Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

( Prairieclan ) -- [002]

Postby Grey_Hoodie » Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:12 pm

        .iImage @
        .i𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬iixxxxxxxxx𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
        iixxx𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝
    ( Number of Cats ) ◖02◗ -- ◖ 0 males ◗◖ 2 females ◗
      ( Weather ) ◖Autumn◗ -- ◖70°F◗◖ Clear Skies ◗
        ( Visit to Starry Summit ) ◖March 12◗ -- ◖ April 17 ◗
          ( Prey Servings ) ◖total◗ none yet needed
            ( Notes ) ◖7-month time skip; ASCS introduction ~5-6 posts◗

            ( Previous ) -- ◖Intro◗◖Archive◗ -- ( Next )

              A soft breeze traveled across the land, bending the golden grasses of the prairie into a hypnotic, swaying dance. Playing the beat above a chorus of rustling leaves was the garden’s lone cricket, its tune a soft melody left to warble precariously amongst the other sounds filling the air. A pair of robins flitted overhead, red chests contrasting sharply against clear blue skies. Upon arrival, autumn brought with it a change in color to the broadleaf trees and a shift to cooler temperatures, ultimately trying to preserve the warmth of its carefully crafted atmosphere before the bleak, grey days of winter could arrive.

              Fur pressed against the window screen, soaking up what little sunlight could reach her perch, the grey and white molly pointed her nose into the push and pull of the air, shoving her thoughts back into the pit of her mind. She instead focused on the contraction and expansion of her lungs, the waning beat of her heart, the sudden stillness that overtook her body as one last tremble shook its way out of her fur. A familiar calm settled over the cat. Anxiety still gripped at the edge of her consciousness, but for a moment – short-lived though it would probably be – Dumpling could finally delve into her thoughts without the threat of falling into an inescapable panic hanging over her head.

              Today marked the seventh month since her friend had gone. She had kept a careful count of the days, but sometimes she wondered if it was a stupid effort. Dumpling couldn’t say she hadn’t expected her friend to return, stubborn as the ginger tabby was, but she’d still somehow hoped otherwise. With every passing day, however, her mind grew evermore creative in coming up with the various scenarios her friend could have encountered, the obstacles that could have arisen to prevent Peaches from returning home.

              Another stone of worry settled in her stomach, knocking against the various other feelings of guilt and panic weighing the molly down. Dumpling held in a sigh, locking her mind onto the burn in her lungs. She really had no other way to counter the swallowing sensation that accompanied her swelling emotions but to focus on something sharp and tangible. A wandering thought that often worked its way around her guard drew Dumpling’s focus. As much as she didn’t want to, the grey and white molly knew that she would need to go looking for her friend, or at least seek out some trace of her, at some point. She’d been putting it off out of fear, but now she was out of time. Winter would erase everything… if there was even anything left to find.

              The molly blinked her eyes back into focus, training her gaze on the flowing movement of the grasslands before dropping down from the windowsill and approaching the backdoor. A mixture of feelings followed her out into the garden, but as soon as she leapt over the fence, they dispersed like puffy dandelion seeds into the wind. A comfortable sense of relief filled the void, and Dumpling traveled on with a new energy invigorating her.


              The sun sat heavy above the mountains, and the sky was still an azure blue color absent of the golden and pink hues that typically signaled a sunset. Dumpling wasn’t sure how long she’d been walking, but the aches and stings running along her paws suggested it had been hours already. The molly sat down with a huff, holding each paw up to examine the damaged pads. They were flushed a darker pink than normal, swollen with scratches she could only assume also came from the burrs clinging to the fur along her legs.

              Dumpling hadn’t found anything in regards to her friend’s disappearance, and as much as she didn’t want to stop looking, she knew that she would only continue to struggle if she didn’t allow herself a little bit of a break. Bitterly, she set to working the stickers off of her to pass the time. Distractedly, she watched as the breeze carried each one she tore off away, but then the breeze suddenly grew stronger into a gale that sent the grey and white molly tumbling into a thick line of bushes.

              With a squawk, her body broke through the branches to land on a weirdly soft lump. A yelp sounded from beneath her, and Dumpling startled back onto her feet, turning swiftly to catch sight of a raggedly orange tabby. Still in a sleep-induced daze, the other cat dizzily gawked at her and slowly blinked their way to full awareness. Dumpling’s jaw dropped, and her eyes soaked up the image of her lost friend. Peaches was unbelievably thin, and there were patches of fur tangled up to stick out over her ribs and backbone. The whiskers along one side of her face were cut severely short, and her paws seemed to be stained a dark brown color, dotted occasionally with the lighter hues of stickers and burrs.

              The shock was nearly overwhelming, and the molly wasn’t sure if her goal should have been that easy to accomplish, but Dumpling couldn’t hold back any longer. Her friend looked like she was on the edge of death, and Dumpling refused to let her thoughts wander into darker territories. Instead, she rushed into her friend, uncaringly sending them both to the ground as she ran a tongue along her friend’s cheek and nuzzled her way beneath the orange tabby’s chin. “Oh, oh, I was so worried,” She babbled, words warbling their way out of her throat, “Nobody knew what had happened to you, and I wanted to come look for you, but I was… I couldn’t–

              Dumpling’s sentence was left to peter out as Peaches’ offered a weary chuckle in response. The ginger molly stood them both up and shook her fur out, lifting her chin to draw her friend back towards her and happily curling around the grey and white molly’s body when Dumpling eagerly complied. “I was wondering when you were going to show up,” Peaches murmured, wrapping her tail tightly around them as though to keep her friend from leaving.

              Dumpling gulped, biting the inside of her cheek in an attempt to keep from crying. She should have come sooner, and she wanted to kick herself for not even trying over the past seven months. She didn’t even want to begin thinking about how lonely her friend must have been, how troubled she must have felt when each day ended and still no one had come to meet her. But even as she trembled and her eyes began to burn, the grey and white molly squeaked out, “I told you it’d be next time.” After a pause to try and regain herself, Dumpling barked out a rough, watery laugh, raising her gaze to meet that of her friend’s, “Aren’t you glad I came early?


              Counting the days had become an unfortunate habit that stuck by Dumpling no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it. She had decided a week ago that she would be sticking by Peaches’ side for the rest of their lives, but the decision sometimes weighed heavy in her head. Although she knew it was an old feeling of guilt still plaguing her, the molly’s mind was still constantly working to convince her that someday, something would happen to split the pair of them up again. Unless something physically pulled her away from Peaches, the grey and white cat was determined to make it up to her friend and ensure she never had to experience such horrible loneliness ever again.

              Dumpling stretched her paws out in front of her, watching the morning light dance of her paws before her head tipped back, mouth gaping open in a wide yawn. She dug her claws into the ground, pressing the dirt up against her paw pads. She still wasn’t used to sleeping outside, but the rocky overhang her friend had labeled as ‘home’ was beginning to grow on her, if not for the safe shelter from occasional bursts of rain then for the rocky ledge that offered a perfect perch for sunbathing. Other than a few dreary days, Dumpling was starting to see how her friend had so easily been charmed into living the rest of her life out in the prairie.

              Peaches was scampering over one of the hills surrounding the little hollow their den was hidden away in just as Dumpling was making her way out into the morning’s light. Clasped between the orange tabby’s jaws was a brown squirrel, and Dumpling couldn’t help but lick her lips eagerly as her stomach gave a soft rumble. The squirrel was dropped before her paws, but before Dumpling could sink her teeth into the creature’s warm flesh, Peaches cleared her throat to draw her friend’s attention.

              Seeing as you’re my first recruit, I thought it was about time to start implementing some of the things the ancient clans used to do,” The orange molly said, a smile lighting her features. At Dumpling’s raised brow, she continued with a quick explanation, “I needed someone else backing me up before I could do anything. With you here, though, our clan can finally get started!

              Alright, what first then?” Dumpling tried to recall what she’d learned from the stories she’d heard, noting that ranks held something of importance among clans and wondering if that’s what Peaches was talking about. She was completely fine with letting Peaches take over the leader’s role seeing as she was too panicky a cat to be capable of handling any sort of rough situation without ultimately running away.

              Names!” Peaches cheered, dancing on her toes with excitement. Dumpling only nodded dumbly. Names were also a good start, she thought. While she couldn’t be certain for Peaches’ reasons, Dumpling believed that a change in names would mean finally forgetting about their past lives as pets. That was, in her opinion, a good thing if they really wanted to make their clan successful and showcase themselves as a pair of very serious clan cats.

              Peaches had begun circling the stationary molly, meowing excitedly to herself, “Maybe ‘Fire’ or ‘Viper.’ …Ooh!! Or maybe ‘Lion.’

              The grey and white molly pondered on the names for a moment as her friend continued to mutter away. With an abrupt mew, Dumpling suggested, “How about ‘Kindle’?
              ‘Kindle’?” Peaches croaked, tossing her friend an unimpressed look over her shoulder, “What sort of a fearsome name is that?

              Dumpling shrugged, turning to face her friend directly. “I thought it fit,” She stated firmly.

              How?” Peaches pressed before molding her body into a ridiculous pose, “What part of this says ‘Kindle’ to you?

              Dumpling rolled her eyes good-naturedly, shoving a paw into her friend’s side until she rolled over. “Well,” She began simply, “Because you’re the start of something, aren’t you? You’re ‘kindling’ a new era of warrior cats. It might not be as cool as ‘Lion’ or ‘Blaze,’ but I think the meaning behind it is nice.

              Peaches stared for a moment, her gaze lost as she retreated to her thoughts. After a moment, she rolled onto her back, paws grasping at the air, and hummed approvingly, “Actually, it does have a nice ring to it.

              And I doubt there’s another Kindle out there or in the stars above,” Dumpling encouraged, settling down beside her friend and drawing a tongue over the jagged edges of Peaches’ shortened whiskers, “It’d be completely unique to you.

              ‘Kindle’…, yeah, I definitely like it. How about you, then?” Peach—Kindle turned back toward her friend, green gaze rolling up and down the grey and white molly’s form. “Hmmm, maybe Dawn? No…

              Dumpling watched her friend jump to her paws to pace and ponder, happy to sit and wait while the other cat worked toward a conclusion. The smaller molly dragged the squirrel closer toward her just before Kindle could trip over it, happy to finally be able to begin feasting on it. With her friend busying thinking, the grey and white molly decided there was no better time than now to placate her rumbling stomach.

              Whipping back around, Kindle meowed, “How about ‘Weaver’?

              Dumpling took her time chewing before swallowing slowly. “Weaver’?” She repeated, taking deliberate care to annunciate each syllable.

              Yeah, like a spider,” Kindle explained as she placed a paw over the squirrel and drew it back to herself, “You’ve studied up on the history of the Ancients a lot more than I have, so I thought something related to the past would work. Spiders have been around since forever. They’re super artful and organized, too, which works because you’re so careful with details. Besides, you’re helping me develop our clan or, in other words, you’re helping me ‘weave’ a new moment in history.

              Dumpling waited for her friend to finish before chuckling softly, “It’s a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?

              Kindle scowled, grasping the squirrel between her teeth and turning away with it. Dumpling’s despairing groan at losing her breakfast was quieted by the ginger tabby’s petulant, muffled response, “No more than yours was.

              Dumpling wanted to argue, but ultimately decided against it. With a shrug, she sighed and offered her friend a warm smile. “Sure,” she mewed, standing up to sit beside her friend and press her body into the tabby’s warm fur, “Sure, ‘Weaver’ it is, then.

            [Seven-month time skip]
            [Peaches becomes Kindle. Dumpling becomes Weaver.
            Full names are in archive, if you're curious.]

            [Kindle asks the Ancients for a cat.]
            [Kindle and Weaver go on a border patrol.]
            [Kindle goes hunting.]


            Kindle | 25 moons | Female | X
            Lives: ★ (1/1)
              𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭:
              Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                  𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐭:
                  Weaver | 24 moons | Female | X
                    𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞:
                    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                              Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                              Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                              Name and Name
                              space| Kits
                              Name and Name
                              space| Kits
                                𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝:
                                Cat Name | Cause of Death
                                Cat Name | Cause of Death

                                  ( Borders ) --
                                  spaceNorth | Clan Name | Username
                                  spaceEast | Clan Name | Username
                                  spaceSouth | Clan Name | Username
                                  spaceWest | Clan Name | Username

                                  ( Ally Clans ) --
                                  spaceClan Name | Username
                                  spaceClan Name | Username
                                  ( Enemy Clans ) --
                                  spaceClan Name | Username
                                  spaceClan Name | Username

                                  ( Fresh-Kill Pile ) --
                                  space( x0 ) Mice | 1 serving
                                  space( x0 ) Prairie Dogs | 1 serving
                                  space( x1 ) Squirrels | 2 servings
                                  space( x0 ) Small Fish | 2 servings
                                  space( x0 ) Rabbits | 2 servings
                                  space( x0 ) Birds | 3 servings
                                  spiTotal Stock -- 2 servings◗

                                  ( Medicine In Use ) --
                                  space( x0 ) Herb | Usage
                                  space( x0 ) Herb | Usage
                                  spiStored Herbs -- 5 available
                                  space( x1 ) Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
                                  space( x1 ) Catchweed | Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin
                                  space( x1 ) Feverfew | Heal aches and pains and reduces body temperature.
                                  space( x1 ) Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death.
                                  space( x1 ) Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding. Used for inflamed stiff joints.

                                  ( Training ) --
                                  spaceMentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
                                  spacespace| Moves
                                  spaceMentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
                                  spacespace| Moves
                                Last edited by Grey_Hoodie on Wed May 16, 2018 2:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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                                Re: winterclan post

                                Postby ilhdc7 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:58 pm

                                Total: 061 <3
                                Next Moonpool Visit: any time
                                Next Kits Due In: 1 moon
                                Prey Servings: 10

                                Dawn had come. The battle raging closer and closer to Winterclan. Most of the cats not knowing about the impending doom that was going to strike. Salmonstar and Timberclaw stood watch today, timberclaw thinking that he was intending on talking about rather unimportant things, like screechpaw failing her assessment or snowpaw struggling for however many moons it had been. But instead, the weary tom didn’t talk at all. In all actuality, he was rather the quietest he had ever been. He sighed, and Timberclaw decided to prod the thoughts out of him, “So, everything all right Salmonstar?”

                                Salmonstar sighed, “I have a feeling my lives are being lost because starclan isn’t happy with me,” Timberclaw arched his eye brows, “In fact they sent me an omen not too long ago. I haven’t been able to decipher it.”

                                Timberclaw felt shivers run down his back, “Is that so?”

                                Salmonstar nodded, “Yes. And maybe Screechpaws failure is another sign of what is happening. You might be getting your nine lives soon Timberclaw, if starclan sees to it.”

                                salmonstar looses a life due to an "accident"
                                new cats; stumpfall
                                moonpool; ---
                                hunting; cricketwing, phantombelly, hawkgaze, emberpaw, redwing
                                hunting2; coonstripe, aloeleap, wolffrost, snowpaw, mambaquake,
                                hunting3; stumpfall, sootberry, heronstride, pinpoint, lilacscent
                                patrol; rookfur, whithergaze, foxdawn, vulturepaw, sundapple, piranhapaw
                                guard; salmonstar & timberclaw
                                resting; screechpaw needs rest for 2 moons
                                herb hunting; badgerheart, mallowpool, branchnose & windpaw search for sticks
                                x1 elder leaf is applied to screechpaw
                                death; barkfang dies of old age
                                mates; ---
                                kitting; ---
                                training; all apprentices train
                                (so many I don't want an excessively long post)
                                fresh-kill; consumes 2 hawks

                                1 more posts until battle scene between all cats
                                * = timberclaw follower

                                  salmonstar | 39m | tom | X
                                  Lives: [5/9] ★★★★★

                                  *timberclaw | 34m | tom | behind

                                  Medicine Cats:
                                  badgerheart | 46m | molly | X
                                  mallowpool | 72 | male | X
                                  branchnose | 29m | tom | X
                                  windpaw (call)| 22m | tom | X

                                  scorchscream | 37m | tom | X
                                  wolffrost | 39m | tom | X
                                  heronstride | 36m | molly | X
                                  ibisthroat | 38m | molly | X
                                  *rookfur | 30m | tom | X
                                  *soaringstep | 54m | tom | X
                                  aloeleap | 42m | tom | X
                                  almondblaze | 28m | molly |X
                                  cricketwing | 39m | molly | X
                                  whithergaze | 41m | tom | X
                                  *soilface | 32m | tom | X
                                  *sundapple | 22m | molly | X
                                  *flintowl | 18m | tom | X
                                  seabird | 37m | molly | X
                                  wheatclaw | 20m | molly | X
                                  *foxdawn | 25m | molly | X
                                  phantombelly | 19m | tom | X
                                  bumblesnout | 55m | molly | X
                                  *coonstripe | 33m | tom | X
                                  *hawkgaze| 32m | tom | X
                                  goldentail | 32m | tom | X
                                  lilacscent | 24m | molly | X
                                  *pinpoint | 33m | tom | X
                                  *pikeclaw | 17m | tom | X
                                  sootberry | 14m | molly | X
                                  *stumpfall | 18m | tom | X
                                  redwing | 36m | molly | in front
                                  *mambaquake | 40m | molly | X

                                  snowpaw (burr)| 14m | molly | X - blind & albino
                                  *screechpaw (pelt)| 14m | molly | X - runt
                                  monarchpaw (wing)| 13m | molly | X
                                  shellpaw (fog) | 11m | molly | X
                                  gullpaw (wing) | 11m | tom | X
                                  lavenderpaw (sky) | 11m | molly | X
                                  duckpaw (tail) | 11m | tom| X
                                  mistpaw | 7m | molly | X
                                  whisperpaw | 7m | molly | X
                                  emberpaw | 7m | tom | X
                                  *piranhapaw | 7m | molly | X
                                  *vulturepaw | 7m | tom | X

                                  rubypelt | 34m | molly | X
                                  yewrunner | 28m | molly | X
                                  *koishade | 27m | molly | X
                                  poppysong | 44m | molly | X
                                  honeydew | 23m | molly | X

                                  quartzkit | 5m | tom | X
                                  bronzekit | 5m | tom | X
                                  badgerkit | 5m | tom | X
                                  dunekit | 4m | tom | X
                                  elmkit | 4m | tom | X
                                  orchidkit | 4m | molly | X
                                  alderkit | 4m | tom | X
                                  *thistlekit | 2m | tom | X
                                  *silkkit | 2m | molly | X
                                  mallardkit | 1m | tom | X

                                  barkfang | 154m | tom | X
                                  Ally Clans:
                                  doveclan | Cloudpelt
                                  Clan Name | Username

                                  Enemy Clans
                                  Clan Name | Username
                                  Clan Name | Username

                                  North | mountain | open
                                  East | marsh | open
                                  South | forest | open
                                  West | forest | open

                                  Medicine Store

                                  x3 catmint | for deadly green cough, or white cough
                                  x1 lambs ears | strength
                                  x3 juniper berry | belly aches, strength, breathing, anxiety
                                  x1 poppyseed | sleep, shock, ease pain
                                  x0 goldenrod | healing wounds
                                  x2 chamomile | strengthens heart, soothes mind
                                  x3 borage | helps queens milk to come
                                  x1 cobweb | stops bleeding, binds wounds
                                  x3 chervil | helps heal wounds, stop stomach aches
                                  x1 ragwort | aching joints, strength
                                  x4 raspberry leaves | painkiller & stops bleeding
                                  x4 honey | soothes infections, sore throats, coughs
                                  x2 tansy | cough, stops green cough, cure poison&wounds, sooth throats
                                  x2 burnet | stops minor bleeding, strength
                                  X2 sorrel | traveling herb
                                  X1 fennel | eases hip pain
                                  x1 wintergreen | wounds & poisons
                                  x1 elder leaves | soothes sprains
                                  x1 parsley | used to stop she-cats from producing milk
                                  x1 bindweed | used to splint broken bones
                                  x1 coltsfoot
                                  x1 celandine
                                  x1 watermint
                                  x1 dock
                                  x1 broomtail
                                  x1 blackberry leaves
                                  x2 death berries
                                  x1 waterhemlock
                                  x0 elder leaf

                                  Fresh-Kill Pile:
                                  Rainbow Trout | x5 | 3 servings
                                  Sparrow | x5 | 3 servings
                                  Squirrel | x6 | 3 servings
                                  Mouse | x5 | 1 servings
                                  Vole | x5 | 1 servings
                                  Robin | x5 |  3 servings


                                  badgerheart | windpaw | 13 |
                                  swimming, climbing, navigation, communication, comforting, organization, defense
                                  herb recognition, herb usage, poisons, kitting, mending, cures, death

                                  aloeleap | snowpaw | 2 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  rookfur | screechpaw | 6 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  whithergaze | monarchpaw | 4 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  scorchscream | shellpaw | 4 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  almondblaze | gullpaw | 3 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  poppysong | lavenderpaw | 3 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  bumblesnout | duckpaw | 3 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  ibisthroat | mistpaw | 0 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  goldentail | whisperpaw | 0 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  hawkgaze | emberpaw | 0 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  sundapple | piranhapaw | 0 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
                                  foxdawn | vulturepaw | 0 |
                                  hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle

                                  Deceased Cats:
                                  Turquoiseclaw | Hawk | Starclan
                                  Cat Name | Cause of Death | Starclan or Darkforest


                                  salmonstar & seabird
                                  snowpaw, screechpaw, sootberry
                                  timberclaw & redwing
                                  mistpaw, whisperpaw, emberpaw
                                  aloeleap & pearlheart(marineclan)
                                  shellpaw, gullpaw, lavenderpaw, duckpaw
                                  wolffrost & ibisthroat
                                  no kits yet
                                  unknown male & cricketwing
                                  timberclaw & mambaquake
                                  piranhapaw & vulturepaw
                                  aloeleap & poppysong
                                  turquoiseclaw & rubypelt
                                  quartzkit & bronzekit
                                  unknown male & yewrunner
                                  dunekit, elmkit, orchidkit
                                  unknown male & koishade
                                  thistlekit & silkkit
                                  branchnose & lilacscent
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                                bel's trial replies {005}

                                Postby clarke, » Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:31 pm

                                weather: it's leaf-fall! trees are shedding their leaves and cats are growing their pelts. kittings become harder as leafbare nears, and prey becomes plumper due to stocking up for winter. many herbs will be ruining under snow and chill, so gather as much as you can.

                                mother-hen wrote:
                                ────────────────── 🟊────────────────

                                Hunting Giltstar and Verdantmask hunt together
                                Herb Hunting Auricflash and Charredfern take a stroll looking for an assortment of herbs
                                Patrol Both Junipereyes and Clair decide to look for lost cats, straying from Pongo
                                Patrol Pongo searches for Beetletuft
                                Vagaryclan eats a fish and a mouse

                                ( giltstar and verdantmask catch x1 hare. )
                                ( auricflash and charredfern find x1 parsley. )
                                ( junipereyes and clair do not find the lost cats, but scent a badger. do they pursue it or leave it be? )
                                xxjunipereyes rolled her stiff shoulders, her fur fluffed up in an attempt to keep out the sudden cold. "i'm too old for this!" she muttered to clair, who in return shook his head and flattened his ears against his head.
                                xx"you're not too old for anything, junipereyes!" he insisted, pressing on through the brambles, making sure to tilt the thorn branches away with his tail so that junipereyes wouldn't get scratched.
                                xx"too old for thorns though, huh?" she teased, waggling her hips as she jumped over a small stream. she paused as an putrid scent wafted across her nose and hissed loudly. "badger!"

                                ( pongo finds beetletuft and pheasantpaw! he gets clawed by beetletuft, and will need cobweb. )
                                xx"you think we're close, beetletuft?" pheasantpaw asked, his gray muzzle opening as he scented the air for any clan-cat aroma.
                                xx"i know just as much as you do." she replied snippily. beetletuft was cold, tired and hungry and did not want to deal with a pestering apprentices questions, as good as company he had been a few sunrises away. her ears swiveled and she snapped her neck upward as she heard a rustling in the bushes and a cat scent flooded her nose. a black and white cat came out of the bushes and she hissed at him, lashing out with her claws and catching his muzzle. he jumped backward, growling through gritted teeth as blood dripped onto the ground.
                                xx"hey! stop, he smells like a clan cat. i'm pheasantpaw and this is beetletuft, do you belong to vagaryclan?"
                                xx"yes, why?" pongo asked suspiciously, drawing his paw against his cheek with a hurt expression on his face.
                                xx"we've traveled a long way to find you."
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                                quickclan x o1o

                                Postby eagle, » Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:00 pm

                                never stop running on and on with the wind
                                ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( archive ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

                                          number of cats thirty-four | seventeen ♂ | seventeen ♀ |servings needed six
                                          next patrol april 7th at 11:55pm | next moonpool anytime
                                          injuries n/a kittings ivystripe 1 moon, sweetecho 2 moons

                                  the pool in the back of ivystripe's den rippled when the medicine cat lapped up several mouthfuls of water from it. in the past days, she rarely left her small cave, knowing that the guilt was wearing her down as, with each day that passed, her belly grew larger with life. starclan, she suspected, would be more than upset with her, and would surely curse her for what she was doing. pawsteps at the entrance to her den signaled the arrival of a visitor, and ivystripe turned to a pile of herbs, looking to appear casual and hide her belly as best she could. she blinked when she recognized sweetecho's voice, and the pretty silver tabby sat down a fox-length away, staying out of ivystripe's way while she worked. "ivystripe, i wanted to ask you if you thought that i could possibly be with kits?" ivystripe paused for a long moment. since sweetecho had returned, the molly had been busy acclimating oakseed to the clan life until he started to become friends with patchwing. they hadn't interacted much, their paths rarely crossing over the last several moons, though ivystripe nodded once.
                                  after looking sweetecho over and asking her several questions, ivystripe was certain that she was right. she licked her paw and drew it slowly over her ears, taking a moment to assess what it could mean. "you're going to have kits in a few short moons, sweetecho, congratulations." the new queen immediately brightened and got to her paws. before she could leave, however, ivystripe felt overcome by the need to tell the queen her secret. even if she was the leader's mate, surely she would take pity in the name of love, and not cause an issue when ivystripe had been so careful recently. "i need your help, sweetecho," she murmured, and sweetecho nodded once, prompting her to continue. the silver tabby padded forward once more, wrapping her tail around her paws. "i'm having kits too."
                                  with only a single secret, ivystripe watched a spectrum of emotions pass over sweetecho's pretty face. first, pure joy at the prospect of new kits. then surprise, that she hadn't been expecting ivystripe to have kits, followed quickly by the horror and realization that ivystripe shouldn't be having kits at all.

                                  (filling in the rest later rip)

                                • new cats: poppyhaze and sparrowcall (patrol)
                                • berrypaw is ready for her final assessment. if she passes, she will be named berrypad
                                • ivystripe goes herb-hunting and to take care of her catmint stash
                                • redstar, sootstone, tumblejaw, oakseed, and tallpeak go on patrol
                                • cyanslash, splashfall, brackenrose, nightfall, snakespots, and falconflight hunt
                                • sparrowcall, poppyhaze, rookwatcher, and patchwing hunt
                                • gorsepaw and brightpaw train
                                • quickclan doesn't eat for a moon

                                      redstar | 37 moons | ♂ |

                                      tumblejaw | 33 moons | ♂ |

                                      medicine cat
                                      * ivystripe | 33 moons | ♀ |

                                      rookwatcher | 72 moons | ♂ |
                                      sparrowcall | 61 moons | ♂ | (left)
                                      poppyhaze | 57 moons | ♀ | (right)
                                      sootstone | 54 moons | ♂ |
                                      duskflower | 47 moons | ♀ |
                                      snakespots | 43 moons | ♂ |
                                      tallpeak | 38 moons | ♀ |
                                      blizzardrush | 33 moons | ♂ |
                                      brackenrose | 32 moons | ♀ |
                                      falconflight | 31 moons | ♂ |
                                      splashfall | 30 moons | ♂ |
                                      nightfall | 28 moons | ♂ |
                                      cyanslash | 26 moons | ♂ |
                                      oakseed | 19 moons | ♂ |
                                      patchwing | 14 moons | ♀ |
                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

                                      berrypaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
                                      gorsepaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
                                      brightpaw | 11 moons | ♀ |
                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

                                      sunnywhisker | 40 moons | ♀ |
                                      piperskip | 35 moons | ♀ |
                                      sweetecho | 35 moons | ♀ |
                                      aspenwish | 29 moons | ♀ |
                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

                                      twitekit | 4 moons | ♀ |
                                      sproutkit | 3 moons | ♂ |
                                      mintkit | 3 moons | ♀ |
                                      cherrykit | 3 moons | ♀ |
                                      flintkit | 1 moon | ♂ |
                                      peckerkit | 1 moon | ♀ |
                                      grasskit | 1 moon | ♀ |
                                      oriolekit | 1 moon | ♂ |
                                      dustkit | 1 moon | ♂ |
                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
                                      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]
                                        ally clans
                                        clan | user
                                        clan | user

                                        enemy clans
                                        clan | user
                                        clan | user

                                        north | clan | user
                                        east | clan | user
                                        south | clan | user
                                        west | clan | user

                                        medicine store
                                        bright-eye | x1 cures coughs when used with loveage
                                        catchweed | x1 stops poultices from being rubbed off
                                        catmint | x2 treatment of whitecough and/or greencough
                                        chervil | x1 treatment of wounds, kittings, and infections
                                        cobwebs | x1 bind broken bones and stop bleeding
                                        coltsfoot | x1 eases cracked and/or sore pads, eases breathing,
                                        and treats kittencough
                                        dock leaves | x1 soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds
                                        feverfew | x1 treatment of fevers, chills, and headaches
                                        goldenrod | x1 used to treat wounds
                                        juniper berries | x1 soothes bellyaches, strengthens, calms,
                                        and eases troubled breathing
                                        marigold | x1 used for infections, bleeding, and inflammation
                                        poppy seeds | x2 soothes shock, distress, and eases pain
                                        ragwort | x1 used to soothe aching joints and give strength
                                        herb | usage

                                        fresh-kill pile
                                        rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
                                        hare | x4 | 3 servings
                                        small fish | x2 | 2 servings
                                        big fish | x1 | 3 servings
                                        bird | x0 | 3 servings
                                        mouse | x2 | 1 servings
                                        total | 23 servings

                                        tumblejaw | berrypaw | 4
                                        hunt, swim, climb, fight
                                        blizzardrush | gorsepaw | 1
                                        hunt, move, move, move
                                        duskflower | brightpaw | 1
                                        hunt, move, move, move
                                        mentor | apprentice | 0
                                        move, move, move, move

                                        cat | cause of death
                                        cat | cause of death

                                        duskflower + ♂ = patchwing
                                        sunnywhisker + ♂ = sproutkit, mintkit, cherrykit
                                        cyanslash + falconflight = twitekit (adopted)
                                        aspenwish + ♂ = flintkit, peckerkit
                                        piperskip + ♂ = grasskit, oriolekit, dustkit
                                        ivystripe + tumblejaw = expecting
                                        sweetecho + redstar = expecting
                                        poppyhaze + sparrowcall
                                        ♀ + ♂ =
                                Last edited by eagle, on Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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                                Re: Create A Clan- V.3

                                Postby inky. » Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:02 pm

                                E L M C L A N

                                Number of Cats: 10; (7 kits, oh boy)
                                Servings: 3
                                Next Kitting: N/A

                                Hazelwing walked alongside Weaselfur and his apprentice, Shadowpaw. Rabbitpaw bounced behind them, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells of her new home. The air had gotten cooler and Rowanfrost had even reported a small white mark on a plant. Whether it was just web or actual Frost was to be debated, due to the fact that the cats dwelled in a desert-y mountain home and rarely ever got snow that stuck long enough to be a problem. However, any sign of the approaching leaf bare was unsettling. Even though their territory never truly freezes over, it got cold enough that most of the prey dared not exit the warm safety of their den. That’s why Hazelwing has chosen hunting as today’s lesson. That way, Rabbitpaw could contribute to the dwindling prey pile. They had a good stock so far, but you could never know what would happen. Weaselfur turned to her. “You know, you haven’t been spending a lot of time with Larkspot lately. Is everything alright? Want to talk about it?” He meowed worriedly. “There’s nothing to talk about.” She responded dryly “It’s just that, with him being deputy and all, he hadn’t had much time to hang out. And besides, now I have an apprentice to train so I won’t have a lot of free time.” The tom next to her nodded slowly. “Well, just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you can’t talk to him.” He pointed out and, with a flick of his ear, added “And if he doesn’t want to talk to you, he’s missing out. You’re a wonderful She-cat and he doesn’t realize what he’s got.” Weaselfur winked at Hazelwing and nudged her playfully. Hazelwing looked at her paws, smiling and blushing. “Thanks, Weaselfur.” She meowed quietly “I just hope him being deputy doesn’t change what we have.” The sandy tom straightened up. “Hey, just let me know if he does somethin bad.” He told her, a dramatic, deep tone commanding his voice “I’ll beat him up for you.” This made Hazelwing giggle and she pressed her muzzle into his neck. “Thanks, Weaselfur.” She repeated, trying to stifle waves of giggles “I’ll see you later.” And the parted ways, both off to train their apprentices.

                                [Hailstar names Larkspot Deputy for now]
                                [Hailstar patrols, looking for more warriors (mostly because of the new flow of apprentices and there aren’t enough :-:)]
                                [Hazelwing and Rabbitpaw train in hunting]
                                [Weaselfur and Shadowpaw train in battle tactics]
                                [Weaslefur, Shadowpaw And Rainwing patrol]
                                [Hazelwing, Rabbitpaw and Rowanfrost patrol]
                                [Rainwing and Rowanfrost hunt]
                                [Hailstar and Larkspot hunt]
                                [Weaselfur becomes Hazelwing’s protective older brother]
                                [The Clan consumes a bird]

                                        Hailstar | 54 m | Male | X
                                        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

                                        Larkspot | 31 m| Male | X

                                        Medicine Cat:
                                        Russetleaf | 50 m | Male | X

                                        Hazelwing | 26 m | Female | X
                                        Rainwing | 54 m | Female | X
                                        Weaselfur | 37 m | Male | X
                                        Rowanfrost | 50 m | Male | X
                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                        Shadowpaw | 11 m | Female | X
                                        Rabbitpaw | 9 m | Female | X
                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                        Lizardfire | 29 m | female | X
                                        Thistlesnow | 42 m | Female | X
                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                        Eaglekit | 3 m | Male | X
                                        Cougarkit | 3 m | Male | X
                                        Sedgekit | 3 m | Female | X
                                        Batkit | 3 m | Male | X (behind)
                                        Bearkit | 3 m | Male | X (front)
                                        Birdkit | 2 m | Female | X
                                        Minnowkit | 2 m | Male | X
                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
                                  Ally Clans:
                                  Clan Name | Username
                                  Clan Name | Username

                                  Enemy Clans
                                  Clan Name | Username
                                  Clan Name | Username

                                  North | LakeClan | honey—bee
                                  East | Clan Name | Username
                                  South | Clan Name | Username
                                  West | Clan Name | Username

                                  Medicine Store
                                  Chervil | Used to help queens give birth | x1
                                  Cobweb | Used to stop bleeding | x2
                                  Goldenrod | Helps heal wounds | x1
                                  Marigold | Stops Infection | x0
                                  Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches, and helps troubled breathing | x1
                                  Catmint | Used to cure greencough | x1
                                  Tormentil | Extracts Poison | x1

                                  Fresh-Kill Pile:
                                  Mice | x3 | 1 servings
                                  Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
                                  Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
                                  Small Fish | x3| 2 servings
                                  Shrew | x2 | 1 servings
                                  Birds | x0 | 3 servings

                                  Possible things to learn: Hunting, Fishing, Battle Tactics, Speed and Agility, and Climbing

                                  Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
                                  Weaselfur | Shadowpaw | 0 | Moves
                                  Hazelwing | Rabbitpaw | 0 | Moves

                                  Name | Deformity
                                  Batkit | Deaf in one ear

                                  Deceased Cats:
                                  Cat Name | Cause of Death
                                  Cat Name | Cause of Death

                                  Name and Name | Kits
                                  ??? and Lizardfire | Eaglekit, Cougarkit, Sedgekit, Batkit, Bearkit
                                  Hailstar and Thistlesnow | Birdkit, Minnowkit

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                                Re: Create A Clan- V.3

                                Postby Λlpha » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:18 pm

                                  ((hi. I just saw this and thought it looked like something fun to do's my clan!))

                                  the territory [location]:
                                  aridclan is located in the South, in a patch of dry, rocky ground between a swath of tough, dehydrated-looking trees and a harsh, sandy desert. as the clan name suggests, the area they live on is quite arid. aridclan does not suffer much during leaf-bare due to the extensive heat of their territory. however, they struggle greatly during the scorching heat of green-leaf. contrary to most clans, they do not lose prey during leaf-bare (if anything they gain prey) but instead lose prey during green-leaf. some days, the earth outside their camp and the creek beside it is so burning hot that they can only patrol and hunt in the early mornings before the sun reaches its zenith, and during the night when the heat has seeped out of the rocky ground.

                                  the territory [details]:
                                  their camp is in a small network of caves, the cool stone and shade it provides help against the harsh environment. just outside the main entrance to the caves is a small creek, shadowed by thin, scraggly trees and surrounded by spiky bushes. beside the creek, there is a large boulder with a flat top which is where the leader makes their announcements. the part of their territory that extends into the trees (if you can really call them that) has the most prey in the time between the end of leaf-fall and the end of new-leaf. this area is covered with dry grasses and scraggly bushes and the earth beneath their paws is baked and dry. the trees, with their thin droopy leaves, do not provide much shade, hence why the prey like it so much during leaf-bare. the edge of the desert is used as a training area for apprentices as the sand softens the fall and also makes it more difficult for the apprentices, meaning that they have to work harder than those of most other clans.

                                  the territory [predators and prey]:
                                  aridclan are constantly harassed by eagles and other birds of prey who are often out to take their kits and steal their prey. they also have a snake problem and are often targeted by coyotes. but, experienced and well-trained warriors can take down either of these predators.
                                  their prey are mainly rabbits and hares, birds and birds of prey (if they can catch them), mice and any other small rodents that can survive in the conditions. in green-leaf, they often have to resort to catching lizards and snakes, even though they taste disgusting.

                                  the cats:
                                  aridclan cats are hardy, stubborn, fiery and argumentative. they are noble and loyal cats who take pride in their clan and their home. when challenged, they will not back down or shy from a fight. they have a strong sense of family and belonging and they trust each other completely. most of the clan have a dry or dark sense of humor and take pleasure in being as sarcastic as possible around other clans. most are quite intelligent and quick-thinking.
                                  these cats' colours range from medium-brown to sandy to white. they very rarely have dark-coloured coats, as the darker colours absorb the heat from the sun whereas the lighter colours reflect them. their coats are typically short and thin, again because of the heat. a special characteristic is that their paws have extra thick pads so that when walking on the scorching ground, it does not burn as much. these pads also come in handy when walking on the sometimes sharp rocks. they are typically thin and lean, but never small or overly skinny.
                                  aridclan cats are very fast and agile due to the environment they live in. their training in the desert results in their warriors being on-par with the strength of the average cat in the average clan. they are not very good at climbing, as the scrawny trees in their territory are both too small and the bark is too tough for anyone to learn to climb. however, the are good at scaling walls of rock.
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                                Create A Clan- V.3

                                Postby lameloserlexi » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:16 pm

                                Number of Cats: 41
                                21 [Male] 20 [Female]
                                Next Moonpool Visit: 3/23/2018
                                Waveclan eats seven servings of mouse

                                "Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures."


                                Tigerpaw strut proudly back into the den, grinning at the cats around her. However, no one really seemed to notice her and Tulippaw. "Uhhh, hello?? Right here! Long Hunt survivor!" The apprentice called into the cavernous den, rolling her eyes. 'This isn't really the welcome I expected!'
                                "Oh! Tigerpaw!" Splatterdrop called to her, running up to nuzzle her with tears in his eyes. The she-cat quickly nuzzled back, confused on what the problem was.
                                "W... What happened?" She questioned quickly, looking around the den at the other cats. Their eyes seemed to stare right through her, she could sense sadness and pity.
                                "It's Mouserunner... She had the kits." Splatterdrop took a breath.
                                'That's fantastic! Let me see them, Mother!!" Tigerpaw shouted into the den, jumping up as she went back to the queen's area. However, the only new kits she saw were Panthersnap's. "Woah, what a huge litter! You and Blazestar have a lot to deal with, ey?" She commented, smiling.
                                "Shut your trap. Those are my kits. Blackspot failed me, Mouserunner and two of my daughters are dead!" Otterheart hissed at her, flashing his claws for her to get away.
                                Tigerpaw stared at him. "What? You're lying, man. Mouserunner promised me she'd be the one to give me my warrior name, you're pulling my leg." As she looked back, she could see Silverpaw and Coralpaw coming in.
                                Blazestar took a loud breath, bringing everyone's attention to himself instead.
                                "Tigerpaw. Silverpaw. Mouserunner had some issues after you left, she gave birth early and couldn't be here to see all her kits." The leader laid out.
                                Before Tigerpaw could say anything, Silverpaw and Coralpaw bursted in. "Ma! See this scar I got!" The tom shouted, this being the first time the clan heard his voice louder than a whisper.
                                "She's not going to see it. She's never going to see it." Tigerpaw scorned, tears running down her face. "She's dead. Gone. Done for." She hissed, running out of the camp. The exit to the den shifted, that was the last anyone would see of the spirited she-cat for moons...
                                "Silverpaw, Tulippaw, and even Coralpaw. You all seem to have done well on your hunts..." Blazestar said to the three, yet his eyes still sad. "Silverpaw, for your fighting scar, you'll be Silverscar. Tulippaw you are now Tulipstream for your beautiful heart and grace. And Coralpaw. As a great and smart molly, you are Coralpool." The leader announced. The ceremony wasn't traditional, yet this whole day was far from traditional. 'The first death in the clan...'
                                "What about Tigerpaw? She worked hard too!" Coralpaw questioned. However, by the awkward glances around the clan, it didn't seem like Tigerpaw was really accepted at that point.
                                "She has a clouded heart right now, she needs to go soul searching and we must allow her that right. Tigerpaw will be Tigerbrair once she comes back, and she will be respected as a warrior." He stated, standing tall.
                                xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmany sunrises laterxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                Rosethorn felt as if she hasn't drank water in moons. She looked through the lichen barrier that covered the sick den on the edge of the clan's territory. She had ate so much borage that she was able to feed Greykit and Heatherkit while they had to be quarantined. She let out a wheezy cough, swallowing hard as if to keep herself from coughing more.
                                "And you'd always call Bearsplash Wheezy. Hm." Blazestar said, his voice no more than a whisper.
                                "Glad he hasn't caught anything. His lungs wouldn't be able to take it." Rosethorn said, sighing. She wished this sickness would be over with already- She wanted to get back to training Pepperpaw and be with her mate. She missed his goofy smile...
                                "Get some medicine." Blackspot called into the den. The medicine cat avoided too much contact with the sick, even bathing in the salty ocean after each visit to give herbs and treating. Coralpool, on the other hand, was making sure everyone looked over plenty and would soak extra moss balls in case someone had a temperature. 'She's nicer, but it might be a little reckless if she gets sick...'
                                "Leave the herbs for Rosethorn and the kits first. Then everyone else should have some before me, I'd sooner lose one of my own lives instead of y'all losing your only life." Blazestar demanded. Blackspot narrowed his eyes at the tom, yet kept his mouth shut.
                                Rosethorn sadly nodded, thanking the leader quietly. 'I feel selfish, but I do want to see my love again...' She lapped up one of the catmint and then left the other two for Greykit and Mothkit.
                                "I'll see how you're doing at dawn." Blackspot told them.

                                [ Frostclaw, Deerfeather, Tulipstream, Newtmask, Flintfang, and Daisypaw go on a border patrol ]
                                [ Bearsplash, Reedleap, Smallstorm, Ghostcloud, Cypresspaw, and Pepperpaw go hunting ]
                                [ Blackspot and Coralpool go herb hunting ]
                                [ Greykit and Mothkit becomes sick with kitten-cough ]
                                [ Rosethorn, Flameskip, Blazestar, and Bassflow develops green cough ]
                                [ Tulippaw becomes a warrior: Tulipstream ]
                                [ Silverpaw becomes a warrior: Silverscar ]
                                [ Tigerpaw runs away (still in the clan, just gone for now) ]
                                [ Coralpaw becomes a medicine cat: Coralpool ]
                                [ Patchfur and Flintfang try for kits ]
                                [ Asterpool goes into labor ]


                                  Blazestar | 36 | Male |
                                  Lives: ★★★★★★★★

                                  Flameskip | 36 | Male |

                                  Medicine Cat:
                                  Blackspot | 34 | Male |
                                  Coralpaw | 13 | Female | | Long Hunt

                                  Frostclaw | 58 | Male |x
                                  Ghostcloud | 49 | Female | x
                                  Ryestrike | 43 | Male | x
                                  Otterheart | 42 | Male |
                                  Ripplewish | 42 | Male | x
                                  Reedleap | 39 | Male | x
                                  Patchfur | 36 | Female |
                                  Flintfang | 34 | Male |
                                  Deerfeather | 34 | Female | x
                                  Hurricanecry | 29 | Female |
                                  Smallstorm | 28 | Male |
                                  Bassflow | 24 | Male | x
                                  Newtmask | 23 | Male |
                                  Bearsplash | 22 | Male |
                                  Rosethorn | 21 | Female |
                                  Vanillastreak | 21 | Female |
                                  Splatterdrop | 18 | Male |
                                  Tulipstream | 16 | Female |
                                  Tigerbrair | 13 | Female |
                                  Silverscar | 13 | Male |

                                  Daisypaw | 9 | Male | x
                                  Cypresspaw | 7 | Male |
                                  Pepperpaw | 7 | Female |

                                  Dawnshore | 30 | Female |
                                  Maplelily | 24 | Female |
                                  Panthersnap | 35 | Female | | Labor
                                  Asterpool | 42 | Female | x | 2

                                  Beaverkit | 4 | Female | x
                                  Lizardkit | 4 | Male | x
                                  Salamanderkit | 4 | Female | x
                                  Geckokit | 4 | Male | x
                                  Sunkit | 2 | Male | x
                                  Smokekit | 2 | Female | x
                                  Greykit | 1 | Male | x
                                  Mothkit | 1 | Female | x
                                  Rockkit | 1 | Male | x
                                  Heatherkit | 1 | Female | x
                                  Brindlekit | 1 | Female | x

                                  none yet
                                Ally Clans:
                                Clan Name | Username
                                Clan Name | Username

                                Enemy Clans
                                Clan Name | Username
                                Clan Name | Username

                                Northwest | Forest | Forestclan | Simonpet
                                North | Ocean/Beach
                                Northeast | Lakeclan | honey--bee
                                East | Prairie | Clan Name | Username
                                Southeast | Meadows | Clan Name | Username
                                South | Forest | Songclan | TheElevatorCat
                                West | Coniferous Forest | Cosmoclan | ~Glaceon~
                                Southwest | Mountains | Clan Name | Username

                                Medicine Store
                                Burdock Root x 1
                                Catmint x 3
                                Celadine x 1
                                Chamomile x 1
                                Chervil x 2
                                Cob Nuts x 1
                                Cobweb x 3
                                Comfrey x 3
                                Daisy Leaves x 1
                                Elder Leaves x 1
                                Feverfew x 1
                                Honey x 1
                                Horsetail x 1
                                Juniper Berries x 1
                                Lavender x 1
                                Oak Leaves x 1
                                Parsley x 1
                                Poppy Seeds x 1
                                Raspberry Leaves x 2
                                Rosemary x 1
                                Sage x 1
                                Sorrel x 2
                                Tansy x 1
                                Thyme x 1
                                Willow Leaves x 2
                                Yarrow x 3

                                Fresh-Kill Pile:
                                Mackerel | x7 | 21 servings
                                Smelt | x8 | 16 servings
                                Minnow | x5 | 5 servings
                                Vole | x6 | 12 servings
                                Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
                                Plover | x9 | 27 servings

                                Newtmask | Daisypaw | 0 | -
                                Rosethorn | Pepperpaw | 0 | -
                                Bearsplash | Cypresspaw | 0 | -

                                Deceased Cats:
                                Blazestar (1/9) | Drowning
                                Mouserunner | Labor troubles
                                Willowkit | Stillborn
                                Rockkit | Stillborn

                                Name + Name = Kit - Kit
                                Name | Former Clan

                                Mouserunner + Rocky = Tigerkit - Silverkit
                                Mouserunner + Otterheart = WIllowkit - Rockkit - Greykit - Mothkit - Kit - Kit
                                Hurricanecry + Cypressfall of Drizzleclan = Pepperkit, Cypresskit, Arachnid
                                Dawnshore + Smallstorm = ?
                                Maplelily + Newtmask = ?
                                Hound + Asterpool = ?
                                Rosethorn + Bearsplash
                                Patchfur + Flintfang = ?
                                Deerfeather + Reedleap
                                Patchfur - Flameskip
                                Bassflow - Maplelily
                                Flintfang - Blackspot
                                Otterheart - Ripplewish - Asterpool
                                Arachnid | Moved to Drizzleclan
                                Deerfeather, Reedleap | Lilyclan
                                Palestar > Ghostcloud | Shellclan
                                Ryestirke | Valleyclan Leader

                                Last edited by lameloserlexi on Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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                                trial replies -- styrkrclan + shadeclan -- two

                                Postby imp. » Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:13 am

                                current season;; leaf-fall - the season of fall. during leaf-fall, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will go down. the sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into leafbare. kittings will start to get a little bit harder so make sure to stock up on kitting herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. you will also run into foxes and possibly badgers more.

                                showman. | styrkclan wrote:
                                [ border patrol noctulestar, stalactitepaw, moufasa, arachnidpaw, frecklespots, sealpaw ]
                                [ hunting patrol stagrunner, meekpaw, frogspring, greymist ]
                                [ badger fight noctulestar, moufasa, frecklespots, stagrunner, frogspring ]
                                [ apprentice ceremony arachnidpaw ➤ assigned to moufasa
                                sealpaw ➤ assigned to frecklespots
                                meekpaw ➤ assigned to stagrunner
                                stalactitepaw ➤ assigned to noctulestar
                                [ searching for herbs batfang ]
                                [ servings consumed styrkrclan consumes 1 squirrel ]

                                [ styrkclan welcomes the new apprentices! ]
                                [ stagrunner's patrol catches 1x koi and 1x small fish. ]
                                [ noctulestar's patrol finds a young mercanary. ]
                                [ batfang finds 1x cobweb and 1x borage. there's a trace of loner, too. ]
                                [ the badger patrol chases of the badger! the cats have received injury.
                                moufasa and frecklespots will need one moon of rest for minor injury.
                                stagrunner will need two moons of rest and 2x cobwebs for major injury. ]

                                ↟The Sound Of Drums↟ | shadeclan wrote:ImageImageImage
                                ▬▬▬▬▬[ Like Shadows, We Rise ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

                                [ Silverstar requests a Deputy ] [ Silverstar goes hunting ]

                                oh man oh man oh man
                                i'm hyped for this clan!!!

                                [ silverstar catches 1x vole and 1x squirrel. ]
                                [ starclan grants shadeclan a deputy. ]
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                                Re: Create A Clan- V.3

                                Postby serpentine. » Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:02 am

                                ( 𝖭𝖴𝖬𝖡𝖤𝖱 𝖮𝖥 𝖢𝖠𝖳𝖲 ) 13 xx ( 𝖬𝖮𝖫𝖫𝖨𝖤𝖲 ) 8 xx ( 𝖳𝖮𝖬𝖲 ) 5 xx ( 𝖲𝖤𝖱𝖵𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 ) 3
                                ( 𝖭𝖤𝖷𝖳 𝖲𝖳𝖩𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖠𝖧𝖸𝖱𝖫 𝖵𝖨𝖲𝖨𝖳 ) today xx ( OTHER ) nonexxxxxxxxxxxxx

                                [ border patrol noctulestar, frogspring, sootshade, puddlepaw, stalactitepaw ]
                                [ hunting patrol sootshade, arachnidpaw, sealpaw, meekpaw ]
                                [ searching for herbs batfang, particularly for cobweb, and she pursues the trace of the loner ]
                                [ injuries x1 cobweb is applied to stagrunner’s wounds ]
                                [ apprentice ceremony puddlepaw ➤ assigned to frogspring ]
                                [ training all apprentices train with noctulestar and frogspring ]
                                [ birthings greymist goes into labour! ]
                                [ stjarnahyrl visit noctulestar requests a mercenary ]

                                cats mine can find at any time:
                                briartongue | russetdash | berrysnow | frostfur | tigertail | leafpaw | phillip | blossomstep & her kits | salmonjump | mage | valiant | ghostpaw

                                  𝖰𝖴𝖤𝖤𝖭 noctulestar, 23m, ♀
                                  lives: ★★★★★★★★
                                  𝖡𝖠𝖱𝖮𝖭 name, age, gender
                                  𝖢𝖫𝖤𝖱𝖨𝖢 batfang, 21m, ♀
                                  𝖣𝖱𝖴𝖨𝖣 reserved for batfang’s apprentice
                                  moufasa, 21m, ♀
                                  ↳ resting for 1m
                                  frecklespots, 21m, ♂
                                  ↳ resting for 1m
                                  stagrunner, 21m, ♂
                                  ↳ resting for 2m + 1 cobweb
                                  frogspring, 21m, ♂
                                  sootshade, 21m, ♀

                                  stalactitepaw, 8m, ♀
                                  arachnidpaw, 6m, ♀
                                  sealpaw, 6m, ♂
                                  meekpaw, 6m, ♂
                                  puddlepaw, 6m, ♀

                                  greymist, 20m, ♀
                                  ↳ due now

                                  𝖪𝖨𝖳𝖲 none
                                  clan name | username
                                  clan name | username

                                  clan name | username
                                  clan name | username

                                  𝖯𝖱𝖤𝖸 𝖲𝖳𝖮𝖢𝖪
                                  small fish | x2 | 1 meal
                                  shrews | x0 | 1 meal
                                  squirrels | x0 | 2 meals
                                  rabbits | x0 | 2 meals
                                  big fish | x0 | 3 meals
                                  hares | x0 | 3 meals
                                  koi | x1 | 3 meals
                                  north | clan name | username
                                  northeast | clan name | username
                                  northwest | clan name | username
                                  east | clan name | username
                                  south | clan name | username
                                  west | clan name | username

                                  available moves: climbing, swimming, hunting, battle
                                  available druid moves: herb recognition, heal, bandage,
                                  herb scent recognition

                                  noctulestar + stalactitepaw = 0
                                  ↳ moves
                                  moufasa + arachnidpaw = 0
                                  ↳ moves
                                  frecklespots + sealpaw = 0
                                  ↳ moves
                                  stagrunner + meekpaw = 0
                                  ↳ moves
                                  frogspring + puddlepaw = 0
                                  ↳ moves

                                  borage x1 | herb name x0

                                unkown + unkown = noctulestar, jupiter
                                unkown + unkown = arachnidpaw and sealpaw
                                unkown + unkown = meekpaw
                                unknown + unknown = batfang, chelsea, and afton
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                                ──004 🟊─◜◞

                                Postby mother-hen » Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:04 am

                                  ─────────── ────────────────────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────
                                  ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────── ─
                                  ━━🟊 ━━━━


                                  𝘛𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘴: 9
                                  ( 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘴: 6 ) ( 𝘚𝘩𝘦-𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘴: 3 )

                                  𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥/𝘴: Wed Apr 11
                                  𝘕𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘷𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘥/𝘴: Wed Apr 18


                                  forty-two is my favorite color.
                                  42 :)"We've traveled a long way to find you."
                                  42 :)Pongo huffed, his eyes closed as he heard drops of blood hit the ground. He glanced up with a dumbstruck expression. It looked as if he was just fishing by a lake, though a fish had jumped up and slapped him right across the face; It was a look of embarrassment.
                                  42 :)"Beetletuft—and Pheasantpaw?"
                                  42 :)Both former clan cats of Morningclan stopped and looked at the other.
                                  42 :)"You look different," said Pheasantpaw, a clear smile written across his face. Beetletuft nodded her head and made her way to the black and white tom until she was almost nose-to-nose with him. She tucked her head and giggled. "Your fur is longer and way too unkept." And with that she welcomed him, smoothing his fur with the brush of her tail.
                                  42 :)"Oh, stop being so flustered!" she exclaimed jokingly, believing that Pongo had no right to ashamed of whatever new status he held.
                                  42 :)Pongo chuckled and stepped back to face two of his former clanmates. It was silly to think that they would be his clanmates once again after they meet with Vagaryclan. It wasn't long ago that he was beginning to become both hopeless and restless, but he had found them. And though he missed the rest of Morningclan, nonetheless, this was still good. Both Pongo and Charredfern could gain their spirit back, knowing that the last of the lost was found.
                                  42 :)"Ready to meet your new clan?" the tom hummed, his ears twitching.
                                  . . .

                                  42 :)Badgers: once the friends of Vagaryclan, whereas now they are described as monsters. Well, at least that's what Junipereyes told Pheasantpaw, and the titan knew everything about this land. She said that it's possible to speak to them; she said that it is hard but possible. If the patrol did find the badgers they once found the scent of, then Clair would take responsibility as the interpreter. Junipereyes hoped for the best.
                                  42 :)However, now that the patrol left, the senior decided to walk into the forest, hunting, as she had told the clan. They didn't know she was hunting for a gold flower to lead her to the string of life.
                                  . . .

                                  42 :)"Have you chosen to break the code just for me?"
                                  42 :)A loud laugh echoed against the nonexistent walls in response to the question. The same gold eyes that asked the inquiry stepped back in shock, for she hadn't heard a laugh as beautiful as the she-cats in a long time.
                                  42 :)"I'm the substitute for Clair, though I have to say it is a bonus to see you once again."
                                  42 :)"Likewise my divine."
                                  42 :)Both sighed and sent a small smile to the other. They stared at one another as if they were bonding over the memories they once shared, but both didn't speak a word.
                                  42 :)"Aren't you tired? Don't you want to come home?"
                                  42 :)The brown she-cat shook her head. "My home is where life stands," she stated coldly. She stood up and clawed at the ground only to watch the stardust fall upon her. "I was cursed—"
                                  42 :)"Due to my faults."
                                  42 :)"Due to my own faults! Good Lupe, how stone-headed can you be when you've spent eternities watching the fallen come and go?"
                                  42 :)Cempasuchil bit her tongue, because it's impossible to cry where death stands, and she is Death herself. Life and Death can't walk together, but they choose to send gifts of love to each other.
                                  ──── ────
                                  Ceremony Beetletuft is appointed Pheasantpaw's mentor
                                  Marigold visit Junipereyes substitutes for Clair and requests a clan cat, the senior feels weak after her visit
                                  Patrol Giltstar, Clair and Verdantmask investigate the former badger's scent
                                  Training Beetletuft and Pheasantpaw go out training
                                  Hunting Pongo, Charredfern, Beetletuft, and Pheasantpaw hunt
                                  Herb Hunting Auricflash searches for cobwebs (Pongo)
                                  Notes Pheasantpaw had battling as a skill from his former clan, if I can't keep it then just tell me!
                                  Also I have major writer's block so I decided to do bits and pieces + I don't know if any of it makes since -- rip
                                  ──── ────
                                  ──── ────
                                  Sage (Leader)
                                  Giltstar, 27 moons, tom, ◜◞
                                  Lives: •••••••••

                                  Heir (Chosen offspring of the sage, acts as successor)
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]

                                  Divine (Deputy)
                                  Clair, 31 moons, tom, ◜◞

                                  Practitioner (Medicine cat)
                                  Auricflash, 22 moons, she-cat, ◜◞
                                  Charredfern, 33 moons, tom, ◜◞

                                  Practitioner's Student (Medicine cat apprentice)
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]

                                  Paladin (Warrior)
                                  Pongo, 23 moons, tom, ◜◞
                                  Verdantmask, 31 moons, tom, ◜◞
                                  Beetletuft, 20 moons, she-cat, ◜◞

                                  Apprentice (/)
                                  Pheasantpaw, 10 moons, tom, ◜◞
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]

                                  Queen (/)
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]

                                  Kit (/)
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]

                                  Senior (Elder)
                                  Junipereyes, 103 moons, she-cat, ◜◞
                                  Name, Age, Gender, [url]◜◞[/url]
                                  Ally Clans (/)
                                  Gorseclan, JulieMew1010
                                  Clan Name, Username

                                  Enemy Clans (/)
                                  Clan Name, Username
                                  Clan Name, Username

                                  Borders (N/A)

                                  Medicine Storage (/)
                                  Parsley, x1, shortening queens milk o cure bellyaches
                                  Herb, Usage

                                  Fresh-Kill Pile (Adapts)
                                  Squirrel, x0, 2 servings
                                  Mice, x1, 1 serving
                                  Frog, x0, 1 serving
                                  Hare, x2, 3 servings
                                  (Small) Fish, x0, 2 servings
                                  Vole, x0, 1 serving

                                  Mentors and apprentices
                                  Beetletuft, Pheasantpaw [ 1 ] - [ battling ]
                                  Mentor, Apprentice, No. of training sessions | Moves

                                  Cat Name, Cause of Death
                                  Cat Name, Cause of Death

                                  Name and Name, Kits
                                  Name and Name, Kits
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