Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Tue May 22, 2018 6:13 pm

Number of Cats: 44 (23 M | 21 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 9

(Last moon)
The honey-colored tabby tom shook his head as he mewed to Rippleheart, "I'm sorry, but Ashkit is dead. She was too weak at birth." He stepped aside as Ivynose, the gray tabby queen's mate, comforted his grieving mate. The gray tabby she-cat mewed softly, "At least Seakit, Lightkit, and Arrowkit are safe." "Those names fit them perfectly," Ivynose agreed, purring softly, as he gently separated the limp body of his fourth kit away from the others. Turning toward Silkfeather, the brown-and-white tabby tom mewed gently, "I think Silkfeather needs help, she seems too weak." Honeytuft nodded, "Softdawn is helping her, but you are right, Ivynose. The cold must have seeped into even our nursery, she looks so weak after her kits were born." Excusing himself from Rippleheart and Ivynose, the SeaClan medicine cat made his way to where the silver tabby queen was lying on her side, her four kits mewling pitifully as they tried to get to her to suckle. Gently nosing the kits to her other side to suckle, Honeytuft asked quietly, "Silkfeather?" The weakened queen murmured, "Am I going to die?" The honey-colored tom stiffened, "No! I may have lost kits during my career, but I will not lose a queen, or so help me StarClan!" He added gently, "You need some rest, that's all." Turning to Softdawn, who had helped to lick Silkfeather's kits after birth, Honeytuft ordered, "I know this is an odd order coming from me, but please, without a mate, Silkfeather will not last longer. Can you lie down with her for a few nights? I want you to keep her warm." The longhaired calico queen turned her sightless gaze to the medicine cat as she mewed firmly, "Don't worry, Honeytuft, I will keep her as warm as I can." Honeytuft mewed, relief in his voice, "Thank you." Silkfeather then mewed, laying a paw over each of her kits, "Just in case I... I don't make it, I want to name them first." Weakly turning her gaze to the gray kit, she mewed, "This will be Cloudkit." Nodding toward the white tom, she continued, "Icykit for the white tom-kit." To the white she-kit, she mewed, "That's Winterkit." Finally, turning to gaze at the black-and-white she-kit nearest to her, the silver tabby concluded, "And this will be Magpiekit."

(The next day)
Far overhead, way to the south, something caught Dapplepaw's eyes. She'd been out to try to collect a few more herbs that this scant leaf bare afforded her, particularly those that healed wounds. The struggle to take back the main camp, and therefore, seizing back control of SeaClan, for Leafstar would be very difficult, and she had to do her duty to heal her Clanmates, after all. Herb-hunting was lonely work on one's own, and she was used to Honeytuft's presence beside her. Without it, she felt helpless. She was a single medicine cat, on her own, with a twisted paw from birth, that she doubted would ever grow better. If something happened while she was out, she dreaded to think what would happen to her.

But in the dark, between the needles on the pine trees, the only trees that had retained any life to them since the start of these cold times, a glimmer of light caught her attention. Up there, miles and miles and miles above, almost due south, and only a little before where the moon was passing, such that its silver rim half-obscured what had caught her eyes - there it was!. If the line from those three bright stars was followed, stretched out, and then one looked just a little higher... There. Where she was sure there had been just one star a few days before, she could see a whole cluster, wobbling in and out of view. One moment she could see them, glittering beautifully, when previously, all that had been there was blackness. And she could see what had drawn her attention. A flash of movement wound its way across the night sky, a star at dazzling speed, flying as fast as a bird. If Dapplepaw had to make an interpretation right now, she'd already know exactly what to say. A cat had entered StarClan, but had been forced back out again. A leader had lost their life.

Her head hung for a few moments, hoping that that had been someone other than Leafstar. She wouldn't wish anything bad on another clan - of course she wouldn't, she wasn't some monster - but SeaClan needed Leafstar, and anything that weakened him was terrible news. But she couldn't think why she'd be the one seeing that if it wasn't meant to be her seeing it. She sighed deeply.

"Please don't be Leafstar."

Mood lower, Dapplepaw continued with her search for herbs, knowing her efforts would be all the more necessary. She was almost at the Pine Grove, when she finally caught sight of something useful. There! A bush of wintergreen, berries out and brightly colored, little leaves beautiful against the omnipresent browns and grays of winter. Dapplepaw drew closer to the bush. She tore off several sticks covered in leaves, and brought them together in a small bundle. There. That looked like a good quantity for now.
But... why settle for just one herb, after all? There were so many leaves around here, at least some of them had to be useful, right? ...Right?

Not far from the wintergreen bush was another bush, bare-looking now, but with a good number of leaves scattered beneath it. If she could find some dried leaves in there, they'd make an excellent antiseptic. Dapplepaw started piling the leaves up together in a big heap, as large as she thought she could manage alongside the wintergreen, and she was just about to pick the pile up in her jaws, when her twisted paw brushed along the top of the pile again, and picked up something... hard.

Dapplepaw stopped, paused, and then, on consideration, rummaged around in the pile, not wanting to bring back anything heavier than she needed to back to the sickness camp, as it was no short distance on a twisted paw. But there, a pale grey color against the leaves, lay a gently curved bone.

Dapplepaw separated out her pile more carefully, a small frown on her brow, and rummaged around again in the leaves. And to her horror, which grew in her chest as she felt bile rising, there were the other ribs. Here was a small line of vertebrae, and over to one side... limb bones...

...and a single feather curled between the remaining bones of the tiny, kitten feet.


Tears rolled down her face as Dapplepaw cried, "StarClan, no! It can't be!" She cast aside the herbs she'd picked, and curled up into a tight ball next to the sad remains of her lost brother. 'Probably a crow got him,' Stormfang had told the Clan, 'maybe?' The calico she-cat ran her paw down what looked to be the spine of the remains of Fogkit, her brother, as she murmured, "Why, Fogkit? Why?"

'As if he could hear,' a voice at the back of her head scoffed.

"He can!" Dapplepaw growled, banishing the thoughts, "He's in StarClan, like mama and papa!"

'But are they really in StarClan?' the voice insisted. Dapplepaw had no answer. She had no time to. She stood up on her paws and sprinted back as fast as she could, doing her best to ignore the pain her twisted paw gave as it met hard stone under the snow. It seemed like an eternity before the medicine cat apprentice reached the sickness camp. Panting, the she-cat ignored Goshawkflight and Stormbreeze, who were guarding, offer words of greeting. The calico she-cat rushed past all the chambers until she reached the central chamber, where the healthy warriors and apprentices slept. There, she spotted the distinctive pelts of her brother and sister. Pulling them aside, the medicine cat apprentice uttered three words that chilled Thistletuft and Hollyspots down to the core.

"I found Fogkit."

Thistletuft spoke at last, "We should... we should go bury him properly at least." Hollyspots added, "and find any evidence of foul play." Dapplepaw nodded, mewing, "All right. But Goshawkflight comes with us, he has a right to investigate it, under Leafstar's orders." Hollyspots nodded, while Thistletuft opened his mouth to argue, but decided against it. He mumbled, "All right."

{back at the bush}
Hollyspots gasped, "Fogkit!" Goshawkflight breathed, "Who could do such a thing?" The black-and-gray tabby tom began to unearth the rest of the tiny skeleton, until he found something so incriminating. The leaves must have acted as a preservative, for, between the tiny teeth of Fogkit were tufts of coarse, dark gray fur. All four cats, including Goshawkflight, understood.


Dapplepaw was the first to break the silence. "This has to be seen by Leafstar." Nodding, Thistletuft mewed, "I'm the fastest here. Let me go back and bring him." "Will he be all right?" the calico medicine cat apprentice fretted, "He should have recently lost a life." Hollyspots insisted, "This is so important though!" Goshawkflight nodded, "She has a point." Dapplepaw sighed, "Be careful." The longhaired gray tom nodded and sprinted away, leaving the three figures of Dapplepaw, Hollyspots, and Goshawkflight behind.

{back at camp}
Leafstar let out a small grunt as he forced his stiff muscles to work, eventually settling into a rather stiff, sitting position. He thanked his mate, Whiterose, for helping him recover. The sandy brown tabby tom had lost another life, due to greencough. He now felt better, but knew that StarClan had taken two warriors from the Clan just a few days ago. Sighing, he dismissed his beloved mate and began to pray to StarClan.

'Cats of StarClan,' he began, 'I beseech thee, please show mercy to those who know not what they do. And may you light SeaClan's path for eternity...'

He had been about to add more to his prayer, to ask for forgiveness for his futility and powerlessness, but then he stopped. The distinctive gray pelt of Thistletuft appeared at the entrance. Leafstar mewed warmly, "Thistletuft." The younger tom dipped his head and mewed urgently, "Leafstar, I'm so glad that you are feeling much better. You'd better come see what Dapplepaw found." The sandy brown tabby tom asked, "What?" Leafstar drew in a sharp gasp as the longhaired gray tom mewed quietly, lowering his eyes to the cave floor, "Fogkit." Taking a deep breath, the SeaClan leader meowed, "Lead me to the area." The warrior nodded and guided his leader away from camp.

{At the bush}
Thistletuft mewed, "This is the place." As Leafstar forced his way into the spacious room within the bush, he saw three cats standing around where tiny bones were exposed in the leaf-littered ground. The three- Goshawkflight, Dapplepaw, and Hollyspots- got up on their paws hastily at their leader's entrance; the sandy brown tabby tom seemed not to notice as he ordered, "Let me see." Hollyspots and Goshawkflight stepped aside as Leafstar drew closer.

Among the scattered bones of the dead kit, the SeaClan leader found a crow feather, nestled perfectly between two small claws, and tufts of dark gray fur between tiny teeth that would never chew again. Leafstar growled, his claws unsheathing in fury, "Stormfang!" He quickly meowed, "We can't leave him here. If Stormfang remembers he left his remains here, and comes back, he could scatter Fogkit's remains far and wide." Turning to Hollyspots and Goshawkflight, he mewed, "Quick, go back to the camp, and find as many able-bodied cats as you can." Nodding, the two warriors raced away.

(A few days later)
{At the camp}
Stormfang looked around the camp. His cats were supervising the daily activities of the Clan. It was as if he had won. But he hadn't. No. He needed more. He couldn't be leader unless Leafstar was taken out of the question. Digging his outstretched claws into the hard earth, Stormfang growled to himself: Neither can live while the other survives. It was time. He called to his cats, the group of loyal cats who would do anything he asked. And when they had assembled, their eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation, Stormfang ordered, "There are too many kits to take care of, we must cull some of the outsider's kits." Carrotfur's fur bristled at the idea, but he forced it to lie flat again as he asked, "Stormfang, why should we kill kits when we can kill grown cats?" The solid gray tom blinked, amusement in his green eyes, "Well, Carrotfur, that is a fair point. However," he added, sweeping his gaze across the camp to where the terrified forms of two tortoiseshell she-cats were huddled together at the entrance to the nursery, "these kits will bring unwanted blood to our Clan." Glancing at Ravenwish, Stormfang commanded, "Go, bring out Silkfeather and her kits." The bushy black tom's mouth twisted into a wicked grin as he replied, "Right, boss." He marched straight toward the nursery, but was forced to halt as the bigger of the tortoiseshells stood up, almost regally. She spat, "You must go through us before you can get to the kits, foxface!" The small she-cat also stood up, unsheathing her claws, "Yes! I won't let you go spill innocent blood!" Ravenwish glanced back at his leader questioningly. Stormfang meowed impassively, flicking a tail toward the black Maine Coon and Carrotfur, "Go, finish them off."

As Carrotfur and Ravenwish posed to strike, Emberwhisker growled, facing the three cats, "Come at me, traitors!" Turning to Carrotfur, she spat, "How could you, Carrotfur? You are going against your father and his Clan!" Carrotfur forced himself to look her squarely in the eyes and growled, "All he caused was grief to the Clan. Stormfang has the right idea." Ravenwish sneered at the tortoiseshell warrior, "And you, having been part of SeaClan since the beginning, you should have seen where Leafstar had gone wrong!" Antfoot narrowed his eyes, "Perhaps she was blind to his deeds because she spent so much time with him as leader." Before Emberwhisker had time to retort, Carrotfur shouted, "Who cares? Attack!"

Carrotfur lunged at Emberwhisker, his claws unsheathed. The tortoiseshell she-cat's lips curled into a snarl as she twisted to land a glancing blow to the younger warrior's soft underbelly as she dodged. The ginger-and-white tom screeched with pain as he landed onto his paws. Glancing at his underside, he saw a thin red trail of blood across it. Pausing to lick at what he could reach, Carrotfur signaled to Antfoot to continue to assault. The small black tom nodded and launched himself against Emberwhisker. As the she-cat turned to fend him off, Carrotfur saw a flash of brown tabby, as Swayingtrees raked at her back. Emberwhisker whipped around and clawed at her other attacker. The ginger-and-white tom's heart seemed to skip a beat as he saw Ravenwish coming at her. He forced himself to turn his attention to Brocadepaw as Emberwhisker let out a screech of pain and shock.

The scene was over in just a few horrible moments. Ravenwish had slashed open the tortoiseshell she-cat's throat in one move. Emberwhisker let out a sound that was a mix between a gurgle and a choked scream, her legs flailing beside her, but it was only a few seconds later that her body lay silent, her unseeing eyes staring into the ceiling of the main camp. Carrotfur closed his eyes as he sent up a quick prayer to StarClan, both an apology and a prayer for forgiveness, directed toward Emberwhisker.

The ginger-and-white tom now turned to the heap of bloodied tortoiseshell fur that was Brocadepaw. He knew it was enough. It didn't matter that Stormfang was watching him. He cried, barreling into Applemist, who had been attacking the apprentice, "That's enough!" The ginger she-cat backed away as Carrotfur growled, his green eyes sweeping across the camp as he dared them to challenge him, "You can see she's as good as dead. Enough." Stormfang, from his lofty perch on the Meeting Ledge, called, "You heard Carrotfur. Enough, Applemist. Ravenwish, take Silkfeather and her kits out here, where we can see for sure." The black Maine Coon tom nodded his bushy head and disappeared into the Cave Path that led to the nursery. Turning to Morningflame, the solid gray tom ordered, "Bring Honeytuft out here. He will help bury these two-" He broke off as a mighty yowl came from the outside, from the direction of the tunnel that led to the Pine Grove.


Ravenwish easily knocked away Ivynose, who had been next to his mate, hissing, "Stay back, this is not your fight!" As Ivynose drew back to protectively stand over his mate, the bushy black tom turned his attention to Silkfeather and her kits. Softdawn came at the black tom, yowling as she did, "Feel this, foxheart!" The blind queen's rage was so intense that even Ravenwish had to back off, astonished. Soon, however, Ravenwish knocked aside the calico she-cat as she faced Silkfeather, who had, by then, staggered shakily to her paws. The silver tabby hissed, hackles rising over her thin frame, "You will not hurt my kits!" The bushy black tom mewed dismissively, "That's for Stormfang to judge. Come on, come with me without disturbance, and you and your kits will not be harmed." Silkfeather spat, claws unsheathing in defiance, "Over my dead body!" The weakened queen lunged at the Maine Coon, but he merely batted her away like a toy. The silver tabby's shocked yowl broke off immediately as bone cracked against the hard cave wall. Softdawn, who had by then recovered, let out a thin wail, "Silkfeather!" Ivynose breathed, eyes wide as saucers, "Ravenwish... you... you killed..." Ravenwish turned around and hissed, "It was not my fault that she was so frail!" Turning to the panicking kits, the bushy tom scooped up Cloudkit, his squirming body going limp as he bit too hard into his scruff and breaking his neck. Hissing as he realized what had happened, Ravenwish turned at the sound of Leafstar's voice shouting Stormfang's name, and dashed away, the limp body of the tiny kit still clamped tightly between his teeth.

{Main camp}
The misguided deputy of SeaClan leapt down from the Meeting Ledge as he glimpsed the cats from the Sickness Camp rushing in from the tunnel. Sleetsky, Spiderpath, and Rosefern were not among the cats, as they had succumbed to the greencough; however, all the others were all accounted for, their pelts carrying no traces of the scent of sickness. As Ravenwish walked out of the nursery, a limp kit held tightly in his jaws, Leafstar stepped into the main cam and yowled, "SeaClan, surround them!" Stormfang and his group was quickly surrounded with the cats of the Sickness Camp and the majority of the cats who had stayed back in the Main Camp worked together to tighten the circle.

Leafstar signaled to Carrotfur, to rejoin their group. His son obliged, an expression that was half relief, half guilt on his face. Stormfang hissed, "Traitor!" Leafstar replied coldly, "No. You're the traitor, Stormfang." The gray-furred tom lunged at the sandy brown tabby tom, growling, "You are nothing but a Code-breaking softheart who should have perished alongside Vinescratch and Brightstream!" Before Leafstar could react, a flash of gray appeared in the leader's vision. Thistletuft, son of Vinescratch and Brightstream, screeched, "Murderer!" and intercepted Stormfang, ducking to avoid the bigger tom's claws and raking his own on the tom's softer underbelly. Stormfang let out a screech that was more out of outrage and shock than pain. He spat, "YOU! You and your sisters are the true filth of this Clan! Half-Clan mongrels who do not deserve the hospitality of SeaClan!" Horrified gasps came from the camp as Whisperdust's voice sounded in the air, "How dare you!" Another voice, that of Mintnose, who had been mentor to Brocadepaw, added, hot tears coursing down her cheeks, "Like what Brocadepaw had said a moon ago, we were all rogues, kittypets, loners, or even members of other Clans that may or may not have disbanded since then. There's no point in calling any of us half-Clan or non-Clan!" Thistletuft's sisters, Hollyspots and Dapplepaw, came to aid the gray tom, and the three cats managed to pin the bigger tom onto the ground between the three of them.

Stormfang sneered, "Now you say this, Mintnose? After Leafstar comes in?" Mintnose spat, "Emberwhisker and Brocadepaw's sacrifice gave me the courage I needed so badly! It's true," she admitted, her head lowered briefly in shame, "I was a coward. But I know better than that." Her claws slid out as she growled, "You killed my friend, you killed my apprentice!" Turning to Leafstar, she pleaded, "Leafstar, please execute this murderous traitor for his crimes against SeaClan and StarClan!" Stormfang looked astonished as he stated, "Against StarClan? I was doing them a favor by killing those not fit to live by the Code!" Leafstar spat, hackles rising, "That's where you strayed far from the Code yourself, Stormfang. Remember one of the rules of the code? 'An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.'" Stormfang laughed and declared, "You yourself said it, Leafstar. 'Unless they are outside the warrior code'. Brightstream and Vinescratch were..." "...definitely inside the code," Leafstar finished, silencing the deputy, "because they were honorable warriors."

Stormfang started to argue, "But they broke the code by becoming mates with each other when they were of two different Clans! Rule one states 'Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.' They went further than that, and was more loyal to their feelings for each other than to their respective Clan." Leafstar looked Stormfang straight in the eyes and meowed coldly, "There is no part in the Code specifically stating the forbidden nature of a relationship that goes beyond the borders." Nodding toward Shorefall and Stormbreeze, he ordered, "Take this cat and his accomplices and confine them to the elders' chamber." The SeaClan warriors nodded and forced Applemist, Swayingtrees, Ravenwish, Fernstrike, Sagefrost, and Antfoot into the elders' chamber, with help from Mintnose, Whisperdust, Whiterose, Claypool, and Ivynose. Thistletuft, Hollyspots, and Dapplepaw roughly forced the disgraced SeaClan deputy onto his paws again. Leafstar meowed coldly, "You are a disgrace to the SeaClan name, Stormfang. From this day forth, you shall no longer be deputy of SeaClan, your title is now null and void in the eyes of our Clan and in the eyes of our ancestors." Stormfang growled, hatred blazing in his green eyes; however, he allowed the three younger cats to escort him toe the elders' den, sighing in defeat.

Leafstar now turned his attention to Honeytuft, who had been trying to get his attention for some time. The honey-colored tabby tom had tears in his eyes as he meowed, "Brocadepaw wants to speak to you and Whiterose." At her mention, the white she-cat came bounding back from the elders' chamber, leaving the other cats on guard, and the two adoptive parents of the dying apprentice sat down next to her to hear her final words.

Brocadepaw croaked, "Leafstar, Whiterose... thank you so much for adopting me as your daughter. I was honored to be your daughter, and I know I made the right decision in coming to SeaClan and joining this Clan. I... I hope I did the right thing," she swallowed, "not backing down from Stormfang..." Whiterose buried her nose into the blood-soaked fur of her adopted daughter and wept, "I'm so sorry that we weren't in time, Brocadepaw!" As the she-cat shook her head weakly, Leafstar finally spoke, having made up his mind up, "Brocadepaw, before you go, I have one final ceremony to perform." As the dying she-cat meowed, "...What?" Leafstar meowed loudly, for all cats to hear, "Cats of SeaClan, today we are gathered to mourn the passing of two fierce cats of SeaClan, Emberwhisker and Brocadepaw. And while Emberwhisker has already crossed the final river, and joined the ranks of StarClan, Brocadepaw has yet gone. And so," he added, taking a deep breath, "I shall perform a little-known ceremony, so that StarClan may receive her as a warrior, and not an apprentice, of SeaClan." He meowed, looking solemnly up to the ceiling, "I ask my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has learned the warrior code and given up her life in the service of her Clan. Let StarClan receive her as a warrior. She will be known as Brocadeheart, for it was her determination, courage, and loyalty to SeaClan that gave her the strength to stand up to a tyrannical cat who had oppressed the Clan for many moons."

As Brocadeheart wept silently, the whole of SeaClan chanted her new name, "Brocadeheart! Brocadeheart! Brocadeheart!" He then bent down to press his nose against his dying daughter's fur and whispered, "You are as precious to me as Carrotfur is, Brocadeheart. May StarClan receive you as a proud warrior of SeaClan." The tortoiseshell she-cat's eyes began to cloud over as she rasped, "And I promise to watch over you, Whiterose, Carrotfur, and all of SeaClan for eternity." With these words, the selfless warrior of SeaClan named Brocadeheart let out a soft sigh, closed her eyes, and lay still.

Carrotfur hesitated in joining, in part because he wasn't sure how the other cats would view him as now. He looked away as Whisperdust approached him. The pale-furred warrior murmured, wrapping her tail around the younger tom, "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry for having been a jerk when I didn't know you were doing all the things you did under your father's orders." The ginger-and-white tom croaked, "But I good as killed them both. I ordered those cats to kill them." "But you were acting," Whisperdust pointed out gently, "and Emberwhisker and Brocadeheart know that now, in StarClan." Carrotfur's whiskers drooped as he murmured, "I still think it's not right to sit vigil for her beside their bodies..." The older she-cat mewed quietly, "You are Brocadeheart's brother. You stopped Applemist from finishing her off, gave her enough time to say goodbye, and for Leafstar to name her a warrior before StarClan claimed her." She murmured, "In the eyes of SeaClan, you are a hero, Carrotfur." "I sure am a lame one then," lamented the ginger-and-white tom, "what a load of good I'd do, having had a paw in the murders of two innocent, law-abiding cats I've known for moons." She gently herded the younger tom toward where his parents were, their faces buried in their adopted daughter's fur, which was rapidly losing heat.

Leafstar looked up, saw Carrotfur, and indicated him to join him and Whiterose, meowing, "You were so brave, son. Loyal to the Clan." He stood up, though a little shakily, as he meowed loudly, "Cats of SeaClan!" Again, the entirety of the crowd turned their attention back to hear their leader, as Leafstar continued, "Seeing as Stormfang has finally been stripped of his position of deputy, we have one remaining question on our paws: who will be the next deputy of SeaClan?" He smiled and meowed, "I believe you all know who it will it be, but the ceremony must be performed, so that the cat will truly be accepted as deputy in the eyes of our ancestors." Taking a deep breath, the sandy brown tabby tom declared, "I say these words in front of the Clan, so that they may hear and approve of my choice. Carrotfur will be the next deputy of SeaClan."

The Clan roared as one, "Carrotfur! Carrotfur! Carrotfur!"

[ The Clan consumes Hare x3. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dapplepaw gather herbs (especially kitting herbs). ]
[ Dapplepaw is renamed Dappledawn, and becomes a full medicine cat, next to Honeytuft. ]
[ All cats return to the main camp. The secondary camp is noted for future use, however. ]
[ Emberwhisker and Brocadepaw are killed by Ravenwish and Applemist, respectively. ]
[ Silkfeather and Cloudkit are killed by Ravenwish when he tries to bring the weakened queen and her kits out. ]
[ Stormfang is ousted as deputy. Carrotfur is named deputy. ]
[ Cardinalpaw is apprenticed to Carrotfur. ]
[ All apprentice training is resumed. ]
[ Brocadepaw is given the warrior name Brocadeheart on her deathbed. ]
[ Whiterose, Mintnose, Birchlight, Thistletuft, Hollyspots, and Morningflame hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Nightwing, Dustflower, Cliffpaw, and Jadepaw hunt at the forest by the river. ]
[ Leafstar, Daisysong, Hawkpath, and Cardinalpaw patrol the northern border. ]
[ Stormfang, Ravenwish, Applemist, Sagefrost, Antfoot, and Swayingtrees are kept prisoner in the elder's chamber until further notice. ]
[ Shorefall, Stormbreeze, Whisperdust, Carrotfur, Bellcloud, and Oakshadow are put in charge of guarding the prisoners. ]
[ Everyone else stays in camp. ]
[ Whisperdust teaches Goldenpaw the Climbing skill. ]
[ Daisysong teaches Boompaw the Hunting skill. ]
[ Stormbreeze teaches Jadepaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Ivynose teaches Cliffpaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Carrotfur teaches Cardinalpaw the Stalking skill. }
[ Goosewing will kit in two moons. ]

          Leafstar | 55 moons | tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆ [7/9]

          Carrotfur | 18 moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 59 moons | Tom | X
          Dappledawn | 16 moons | she-cat | X - has a twisted paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Nightwing | 41 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 58 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 43 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 58 moons | she-cat | X
          Claypool | 52 moons | tom | X
          Ivynose | 27 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 58 moons | she-cat | X
          Daisysong | 27 moons | she-cat | X
          Whiterose | 67 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormbreeze | 59 moons | tom | X
          Goosewing | 48 moons | she-cat | X
          Goshawkflight | 27 moons | tom | X
          Hawkpath | 20 moons | tom | X
          Bellcloud | 20 moons | she-cat | X
          Dustflower | 54 moons | she-cat | X
          Morningflame | 21 moons | tom | X
          Breezewhisker | 21 moons | she-cat | X
          Birchlight | 48 moons | she-cat | X
          Hollyspots | 16 moons | she-cat | X
          Thistletuft | 16 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stormfang | 56 moons | tom | X
          Antfoot |40 moons | tom | X
          Applemist | 38 moons | she-cat | X
          Ravenwish | 36 moons | tom | X
          Sagefrost | 22 moons | she-cat | X
          Swayingtrees | 60 moons | tom | X

          Goldenpaw | 13 moons | she-cat | X
          Boompaw | 10 moons | tom | X
          Jadepaw | 10 moons | she-cat | X
          Cliffpaw | 10 moons | tom | X
          Cardinalpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Softdawn | 37 moons | she-cat | X - blind
          Rippleheart | 27 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Icykit | 0 moons | tom | X
          Winterkit | 0 moons| she-cat | X
          Magpiekit | 0 moons | she-cat | X
          Seakit | 0 moons | she-cat | X (Right)
          Lightkit | 0 moons | tom | X (Left)
          Arrowkit | 0 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | LakeClan | honey--bee
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x2
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x3
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x0
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x2
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough). x0
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x0
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x4
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x1
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x0
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x3
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x0
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x0
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x3
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x2
    Lovage: Cures coughs x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x1
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy). x0
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x2
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x1
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x0
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x1
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x2
    Wild Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x0
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x1
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x2
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x1
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x2 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x2 | 1 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x3 | 1 servings

    Whisperdust | Goldenpaw | 5 | Stalking, Hunting, Combat, Swimming, Fishing
    Daisysong | Boompaw | 1 | Stalking
    Stormbreeze | Jadepaw | 2 | Stalking, Hunting
    Ivynose | Cliffpaw | 2 | Stalking, Hunting
    Carrotfur | Cardinalpaw | 0 | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Fogkit | 5 moons | tom| Murdered by Stormfang (Clan believes his death to be murder by crows when he sneaked off)
    Snakekit | 0 moons | tom | Stillborn
    Brightstream | 45 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Stormfang (Clan believes her death to be accidental)
    Mottledsmoke | 33 moons | she-cat | Death by crows
    Smallwing | 23 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Owlfrost | 49 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Rosefern | 68 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Sleetsky | 29 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Fernstrike | 37 moons | tom | Executed by Ravenwish under Stormfang's orders (for refusing to kill Shorefall and allowing him, Whisperdust, Jadepaw, Goldenpaw, and Cliffpaw to leave.)
    Spiderpath | 45 moons | tom | Greencough
    Ashkit | 0 moons | she-cat | weakness
    Silkfeather | 44 moons | she-cat | Killed by Ravenwish
    Cloudkit | 0 moons | tom | Killed by Ravenwish
    Emberwhisker | 39 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Ravenwish, under Stormfang's orders
    Brocadeheart | 12 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Applemist, under Stormfang's orders
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Gender | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotfur, Brocadeheart (adopted)
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisysong, Lily, Ivynose
    Vinescratch (SwiftClan) and Brightstream | Hollyspots, Thistletuft, Fogkit, Dappledawn
    Shorefall and Dustflower | Goldenpaw (adopted), Snakekit, Cliffpaw
    Adoniscloud (GustClan) and Softdawn | Gullpaw (GustClan), Gannetpaw (GustClan), Boompaw, Jadepaw
    Oakshadow and Nightwing | Bellcloud (adopted), none yet
    Stormfang and Goosewing | unborn kit(s)
    Stormbreeze and Mintnose | none yet
    Ivynose and Rippleheart | Lightkit, Seakit, Ashkit, Arrowkit, Icykit (adopted), Winterkit (adopted), Magpiekit (adopted)
    ??? and Silkfeather | Cloudkit, Icykit, Winterkit, Magpiekit
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by winter solstice. on Wed May 23, 2018 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 50

Postby Chamrosh » Wed May 23, 2018 12:42 am

Number of Cats: 62 (13 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 10
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

xxxxOh, it was glorious to be out and free. She’d been doing this for two moons now, coming out to explore out here on the hills, sneaking away from any patrols she saw. She was sure she was already better than any of the apprentices at sneaking around, and she hadn’t had any training at all officially.
xxxxKnawelkit’s tail wiggled while pointing high up out of the grass, waving gently as she walked. She was nearly the size of an apprentice now, so it was only because the grass hadn’t been cut in years that she was buried in the grass with just her tail showing. Imagine how Knotfish, that tiny tom must vanish into it! She was bigger than him now, she was sure.
xxxxYes, her mother had only allowed her to explore within the internal area of camp, and only in the last half a moon. And only with Witkit literally right beside her… But nevertheless, she’d taken the opportunity and deliberately spent as much time as she had the patience for getting to know all the warriors. If she was going to prove she’d be a good warrior by getting to play like a normal, healthily cared kit, and therefore learning useful skills early – even if it was on her own – then it only made sense to complete the job, to improve in any way she could sensibly come to manage.
xxxxEvery warrior would end up working alongside her anyway at some point, why not get to know them now?
xxxxKnawelkit laughed, and jumped up through the grass, spotting a patch of yellow flowers in front of her. She sprang right into the middle of the patch, batting them around with one paw and laughing at how they moved. She continued jumping around in the flowers for a good few minutes, until she found herself panting from the effort.
xxxxIt wasn’t that she’d been exercising for long. But she’d never been allowed outside for long enough to develop the strong lungs kits were meant to, and anything was exhausting now.
xxxxKnawelkit didn’t know that though. She just knew she didn’t like being cooped up.
xxxxKnawelkit rolled onto her back, exhausted, looking up at the sky. It was an entirely clear day, bright and sunny, and although the sun was certainly not shining down – still being winter – it was easy to see what spring was going to be like now, her first spring, and Knawelkit could feel the warmth of it on her stomach. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the sun on her fur, and the sound of the breeze rippling hrough the grass.
xxxxAfter a good few minutes, Knawelkit could see that the light reaching her eyes through her eyelids had decreased very briefly. Knawelkit’s eyes flashed open wide and fast, and ow the sun was bright but she caught a glimpse of a dark-coloured tail flashing out of her vision.
xxxxKnawelkit rolled back over, front legs low, and tail wiggling high in the air, watching the thing. And when it landed, she darted after for a few steps, getting close.
xxxxShe slowed though when she got vaguely near, knowing well how subtle she had to be to catch it and to play. The thing had landed on a rock, where she could see it properly, where it stood, looking in the other direction. It was mostly black, with a white semi-circle on its back, and white poking out where Knawelkit could see its stomach around its back. Its beak was a shimmering grey when she could see it, its wings painted with a deep blue that shone in the light it caught on their ends. Knawelkit couldn’t make out its eyes at all.
xxxxIt was beautiful.
xxxxKnawelkit wanted to grab it so she could take a pretty blue feather to play with. If she could just grab one feather! She was sure it would be a good toy. And she’d get to practice fighting with it! Feathers were good for fighting, she was sure one of the warriors had said that. Fairly, anyway.
xxxxShe was going to be a much better warrior than her sibling. She was going to be awesome. And when she was, when she was so good that no warrior could even stand up her, then there’d be no way they could ignore her. Whatever it took to be good enough to not be ignored, she’d do it, and then they’d see which of them deserved attention. And then, maybe, just maybe then, they’d pay some attention then. They’d never pay as much attention to her as to Witkit, even if she became a thousand times the warrior her sibling did, but at least she’d get some.
xxxxAnd that’d be worth it.
xxxxKnawelkit leaped through the air, and a whisker’s length away from the bird’s tail, it took to the air, one wing flap up, and sailing neatly just a few metres, wings fanned out to show their iridescent glory.
xxxxKnawelkit smiled, baring her fangs, and jumped again, using the height to move the distance.
xxxxThis time the bird took to the wing properly, and as Knawelkit saw it leap up, she ran after. It flew a few dozen metres away, and this time, sprang up again as she got close.
xxxxDuring the brief moments when Knawelkit was staying low in the grass, trying to watch after the bird to see where it flew to next, as it always flew whenever she neared it, she also had a chance to look around, and appreciate the sheer size of the territory. From camp, the outside world was essentially non existent, expanding only a few metres through the trees around camp. But when you left camp, and you went up the hill, and looked out, it was clear that the land went forever. There was space for at least 4 clans in most directions, and Knawelkit was sure that that could be no limit for such expansive land! She’d found the lake the first time she’d snuck out, and it had seemed to go on forever, but up here she could see that it was just nestled between steep hills on its opposite bank, and she could see an area of flat land on its other edge, with strange white creatures on it.
xxxxAnd to the south, look, there! Similar dirty grey creatures. A grey snake with glittering wet rocks rolling along it every few moments, crying out so Knawelkit could hear it. And little lines of rocks – were they what Moraine was named for – standing a metre tall with neat patterns, but breaks in them every now and then, and plants poking out of them in places.
xxxxBut the bird always caught her attention.
xxxxIf she could just grab one.
xxxxShe was vaguely aware of how far she was being lead.
xxxxThe ground seemed to be dotted with boulders here, on this side of the slope. She’d managed to move into a patch of them. They were good, providing cover for her to get closer to the bird.
xxxxAnd then the bird landed up in a tree.
xxxxKnawelkit looked up at it, pouting. It had taken her game away from her. She’d only wanted a feather! She hadn’t even wanted to hurt it – well, any more than it took to actually get the feather.
xxxxIt was laughing at her. Laughing at her for snatching away her chance at getting the attention she deserved.
xxxxKnawelkit sat in place, and huffed, her breath rippling her fur.
xxxx“Why? Why won’t you let me have one feather. I’m useless at home, no one loves me at all. They just ignore me all the time, they think I’m useless. I only want one feather. One feather and I’ll leave you alone.”
xxxxThe bird’s head cocked to one side, looking curious, and then-
xxxxKnawelkit pouted up at it.
xxxx“You’re laughing at my family not wanting me. They just want Witkit, and I don’t matter. They think I’m a lump of food-wasting uselessness, and I just want to prove I’m not.” Knawelkit huffed again, looking away. “Why can’t you help me?”
xxxx“Right, because tormenting me is more fun. Sure.”
xxxxKnawelkit rolled onto her side, still looking up at the bird for just a second, before looking around.
xxxxShe’d gone a bit further than she meant to. And she was somewhere she was uncertain of. Well, at least she was on the same hill. At least she’d not wondered further than she knew the way back but… Those boulders weren’t boulders.
xxxxThey weren’t boulders at all.
xxxxAnd she was right in their midst.
xxxxKnawelkit rolled to her feet, slowly trying to back away from the closest creature.
xxxxThey really were boulder-colour, and boulder-size, but up close she could see the boney legs and strange dead-eyed face poking out at its front. It had a huge nose that dominated its face, its mouth easily larger than Knawelkit’s whole head. Its head turned slowly, one eye catching sight of her.
xxxxKnawelkit stumbled back a few steps, scrambling out of the way, and turning-
xxxxTurning just a step before she collided with the face of another, its lifeless eyes not even a whisker’s length from her own, but only for a fraction of a second.
xxxxThere are very few animals that won’t seize an easy free meal, especially when it’s a nutritious one.
xxxxBones are a good source of calcium. Grass is not.
xxxxBlood is a good source of iron – and several other vital nutrients. Grass is not.
xxxxMeat is a good source of protein. Grass is not.
xxxxAnd when a walking food parcel came directly towards your face, you could hardly be blamed for taking advantage.
xxxxKnawelkit didn’t have time to comprehend what was happening. She tried to take a step backwards, but the next she knew was darkness.
xxxxThe magpie’s eye glinted for a moment, before it spread it’s wings, and jumped off, leaving a single blue feather behind it, which drifted down gently, landing where Knawelkit had lain just a few seconds before.
xxxxPheasantcloud carefully placed a mouse in front of Garganeywhisker. Garganeywhisker was a very quiet warrior. At first, when Pheasantcloud had met her as an apprentice, Pheasantcloud had just thought that Garganeywhisker didn’t like her. Since then, she had just learned that she really was just quieter than a mouse.
xxxxShe hated attention, she hated feeling like she was putting anyone out of anything that they should have, she hated anyone going out of their way for her. Garganeywhisker just didn’t want to be a nuisance.
xxxxAnd Pheasantcloud had an enormous respect for that.
xxxxMaybe just because she could see something of herself in the older warrior.
xxxxAnd it wasn’t fair that Garganeywhisker was always too scared to grab food. She was too pure to always have to have her meals delayed because she didn’t want to cause a confrontation.
xxxxGarganeywhisker looked up at Pheasantcloud and smiled,
“Thank you, Pheasantcloud.”
xxxxEven knowing Pheasantcloud well by now, Garganeywhisker was still often very quiet with her thanks.
xxxx“You’re very welcome.” Pheasantcloud beamed widely, and then walked back to the fresh kill pile to grab something for herself, ripping out her share from a rabbit, and lay down by her friend.
xxxxGarganeywhisker carefully picked over her mouse, nibbling at sections carefully and cautiously. Pheasantcloud was less cautious, going right in for it.
xxxxWitkit was going back for seconds already, though her mother was keeping a very careful eye on her (where was Knawelkit?), and Moraine’s kits had taken their food a bare minimum of the distance away from the pile to not be interpreted to be all eating directly from it (which would be unhygienic and inconvenient too, if they had to be pried off for anyone else to eat). Actually, all the kits were finding excuses for multiple portions. But that was perfectly fair – they needed the food to grow big and strong, and become capable warriors.
xxxxPheasantcloud really wasn’t ready for it yet, and she knew that, but she very much wanted to have some herself some day, having seen them now from the perspective of an adult. And she was going to be choosing carefully. She wanted to be entirely sure that she trusted any toms around their own kits, and she knew from the current queens what toms could be like.
xxxxShe wanted to be entirely sure that whomever she chose would help her kits thrive once they were born. And – hah! The only eligible bachelors – around her age - at the moment, she didn’t think would do that.
xxxxSo until she managed to find a (probably forbidden) relationship that met her criteria, her meals were purely going to be with Garganeywhisker. Probably most still after that, they’d spent enough time together that she didn’t want to stop that.
xxxx“Chubtail said he plans to keep us together on hunting patrols for a few days.” Pheasantcloud said.
xxxxGarganeywhisker nodded and smiled. “I hope we’re fishing.”
xxxxPheasantcloud’s feet shuffled, moving the remaining bones away from herself. Pheasantcloud didn’t know how rare it was to have a full fresh kill pile through the whole of the winter, but Garganeywhisker did. And she knew to savour food that she still had during it, and that had lasted through it too.
xxxx“I like fishing.” Of course Garganeywhisker did. Fishing was calm, and quiet, and it didn’t require anything other than calm and quiet. The calmer you were, the better you were. And of course, with the two mollies, they’d both excel at fishing. And, of course, Garganeywhisker was equally good at hunting, but she much preferred it on her own than in a group.
xxxxThe apprentice was found, flaked out at the edge of the lake, not far from where Aspenfoot had been found. Actually, only a few dozen metres away. Here, the rocks jutted out into the water, forming a thin line of rocks, some with little holes in, which pooled with water during rain fall. Near the end of the jutting line of rocks, where they grew shorter, such that a stretching leg could reach from the rock tops to the water’s surface, lay a tortoiseshell molly, probably half way maximum through her apprentice training, on her stomach, one leg dangling over the water surface.
xxxxMartinwhisker noticed her first.
xxxxShe looked half-starved. Fishing – from a bank - required less energy than hunting, and every warrior knew that. There was no running required, no strong killing blow, no final jump at a fleeing rabbit. It needed patience, and one single fast movement. If you were hungry, and wanted to save energy, it made a lot of sense to choose a method of hunting that required little effort. And this apprentice clearly was exhausted. She looked skinny – not so skinny as to be starved, but plenty enough to show she’d not been eating anywhere near so well as she should for a while – hardly a surprise with her seeming age.
xxxxMartinwhisker would be surprised if she were a full year old, and although she may well have learned to hunt already, if she’d had to travel a long way – as she probably had – then it would hardly be a surprise to want the most efficient way to gather food.
xxxxAnd, of course, she was fast asleep on her front. And, of course Clarystorm protested, but the other toms couldn’t stand the thought of an apprentice starving to death on their door step.
xxxxThey roused her gently, and provided her support as best they could to take weight off her weak limbs, walking back to camp. After gorging on fresh-kill, the apprentice spoke too-gently to them.
xxxxIt was hard to tell if it was the effect of hunger, or just her natural personality that left the apprentice so subdued, but her voice was only slightly louder than Garganeywhisker’s as she introduced herself as Poppypaw, from Mistclan, who’d become lost as her old clan had moved camp, in an accent similar to Aspenfoot’s and Firepath’s – what Lionfish, Troutstripe and Squirrelpaw had had before too (a strangely common accent). They’d been heading towards the sea for… some reason even Poppypaw didn’t seem to understand at all. None of the Gustclan cats objected – or were surprised – as her head lolled back in sleep again.
xxxxIt took most of the moon for Poppypaw to be back up to a healthy level of physical strength – according to Harrierpelt – and Poppypaw simply wasn’t going to be able to find her old clan again by then. Which of course, left only one option – giving her a mentor until her clan returned for her.
xxxxThe younger kits were old enough now to be able to play outside – under the supervision of their mothers, who really were doing everything together. Lobeliafur stood in the middle of the kits, playing with them directly, while Osierfang and Moraine kept an eye out on them with Pearstone. While Lobeliafur kept them entertained, the other mollies (Ulyssa included) ensured the kits weren’t going to hurt themselves.
xxxxGoch and Llosgi Llyn seemed to mostly be doing their own thing in one corner of the courtyard, seemingly chasing after a leaf together. Tymestl kept glancing over at the two of them, but ultimately stuck close to Mor, which was not an advantage to either of them when their game was about avoiding being caught by the warrior in their midst – although Lobeliafur was deliberately leaping and pouncing somewhat sloppily so she didn’t risk harming any of the kits. Eryr was proving to be very agile, weaving close to other kits so they got caught by Lobeliafur instead. Rivuletkit and Cairngormkit were running in what might have been smoothly coordinated movements to be as disorienting as possible if Rivuletkit hadn’t stumbled so often. Fioled kept well back most of the time, only ducking in when he felt up to it, and had his breath back fully. Cinquefoilkit stayed close to Lobeliafur, not caring how often he got caught if it meant he got to have fun. Xanthe (as she insisted her name was) sat outside the main group of kits, with a slightly superior look on her face, while her brother ran in circles around the group of kits, occasionally helping Lobeliafur by jumping onto the kits near the outside, and Xiomara was actively trying to grab Lobeliafur’s tail, instead of the other way around. Gannetkit and Gullkit had refused to play with the others, saying they wanted to get to explore properly now, and their father, Adoniscloud, had gone with them, under the ruse of “wanting to make sure they weren’t hurt”, but all the warriors knew it was really because he wanted to spend some extra time with his kits, and make up for not knowing they even existed until two moons ago.
xxxxAnd Witkit sat in one corner of the courtyard area of camp, pinned down under one of her mother’s paws. She desperately needed to know where Knawelkit was, she needed her sister back as the person who most understood her. Knawelkit was sure her sister loathed her on some level at least, for getting so much of the attention that she craved, but… she was the only company her mother seemed to trust around her. It was so lonely without Knawelkit here. Wherever she’d gone to… Witkit just needed her sister back.
xxxxLobeliafur was starting to pant from the energy needed to keep up with trying to pin ten kits in place under her paws, and as Narwhal emerged from the indoor section of camp, the other warrior caught her eye.
xxxxNarwhal didn’t even fail a need to express her intentions, she just walked right over, and when Xerxes came too close, smoothly pinned him with one paw beneath hers. The other kits who had been nearby squealed and scurried back from the larger molly.
xxxxLobeliafur shot her a questioning look, but Narwhal shook her head in the cat equivalent of a shrug.
xxxx“If you’re sure.” Lobeliafur picked her way carefully between all the kits, not wanting to risk harmin them even as they parted cleanly before her. The kits quickly swarmed around Narwhal in turn. Rivuletkit and Cairngormkit caught her tail entirely at one point, and pinned it against the ground. Narwhal hadn’t the heart to shake them off, so limply reached out in front of her at whatever kits Xiomara were brave enough to come near, deliberately messing up several strikes when the kit’s unpredictable movement might have brought her to more harm.
xxxxEventually, Rivuletkit grew bored, and knocked Cairngormkit off instead, scurrying over to their mother for a lie-down. Narwhal tried to head over to include Llosgi Llyn and Goch but Llosgi Llyn looked straight up at her, and in a perfectly calm voice, said:
xxxx“The chances of us encountering a single hostile cat while in a swarm is low, and to me it makes no sense to prioritise learning to handle one opponent in a group over one opponent on your own. That requires more skill, and therefore would be more useful to spend the time training. Attacking in a swarm could more easily be adapted from attacking individually than the other way around.”
xxxxGoch nodded insistently at his brother’s words, his mouth opening occasionally to mouth words in almost perfect synchrony at a few points. “And you’re clearly-“
xxxx“Pulling your strikes.” The brothers said in unison.
xxxxNarwhal wasn’t even phased – although she was very aware of how strange that was, she simply was not the sort to be affected by shock. Was that just how the two kits thought, or had they learned that by heart from one of their parents?
xxxxWell, the other kits in their litter seemed a little surprised at least, which… suggested which of those options was correct.
xxxxNarwhal took a single step back and reengaged in the game.
xxxxOr she did, for a while, until, beginning to grow tired from the energy needed, Osierfang stepped up to take over.
xxxxAnd there, lying near the queens, was her mate, small next to them, but holding an air of authority to him despite it. Not enough to be a leader or deputy, but enough that she trusted him. And besides…
xxxx“Hello.” Narwhal said, slowly lowering herself beside him.
xxxxThat had been the first word between him and any of the mollies present.
xxxxHe wasn’t one to want responsibility over more than just a couple of cats at a time.
xxxxKnotfish’s head leaned into her chest, smaller by far than her shoulder, and she nuzzled him in turn.
xxxx“You’d be a good mother.”
xxxxNarwhal laughed gently, her head coming closer to her chin, legs folding under herself, in a frankly futile attempt to make herself look small.
xxxx“No, I’m serious.”
xxxx“Would squash them.”
xxxx“Beneath a warm layer of motherly love.”
xxxx“And motherly fur.”
xxxxKnotfish rolled his eyes slightly. “You’d love those kits more than you love me, you know that. And I know that far less love than that would keep those kits safe from anything, even if it was you against an entire clan of humans. I know you’re just concerned for them. But don’t let yourself throw away things you want when there are easy solutions to any concerns you have.”
xxxxNarwhal looked away awkwardly for a moment. “Do not know if other kits would be alright, playing with my kits, they might squash.”
xxxx“With me as a father? They’d be lucky to be big enough to squash a bug.”
xxxxNarwhal licked her mate’s ear. “Suppose worst case is Sparrowfoot has second reason to be in nursery.”
xxxxThe clan sat gathered in the courtyard, where the kits had been playing through the whole afternoon of the day before. And they knew what Heronstar had called them into place for. The leader had clearly struggled to get up to her station, and a brief, quiet murmur danced around the space – how much longer?
xxxxHeronstar didn’t worry about officially calling them. The clan had already gathered naturally due to it only just have been food time, and it being the first night of the year warm enough for any of them to want to hang around outside when they didn’t need it already. The Gustclan cats were making the most of the first decent evening of the year. And Heronstar had wanted to delay just a few days from the relevant moon phase, knowing that the warm days were coming.
xxxxHeronstar cleared her throat, and silence fell across the clan cats.
xxxx“Gullkit!” The flame-pointed kit’s head snapped up to look at his new leader, looking mildly surprised. “You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Gullpaw. Your mentor will be Lobsterclaw. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you.” Bugleclaw shot his son a proud look, and Lobsterclaw’s tail flicked in pride too.
xxxxLobsterclaw stepped forwards, to stand beside Gullk- Gullpaw on the raised logs that Heronstar used to jump up to the wall.
xxxx“Lobsterclaw, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You received excellent training from Lobeliafur, and you have shown yourself to be a brave and persistent warrior. You will be the mentor of Gullpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him.”
xxxxLobsterclaw dipped his head just a tiny touch down, just enough for Gullpaw to be able to reach up and touch his nose.
xxxxWhen Gannetkit’s name was called, he nearly wriggled in excitement, far more pleased than his brother to hear his name being called for an apprentice ceremony. His attention was taken away a few times, looking up at the clouds, gently nuzzling a flower that was near his nose, but only for a few seconds at the time.
xxxxNoctulepath’s chest swelled with pride, tail high in the air, broad smile plastered on her face at becoming a mentor.
xxxxGannetpaw nudged his brother, making a point – hey, you were only a rank higher than me for one moment.
xxxxAnd then came the clan seeing Poppypaw for the first time as a group. Most of the cats had, of course, seen her individually by now, but only a few in the last couple of days, since she had regained her strength, and never as a collective before this.
xxxxPoppypaw stepped up proudly, jumping so smoothly up the pile that she looked like a bird in flight for a moment.
xxxx“Poppypaw, you have been an apprentice of Mistclan before you came to Gustclan, but it would not be right to leave an apprentice without a mentor. Until your clan comes back to you – or in case you decide to stay here should they – you must continue your training here. Your mentor will be Garganeywhisker-“
xxxxGarganeywhisker and Pheasantcloud shot a sad look between themselves, not wanting to say anything, and not wanting to be apart from each other for the long moons needed for Poppypaw’s training. Garganeywhisker wasn’t sure she’d be able to talk to any of the other mentors properly. She didn’t need a lot of talking – and neither did Pheasantcloud – but she needed some, and she knew she wouldn’t find any from the other mentors. It would be a lonely few moons.
xxxx“I hope she passes down all she knows to you.”
xxxxGarganeywhisker stepped forward, ready for her aspect of the ceremony, glancing sadly at Pheasantcloud just once more.
xxxxSquirrelpaw sneezed loudly again, burrowing down in her new nest in the medicine den. Her nose was red, snot running out of her nostrils, despite her sniffling.
xxxxShe was the only cat who’d been stuck in the medicine den – as a patient – so far in her memory, and she wasn’t too pleased with this new situation. Her eyes drooped, her head still stuck on her forepaws.
xxxxHarrierpelt had left the camp to go to look for more herbs, preparing for the upcoming kittings, which left Teaselpaw alone in camp as their medicine cat. With so many queens in camp, he wasn’t getting to go out to train anywhere near so much as his siblings, and he knew he’d be far behind to receive his adult name, but he was constantly getting to hone his skills. And – most importantly – he had proven thoroughly to himself that he loved what he wanted to do, and he’d chosen well for himself as a young kit.
xxxxHarrierpelt had said that Squirrelpaw would recover just fine, and Teaselpaw knew well enough that most of his attention should be going to the queens, but at this point, Squirrelpaw was a sister to him in every sense of the word but blood. And he couldn’t stand to see his sister suffering.
xxxxHe slowly worked a piece of Lungwort out from where it lay in the pile, trying to be as subtle as possible, and gave it to Squirrelpaw.
xxxxUp close she looked far worse now than she had when she’d come back just a few days ago. And Hachoo! Squirrelpaw’s sneezing had grown more frequent and louder. He wasn’t so sure Squirrelpaw would be okay without any medication.
xxxxSquirrelpaw looked up at him, confused, and bleary eyed.
xxxx“I can’t, Teaselpaw, Harrierpelt said no.”
xxxx“I’m also a medicine cat, and I say you need it.”
xxxxSquirrelpaw was too sick for the willpower needed to say no.
xxxxRivuletkit jumped onto her brother, hitting him in the back with both front paws at once, and tried to bite him playfully on his shoulder. Cairngormkit rolled over, in such a way as that Rivuletkit rolled with him, flopping onto her back. But now? Lobeliafur’s kits were left looking up at the ceiling.
xxxxAnd there, up on a wooden pin near a joint in the structure making up the wall. The pin stuck out a good few inches. And on it, sitting there, looking like it hadn’t a care in the world, sat a single sparrow.
xxxxIt must have flown in through one of the gaps in the glass, right? There were only a few of them in the camp, but at least one of them would be big enough, surely? Or… maybe it came in through one of the fins at some point?
xxxxEither way, it was sure to go or die at some point, right? There wasn’t anywhere for it to nest that Rivuletkit had seen, and it didn’t have a lot of options. Maybe it was scouting out somewhere to nest with its mate later? But not here. Poor sparrow.
xxxxDipperpaw practically bounced around the warriors’ den, although by now she had the decorum to tone it down at least a little bit, as excited as she was.
xxxx“We’re going to be warriors soon!” She giggled, jumping up onto the soft platform where many of the warriors – priority to the senior warriors by this point, with how crowded the den was becoming – slept, wanting to try out where she might nest once she was one herself. There was talk of splitting out the den so that some slept in one of the still-empty abandoned section of the old two leg nest, down the narrow gap from where the current dens were. But no one wanted to be the first warriors in there.
xxxxRingpaw smiled up at her, from where he lay, flaked out on his side, in a patch where sun shone through the glass. “It’s going to be amazing!”
xxxx“Heronstar said we’re doing our assessments in the next few days, I can’t wait.”
xxxx“Did she say I’d be doing them?” Zinniapaw asked, from the corner of the den. She hadn’t wanted them to make a noise, but as they now were, it seemed futile. Dipperpaw and Ringpaw’s expressions turned cold.
xxxx“No. You’ve not been training long enough to be a warrior.” Zinniapaw looked down at the floor between her front paws. And she knew what her sister was thinking. “You spent so long thinking you were above us, that you deserved a different rank to us. You thought that so hard that you were willing to try arguing with the leader. And then you were proven wrong, and you expect us to think you want to be our equal now?”
xxxxBut that was what she wanted. If she couldn’t achieve her dream, she could at least achieve a basic standing in life. She didn’t blame Heronstar for delaying her assessment – she had started warrior training later – but she so wished Heronstar hadn’t stoked the flames of her siblings’ taunting. And by getting his dream, Teaselpaw had avoided that, and pushed her into it instead. Her siblings hated her because they thought she looked down on them for their dreams, and that she thought it was lesser to be a warrior. She didn’t – it just wasn’t what she felt was right for her. But the more they derided her for what they thought she thought, the more she resented them all in turn.

[ Knawelkit has died ]

[ Knotfish and Narwhal try for kits ]
[ Langoustinefang is in her 3rd moon of gestation ]
[ Cicelynose is in her 2nd moon of gestation ]

[ Ringpaw, and Dipperpaw are ready for their warrior assessments. Should they be successful, they would become Ringflower and Dipperfish ]
[ Squirrelpaw has to delay a moon as she’s recovering from her cold; Teaselpaw secretly uses 1 x Lungwort to help her recovery ]
[ Gullkit is apprenticed to Lobsterclaw and becomes Gullpaw! ]
[ Gannetkit is apprenticed to Noctulepath and becomes Gannetpaw! ]
[ Poppypaw is apprenticed to Garganeywhisker! ]

[ Zinniapaw and Knotfish, Minnowpaw and Adoniscloud, Umbrapaw and Tabitha, Gullpaw and Lobsterclaw, Gannetpaw and Noctulepath, and Poppypaw and Garganeywhisker train ]

(If they train in hunting, can Gullpaw fail that?)

[ Chubtail, Boulderdash, Firepath, Merlindash, and Vendacethroat, go hunting ]
[ Argusheart, Martinwhisker, Camberfoot, Troutclaw, and Narwhal go hunting ]
[ Pearstone, Pheasantcloud, Ospreystorm, Saffronstream, and Lionfish go fishing ]
[ Heronstar, Bugleclaw, Shellcloud, and Clarystorm go on patrol ]

[ Harrierpelt and Teaselpaw stay in camp to mind the queens ]
[ Cicelynose and Langoustinefang stay in camp ]
[ Nettleflower stays in camp to mind her kit – Witkit ]
[ Ulyssa stays in camp to mind the kits – Xanthe, Xerxes, and Xiomara ]
[ Lobeliafur, Osierfang, and Moraine stay in camp to mind the kits – Cairngormkit, Rivuletkit, Cinquefoilkit, Fioled, Llosgi Llyn, Môr, Tymestl, Eryr, and Goch ]
[ Droseratail, Sparrowfoot, Ploverstripe, Barnfish, Mosquitowhisker, Troutstripe, and Aspenfoot, stay in camp ]
[ Gustclan consumes 2 big fish and 2 squirrels – 10 portions ]

To Be Found On Patrol At Some Point:
- Subject to a rename but there’ll be a consistent theme

Clan DescriptionClan Archive
Allegiances and BordersTrainingGenealogyItem Storage
StarclanDark ForestMiscellaneous Dead

    Heronstar | 87 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

    ★ Chubtail | 83 | Male

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 62 | Male
    MCA: (1)
    ★ Teaselpaw | 14 | Male

    Apprentices: (9)
    ★ Ringpaw | 14 | Male
    ★ Dipperpaw | 14 | Female
    ★ Squirrelpaw | 14 | Female
    ★ Zinniapaw | 14 | Female
    ★ Minnowpaw | 11 | Male
    ★ Umbrapaw | 10 | Genderfluid (Molly)
    Gullpaw | 7 | Male
    Gannetpaw | 7 | Male
    ★ Poppypaw | 10 | Female

    Queens: (7)
    ★ Osierfang | 49 | Female | •••
    ★ Lobeliafur | 45 | Female | •••
    Moraine on Steep Slope | 56 | Female | ••••
    ★ Nettleflower | 35 | Female | ••••
    ★ Langoustinefang | 30 | Female | •••
    ★ Cicelynose | 28 | Female | ••
    ★ Ulyssa | 38 | Female | ••

    Kits: (13)
    ★ Witkit | 5 | Demi-girl (Molly)
    ☆ Knawelkit | 5 | Female
    ★ Xanthe | 4 | Female
    ★ Xerxes | 4 | Male
    ★ Xiomara | 4 | Female
    ★ Cairngormkit | 2 | Male
    ★ Rivuletkit | 2 | Female
    ★ Cinquefoilkit | 2 | Male
    ★ Gors Lle Fioled Yn Tyfu | 2 | Male
    ★ Hwyr Yr Haul Yn Llosgi Llyn | 2 | Male
    ★ Sgiwen Llywio Môr Eang | 2 | Male
    Tymestl Yn Teithio I’r Dwyrain | 2 | Female
    Eryr Yn Hedfan Heddychlon | 2 | Female
    ★ Awyr Goch Yn Olau Bore | 2 | Male

    Elders: (2)
    ★ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 111 | Male
    ★ Aspenfoot tail | 100 | Female
Warriors: (26 [+7])
★ Boulderdash | 78 | Female
★ Argusheart | 79 | Female
★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 61 | Male
★ Osierfang | 49 | Female | Queen
★ Bugleclaw | 80 | Male
★ Lobeliafur | 45 | Female | Queen
Moraine on Steep Slope | 56 | Female | Queen
★ Shellcloud | 41 | Male
★ Droseratail | 41 | Male
★ Martinwhisker | 57 | Male
★ Sparrowfoot | 35 | Female
★ Nettleflower | Female | Queen
★ Firepath | 39 | Male
★ Tabitha “Tabbyfur” | 36 | Female
★ Merlindash | 32 | Male
★ Clarystorm | 72 | Male
★ Langoustinefang | 30 | Female | Queen
★ Vendacethroat | 30 | Male
★ Ploverstripe | 28 | Male
★ Cicelynose | 28 | Female | Queen
★ Knotfish | 37 | Male
★ Narwhal | 43 | Female
Adoniscloud | 34 | Male
★ Garganeywhisker -mouse | 30 | Female
★ Troutstripe | 20 | Female
★ Pheasantcloud | 19 | Female
★ Mosquitowhisker | 19 | Female
★ Lobsterclaw | 19 | Male
★ Camberfoot | 19 | Male
★ Lionfish | 18 | Male
★ Ospreystorm | 18 | Female
★ Noctulepath | 18 | Female
★ Saffronstream | 18 | Male
Last edited by Chamrosh on Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Wed May 23, 2018 7:52 am

    Season: Leaf Bare
    Weather: The cats have woken to a surprise, it has finally stopped snowing and raining and the clouds had finally given way to the shining sun. The air is still cold however but now with some sunlight, you cats have a chance to warm themselves. There's no telling how long the sun will be out before the clouds return with even more snow, though there is enough to cover a cat completely. Prey is still scarce and the sun has brought out some predators so your cats should be wary.

    Announcement: Once this thread reaches its 10th post on page 399 please do not post anymore.


Makoto Naegi wrote:Image
[Acornclan consumes a rabbit and a bird (5 servings)]
[Foxkit and Bloomkit become apprentices]
[Tigerpaw takes her warriors assessment. If she passes she will be known as Tigertuft]
[Rainpuddle becomes foster mother for the orphaned kits]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Cloverstep and Cowpelt train Flakepaw and Bloompaw together]
[Emberstorm trains Foxpaw]
[Bramblestep, Dapplecloud, Cinderflight and Appleblaze hunt]
[Greypatch, Blossomberry, Dustbreeze and Bumblestream hunt]
[Birdstar, Whitecoal and Flamebelly patrol]

    Foxkit and Bloomkit become Foxpaw and Bloompaw!
    Tigerpaw fails her assessments due to the weather.
    Rabbitnose finds rush.
    Flakepaw and Bloompaw learn fighting skill.
    Foxpaw learns the stalking skill.
    Bramblestep, Dapplecloud, Cinderflight and Appleblaze caught two rabbits.
    Greypatch, Blossomberry, Dustbreeze and Bumblestream caught a squirrel.
    Whitecoal slips on some ice and sprains their paw.
    Whitecoal will need elder leaves and one moon of rest or three moons of rest.
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Cham's Replies 22/05

Postby Chamrosh » Wed May 23, 2018 7:56 am


Weather - Leaf-bare
Winter. Snow lies like a blanket across most of the clan
territories, although, from the piercing cold that blasts
its way into every den, it's clearly not a very effective
one. Thick ice crusts every pond and water source. Even
the rivers bear a thick layer of ice, solid enough to hold
many a cat. Even the heaviest cats could tread upon it
without worry, though why they would want to is
beyond any cat's guess.
Warriors, loners and prey have all grown similar through
these long, cold moons; none of them want to have to
wander away from the comforts of their dens, and into
the frigid air.
The young cats who survive this season - though likely
few - can be found praying for the snow and gales to
finally die back down; and just because the adults aren't
found doing it, does not mean they aren't, too.

20/05 or 05/20 or 20th May



[Willowthroat, Badgerstrike, Kitetalon, Thunderbird, and Amberowl go hunting]
[Whitefoot, Lyrastar, Owlwing, Bearfoot, Ebonypool and Swiftsky hunt]
[Blazeheart, Cloverfield, Leopardeyes, Arrowfang and Badgerstrike patrol]
[Solarspark, Briarsweep, Blossomfur, Aconite and Wisteriawhisper patrol]
[Fernshade and Speckledrise train: Stealth]
[Juniperberry and Flamerise train: Stealth]
[Sycamoreheart and Thornrise train: Battle]
[Briarsweep and Fawnrise train: Stealth]
[Whitefoot and Heatherrise train: Stealth]
[Blazeheart and Stonerise train: Stealth]
[Blossomfur and Birdrise train: Stealth]
[Solarspark and Featherrise train: Herb Recognition]
[Blacknose and Heronrise train: Stealth]
[Arrowfang and Raccoonrise train: Stealth]
[Ebonypool and Goldenrise retrain: Battle]
[Kitetalon and Magpierise train: Battle]
[Poppycloud stays in the nursery so that it is warmer for Aspenleaf]
[Lionscorch stays in camp for one more moon to make sure he has fully healed]
[The clan consumes nine servings]


[ While hunting, Willowthroat, Badgerstrike, Kitetalon, Thunderbird, and Amberowl catch 1 pigeon and 1 squirrel ]
[ While hunting, Whitefoot, Lyrastar, Owlwing, Bearfoot, Ebonypool, and Swiftsky catch 1 pigeon and 1 vole ]
[ While on patrol, Blazeheart, Cloverfield, Leopardeyes, Arrowfang, and Badgertrike encounter a rogue ]
[ While on patrol, Solarspark, Briarsweep, Blossomfur, Aconite, and Wisteriawhisper encounter a warrior ]

[ Goldenrise, Magpierise, and Thornrise all successfully learned the Battle skill! ]
[ Featherrise successfully learned the Herb Recognition skill! ]
[ Birdrise, Fawnrise, Flamerise, Heatherrise, Heronrise, Raccoonrise, Speckledrise, and Stonerise all successfully learned the Stealth skill! ]

[ Lionscorch seems to have made a full recovery ]

I think Aspenleaf's not expecting, and this might just be me being very tired right now, but if she is and is now ridiculously overdue just poke my PMs



[Eaglepaw, Cougarpaw, Batpaw And Bearpaw take their final assessment]
[Weaselfur, Lizardfire, Birchtail And Rabbitspark patrol]
[Otterjaw, Birdpaw, Shadowfang And Jax hunt]
[Birchtail And Softleaf sneak off and try for kits]
[The Clan consumes x5 mice]


[ Eaglepaw, Cougarpaw, Batpaw, and Bearpaw all pass their final assessment! Although the ultimate decision lies with Hailstar, Starclan suggests Eagletalon, Cougarleap, Batblaze, and Bearstorm ]
[ While on patrol, Weaselfur, Lizardfire, Birchtail, and Rabbitspark encounter nothing much of interest, really ]
[ While hunting, Otterjaw, Birdpaw, Shadowfang, and Jax catch 1 bird ]
[ Softleaf is expecting kits! ]

I don't know your naming system too thoroughly yet, so I'm mostly guessing with your naming style. I thought suggestions might be appreciated if you didn't have anything in mind already, but I won't be offended at all if you entirely ignore them XD
I sort of went lyrical but things which roughly allude to something they've trained in? I checked that they're all unique before alluding to them at all.

Also, going to call a strong preference on not doing adult pics as I think I just used the only free to use solid chocolate tuxedo adult cat picture anywhere




          prey eaten: x1 mouse and x1 squirrel (3 servings)
          training: bramblepaw
          patrol: lightfrost, blazethistle, and sheila
          hunting: tawnystar and coalstorm
          herb hunting: blizzardstone
          moonpool: tawnystar requests a queen

          need to find:
          dapplefog, bearclaw, wolfstep, honeypaw


[ Bramblepaw successfully learns the climbing skill! ]
[ While on patrol, Lightfrost, Blazethistle, and Sheila encounter Honeypaw ]
[ While hunting, Tawnystar and Coalstorm catch 1 big fish ]
[ While herb-hunting, Blizzardstone finds 1 x dried oak leaves and 1 x thyme ]
[ Starclan has sent Roseclan a queen. She is due in two moons! ]


winter solstice.

[ The Clan consumes Hare x3. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dapplepaw gather herbs (especially kitting herbs). ]
[ Dapplepaw is renamed Dappledawn, and becomes a full medicine cat, next to Honeytuft. ]
[ All cats return to the main camp. The secondary camp is noted for future use, however. ]
[ Emberwhisker and Brocadepaw are killed by Ravenwish and Applemist, respectively. ]
[ Silkfeather and Cloudkit are killed by Ravenwish when he tries to bring the weakened queen and her kits out. ]
[ Stormfang is ousted as deputy. Carrotfur is named deputy. ]
[ Cardinalpaw is apprenticed to Carrotfur. ]
[ All apprentice training is resumed. ]
[ Brocadepaw is given the warrior name Brocadeheart on her deathbed. ]
[ Whiterose, Mintnose, Birchlight, Thistletuft, Hollyspots, and Morningflame hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Nightwing, Dustflower, Cliffpaw, and Jadepaw hunt at the forest by the river. ]
[ Leafstar, Daisysong, Hawkpath, and Cardinalpaw patrol the northern border. ]
[ Stormfang, Ravenwish, Applemist, Sagefrost, Antfoot, and Swayingtrees are kept prisoner in the elder's chamber until further notice. ]
[ Shorefall, Stormbreeze, Whisperdust, Carrotfur, Bellcloud, and Oakshadow are put in charge of guarding the prisoners. ]
[ Everyone else stays in camp. ]
[ Whisperdust teaches Goldenpaw the Climbing skill. ]
[ Daisysong teaches Boompaw the Hunting skill. ]
[ Stormbreeze teaches Jadepaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Ivynose teaches Cliffpaw the Swimming skill. ]
[ Carrotfur teaches Cardinalpaw the Stalking skill. }
[ Goosewing will kit in two moons. ]


[ While herb-hunting, Honeytuft and Dapplepaw gather 1 x burnet, 1 x sticks, and 1 x willow bark ]

[ The Stars of Starclan twinkle gently and invitingly to the Seaclan cats, as if some of their members are waving a soft "farewell". As of course, Seaclan shall, with so many noble warriors now watching over them for generations to come.
The Seaclan cats are welcomed fondly among the Starclan cats, and although they may not truly be ancestors, especially with age considered, they shall be remembered no less fondly by Seaclan, or viewed no less respectfully by Starclan for it. In fact, upon entering Starclan, several cats who died as kits swarm around the warriors - now including Brocadeheart - overjoyed to meet such courageous cats ]

[ Starclan approves of Leafstar's choice, recognising the potential of the new deputy ]

[ While hunting, Whiterose, Mintnose, Birchlight, Thistletuft, Hollyspots, and Morningflame catch 1 sparrow and 1 mouse ]
[ While hunting, Nightwing, Dustflower, Cliffpaw, and Jadepaw catch 1 shrew ]
[ While on patrol, Leafstar, Daisysong, Hawkpath, and Cardinalpaw encounter a faint scent of badger. It's strange for a badger to be active this far into winter, which means that whatever scent they're catching must be coming directly from a sett... ]

[ Goldenpaw successfully learns the Climbing skill ]
[ Boompaw successfully learns the Hunting skill ]
[ Cardinalpaw successfully learns the Stalking skill ]
[ Cliffpaw and Jadepaw successfully learn the Swimming skill ]


When we reach the 10th post on page 399, aka 3990 posts, please don't post again on this thread! I'll be PMing people who've asked me to the link of the new thread once it's up!
Last edited by Chamrosh on Wed May 23, 2018 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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g σ r s є c l α n | [004]

Postby JulieMew1010 » Wed May 23, 2018 11:29 am


total cats; eleven
she-cats; six | toms; five
servings needed; three
next moonpool visit; anytime
N | Clan Name | Username
E | SongClan | TheElevatorCat
S | Clan Name | Username
W | Clan Name | Username
last reply; 3
ooc; I've got some new fancy
coding!! Also sorry for not
posting in so long ;;


      [last moon;]
    xMistywing blinked open her eyes, dawn sunlight flooding in through the opening of the warriors’ den. Smokenose was fast
    asleep in the nest next to hers- her snores rolled off of the walls of the cave. She allowed herself a small smile. The older
    warrior was grumpy, but she was loyal and willing to help out in any way she could. She glanced around the den and saw
    that Pinestripe was stretching, parting his lips in a yawn. She grinned and did the same, getting to her paws. Pinestripe’s
    eyes fluttered open and he saw Mistywing and smiled. She waved her tail in a silent greeting and exited the den, hopping
    up onto the damp soil of the forest. The camp was drowning in orange light as the sun laid barely below the horizon, as if
    it was stalking prey and getting ready to pounce higher into the sky. She padded down towards the fresh-kill pile- which
    was neary empty, to her dismay- and sat, licking her chest fur as she awaited the arrival of Pinestripe. As she expected, he
    sat right next to her and looked at her expectantly.
    i“Good morning,” he purred. She could hear the longing in his voice, and it made her swell with adoration. She knew that
    he liked her, and she found him adorable.
    x“Good morning,” she answered between licks. “Have you seen Eagleflash?”
    x“Not yet,” he shrugged. “Now that I think about it, Mountainpaw and Bramblestar are gone, too,” he meowed with worry
    in his voice.
    x“They’re probably on one of their early patrols,” she suggested brightly. As if on cue, light footsteps could be barely heard
    from within the forest. Mistywing stood up and scanned the forest- and she saw a large group of cats approaching them.
    x“Get Smokenose,” Mistywing whispered to Pinestripe. He nodded and ran up the hill towards the warriors’ den and came
    back moments later with Smokenose trailing slowly behind.
    x“Woah woah woah!” Bramblestar’s voice called. “It’s just us, we’ve found a bunch of new Clanmates!” Mistywing could
    hear murmuring and even the high-pitched mewls of kits. Mistywing let out a gasp when she saw kits in both Eagleflash and
    another cat’s jaws.
    x“They all left their previous Clans,” Eagleflash meowed, her voice muffled by the fur of a small all-white kit.
    x“Well, we’re happy to have you,” Mistywing meowed warmly. “How about we show you around?”

      [this moon;]
    xThe Clan had definitely grown a lot since Mistywing had joined the Clan as deputy. Swankit and Batkit cuddled close
    together in the nursery while Oakleaf told his Clanmates amusing stories about his apprenticehood. Mountainpaw listened
    with awe, while Longpaw scoffed every now and then. Both apprentices were old enough to be warriors, but they needed
    to be trained for a while longer. And now Mistywing and Bramblestar had to figure out how they’d teach Batkit to be a
    x“Maybe she could be our first medicine cat,” Mistywing suggested brightly. “She has a very good sense of smell,” she pointed
    out with a purr, recalling her complaints about not being able to eat the delicious-smelling rabbit in the fresh-kill pile.
    Swankit was still too young to leave the nursery, and Mistywing and Eagleflash had been taking turns watching over them-
    though Mistywing obviously enjoyed it more than Eagleflash. They were both telling the kits about Clan life, and what each
    role in the Clan did. Every once in a while Batkit would come out of the nursery and talk to Oakleaf- she was obviously
    taking a liking to the warrior and treated him like a sort of father figure. Mistywing was just brushing Swankit’s back with
    her tail when she heard a voice from outside the nursery.
    x“Hey, could I talk to you for a moment?” Mistywing turned and saw Pinestripe poking his head inside the nursery with a
    nervous expression. Mistywing gave him a warm smile and shook her head.
    x“After sunhigh,” she meowed regretfully. “It’s still my turn to watch the kits.”
    x“I can start my shift early today,” Eagleflash’s meow sounding from behind her brother. “But you have to sleep in there
    she pointed out.
    x“Seems fair,” Mistywing meowed jokingly. She carefully scooted backwards and hopped up and out of the nursery, following
    x“It’s nice in the forest,” he meowed. This is awfully out of character, Mistywing thought nervously.
    x“Are you feeling alright?” Mistywing asked gently.
    x“Oh, uh, yeah!” Pinestripe stammered. “I’m feeling really good, actually. I’ve noticed how much you like watching the kits,
    even though it seems pretty boring.”

    x“Yes, they’re adorable. I love kits,” Mistywing meowed with a gentle laugh.
    x“Well, uh, wo-would you, uh..” Pinestripe meowed, obviously nervous beyond belief. Mistywing looked him in the eyes, and
    he took a deep breath, composing himself.
    x“Would you like kits of your own?” he finally meowed. Mistywing’s cheeks felt hot. Is he asking what I think he is?
    x“If you’re asking what I think…” she began, but was cut off by Pinestripe.
    x“Will you be my mate?” he asked with an embarrassed grin. Mistywing was about to reply, but her chest rumbled with purrs
    and she just pressed her forehead against his. They padded back to camp with their tails twined, and their Clanmates could
    tell what had happened. Some of them murmured their congratulations while some rolled their eyes and went back to chatting.


[prey; GorseClan consumes 3 servings] | [hunting; (1) Smokenose/Longpaw/Thistletail/Mistywing] | [hunting; (2) Bramblestar/ Mountainpaw/Oakleaf/Eagleflash] | [training; Bramblestar+Mountainpaw and Smokenose+Longpaw] | [mates; Mistywing and
Pinestripe have become mates!] | [new cats; Oakleaf and Thistletail, Longpaw, Batkit, and Swankit]


leader; Bramblestar | 39m | | nine lives
deputy; Mistywing | 24m |
med cat; Name | #m |
Smokenose | 50m |
Oakleaf | 42m |
Thistletail | 29m |
Pinestripe [left] | 26m |
Eagleflash [right] | 26m |
Name | #m |
Longpaw | 14m |
Mountainpaw | 12m |
Name | #m |
Name | #m |
Name | #m |
Batkit | 5m |
xxx→ Blind
Swankit | 2m |
Name | #m |
Name | #m |
Name | #m |
allied clans; SongClan | TheElevatorCat
VagaryClan | mother-hen
FloodClan | gummyfox12364
HazelClan | ramos me with a bike
Clan Name | Username
enemy clans; Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
fresh-kill pile
total servings; 3
Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
Vole | x0 | 0 servings
Shrew | x0 | 0 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
Bird | x0 | 0 servings
medicine storage
Herb | x0 | last used on name
Herb | x0 | last used on name
Herb | x0 | last used on name
Herb | x0 | last used on name
Herb | x0 | last used on name
Bramblestar | Mountainpaw
1 | TC, F
Smokenose | Longpaw
0 | AH, C, S
Mentor | Apprentice
No. of training sessions | Moves
deceased cats;
Name | #m |
xxx→ Cause of Death
Name | #m |
xxx→ Cause of Death
former clanmates;
Name | Former rank
xxx→ New Clan
Name | Former rank
xxx→ New Clan
Name + Name
xxxKit and Kit
Eagleflash & Pinestripe
Name & Name

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ash's replies [59]

Postby ashton. » Wed May 23, 2018 12:20 pm

      bluebell | brier | deep | eagle | evergreen | falling | fire | frozen | garrison | honey | ivy | lamb | lark | laurel | lilac | moor | morning | moss | petal | prairie | raven | robin | rodrigo | shaft

      weather: leaf-bare.
      during leaf-bare, the chances of catching greencough is higher. if you send the same cat out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold, which can lead to whitecough and greencough, so be careful. after your cat catches a cold, don't send them out for two posts, or their cold will progress to whitecough or greencough. the sun will start to go down early and it will get colder once the sun starts to go down. you will also catch less prey and are less likely to find new cats.

sheena wrote:

[ the clan consumes 2/3rd of a hare. ]
[ adderstar requests a deputy at the moonpool. ]
[ spiderstep hunts. ]
[ adderstar & ryeflower go on border patrol. (if this isn't allowed since adderstar went to the
moonpool, just ryeflower) ]

      starclan sends lilacclan a deputy!
      spiderstep couldn't catch anything due to the snow!
      adderstar's patrol caught sight of a rogue! return with a larger patrol to either chase it off or try to convince it to join your clan.

__surprise__ wrote:

[ dramhaíl hunts ]
[ oíche patrols ]
[ solas trains with foraoise ]
[ cait requests a medicine cat ]
[ robinclan consume a mouse and a vole ]

      dramhaíl couldn't catch anything due to the snow!
      oíche found an elder!
      solas learned the hunting skill!
      starclan sends robinclan a medicine cat!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Wed May 23, 2018 12:22 pm

Leaf-bare- It seems Leaf-bare is toying with the Clans once again. The snowfall started off gently and covered the Clan territory in a thin blanket. Now, the snow is thick and rises up well past the bellies of even the tallest cats. Prey and predators are hiding away safely in their burrows and are rarely risking the journey out. This clearly will not stop patrols from leaving the camp. Let's hope they return safely


If you haven't already marked it, here is the link to our fanclub

Also, if you don't give written posts, I won't give written replies unless I see a good opportunity to do one


[ Mapleclan ] | [ Soulclan ] | [ Cragclan ] | [ Forestclan ] | [ Gustclan ] | [ Sageclan ] | [ Honestclan ] | [ Briarclan ]
[ Jinxclan ] | [ Dappleclan ] | [ OakTreeclan ] | [ Autumnclan ] | [ Sparrowclan ] | [ Azgeda ] | [ Waveclan ] | [ Slateclan ]
[ Horizonclan ] | [ Mintclan ] | [ Swiftclan ] | [ Quartzclan ] | [ Floodclan ] | [ Mallowclan ] | [ Aridclan ] | [ The Summits ]
[ Lagoonclan ]


gummyfox12364 wrote:
[BramblingKit, ThornKit, StormKit, NettleKit and JayKit are welcomed to the clan]
[BrackenBreeze takes in GravelKit and ThornKit]
[TwigHeart goes back to her medicine cat duties]
[FlickeringFlame and TwigHeart go herb hunting]
[HollyStar requests a warrior]
[OlivePaw takes her warrior assessment - if she passes she will be known as OliveStrike]
[All apprentices trains]
[HollyStar, HareLeap, TroutPaw, BumbleTail, OlivePaw, and HawkSwoop go hunting]
[OakRiver, ThriftPaw, ThistleFang, HoneyFang, WhirlShine, and BurntPaw go patrolling]
[LavenderRunner, OakPaw, FlareHeart, MorningPaw, and DawnTail go hunting]
[BeetleNose, BearHeart, and FogWhorl go patrolling]
[Floodclan eats a frog, a mouse, and 2 small fish / 6 servings]

[ Flickeringflame and Twigheart got to work on putting away the parsley, poppy seeds and sorrel they had gathered on their patrol. Flickeringflame looked around curiously, suddenly not able to find the parsley. The ginger and white tom looked over to ask Twigheart if she had seen it, only to see her exiting the medicine cat den with something in her jaws. When the apprentice looked back briefly, the medicine cat could see that she had the parsley. But why? ]
[ Hollystar made her way back to camp, the odd-eyed warrior in tow. The black leader looked back at the cat, wondering why Starclan would send them such a strange cat, but ended up deciding it would be best not to question Starclan's will ]
[ Olivepaw, no Olivestrike, puffed her chest out proudly as her clanmates called out her new name. The young she-cat had passed her final assessment easily and definitely deserved her warrior name ]
[ Thiftpaw trudged along behind the younger apprentices, glaring up at Oakriver. The warrior glared back at his apprentice and said that helping the younger apprentices learn the Battle skill would be good for him, helping him learn the Advanced Battle skill while the others got their normal Battle skill ]
[ Hollystar's patrol caught three frogs ]
[ Oakriver's patrol found no cats on their patrol, but they did come across a thrush on their way back to camp ]
[ Lavenderrunner's patrol caught a big fish ]
[ Beetlenose's patrol came across a snarky rogue. They seem to have a strong dislike for the Clan cats but maybe if the patrol gives them a piece of prey they'll join Floodclan? ]


Seelie wrote:
[3 voles has been added into the fresh-kill pile.]
[1 Big Fish has been consumed.]
[Evanka learns the swiftness skill.]
[Aspen goes to search for herbs.]
[The others rest for the day.]

[ Evanka learned the Swift skill while training ]
[ Aspen gathered parsley and poppy seeds while herb hunting ]


osleya wrote:
( eden, finn, and ander are ready to become warriors.)
⤷ eden, finn, ander
( drizzle, gem, and zevon are ready to become apprentices. )

( wanheda, wintam, violet, koi, allanon, and vinecreek go hunting. )
( rustpelt, sneezenose, yellowsong, thalia, pheonix, and arion go hunting. )
( skairipa, soncha, gonplei, bellamy, and fotam go hunting. )

( madi, catania, and hickorypaw train. )

(the clan does not eat.)

[ Eden, Finn and Ander have earned their Warrior position! ]
[ Drizzle, Gem and Zevon are now seconds! ]
[ Wanheda's patrol caught a hawk while hunting ]
[ Rustpelt's patrol caught three trouts while hunting ]
[ Skairipa's patrol caught two snow ferrets while hunting. On their way back to camp, they come across a loner who is requesting to join the Clan ]
[ Madi, Catania and Hickorypaw learned the Swim skill while training ]


silver ~ wrote:
[ kestrelstar go on border patrol ]
[ brookheart goes hunting ]
[ heatherfrost searches for herbs]
[ heatherfrost's five starter herbs were catmint, cobweb, goldenrod, horsetail and rush ]

[ Kestrelstar found a warrior ]
[ Brookheart caught three big fish ]
[ Heatherfrost gathered parsley and poppy seeds ]


cujo. wrote:
mallowclan eats 5 servings ;; one whole shrew and two whole squirrels
[ mallowclan welcomes the found warriors to the clan, they receive the names tipnose and badgerstep ! ]
[ whimbrelfoot, larkstorm, bagerstep and appletail hunt ]
[ stoatfang, doveface, tipnose hunt ]
[ mudstar, dipperflower, bramblestream and rosepaw patrol ]
[ shrikeflower, waspcloud, rowanpaw and campionpelt patrol ]
[ both patrols keep an eye out for any elderly or young cats that may have been abandoned in the bad weather ]
[ hazelleaf and batpaw hunt for herbs ]
[ rowanpaw, rosepaw and batpaw train with their mentors ]
[ mudstar requests a pregnant disabled queen ]

[ Whimrelfoot's patrol caught two squirrels ]
[ Stoatfang's patrol caught a shrew and vole ]
[ Mudstar's patrol found nothing important ]
[ Shrikeflower's patrol found an elder kittypet. It seems that their Twoleg threw them out ]
[ Hazelleaf and Batpaw gathered parsley, poppy seeds and sorrel ]
[ Waspcloud decides that it would be a good idea for Rowanpaw to join in on Batpaw's training today. Rowanpaw and Batpaw both learn the Herb Usage skill ]
[ Rosepaw learns the Battle skill while training ]
[ Starclan sent Mallowclan a queen. She isn't disabled but she is extremely malnourished. She doesn't look like she's very far along so Hazelleaf guesses that she's due in two moons when she really is due any day now. This could either mean the kits are going to be stillborn or they'll be smaller than normal ]


scarlet_wolf wrote:
    ixxx▬graveclan is named as such because of their rather odd residence; the felines that compose graveclan make their camp within an abandoned, overgrown cemetery, long since abandoned and far from twoleg civilization. the cemetery is so old that most of the names inscribed upon the headstones are worn away by the elements, and a fair share of the plaques are broken or cracked. the weather in the cemetery is, oddly, almost always chilly, with a crisp hint of cold in the air year-round, except in the hottest of summers, where the plentiful foliage will still provide adequate shade. the northern part of the territory boasts a narrow stream that freezes over easily; however, the cats of graveclan have learned to break the thin ice before it becomes too thick, allowing them to catch the occasional fish and sip from the cool water. a crumbling farmhouse stands in the southern part of the territory, housing plenty of mice and small birds. to speak with the ancestors, the gypsy will travel to the western part of the territory, to a crypt separate from the cemetery. the gypsy will make their way to the angelstone and speak there with the dead.
    ixxx▬the felines themselves are rather secluded, hostile cats. they prefer the comforts of their eerie graveyard to the company of other clans. at gatherings, they are often viewed as odd and even dangerous, making it slightly difficult to become allies with other clans, though they will surely acquire their own fair share of enemies. quiet and watchful, the cats of graveclan resemble their home.

    ixxx▬new ranks.
    ixxx▬leader → the king. the king is the leader of the clan, and what the king says, goes. no molly is permitted to take this position, a fact that bothers many of the clan. the king does not have any ties to starclan. however, when beginning a clan, the king may travel to the ancestors to request a gypsy; after that, all ties are severed and no further contact is made. often, the king doesn't even believe in starclan.
    ixxx▬new rank → the queen. the queen has little to no power, though she can be viewed as a sort of advisor to the king. she is not permitted to fight any battles. her only job is to care for her future kits and serve the king.
    ixxx▬deputy → the heir. rather than selecting any member of the clan to be the deputy, the king's eldest son will become the next king.
    ixxx▬new rank → the heir's mentor. the heir's mentor is a specially selected cat by the king himself who will train the heir.
    ixxx▬medicine cat → gypsy. the gypsy is the healer of the clan, and the cat that carries the closest ties to starclan. the gypsy will be the one to request new members of the clan. if a gypsy dies without an apprentice, the king will select the next gypsy. if the chosen cat refuses the position, oftentimes he or she will be exiled.
    ixxx▬medicine cat apprentice → gypsy's apprentice.
    ixxx▬warriors → warriors.
    ixxx▬apprentices → apprentices.
    ixxx▬queens → dames.
    ixxx▬kits → kits.
    ixxx▬elders → the wise.

    ixxx▬i am keeping the following cats from brineclan:
    ixxx▬phantomkit & ghostkit

[ Graveclan has been founded ]
[ Your mod will still be Simonpet ]


Chamrosh wrote:
xxxxDipperpaw practically bounced around the warriors’ den, although by now she had the decorum to tone it down at least a little bit, as excited as she was.
xxxx“We’re going to be warriors soon!” She giggled, jumping up onto the soft platform where many of the warriors – priority to the senior warriors by this point, with how crowded the den was becoming – slept, wanting to try out where she might nest once she was one herself. There was talk of splitting out the den so that some slept in one of the still-empty abandoned section of the old two leg nest, down the narrow gap from where the current dens were. But no one wanted to be the first warriors in there.
xxxxRingpaw smiled up at her, from where he lay, flaked out on his side, in a patch where sun shone through the glass. “It’s going to be amazing!”
xxxx“Heronstar said we’re doing our assessments in the next few days, I can’t wait.”
xxxx“Did she say I’d be doing them?” Zinniapaw asked, from the corner of the den. She hadn’t wanted them to make a noise, but as they now were, it seemed futile. Dipperpaw and Ringpaw’s expressions turned cold.
xxxx“No. You’ve not been training long enough to be a warrior.” Zinniapaw looked down at the floor between her front paws. And she knew what her sister was thinking. “You spent so long thinking you were above us, that you deserved a different rank to us. You thought that so hard that you were willing to try arguing with the leader. And then you were proven wrong, and you expect us to think you want to be our equal now?”
xxxxBut that was what she wanted. If she couldn’t achieve her dream, she could at least achieve a basic standing in life. She didn’t blame Heronstar for delaying her assessment – she had started warrior training later – but she so wished Heronstar hadn’t stoked the flames of her siblings’ taunting. And by getting his dream, Teaselpaw had avoided that, and pushed her into it instead. Her siblings hated her because they thought she looked down on them for their dreams, and that she thought it was lesser to be a warrior. She didn’t – it just wasn’t what she felt was right for her. But the more they derided her for what they thought she thought, the more she resented them all in turn.

[ Knawelkit has died ]

[ Knotfish and Narwhal try for kits ]
[ Langoustinefang is in her 3rd moon of gestation ]
[ Cicelynose is in her 2nd moon of gestation ]

[ Ringpaw, and Dipperpaw are ready for their warrior assessments. Should they be successful, they would become Ringflower and Dipperfish ]
[ Squirrelpaw has to delay a moon as she’s recovering from her cold; Teaselpaw secretly uses 1 x Lungwort to help her recovery ]
[ Gullkit is apprenticed to Lobsterclaw and becomes Gullpaw! ]
[ Gannetkit is apprenticed to Noctulepath and becomes Gannetpaw! ]
[ Poppypaw is apprenticed to Garganeywhisker! ]

[ Zinniapaw and Knotfish, Minnowpaw and Adoniscloud, Umbrapaw and Tabitha, Gullpaw and Lobsterclaw, Gannetpaw and Noctulepath, and Poppypaw and Garganeywhisker train ]

(If they train in hunting, can Gullpaw fail that?)

[ Chubtail, Boulderdash, Firepath, Merlindash, and Vendacethroat, go hunting ]
[ Argusheart, Martinwhisker, Camberfoot, Troutclaw, and Narwhal go hunting ]
[ Pearstone, Pheasantcloud, Ospreystorm, Saffronstream, and Lionfish go fishing ]
[ Heronstar, Bugleclaw, Shellcloud, and Clarystorm go on patrol ]

[ Harrierpelt and Teaselpaw stay in camp to mind the queens ]
[ Cicelynose and Langoustinefang stay in camp ]
[ Nettleflower stays in camp to mind her kit – Witkit ]
[ Ulyssa stays in camp to mind the kits – Xanthe, Xerxes, and Xiomara ]
[ Lobeliafur, Osierfang, and Moraine stay in camp to mind the kits – Cairngormkit, Rivuletkit, Cinquefoilkit, Fioled, Llosgi Llyn, Môr, Tymestl, Eryr, and Goch ]
[ Droseratail, Sparrowfoot, Ploverstripe, Barnfish, Mosquitowhisker, Troutstripe, and Aspenfoot, stay in camp ]
[ Gustclan consumes 2 big fish and 2 squirrels – 10 portions ]

[ Narwhal poked her head into the nursery for a moment before deciding to go inside all the time, padding happily towards Langoustinefang and Cicelynose. When asked what she was doing, Narwhal proudly announced that she was expecting Knotfish's kits! ]
[ Langoustinefang gave birth to three kits. The labor was hard and took a heavy toll on the queen's body, but she manged to survive. Sadly, one of her kits died shortly after being born ]
[ Ringpaw and Dipperpaw hold their heads high, proud to finally receive their warrior names: Ringflower and Dipperfish! ]
[ Gullpaw and Gannetpaw circle each other excitedly shortly after receiving their apprentice names, chattering before being told by their mentors that it was time to start their training. The two new apprentices tag along with the older apprentices on their training sessions, observing as Zinniapaw, Teaselpaw, Minnowpaw and Umbrapaw learn the Run skill. After watching the successful training session, Gullpaw and Gannetpaw are eager to learn their first skill: Hunting. Sadly, Gullpaw clearly doesn't have a high affinity for hunting and can barely pounce on a leaf, failing the lesson. Gannetpaw passes! ]
[ Chubtail's patrol caught two squirrels and a big fish ]
[ Argusheart's patrol caught a frog, a mouse and a rabbit ]
[ Pearstone's patrol caught two big fish ]
[ Heronstar's patrol found Coralkit of Brineclan! ]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Wolfypoof » Wed May 23, 2018 2:31 pm

Number of Cats: 26

It was finally starting to come clearer and the clan was glad. Nobody likes to be cold but they made do. Meanwhile, Foxpaw and Bloompaw were still brimming with excitement as their trained. Bloompaw even made a friend in Flakepaw. Tigerpaw on the other hand was depressed because of her failed assessment. With the bad weather though, no one could blame her. When the sun finally showed it's head, Birdstar allowed her to retake. She set off right away, leaving the bustling clan behind.

Birdstar and Bramblestep sorted out the days events. As cats started to leave, it became more quiet. Rabbitnose yawned in her den. Another day of sorting and collecting herbs... Suddenly, Whitecoal and Flamebelly waddled in. Whitecoal leaned against the ginger tom.
"Hello there, did something happen?" she asked the two.
"Whitecoal slipped while on patrol and hurt his leg," Flamebelly explained.
"Oh, come on... It's not that bad..." he scoffed, trying to hide his wincing face.
"Well, um... I better have a look. Please lay down here," Rabbitnose said, gesturing towards a freshly made nest. With Flamebelly's help, Whitecoal walked to the nest and after some time, laid down. Rabbitnose gave a nod to Flamebelly who shortly left. She carefully approached and examined his leg. Finally, she raised her head.
"Looks like you've sprained your paw. For the time being you should rest which means no warrior duties!" she sternly said.
"Alright, I understand. Maybe a rest wouldn't be too bad," he replied. She smiled in response. Then a frown appeared on her face.
"Gee... You toms always get into trouble," she pouted. "This is why I became a medicine cat. To keep you all out of trouble!"
"Haha, you know us. We always like to go head first for everything," he chuckled. Rabbitnose laughed.

Emberstorm was happy with her apprentice and as such often left camp to train him. With her gone, Bumblestream was finally able to relax. While they were friends, her constant whispering and planning did become repetitive after a while. She closed her odd coloured eyes and started to drift away into a deep sleep...

"Hey, Bumblestream can we talk for a sec?" a paw prodded her flank. Her eyes flew open and she slowly turned her head.
"Oh, hey Dustbreeze... What's up?" she lazily said.
"I still don't understand this alliance thing..." he sighed.
"Don't worry. I don't either," she yawned. "Emberstorm just makes plans but doesn't commit..."
"I see... Do you know why she picked me to join?"
"Something along the lines of, um... You looked annoyed or something... Like you were unhappy with the clan..." she said.
"Well, I'm not unhappy with the clan. This is my home. But i guess I can be annoyed sometimes..." he replied.
"Because of what?"
"Okay this is a little embarrassing... Don't tell anyone but I like Blossomberry. But I have a feeling she likes Greypatch more," he said. Bumblestream stopped to think.
"Eeeh... Maybe we can help somehow," she replied.
"I hope so... Anyway, I'm going to go patrol with those two so bye for now," he said. He turned tail and dashed away. Bumblestream closed her eyes again. Now, she can sleep...

[Acornclan consumes a bird and two shrews (5 servings)]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Tigerpaw retakes her warriors assessment]
[Whitecoal rests]
[Cowpelt trains Bloompaw]
[Emberstorm trains Foxpaw]
[Birdstar, Bramblestep, Dapplecloud and Appleblaze hunt]
[Cinderflight, Cloverstep, Flakepaw and Bumblestream hunt]
[Greypatch, Blossomberry, Flamebelly and Dustbreeze patrol]

    Birdstar | 47 moons | she-cat | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★

    Bramblestep | 47 moons | tom | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Rabbitnose | 49 moons | she-cat | X

    Dapplecloud | 42 moons | she-cat | X
    Whitecoal | 67 moons | tom | X
    Cloverstep | 39 moons | tom | X
    Cinderflight | 29 moons | she-cat | X
    Flamebelly | 36 moons | tom | X
    Greypatch | 22 moons | tom | X
    Emberstorm | 33 moons | she-cat | X
    Bumblestream | 29 moons | she-cat | X
    Blossomberry| 21 moons | she-cat| X
    Dustbreeze | 21 moons | tom | X
    Cowpelt | 32 moons | tom | X
    Appleblaze | 49 moons | she-cat | X

    Tigerpaw | 14 moons | she-cat | X
    Flakepaw | 8 moons | she-cat | X
    Foxpaw | 7 moons | tom | X
    Bloompaw | 7 moons | she-cat | X

    Rainpuddle | 42 moons | she-cat | X

    Blackkit | 4 moons | tom X (first left)
    Hailkit | 4 moons | tom | X (grey)
    Stormkit | 4 moons | she-cat | X (second left)
    Smallkit | 3 moons | she-cat | X
    Hollykit | 3 moons | she-cat | X

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Forestclan | Simonpet
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark |x1| Eases toothaches
    Boarge leaves |x1| For better milk, bring down fevers.
    Catmint |x1 | Remedy for greencough, whitecough
    Celandine |x1| Soothes damaged eyes
    Cobwebs |x1 | Stops bleeding, binds broken bones
    Coltsfoot |x2| Eases breathing, kitten-cough, cracked/sore pads.
    Daisy leaf |x1| Eases the pain of aching joints. Traveling herb.
    Deathberry |x1| Kills a cat, poison
    Dried oak leaf |x1| stops infection
    Dock |x0| Soothes scratches, sore pads and the pain of wounds
    Feverfew |x1 | Reduces body temp., heals aches, pains.
    Hawkweed |x1 | Like catmint but not as strong
    Juniper berries |x1| Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled breathing
    Lavender |x1| Cures fevers and chills
    Lungwort |x1| Cures yellowcough
    Marigold |x0| Stops infection and bleeding
    Poppy seeds |x2 | Helps a cat sleep, soothe shock/distress, ease pain.
    Raspberry leaves |x0 | Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding
    Rush | x1 | Helps hold a broken limb in place
    Thyme |x1| Calms nervousness, anxiety, cats who are in shock
    Watermint |x2| Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Vole | x3| 1 servings
    Squirrel | x2| 2 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Birds | x0| 3 servings

    Cinderflight | Tigerpaw | 4 | Tracking, hunting, climbing, defence
    Cloverstep | Flakepaw | 2 | Hunting, fighting
    Emberstorm | Foxpaw | 1 | Stalking
    Cowpelt | Bloompaw | 1 | Fighting

    Deceased Cats:
    Crowkit | died shortly after birth | X
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Appleblaze and ??? | Foxkit and Bloomkit
    Rainpuddle and ??? | Blackkit, Hailkit, Stormkit, Crowkit
    Rainpuddle (foster mother) | Smallkit and Hollykit
Last edited by Wolfypoof on Thu May 24, 2018 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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( graveclan // 01. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed May 23, 2018 2:35 pm

i▬( the king )
i▬wiltedstar, 22m, tom
i▬★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

i▬( the queen )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( the heir )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( the heir's mentor )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( the gypsy )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( warriors )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( apprentices )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( dames )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( kits )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( exiled & deceased )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( families )
i▬name & name // offspring

( borders )— - e = brambleclan, s = deerclan
w = lambclan

i▬( allies )— -

i▬( enemies )— - xxx


(statistics: 1 toms, 0 mollies, 1 total // next visit to angelstone is 05/22/18 // archive )— -
(fresh kill pile: 0 mice, 0 birds, 0 small fish, 0 snakes, 0 rabbits, 0 voles ;; 0 servings )— -
(medicine store: 0 herb type )— -
(posts: 0, 1 )— -
(training: mentor name, apprentice name: [ # ] skill )— -

servings per piece of prey ;; mice = 1 // birds = 3 // small fish = 2 // snakes = 3 // rabbits = 2 // voles = 1

ixxx▬wiltedstar's pawsteps were silent, his pads flattening the grass as he wove between a crumbling headstone, the words inscribed upon it long-since weathered away by the elements. the silhouette of a raven was visible, perched atop a memorial carved of marble, a deep caw issued from that direction. the tall, heavily muscled tomcat struck out at the bird as he slunk past, and the raven took flight with another gruff sound of irritation. wiltedstar's audits swiveled back, the rustle of feathers alerting him to the return of the ebony bird.
ixxx▬the new leader sauntered closer to the imposing statue, the ruins of the angel casting a long shadow across the cemetery. wiltedstar had never much cared for what his ancestors thought, but, for now, he would play nice and request a gypsy. graveclan would grow into an almighty group of felines, wiltedstar was sure, and a cat skilled in herbs would be required, especially if wiltedstar's planned conquests would go as planned. not that he expected any of his own warriors to be injured, of course — he would accept only the strongest of cats, and those who were unable to fight would not remain in graveclan.
ixxx▬the undergrowth was alive with movement, a rabbit fleeing at the sight of wiltedstar and a snake hissing softly before slipping into the weeds, tail flicking in a wave as it departed. wiltedstar could picture it now, his fierce warriors catching prey and warding off enemy clans with ease, their fur rippling over well-fed bellies and muscular hind legs. yes, wiltedstar could see it now; graveclan would flourish under his rule.

[ wiltedstar travels to the angelstone for the first, and last, time; he requests a gypsy. if his request is granted, he will no longer travel to the angelstone — rather, the gypsy will handle further communication with the ancestors. ]
[ wiltedstar patrols his territory. ]
[ wiltedstar hunts along the way. ]

( graveclan can find the following cats at any time // phantomkit & ghostkit, heavypad, flintmask, and silversky )
( i have snakes set as x3 servings per piece; i based this off of other clans having snakes as prey, such as hazelclan and pantherclan. please let me know if i should decrease the number of servings per piece! )
( oof, also i made a small edit to my starting post. there are no longer elders in graveclan; any cat too old to fight is either exiled or killed )
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Thu May 24, 2018 3:14 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Postby sheena » Wed May 23, 2018 6:42 pm






adderstar | 23m | molly | x
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

beewhisker | 37m | molly | x

『ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄɪɴᴇ ᴄᴀᴛ』
tipwhisker | 29m | molly | x

spiderstep | 45m | tom | x
ryeflower | 34m | molly | x

name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

morningcloud | 30m | molly | x
name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]
name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

xx# of cats ; 6 ━ 5 mollies, 1 toms | moonpool ; 5/27 | servings ; 2 | kits ; 1m | mod ; ashton. | last ; x

『ᴍᴇɴᴛᴏʀs & ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇɴᴛɪᴄᴇs』
sorry, nothing

『ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴛᴀʀᴄʟᴀɴ』
sorry, nothing


[ ooc ;; i swear ill make my next cat a tom ;;; ]

Adderstar watched on in amusement as Beewhisker sat with her pelt brushing Ryeflower's. She could
almost hear the large golden cat purring from where she stood, pausing in her task of bringing a
mouse to Morningcloud. Apparently, the two of them had known each other before Beewhisker had
been sent by StarClan to take position as her deputy. Within half a moon, the two had been padding
at each other's sides, snuggling up in the warriors den (as reported by Spiderstep) and taking every
chance to be at each other's sides. It was almost sickeningly sweet, and Adderstar couldn't help
regarding them fondly.

Her gaze flickered away from the two mollies, briefly falling upon Tipwhisker, who also seemed to be
looking at them. As if catching her looking, the calico medicine cat looked back at her, and her gaze
was almost meaningful. Adderstar's pelt felt hot, and her whiskers twitched, and she hurried to the
nursery, deciding to mind her own business for the time being.


[ the clan consumes 1/3rd of a hare and a mouse. ]
[ adderstar, beewhisker, spiderstep, and ryeflower go on border patrol. ]
[ spiderstep and beewhisker hunt. ]
[ tipwhisker searches for herbs. ]
[ beewhisker and ryeflower become mates. spiderstep agrees to surrogate for one. ]
[ morningcloud will kit in one moon. ]


『ꜰʀᴇsʜ ᴋɪʟʟ』
mice | 0x | 1 serving
shrew | 0x | 1 serving
rabbit | 0x | 2 servings
squirrel | 0x | 2 servings
hare | 1x | 3 servings
sparrow | 0x | 3 servings

borage | x1 | for fevers, producing milk
catmint | x1 | greencough
chervil | x1 | infected wounds, bellyache
coltsfoot | x1 | eases breathing
comfrey | x1 | broken bones, wounds
goldenrod | x1 | wounds
horsetail | x1 | infections, bleeding
elder leaves | x1 | soothes sprains
honey | x1 | soothes throats


beewhisker -- ♡ -- ryeflower

Last edited by sheena on Sun May 27, 2018 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
ɪ ᴄʀʏ ━━━━━━━━━━
i'll finish this later lol
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text

links are gonna go here
and here

ᴛʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟs ᴏғ ᴍʏ ᴛᴏᴡɴ
ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴄʀᴜᴍʙʟɪɴɢ ᴅᴏᴡɴ
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