Create A Tribe - (v.1) - v.2 open!

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

trial mod tribe replies // 17.

Postby notwearingsocks » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:24 pm

weather: it is getting warmer! green-leaf is just around the corner. prey and herbs are flourishing, kittings will pass smoothly, greencough and whitecough are extremely uncommon. cats will be more abundant and willing to join the tribe. be wary, though - predators are also plentiful!

~Glaceon~ wrote:
Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
[Leaf goes Herb-Hunting (looking for alder bark or a toothache cure)]
[Ember, Frost and Pine rest. Dawnteller is given 1x Raspberry Leaves]
[ Lavender, Mouse, Navy, Azure, Minnow, Finch and Pecan, Peach, Crystal, Acorn, Ember retry to catch an eagle]
[Wolf and Azure try for kits]
[Bat, Branch and Spider take their assessments!]
[Crystal and Leaf go training: Swimming]
[Wind and Birch go training: Swimming]
[Swan and Fox go training: Fishing]
[Peach and Silver go training: Battle]
[Pecan and Grass go training: Battle]
[Wolf and Bark go training: Fishing]
[The tribe does not eat for their second post]

[ leaf finds x1 marigold and x1 mouse bile ]
[ ember, frost, and pine are healed! they can go on patrols normally now. ]
[ dawnteller is out of immediate danger, though she should rest for one moon to be safe. ]
[ the patrol was successful in catching the eagle! great job! ]
[ azure is now pregnant! she will give birth in two moons/posts. ]
[ bat passes his assessment - congratulations, bat! ]
[ branch passes his assessment - congratulations, branch! ]
[ spider does not pass his assessment - try again next moon, spider! ]
[ leaf learns the swimming skill ]
[ birch learns the swimming skill ]
[ fox learns the fishing skill ]
[ silver learns the battle skill ]
[ grass learns the battle skill ]
[ bark learns the fishing skill ]
[ next post, the tribe will begin to starve and one cat will die per post until they consume prey. ]
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Re: Create A Tribe - (v.1)

Postby winter solstice. » Fri Jan 05, 2018 1:50 am

      (OOC; forgive me for this extremely long post. I needed to get some tradition things out of the way and it went overboard ;; )

Tribe of the Shrouded Mist
Number of Cats: 8 (4M / 4F)
Next Request: January 10, 2018
Archive Thread: Link
Serving Size: 3

(One Moon Ago)
Stoneskipper awoke, his breathing harsh. He stood up and brushed off his pelt, padding towards the den where Sapling was held, she was violently coughing, he quickly gave her the catmint and borage leaves and marigold to stop the bleeding. Sapling nodded her thanks, "I will get better.. will I?" she asked, her eyes drooped and her body limp in the nest. Stoneskipper hesitated, "Yes." He spoke one word before leaving the nest and returning to Twig, giving him the marigold and sighing deeply. "Sapling is getting better, she will live, hopefully.." With a resigned sigh, the Tribe-guard lay down in his nest again. The silver tabby mewed gently, "You may return to your duties tomorrow once we wake, your wounds have healed well." The brown-and-white tabby tom's expression brightened at once as he mewed, "Really? Thanks, Stoneskipper!" With a tired chuckle, the leader of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist went back to Sapling's den to check on her one last time before he came back to rest.

It was the dead of night when hisses of fear and hostility awakened both Stoneskipper and Twig from their sleep. The Tribe-Healer and Tribe-Guard rushed down to the middle of the camp clearing, where a clearly-frightened she-cat was cowering behind Flight, who was wrapping her tail protectively against the cat's belly, which looked swollen. Needle's fur was bristling with hostility as the tom growled, "Flight, away from her, she is an intruder!" The light gray she-cat shook her head and meowed hotly, "She is with kits! We can't just turn her away!" Needle argued, "We can't just say yes or no without-" but trailed off as Stoneskipper came beside them. The Tribe-Healer's eyes gleamed in the pale moonlight as he meowed firmly, "Needle of Pine, Flight of Startled Quail. Step away from her." Flight opened her jaws to argue, but reluctantly did as told at her leader's fierce gaze.

Stoneskipper meowed, "I am Teller of the Skipping Stones, leader and healer of the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist. Are you the kit-mother we wished for from the Tribe of Endless Hunting?" The pale gray she-cat's blue eyes shone still with fright as she nodded, "I was told by shimmering spirits of cats to find a camp surrounded in mist. I was told I would find shelter and perhaps news of my mate, my friend, and her kits?" Blinking, the cats of the Tribe looked at one another, bewildered. Suddenly, Ebony and Meadow came running out of the nursery, shouting excitedly, "Dew!" The kit-mother turned around, and, upon seeing the two kits, she meowed, eyes wide with surprise, "Ebony? Meadow?" Ebony mewed first, seeing confusion in Stoneskipper's eyes, "This is our mama's friend, Dew!" Meadow mewed, adding as her and her brother's whiskers drooped, "Yes! We got separated when we were tracked by that wolf! He-" Dew interrupted, "...Wolf?" A thin wail escaped her throat as she moaned, "No! Not Whisper!" Stoneskipper quickly took control of the situation as he commanded, "Flight. Help me escort Dew into the nursery. Needle, help Twig guard the entrance while we speak. Ebony, Meadow," he finished, looking over at the kits, who had become silent, "you can come with us."

<In the nursery>
Stoneskipper eased Dew into a nest, made by the combined work of the kits and Flight, and meowed, "The Tribe-guards Twig and Sapling tracked Ebony, Meadow, and their mother to the old Thunderpath nearby. A wolf had mortally wounded the mother, and both guards were injured as they chased the wolf away. Before she died the mother told us her kits' names, and we have been taking care of the ever since." Meadow boasted, "Flight taught me how to catch a butterfly!" She held out a butterfly wing delicately with her paw as she said, "See?" Ebony said proudly, puffing out his chest, "I'm gonna make mama in the sky proud by being a great Tribe-guard, like brave Twig and Sapling!" Dew smilied weakly, "My kits aren't due for some time. My mate, called Dash, was escorting the two long before. He'd gone out to meet Whisper and her kits cross wolf territory." She shivered, "Whisper's mate was killed the same way some moons back too..." The kit-mother promised, "If you allow me to join, I will take care of these kits as if they were my own, until they grow old enough to fend for themselves." Stoneskipper mewed gratefully, dipping his head, "We are honored to have you. We will hold the ceremony tomorrow morning. We should leave you three to sleep in peace." Flight murmured, "Goodnight," before following her leader out of the nursery.

(The next morning)
Stoneskipper opted to crouch on the roots of the tree he used to climb for meetings, seeing as he was exhausted from caring for Sapling, who was admittedly getting better. The silver tabby called, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here, under the Meeting Branch, for a Tribe meeting!" Flight and Needle came from their dens, while Twig followed them from behind. Dew came out and sat near the entrance of the nursery, keeping Ebony and Meadow from rushing out. Stoneskipper's gaze swept around the camp before he meowed, "Twig has recovered from his wounds and will be returning to his duties today." Twig's tail flickered in happiness as Flight and Needle cheered. "Sapling is recovering," the Tribe-Healer announced, "but we still can't be completely sure it is until all coughing stop." Needle murmured into Flight's ear, "What a relief! Glad she'll make it." Flight murmured, "Aye. She's young, like many of us. She'll make it." When the Tribe had settled down again, Stoneskipper meowed, "We are also gathered here to welcome a new member into our Tribe- our ancestors have heard our wish and led a kit-mother safely through the mist, to help our tribe thrive and help care for the young cats we already have!" All eyes trained on Dew as the Tribe-Healer mewed, "Dew, step in front of me please." Flight and Needle opted to move closer to the nursery to keep the two curious kits from bursting into the clearing as the kit-mother padded uncertainly in front of Stoneskipper. The silver tabby tom meowed solemnly, "From this day forth, within the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist, you shall be known as Dew That Falls at Dawn. May the Tribe of Endless Hunting grant you many happy seasons while you dwell within our Tribe." Twig respectfully stepped aside from the path to the Pool of Shimmering Ripples as Stoneskipper meowed, "Come, Dew. As per our Tribe's ancient tradition, you must choose your Heartstone." Dew asked, the word uneasy on her tongue, "Heartstone?" "Aye," the silver tabby replied, not turning to look back at the she-cat, "a Heartstone is a pebble that a Tribe cat will keep at his or her nest until death, which is only obtainable when a kit becomes old enough to become a to-be, or when a cat older than 6 moons joins our Tribe. When a cat dies, the Stoneskipper -in this case, myself- will use the fallen cat's Heartstone to skip across the Pool of Shimmering Ripples. If the pebble sinks without so much as to a skip, the cat's spirit is said to have been cast out of the Tribe of Endless Hunting, for he or she had offended them at some point in their life. However, if the Heartstone skips before sinking, we are to interpret it as a sign that the cat who died has been accepted within the ranks of our starry ancestors above." "But how do I know which one to choose?" The question was out of Dew's mouth just as Stoneskipper's explanation ended; the silver tabby tom replied, ears twitching, "Only you and our ancestors know."

<At the Pool of the Shimmering Ripples>
Stoneskipper meowed, pointing to a pile of pebbles nearby, "Dew That Falls at Dawn, please go and choose your Heartstone." The gray kit-mother looked slightly doubtful, but went to the pile. After nosing through some, Dew gave a soft cry of surprise before she took one in her jaws. Dropping the smooth gray pebble, the she-cat exclaimed, "I saw him! He told me to-" Stoneskipper meowed firmly, "What an ancestor has told you as you looked for your Heartstone must be kept secret. Have you found it?" The gray she-cat nodded, putting a paw on the pebble, "Yes, I did." A soft sigh echoed around the two cats as Twig, Flight, and Needle sighed in relief: their ancestors had approved Dew into their Tribe. Stoneskipper meowed, his eyes gazing across the serene pool, "Cats of the Tribe! She has completed the Heartstone Ceremony! She has been blessed by our ancestors, and will be guided in her paws by the ones who have gone before us!" The Tribe of the Shrouded Mist roared, "Dew! Dew! Dew!"

Needle came into Stoneskipper's den to ask if he and Flight could go out training, seeing as it was slowly approaching sunhigh already. However, upon seeing the curled up form of his leader, the brown tom turned to leave, hoping he had not disturbed him in any form. As he did so, Stoneskipper leapt up in alarm behind him as he yelled, "Huh- what?" The prey-hunter quickly turned back to Stoneskipper and asked, "Are you all right?" The silver tabby's eyes seemed clouded with exhaustion as he nodded, "Yes, Needle, I am." The Tribe-Healer stifled a yawn as he asked briskly, "Now, how can I help you?" Needle meowed, only half-convinced, "If you say so... I was wondering if we could go hunt again, Flight and I," he corrected hastily, "since we are running low on prey?" After a few moments, Stoneskipper replied, "Of course. Go with the Tribe of Endless Hunting's blessing." After a moment's pause, the leader of the Tribe of Shrouded Mist added, "I asked Dew last night if she wanted to exercise outside." Needle asked, his ears twitching slightly at the mention of the pregnant queen, "What if dangers lurk when we aren't looking?" Stoneskipper mewed, "Twig will escort her." The brown tabby prey-hunter nodded, satisfied, "All right." The Tribe-Healer murmured as Needle padded out, "Leave the kits to me, I've got a story to tell.

<After the cats leave on patrol>
Stoneskipper padded into the nursery to see Meadow and Ebony play-fighting. Ebony was meowing triumphantly, "I'm Ebony Where Sparrow Nests, leader of the Tribe of Ebony!" Meadow retorted playfully, bowling into her brother, "And I'm Butterflies Who Dance Over Meadow, leader of the Tribe of Meadow!" Stifling a tired chuckle, the Teller of the Skipping Stones declared, scowling into a decidedly villainous face, "And I'm a hungry bear that likes eating kittens at sunhigh!" With delighted squeaks, the two kits turned to Stoneskipper and roared, "Let's go after the bear!" The two kits began to clamber onto their leader, all the while trying to let out what they thought were intimidating roars. The silver tabby tom mewed, his tail up in the air in surrender, "I give! I give!" Ebony and Meadow gave whoops of joy and let go of him. Stoneskipper curled hinself neatly into a lying position and invited Ebony and Meadow over; the two kits eagerly joined him as the silver tabby meowed, "Can I tell you a story?" Eyes wide with wonder, Meadow asked, "A story?" Ebony nodded giddily, "Yes!" Smiling, Stoneskipper mewed, "Well, let me tell you of how our Tribe was first formed, and why we have these traditions that we have today." He added, "I was told this by a wise and ancient ancestor of ours before I was chosen to start our Tribe once again." As the two kits eagerly pressed him to continue, the silver tabby began...

"Many, many moons ago... So many moons ago that no cat but the Tribe of Endless Hunting can recall... There was once a Clan of wild cats far from here, known as BirchClan. This Clan lived like us, with no Twolegs to control them. They worshipped their own ancestors, called StarClan. They were a proud bunch though, and one cat in particular in that Clan was prouder than any cat- their leader Wolfstar. Named for the fierce beasts that sometimes roamed the land, the large gray tom loved to challenge any and all trespassers and loved to punish any cat who had no right to be there. A cruel, proud cat, Wolfstar never asked for help when badgers, vicious beasts like wolves, came to attack his Clan. They all perished at the end, save for a cat named Rockfang. He was a brave fighter that was forced to run away when his father, Graytail, made him do so. He traveled away from his former home, asking constantly for help from StarClan. But they never answered him. Moons and moons passed, and eventually Rockfang gave up. He declared there was never such a thing as StarClan, as he never received help from them. He began to retrace his steps, and ended up here, in these mountains. Stopping to rest one night, Rockfang met a pale gray cat that made him change his ways."

"The cat," Stoneskipper meowed, "was called Mist That Shrouds the Mountains. He explained that he was a spirit, long dead to the living world. But he was there to help, along with the spiritual Tribe he was part of, called the Tribe of Endless Hunting. Rockfang asked if they were really there, and Mist answered yes. The tribal ancestors would guide him if he were to leave his Clan days behind him forever and start a Tribe in the mountains. If he did, Mist would become an all-encompassing mist that would protect his Tribe from the wolves that lived there." Ebony asked, eyes wide, "So Rockfang agreed?" Meadow asked, "How does an ancestor become the mist?" With a twinkle in his eyes, Stoneskipper meowed, "Yes, Rockfang did, and our ancestors can do anything if they want to help us. Now, when Rockfang agreed, the Tribe of the Endless Hunting gave him his new name- The Teller of the Skipping Stones, and that he would become a leader to his new Tribe, the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist. Mist That Shrouds the Mountains kept his promise, and even we, the descendants of the first Stoneskipper and his Tribe, can benefit from this now." Pausing shortly to draw breath, Stoneskipper concluded, "And to this day, the Tribe of Endless Hunting protects us by shrouding us in the protective mist of the ancestor who provided a cat with a traumatic past with a new lease on life." He gently lay his tail on Ebony's head, then on Meadow's head, saying, "Now, I have to check on Sapling. Be good kits and stay inside until Dew comes back. All right?" Meadow challenged, "Only if you promise to tell us more stories later!" Stoneskipper replied, "Of course I will!" Yelling with delight, the two kits went deeper into the den where they began taking turns pretending to be the first Stoneskipper and Mist That Shrouds the Mountains. Chuckling softly, Stoneskipper left the nursery, heading back to where Sapling was.

[ The Tribe consumes Rabbit x1, Shrew x1 ]
[ Dew That Falls at Dawn (Dew) joins the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist! ]
[ Kitting: Dew will kit in one moon. ]
[ Twig follows the hunting patrol as escort to Dew (he doesn't count as part). ]
[ Stoneskipper gives catmint x1 and feverfew x1 to Sapling. ]
[ Flight and Needle hunt. Dew opts to follow them to look for catmint and feverfew. ]

          Teller of the Skipping Stones (Stoneskipper) | 33 moons | Tom | X

          Tribe-Healer To-Be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Needle of Pine (Needle) | 27 moons | tom | X
          Flight of Startled Quail (Flight) | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Crackle of Twigs at Night (Twig) | 37 moons | tom | X
          Sapling That Bends Beneath Snow (Sapling) | 27 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Dew That Falls at Dawn (Dew) | 35 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ebony Where Sparrow Nests (Ebony) | 5 moons | tom | X
          Butterflies Who Dances Over Meadow (Meadow) | 5 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Branch's Last Stand
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Branch's Last Stand
    Northwest | Branch's Last Stand

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint x0 | Best remedy for greencoughs. Also works for whitecough.
    Poppy Seeds x1 | Calms a cat, lessens pain when eaten. Not recommended for pregnant queens.
    Borage Leaves x0 | Helps a queen's milk come; also brings down fevers.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Cures a cat's bellyache.
    Tansy x1 | Cures coughs; good for preventing greencough.
    Marigold x0 | Stops bleeding and infection; also used to ease inflammation of stiff joints.
    Chamomile x1 | Keeps a cat's strength up.
    Feverfew x0 | Cures fevers.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 serving(s)
    Shrew | x1 | 1 serving(s)
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 serving(s)
    Frog | x0 | 0 serving(s)
    Fish | x0 | 0 serving(s)
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 serving(s)
    Hare | x0 | 0 serving(s)
    Hawk | x0 | 0 serving(s)

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves | Training Position
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves | Training Position

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Residence
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Residence

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Postby notwearingsocks » Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:11 pm

    quitting !! removed.
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlive or die trying.


haleigh [ she/her ] / north carolina / adult

ravenclaw / dog groomer / writer / explorer

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Re: Create A Tribe - (v.1)

Postby seabunny. » Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:47 pm

    Number of Cats: 1
    Queens: 1 // Toms: 1

    Next Visit to Moonrock: Now
Ice walks out of her den and looks around. "It's so empty. We'll have to recruit members if we even have a hope of becoming a great tribe!" Ice walks to the lake and steps in. "Wow this is cold!" She swims to Moonrock and steps on the island. Once there, she crosses to the other side and waits until the water settles. "Your Highest Ones, I ask that you send me a Lake Hunter, as we can not grow a clan without the means to get food. Thank you Your Highest Ones." Ice stares into the lake a moment later before she turns back and swims towards camp. Once ashore, she licks herself dry. "If they are to send me a Lake Hunter, and I pray they do, then we will need herbs for when they're injured."

[ Ice requests a Lake Hunter ]
[ Ice searches for herbs ]

          Ice the melts in sun | 23 Moons | Female | X

          Lake Hunters:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Lake Scout:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint | x1 |Cures greencough and whitecough
    Chervil | x1 | Infected wounds and bellyaches
    Cobweb | x1 | Stop bleeding and bind broken bones
    Goldenrod | x1 | Healing wounds
    Tormentil | x1 | Treating all wounds and extracting poison

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    Perch | x0 | 2 servings
    Carp | x0 | 2 servings
    Bass | x0 | 3 servings
    Trout | x0 | 3 servings
    Catfish | x0 | 4 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Tribe - (v.1)

Postby breezey   » Sat Jan 06, 2018 4:24 pm

It's Spring~ Birds are flying through the sky, flowers are blossoming, and everything is becoming green once again.

Starwindrider wrote:
Tribe of Star Fire
Number of Cats: Males: 5 // Females:
5 (3 servings in total)

Apollo flicked a ear at Zeus. The young to-be was crouched low, practising his hunters crouch. Apollo surveyed him approvingly.
"Go from here to the pine forest and back," he commanded. "And catch as much prey as possible." Zeus nodded, scampering away.
Apollo followed carefully, watching Zeus from a distance. Zeus caught quite a number of creatures, impressing Apollo. Suddenly, Apollo saw dark figures slinking out of the bracken. He was about to spring to help his to-be, but Zeus just went and greeted them politely.
"All is going as planned," Zeus meowed proudly. "Soon we will be able to kill the first cat. I have my eye on my mentor, not a good fighter at all. Haha."
Apollo felt a chill run down his spine. His life was in danger.

[ The Tribe doesn't eat for one post. ]
[ Apollo takes Zeus to hunt. ]
[ Lelantos takes Chrysos to training. ]
[ Artemis goes on a patrol. ]
[ Starteller goes herb gathering. ]
[ Apollo keeps what he saw a secret. ]

Zeus caught a squirrel! (2 servings)
Chrysos learns the swimming skill!
Artemis finds a kit-mother who is expecting in 3 moons! (3 posts)
Starteller finds a horsetail and 5 juniper berries!
heeee heee heee
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Re: Create a Tribe (v.1)

Postby cloudy days » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:14 am

Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
Number of Cats:42: 22 She-cats, 21 Toms.
Next Kitting: Azure (One Moon)


Will write it out later, but for now I shall do a summary.

Minnow, Cloud and Timber go on a walk when Cloud wants to stretch her legs, ambushed by Shadow's rouges. Rowan finds his way to the tribe and rejoins. Dawnteller afraid of what is the future.

[Leaf and Dawnteller go Herb-Hunting (looking for alder bark or a toothache cure)]
[ Lavender, Mouse, Navy, Azure, Minnow and Ivy go on a hunting patrol]
[Pecan, Peach, Crystal, Acorn, Ember and go on a border patrol]
[Spider and Leaf take their assessments]
[Crystal and Leaf go training: Swimming]
[Wind and Birch go training: Swimming]
[Swan and Fox go training: Fishing]
[Peach and Silver go training: Battle]
[Pecan and Grass go training: Battle]
[Wolf and Bark go training: Fishing]
[Cloud and Timber are killed by Shadow.]
[Rowan rejoins the tribe]
[The tribe consumes 8x Servings]


          Teller Of Shimmering Dawn
          51 Moons | She-cat | ❄️

          Swan That Glides Gracefully
          37 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Sun That Shines Through Storm
          38 moons | Tom | ❄️
          Ivy that Creeps Along Walls
          38 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Minnow that Dashes through Water
          48 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Mouse That Nibbles Barley
          72 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Ash With Quivering Branches
          37 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Olive Tree Growing Freely
          23 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Raccoon That Scurries Through Snow
          21 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Finch that Chirps In Morning
          30 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Wolf That Howls At Night
          17 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Navy River below Trees
          15 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Bat That Flies Into Cave
          12 Moons | Tom | ❄️

          Oak That Stands Tall
          49 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Wind That Soars Across Sky
          49 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Crystal That Shines Brightly
          61 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Ember that Glows Brightly
          43 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Moon At Peak Of Night
          70 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Amber Gaze of Owl
          33 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Acorn that Lies Under Oak
          23 Moons | Tom |❄️
          Peach Glowing In Sunlight
          33 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Pine that Grows In Mountains
          23 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Pecan | 32 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Soot That Sweeps Through Fire
          17 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Frost Icing Over Pool
          48 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Glowing Light in Darkness
          15 Moons | Tom | ❄️
          Branch That Sways During Day
          12 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Rowan That Rustles Softly
          26 Moons | Tom | ❄️

          Healer to-be:
          Leaf Fluttering from Tree
          12 Moons | She-cat | ❄️

          Spider Crawling Up Rock
          14 Moons | She-cat | Haze-Hunter | ❄️
          Birch Sheltering Roses
          10 Moons | Tom | Gale-Guardian | ❄️
          Fox Sniffing Berries
          7 Moons | Tom | Haze-Hunter | ❄️
          Silver Pool Shining In Moonlight
          7 Moons | She-cat | Gale-Guardian | ❄️
          Grass Swaying Softly
          7 Moons | Tom | Gale-Guardian | ❄️
          Bark Of Fallen Tree
          7 Moons | Tom | Haze-Hunter |❄️
          Owl Soaring Calmly
          6 Moons | She-cat | Haze-Hunter | ❄️
          Flickering Light On Water
          6 Moons | She-cat | Blind | ❄️

          Pearl | 28 Moons | She-cat | ❄️
          Azure Sky Above Trees
          15 Moons | She-cat | ❄️


          Lion | 139 Moons | Tom | ❄️

    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | CosmoClan | ~Glaceon~
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint | Best remedy
    for greencough.
    Can also be used for whitecough. | x2
    Chervil | For infected
    wounds and bellyache.
    Can also be used when kitting. | x2
    Comfrey Root | Repairs
    broken bones or
    soothes wounds. Also used for
    wrenched claws and shoulders.
    Can be used for itching or
    for inflammation on stiff joints.
    Can be used on burns. | x1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills.
    Also used to hide death's scent. | x1
    Yarrow | Extracts poison from
    wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins.
    The ointment will soften and help heal
    cracked pads. | x4
    Horsetail | Treats infections
    and stops bleeding. x0
    Coltsfoot| Eases
    breathing or kitten-cough,
    as well as cracked or sore pads.
    | x1
    Cobweb |To soak up
    and stop bleeding. It may
    also be used to bind broken
    bones. | x1
    Raspberry Leaves
    | Could possibly ease pain,
    or stop bleeding. x0
    Goatweed x1
    Deathberry | Causes
    death within minutes
    when consumed. x0
    Celandine x1
    Feverfew x1
    Stick x1
    Sweet-Sedge x1
    Blackberry Leaves x1
    Chickweed x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Frog | x8 | 1 servings
    Ermine | x1 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 3 servings
    Total: 29 servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Lavender Swaying In Breeze| 30 Moons | Tom | Rockfall
    Tribe of Endless Hunting
    Clouds Drifting Over Stream
    101 Moons | She-cat | Ambushed by Shadow
    Timber of Outstretched Tree
    6 Moons | Tom | Gale-Guardian | Ambushed by Shadow

    Cats That Have Left/Been Exiled
    Panther that Lurks in Shadow| 43 Moons | She-cat
    Feeding Leaf Deathberries

    ?? and ?? | Shadow, Ember, Sibling.
    Acorn, sibling.
    Ash and Lavender | Soot, Wolf.
    Wind and Oak | Branch, Bat, Leaf.
    Moon and Mouse | Amber, Cream,
    Pecan, Pie, Peach
    Rowan and Pearl | Fox, Silver, Grass, Bark
    Rowan and Amber | Owl, Timber, Flicker
    Pine and Olive | -
    Rowan and Shadow | -
    ??? and ??? | Spider, sibling, sibling, sibling,
    sibling. Birch.
    ??? and ??? | Lyrawing (CosmoClan), Sun.
    ??? and Cloud | Minnow, sibling, sibling.

    Dawnteller | Leaf | 8 Training Sessions | Herb recognition
    Battle (advanced)- Healing (advanced) - Hunting - Fishing
    Lavender | Spider | 5 Training Sessions | Hunting -
    Fishing (Advanced) - Tracking
    Frost | Birch | 3 Training Sessions | Battle - Tracking
    Swan | Fox | 0 Training Sessions | Fishing
    Pecan | Silver | 0 training sessions | Battle
    Peach | Grass | 0 Training Sessions | Battle
    Wolf | Bark | 0 Training Sessions | Fishing
    - | Flicker | - Training sessions | -
    Navy | Owl | 0 Training Sessions | -
Last edited by cloudy days on Tue Jan 09, 2018 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Tribe - (v.1)

Postby morrissey » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:02 am

weather;; during spring, kittings will run much smoother and the chances of the queens or kits dying during birth will go down dramatically. there is also a higher chance of you catching more prey than usual. the chances of catching greencough, whitecough and kittencough will go down. with all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. there will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. the odds of finding new cats is very high.
sushinekko wrote:
Number of Cats: Total: 3 | Male: 1 | Female: 2
[Leafteller looks for herbs, checking for any loners on the way.]
[Bloom and Night follow the fox's trail, making sure that it's out of the territory. Night hunts along the way.]
[ leafteller finds x1 chamomile and x1 cobweb, and finds a possible ground prey hunter. ]
[ bloom and night ensure the fox is outside of the territory. night catches x1 bird on his hunt. ]
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[ 004 ]

Postby canadianhowl » Sun Jan 07, 2018 1:00 pm

Number of Cats: four
Males;; three | Females;; one
Nursing;; zero
Next Ancestor Contact;; now!

Not having the muse this time! :0
(( Ignore this- color reminder;; 1B5717 ))

[ Copperteller decided to help his tribe and reluctantly goes out hunting with Boulder and Jay. ]
[ Blue goes on a patrol to find more cats ]
[ Copperteller asks the ancestors to bring another prey-hunter ]
[ The Tribe eats 2 servings ]

          copperteller | twenty-seven | male | X

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          boulder | twenty-two | male | X
          - boulder that sits on cliff ledge
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          blue | twenty-seven | female | X
          - blue sky during clean day
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          jay | nine | male | X
          - jay that sings songs
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    catmint | x2 | cures green/whitecough
    foxglove seeds | x1 | cause paralysis and heart failure
    lovage | x1 | mix with bright-eye, cures coughs
    marigold | x1 | stops infection
    poppy seeds | x1 | eases pain. helps sleep. not for kit-mothers
    tansy | x1 | cures cough, wounds, poison

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings (1)
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings (1)
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings (2)
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings (2)
    Big Fish | x0 | 0 servings (3)
    All Birds | x0 | 0 servings (3)
    Total | x2 | 3 servings
    Needed | x2

    boulder | jay | zero | none
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    unknown + blue | jay
    Name and Name | Kits
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replies no. 5

Postby starshine, » Mon Jan 08, 2018 7:51 am

Tribe of the Shrouded Mist
Number of Cats: 8 (4M / 4F)
Next Request: January 10, 2018
Archive Thread: Link
Serving Size: 3

[ The Tribe consumes Rabbit x1, Shrew x1 ]
[ Dew That Falls at Dawn (Dew) joins the Tribe of the Shrouded Mist! ]
[ Kitting: Dew will kit in one moon. ]
[ Twig follows the hunting patrol as escort to Dew (he doesn't count as part). ]
[ Stoneskipper gives catmint x1 and feverfew x1 to Sapling. ]
[ Flight and Needle hunt. Dew opts to follow them to look for catmint and feverfew. ]

ooc: so so so sorry for the wait, been a little busy, hopefully it'll be back to normal soon!

[ Dew starts to feel sick, but later learns that it's just because of the kits, don't let Dew go on patrols or hunts, it could hurt the kits! Should you give her anything to help? ]
[ Flight and Needle return with only a mouse, but a potential to-be finds his way into the territory and brings a shrew with him
[ Dew found x2 feverfew ]
[ Dew will go into labor in your next post ]
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trial mod tribe replies // 18.

Postby notwearingsocks » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:15 am

weather: it is getting warmer! green-leaf is just around the corner. prey and herbs are flourishing, kittings will pass smoothly, greencough and whitecough are extremely uncommon. cats will be more abundant and willing to join the tribe. be wary, though - predators are also plentiful!

~Glaceon~ wrote:
Tribe Of Shimmering Dawn
[Leaf and Dawnteller go Herb-Hunting (looking for alder bark or a toothache cure)]
[ Lavender, Mouse, Navy, Azure, Minnow and Ivy go on a hunting patrol]
[Pecan, Peach, Crystal, Acorn, Ember and go on a border patrol]
[Wolf and Azure try for kits]
[Spider and Leaf take their assessments]
[Crystal and Leaf go training: Swimming]
[Wind and Birch go training: Swimming]
[Swan and Fox go training: Fishing]
[Peach and Silver go training: Battle]
[Pecan and Grass go training: Battle]
[Wolf and Bark go training: Fishing]
[Cloud and Timber are killed by Shadow.]
[Rowan rejoins the tribe]
[The tribe consumes 8x Servings]

[ leaf and dawnteller find x1 alder bark, x1 lavender, and x1 burdock root ]
[ the hunting patrol catches x1 ermine and x1 vole ]
[ azure is already pregnant! she will be kitting next moon. she should not go on any more patrols until she gives birth. otherwise, her kits may have health issues once they are born. ]
[ spider and leaf both pass their assessments ! ]
[ leaf already passed his assessment - he does not have to train anymore ! ]
[ birch learns the swimming skill ]
[ fox learns the fishing skill ]
[ silver learns the battle skill ]
[ grass learns the battle skill ]
[ bark learns the fishing skill ]
[ starclan welcomes cloud and timber to it's ranks. ]
[ welcome back, rowan - starclan hopes that he will not turn back to panther. ]
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