Male | X
          Tigerhallow | 29 | Male | Left | X
          Shadedstag | 23 | Male | X
          Whitefox | 22 | Male | X
          Laceleaf | 22| Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sootcloud | 40 | Female | X
          Mintwave | 29 | Male | Right |X
          Ashenclaw | 25 | Female | X
          Sootstream | 18 | Female | X
          Skyleaf | 29 | Female | Middle | X
          Dapplesong | 15 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pinepaw | 10 | Male | X
          Custardpaw | 10 | Male | X
          Creampaw | 10 | Female | X
          Patchedpaw | 10 | Agender (AMAB) | X
          Marblepaw | 7 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Daisypetal | 32 | Female | X
          Riverdancer | 31 | Female | X
          Oliveblossom | 31 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wolfkit | 5 | Female | X
          Adelaide | 2 | Female | X
          Lavenderkit | 2 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rudi | 128 | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    South | GraveClan | scarlet_wolf
    East | Clan Name | Username
    West | HalcyonClan | Pompompurin

    Medicine Store
    Poppy Seeds | x1
    Honey | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Alder | x1
    Cobwebs | x0
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Old Prey
    [Frogs | x2 | 1 servings]
    Mice | x5 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Lizards | x3 | 1 servings
    Total | x5 | 17 servings

    Whitefox | Pinepaw | 2
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming, Fighting, Hiding
    Milo | Creampaw | 3
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming, Fighting, Hiding
    Aprésfoot | Custardpaw | 2
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming, Fighting, Hiding
    Oliveblossom | Patchedpaw | 0
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming, Fighting, Hiding
    Mentor | Roughpaw | 0
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming, Fighting, Hiding

    Deceased Cats:
    Rosestar | (2/9) Exhaustion, Kitting
    Stagwind | Fox/Sickness
    Wildpaw | Fox
    Lola | Sickness
    Mudpaw | Cliff
    Hopekit, Rabbitkit & Thrushkit | Stillborn
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

Rosestar + Otterleg = Dapplepaw, Sharpkit, Goldkit
Rosestar + Milo = Hopekit, Rabbitkit & Thrushkit
Stagwind- Rosestar
Stagwind+ ??? = Shadedstag
Mintwave - Skyleaf - Tigerhallow
Slatesun + Mintwave + Oliveblossom = KIts
Petre+ Riverdancer = Pinepaw, Creampaw & Mudpaw
Redstar + Riverdancer = Kits
Orvomask + Lola = Tawnyfeather
Orvomask + Skyleaf = Wolfkit
Aprésfoot + Daisypetal = Lavenderkit & Adelaide
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| kat + osleya's mod replies. |

Postby clarke, » Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:45 pm

it is not a typical day of the warm greenleaf weather that your cats love to doze off in. instead it is a cold and rainy day. in fact it has been raining for the last few days with no signs of letting up. at least the prey has started to grow use to the rainy days and are out of their burrows. however the rain has caused light flooding and an abundant of slippery mud. predators will be out in this weather so make sure your cats are extra cautious through this wet time of green leaf.

    ↳ flareheart's request is granted.
    ↳ the clan welcomes frozengale,
    briarclaw, adderscratch, snowflurry,
    + duststorm as full members of the
    clan, as they have completed their
    warrior assessments successfully.
    ↳ honeybriar gives birth to four
    kittens. unfortunantly two are
    stillborn and do not live past a
    few hours.
    ↳ flintspark's patrol catches x3 mice.
    ↳ pineheart's patrol catches x3 thrush.
    ↳ thornshard's patrol catches nothing.
    ↳ petaldance's patrol catches x2 hare.
    ↳ mallowbloom's patrol scents a dog.
    ↳ hareleap's patrol finds a ravenwing.
    ↳ addercloud's patrol finds x3 cobweb.
    - bramblingclaw finds x2 water hemlock.
    ↳ mallowcloud's patrol comes across
    a fox's nest, with three baby fox
    pups in the den. what do they
    decide to do? kill the pups or
    let them live?
    ↳ sagestar's patrol catches x2
    big fish. and a minnow!
    ↳ wasppelt's patrol finds a warrior.
    ↳ briarleaf finds x3 dock.
    ↳ linnetpaw and applepaw learn
    to fish! swiftpaw can now hunt!
    ↳ Swiftpaw learns advanced combat.
    - They do keep previously learned
    skills !
    ↳ Salvatore's first patrol finds
    ↳ Salvatore's second patrol finds
    a kitten with no mother.
    They need to be taken care of.
    ↳ Salvatore's first hunting patrol
    catches x2 starlings.
    ↳ On Salvatore's second hunting
    patrol, Birch collaspes of heat
    exhaustion. He will need two
    moons of rest. It is not advisable
    to send your cats on more than
    two patrols in greenleaf's heat.
    They bring home no prey that
    ↳ Asclepius finds x2 cobweb +
    x1 dock.
    ↳ Asclepius wonders if there
    could be a bad storm coming to
    the clan in the future.
    ↳ if i missed your clan, simply pm me!
    ↳ if you don't want a cat to die for plot
    purposes, pm me!
    ↳ pm me if u need anything basically
Last edited by clarke, on Wed Aug 01, 2018 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:52 am

The territories are in full bloom and prey is running rampant, making them an easy catch. Queens and kits will be much more likely to survive during birth and new cats are still likely to be found. However, the chance for drought and dehydration is higher and predators, while unlikely, are more dangerous than ever due to the abundant resources.

If you ever plan on taking a hiatus from CAC or CS, please make sure to PM me beforehand so that I know not to send activity checks. If you plan on leaving CAC, please make sure to PM me so that I know what to do with your cats (should I consider them dead or adopt them out and if the latter, what rules would you like to place). Thank you!

Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Halyconclan | Amberclan | Sunclan | Coveclan | Moonclan | Gorseclan | Tideclan | Crescentclan | Duneclan | Darkclan

scarlet_wolf wrote:

[ Wiltedstar’s patrol finds an apprentice. ]
[ Harriercloud’s patrol finds traces of Badgerbelly’s mate. However, it leads to a badger’s den. Do they dare follow inside? ]
[ Cormorantface’s patrol finds an elderly warrior. While in any other clan, she might be considered an elder, this cat insists on being treated like any other warrior. ]
[ Silversky’s patrol catches x1 bird and x1 vole. ]
[ Toadsplash’s patrol catches x3 mice and x1 vole. ]
[ Spidernose finds x1 lovage and x1 ivy leaf. ]

[ The new apprentices are welcomed into the clan. ]
[ Hornetpaw learns climbing. ]
[ Minkpaw learns stealth. ]
[ Hollypaw, Thymepaw, and Vervianpaw learn hunting. ]
[ Sweetdrop, Owlpaw, Aloepaw, and Gatorpaw learn battling. ]

[ Geckosplash is now pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]
[ Claystream is now pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]
[ Arguspelt gives birth to five healthy kits! Two are bobtails, one carries bobtail, and two are silver-based tabbies. All kits are longhaired and ticked tabby/silver tipped. ]

[ Starclan accepts the new additions to the clan. ]
[ Starclan grants Spidernose’s request of a warrior. ]

[ Mod notes: I'm glad that you're happy that I'm back! XD And I'll definitely keep that in mind for future queens. Also, holy heck that's a lot of actions and new cats. In addition, I'm probably going to have to use some sort of editable for future litters, if you're okay with that! It's just that you have so many unique combos that I can't find online very easily. ]

.galaxy. wrote:

[ Brushstar’s patrol catches x2 stoats. ]
[ Tumbletuft’s patrol catches x1 chipmunk and x1 rabbit. ]
[ Tanglefrost’s patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Boarstrike finds x1 fennel and x1 rush. ]

[ Honeypaw learns stealth. ]

[ Boarstrike recommends that Amberchirp, Sparrowsnap, and Tanglefrost go on only one patrol per post lest they get sick. ]
[ Starclan grants Brushstar’s request of a warrior. ]
[ Duneclan will begin to starve in two posts. ]

Fancy Pancakes wrote:

[ Falconwhisker and Ivystorm catch x1 squirrel. ]

[ Starclan grants Badgerstar’s request of a medicine cat. You may pick five herbs to start your pile from here. ]

[ Mod note: Can you please put down in your post how many servings each prey item is? That way, I know the proper amount to give to your clan. Off the top of my head, mouse should be 1 serving, squirrel should be 2 servings, and sparrows, finches and magpies should be 3 servings. I would recommend that lizards be either 1 or 2 servings because you can get more prey diversity this way. ]

faerie; wrote:

[ Orchidstep's patrol catches x1 big fish, x1 rabbit, and x1 mouse. ]
[ Sunpeak's patrol catches x1 squirrel, x1 small fish, and x2 voles. ]
[ Nettleflower's patrol finds two apprentices. ]
[ Squirreltuft's patrol finds a queen and her two kits. The white kitten and their mother may be deaf. (You can decide.) ]
[ Bumbletail and Poppyleaf find x1 goldenrod and x1 oak leaf. ]

[ All apprentices learn hunting. ]

[ Starclan grants Ferretfur's request of an intermediate. They have asthma and can't exert themselves very much, but love kits and enjoy helping the apprentices in the camp. ]
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Forestclan Post 54

Postby Simonpet » Wed Aug 01, 2018 4:50 am

Number of Cats: 53
Kits Due In: -----
Ancestors | Families | Herbs and Prey | Mentors and Apprentices | Posts | Worldbuilding

Honeystar gasped one last time for breath before shuddering and going still. Dustleaf sat stiffly, tail curled around her paws. She had brought in Larknose to show him what a leader losing a life was like. She had known for some time, now, that Honeystar would lose this battle. She could only hope that there was another...yes! Honeystar seemed to glow for a moment, although Larknose didn't seem to notice. Perhaps it was just another special ability that only she, Dustleaf, had. Over the past moon, she had been deliberately trying to hear Starclan spirits and while more often than not she failed to hear anything, she could occasionally get a "glimpse" so to speak, of what was going on in the afterlife. It comforted her to know that there was an afterlife, there was a place where she could see her parents again, tell them how much she loved them and how much she wished she could have done more to help. But she had to focus on the living now, and focus on how they could get through this plague. One way was perhaps by taking on a second apprentice. Unprecedented, yes, but there had only ever been three medicine cats in Forestclan and perhaps they could set a new tradition. She had Larknose, a fully-trained apprentice. Why not take on another to help? Especially during these times. Perhaps Emberkit could help, as he had been curious about medicine and healing. Or Ruddkit, who had already been put to work by transporting moss that held water to where the sick warriors slept.

"I'm alright," rasped Honeystar, pushing herself up onto her front paws. "It's over for me."

"Who did you see?" asked Dustleaf in a murmur.

Honeystar took a few moments to concentrate on her medicine cat's face. "I saw Birchnose. And Dawnstorm. And Snowfoot."

"Who're they?" questioned Larknose, looking from his mentor to his leader.

"Birchnose was the previous deputy of course," replied Dustleaf absently. "Very...occupied with Bleakkit and Sorrelkit. They have quite a lot of energy."

"Bleakkit and Sorrelkit?"

"Her two deceased kits," answered Honeystar with an odd glance at Dustleaf.

"Aand Dawnstorm and Snowfoot?"

"Two of the original warriors who made up Forestclan," said Dustleaf wistfully. "Dawnstorm was always kind, funny, and energetic. Briarwhisker hated him but loved his brother, Daisywhisker. And those two had kits together. Snowfoot was just like Dawnstorm and the two somehow made a good match for each other. Brightfang and Tipnose are their two surviving kits."


Dustleaf snorted with amusement. "I could name every cat that's ever lived and died in Forestclan because my litter was the first to be born into the clan. We've seen almost everything."


[ Forestclan consumes 9 servings (x3 large fish). ]
[ Mallowkit has been renamed Newtkit due to her change in fur color. ]

[ Briarwhisker, Heronface, and Orchidwhisker begin to cough. ]
[ Carpfang and Fritillarynose have fevers. ]
[ Badgerstripe, Barleystream, and Gannetstorm continue to have a fever. ]
[ Honeystar loses one life to the sickness. ]
[ Dustleaf gives Barleystream x1 feverfew for her fever. ]
[ Bitternfoot, Daffodiltuft, and Scorchpelt have recovered due to the medicine Dustleaf gave them last post. ]
[ Honeystar recovers after losing a life. ]

[ Adderstream, Dandeliontail, Mila, Neritestream, Shellfur, and Swancloud go fishing. ]
[ Boulderpelt, Hillfang, Nour, Palefur, Reedfur, and Silverstorm go hunting. ]
[ Ashstripe, Cherryclaw, Hareclaw, Leechstorm, Mistfur, and Mottleflower go on a border patrol. (No new cats.) ]

[ Cloudpaw, Icepaw, and Blizzardpaw are trained by Brightfang and Kestrelclaw. ]

[ Aspentail, Dawnface, and Tipnose stay back to guard the camp. ]
[ Badgerstripe, Barleystream, Briarwhisker, Carpfang, Fritillarynose, Gannetstorm, Heronface, and Orchidwhisker stay back to rest. ]
[ Bitternfoot, Daffodiltuft, Honeystar, and Scorchpelt stay back to recover. ]
[ Fawnfur stays back to guard her kits, Argustkit, Fallowkit, and Ruddkit. ]
[ Gulltail stays back to guard her kits, Emberkit, Garlickit, Martenkit. ]
[ Isidora stays back to guard Loonkit, Newtkit, and Rushkit. ]


Warriors (34)
Adderstream | Tom | 44 moons
Ashstripe | Tom | 63 moons | f. Tumbleclan
Aspentail | Tom | 54 moons | f. Asterclan
Badgerstripe | Tom | 26 moons | sick
Barleystream | Molly | 44 moons | sick
Bitternfoot | Molly | 18 moons
Boulderpelt | Molly | 44 moons
Briarwhisker | Molly | 64 moons | sick
Brightfang | Tom | 34 moons
Carpfang | Molly | 16 moons | sick
Cherryclaw | Molly | 52 moons | f. Aspenclan
Daffodiltuft | Molly | 21 moons | f. Leafclan
Dandeliontail | Molly | 63 moons
Dawnface | Tom | 24 moons
Fritillarynose | Molly | 26 moons | sick
Gannetstorm | Molly | 31 moons | sick
Hareclaw | Tom | 16 moons
Heronface | Molly | 18 moons | sick
Hillfang | Molly | 35 moons | f. Obsidanclan
Kestrelclaw | Molly | 31 moons
Leechstorm | Tom | 32 moons
Mila | Molly | 50 moons | powers
Mistfur | Molly | 25 moons
Mottleflower | Tom | 38 moons
Neritestream | Molly | 24 moons
Nour | Tom | 54 moons | f. Thicketclan | powers
Orchidwhisker | Tom | 16 moons | sick
Palefur | Tom | 59 moons
Reedfur | Tom | 25 moons
Scorchpelt | Tom | 30 moons | f. Wrenclan
Shellfur | Molly | 33 moons
Silverstorm | Molly | 16 moons
Swancloud | Tom | 31 moons
Tipnose | Molly | 33 moons
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby xGoldenTiger » Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:43 am

    Number of Cats: 4
    Moonpool: Now I think

    [It's the last fasting moon for the woodlands]
    [Salavatore and Swift go on two hunting patrols]
    [Salavatore trains Swift on advanced Tracking]
    [The clan takes pity on the young cub taking him back with them titling him Adonis]
    [Asclepius requests a Dame from moonpool]
    [Asclepius searches for herbs]
    [Salavatore gets a whoopin from Asclepius for overworking Birch]

    Salavatore | 31m. | |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Name | ##m. | Gender | [url][/url]

    Asclepius | 50m. | |

    Name | ##m. | / | [url=link][/url]
    Name | ##m. | / | [url=link][/url]

    Birch | 63m. | |

    Swift | 12m. | |

    Grande Dame:
    Name | ###m. | | [url=link][/url]

    Name | ##m. | | [url=link][/url]
    Name | ##m. | | [url=link][/url]

    Adonis | 3m. | |
    Name | #m. | / | [url=link][/url]

    Name | ###m. | / | [url=link][/url]
    Name | ###m. | / | [url=link][/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | lynxclan | ForgottenShadow
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    x2 cobweb | Usage
    x1 dock | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Pidgeon | x1 | 3 servings
    Rat | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Starling | x2 | 6 servings

    Salavatore | Swift | 5 | Hunting, Tracking,
    Fishing, Standard Combat, Advanced Combat
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by xGoldenTiger on Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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