Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Clan - Gustclan - 27

Postby Chamrosh » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:42 am

Number of Cats: 22 (2 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 5
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

The patrol set out to retrieve the apprentice. Apparently his siblings had encountered some lawless clan that followed no guidance from the stars at all, after their previous clan had been all but entirely destroyed. He had tried to argue back to them, to say that they shouldn’t join that clan, but he had been unsuccessful, and had run away in fear of the clan. He had ended up falling into a river and getting washed up at the Gustclan lake as a result.
He was lucky for his timing, as only a few days later rains meant that such a journey in such a manner would almost indubitably have led to his death.
Because he seemed to be so old to still be an apprentice, Heronstar decided to assign his mentoring to Chubtail, as he would be most able to orchestrate events in such a way as to ensure that Firepaw could become a warrior in the fastest manner possible.

Heronstar was shocked to find that the patrol she had sent out managed to find two more apprentices so shortly afterwards. They were siblings, and this was clear from their manner.
“Langoustinepaw, sneak behind!” Came as a hissed whisper from one bush, warning the warriors that something was about to happen. Then a whirl of grey fur burst out of it, with a massive bundle of leaves and sticks in his mouth, almost too much to be believed to have come from the mouth of only a single apprentice. The grey tom started spewing leaves out of his mouth at the confused warriors, and they were even more confused when rocks started erupting from another bush on the other side of where they were walking, along with raucous laughter, but no visible cats.
“Excuse me!” Chubtail interrupted, in a highly authoritative voice.
The apprentices, of course, ignored him. Boulderdash was clearly fighting the urge not to grin, while Myrtleclaw had a look of total bafflement about him.
Boulderdash was mostly wondering if the one spewing rocks was Langoustinepaw or if there was another apprentice called that around. She was also partly wondering what a Langoustine was.
The grey tom ran out of leaves and twigs pretty quickly, and ran out into the bush where the rocks were coming from.
“Oh come on, you ruined it that quickly! Why couldn’t you have just been chucking them!”
“Because their faces.”

And the two voices cracked up in laughter. They seemed distracted enough, so Boulderdash started sneaking forwards into their bush.
“But it could have gone on so much longer!”
“Come, on let’s ge- aagh!”

The first apprentice stopped as a grey streak pinned him to the ground with two paws. Boulderdash was quickly knocked off again by the other apprentice, a ginger molly, but not before Myrtleclaw had bounded after her with the fiercest look his innocent face could muster. For a claw cat he wasn’t very intimidating.
The apprentices cowered for a moment, and started laughing again.
Chubtail moved more calmly in after the other two. “You’re pretty good as a team, aren’t you?”
The two apprentices nodded. Myrtleclaw cottoned on before Boulderdash but it took a while. “Our clan could use good teamworkers. It could even use good prankers, as long as they can keep quiet, and prank intruders rather than us.”
“Yeah, goo’ way ta intimida’ trespassers wou’ be ta have tha’ comin’ a’ them, woon’t I’?” Boulderdash added.
The apprentices started laughing even more vigorously.
“Sure, if only so we can work out how to master that accent.”

“Three new apprentices in one moon!” Heronstar said in surprise, “Gustclan is really growing.”
She considered the two apprentices, before realising that her sons were the only warriors who had been in Gustclan all their lives, and therefore were most likely to be able to instil the loyalty needed from Vendacepaw and Langoustinepaw to only try to ambush trespassers, and not Barnfish the elder. Yes, they’d do fine.

“Hey, Lobeliafur.” Lobeliafur’s ears pricked up to the gingery tom she’d spent so long around now. “I kind of knew, even as an apprentice, when I first saw you that you were the most beautiful c…” Droseratail’s confidence clearly petered a bit at the look Lobeliafur gave him. “Wow, this is as awkward as I thought it would be. But you are the most beautiful cat that I’m going to meet as part of Gustclan.”
“Gee, thanks.” Lobeliafur’s ears twitched, but she was genuinely pleased with the compliment even if it was a small one. “’Cause my choice is you, your brother or Firepaw, and two of those options are a little unappealing. Though you’re actually not that bad yourself, you know.”
“Thanks. Uh… so, what I meant was, would you wanna be my mate? You know fo-“
Lobeliafur said. “I’d love to have kits and stuff, just not right now when you’re looking to be a mentor soon, and when there’s already a load of apprentices running around. Better ta wait a bit, right? And none of that lovey dovey romantic stuff, we’re still warriors, not blackbirds.”
Droseratail was a bit disappointed but he nodded anyway, and tried to act like he was okay with those terms.

[Langoustinepaw and Vendacepaw join Gustclan]
[Argusheart and Bugleclaw try for kits]
[Harrierpelt goes out to look for herbs]

[Droseratail and Lobeliafur become mates; no kits yet]
[Pearstone and Sparrowpaw, Boulderdash and Nettlepaw, Osierfang and Merlinpaw, Chubtail and Firepaw, Shellcloud and Langoustinepaw and Droseratail and Vendacepaw go training]
(…You may need some of them to train different things to others of them. This is fine).
[Argusheart, Bugleclaw, Lobeliafur and Moraine go hunting]
[Heronstar, Boulderdash, Myrtleclaw, Barnfish, Ploverkit and Cicelykit stay in camp
[Gustclan consumes 2 Frogs, 1 mouse and 1 rabbit – 5 servings]

(Hurrah for littermates with obscure-fish-themed names- both of which I’ve wanted to use on littermates for a while! My game of unique names continues.
(Can you tell Droseratail and Lobeliafur are meant to be a rubbish pairing? Can you? They’re my on-and-off pairing, because Lobeliafur sees him as a last resort and Droseratail actually likes her.)

    Heronstar | 64 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆
    ↪point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    ★ Chubtail | 60 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 39 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Warriors: (10)
    ★ Boulderdash | 55 | Female
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    ↪ Scar on shoulder and chipped ear
    ★ Myrtleclaw | 51 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    BB/CCb/dd/dmdm /Ii/ll/McMc/oY/ss/ww
    ★ Argusheart | 56 | Female
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 38 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
    ★ Osierfang | 26 | Female
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby molly with green eyes
    ★ Bugleclaw | 57 | Male
    ↪ Large, long-furred black tom with hazel eyes
    ★ Lobeliafur | 22 | Female
    ↪ White-furred molly with brown eyes
    bb/CCs/Dd/dmdm /ii/Ll/McMc/OO/ss/WW
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 33 | Female
    ↪ Golden-brown tabby molly with big green eyes
    ★ Shellcloud | 18 | Male
    ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
    ★ Droseratail| 18 | Male
    ↪ Tabby cinnamon tom with blue eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Apprentices: (6)
    ★ Firepaw | 16 | Male
    ↪ Apricot tabby with hazel eyes
    ★ Sparrowpaw | 12 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with hazel eyes
    ★ Nettlepaw | 12 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with blue eyes
    ★ Merlinpaw | 9 | Male
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby tom with green eyes and white feet
    ★ Langoustinepaw | 7 | Female
    ↪ Apricot tabby with yellow eyes
    ★ Vendacepaw | 7 | Male
    ↪ Grey tabby tom with yellow eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Queens: (0)
    ★ Name | Age | Gender | •
    ↪ Description

    Kits: (2)
    ★ Ploverkit | 5 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white underside and hazel eyes
    ★ Cicelykit | 5 | Female
    ↪ Molly with grey point, white toes and blue eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Elders: (1)
    ★ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 89 | Male
    ↪ White and ginger tom with hazel eyes
    ↪ Nose scar, scar over one eye, so he’s blind on one side
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
South | Road | Wrenclan | Raven Walker
West | Hills | Redclan | RebelliousWinter

Medicine Store
Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
Celandine (1) | Soothes damaged eyes.
Cobweb (1) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
stiffness. Helps burns.
Daisy Leaf (1) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb
Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
and pains, esp. headaches.
Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds
Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
Horestail (1) | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough
Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
Sorrel(1) | For travelling, increases appetite
Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
Thyme (0) | Helps nervousness, anxiety and shock
Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
Mice | x1 | 1 serving
Squirrels | x3 | 2 servings
Rabbits | x2 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings
Hares | x2 | 3 servings
Total | 22 | 5 moons’ worth

All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
Warrior: Fight, Track
Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
+Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
+Deputy, from Leader: Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility,
Basic Heal (warrior), Diplomacy, Fight, Fish, Herb
identification, Hunt, Interpret Prophecy, Investigate,
Observe, Orate, Run, Stalk, Stealth, Strategise,
Swim, Track

Boulderdash | Nettlepaw | 5
Hunt, Swim, Climb, Fish, Fight,
Pearstone | Sparrowpaw | 6
Hunt, Swim, Climb, Fish, Track, Fight,
Chubtail | Firepaw | 2
Fight, Climb,
Osierfang | Merlinpaw | 2
Track, Fight,
Shellcloud | Langoustinepaw | 0
Droseratail | Vendacepaw | 0
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

Deceased Cats:
Elmkit fang | Died shortly after birth
Saddlekit stream | Ate poisonous fungus
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Heronstar and Chubtail
Shellcloud and Droseratail;
Ploverkit, Cicelykit and Saddlekit
Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
Elmkit, Sparrowpaw and Nettlepaw
Argusheart and Bugleclaw
Kits reabsorbed
Larchstorm and Unknown [Osierfang]★
Clearsight of Tempestclan and Embertoes of Iceclan? ★
Smokepaw of Hyenaclan, Ashpaw of Hyenaclan and Firepaw
Droseratail and Lobeliafur
No kits yet
Unknown and Unknown
Langoustinepaw and Vendacepaw
★ Name and Name ★
Last edited by Chamrosh on Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Briarclan [18]

Postby amethyst14 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:29 am

Number of Cats: 30(6 Servings)
Toms: 15 Mollies: 15
Next Moonstone Visit: July 23, 2017
"We could easily drown in that, are you sure you just want us to jump in?" Berrypaw calculated out loud and voiced her worries and thoughts. "I know the territory is flooding and all but none of us know how to do this, not to mention it is freezing cold." He know-it-all attitude started to annoy a few of the mentors.

Coppereyes growled, he knew it was cold and he also knew it was safe. He was the test subject after all. The dripping tom got into the apprentice's face "You better get in that water, today all of you will learn how to do this because of the flooding. This is the safest pool and a great spot to learn." Berrypaw shrunk down, frightened by the cold hearted tom.

"Coppereyes, why don't you go dry off some place. I will take over so don't you worry your handsome little pelt." Oriolefeather meowed to him. The tom glared at her but saw that Bagderfall was motioning him to follow her and he didn't hesitate then, his mood even lifted a little. The calico warrior then faced the group of apprentices "This pool is large enough for all of you to learn so you will all be going in rather you like it or not. Now stop complaining and get your cute little tails in there and start learning." she purred to the lot.

Tigerpaw, Ryepaw, Starlingpaw and Dipperpaw didn't hesitate then and slowly waded into the water, trying to get use to it. The others had to be nudged a little by their mentors and Aspenpaw was all but pushed in by Foxclaw who seemed to enjoy doing that. A few of the mentors joined in to show them some tips and tricks while the others watched closely for any apprentices that looked like they would drown. It wasn't long though that the majority of them started to splash about and enjoy themselves, despite it being cold.

Badgerfall and Coppereyes saw Bouldershade and Fawnwillow run towards camp happily, they both wondered what got them in such high spirits. Badgerfall looked over to see that Coppereyes was shivering "The water must be freezing, do you want to go warm up in the den?" she offered him. Part of her hoped he would agree and he did so she was overjoyed and quickened her pace a little.

Coppereyes noticed of course but didn't say anything as he matched her pace. They were at camp in no time and inside the warriors den. The ginger tom laid in his nest as he began to lick at his pelt, he hated to be wet. He stopped when Badgerfall pressed herself against him, shoving him slightly so he would share his nest with her. The tom didn't resist either and he moved over to make room "You don't have to sit in my nest to warm me up." he muttered bitterly.

"I want to, you handsome tom." Badgerfall teased in Oriolefeather's tone of voice before chuckling. Coppereyes rolled his eyes at that "I also wouldn't mind sleeping here tonight and every other night." she whispered as she snuggled into the wet tom's chest.

That caught him off guard, Coppereyes had no idea that was coming and he perked his ears and looked down at her "Only mates do that.." he murmured to her in shock.

"Then I guess we are mates." Badgerfall muffled into his chest, her ears were slightly getting warmer as the tom didn't say anything. She relaxed though when she heard a quiet rumbling purr that she knew was meant just for her. The two stayed like this for some time as Coppereyes dried, they both didn't want to end this moment alone.

Owlkit was playing with a stick by herself, alone and away from the two rough housing Lambkit and Mutekit. She was fine being like this though and she about jumped out of her pelt when she heard a cat ask "What are you doing over here?" followed by a hiss. It was Aspenpaw and Owlkit knew she was a mean cat.

Owlkit shrunk herself down and backed away towards a bush "N-noth-thing." she stuttered in her quiet voice. Of all the times Fawnwillow came to her rescue she chose this time not to come. "I-I was j-just play-playing w-with that." Owlkit stammered once again when Aspenpaw didn't move and pointed at the stick she was playing with.

"For Starclan's sake! Can you not trip on your own words? Make a sentence without stammering for once!" Aspenpaw growled harshly. Owlkit couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut and try to make herself disappear, she wanted nothing more than to be safely tucked away with Fawnwillow or Archpool. Aspenpaw rolled her eyes and swatted at the kit's hind end "Useless kitty pet. Why don't you run along to your useless family." she hissed and watched as Owlkit tripped over her own paws as she ran away, crying, into the medicine cat's den. "Figures she would run right to Archpool." the apprentice muttered to herself.

[Apprentice Trial Sagestorm and Rabbitheart do the apprentice trial to prove themselves.]
[Apprentice Training All train for swimming skill.]
[Border Patrol Oriolefeather, Willowdusk, Russetmist, Dawnflower, Ryepaw and Berrypaw patrol the meadow.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Badgerfall, Coppereyes, Foxclaw, Aspenpaw, Finchpaw and Starlingpaw hunt in the forest.]
[Hunting Patrol 2 Lizzardstream, Bouldershade, Waspfur, Brambletuft, Dipperpaw and Quailpaw hunt by the lake.]
[Herb Hunting Archpool searches for herbs near the mountain.]
[Becoming Mates Badgerfall and Coppereyes(No kits).]
[Trying For Kits Bouldershade and Fawnwillow try for kits.]
[Camp Guard Cloudstar and Mudpuddle.]
[Prey Eaten 2 Quails(6 servings)


        THE CLAN
        Cloudstar | 47 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆

        Bouldershade | 46 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat:
        Archpool | 65 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:
        Owlkit will become the victim after
        she goes through apprentice training.

        Oriolefeather | 51 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Coppereyes | 41 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lyrasong | 41 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Waspfur | 41 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Dawnflower | 40 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lizardstream | 40 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Sagestorm | 40 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Badgerfall | 35 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Foxclaw | 28 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rabbitheart | 27 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Brambletuft | 18 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Willowdusk | 18 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mudpuddle | 17 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Russetmist | 17 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Aspenpaw | 10 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Ryepaw | 10 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Tigerpaw | 9 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Berrypaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dipperpaw | 7 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Finchpaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Quailpaw | 7 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Starlingpaw | 7 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Fawnwillow | 34 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Mutekit | 5 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lambkit | 4 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Owlkit | 4 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Resinmoon | 101 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Mice | x2 | 1 servings
        Water Vole | x1 | 1 servings
        Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
        Quail | x2 | 3 servings
        Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
        Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
        Total | 9 | 17 servings


        Blizzardsong | Exiled and killed
        Owldust | Complications after kitting
        Whitekit | Stillborn
        Quailkit | Weak after birth

        Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
        Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
        ↪Ryepaw, Aspenpaw, Whitekit, Quailkit
        Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
        ↪Owlkit, Lambkit, Dust of the Briar(Hyenaclan),
        Spiderkit(Jinxclan), Whitekit(Jinxclan)

        Waspfur and Lizardstream
        Squirrelpaw(Hopeclan), Russetpaw(Deathclan),
        Sorrelpaw(Gorseclan), Darkpaw(Verglasclan)

        Coppereyes and Badgerfall
    Ally Clans:
    Hickoryclan | sstormling

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hickoryclan | sstormling
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Sageclan | kaden.
    West | Gorseclan | Emberwisp


    0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
    0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
    1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
    0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
    0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
    1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
    0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
    1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
    0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
    1|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
    1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
    0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
    0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
    1|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
    1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
    1|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
    0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
    0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
    0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
    0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
    2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
    0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
    0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
    1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
    1|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
    1|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
    and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

    0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
    0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
    0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
    0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
    0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
    0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
    0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
    2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    1|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
    0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
    0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
    0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
    0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
    1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    0|Tyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
    0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
    0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
    0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
    0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
    0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
    1|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

    Oriolefeather | Ryepaw | 4 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting,Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Foxclaw | Aspenpaw | 2 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Cloudstar | Tigerpaw | 4 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Dawnflower | Berrypaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Waspfur | Dipperpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Coppereyes | Finchpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Bouldershade | Quailpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Badgerfall | Starlingpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
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clan replies / 034.

Postby deimido » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:43 am

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Newleaf.
the season of newleaf has arrived and the snow is slowly starting to melt away, however, its wise to be careful around frozen over lakes as the ice now threatens to crack underneath a cat's weight. its also worth staying away from large bodies of water as there's also the threat of flooding.

CAC Fanclub || StreamClan , SolarClan , QuartzClan , SorrelClan , StoneClan , ShadeClan , FallClan , TroutClan , SpringClan , EchoClan , CaveClan , GorseClan , SwallowClan , BlazeClan , CrescentClan , SummitClan , ScorchClan , SedgeClan ]

CrescentClan | parasol. wrote:Image

(@katrione | i was kind of confused, did wolfscar and snowfoot pass with nothing or did starclan not grant vinestar's request??

and i was never aloud to choose out five herbs, so can i do that?

anyways, i'm sending her again as it said wolfscar and snowfoot found milquetoast on patrol.)

[vinestar {again} visits the moonpool for an apprentice.]
[pebblepaw, wolfscar and snowfoot perform the hunting patrol.]

(i say to just go with milquetoast being found on patrol :0, and yes you can choose five herbs as you have a medcat now. c:)

StarClan has given you an apprentice.

Your hunting patrol has caught x1 magpie.

TroutClan | >•< wrote:Image

[ kestrelstar and weaselsplash became mates. ]
[ kestrelstar went hunting. ]
[ weaselsplash and goldenpaw went to train. ]
[ weaselsplash and goldenpaw went hunting. ]
[ kestrelstar asked starclan for a random cat, possibly a medicine cat. ]
[ the clan consumed a crappie. ]

Kestrelstar is expecting kits! They will be due in two moons/posts.

Kestrelstar caught x1 frog on her hunt.

Goldenpaw learned the tracking skill.

Weaselsplash and Goldenpaw caught x1 minnow on their hunt.

StarClan has given you a medicine cat, pick five herbs from here to start your store.

SwallowClan | Arya22 wrote:Image

(Whisperleap, Mikestep, Smokewhisker, Leafstrike, Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker hunting
Barkknot and Beetlepaw training (climbing)
Moonshadow and Specklepaw training (climbing)
Freckleface and Sandpaw training (fighting)
Honeyear and Hopstripe patrolling
Ashkit became Ashpaw, the medicine cat apprentice!)

Your hunting patrol caught x2 mice and x1 vole.

Beetlepaw and Specklepaw learned the climbing skill, Sandpaw learns the fighting skill.

Honeyear and Hopstripe's patrol was uneventful.

Ashpaw has become the medicine cat apprentice!

SpringClan | ubiquitous. wrote:Image

[ crowstar patrols the borders
flamepatch goes hunting
splashflower searches for herbs
springclan consumes one squirrel ]

Crowstar found a warrior on his patrol.

Flamepatch caught x1 vole on his hunt.

Splashflower gathered x1 willow bark and x1 tormentil.

CaveClan | tauriel. wrote:Caveclan

[ hunting 1: Mistfall, Silvernose, Emberslash, Sedgetail,
hunting 2: Tigerjaw, Ferretclaw, Rowanfur, Sunstripe,
Patrol 1(to find Spikebush, Spottedpaw, Cloudmask, Pinetail, Minkear): Willowtail, Juniperfoot, Burrwhisker
training: all mentors/apprentices
herb hunting: n/a
moonpool: 4 days
prey consumed: 2 thrush, 1 frog ]
Kat said Spotted could be a warrior apprentice instead of med. cat app.

Your first hunting patrol caught x2 frogs, your second hunting patrol caught x1 minnow and x1 mouse.

Your patrol found Spikebush (f, 39) and Spottedpaw (f, 9) of ObsidianClan, as well as Cloudmask (f, 31), Pinetail (f, 25), and Minkear (m, 17) of AspenClan.

Duskpaw and Mintpaw learned the battle skill, while Poppypaw and Stormpaw learn the climbing skill.

EchoClan | Katrione wrote:Image

[ Echoclan consumed x2 pigeons and x1 squirrel ]
[ Squirrelstar lost three lives: one from the red plague and two more drowning ]
[ Sparkpaw is ready to become a warrior: Sparkfang ]
[ Raggedtail and Bramblingflight decide to try for kits ]
[ Bramblingflight, Hurricanejaw, Sunnyflower and Rabbitwish take Snakepaw, Sandpaw, Darkpaw and Brightpaw training ]
[ Brindlecloud and Crowpaw went herb hunting ]
[ Applefur, Petalbound, Lizardstrike, Redfeather, Blazefur and Oatdapple went on a border patrol ]
[ Cloudwatcher, Birdsong, Bayfur, Mossycreek, Yewfrost and Pigennose went hunting ]
[ Hemlockheart, Hurricanejaw, Cloudysky, Sparrowflight, Gorsebird and Icefang went hunting ]

Sparkpaw has been given her warrior name: Sparkfang!

Bramblingflight is expecting kits! They will be due in two moons/posts.

Snakepaw and Sandpaw learn the battle skill, Darkpaw and Brightpaw learn the tracking skill.

Brindlecloud and Crowpaw gather x1 catmint, x1 comfrey root, and x1 sweet-sedge.

Your border patrol was uneventful.

Your first hunting patrol caught x2 voles and x1 squirrel, your second caught x1 rabbit and x2 squirrels.
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Re: gorseclan ;; post 3

Postby Ember! » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:11 am


Number of Cats: 9 (M: 5, F: 4)

Orchidstar, Cinderfall, and Batwing had settled back into the Gorseclan camp for the night. A blizzard raged outside the barn, rattling the walls and chilling the air. They had all decided to share the nursery that night. "It's the warmest den we have, and it's not like we have any kits or queens with us yet." She had explained, ushering them all into the den before they had frozen their tails off outside. While her clanmates had fallen asleep relatively quick, Orchidstar still lay awake, staring out the barn entrance. Orchidstar moved her head briefly to examine their sleeping bodies, which were strategically arranged in a line. Cinderfall, having the thickest pelt, slept at the front, blocking the wind for her short-haired clanmates. Batwing slept in between her and Cinderfall. The poor tom had a thin pelt, and he still shivered whenever a cold draft blew in. It's a wonder he made it back from his hunting trip without any injuries. "I should ask Starclan for a medicine cat." She decided, realizing that Leafbare would bring many dangers that only a cat skilled with herbs could prevent. She yawned drowsily, laying her head back on her paws. "I'll do it in the morning." She mumbled, letting her eyes flutter closed, and sleep take her.

"O-Orchidstar! Wake up please, please, please-"
"I'm up, I'm up." She grumbled, peering through the darkness up at Cinderfall's face. "It's still dark out, what're you waking me for?" Cinderfall made a squeaky, distressed noise, leaning closer to Orchidstar.
"Speak quieter! There are other cats in the barn, I can woke up to them talking. What if they're raiding us? We can't take them on!" She spoke rapidly, eyes wide in panic. Orchidstar quietly shushed her, putting her paw on hers in an attempt to comfort the scared she-cat.
"Shh, shh, it's okay. I'm sure if they were raiding us, they would be more stealthy." She murmured, watching Cinderfall whimper nervously, pelt flushing. It was better. Orchidstar tilted her head and smiled gently. "Let's wake Batwing up, and we'll go check things out."

The three Gorseclan cats tiptoed out of the den. The raging winds outside provided decent cover for their pawsteps as they inched towards the sleepy group of cats. With a gulp, she realized why Cinderfall was so nervous.There were quite a few of them there, and if they were to put up a fight, they would be outnumbered by far. Orchirdstar took a deep breath to calm herself, being scared wouldn't help the situation. She help out her tail to halt he clanmates, giving them her most reassuring smile. "I've got this."
"Hello?" She called out to the cats below, watching them tense up. A few of the cats whirled around,
fur bristling and ready to fight. Orchidstar felt alarm prickle at her pelt, until she realized that it wasn't fury in their eyes,
but desperation and fear. Still as dangerous, but more easily convinced. "Now now, we aren't looking for a f-"
"Wait." A commanding voice rang out. A dark brown she-cat walked to the front of the group, golden eyes trained on Orchidstar. They narrowed and moved about as she analyzed Orchidstar. Once done, she turned around and whispered something to the cats, and they relaxed. She turned back with a smile. "We're sorry for intruding on your territory. We're just a group of travellers trying to take shelter from the blizzard. We'll leave if it's a problem.."
"It's okay. I'm Orchidstar, and me and Gorseclan would be happy to take you in for a while."
"Gorseclan? You're the leader of a clan?" Her ears perked with interest, and all the newcomers chattered quietly but happily. "We've actually been looking for a new clan." She paused, a wistful sorrowness entering her expression. "All of us have lost our clans for.. one reason or another." She brought a smile back up, but it didn't have the same energy. "I'm Pumas- heart. Pumaheart."
"I'm Hareflight, Pumaheart's mate." A black and red tom mewed, nodding confidently to Orchidstar. He stood the tallest out of all of them, the least effected of the blizzard, or at least the least showing it. "Good to meet you!" He chirped, before giving the other cats a beckoning look. Next, a pair of dappled toms stepped up.
"My name's Leopardtalon, and this is my little brother Newtcall! We've come from Obsidianclan." Despite their tired stance, Orchidstar could feel the wild and fiery energy rolling off them. It could be an asset to their clan, or could leave it in ruins.
"I'm Blossomstep, and I'm from the same clan as them." Blossomstep piped up from behind the brothers, seeming rather content to remain on the ground. Even with the blizzard raging, she seemed relaxed, a kind smile on her face. "We've been looking for another clan a while now, just the three of us. We found the others while wandering."
"I'm Greydusk." The grey tabby seemed on-edge, eyeing the Gorseclan cats warily.
"You already know me, and the name of my clan. The two days behind me are Batwing, my deputy, and Cinderfall." She peered back at the storm, still raging. "We'd be happy to let you stay during the blizzard, and even longer if you wish! We'll be showing you to your dens."
The large group of cats hussled into the warrior's den, and slowly but surely, fell asleep.

[Orchidstar asks Starclan for a medicine cat.]
[Batwing, Pumaheart, Hareflight, Leopardtalon, Blossomstep, and Newtcall hunt.]
The clan consumes two servings of stoat.
(Note to self: Still need to find Mottledpaw, Littlepaw, and Spiderstep from Aspenclan, Winternose and Falconkit from Lunarclan, Sorrelpaw from Asterclan, and Brindlenose and Sunfoot from Blueclan.

          Orchidstar | 23 moons | Female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Batwing | 25 moons | Male |

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]

          Hareflight | 44 moons | Male |
          Pumaheart| 39 moons | Female |
          Leopardtalon | 30 moons | Male |
          Cinderfall | 28 moons | Female |
          Blossomstep | 27 moons | Female |
          Greydusk | 19 moons | Male |
          Newtcall | 15 moons | Male |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]


          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]⭐[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Leafclan | Zephyrine
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Briarclan | amethyst14
    South | Redclan | RebelliousWinter
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Songbirds | x0 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leo & Shimmerpool | Leopardtalon & Newtcall
    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby DaisieGames » Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:48 am


Number of Cats: 13/Serving size 3
Next moonpool visit: Today
Next Kitting: N/A

Deerstar glanced up, knowing she was asking a lot of StarClan. "I came with 3 ceremonies and a request for another Queen," she meowed, "I thank you for allowing SnowClan so much already and giving us what we need, even though we are still little compared to some others, but we are growing each and everyday," she meowed,as she fell asleep.

Moonpool: Deerstar promoting Marigoldkit to Marigoldpaw, Beekit to Beepaw, and giving Blizzardpaw his full name: Blizzardspirit , also requesting a Queen
Hunting Patrol: Shadedfrost,Ramclaw
Border Patrol:Softheart,Frostedleaf (looking for Jaykit of Aspenclan)
Herb Hunting: Blizzardpaw,Hailwish
Training: Sedgepaw trains with Ocrafur
Marigoldpaw trains with Foxstrike
Beepaw trains with Powderbreeze

The Clan ate a Bird using 3 servings

          Deerstar| 41| She-cat| X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Powderbreeze| 39| She-cat| X

          Medicine Cat:
          Hailwish| 43| Tom| X

          Medicine Cat Aprentice:
          Blizzardspirt|16 moons|Tom X

          Ocrafur| 39| Tom| X
          Shadefrost| 40| She-cat| X
          Ramclaw|33|Tom|x(Brown tabby one)
          Softheart| 31| She-Cat| X(Orange Tabby)
          Foxstrike|21 moons|Tom| X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sedgepaw|9| She-cat | X
          Marigoldpaw| 6 | She-cat | X
          Beepaw| 6| Tom| X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    SwiftClan | Phina Wolf
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    South: Open

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store

    Tormentil(x0)| Chewed and put on the wound.| Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison

    Cobwebs(x1)| Press over wound|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.It may also be used to bind broken bones.

    Rush(x1)| Used to bind broken bone|Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs

    Sweet-Sedge(x1)| One must swallow the sap.| Eases infection

    Ragweed(x1)| Thought to give cats extra strength.| Like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy.

    Honey(x1)|Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it.| Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.

    Wintergreen(x1)|Unknown|Treats wounds and some poisons

    Thyme(x1) |Leaves can be chewed on | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock

    Goldenrod(x1)|Chewed into a poultice|Good for healing wounds

    Borage Leaves(x1)|it is chewed and eaten by nursing queens|It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers

    Lamb's Ear(x1)| Unkown|Gives a cat strength

    Ragwort Leaves(x1)|Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.

    Rasberry Leaves(x1)|It could be a painkiller or help stop bleeding during kitting|Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding

    Lungwort(x1)|Eaten|Cures YellowCough

    Parsley(x2)|Eaten|Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache

    Coltsfoot(x0)|(Leaves chewed into a pulp| Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.

    Comfrey Root(x1)|Roots are chewed into a poultice. Can also be lined in one's nest.| Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.





    Herb(xhow much) | Usage|Effect

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Birds| x0| 3 servings
    Hares| x4 | 3 servings
    Degu/Deku| x2 | 1 serving
    Pika| x2 | 1 serving
    Ermine/Stoat| x3| 2 servings
    Collared Lemming| x3 |1 servings

    Ocrafur| Sedgepaw| 3
    Skills learned: Battle,Climbing, Hunting
    Foxstrike | Marigoldpaw | 0
    Powderbreeze | Beepaw | 0
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Softheart and Ramclaw
    Kits: Marigoldpaw and Beepaw
    Name and Name
Last edited by DaisieGames on Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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cragclan [001]

Postby i<3you » Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:10 pm

[ clan members ; one ]
[ toms ; one ]
[ she-cats ; zero ]

[ servings ; two ]

the day seemed to grow more damp, cold, and dull as it went on. a wonderful morning of sun and chirping birds had turned dark in a split second. the wind that cut through the air was chalky and seemed to way down hollowpelt's lungs. he felt heavy as he carried back the small sandpiper that he'd caught, each step dragged on slowly. his eyes burned as the wind carried sand and dust to his face, some getting into the gap of his mouth. forced to spit out the sandpiper, the tom let out a series of coughs and sneezes as his body tried to get the small particles out.

"our ancestors sure helped me here!" he bitterly rasped out, still choking up dust in-between words. his family may have traveled here from some ancient 'clan', but that didn't mean that hollowpelt had to have any loyalty to their traditions. he didn't grown up in the clan, so why did he have to carry out the clan way of life? picking up the sandpiper again, he trudged onward.

his family was one that had came from a clan. they were members of the clan that wanted a new taste in life, some adventure. so, they banded together and left the only home they'd ever known, and found this place on the cliff. whenever hollowpelt was reminded of the story, all he could here was 'stupid'. back to the point, his family has went on many more generations since then, and that meant that while the clan traditions were still done, none of the original clan cats were still alive.

the sadder thing was that most of hollowpelt's family was gone. his mother died at a hawk's claws, his father went missing, his brother left to live on his own, and the rest of his family was dead. all except one, that is. his lovely aunt, fernmask, was still with him. she was a kind, old soul who loved taking care of him, even if he could take care of himself now. however, he had no desire to leave behind his aunt. they took care of each other, that's the way it was. the sandpiper would be given to her, he decided. he hadn't eaten for a while, but he knew she hadn't eaten longer, even if she would lie about it.

as his paws reached the edge of the clear ground, he brushed through the thick shrubbery, feeling a slight pinch on his side as he accidentally hit some thorns. wincing in pain, he narrowed his eyes to charcoal slits as he walked on. getting out of the shrubs and into the clearing, he walked over to one of the dens and peered into the small cave/hole that was carved into the side. it was pretty low to the ground and not that deep into the rock, but it's what they slept in.

and, just as he expected, his aunt fernmask was asleep with her back facing him. he crouched down and gave her a nudge, "come on, i brought some prey to eat." he whispered, not wanting to scare her. he walked away with the sandpiper and sat a little ways away, sitting on the cold base of a rock. he sharpened his claws for a while and had his usual daydream thoughts. he yelled a "if you don't come soon, i'll eat it! you can find some berries and herbs to eat." his eyes were half closed as he sat a while longer, before finally turning with a sigh to go get fernmask. scampering over to the den once again, he crouched down low and crawled up next to her, nudging her shoulder. he drew in a breath and sighed again. "how long can you sleep? i could shout at the top of my lungs and you wouldn't-"

hollowpelt's heart felt numb. the smell of death was on her. he frantically nudged fernmask and even lightly batted her with his paw. she didn't move. "oh, no no no, you're fine! come on, you have to be okay! you can't just- i can't just-!" he shouted, a wail in his voice as he kept cutting himself off. he sat down by her unmoving body and curled up next to her. he would bury her tomorrow. for now, he would grieve for his aunt, the one who had taken care of him most of his life. now he had no one...


hollowpelt sat on the cold slab of rock, his head between his paws. he'd buried his aunt early in the morning, when it was a bit fogy and damp out. he'd gone back to the camp at sat on the stone as the sun had risen, and he stayed there for quite a while. finally, he came to a realization. even if he didn't admit it, he didn't fancy living out the rest of his life lonely and bitter... his family had never actually tried to reform a clan, they just stayed up on this cliff and lived out a clan life. maybe hollowpelt could try to do what they had never done? imagine that, making a clan. it would take work, but... as hollowpelt at his sandpiper alone, he knew he had to do something.

after a while of gathering himself, hollowpelt had sat himself in the middle of the clearing. he looked at the sky and fidgeted, not sure if he was smart, or stupid. finally, he took a breath and opened his mouth. "dear starclan. i'm... not really sure if you're real. i've heard stories from my family, but i've never fully wanted to believe them. but, when fernmask died, i realized that i want you to be real. she deserves to walk among all of the deceased cats and reunite with her family." as he lowly breathed out the words, they slowly became more natural to him. "now that i'm the only one here left, i'd like to ask a big favor from you. i would like to start a clan, and become leader. cragclan would be the name, it fits the tall cliff that i've lived on for my whole life. i'll follow your traditions, i promise. for now, to help me, could you help me find a warrior? just... any cat to keep me company and help me. thank you."

bowing his head to the sky, hollowstar got to his paws and set out, looking to find some cat to share this clan with.

[ patrol ; hollowstar ]


        leader ;
        ) hollowstar | male | 25 moons | trait
        lives ; ★★★★★★★★★

        deputy ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        medicine cat ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        warriors ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        apprentices ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        queens ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        kits ;
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait

        elders '
        ♦ ) name | gender | age | trait
        ally clans
        clan name | username

        enemy clan :
        clan name | username

        borders ;
        north | clan name | username
        east | clan name | username
        south | clan name | username
        west | clan name | username

        medicine store ;
        name | usage | x0

        fresh-kill pile ;
        mouse | x0 | 0 servings
        vole | x0 | 0 servings
        rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
        wren | x0 | 0 servings
        sandpiper | x0 | 0 servings
        hawk | x0 | 0 servings

        mentors ;
        mentor | apprentice | no. of training sessions
        ↳ moves | moves

        deceased cats ;
        cat name | cause of death

        family ;
        name + name = kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby kiro,, » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:57 pm

Number of Cats: 11 (Male-5/Female-6)
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

Sweetdawn and Nightglow stumbled through the snow, supporting the queen between them, ears flat against their heads. When they reached camp nothing moved and all was quiet except the horrible blizzard. "Where is everyone?" Sweetdawn murmured, voice quivering with cold and worry.

"Probably sheltering in the dens." A flash of red fur caught Sweetdawns eye and moments later Appleblaze was standing before them, confirming Nightglows suspicion

"Thank Starclan you're ok! And you found a cat! Come on, let's get you warm." he led the three she-cats to the warriors den where everyone else was. Mousestar looked up.

"You're back! Great! Who's this?" he asked, flicking his tail at the new she-cat.

"I-I'm Moon... I'm expecting but I was seperated from my mate in the blizzard..." Moon whispered, eyes full of grief.

"Looks like you won't be lonely in the nursery Sweetdawn!" Lily purred.

"What do you mean?" Appleblaze asked from where he had settled beside his mate.

"She's expecting! You'll be a father Appleblaze!" purrs of congratulations echoed around the den.

"Now, about your name. Moons is a very sacred word to the clans so I'm afraid you'll have to change it."

"I don't know much about clans but is Silverheart a suitable name?"

"Very." he assured her. "Cinderpaw, get them settled into the nursery then meet me back here and we'll go training. Appleblaze, go patrol the border and everyone else will hunt. We're low on prey." Everyone fluffed out their fur as they prepared to leave the den and camp.

[PREY EATEN:] 1 squirrel, 1 mouse
[MOONPOOL:] Mousestar (any cat)
[CAMP:] Sweetdawn, Silverheart
[TRAINING:] Mousestar ---> Cinderpaw (climbing or tracking)
[HERB SEARCHING:] Lily, Echopaw (for kitting)
[BORDER:] Appleblaze (find Squirrelpaw of Asterclan)
[HUNTING:] Birchnose, Itch, Nightglow, Cloverstep

Mousestar | 67 | Tom | 🐱 Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Nightglow | 56 | she | 🐱

Medicine Cat:
Lily | 29 | she | 🐱

Medicine Cat Apprentice:
Echopaw | 9 | she | 🐱

Appleblaze | 27 | Tom | 🐱
Itch | 29 | Tom | 🐱
Cloverstep | 24 | Tom | 🐱
Birchnose | 50 | Tom | 🐱

Cinderpaw | 14 | She | 🐱
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Sweetdawn | 24 | She | 🐱
Silverheart | 26 | She | 🐱

Kits: Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Elders: Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Frostclan | Zmijas Folly
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username
Southeast | Echoclan | Katrione

Dock | Soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds | x2
Honey | Soothes sore throats, infections and coughing | x1
Catmint | Best remedy for Greencough. Can also be used to cure Whitecough | x1
Cobweb | To soak up and stop or slow bleeding | x2
Comfrey | Repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, used for wrenched claws, can be used on stiff joints, and can be used for burns | x1
Feverfew | Reduces body temperature | x1
Elder Leaves | Soothes sprains | x1
Poppy Seeds | Soothes shock and distress and eases pain | x3
Daisy Leaves | Soothes aching joints and it’s a traveling herb | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Birds | x0 | 3 servings
Fish | x0 | 2 servings
Voles | x1 | 1 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Mice | x0 | 1 servings
Snakes | x0 | 2 servings

Mousestar | Cinderpaw | 3 | Hunting, combat, swimming
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats: Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family: Appleblaze and Sweetdawn | Expecting
??? and Silverheart | Expecting
Last edited by kiro,, on Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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SilentClan - [000]

Postby Coyoteclaw11 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 4:44 pm

Oh gosh this looks like a lot of fun c:

𝒮ilentClan, true to their name, is a clan of cats who generally keep to themselves. They're a very tight-knit group, and tend to be very wary of groups of strangers. They're not entirely awful hosts, and if they have the means and resources, they are not against helping others in need. However, as soon as the cat in need is cared for, they are quick to ask them to leave again. Cats first joining their ranks tend to find themselves treated as outsiders many moons after being accepted into the clan. Their clanmates won't be outright rude or cruel, but they won't make them feel like one of them.

SilentClan's territory is within a dense forest sprinkled with narrow, winding streams. Its members pride themselves on their stealth, and the forest offers more than a few hiding spots to allow cats to travel virtually unseen. The thickness of the woods let little sunlight reach its roots, leaving SilentClan's members a bit disoriented in open, brightly lit areas.


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Re: SilentClan - [000]

Postby Heda » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:01 am

Coyoteclaw11 wrote:Oh gosh this looks like a lot of fun c:

𝒮ilentClan, true to their name, is a clan of cats who generally keep to themselves. They're a very tight-knit group, and tend to be very wary of groups of strangers. They're not entirely awful hosts, and if they have the means and resources, they are not against helping others in need. However, as soon as the cat in need is cared for, they are quick to ask them to leave again. Cats first joining their ranks tend to find themselves treated as outsiders many moons after being accepted into the clan. Their clanmates won't be outright rude or cruel, but they won't make them feel like one of them.

SilentClan's territory is within a dense forest sprinkled with narrow, winding streams. Its members pride themselves on their stealth, and the forest offers more than a few hiding spots to allow cats to travel virtually unseen. The thickness of the woods let little sunlight reach its roots, leaving SilentClan's members a bit disoriented in open, brightly lit areas.

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clan replies no. 15

Postby ashton. » Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:35 pm

      weather: new-leaf.
      be very careful when heading out of camp! all the melted snow has caused any bodies of water to dangerously swell, and if not careful, an apprentice could be easily swept away. storm clouds loom overhead, promising to worsen the conditions. prey won't be so plentiful these days, nor will new cats.

Zmija's Folly wrote:

Mothpaw was bouncing on her paws, hardly able to sit in one spot - today was the day! Timberfang appeared behind the she-cat, "You ready, kit?' Mothpaw snapped around at the tom's words, fur on eager edge, "Oh gosh, Timberfang, I'm so excited! And nervous. And terrified!" Timberfang laughed lightly at the remark, "You'll do fine, kiddo. Just remember to keep your tail off the ground or you'll spook the herd." Mothpaw couldn't reply she was so excited. Swiftleap appeared behind the apprentice and coughed, "Alright, Mothpaw, it's time. You'll have until sundown to get a tuft of fur and catch as much prey as you can." Mothpaw nodded and Swiftleap lead her out of the clan's cave. Timberfang and Swiftleap watched the diluted she-cat bound down the rocky slopes and vanish.

With a cough Swiftleap continued, "Alright. Let's keep the day normal. Tumbleweed, take Hawkpaw out training. Timberfang, Snowstar, Cobweb, Thornblossom and I will go hunting." He was about to head out when he paused, "And everyone keep Mothpaw in your thoughts - let's hope she passes."

With that the clan set out, leaving Poppycloud and her six kits to an empty cave. Each cat hunting kept Mothpaw in their minds, hoping against hope that she didn't get hurt.

frostclan consumes a rabbit and a field mouse

mothpaw takes her warrior ceremony and passes! [ mothfrost ]
tumbleweed & hawkpaw go training
timberfang, swiftleap, snowstar, thornblossom, & cobweb go hunting
mousewillow goes herb hunting

      Everyone in the FrostClan camp was growing more worried by the minute. All patrols had returned long ago. It was nearly nightfall, and there was still no sign of Mothpaw. Timberfang sat at the camp entrance, searching the darkening horizon for his apprentice. Perhaps she'd gotten trampled by the reindeer? If she didn't return tonight, they would send a search party out tomorrow - it was too dangerous to do so in the middle of the night. The warrior's stomach churned as his mind played through all of the possible scenarios. "Come on, Mothpaw, come on..." he muttered to himself.
      "Are you alright?"
      Timberfang turned to see Snowstar padding up beside him. He let out a little, anxious sigh as his gaze returned to scouring the territory, "Fine, I guess. I hope she's okay."
      The leader nodded. "Yes, I understand. I'm sure she will be alright, you trained her very well, Timberfang. She's going to be an excellent warrior."
      With a smile the tom meowed, "Yes, she is. I'm so proud of her." Just then, a dark figure appeared at the foot of the mountain. Instantly they came toward the two at a free run. With a laugh of relief, Timberfang started toward Mothpaw.
      "Timberfang!" she cried through the tuft of reindeer fur in her mouth. "I did it!"
      "You most certainly did," the warrior chuckled as he finally reached her and rested his tail on her back. "We were starting to get worried, but I had faith in you, Mothpaw. You'll make a fine warrior."

      mothpaw is now a warrior: mothfrost!
      hawkpaw learned the battle skill!
      your hunting patrol caught two field mice and a rabbit!
      mousewillow found comfrey and horsetail!

..cosmos.. wrote:

Cricketstar smiled as she sat up on the rock, looking at the two apprentices standing there and then looking at the rest of the clan members who gathered. "We have two young cats here today who are becoming apprentices. Adderkit is now Adderpaw, he was one of our first cats to be born in this clan and I am very proud to see him grow as a full blooded Coastclan member. His mentor will be Bluesage, one of the first warriors to join this clan, I hope that you can teach him all that you know and show him the way of the salty sea that carries us." She then turned to the apprentice that had been found by Saltleap and herself today. "Maggie, you have joined our clan from a place of two-legs, they rejected you and we invite you in with open paws. You are of age to be an apprentice so you will be given the name Tidepaw, your mentor will be Dragoncry. I hope you can pass all that you know down to her Dragoncry and show her the way of the salty sea that carries us." Once she finished the clan cheered the new apprentices names and Cricketstar's tail flicked with delight.


Pinepaw tilted his head a bit and frowned, "The thunderpath I went across wasn't that loud." Adderpaw looked between the two, he had never actually seen a thunderpath in his life and barely ever left the camp until the past few days. "Well the thunderpath I crossed was crazy busy, I was lucky to make it across!" Adderpaw sighed and sat up. "Can we talk about something I do know?" The other two apprentices laughed and nodded in agreement. "Pinepaw in a few moons you will be a warrior, how do you feel?" Pinepaw smiled with a great grin on his face. "Yeah, it's far but close. Kind of nervous but I know my Uncle will be proud."
"You'll be fine don't worry about it. Adderpaw and I are going out with our mentors today." Adderpaw smirked and looked at Tidepaw. "I was thinking the three of us could sneak out tonight and go out for a a little bit. Just sit and look at the stars." Tidepaw nodded in agreement and Pinepaw frowned. "We would get in trouble if we got caught." Tidepaw rolled her eyes at this. "Well lets not get caught, Pinepaw stop being a goodie and join us it will be fun." There was some silence that set over them before Pinepaw sighed. "Fine I will join. But we have to do it late tonight and wait a little while to make sure everyone is asleep." The younger apprentices both nodded at this. "Will be fine, it will be fun." Tidepaw grinned at the two, this was going to be an interesting and exciting night; she knew it..


"They are becoming a problem! We need to handle this and we need to handle it now, we need to inform Skullclan and Blazeclan and see what they think. See if they will agree to talk to Roseclan or at least have our backs!" Cricketstar glared at Saltleap and looked towards Tallstorm who was sitting quietly in the leaders den with the two of them. "No I will not drag them in unless it is dire. They haven't done anything to harm us-" Saltleap cut her off. "But him and his deputy are watching us, they aren't even hiding it half the time!" Cricketstar stood up and growled at her deputy. "They are watching on their own territory! We can't say anything about it! They haven't came onto ours, they aren't breaking any rules we can't make a fuss out nothing!" Saltleap growled mostly to herself, her eyes looking towards Tallstorm to see if he was showing any reaction to this . "We will know it when one of our own shows up dead!" "Now we can't call them killers we don't know that." It was the first comment Tallstorm made since the three had gathered in Cricketstar's den. "Well their vibe isn't warm and cuddly now is it?" Cricketstar gave a loud sigh and shook her head. "Saltleap, we can't make assumptions." "So what, we are suppose to wait for them to make a move and hurt one of our own?" Tallstorm shook his head, this was a conversation that had came up lightly once but now they were really getting into it. "No, we just keep an eye out, no one goes out without a buddy, we keep ourselves alert, we have very little interaction with them." A curt nod came from Cricketstar in agreement. "Yes, we do not want trouble, we will not give them a reason. Ok?" Saltleap clealry didn't fully agree with this. "I know I am just worried, I mean if something does happen I am sure Blazeclan will give a paw but Skullclan can be persuaded." Tallstorm nodded and then rolled his eyes. "You mean their loyalty can be bought." Cricketstar was done talking about this subject. "We are done here, now go. We do not do anything without my ok or if it is necessary understand?" Saltleap just gave a muffled yes and nod before leaving the den in a rather unhappy mood. Tallstorm giving a sad sort of smile before also leaving as well.

[Small fish and vole were consumed.]
[Dragoncry and Honeyflame try for kits.]
[Saltleap, Pinepaw, Crowmouth go on patrol.]
[Dragoncry trains Tidepaw in speed]
[Bluesage trains Adderpaw in agility.]
[Cricketstar asks for a warrior at the moonpool.]
[Hollypool and Otterleaf go hunting.]

      "Whoa, would you look at that...." Otterleaf breathed as the water came into view. It reached much farther up the shore than usual, and the surf was rough.
      Hollypool nodded and mewed, "We should probably stay away from it. Land prey will probably be easier to catch."
      "Aw, come on! I wanna try it." The siamese tom trotted quickly toward the water's edge, and Hollypool hurried after him, calling, "Otterleaf, stop! What am I going to say to everyone if you get swept away somehow?"
      Otterleaf let out an exasperated sigh, "It'll be fine. We won't get swept away, we're CoastClanners after all!"
      "Alright..." the tabby she-cat mumbled, sitting down to watch as her companion continued toward the water. "Have fun."
      It took quite a while for the tom to spot anything, and when he did, he acted quickly. He thrust out a paw the scoop the fish out. He succeeded in that, for the fish was flung onto the beach, but the cat lost his balance and fell. Hollypool jumped to her paws and ran to him, only to be laughed at. "Ah, you thought I was gonna drown?" he laughed as he swiftly stood and took a few steps back. "It's so shallow here, and that was just a little fall, haha."
      Hollypool's ears turned back against her skull in irritation. "Just go get your stupid fish and let's get out of here," she grumbled, flicking her tail toward the small fish flopping on the sand.

      honeyflame is expecting kits! they are due in two moons.
      saltleap, pinepaw, + crowmouth found a warrior!
      tidepaw learned the speed skill!
      adderpaw learned the agility skill!
      hollypool and otterleaf caught a small fish!

I.C. wrote:

brindleclaw watched as the clan went about their work, casting quiet, fearful gazes towards her. she was much larger than any cat in the clan, certainly--it was likely she was extraordinarily intimidating, even still. her tail flicked as tempeststar sat beside her, the black tom's left ear flicking in her direction. " seems my being the deputy of this clan makes them uneasy," the she-cat murmured. "if you regret your decision, i am not opposed to stepping down. there are many cats here qualified for the position."

at her worries, tempeststar gave a chuckle, tail twitching in amusement. "bah! they'll get used to it, soon enough. besides, i believe starclan brought you here specifically to be the deputy of this clan. you've had moons upon moons of experience that none of us have fully experienced, born and raised in clan life. you've spent some time outside of that, certainly, but if something were to happen to me you would be best fit to lead this clan, beyond any shadow of a doubt."

brindleclaw glanced over, curiosity flickering in her amber gaze, before she sighed, the edges of her maw twitching into a smile.

"i suppose."

"speaking of experience, i would like to give you an apprentice. tigerpaw and riverpaw need experienced mentors--after all, they have never known life outside the clans, and will depend on cats who do. i asked swiftfern to consider taking one of them, but she declined. after all," the black tom's eyes softened with concern and empathy. "she has asterflame to look after."

brindleclaw understood. she knew the loss their only queen was experiencing better than any other. the loss of your kits and your mates, the not knowing if they were dead or alive, the grief and fear of losing your home; all of it was painfully familiar. "...i'd be glad to accept one of them. i'm not sure what knowledge i can lend, but i will do what i can."

tempeststar's eyes gleamed.

"i have no doubts in your ability."


blazenose watched with pain in his eyes as asterflame wept. the she-cat was hunched over, sobbing, her breaking heart clear in her quiet wails of suffering. tears seemed to come endlessly, and the young tom's eyes lay back against his head as swiftfern attempted to hush her, tail gently touching her flank. "hush, my dear," the warrior mewed quietly, her tone soft and quiet, soothing. "just focus on breathing."

sorrow welled in the young medicine cat's heart, and he closed his eyes as he tried to focus. what herbs would help fix this? it was only yesterday that they'd found the two she-cats, alone and drenched, barely having survived the flooding to the south. from what they'd heard and seen from the influx of newcomers, many clans had been separated, destroyed by the rising waters and relentless rains--it was heart-wrenching. blazenose could feel pinefur approach, fur brushing the younger tom's shoulder, and he looked up.

"what do we do?" he asked, at a loss.

"no herbs will heal the grief of losing your loved ones." pinefur returned. "the only thing we can do is wait and pray. with time, the wounds will heal, but time is certainly the only thing that can."

just as he'd spoken, the soft sounds of tiny mewls rose through the air. asterflame was the first to hear them--her head shot up, eyes widening, and her whiskers trembled as she silenced herself. moments later, freckleheart and tigerpaw appeared in sight, heading towards the nursery with urgent steps, the older of the two holding two tiny, squirming bundles, tigerpaw struggling to carry a third. instantly, blazenose was on his feet, rushing over to them.

freckleheart gently placed the wailing scraps on the clearing floor. "blazenose!" he meowed, eyes wide. "we found these three kits stowed away under a fern--it's likely their mother put them there to keep them from the rain before she was swept away."

looking them over, it only took a second for blazenose to come up with the same conclusion that pinefur spoke out loud.

"they're so young. they need milk, and quick, or they'll perish."

instantly, asterflame was on her feet, tearing herself away from the gentle grooming of swiftfern to come close. the tiny bundles squealed, and crawled towards her, seeking her warmth and the scent of her milk. it was then that blazenose relaxed, already able to tell that the she-cat had accepted them. after all, they looked just like they had come from her belly--no cat would be able to tell, if they hadn't known.

"i'll nurse them." she whispered, pulling them close, curling around their tiny bodies and running her tongue over their squirming bodies to dry them. "i will."

a sigh of relief left the present cats, the atmosphere's tension dissipating.

"we'll need borage and coltsfoot, for milk and strength." pinefur mewed, tail flicking.

" let's get going--there's no time to waste."


riverpaw bounced around as leopardflank made her way towards the entrance, giving a soft yawn.

"leopardflank! wait up!" came a loud mew, and the two she-cats paused, looking back.

"flinteyes! sootshade!" riverpaw returned in greeting, grinning widely and bounding around the two toms as they approached. there was a mischievous look in sootshade's eyes, and leopardflank's own narrowed with suspicion as the gray tom caught up, panting.

"are you going training?" he asked breathlessly, and leopardflank rolled her eyes.

"no, we're going to jump into the river and pretend to be trout."

flinteyes cocked his eyes, confusion on his face as sootshade held back a snicker. "really? why would you do that?"

"of course we're not doing that, mouse brain!" leopardflank returned, irritation in her voice. "great starclan, you're more of an idiot than i thought."

"hey, that's rude!" the grey tom returned, tail flicking. "i just wanted to come with."

"no way! tempeststar already told you to rest! do you have fuzz in your skull or what?"

"no, i just- you- sootshade told me you were flirting with someone at the gathering!"

instantly, sootshade darted away, laughing as he went, and leopardflank's spotted coat bristled. "you!" she snapped. "get back here you conniving rat!"

flinteyes huffed, whiskers twitching. "wait, so you weren't?"

"of course not, you idiot!" leopardflank spat, the tom shrinking away under her furious gaze. "and even if i was, why would it matter?"

instantly, flinteyes's muzzle grew hot, and he looked away. "well-- i--"

leopardflank snorted, before turning, moving to stalk off with her tail lashing, riverpaw following with a giggle. "either way, you can't come. beat it!"

flinteyes sat down, giving a soft whine as he watched her go. why was she so mean to him?


[ tempeststar and freckleheart go on patrol ]
[ brindleclaw, swiftfern, sootshade and tigerpaw go hunting ]
[ blazenose and pinefur search for borage and coltsfoot ]
[ flinteyes rests ]
[ leopardflank trains riverpaw in climbing ]
[ the clan consumes the last of their prey ]

      tempeststar and freckleheart found a medicine cat apprentice!
      brindleclaw, swiftfern, sootshade, and tigerpaw caught a carp and a barbel!
      blazenose and pinefur found borage and coltsfoot!
      riverpaw learned the climbing skill!
Last edited by ashton. on Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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