Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Wolfypoof » Wed May 29, 2019 7:30 pm

Number of Cats: 58

The sun was starting to set and it shone brilliantly on Bloomseed's ginger fur. Foxfang stepped forward so that he was a tails length away from her. Unbeknown to her, he had also brought Bumblestream with him, who was hidden in the bushes. Bloomseed's tail lay neatly on her paws.

"We haven't talked in a while," she said. Foxfang shook his head.
"We have been busy since we became warriors," he replied.
"Congratulations on your kits by the way," she smiled. He nodded in thanks. It went silent as they ran out of things to say. Foxfang cleared his throat. "So, you needed to speak with me?" Bloomseed stood up straight.
"Yeah... Do you remember when Flamebelly died?"

Her sudden question took him aback. Why was she asking this all of a sudden? Despite the thoughts in his head, he nodded.
"As you know, I was trying to investigate about it. I wanted to solve the answer," she said. "At first, I found it strange. If he was attacked surely their would be other fur besides his own? But then I realised that his attacker may have been ginger too. So I asked around." Foxfang moved uncomfortably where he sat. He didn't want to think of the past. Although half asleep, Bumblestream was also listening from the bushes.

"I got similar answers from all sorts of cats. He was on patrol and then they spilt up for a bit. He vanished soon after. Foxfang, where were you on that day?" she suddenly asked. He tried to think. It was a long time ago and his memory was a bit hazy in areas.
"I think I was on patrol," he said at last.
"I thought so," she smiled. "I was told Flamebelly went with another cat. I believe this cat was the one that killed him." She paused and looked at Foxfang in the eyes. She suddenly looked tired and older than she truly is. "Foxfang," she said. "You went with him. You're the one that killed Flamebelly."

Foxfang rose to his paws and jumped back. "Excuse me?" he angrily asked. "What makes you think it was me? For all I know it could've been you!" She shook her head. "There was only one cat who could did it and that was you," she said. He was furious! He thought he was going to have a nice chat with his sister but instead she accuses him of murder. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Meanwhile, Bumblestream was fully attentive. She watching and listening to every word. Foxfang angrily paced the clearing while Bloomseed calmly sat in the middle. She closed her eyes. "Foxfang, I want you to be honest with me. What did you do when you were with Flamebelly?"

He stopped pacing. "We were... hunting... Or maybe a border patrol. It was a long time ago, I can't possibly remember everything!" he hissed.
"Then tell me what you do remember."
"Okay... I remember I found Emberstorm out there. She talked to but I can't remember what she said. I went back to Flamebelly too... And then he... He..."
Bloomseed titled her head.
"He... No... I just remember seeing him bleeding. He looked at me in horror and then I looked at my paws. They were red," he said and took a deep breath. "I killed him." She stood up. "That's all I needed to hear. You'll always be my brother but some things can't be forgotten easily. We need to tell Birdstar." She stared to walk back to camp. Foxfang dashed towards her.
"Wait no! Please don't!"
"You won't keep me quiet," she hissed. "I spent moons waiting for this!" Without thinking, he lunged towards her. She yowled in surprise. Foxfang didn't remember what happened next. It was all a blur. He opened his eyes and he saw blood, clumps of fur and a lifeless body. Bloomseed, his sister, was dead. And he was the one that did it. He panted and looked at his paws in shook. He was suddenly brought back to that fateful night. The night he killed Flamebelly.

Bumblestream came out of the bushes. "Uhh... Was that meant to happen?"

Bloomseed had been missing for quite some time now. Dustbreeze was starting to worry. She left to talk with Foxfang but where did she go next? Foxfang had already returned and said she was doing some quick hunting. It had been days and she still hadn't returned! Silentpaw bounded towards him. "Hello my lovely mentor! I get to do my warriors assessment soon!"
"Oh, uh, that's great. Good luck," he said and turned back towards the camp entrance. She pouted.
"Who are you waiting for?"
He explained about Bloomseed. He left out the solving of murders though. She squeaked and suddenly got an idea. "We should look for her!"
"You think that will be okay?" he asked. She nodded. "Of course! Maybe she is stuck in a bramble bush and needs saving." Silentpaw was suddenly excited. She could be the hero! Before they left, Dustbreeze told Greypatch where they were going. He wished them luck and waited for their return, with Bloomseed in tow.

They entered the forest and checked all the great hunting spots. She wasn't in either of those. They checked through out the usual trail for patrols but couldn't find a single thing. Not even a single scent mark. "Where would she have gone?" Dustbreeze thought aloud.
"Do you think she left the territory?" SIlentpaw asked. He frowned and shook his head. She wasn't foolish enough to do that. They continued their search in more uncommon areas. He was starting to get worried. It would be terrible if a fox got her.

"Hey!" Silentpaw yelled. "I found some easy prey!" He ran towards her to have a look. There was a fuzzy body laying on it's side. It appeared it had already been killed. Dustbreeze rolled his eyes. "That's called crow-food. You don't eat that," he said and walked towards it. They may as well bury it while they were here.
"Why not?" Silentpaw asked. "Food is food in my ey-oof!" She ran into his leg as he had suddenly paused. He was looking at the body very intently. "Why have you stopped?"
He turned his face towards her, eyes wide in horror. "Silentpaw. Go back to camp and get Rabbitnose."
"Huh? Why?"
"Just do it!" he yelled. She squeaked and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. What she found wasn't crow-food. It was Bloomseed's body. She looked peacefully asleep, aside from the blood all over her pelt. It took some time but Rabbitnose arrived along with Birdstar. She said it was too late and she had been dead for some time now. They sadly moved her body back to camp where they had a memorial ceremony.

Dustbreeze was shocked. How could this have happened? Who was the one that killed her? Rabbitnose had already came to the conclusion that it was probably a fox. Deep down, he thought this to be false. He had no evidence for this claim. Expect for one vital thing she told him before he was death. He was about to solve not one, but two murders.

[Acornclan consume a bird, rabbit, two squirrels and a mouse (10 servings)]
[Bloomseed has been found dead! The clan grieves]
[Cherrypaw receives his warrior name: Cherrynose]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[All apprentices train]
Birdstar, Blossomberry, Beaverstream and Blackwing patrol]
[Cinderflight, Cedarfur, Tigertuft and Willow-whisp hunt]
[Dapplecloud, Hollymist, Hazelwish and Snowbriar hunt]
[Mousewish, Mudspring, Twigcatcher and Rainpuddle hunt]
[Flakeheart, Bearbrook, Cloudnose and Shadepelt gather supplies]

[General mod note: Please don't kill any of the cats that are in bold c:]

    Birdstar | 74 moons | she-cat | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★

    Bramblestep | 74 moons | tom | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Rabbitnose | 76 moons | she-cat | X

    Dapplecloud | 69 moons | she-cat | X
    Cloverstep | 67 moons | tom | X
    Cinderflight | 56 moons | she-cat | X
    Greypatch | 49 moons | tom | X
    Bumblestream | 56 moons | she-cat | X
    Blossomberry| 46 moons | she-cat| X
    Dustbreeze | 46 moons | tom | X
    Appleblaze | 76 moons | she-cat | X
    Tigertuft | 39 moons | she-cat | X
    Mousewish | 56 moons | tom | X
    Rainpuddle | 69 moons | she-cat | X
    Mothdapple | 64 moons | she-cat | X
    Flakeheart | 35 | she-cat | X
    Foxfang | 35 moons | tom | X
    Blackwing | 30 moons | tom X
    Hailmask | 31 moons | tom | X (Neutered)
    Stormpetal | 31 moons | she-cat | X
    Bearbrook | 56 moons | tom | X
    Smallsky | 31 moons | she-cat | X
    Hollymist | 31 moons | she-cat | X
    Flintstripe | 27 moons | she-cat | X
    Brightskip | 27 moons | tom | X
    Twigcatcher | 44 moons | tom | X
    Birchleaf | 49 moons | tom | X
    Fernfrost | 23 moons | she-cat | X
    Ivyflower | 23 moons | she-cat | X
    Strawberryfield | 20 moons | she-cat | X
    Cedarfur | 20 moons | tom | X
    Cloudnose | 20 moons | she-cat | X
    Shadepelt | 20 moons | tom | X
    Beaverstream | 20 moons | tom | X
    Mudspring | 24 moons | tom | X
    Sootpounce | 25 moons | tom | X
    Hazelwish | 15 moons | she-cat | X
    Lilysplash | 15 moons | she-cat | X
    Mosspelt | 15 moons | tom | X
    Snowbriar | 49 moons | she-cat | X
    Pale-eyes | 40 moons | she-cat | X
    Cherrynose | 14 moons | tom | X
    Willow-whisp | 23 moons | she-cat | X

    Silentpaw | 12 moons | she-cat | X
    Frostpaw | 7 moons | she-cat | X
    Silverpaw| 7 moons | tom | X
    Echopaw | 7 moons | she-cat | X
    Sheeppaw | 7 moons | tom | X
    Mistpaw | 7 moons | she-cat | X

    Emberstorm | 60 moons | she-cat | X

    Tigerkit | 0 moons | tom | X
    Specklekit | 0 moons | she-cat | X
    Crowkit | 0 moons | tom | X

    Drizzlepool | 114 moons | tom | X
    Songfeather | 112 moons | she-cat | X
    Whitecoal | 94 moons | tom | X
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Forestclan | Simonpet
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Blueclan |
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark |x2| Eases toothaches
    Boarge leaves |x1| For better milk, bring down fevers.
    Broom |x2| Used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
    Burnet |x1|
    Catmint |x1 | Remedy for greencough, whitecough
    Celandine |x0| Soothes damaged eyes
    Chamomile | x1|
    Cobwebs |x1 | Stops bleeding, binds broken bones
    Coltsfoot |x1| Eases breathing, kitten-cough, cracked/sore pads.
    Daisy leaf |x1| Eases the pain of aching joints. Traveling herb.
    Dandelion |x1|
    Deathberry |x1| Kills a cat, poison
    Dried oak leaf |x0| stops infection
    Dock |x1| Soothes scratches, sore pads and the pain of wounds
    Fennel |x1|
    Feverfew |x2 | Reduces body temp., heals aches, pains.
    Goatweed |x1| Eases grief
    Goldenrod |x1| Good for healing wounds
    Hawkweed |x1 | Like catmint but not as strong
    Juniper berries |x1| Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled breathing
    Lavender |x1| Cures fevers and chills
    Lungwort |x2| Cures yellowcough
    Marigold |x1| Stops infection and bleeding
    Poppy seeds |x1 | Helps a cat sleep, soothe shock/distress, ease pain.
    Raspberry leaves |x1 | Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding
    Rush | x1 | Helps hold a broken limb in place
    Sorrel |x1|
    Stick |x2|
    Thyme |x1| Calms nervousness, anxiety, cats who are in shock
    Watermint |x2| Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x2 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x2 | 1 servings
    Vole | x2| 1 servings
    Squirrel | x1| 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Birds | x1| 3 servings

    Building supply store
    Moss |x2
    Rock |x3

    Dustbreeze | Slientpaw |4 | Stalking, hunting, climbing, battle
    Rabbitnose | Echopaw | 1 | Herb recognition
    Brightskip | Frostpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Flintstripe | Silverpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Mothdapple | Sheeppaw | 1 | Hunting
    Cloverstep | Mistpaw | 1 | Hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Crowkit | died shortly after birth | X
    Flamebelly | murdered | X
    Cowpelt | killed by fox | X
    Bloomseed | murdered | X

    Appleblaze and ??? | Foxfang and Bloomseed
    Rainpuddle and ??? | Blackwing, Hailmask, Stormpetal, Crowkit
    Rainpuddle (foster mother) | Smallsky and Hollymist
    Bramblestep and Dapplecloud | Strawberryfield and Cedarfur
    Bearbrook and ??? | Cloudnose, Beaverpaw and Shadepelt
    Greypatch and Blossomberry | Silentpaw
    Birchleaf and Snowbriar | Frostkit, Silverkit, Echokit and Sheepkit
    Pale-eyes and ??? | Hazelpaw, Lilypaw and Mistkit
    Emberstorm and Foxfang | Tigerkit, Specklekit and Crowkit
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avianclan, 002

Postby mellifluous, » Thu May 30, 2019 3:00 pm


population;; 003
serving amt; 002
moonstone; now
word word word .
archive thread
intro post;; here


    xpuffin padded into the old fox den they had turned into a den for the small kit. her bright blue eyes were the only thing the young chief could see as the kit hid herself deep within the den. the small black body still shivering with fear as the tom drew nearer. he stopped himself when he could make out the outline of her face, lying himself down and staring into her eyes. she had yet to say a word since he'd rescued her, opting instead for small mews and an occasional purr.
    x"you don't have to talk to me, hatchling," he told her softly, trying to pour his heart into every word he said. "i just want to tell you a story." he could see her left ear twitch at the word story, perhaps her mother had done so before. he gave a soft smile and set his head on the ground, visibly relaxing before the kit to help calm her. "there once was a little birdling, whose nest was sat atop the tallest tree in the entire woods..." his story began.


    xthe little birdling sat in his nest with his siblings, waiting for their mother's return each evening. one day, however, a monster appeared and snatched the birdling from its nest. it left the birdlings siblings be and carried the single bird away from its nest. the monster dumped the bird in the middle of the forest before speeding away without a second thought. confused and scared the young birdling hid in bushes and trees as it tried to find its way back to the nest. the bird met many strange creatures on its journey. from a yapping dog who wanted only to play to the mischievous fox who lured the bird away from its quest to a gentle beast that mothered the bird for a short while. it took many moons of wandering around the forest, meeting many foes, and many friends until the bird met another young bird. lost and abandoned the two fell in love, spending every moment together, creating a nest of their own in the woods. the birdling thought he had finally found his own nest, he thought he no longer needed the security of his mother and he grew comfortable. that was until one night, the young bird he had fallen in love with abandoned him too.
    xthe young birdling thought his life was over at that point. he had lost everything he had ever loved and he had nothing left. it took many, many more moons of wandering life now filled with numerous foes trying to bring the birdling down further.

    xpuffin paused briefly in his story to clean his front paw. at this pause the young kit watched him curiously. "that's not the end it it?" her first words. he looked up at her with pride swelling in his heart. the kit moved closer to him cautiously. "the birdling hasn't gotten his happy ending yet, what's the ending?" the kit mewed as she now stood a kitten step away from puffin. he gave her a soft, sad smile before sitting back on his hind legs.
    x"of course not," puffin said coyly as he move toward the den's entrance. he walked slowly allowing the kit to trail him at a comfortable pace. puffin nodded toward sparrow as the two cats exited the camp and moved toward the river. "now where was i?" he whispered playfully before beginning again.

    xone fateful morning, exhausted and battered the birdling stumbled across a river. he had traveled long and far, had eaten a handful of seeds and berries on his travels but not nearly enough to appease his stomach. when he saw the river he landed on a small rock overlooking it. the birdling sat there on the rock for ages resting his wings and listening to the warped song of the babbling brooks. it was then he heard it. a small, familiar song not that far away from his resting place. the bird's eyes flew open, his body suddenly rejuvenated with the hope it gave him. and the bird found his home. but his mother was nowhere to be found and neither were his siblings, nor his mother's nest. it was not his tree, it was not even his woods. but he knew deep with his soul that he had come home. he would need to fill it with life and love, but it was the place he had been unknowingly searching for. it had been calling for him to return, and he knew from the songs that filled the air that he was exactly where he needed to be.

    xpuffin turned to the young kit. they were now sitting at the moonstone he had stumbled across only a paw-full of sunrises before. the kit watched the river intently, her eyes open but the images of the world were not registering. puffin watched her for a touch longer when a single bird deep in the forest sang a short melody. the kit's ears swiveled toward the noise as her eyes stayed on the river a beat longer.
    x"i understand now." she whispered cryptically before returning puffin's stare. "i understand." she repeated herself. puffin smiled at her and softly pressed his face to hers. a peaceful air surrounding the two as they listened to the songs of surrounding birds begin to grow louder and louder. it wasn't until sparrow cleared his throat that the two cats came back to reality.
    x"i'm sorry to interrupt chief, but it would be best if we got the kit back to camp." he spoke softly, his voice kind and apologetic as he broke the moment. puffin looked to the kit and nodded, softly licking her forehead before leading the trio back camp. as they walked he could hear the kit whisper so softly he almost didn't catch it.
    x"batkit." the name filled the tom with joy as he had gained the kits trust. he looked over to sparrow who gave a small smile to show that he had heard the kit.

    xupon returning to camp batkit walked to her den, settling on the small moss bed sat near the entrance. sparrow followed her curiously, sitting next to her bed and whispering a soft thank you and goodnight. the older tomcat then returned to puffin with a sad smile. "the kit needs a real mother, she can't go on with two tomcats trying their best to fill in the holes her mother left." puffin turned his eyes back to batkit who now appeared to be sleeping soundly, it was something he'd yet to see her do. it was another of her firsts.
    x"you watch the kit, i'll be back." puffin told sparrow as he wandered back to the moonstone, glancing back to see the older tomcat heading toward the small den.

    xwhen puffin arrived back at the moonstone the sun was peeking over the edge of the hills, it would be dark soon. puffin quietly sat on the moonstone and waited for the telltale song. when the small melody finally found its way to his ears he knew what he would find once opening his eyes. "you're back already great chief?" the silvery black cat purred as they circled puffin slowly, their tail caressing puffin's face for a beat. puffin watched as the cat sat once more at the edge of the rock, the sun's rays shining not on but through the strange cat. "tell me, do you at least know my name now?" the cat toyed.
    xpuffin fixed the cat with a confused look, "sparrow calls you ward." the cat gave a mischievous smile at the name. "he is my favorite, that's why i sent him of course." the cat continued. "is he a faithful servant?" the cat chirped their tail flicking with amusement. puffin thought for a moment before agreeing that sparrow had served well so far. "i can tell that you want more though." the cat's tone became menacing as they said this. puffin's heartbeat sped faster as ward's demeanor changed so quickly.
    x"i am glad to be of your service great puffinstar, but you cannot come to me with your every problem." the cat warned with a small hiss. "i will present you with what you want, but you cannot depend on me to build this clan myself." the cat uttered their tail flicking again, but now puffin wondered if it had been with annoyance. "i do not expect you to, the kit needs a mother." puffin breathed, his voice held firm although his confidence shook slightly with the sudden turn in demeanor. "do not fright my chief." the cat purred before giving a small nod. "you will find her soon, now leave me to my rest."
    xpuffin nodded returning to his feet, quickly padding back to camp. when he briefly looked back to see if ward remained he saw not a cat but a small black crow sat atop the moonstone, its head tilted slightly before springing from the rock and taking flight. puffin shook his head and continued back to camp. there he found the older tom now spread out across the moss bed as bat nuzzled into his stomach. with a soft smile puffin moved closer, settling on top of the rock that covered the den entrance. it didn't take long before darkness overtook his vision and he drifted into a state of dreaming.

    tipmoonstone request puffinstar requests a queen xx border patrol puffinstar and sparrowfoot survey xx hunting patrol puffinstar and sparrowfoot hunt

puffinstar, 30m, ♂
xxlives; ★★★★★★★★★ [ 9/9]

presuff, age, ♂♀

presuff, age, ♂♀

sparrowfoot, 40m, ♂
presuff, age, ♂♀
presuff, age, ♂♀
presuff, age, ♂♀
prepaw, age, ♂♀
prepaw, age, ♂♀

presuff, age, ♂♀
presuff, age, ♂♀

batkit, 5m, ♀
prekit, age, ♂♀

presuff, age, ♂♀
presuff, age, ♂♀
xxiclan name╶ user
xxiclan name╶ user
xxiclan name╶ user
xxiclan name╶ user
xxiclan name╶ user
xxiclan name╶ user

xmice, one serving╶ 000
xfrog, one serving╶ 000
xrabbit, two servings╶ 000
xsmall fish, two servings╶ 000
xgrouse, three servings╶ 001
xlarge fish, three servings╶ 001
Last edited by mellifluous, on Wed May 27, 2020 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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quickclan x o25

Postby eagle, » Thu May 30, 2019 4:45 pm

never stop running on and on with the wind
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( archive ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

            number of cats ninety-three | forty-seven ♂ | fourty-five ♀ | one non-binary | servings needed fifteen (+98)
            next moonpool anytime | injuries flintpaw, | kittings honeyflower - now, hawkrise - 2m
            pebbles 20 | den decay 5m

paragraphwriting was too long - can be found here

[ added cats ] thistlestrike (x), hickorypatch via discord
[ consumption ] quickclan eats five hares
[ moonpool ] n/a
[ rank changes ] rosepaw and peckerpaw retake their assessments. if they pass, they will be named roselight and peckernose
marshpaw, cardinalpaw, and fleetingpaw take their assessments. if they pass, they will be named marshstripe, cardinalheart, and fleetingmoon
valleykit, kestrelkit, frogkit, rootkit, hootkit, branchkit, and swoopkit are ready to become apprentices
[ medicine cats ] flintpaw is in need of x1 cobwebs
[ kitting ] honeyflower is kitting, alpinemask is with her, uses x1 borage
[ hunting 1 ] falconflight, twiteflight, dustear, oriolefeather, sweetecho, and kindleflare
[ hunting 2 ] oakseed, berrypad, chanterellestep, sproutclaw, frostfur, and grassthorn
[ hunting 3 ] snakespots, alderpatch, flamestrike, cherrydawn, canaryleap, and brightcreek
[ hunting 4 ] thistlestrike, screechwing, and sagetuft
[ supply gathering 1 ] sparrowcall, whitesnow, minnowjump, mulestomp, hickorypatch, and rowanfoot
[ supply gathering 2 ] redstar, hollowfang, mintstem, duneserpent, splashfall, and acorntail
[ herb hunting ] alpinemask and gorseberry look for herbs
[ training ] darterpaw, owletpaw, rainypaw, and webpaw learn fishing
boulderpaw, daffodilpaw, finchpaw, and cricketpaw learn swimming
dandelionpaw, dovepaw, and plumpaw learn fighting
magpiepaw, tinselpaw, and rivuletpaw learn hunting
autumnpaw learns how to take care of queens
[ event ] redstar loses another life after not eating
[ notes to mod ] i ask that no cats die during patrols, though injuries are fine xx

      leader (1/1)
      redstar | 52 moons | ♂ |

      cyanslash | 41 moons | ♂ |

      medicine cats (2/2)
      alpinemask | 46 moons | ♂ |
      gorseberry | 27 moons | ♂ |

      medicine cat apprentice
      autumnpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | | blind

      warriors (51/55)
      sparrowcall | 76 moons | ♂ | (left)
      poppyhaze | 72 moons | ♀ | (right)
      sootstone | 69 moons | ♂ |
      duskflower | 62 moons | ♀ |
      snakespots | 58 moons | ♂ |
      mothtail | 58 moons | ♀ |
      tallpeak | 53 moons | ♀ |
      piperskip | 50 moons | ♀ |
      sweetecho | 50 moons | ♀ |
      blizzardrush | 48 moons | ♂ |
      brackenrose | 47 moons | ♀ |
      falconflight | 46 moons | ♂ |
      flurrywind | 46 moons | ♂ |
      splashfall | 45 moons | ♂ |
      hickorypatch | 45 moons | ♀ |
      aspenwish | 44 moons | ♀ |
      nightfall | 43 moons | ♂ |
      frostfur | 39 moons | ♂ |
      hollyfur | 39 moons | ♀ |
      eagleheart | 39 moons | ♂ |
      thistlestrike | 39 moons | ♀ |
      kindleflare | 38 moons | ♀ |
      fluffytuft | 36 moons | ♂ |
      oakseed | 34 moons | ♂ |
      duneserpent | 33 moons | ♂ |
      loonlight | 32 moons | ♀ |
      screechwing | 30 moons | ♂ |
      patchwing | 29 moons | ♀ |
      pearsblossom | 29 moons | ♀ |
      treespirit | 28 moons | ♂ |
      berrypad | 27 moons | ♀ |
      whitesnow | 27 moons | ♀ |
      flamestrike | 27 moons | ♂ |
      alderpatch | 27 moons | afab |
      brightcreek | 26 moons | ♀ |
      acorntail | 24 moons | ♀ |
      minnowjump | 23 moons | ♂ |
      mulestomp | 23 moons | ♂ |
      canaryleap | 23 moons | ♂ |
      chanterellestep | 22 moons | ♂ |
      sagetuft | 20 moons | ♀ |
      twiteflight | 19 moons | ♀ |
      sproutclaw | 18 moons | ♂ |
      mintstem | 18 moons | ♀ |
      cherrydawn | 18 moons | ♀ |
      grassthorn | 16 moons | ♀ |
      oriolefeather | 16 moons | ♂ |
      dustear | 16 moons | ♂ |
      rowanfoot | 14 moons | ♂ |
      hollowfang | 13 moons | ♂ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      apprentices (21/25)
      flintpaw | 16 moons | ♂ | | blind
      peckerpaw | 16 moons | ♂ | | limp
      rosepaw | 14 moons | ♂ |
      marshpaw | 13 moons | ♀ |
      darterpaw | 13 moons | ♂ |
      cardinalpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      fleetingpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      owletpaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
      webpaw | 12 moons | ♂ |
      rainypaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
      boulderpaw | 11 moons | ♂ |
      daffodilpaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      dandelionpaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      dovepaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      finchpaw | 10 moons | ♀ |
      cricketpaw | 10 moons | ♂ |
      plumpaw | 9 moons | ♂ |
      magpiepaw | 8 moons | ♂ |
      tinselpaw | 8 moons | ♀ |
      rivuletpaw | 8 moons | ♀ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      queens (17/20)
      zinniabelly | 63 moons | ♀ |
      honeyflower | 51 moons | ♀ |
      hawkrise | 29 moons | ♀ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      valleykit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      kestrelkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      frogkit | 6 moons | ♂ |
      rootkit | 6 moons | ♂ |
      hootkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      branchkit | 6 moons | ♀ |
      swoopkit | 6 moons | ♂ |
      ploverkit | 5 moons | ♀ |
      pinekit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      crakekit | 4 moons | ♂ |
      charredkit | 4 moons | ♀ |
      lagoonkit | 4 moons | ♂ |
      heronkit | 1 moon | ♂ |
      scorpionkit| 1 moon | ♂ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      elders (1/5)
      miranda | 111 moons | ♀ |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☼[/url]

      den materials
      rocks x0
      moss x0
      brambles x0
      feathers x0
      clay x0
          ally clans
          hazeclan | nightwolf950
          groveclan | solyn
          clan | user

          enemy clans
          clan | user
          clan | user

          north | hazeclan | nightwolf950
          east | clan | user
          south | clan | user
          west | quartzclan | miles morales

          medicine store
          alder bark | x1 eases toothaches
          beech leaves | x1 carry herbs for travel
          bindweed | x0 keeps broken bones in place
          borage leaves | x1 for fevers, tight chests, bad bellies; also
          produces milk for queens
          bright-eye | x2 cures coughs when used with loveage
          burnet | x1 traveling herb to keep up strength
          catchweed | x2 stops poultices from being rubbed off
          catmint | x2 treatment of whitecough and/or greencough
          chervil | x0 treatment of wounds, kittings, and infections
          cobwebs | x0 bind broken bones and stop bleeding
          coltsfoot | x1 eases cracked and/or sore pads, eases breathing,
          and treats kittencough
          deadly nightshade | x1 poisonous
          dock leaves | x1 soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds
          elder leaves | x0 soothes sprains
          fennel | x1 helps pain in the hips
          feverfew | x2 treatment of fevers, chills, and headaches
          foxglove | x1 causes paralysis and heart failure
          goldenrod | x1 used to treat wounds
          honey | x1 soothes sore throats, coughing, infections
          horsetail | x1 treats infections and stops bleeding
          juniper berries | x1 soothes bellyaches, strengthens, calms,
          and eases troubled breathing
          lavender | x2 cures fever/chills; hides scent of death
          marigold | x1 used for infections, bleeding, and inflammation
          parsley | x2 cures bellyaches; stops milk production
          poppy seeds | x2 soothes shock, distress, and eases pain
          ragwort | x1 used to soothe aching joints and give strength
          stick | x0 distracts cats from pain
          stinging nettle | x2 induces vomiting
          tansy | x2 cures coughs, soothes throats, and can be used on
          tormentil | x1 good for treating wounds and extracting poison
          water hemlock | x2 poison
          water mint | x1 eases bellyaches
          wild garlic | x1 draws out poison in rat bites and prevents
          willow bark | x1 eases pain
          wintergreen | x1 treats wounds and poisons
          yarrow | x1 extracts poison from wounds, induces vomiting
          herb | usage

          fresh-kill pile
          minnow | x11 | 1 serving
          mouse | x14 | 1 servings
          rabbit | x9 | 2 servings
          small fish | x10 | 2 servings
          squirrel | x8 | 2 servings
          hare | x17 | 3 servings
          big fish | x10 | 3 servings
          bird | x10 | 3 servings
          total | 190 servings

          gorseberry | autumnpaw | 2
          nightfall | flintpaw | 4
          snakespots | peckerpaw | 4
          sweetecho | rosepaw | 4
          duneserpent | marshpaw | 4
          loonlight | darterpaw | 3
          screechwing | cardinalpaw | 4
          splashfall | fleetingpaw | 4
          sootstone | owletpaw | 3
          duskflower | webpaw | 3
          tallpeak | rainypaw | 3
          blizzardrush | boulderpaw | 2
          hollyfur | daffodilpaw | 3
          brackenrose | dandelionpaw | 1
          pearsblossom | dovepaw | 0
          treespirit | finchpaw | 3
          patchwing | cricketpaw | 3
          cyanslash | plumpaw | 0
          aspenwish | magpiepaw | 1
          mothtail | tinselpaw | 1
          piperskip | rivuletpaw | 1
          mentor | apprentice | 0

          ivystripe | 34 moons | died during kitting
          petalkit | 0 moons | weakness after birth
          flashkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          batkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          privetfang | 23 moons | died during kitting
          flutterkit | 0 moons | stillborn
          gullfeather | 34 moons | killed by nolan
          heatpaw | 10 moons | killed by nolan's group
          tumblejaw | 47 moons | choked
          cat | cause of death

          duskflower + ♂ = patchwing
          sunnywhisker (pine) + ♂ = sproutclaw, mintstem, cherrydawn
          aspenwish + ♂ = flintpaw, peckerpaw
          piperskip + ♂ = grassthorn, oriolefeather, dustear
          ivystripe + tumblejaw = hollowfang, marshpaw, darterpaw
          sweetecho + redstar = fleetingpaw, owletpaw, webpaw, rainypaw,
          redhawk (hurricane) + redstar = cardinalpaw, vanillastrike (hurricane),
          kestrelheart (hurricane), rowankit, russetkit, windkit
          poppyhaze + sparrowcall = magpiepaw, tinselpaw, rivuletpaw
          mothtail + ♂ = boulderpaw
          mushu (hurricane) + sootstone = juniperpaw (hurricane), daffodilpaw
          hollyfur + frostfur = berrypad, whitesnow, alderpatch, flamestrike
          gullfeather+ paleflick (hurricane) = petalkit, flashkit, batkit
          meadowspirit (hurricane) + alpinemask = laurelkit (hurricane), valleykit
          turtledove (haze) + falconflight = dandelionpaw, dovepaw, finchpaw,
          flowerskip (char) + redstar = oleanderkit (char), ploverkit
          cleopatra (empire) + redstar = liftkit (empire), sneezekit (empire),
          aspkit (empire), pinekit, crakekit
          privetfang+ ♂ = charredkit, zipperkit (haze), and lagoonkit
          zinniabelly + ♂ = cloudykit (haze), flutterkit
          oceansplash (haze) + snakespots = kestrelkit, frogkit
          honeyflower + redstar = expecting
          bearclaw (haze) + oakseed = rootkit, hootkit, branchkit, swoopkit
          deerleap (bear) + redstar = rainkit (bear), ryekit (bear), heronkit,
          scorpionkit, lionkit
          hawkrise + genetstorm = expecting
          ♀ + ♂ =
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Hazilnut's Sub Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Thu May 30, 2019 5:40 pm

    Season: Leaf-bare
    Weather: Large blankets of snow cover the ground, but at least it has seemed to stop falling from the sky. The days are starting to grow a little longer and the first signs of melt are starting to show at sun high. Nights and mornings are still cold, making sickness numbers high. Prey is still scarce in the territories, predators are starting to become more frequent as they grow desperate for food.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me!
    Please see the new changes found on the front page.
    There are two lists for herbs; one, two


LooneyLani wrote:‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Moonclan☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
requests - n/a
hunting patrols - In the Forest: Ivynose, Streammist, Redheart, Shellwhisker, Bloomfall & Jewelfur
Near the Lake: Featherwillow, Echobreeze, Twigstep, Sandsplash, Songsnow & Fawnleap
Around the Caves: Stoneburr, Barkspring, Stonetail, Dewstep, Oakdawn & Autumnleaf

patrols - North & East Borders: Minnowstream, Rippleshine, Ashfire, Sunheart, Icybrook & Robinlight
South & West Borders: Snowtail, Kestrelfire, Archeye, Mothpool, Crowtail & Blizzardstorm (they search for the fox scent)
Building Materials: Foxtrot, Daisyear, Sleekfur, Sootnose & Hawkgaze

healers - Blossomspeck & Lilybloom gather herbs and practice medicine, Mountainstar & Quailkit are given catmint, the sick cats all rest for a moon
kittings - n/a
relationships - Ivynose & Snowtail try again for their second litter, Autumnleaf & Barkspring try for kits
Icybrook & Stonetail seem to be getting very close with Icybrook learning a new way to communicate easily with him

mentoring - offensive combat: Hollypaw & Flutterpaw (Rippleshine takes over Ebonyflame's training whilst she rests)
defensive combat: Tigerpaw & Dustpaw (Archeye takes over Sealfur's training whilst he rests)
amateur hunting:
stalking: Acornpaw & Willowpaw
hunting: Littlepaw & Minipaw
amateur combat:

assessments - Peachpaw goes for her warrior assessment, Halfpaw goes for her hunting assessment
rank changes - Icybrook, Sootnose, Robinlight & Hawkgaze join the rank of warriors, Dewstep & Oakdawn join the rank of hunters
Quailpaw & Yewpaw are made hunter to bes, Fawnleap & Featherwillow are chosen as mentors
Swiftfang returns to the rank of warrior

mod notes - camp is located in a large cave system and the dens are at the end of smaller tunnels that branch off the main cave, the entrance is behind a waterfall
Thanks for clearing it up!!

consumes - Moonclan consumes 10 servings, finishing off x5 mice, x2 squirrel & x1 frog

    Ivynose, Streammist, Redheart, Shellwhisker, Bloomfall and Jewelfur catch a hare.
    Featherwillow, Echobreeze, Twigstep, Sandsplash, Songsnow and Fawnleap catch a bird.
    Stoneburr, Barkspring, Stonetail, Dewstep, Oakdawn and Autumnleaf catch two mice.

    Minnowstream, Rippleshine, Ashfire, Sunheart, Icybrook and Robinlight find return early from patrol due to the cold.
    Snowtail, Kestrelfire, Archeye, Mothpool, Crowtail and Blizzardstorm find the fox scent. They noticed that there were more than one fox and the scent has split off. They chose to follow the one that led towards camp and encountered three foxes! The patrol managed to chase the foxes off, however Snowtail and Mothpool have died in battle. Blizzardstorm has a large bite wound on their shoulder and needs cobweb and tormentil. Blizzardstorm also needs two moons of rest to recover. Do they go back to check the other trail that headed north?

    Foxtrot, Daisyear, Sleekfur, Sootnose and Hawkgaze gathered three rocks.
    Blossomspeck and Lilybloom found no herbs while they searched.

    Ivynose and Snowtail were successful and are now expecting kits!
    Autumnleaf and Barkspring were successful and are now expecting kits!

    Hollypaw and Flutterpaw learn the offensive combat skill.
    Tigerpaw and Dustpaw learn the defensive combat skill.
    Acornpaw and Willowpaw learned the stalking skill.
    Littlepaw and Minipaw learned the hunting skill and brought back two mice for proof!

    Peachpaw and Halfpaw pass their assessments!
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amberclan ` 59

Postby faerie; » Fri May 31, 2019 2:41 pm


          notes for simon / substitutes !!


          clan count 59 females xx males xx servings 10 moonpool thursday





a thin sheet of fog settled over the farmland. duskwillow looked to the mountains, his gaze soft with kit-like admiration. for a moment, he was taken back to a younger life. surrounded by his rogue family, his leader’s booming voice following the wind. his nose twitched as he scented another cat nearby. duskwillow craned his head to see clumped grass being pushed aside. there, he recognized admonium. the large tom took calculated steps towards duskwillow. he greeted his elder warrior with a chirp and flick of the tail.

and then he was knocked from his post.

admonium’s long cream fur muffled duskwillow’s surprised screech as the tom toppled him over. the young warrior was pinned between admonium’s paws, squirming uncomfortably. “admonium!” he shouted, riling up his back legs to kick the senior warrior away, but admonium easily trumped duskwillow. he kept a hold of the tom with one paw as he swung the other down hard against his cheek. darts of blood painted the nearby grass as admonium continued, now roughly shoving duskwillow to his side, hitting his head hard against the earth. duskwillow could barely choke out an argument as admonium stepped back.

“you dare do this to my daughter and think you will walk freely?” the bile of anger burned all the way up through admonium’s throat as he watched duskwillow stand again. “adanya was destined for great things!” he yowled, charging at duskwillow and knocking the tom over. duskwillow’s paws flailed as he toppled over, although he made an attempt for a grasp on admonium’s thick pelt. the tom pulled himself up and turned on the senior warrior, bearing yellow fangs and slit eyes.

a patrol rushed over to meet the commotion. smoke’s rising had to haul admonium off the young tom, using bookrunner as her second hand. still, admonium had the gaze of a hawk stuck on duskwillow as two patrol members escorted him back home.

“what were you thinking?” smoke’s rising was admittedly more blunt than her leader as she questioned admonium. the tom sat rigid, meeting his deputy’s level gaze.

“i did what any father would do to avenge his daughter.” his amber gaze narrowed as he watched smoke’s rising gather herself. she could barely contain herself as admonium continued. “it’s a shame you wouldn’t do the same.”

ferretstar butted into the conversation before his deputy could lash out. “admonium, this is about you. what were you going to do to duskwillow?” he took a step between the two cats, flicking his tail to motion his warrior’s attention on him instead of smoke’s rising.

“he killed my daughter, ferretstar. what would you do?” before ferretstar could even respond, admonium kept on. “am i supposed to let her rot in the earth while he runs around scot free?”

it was painful having to recall adanya’s death and the events that occurred after. the young mother’s litter was sired by none other than duskwillow, a charismatic rogue. she had planned to keep it between the two, but she couldn’t hold on after the traumatic birth of her kits. with raspy breaths, she had to make the life-changing decision to confide in her medicine cat.

“poppyleaf,” adanya murmured. the tortoiseshell turned towards the queen. it had been days since adanya had given birth to a second litter, but bumbletail advised to keep her in the medicine cat’s den due to heavy bleeding. poppyleaf made her way over, crouching low to adanya’s level.

“yes?” she mewed quietly, knowing the new mother was quite irritable. adanya’s gaze softened as she met poppyleaf’s. the medicine cat recognized something within the queen; it made her muscles tense. the sickening aroma of oncoming death seemed to waft from adanya’s fur - it was as if she knew as she motioned poppyleaf over.

“i need to tell someone.” she cried out weakly, heavy exhales escaping her. poppyleaf pressed a nose to adanya’s cheek, checking for fever. adanya pawed the attentive medicine cat away. “duskwillow..” her gaze skipped away from poppyleaf as she mustered up the courage to admit something so shameful.

“his. they’re his.”

[new cats]

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: beechstripe, rabbitclaw, tansybloom, orchidstep, mousecurl, antheart
↳ hunt: brindleclaw, brookrunner, duskwillow, cricketcall, mapleheart, rowanclaw

↳ border: marigoldstripe, cardinalwing, ivystripe, demelza, oakstem
↳ border: foxwhisker, minktuft, admonium, demelza, lionwatcher, brookrunner
looking for owl

the patrol follows the scent of the badger to thistle rogue territory, warning them of the danger.

↳ herbs: bumbletail, poppyleaf, sunnysprout, bea

[ training ]

pebblepaw, wolfpaw
( fighting )

[ assessments & ceremonies ]

[ kitting ]
willowtail begins kitting. (two females, picture one and two)

[ deaths & injuries ]

[ used herbs ]

[ other ]

[the clan consumes x10 mouse.]

          ferretstar | 76m | tom | x
          lives: ★★★★

          smoke's rising | 77m | molly | x

          medicine cat:
          bumbletail | 85m | tom | x
          bea | 81m | molly | x
          poppyleaf | 52m | molly | x
          sunnysprout | 23m | molly | x

          ⇁ patients

          senior warriors:
          orchidstep | 80m | she-cat |x
          kumonryu | 80m | tom | x
          cicadaflutter | 80m | she-cat | x
          dawntuft | 84m | she-cat | x
          brandy | 77m | molly | x

          goosecloud | 56m | tom | x
          boulderfoot | 56m | tom | x
          shellskip | 56m | tom | x
          lionwatcher | 52m | molly | x
          brookrunner | 52m | molly | x
          brindleclaw | 52m | tom | x
          admonium | 63m | tom | x
          demelza | 63m | molly | x
          ivystripe | 46m | molly | x
          turtlefur | 46m | molly | x
          mousecurl | 43m | molly | x
          rabbitclaw | 41m | tom | x
          cricketcall | 33m | tom | x
          antheart | 46m | tom | x
          duskwillow | 41m | tom | x
          tansybloom | 30m | molly | x
          oakstem | 33m | tom | x
          locustwing | 21m | molly | x
          mapleheart | 21m | tom | x
          crow's frost | 50m | tom | x
          ivoryfang | 52m | molly | x
          beechstripe | 16m | tom | x
          foxwhisker | 16m | molly | x
          minktuft | 16m | molly | x
          rowanclaw | 16m | tom | x
          marigoldstripe | 16m | molly | x
          cardinalwing | 16m | tom | x
          mallowcloud | 12m | molly | x
          mintshade | 12m | tom | x
          oliveclaw | 12m | tom | x
          amare | 12m | tom | x
          sanura | 12m | molly | x

          disabled warriors who cannot meet the daily quota
          of hunting and patrolling. instead, they learn about
          herbs, help kitting, and do other daily clan tasks.

          flurryheart | 48m | molly | x
          woodfern | 32m | molly | x
          olivebranch | 77m | tom | x

          pebblepaw | 11m | molly | x
          wolfpaw | 11m | tom | x

          kings & queens:
          fenneltuft | 59m | molly | x ⁎ permanent
          willowtail | 59m | molly | x

          cloverkit | 0m | molly | x
          sunkit | 0m | molly | x

          fostered kits:
          sarafina | 5m | molly | x
          beka | 5m | molly | x
          kirabo | 5m | tom | x

          falconwatcher | 122m | tom | x
          dogtooth | 93m | molly | x
          ale | 97m | tom | x
          lilystripe | 96m | molly | x

    medicine store
    borage leaves | produces milk, helps fever | x4
    catmint | greencough remedy | x6
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches, kitting | x1
    cobwebs | bandage | x1 x0 > x2
    goldenrod | healing wounds | x1
    watermint | bellyache remedy | x5
    goatweed | eases anxiety, grief | x1
    lavender | fever and chill remedy | x1
    poppy seeds | eases pain, helps sleep, soothes shock | x7
    broom | poultice for broken limbs and wounds | x3
    tansy | cures coughs, wounds and poisons. | x3
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches | x1
    oak leaves | stops infection from setting in | x1
    thyme | calms anxiety, shock, stress | x2
    yarrow | extracts poison, causes vomitting | x2
    marigold | stops infection and bleeding | x4
    juniper berries | calms, soothes aches | x1
    comfrey | eases stiffness, broken joints | x2
    sweetsedge | eases infection | x3
    cob nuts | x2
    heather nectar | x3
    alder bark | x2
    dandelion | x1
    hawk/chickweed | x4
    mouse bile | x5
    blackberry | x2
    lambs ear | x2
    rush | x2
    parsley | x1
    garlic | x1
    nettle | x1
    chamomile | x3
    mallow | x3
    ragwort | x3
    rosemary | x2
    horsetail | x4
    bindweed | x1
    willow bark | x3
    burdock | x2
    daisy leaf | x3
    lovage | x2
    mint | x3
    oak leaf | x3
    foxglove seeds | x1
    juniper | x1
    elder leaf | x2
    raspberry leaf | x1
    dock | x3
    catchweed | x1
    ivy leaf | x2
    stick | x3
    honey | x1
    celadine | x4
    willow leaves | x2
    colt's foot | x4
    bright-eye | x1
    beech | x1
    blazing star | x1
    water hemlock | x1
    fennel | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    vole | x4 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x15 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x21 | 2 servings
    small fish | x7 | 2 servings
    big fish | x4 | 3 servings

    update soon dude

    deceased cats:
    larkstream | greencough
    patch | greencough poisoned
    almondflower & unnamed kit | birthing complications
    otterstripe | drowned
    blackpatch | poisoned
    rattlepaw, viperpaw | drowning
    lilypaw | fox attack
    squirreltuft | greencough
    dovewatcher | frostbite & greencough
    dragonfly | childbirth
    coppertooth | patrol attack
    chestnut | patrol attack
    thriftkit, redkit, beetlekit | kitcough
    hollykit | full paralysis
    adanya | childbirth

    orchidstep & father | goosecloud, boulderfoot, mist, shellskip
    dawntuft & father | poppyleaf, ivoryfang, lionwatcher
    tigerspring & father | brookrunner, brindleclaw, sheepheart
    owlbloom & lightningstripe | otterstripe, nettleflower, mintfur
    cicadaflutter & ferretfur | locustpaw
    brandy & olivebranch | ivystripe, turtlefur
    newtberry & starling | stormpaw, flypaw
    willowtail & goosecloud | petalpaw, valerianpaw, minnowpaw
    flurryheart & brindleclaw | maplepaw, peachpaw (adopted)
    pigeonfoot & unnamed father | tansybloom, lilypaw
    almondflower & sunpeak | dippertuft, cottonleaf, juniperclaw, sagefur, fawntail
    demelza & admonium | millie, beau, jasper, freya, adanya
    sootstar & rivergum |rattlepaw, viperpaw
    adanya & cricketcall | amare, sanura
    bea & bumbletail | mallowkit, mintkit, olivekit, hollykit
    dragonfly & antheart | foxkit, minkkit, marigoldkit, rowankit, beekit
    applenose & mudspots | beetlekit, mothkit, redkit, cloverkit, thriftkit
    adanya & duskwillow | beka, sarafina, kirabo
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SIMONPET SUB REPLIES | May 31st, 2019 | 5-31-19

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:04 am

faerie; wrote:

[new cats]

[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: beechstripe, rabbitclaw, tansybloom, orchidstep, mousecurl, antheart
↳ hunt: brindleclaw, brookrunner, duskwillow, cricketcall, mapleheart, rowanclaw

↳ border: marigoldstripe, cardinalwing, ivystripe, demelza, oakstem
↳ border: foxwhisker, minktuft, admonium, demelza, lionwatcher, brookrunner
looking for owl

the patrol follows the scent of the badger to thistle rogue territory, warning them of the danger.

↳ herbs: bumbletail, poppyleaf, sunnysprout, bea

[ training ]

pebblepaw, wolfpaw
( fighting )

[ assessments & ceremonies ]

[ kitting ]
willowtail begins kitting. (two females, picture one and two)

[ deaths & injuries ]

[ used herbs ]

[ other ]

[the clan consumes x10 mouse.]

      [ Beechstripe's patrol caught x3 mice ]
      [ Brindleclaw's patrol caught x2 voles and x1 big fish ]
      [ Beechstripe's patrol found x5 pebbles and Owl! ]
      [ Foxwhisker's patrol encountered the badgers! After a brief battle, the patrol chases off the badgers for now, but not without some injuries. Foxwhisker and Admonium received some minor claw marks on their backs and shoulders, they won't need any herbs for now. Minktuft had their left ear shredded, she will need x1 cobweb. Demelza's tail was crushed under one of the bigger badger's paws, she won't need any herbs for now. Brookrunner and Lionwatcher received the worst of the injuries. Brookrunner's belly was slashed open by the badgers, she will need x1 cobweb, x1 poppy seed and a poultice of x1 goldenrod and x1 marigold. Lionwatcher's hind right leg was broken and she received a deep slash across her face, she will need x1 stick, x1 cobweb and a poultice of x1 chervil and x1 marigold ]
      [ The medicine cats gathered x2 cobwebs, x1 burnet, x1 celandine and x1 x1 coltsfoot ]
      [ Pebblepaw and Wolfpaw learned the Fight skill ]
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Re: ThicketClan [006]

Postby SunnyStreets » Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:33 am

Number of Cats: 16 8 toms | 8 mollies
Feeding Needed: 4
Archive: here
Mod: Duplex
Pebbles: 20 ( store opening gift )
Notes: the colouring of text will vary depending on whether I'm on mobile or mac. =p

Last Moon
Sparkgaze crouched by the whining queen's side, pressing her belly with her paw. Heatherpelt's soft fur bristled in pain, and she cracked the twig she'd been given in her teeth. She shredded the moss underneath her paws, ears flicking back.

A small, wet bundle slithered into Sparkgaze's waiting paws, and she quickly examined it. "Seems fine," the ginger molly mewed. "And there's only this one."

Heatherpelt turned to look at her kit, eyes half closed. She drew her tail around the kit, curling it close to her belly. Lemonstar bobbed at the entrance, green eyes wide. "Come in," Heatherpelt meowed weakly, still focused on the kit.

"I'll go," Sparkgaze said simply, padding out again. Lemonstar peered down at the kitten. A low purr rumbled inside her. She crouched beside Heatherpelt and began to lick the kit's fur gently.

"I'll name them Moorkit," Heatherpelt murmured. She tucked the newly named kit by her stomach to let them nurse, flexing her toes in relief. She rested her head on her front paws, yawning.

After a moment of peaceful silence, Lemonstar began. "Heatherpelt," she mumbled. "Will you.. Will you miss raising them with Duck?"

Heatherpelt lifted her head to gaze warmly into her leader's eyes. "The only one I want to raise them with is you." Lemonstar's heart filled with happiness, but when she opened her mouth she couldn't speak.

The calico merely nodded, and nuzzled her friend's fluffy fur with a low purr. Heatherpelt smiled down at her kit, twitching her tail over the tiny thing's ears.

Chivekit popped into the nursery, eyes stretched wide. "Sparkgaze said I could come in," he announced. "Where's my sibling?"

As he spotted the ginger form huddled between Lemonstar and Heatherpelt he smiled. "They're so pretty!" he squeaked.

This Moon
Chivekit grinned excitedly at Moorkit. His fur stuck out at all angles, and his whiskers twitched. "You excited?"

"Me? Excited for you?" Moorkit blinked in mock surprise and rose up on their hind legs to bat at their brother's muzzle. "Of course."

"Oh, Chivekit," Heatherpelt's voice was full of reproach. "I told you to keep that fur tidy? What did you do, run through a bramble patch?"

"..yes?" Chivekit asked uncertainly, peering past Heatherpelt to where Lemonstar lay in the sun.

Happenings wrote:Leader:
↳Lemonstar requests a medicine cat apprentice | 7.6.19
Medicine Cat:
↳Sparkgaze gathers herbs and practices medicine
Border Patrols:
↳Berrytoes, Batshriek, Patchedslip, Spiderpaw, and Sedgewatcher patrol
Hunting Patrols:
↳Foggyprance, Littledusk, Maplepaw, Almondpaws, and Fernpaw hunt
Den Gathering Patrol:
↳Barkskip, Junipermuzzle, and Otterpaw gather
Ranking Up:
↳Nothing so far
Mates & Kittings:
↳Nothing this moon
↳2x Small Fish
↳Otterpaw, Spiderpaw ( defense )
↳Fernpaw, Maplepaw ( attack )

          Lemonstar | 74 moons | molly |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Foggyprance | 45 moons | tom |

          Medicine Cat:
          Sparkgaze | 46 moons | molly |
          Apprentice: Name | Sp: ♡♡♡♡♡

          Sedgewatcher | 40 moons | tom |
          Junipermuzzle | 68 moons | molly |
          Almondpaws | 60 moons | molly |
          Batshriek | 30 moons | tom |
          Barkskip | 30 moons | tom |
          Patchedslip | 52 moons | she-cat |
          Littledusk | 33 moons | tom | ]☾
          Berrytoes | 20 moons | genderfluid (amab) |

          Otterpaw | 8 moons | tom |
          Spiderpaw | 8 moons | tom |
          Maplepaw | 8 moons | molly |
          Fernpaw | 9 moons | molly |

          Nursing and Expecting Parents:
          Heatherpelt | 64 moons | molly |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]

          Chivekit | 5 moons | tom |
          Moorkit | 1 moon | nonbinary (afab) |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☾[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | DareClan | patience99
    East | ClimbingClan | Creme Eggs
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Tansy | Cures coughs; Can be used to cure wounds and poisons; Stops cats from getting greencough; Soothes throats; Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats | 2x
    Blackberry Leaves | Mixed into a poultice to ease the pain of bee stings | 1x
    Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches; Gives strength, Helps troubled breathing; Helps calm cats | 1x
    Horsetail | Treats infections and stops bleeding | 1x
    Chickweed | Treats greencough | 1x
    Dock | Soothes scratches, soothes sore pads, if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds | 1x
    Goatweed | Eases grief | 1x
    Burnet | Used to give strength, good for expecting queens | 2x

    Den Supply Store
    Dead Bramble | 2x
    Small Stone | 2x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Stoat | x0 | 2 servings

    Foggyprance | Maplepaw | one training session
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Batshriek | Spiderpaw | one of training session
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Junipermuzzle | Otterpaw | one training session
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [▪] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [▪] Swimming
    Sedgewatcher | Fernpaw | 0 training sessions
    [ ] Tracking
    [ ] Hunting
    [ ] Fishing
    [ ] Attack
    [ ] Defense
    [▪] Swimming

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Sky of Everlasting Peace/Peril
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Sky of Everlasting Peace/Peril

    Sedgewatcher and Foggyprance | No Kits
    Heatherpelt and Lemonstar | Chivekit, Moorkit
    Patchedslip and Littledusk | Spiderpaw, Maplepaw, Otterpaw
    Junipermuzzle | Almondpaws | no kits

    Bio Relatives:
    Unknown and Unknown | Chivekit
    Patchedslip and Littledusk | Spiderpaw, Maplepaw, Otterpaw
    Heatherpelt and Duck | Moorkit
Last edited by SunnyStreets on Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[ sub replies ] [ for; kacchan ]

Postby deimido » Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:11 am

    charclan, echoclan, quickclan, the coven, bayclan
    badgerclan, the outlaws, the jade empire, avianclan, dareclan
    charcoalclan, faceclan

    for some, the first snows have arrived. fo
    r others, it is simply a chill in the air. reg
    ardless, all clans will experience leaf-bare
    as a harsh and unforgiving season. queens
    and kits are more likely to die during birt
    h, prey will flee from patrols, and loners a
    re less likely to stray from their warm ci
    ty homes. in addition, predators and sickn
    esses abound, waiting for the chance to pi
    ck off the weak. all in all, it is best for a cl
    an to be at full strength during this time.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


    falconflight's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 minnow.

    oakseed's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 big fish.

    snakespots's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 squirrel.

    thistlestrike's patrol caught . .
    ↪ rabbit.


    no patrolling occurred!


    the med. cats gathered . .
    ↪ +1 honey.
    ↪ +1 mallow leaves.
    ↪ +1 celandine.
    ↪ +1 deadly nightshade.

    sparrowcall's patrol gathered . .
    ↪ +1 stick.
    ↪ +1 bramble.
    ↪ +1 rock.

    redstar's patrol gathered . .
    ↪ +2 brambles.
    ↪ +1 moss.


    the apps. learned . .
    darter > fishing.
    owlet > fishing.
    rainy > fishing.
    web > fishing.
    boulder > swimming.
    daffodil > nothing..
    finch > swimming.
    cricket > swimming.
    dandelion > fighting.
    dove > fighting.
    plum > fighting.
    magpie > hunting.
    tinsel > hunting.
    rivulet > hunting.
    autumn > nothing..

      final assessments
      ↪ rosepaw, peckerpaw, marshpaw, cardinalpaw, and fleetingpaw have passed! quickclan has five new warriors to swell their ranks;
      roselight, peckernose, marshstripe, cardinalheart, and fleetingmoon!
      ↪ peckerpaw had a bit of a scare as he scraped his paw pads against a rough surface during the assessment; he'll need +1 dock.

      ranking up
      ↪ quickclan has seven new apprentices to train as warriors; valleypaw, kestrelpaw, frogpaw, rootpaw, hootpaw, branchpaw, and

      ↪ honeyflower gives birth to a healthy litter of one! (1; tom)


    puffinstar's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 mouse.


    puffinstar's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a guardian.


    no gathering occurred!


    no training occurred!

      ancestral request
      ↪ star-pelt blessed avianclan with a queen.


    jacylen's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 mouse.


    weststar's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ a queen; due in 2m!


    maximus gathered . .
    ↪ +1 chervil.
    ↪ +1 celandine.

    sinead gathered . .
    ↪ +2 sticks.
    ↪ +1 moss.


    no training occurred!

      ancestral request
      ↪ starclan blesses dareclan with a warrior.

      mod notes
      ↪ please update your fresh-kill pile & den supply storage with the suitable types of prey & supplies your clan uses so that your mod
      knows what to give you!
      ↪ please update the links that lead to your cats' images!


    cabaro caught . .
    ↪ +1 desert mouse.


    cabaro found . .
    ↪ +7 pebbles!


    no gathering occurred!


    no training occurred!

      ancestral request
      ↪ the spirits bless kalahariclan with a mother.
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Re: Kwamiclan [24]

Postby Springtalon » Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:36 am


[ i. population count - 035 ] [ ii. next starclan visit - six posts ] [ iii. servings required - 006 ] [ iv. frog x4, squirrel x1 ]
[ v. herbs used - none ] [ vi. litters due - peonyplant - now ] [ vi. den status - 1/1 kami, 2/2 mages, 21/20 guardians, 8/10 cadets, 4/10 nursery, 2/5 elders ] [ vii. notes - I think i got it updated for the nest update, if not let me know :3 ]
[ coding credit ]

    last moon
    waiting to type until i catch up on the pics

    this moon

    [ @gathering patrol: frostwhisker, mintshade, needlefrost, ragingsoul ]
    [ @hunting: thornheart, peachmuzzle, oakmist, lambfur ]
    [ @herb hunting: aloeshade ]
    [ @patrol: swallowtwig, tumbleshine, sparkmist]
    [ @training: quickclaw & smokepaw [combat], pinefeather & snowpaw [hunt], rainbranch & specklepaw [agility], peachmuzzle & duskpaw [stalk], eagleeye & lilypaw [patrol] ]
    [ @rank changes: basilpaw takes his warrior assessment, wildkit becomes wildpaw ]
    [ @kitting: peonyplant! ]
    [ @other: blossomkit is under observation for one moon ]

    ragingsoul • 55m • ♂

    tigerlily • 71m • ♀
    sleekfeather • 63m • ♀
    peachmuzzle • 54m • ♀
    oakmist • 52m • ♂
    lambfur • 48m • ♀
    eagleeye • 41m • ♂
    frostwhisker • 37m • ♂
    eagletalon • 36m • ♂
    snowwhisker • 35m • ♀
    quickclaw • 32m • ♂
    needlefrost • ♂
    mattedantler • 26m • ♀
    tumbleshine • 26m • ♂
    pinefeather • 26m • ♂
    rainbranch • 25m • ♀
    gingerclaw • 25m • ♂
    sparkmist • 25m • ♂
    swallowtwig • 24m • ♀
    hornetwing • 20m • ♂
    mintshade • 14 moons • ♀

    skuapaw • 18 moons • ♂
    basilpaw • 14 moons • ♂
    smokepaw • 8m • ♂
    snowpaw • 8m • ♀
    specklepaw • 8m • ♀
    duskpaw • 8m • ♀
    lilypaw • 8m • ♀
    leafthorn • 44m • ♀

    dapplewish • 94m • ♀
    ironclaw • 91m • ♂

    ✧ name • 00m • ♂♀
    boulderwhip • 47m • ♂

    mage's cadet.
    aloeshade • 27m • ♀

    sunset • 41m • ♀
    ind blossomkit • 8m • ♀
    ind wildkit • 6m • ♂
    peonyplant • 20m • ♀


    mattedantler • sleekfeather
    i patrol, hunt, combat, agility
    pinefeather • tigerlily
    i patrol, hunt combat, agility
    rainbranch • eagleeye
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    gingerclaw • frostwhisker
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    sparkmist • eagletalon
    i patrol, hunt, combat, stalk
    swallowtwig • ragingsoul
    i patrol, hunt, stalk, combat
    tumblepaw • oakmist
    i patrol, combat, agility, fishing
    hornetwing • sleekfeather
    i combat, stalk, patrolling, hunting
    peonyplant • mattedantler
    i hunt, patrol, combat, stalk

    skuapaw • rainbranch
    i stalk, combat, hunt, patrol
    basilpaw • tigerlily
    i combat, patrol, hunt, stalk
    mintpaw • lambfur
    i agility, combat, hunt, patrol
    smokepaw • quickclaw
    i hunt
    snowpaw • pinefeather
    i agility
    specklepaw • rainbranch
    i combat
    duskpaw • peachmuzzle
    lilypaw • eagleeye
    i stalk
    tigerlily • unknown
    i mattedantler, tumbleshine, umberheart(cosmoclan)
    peachmuzzle • unknown
    i peonyplant
    sunset • frostwhisker
    i specklepaw, duskpaw, lilypaw, blossomkit, smokepaw, snowpaw

    the deceased.
    kami's lives lost 0/9
    coyotefang • 53m • ♂
    i badger
    n • clan name • username
    e • briarclan • amethyst
    s • blueclan •
    w • bearclan • inky.
    nw • clan name • username
    ne • clan name • username
    sw • clan name • username
    se • clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username

    clan name • username
    clan name • username


    freshkill pile.
    mouse • one • x0
    frog • one • x0
    rabbit • two • x1
    squirrel • two • x2
    hare • three • x3
    bird • three • x0
    den supplies.
    sticks • x0
    moss • x0
    bracken • x0
    medicine storage.
    catmint • greencough • x1
    celandine • eyes • x1
    chickweed • greencough • x1
    cobweb • bleeding • x1
    comfrey root • pain • x1
    dandelion • painkiller • x1
    deathberries • death • x1
    dried oak leaves • pain • x1
    feverfew • fevers • x2
    goldenrod • pain • x1
    heather flower • swallowing • x1
    mallow • bellyache • x1
    ragwort • energy • x2
    rosemary • scent • x1
    sorrel • strength • x1
    stick • pain • x1
    stinging nettles • swelling • x1
    sweet-sedge • infection • x0
    thyme • shock • x1
    water hemlock • poison • x1
    wintergreen • wounds • x2
    yarrow • poison • x3
    medicine den.
    blossomkit • poisoning
    i four
    tigerlily, mattedantler, and tumbleshine are former deerclan
    eagleeye is former rodrigoclan
    sunset is former blossomclan
    eagletalon and swallowtwig are former elmclan
    pinefeather is former sycamoreclan
    coyotefang is former ardidclan
    sparkmist is former mistclan
    rainbranch and gingerclaw are former jungleclan
    hornetwing is former lilacclan
    lambfur is former lambclan
    skuapaw is former ravenclan
    aloeshade, basilpaw, and mintpaw are former graveclan
    aloeshade is blind

Last edited by Springtalon on Fri Aug 09, 2019 8:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby panzram » Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:41 am

Number of Cats: four | Next Visit: now | Next Den Decay: Tba | Pebbles: 27

There is a gentle purr as a savannah cat slips out of the brush, shaking out his spotted fur before he gazes at the pale ginger-and-white female before him. Her stomach is round, telling the tale of kits to come, and yet, two romp and tumble at her feet - one, a darker ginger, and the other a ginger-patched black. Her elegant ears twitch at his voice, and she turns sheepishly to face him, drawing the kits closer to her with a sweep of her tail.
“Cabaro, King of the Kalahari. You have grown much since the last time I saw you.”
“The last time we saw each other were as kits.” He reminded her, tipping his muzzle to sniff inquisitively at the kits frolicking around her delicate paws. “They do not smell of you.” He remarked.
“They aren’t mine.” Lenori confesses. “They were my sister Genetrix’s, who died after they were born, before her clan split.”
Cabaro distantly remembers the flaming-furred she cat. “I’m sorry to hear that. What are their names?”
“The male is Robbie, and the female is Marigold.” She responds, gazing at the two with fond eyes.
“If you could stay here, on the savannah. I am forming a clan - Kalahariclan. You, these kits, and the ones you carry will be more protected here, than alone.” Lenori meets his gaze once more, and after a moment gives a firm nod.
“I trust you.”

[ kalahariclan consumes nothing this moon. ]
[ there are two posts left of stockpiling ]

[ lenori, per request, is welcomed as a mother ]
[ robbie and marigold from the night’s watch are added as cubs ]

[ n/a ]

[ cabaro goes on a hunt. ]

[ cabaro goes on a patrol. ]

[ the other two kits from the night’s watch will be added eventually ]

          THE KING:
          Cabaro | 30m | m | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          THE KING’S MATE:
          chosen by the king.

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Commander Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Commander Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Lenori | 32m | Due in 2m | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          CUBS: (*See Mothers*)
          Robbie | 0m | m | X
          Marigold | 0m | f | X
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Den Supply Store
    Build Material | Amount
    Build Material | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Desert Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
    Desert Bullfrog | x0 | 1 serving
    Desert Cottontail Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Kalahari Sandgrouse Bird | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Lenori and ? | Robbie, Marigold (Adoptive)
    Name and Name | Kits
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