Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Clan - Gustclan - 47

Postby Chamrosh » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:07 am

Number of Cats: 47 (2 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 8
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

red sky at night

xxxxThe sun collapsed from the sky, bleeding out as its injuries lead it to fall.
xxxxOr, at least, that was how it looked to Camberfoot.
xxxxHalf the sky was filled crimson with the blood from the sun’s wounds. The sun was truly blessed by Starclan. Goodness knows how many times Camberfoot had seen the sun die – and violently, too – and yet she always rose again in the morning. The sun must have had far more than nine lives. Camberfoot couldn’t help but wonder how.
xxxxHow did the sun earn so many lives? And what beast thought it could keep slaying the sun? Why was it doing that? What did it look like, smell like, sound like?
xxxxWhatever the answers, it was beautiful. Beautiful, yet tragic. To see the source of warmth bleeding out… it was such a beautiful colour too, even if it were morbid to acknowledge that…
xxxxCamberfoot’s eyes snapped down from the sky. Not only had he nearly been about to walk into a boulder, but the patrol was far ahead of him by this point. Bugleclaw had turned and hissed at him once it was clear he wasn’t catching up. Camberfoot curled up a bit on himself, a guilty expression on his face, and just before he bounded to keep up- he caught sight of the other reason his attention was being called for. There, a short way ahead of his father and the other older warriors, was a tabby molly.
xxxxShe was curled up, grooming her front legs, in a sunny break in the shade of the trees, seemingly entirely oblivious to the patrol approaching her.
xxxxMartinwhisker went ahead, by not more than a few strides.
xxxxJust before he opened his mouth to speak, the molly turned her head instead, and spoke in an accent not that different to Moraine’s own. “Hell-o. I thought I smelt clan cats here. I was hoping I’d get to look a bit more presentable before announcing myself, but I suppose that’s just how things go sometimes. If you’ve got decent nests and cute guys my age, I am uuuup for staying here. And I am sure the cute guys would be up for that too-" Did she just wink at him? Camberfoot was sure that was a wink.
xxxxCamberfoot leaned across to his father without thinking, and muttered: “I think she’s a second Merlindash.”
xxxxApparently he spoke louder than he thought he had.
xxxx"She? NOPE! Not today. And I’m Umbrap-…. Umbraheart! Yup, Umbraheart-"
xxxx"What do you mean not today, Umbrapaw?” Shellcloud asked.


xxxxCicelynose couldn’t help thinking she wasn’t the best choice for a hunting patrol. She didn’t like thinking that. She hated admitting there were things she couldn’t do. If there was one thing she knew she couldn’t do at all, couldn’t others argue there were more things that applied to, too? Couldn’t she be stripped of her warrior duties and retired now?
xxxxBut apparently, she wasn’t the only member of the hunting patrol that applied to.
xxxxWhile Cicelynose couldn’t see where the fish were, Vendacethroat couldn’t keep his fidgeting bottom still long enough to let the fish come near him. Cicelynose could tell. While Cicelynose kept splashing her paws into the water, and catching a few shrimps – which she had decided was fine for her to just eat on the spot, it wasn’t like she’d be able to get them back to camp – she kept feeling the patterns of sunlight changing on her side, as he shifted position. She kept hearing Troutclaw snickering from a short way downstream.
xxxxCicelynose’s paws connected with a snail, which she brought up to the service. She twitched her nose, before laying it on the rock in front of her and pushing her weight down on it to snap open the shell. It wasn’t anyweirder than any of the water bugs she’d eaten already.
xxxxThough she could feel the look that Vendacethroat was giving her.
xxxx"What in Silverpelt are you doing, Cicelynose?”
xxxxCicelynose’s ears twitched over to where Vendacethroat’s voice was at that moment.
xxxx"What are you doing? You’re scaring all the fish away, and you actually have a chance of catching something good.”
xxxx"I think there’s more fish further down, and I want to see them. I want to fish where the best fish are, so I can catch them.”
xxxx"Nah, be glad we’re not there. You’d scare them off and the whole clan would go hungry, just because of your fidgeting fat butt and big mouth.”
xxxxVendacethroat made a strange noise, like he was being strangled for a moment, and Cicelynose turned her head towards him in confusion, before she heard the laughter. It wasn’t loud, just a quiet chuckle. “No wonder Heronstar wanted Ploverstripe to accompany you leaving the nursery. You could start a war with a mouse with words like that.”
xxxxCicelynose smiled. “Yup. Would do, too.”
xxxxVendacethroat’s chuckling got louder.
xxxx"I like yo- THAT, THAT I MEANT THAT!” Cicelynose started to laugh too. “I did, okay? I… I – "
xxxx"In the hypothetical situation that I liked you too – which I don’t, you’ve got a fat butt – can you imagine the chaos our kits would cause?”
xxxx"Chaotic kits are the best kits.” Vendacethroat was very glad for her smooth save, and he was sure it showed in his tone.
xxxx"Chaotic kits would almost make up for your fat butt.”
xxxx"I think they’d compliment your silver tongue beautifully.”
xxxxCicelynose snickered. “Surely nothing bad could happen because of them and their chaos.”
xxxxVendacethroat laughed again. “Nothing at all.”

shepherds delight

xxxx"Look, I’m taller than you!” Knawelkit declared, stretching up to her highest height, above Witkit. Witkit stretched too, failing to reach as high as her sister had. Their heads barely grazed the lines of sunlight in the mid autumn light, where they painted a pale yellow on the walls of the nursery.
xxxx"Ha, told you!”
xxxx"You’re only taller by an ant’s height, that doesn’t count!”
xxxxKnawelkit puffed out her cream-coloured chest. “Does too. I’m gonna be a much better warrior. I’m bigger, I’m taller, I’m stronger, and I’m olde-"
xxxx"No you’re not! I’m bigger!” Witkit said, puffing her fur out as far as she could. “And you’re only older by a little tiny bit, that doesn’t count!”
xxxx"Does too! Knawelkit pressed one paw on her sibling’s head, pushing down to raise herself up higher in turn. “Look at that! I’m gonna be brilliant.”
xxxxWitkit huffed, rolling her eyes. “You can claim you’re bigger if you stop acting like you’re older than me.”
xxxxKnawelkit giggled openly, but not so loudly as to wake any of the queens. She knew none of them would want to be woken so early, and that none of them would approve of her picking on Witkit. “Why would I agree to that? I am older than you, and everyone knows it, and it’s not like you can stop me.”
xxxxWitkit pulled possibly the largest pout that the nursery had seen to date, and Knawelkit’s giggling only grew louder.


xxxx"Oooh, I’ve not been in the nursery yet, what’s that like in there?” Umbrapaw asked Ringpaw, who was serving as his guide around camp.
xxxxHeronstar had seen it as appropriate for another apprentice to show the newcomer around camp; she’d thought it might be easier for Umbrapaw to relate without seemingly having to prove himself (though Ringpaw was somewhat unsure on whether that had worked at all). She’d also thought that it might be easier for Umbrapaw to explain about his pronouns and such with someone his own age, as none of the cats really… were sure they understood. Heronstar and Chubtail – and all the other senior warriors – had confirmed they were happy to use whatever pronouns Umbrapaw was asking but… they changed? Because their gender changed? Most of the younger warriors had been entirely unaware that gender even was a thing – Ringpaw and his siblings included in that – and the explanation had been confusing anyway.
xxxx"I’m not sure the queens will appreciate you going in if they don’t know y-"
xxxxRingpaw’s objection was too late, Umbrapaw had already bounded into the nursery. Ringpaw hurried furiously after.
xxxxKnawelkit giggled. Witkit looked up with a baffled expression on her face. The queens’ expressions ranged from matching Witkit to complete hostility.
xxxxAnd Umbrapaw ignored him entirely. How did he sense this was going to become a trend.
xxxx"Mum, who’s she, and what in S-" Knawelkit began to ask the other queens – having picked up already that her mother was not the right cat to ask when she was confused.
xxxx"Nuh, uh, he, this mortal shell may have you convinced of-" / “Umbrapaw!” / “-me being female, but, alas, not today!” / "Umbrapaw!”
xxxxAn attentive cat might have seen the youngest clan member’s eyes widen just slightly as that was said, but, alas, only one did…


xxxx"Firepath, Merlindash, we had a… proposition.” Sparrowfoot asked the two toms, as they returned from their patrol, coming back to camp.
xxxxLangoustinefang stood by her side, pressed tight into her, and perhaps that should have been enough warning to the two toms about what was coming, but-
xxxx"What sort of proposition..?” Firepath asked hesitantly, bracing himself for whatever insanity Vendacethroat and his sister had somehow dragged Sparrowfoot into. He knew well enough that the mollies were mates by now, but Sparrowfoot was far too – wait.
xxxxHe knew he’d follow Merlindash’s bragging if it came to it now. Which meant… If he were the serious one in their relationship and he knew he’d get dragged into the nonsense when it happened, didn’t it stand to reason that Sparrowfoot would let herself be dragged in, too?
xxxx"We thought… we could have kits for each other? We thought you might want kits, too.”
xxxxLangoustinefang nodded, following up her mate’s words. “I asked Heronstar already, and she said it’d be fine for Moraine to fill in the last few moons of Ringpaw’s training. She thought Moraine should get some opportunity to do training without having to feel responsible for everything, and so you don’t have to worry about that.”
xxxxMerlindash looked across at his mate. “The one thing I’d expect you to be better at than me, other than being handsome, of course, is being a dad.”
xxxxFirepath pulled a sceptical look at his mate. “I’m up for it, if you’re sure you can stand to be worse than someone else at something.”
xxxx"It’s only one thing out of goodness knows how many.” Merlindash smiled, before Firepath rubbed hard into his side.
xxxx"You two are sickening. You’d better not set that example to the kits.”

red sky at morning

xxxxPearstone wished his mate could be out to see today properly, but she couldn’t. Her kits were due any day now, and Harrierpelt made it very clear that she shouldn’t be walking anywhere where she couldn’t return to the nursery at very short notice, should she need to.
xxxxAt second best, he’d wished that he could stay in camp with his mate. Heronstar had told him clans still need to collect food, and that he was an experienced warrior. That if he went early enough to hunt (as he had) then they wouldn’t face any issues returning in time.
xxxxSo her he was, leading his hunting patrol down to the stream on the far eastern border, next to Lambclan’s territory. Luckily, he’d opted for a section of stream far from where Myrtleclaw had last been sighted, but that was largely a happy coincidence.
xxxxAs the patrol hunted their fish, Pearstone happened to look up to the Eastern horizon. He could see the first rays of the sunlight over the more distant hills, a tiny golden corona over pure black, the sky painted with broad swashes of orange and red, with a dusting of thin wispy clouds in perfect parallel lines above.
xxxxIt was gorgeous.
xxxxPearstone had always preferred sunrise to sunset, and this was precisely why.
xxxxIt was beautiful.
xxxxHe just wished that Moraine could see it.
xxxxBut then – maybe she could? If she had woken early herself, what would stop her finding a spot where she could look out from camp to the painted sky? He hoped so. To miss out on it, and the crisp wind it brought from the west would be a grave pity.

shepherds’ warning

xxxxAs much as Zinniapaw didn’t want to admit it, she was still jealous of her brother. The best case scenario for her dream was that the clan expanded enormously soon, and that Heronstar demanded another medicine cat then, and picked her. But so much could go wrong!
xxxxZinniapaw lay curled up in her nest in the warriors’ den, where she’d taken to spending a lot of her spare time, not wanting to face her other siblings and her failure. Starclan, she was useless. Why did she even stay here? They all knew she was a failure.
xxxxThe one thing she’d wanted to do since she was old enough to understand, and the one cat who could have allowed her to do it… she’d been rejected from what was most meaningful to her, and there was no way to get that back. She’d done everything she was aware she could to give herself a better chance.
xxxxAnd she could feel it in her siblings’ eyes. That pity.
xxxxThey knew! They knew she was worthless, that she didn’t deserve to even – to even stay there! They knew she’d forever be behind them as a warrior and less skilled than them. They knew all the effort of her kithood was useless and had been set aside for a fate she didn’t want.
xxxxZinniapaw buried her head in the nesting, shaking through heavy breathing against it.
xxxxShe didn’t notice the sound of pawsteps. The first she knew of their owner, was the comforting weight of their head against her shoulder, and it was hard to resist leaning back into that, and into the comforting words she was sure would come next.


xxxxThunder crashed outside the old two leg nest, and Moraine lay still in her nest, head lolled back, with three other queens around her, as well as Harrierpelt and Teaselpaw close by.
xxxxThe Thunder was not improving her nerves about what was coming.

[ Umbrapaw joins Gustclan ]
[ Vendacethroat and Cicelynose become mates ]
[ Vendacethroat and Cicelynose try for kits ]
[ Sparrowfoot and Langoustinefang decide to surrogate for Firepath and Merlindash ]

(I am happy for you to select whatever combinations of parentage that you want to, bearing in mind that you can entirely avoid having to look up for torties if you want to…)
[ Lobeliafur and Osierfang are in their third moon of gestation ]
[ Moraine is in her fourth moon of gestation ]

[ Chubtail, Boulderdash, Mosquitowhisker, Pheasantcloud, Ospreystorm, and Garganeywhisker go hunting ]
[ Argusheart, Pearstone, Firepath, Merlindash, Lionfish, and Saffronstream go hunting ]

[ Heronstar, Shellcloud, Bugleclaw and Clarystorm go on a patrol ]
[ Martinwhisker, Camberfoot, and Noctulepath go on a patrol ]

[ Umbrapaw is apprenticed to Tabitha ]
[ Ringpaw and Langoustinefang, Dipperpaw and Droseratail, and Squirrelpaw and Ploverstripe train ]
[ Zinniapaw and Knotfish train ]
[ Minnowpaw and Adoniscloud train ]
[ Teaselpaw and Harrierpelt train ]
[ Umbrapaw and Tabitha train ]

[ Nettleflower stays in camp to mind the kits – Witkit and Knawelkit ]
[ Moraine stays in camp to mind the kits - ]
[ Harrierpelt and Teaselpaw return to camp to mind Lobeliafur and Osierfang’s kittings ]
[ Sparrowfoot, Osierfang, Lobeliafur, Vendacethroat, Cicelynose, Barnfish, Lobsterclaw, Troutclaw, Aspenfoot, and Narwhal stay in camp ]

[ Gustclan consume 2 big fish and 1 rabbit – 8 portions ]

(I thought doing the flowers this post might take away a bit from the “red sky”s, but I like the flowers, they’ll be back in other posts)

    Heronstar | 84 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

    ★ Chubtail | 80 | Male

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 59 | Male
    MCA: (1)
    ★ Teaselpaw | 11 | Male

    Warriors: (29 [+4])
    ★ Boulderdash | 75 | Female
    ★ Argusheart | 76 | Female
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 58 | Male
    ★ Osierfang | 46 | Female | Queen
    ★ Bugleclaw | 77 | Male
    ★ Lobeliafur | 42 | Female | Queen
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 53 | Female | Queen
    ★ Shellcloud | 38 | Male
    ★ Droseratail | 38 | Male
    ★ Martinwhisker | 54 | Male
    ★ Sparrowfoot | 32 | Female
    ★ Nettleflower | Female | Queen
    ★ Firepath | 36 | Male
    ★ Tabitha “Tabbyfur” | 33 | Female
    ★ Merlindash | 29 | Male
    ★ Clarystorm | 69 | Male
    ★ Langoustinefang | 27 | Female
    ★ Vendacethroat | 27 | Male
    ★ Ploverstripe | 25 | Male
    ★ Cicelynose | 25 | Female
    ★ Knotfish | 34 | Male
    ★ Narwhal | 40 | Female
    Adoniscloud | 31 | Male
    ★ Garganeywhisker -mouse | 27 | Female
    ★ Troutstripe | 17 | Female
    ★ Pheasantcloud | 16 | Female
    ★ Mosquitowhisker | 16 | Female
    ★ Lobsterclaw | 16 | Male
    ★ Camberfoot | 16 | Male
    ★ Lionfish | 15 | Male
    ★ Ospreystorm | 15 | Female
    ★ Noctulepath | 15 | Female
    ★ Saffronstream | 15 | Male

    Apprentices: (6)
    ★ Ringpaw | 11 | Male
    ★ Dipperpaw | 11 | Female
    ★ Squirrelpaw | 11 | Female
    ★ Zinniapaw | 11 | Female
    ★ Minnowpaw | 8 | Male
    ★ Umbrapaw | 7 | Genderfluid (Molly)

    Queens: (4)
    ★ Osierfang | 46 | Female | •••
    ★ Lobeliafur | 42 | Female | •••
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 53 | Female | ••••
    ★ Nettleflower | 32 | Female | ••••

    Kits: (2)
    ★ Witkit | 2 | Demi-girl (Molly)
    ★ Knawelkit | 2 | Female

    Elders: (2)
    ★ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 108 | Male
    ★ Aspenfoot tail | 97 | Female

    Starclan cats:
    Elmkit fang | Died shortly after birth
    Myrtleclaw | Decapitated

    Dark Forest cats:
    Saddlekit stream | Ate poisonous fungus
    [Glaceon has permission to use her for plot purposes!]
Last edited by Chamrosh on Fri May 11, 2018 3:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[trial mod replies] [inky. || elmclan] [fifteen]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:56 am

leaf fall [autumn] :: with the shadows growing longer and the days getting cooler the amount of prey being caught is beginning to diminish. slowly predators start to show themselves more and more to try and catch whatever prey they can. each morning a light frozen dew sits upon the ground and plants. herbs are starting to become quite scarce as well as the flora around begins to wilt away with the growing cold that they're not used to. the days are quite sunny ,, though.

inky. wrote:

Number of Cats: 21; (0 kits {under 4 m})
Servings: 5
Next Kitting: N/A

Larkspot sat by the elm tree that looked in the middle of the deserty territory. Hazelwing sat beside him and the two had to leave soon for the patrol to go confront the rogues. Nervousness clawed at the tom. He prayed they would come back but in case, he had to tell her this. “Hazelwing. The reason I asked you here was to confess something to you.” Larkspot spluttered. She turned to face him and gave him a weak smile, signaling him to continue. “I love you. I know it sounds weird and weak but I do. Oh, StarClan I really do. I always have and I would like to know if you’d do me the honor of being my mate.” The deputy held his breath and stared at her hopefully. However, the wind was knocked out of him as Hazelwing tackled him to the ground. She nuzzled him lovingly and purred. “Of course I’ll be your mate you dumb furball! I’ve been waiting for you to ask!”


Rabbitpaw slowly crept through the sparse undergrowth. Nervousness balled up inside her. This was the day she had been waiting for. Her warrior assessment. And she was NOT going to screw it up. She scented a squirrel and moved closer, careful not to make a sound. Eventually, she was wishing pouncing distance. She bunched her muscles and sprung out of hiding, gliding through the air and praying that she would land on her prey.

[Hailstar, Hazelwing , Larkspot, Rowanfrost And Rainwing decide to talk to the rogues even more; prepared to fight if necessary]
[Shadowpaw becomes Shadowfang!]
[Larkspot and Hazelwing become mates and try for kits!]
[Larkspot teaches Batpaw Speed and Agility]
[Acornwhisker teaches Eaglepaw Fishing]
[Rainwing teaches Bearpaw Hunting]
[Russetleaf trains Sedgepaw on herb identification]
[Rabbitpaw takes her final assessment. Will she pass?]
[Otterjaw teaches Birdpaw Climbing]
[Rowanfrost teaches Minnowpaw Climbing]
[Otterjaw, Birdpaw, Rainwing and Hailstar hunt]
[Rowanfrost, Minnowpaw, Acornwhisker and Eaglepaw patrol]
[Weaselfur, Shadowfang, Hazelwing and Rabbitpaw hunt]
[Acornwhisker and Briarclaw try for kits]
[The Clan consumes x1 squirrel and x1 shrew ]


standing tall before the other cats around is hailstar. he leads a patrol toward the rouge camp ,, determined to diffuse the situation that was growing on his territory. lately the rouges had been stirring up some trouble ,, hunting closer to the clan camp ,, marking trees and rocks to form a boundary line within the clan territory ,, and causing some tension between each side. but today hailstar was going to end it and convince the loners why they should join elmclan. i know that lately between our two groups tension has risen ,, the leader started ,, projecting his voice and filling it with confidence ,, but i am here to put and end to the petty squabbles between us. i implore you all to join elmclan for the better. we can provide food ,, water ,, shelter ,, and medicine. he stated ,, eyes wandering over the crowd of angry looking cats before him. one cat hissed out at the leader ,, calling him a mange pelt. ignoring the comment hailstar talked further ,, i know right now that most of you want to be separate from elmclan. but the smell of sickness and death in the air say otherwise. we have medicine cats who can help your sick. if you join elmclan then you are assured security and safety as well as a family. hailstars words were followed by silence ,, and a cough. behind him the warriors sat up proudly ,, eyes fixated on the rouges.

if we join elmclan we are assured that our individuality is stripped from us! from free cats to workers under one toms rule ,, without a say in the matter. elmclan is nothing but a way for one cat to stand above the rest in superiority! i rather not be bossed around by some cat of the likes of you! spat a cat from the crowd ,, gaining cheers from the others around her. life in a clan is not living. to work day in and day out i not living! to do as you please ,, go where you want ,, and make your own rules and set your own limits is what i call a life! more cheers followed the she-cats cries. eyes narrowing hailstar took a singe step toward the crowd. from the group walked the female ,, eyes piercing into the leaders. now get off
my land before i have my friends run you out. the female growled ,, her eyes daring hailstar to do otherwise. standing his ground ,, though ,, hailstar lifted his chin.

i believe you mean my land. with a flick of his tail the warriors behind him stood in unison ,, unsheathing their claws and baring their teeth. with a screech the rouges leaped forward and started attacking the warriors ,, except one. one rouge quickly backed out of the crowd ,, eyes wide. keeping their body low to the ground the cat inched away from the fighting ,, making their way toward one of the makeshift dens in the rouge camp. upon entering the smell of death that hailstar had mentioned grew stranger. scrunching up their nose the cat padded to a far corner where ,, wrapped up in layers of moss to keep it warm ,, was a small kit.

i'm going to get you out of here and to safety. the cat softly whispered ,, gently grabbing the few day old kit by its scruff. the poor thing was thin and shivering. sliding out of the den the cat quickly glanced around at the fighting cats ,, their eyes landing on the mound just off to the side of camp. the place where the kits mother was buried. i won't let that happen to you. crawling on the ground the cat started to move away from the rouge camp ,, the small kit barely making a peep.

where do you think you're going? the voice from behind caused the cat to freeze ,, body tensing ,, fur rising. slowly turning their head around the cat saw one of the clan members behind him , her fur bristled. but once rainwing saw the kit in their mouth all her anger and hatred melted away into worry and sympathy. looking back at the mass of fighting cats rainwing hesitated. she didn't want to leave the fight ,, but a kit was in need of help. come with me. our medicine cat may be able to help the kit.

[hailstar's patrol manages to convince one cat to join the clan ,, bringing a sick kit with them ,, their sibling. the rest ,, though ,, are still apprehensive and start a brawl. nothing comes from the fight but some scratches. rowanfrost will need x1 cobweb to stop a cut from bleeding. the mystery kit will need x1 juniper berry and x1 ragwort to help their breathing and give them strength. the rouges move their camp further into the territory ,, completely claiming the river.]


[hazelwing is pregnant! her kits are due in two moons!]


[batpaw learns speed and agility!]


[eaglepaw learns how to fish ,, catching x1 fish!]


[bearpaw learns how to hunt ,, catching x2 mice!]


[sedgepaw learns how to herb identification!]


[rabbitpaw passes her final assessment! it was a close one ,, she almost scared away all the fishes!]


[birdpaw learns how to climb!]


[minnowpaw learns how to climb!]


[on their hunting patrol otterjaw ,, birdpaw ,, rainwing ,, and hailstar catch x1 bird and x1 shrew]


[on their patrol rowanfrost ,, minnowpaw ,, acornwhisker ,, and eaglepaw come across nothing unusual]


[on their hunt weaselfur ,, shadowfang ,, hazelwing ,, and rabbitpaw catch x2 rabbit]


[briarclaw is now pregnant! her kits are due in two moons!]
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[07] mochi's trial mod replies

Postby ghostmaker » Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:23 pm

weather report - leaf-fall


the air has turned cold and crisp, the sun's warmth doing little to heat the chilly clan camps. red and orange leaves cover the
forest floors, floating peacefully down. prey animals have begun to build their food stocks for leaf-bare, disappearing into
their burrows. the rare rabbit may be spotted, but the overall amount of prey being caught has lessened. the sun sets earlier,
and there is little light in the thicker forests. kittings are getting more difficult, so it's essential to stock up on kitting herbs.
the starving predators are lurking at the edges of the clan camps, looking for their next meals. kits are advised to stay inside,
and apprentices must be with a warrior when leaving camp.



      a rush of wind sent leaves swirling into the air, their
      colors creating a golden tornado. paws thudded the
      ground, and pelts blurred by. exhilaration filled the
      refreshed warriors as they headed out to hunt. since
      ontari had won the coalition, azgeda was the top clan,
      and they were living peacefully. of course, that was
      not the azgedan way, but even wanheda had to admit
      that fighting had gotten in the way of her seeing her
      kits, who were almost second-aged. vinecreek raced
      past, his siamese coat matching that of his niece,
      diamond. he had remembered diamond fondly, but
      was devastated by the death of her mother. none-
      theless, he shook his fur and continued with the
      patrol, feeling younger for the first time in moons.

      sneezenose padded alongside his sister, her black
      pelt standing out against the leaf-fall landscape.
      the young healer would have preferred to be in
      the healer's den, trying to figure out where the
      deadly plague that had wiped through azgeda
      originated from. it seemed coincidental, that
      luna had arrived when the plague had as well.
      he shrugged, glad to be in azgeda, the highest-
      ranking clan because of ontari's victory at the

      oakshade glanced at one-eye, his thoughts racing.
      bellamy had lost an eye, and while the warrior
      wasn't close to his younger brother, he still felt
      sympathy for the second. he loo
      ❧ wanheda, wintam, violet, koi, allanon, and vine-
      creek catch x1 snow mouse, x1 snow vole, and x1
      snow hare.
      ❧ rustpelt, sneezenose, yellowsong, thalia, pheonix,
      and arion catch x1 snow ferret, x2 trout, and x1
      snow mouse.
      ❧ oakshade, skairipa, soncha, gonplei, one-eye, and
      fotam catch x1 snow vole and x1 snow ferret.
      anca placed her dainty paw in the water, drawing it
      back with a sharp inhale. "it's co-o-OLD!" "it's not THAT
      cold," ankara replied, paddling across the stream. "your
      fur is thick, anyways. it'll keep you warm." anca sighed,
      gulping as she looked down into her frothy reflection.
      she stepped in, cold shocking her, then ebbing away.
      her fur seemed to make it heavier for her. "ugh." she
      groaned, beginning to swim out to ankara.

      a wave rolled over the young molly's head, whipping her
      into the jacked rocks at the bottom of the creek. the
      cream second went unconscious, her last memory being
      ankara and bellamy rushing her out of the creek.

      bellamy watched as wanheda moved aside for niylah to
      come rushing to anca. her chest rose slowly up and down,
      and her head was resting in a pool of blood. "..." niylah
      tilted her head a bit. "is she saying something? is she okay?"
      jace's tail flicked nervously. "...jus drein jus daun."
      wanheda leaned closer to the young cat's mouth, hearing
      faintly the words she whispered. "jus drein jus daun..."
      she showed no emotion, but whispered something to the
      healer. "emo laik pis." anca murmured, tossing her head.
      the other seconds glanced at each other, before flinching
      as wanheda snapped at them. "get back to camp."

      ❧ coalpaw learns climbing!
      ❧ bekka learns climbing!
      ❧ lincoln learns climbing!
      ❧ echo learns climbing!
      ❧ emori fails to learn climbing.
      ❧ bellamy learns climbing! he gets a minor scrape on
      his leg, but needs no herbs.
      ❧ octavia learns climbing!
      ❧ anca learns swimming! horrifyingly, she is dragged
      underwater and hits her head against a rock. two of
      the older seconds manage to pull her out, but her
      head is majorly bleeding, and she seems to be
      mumbling things in her sleep. she requires x1 cobweb
      and x1 tormentil.
      ❧ jace learns swimming!
      ❧ ankara learns swimming!
      ❧ cassius learns swimming!
      ❧ lionspaw learns swimming! he also receives a minor
      cut on his leg, but needs no herbs.
      ❧ amberle learns swimming!
      ❧ wil fails to learn climbing. he sprains his tail after
      falling from a low branch, but needs no herbs.
      niylah rummaged through the herb stock, looking
      up at sneezenose. "we need to find more herbs."
      "oh, okay." he meowed, turning to head out. he
      was stopped by a panting octavia, who had ran
      from the stream. "i-it's anca," she gasped, stopping
      to catch her breath. "she hit her head on the
      stones." niylah grabbed a bundle of herbs and
      pushed past sneezenose. "can i co-" "no, stay here,"
      niylah meowed, hurrying out. "i'll be back to
      find herbs with you."

      herb hunting:
      ❧ niylah and sneezenose find x1 chamomile, x1 rag-
      wort leaves, and x1 lungwort.
      jax watched as all of azgeda gathered around him,
      his siblings, and his denmates. this is it! we're
      going to become seconds! mom must be so proud.

      he squealed in excitement, before a pang of
      sadness hit him. i wish dad were here to see us.
      he could tell that shea and catania were missing
      their father and siblings, despite having barely
      met them. nonetheless, he looked at arumwillow,
      a smile on his face. he stood proud as ontari
      called out the ceremony words.

      ❧ eretria, poppy, falconkit, cherrykit, shea, jax, and
      catania are now seconds.
      onya looked at her five kits, love and pride
      washing through her. she nudged a smaller one,
      who didn't seem to respond. "..niylah?" she
      watched for the steady rising and falling of
      their tiny chest. ".....niylah?!" she let out
      a low wail, realizing the harsh truth: one
      of her kits had been stillborn. how will
      i tell anwyll?

      ❧ diamond has given birth to one healthy kit. they carry
      colorpoint and longhair.
      ❧ onya has given birth to five kits. sadly, one of them
      is stillborn.
      almondflower padded next to sootstar, unsure of how to start
      a conversation with the black molly. " did olive say
      anything about patch's death?" she meowed, feeling a
      bit awkward. the leader didn't seem to hear, or just
      didn't care. "hm?" sootstar noticed her clanmate next
      to her, seemingly uninterested. "oh.. it's nothing."
      almondflower murmured, dipping her head.

      border patrols:
      ❧ sootstar, russetstrike, almondflower, kumonryu, and cicada-
      flutter come across a mewling kit.
      ❧ ferretfur, duckthroat, reedstrike, sunpeak, and rivergum pick
      up the scent trail of another fox; maybe the vixen's mate?
      "so," rivergum shrugged, coming up to pad next to
      ferretfur. "i take it you're the.. deputy?" "yes, i am."
      ferretfur meowed, flicking his ear nonchalantly. "and..
      you're next in line for leader?" the deputy nodded,
      scanning the area for signs of prey. "and.. sootstar,"
      he paused, feeling weird. "she has like, nine lives."
      "yep, that's right." ferretfur meowed, amused at
      rivergum's interest in the rankings of the clan. "is
      she nice?" rivergum inquired, hoping to know more
      about her before he had the courage to have a full
      conversation with the black molly. "yes, yes she is,"
      ferretfur smirked. "why are you so curious about
      sootstar? ..does someone have a little crush?" river-
      gum blushed profusely. "shut up."

      ❧ rivergum, ferretfur, goosecloud, shellskip, snaketooth, and
      dawntuft catch x2 mice and x1 small fish.
      ❧ pineclaw, hornetfang, squirreltuft, dawntuft, boulderfoot,
      and shubunkin catch x1 rabbit and x1 small fish.
      brindlepaw leaped onto otterpaw, battering the molly with
      sheathed paws. "hey.. hEY! get off of me!" she rolled over,
      landing on him with a thud. "hAhA." she stepped off,
      grooming her chest fur with a quick lick. "hmph." brindlepaw
      stalked off, heading for the nursery. "...what's got his
      tail in a twist?" she meowed jokingly, before frowning a

      ❧ otterpaw learns fighting!
      ❧ nettlepaw learns climbing!
      ❧ sheeppaw learns climbing!
      ❧ brookpaw learns climbing!
      ❧ brindlepaw learns fighting!
      poppypaw dashed through the forest, stepping on
      golden and red leaves. "is that goldenrod?" "mm. no.
      that's hawkweed," bumbletail purred, watching as
      his apprentice carefully picked it. "good job!" he
      meowed, receiving a wide grin from the calico
      apprentice. "so.. what else can we find?" she
      bounced up and down, heading off into the
      distance. "well.."

      herb hunting:
      ❧ bumbletail and poppypaw find x1 lamb's ear, x1
      hawkweed, and x1 rush.
      ❧ starclan has granted your request.
      ❧ the clan will begin to starve in two moons.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby inky. » Thu Apr 26, 2018 3:16 pm


Number of Cats: 22; (1 kits {under 4 m})
Servings: 5
Next Kitting: Hazelwing (2) ; Briarclaw (2)

Larkspot has something to tell Weaselfur. It was important. Of course, it had to do with Hazelwing. The two tops sat next to eachother in the shade of the camp walls. “Listen.” Larkspot sighed “I trust you. You’re a great warrior and a fantastic friend. I know how close you are to Hazelwing-“ Weaselfur raised his tail. “Hey, if this is going where I think this is going, she loves you. She always has and I would never get in the way of that.” Larkspot chuckled. “No, no.” He assured “It’s not that. I know you love her like a sister, and nothing more.” At this, the pale tom net to him seemed to relax. A curious light gleamed in his eye and he tilted his head to hear what the deputy would say. “I need you to promise me you’ll take care of Hazelwing.” He urged “If, StarClan forbid, something happens to me when we go confront the rogues, I need to know she’ll be safe with you. Please, Weaselfur.” Weaselfur’s eyes dulled and he lowered his gaze. “Don’t talk like that, Larkspot. You’ll be fine.” He assured. “Please.” Larkspot repeated firmly, voice cracking. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes, opening them to look at Weaselfur pleadingly “Please.” Weaselfur dipped his head. “I’d never let anything bad happen to her.” He meowed sincerely “I promise.”

[Hailstar, Shadowfang , Larkspot, Acornwhisker, Rowanfrost And Rainwing are infuriated at the rogues claiming their land. They are determined to end this once and for all, going to the rogue’s camp to either finish them off or chase them away.]
[Rabbitpaw becomes Rabbitspark!]
[Jax decides to keep his rogue name]
[x1 Juniper berry and x1 ragwort are used to help Tigerkit]
[x1 cobweb is used on Rowanfrost]
[Larkspot teaches Batpaw Fishing]
[Acornwhisker teaches Eaglepaw And Cougarpaw Speed and Agility]
[Rainwing teaches Bearpaw Climbing]
[Russetleaf trains Sedgepaw on remedies]
[Otterjaw teaches Birdpaw Fishing]
[Rowanfrost teaches Minnowpaw Fishing]
[Russetleaf And Sedgepaw search for herbs]
[Weaselfur, Shadowfang, Rabbitspark And Softleaf patrol]
[Thistlesnow, Lizardfire, Birdpaw And Batpaw hunt]
[Jax, Rowanfrost And Cougarpaw patrol]
[Brairclaw becomes Tigerkit’s foster mother]
[The Clan consumes x1 bird and x1 fish ]

          Hailstar | 60 m | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Larkspot | 37 m| Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Russetleaf | 56 m | Male | X
          Sedgepaw | 9 m | Female | X

          Rainwing | 60 m | Female | X
          Weaselfur | 43 m | Male | X
          Rowanfrost | 56 m | Male | X
          Acornwhisker | 26 m | Male | X
          Lizardfire | 36 m | female | X
          Thistlesnow | 47 m | Female | X
          Softleaf | 32 m | female | X
          Otterjaw | 17 m | Male | X
          Shadowfang | 17 m | Female | X
          Rabbitspark | 15 m | Female | X
          Jax | 23 m | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Eaglepaw | 9 m | Male | X
          Cougarpaw | 9 m | Male | X
          Batpaw | 9 m | Male | X (behind)
          Bearpaw | 9 m | Male | X (front)
          Birdpaw | 8 m | Female | X
          Minnowpaw | 8 m | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Briarclaw | 25 m | female | X
          Hazelwing | 32 m | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Tigerkit | 1 m | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | LakeClan | honey—bee
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Chervil | Used to help queens give birth | x1
    Cobweb | Used to stop bleeding | x1
    Goldenrod | Helps heal wounds | x1
    Marigold | Stops Infection | x0
    Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches, and helps troubled breathing | x0
    Catmint | Used to cure greencough | x1
    Tormentil | Extracts Poison | x1
    Fennel | Helps Pain (in hips) | x1
    Ragwort | Boosts Energy and Strength | x0
    Stick | Helps queens during birth; queens can bite down | x1
    Chamomile | Calms Cats | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x8 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x6 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x5 | 2 servings
    Shrew | x2 | 1 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Possible things to learn: Hunting, Fishing, Battle Tactics, Speed and Agility, and Climbing

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Acornwhisker | Eaglepaw | 3 | Battle Tactics, Climbing, Fishing
    Briarclaw (Acornwhisker subbing) | Cougarpaw | 2 | Battle Tactics, Climbing
    Russetleaf | Sedgepaw | 2 | Basic Herbs, Herb Identification
    Larkspot | Batpaw | 3 | Battle Tactics, Hunting, Speed and Agility
    Rainwing | Bearpaw | 3 | Battle Tactics, Fishing, Hunting
    Otterjaw | Birdpaw | 2 | Hunting, Climbing
    Rowanfrost | Minnowpaw | 2 | Battle Tactics, Climbing

    Name | Deformity
    Batpaw | Deaf in one ear

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Hailstar, Rainwing
    ??? and ??? | Russetleaf, Rowanfrost
    ??? and Lizardfire | Eaglepaw, Cougarpaw, Sedgepaw, Batpaw, Bearpaw
    Hailstar and Thistlesnow | Birdpaw, Minnowpaw
    ??? and Softleaf | unnamed
    Acornwhisker and Briarclaw | Kits
    Larkspot and Hazelwing | Kits

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amberclan ` 018

Postby faerie; » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:31 pm


          notes for simon / substitutes !!
          demelza finds x1 cat per patrol.
          flurrykit has two paralyzed back
          legs. mist has muscle fatigue an
          d a paralyzed back leg.

          clan count 47 females xx males xx servings xx moonpool monday





[new cats]
rabbitkit ♀ ( patrol )

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: rivergum, ferretfur, goosecloud, tigerspring, snaketooth, dawntuft
↳ hunt: pineclaw, hornetfang, petuniapelt, dawntuft, boulderfoot, shubunkin

↳ border: sootstar, ferretfur, duckthroat, pineclaw, hornetfang, snaketooth
( fox patrol )

↳ border: rivergum, russetstrike, reedstrike, pondskipper

↳ herbs: bumbletail & poppypaw

[ training ]
↳ nettlepaw, sheeppaw, brookpaw

↳ brindlepaw
(climbing, swimming)

↳ ivypaw, turtlepaw

↳ flurrypaw
(hunting, defense, scenting, herbs, nursery work)

[ kitting ]
demelza begins kitting. father
owlbloom will have her kits in one moon.

[the clan does not eat for one moon. ]

          sootstar | 47m | she-cat | x
          lives: ★★★★★★★★

          olive | 50m | tom | x
          apprentice: swanpaw | 15m | tom | x

          ferretfur | 37m | tom | x

          medicine cat:
          bumbletail | 43m | tom | x
          apprentice: poppypaw | 12m | molly | x

          ⇁ patients
          orchidstep | 3m left

          pineclaw | 37m | tom | top
          hornetfang | 37m | she-cat | bottom
          russetstrike | 54m | tom | x
          snaketooth | 32m | tom | x
          almondflower | 43m | she-cat | x
          orchidstep | 41m | she-cat |x
          reedstrike | 50m | tom | x
          kumonryu | 37m | tom | x
          cicadaflutter | 41m | she-cat | x
          petuniapelt | 43m | she-cat | x
          pondskipper | 48m | she-cat | x
          dawntuft | 44m | she-cat | x
          rivergum | 54m | tom | x
          goosecloud | 16m | tom | x
          boulderfoot | 16m | tom | x
          shellskip | 16m | tom | x
          tigerspring | 40m | she-cat | x
          mist | 16m | tom | x
          squirreltuft | 36m | molly | x
          sunpeak | 44m | tom | x
          duckthroat | 52m | molly | x
          olivebranch |37m | tom | x
          rhizome | 52m | tom | x
          ivoryfang | 12m | molly | x
          lionwatcher | 12m | molly | x

          disabled warriors who cannot meet the daily quota
          of hunting and patrolling. instead, they learn about
          herbs, help kitting, and do other daily clan tasks.

          mist | 16m | tom | x
          ⇁ apprentices flurrypaw

          poppypaw | 12m | molly | x
          otterpaw | 10m | molly | x
          nettlepaw | 10m | molly | x
          brookpaw | 10m | molly | x
          brindlepaw | 10m | tom x
          ivypaw | 6m | molly | x
          turtlepaw | 6m | molly | x
          flurrypaw | 6m | she-cat | x

          peony | 46m | she-cat | x
          brandy | 33m | molly | x
          demelza | 29m | she-cat | x
          owlbloom | 44m | she-cat | x


          crowkit | 3m | tom | x
          beetlekit | 3m | molly | x
          cloudkit | 3m | tom | x
          snowkit | 3m | tom | x
          oakkit | 3m | molly | x

          fostered kits:
          rabbitkit | 2m | molly | x

          blackpatch | 95m | tom | x
          falconwatcher | 90m | tom | x
          shubunkin | 80m | she-cat | x

    medicine store
    borage leaves | produces milk, helps fever | x2
    catmint | greencough remedy | x4
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches, kitting | x2 x1
    cobwebs | bandage | x5 x2
    goldenrod | healing wounds | x1
    watermint | bellyache remedy | x2
    goatweed | eases anxiety, grief | x1
    lavender | fever and chill remedy | x2 x1
    poppy seeds | eases pain, helps sleep, soothes shock | x3
    broom | poultice for broken limbs and wounds | x1
    tansy | cures coughs, wounds and poisons. | x3 x2
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches | x1
    oak leaves | stops infection from setting in | x1
    thyme | calms anxiety, shock, stress | x1
    yarrow | extracts poison, causes vomitting | x2
    marigold | stops infection and bleeding | x1 x0
    juniper berries | calms, soothes aches | x1
    comfrey | eases stiffness, broken joints | x1
    sweetsedge | eases infection | x3
    cob nuts | x1
    heather nectar | x1
    alder bark | x1
    dandelion | x1
    hawk/chickweed | x3
    mouse bile | x1
    blackberry | x1
    lambs ear | x1
    rush | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x7 | 1 servings
    vole | x7 | 1 servings
    squirrel |x8 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x4 |2 servings
    small fish | x8 | 2 servings
    big fish | x5 | 3 servings

    almondflower | nettlepaw | 2 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    rivergum | otterpaw | 3 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    patch | sheeppaw | 2 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    petuniapelt | brookpaw | 2 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    tigerspring | brindlepaw | 1 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    hornetfang | ivypaw | 0 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    pineclaw | turtlepaw | 0 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming

    deceased cats:
    larkstream | greencough
    patch | greencough poisoned

    orchidstep & father | goosecloud, boulderfoot, mist, shellskip
    dawntuft & father | poppypaw, ivoryfang, lionwatcher
    tigerspring & father | brookpaw, brindlepaw, sheeppaw
    peony & |
    owlbloom & lightningstripe | otterpaw, nettlepaw
    cicadaflutter & ferretfur |
Last edited by faerie; on Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Chamrosh's Replies 26/04

Postby Chamrosh » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:59 am

casually indents


Aegir | Badger
Bamboo | Cinder
Cloud | Cosmo
Creek (m) | Dusk
Eclipse | Phoenix
Salix | Sea
Ulfheiðinn | Vixen


Autumn/Fall. It was a rainy leaf-green, and the trend appears
to have continued. Not only has the rain come on a nigh daily basis,
and has lasted for a week at a time on more than one occasion so
far this leaf-fall, but a cold wind blows from the East alongside it.
Even the lightest rain is permeating through cats' fur, and leaving
them shivering. Too much activity outside will definitely be
having an effect on their health in this rain.
Prey is clearly feeling the cold too, and keeping warm and out of
your cats' reach in their burrows. The evenings are pulling in, and
this combined with the haze from the rain means that visibility is
far lower than usual.
Queens are feeling the cold too. Kittings are getting harder, and
kits are more likely to pass away. There are still plenty of herbs
around for your medicine cats to find, so a safe kitting is not
beyond hope yet. Foxes and Badgers are out looking for easy
food before a potentially lean leaf-bare.

26/04 or 04/26 or 26th April



    [ ceremonies ]
    xxxxx↳ sovereign ascension: colby becomes neritestar
    xxxxx+ receives 9 lives
    [ burial ground visit request ]
    xxxxx↳ neritestar requests a subordinate
    [ ocean shoreline patrol ]
    xxxxx↳ neritestar
    [ forest patrol ]
    xxxxx↳ not applicable
    [ ocean shoreline hunting party ]
    xxxxx↳ neritestar
    [ forest hunting party ]
    xxxxx↳ not applicable


[ Starclan has sent you a subordinate ]
[ While hunting, Neritestar caught an octopus ]

I'm going to casually assume that that picture meets copyright checks for CS. It's worth checking that anyway, but if you're sure it passes muster, I'm willing to trust on that.

It's also worth saying that your Fontmeme link is broken. You want to select "embed", then take it over here. You can edit how the url is linked, but one of the conditions of their site is attributing them, and they make sure the images break after a few hours for anyone who doesn't copy from where it'll automatically link them. I think the easiest way to make attributions look non-terrible is to do a small linked (c) next to it, but I'm sure you'll find something that suits you. As long as it's there in a way that's easy to work out why it's there, you're good.
Also, I find Fontmeme images all break once I take them onto CS anyway, so I put them on my imgur and then attribute Fontmeme after, but you can probably skip that step.



(( eclipsestar and lunarmist hunt for prey ))
(( cinnamonleaf goes on patrol in hopes of finding herbs))
(( eclipsestar requests a deputy from starclan ))
(( dawnleap has been in the clan for two moons, she should be ready to kit any day ))
(( eclipseclan eats two servings of prey ))


[ While hunting, Eclipsestar and Lunarmist catch 1 fish ]
[ While herb-hunting, Cinnamonleaf finds catchweed/stickybud and ragwort leaves ]
[ Starclan grants Eclipsestar's request, and have sent a Deputy ]
[ Dawnleap has given birth to one two (♂ male), three (♀ female), four (♂ male), five six (♀ female) healthy kits! ]

The kits' father was a solid black tom with white patches


winter solstice.

[ The Clan consumes Fish x2, Sparrow x2. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dapplepaw gather herbs (specifically for healing wounds). ]
[ The Battle Against Crows has begun! SeaClan will not send out border patrols until this battle is over. ]
[ Battle patrol: Leafstar, Shorefall, Mottledsmoke, Mintnose, Rippleheart, Owlfrost ]
[ Battle patrol: Brightstream, Stormfang, Junipertail, Smallwing, Ivynose, Emberwhisker ]
[ During the battle, Mottledsmoke and Smallwing are killed when they are overwhelmed by a swarm of crows. ]
[ During the battle, Junipertail gets separated from the rest of the patrol, and runs out of the Pine Grove, on the other side, and ends up on PineClan territory. ]
[ During the battle, Brightstream is killed when Stormfang pushes her off the cliffs. ]
[ Stormbreeze, Whisperdust, Claypool, Daisysong, Ravenwish, and Oakshadow hunt in the forest surrounding the river. ]
[ A cat comes over from ValleyClan saying he needs shelter. Insisting on receiving a new name due to wanting to start over, he is renamed Fernstrike, and becomes a warrior. ]
[ Nightwing and Oakshadow are now mates! (No kits yet) ]
[ Dapplekit reaches the age of six moons and becomes Dapplepaw. She is apprenticed to Honeytuft. ]
[ Hollykit reaches the age of six moons and becomes Hollypaw. She is apprenticed to Whiterose. ]
[ Thistlekit reaches the age of six moons and becomes Thistlepaw. He is apprenticed to Shorefall. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Sagepaw the climbing skill. ]
[ Nightwing teaches Bellpaw the fishing skill (try 2). ]
[ Claypool teaches Hawkpaw the combat skill. ]
[ Oakshadow teaches Carrotpaw the combat skill. ]
[ Honeytuft teaches Dapplepaw the herb recognition skill. ]
[ Whiterose teaches Hollypaw the combat skill. ]
[ Shorefall teaches Thistlepaw the combat skill. ]
[ Leafstar appoints Stormfang as the new deputy of SeaClan. ]


[ Starclan welcomes Mottledsmoke, Smallwing, and Brightstream into their ranks. May they watch over and guide their descendants for many long moons to come ]

[ While battling, Rippleheart, Junipertail and Shorefall each sustain a medium size wound. Healing their injuries will require three healing herbs ]
[ While herb-hunting, Honeytuft and Dapplepaw find burnet, cobwebs, and horsetail ]

[ While hunting, Stormbreeze, Whisperdust, Claypool, Daisysong, Ravenwish, and Oakshadow catch a squirrel and a shrew ]

[ Dapplekit is now an apprentice; Dapplepaw! ]
[ Hollykit is now an apprentice; Hollypaw! ]
[ Thistlekit is now an apprentice; Thistlepaw! ]

[ Sagepaw learns the climbing skill ]
[ Hawkpaw, Carrotpaw, Hollypaw, and Thistlepaw learn the combat skill ]
[ Bellpaw learns the fishing skill ]
[ Dapplepaw learns the herb recognition skill ]

I wasn't sure whether you wanted me to roll for learning a skill, but I did? I gave you pretty high odds for a successful training session, and they did all succeed, but if you want me to not roll, I can do that too.
Also, ignore the injuries if you didn't mean me to roll for them, that's fine. I thought you had enough fatalities that you didn't need any rolls for deaths or big injuries.



HeatherKit and SootKit are having their apprentice ceremonies!
RowanStar visits moonpool! He asks StarClan for a warrior.
AshCloud, FirePelt and HareFur go on a border patrol.
FlickerClaw, PowderStar, and AppleClaw go hunting.
WhiteWhisker, FoxClaw, SwanRipple, and PineLeg go hunting.
KestralTalon, Dolly, and MoonEar go hunting.
EmberFoot trains ThrushPaw in stalking and hunting.
GustClaw trains BrackenPaw in swimming.
MudWhisker and RainPaw look for herbs
The Clan consumes 2 birds


[ Starclan have heard Rowanstar, and granted his request ]

[ While on patrol, Ashcloud, Firepelt, and Harefur encounter a warrior ]

[ While hunting, Flickerclaw, Powderstar, and Appleclaw catch 1 bird ]
[ While hunting, Whitewhisker, Foxclaw, Swanripple, and Pineleg catch 1 frog ]
[ While hunting, Kestreltalon, Dolly, and Moonear catch 1 frog and 1 bird ]

[ While herb-hunting, Mudwhisker and Rainpaw find hawkweed, holly berries, and elder leaves ]

[ Heatherkit is apprenticed to Foxclaw, and becomes Heatherpaw! ]
[ Sootkit is apprenticed to Ashcloud, and becomes Sootpaw! ]

[ Thrushpaw learns the hunting skill ]
[ Brackenpaw learns the swimming skill ]

I used a randomiser to pick warriors with suitable ages as mentors. If you don't like those picks, feel free to change them.


I've opted to casually ignore Bubbleclan and Shellclan, as I'm fairly sure they're all disbanded at this point. However, if their owners are still continuing with them and want me to do replies, just PM me, and I'll get on that.

I'm also noting the last replies for trial clans too, as I want to keep things all neatly organised for future replies, and that's easiest for me, and also because I don't want to risk you missing a reply due to my posts becoming the first search result for your clan and so on.

I also put both Aegirclan and Ægirclan to make searching easier for people who don't have Icelandic activated on their keyboards.

Boulderclan was officially disbanded, so I didn't miss them either.
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azgeda: vii.

Postby clarke, » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:47 am

    ( ∞ 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 ) 44 xx ( ∞ 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬. ) 24 xx ( ∞ 𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐬 ) 20 xx ( ∞ visit to pramheda on ) 4/24 xx ( ∞ servings ) 7 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    there was a shift in the land. their home, the mountains, no longer felt like a safe place. the muzzle of death breathed on every surface, and it haunted niylah’s eyes. she would always see the ghosts of the nineteen that died because of a plague she could not cure. it would forever remain within her, a part of her. she may as well have been the one to end their lives herself. but it was not her who had brought this death, and luna knew this. it was her that had done this: that had weakened azgeda. though the queen would have her head for this act of war, she could not go on letting niylah believe that she ever had any possibility of curing this disease.
    luna, though her wounds had healed, remained certain that she would never fully recover. it seemed that no matter where she went, the peace she swore; she was destined to bring death with her. as she padded slowly toward niylah’s den, she thanked pramheda has the healer’s second exited the den- a thoughtful expression on his face. now that the den was empty and all those that had the disease had died, luna could speak to niylah alone. as soon as she ducked under the collapsed stone entrance and pushed through vines that had grown, the healer pressed her tail to luna’s muzzle, silencing her.
    “i know what you’re about to say natblida, and if you value the life in this camp, you won’t speak further of it.” niylah pulled her tail away and went back to organizing her herbs.
    “you don’t understand-” luna began, taking a step toward niylah’s lean frame.
    “i understand it was you that brought the disease here. but if you want to prevent more death from stalking azgeda, you won’t tell heda or anyone else. they will demand justice. they have always been bound by jus drein jus daun.” niylah sighed, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws. she gazed at luna, a serious inflection across her face. “the clans understand one thing: revenge. do not give them a reason to wipe out floukru, luna. carry your guilt alone. live with it.”
    “for a fisa, you don’t heal personal wounds very well.” luna commented, closing her eyes and sighing softly.
    “for a warrior, you care too much for the lives of others.” niylah then she touched the ebony molly with her tail. “remember, chon yu bilaik en chon yu gaf in bilaik na kik thru, emo laik tu krei noseim diyo.” luna nodded at the healer, brushing her tail against niylah’s gently. as the warrior ducked out of the den, she let out a surprised meow when she collided with skairipa.
    “it’s why she doesn’t see you.” the new warrior commented.
    “what?” luna murmured, drawing away from the close proximity she shared with skai.
    “heda doesn’t see you because you care too much about peace. kill a cat, torture someone, claim jus drein jus daun, then the commander would see you. until then, you will pine for someone who doesn’t even know you exist.” skairipa smiled smoothly at luna’s surprised, frantic expression. “oh don’t worry, luna; i knew it was you who brought the sickness. your secret is safe with me. wouldn’t want to start a war, now would we? just stay away from niylah. she’s mine, and unlike you, i’m willing to fight for the ones i love.”
( niylah, sneezenose, and shea look for herbs. )
( anca is given the necessary herbs. )
( wanheda, wintam, violet, koi, allanon, and vinecreek go hunting. )
( rustpelt, sneezenose, yellowsong, thalia, pheonix, and arion go hunting. )
( oakshade, skairipa, soncha, gonplei, one-eye, and fotam go hunting. )
( ontari asks for her nine lives and for a natblida for her to train. )
( ander, finn, and azuma are ready to become seconds. )
( all seconds train. )

( 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ) ontari, 26m, ♀
( 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ) nia, 46m, ♀
( 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 ) atohl, 46m, ♂
( 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 ) roan, 13m, ♂
admonium, 26m, ♂
leo, 5m, ♂

( 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 ) niylah, 28m, ♀
sneezenose, 13m, ♂

( 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬 )
[ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 ]: wanheda, 48m, ♀
[ 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ]: wintam, 35m, ♀
violet, 27m, ♀
koi, 23m, ♀
allanon, 35m, ♂
fotam, 41m, ♂
one-eye, 40m, ♀
gonplei, 49m, ♂
soncha, 27m, ♀
thalia, 15m, ♀
phoenix, 26m, ♀
arion, 33m, ♂
oakshade, 13m, ♂
bubbleheart, 13m, ♂
yellowsong, 13m, ♀
skairipa, 14m, ♀
vinecreek, 61m, ♂
rustpelt, 61m, ♂
luna, 25m, ♀
arumwillow, 26m, ♀

( 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 )
coalpaw, 7m, ♂
bekka, 10m, ♀
lincoln, 10m, ♂
echo, 10m, ♀
emori, 10m, ♀
bellamy, 10m, ♂
octavia, 10m, ♀
anca, 9m, ♀
jace, 9m, ♂
ankara, 9m, ♀
cassius, 9m, ♂
lionspaw, 9m, ♂
amberle, 9m, ♀
wil, 7m, ♂
poppy, 6m, ♀
cherrypaw, 6m, ♀
falconpaw, 6m, ♂
jax, 6m, ♂
catania, 6m, ♀
shea, 6m, ♂
eretria, 6m, ♀

( 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 )
diamond, 43m, ♀
onya, 27m, ♀
lexa, 52m, ♀
piper, 32m, ♀
palenose, 25m, ♀

( 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐲 )
tallkit, 3m, ♂
ander, 5m, ♂
finn, 5m, ♂
azuma, 5m, ♂
gala, 3m, ♀
owl, 2m, ♂
dove, 2m, ♂
gem, 0m, ♀
zevon, 0m, ♂
drizzle, 0m, ♀

( 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ) south: swiftclan
southeast: halcyonclan

( 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 ) swiftclan
( 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 ) none
( 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 )
death berries/x1 | foxglove /x1
nightshade/x1 | hemlock/x1
cobweb/x3 | stick/x0 | dock/x1
chamomile/x1 | burdock/x1
ragwort/x1 | lungwort/x1

( 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 )
trout | x5 | 3 servings
salmon | x6 | 3 servings
snow ferret | x20 | 2 servings
snow mouse | x12 | 1 servings
snow vole | x6 | 1 servings
hawk | x3 | 3 servings

( 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 )
wanheda | echo | 3 | ba, hu, cl
one-eye | bellamy | 2 | ba, cl
allanon | emori | 3 | ba, hu, fi
arion | bekka | 4 | ba, hu, fi, cl
skai | octavia | 3 | ba, hu, cl
fotam | anca | 3 | hu, fi, sw
admonium | jace | 3 | hu, fi, sw
pheonix | ankara | 2 | hu, fi
vinecreek | cassius | 2 | fi, sw
violet | amberle | 1 | sw
koi | lionspaw | 1 | sw
rustpelt | lincoln | 3 | ba, hu, cl
nia | wil | 0 | skills
yellowsong | poppy | 0 | skills
phoenix | cherry | 0 | skills
thalia | falcon | 0 | skills
oakshade | coal | 1 | cl
luna | shea | 0 | skills
atohl | catania | 0 | skills
roan | eretria | 0 | skills
bubbleheart | jax | 0 | skills

( 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 )
naikou | throat slit by skai
ind an execution
gona | drowned by skai

ind a brawl
posy | pushed off cliff by skai

indan assassination
osias | mauled by bear

inda battle
artigus | mauled by bear

inda battle
tamlin | died in kit-birth

indan accident
( 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 )
lexa and wanheda | ander, finn
soncha and artigus | bekka, lincoln
diamond and luxx | and company
wintam and fotam | huxley, wil
arumwillow and dashiell | jax
catania, shea, pippa, elliot, heather
nia and atohl | admonium, roan
ontari, leo
hemlock and hemlock | ankara
cassius, floodkit, canalkit
fotam and swandust | falconkit,
cherrykit, quailkit, timberkit
gonplei and fluffy | anca,
jace, soft, dragon
( 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 )
» onya, lexa, luna, wanheda
and ontari are all natblida.
» bellamy + one-eye are missing
an eye.
» shea and gala are deaf.
» oakshade, sneezenose, dia,+
arumwillow, shea, jax, and
catania all have powers.
» sneezenose has asthma.
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[08] mochi's trial mod replies

Postby ghostmaker » Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:38 pm

weather report - leaf-fall

clans: azgeda | amberclan

previous replies: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07


the air has turned cold and crisp, the sun's warmth doing little to heat the chilly clan camps. red and orange leaves cover the
forest floors, floating peacefully down. prey animals have begun to build their food stocks for leaf-bare, disappearing into
their burrows. the rare rabbit may be spotted, but the overall amount of prey being caught has lessened. the sun sets earlier,
and there is little light in the thicker forests. kittings are getting more difficult, so it's essential to stock up on kitting herbs.
the starving predators are lurking at the edges of the clan camps, looking for their next meals. kits are advised to stay inside,
and apprentices must be with a warrior when leaving camp.



      ❧ wanheda, wintam, violet, koi, allanon, and vine-
      creek catch x1 snow mouse, x1 snow vole, x1 trout,
      and x1 hawk.
      ❧ rustpelt, sneezenose, yellowsong, thalia, pheonix,
      and arion catch x1 trout and x3 snow mice.
      ❧ oakshade, skairipa, soncha, gonplei, one-eye, and
      fotam catch x1 snow vole, x1 snow mouse, and x1 salmon.
      ❧ coalpaw passed hunting!
      ❧ bekka passed swimming!
      ❧ lincoln passed fighting! he needs x1 goldenrod for
      a scrape on his leg.
      ❧ echo passed fighting!
      ❧ emori passed swimming! she receives a minor cut
      on her belly, but needs no herbs.
      ❧ bellamy passed fighting!
      ❧ octavia passed swimming!
      ❧ anca failed climbing.
      ❧ jace passed climbing!
      ❧ ankara passed climbing!
      ❧ cassius passed climbing!
      ❧ lionspaw passed climbing!
      ❧ amberle passed climbing!
      ❧ wil passed climbing!
      ❧ poppy passed climbing!
      ❧ cherrypaw passed climbing!
      ❧ falconpaw passed climbing!
      ❧ jax passed hunting!
      ❧ catania passed hunting! horrifyingly, an owl swoops down
      to try and grab the small second, but misses and ends up
      wounding her. she is fatally bleeding, and needs immediate
      help. she needs x3 cobwebs, x1 stick, and x1 poppy seed
      within the next moon, or else she will die. she will
      also need four moons to heal.
      ❧ shea passed hunting! she requires x1 cobweb after
      getting a gash on her leg.
      ❧ eretria passed hunting!
      herb hunting:
      ❧ niylah, sneezenose, and shea find x5 cobwebs, x1 stick, x1
      goldenrod, and x2 poppy seeds.
      ❧ ander, finn, and azuma are now all seconds.
      ❧ ontari has been granted nine lives, and her request has
      been granted.
      ❧ the clan will begin to starve in two moons.
      border patrols:
      ❧ sootstar, ferretfur, duckthroat, pineclaw, hornetfang, and
      snaketooth enter a fierce battle with the vixen's mate. while
      fighting, the fox leaped onto duckthroat and slashed her
      throat, killing the warrior. the rest of the patrol suffers
      no injuries, and carries duckthroat's body to camp.
      ❧ rivergum, russetstrike, reedstrike, and pondskipper's patrol
      is uneventful.
      ❧ rivergum, ferretfur, goosecloud, tigerspring, snaketooth, and
      dawntuft catch x1 small fish, x1 mouse, and x1 vole.
      ❧ pineclaw, hornetfang, petuniapelt, dawntuft, boulderfoot,
      and shubunkin catch x1 rabbit, x1 vole, and x1 small fish.
      ❧ nettlepaw learns swimming!
      ❧ sheeppaw learns swimming!
      ❧ brookpaw learns swimming!
      ❧ brindlepaw learns swimming! he gets a scrape on his side,
      and needs x1 cobweb.
      ❧ ivypaw learns fighting!
      ❧ turtlepaw fails to learn fighting.
      ❧ flurrypaw learns herb recognition!

      herb hunting:
      ❧ bumbletail and poppypaw find x1 parsley, x1 stinging
      nettle, and x1 wild garlic.
      ❧ demelza has given birth to five lovely kits. the fourth kit
      seems to be paralyzed in her back legs.
      ❧ the clan will begin to starve in one moon.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Storm Rose » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:43 pm

[Hopefully I do this right!]

The cats of Dawnclan live on a large moor with streaked with rivers. The camp is settled deep within a patch of gorse and rambled. The north border is protected by a marshy swamp which can provide frogs. To the eastern border is a dense forest that provides birds and squirrels. The West is protected by cold mountains that provide no prey. The South is claimed by a large and lazy river. This river provides fish anytime but Leaf-bare when it freezes.

Cats belonging to Dawnclan tend to be small and quick, using their long legs to propel them across the moor and through rivers. Their waxy fur and layer of fat from fish allows them to swim the cold rivers without freezing. They are usually a calm bunch of cats but will not hesitate to claw and bite their way to victory if they ever need to. They are always willing to let another join their clan.

Dawnclan cats are trained in swimming, hunting, climbing, fighting, and running. Each are important for different reasons. Swimming is to be able to travel the territory, though there are alternative ways to get over. Hunting and fighting are needed to help the clan grow and survive. Climbing is used to scout ahead for enemies and prey. Running is needed to travel the territory quickly and efficiently.
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Re: Create A Clan- LambClan9

Postby rookie rook » Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:08 pm

Number of Cats: 9
She-cats: 5<>Toms: 4
<>Next Moonpool visit: 5/3/18<>

Doggoned Corn Queen!

Posts: Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Lambstar frantically looked around for her deputy, panic growing inside her mind as she couldn't find any of his gray tabby fur. The smell of bird entered her nose and she peered outside of the cave, seeing the limp wing of a raven.
"Oh, good morning, Lambstar!" Flurrytuft greeted, dropping his prey. "It's about time you got up, I was getting worried."
"Flurrytuft!" The white leader breathed in relief, rushing over to the tom and resting her head on his shoulder. She took a few breaths to allow her heartbeat to steady, but couldn't shake off a small feeling of fear that churned in her stomach. "Don't you dare scare me like that again." She warned, pulling herself from his comforting fur.
"I scared you? Haha, sorry." The gray deputy purred in amusement. Lambstar smiled, shaking her head. This was the tom she could trust to calm her, wasn't he?
"It's okay, but there's also something else. I had a dream about the Clan's new queen. She's in danger and will run straight into Sablewhisper, Mistyleaf, Whiterose, and Luckyfur!"
"She will? What's threatening her?"
"A dog, I believe."
"A dog? Fox-dung!" Flurrytuft hissed. "We gotta hurry. Where is she?"
"Follow me." Lambstar ordered, taking off as Flurrytuft gathered his raven and chased after her.
The two headed near their rocky territory, the one with a few trees and plains here and there. Lambstar felt her heart fill with anxiety when she noticed blood staining LambClan's normally green grass. It was nothing more than a small red dot, but it was enough to get her heart racing. Her deputy noticed it too. "W-we aren't to late... Are we?" He panted, clearly out of breath. Lambstar clawed the grass underneath her and closed her eyes. She tried in-visioning her dream again, hoping to get some clue to where her queen was, but had no luck. She tried even harder, tried to imagine the white silhouettes and shapes once more until she heard a blood curdling cry. It pulled her out of her thoughts, getting pelt bristled as her eyes flung open.
"D-did you hear that, Flurrytuft?" Lambstar asked, facing the gray tabby for comfort.
"No. What happened?" Her deputy appeared worried. The white she-cat looked towards where she heard the cry come from then stared off into the distance before suddenly taking off.
"Come on!" Lambstar hissed, signaling Flurrytuft to follow.
Lambstar heard a screech echo from afar. It was likely from near the forest side of LambClan's territory, so that was where she was headed. She accelerated, rushing to reach the endangered feline before the fangs of that mangy dog did. Flurrytuft was just as fretful. He hadn't even hear a squeak from the she-cat but knew he could trust Lambstar if she did. He also knew the Clan couldn't afford to loose members, and the to-be LambClan queen was running straight towards some of LambClan's members.
Lambstar skidded to a halt by the time Flurrytuft began hearing snarls, terrified hisses, and cries for help. A strange light colored she-cat was ducked behind Mistyleaf, who looked just as mortified as her. Sablewhisper stood in front of the two she-cats, hissing threats at the dog, who was snarling more back. Luckyfur and Whiterose were in front of everyone, side by side, yowling and standing at their maximum, fur on end and tails lashing back and forth. If they ran, the dog would chase and kill them, especially the strange ginger she-cat who was assumed to be LambClan's queen. If they stood still, hissing threats and warnings it would grant them some time until help to arrived, so that's what they did.
Dropping his crow, Flurrytuft asked LambClan's leader, "What do we do?" She gazed at her deputy for a moment. Time itself seemed to stop as she examined his features, from furry head to fluffy toes. The tom goggled at her, unsure of what was happening, until she turned away from him. Then Flurrytuft understood. The white she-cat crouched down, sending power to her hind legs, then launched herself at the dog's backside before her deputy could stop her. She sunk her claws deep in the hound's flanks, causing it to whimper and go wild, attempting to knock her off. Flurrytuft looked at the cats the dog had cornered. None of them seemed to believe their eyes, especially not the strange, new cat.
"Someone! Get that ginger cat out of here!" Flurrytuft ordered as Lambstar distracted the mutt. Sablewhisper shook his head, leaving his mind of terror and returning back to reality.
"Mistyleaf, get out of here!" He hissed. The white and gray she-cat snapped back to reality, just the same way Sablewhisper had, and stared at the ebony tom in shock.
"No, are you mad? I'm not leaving yo-!" She screeched, but was cut off by the harsh thud of Lambstar landing roughly on the earth, right near the group of cats. The dog managed to knock her off and was now raging mad.
"Get the she-cat out of here, Mistyleaf! Now!" Flurrytuft growled, and now the Mistyleaf understood. She got the ginger feline up and shoved her out of the stray dog's way. Flurrytuft relaxed now that LambClan's queen had left, but there was still a great danger ahead of him. The dog launched itself at Whiterose, who swiftly dodged its attack. She hissed at it, fur on end, and swiped at its muzzle, but it was just a bit out of her reach. Flurrytuft watched as Sablewhisper and Luckyfur nodded at each other, then took off towards the mutt's sides. The mongrel whimpered, flinching as the cats' claws scraped across its sides. Whiterose took the opportunity to leap at its face, but, in its pain, the canine backed up entirely, causing Whiterose to miss her target and get a claw-full of nothing. The red-eared feline cursed under her breath as she readied for another attack. Flurrytuft took his attention off LambClan's warriors and the dog to Lambstar. The curly-furred she-cat was lying still with her sides raising and lowering. That was the only sign that showed she was alive.
"Lambstar? Lambstar, are you okay?" He asked, pawing at her frantically. She didn't move. Feeling a sea of worry overcome him, he growled, "Don't you dare scare me like this." And to his surprise, Lambstar actually began to move. Her eyes looked dazed.
"Flurrytuft?" She mewed questioningly. She focused on him some more, then a small grin crossed her face, though she looked as if she were trying hiding it. "U-um.. What are you doing here?" Flurrytuft smiled back at her for a bit, but the sound of a cat hitting the ground broke he and Lambstar from their moment. "Wh-what in StarClan's name was that!?" Lambstar asked, rapidly getting to her paws. She looked beyond her gray tabby deputy to the cats battling. Sablewhisper was on the ground, his foreleg bleeding, while Luckyfur was on top of the hound, clawing at its ears. Whiterose was on the ground near Sablewhisper, crouching over him, swiping at the air around them. "Our warriors! Flurrytuft, they're in danger!" Lambstar exclaimed in realization. "This is bad! We have to chase it out!"
"But where?" Flurrytuft asked, quickly.
"Um.... Oh! O-over to the barn!" Lambstar decided, pointing her tail at LambClan's forest. "We'll let our old farmer shoot it." Flurrytuft nodded, then looked back at the dog. It finally flung Luckyfur off of itself, but luckily for the tom, he landed right on his paws.
The dog was now infuriated. Instead of using its fangs to fight, it decided to use its paws like it could stomp out the cats. It clouted at Luckyfur, who barely lunged out the way of the attack. Sablewhisper got up from underneath Whiterose, and flung at the dog, who dodged just in time. The black tom landed near Lambstar and Flurrytuft, drawing attention to them. The beast ran towards the two at full speed, jaws wide open, showing off its sharp, yellow fangs. Lambstar froze, unprepared to dodge the attack. "Lambstar, move!" Flurrytuft demanded, but the Clan's leader remained put. Flurrytuft narrowed his eyes and quickly shoved the white she-cat out the way as he hurried to dodge the canine's attack. The slobbering mutt had missed them, but it wasn't discouraged. Not yet. It turned to try to their attack one more time, but were only met with claws. Whiterose and Sablewhisper claws scraped its face as they soared through the air to attack it, distracting it enough for Lambstar to give them the plan.
"We're going to chase it off into the forest!" She called. "Pain it as much as possible then direct it there." Whiterose twitched her ear, signaling that she heard, then launched another attack at the stray dog's face. She successfully clawed his nose, which made a high-pitched whimper erupt from him. Sablewhisper and Luckyfur reunited with one another, muttering something to each other. Flurrytuft noticed.
"What is it?"
"We were just thinking," Luckyfur began, calling over to LambClan's deputy. "Pain isn't going to get this dog to stop attacking us. We gotta scare it away."
"Okay? And? Keep the words flowing, we've got limited time here!" Lambstar hissed, as Whiterose lunged herself at the dog once more.
"Well, why don't we all try striking at the dog at once? That's ought to help scare it away! Luckyfur suggested. Flurrytuft and Lambstar shared a glance with each other and shrugged. They signaled for Whiterose to join them in a straight line, and run towards the dog at full speed. The hound stood, worried, but it kept its ground.
"Jump, but don't strike him!" Flurrytuft ordered. "Just try to get bigger than him!" He called, and all the felines leapt in the air in front of it, causing the dog to run away. They all landed neatly on the ground, out of breath, wounded, and tired. "That took too long." Flurrytuft commented, out of breath. "Now let's meet our queen."

* * * * * * *

A moon had passed since Bea, the queen, (who was renamed Maizeflower due to coming from a farm), joined the Clan. At this moment, Fadedsong was helping her give birth. Flurrytuft and Lambstar wanted to stay in camp and make sure the she-cat was okay, along with Luckyfur, Murkyeyes, and Whiterose. Mistyleaf and Sablewhisper wanted to go out hunting, so Flurrytuft let them.
"How long do ya reckon it'll take uh... Um.." Murkyeyes thought a bit.
"Maizeflower?" Flurrytuft asked, trying to help out.
"No, the medicine cat."
"Fadedsong." Lambstar answered.
"Right right. How long do ya think she'll take? I've got some fleas in my pelt and they're killing me." Murkyeyes grumbled, kicking violently at his side.
"Huh. Sounds like a job for an apprentice, but for now, you handle it, Luckyfur." Flurrytuft ordered.
"WHAT? Why do I have to? Make Whiterose do it!" Luckyfur whined, causing Whiterose to giggle.
"Because, he asked you to do it, dummy, so go do it!" Whiterose purred in amusement.
"Why don't the both of ya's just pick my pelt?" Murkyeyes grumbled, plopping down on the ground. Luckyfur made a face to Whiterose, who stuck out her tongue in response. The two of them sat around Murkyeyes and picked out the bugs who were bothering the elder.
Lambstar couldn't hold in a playful chortle as the two teased with each other as they did their tedious task. She looked over at Flurrytuft, who was also watching the two cats. She could see that his minty eyes were reflecting the same things hers did as she stared at the cats. A happy couple, making the most boring, bothersome chores entertaining with one another. She felt a feeling of want, wanting it to be that way with her and Flurrytuft. She took her gaze off the two playful warriors and her deputy and looked back towards the nursery, waiting for Fadedsong to give her the good news, until Flurrytuft nudged her a bit. "Hey, Lambstar, y'know how Maize is expecting kits and all?"
The white leader of LambClan nodded. "Of course."
"Well, we're going to need more warriors to keep up with 'em and all. And for when the kits grow up, we'll need cats to train them."
"Go on?"
"How about I walk you to Moonpool after Maizeflower gives birth? We can ask for a uh... Er, what's the word?"
"Um... Knowledgeable warrior?"
"Yeah! I thought of it as soon as you said that." Flurrytuft lied.
"Yeah right! You lied, your whiskers twitch when you lie!"
"Oh do they now? I've never noticed." Flurrytuft said, twitching his whiskers on purpose.
"Oh, stop it! You liar!" Lambstar purred, prodding at Flurrytuft's ear. The tom laughed for a bit, then pretending to attack back at the curly-furred she-cat. Lambstar batted back at him for a bit, then tackled him, the two wrestled until they heard a screech sounding from inside the nursery, reminding them exactly why they were just sitting around in camp. They coughed, and sat back near the nursery, waiting for Maizeflower's kits to be born.

[LambClan eats 3 servings]
[Whiterose, Luckyfur, Sablewhisper, Lambstar, and Flurrytuft fight off a dog that was in their territory]
[Bea becomes Maizeflower and joins the Clan as LambClan's Queen!]
[Maizeflower goes into labor]
[Sablewhisper and Mistyleaf hunt]
[Lambstar asks Moonpool for a "knowledgeable warrior"]
[Fadedsong looks for more herbs]

          Lambstar | 27 | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Flurrytuft | 27 | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fadedsong | 24 | Female | X

          Luckyfur | 20 | Male | X
          Sablewhisper | 19 | Male | X
          Mistyleaf | 19 | Female | X
          Whiterose | 24 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Maizeflower | 30 | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Murkyeyes | 95 | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    SunClan | Shadowbird12

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | GustClan | Chamrosh

    Medicine Store
    Poppy | x3
    Catmint | x2
    Tansy | x1
    Cobwebs | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Goldenrod | x1
    Yarrow | x1
    Daisy leaves | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Maizeflower and Unnamed Tom | Kits**
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by rookie rook on Wed May 16, 2018 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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