Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Clan- V.4 [ NORTHERNCLAN - i ]

Postby solyn » Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:47 pm

population: 01 cats [ 02 fem : 01 male ]
servings required: 02
๐™œ๐™ช๐™–๐™ง๐™™๐™ž๐™–๐™ฃ๐™จ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™›๐™ง๐™ค๐™จ๐™ฉ
moderator: deimos - next moonstone: 5 jan
moons since last nonsense: 1


    ๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง ๐š๐ ๐จ.
    Paws pressed against the snow, grounding Sloane's paws as she gritted her teeth against the howling gale. Over the rise of the mountains, she could see the faint glow of the two-leg's massive light trees, although she had observed none on their strange planks swooping down the smooth face of the mountain. Even in leaf-fall, the conditions here verged on 'terrible' from time to time. And this was one of those times. Sloane's glittering blue eyes squinted into the swirling snow in front of her, trying to make out the next foothold as she hunkered down close to the rock. Unable to see anything beyond directly in front of her own face, she turned to look back at the two-leg village.
    She was thoroughly cocooned in the snowstorm, unable to see the visage of her home in the distance. Or, what constituted as her former home. Sloane's eyes narrowed at the bitter memory of Varvara's glittering amber ones staring back at her. The mere thought of the slender chocolate she-cat shot a twisting pain through her heart, although she wasn't sure whether it was from the betrayal of her love, or the bitter anger that Varvara had played her card before Sloane had the chance to play hers. Either way, Varvara and Boscoe had made it clear she wasn't welcome there anymore.
    But there was nowhere else to go.
    From her right, there was a sound like the chime of the metal tubes that hung from the roof of a two-leg nest by the river, the one with huge oak trees whose gnarled branches reached into the yard of the elderly two-leg and littered the ground with orange-red leaves. Sloane's ears pricked, and she turned toward it, dragging herself along until she was suddenly sheltered from the snow by a cave. She blinked, pulling herself inside, and shaking the snow out of her fur. She glanced back outside, seeing the snow swirl violently where she had been standing just moments before.
    "Sloane." The voice was whispery and soft, and the she-cat's ears perked, as she got to her paws. "Who's there?" She called, taking a step forward. There was no response, but deeper into the hollow, there seemed to be some light emanating. Cautiously, Sloane stepped forward, and then again and again, until she ducked out the other end of the apparent tunnel, and into a basin. Curiously, the snow-storm seemed contained to overhead, the occasional drop of snow falling to land at the paws of an elegant white she-cat with stars twinkling in her bright blue eyes.
    "Hello Sloane," the she-cat said, blinking carefully, "I'm pleased to see you made your way here in one piece."
    "Who are you?" Sloane snapped back, ears flattening against her skull. The she-cat smiled patiently, sweeping her fluffy tail over her paws as she blinked, clearly not bothered by Sloane's hostility. "My name is Northstar," she mewed, "I was the leader of a clan that lived here some moons ago. StarClan has heard your laments on your lack of a home, and I would like to offer you my old one, on the condition that you take up my mantle."
    "I feel that statement has more to it than you're saying," Sloane said, head tilting to the side as she stared at Northstar. The other molly smiled wryly. '"StarClan does not approve of my desire for vengeance, so I've been instructed not to mention it, but the rebirth of NorthernClan hinges on you, Sloane, and if it sweetens the deal, perhaps it is right for me to mention it after all." She leaned closer, blue eyes no longer reflecting the stars. "I want to see my clan take revenge on those who betrayed us, the ones you call the Merchants. I want to see NorthernClan rise from the ashes, bigger and stronger before, and I believe you are the cat who can do it."
    "And what would you have me do with the Merchants?" Sloane's voice wavered, feeling her heart hammer in her chest. Northstar's eyes were cold and hard, like ice. "I would have you tear them apart and scatter them into the howling gales. They will be lost to the snow, unable to survive the frost, and those that wish to live will come grovelling to NorthernClan for salvation." Sloane's mind flickered to the hard glint in Varvara's eyes, the sharp leer of Boscoe's yellowing teeth.
    "I'll do it," Sloane said, without hesitation.
    "Then I dub you Sleetstar, leader of a NorthernClan reborn. To lead your clan, I bless you with nine lives- one for each courage, discipline, reason, justice, decisiveness, loyalty, knowledge, love and," she paused, that cold flicker in her expression making a reappearance, "a life for retribution, to right the wrongs of the past. Use these lives to lead your clan well, Sleetstar. I will be with you."
    Suddenly, Northstar vanished, and Sleetstar collapsed to the ground, suddenly feeling drained of all energy. All around her, snow started to swirl into the basin, painting her vision entirely white as she closed her eyes, and let sleep take her.

    ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐จ๐จ๐ง.
    In the last days of leaf-fall, the weather had cleared up a little more. Sleetstar was panting heavily as she looked up and around the basin. It had taken a lot of work to clean out the dens and replace them with softer, fresher nests, as well as creating new blockades for the front of the dens to shield them from the biting wind. An ear swiveled backwards at the sound of paws against stone, and Sleetstar turned just in time to see two patched cats exit the tunnel and stand before her in the basin.
    "Can I help you?" She asked, blinking at them slowly. The smaller cat, a black and white molly, glanced upward at her taller companion. "We're looking for a 'Sleetstar' of NorthernClan," said the taller cat, in a silken voice, "we were told in a dream by StarClan to follow the North Star to her, because she needed us more than our current clan needed us then." Sleetstar looked between the pair of them, before she drew herself up a little taller, trying to match the tallest cat's height. "I am Sleetstar," she said, "leader of NorthernClan reborn. Welcome... er."
    "Summitsky," the tom replied, "and this is Hollyfeather."
    "Hello," she mewed, taking a seat and curling her tail over her paws, "we're at your command, Sleetstar. I'm sure there's a lot to do around here." It hit Sleetstar, suddenly, that being a leader of a clan meant she would actually be expected to lead it. This factoid had escaped her mind, momentarily, but it wasn't as if she hadn't been preparing to lead before. Leading a clan couldn't be that different to leading anything else.
    "Right," she said, clearing her throat, "Summitsky, you're with me then. We'll see if we can find something to eat. Hollyfeather, you can patrol the borders, but be careful around the west and southern borders as there are a lot of two-legs around there usually. You should be able to find the borders by my scent markers. After that, I need to converse with StarClan, so you two can do... whatever you want to do. Understood?"
    "Crystal clear," Summitsky said, with a nod. Hollyfeather got to her paws, ducking her head a little. "Absolutely, Sleetstar. We're here to help NorthernClan be the best that it can be."


    Sleetstar broke away from Summitsky as the tom made his way back to the camp with their fresh kill. The path to the moonstone was more treacherous than most around the territory of NorthernClan, as Sleetstar had found. She stuck close to the craggy wall, even as her fluffy pelt caught against the sharp, pointed snags of the cliff-face. Eventually, she ducked into the tunnel that lead to the cave housing the moonstone, exhaling a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding on the narrow path prior.
    The large crystal glistened as the last rays of the day's sun shone through the gap in the top of the cave, illuminating the way that flecks of gold danced under the smooth surface. Sleetstar wasn't sure what kind of rock this was, or how it had come to be in the first place, but it seemed that Northstar had a fondness for appearing whenever the pointed she-cat was near it. Sighing, Sleetstar found a comfortable place to lay down. She hesitated a moment, staring at the rock, before she took a deep breath and touched her nose to it. For a moment, nothing happened, and then suddenly, she seemed high above the world, mist rolling around her paws and stars glittering all around her.
    "Not bad for a moon's work," a familiar voice said, and Sleetstar turned to see Northstar's sleek form coming toward her. She stayed silent, folding her tail over her paws as the past leader sat down, shoulders drawn up tall and regal. "We still have a long way to go, of course, but what you've accomplished in just a moon is perfect. The camp is ready for cats, you've established your territory, and with my help, you've even got two warriors."
    "I feel like most of that was you, not me," Sleetstar said dryly, rolling her eyes as Northstar dismissed her with a sniff and a flick of her tail. "Anyway, this is just the beginning for NorthernClan. You're going to need to build up your ranks. You need a deputy, and a medicine cat, especially for the cold months. StarClan will do their best, but if you're not careful, you'll find yourself with a terrible sickness and no one to help with it. Mark my words, illness runs rampant in NorthernClan winters."
    "Contrary to your seemingly popular belief, I have actually lived here all my life," Sleetstar snapped, "I know how to survive a winter, and I know all of this. So, what, this is a hint that you're going to randomly drop a medicine cat on me next with no prior warning?" Northstar glowered at her, the pair of mollies facing off, before the pure white she-cat sighed and swished her tail, conjuring an image of a massive tom. Sleetstar's eyes widened. He was huge, with rippling muscles and a fluffy coat that made him look twice his size, glittering amber eyes seeming to pierce her very soul.
    "This tom will be of great importance to you. I am sending him to you as we speak, just so you're prepared."
    "That's the medicine cat you want me to have?" Sleetstar sounded incredulous as she looked the visage of the tom up and down, taking in his charcoal black face and his smoky chest scruff, and the elegant slope of his nose. Northstar sighed impatiently, as if Sleetstar was a pesky apprentice who just wouldn't learn the battle move she'd been trying to teach for hours, shaking her head airily.
    "No, don't be silly. This tom will play a much larger, more important role than that. You need to make absolutely sure that he remains on your side, no matter what."
    "You're sending me a tom that might betray me?" Northstar's gaze hardened.
    "I would be very wary, Sleetstar, of assuming that everyone will support you by virtue of your name. Cats have their own agendas, some clearer than others. It is foolish to believe that those agendas may be pushed aside for any one cat." Glittering amber eyes flashed across Sleetstar's mind, and she flattened her ears.
    "I know this better than you could ever hope to understand."
    "Good. Then you won't mess this up."
    Sleetstar woke with a start, finding herself alone in a damp cave. Through the hole in the roof, rain had started to pellet down, leaving her pointed coat soaked to the bone. Sleetstar glanced one last time at the Moonstone, before she hauled herself to her feet, trudging out of the cave and into the pouring rain, directing her bedraggled form toward the camp of her new clan.

` servings consumed
0/2 - stockpiling
` clan events
summitsky and hollyfeather of wildclan join northernclan
summitsky and sleetstar hunt
hollyfeather patrols the borders
sleetstar requests a warrior from starclan

    ` leader
    `` sleetstar | 45 moons | โ™€ | โœฆ

    ` deputy
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ

    ` medicine cat
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ
    ` medicine cat apprentice
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ

    ` warriors
    `` summitsky | 48 moons | โ™‚ | โœฆ
    `` hollyfeather | 23 moons | โ™€ | โœฆ

    ` apprentices
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ

    ` queens and kits
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ
    โ†ช kit names

    ` elders
    `` name | age | โ™€/โ™‚ | โœฆ
` ally clans
none currently.

` enemy clans
none currently.

` borders
โ†‘ | open | user
โ†’ | open | user
โ†“ | two-leg village
โ† | ski slope

` medicine store
Herb | Usage
Herb | Usage

` fresh-kill pile
vole | x0 | 1 servings
rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
stoat | x0 | 2 servings
small fish | x0 | 2 servings
hare | x0 | 3 servings
bird | x0 | 3 servings

` mentors
mentor | apprentice [#]
โ†ช skills learned

` deceased
name | cause of death

` family ties
parent + parent
โ†ช kits
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RidgeClan post two

Postby mukuroikusabas » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:53 am

Number of Cats: 2

The new medicine cat's name is Bramblebelly. She is quite beautiful; brown-pelted with black stripes, almost like a tiger, and large, round orange eyes. Ridgestar wonders why such a stunning cat travels alone. If she was even half as impressive, she'd have toms and mollies alike trailing after her. Even so, she doesn't talk to Bramblebelly about it. It's a rather strange topic to talk about with a medicine cat you've only just met.

Ridgestar spends most of her time hunting, while Bramblebelly, having brought herbs with her, searches for more cats. There's no telling if or when danger could strike, and they need to be ready.

[Bramblebelly brings 1x cobweb, 2x yarrow, and 2x feverfew.]
[Ridgestar goes hunting.]
[Bramblebelly is patrolling for more cats.]

          Ridgestar | 61 moons | Cis female, lesbian | X
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Bramblebelly | 55 moons | Cis female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
xxxxxx๊œฑแด›แด€ส€๊œฑ, สœษชแด…แด‡ สแดแดœส€ ๊œฐษชส€แด‡๊œฑ;
สŸแด‡แด› ษดแดแด› สŸษชษขสœแด› ๊œฑแด‡แด‡

xxxxxxxxxx๐–“๐–†๐–’๐–Š | ๐–•๐–—๐–”๐–“๐–”๐–š๐–“๐–˜

xxcall me muku or mukuro.
xxgay nb trans guy, writer n artist.
xxhyperfixated on:
xxdanganronpa n warriors.



ยปwarriors challenge








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the sanctuary ` 0

Postby faerie; » Sun Dec 30, 2018 6:38 am


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ€” THE CATS. since the sanctuary takes in any and all cats, any breed, coat and color can be found here.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpurebreds may also be dumped here after their fertility wears down, though they probably won't be in the best
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxof shape afterwards. cats may also be adopted out, so numbers may fluctuate.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ€” THE LAND. the sanctuary is surrounded by plains, flowers dotting every step. they have full access to an
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxabandoned barn that the twolegs have provided them. mice and river voles can be found as you stray out past
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe barn fences, but many cats are content with simply eating the tasteless kibble the twolegs supply.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ€” QUICK FACTS.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข the prey includes mice, water voles, rabbits, fish big and small, and frogs.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข despite the sanctuary being an animal shelter, many cats may live their entire life here.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข threats can include loose dogs and foxes.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข the sanctuary doesn't plan on leaving, but they may decide that the barn and twolegs are no longer safe and
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxabandon their past life altogether.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข since the sanctuary does not function as a traditional clan, the director of the sanctuary only has one life.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxโ‡ข i'd like to request this molly as my founder, and simonpet as my mod.
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ShiningClan post 22

Postby Kazin » Sun Dec 30, 2018 8:32 am

Number of Cats: 028 | 13 โ™‚ | 15 โ™€ | 6 servings needed next serving needed at 35

"No, you have to keep yourself lower to the ground. Think of it this way; you are sneaking up on your sister, she can't see or scent you, but her ears are perked and she can feel your paws if you are too heavy footed." His eyes narrowed his concentration, Birchstorm watched as the tiny gray tom shifted lower to the ground, in an almost perfect crouch. He mirrored the apprentice, nodding to him. "Now you'll be able to move forward, but carefully and slowly. Don't break the crouch," he reminded Ashpaw, demonstrating the proper way to move forward. Ashpaw followed, not perfectly, but showing promise. Birchstorm stopped him with a flick of his tail, and the young tom looked at him apprehensively. "Mouse ahead, scent the air," Birchstorm breathed, watching at Ashpaw lifted his nose slightly and then nodded. "See if you can get it," he encouraged the tom, holding his own position and beckoning the apprentice past him.

Ashpaw crept forward, following the scent of the mouse that got stronger with every step. There! He could see it nibbling on something at the base of a tree. He continued a few more slow steps, hearing Birchstorm's instructions in his head. The pouncing was confusing, but he'd try his best... Silently, he launched himself in the air, swiping at the mouse that had reacted at the last second, scrambling away. He could feel it's soft fur underneath his paws, but it was more evasive than he thought, and it squirmed away easily, underneath the roots of the tree. He sat up, embarrassed, as Birchstorm came over to check on him.

"I watched that pounce of yours," he said, back to his normal volume. "That was quite impressive for the first time. Did you touch it at all?" Ashpaw gave a nod, his eyes lighting up under the praise of his mentor. "Yeah," he squeaked, embarrassment forgotten. "I felt it's fur! I didn't expect it to be so quick, though," he admitted, giving Birchstorm an apologetic look. Birchstorm shook his head, giving Ashpaw an affectionate bat of his paw. "Almost no cat catches a mouse on their first try, unless it's stupid or old. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get it next time. Let's go see how your sister and Firesong are doing in their first hunting lesson."

Ashpaw nodded, and the two set off towards the other training area, where they could hear Firesong's voice faintly as she gave Emberpaw instructions. As the two toms neared, Firesong's voice turned into a stern meow - it didn't seem like she was giving instructions anymore, and as they came into view they saw Emberpaw glaring at the ground, her tail lashing in annoyance. Firesong was pacing, seemingly just finishing her talking to with Emberpaw.

"What's going on?" Birchstorm asked, breaking the tense silence as he looked back and forth at each she-cat in slight amusement. This was why he was never interested in having a mate. Or kits. Too much trouble.
Firesong looked at him and huffed, glancing at Emberpaw once. "She does not want me to teach her how I hunt," she said, sitting down. "Keeps trying to do it her own, loud way, not caring if the prey all scatters before she can even see it. I lost my patience with her, and then you came over."
Birchstorm nearly laughed. It was such an apprentice thing to do, expecting hunting to be the same as playing in the nursery with siblings. Instead, he looked to Emberpaw, who at least looked dejected.
"I think she'll understand, if you try again," he murmured to Firesong. "Just be calm when you explain, don't raise your voice or she'll just shut down. Trust me, I was an apprentice just like that."
He watched at Firesong nodded and heeded his advice, and Emberpaw was soon crouching and stalking as Firesong showed her. Satisfied, Birchstorm turned to Ashpaw and beckoned for him to follow. "We're going back to camp," he called to Firesong, leading the way and talking easily with his apprentice. He hadn't really been excited at first to receive one, but Ashpaw seemed smarter and more of a thinker than a lot of cats. In a way, the apprentice reminded Birchstorm of Cherryheart - the calm observance of those around him, and his intelligence and honesty. He was glad that he could be Ashpaw's mentor, which surprised him, though he wouldn't dare admit that to Cherryheart or Junipersplash...
Back at camp, Cherryheart was lazily flicking a ball of moss back and forth with one of the tiny kits. The white tom was only a moon old, and could barely walk straight, but something about him kept Cherryheart grounded where he was. Besides, there was nowhere else for him to be... he was stuck in camp for the next moon, told he needed to rest by the young medicine cat apprentice. He sighed, batting the ball back to Hailkit, who squealed in glee as he tripped over himself to get to it. Kits would never really be Cherryheart's favorite thing, as they really couldn't carry out a meaningful conversation, but at least they were cute. He just didn't understand them.

"Enjoying yourself?" A voice asked, ripe with amusement. Cherryheart didn't even bother to look up, letting the ball miss his outstretched claws, much to Hailkit's delight. Junipersplash was here, and she watched, mildly interested, as Cherryheart retrieved the ball and hit it back at the kit.
"Not really," Cherryheart said quietly, rolling his eyes as the kit fell once again. "I would find it much more enjoyable if he would talk to me, but he's not interested. He just wants to play. He's relentless," he added, after Hailkit pounced on the ball, even though it was near Cherryheart. The kit carried the ball right next to Cherryheart before scampering away, looking expectantly at it and back to Cherryheart. Another slight sigh, and Cherryheart sent the moss back to Hailkit.

"I hear you," Junipersplash let out her own sigh. "Soon, though, we can be going back outside and hunt and patrol again. Birchstorm is so lucky that he can train an apprentice and still patrol. I'm itching to go somewhere," she said, gazing across the camp as Birchstorm returned with his apprentice. "I wish there were more cats for me to pick on," she said dramatically, sighing again as she got up and started to walk away.

"Only so you can break their hearts after rejecting them," Cherryheart said under his breath, just loud enough for Juniperplash to hear and give him a glare, though she didn't defend herself. Cherryheart chuckled, turning his attention back to the young kit. Yeah, perhaps more cats their age would be nice...

New cats/rank up:
--> After passing her assessment, Ferretpaw becomes Ferretclaw.

--> Ferretclaw, Appleclaw, Maplecloud, and Cindersong patrol.
--> Otterfur, Peachfrost, Pikewhisker, Daisypatch, Cricketheart, and Ravenpaw hunt.
--> Birchstorm, Robinbreeze, Thornstrike, Slatefang, Honeypaw, and Sparkstorm hunt.

--> Ravenpaw and Honeypaw train in swimming with Daisypatch and Slatefang.
--> Ashpaw and Emberpaw train in hunting with Birchstorm and Firesong.

--> Hazelstream due in 1 moon.

--> ShiningClan consumes 2 birds [6 servings]
--> 1x Stinging Nettle is used for Cherryheart, 1x Horsetail is used for Junipersplash.
--> Adding Days 8-25 from the advent calendar (chervil x2, horsetail x3, cobweb x3, stinging nettle x3, 2 squirrels, thyme x2, poppy seeds x2, stick x1 if I did all my counting right).
--> Could I also add these cats to the Clan, from the advent calendar?

          Scorchstar | 44 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†

          Cricketheart | 27 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ

          Medicine Cat:
          Nettleblaze | 68 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Timberpaw | 12 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ

          Peachfrost | 68 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Pikewhisker | 50 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Firesong | 49 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Robinbreeze | 35 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Thornstrike | 33 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Birchstorm | 27 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Cherryheart | 27 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Junipersplash | 27 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Maplecloud | 23 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Appleclaw | 23 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Daisypatch | 20 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Cindersong | 16 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Slatefang | 16 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Sparkstorm | 16 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Otterfur | 14 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Ferretclaw | 14 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ

          Ravenpaw | 8 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Honeypaw | 8 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Ashpaw | 7 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Emberpaw | 7 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ

          Snowflower | 25 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Hazelstream | 41 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ

          Hailkit | 1 moons | โ™‚ | โ™ฆ
          Owlkit | 1 moons | โ™€ | โ™ฆ
          Name | moons | Gender | [url=link]โ™ฆ[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ™ฆ[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ™ฆ[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x1 Beech Leaves x1
    Bindweed x1 Blackberry Leaves x1
    Borage x2 Bright eye x1
    Broom x1 Burdock x2
    Burnet x2 Catchweed x1
    Catmint x2 Celandine x1
    Chamomile x1 Chervil x1
    Chickweed x1 Cob Nuts x1
    Cobweb x1 Fennel x1
    Feverfew x1 Horsetail
    Lavender x1 Poppy seeds x1
    Ragwort x1 Raspberry Leaves x1
    Yarrow x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x4 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x5 | 3 servings
    Bird | x5 | 3 servings [2 being eaten]
    Small fish | x6 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
    Frog | x4 | 1 serving

    Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
    Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

    Daisypatch | Ravenpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Slatefang | Honeypaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Birchstorm | Ashpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Firesong | Emberpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flowerkit | Weakness at birth
    Softkit | Birth
    Morningkit | Birth
    Name | Cause of death

    Mates / Family:
    Scorchstar x Firesong | Sparkstorm, Cindersong, Slatefang
    Pikewhisker x ? | Maplecloud
    Hazelstream x ? | Ferretpaw, Otterfur
    Thornstrike x Maplecloud | Ashpaw, Flowerkit, Emberpaw
    Appleclaw x Snowflower | Softkit, Hailkit, Owlkit, Morningkit
    Pikewhisker x Hazelstream | Expecting

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dewclan || 08

Postby triplethesix » Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:45 am

    we are the warriors who built this town!

    i. twenty-one cats ii. twelve mollies iii. nine toms iv. zero other
    iv. visiting dreamcave now v. no injuries vi. kitting next moon
    vii. mod is deimos
    vii. claiming advent days 8-25
    x2 hares (6 servings), x2 squirrels (4 servings), x3 mice (3 servings), x2 borage leaves (2 herbs), x1 burnet (1 herb), x2 chamomile (2 herbs), x1 catmint (1 herb), one warrior, one medicine cat apprentice

    [starclan] froststar wishes for a warrior.
    [servings] dewclan consumes x2 hares.
    [herb hunting] bluesky looks for herbs.
    [injuries] none.
    [mates] sandsnarl + hawkthorn become mates!
    [kitting] dawnlight is kitting! bluesky helps.
    [hunting 1] sandsnarl + hawkthorn + patchedmask + greengaze.
    [hunting 2] quailstep + fallowfur + orchiddapple.
    [patrolling] canyoncry + froststar + marigoldstep patrol, making sure to keep their western border well-marked.
    [mentorship] birchpaw attempts his assessment to become a warrior, if he succeeds, heโ€™ll be known as birchface. sunnypaw trains in battle. stonepaw trains in hunting.
    [other] stonekit is now an apprentice! he will be mentored by patchedmask.

    โ€œstonekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, youโ€™ll be known as stonepaw. your mentor will be patchedmask and i hope he passes down all of his knowledge to you.โ€ froststar boomed. cats broke out in a cheer as patchedmask happily touched noses with his new apprentice. it would be hard, there was no question to that, but patchedmask was determined to be a good mentor for stonepaw. as the cheers died down, froststar dismissed the clan and watched them disperse. patchedmask remained by his apprentice, his eyes shining with pride. โ€œstonepaw, why donโ€™t we start out your training with a tour of the territory and maybe some hunting practice? with leaf-bare approaching, youโ€™ll want to learn that before the prey hides away.โ€ patchedmask smiled. stonepaw nodded, trying to keep calm despite the excitement in his chest. leading the way, patchedmask padded out of camp, stonepaw close behind.

    โ€œsandsnarl! hawkthron! patchedmask! greengaze!โ€ marigoldstep yowled. it was sunhigh and marigoldstep wanted to get hunting parties and patrols out as soon as possible. prey was becoming scarce and she couldnโ€™t let her clan suffer from it. sandsnarl and hawkthorn came padding over, side-by-side. it was so strange seeing them so close despite their sassy personalities, but the clan could see they clearly got a long - very well. much of the clan was sure they were already mates, but neither had said anything yet. marigoldstep glanced to the other side of camp, seeing patchedmask trotting over a leisurely pace and greengaze padding over. once all cats gathered, marigoldstep nodded, collecting herself before speaking, โ€œiโ€™d like you four to go on a hunting party.โ€. the for exchanged a glance before turning back to marigoldstep. โ€œplease, do your best and try not to come back empty-pawed.โ€ she added, keeping a calm demeanor. the four nodded, looking to eachother before padding away in a group. marigoldstep sighed, looking up to see froststar approaching. marigoldstep dipped her head to their leader before speaking, โ€œyes?โ€. โ€œiโ€™d like to lead a patrol myself, please.โ€ the leader meowed respectfully. marigoldstep glanced around camp, nodding. โ€œiโ€™ll join. canyoncry might like to join, i heard she felt awfully cooped up in the nursery while stonepaw was there.โ€ she meowed, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. froststar narrowed her eyes, slowly nodding. โ€œyes.โ€ she meowed. โ€œshe shall accompany us if she so wishes.โ€ froststar added. โ€œcanyoncry!โ€ marigoldstep called. the molly looked up from her chat with stonepaw before joining them, stonepaw casting them a relieved expression. marigoldstep smiled at the young apprenitce before looking to canyoncry. โ€œwould you like to accompany us on a patrol?โ€ froststar offered. โ€œof course, the deduction i-โ€œ โ€œoh, yes! iโ€™ve been dying to do something for moons!โ€ canyoncry exclaimed happily. froststar smiled, โ€œvery well. letโ€™s go.โ€. the three padded out of camp together, not looking back.

    birchpaw slowly made his way out of his den, glancing around. it was strange - no, it was shameful - that he was still an apprentice. he was nearly twenty moons old. birchpaw shuffled his paws, feeling as if all the cats in starclan were gazing down on his shameful self. birchpaw flicked an ear as someone came thundering over. when birchpaw looked up, he was relieved to see sunnypaw bounded towards him, a grin on his face. โ€œhiya, birchpaw!โ€ sunnypaw squeaked. โ€œhey, sunnypaw,โ€ birchpaw meowed. โ€œi canโ€™t believe- i mean, froststar has a surprise for you! she said i couldnโ€™t tell you - itโ€™s a secret!โ€ sunnypaw burst out, his fur tingling with excitement. birchpawโ€™s mind focused on sunnypaw and he shot him a warning look. โ€œtell me!โ€ he meowed. โ€œnope - secret!โ€ sunnypaw teased, flinging a paw at his friendโ€™s ear. โ€œhey!โ€ birchpaw gasped, leaping at sunnypaw. birchpaw easily pinned him down and bent down, sticking his tongue out. โ€œloser!โ€ he teased playfully. โ€œno fair! your way bigger and fluffier!โ€ sunnypaw mewed through a mouthful of fur. birchpaw laughed before getting of, looking serious again. โ€œwhat does froststar have plannned? am i gonna be exiled because i was never made a warrior?โ€ birchpaw questioned. sunnypaw shook his head, trying to to burst out with what he knew. โ€œtell meeeee!โ€ birchpaw begged. โ€œyouโ€™re taking your warrior assessment today!โ€ sunnypaw burst out. birchpaw looked at his friend in shock. โ€œiโ€™m what?โ€ he gasped. โ€œthatโ€™s right!โ€ sunnypaw grinned. birchpaw sat back down, gazing up. please, starclan, let me pass. he thought silently.

    โ€œgreat starclan, every moon!โ€ bluesky grunted, rushing around his den. โ€œkits, kits, everywhere kits!โ€ he added, shuffling through his herbs. the tom grabbed what he may need before padding to the nursery. brindlepelt was yelling at her kits for trying to enter the scene, a serious look on her face. โ€œi said no! no means no! you might want to watch now, but you most certainly will wish you hadnโ€™t if you do!โ€ she said. autumnkit flashed a worried look to littlekit before back to their mother. โ€œbut mom! i want to be a medicine cat! iโ€™ll have to see a cat give birth soon enough!โ€ she begged. โ€œwell, then thereโ€™ll be plenty of opportunities to see it, but not today. now, shoo, both of you!โ€ the mother said firmly. brindlepelt was a kind molly, but she was indeed stern with her kits. the two mollies padded off, casting annoyed glances to the nursery. bluesky stifled a chuckle as he padded past, entering the nursery. emberspark watched from beside dawnlight, gazing up to bluesky as he entered. as usual, her face was neutral, showing no signs of emotion. bluesky ignored her, stopping at dawnlightโ€™s side before helping her through her kitting.

    โ€œwhat are you youngsters doinโ€™ out ere with such a sad face?โ€ a voice questioned, pawsteps approaching autumnkit and littlekit. the two looked up, only to see the clans eldest member, blossomdream. โ€œmom wonโ€™t let us be in the nursery while dawnlight kits! i want to see the new kits first!โ€ littlekit mewed, annoyance in her tone. โ€œyeah, i want to see them!โ€ autumnkit meowed in agreement. blossomdream let out a rusty chuckle, gazing to the nursery. โ€œi know itโ€™s exciting, but itโ€™s not a pretty sight. you two are much better off seeinโ€™ the kits nice nโ€™ clean nโ€™ happy.โ€ blossomdream smiled. the two kits shrugged, glancing to eachother. โ€œi guess.โ€ they mewed together. โ€œnow, to pass the time, would you two like to listen to a story? if youโ€™re not too old for that nowadays..โ€ blossomdream meowed. the kits perked up, nodding. โ€œyes please!โ€ they mewed. โ€œok, come along.โ€ blossomdream meowed, leading the kits to her den.


    froststar - molly - 51 moons

    marigoldstep- molly - 42 moons

    medicine cats
    bluesky - tom - 30 moons
    name - gender - age

    medicine cat apprentice
    name - gender - age

    fallowfur - tom - 57 moons
    sandsnarl - molly - 56 moons
    greengaze - molly - 48 moons
    quailstep - tom - 45 moons
    canyoncry - molly - 37 moons
    hawkthorn - tom - 37 moons
    grayleap - tom - 32 moons
    orchiddapple - molly - 29 moons
    patchedmask - tom - 28 moons

    birchpaw - tom - 19 moons
    sunnypaw - tom - 9 moons
    stonepaw - tom - 6 moons

    brindlepelt - molly - 58 moons
    โ†ณ autumnkit - molly - 5 moons
    โ†ณ littlekit - molly - 5 moons
    emberspark - molly - 32 moons
    โ†ณ due in two moons
    dawnlight - molly - 29 moons
    โ†ณ kitting now!

    blossomdream - molly - 137 moons


    clan - relationship - user
    clan - relationship - user
    twistedclan - neutral - spasticjazzhands
    clan - relationship - user

    ally clans
    clan - user
    clan - user

    enemy clans
    clan - user
    clan - user


    borage leaves - x2
    burnet - x1
    catmint - x1
    chamomile - x2
    chervil - x1
    cobwebs - x1
    comfrey roots - x1
    dock - x1
    marigold - x1
    raspberry leaves - x2
    stick - x1


    none in stock


    mice - x4 - 1 serving
    voles - x1 - 1 serving
    rabbits - x2 - 2 servings
    squirrels - x3 - 2 servings
    all birds - x0 - 3 servings
    hares - x2 - 3 servings


    froststar - birchpaw
    โ†ณ offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    marigoldstep - sunnypaw
    โ†ณ offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance
    patchedmask - stonepaw
    โ†ณ offensive battle, defensive battle, combat, hunting, stealth, endurance


    bluesky is the brother of birchpaw
    brindlepelt is the mother of autum
    nkit and littlekit
    canyoncry is the mother of stonepa
    dawnlight and grayleap are expecti
    ng kits
    birchpaw and sunnypaw like eachot
    hawkthorn is the mate of sandsnarl


    deceased cats
Last edited by triplethesix on Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sun Dec 30, 2018 10:13 am

[ 118 females ] [ 113 males ] [ 2 non binary ] [ 1 gender fluid ] [ 234 total ] [ moonpool 5/21 ] [ 34 servings ]

Fuller Den, Season 16, Episode 10: Wait, Another Litter??

Gladestep padded into the medicine den in the Main Camp, taking a deep breath, enjoying the scent of herbs that flooded his nose as soon as he entered. It was a trick to commute to the Training camp every morning, but worth it to come home to his mate very night. โ€œEvening love.โ€ He purred, seeing that Velvetflicker was treating a small scratch on a kit.

โ€œYou donโ€™t need cobwebs, just keep it clean.โ€ The molly instructed the little one, one of their grandkits Pinionkit, before sending them to greet their grandfather.

โ€œHey there kiddo,โ€ Gladestep purred as the kit tumbled over.

โ€œHeya grandad! I fell off a log and almost died, but granma patched me up, donโ€™t worry! Bye!โ€ Pinionkit darted out of the med cat den, quickly joining the crowd of kits that was always quick to be found.

Velvetflicker purred in amusement, padding over to her mate and reaching up to touch noses with him lightly, โ€œWelcome back dear.โ€ She purred, smiling up at him, โ€œAll the apprentices still injuring themselves in stupid ways?โ€

โ€œAlways.โ€ Gladestep sighed, moving towards their nest in the back of the den, Velvetflicker close on his tail, โ€œIt doesnโ€™t help that training is co-ed. I swear, young toms will do the stupidest things to impress a pretty molly.โ€

โ€œLike risk getting ostracized from their clan?โ€ Velvetflicker teased gently, settling in next to Gladestep, practically engulfed be her mateโ€™s long dark fur as she snuggled closer to him, glad for the extra warmth in the cold nights.

Gladestep chuckled, โ€œI was no exception.โ€ He admitted, โ€œI was pretty reckless when we were younger.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m glad you were.โ€ Vlevetflicker said, reaching up to lick his chin affectionately, โ€œIโ€™d have never met you if you hadnโ€™t stumbled across that border.โ€

โ€œAs I recall, you were the one on the wrong side.โ€ Gladestep murmured, nuzzling her gently.

โ€œHey, mom, do haveโ€ฆoh ugg, mom, dad, I swear, turn over the rock or something.โ€ Loonstar said, squeezing her eyes shut in mock disgust at her parents.

Velvetflicker chuckled, watching her eldest daughter in amusement, โ€œHoney, you know your parents are cats too. Weโ€™re allowed to snuggle, and groom each other andโ€ฆโ€

โ€œEnough! Enough!โ€ Loonstar shook her head violently, โ€œGosh mom, I know that but I donโ€™t like to think about it. I just need to know if you have poppy seeds, Softheartโ€™s kitting soon and she wanted some nearby, just in case.โ€

โ€œGosh, not poppy seeds. Never for a nursing mother. But Iโ€™ll bring her something first thing in the morning, donโ€™t worry.โ€ Velvetflicker assured her daughter, chuckling slightly.

โ€œOkay, great. Iโ€™m gonna just, leave now. Hi dad.โ€

โ€œHi honey. Good to see you too.โ€ Gladestep rumbled, gently licking Velvetflickerโ€™s ears as their firstborn darted out as fast as her feet could carry her.

โ€œKids.โ€ His mate laughed lightly.

โ€œKids.โ€ He agreed, curling tighter around his mate, burying his node in her fur as she settled against him.

Storytime with Sweetsun: Adventures with Mister Fox and Miss Eagle!

As Sweetsun poked his head out of the elderโ€™s den, there was already a crowd of kits, waiting eagerly. A happy cry went up as soon as they saw him, summoning several more. Before his second paw was in the sunlight, they were already clamoring, โ€œStory, story!! Give us a story!!โ€

Sweetsun held up a paw, barely higher than the heads of some of the older kits already, and there was immediate, if temporary, silence. โ€œWhich story shall I tell, the story of the two legs medicine? Or of the Rouges Training?โ€ He asked the throng.

Zanderkit pushed to the front, and said body, โ€œWeโ€™ve heard about those, we want a new story! Something scary, with fighting! You were the leader of the biggest clan in theโ€ฆin the anywhere, you must have fought something!โ€

โ€œHmmโ€ฆโ€ the elder considered, โ€œWell, I suppose I have a few fighting stories. Which would you like, the story of Mister Fox, or Miss Eagle?โ€

There was a quick whispered conversation between the kits before Zanderkit spoke up again, โ€œMiss Eagle, please Sweetsun. Can we hear Mister Fox tomorrow?โ€

โ€œOh course.โ€ Sweeetsun agreed, โ€œNow, let me see. How was it. Ah, yes. An eagle had been sighted, and Cinderpaw, Breezepaw, and Flickerpaw had been assigned to track it down. Breezepaw is Breezeface, and Flickerpaw is Flickershine. Cinderpaw, unfortunately, died a few moons after this story.โ€ A small hush fell over the kits before Sweetsun started again.

โ€œNow as I said, they were assigned to track down this eagle. Despite being younger, Flickerpaw was such a talented tracker that she took charge, finding the eagleโ€™s nest in no time at all. The next moon, I went with Falconwatcher, an old deputy who has since died, Flickerpaw, Mottledleap, an old clan member, also dead, Cinderpaw, and Flarestrike, who now goes be the name Fotam in Battle Camp. We waited, crouched at the base of the tree until the Eagle came back to itโ€™s nest. Then we had to creep up the tree. Now, this wasnโ€™t a living tree. This tree was almost dead, only a few leaves at the top showing any sign of life. All the lower branches had fallen off, so we had to climb using only our claws, no time to rest.โ€

By this time, almost all of the kits had gathered, faces awed, enraptured by the story the former leader was slowly unraveling for them. โ€œYou see,โ€ he continued, โ€œWe had to wait till the eagle to come back so we would be sure to surprise it. Otherwise, it would have killed us for sure. So there we were, clinging to this half dead tree with nothing but out claws, quieter than a mouse. Then, Breezepaw sneezed from the dust falling from the eagleโ€™s nest.โ€

The apprentices gasped, sitting back in shock. โ€œThe eagle now new something was up, for eagle eggs donโ€™t sneeze you see. Our cover was blown, so all of us leapt into the nest, attacking the eagle as viciously as we could. And for a while, we were winning. Then, it reached out one giant talon and grabbed me, a few flaps of its giant wings carrying us out of reach of my classmates. I hung there for a few moments, struggling against the eagleโ€™s grip and thenโ€ฆ.โ€

The kits leaned forward, eyes fastened on Sweetsun as he drew out the silence, โ€œIt dropped me.โ€ There was a collective gasp.

Jimsonkit spoke up softly, โ€œDid you die?โ€ He asked, his eyes wide.

โ€œYes, I did.โ€ Sweetsun admitted, earning another gasp, โ€œBut donโ€™t worry Jimsonkit, your grandmother made sure I got better.โ€

โ€œWhat happened after that?โ€ Vervainkit demanded.

โ€œWell, Iโ€™m not entirely sure. I was mostly dead for the rest of the battle you see.โ€ Sweetsun explained, โ€œBut Falconwatcher says that as soon as the eagle landed again, he and Fotam quickly killed it, though he would never say how.โ€

โ€œWoah.โ€ Weaverkit murmured, โ€œI wanna try that sometime!โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ Sweetsun quickly assured her, โ€œYou really donโ€™t. Itโ€™s not nearly as fun as it sounds. Now go along and play moss ball, or clan, I need to take a nap.โ€ The kits broke out into fits of giggles as they began to disperse, each back to their own game. โ€œYou lot donโ€™t appreciate naps enough.โ€ Sweetsun grumbled, settling comfortably in the sun.

You are NOT the Father! Feat. Honeychirp, Scorchmask, Nour, and Russetsplash

Honeychirp glanced over at Russetsplash, the cat who claimed to be his biological father, before he padded over to his mother. He had been looking at other families, watching their dynamics, and he was now sure of one thing. One of his parents was not really his parent, and he was going to to find out which one.

โ€œHey, mom?โ€ He asked, his voice suddenly much higher than normal. He cleared his throat before continuing, โ€œI was wondering if I could ask you a question.โ€

Scorchmask looked up at her son and smiled, โ€œOf course Honeychirp, whatโ€™s the matter love?โ€

โ€œI think youโ€™ve been hiding something from me, something I deserve to know.โ€ Honeychirp said firmly, โ€œI donโ€™t think that Russetsplash is my father. He doesnโ€™t act like any of the other fathers, even the other cats who arenโ€™t mates, just co-parents. Plus, heโ€™s not built like I am, and Iโ€™m not built like you. I donโ€™t think heโ€™s related to me at all.โ€

Scorchmask sighed, standing up and touching her nose to her sonโ€™s forehead gently, โ€œYouโ€™re right, of course.โ€ She sighed, โ€œIโ€ฆI should have told you sooner, I justโ€ฆI wanted you to be able to have a father who could always be there for you, and since your father is so far away, it would have never been possible for him.โ€

Honeychirp sat down, slightly stunned. โ€œMom.โ€ He said quietly, โ€œIf he isnโ€™t my fatherโ€ฆ.who is?โ€

โ€œHis name is Nour, heโ€™s a member of Forestclan.โ€ Scorchmask said gently, shifting slightly, โ€œHeโ€™s a wonderful cat, and had he known you existed, he would have come to meet you. Iโ€™m sure that if you want, he and your brother wouldโ€ฆโ€

โ€œMy wHAT?!?!โ€ Honeychirp demanded, springing to his feet, โ€œI have a brother? Mom, how could you have not told me?!?!โ€

Shorchmask ducked her head, โ€œIโ€™m sorry. I should have told you sooner I justโ€ฆ..I was selfish. I was afraid I would loose you if you knew that you werenโ€™t purely a Swiftclan cat.โ€

โ€œMom, this is my home.โ€ Honeychirp assured his mother gently, โ€œIโ€™m not going to just up and leave you, but I do want to meet my father, and my brother.โ€

โ€œI know son, Iโ€™ll see if I can arrange it.โ€ Scorchmask promised, โ€œAnd Honeychirp, I love you, you know that?โ€โ€จโ€จโ€œYes mom. I love you too.โ€ Her son assured her, twining his tail around hers affectionately.

Missy and Weslie's Guide to Kitsitting: There Is No Such Thing As Too Many Kits

Snat Catchers Premier (Pounce, Hop, Dace, Mason)

Elder Who? Premier (Primulagaze)

Training Camp Musical

Love in Leafbare (Breezeface, Leafcurl, Meadowcry as matchmaker)

Breezeface looked up and beamed as she saw the figure of her youngest daughter padding toward her. She stood, her daughter began to run, the two mollyโ€™s meeting in a happy embrace. โ€œThis is a surprise!โ€ Breezeface laughed, โ€œWhat brings you hear Meadowcry? Everything okay I hope?โ€

โ€œOh, yes, everything is lovely.โ€ Meadowcry assured her mother, โ€œI just hadnโ€™t seen you in several moons, and figured Iโ€™d drop by for a visit.โ€

โ€œHow long will you be staying?โ€ Breezeface asked, straightening the fur around her daughterโ€™s neck.

โ€œNot sure, a few weeks at least. Theyโ€™d donโ€™t need me for a while given how big each of the camps are getting now,โ€ Meadowcry assured her mother.

โ€œFantastic!โ€ Breezeface purred happily, โ€œWeโ€™ll find a spare nest we can fix up for you, and Iโ€™m sure you wonโ€™t have any issues adjusting to the territory here.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll be fine mom.โ€ Meadowcry assured her mother. Both looked up, as did the rest of the camp, and a pale ginger tom with curled ears entered the camp. He stormed over to the deputyโ€™s den, his angry tone carrying across the camp, even though the words were lost. Meadowcry huffed, โ€œHeโ€™s a lovely character, isnโ€™t he?โ€ She muttered sarcastically, โ€œHe always like that?โ€

โ€œNo idea, never seen him before.โ€ Breezeface said softly, watching as the tom stormed over to the warriorโ€™s den, disappearing inside.

Meadowcry looked between her mother and the den, her face calculating, โ€œWell, seems as if heโ€™s moving in. Guess weโ€™ll have a chance to get to know him.โ€ She mused.

โ€œGuess so.โ€ Her mother agreed.

And Tansy Makes Three Premier (Tansy, Bee, Mist, plus mystery 4th cat later)

Misttalon watched wistfully as Beebite laughed with some cat across the camp. She sighed, laying her head on her paws. โ€œWhatโ€™s got you down?โ€ A familiar voice asked.

She jumped, seeing Amarylliswhistle standing near her, โ€œOh, hey Ryllis.โ€ Misttalom sighed, โ€œIโ€™m fine, thanks for asking though.โ€

โ€œLiar.โ€ Amarylliswhistle said laying down next to his friend, โ€œYouโ€™re staring at Beebite again.โ€

โ€œAm not!โ€ Misttalon said, batting at him indignantly, โ€œYouโ€™re just jealous.โ€

โ€œYou wish girly.โ€ Amarylliswhistle chuckled, โ€œAnyway, youโ€™ve been staring at him since you were kits, why donโ€™t you ever talk to him anymore?โ€

โ€œHe and Tansybounceโ€ฆyou knowโ€ฆtheyโ€™re kinda a thing.โ€ Misttalon said, shrugging, โ€œIโ€™ve reconciled to that Ryllis.โ€

โ€œYou are a terrible liar.โ€ Amarylliswhistle said, nudging her gently, โ€œTansy isnโ€™t here. She left him Mist. Sheโ€™s in a different camp. At least try to talk to him. For me?โ€

Misttalon sighed, burying her face in her paws before muttering, โ€œFine. Iโ€™ll talk to him.โ€

โ€œGo girl!โ€ Amarylliswhistle crowed approvingly, โ€œIโ€™ll be rooting for you!โ€

โ€œOh, shut up.โ€

Heronface gets Faced Talks Politics

Heronface glanced over at his sister, trotting dutifully next to him, โ€œSo you understand what youโ€™re supposed to do?โ€ He asked her.

โ€œYup! Listen to you talk, and learn about how Swiftclan picks itโ€™s deputies and leader!โ€ Cheesepaw chirped happily, โ€œThat way, I can steal your job when Iโ€™m older!โ€

Heronface glanced down at her again, frowning slightly, โ€œRiiiight, weโ€™ll see about that last part, but sure.โ€

Cheesepaw just grinned cheekily up at her big brother, โ€œWhatever gives you imaginary job security!โ€ She chirped.

Heronface began to wonder if this was really a good idea, but by now it was too late. โ€œNow, today weโ€™re interviewing Stormrise and Hailstorm, siblings who were both appointed to their positions. So you see, they rely on charisma to keep their jobs, meaning that theyโ€™re great at talking to people.โ€

There was sudden screaming ahead of them, some of the words being ones that Cheesepaw had heard only occasionally before from her motherโ€™s den, while a cat was being treated for an extremely painful would. โ€œRight.โ€ She said skeptically.

Heronface winced, but kept on, rounding a tree to see the two grey cats, one lean and spotted, the other fluffy with water patches, shrieking at each other as their sister in law, Loonstar, watched in amusement.

Seeing their other siblings in law, the pair shut up quickly, still glaring at each other as they trotted over for their interview. โ€œHey Heron, waz up?โ€ Stormrise asked, grinning cheekily at his brother in law.

โ€œBe more professional, this is an interview.โ€ His sister hissed, batting angrily at his ears.

โ€œChill sis, itโ€™s just Heron and Cheese. How you doing kiddo?โ€ Stormrise asked, lifting a paw toward the apprentice.

Cheesepaw tapped her paw to his, saying pertly, โ€œExcellent, if this is the minimum requirement for deputy. I should be able to steal Heronโ€™s job by this time next year.โ€

Stormrise immediately doubled over in hysterics, staggering as cackles were torn from him as he struggled to breathe through his laughter. โ€œYouโ€ฆ.You better watch your back bro.โ€ He gasped, earning an eye roll from his sister, โ€œCheese is coming for you.โ€

โ€œOh, grow up Storm.โ€ Hailstorm said coldly, โ€œYou shouldnโ€™t be surprised the kidโ€™s ambitious, her bigs sis is the leader of the clan. Now come on, we have an interview to do.โ€

โ€œNo, I think Cheesepaw has actually seen enough, thank you though!โ€ Heronface said, hurrying his little sister away from the deputies.


The First Annual Swiftclan Olympics

Feral Cats Developing Culture: A Documentary

[ swiftclan consumes x20 mice, x12 vole and x1 hare ]

[ lilystep, wispwing, maplesun, cypressfall, dragonfire, and impclaw go hunting ]
[ luxx, sweetpelt, argusfang, cottonflight, fadedmoss, and lightningstrike go hunting ]
[ sheephop, smokefrost, snowsun, verglascry, gryphon, and falconeye go hunting ]
[ arumwillow, coal, shadow, nia, allanon, and fotam go hunting ]
[ vinecreek, soncha, rustpelt, anca, cherryfall, and eretria go hunting ]
[ bekka, amberle, wil, poppy, emori, and koi go hunting ]
[ indigosky, luxxstrike, rainfall, swiftstep, bramblingclaw, and arachnidswipe go hunting ]
[ sassafrassbrush, tinyscratch, leaffeather, cedarwisp, hopstorm, and pouncecloud go hunting ]
[ amarylliswhistle, willowgaze, meadowcry, tansybounce, zinniaface, and dustfang go hunting ]
[ misttalon, beebite, butterflywing, honeybee, jaggedmask, and sagenest go hunting ]
[ stormrise, rowan, aniella, hailstorm, oakshade, and missy patrol ]

[ rowanfern, brambleleaf, velvetflicker, strawberryfall, aloestem, gladestep, mottledberry, leafrush, sheephop, weslie, and luxx, go hunting for herbs ]

[ softheart is kitting! father is Black tabby Maine coon. anellia attends to ensure safe delivery ]
[ velvetflicker and gladestep try for another litter ]

(anellia, luxx, lixxstrike, stormrise, sheephop, hailstorm, arumwillow, oakshade, weslie, missy, and rowan have applicable powers)

[ loonstar requests a new member ]

[ all apprentices train ]


โžณ loonstar - female - 23
[ 9 lives left ]

โžณ stormrise - male - 33
(has Dia's powers)
โžณ hailstorm - female - 27
(has Diaโ€™s powers)


main camp
medicine cat
โžณ velvetflicker - female - 57

nursery helpers
โžณ swanlake - female - 43
( is deaf )
โžณ tangerinegaze - female - 53
โžณ aster - female - 31
( is deaf, on left )
โžณ weslie - male - 16
โžณ missy - female - 16
โžณ magnoliarose - female - 59
โžณ mintynose - female - 24
โžณ lavender - female - 31
( is blind, on right)

queens and kings
โžณ loonstar - female - 24
โžณ snakefang - female - 24
โžณ flickershine - female - 33
โžณ finchcloud - female - 47
โžณ sandflower - female - 47
โžณ hailclaw - female - 63
โžณ pebblenose - female - 29
โžณ daisysun - female - 39
โžณ fawnhop - female - 33
โžณ scorchmask - female - 51
โžณ anellia - female - 27
โžณ raccoontail - female - 24
โžณ teresa - female - 40
โžณ fluffytuft - female - 47
( is mute )
โžณ softheart - female - 31 ( 1 moon )

โžณ downykit - female - 4
โžณ tawnykit - female - 4
โžณ charkit - male - 4
โžณ willowkit - female - 4
โžณ thimblekit - male - 4
โžณ pinekit - male - 4
โžณ gossamerkit - female - 2
โžณ pieridaekit - female - 2
โžณ skipperkit - female - 2
โžณ arapaimakit - male - 2
โžณ zanderkit - male - 2
โžณ whitingkit - male - 2
โžณ dentexkit - male - 2
โžณ aqualegiakit - male - 2
โžณ idekit - male - 2
โžณ valeriankit - female - 2
โžณ burnetkit - female - 2
โžณ campionkit - female - 2
โžณ chanterellekit - male - 2
โžณ laburnumkit - female - 2
โžณ larchkit - male - 2
โžณ muntjackit - female - 2
โžณ vervainkit - male - 2
โžณ weaverkit - female - 2
โžณ mallowkit - female - 2
โžณ dahliakit - female - 2
โžณ brocadekit - female - 2
โžณ anisekit - female - 2
โžณ accentorkit - female - 2
โžณ avenkit - female - 2
โžณ woodsiakit - female - 2
โžณ gothickit - male - 2
โžณ pinionkit - female - 2
โžณ jimsonkit - male - 2
โžณ ruddkit - female - 2
โžณ begonakit - male - 2
โžณ hyacinthkit - female - 2

โžณ sweetsun - male - 83
โžณ hazel - female - 81
(back legs ruined, joints fused from the hips down)
โžณ primulagaze - male - 124


battle camp
medicine cat
โžณ brambleleaf - male - 32

โžณ nia - female - 54
โžณ atohl - male - 54
โžณ roan - male - 24
โžณ leo - male - 15
โžณ wintam - female - 43
โžณ violet - female - 35
โžณ koi - female - 31
โžณ allanon - male - 43
โžณ fotam - male - 49
โžณ gonplei - male - 57
โžณ soncha - female - 35
โžณ phoenix - female - 34
โžณ arion - male - 41
โžณ oakshade - male - 27
( dia's powers )
โžณ bubbleheart - male - 27
โžณ vinecreek - male - 69
โžณ rustpelt - male - 69
โžณ palenose - female - 33
โžณ thalia - female - 23
โžณ shadow - male - 23
โžณ lionsroar - male - 17
โžณ emori - female - 18
โžณ jace - male - 17
โžณ anca - female - 17
โžณ coal - male - 15
โžณ wil - male - 16
โžณ poppy - female - 15
โžณ cherryfall - female - 15
โžณ falconswoop - male - 15
โžณ eretria - female - 15
โžณ dawnfire - female - 27
โžณ bekka - female - 18
โžณ amberle - female - 17
โžณ arumwillow - female - 33
( luxx's powers )


tundra camp
โžณ lightningstrike - male - 51

medicine cat
โžณ strawberryfall - male - 58

โžณ argusfang - male - 52
โžณ cottonflight - female - 17
โžณ fadedmoss - female - 37
โžณ sheephop - female - 27
(has Luxxโ€™s powers)
โžณ smokefrost - agender - 34
(bio fem)
โžณ snowsun - female - 58
โžณ veraglascry - male - 43
โžณ gryphon - male - 34
โžณ robinpatch - male - 19
โžณ bluesight - male - 24
โžณ heatherfall - female - 24
โžณ sagenest - male - 25
โžณ bearslayer- male - 19

Border Clans - Medicine Store - Fresh-Kill Pile
Training - Deceased Cats - Family - Powers

training camp
โžณ dragonfire - female - 31

medicine cat
โžณ gladestep - male - 56

โžณ lilystep - female - 34
โžณ wispwing - male - 27
โžณ maplesun - male - 66
โžณ cypressfall - male - 40
โžณ dancingstripe - male - 60
โžณ impclaw - female - 24
โžณ leafcurl - male - 38
โžณ orangeleaf - female - 55
โžณ paleheart - male - 22
โžณ poppysong - female - 46
โžณ sweetpelt - female - 26
(bio male)
โžณ reedwhisker - male - 34
โžณ freckleheart - male - 36
( bio fem )

โžณ lavenderpaw - female - 12
โžณ aspenpaw - male - 11
โžณ houndpaw - male - 11
โžณcheesepaw - female - 11
โžณ tigerpaw - female - 11
โžณ sproutpaw - male - 9
โžณ minnowpaw - male - 9
( bio fem )
โžณโžณ gem - female - 9
โžณ falconpaw - male - 7
โžณ asphodelpaw - female - 7
โžณ sorrelpaw - female - 7
โžณ myrtlepaw - female - 7
โžณ angelicapaw - female - 7
โžณ aphidpaw - male - 7
โžณ diverpaw - male - 7
โžณ cygnetpaw - female - 7
โžณ greylingpaw - male - 7


mountain camp
โžณ heronface - male - 24

medicine cat
โžณ aloestem - male - 55

โžณ bearmask - male - 43
โžณ dipperwing - male - 39
โžณ liontuft - male - 32
โžณ pondfall - male - 24
โžณ rowan - male - 34
โžณ tyrannuletstep - male - 33
โžณ pumicetail - male - 33
โžณ rivergaze - male - 47
โžณ russetsplash - male - 50
โžณ chaserfang - male - 31
โžณ honeybee - male - 24
โžณ butterflywing - female - 24
โžณ beebite - male - 24
โžณ misttalon - female - 24
โžณ amarylliswhistle - male - 24
โžณ layla - female - 20
โžณ flurry - male - 20
โžณ kassandra - female - 20


plains camp
โžณ whimbrelstep - male - 27

medicine cat
โžณ rowanfern - female - 37

โžณ skysun - female - 61
โžณ sleetfall - male - 27
โžณ sloeface - female - 38
โžณ sushicry - male - 23
โžณ sweetbriar - female - 44
โžณ weaseldash - male - 22
โžณ wisteriadust - female - 27
โžณ wobbletuft - male - 19
โžณ comfreyshine - female - 17
โžณ manateecall - male - 31
โžณ smokefur - female - 38
โžณ stonepelt - molly - 16
โžณ gravelfur - female - 16
โžณ dustfang - female - 24
โžณ zinniaface - female - 24
โžณ tansybounce - female - 24
โžณ meadowcry - female - 24
โžณ willowgaze - male - 24
โžณ honeychirp - male - 14


swamp camp
โžณ killmonger - male - 25

medicine cat
โžณ mottledberry - female - 46

โžณ falconeye - male - 19
โžณ bounceheart - male - 34
โžณ breezeface - female - 34
โžณ brindlenose - female - 38
โžณ cloudgaze - male - 31
โžณ cottonfur - male - 35
โžณ daceflight - gender-fluid - 28
(bio male)
โžณ masondash - non-binary - 28
(bio male)
โžณ pumpkinpatch - male - 25
โžณ shadowflight - male - 54
โžณ pouncecloud - female - 24
โžณ hopstorm - female - 24
(twisted leg)
โžณ cedarwisp - male - 24
โžณ leaffeather - male - 24
โžณ tinyscratch - male - 24
โžณ sassafrassbrush - male - 25
โžณ agrimonyripple - female - 27
โžณ perseus - male - 13
โžณ reyna - female - 13
โžณ octavian - male - 13
( has Missyโ€™s training power )


ocean camp
โžณ papaverrose - male - 24

medicine cat
โžณ leafrush - male - 58

โžณ barknose - male - 53
โžณ dipperlull - female - 44
โžณ freddie - male - 36
โžณ indigosky - male - 35
โžณ luxx - male - 47
โžณ luxxstrike - male - 33
( luxx's powers )
โžณ rainfall - female - 33
โžณ swiftstep - male - 33
โžณ bramblingclaw - male - 25
โžณ arachnidswipe - male - 21
โžณ jaggedmask - male - 23
โžณ viceroycress - female - 22
โžณ jackdawpath - male - 14
โžณ hawkthorn - male - 18
โžณ kestrelwhisper - male - 18
โžณ sproutwhistle - male - 13
โžณ mothwhisker - female - 33
โžณ heatherpad - female - 31
โžณ lemondrop - female - 40
โžณ ramclaw - male - 46
( left )
โžณ helleboreheart - female - 44
( right )

Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
chat, my inbox is open!
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My CaK Kennel
I'm an amateur horse, cat,
and dog geneticist, so if
you are interested in any of
those, feel free to hit me up!
I'm always happy to chat!

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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sun Dec 30, 2018 11:58 am

The first leaves have begun to turn colors and drop in forest territories, signalling the beginning of leaf-fall and the coming snows for some. The chances of catching sickness or dying during birth will rise and the number of cats and prey passing through will drop.

As usual, please PM me if I skipped you or if I missed something in your post.

First Clans
Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Peachclan | Amberclan | Duneclan | Stoneclan | Dappleclan | Waveclan | Quartzclan | Hurricaneclan | Whisperclan

Second Clans
Paragonclan | Merryclan | Wiltedclan

Cattuccino wrote:

[ Woodtail's patrol catches x1 rabbit. ]
[ Stormwhisker and Gingerpaw find x1 honey, x1 ragwort, and x1 catmint. ]

[ Torpaw, Mischiefpaw, Fauna, and Buzzpaw learn a move. ]
[ Graypaw and Spotpaw pass their assessments. ]
[ Gingerpaw fails her assessments and will have to try again next moon. ]

[ Mudear cannot be sent out on patrols for one more post. ]
[ Quickflash and Duskwing have come down with a serious cough. They will each require x1 honey, x1 tansy, or x1 catmint and will require two more posts of rest. ]

[ Mod notes: I'll be sending you a coding update! I do have two questions for you, though: where did Twopaw go, and why is there a Gingerfur and a Gingerpaw who are the same age? In addition, you don't need for the cats to use both tansy and honey but rather they can use tansy or honey in order to heal. ]

faerie; wrote:

[ Dippertuft's patrol catches x1 big fish. ]
[ Jasper's patrol catches x2 voles. ]
[ Antheart's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Barknose's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Bumbletail and Poppyleaf find x1 coltsfoot, x1 marigold, and x1 beech. ]

[ All apprentices learn climbing. ]

[ Ivoryfang gives birth to two healthy kittens! ]

[ Starclan grants Ferretstar's request of an apprentice. ]

Yukon_ wrote:

[ Sootwhisker's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Flareheart's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Bristletuft's patrol catches x1 robin. ]
[ Hoperise's patrol catches x1 hare. ]
[ Spiderheart's patrol catches x2 frogs. ]
[ Ashfall's patrol catches x1 mouse. ]
[ Chamomilepounce's patrol catches x1 rainbow trout. ]
[ Yarrowpaw's patrol catches x1 rainbow trout. ]
[ The medicine cats find x1 watermint, x1 cob nut, x1 rush, x1 marigold, and x1 yarrow. ]

[ All apprentices with six moves learn balance. ]
[ All apprentices with four or fewer moves learn swimming. ]

[ Wrencry gives birth to two healthy kits! Both are mollies, both kits carry longhair, dilute, and non-silver, and only the second carries classic tabby. ]
[ Nettlefrost gives birth to three kits. Two are mollies and one is a tom. All kits carry longhair, non-tabby, and Siamese pointing. Unfortunately, one kit dies. ]

[ Starclan grants Hemlockstar's request of a warrior. ]

[ Mod notes: Happy holidays to you, too! Additionally, I gave Nettlefrost's daughters adult pictures because I couldn't find any good kitten
pictures. ]

clarke kom skaikru wrote:

[ Drizzlewish's patrol catches x1 salmon. ]
[ Nettlefoot's patrol catches x2 minnows. ]
[ Meadowstar's patrol catches x1 hare. ]
[ Ravenheart's patrol catches x1 crab. ]
[ Honeytail finds x1 cob nut and x1 chamomile. ]

[ All apprentices except for Twigpaw learn combat. ]
[ Twigpaw learns herb identification. ]

[ Serpenttongue gives birth to one kit, a molly who has a tortoiseshell base and carries longhair, non-tabby, classic tabby, and non-dominant
white. ]
[ Heathernose gives birth to one kit, a tom who is golden-shaded and carries non-wideband. ]

[ Wiltedclan will starve in two posts. ]
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ash second clan reply

Postby akame, » Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:15 pm

kacchan, wrote:

( โ โŠฐ โ” ASH'S SUB REPLIES - SECOND CLANS) @ Phina D Wolf ; isle of pagtuklas
โ” the great council look down at welksoul with their intimidating gazes.
from elsewhere, kalusugan opens their eyes. a destiny has been laid before
them, all they must do is trust their paws to lead them to their fate.

( welksoul has been granted her mapakali espiritu, her trusted second in command. )
hopefully i got this right;;; apologizes phina if its not what you wanted :")


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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:16 pm

Number of Cats: 51 (10 kits)
Number of Servings: 9
Next Ruins Visit: Whenever
Next Birth: N/A
Mod Notes: N/A
Cats to Find:


Stormfang rolled his eyes. Ahead of him, Windfeather and Adderbreeze were giggling and whispering secretly to themselves. Adderbreeze's face was lit up with joy and her eyes were bright with laughter. The sight made his heart burn. How dare a tom make her laugh? She was his. He was the father of her kits. Not that anyone knew that, of course, but it was the truth. Even though he was mates with Squirrelheart, he was still deeply in love with the she-cat in front of him. The promise he made had been hard to keep lately. Squirrelheart was so clingy. Every night she had to have him curled around her. He wished desperatly that it was Adderbreeze. He knew it was wrong to think that, but to be fair he never really wanted to be Squirrelheart's mate. Adderbreeze had begged him to and he did it to please her. Windfeather cast a sideways glance at her, his cheeks turning hot. He murmured something to her and Adderbreeze smiled sweetly, blushing. Fury burned Stormfang's heart. He stomped between them and lashed his tail. "Stop the chit-chat." He growled "Our Clan is in trouble and we have a job to do. Now is not the time to be discussing what you had for breakfast this morning." Windfeather pushed his chest out. "We're just trying to keep our spirits up, Stormfang." The white tom warned "You should try it." Stormfang whipped his head around, wrinkling his nose. "Okay, okay." Adderbreeze meowed, stepping between the two "Don't get your tails in a twist." She turned to Windfeather and nodded to him, telling him that they would meet up later. She stayed behind as the tom nodded in return and continued with the patrol. As soon as the rest of the group was out of sight, Adderbreeze glared at Stormfang. "What is your problem?" She hissed. The tom looked away and huffed. "You two look like you're getting close." He murmured. Adderbreeze stared at him "Yea, we are. He's a good cat. Why, are you jealous?" She smirked. His face reddened. "J-Jealous?" He scoffed "Absolutely not. Why would I be jealous of Windfeather?" Adderbreeze moved closer to him. "Maybe because he's doing things you can't. Like flirting with me." She said slyly. The grey tom's ears shot up. "Flirting?" He growled "With you?" She nodded. The tom curled his lip. "How dare he!" Stormfang growled "Doesn't he know you're taken?" The she-cat waved her tail. "Stormfang, I'm not your mate. Sure, I love you and you're Hawkpaw and Thunderpaw's father, but you need to be devoted to Squirrelheart." She reminded him. Then, seeing his reaction, added: "You made me a promise." She meowed firmly. Stormfang sighed and looked at her. "I still love you, Adderbreeze. I always will. I want you to be happy. And if Windfeather makes you happy, I can't object. But if he hurts you, you can make sure he'll pay for it." Adderbreeze giggled and pressed her muzzle to his cheek. "Thank you, Stormfang." She purred quietly. The two stayed there for a few heartbeats longer before they continued on the patrol path.


Viperstar's tail flicked lazily. He way laying in the sun on top of the outcrop, surveying the Clan. Ever since his takeover, the cats of BearClan had been understandably cautious around him. The leader had even caught word that there was a group planning on leaving. It was still a rumor, but Viperstar was staying vigilant. When he had returned from getting his nine lives, cats greeted him with scandalous whispers. Obviously, he needed to gain their trust. Otterfur licked a paw and drew it over his face. The tall deputy was sitting beside the tom. "Otterfur," Viperstar sighed "How do I get my Clan to like me?" Otterfur looked over at his leader and licked his lips. "Well, Viperstar, they can't relate to you, I don't think. You need to be able to make them see you as something else than a warrior." The sand-colored tom scoffed. "Otterfur I've been a part of the Clan for ages. These cats know me." The brown tom shrugged. "Maybe they need to see that you're settled. Really dedicated to your position, y'know? Confident. Willing to go the next step." He suggested. "And how would I do that?" Viperstar asked, itching his ear with his hind paw. Otterfur's green eyes flicked over the cats below him. His gaze rested on a black and white pelt. A smirk crawled its way across his muzzle and he cleared his throat, motioning with his tail. Viperstar followed his gaze and furrowed his brow. "Ravencloud?" He inquired "What's she have to do with this?" Otterfur chuckled and leaned down to meet his leader's level. "She's in love with you dude." He whispered. Viperstar's eyes widened and his heart started to race. In love with him? What? "S-she's what?" he whispered "Are you sure?" Otterfur straightened up again and nodded. "Positive. I overheard her telling Grassheart how head over paws she was for you." The leader licked his lips. "What do you want me to do about it." "Talk to her." The deputy said, prodding him in the shoulder "Maybe you'll like her too. If you have a mate, it'll show the Clan that you're not completely heartless." Viperstar glared at his deputy and rose to his feet. "Fine, but nothing's going to happen." He grunted and slithered down the side of the outcrop. He spotted Ravencloud and sighed. What was he doing. 'Not completely heartless', really? Was he really that bad? The wary looks of the cats he passed seemed to give him the answer. Viperstar walked proudly over to his target. The she-cat was talking quietly with Turtlegaze in the middle of camp. Once he reached the pair, he cleared his throat. "V-Viperstar!" Ravencloud gasped. Her face turned bright red when she saw him. Maybe she did have a crush on him. He gave her a charming smirk and looked at Turtlegaze. "Would you mind going on the hunting patrol? Lionclaw needs one more member." He asked. The tortoishell cat nodded. "Sure thing." Turtlegaze smiled weakly and dipped her head to her companions before trotting to the camp entrance. Viperstar watched as she met up with Lionclaw. The tom watched her as well, eyes trained on the back of her head as she exited the camp, then followed her out. Ravencloud took a step forward but Viperstar placed a paw in front of her to block her path. "Oh?" She murmered "Do you need something Viperstar?" The tom blinked at her and grinned. "I was wondering if you wanted to talk." Ravencloud's eyes widened and she cleared her throat, trying to control her pounding heart. She nodded slowly. "O-of course." She whispered. Viperstar curled his tail behind him and motioned with his head toward the entrance. "Let's go for a walk."

[Viperstar and Ravencloud become mates and try for kits]
[Weaselfur, Otterfur, Hollypounce, and Deerleap patrol]
[Wrenpond, Turtlegaze, Hollypounce, and Lionclaw hunt]
[Wolfbreeze, Stormfang, Windfeather, and Adderbreeze hunt]
[Darkpaw takes his final assessment. If he passes, he will return as Darkmask]
[Weaselfur teaches Ashpaw Stealth]
[Rainwing teaches Stonepaw Climbing]
[Quailthroat teaches Shrewpaw Climbing]
[Turtlegaze teaches Starlingpaw Battle]
[Swiftwind teaches Shrikepaw Climbing]
[Stormfang teaches Thunderpaw Battle]
[Batfur teaches Hawkpaw Battle]
[Fognose teaches Badgerpaw Hunting]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[The Clan consumes x3 hares]

          Viperstar | 59 m | M | X

          Otterfur | 60 m | M | X
          Lionclaw | 52 m | M | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Minkblossom | 68 m | F | X

          Cougarleap | 44 m | M | X
          Batfur | 44 m | M | X
          Weaselfur | 78 m | M | X
          Grassheart | 46 m | F | X
          Ravencloud | 47 m | F | X
          Stormfang | 37 m | M | X
          Gingerstem | 49 m | F | X
          Quailthroat | 54 m | F | X
          Fognose | 31 m | F | X
          Deerleap | 45 m | F | X
          Swiftwind | 28 m | M | X
          Wrenpond | 40 m | F | X
          Nightclaw | 40 m | M | X
          Wisteriawind | 59 m | F | X
          Nightfur | 25 m | M| X
          Elmstream | 25 m | F| X
          Talonsky | 25 m | M| X
          Robinheart | 24 m | M| X
          Campionfang | 45 m | M | X
          Turtlegaze | 38 m | F | X
          Rabbitspark | 50 m | F | X
          Wolfthorn | 54 m | M | X
          Rainwing| 73 m | F | X
          Hickorywind | 18 m | M | X
          Acornfall | 18 m | F | X
          Adderbreeze | 31 m| F | X
          Squirrelheart | 31 m | F | X
          Hareshadow | 20 m | M | X
          Windfeather | 33 m | M | X
          Astercry | 31 m | F | X
          Hollypounce | 18 m | F | X
          Wolfbreeze | 24 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Darkpaw | 18 m | M | X
          Ashpaw | 11 m | M | X
          Stonepaw | 9 m | M | X
          Shrewpaw | 9 m | M | X
          Starlingpaw | 9 m | F | X
          Shrikepaw | 9 m | F | X (Asthmatic)
          Thunderpaw | 9 m | M | X
          Hawkpaw | 9 m | F | X
          Badgerpaw | 7 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rosemist | 54 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Thornkit | 2 m | M | X
          Burrkit | 2 m | M | X
          Sparkkit | 2 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Oaktooth | 126 m | M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | KwamiClan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | HurricaneClan | Yukon_Shadows

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | Stops bleeding | x1
    Chervil | Helps queens give birth | x1
    Marigold | Stops infection | x2
    Poppy Seeds | Eases Pain | x2
    Mouse Bile | Removes ticks | x3
    Broom | Helps broken bones | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Brings down swelling/induces vomiting| x1
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Dock | Helps soothe scratches | x2
    Willow Bark | Eases pain | x3
    Tormentil | Extracts poison | x1
    Blackberry Leaf | Eases bee stings | x1
    Lovage | Helps cure coughs | x1
    Parsley | Stops a queen from producing milk | x1
    Ivy | Used to store other herbs in | x3
    Chamomile | Calms a cat down and gives strength | x1
    Wild Garlic | Prevents infection when rolled in, esp. rat bites | x2
    Ragwort | Treats aching joints | x1
    Goldenrod | Heals wounds | x1
    Borage | Brings down fever, reduces belly and chest pain, and helps queens produce more milk| x1
    Bright-Eye | Helps cure coughs | x1
    Coltsfoot | Eases Breathing | x1
    Lamb's Ear | Gives strength | x1
    Wintergreen | Treats wounds and poisons | x1
    Bindweed | Helps mend broken limbs | x2
    Raspberry Leaf | Used to help queens during kitting | x0
    Stick | Used to bite down when a cat is in pain | x2
    Mallow | Soothes Bellyache | x2
    Beech Bark | Unknown Usage | x1
    Alder Bark | Helps toothache | x1
    Rush | Holds a broken limb in place | x2
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Rosemary | Hides scent of death | x1
    Horsetail | Treats infection | x1
    BlackBerry Leaf | Eases bee stings | x1
    Lungwort | Cures Yellowcough | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x12 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x6 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x5 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x9 | 2 servings
    Hare | x4 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves (hunting, battle strategy, climbing, stealth, swimming)
    Cindertail| Darkpaw | 10 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, Stealth, swimming
    Weaselfur | Ashpaw | 4 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, Stealth
    Rainwing | Stonepaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle
    Quailthroat | Shrewpaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle
    Turtlegaze | Starlingpaw | 2 | Hunting
    Swiftwind | Shrikepaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle
    Stormfang | Thunderpaw | 2 | Hunting
    Batfur | Hawkpaw | 2 | Hunting
    Fognose | Badgerpaw | 0 |

    Stone Pool:
    Cat Name | Number of Stones Left
    Cougarleap | 3
    Batfur | 3
    Rabbitspark| 2
    Weaselfur | 3
    Grassheart | 3
    Wisteriawind | 3
    Ravencloud | 3
    Stormfang | 3
    Gingerstem | 3
    Quailthroat| 3
    Otterfur | 3
    Adderbreeze | 3
    Fognose | 3
    Squirrelheart | 2
    Deerleap | 3
    Astercry | 3
    Nightclaw | 3
    Swiftwind | 3
    Nightfur | 3
    Elmstream | 3
    Talonsky | 2
    Robinheart | 3
    Rosemist| 3
    Campionfang | 3
    Turtlegaze| 3
    Wolfthorn | 3
    Rainwing| 3
    Hickorywind | 3
    Acornfall | 3

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]
    Dunewing | Died from wounds caused by the bear | X
    Cedarsplash | Died from wounds caused by the bear | X
    Thistlepaw | Froze to Death| X
    Cherrypaw | Froze to Death | X
    Flickerkit | Weakness after birth | X
    Wasppaw | Killed by Otterfur | X
    Cindertail | Killed by the Bear | X
    Lilypaw | Killed by a Fox | X
    Sandstep | Killed by a Fox | X
    Slatestar | Finished off by Vipersun | X

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Sandstep, Vipersun
    ??? and Cedarsplash | Adderbreeze, Fognose, Squirrelheart
    Batfur and Quailthroat | Nightfur, Elmstream, Talonsky
    Thornshard (HurricaneClan) and Wisteriawind |Darkpaw, Hollypounce, Wrencry, Bristletuft, Robinheart (foster)
    ??? and ??? | Cedarsplash, Wrenpond
    Aster(rogue) and Wrenpond | Thistlepaw, Hickorywind, Acornfall, Cherrypaw
    Cindertail and Rabbitspark| Flickerkit, Lilypaw, Ashpaw
    Unknown (Stormfang) and Adderbreeze| Thunderpaw, Hawkpaw
    Stormfang and Squirrelheart | Stonepaw, Shrewpaw, Starlingpaw, Shrikepaw
    Duststorm (HurricaneClan) and Astercry | Lynxkit, Hornetkit, Badgerpaw
    Wasppaw and Splashfeather (SnakeClan) | Thornkit, Waspkit (SC)
    ??? And ??? | Rosemist, Wolfthorn
    Otterfur and Rosemist | Burrkit, Sparkkit
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ellipses » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:19 pm

the black-toothed grinners

    amidst the oceanside town of gravewater is the legendary wreckage of the great damnation of the rambler, the ship of the infamous pirate crew, the black-toothed grinners. led by captain john "red-scarf" ferlough, they ruled over the seven seas... that is, until a devastating storm ravaged the damnation, capsizing her and leaving her beached on the rocky shores of gravewater. only two of the forty-seven crewmen made it out alive that fateful night - a cabin boy by the name of marcus hallows, and the ship's cat, sparrow. while marcus returned to his family, sparrow remained on the ship he'd called home. while the crew he'd once called family had long since been swept out to sea, sparrow kept their memories alive by starting his own crew - the new and improved black-toothed grinners were slowly but surely rising to greatness.

    the black-toothed grinners are vastly different from a clan, but still can be considered as such through their ranking system. there is, in order: the captain, his first mate, the doctor, the infantry, the cabin crew, the battle maidens, the seadogs, and the kits.
    there are certain traditions and ceremonies the black-toothed grinners follow; for an infantry assessment, the cabin crew must venture down from the wreckage and steal one piece of treasure from the twolegs. only when they bring back something of value may they be promoted to infantrymen.

    the only real dangers that the black-toothed grinners face are the rising tide (should it get too high and a cat is in a lower deck, they will surely drown), twolegs who've been lured in by the mystery of the shipwreck, and stray dogs that lurk around gravewater, scavenging for their next meal.

i've opted to restart my clan; i will be keeping dahlia, gwyn, zerkluftet, reinhilde, and klitzkleine, though i would like to request a new founder.
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