Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

highgarden ♕ sixteen

Postby eagle, » Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:52 pm

      total 47
      servings 8
      pebbles 55
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods anytime
      kitting tawnyrose
      injury none
      archive xx
      font credit x x

paragraphsnow crunched under his paws and stuck into the crevices between his pads, but otterfur knew that he had to keep moving, had to put as much distance as possible between himself and what had happened. so he walked. he walked until his paws were numb from walking, numb from the freezing cold of the snow. he walked until it was all he knew how to do, and he kept his eyes forward. for looking back meant that he might lose his resolve and that he himself might crumble. leafbare was harsh, but he had no choice but to persevere. otterfur had no real sense of direction, moving only forward to the next spot, one foot in front of the other, stopping only when food and rest was absolutely necessary. when he'd lost everything else in his life that he cared about, moving forward was his only purpose for staying alive. if nothing else, his travel gave him a chance to see some of the world that he once might never have come across if not for putting the past behind him. an expansive and windy moor, crossed mountains, on and on through forest after forest. he crossed distinct borders that marked clan territory, but did his best to stay out of the way of passing patrols, and away from any areas where the scent of strange cats was particularly strong.
paragraphuntil, at last, he arrived at the lake. it was a lovely sight, glittering in the afternoon beams of cold light from the sun overhead. it would only be a matter of time until sunset, he supposed, and the ground was hardened from ice and the cold, but otterfur didn't mind it. in fact, he didn't find himself minding much of anything anymore. how could he, after he'd lost so much and done so many things that a decent cat couldn't be proud of? he'd lost his best friend to some sort of tyrannical madness that led him to nearly destroy bearclan, he lost the only mate he'd ever had, he'd killed his apprentice, and his sons... his regrets piled on, one on top of another, on top of another. with each step he took away from bearclan, another name passed through his head of those he'd let down, or those he had betrayed or violated.
paragraphthe edges of the lake were crusted with ice, and otterfur reached out to touch it. when he pressed down, a spiderweb of cracks began to form, radiating outward in a seemingly randomly pattern from the epicenter of contact. if he hadn't known better, he might have said that it was some sort of poetic irony, that it symbolized something extremely profound as if some greater reflection on his past. but it was just ice, and ice cracked when layered so thin over the dark lake water. it was only when a voice carried on the air, too close for comfort, that otterfur's gaze snapped up to attention, and he stared into pale green eyes. "i wouldn't do that, if i were you," the cat called out, and otterfur's eyes swiveled, seeking out any additional signs of other cats. "it's like i've been telling everyone, chills are more dangerous than anyone thinks that they are. it starts with a sniffle and shortness of breath, and then it gets worse." there was a sigh, and otterfur regarded the cat carefully, only to feel his eyes widen when the cat shook his head and swished his tail. "anyway, are you coming, or not?"
paragraphotterfur blinked, rose to his paws. "what are you saying? go where?" again, his gaze searched the surrounding area for other flashes of fur. "who are you?" he heard himself ask, only for the cat to let out a laugh, so carefree and uninhibited that it took the skinny brown tom aback.
paragraph"i'm merlinsong, highgarden's herbalist," the strange tom said, only to pad forward, closer to otterfur when the brown tom just blinked at him again. merlinsong's whiskers twitched with amusement. "no? doesn't ring any bells?" merlinsong asked, only to let out another sigh when otterfur shook his head. "no, i guess not. we don't tend to venture too far from the valley, you know," he said, though otterfur didn't know. when merlinsong gestured again off in the direction he had originally come from, and otterfur could only follow the stranger's lead, too travel-weary to try and argue. instead he was forced to listen as he rattled on. "it's like softglow's been trying to tell tawnyrose - oh, you'll meet them both soon enough, the king and queen of highgarden, of course - we need to work on how other clans see us. tawnyrose - oh, don't worry, she plays up a lot colder than she actually is, in my opinion, i'm sure she'll warm up to you in no time - anyway, like i was saying, tawnyrose likes to think that we're different than other clans, that we don't follow in the same pawsteps that they do. so we don't go to many gatherings and tend to contact only border clans," merlinsong continued with a nonchalant shrug. "so it's no surprise that you haven't heard of us before." together they walked, otterfur's long legs covering more ground that merlinsong, though he kept pace, following him through the snowbanks. "but you'll find out all about highgarden, when you stick around, and -"
paragraph"i never said that i would stay," otterfur said, suddenly halting altogether. "i don't know anything about your clan. and i'm perfectly fine on my own." his thoughts ran through the most recent scars from bearclan. the bear itself, viperstar and lionclaw, being driven out. "i think i'm better off on my own."
paragraphbut merlinsong's expression was incredulous when he faced otterfur properly. the dark tail swished against the snowy ground. "funny, i thought you looked a lot smarter than that. no one is better on their own. and anyone who thinks that way clearly hasn't been in the best of company lately." otterfur couldn't help the sharp, toneless laugh that he let out at the though, and merlinsong flashed a crooked smile. "i rest my case," merlinsong said, though otterfur merely flicked his ear. "i don't know what you've been through, but i can tell you that highgarden is different. take that however you want, but we've got cats who come from everywhere. and everyone has secrets. no one's perfect, but highgarden's a good place for a new start. if you meet us, you might just like us." then merlinsong flicked his tail. "though i can tell you that not everyone is anywhere near as entertaining as i am."
paragraphat that, otterfur couldn't help but crack a grin, eyeing merlinsong with a new light. he was strange, sure, and otterfur didn't know anything about him, but he'd left viperstar to get a chance for a new start. highgarden: he doubted there was such a thing as paradise, but he was tired of walking without a purpose, and here was a second chance tossed at his paws. "i think it'd be hard to find anyone quite like you," he said, and merlinsong's eyes glittered with amusement.
paragraph"oh, i knew you would catch on quickly, you've got that spark in you," merlinsong said, letting out a satisfied purr. "you can tell me more about you while we walk back, alright? i'd prefer to get home before my paws freeze," merlinsong said, and otterfur dipped his head. they began to walk again, and mountains rose into view in the middle of the territory, capped in snow, before otterfur's eyes.
paragraph"my name's otterfur," he started, well-aware that there would be many things he would keep to himself, some details that were worth omitting if he wanted a fresh start. some details would need to be omitted completely, but others he could keep. "i came this way from bearclan. i had to walk quite a way to get here, bearclan isn't anywhere near here."
paragraph"bearclan," merlinsong echoed, his eyes round. "why the name?"
paragraphotterfur let out a long exhale. "well, originally, slatestar said that it was because he wanted a strong clan. but, if you could believe it, there was actually a bear." merlinsong's surprised reply was carried on the wind in a cloud of fog when he huffed out a breath. and, like that, they exchanged stories while they walked through the snow, into the heart of highgarden territory.

paragraph"tawnyrose!" bluetcrest called from the middle of the camp as soon as the queen emerged from her den, and she could only sigh heavily and roll her eyes as her dearest friend dashed from the cluster of roses and knights to her side. "it's still cold in camp, you're better off being inside," bluetcrest was saying, and tawnyrose touched her nose to his cheek to try and quiet him. he pulled back and shot her a fierce glance. "i'm serious, tawnyrose. merlinsong will shred my ears if he finds out that you're at risk for a cold or worse," her attendant said.
paragraph"you need to relax," tawnyrose said, brushing past him, "i'm not leaving the camp. merlinsong said that it would be good for me to stretch my legs every now and then. these strolls around camp are herbalist-endorsed," she assured bluetcrest, who pressed close to her flank, as if to offer his own body heat to her. "i swear, you're more worried than i am," tawnyrose teased, and bluetcrest merely scoffed.
paragraph"well someone has to be worried. this is the future of highgarden, this is the future queen!" he said, and tawnyrose purred quietly, leaning her head against bluetcrest's for a long moment.
paragraph"you're right, but the next queen will have to wait a long while. i'm not done leading yet," tawnyrose said, and bluetcrest managed a laugh at that. together, they round back to where bluetcrest had left the roses and knights who still needed to be sent out on patrols for the day. tawnyrose exchanged a smile with tigergaze and smokemane, who were chatting between themselves, and she brushed her cheek affectionately against flickersky's. then she turned back to bluetcrest. "i'll be fine, handle this," she instructed him, already going to wave her tail to silence him when he opened his mouth to argue, but another voice came from behind tawnyrose.
paragraph"i'll walk with our queen for a little bit, since i just got back," birchflame said casually, and bluetcrest's sharp yellow gaze locked on tawnyrose's eyes before the attendant sighed and nodded once and turned back to mapleshadow. by the rigid line of her friend's spine, tawnyrose could tell that bluetcrest wasn't entirely pleased, but she turned her attention to birchflame instead, and the large knight studied her face when she padded to him.
paragraph"i will warn you that laps around camp can be quite boring," she said, and birchflame let out a warm laugh.
paragraph"we'll see about that. it's my honor to walk with the queen." and so they began, taking their time as they strolled. as winter was beginning to loosen its hold, the snow had begun to melt. softglow had organized cats to finish clearing the slush from the camp, and bassflow and otterfur, the new knight, had done a good job as volunteers for the tedious project. as they walked, birchflame made a point to steer tawnyrose away from any puddles or mud, and he smiled kindly at her. "how are you feeling, by the way?" he asked, and tawnyrose flicked him with her tail.
paragraph"oh no, you aren't allowed to start with me too," she said, and birchflame chuckled in kind. "i'm fine. cats have kits all of the time, and everyone here is acting as if this is so different." she'd already had to sit through lectures from merlinsong and bluetcrest, and she was not ready to have birchflame create an issue as well.
paragraphstill, the ginger tom hummed thoughtfully. "you're right, but this clan adores you, you're our queen," he commented after a beat. as if on cue following his statement, foxspark, racoonslip, and wolfhowl called out a greeting to the queen, who smiled warmly after them as they ran past to catch up to where mapleshadow was taking out a patrol. "and they'll love your kits," he added when the knights and rose were out of earshot. tawnyrose didn't miss the hint of bitterness hiding between his words. she set her jaw.
paragraphwhen she first when to birchflame to tell him that she was pregnant, she knew that he would understand everything that went with it. the kits were his, no doubt about it, but the odds that he would ever be able to claim them as his were slim. even if it was suspected, even if it was known that the kits weren't softglow's, claiming them as his kits would be detrimental to their claim as heirs, and to tawnyrose's status as queen. he understood this, though that didn't mean that he liked it by any means. "of course they'll love them. everyone loves kits," tawnyrose said, nodding politely to otterfur when he passed, managing a tight smile at the pair. "what do you think of him?" she asked, dropping her voice to a whisper.
paragraphbirchflame was silent for a moment, only to shoot a glance over his shoulder towards otterfur. "haven't spoken to him much. went hunting with him the other evening. a little quiet, a little jumpy," birchflame said, then shrugged. "he was talking to hurricanejaw, though, so that must be a good sign," he added, and tawnyrose bobbed her head, noncommittal. then he cleared his throat and spoke again, "whenever a new cat comes here, i can't help but think of when clovershine and i came here," he said, and tawnyrose sent his a sideways glance, though he tipped his head back to look at the clear blue sky. "it feels like so long ago, now. i wonder where i would be if we hadn't found highgarden."
paragraphtawnyrose expected him to say something further, though birchflame lapsed into silence. her whiskers twitched. "and?" she urged. "what do you come up with? is it better than here?"
paragraphbirchflame flicked his ear and blinked at the sky for a moment longer. then he met her gaze and smiled broadly. "that's the thing, i can't imagine anything better than here. even if i tried, highgarden is perfect. i have my best friend, the other knights and roses are great..." he trailed off, but his eyes remained fixed on tawnyrose, who shook her head, scoffing.
paragraph"you're obligated to say that, you know," she said. "it would've been insulting if you didn't."
paragraphbirchflame's fur brushed against hers when he maneuvered her carefully around a puddle of mud, though he lingered close for a moment longer than necessary, and tawnyrose's eyes drew back to his face. "but you know that i mean it," he said, and they both looked up when dippernose passed by, herding the thorns away from their den as he cleared away a branch that had fallen from a tree during one of the recent snowstorms. dippernose waved his tail at them, his mouth full of tree bark. tawnyrose and birchflame lingered long enough to greet him kindly in turn, before they padded away, and birchflame lowered his voice. "there's no place i'd rather be than by your side, you know that," he said, and tawnyrose glanced around the clearing, mindful of who might be listening in.
paragraph"you know what i said," she replied, forcing herself to keep her expression school and formal, as if she had been speaking with anyone else, if birchflame was smallheart, betonypetal, or hurricanejaw. "i'm glad that they're yours," she said, when birchflame's expression tightened. "but this isn't easy for anyone, this is just how it has to be. maybe, eventually, it can be different. but for now, right now, this is what is." she expected it when birchflame ducked his head for just a moment before he regained his facade and nodded.
paragraph"i know, i'm trying to understand," he said, and tawnyrose blinked sympathetically at him. "everyone is still going to know."
paragraph"and it'll be my word against theirs. if they love me as much as you say they do, then they'll learn to be blind to some things," she said, and birchflame let out a laugh at that at last, either from surprise or otherwise at such bold confidence, tawnyrose couldn't immediately tell.
paragraph"i'm just excited to see them," he said. "heir of highgarden. it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" birchflame added, this time nodding to ferretwhisker as they paused at the nursery. ferretwhisker grinned broadly and wrapped her tail over her paws. before her, her kits were still taking in the vast sights of the highgarden camp, briarkit and daisykit speaking gently to them in low tones. since pythoneyes came the moon before, the sisters had opened up considerably, even giggling and smiling when tawnyrose's eyes passed over them.
paragraph"it certainly does. it'll be a cause for much celebration, i'm positive," ferretwhisker said. "and quillkit has already been asking when they can get new playmates since briarkit and daisykit are leaving the nursery soon."
paragraphtawnyrose purred, deciding to settle down beside ferretwhisker, and birchflame sat at her other shoulder. "oh, i'm sure we can figure out some special occasion to welcome them," she said, not missing birchflame's grin at the idea. ferretwhisker, however, let out a loud purr and touched her nose to tawnyrose's shoulder delicately, and tawnyrose listed to her ideas as the kits played and the clan moved about the camp, preparing for the coming close of winter and everything that would be coming next in due time.

paragraphthe sky was clear while hornetshade sat guard for the night, his tail curled neatly over his paws. the front tunnel had been quiet for most of the night since the moonhigh patrol left with newtmask leading, the patrol leaving just as hornetshade relieved sandstrike from duty, and the pale molly had all but stumbled back to the den, exhausted from a long day. hornetshade hadn't slept well in seasons, and he stared up at the moon, feeling wide awake. while many of the roses and knights dreaded the rotation of night guard duty, hornetshade was known for filling in when someone was needed to take a late patrol or would be scheduled for the dawn patrol. he liked the peace that came in the middle of the night, in the period of time after the dusk patrol had returned and most cats were in their dens, before the moonhigh patrol was due to arrive back and before the dawn patrol was coming together. it gave him the chance to either think deeply about his day, or to zone and trust his senses, to think of nothing at all. he found solace in the feeling that he was the only cat in the world wide awake, that there was only him and the night noises of distant birdsong and his clanmates' slumber. he watched over the clan, and the moon and stars watched over him.
paragraphhornetshade heard the pawsteps from across the camp, the gentle brush of fur against the cold ground, and instinct kicked in. before he had the chance to take in scent, he stood and whirled around. a beat passed, and he stared into ferretwhisker's clear blue eyes. if there was one thing he remembered of her from their shared past, it was that ferretwhisker's real smile was distinct and delicate, so slight and gentle, but made any cat feel noticed and adored when directed to them. as a kit, he had done much to get her attention, when she was just a young warrior. now, he flicked his ear and sat back down, face turned towards the camp entrance. "can't sleep?" he asked at last, and ferretwhisker settled a tail-length away from him. a calculated and careful distance.
paragraph"how could we, after everything?" ferretwhisker replied, and hornetshade flicked his ear again in answer. then: "hornetshade... how did you ever decide on that name? your mother would have been appalled -" she began, though hornetshade finally felt his patience crack completely and he hissed low in his throat, cutting her off.
paragraph"you don't get to say anything about her," he growled, though ferretwhisker didn't so much as twitch. their gazes locked and hornetshade spat indignantly. "besides, after what happened, i doubt her greatest concern would have been that i changed my name. it was for protection - you should know that. you should've changed your name too." he shuffled his forepaws then, scraped against the top layer of dirt and dead grass that hadn't survived through the winter moons. "i was never supposed to see anyone from then again, and now you show up again, just like you did that night, and you act like we're supposed to be friends," he said, trailing off with a shake of his head.
paragraphferretwhisker rolled her eyes, unsympathetic. "after everything i did, you'd think that you might've been a little more thankful," she shot back, and hornetshade forced his fur to remain flat against the back of his neck, deciding to let her finish speaking. "they were chasing you, you're lucky that i'm the one who found you. you were still a kit, they would've swallowed you whole if they'd gotten their chance to get you. you're lucky i let you go and led them away," ferretwhisker said, and her eyes burned hot when their gazes locked again. then, she dropped her head for a moment and let out a prolonged sigh, regaining her composure before she glanced at the young tom again. "when montgomery overthrew thrushstar, we didn't know that anyone was supposed to get hurt. we thought we were making the clan better -"
paragraph"by killing the half of the clan that didn't follow him?" hornetshade cut in, his voice cracking halfway through. "you tell me, ferretwhisker, how does that make any sense?" he felt his entire body tremble from the emotion that welled up, had been piling on for seasons. since he got to highgarden, the entire time before highgarden. "my mother did nothing, and she was killed. and you didn't do anything to try and stop it. you just let it happen, and that makes you just as horrible as montgomery, you must know that."
paragraph"i helped you," ferretwhisker whispered, and hornetshade turned his head away from her.
paragraph"after it was too late, after you already had all their blood on your paws. and you just told me to run, i didn't even know if you would kill me the moment i had my back turned. i still don't know that you aren't leading him here to do it again in highgarden," hornetshade said, and ferretwhisker appeared unable to meet his eyes this time. he let out a watery laugh. "right, that's what i mean." he stood then and shook out his fur, turned away from ferretwhisker. "i'm still on guard duty. i need to do rounds of the camp." he paused mid-step, however, when ferretwhisker spoke up again.
paragraph"why haven't you told anyone?" she asked, and hornetshade glanced back to her over his shoulder. he shrugged.
paragraph"you have small kits. they haven't done any wrong," he said, took another step, and paused again. "when they turn four moons, just remember that that's how old i was when you helped murder my mother and destroy our clan." with that, he padded away from ferretwhisker, leaving her to sit alone in front of the camp entrance with the moon shining brightly overhead.

paragraphin the time he'd been in highgarden, pythoneyes found that he was settling in nicely, was happy to have a home that seemed quite safe and secure, was happy that he managed to track down briarkit and daisykit. he was glad that the kits seemed to enjoy their new clan as well and had taken to the younger kits and the thorns that were only a few moons older than them. originally, when the highgarden cats found the sisters, they said that they'd been extremely quiet, acting more like two shadows than two young kits. thankfully, it seemed that they had managed to warm up more since they recognized pythoneyes from their past home. pythoneyes spent the majority of his days helping out on patrols, more than happy to volunteer his time to seek out hard to find prey and learn more about the highgarden borders, though his evenings and nights were spent in the nursery with his best friend's kits, making sure that they were happy.
paragraph"are you both excited to start your training soon?" pythoneyes asked them. across the nursery, ferretwhisker had managed to round up her kits and fit them in her nest. elkkit was complaining about going to bed so soon, saying that he wasn't even tired until his argument was broken off with a yawn, earning a laugh from the rest of his siblings. in turn, daisykit and briarkit agreed that they were excited, and listed off a few cats that they would want to be mentored by. and pythoneyes listened to them, happy to hear their voices and the excitement at the prospect of the vast future before them.
paragraphhe groomed between daisykit's ears gently, and briarkit leaned into his flank, already beginning to doze off, that is, until daisykit twisted to look up at pythoneyes. "can you tell us a story?" she asked, and pythoneyes blinked dumbly at her for a long moment before he licked his lips.
paragraph"i'm not - i'm not good at telling stories," he said, but swallowed thickly when daisykit fixed him with him with those wide eyes. "but i can try. i - uh - what do you want to hear a story about?"
paragraphbriarkit sat up at the prospect of entertainment. "can you tell us one about mama?" she asked. "what was she like at our age?" daisykit, meanwhile, twisted around in pythoneyes' grasp to look up at him properly, and pythoneyes let out a gentle laugh, bending his head to press down a tuft of fur that stuck out at the top of her head.
paragraph"your mother... you know, she was actually a bit of a troublemaker back in the day," pythoneyes began, letting the kits press close as they held on to his every word. "i remember a time before we were apprentices, and lotuspetal - your mother was only lotuskit at that time, of course - had the idea that we would go fox hunting. we overheard the warriors talking about how there were foxes on the territory, and she decided that we were the ones who should go hunt it down. you know, the usual idea that if we did something so great, that we would be made warriors immediately. we were so young then, so foolish, we thought it made sense. trust me, it's not worth this, don't actually try to do this or i'll have your ears," pythoneyes said, aware that ferretwhisker was still awake and listening to the story, and the molly let out a soft purr at the light teasing. "anyway, we were only kits at the time. we'd never been far out of the camp, we didn't even know what a fox looked like, not really, let alone how to track one or kill it. still, your mother managed to convince me and your father that it was a good idea and that we had to go with her. by that point, i think your father was already a little bit in love with your mother, and maybe she was already in love with him. i was just happy to have a best friend, i would've followed her anywhere if it meant being her friend. so, we managed sneak out when our mothers were sleeping, since there was a hole in the nursery after a storm hit the camp and ripped a hole in the wall, just small enough for us to squeeze through." at that, pythoneyes paused long enough to glance about the nursery, pleased that the walls were still sturdy and intact. daisykit and briarkit were warm against him, and quiet as they were lulled by his voice.
paragraph"so we managed to get out of camp without anyone noticing. again, we didn't know how to track foxes, so the three of us were wandering aimlessly, just waiting for this mystery fox to land in front of us, and then i guess we just assumed that it would run from us, or fall over dead. the fact that we got as far as we did was surprising, in hindsight. but then your mother saw it: a tail! dawn was breaking over the horizon, night was over, and we finally found it. it was red, just like we heard foxes were. together, the three of us attacked. your mother latched right onto that tail with her teeth and held on as tight as she could. the tail lashed, but your mother was a born fighter, and she wasn't so easily beaten," he continued. pythoneyes recognized that briarkit was already asleep, that daisykit was close behind. still, he spoke on. "finally, i got through the brushes that were blocked our sight of the full fox. there was snarling, a lot of spitting, and i just wanted to see what a fox really looked like. so imagine how surprised i was when it turned out that it wasn't a fox at all, but our clan's deputy, sunflash, who was not happy that we'd gotten out to go fox hunting, even less happy that your mother had taken a bite out of his tail. apparently our mothers woke up before dawn, and the search parties had been tracking us." he laughed then, carefree and easy. briarkit rolled over in her sleep and daisykit snuffled a snore. across the nursery, even ferretwhisker had dozed off, her breathing coming out evenly. but pythoneyes looked up to see bluetcrest sitting in the entrance, his ears pricked. "how much did you hear?" he asked the attendant, and bluetcrest flashed a smile.
paragraph"i think i missed the bit in the very beginning, but i got the gist," he said, and pythoneyes matched his grin when the other tom blinked and asked: "so, how much trouble did you three get in?"
paragraphfor a moment, pythoneyes hummed, smoothed down daisykit's fur with his tailtip. "had to wait an extra moon to start training. had to spend that time taking care of elders and helping out the medicine cat," he said, then shrugged. "could've been worse. we could've been eaten by a fox." at that, bluetcrest let out a quiet chuckle, and pythoneyes' smile broadened from amusement.

paragraphthe idea first came about after iguanaspots decided that she was tired of hearing warblercry go on and on about her massive crush on hornetshade, how she was tired of wolfhowl bemoan how cute privetears was, and how much she wished that privetears and sandstrike weren't already constantly attached at the hip. iguanaspots was, frankly, tired of all of the relationship talk, and was tired of being cramped inside the den most hours of the day to try and ward off the chills that merlinsong was so scared of. so, as soon as word passed through the highgarden cats that rose lake and the twin rivers had begun to thaw, signalling nicer weather just around the bend, iguanaspots hunted down her friends and gathered them up, along with the newest rose, lyrewhistle who had been found only several days earlier. the newest addition to their friend group looked on wide-eyed as iguanaspots paced up and down in front of her friends. "i'm tired of all of the talk about toms and mollies and crushes and how much you want to wallow in self-pity," iguanaspots said, then looking to lyrewhistle with a cheery grin. "you're the exception, of course, but i figured this would be a good chance for you to get to know us," iguanaspots said, and lyrewhistle nodded her head slowly, still looking uncertain but she managed a tight smile.
paragraphat the same time, warblercry and wolfhowl exchanged a glance. "what are we going to do, then?" wolfhowl asked, swishing her tail against the ground.
paragraph"i overheard hurricanejaw telling bluetcrest that rose lake has thawed, so i want to go to the old bridge. and it'll be a good chance to show lyrewhistle around the territory since she's new." again, iguanaspots' glance lingered on lyrewhistle, and warblercry shot wolfhowl a sideways glance, though the smaller rose merely flicked her ear in acknowledgement of warblercry's look.
paragraph"we still can't be out too long, and we'll have to be careful," warblercry commented, an iguanaspots finally looked back to her, nodding her agreement. "because tawnyrose always says that the floods come with the thaw." together, the small group got up and headed out of the camp entrance.
paragraph"floods?" that was lyrewhistle, who glanced between the mollies who had been there for many moons already, who knew so much more than she did. "is that something we should be worried about?"
paragraphwolfhowl bobbed her head at that. "you haven't heard?" she asked, humming when lyrewhistle shook her head. "yeah, the flooding is a bit of a problem here. last spring we had to leave camp for a little bit and live by the old tower until the flood waters went back. and then we had the spring tournament after that to thank the mother for her mercy," wolfhowl said, and warblercry purred her amusement in response. "right, well, the story goes that tawnyrose was only one of the former queen's daughters. just her daughter, not the next queen in line. but one year the thaw came early and no one was prepared, so the flood swept through the valley and swept all of the cats away, drowning pretty much everyone. except tawnyrose, of course." at that, lyrewhistle shuddered, and iguanaspots sent the new rose a gentle smile.
paragraph"not that it should be something you should worry about," iguanaspots cut in, shooting wolfhowl a pointed look, and the other rose flicked her short tail. "tawnyrose says that we're far more prepared now than highgarden used to be. once the thaw really sets in, i'm sure we'll be on the move to the old tower to wait it out, and everything will be fine then. besides, highgarden cats are good swimmers."
paragraph"what if i can't swim?" lyrewhistle asked, quietly, so quiet that iguanaspots thought she might have imagined that the other rose spoke at all, but there was a glimmer of fear in her eyes, and iguanaspots nudged her with her shoulder to try and soothe her.
paragraph"like i said, it won't be an issue. we'll be gone before anything's going to happen. and we could always teach you to swim just in case," iguanaspots assured, and lyrewhistle managed another tight smile, nodded once. "everything'll be fine," she assured gently, and lyrewhistle nodded again, as if to convince herself that she could listen to iguanaspots.
paragraphin the same moment, wolfhowl let out a shout and darted forward, warblercry on her heels. "you were right!" wolfhowl gushed when iguanaspots and lyrewhistle caught up. sure enough, the lake glimmered in the sunlight, not as light bouncing off of ice, but as light reflected off the water. wolfhowl dared to go up to the edge, then deftly struck out a paw to send water droplets cascading towards her friends in a wide arc, splattering them with freezing water.
paragraph"wolfhowl!" warblercry complained, indignant, when she shook out her fur. "you know what merlinsong said, i don't want to get a cold!" she said, though wolfhowl merely laughed. when wolfhowl went to aim her paw at the water again, warblercry tackled into her sideways, and the pair rolled away from the water's edge, tussling. under other circumstances, iguanaspots wouldn't have hesitated to join in their games, though this time she beckoned lyrewhistle towards the lake.
paragraph"anyway, this is rose lake, which i'm sure you could figure out. across the water is groveclan, and beyond groveclan is hazeclan, and then that way is -" and on and on iguanaspots began to explain, leaning close to lyrewhistle to better be able to point out the different notable landmarks and directions.
paragraphat the same time, warblercry and wolfhowl broke apart, laughing at themselves, breathless and carefree. then warblercry poked wolfhowl's side and nodded towards iguanaspots. "what was it that she was saying?" she asked. "no talk or toms or mollies."
paragraphwolfhowl let out a laugh at that, rolling onto her side and swiping at warblercry, who batted her away easily. "and definitely no talk of crushes!"

[ added cats ] otterfur from bearclan via discord
[ consumption ] highgarden eats two rabbits and one squirrel
[ rank changes ] briarkit and daisykit are ready to become thorns
[ mates ] flickersky tries for kits with stormshroud of the shadowed kingdom
[ patrol 1 ] bluetcrest, betonypetal, maplelily, smokemane, iguanaspots, and warblercry
[ hunt 1 ] bassflow, erasmus, dippernose, sagecloud, hornetshade, and jaytalon
[ hunt 2 ] softglow, mapleshadow, swiftheart, sunglow, tigergaze, and foxspark
[ hunt 3 ] clovershine, obsidianwing, wolfhowl, pythoneyes, sandstrike, and flickersky
[ training ] stagpaw and rabbitpaw learn hunting
seedpaw tries to learn agility again
[ herb hunt ] merlinsong and spencer
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xx

    tawnyrose, 34m, ♀
    the wayward queen
    - mate: birchflame
    - due: 1m

    softglow, 36m, ♂
    the lost king

    name, age, gender

    bluetcrest, 38m, ♂
    the wayward's attendant

    merlinsong, 41m, ♂ - 5sp
    spencer, 36m, ♂ - 5sp

    roses & knights
    otterfur, 70m, ♂
    sagecloud, 52m, ♀
    mapleshadow, 50m, ♀
    erasmus, 48m, ♂
    hurricanejaw, 46m, ♂
    maplelily, 44m, ♀
    bassflow, 44m, ♂
    newtmask, 43m, ♂
    dippernose, 43m, ♂
    pythoneyes, 39m, ♂
    tulipstream, 35m, ♀
    birchflame, 35m, ♂
    betonypetal, 33m, ♀
    flickersky, 32m, ♀
    clovershine, 32m, ♂
    smallheart, 32m, ♂
    swiftheart, 28m, ♀
    obsidianwing, 25m, ♂
    jaytalon, 23m, ♂
    smokemane, 22m, ♀
    sunglow, 22m, ♂
    tigergaze, 21m, ♂
    sandstrike, 19m, ♀
    hornetshade, 18m, ♂
    privetears, 17m, ♀
    cougarstrike, 15m, ♂
    racoonslip, 15m, ♂
    foxspark, 15m, ♂
    wolfhowl, 15m, ♀
    iguanaspots, 15m, ♀
    warblercry, 15m, ♀
    lyrewhistle, 14m, ♀
    name, age, gender
            stagpaw, 8m, ♂
            seedpaw, 8m, ♀
            rabbitpaw, 8m, ♀
            name, age, gender

            ferretwhisker, 39m, ♀
            - kits: elkkit, beechkit, harrierkit,
            quillkit, dewkit

            name, age, gender

            briarkit, 6m, ♀
            daisykit, 6m, ♀
            elkkit, 2m, ♂
            beechkit, 2m, ♀
            harrierkit, 2m, ♀
            quillkit, 2m, ♂
            dewkit, 2m, ♀
            name, age, gender

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x96
            mouse | x2 | 1 servings
            vole | x10 | 1 servings
            squirrel | x9 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x12 | 2 servings
            big fish | x5 | 3 servings
            finch | x9 | 3 servings

            hurricanejaw, stagpaw, 1
            smallheart, seedpaw, 0
            birchflame, rabbitpaw, 1
            mentor, thorn, 0


            family trees
credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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Re: Kwamiclan [26]

Postby Springtalon » Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:06 am

Savannah-the-Caracal wrote:

[ i. population count - 037 ] [ ii. next starclan visit - three posts ] [ iii. servings required - 006 ] [ iv. frog x4, squirrel x1 ]
[ v. herbs used - none ] [ vi. litters due - none ] [ vi. cac filled in lines only for kwamiclan pls - 26 pebbles] [ vii. notes - ]
[ coding credit ]

    last moon
    --Something about new guardians maybe?

    this moon
    --something with Blossom and Wildpaw
    -- Something with Articcub/paw

    [ @patrol: pantherfang, peachmuzzle, duskpaw, gingerclaw, blossompaw, basiltongue ]
    [ @herb hunting: boulderwhip ]
    [ @hunting: nettlefrost, gingerclaw, blossompaw, leafthorn, wildpaw, tumbleshine]
    [ @training: peachmuzzle & duskpaw [patrolling],gingerclaw & blossompaw [hunting], leafthorn & wildpaw [hunting] ]
    [ [color=#0035C]@medicine:[/color] x1 comfrey is used on smokepaw ]
    [ @rank changes: articcub becomes articpaw]
    [ @other: basilpaw and skuapaw are made guardians with the names basiltongue and skuawhisp]

    ragingsoul • 58m • ♂

    tigerlily • 74m • ♀
    sleekfeather • 66m • ♀
    peachmuzzle • 57m • ♀
    oakmist • 55m • ♂
    lambfur • 51m • ♀
    pantherfang • 47m • ♂
    eagleeye • 44m • ♂
    sunset • 44m • ♀
    frostwhisker • 40m • ♂
    eagletalon • 39m • ♂
    snowwhisker • 38m • ♀
    nettlefrost • 37m • ♀
    quickclaw • 35m • ♂
    needlefrost • 33m • ♂
    mattedantler • 29m • ♀
    tumbleshine • 29m • ♂
    pinefeather • 29m • ♂
    rainbranch • 28m • ♀
    gingerclaw • 28m • ♂
    sparkmist • 28m • ♂
    swallowtwig • 27m • ♀
    hornetwing • 23m • ♂
    skuawhisp • 21 moons • ♂
    mintshade • 17 moons • ♀
    basiltongue • 17 moons • ♂


    smokepaw • 11m • ♂
    snowpaw • 11m • ♀
    specklepaw • 11m • ♀
    duskpaw • 11m • ♀
    lilypaw • 11m • ♀
    blossompaw • 11m • ♀
    wildpaw • 9m • ♂
    leafthorn • 47m • ♀

    dapplewish • 97m • ♀
    ironclaw • 94m • ♂

    ✧ name • 00m • ♂♀
    boulderwhip • 50m • ♂
    aloeshade • 30m • ♀

    mage's cadet.

    willowshard • 33m • ♀
    ind articcub • 6m • ♂
    peonyplant • 23m • ♀
    ind splashcub • 2m • ♂


Thanks to Chamrosh for coloring in Ragingsoul, Gingerclaw, Basilpaw, Splashcub, Dapplewish, Snowpaw, and Sleekfeather
Thanks to Dinolil1 for coloring in Nettlefrost
Thanks to H155 for coloring in Pantherfang
Line credit to grey_hoodie :3

    mattedantler • sleekfeather
    i patrol, hunt, combat, agility
    pinefeather • tigerlily
    i patrol, hunt combat, agility
    rainbranch • eagleeye
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    gingerclaw • frostwhisker
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    sparkmist • eagletalon
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    swallowtwig • ragingsoul
    i patrol, hunt, stalk, combat
    tumblepaw • oakmist
    i patrol, combat, agility, fishing
    hornetwing • sleekfeather
    i combat, stalk, patrolling, hunting
    peonyplant • mattedantler
    i hunt, patrol, combat, stalk
    mintpaw • lambfur
    i agility, combat, hunt, patrol
    skuapaw • rainbranch
    i stalk, combat, hunt, patrol
    basilpaw • tigerlily
    i combat, patrol, hunt, stalk

    smokepaw • quickclaw
    i hunt, combat, patrol, agility
    snowpaw • pinefeather
    i agility, hunt, patrol, combat
    specklepaw • rainbranch
    i combat, agility, hunt, patrolling
    duskpaw • peachmuzzle
    i stalk, combat,
    lilypaw • eagleeye
    i stalk, patrol, agility, hunting
    blossompaw • gingerclaw
    wildpaw • leafthorn
    tigerlily • unknown
    i mattedantler, tumbleshine, umberheart(cosmoclan)
    peachmuzzle • unknown
    i peonyplant
    sunset • frostwhisker
    i specklepaw, duskpaw, lilypaw, blossomkit, smokepaw, snowpaw

    the deceased.
    kami's lives lost 0/9
    coyotefang • 53m • ♂
    i badger
    n • clan name • username
    e • briarclan • amethyst
    s • blueclan •
    w • bearclan • inky.
    nw • clan name • username
    ne • clan name • username
    sw • clan name • username
    se • clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username


    freshkill pile.
    mouse • one • x1
    frog • one • x0
    rabbit • two • x1
    squirrel • two • x2
    hare • three • x3
    bird • three • x1
    medicine storage.
    borage leaves • milk • x1
    blackberry leaves • bee stings • x1
    burdock rot • rat bites • x1
    catmint • greencough • x1
    celandine • eyes • x1
    chickweed • greencough • x2
    cobweb • bleeding • x0
    comfrey root • pain • x0
    dandelion • painkiller • x2
    deathberries • death • x1
    dried oak leaves • pain • x1
    feverfew • fevers • x2
    goldenrod • pain • x1
    heather flower • swallowing • x1
    mallow • bellyache • x1
    ragwort • energy • x3
    rosemary • scent • x1
    sorrel • strength • x1
    stick • pain • x1
    stinging nettles • swelling • x1
    sweet-sedge • infection • x0
    thyme • shock • x1
    water hemlock • poison • x1
    watermint • bellyache • x1
    wintergreen • wounds • x2
    yarrow • poison • x4
    medicine den.
    empty • praise starclan
    tigerlily, mattedantler, and tumbleshine are former deerclan
    eagleeye is former rodrigoclan
    sunset is former blossomclan
    eagletalon and swallowtwig are former elmclan
    pinefeather is former sycamoreclan
    coyotefang is former ardidclan
    sparkmist is former mistclan
    rainbranch and gingerclaw are former jungleclan
    hornetwing is former lilacclan
    lambfur is former lambclan
    skuapaw is former ravenclan
    aloeshade, basilpaw, and mintpaw are former graveclan
    aloeshade is blind

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strikersclan seventeen

Postby Lokisaurus » Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:39 am

[ advanced allegiance ] [ divider credit ]

    clan news
    the clan consumes x2 rabbits, x1 field mouse, x1 squirrel

    littlepaw, now released of bed-rest, asks thymewing if she may take her final assessment
    to be a full medicine cat. thymewing agrees. whether she passes or fails is in the mod's
    gracious paws.

    wispstar, diamondheart, panthersnap, and birchglow go hunting for rabbits and mice

    avocetstream, hawktalon, palesong, and cypressjaw go hunting for blackbirds

    soparosa, brindlebird, lakemouse, and bloomingsky go hunting for small fish

    blazestar, soulreed, mistyspring, and grayrain are sent out on a border patrol

    larkpaw and spiderpaw go training with their mentors

    mottledbreeze does not seem to be getting better...

    pebblepaw and dawnpaw have been accepted into the clan!


    “So you destroyed an entire den?” Splashpaw giggled, though she graciously attempted to hide her
    smile behind her injured paw. Gullpaw looked a bit hurt at her jab.

    “It’s better than tripping over a rabbit’s den.” He grumbled. Splashpaw nudged him with her nose.

    “I’m only joking. I’m glad I’m not the only one stuck in the apprentices’ den this moon, that would be
    awfully boring. Well, I guess we’re not the only ones. Littlepaw is in trouble because she ate some yarrow,
    but she’s no fun.”

    Littlepaw’s ears pricked up at her name, though she only stuck her tongue out at the younger she-cat. She
    was still a bit queasy from her herb lesson, so she opted to keep her mouth shut until the plant was completely
    out of her system. Splashpaw couldn’t blame her. Yarrow was nasty stuff.

    “Well.” Gullpaw said after a moment. “Since we’re both stuck here for the next moon, what are we gonna do?”

    Splashpaw flashed him a knowing grin. “Oh, I have a few ideas.”

    Panthersnap hissed as Splashpaw and Gullpaw whizzed by her, chasing each other round and round the camp. She
    loved the two as if they were her own, but by StarClan were they too big to be acting like kits. Palesong, who was
    sunning herself beside the queen, chuckled.

    “You act like Brindlebird was always the very serious warrior she is now.”

    “Brindlebird was always the pinnacle of dignity and grace. She managed to take after me, rather than her father.”

    Palesong snorted. “You are anything but dignified. You get into petty squabbles with your violent ex-mate daily,
    clearly showing that neither of you are over the other. You use Soulreed as a stone that you throw words at, thinking
    they mean nothing.” Panthersnap opened her mouth to protest, but Palesong flicked her tail over her maw.

    “I don’t mean to condemn you, Panthersnap. You are my friend, but you need to realize that your relationship with
    Blazestar is rotting the good ones you have too.”

    Panthersnap sighed. “What should I do then?”

    “Sever all ties. Stop interacting. You are better off without that nastiness in your life. You have a good life. Don’t
    squander that.”

    Diamondheart let out a rare purr against Blazestar’s ear. Reduced to an apprentice rank due to fight with Panthersnap,
    the silver she-cat had a good time within the past week - she was officially able to call the older tom ‘Blazepaw’ without
    any repercussions. Now sent to do menial tasks while his children were sent out to hunt, Blazestar was rather
    grumpy, and Diamondheart was quite amused.

    “At least you left a scar on that limb-pawed worm’s snout. Perhaps it’ll do her good to mind her own business.”

    Blazestar let out a sudden growl, and he turned his head away from Diamondheart’s attentions.

    “Can you shut up for two heart-beats? Your ramblings are going to make my ears turn into my skull like those two
    kits you kidnapped for safe passage.”

    Diamondheart scrunched her nose up in disbelief and disgust. I didn’t kidnap them. She bit back the retort and stood.
    “Fine. Find me when you’re done sulking, Blazepaw."

    “Mottledbreeze, I brought you something to eat.” Hawktalon’s figure was blurry to the old she-cat, though his mew rang
    in her ears. Big and strong, she thought to herself. Strong enough to carry me to StarClan himself.

    She flicked her tail in annoyance at herself. She was far too young to have these thoughts. Next to her, Lichenpatch was
    a good twelve seasons her senior and was still ready to fight like all of TigerClan for a scrap of a field mouse. Her companion
    didn’t rouse at the scent of the morsel Hawktalon had set down in front of their nest.

    “Thank you, kit.” Mottledbreeze gave him a rare smile. “Good to know you aren’t so clueless after all.”

    Hawktalon stuck his tongue out at the old queen. “If I’m clueless, it’s only ‘cause your training isn’t as good as you
    thought it was.”

    “Bah!” Mottledbreeze nearly choked on her meal in her hurry to dismiss her former apprentice. “I am four times
    the mentor you ever acknowledged me to be. All you wanted to do was chase after she-cats, rather than chase after
    the asthmatic rabbits I left you.”

    “As if!”

    In the corner, Blossomdream feigned a disgruntled sigh, but the two either did not notice or did not care. They continued
    with their banter as always, though there was an occasional wheeze from Mottledbreeze. With each wheeze, a wave of
    fear-scent radiated from Hawktalon, the type of fear that only comes from knowing. Knowing you didn’t have long to
    spend with your mentor before it was her time. Knowing any conversation might be your last. Blossomdream was not new
    to this feeling, but something twanged in her heart, causing her to rub her eyes profusely. Maybe she could stand to
    ask Thymewing to take her to the Moonpool.


    — wispstar - wiry tortoiseshell she-cat, 93 moons
    — blazestar - brilliant ginger and white tom, 63 moons
    — cypressjaw - muscular gray tabby tom, 48 moons
    medicine cat
    — thymewing - fluffy brown tabby she-cat, 42 moons
    apprentice, littlepaw
    — frogjumper - lanky black tom, 42 moons
    — brindlebird - pretty brown tabby she-cat, 24 moons
    — mistyspring - gigantic long-haired silver she-cat, 30 moons
    apprentice, spiderpaw
    — diamondheart - silvery-white spotted she-cat, 30 moons
    — grayrain - delicate long-furred silver tom, 30 moons
    apprentice, splashpaw
    — talonwhisker - lithe dark ginger tabby tom with large ears, 33 moons
    — hawktalon - mottled light brown tabby tom, 43 moons
    apprentice, lionpaw
    — soulreed - broad-shouldered black tom, 58 moons
    — lakemouse - hairless dark gray tom, 24 moons
    apprentice, larkpaw
    — mintdapple - stocky light calico she-cat, 38 moons
    apprentice, twopaw
    — birchglow - long-haired cream tabby tom with a short tail, 31 moons
    — avocetstream - black and white tom, 59 moons
    apprentice, gullpaw
    — crookedquill - husky light gray-brown tom, 45 moons
    — brindlepelt - brown and orange she-cat, 69 moons
    — soparosa - red and cream she-cat, 22 moons
    — bloomingsky - seal point bicolor she-cat w. blue eyes, 37 moons
    — littlepaw - tortoiseshell she-cat, 15 moons
    — spiderpaw - brown tabby tom with extra toes and curled ears, 12 moons
    — larkpaw - gray tabby she-cat with curled ears, 12 moons
    — splashpaw - ginger and white she-cat, 9 moons
    — twopaw - black and white tom, 9 moons
    — gullpaw - black and white tom, 9 moons
    — lionpaw - light ginger tom, 9 moons
    — wolfpaw - fuzzy gray tom, 7 moons
    — dawnpaw - light ginger tabby she-cat, 14 moons
    — pebblepaw - golden-brown tabby tom, 14 moons
    — palesong - pale she-cat, 41 moons
    permanent queen
    — panthersnap - brown tabby she-cat, 59 moons
    — lichenpatch - tortoiseshell she-cat, 127 moons
    — mottledbreeze - tortoiseshell she-cat, 106 moons
    — blossomdream - ruddy cream she-cat, 148 moons
    — mumblekit - black tom, 4 moon
    — whitekit - black and white tom, 4 moon
    — harrierkit - light brown tabby tom, 4 moon
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | scarabclan | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x0
    Borage | x1
    Catmint | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Horsetail | x1
    Dock | x1
    Deathberries | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Raspberry Leaves | x3
    Chervil | x3
    Chickweed | x3
    Cob Nut | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Field Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Blackbirds | x0 | 3 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 2 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 1 servings

    lakemouse | larkpaw | swimming, hunting, battle
    mistyspring | spiderpaw | tracking, hunting, battle
    thymewing | littlepaw | herb recognition
    poison recognition, kitting, herb usage
    avocetstream | gullpaw | den repair
    splashpaw | hunting
    twopaw | den repair
    hawktalon | lionpaw | battle
    birchglow | wolfpaw |

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
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Postby broken* » Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:59 am

population 16 total // 08 she-cats♀ // 09 tom-cats♂ // 02 kits
next heavenly visit (starclan) 1 week from today pebbles 23
servings three | 0 post left to stockpile food

➣cumulus requests the 2nd seraphim(deputy) - aquilegia (basilfloof)
➣angelica & sky go searching for herbs & practice healing.
➣shrike, bramble, lychnis, juniper, cumulus, & knot go on a hunting patrol.
➣leech, rye, oriole, tanning, Tunis, & harrier go on a border patrol.
➣oriole & leech take their apprentices tunis & harrier out to train on the skill stealth.
➣ame i would like to request color-ins from now on for new cats, instead of FTU images.

archangel (leader)
cumulus (cottonstar) | 38 moons | tom-cat|
↳ Lives: ★★★★★★★

seraphim (deputies)
juniper (rusticsallow) | 30 moons | she-cat|
Name | Age | tom-cat | [url=link]•[/url]

rit zien (med. cat)
angelica (milktuft) | 36 moons | she-cat |
↳Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

grigori (med. cat app.)
sky (poolpaw) | 16 moons | tom-cat |

fallen (elders)
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]•[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]•[/url]
rye (nightrain) | 24 moons | tom-cat |
leech (ashbreeze) | 32 moons | she-cat |
knot (stonefrost) | 50 moons | tom-cat |
oriole (flareblood) | 30 moons | tom-cat |
rannoch (crescentmoon) | 31 moons | tom-cat |

shrike (feathereyes) | 16 moons | she-cat |
bramble (spiderwhisker) | 25 moons | tom-cat |
lychnis (lunawing) | 25 moons | she-cat |

cheribum (apprentices)
tunis (mockingbirdpaw)| 8 moons | she-cat |
harrier (thrushpaw)| 6 moons | tom-cat |

cupids (queens)
harp (briarwhisper) | 17 moons | she-cat |
nephilim (kits)
cinnabar (nettlekit) | 0 moons | tom-cat |
willow beauty (satinkit) | 0 moons | she-cat|

mockingbird was born as a barn-cat. her mother and father lived on a two-leg farm with a small group of cats, and they were considered crucial to keeping the mice/rat/snake populations down. when they remembered to, the two-legs would set out some dry food, but the barn cats typically lived off of their own prey. mockingbird had three brothers, but while they were content to play in the hay and sleep with the horses, mockingbird was too curious for her own good, and was constantly sneaking out of the barn and exploring the fields around them. it was during one of these little journeys that mockingbird ended up at the fence that separated the farm lands from the forest that bordered them. it was then that a group of the herding dogs raced towards her, thinking she was someone trying to come in from the outside, and chased her into the woods without having a chance to explain herself. she was so afraid of their large mouths and big teeth that she just kept running until she couldnt run anymore, and by that time, she was hopelessly lost. it was then that her path crossed with a slightly younger cat who called himself thrush.

thrush was only four moons old when he stumbled across mockingbird. his mother had died during his kitting, but luckily she had been traveling with her sister, who was also pregnant, so when his mother died, he still was able to get the milk he needed from his aunt. however, there had been a really bad storm one night, and she had been carrying her own kit in her mouth, trusting thrush to follow behind her. and he surely tried to, but the wind was too strong and the rain was coming down so hard he could barely see. a crash of thunder scared the little kit and he froze in place for just a second too long; by the time he tried to walk again, he had lost his aunt and was now alone. that was a few days before mockingbird found him; he hadn't been taught how to hunt yet or really fend for himself at all, so the slightly older molly was like a god-send in his mind.

she kept him alive for about a moon, before they came across an ominous building; it was like a shed, or a two-legs cabin, that had been abandoned for many years. it was dusty and dark, with cobwebs everywhere; it almost felt as though the air around them had grown colder just from approaching the creepy place. thrush didnt yet have the same skills that mockingbird did, and didnt sense the danger present, but lucky for him the older molly felt the darkness in the air and hissed at him, making him stop and cower in the bushes. "wait here. i have a bad feeling... let me check it out first." her whisper came out almost like another hiss, and the small tabby bicolor nodded silently, his blue/green eyes watching her soft orange form stalk forward. she did a full circle around the shed before she padded up to a small hole in the wood, holding her breath as she stuck her head inside. there were a lot of strange cat scents, but there was no movement, making her assume perhaps these cats were out hunting or something. that is, until she noticed two bright red orbs piercing the darkness, locked on her small form. she had not noticed the molly before because she was pure black, blending in completely with the shadows of the cabin. "um-uh, hello. i'm-eek!" the youngster didnt have a chance to finish her introduction, as the black cat shot through the room at her, quick as a bolt of lightning, and mockingbird pulled her head out fast and bolted towards the bushes where her friend lay waiting.

"thrush run! run run run!" she screeched out at the top of her lungs; she barely saw the whites of his panicked eyes as he darted into the woods. her own hazel eyes locked onto the tip of his tail so she wouldnt lose him herself, and they were gone as fast as the horses back on her parent's ranch. the pair didnt stop running until they physically could not go anymore, collapsing on the grey dirt of a small two-leg burial ground. little thrush fell unconscious at the base of a gravestone, and mockingbird barely had a chance to try to call out to him, her own paws wobbling as she lost consciousness as well. the next thing either of them knew, they were waking up in a disorganized kitchen-space, watching a small tabby messing with some plants, and a large white cat doing something with a calico and her two kits. "m-mockingbird, whats going on?" little thrush whispered from his place cuddled up against his fluffy friend, and the molly licked his cheek "i think we're in a clan... we'll be safe in a clan." mockingbird didn't verbalize her next thought, but she couldnt help but go back to the molly that had chased them; in that first burst of running, the black cat had been faster than any cat she had ever met before. the only reason that she hadnt been able to catch up to them was that she was heavily pregnant, looking like she was gonna pop at any moment.


the young celestial grigori found himself preoccupied by a single thought, something he was mulling over repeatedly trying to figure out. he had been having a single dream every night, every time he closed his eyes to sleep; he found himself waking from the night in a cold sweat, unsure of what to think. at first he thought it was just an ordinary dream, but as it grew more frequent, he also grew a stronger feeling that he just could not shake; it felt like more than a dream. but he had never had any visions from starclan before; not since he initially became a medicine cat apprentice in his last clan and he met some of the ancestral medicine cats as they accepted him as one of them. this is partly the reason that it went on for about a moon before approaching his mentor, trying to make sure that he was really sure that this was nothing normal. climbing up and leaping through the broken window in their den, he landed on the windowsill, his eyes scanning the garden for the white form of his mentor, as she was tending to the herbs.

approaching the maine coon, he lowered his head in a respectful greeting to the rit zien, whose gray eyes locked on the brown tabby, her bright eyes easily able to see his mind was preoccupied. "good morning sky. what brings you out to me? something on your mind?" she continued to work with her paws in the dirt, allowing him to work up his courage to speak, and once he was ready, she sat down, turning her attention fully on him. "well... i've been having the same dream for about a moon, and i think it may be a vision, or at least a piece of one anyway. it didnt feel like a full vision, as there was nothing that really began or ended it. it almost was like the middle piece of one.." he drifted off for a moment, lost in his own thoughts, and his mentor just patiently waited for him to be ready. "there's a large white cloud in the sky; its very puffy, and the sky is clear aside from that. then a small piece of the cloud just falls off and vanishes into nothingness."

the large white cat took in what her apprentice said carefully; it worried her more than she could let her apprentice know at the moment, but slowly she met his eyes before speaking herself. "I must confide in you sky; I have been having what sounds like the exact same dream that you just described for a little over a moon myself. it would appear that it is a vision, you're right. however, I agree that it does seem like only part of a vision, so we must hope and pray that god/the other angels still in heaven will provide us with the missing pieces of our vision. come on, let us go inside; we can pray together."

➣harp (mom) & smokeflight of archclan(dad) ⟿ satinkit & nettlekit

➣ oriole ⇝ tunis
➣ leech ⇝ harrier

➣ tunis - hunting, defensive combat, offensive combat, stealth, speed
➣ harrier - hunting, defensive combat, offensive combat, stealth, speed

➣mint (x1) - hides the scent of death.
➣mousebile (x1) - used to kill ticks.
➣daisy leaves (x1) - traveling herbs, soothes aching joints.
➣borage leaves (x1) - produce milk in queens, eases fever.
➣raspberry leaves (x1) - painkiller, reduces blood.
➣catmint (x1) - cure for white/green-cough
➣comfrey root (x1) - variety of uses (repairing & soothing)
➣stinging nettle (x1) - induce vomit after swallow poison
➣juniper berries (x2) - soothe bellyache, give strength, help troubled breathing.
➣tormentil (x1) - treats wound & extract poison.


➣the "crossroad demons" owned by nightwolf950

➣mice (1 serv.) - x1
➣vole (1 serv.)
➣squirrel (2 serv.) - x1
➣fish (2 serv.) - x2
➣hare (3 serv.) - x2
➣birds (3 serv.)

➣north - the "crossroad demons" owned by nightwolf950
➣south - "twistedclan" owned by spasticjazzhands
Last edited by broken* on Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[ sub replies ] [ for; hazilnut ]

Postby deimido » Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:32 pm

fireclan, the empire, spiderclan, robinclan, cliffclan
vesuvia, oneclan, hurricaneclan, lostclan, canopyclan
isle of pagtuklas, algidclan

for some, the first snows have arrived. fo
r others, it is simply a chill in the air. reg
ardless, all clans will experience leaf-bare
as a harsh and unforgiving season. queens
and kits are more likely to die during birt
h, prey will flee from patrols, and loners a
re less likely to stray from their warm ci
ty homes. in addition, predators and sickn
esses abound, waiting for the chance to pi
ck off the weak. all in all, it is best for a cl
an to be at full strength during this time.

descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


galestep's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.

snowtrail's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 minnow.

graypelt's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.

leopardeye's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 minnow.

iceear's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


forgottennose's patrol found . .
↪ +10 pebbles!

shining & cobalt encountered . .
↪ nothing of note!xxxxxxxxxxxxx


the fireclan meds gathered . .
↪ +1 honey.
↪ +1 thyme.
↪ +1 raspberry leaves.
↪ +1 chickweed.
↪ +1 chamomile.
↪ +1 catchweed.

ivysong gathered . .
↪ +1 horsetail.
↪ +1 honey.


fireclan's apps learned . .
rosin > hunting.
goose > nothing..
flint > swimming.
hollow > fishing.
evening > fishing.

deathclan's apps learned . .
dawn > herbel app.
dusk > adv. defense.
pollen > defense.
pigeon > nothing..
moon > strategy.
shade > defense.
flame > fighting tech.
ginger > combat.

    medicine practice
    ↪ fireclan's medicine cats skills stay sharp! they all remain at 5SP.

    other practice
    ↪ smokewhisker and pebbletip have completed this moon's therapy practice.

    ↪ ebonypaw, summitpaw, saltpaw, mudpaw, halfpaw, and beepaw received a good evaluation.

    ↪ starlingpaw is barely responsive much to valleyglow's distress. due to the wounds inflicted on her eyes, the young apprentice will find that she's
    been blinded once she grows lucid. +1 celandine and +1 burnet might be the herbs needed to keep her alive, but the odds are looking grim...

    other results
    ↪ due to how well-guarded both the nursery and tigerfang are, crowfeather and flamepaw hiss in agitation as saving their clanmate and stealing
    fireclan's kits seems like a fruitless endeavor. they'll have to see if their enemy's clan will let its guard down next moon.


aether's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mouse. *xxxxxxxxxxxxx


seiran's patrol encountered . .
↪ a pregnant cat; due in 2m.xxxxx


yvette gathered . .
↪ +1 chickweed.
↪ +1 foxglove seeds.xxxx


no training occurred!xx

    ancestral request
    ↪ the spirits heed aether's request, but tell him that vesuvia is in good paws with yvette. instead they send a shaman apprentice to his colony so
    that they can grown under yvette's guidance.

    final assessment
    ↪ koda completed and passed his final assessment! vesuvia welcomes a new hunter.

    hunting results
    ↪ thinking of the mothers at home, aether asks for his patrol to return with the mouse and announces that he plans to stay for a while longer to
    see if he can add anything more to their food stores. though reluctant, the others comply and head home without him. completely focused on the
    hunt, aether neglects to take into account that he's standing near a ledge until a particularly strong gust of wind makes him stumble right off of it.
    the count takes a hard tumble to the ground, his head slams against a stone before he comes a complete stop. aether lays in a pain-induced haze
    before he collects his bearings and unsteadily gets up to his paws. he feels blood trickling down from the back of his head and realizes that in his
    current state, returning home now would be foolish. he stumbles his way inside a hollow log, laying inside and forcing himself to stay awake 'till
    he's confident that he can make the journey back. yvette is the first one who notices his injury upon return and urges him to stay in her den so
    she can administer a poultice of +1 goldenrod and +1 burnet to him.


boreal & meadow caught . .
↪ +1 small fish.xxxxxxxxxxxx


crypto's patrol found . .
↪ +3 pebbles!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


autumnleaf gathered . .
↪ +1 raspberry leaves.
↪ +1 goldenrod.xxxxxxxx


the apps learned . .
pond > strategy.
thorn > battle.
trout > endurance.
bracken > hunting.xxxx

    ancestral request
    ↪ starclan heeds crypto's request and sends a clanmate to join oneclan.

    mod notes
    ↪ the solid gray oriental shorthair was drawn by chamrosh!


maplewhisker's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 rats.

cedarclaw's patrol caught . .
↪ nothing..

tabbystripe's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 stoat.


lionshade's patrol encountered . .
↪ a predator! *

blackwhisker's patrol encountered . .
↪ nothing of note!


hazel & white gathered . .
↪ +1 parsley.
↪ +1 goatweed.
↪ +1 thyme.
↪ +1 wintergreen.


the apps learned . .
dawn > swimming.
cinnamon > ambushing.
bramble > battle.
goldfish > hunting.

    ↪ lionshade's patrol scented a badger creeping too close to camp for their liking. she could report this to silentstar and see about driving it off
    with a bigger patrol, or leave it alone and see if it'll leave on its own.

    medicine practice
    ↪ hazelleaf and whiteberry's skills stay sharp! they remain at 5SP.

    ancestral request
    ↪ starclan heeds silentstar's request and sends a warrior to join her clan.

    ↪ nettlesting gave birth to one kit! he appears to have a twisted hind leg... (tom)
    ↪ swiftflame gives birth to three kits! unfortunately, one of her kits was born very weak, and passed on hours after birth... (tom) (tom) (tom)
    ↪ goldencall gave birth to two kits! (tom) (tom


yalun caught . .
↪ +1 macaw.xxxxxxxxxxxx


yalun encountered . .
↪ a gladiator.xxxxxxxxx


no gathering occurred!


no training occurred!

    ancestral request
    ↪ the spirits watching over canopyclan heed yalun's request and send a gladiator in join his clan.

    medicine practice
    ↪ mulac's skills stay sharp! he remains at 5SP.

    mod notes
    ↪ please link credit to your clan's font!
    ↪ and don't forget to age up your cats with every post! in your next, yalun should be 30 moons & mulac should be 19.
    ↪ the ginger mackerel tabby was colored in by Chamrosh; the black smoke LaPerm was colored in by H155!

    siren ichor has been founded! katrione will assign you to a mod. please let us know if you'd prefer F2U refs or color ins!
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the b a d lands

Postby d o e » Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:24 pm


        Nestled in the heart of a long-forgotten forest, the ever-bare limbs of the bowing trees stand stark against the gray sky. A silent swamp, lilypads and moss covering the surface of the deceptively deep water. A thick layer of fog that never seems to dissipate. The Badlands. Nothing here seems to thrive; a heavy scent of death clings to all, even the clan of feral felines that call it home. Descendants of witches' familiars, all that remains of a coven lost to time centuries ago.

        Magic runs through the blood of the cats of the Badlands; or so it is rumored. The spiteful, greedy, isolated felines care little of others, and their effigies crafted of rodent bones ensure no one enters their territory, lest they bring a curse upon themselves.

        The cats found in the Badlands are creatures of habit and rituals. Everything they do is done only after heavy consultation with their ancestors, the constellations and the very forest itself. The matriarch, the most in tune with the magicks of the woods, is almost always in heavy meditation, communing with the nature under her paws, deciphering every sign as either a blessing or an omen. Whatever she speaks is regarded as absolute. A litter newly born may be just as quickly discarded if a warrior returns with only a serpent as caught prey.

        The hierarchy of the Badlands also functions on rituals. Every coming of age or promotion is regarded as a sacred time and each ritual must be performed perfectly or it is perceived as a poor omen for things to come. The ceremony that sees a cat become a warrior is one of the most important, after their birth. They are to leave the marked territory of their home and venture out into the remains of a collapsed tunnel, where they will meditate in complete darkness and silence; this is where they will learn their true name and their purpose in the clan.

        The clan worships two deities, the Spider Queen (associated with all-knowledge, the hunt, and success) and the Serpent Tyrant (associated with mischief, deceit, death, and failure). The Spider Queen is believed to have once been the familiar of the most powerful witch and was, in turn, just as powerful. She is believed to have been able to take the form of any animal. Any cat born blind is smiled upon as the Spider Queen was known to use her power to see without true sight; black fur is also regarded as a blessing. The Serpent Tyrant is not so much worshiped as he is loathed and acknowledged by the clan. He is believed to have been a child of the forest who deceived and murdered the Spider Queen; many cats of the clan also believe he still resides in the forest and some claim it is his voice they hear during their warrior ceremony. His rituals are forbidden and dangerous as they require the sacrifice of another cat; these rituals are oft performed to ensure the failure of an enemy. White pelts accompanied by green eyes are considered bad luck as they are associated with the Serpent Tyrant.
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LostClan | 018

Postby recognize » Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:58 pm

population: 63 ( 33 ♀ 30 ♂ ) | pebbles: 33
starclan visit: 10.22 | mod: hazilnut | ©©
notes: xxx

storage | mentors | deceased | family
ʟᴇᴛ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏ sʟᴏᴡʟʏ ᴡᴇ ғᴀᴅᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ ғᴀʟʟs ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ʟᴏsɪɴɢ ᴏᴜʀ ᴍɪɴᴅs ᴡᴇ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ sᴛᴏᴘ
current prophecy: " there is darkness // where there is light // lostclan will be lost // in their fight " | song lyrics from: taska black - losing our minds ft. nevve



you may injure but please do not kill cats marked with a star ★ for plot purposes, most have planned deaths. thank you <3 | 7m until lostclan attacks rogues


silentstar | ♀ | 46m | leader | 9 lives
maplewhisker | ♀ | 52m | deputy
blackwhisker | ♂ | 51m | warrior


hazelleaf | ♀ | 61m | med cat | 5 sp
whiteflurry | ♀ | 32m | med cat | 5 sp


★ ↳ sablekit | ♂ | 4m | kit
★ ↳ deathkit | ♀ | 4m | kit
ravenkit | ♀ | 4m | kit

doveheart | ♀ | 57m | queen
inkkit | ♂ | 4m | kit
aspenkit | ♀ | 4m | kit
silverkit | ♀ | 4m | kit
cobrakit | ♂ | 4m | kit
owlkit | ♀ | 4m | kit
sycamorekit | ♂ | 4m | kit

mountainsong | ♀ | 39m | queen
palekit | ♀ | 3m | kit
snowkit | ♀ | 3m | kit
weaselkit | ♂ | 3m | kit
goosekit | ♂ | 3m | kit
foamkit | ♀ | 3m | kit
dustkit | ♀ | 3m | kit

olivestep | ♀ | 38m | queen
metalkit | ♂ | 1m | kit
stripekit | ♂ | 1m | kit
fenneckit | ♀ | 1m | kit

goldencall | ♀ | 31m | queen
sunkit | ♂ | 0m | kit
pouncekit | ♂ | 0m | kit

nettlesting | ♀ | 32m | queen
murkkit | ♂ | 0m | kit

swiftflame | ♀ | 55m | queen
coldkit | ♂ | 0m | kit
woodkit | ♂ | 0m | kit
riverkit | ♂ | 0m | kit

greengaze | ♀ | 61m | queen

fierceshine | ♀ | 45m | queen

frostfall | ♂ | 39m | warrior

stonestripe | ♂ | 38m | warrior

tomorrowgaze | ♂ | 35m | warrior

tabbystripe | ♀ | 59m | warrior
sparrowpounce | ♂ | 48m | warrior

jaywhistle | ♂ | 61m | warrior


gingersun | ♀ | 49m | warrior
lionshade | ♀ | 48m | warior
wolffang | ♀ | 50m | warrior
creamgaze | ♀ | 62m | warrior

amberwood | ♀ | 59m | warrior
junipertongue | ♀ | 31m | warrior
leopardcry | ♀ | 43m | warrior
tigersnare | ♀ | 13m | warrior


oceaneye | ♂ | 57m | warrior
birchfang | ♂ | 49m | warrior
patchheart | ♂ | 19m | warrior

azureheart | ♂ | 56m | warrior
rogerfang | ♂ | 66m | warrior
iceheart | ♂ | 59m | warrior
cedarclaw | ♂ | 58m | warrior


dawnpaw | ♀ | 11m | app
cinnamonpaw | ♂ | 11m | app
bramblepaw | ♀ | 9m | app
goldfishpaw | ♂ | 8m | app
smokepaw | ♂ | 7m | app
quickpaw | ♀ | 7m | app


daffodilhunt | ♀ | 158m | elder

★ consumption [ 11 servings needed ]: 4x rat,
1x bat, 2x stoat

★ waiting to see if badger will leave

★ hunting patrol #1: maplewhisker, greengaze,
birchfang, creamgaze

★ hunting patrol #2: cedarclaw, stonestripe,
iceheart, rogerfang

★ hunting patrol #3: tabbystripe, sparrowpounce,
wolffang, amberwood

★ hunting patrol #4: lionshade, leopardcry,
tigersnare, jaywhistle

★ border patrol #1: blackwhisker, azureheart,

★ herb gathering: hazelleaf, whiteflurry

★ practicing medicine: hazelleaf, whiteflurry

★ ancestral visit: requesting a warrior

★ infirmary visits: none

★ kittings due:
fierceshine x unknown, 1
greengaze x jaywhistle, 0
( sorry, i forgot to add greengaze ;w; )

★ training:
bramblepaw, junipertongue
goldfishpaw, frostfall
smokepaw, oceaneye
quickpaw, patchheart

★ mate changes: none

★ rank changes: none

★ cat transfers: none

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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Wed Oct 23, 2019 3:57 pm

    Season: Leaf-bare
    Weather: Hardly any leaves on the trees now as the first trickles of snow fall from the sky. The days are starting to be colder now. Young cats should be careful about being in this weather as sickness rates will rise, mothers will have a harder time birthing during this time as well. Cats will be harder to find on patrol as well as prey. Let's hope that you prepared your clan to stay strong during the harsh leaf-bare days.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me!

    As you all have may noticed CaC has its very own lineart! The lines were created by the very talented Grey_Hoodie and are being colored in by various other mods, mini mods and the CaC artists. Allowing us to use the lineart for your cats lets us give more unique patterns as we are limited to free to use pictures. If you want your cats to be transferred onto the lineart all you have to do is get in contact with a mod and the team will take care of it.

    I have also noticed that a lot of you have not been adding pebbles correctly. Remember, every post you make you get four pebbles automatically. Patrols will sometimes bring back extra pebbles they find as well! Pebbles can be used here at the cac store anytime!

    **Check the fanlub! There are event kitties popping up!

    Herb Lists: one, two

| Lakeclan | Twistedclan | Chessclan | Prairieclan | Evergreen Clan | Celestial Beings | Whisperclan | Clan of Despair | Wildclan | Larch's Advance | Lotusclan | Hiddenclan |

MistyAutumnDays wrote:Evergreen Clan
Two hares have been consumed,
one patrol has been sent out (Swiftstar, Calmriver, Splashheart, Skyfur),
one hunting trip has been sent out (Crackleflame, Runningnight, Fernsnap, Snapperjaw),
Kindlepine looks for herbs,
the apprentices (Pokepaw, Quincepaw, Ryepaw, Eveningpaw, Ivypaw) go on a quest to find an adoptive mother for Salmonkit.

    Crackleflame, Runningnight, Fernsnap, Snapperjaw caught a mink.

    Swiftstar, Calmriver, Splashheart, Skyfur returned with an injured Calmriver. Calmriver slipped on a patch of ice and broke their leg. They need a stick, two cobwebs and 4 moons of rest.
    Pokepaw, Quincepaw, Ryepaw, Eveningpaw, Ivypaw were unable to find a surrogate for Salmonkit and returned from their search with sadness.

    Kindlepine was unable to find any herbs to to the lack of experience and snow.

broken* wrote:Image(c)
➣cumulus requests the 2nd seraphim(deputy) - aquilegia (basilfloof)
➣angelica & sky go searching for herbs & practice healing.
➣shrike, bramble, lychnis, juniper, cumulus, & knot go on a hunting patrol.
➣leech, rye, oriole, tanning, Tunis, & harrier go on a border patrol.
➣oriole & leech take their apprentices tunis & harrier out to train on the skill stealth.
➣ame i would like to request color-ins from now on for new cats, instead of FTU images.

    Shrike, Bramble, Lychnis, Juniper, Cumulus, and Knot caught two voles.

    Leech, Rye, Oriole, Tanning, Tunis, and Harrier return back to camp with an injured Rye. The lost their footing and landed in a prickly bush. They need a cobweb to stop some of the bleeding from the scratches.

    Angelica and Sky find a stick and catmint. Angelica's skills stay sharp as she taught Sky how to heal. (He is successful)

    *See gathering
    Tunis and Harrier both learned the stealth skill.

    Starclan sent the second deputy.

xXocea wrote:Image(c)
consumed:: fasting 1/3
den repair:: n/a
↳ material

herb hunting:: n/a
gathering:: n/a

patrolling:: cloudstar
hunting:: cloudstar

training:: n/a
↳ skill

medical treatments:: n/a
kittings:: n/a

starclan visit:: n/a
rank changes:: cloudheart >> leader
mate changes:: name x name • kits?
cat transfers:: n/a

    Cloudstar was unable to find anything to catch.

    Cloudstar found 11 pebbles while on patrol.
Last edited by amethyst14 on Thu Oct 24, 2019 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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【Will-O-Wisps Origin】

Postby wendi-ghost » Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:34 pm

ᴏᴜʀ ꜰᴀᴛᴇꜱ ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴜꜱ
text text text text𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕝-𝕆-𝕎𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕤text text text text txt
An elusive, light-footed clan settled deep within a forest, with
eyes compared to the old legends of will-o-wisps that lead you
to your fate, if you're curious enough to follow them.texttext
xxWillows, as they're affectionately called, are actually rather
shy, curious, cats who wish to help travelers and lost soulsxx
wandering in their territory. They are unusually excitable and
can even come off as suspiciously friendly, but they only mean
well, at least for the most part, though they do remember ill
intentions towards them.xt text text text text text text text

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨
text text text text textᴄʟᴀɴ ʀᴀɴᴋɪɴɢꜱtext text text text
Fate- The leading feline in the clan.
Scry- Second-In-Command, approves most menial decisions.
Light- Medicine cat that cares for the sick and wounded.
Light's Flame- Cat training to become the next Light.
Echoes- Hunting and fighting cats, essential for survival.
Flames- Young felines training to become proud Echoes.
Faes- Expecting or nursing cats caring for the young Wisps.
Wisps- Felines under 6 moon cycles still in a Fae's care.

ʙᴇ ʙʀᴀᴠᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴇᴇ ɪᴛ.
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【 ♛ ─── " 𝑽𝑬𝑺𝑼𝑽𝑰𝑨 | 𝑿𝑰𝑰𝑰 】

Postby geto » Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:39 pm

      𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 026
      𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 013
      𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 013

    𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 5
    𝙥𝙚𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 70
    𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 25 oct
      𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 | 𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚
      [Freya, Seiran, Koda, Juto & Tristan goes on a hunt]
      [Ito, Reinhilde, Eris & Rye goes to patrol the border]
      [Yvette & T’kara goes to gather herbs & hones their skills]

      [Vesuvia welcomes Sif into the clan !]
      [x1 mouse has been added into the feed]
      [x1 chickweed & x1 foxglove seed has been added into the medicine stash]
      [x2 hares has been consumed by the clan]
      [x1 burnet & x1 goldenrod has been used on Aether]

      𝙩𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 !!
      [interesting events]

      Aether, 08y 08m, male

      Seiran, 4y 06m, male

      ♛ nil
      ♛ nil
      ♛ nil

      Yvette, 07y 04m, female
      T’kara, 05y 01m, female

      ♛ nil

      Freya, 06y 04m, female

      Reinhilde, 06y 02m, female
      Anthon, 04y 07m, male
      Eris, 01y 06m, female
      Meridine, 04y 11m, female
      Rye, 04y 09m, male
      Juto, 04y 02m, male
      Ito, 04y 07m, male
      Tristan, 04y 04m, male
      Koda, 01y 01m, male
    Gray, 11y 02m, male

    Halla, 04y 04m, female
    - birthed
    Nasrin, 06y 10m, female
    - birthed
    Sif, 04y 06m, female
    - due in 2 moons

    𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑺 [06𝒎 - 12𝒎]
    [url=link]n[/url]ame, 00y 00m, gender

    𝑵𝑬𝑾𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 [00𝒎 - 06𝒎]
    Connor, 00y 05m, male
    Cersei, 00y 05m, female
    Eleanor, 00y 05m, female
    Tristan, 00y 05m, male
    Diyanne, 00y 05m, female
    Leon, 00y 03m, male - mute
    Kansa, 00y 01m, female
    Ein, 00y 01m, male

    [intruders, predators, wanderer, strays, etc]
    ♛ nil

    ♛ nil

    Aether | Eris, Koda

    𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺 [sire | dam | kits]
    nil | Meridine | Connor, Cersei,
    Eleanor, Tristan, Diyanne

    Ito | Nasrin | nil atm
    nil | Halla | Leon
    nil | Nasrin | Ein, Kansa

    group n. | ally/enemy

      ⊰ borage leaves x0 — produces more and better milk, brings down fevers,
      helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests
      ⊰ broom x0 — used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
      ⊰ burdock root x1 — soothes and heals rat bites, numbs rat bite to the
      point a cat cannot feel the pain, also treats infected paws and other sores
      ⊰ burnet x1 — used to provide strength, good for expecting queens
      ⊰ celandine x1 — soothes weakened or damaged eyes
      ⊰ chickweed x1 — treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred
      ⊰ goldenrod x1 — good for healing wounds
      ⊰ rush x1 — helps hold a broken limb in place
      ⊰ holly berry x1 — no medicinal value, dangerous to kits
      ⊰ yarrow x1 — extracts poisons from wounds, make a cat vomit toxins,
      heal cracked pads when soften
      ⊰ stick x1 — cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either
      unavailable or not recommended, also used to help broken legs heal
      ⊰ fennel x1 — helps pain in the hips
      ⊰ foxglove seed [poison] x2 — can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
      ⊰ mint x1 — hides the scent of death

      ⊰ Eris | 𝑰𝑽/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
      ⊰ Koda | 𝑰𝑽/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
    ⊰ mouse | 1 s. | x1 | 1 t.
    ⊰ shrew | 1 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ rabbit | 2 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ squirrel | 2 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ small fish | 2 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ hare | 3 s. | x3 | 7 t.

    north : name
    south : name
    east : name
    west : name
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