Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

HazeClan | Post 36

Postby NightWolf950 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:47 pm

Archive: HazeClan Archive
Number of Cats: 121 (61 males | 60 females)
Speak to the Dark Forest: Jan. 12th
Servings Needed: 19 (119-125)

Hazeclan consumes x7 rabbits, x2 stoats, and x1 mouse


The tabby she-cat lied in her nest in the nursery, her body curled up in a ball. The only signs of life was the faint rise and fall of her back. Although it was full of meows and squeals from kits, to Clvoerpool she found it peaceful and had no trouble resting during the day. However the tabby she-cat awoke when she felt something roll into her butt then followed by a huff. "That's not fair Almondkit!" the voice meowed, the body quickly moving away from Cloverpool. Cloverpool opened her eyes and slowly lifted her head up to see her two kits arguing about something that had to deal with wrestling. "Well it's not my fault your to slow and acting like a clumsy mouse brained kit." Alomndkit hissed, his fur standing up on his little body. Warblerkit let out a small hiss, crouching low to prepare to leap at his brother. Just as Warblerkit went to leap Cloverpool stuck her paw in bweetn the two toms and pushed Warblerkit back. "Now what is going on you two!?" Cloverpool meowed, raising her voice a bit. "You both know better." she meowed. "Well Almondkit cheated!" Warblerkit huffed, glaring at his brother and sticking his tongue out. "Did not!" Almondykit replied back, also glaring at his brother. The two kits began to bicker back and forth until Cloverpool let out a hiss and scooped both kits to her. "Now that's enough. From both of you. You are going to be apprentices soon and acting like kits shows me your not ready. Keep it up and I'll tell Hazestar to post pone your ceremonies." She meowed.This quickly shut the two kits up, their eyes growing wide before looking at one another and letting out a small sigh. "I'm sorry mama..." Almondkit meowed. "Yeah... I'm sorry too mama." Warblerkit meowed.

Cloverpool went to speak, but began to cough harshly and quickly shooed her kits away. Kitting had been rough and for awhile it seemed like she was recovering, but in all honestly Cloverpool had hid the fact that she wasn't actually doing well. "Mama!?" the two kits meowed, growing very worried for their mother. Cloverpool just gave a small shake of her head and turned away from them, trying to get the coughing to stop. With a few more coughs, Cloverpool spat up a small amount of blood. The tabby she-cat tried to cover it up before either of the kits saw, but sadly Warblerkit caught a small glimpse of it. Warblerkit let out a small whimper before dashing out of the nursery calling out for his father. "Daddy! Something is wrong with mama!" the little tom cried, running straight into Wrenfeather once he had spot him. Seeing the the sadness in Warblerkit's eyes and hearing the distress in his voice, Wrenfeather knew something was extremely wrong. Picking up the young tom in his mouth Wrenfeather then dashed off to the nursery to see what was going on.

Once inside Wrenfeather gently set Warblerkit down before rushing over to Cloverpool's side. Upon returning to the nursery Warblerkit naw saw his mother laying on her side, her breaths very shallow almost as if it was a struggle to breath. Beside her say Almondkit, his head hung low and tears already dripping down his face. Warblerkit made his way over and sat next to his brother who quickly leaned against him for support. "Mama... We're sorry if we made you sick... We didn't mean to get in to that fight..." Almondkit whimpered. Looking towards her kits, Cloverpool let out a small purr. "Hush my darlings... It wasn't your fault. Mama's been like this for a while." she meowed softly., gently caressing each kit with her tail. Wrenfeather curled up next to his mate, resting his head softly on her shoulders trying to hold back tears. It was Cloverpool's time, but Wrenfeather wasn't ready to let her go. "Please... Hold on.. You have to see the boys become apprentices.... You can't leave us Cloverpool." He whispered, affectionately licking the she-cats ears. Cloverpool let out a shaky sigh, smiling a bit before reaching out for Warblerkit and Almondkit. There the tiny family lied together until Cloverpool took her last breath.


It had only been a moon since Applepaw become the medicine cat apprentice, but every cat could sense how much she brightened up Twigstorm's life. His eyes glowed with pride every time he talked about how well she was doing, which happened more often then any cat would think. It had been some time since Ashfang had seen Twigstorm truly happy since the death of Stormcloud, and now with Applepaw he was able to see the old Twigstorm again. One morning when Twigstorm allowed Applepaw to sleep in instead of waking her, Ashfang greeted the young she-cat when she awoke. "Good morning Applepaw. Twigstorm will be back in a bit. While he's away can I talk to you for a moment?" The older tom meowed, tilting his head to the side a bit. Curious on what the tom had to say Applepaw nodded her head a bit and smiled, sitting down next to him. "Of course Ashfang." she purred. With a small nod of his head Ashfang's soft facial expression quickly grew serious. "Applepaw, you already know that Twigstorm hides a darkness inside himself hidden away from everyone. However he's never told you why because it was very painful for him. However I feel you should know why." Ashfang meowed, followed by a heavy sigh. "Moons ago it use to be just Twigstorm and his mentor Stormcloud way before I ever joined HazeClan. Stormcloud was everything to Twigstorm, the tom idolized him, respected him, and saw him as a brother maybe even a father figure. Twigstorm came from another clan with Shadowripple, but never truely had any 'family'. That was until Stormcloud took him in. As moons passed Stormcloud and Rainsong took Twigstorm into their little family and mad him apart of it. When Stormcloud passed Twigstorm took it harder then anyone. Even harder then Rainsong, and Rainsong was Stormcloud's brother by blood. Anyways the reason I wanted to tell you all this is because now... Now he's not so depressed. He's slowly becoming his old happy self and it's all thank to you Applepaw. You have really changed his life around and I just want you to always be there for him. Even when I'm long gone." Ashfang explained.

For the remaining time Applepaw sat in silence until Twigstorm returned to the den. Seeing her mentor begin to pad into the den, the she-cat threw herself against Twigstorm, burying her face into the tom's fur as she embraced him. "I'm so sorry Twigstorm... I promise I'll be here for you and always try to keep the light shinning in your eyes again." she meowed, a few tears falling from her eyes. Taken by surprised the older tom stood there in shock before catching eyes with Ashfang. Ashfang gave a small sigh and a nod before turning away to give the pair a private moment. "So... Ashfang told you huh... Well don't worry about me Applepaw. I'm alright, I promise." he purred, nuzzling his apprentice as he tried to reassure her. "Besides, I know I'm making him proud and one day will be reunited with him. However that won't be for a long while now. So don't worry Applepaw." Twigstorm purred.


Echoripple awoke from her new nest in the warriors den, a prideful smile on her face as she excited the den. She had trained hard under Hazestar and worked hard to prove herself, finally her dreams where coming true. Now a full fledged warrior Echoripple now couldn't wait for the day she got her first apprentice and started her own family. Lost in her own little world, the fluffy she-cat didn't realize she was blocking the entrance to the den until a small cough was made. Turning to see who was behind her, Echoripple saw that it was young Honeypool, one of the newer warriors that had been found out on a patrol. "Oh. Sorry Honeypool." she meowed, stepping out of the way for the tom. The white and golden tom let out a small chuckled and smiled at her before speaking. "It's alright. I get it." He purred, his thoughts also going to the future. "I've done this before too. Just dreaming of what the future has in store for me next." Honeypool meowed, his yellow eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

Echorippled stood frozen in her spot, mesmerized by the tom's beautiful eyes and smile. Her heart began to thump a bit harder and her thoughts began to race. She had spoken to the tom a pawful of times, but never had actual conversation like the one they where having now. She didn't even realize how good looking he was or even the happiness that seemed to radiate from him. "Echoripple, you okay?" Honeypool meowed, tilting his head to the side a bit. *thump thump* Echoripple's heart went again. "Echoripple?" He meowed once more, his voice growing a bit worrisome. *thump thump* went the she-cats heart once more. 'What is going on!?' Echoripple thought, unable to control her heart race or swirling thoughts. It felt like butterflies where going to explode out of her. Taking a sheky breath the she-cat forced a smile on her face. "Sorry Honeypool. Didn't mean to make you worry there for a moment. I'm fine." She meowed, trying to sound confident in her answer when in reality she wasn't. Echoripple never had such feelings for any cat before, but one silly smile from the tom before her sent everything spiraling out of control.


{Request: Hazestar requests to find Shadefire
Ceremonies: Rockit, Hazelkit, Olivekit, and Spiderkit are ready to become apprentices!

Other: Windsong returns to her warrior duties
Wrenfeather, Warblerkit, and Almondkit morn the lose of Cloverpool

Medic Info: x
Kitting Info: x is due next moon
Deaths: Cloverpool dies from something unknown. It is assumed that something during her kitting went wrong inside her body

Gathering herbs: Ashfang, Twigstorm, and Applepaw - training how to store herbs properly as well
Hunting: Shadowripple, Sootpelt, Robinheart, Adderstrike, Rowangaze, and Mintleaf
Hunting: Feathermist, Batwing, Shorelight, Bearclaw, Thornpelt, and Lynxheart
Hunting: Rainsong, Raveneyes, Claybranch, Marigoldthistle, Milkfur, and Cloudripple
Hunting: Inkfire, Tumblecloud, Windsong, Timberfall, Ferretcress, and Turtledove
Hunting: Darkflower, Emberspark, Palesnow, Slatestone, Sandfire, and Brightgaze
Patrolling: Hazestar, Ghost, Echoripple, Lichenpelt, Honeypool, and Browntiger
Patrolling: Tigerleap, Haunt, Yewberry, Reefpool, Sheeppelt, and Alpineblossom
Patrolling: Nightshadow, Quailtuft, Pricklestrike, Starlingflight, Panthertuft, and Pumapounce
Training: Jay/Frost - defense | Little/Lark - offense | Buzzard/Osprey - defense | Mossy/Pigeon - offense | Oak/Gull - hunting | Swivel/Drift - offense | Marsh/Dune - stalking | Badger/Ripple - defense | Juniper/Crow - offense | Heather/Stone - hunting | Bracken/Hound - stalking | Meadow/Pebble - hunting

Mod Note: If it's not to much to ask could cats not be rolled to die. I'v been working on future HazeClan arcs and have planed deaths for just about the majority of my cats. Nothing against you or anything. Just for future story-lines. Thanks for reading! =)

Hazestar | 80 moons | Male | x
Lives: ★★★

Shadowripple | 61 moons | Female | x

Medicine Cats:
Ashfang | 77 moons | Male | x
Twigstorm | 47 moons | Male | x

Feathermist | 67 moons | Female | x
Tigerleap | 73 moons | Male | x
Rainsong | 70 moons | Male | x
Nightshadow | 74 moons | Female | x
Mossystone | 74 moons | Male | x
Buzzardflight | 98 moons | Male | x
Inkfire | 37 moon | Male | x
Wrenfeather | 59 moons | Male | x
Badgerstrike | 38 moons | Male | x
Darkflower | 61 moons | Female | x
Littleflame | 60 moons | Male | x
Sootpelt | 86 moons | Male | x
Batwing | 30 moons | Female | x
Jayfur | 30 moons | Male | x
Marshpool | 30 moons | Female | x
Raveneyes | 30 moons | Male | x
Oakfang | 51 moons | Male | x
Tumblecloud | 52 moons | Male | x
Emberspark | 28 moons | Female | x
Ghost | 36 moons | Male | x
Haunt | 43 moons | Male | x
Quailtuft | 56 moons | Female | x
Adderstrike | 27 moons | Male | x
Bearclaw | 68 moons | Female | x
Marigoldthistle | 65 moons | Female | x
Meadowhawk | 52 moons | Male | x
Timberfall | 24 moons | Male | x
Slatestone| 24 moons | Male | x
Lichenpelt | 44 moons | Male | x
Reefpool | 68 moons | Male | x
Starlingflight | 22 moons | Male | x
Mintleaf | 35 moons | Female | x
Juniperclaw | 67 moons | Female | x
Brackengaze | 48 moons | Female | x
Panthertuft| 20 moons | Female | x
Pumapounce | 37 moons | Male | x
Tansypetal | 19 moons | Female | x
Maplebreeze | 19 moons | Female | x
Lynxheart | 69 moons | Male | x
Alpineblossom | 25 moons | Female | x
Willowstripe | 19 moons | Female | x
Brightgaze | 36 moons | Male | x
Browntiger | 25 moons | Male | x
Turtledove | 68 moons | Female | x
Cloudripple | 64 moons | Female | x
Fernclover | 55 moons | Female | x
Heatherflame | 44 moons | Female | x
Whispcloud | 19 moons | Male | x
Sheeppelt| 17 moons | Female | x
Swivelspear| 37 moons | Female | x
Sandfire | 21 moons | Male | x
Honeypool | 16 moons | Male | x
Ferretcress | 60 moons | Female | x
Milkfur | 14 moons | Female | x
Thornpelt| 13 moons | | Male | x
Rowangaze | 14 moons | Male | x
Pricklestrike| 14 moons | Male | x
Yewberry| 14 moons | Female | x
Echoripple | 16 moons | Female | x
Palepsnow | 14 moons | Male | x
Windsong | 39 moons | Female | x
Claybranch | 34 moons | Male | x
Shorelight | 30 moons | Female | x
Robinheart | 30 moons | Female | x

Hawkpaw | 11 moons | Male | x
Ploverpaw | 11 moons | Male | x
Mottlepaw| 11 moons | Female | x
Whitepaw | 12 moons | Male | x
Mousepaw | 12 moons | Female | x
Frostpaw | 11 moons | Female | x
Larkpaw | 10 moons | Female | x
Ospreypaw | 10 moons | Male | x
Pigeonpaw | 8 moons | Female | x
Gullpaw| 8 moons | Male | x
Applepaw | 8 moons | Female | x
Driftpaw | 7 moons | Male | x
Dunepaw | 7 moons | Male | x
Ripplepaw | 7 moons | Female | x
Crowpaw | 7 moons | Female | x
Stonepaw | 7 moons | Male | x
Houndpaw | 7 moons | Male | x
Pebblepaw| 7 moons | Female | x

Cobweb | 46 moons | Female | x
Pineshade | 44 moons | Female | x
Cloverpool | 57 moons | Female | x
Heronstrike | 46 moons | Female | x
Aspencreek | 69 moons | Female | x
Dappledwillow | 60 moons | Female | x
Daffodilpetal | 59 moons | Female | x
Oceansplash | 67 moons | Female | x
Snowcreek | 52 moons | Female | x
Monarchwing | 34 moons | Female | x

Rockkit | 6 moons | Male | x
Hazelkit |6 moons | Female | x
Olivekit | 6 moons | Female | x
Spiderkit | 6 moons | Male | x
Warblerkit | 5 moons | Male | x
Almondkit | 5 moons | Male | x
Cliffkit | 4 moons | Male | x
Elmkit | 4 moons | Female | x
Icekit | 4 moons | Male | x
Leafkit | 4 moons | Female | x
Skull | 3 moons | Male | x
Wraith | 3 moons | Female | x
Banshee | 3 moons | Female | x
Newt | 3 moons | Female | x
Jack | 3 moons | Male | x
Twilight | 3 moons | Male | x
Pumpkin | 3 moons | Female | x
Hornetkit | 0 moons | Male | x
Cypresskit | 0 moons | Female | x
Mudkit | 0 moons | Male | x
Sycamorekit | 0 moons | Male | x
Chestnutkit | 0 moons | Male | x
Cinnamonkit | 0 moons | Female | x

Birchstone | 131 moons | Male | x


Jayfur | Frostpaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Litteflame | Larkpaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Buzzardflight | Ospreypaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Mossystone | Pigeonpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Oakfang | Gullpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Twigstorm | Applepaw | 1 | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies
Swivelspear | Driftpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Marshpool| Dunepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Badgerstrike | Ripplepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Juniperclaw | Crowpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Heatherflame | Stonepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Brackengaze | Houndpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Meadowhawk | Pebblepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x1 | 1 serving
Shrew | x2 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
Stoat | x4 | 2 servings
All Birds | x2 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 2
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 1
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 2
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 1
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 3
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 1
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 2
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 2
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 3
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 1
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 1
Chickweed | treats greencough - 1
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 1
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 2
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 5
Foxglove seeds | x - 2
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 2
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 1
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 1
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 4
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 1
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 2
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 1
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 1
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 2
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
Mint | hides scent of death - 2
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 1
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 1
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 1
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Stick | x - 3
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 2
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 1
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 2
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 4
Water hemlock | x - 2
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 1
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 3
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 1
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Kazin Trial Mod Reply ✧ 008 ✧

Postby Kazin » Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:02 pm


✧ Reply Style ✧ Long
Long replies: 1, 2, 3 [now]
Medium replies: 1, 2, 3
Short replies: 1, 2

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
✧ Clans ✧ MistClan
┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
✧ Weather ✧ Leafbare
The most dangerous season for the Clans. Even if there is no snow on the ground, the cold brings the higher possibility of cats getting sick or dying during kitting. Prey and cats alike wish to do nothing more than hide in their dens to avoid Leafbare, reducing the amount of prey found on patrols, as well as reducing the chance to find new cats on border patrols.
┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
✧ Notes ✧
If there is anything you would like me to know, feel free to message me!

❰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ▰ ❱

It was bitterly cold. It seemed impossible that the temperature could even drop any lower, much less give a biting wind that took all the energy of the two medicine cats away. Their jokes warmed the frigid cats, making them forget about the cold momentarily, but neither could focus much on taunting each other. Besides, they had patients to get back to; a den full of apprentices that should be cleared to get back to work and training. Camberpool was the first to find something, nearly yowling in delight as he saw the small herb lying on the forest floor. It seemed like it might be frozen and unusable, but thankfully as Chervilpatch picked it up, the tansy seemed quite usable indeed. Most unfortunately, however, as they medicine cats went to the other locations that herbs ought to have been, they came up with empty paws. Leafbare seemed to be laughing at the two as they shared a grim look, the wind swirling up more cold air between them as they agreed to head back into camp with just the find of tansy.
[Chervilpatch and Camberpool find x1 tansy.]
As the medicine cats had gone through, the border patrol wasn't faring much better. Gatorclaw and Reedface, not getting sheltered by either their extremely stubborn personality as Frostfoot had, nor the thick fur that Troutthroat sported, wanted to head back in early after only re-marking on a piece of the border. It was fortunate for the patrol, however, that the two toms weren't able to voice their complaints of being chilly due to the presence of Frostfoot and her biting attitude - that would be worse than the cold. Troutthroat, seemingly not bothered by the wind, was the one to pick up the scent of a stranger. "Hey, I think there's a cat behind that tree over there." Her curious words were proven correct when a small squeak sounded from behind the tree, and Frostfoot stomped up to the quivering cat, about to snap at it. Thankfully, with Reedface, Gatorclaw, and Troutthroat there to be friendly faces, they managed to convince the cat to come out and hear them out. And get a warm place to stay for a little bit, at least until the wind died down.
[The border patrol returns with a cat, old enough to be a warrior. ]
"Hey Mossfur," one of the brothers started, mischief already on their minds. It was rare to have a patrol with this few cats, and without Frostfoot or Shadowstar to ruin the fun. Mossfur turned to the brother, about to roll her eyes at the goofy expression on Windheart's face. "Tell me, do you think Oakface or I could catch a piece of prey faster?" It seemed to be enough of a challenge for the other brother, as Oakface took off in a full sprint in the direction of the water - trying to see if he could get a fish, despite the cold. "No fair," Windheart mumbled, though he laughed, clearly not visibly upset. Mossfur and Windheart chatted on and off, hoping some prey would jump in front of them, and were in luck when a small bird dropped behind a tree next to the pair, pecking at the ground for a few morsels of food. Windheart took it down with speed and accuracy, delighted that he could gloat to Oakface... that was, until Oakface came back to them, sporting a minnow in his mouth. "I clearly got this before you, because I still had to walk back from the water," Oakface said immediately, puffing out his chest, smug. "Yeah, well, my bird is bigger than that measly minnow." And so the banter continued, Mossfur laughing at the brothers' as they tried to talk even with prey in their mouths.
[The hunting patrol catches x1 small bird and x1 minnow].
Terrifying. Nerve-wracking. There was no way that Gorsepaw felt he could do this at all! Shadowstar was lashing his tail, and the cold was enough to make Gorsepaw want to turn around and go back to his nest and sleep, even if it meant sleeping next to the younger cats in the apprentice den instead of moving to the warriors' den. He gave Reedface a miserable look once the trio reached the swamp, wanting to turn right back around and accept failure. Reedface, however, had more confidence in his apprentice than Gorsepaw had in himself. Quietly, so Shadowstar couldn't hear, Reedface bent down to murmur encouragement to Gorsepaw. "Don't even look at Shadowstar. Pretend he isn't here. It's just going to be like a normal training session, ok?" Gorsepaw nodded, closing his eyes for a brief second and taking a deep breath. Reedface, thankfully, was the one to test Gorsepaw on his combat skills, and the one to call out when he was ready to switch to a different evaluation. Unknown to Gorsepaw, Shadowstar was giving a lazy, uncaring nod after each test, implying to Reedface that Gorsepaw had passed each one. At the final nod for the final test, Reedface ran up to Gorsepaw with a shining expression. "You did it!" He exclaimed, tapping Gorsepaw's head lightly. "Welcome to the life of a warrior."
[Gorsepaw successfully passes his assessment; he is now a warrior known as Gorseclaw!]
Being the only apprentice to escape last moon's sickness spree, Lightpaw felt confident in his training and was almost lazy about listening to Barkpatch. After all, what did it matter? He was well ahead of his siblings, and even Hickorypaw, though the tom was older than Lightpaw. It wasn't until Barkpatch nearly lost his temper that Lightpaw seemed to understand that he could fail, and fall back to the same level as his brother and sister. "Lightpaw! If I can't have your attention, I am ending this session now and failing you. The water is cold, and needs your undivided attention. If you can't focus to what I am saying, you could easily die!" The short rant seemed to be enough to snap the apprentice out of his smug attitude, and he hung on every single word Barkpatch said. The water was indeed frigid, and Lightpaw thought he might change his mind and quit halfway through, but soon he was learning how to swim and was doing so like a champ. Barkpatch didn't have his apprentice in the water long, but it was long enough to see the apprentice understood how to swim.
[Lightpaw successfully learns swimming]
Mudpatch was sympathetic towards her apprentice, the young she-cat nervous of the cold water. They were watching Lightpaw swim, watching him shiver as he got out quickly and was praised, but also heard the harsh tones of Barkpatch as he yelled at his apprentice for not listening. The part that Sunpaw was stuck on was the dying part. "If the water is that cold, why are we near it? It could kill us!" Sunpaw was alarmed, her fur puffed out in fear. Mudpatch gave her apprentice a reassuring smile. "We wouldn't make you do anything that we couldn't save you from," she insisted, talking Sunpaw out of her nerves. "Look, Lightpaw is fine. Barkpatch was ready to jump in if he needed to, and he was ready to dry your brother off." Sunpaw nodded, still afraid, but she didn't want to be shown up by her brother. He was already gloating enough in the den as it was, satisfied that he had gotten ahead of his siblings while they were sick. It was a fast session, and while Sunpaw didn't catch anything, she gained the knowledge Mudpatch wanted her to have.
[Sunpaw successfully learns fishing]
This time around, it didn't seem to be the apprentice that was distracted. Blizzardear seemed unfocused, barely giving tips to Shadowpaw as he told him they were practicing climbing this training session. Shadowpaw instead listened to Skyear, who was nearby practicing hunting with Hickorypaw. While Skyear's apprentice practiced his crouch and stalking, Skyear would give Shadowpaw tips on climbing the tree. Finally, as Shadowpaw scaled the tree and came down with lightning speed, Blizzardear blinked in surprise. "Oh. Er, good job?" The tom commented, giving his apprentice an embarassed look. "Sorry, I guess I wasn't much of a mentor this time. I promise I'll give you extra tips next time," he vowed, letting Shadowpaw lead the way back to camp as Hickorypaw and Skyear stayed to practice some more. While Blizzardear might have been distracted by thoughts of she-cats, but Shadowpaw was focused and happy that he had passed.
[Shadowpaw successfully learns climbing]
Hickorypaw didn't mind that Skyear seemed to be playing the role of mentor for both her and Shadowpaw. The she-cat wanted to focus without the eyes of her mentor boring into her back anyway, and it paid off. She was able to focus, pouncing and pouncing until she got the proper techniques down. While Skyear said his goodbyes to Shadowpaw and Blizzardear, Hickorypaw snuck off a short ways away and found a real piece of prey to stalk - and unsuspecting frog, hiding in a small bunch of grass. Pouncing, Hickorypaw snatched it in her claws and came back to the clearing as Skyear was just calling out, though he stopped mid-call when Hickorypaw mewed in greeting behind the frog. "Good job," Skyear purred, and the two returned to camp.
[Hickorypaw successfully learns hunting, catching x1 frog in the process.]
[Mod notes: nothing to note this time around! c: ]

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Dup's Trial Mod Reply - HazeClan - 08

Postby frankie (dup) » Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:00 am

𝙰 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍. 𝙸𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚜' 𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚝𝚜 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚏𝚞𝚛, 𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚎. 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚎𝚝, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢'𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚎 - 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚗𝚘𝚠, 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚎𝚝...



    → Hazestar falls asleep on his feet at the moonpool, his head lolling to his chest and his jaw hanging slack. He awakens to a mrrow of laughter and looks up to see a calico pelt. Embarrassment heats his pelt, and he awkwardly clears his throat before gesturing in the direction of camp and inclining his head.
    The Dark Forest heeds his requests and sends him Shadefire

    → The kits practically bound around the high rock as Hazestar speaks, their ears twitching, voices high pitched and excitable. Hazestar can barely calm them down and eventually, their parents have to shush them, although the little ones are still practically vibrating with excitement as Hazestar announces their mentors - Rockkit is apprenticed to Claybranch, Hazelkit to Tigerleap, Olivekit to Lynxheart, and Spiderkit to Tumblecloud.

    → The herb gathering patrol is boring for a while - scarcely anything happens, really, besides the banter that usually comes with patrols. However, as they reach the end of the border, Applepaw's eyes light up. She springs forwards, bounding ahead of her mentor before skidding to a halt in front of a clump of ragwort. She relishes in her mentor's praise as they walk back to camp with x2 ragwort. She does a wonderful job of properly storing the herbs, too!
    xThump, thump, thump, thump, rabbits are easy to pick up on, even as their normally brown fur turns stark white. The make so much noise! As deputy, Shadowripple really spends more time organizing hunting patrols that actually going on them, so whenever she gets the chance to go on one, it's really very wonderful. Her leadership skills are obviously top-notch, and so she's able to get her patrolmates to aid her in catching not only x1 rabbit but x1 bird as well!
    xx→ Feathermist's patrol goes well, especially for the unforgiving season that leaf-bare often is. Her dual-coloured eyes flicker from point to point, tree to tree, and she catches sight of a long, brown body slinking through the trees to her left, and a mouse just ahead of her. She gets the attention of Thornpelt, who nods and darts off. As she darts to catch the mouse, Batwing spots a shrew and goes for it. It's really very wonderful, she thinks, that without saying a word, they managed to coordinate and catch x1 mouse, x1 shrew, and x1 squirrel.
    xxx→ Especially gauging by the success of the other two patrols, Rainsong's patrol doesn't go well. The weather has kicked up a flurry of snow in their face, making it difficult to see and with the howling winds, difficult to hear instructions as well. Rainsong's grey pelt, although short, still billows out behind him as though he's about to lifted up and thrown into the sky full force. And for all their trouble, all they get is wet pelts and x1 mouse.
    xxxx→ Although the next patrol to go out, quite frankly, feared the worst, the weather cleared up significantly and while it left mounds upon mounds of snow in its wake, it brought with it prey, scurrying out of their dens with curious, beetle black eyes to check out the recently relaxed weather. It's not quite as cold, and so Inkfire's patrol is really very jovial - especially after they successfully catch x2 stoats and x1 squirrel
    xxxxx→ Darkflower's patrol is something of a mixed bag - for one thing, they come back giggling like kits, with leaves and snow all tangled in their fur - a wrestling match, or something of the sort, the clan is sure. Darkflower's usually already fairly wide and round dark amber eyes are even wider, giving her a stunned look throughout the day - although everybody can tell it's not stunned but instead really very happy. On the other end, though, they've only managed to catch x1 stoat.
    xxxxxx→ Hazestar's patrol is mostly uneventful - mostly. There's not a sign of another cat (or two) and there aren't any predator scents to speak of - but this is still a patrol that most of them will be remembered with fond smiles for the rest of their days. (Except Hazestar. Hazestar will grumble.)
    And the reason for all of this boils down to HazeClan's majestic leader tripping and planting himself face first into the snow. He's grumbling when he gets back up, and pretends it didn't happen, but they all saw, and he's never hearing the end of it.
    xxxxxxx→ Tigerleap's patrol is almost completely uneventful, except for the fact that they nearly die - or so Tigerleap says, shrieking and jumping back into the snow as a branch topples from a tree, missing them by a hair. The tabby's eyes are wide and he's not so confident as he lies there in the pristine white snow, shaking like a kit scared off by their sibling pretending to be a badger. His clanmates chuckle. He's very glad that Hazestar's embarrassment is greater than his own, and they gripe about the rudeness of their clanmates once they're back in camp.

    xxxxxxxx→ Nightshadow's patrol is proud to announce that nothing embarrassing happened on their patrol! They've got a tag-a-long though and said tag-a-long seems to find everything that everybody does positively insufferable. Nightshadow murmurs to her brother about how tempted she was to boot HazeClan's prospective elder to the curb. He cuffs her on the back of the head and hisses at her to be respectful, but he can't hide the little giggle that escapes his throat. Nightshadow's patrol brings back an elder!
    → All apprentices learn the appropiate skills!
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◉ Kat's Replies ◉ Ⅰ-ⅩⅤ-ⅯⅯⅩⅨ | 01-15-19

Postby Katrione » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:19 am

- W E A T H E R -
      Leafbare- Leafbare has blown a new chill into the air, quickly to work at layering the grasses with frost and icing over countless water sources, such as streams, ponds, and rivers.It wont be long before a storm will rush-over and cover the landscape with crystal-white snow.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M O DN O T E S -
      •If you would like to join our Discord, please PM me or one of the mods for an invite link.

      •Very soon, a few new features will be added onto the front. I would personally advise that you either stop sending out patrols for new cats or to lessen your numbers to make the new features easier on your Clans.
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── - M A I NC L A N S -

- S E C O N DC L A N S -
solyn wrote:

[ the clan consumes 5 rabbits [10/10]
goldleaf and mousestone search for kitting herbs
cormorantpaw re-attempts his warrior assessment
sootface, novella, ashenstrike and pinefeather teach their apprentices advanced battle
boulderflame and flowershine teach their apprentices to climb
stonepatch and archibald rest for a moon

hawkthorn's hunting patrol: ternpaw, burrcall, willowthroat, fircloud and burningcloud
flintburr's hunting patrol: silvermoon, sedgefire, halfpond, frostbranch and ripplemist
featherpelt's hunting patrol: maplefall, fawnrunner, dawnblossom, longriver and harrierstreak
meadowfang's hunting patrol: adderstorm, squirrelwhisker, grouseclaw, wolverinejaw and rivuletflight
lionheart's border patrol: roseclaw and dusklight ]

      [ Goldleaf and Mousestone gathered raspberry leaves, ragowrt leaves and fennel ]
      [ Cormorantpaw passed his final assessment ]
      [ Elkpaw, Thunderpaw, Juniperpaw and Midnightpaw all learned the Advanced Battle skill ]
      [ Mistpaw and Deerpaw learned the Climb skill ]
      [ Hawkthorn's patrol caught a rabbit ]
      [ Flintburr's patrol caught a rabbit ]
      [ Featherpelt's patrol caught a rabbit ]
      [ Meadowfang's patrol caught a bird ]
      [ Lionheart's patrol found nothing important ]
Yukon_ wrote:

[New Arrivals]
↪ BeeSting.

↪ WaspStar, GlacierShadow, BeeSting, and RiverSpray hunt.
↪ WillowTuft, ClearPaw, and LilacSong patrol.
↪ QuailScratch search for herbs,
BurnetPaw comes along with him.

↪ ClearPaw trains for stealth.
↪ BurnetPaw trains for
dosing of herbs to give.

↪ GlacierShadow has become quite close
to WillowTuft, spending most of her free
time speaking to her and even converse
with her brother. Finally spills that she
really really really likes WillowTuft.
WillowTuft calls her a mousebrain but
happily accepts her offer to be her

↪ NobleClan consumes a mountain hare.

      [ Waspstar's patrol caught two wood mice ]
      [ Willowtuft's patrol passed uneventfully ]
      [ Quailscratch and Burnetpaw gathered chamomile, dock and mallow ]
      [ Clearpaw learned the Stealth skill ]
      [ Burnetpaw learned the Dose skill ]
      [ Glaciershadow isn't expecting kits. Try again next moon ]
saralaxy wrote:
❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🦋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢
t e r r i t o r y ; ;
monarchclan lives in the ruins on an old castle placed within a large forest.
half of the castle is considered their home, or camp, while the other half
is used for training on the grass and dirt. the camp consists of the throne room
and all rooms that connect to it such as; the library, the dining hall, the living
room, and the study. off to the far right of the throne room exists an open door
that leads downstairs to the dungeon area. this is where prisoners of the clan
stay. the ruler resides in the study along with the deputy and their kin. the priest/
priestess resides within the library alongside the seniors. the mothers and their
kits stay in the living room which is the second comfiest place beside the study.
dukes and duchesses reside within the dining hall alongside the knights, scouts,
hunters, and trainees. their borders extend to the large river that flows in the
forest north of them and carries on the west where the river acts as a border
between the forest and the farmlands. to the south and east lays a stone road
that cuts between the grasses where their borders stop. the moonstone lays
within the forest a few miles past their border to the north inside the wall of
the gorge. the tunnel leads into a large opening where a stone lays in the
center and casts a glow onto the walls. this is believed to be a sacred place
marked by dragael, an ancient cat blessed by dragda.

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🦋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢
b e l i e f s ; ;
monarchclan firmly believe in the gods dragael and danu who were
blessed by human gods and marked the creation of cats. dragael was blessed
by the god dragda who stood for strength, fertility, agriculture, weather,
magic, wisdom, and knowledge. danu was blessed by the god ana who stood
for nature, prosperity, wisdom, death, and regeneration. it is said that all
cats who die end up in asgard, a clan that lives with the stars. the ruler of
monarchclan is accepted by the gods by granting them 9 nine lives. the clan
lives as a monarchy, where only one family can rule the clan. the eldest child
is chosen as heir or in some cases, another child will be chosen it the eldest
is deemed unfit.

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🦋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢
r a n k s ; ;
the king and queen: rulers of the clan
the princes and princess: children of the king and queen
the heir: the child who will rule after the king and queen
the butler/maid: obeys the royals orders and keep the clan in check
the priest/priestess: healer of the clan and speaker for the gods
the dukes & duchesses: older and respected cats who mentor the others
knights: in charge of keeping the clan safe
scouts: check the area for trespassers
hunters: catch food for the clan
trainees: young cats in training for their role
mothers: pregnant and nursing faes
blessed: kits of the mothers
seniors: retired cats who can no longer carry out orders

❢◥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🦋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ◤❢
h u n t i n g - h u n t e d ; ;
common prey: mice, rabbits,
squirrels, fish, water voles, & small birds
uncommon prey: large fish, beavers,
moles, snakes, toads/frogs
rare prey: geese, otters, swans,
raccoons, oppossums, & muskrats

common predators: badgers,
venomous snakes, skunks, & owls
uncommon predators: wolverines,
foxes, & porcupines
rare predators: lynxs, coyotes,
servils, & wolves

      [ Monarchclan has been founded ]
      [ You will be listed on the New Mod list, but I will be replying to you until they are announced on February 3rd ]
Last edited by Katrione on Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Galipaygo » Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:54 am

Number of Cats: 20

Gorseclaw padded out of the warrior ceremony with the biggest smile on his face that he's ever had. He ran right over to his old mentor Reedface and nuzzled him. "Thank you so much for training me so well! I couldn't have made it through that evaluation without you." Reedface looked at Gorseclaw with a smile as well. It seemed infectious. "Now you'll get ready to train your own apprentice when more come and show that Shadowstar that you're worth more than he or Frostfoot."
Gorseclaw beamed with pride and hurried off to talk to the other apprentices about being a warrior now.
Chervilpatch and Camberpool were looking for herbs together, joking and teasing one another as usual, until Chervilpatch stopped. "Is something wrong, Chervilpatch?" Camberpool asked as he saw her stop. The molly sighed. "I'm old, Camberpool. After this I'll retire to an elder and you'll be the only medicine cat." she said solemnly. Camberpool looked at her in disbelief at first, about to ask if she was joking, but closed his mouth when he saw how serious her eyes were. "Guess I'll need an apprentice to make fun of... you old fart." He said sadly. Chervilpatch smiled. "Right back at you, ankle biter."

Leader Happenings:
[None this moon]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[Chervilpatch and Camberpool search for herbs]
Boarder Patrols:
[Windheart, Gatorclaw, Mossfur, and Reedface patrol the boarders]
Hunting Patrols:
[Troutthroat, Frostfoot, Oakface, Gorseclaw, Reedface, and Lichenfang hunt]
Rank Changes:
[Gorsepaw is named Gorseclaw and becomes a warrior]
[Chervilpatch retires to elder after this moon]
[Barkpatch trains Lightpaw in swimming]
[Mudpatch trains Sunpaw in fishing]
[Blizzardear trains Shadowpaw in climbing]
[Skyear trains Hickorypaw in hunting]
[None this moon]

[The clan consumes one large fish and one minnow, 4 serving!]
[Note to mod: Text Here]

      Shadowstar | 88 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★

      Medicine Cat:
      Chervilpatch | 90 moons | Female | 🌿
      Camberpool | 28 moons | Male | 🌿 -Paralyzed waist down

      Reedface | 73 moons | Male | 🌿
      Mudpatch | 52 moons | Female | 🌿
      Frostfoot | 53 moons | Female | 🌿
      Blizzardear | 51 moons | Male | 🌿
      Oakface | 45 moons | Male | 🌿
      Windheart | 45 moons | Male | 🌿
      Barkpatch | 39 moons | Male | 🌿
      Mossfur | 52 moons | Female | 🌿
      Skyear | 33 moons | Male | 🌿
      Gatorclaw | 54 moons | Male | 🌿
      Troutthroat | 49 moons | Female | 🌿
      Gorseclaw | 17 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lichenfang | 32 moons | Male | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Sunpaw | 11 moons | Female | 🌿
      Lightpaw | 11 moons | Male | 🌿
      Shadowpaw | 11 moons | Male | 🌿
      Hickorypaw | 13 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | Cures greencough | x2
    Borage | Usage | x1
    Cobwebs | Usage | x1
    Daisy Leaf | Usage | x1
    Raspberry Leaf | Usage | x1
    Tansy | Usage | x1
    Feverfew | Usage | x0
    Stinging Nettle | Usage | x1
    Dock | Usage | x1
    Honey | Usage | x1
    Chickweed | Usage | x1
    Broom | Usage | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnow | x3 | 1 servings
    Frog | x4 | 1 servings
    Small Bird | x6 | 1 servings
    Toad | x0 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Large Fish | x10 | 3 servings

    Mudpatch | Sunpaw | 4
    ✔️ Combat
    ✔️ Hunting
    ✔️ Fishing
    ✔️ Moves
    Blizzardear | Shadowpaw | 4
    ✔️ Fishing
    ✔️ Swimming
    ✔️ Climbing
    ✔️ Moves
    Barkpatch | Lightpaw | 5
    ✔️ Hunting
    ✔️ Climbing
    ✔️ Combat
    ✔️ Swimming
    ✔️ Moves
    Skyear | Hickorypaw | 4
    ✔️ Climbing
    ✔️ Combat
    ✔️ Hunting
    ✔️ Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
    ✔️ Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Jaggedfang and Dewlight | Shadowstar and Badgernose
    Chervilpatch and Unknown | Sunpaw, Lightpaw, Shadowpaw
    Unknown and Unknown | Oakface and Windheart
    Name and Name | Kits
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trial mod replies for moorclan | @dinolil

Postby astrohund » Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:32 pm

WADE WILSON'S ──────────────
season | leaf bare - desc coming
    reply style | short (?) other styles done | medium. mod notes | this is really late, i'm so sorry!
    joining wrote:xxxxiceheart, juniperbounce and beetlestep join moorclan.

      • the duo, ICEHEART and JUNIPERBOUNCE, are welcomed into the clan with open arms! (or paws as should be said). everyone seems delighted to see that BEETLESTEP is back, what was the reason of disappearance?
    treatment wrote:newtpaw is treated in the healer's den.

      • the treatment has worked desirably on NEWTPAW, she can get right back into training -- hopefully next time she'll learn something.
    patrolling wrote:lichenface, antfoot and pansycloud patrol.

      • the patrol went well! LICHENFACE, ANTFOOT and PANSYCLOUD have successfully patrolled the borders. though, there is no activity whatsoever.
    patrolling wrote:jayfrost, honeynose and slatenose patrol.

      • the trio have successfully patrolled the borders. though how unfortunate, JAYFROST ends up slipping on ice and tumbled down with little grace. she will require x1 cobweb to treat her injury -- a minor cut that was inflicted upon her fall.
    patrolling wrote:sedgefrost, privetpath and sloestem patrol.

      • the trio have successfully patrolled the borders. while on their way back, they encounter a stranger lurking around through the shadows.
    hunting wrote:mistclaw, larknose and laurelfur hunt.

      • the hunt was a success! MISTCLAW, LARKNOSE and LAURELFUR luckily bring back x1 squirrel.
    hunting wrote:thriftclaw, smudgeflower and murkfang hunt.

      • the hunt was a success! THRIFTCLAW, SMUDGEFLOWER and MURKFANG luckily bring back x1 blackbird.
    hunting wrote:copperberry, burdockfoot and gooseflight hunt.

      • the hunt went well! COPPERBERRY, BURDOCKFOOT and GOOSEFLIGHT bring back x1 mouse.
    training wrote:mallowpaw and newtpaw go training.

      MALLOWPAW has successfully learned a new skill thanks to CLOVERHEART. he now knows the offense/battling skill.

      NEWTPAW has successfully learned a new skill thanks to SHADOWFANG. she now knows the hunting skill, finally.

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby legolas the elf » Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:07 pm

Number of Cats: 36
Toms - 18|| She-cats - 18
Mod: ashton. (jughead jones is trial)
Current # of servings needed: 7
Next Birth: Cleopatra, 1 posts
Mantasting, 2 posts


The Empire consumes x3 rabbits and x1 mouse this moon.

Winterfang has been accepted into the Empire!
Az has been accepted into the Empire!

Cadetstorm takes his soldier assessment. If he succeeds, he will be known as Stormthrush!
All Rookies and Cadets train in some unlearned skill, save Cadetstorm.

Cleopatra will birth in 1 moon.
Mantasting will birth in 2 moons.


Blank Slate (naming Rookiestream and calling female)
Sootpaw (will be called Cadetfallen) 12 moons (clumsy lovable sweetheart)
Axel - 22 moons - tom

Graystorm, Splashintorrent, and Spottedfang patrol.

Noble, Cadetmidnight, Barleyslash, and Wormwood patrol.

Percy, Rookiewigeon, Russetflash, Cadetswan, and Rookieslate hunt

Tawnyfall, Flareblood, Nettlesting, and Civetfang hunt.

Pasileyburner and Cadetpool hunt for herbs

Barleyslash takes on the Pharoah position well Cleopatra is expecting

Cadetstorm becomes Stormthrush in his warrior ceremony if he passes his assessment!

None this cycle.

I believe he was a shorthair gray, woops!
Haha nevermind found Az's name

          Supreme Leader:
          (King) Noble | 35 moons | Tom | X

          Barleyslash | 31 moons | she-cat | Acting as Pharoah in Cleopatra's Abscence | X

          Splashingtorrent | 60 moons | she-cat | X

          Percy| 26 moons | tom | X

          Paisleyburner| 25 moons |she-cat | X
          Cadetpool | 9 moons | tom | X

          Civetfang| 28 moons | tom | Supreme Leader General | [url=BROKEN]X[/url]
          Blazelion | 49 moons | Tom | Acting as Thane General in Elmblood's absence | X
          Wormwood | 50 moons | tom | Pharaoh General | X
          Snowclaw | 34 moons | She-cat | King General | X

          Rogerfang | 52 moons | Tom | X
          Blazelion | 49 moons | Tom | X
          Spottedtooth | 63 moons | She-cat | X
          Flareblood| 17 moons | Tom | X, X
          Blizzardcrest | 39 moons | Tom | X
          Nettlesting| 16 moons | She-cat | X, X
          Russetflash| 61 moons | she-cat | X
          Tawnyfall | 35 moons | she-cat | X
          Neritevine | 23 moons | she-cat | X
          Graystorm | 34 moons | tom | X
          Barleyslash | 31 moons | she-cat | X
          Winterfang | 16 moons | she-cat | left
          Roamingthunder | 16 moons | tom | right

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Cadets and Rookies:
          Rookiewigeon | 11 moons | She-cat | X
          ↪ Widgeonfeather
          Cadetswan | 11 moons | tom | X
          ↪ Swan_______
          Cadetstorm | 12 moons | tom | X
          Cadetsyrinx | 7 moons | tom | X
          Auletris | 7 moons | she-cat | X
          Cadetmidnight | 7 moons | tom | X
          Cadetduo | 7 moons | tom | X
          Rookieice | 7 moons | she-cat | X
          Rookieslate | 7 moons | she-cat | X
          Cadetstag | 13 moons | tom | X

          Mantasting | 48 moons | she-cat | X
          Elmblood | 28 moons | She-cat | Thane General | X
          Cleopatra | 53 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[url]


          Elmblood and Civetfang's Kits:
          Duskkit | 1 moons | tom | [url=]X[/url]
          Aspenkit | 1 moons | she-kit | X

          Kits in other Clans:
          Boragekit | she-cat | HurrianeClan | Rogerfang |X
          Sagekit | she-cat | HurricaneClan | Icenose | X
          Vinekit | tom | HurricaneClan | Icenose | X

          Kits found:

          Orielnose | 25 moons | she-cat | Paralyzed left side and hind legs
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Open
    West | Open
    South | HurricaneClan (Yukon_)
    East | Closed for future

    Healer’s Store
    Stick x1 | Could be used for queens to bite on during birth...
    Lungwort x1| Eaten; it cures yellowcough
    Wintergreen x1| Poultice; Treats wounds and some poisons
    Hawkweed x1| Eaten; Like a weaker catmint
    Tormentil x1| Chewed and put in wound; good for extracting poisons and really good for disinfecting wounds
    Parsley x3| Eaten; Cures bellyache and stops milk for queens
    Willow Leaves x1 | Eaten; Stops vomiting
    Lamb’s Ear x3 | Poultice; Gives a cat strength
    Honey x1 | Eaten or given by moss soaked in it; helps soothe sore throats, swallow other concoctions, soothe coughing, soothes infection, and gives energy
    Ragwort Leaves x1 | Crushed and chewed; soothes aching joints and keeps strength up
    Fennel x1 | stalks are broken and turned into juice; helps hip pain
    Goatweed x1 | eaten; eases grief
    Mint x1 | Rubbed on deceased bodies
    Celandine x1 | Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye; soothes weakened or damaged eyes
    Chervil x2| Chewed; for infected wounds, belly ache, and kitting respectively
    Foxglove Seeds x1 | Eaten; Used for heart treatment but can easily cause heart failure and paralysis
    Bright-eye x1 | Crushed into a poultice; used to treat coughs when mixed with lovage
    Chamomile x1 | Eaten; Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind - also given in traveling herbs
    Daisy Leaves x1 | Chewed into a paste; Eases the pain of aching joints and is a traveling herb
    Beech Leaf x1 | Unkown; Unknown - probably mistaken for Dock leaves
    Rosemary x1 | Rubbed on the pelt; Hides the scent of death
    Catmint x1 | Eaten; used for greencough and whitecough, high doses are dangerous
    Herb | Usage

    Food Pile:
    Rabbits (2) | x3 | 6 servings
    Mice (1) | x2 | 2 servings
    Voles (1) | x4| 4 servings
    Small Fish (2) | x8 | 16 servings
    Ermine (2) | x3 | 6 servings
    Hares (3) | x6| 18 servings
    Total: 52 servings

    Percy | Rookiewigeon| Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Blazelion | Cadetswan | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Civetfang | Cadetstorm | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Paisleyburner | Cadetpool | Herb Hunting, Herb Recognition, Kitting, Organization, Swimming, Endurance, Basic Battle
    Noble | Cadetmidnight | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Spottedtooth | Auletris | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Wormwood | Cadetsyrinx | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Rogerfang | Cadetduo | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Russetflash | Rookieslate | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Snowclaw | Rookieice | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance
    Neritevine | Cadetstag | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance

    StarClan Living:
    Snowstar's Life #1 | Rogerfang's attack when first met
    Snowstar | 32 moons | Tom | X | Killed saving Nettlepath and Flarepath from the blizzard
    Ashfall | 22 | tom X | Killed saving Nettlepath and Flarepath from the blizzard
    Stormheart | 32 moons | Tom | X | Killed trying to save Mistkit and Cloudkit
    Reedfur | 31 moons | She-cat | X | Killed trying to save Brownkit and Bearkit from the blizzard
    Whitepelt | 36 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Branchfur | 29 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Drizzlepath (Drizzlerain) | 9 moons | She-cat | X | Battle | Killed trying to save Slipkit
    Skypath (Skyheart) | 6 moons | Tom | X | Killed trying to save Mistkit and Cloudkit; killed with Stormheart
    Softpath (Softfeather) | 6 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Slipkit (Slipfoot) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Drizzlepath
    Cloudkit (Cloudheart) | 1 moon | she-cat | X | Killed with Stormheart, Mistkit, and Skypath
    Mistkit (Mistfang) | 1 moon | tom | X| Killed with Stormheart, Cloudkit, and Skypath
    Brownkit (Brownfur) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Reedfur and Bearkit (Bearclaw) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Reedfur and Brownkit
    Icenose | 19 moons | she-cat | X | Birthing Complications
    Stormkit | 0 moons | tom | XWeakness after birth
    Cat Name | age | gender | Cause of Death

    Icenose and Neritetooth | Rookieslate, Sagekit (HurricaneClan), Rookieice, Vinekit (HurricaneClan), and Cadetduo
    Icenose and Noble (adopted mates) | Rookieslate, Sagekit (HurricaneClan), Rookieice, Vinekit (HurricaneClan), and Cadetduo
    Rogerfang and Snowflurry | Stormkit, Boragekit (HurricaneClan), Cadetmidnight
    Flareblood and Nettlesting| Brother and sister (Adopted)
    Civetfang and Elmblood | Duskkit and Duokit
    Cleopatra and Redstar of QuickClan | Expecting
    Blazelion and Mantasting | Mates
    Name and Name | Kits

Credit to Fontmeme
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ShiningClan post 26

Postby Kazin » Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:22 pm

Number of Cats: 034 | 17 ♂ | 17 ♀ | 6 servings needed next serving needed at 35

Perhaps the threat of the shadow army was over... or perhaps it was just beginning. The feeling of unease Scorchstar had towards the whole ordeal had not faded, yet nothing had happening this past moon. It was strange. It did seem that the clan, or at least the small council Scorchstar gathered in his den every so often, had worked out where this shadow army might be forming. It was Birchstorm who suggested the Moonpool, stating that it would only make sense. Scorchstar had agreed, though been uneasy when Birchstorm volunteered to lead a patrol to the Moonpool. While he would never voice it out loud, Scorchstar found himself thinking that Birchstorm was too valuable to go to the Moonpool, if it was indeed a dangerous spot. And yet, Scorchstar couldn't think of a reason fast enough to stop Cricketheart from agreeing, and see the two debate who they should take on the patrol. Ultimately, the leader left it to his two trusted Clan members, defeated. He trusted their decision making skills, anyway. They came up with five other capable cats, besides Birchstorm, and Scorchstar gave his approval, albeit reluctantly, for the plan.

The patrol was set to leave today. The leader would watch in dread as the patrol made it's final preparations, Cricketheart nodding to them all as they left. The tension in the air was clearly palpable.


Timberleaf breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the patrol leave. He had been wary that Cricketheart and Birchstorm might select the young warrior, due to her strength and skill in the battle against the rogues and his brother, but while her name had been tossed around, she wasn't selected. Instead, it seemed the only younger warrior going was Otterfur - chosen because they thought he could keep his head better in a crisis. The thought that they might face danger left Timberleaf feeling weak, even though he wasn't going to be fighting. At least he hoped he wouldn't. The young medicine cat watched Scorchstar pace back and forth near the entrance, clearly stressed that he had allowed this patrol to go, and Timberleaf let out a sigh.

"Moping around as always instead of doing your job, I see," a familiar voice sounded next to Timberleaf, and he smiled sadly. He didn't even have the energy to banter back at her. "Still, I do wish I was going with them," Slatefang sighed this time, taking the chance to lie down next to him.

Timberleaf was shaking her head before Slatefang had finished her sentence. "Of course you do," he mumbled, not looking at her. "I'm glad you aren't going. I have a bad feeling about all of this, and so does Nettleblaze."

Slatefang's expression was serious. "I know, I can tell you've been bothered. You look like someone suggested you leave the clan and never return whenever you come out of those meetings with my dad," she gave Timberleaf a sympathetic look, almost grimacing. "I am scared, about what might be out there. We all are. But I'd rather know what I'm fighting and be on that patrol, rather than waiting here for them to return with news. I hate waiting." Slatefang nearly hissed her last sentence, tail lashing in annoyance. "I knew better than to ask Scorchstar to go, though. From the state he's in, I think he's about ready to run after the patrol himself and turn them around."

Chuckling, Timberleaf turned his gaze back to Scorchstar. "He doesn't want anyone to get hurt," he finally whispered, tension coming back to his voice. Slatefang pressed herself into Timberleaf's side, feeling his anxiety and trying to calm him. "I don't either," they both said at the same time. It was what the two needed, the bit of lightheartedness in a troubled time, each laughing against each other. At least they had each other.


It was quiet. Too quiet. Birchstorm was fearing a trap, waiting for something, anything to happen. It was very worrisome that the Moonpool wasn't even glowing, as Scorchstar said it should be. No, instead, it was pitch black; the only light was coming from the small opening of the cave. Otterfur had been stationed at the entrance, though each cat was very wary about going inside.

"We need to be able to see," someone mumbled to Birchstorm's right, angry. Pikewhisker. Birchstorm was about to tell him to be quiet when a nearly inaudible gasp from behind him caused him to whirl around, trying to see what had happened.

"Where did Peachfrost go?" An alarmed voice asked in the darkness. The fear was starting to spread, the uncertainty now taking over any thought of exploring this cave for the shadows. Something like a gust of wind brushed at Birchstorm's pelt, though it was the wrong direction for it to be a Leafbare breeze blowing in from the entrance.

Thinking quickly, Birchstorm tapped on the cat nearest to himself to get their attention, unsure of even who it was. He kept his tail resting against the cat's back as he slowly backed up, nudging them slightly to get them to do the same. They had to get out of here. As they backed up, the light grew stronger, and the air grew colder, and Birchstorm thought they had made it.

But it was too good to be true. Birchstorm felt one of his paws crunch in the snow, signalling his escape from the cave, but his tail had lost its resting point of whatever cat he was trying to get out before him. He whirled around, but there was not a cat to be seen. Not even a sign of Otterfur. Alarmed, Birchstorm called into the cave, only his own voice echoing back.

"No," he finally breathed in the cold. Junipersplash had been among this patrol. He couldn't lose his sister. Making a rash decision, he charged back into the cave, claws out and teeth bared, but there was absolutely nothing to be seen, not even the eerie darkness that he had been in before. The glow had returned to the Moonpool, but there was a piece of shadow resting against the clear water. Birchstorm traced it to its source, seeing a hole in the back of the Moonpool just big enough for a cat to squeeze through.

At least the Clan had their answer. Though now there were five missing cats, and many more questions.

New cats/rank up:
--> Ravenpaw and Honeypaw are ready to take their warrior assessments! If they pass, they will be Raventail and Honeyflame respectively.

--> Birchstorm, Pikewhisker, Peachfrost, Junipersplash, Otterfur, and Robinbreeze patrol.
--> Thornstrike, Ashpaw, Maplecloud, Deerleg, Slatefang, and Honeypaw hunt.
--> Cricketheart, Appleclaw, Rabbitmask, Ferretclaw, and Rivergaze hunt.

--> Emberpaw trains in tracking with Firesong.
--> Bramblepaw trains in stealth with Cherryheart.

--> Nightfrost is due! Birchstorm is the father. Nettleblaze and Timberleaf are both there, using 1x fennel and 1x raspberry leaves to ease the kitting.
--> Maplecloud and Thornstrike wish to try for kits again.

--> ShiningClan consumes six mice [6 servings]
--> Birchstorm's patrol is going to go missing. [all except Birchstorm, anyway]

          Scorchstar | 48 moons | ♂ |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆

          Cricketheart | 31 moons | ♂ |

          Medicine Cats:
          Nettleblaze | 72 moons | ♂ |
          Timberleaf | 16 moons | ♂ |

          Peachfrost | 72 moons | ♀ |
          Pikewhisker | 54 moons | ♂ |
          Firesong | 53 moons | ♀ |
          Robinbreeze | 39 moons | ♀ |
          Thornstrike | 37 moons | ♂ |
          Birchstorm | 31 moons | ♂ |
          Cherryheart | 31 moons | ♂ |
          Junipersplash | 31 moons | ♀ |
          Maplecloud | 27 moons | ♀ |
          Appleclaw | 27 moons | ♂ |
          Deerleg | 26 moons | ♂ |
          Daisypatch | 24 moons | ♀ |
          Cindersong | 20 moons | ♀ |
          Slatefang | 20 moons | ♀ |
          Sparkstorm | 20 moons | ♂ |
          Otterfur | 18 moons | ♂ |
          Ferretclaw | 18 moons | ♀ |
          Rabbitmask | 15 moons | ♂ |
          Rivergaze | 15 moons | ♀ |

          Ravenpaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
          Honeypaw | 12 moons | ♀ |
          Ashpaw | 11 moons | ♂ |
          Emberpaw | 11 moons | ♀ |
          Bramblepaw | 8 moons | ♂ |

          Snowflower | 29 moons | ♀ |
          Hazelstream | 45 moons | ♀ |
          Nightfrost | 28 moons | ♀ |

          Hailkit | 5 moons | ♂ |
          Owlkit | 5 moons | ♀ |
          Dunekit | 2 moons | ♂ |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x1 Beech Leaves x1
    Bindweed x1 Blackberry Leaves x1
    Borage x2 Bright eye x1
    Broom x1 Burdock x2
    Burnet x2 Catchweed x1
    Catmint x2 Celandine x1
    Chamomile x1 Chervil x3
    Chickweed x1 Cob Nuts x1
    Cobweb x4 Fennel x2
    Feverfew x1 Horsetail x3
    Lavender x1 Poppy seeds x3
    Ragwort x1 Raspberry Leaves x1
    Rosemary x1
    Stick x1 Stinging Nettle x3
    Sweetsedge x1 Thyme x2
    Wintergreen x1 Yarrow x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x10 | 1 serving [6 being eaten]
    Rabbit | x4 | 3 servings
    Bird | x5 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x5 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings
    Frog | x5 | 1 serving

    Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
    Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

    Daisypatch | Ravenpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Slatefang | Honeypaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Birchstorm | Ashpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Firesong | Emberpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Cherryheart | Bramblepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flowerkit | Weakness at birth
    Softkit & Morningkit | Birth
    Lionkit | Birth
    Scorchstar life 1 | Rogues
    Scorchstar life 2 | Shadow army

    Mates / Family:
    Scorchstar x Firesong | Sparkstorm, Cindersong, Slatefang
    Pikewhisker x ? | Maplecloud
    Hazelstream x ? | Ferretclaw, Otterfur
    Thornstrike x Maplecloud | Ashpaw, Flowerkit, Emberpaw
    Appleclaw x Snowflower | Softkit, Hailkit, Owlkit, Morningkit
    Pikewhisker x Hazelstream | Dunekit & Lionkit
    Birchstorm x Nightfrost | expecting

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Phina D Wolf's Sub Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:37 pm

    Season: Leaf-bare
    Weather: A thick layer of snow blankets the floor of every clan's territory. Most bodies of water have frozen over by now, making it impossible to catch any fish. Prey is very scarce now, as well as herbs. Your patrol might run into cat that are looking for shelter, be wary as they can bring illness' with them. Predators are more active as well as they look for anything to eat.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me!

| Snowclan | Pineclan | Moleclan | Ashclan | Borealclan | Lakeclan | Meadowclan | Twistedclan | Tundraclan | Elderberry Valley | Twilightclan | Silverclan | Jaggedclan | Steamclan | Larch's Advance | Sanguine Empire | Riverden |

⠀⠀⠀⠀deimos wrote:Image
swiftwing, forestkit, orcaspirit, and pinekit are accepted into pineclan!
↳ new names: arnicatail, chipmunkkit, swiftheart.

final assessments:
lightpaw and morningpaw are taking their final assessments!
↳ suffixes (if passed); -claw & -heart.

ranking up:
daisystorm's litter are ready for their apprentice ceremonies.
↳ orange, hazel, rye, clover, wheat, & yarrow.
waxwhisker's litter are ready for their apprentice ceremonies.
↳ brindle, lichen, pink, raisin, & wrinkle.

border patrols:
[1] rowanpelt, laurelcloud, basspaw, hawknose, sorrelfrost, grebestream.
[2] cottonbush, whimbrelpaw, firestream, ratnose, warblerfoot, skunknose.
[3] patchmuzzle, birchstripe, ashstorm, elmfur, pearlnose, camasfang.
↳ could one of the patrols possibly find snakeshade?
↳ note to mod; please check this link!
↳ cats in red are ones i'd prefer being targeted in the event that death and injury rolls occur.

herb gathering:
weaselstorm attempts to find more chervil for fawnfur.
↳ magpiewhisker goes as a guard in case any more dogs are around.

poppypaw trains.
↳ any related skill.
bramblingpaw, ausmaspaw, privetpaw, sloepaw, avocetpaw, and termitepaw train.
↳ stalking skill.

prey eaten:
-2 wrens, -1 thrush, -3 mice.

    Lightpaw failed their assessment! Better luck next time!
    Morningpaw passed their assessment and is now Morningheart!
    Orangekit, Hazelkit, Ryekit, Cloverkit, Wheatkit and Yarrowkit are all now apprentices in Pineclan!
    Brindlekit, Lichenkit, Pinkkit, Raisinkit and Wrinklekit are all now apprentices in Pineclan!
    Rowanpelt, Laurelcloud, Basspaw, Hawknose, Sorrelfrost, Grebestream's patrol goes uneventful.
    Cottonbush, Whimbrelpaw, Firestream, Ratnose, Warblerfoot, Skunknose's patrol found Snakeshade.
    Patchmuzzle, Birchstripe, Ashstorm, Elmfur, Pearlnose, Camasfang's patrol found Oatfur.
    Oatfur has been injured by a group of rogues, they will need comfrey root for the broken leg, cobweb, bindweed and a stick. Poppyseeds would help but are not necessary for the healing. Oatfur will also need 4 moons of rest.
    Weaselstorm did not find any herbs in the snow.
    Poppypaw learned the mending skill.
    Bramblingpaw, Ausmaspaw, Privetpaw, Avocetpaw, and Termitepaw learned the stalking skill.
    Sloepaw failed learning the stalking skill. Better luck next time!

Diamond Sapphire wrote:Image
[ Pinepond and Aspencloud go hunting ]
[ Hazestorm goes on a border patrol ]
[ Willowstar goes to Aurora Cave, requesting a Combatant ]

    Pinepond and Aspencloud did not catch anything.
    Hazestorm went back to camp early because of the snow.
    Starclan has sent Willowstar a combatant.

spasticjazzhands wrote:Image
The Clan consumes four voles (4 servings).
Spottednose and Galapaw hunts for herbs.
Morningstar, Ruststripe, Stonefrost, Rainsong, and Pebblepaw patrol to fight the dogs.
Copperleaf, Silverstem, Sunchaser, Blossompaw, and Nightpaw patrol to fight the dogs.
Stonefrost joins from CherryClan!
Copperleaf trains Blossompaw in Swimming.
Ruststripe trains Nightpaw in Swimming.
Sunchaser trains Pebblepaw in Swimming.

Mod Notes: could Rainsong, Sunchaser, and Ruststripe to be taken out of any rolls for death as there are a few ideas I would like to write with them? Also, you can roll for any other cat death for the fight! I want to be surprised how lives, who dies, and then I'll tell their story.

    Spottednose and Galapaw find a stick and dock.
    Morningstar, Ruststripe, Stonefrost, Rainsong, and Pebblepaw find the dogs first and wait for the others to arrive. The dogs spotted them first and they were forced to engage.
    Morningstar lost a life.
    Pebblepaw died due to the lack of training.
    Copperleaf, Silverstem, Sunchaser, Blossompaw, and Nightpaw arrived late to the dog fight but helped chase the dogs away.
    Nightpaw's tail was torn by the dogs, he will need cobweb, thyme and poppyseed.
    Copperleaf was killed by the dogs.
    Sunchaser has an open wound and will need dried oakleaf and cobweb.
    All those that were injured need a moon of rest.
    Blossompaw mourned her mentor and did not train this moon.
    Nightpaw was to injured to train.
    Pebblepaw did not survive.

ki-neko animura wrote:Twilightclan
Pantherstar, Voildwalker, and Twistedpaw go patrolling hoping to catch some prey or catch a scent of Twistedpaws brother.

    Pantherstar, Voildwalker, and Twistedpaw caught a rabbit.

    (There are two different patrols and you will have to say which one you want your cats to do. There are patrols and there is hunting. You can have your cats do 2 things in one post but it increases their chance of sickness.)

DiamondDogg wrote:Image
-Hunting- Snowstar
-Border- None
-Training- None

    Snowstar caught a mouse.

    (You should have at least 6 prey items for your cats to catch, you have 5 listed.)
    (You also don't need to feed your clan for its first 3 posts. This is so you can have some time for your cats to hunt and stock up on food.)
    (I recommend you go read the how to play on the front, there are some helpful things there to get your clan the best start it can.)
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Re: HazeClan | Post 37

Postby NightWolf950 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:58 pm

Archive: HazeClan Archive
Number of Cats: 123 (62 males | 61 females)
Speak to the Dark Forest: Jan. 12th
Servings Needed: 19 (119-125)

Hazeclan consumes x7 stoats, x2 squirrels, and x1 mouse


Hazestar sat perched on top of the High Rock his eyes gazing down at his thriving clan. Lately kits had begun to be born left and right, making him realize how much of a family he wanted. A family with only one cat, a cat he couldn't have due to a mess of things. However the tabby tom was just happy to call Redstar his best friend, and spend what time he could with the handsome reddish tom. Giving a small shake of his head Hazestar hopped down the rock's ledges and gently landing on the snow covered ground, making a small crunch sound. With one last look around camp, Hazestar decided to talk a small walk hoping that the snow would hold off for a bit longer. The gray tabby needed to get out and get some fresh air to clear his head, staying in camp would just make it worse.

As Hazestar made his way do the slopes to the forest he had to unsheathe his claws to keep a steady foot or he would slip and fall tumbling down. With only three lives left he couldn't risk it, yet here he was risking everything just to get out and clear his thoughts. Hazestar let out a heavy sigh upon reaching the end of the slops and back to even ground, looking up the icy hill before turning away heading towards the lake. He walked for hours upon hours, unsure where he was even going until he found himself standing at the QuickClan border. "Even when I'm trying to get you out of my head... my heart keeps leading me back to you." Hazestar meowed, his voice cracking. It was a struggle to watch Redstar live his live the way he did, supporting him no matter what when all Hazestar really wanted was to be with him. By now snow had begun to fall in large clumps and quickly. Hazestar long-fully looked out across the border, as if hoping for something to miraculously happen. With a shake of his head the leader pushed himself away from the border and began to make his way back to camp.

As Hazestar made his way back the snow picked up, turning into one of leaf-bare's infamous snow storms, even possibly a blizzard. Unable to see where he was going, and the cold numbing his senses Hazestar was forced to look for shelter and wait out the storm until morning. Being in the open moors it was impossible to find anything now, thus Hazestar pushed on hoping to come to the tree ridge at the edge of the mountains soon. Everything was covered in snow, making it all look the same causing a small panic in the leader. Hazestar took a deep breath, the cold stinging his throat when he inhaled, but pushed on. It took a long while until Hazestar caught the faint scent of an old fox scent. He prayed that it was just an old den and not an actual fox, as he would surely perish if it was the real creature. As he made his way closer to the scent Hazestar discovered a small burrow below a large old tree near the mountains. "Finally..." he meowed, using his last bit of strength to run towards the burrow and dive in. Things where dark for a moment until the tom's eyes where able to adjust to the dim lighting in the burrow. His gray fur was thickly covered in white snow, feeling the cold from his ear tips all the way down to his tail tip. Giving a shake of his fur, Hazestar looked around the burrow finding it to be an old empty fox den. With a sigh of relief Hazestar made his way back to the back of the burrow and curled tightly up, trying to some how get warm. "It's so cold... and I'm so tired..." he meowed faintly, his eyes fluttering shut. Upon drifting off to sleep, once of the leader's lives slipped away, leaving him with only two left.

Awoken by the sound of a chirping birds, the weary tom lifted his head looking around in a foggy haze. He could tell something was off and before long it dawned on him. Hazestar had lost yet another one of his lives to an unforgiving leaf bare snow storm. Sighing, the tabby tom slowly rose to his paws and made his way to the burrow's entrance. Hazestar peered outside, relieved to see that the snow had stopped and the sun was now shinning. He would now be able to find a way home, and was thankful the sun was out, knowing it would provide a bit of warmth on his way back to camp. Upon exiting the burrow, Hazestar looked behind him, smiling when he noticed the familiar mountains before him. From here he would be able to climb up the rocks and make his way to camp, although knowing it would be dangerous it was the only way home. Without any hesitation the leader pushed onward, carefully climbing the rocks as he went along. It was quiet as Hazestar padded onward, until he caught the faint sound of cats near by. "I must be close!" he meowed happily, quickening his pace. As he made way closer and closer, his pace quickened only to cause yet another fatal accident. As Hazetsar went to take a step up onto a rocky ledge he caught a small patch of black ice, sending his paws flying from out underneath him and his body tumbling down the small cliff. Once he stopped falling it wasn't before long until Hazestar blacked out and yet another life slipping away from him once again.


{Request: n/a
Ceremonies: Hawkpaw, Ploverpaw, Mottlepaw, Whitepaw, Mousepaw, and Frostpaw are ready to become warriors! (Hawktuft, Ploverwing, Mottlesplash, Whitemoon, Mousestep, and Frostsky)
Warblerkit and Almondkit are ready to become apprentices!

Other: Cobweb returns to her warrior duties

Medic Info: n/a
Kitting Info: Monarchwing is due!
Deaths: During his walk Hazestar gets caught in the blizzard, losing two lives. He's now down to one life left! =O

Gathering herbs: Ashfang, Twigstorm, and Applepaw
Hunting: Shadowripple, Feathermist, Rainsong, Nightshadow, Buzzardflight, and Inkfire
Hunting: Wrenfeather, Darkflower, Littleflame, Sootpelt, Batwing, and Jayfur
Hunting: Starlingflight, Mintleaf, Panthertuft, Pumapounce, Tansypetal, and Maplebreeze
Hunting: Alpineblossome, Willowstripe, Brightgaze, Browntiger, Turtledove, and Cloudripple
Hunting: Fernclover, Whispcloud, Sheeppelt, Sandfire, Honeypool, and Ferretcress
Patrolling: Raveneyes, Emberspark, Ghost, Haunt, Quailtuft, and Adderstrike
Patrolling: Bearclaw, Marigoldthistle, Timberfall, Slatestone, Lichenpelt, and Reefpool
Patrolling: Shadefire, Cobweb, Robinheart, Shorelight, Windsong, and Palesnow
Training: Mossy/Pigeon - stalking | Oakfang/Gull - offense | Swivel/Drift - hunting | Marsh/Dune - offense | Badger/Ripple - hunting | Juniper/Crow - stalking | Heather/Stone - defense | Bracken/Hound - offense | Meadow/Pebble - stalking | Clay/Rock - stalking | Tigerleap/Hazel - offense | Lynx/Olive - hunting | Tumble/Spider - stalking

Mod Note: If it's not to much to ask could cats not be rolled to die. I'v been working on future HazeClan arcs and have planed deaths for just about the majority of my cats. Nothing against you or anything. Just for future story-lines. Thanks for reading! =)

Hazestar | 81 moons | Male | x
Lives: ★

Shadowripple | 62 moons | Female | x

Medicine Cats:
Ashfang | 78 moons | Male | x
Twigstorm | 48 moons | Male | x

Feathermist | 68 moons | Female | x
Tigerleap | 74 moons | Male | x
Rainsong | 71 moons | Male | x
Nightshadow | 75 moons | Female | x
Mossystone | 75 moons | Male | x
Buzzardflight | 99 moons | Male | x
Inkfire | 38 moon | Male | x
Wrenfeather | 60 moons | Male | x
Badgerstrike | 39 moons | Male | x
Darkflower | 62 moons | Female | x
Littleflame | 61 moons | Male | x
Sootpelt | 87 moons | Male | x
Batwing | 31 moons | Female | x
Jayfur | 31 moons | Male | x
Marshpool | 31 moons | Female | x
Raveneyes | 31 moons | Male | x
Oakfang | 52 moons | Male | x
Tumblecloud | 53 moons | Male | x
Emberspark | 29 moons | Female | x
Ghost | 37 moons | Male | x
Haunt | 44 moons | Male | x
Quailtuft | 57 moons | Female | x
Adderstrike | 28 moons | Male | x
Bearclaw | 69 moons | Female | x
Marigoldthistle | 66 moons | Female | x
Meadowhawk | 53 moons | Male | x
Timberfall | 25 moons | Male | x
Slatestone| 25 moons | Male | x
Lichenpelt | 45 moons | Male | x
Reefpool | 69 moons | Male | x
Starlingflight | 23 moons | Male | x
Mintleaf | 36 moons | Female | x
Juniperclaw | 68 moons | Female | x
Brackengaze | 49 moons | Female | x
Panthertuft| 21 moons | Female | x
Pumapounce | 38 moons | Male | x
Tansypetal | 20 moons | Female | x
Maplebreeze | 20 moons | Female | x
Lynxheart | 70 moons | Male | x
Alpineblossom | 26 moons | Female | x
Willowstripe | 20 moons | Female | x
Brightgaze | 37 moons | Male | x
Browntiger | 26 moons | Male | x
Turtledove | 69 moons | Female | x
Cloudripple | 65 moons | Female | x
Fernclover | 56 moons | Female | x
Heatherflame | 45 moons | Female | x
Whispcloud | 20 moons | Male | x
Sheeppelt| 18 moons | Female | x
Swivelspear| 38 moons | Female | x
Sandfire | 22 moons | Male | x
Honeypool | 17 moons | Male | x
Ferretcress | 61 moons | Female | x
Milkfur | 15 moons | Female | x
Thornpelt| 14 moons | | Male | x
Rowangaze | 15 moons | Male | x
Pricklestrike| 15 moons | Male | x
Yewberry| 15 moons | Female | x
Echoripple | 17 moons | Female | x
Palepsnow | 15 moons | Male | x
Windsong | 40 moons | Female | x
Claybranch | 35 moons | Male | x
Shorelight | 31 moons | Female | x
Robinheart | 31 moons | Female | x
Cobweb | 47 moons | Female | x
Shadefire | 66 moons | Female | x

Hawkpaw | 12 moons | Male | x
Ploverpaw | 12 moons | Male | x
Mottlepaw| 12 moons | Female | x
Whitepaw | 13 moons | Male | x
Mousepaw | 13 moons | Female | x
Frostpaw | 12 moons | Female | x
Larkpaw | 11 moons | Female | x
Ospreypaw | 11 moons | Male | x
Pigeonpaw | 9 moons | Female | x
Gullpaw| 9 moons | Male | x
Applepaw | 9 moons | Female | x
Driftpaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Dunepaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Ripplepaw | 8 moons | Female | x
Crowpaw | 8 moons | Female | x
Stonepaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Houndpaw | 8 moons | Male | x
Pebblepaw| 8 moons | Female | x
Rockpaw | 7 moons | Male | x
Hazelpaw |7 moons | Female | x
Olivepaw | 7 moons | Female | x
Spiderpaw | 7 moons | Male | x

Pineshade | 45 moons | Female | x
Cloverpool | 58 moons | Female | x
Heronstrike | 47 moons | Female | x
Aspencreek | 70 moons | Female | x
Dappledwillow | 61 moons | Female | x
Daffodilpetal | 60 moons | Female | x
Oceansplash | 68 moons | Female | x
Snowcreek | 53 moons | Female | x
Monarchwing | 35 moons | Female | x

Warblerkit | 6 moons | Male | x
Almondkit | 6 moons | Male | x
Cliffkit | 5 moons | Male | x
Elmkit | 5 moons | Female | x
Icekit | 5 moons | Male | x
Leafkit | 5 moons | Female | x
Skull | 4 moons | Male | x
Wraith | 4 moons | Female | x
Banshee | 4 moons | Female | x
Newt | 4 moons | Female | x
Jack | 4 moons | Male | x
Twilight | 4 moons | Male | x
Pumpkin | 4 moons | Female | x
Hornetkit | 1 moons | Male | x
Cypresskit | 1 moons | Female | x
Mudkit | 1 moons | Male | x
Sycamorekit | 1 moons | Male | x
Chestnutkit | 1 moons | Male | x
Cinnamonkit | 1 moons | Female | x

Birchstone | 132 moons | Male | x
Blizzardstorm | 126 moons | Male | x


Mossystone | Pigeonpaw | 2 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Oakfang | Gullpaw | 2 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Twigstorm | Applepaw | 2 | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies
Swivelspear | Driftpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Marshpool| Dunepaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Badgerstrike | Ripplepaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Juniperclaw | Crowpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Heatherflame | Stonepaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Brackengaze | Houndpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Meadowhawk | Pebblepaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Claybranch | Rockpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Tigerleap | Hazelpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Lynxheart | Olivepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Tumblecloud | Spiderpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x2 | 1 serving
Shrew | x3 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
All Birds | x3 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 2
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 1
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 2
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 1
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 3
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 1
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 2
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 2
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 3
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 1
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 1
Chickweed | treats greencough - 1
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 1
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 2
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 5
Foxglove seeds | x - 2
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 2
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 1
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 1
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 4
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 1
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 2
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 1
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 1
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 2
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
Mint | hides scent of death - 2
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 3
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 1
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 1
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Stick | x - 3
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 2
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 1
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 2
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 4
Water hemlock | x - 2
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 1
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 3
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 1
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