Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

CaV Starter - Kanaka Helu

Postby Chamrosh » Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:22 am

Kanaka Helu

    The group are nomadic, having all left their old societies for specific reasons that lead them to start travelling. They travel around a vast nation, around which many people groups are based. Most of their members come from five cultural groups, which are linked to five regions around the ocean. These are definitely not the only groups, but they're the largest. Within the ocean there are large numbers of small islands, and long island chains and so on. Most of the ocean is featureless, and the vast majority of the time you spend travelling you will not be seeing any land at all. Travelling around it accurately needs an enormous level of skill in navigation. Many of the islands are not claimed by these cultural groups at all. and are entirely unaffiliated.
    Each of the main regions' ex-citizens are equally valued, and every skill is greatly appreciated by the rest of the group, either for ways it can be used practically, or for entertainment, as long as its owner does not grow arrogant concerning it. Most of the regions are extremely racially diverse, with the only exceptions being the wood nation, where the vast majority of people are pale skinned, and the earth nation, where a tiny minority of people are pale skinned. While the statures and builds vary, living on the sea requires a high level of physical fitness, so people are always physically fit, even if their range covers into larger girthed people.
    The group land frequently on various islands, although they're very capable of surviving purely on the sea if they want to. Because of their nomadic lifestyles, they don't practice much traditional farming themselves, instead relying on low-maintenance crops, on gathering food from islands, on very small crops they can take with them, or on trading to gain vegetables and fruits to eat. The only exception to this is in seaweed. They largely eat purely seafood and easily dried food while on the ocean, and are enormously innovative with ways to survive in harsh environments. Because they move to so many places, they are masterful at quickly building new shelters for themselves, and often leave strange abandoned villages with open houses for other villages to find later.
    Giving birth at sea, or recovering from illness at sea, is not the easiest thing, and so often pregnant people and the wounded and the old will stay for a few years at a time with other villages until they're fully recovered, or their children are big enough to manage safely on the boats, or they feel they can wait no longer to be back on the open sea. If no villages are populated in the right area when someone becomes clearly pregnant, they will occasionally settle on an island for a few years themselves.
    Because they travel around so much, they are often used as messengers and traders by other societies. They can transport anything that can be taken on a boat to any other village reliably and market this to get free food. They don't really use money, so will only trade for it very rarely when they can directly see the trades they can make with it, and they also have very poor bartering skills. They will happily trade animals or seeds if they think it will be too hard to look after them on the sea for them to be worth keeping.
    Each cultural group brings its own religious norms and practices, meaning that they have an extremely wide pantheon between them. Other cultural aspects may be shared between the groups by individuals who like specific ideas, leading to their own distinct cultural flavour as a group.
    They have very little military force between them, of course, which means they rely on quick wits to survive any conflicts they manage to get into.
    Arts are generally very appreciated, with music and singing being a great way to maintain high cheer while out on the ocean, even during storms, and not resulting in huge amounts of stuff to transport. Dancing is, however, not so good an idea, and is rare on the boats... which of course means that there are huge dances whenever they land after a long journey.
    Each society traces kinship in different ways, but one of the few things held by all members of the group is that children can be useful while also having fun, so most children will spend some of each day helping one of their parents. This time adds up to be roughly equal to a year trying out their parents' career, so they start trying other careers a year later.
    There are no people who are purely farmers. Everyone who "works" as a farmer is also either a gatherer or a hunter. Likewise most hunters and gatherers are also able to do one of the other food gathering techniques. Everyone learns how to fish, as it's unavoidably a useful skill while on the sea. While there's no one to defend from or nowhere to scout out, warriors take boats out into the water and work as fishers instead.

    I'm fine with you rolling other rare races than my examples too, if they're rare. Just like. ask me first if they're new? I'm kinda trying to represent each culture which is round the Pacific before I start replicating!
    The earth nations can be found to the west. They have the most varied type of environment compared to other areas. It's not particularly built up, due to the enormous land area, meaning that most of it is still forest. There's a lot of very intricate architecture due to the very traditional lifestyles and being settled there for many generations. There are only a few islands and they're mostly pretty large and rocky.
    Earth nations tend to greatly value hard work, honesty and openness. They're seen as the most trustworthy groups. They have the greatest abilities to work alongside and tame animals, and their diligence makes them the best farmers. They also tend to be best at using the stars to navigate.
    They love art and visual creativity, and tend to use this to express their emotions rather than in speech and so on. This means they often have intricately designed clothing or jewelry and so on. They rarely separate out their casual and their formal clothes at all, meaning they always dress to be very practical despite hte intricate appearances. They practice scarification, alongside the fire nations. This can take the form of tattoos for them, as well. People will almost all get some sort of scarification for their initiation rites into adulthood, though many will also get additional ones just because they appreciate the appearance of them.
    While tsunamis are common in the territory, people have long since worked out where the risky areas are and have stopped living there.
      Being the only fully natural creatures in the group, they have the closest links with the natural world. This gives them the greatest instincts for how to handle animals, and many have animal-themed abilities. Those who don't have animal abilities have earthy powers instead, with healing being more common than actual geokinesis.
    Example Rare Race: Pasatsat
      Pasatsat are linked to bodies which have been improperly buried... or so it's thought. It's not their fault they have ghost-like powers.

    The Metal nations are the most heavily populated, being the only one where many people really live in cities. They actually have industry and some places have skyscrapers! There's not very much land space at all, but it's very resource rich, and between their access to precious materials and their skills in metal-work they have become the richest region. They can be found in a very small area to the South West of the great ocean, surrounded by other areas.
    Metal peoples tend to be the best with metal work, such as creating weapons, or creating tools, or creating intricate metal work such as jewelry. Many people here believe in a system similar to the Chinese Zodiac.
    They have the best funded and biggest military of any of the nations.
    Knockers love mining even more than the other metal races. They' can turn themselves invisible, and all either can control metal and earth, or can predict incoming disaster. They rarely work alone.
    Example Rare Race: Sarkany
      Sarkanys have a slightly draconic appearance. Their abilities are themed along physical enhancements and weather or storm control, with more physical enhancements meaning less weather-themed abilities.

    The water lands are at the northern end of the great ocean. They often freeze over entirely in the winter, and are broken up into many islands and so on. The land itself often features huge amounts of mountains, of tundra, of fjords, and of taigas, with even some cold deserts. Their inland areas are largely formed from glaciers and old glacial valleys.
    Most people dress in animal skins to keep warm, meaning that they're abundant throughout. Because they have little access to dyes, they normally wear very dark and dull coloured clothes. Fishing is the main form of food gathering, meaning everyone grows highly skilled in fishing and in maintaining their boats and fishing materials.
    The water lands seem to be far less populated than other areas, until you consider that many of the water races live on the sea floor. In fact, the vast majority of the population does. Only a very few; those who do occasionally need air, and those with a curiosity about the outside; will ever be found by other races, meaning water races are the most mysterious to outsiders.
    Lots of random islands are occupied by water people. They tend to choose places with swamps, large bays, mangroves, or cliff areas.
      Selkies are shape-shifters, who use the skins of animals to transform. They always have a seal form, thanks to being born in seal form. They always have abilities to survive better in the water than most races, and to outlast cold better, no matter what form.
    Example Rare Race: Mermaids
      Mermaids have their own society separate from everyone else beneath the sea. Not all mermaids have fish tails, but most do, and they always have aquatic lower halves. Mermaids can survive in any water, and can breathe amphibiously. Mermaids can often either have auditory themed abilities or control water.

    The wood nations are to the east of the great ocean. They are made of temperate forests, with fewer outlying islands than other nations. They also have the most islands that other nations assume are theirs but have no real occupants. Everywhere around the great ocean has at least some mountains, and those of the wood nations are aligned neatly in long lines and are extremely tall. To the south, the wood types fade into being more typical of rainforests.
    The wood nations also have a connection with air, and are often thought of as air by other groups. Earthquakes are fairly common here. They are thought of as being the most peaceful by other groups.
    They enjoy either very floaty or very colourful clothes, with silk being their favourite material to build clothes from.
    Wood nation peoples tend to be the best at identifying edible foods, identifying useful herbal plants, and identifying how the wind is travelling. They also tend to be the most academic, though they never share knowledge they think will lead to people being harmed, they tend to be very pessimistic about this, meaning that they're seen as keeping the information for themselves and being selfish.
    Patupaiarehe (the patupai)
      The Patupai are always white, and are the only race where this is true. Patupai - normally - live deep within the forest, where they practice woodland magic to control the trees, and develop tree-themed abilities.
    Example Rare Race: Tennin
      Tennin are like fairies. They're smaller than most races. Tennin can all fly, and most can perform weak magic.

    The fire nations are a mixture of volcanoes and hot desert areas, with occasional pampas, prairies, and non-volcanic mountains. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are both common. They have the fewest settlers from other groups here, for reasons that become clear from their environment. Even within the fire nations, there are the highest proportions of nomads.
    All fire races are resistant to the effects of extreme high temperatures. They are the most religious of the regions. They can be found to the South East of the great ocean.
    Because their lands are the hottest, they tend to wear the least of any group in their homes... and by far the most outside their homes. They enjoy clothes with features of bright warm colours and geometric patterns. Scarification is a common ritual here, like among the earth nations, but is more likely to represent significant adult achievements.
    The fire races are the best at cooking, by far, and are good at refining metals (not so good at working with them). They also tend to be the happiest to take nightwatches. They are the most serious and superstitious. Many people here believe in a system similar to the Mayan Zodiac.
      Cherufe are deeply religious and practice animal sacrifice, setting dead creatures on fire to appease their gods. They use volcanic rocks to perform magic. Those with weaker affinities for magic tend to have greater affinities for controlling fire, or magma, or lava. They are often extremely misunderstood for their religious practices.
    Example Rare Race: Jinn
      Jinn are rare among rare. They are potentially almost omnipotent. Jinn are obligated to grant the wishes of those who explicitly wish for things in front of them, whether or not they meant to. However, they cannot grant their own wishes, or the wishes of other Jinn, and they hate being seen as granters of free stuff, so all but the very most naive will look for any loopholes they can before granting wishes, and will normally settle on the worst outcome for the asker, to help discourage more people asking. Jinn can be forced to fit inside containers by someone wishing for this to happen, and the wily nature of Jinns mean that this has been the fate of a very large number of them over the years, causing the population to dwindle.
Last edited by Chamrosh on Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Black Crystal [Founding]

Postby obnixious » Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:45 am


      Image Dark Crystal is located deep under the ground. Most pass them over without even noticing that they're even there, and that's how the residents of this Village prefer it. It is found in the middle of the Black Crystal Caves, somewhat like being in the heart of a labyrinth. This also helps keep them from any potential predators, since the caves weave and wind and tend to confuse most that enter that are not familiar with them.
      The crystals in these caves appear to be black when they're mined, but when they're in the walls of the caves they take on an eerie purple glow; which serves as the only real light in Black Crystal. It's very lovely, but it does take a while for surface-dwellers to adjust their eyes to their natural lighting.
      However, for those that need to be on the surface every once in a while, they are in charge of looking over and plants and/or surface animals that these people take in.
      Image that live here have to have good eyes for seeing int he dark, and aren't too fond of the sunlight. Some that can be found in Black Crystal are: Dwarf, Goblin, Vampire, certain types of animalkin and shifters (bats, lizards, etc.), and occasionally certain elementals. Others can join, of course, but it's unlikely since most can't commit themselves to living underground.
      Also, fantasy colouring is alright!
      Image I'd like to request a Goblin for my founder! Good old Goblin King
      Meat: Cony, Bat, Mole, Badger
      Vegetable: Mushroom, Potato, Zucchini
      Fruit: Gooseberry, Blackberry, Rhubarb

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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:53 pm


Spring is here! During the spring, birthings will be smooth and the chances of mothers or children dying during birth will drop dramatically. There is also a higher chance of catching more prey or finding new people and skilled animals looking for shelter, and the odds of sickness will drop.

Trees are growing their leaves and villagers will rejoice at the sight of snowmelt. While this may translate to floods for low-lying villages, this also translates to easier visibility, warmer weathers, and celebrations for most.

I am doing Ame's replies at her request.

Athens | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Drägen | Iron Rosette | Jurasul | Kanaka Helu | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Timesnare | The Wayfarer

Blackpaw Family | Dog Town | Expanse | Hawk Ridge | Luna Sirenis | Moonset Village | PeachTree | Tortuga | Whitecliff

Kazin wrote:

[ Paradox's patrol catches x1 salmon, x1 squirrel, and x1 catfish. ]
[ Seraphim's patrol catches x1 squirrel and x1 catfish. ]
[ Elora's patrol gathers x1 eggplant seed, x1 plum, x1 honeydew, and x1 strawberry. ]
[ Cylia's patrol finds a heavily-pregnant mother! She is alone and in need of a home, and will give birth in the next post. ]
[ Vikram's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]

[ Clarissa is now pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]

[ The mother's traits are: ST - B10 / HS - HW / HC - 2 / EC - E5 / X / dryad. ]

[ Mod notes: Welcome back! Hope to see you write more for Hawk Ridge. <3 ]

Chamrosh wrote:

[ Kanaka Helu has been founded! Your leader's traits are: ST - G7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - H9 / X / human. ]
[ I will be your mod. ]

[ We have discussed species and traits! ]

爆殺王 wrote:

[ The Black Crystal has been founded! Your leader's traits are: ST - I7 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D10 / X / goblin. ]
[ Your mod will be Amethyst14. ]

[ To clarify, goblins, dwarves, vampires, animalkin, single-shift shapeshifters, and elementals with any traits can be found? ]
[ I will discuss with you the amount of servings for the following foods: cony, bat, mole, and badger. Please check the servings of the other foods on the front page! c: ]
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Black Crystal [000]

Postby obnixious » Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:57 pm

Number of People: 001
Number of Animals: 000
Servings Needed: 000
Next Visit to Ancestors: Oct. 9, 2019


It's quiet, in the strange caves with the glowing crystals. Jareth's heard legends of this place growing up, and he's excited to have finally found it after years of searching. He left his home in his early teens, and is excited to finally maybe settle down.

It's somewhat like a labyrinth, the way the caves have multiple different paths and it feels like he's just walking around in circles despite not turning the same way every time. He assumes this is why no one has ever made their way to the fabled center of the labyrinth, and he's dead set on becoming the first.

It's rather relaxing, just wandering through the Black Crystal Caves, and the way the crystals glow a faint purple easily distracts him from the pain in his feet from walking for so long. He's sure it makes his skin look very strange - faint purple on such a dark green has always been a strange combination in Jareth's opinion - but he doesn't care for that. He instead continues walking, his messily curled hair bouncing against his neck and shoulders as he does.

After what honestly feels like minutes, but was much more likely to be hours, he finally comes to what is most likely the center of this labyrinth. There's large, jagged buildings that reach up to the roof of the caves, and despite probably having been abandoned for a hundred or more years, it actually looks to be in decent shape. Outside of some of the walls having decayed or caved in here and there, it's obvious that most haven't gotten through the labyrinth, or else he suspects it would be a lot more broken down.

Walking to the largest of the buildings, Jareth looks up to see an inscription above the door. "Knock, and the door will open. Sounds easy enough." He then raises his hand, and knocks on the door.

It swings open on it's own, and Jareth enters.

Jareth patrols the Caves
Jareth looks for some food
Jareth asks the Ancestors for a Shaman

(Yep, that all sounds good!)

    Village Residents wrote:
    Head Chief
    Jareth | Male | 34
    ↪ ST - I7 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - D10 / X / goblin

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A


    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Information wrote:
    Ally Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Enemy Villages
    Village Name | Username
    Village Name | Username

    Border Villages
    North | Village Name | Username
    East | Village Name | Username
    South | Village Name | Username
    West | Village Name | Username

    Food Storage
    Bat | x0 | 1 serving
    Mole | x0 | 1 serving
    Badger | x0 | 3 servings
    Cony | x0 | 3 servings
    Mushroom | x0 | 2 servings
    Potato | x0 | 3 servings
    Zucchini | x0 | 4 servings
    Blackberry | x0 | 1 serving
    Gooseberry | x0 | 1 serving
    Rhubarb | amount | servings
    Total;; 0 servings

    Item Storage
    Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
    Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | Looks
    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | Looks

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

    Name | Cause of Death
    Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kids
    Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by obnixious on Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The Kanaka Helu - 1

Postby Chamrosh » Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:58 am

The Kanaka Helu
Number of People: 1 (0F 1M0N)
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 1 0 – 4 years’ more
Next Visit to Ancestors: Here
3621 words

xxxxChai’s feet were lighter than a feather as he wove expertly and perfectly around the crowds of people in the market. His quiet air of confidence, his self-assured nature in what he was doing was more than enough for him to be able to steal straight up to a stall, claim the fruit that was now rightfully his, and start eating without even stepping away, within plain sight of the stall owner, and not have any hint of an arrest. It was a long-practiced trick, and a very useful one for anyone who wasn’t making a single solid living in the port city.
xxxxGentle wafts of spices came from all directions, alongside the yells of street vendors looking for new customers.
xxxxA busker was playing something quickly trilling but smooth on their saw sam sai, up on the higher level of the market. Someone was singing along, out of key, as they walked, but there was no hope of seeing them through the densely packed stalls. They were all in neat rows, with a thin crystal cover over the top, connecting them. The rows were enforced by thin pillars of stone, built hundreds of years ago by earth-twisters.
xxxxTurning a corner, there was a strong smell of fish curry, and accompanying dumplings.
xxxx”Get your kaeng here! Made with delicious nam prik kaeng karee! Only 1 yellow crystal for a bowl! Add keiyw for just 1 blue crystal! Fresh-cooked this morning by my beautiful wife!”
xxxx”Fresh thod mun pla here! Thod mun pla for your family! Great treat for parties! What’s that miss, your son’s 10th birthday? Thod mun pla will be perfect! How many? Tell you what, I’ll give you 3 rod nam dum hua, just 4 blue crystals! That’s a steal, right there! Oh, ma’am, you drive a tough bargin. 3 blue crystals and a red crystal, but that’s the lowest I’ll go! Deal! Now, what about you, beautiful young man…”
xxxxThe saw sam sui player changed song. Someone else had joined in now, a drummer, on a thom rammana, and their humming was in tune.
xxxx”Best fish supplier in the whole of Chinphura! We got fresh carp from the river, this beauty’s got to 100 lb! We got arapaima, chao prayo, gar, redtail catfish! Every fish you could want! Not only that, we got shark-fin soup for you! Get some every day to keep the colds away! A hearty brew with onion and spices!
xxxxThe shouts of the vendors calling out advertisements was almost too much for his ears, but Chai knew exactly where he was going. A seller with paper lanterns strung across the front of their stall and across the narrow passageway, causing him to have to gently push them out of the way. Their neighbour, selling luxury sabia across the way was complaining about how the lanterns discouraged costumers; and while they complained, a small child grabbed a lantern, trying to play with it, and promptly entirely breaking the delicate paper frame. The stall owner failed to notice.
xxxxPast someone selling fresh eggs – how did they plan to sell that many? Even balut wasn’t that highly prized, and she’d long since ran out.
xxxx”Keep your face looking beautiful, with our wares!” Called the middle age woman, hawking her Pen KHUN-laks’n. Everyone knew not to buy Pen KHUN-laks’n. There’d been too many people who’d become blind after using their eye make-up for anyone to want to risk them. Now the people who bought it to sell were the main costumers. This was plain to see, looking at how full the woman’s shelves were, and how empty her cash basket was. ”We’ll make your eyelashes long and beautiful!” They would. You’d have beautiful eyelashes, but useless eyes.
xxxxAnd now he was where he wanted to be.
xxxx”Chai!” the vendor called, from an old bamboo chair at the front of his shop. ”Where’ve you been?! Where were you this time?!”
xxxx”Howzit, Anurat?” Chai smiled, waving his long, sun-bleached hair off his face again. His hair was a long point of contention with most of the other people of Chinphura. A well-respected man should wear his hair up. Here he was, keeping it short, at chin length, and not even fixing it up properly. ”The fire phase wanted someone to transport the parts of their statue from Mang Bai to Cusyacho. You know how they are on the sea, dude.”
xxxx”I heard about that statue. Why were they even commissioning something in earth phase?”
xxxx”Apparently Parilla deserves only the best for her temple. They got earth phase stone-cutters, earth-phase architects, engineers. It’s a huge thing too. Took me two years to transport all the parts.”
xxxxAnurat shook his head slightly. ”So what were you doing in that last year?”
xxxxChai smiled wider, even more than the easy grin he’d had before.
xxxx”You know that ambition we had as kids, man?” Anurat nodded slowly. ”It’s even be-“
xxxx”You went to Swy Khlun without me? Dude, how could you?”
xxxxChai waved one hand non-commitally, stepping forward slightly to allow a little old woman with a cart full of cabbages to move through the narrow gap behind him. ”They needed a coconut supplier. You seemed so happy with Arisa when I left and I thought you’d rather stay, man.”
xxxx”Dude! I’d take my aunt – the old dog – with me if I got to go to Swy Khlun.”
xxxxChai looked away, a little guiltily, and coughed gently.
xxxxHe dug his hand into his pocket, and fished around for a moment before bringing out a deep green crystal, something far smoother than the earth phase used as currency, and a far richer colour. There were several of them, and they sat in a messy cluster in the center of his palm, hovering over the shining wares of the market stall. The saw sam sai player’s tune changed again, to something slower, and higher pitched, careening across the three strings.
xxxxAnurat leaned forward in his seat, elbows neatly placed in seemingly the only empty space among the jewellery, and stared at them for a few seconds. He plucked his glasses from where they rested like an ornament atop his curly black hair, and placed them gently onto his nose. He kept staring, in disbelief rather than short-sightedness this time.
xxxxDude.” The pause continued a moment, and then Anurat looked up at Chai’s face again. ”Are these emeralds? Where did you get them?”
xxxx”Payment. Metal phase miners in Fire phase lands. Apparently volcanoes are great for these things, who knew?” Chai reached a hand across to touch on Anurat’s shoulder, the many pieces of shell jewellery rattling gently with the movement. ”See, I was thinking, you make these into a full set of jewellery, and I get them to my mother, and she gets a nice present. Her birthday’s in a week, see? I got two birthdays to make up for, man.”
xxxx”Dude!” Anurat shook his head in disbelief. ”Do you have any idea how much these are worth?”
xxxx”A lot? It doesn’t m-“
xxxx”You’re right, a lot! I reckon-“ Anurat leaned in as close as he could, now ignoring the pre-teen girl who was in the process of pilfering a pair of stud earrings, lowering his voice. ”If we went to Gringer’s warehouse, we could fetch, easily upwards of 10 black crystals each. Enough to feed us and our whole families for years. We could get some other stone – malachite? – cheaper, make the stuff, still have 9 black crystals spare. That’s a much better gift.”
xxxxChair brushed the hand that had made its way onto his shoulder in return off, using the hand he’d used earlier for the same gesture. ”My mum deserves the best, Anurat. I’m not giving her some knock off when I earned these already.”
xxxxAnurat raised his hands in something close to a sign of surrender. ”Whatever you say, dude.” Brown eyes still flicked over to the stones in a slightly hungry way.

xxxxChai strolled up the long, mud-lined street. Over to one side, a patch of bamboo was growing where a cat was lolling around in the dirt. There were some chickens strutting underneath a house, and a dog watching them curiously, its head poking around the bamboo stilts and its leash pulled to its full extent. It had clearly given up on getting a free extra meal.
xxxxChildren ran up and down the street, laughing, giggling, chasing a wooden cart wheel as a group for a game.
xxxxChai could remember doing that when he was their age, and he smiled happily.
xxxxA little girl, almost three years old, bumped into him from behind and tripped over hard into his leg. There were loud sobs from behind, but Chai was happy to turn around, to pick her up into his arms, give her a cuddle until she stopped crying, and place her back down onto the ground when she was ready to play again.
xxxxHis mother’s house had only changed a little. There was a new wind chime – a replacement – hanging over the door frame. There were some more belongings beneath the house. The creeping flowers had grown to completely frame the glass-less living room window. There was now no way to use the painted wooden shutters. The mystery tree that had appeared a few years before he left was now taller than him, was now heavy with huge, round, spiky fruits; durian. Their scent wafted fragrantly down the street.
xxxxHe hadn’t had durian in three years. No other phase enjoyed eating them. Apparently they smelled like corpses to most non-earth-phase-natives.
xxxxChai took a minor detour, going around the side of the house to pick a durian and some rambutan from the tree at the back of the house, where it leaned into their lower area, beneath the stilts. The house was on a slope, so the lower level was taller at the back, growing deep enough to be a useful room, where a few comfy chairs a small bamboo table, and an intricately woven hammock were placed. He’d got some bulat in his bag, and alongside the fruit, this would be a great lunch. The emerald jewellery was wrapped in decorated silk, held together with a simple silver chain embedded with non-currency crystals.
xxxxWith a lunch gathered, Chai went back to the front of the house, stepped up the three wooden steps, took two steps across the front decking, and through the door-less frame. The house was built entirely of wood and bamboo (in the warm climate, this was enough to keep it a comfortable temperature inside, even in the middle of the wet season), but it was so decorated with fabrics, paintings, plants, metal ornaments, china, and every other sort of art work, that wood could only been seen at the edges of the rooms where the carpet didn’t quite reach.
xxxxAs he stepped over the threshold, Chai started picking up different items, inspecting them, and replacing them. A strange china pot with blue floral decorations made a quiet thump as it was put back down.
xxxx”Catachai?” came his mother’s voice from the back of the house, in the study.
xxxxChai flinched. He’d wanted to make a less awkward announcement of his presence than that.
xxxxHe quickly twisted the pot to be back into place, before looking up and towards his mother. She was wearing soft blues, as was her custom, with a soft gold-coloured sahai. Her brown hair flowed down to her waist, even after the front and tops were contained with a hair pin.
xxxxChai didn’t feel a need to respond verbally.
xxxxThe hug was enough.
xxxxTheir arms stayed interlocked for a while.
xxxx”Oh, Chai, you’re back, you’re back. Why didn’t you tell me, I would have prepared something special for you? We’d have had a whole party, I’d have invited the whole village, oh.”
xxxxChai chuckled. ”Being with you is enough.”
xxxxChai’s mother laughed warmly.
xxxx”That’s sweet, Chai, but you don’t have to say things just to soften it. I’m not why you’re back now. You’re old enough to settle, to have kids? What about that Arisa? That’s why you’re back, right?”
xxxxChai was too easy going to really show disapproval, but it still shone a little in his eyes. If his mother weren’t already half-blind, she might have noticed. ”She married Anurat. Actually, she was pregnant when I left. Her kid should be almost three now.”
xxxxChai’s mother hummed non-committally. ”What about Isla?”
xxxxChai scowled. The water phase girl and their break-up had been the main reason for his timing of leaving in the first place. ”No, mum. How about… we catch each other up on work? How’s the pottery going?”
xxxx”It’s going good, yes. There’s this lovely wood phase man who moved into the village a few weeks ago – he’s a little funny, doesn’t like bulat or kaeng, but his heart’s in the right place – and he’s been helping by painting pieces. Apparently he’s putting scenes from ancient plays on them, not that I know.” She chuckled. ”They sell a lot better now, with that. You know how little I was making before? Now I’m making almost enough to make up for…”
xxxx”I know, mum. You don’t have to say it.”

xxxx”Hi! Hi! Hi! It was the little girl who’d fallen over him the first day he was back. She’d taken to a habit of greeting him every single time she saw him.
xxxxToday her hair was in two pig-tails, and she was wearing some sort of costume, with the simple leathers she was wearing clashing strongly with the pink flowery decorations controlling her hair.
xxxxChai smiled at her. And then, seeing how her whole tiny body was shaking at giving him such a broad wave, he chuckled, and dug around in his bag for a gift. It wasn’t anything so nice as the emerald jewellery that his mother had got that first day back, but the shell beads were still pretty, and when given to the little girl, her face shone like a pearl.
xxxx”For me?”
xxxxChai nodded. ”Yeah, man. All for you.”
xxxxThe child beamed, and ran off, up towards a house.
xxxx”Mummy! Mummy! Mummy, look what the man gave me!”
xxxxAnd there, in the doorframe, suddenly, leaning over the wooden railing and looking down to the street where the kid was.
xxxx”Oh, that’s lovely!”. Chai’s eyes snapped wide. He knew that voice, that beautiful musical tone, the slightly foreign accent of the half-metal-phase woman.
xxxxShe’d gone travelling when she was young, where she’d got a chain connecting two piercings, between her nose and her ear. She wore more masculine clothing than most women, and it suited her perfectly, and she used the gold on the fabric to match the colour of her almond eyes.
xxxxChai was no less smitten than he had been before. It’d take another three year trip (minimum) to change that.
xxxxShe looked up, and met him with those beautiful eyes.
xxxx”Chai? Is that you?”
xxxx”Uh. Yeah. Yeah, it’s me. Hi.”
xxxxArisa was already darting down the steps, moving swiftly around her daughter while going nowhere near harming her. The girl was running after now on uneven, teetering legs.
xxxxOh, it’s so good to see you!” Arisa’s arms looped around his neck loosely.
xxxx”It’s. Good to see you too.” Chai shifted away from her slightly, trying to weedle out of her embrace. ”Howzi… how… have things been?”
xxxxArisa pulled herself away, and picked up her child from where she was now gesturing to be picked up. The girl curled against her mum’s side, resting her head on the warm shoulder. ”Well, the first things first. This is Cherry, my daughter.” Arisa smiled at her child, kissing her gently on the forehead. ”Otherwise… We’ve had a few issues. My mother’s dementia’s been getting worse. Anurat’s father’s had to have a lateral transfer at work – you know how dangerous police work can be. We had to take out a loan a while ago, but Anurat said that’s been sorted now, that we don’t have to worry about the money anymore. I’m not so sure, you know how he is with money? But I’m sure it’ll work out alright.” Arisa readjusted Cherry’s weight against her side. ”What about you?”
xxxx”Actually, I got another job, Arisa. Transporting rice from Chinphura to Mang Bai. Nothing special, but it has to be done by someone, and it will probably only take a month or so to complete.”
xxxx”Oh. That’s. That’s great. So you’ll be back after that?” She sounded a little disappointed.
xxxx”Yeah. I’ll be back then.”

xxxxAnd he was.
xxxxAlmost exactly a month later.
xxxxChai docked up his boat, pulling it far onto the sand in the shallower area of the bay. He couldn’t resist the urge to surf, even after weeks barely spending more than an hour on land at a time, and he’d done that for a few hours. He pulled down the sails si they wouldn’t be damaged, carefully dismantling the mast and the oars, stringing them up and tying them down so the waves wouldn’t claim them.
xxxxIt took about half an hour to walk to his mother’s house again (technically he was homeless himself, but who needed a home when you had the whole ocean to explore?). The full moon shone down on the street, illuminating everything in a pale blue tone, from the flowers hanging from baskets from the walls of the house, to the stones embedded on the muddy soil, and the awning of the tiny pottery stall that was set up beside the house.
xxxxThere was no door to knock, but he had a present again. Not so special as the emerald jewellery that his mother had taken to wearing everywhere, but the Mang Bai artists had given him a new set of pottery tools once they’d heard of his mother’s own business. She’d love it the same.
xxxxChai stepped through the frame, walked down the hall and slowly checked all the rooms downstairs. She wasn’t in the living room. She wasn’t in the kitchen, or the study, or the hall. Chai climbed the stairs slowly (she wasn’t there), and stopped in the door frame to his parents’ bedroom. There was her bamboo mat, on the floor, slightly crumpled from her movements. The windows were wide open, the flowers unmoved, undisturbed.
xxxxAnd there she was, lying peacefully, just as if she’d only just fallen asleep.
xxxxChai looked down to his feet, and there was Pae, his mother’s cat. A skinny oriental cat with spotted tabby markings against his dark cat. Pae curled up on Chai’s feet, purring happily.
xxxxChai frowned.
xxxxPae liked to rest on the stillest warmest thing in the room.
xxxxHis feet were not going to be the stillest things, so…
xxxxWhy was he not sleeping on Chai’s mother? Surely she should be the stillest warmest thing, judging by her sheets, and how still she always was in sleep?
xxxxChai gently picked up the cat – or tried to, and earned an angry mew and a new set of scratches across his hand, and a fleeing shadow out the window – and moved over to his mother.
xxxxShe wasn’t stirring at all, and she looked peaceful. Except… her eyes were glistening with the moonlight, and if they were shut, as they should be in sleep, that would not be the case.
xxxxThere were bruises around her neck.
xxxxHer arms and legs were curled in towards her, not like the normal position she slept in.
xxxxChai slowly closed her eyelids.

xxxx”I’m sorry Mr Chai, we can’t help any further with this.”
xxxx”You have to, man. Look, someone broke into my mum’s house, and they killed her, strangled her, in her sleep, and they stole all her jewellery and her art-work. It has to be someone who knew what she had and how to find it, someone who was pushed for cash. Someone who knew that there was no one around to protect her. And they had to be someone she knew. She was half-blind, and in her seventies! She’d not put up a fight for anyone, they had to have a good reason for choosing to act at ni-.” Chai swallowed.
xxxxHe knew who had done it.
xxxxAnd he knew he couldn’t do anything.
xxxxHe left the concrete building with a huff, heading back to his village.
xxxxBack in the house, he shook his head. He couldn’t live here now.

xxxxIt was fitting to finish his time back in Chinphura back here. He had a stall, on the beach. Selling off his mother’s belongings.
xxxxHe couldn’t fit everything in his boat (even if he could fit most of it), and it had to go somewhere. Crystals wouldn’t be of use across most of the ocean, but food would always be useful, as well as ways to acquire it. A water purifier and several barrels to store clean water in, attached to the back of the boat and following in the water. High quality fishing equipment, butchering equipment, spare sails, long stretches of rope, soare ores, spare bedding, soap nuts, spare clothes, a suitable knife for cutting trees, carpentry equipment for if he ever needed a new boat.
xxxxHe was off. He didn’t plan to come back.
xxxxHe had nothing to come back to (he had enough kaeng karee to last his cooking for a long while).
xxxxBut maybe he had something to go off to.
xxxxHe’d managed alright for three years on his own already. He’d manage again.
xxxxOut on the sea, with the sound of the waves, the call of the sea gulls, the smell of salt in the air, the taste of fresh fish soup…
xxxxMaybe he could find a new home.
[ Chai docks on a new island! ]
[ Chai looks for potential voyagers! ]
[ Chai gathers food! ]

I do intend to draw out ref images for everyone and to make a proper archive and all but. I. I cba today, gotta be frank wit’ y’all
I'll work out exactly what this'll mean in later posts, but unless it's an eastern dragon, don't give any animals that are not both: - real world animals and - small enough to easily fit on a boat for a while

    Head Navigator
    Chai | M | 32
    ↪ ST - G7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - H9 / X / human

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
BlackRock Weyr – North – Simonpet
Mekhanikos – West - Hazilnut

Food Storage
Mussels | 0 | 1 servings
Duck | 0 | 3 servings
White-bait | 0 | 3 servings
Musk Ox | 0 | 10 servings
Beans | 0 | 3 servings
Potato | 0 | 3 servings
Maize | 0 | 4 servings
Apple | 0 | 2 servings
Mango | 0 | 2 servings
Jackfruit | 0 | 4 servings
Total | 0 | ?x Years’

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Opt: [i]East. Dragon /
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:19 am
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Mekhanikos | 06

Postby hazilnut » Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:59 pm

nυмвer oғ vιllagerѕ: 10
nυмвer oғ anιмalѕ: 3
ѕervιngѕ needed: 9 3/4
neхт conѕтrυcтιon: 10/18/19

The warm spring air wafted through the propped-open windows of Princep's office, luxurious and inviting. If they listened closely, Princeps could just make out the red-breasted robins singing for their mates among the budding branches and the soft burbling of the newly dug irrigation channels. Less pleasantly, the head chief could clearly hear the tell-tale crashes of Keiran's battle cry as ei and Cultor waged war on the crows that thought their newly sowed seed to be a snack mingling with the cacophony of metal on metal that heralded Amicus and Aoife's recent practice of sparring. If Princeps could have scowled they would, it was hard enough for them to find the time for a break and now that they had, resting was impossible.

Well, as long as they were awake Princeps might as well start drafting rough plans for the ground-water well they wished to install in the center of the village. Ackerley was in one of those moods that made it impossible to predict when they'd be available or willing to work on the project- they were a robot engineer not a civil one they insisted on reminding Princeps, despite doing a perfectly good job on the irrigation system- so actual work was stymied on that front, but that didn't mean Princeps couldn't plan ahead. They were just pulling out a large sheet of drafting parchment when the man of the hour themselves bounced in, excitement clear in every step.

"Hello Ackerley," greeted the head chief cautiously, suddenly sitting up perfectly straight and glancing around the room at the various breakables endangered by the mechanic's very presence. "How can I help you?"

"I was just looking for- oh thank you!" Ackerley leaned rather riskily across the desk to grab the small pouch of nuts and bolts Princeps had retrieved for them.

Sliding the drawer shut, Princeps let out a puff of steam as Ackerley pawed through the bag's contents. "You moved out three years ago, how do I still keep finding your things in here?" they asked, the clink of pebbles that created their voice light with mirth.

Ackerley grew a shade flushed and looked down at the drawstrings they were twisting with their fingers. "I'll come in sometimes when you're out, to try and recreate the conditions I first thought things up in."

"So that's who's been rearranging my papers. I thought Lumina was messing with me."

"Oh no," Ackerley shook their head emphatically, "they definitely are. The papers were probably me though, sorry. I get into a weird headspace when I design and, well, I'm trying to do better but it's really hard to think about anything else! I know you do loads for Mekhanikos though and you like your things just so, so..." They trailed off with a nervous laugh. "Sorry again."

Physically, Princep's face couldn't soften, but their tone was gentle. "Don't fret- I know you're trying your best. It's not as if I'm particularly aware of my surroundings when working either, and that's practically all the time. I appreciate that you respect what I do. I didn't know if you did."

Ackerley laughed again, their death grip on the bag of tools loosened. "Appreciate? Princep's you're basically the one keeping this whole place running. If it wasn't for you I'd have to go back to my parents and everyone else, well I don't know where they'd go. You do great work."

"I do, don't I," Princeps mused, and this time the chuckle that Ackerley let out was free of tension.

"By the way, I'm not completely clueless. Lumina let me know these huge crates arrived last night and those have got to have something to do with you."

Princeps was up and out of their seat as fast as their slow moving mechanisms would let them. They strode to the door with purpose, beckoning for Ackerley to follow them. "The outcome of a few masterful trade deals. Come see."

"Maybe in a bit. Right now me and these tools have a job to finish up. You get that."

Princeps nodded; they very much did. So the head chief waved the mechanic off as they skipped over to their workshop before turning and heading off to finish their job. There was no rest for the wicked.


"Do you remember?" began Quaide, voice all muffled violets. "This used to be the old temple, and that the school- I think." The golem could not frown but the glow of keir antlers dimmed as uncertainly entered their rumble.

Aoife glanced around the moss-covered ruins, eyes brushing over one pile of rubble and the next all the same. "I suppose?" Fa watched as feir composure slowly meandered through the crumbled frameworks, brushing each one with just the lightest touch of keir force.

"Look- the foundations remain. Not all has changed."

Privately Aoife disagreed. but responded placatingly, "The creek we used to gather clay from is still there- where you and Elisedd taught me how to throw."

Horns glinting, Quiade looked directly at keir child for the first time in the pair's conversation. "Do you still make earthenware?"

"When the occasion presents itself."

"Perhaps we could throw together sometime," keir tone grew fond, "I miss hearing you sing."

Aoife glanced away to watch a pair of fire lizards skittering over one of the fallen buildings- school, temple, home fa didn't know. "Singing pots into shape is harder now; the magic is trickier to grasp and control. Hunting takes up most of my time anyways."

"Ah yes, hunting." Aoife didn't have to turn around to see Quaide's glow of disapproval. Fa didn't respond to feir composer's pointed statement. Aoife had become a hunter to spare others the need to, but fa didn't expect kem to understand that. Eventually Quaide broke the silence with an awkward rumble. "Oh Phe what happened to your antlers?" Aoife could feel the gentle brush of Quaide's force against the broken tip of one of feir horns and shifted uncomfortably under the touch.

"It broke off when I was sparring with Amy, er, Amicus."

"Sparring, Phe?"

Aoife couldn't keep the cross crash out of feir response. "We have to know how to protect ourselves!" To feir surprise, instead of objecting, Quaide just glanced thoughtfully off into the distance and made no reply.


Keiran was gradually becoming more sure in wielding farming tools with eir force. At first ei had been unused to the abnormal distribution of weight of hoe and rake but after several weeks of tilling soil ei were proficient enough to brandish the tools threateningly at any crow which dared to consider making seeds their lunch.

“Seems as if the cats are finally pulling their weight,” remarked Cultor as they leaned on their hoe, watching Hehimm and Calpras circling the seedlings the crows had been all over a few hours ago. After being, somewhat unsuccessfully, stalked through the furrows by a pair of wild cats the pests had eventually decided to try for an easier meal. Calpras seemed especially disappointed by the loss of her entertainment and meowed pitifully for the birds, who had settled on a nearby tree, to return. The disgruntled squawks inspired a series of amused humming from Keiran.

“They’ve always pulled their weight,” ei rumbled cheekily, “they’ve just also pulled a number of other things, like tablecloths from under drying herbs. Hey- let me help you with that.” The golem glided over to Cultor, who had been picking gravel out of the joint guard on their leg. With practiced ease, Keiran scooped up the loose stones with eir force and tossed them back out onto the ground. “It’s too bad Ackerley’s so caught up in a big project right now. It’d be nice if they could take a look at your guards.”

“What would be really nice is if it would rain. No better for my inner workings but at least we’d be dealing with less dust afterwards, and the seeds could do with a good soaking.”

Keiran glanced up at the cloud-streaked sky and concentrated on the wind for a moment. “The sky was red this morning but the wind’s coming in from the east. We probably have a few more days before any rain.”

Very good,” Cultor praised, and Keiran‘s antlers flashed. Shaking their head they glanced first across the land they had just planted and then back to their apprentice. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. You’ve grown so much since I had to teach you the difference between holly and currants. I honestly think you’re ready to be a farmer in your own right.”

The hoe Keiran had been carrying dropped to the ground. “Really? But I’ve still got so much still to learn!”

“No one said you were done learning,” Cultor laughed. They grabbed the brim of Keiran’s sunhat and pulled it down into eir eyes. “I’m certainly not done learning. We’d just be teaching each other.” Grabbing Keiran’s dropped hoe they offered the handle out to em. Horns flashing brilliantly, Keiran took it.


Ackerley hadn’t been this consumed by a project for a while. Sure they had worked hard on Lumina and Princep’s voice box had been a feat, but this was something else entirely. Building Custos felt like building Amicus all over again, though this time with less malnourishment since Keiran or Amy or Princeps would show up with food a couple times a day and make sure they ate. Late nights, as tonight, were still a constant.

“You’re going to be revolutionary,” they told the currently empty body that would eventually house Custos. The framework itself was probably more daring than any Ackerley had made before; hundreds of hand-pounded metal feathers, wires and electricity powering the entire thing, thousands upon thousands of tiny specialty parts. If fixing Cultor was tricky, repairing Custos was liable to be downright impossible. By all logic Ackerley was a fool for building them. But Custos wasn’t going to run on logic.

Ackerley took out a pair of forceps and used them to grab a softly pulsing crystal. As they pulled the crystal from its case a sudden rumbling very nearly led Ackerley to drop it. The mechanic set done their tools and turned around to see what had caused the noise, but all they could make out were a dull red and blue glow and a lulling hum, all familiar sights with how many projects Ackerley had laying around.

Now that their heart had stopped racing Ackerley began to very carefully transfer the core into Custos’s chest cavity. As the mechanic soldered wires to crystal intermittent rumbles would occasionally shake the table they were working on, but each time Ackerley would turn to investigate they found nothing. Eventually they fell back into the rhythm of work and thought no more of the strange noises.

It was only when pale sunshine and soft bird song had begun to leak through the cracks in Ackerley’s workshop that the mechanic realized they had stayed up all night fine tuning Custos’s body. They didn’t feel at all tired as they watched the AI they had set up earlier distill into the body they had labored over for months, only excited. Now came the moment of truth. The soft pulse of Custos’s core grew stronger and brighter as the inner mechanisms began to whirr. One feather began to twitch, and then another, and slowly the robot’s eyes began to light up and come alive

Ackerley couldn’t keep the squeal out of their voice as Custos turned to look at them. “Welcome to Mekhanikos!”

xxxxAckerley constructs a hunterxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxAckerley researches mechanicsxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxQuaide, Cultor, Keiran gatherxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxCultor instructs Keiran in farmingxxxxxxxx
xxxxxAmicus, Lumina, Custos patrol the forestxxx
xxxxxxxxxAmicus instructs Custos in close combatxxxxxxxx
xxxAoife, Genaine, Princeps go huntingxxx
xxxxxMekhanikos consumes x3 beaver, x3 micexxxx
xxxxxMekhanikos opens the Good Graces goodiesxx

    нead cнιeғ
    Princeps | "Prince" | 3 y.o. (45 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G8 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, nonbinary

    Ackerley | "Curly" | 23 y.o. | 2 kp
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - E1 / X / Human
    ↪ they/them/their, masc descriptors, demi-guy

    war cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Amicus | "Amy" | 5 y.o. (29 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - H5 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, fem descriptors, demi-gal

    ѕcoυт cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lumina | "Lulu" | 2 y.o. (22 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - HC / HC - 4 / EC - B2 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, flux descriptors, genderfluid

    нυnтιng cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Aoife | "Phe" | 256 y.o. (28 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - LW / HC - 11 / EC - H1 / X / Golem
    ↪ fa/fem/feir, neutral descriptors, agender
    Genaine| "Gen" | 469 y.o. (49 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G11 / HS - LW / HC - 22 / EC - A6 / X / Golem
    ↪ ai/aim/air, neutral descriptors, agender

    Cultor | "Teach" | 4 y.o. (59 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - HC / HC - 65 / EC - C3 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, genderfluid
    Quaide | "Q" | 580 y.o. (60 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G6 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - G6 / X / Golem
    ↪ kai/kem/keir, neutral descriptors, agender

    Keiran | "Kee" | 142 y.o. (18 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - A11 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F2 / X / Golem
    ↪ ei/em/eir, neutral descriptors, agender
    Custos | "Angel" | 1 y.o. (13 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G7 / HS - AC / HC - 9 / EC - A6 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, nonbinary

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
vιllage relaтιonѕ
Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet | Unknowingly protected by
Solaris Canyon | Dinolil1 | Basically adopted by

вorder vιllageѕ
Enveloped | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet

ғood ѕтorage
Deer | x3 | 6 servings
Beaver | x1 | 3 servings
Trout | x1 | 6 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 1 serving
Dandelion Greens | x2 | 2 servings
Asparagus | x1 | 3 servings
Hopniss | x0 | 3 servings
Blackberry | x5 | 1 serving
Apple | x2 | 2 servings
Blueberry | x0 | 1 serving
Mice | x3 | 1/4 serving

ιтeм ѕтorage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Sheherr | female | 5 y.o. | Wildcat | bred 1/2 times | Looks
Hehimm | male | 3 y.o. | Half-wildcat | bred 1/2 times | Looks
Calpras | female | 2 y.o | Half-wildcat | bred 0/2 times | Looks

Cultor | Keiran | gatherer | 3
↪ edible plants, sustainability, preservation
Amicus | Custos | warrior | 0
↪ n/a

Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids

Ackerley wants a steady supply of materials
Keiran wants to find eir parents
Amicus wants to protect Mekhanikos
Aoife wants to help Amicus
Cultor wants Keiran to succeed
Princeps wants some organization around here
Genaine wants to restore the culture of Caling
Quaide wants to rebuild the Caling empire
Lumina wants to challenge themselves
Custos wants to understand
Worldbuilding Thread
Last edited by hazilnut on Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby salvation. » Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:20 am

➳population:7➳animal population:1➳servings needed: 6 ½➳

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xx➳previous visit: 6-20-19/doctor
xx➳next visit: 6-27-19
xx➳north: village name/username
xx➳west: village name/username
xx➳east: village name/username
xx➳south: village name/username
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈


┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

-evangaline and alice patrol the borders
-anai goes hunting with evangaline
-arlo goes scouting with nickolas
medic duties:
-alice studies medicine
-jericho and winair go out gathering
ancestor requests:
-one fasting day left
new people:
mod notes:
-council members can't be found

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xxevangeline ithor/female/27 years
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxnickolas petrichor/male/27 years
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxhead scout
xxarlo cornett/male/32 years
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxanai savalani/female/23 years
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxjericho callum/male/25
xxwinair artonia/female/20
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/age
xx➳full name/age
head hunter
➳full name/gender/age
dragon trainers
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
alice flint/female/21

xx//food storage//
xx➳rabbit/1 serving/amount=2
xx➳squirrel/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳chicken/3 servings/amount=3
xx➳cow/6 servings/amount=0
xx➳wheat/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳potato/3 servings/amount=0
xx➳corn/4 servings/amount=0
xx➳strawberry/1 serving/amount=3
xx➳peaches/2 serving/amount=0
xx➳watermelon/4 serving/amount=0
xx➳altair/female/7 years/dog/bred=0
xx//item storage//
➳item name/uses left/amount=0
➳item name/uses left/amount=0

xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/age/cause of death
xx➳name/age/cause of death
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:41 pm


Spring is here! During the spring, birthings will be smooth and the chances of mothers or children dying during birth will drop dramatically. There is also a higher chance of catching more prey or finding new people and skilled animals looking for shelter, and the odds of sickness will drop.

Flooding is in full swing for some villages, storms for others, and the luckiest ones still have nothing more than mild weather. This god prays that no village will be in such dire straights that their descendants will be forced to eat unleavened bread every spring due to forcible exile after plagues were visited upon the village's enemies.


Athens | Cyrrane | Dovefeather | Drägen | Iron Rosette | Jurasul | Kanaka Helu | Mekhanikos | Solaris Canyon | The Timesnare | The Wayfarer

Chamrosh wrote:

[ Chai finds a couple, one hunter and one gatherer, although cannot decide if they are siblings, married, friends, or simply two strangers. ]
[ Chai gathers x1 bean seed, x1 jackfruit, and x1 mango. ]

[ The hunter's traits are: ST - B5 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - D7 / X / human. ]
[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - L1 / HS - LW / HC - 33 / EC - E4 / X / patapai. ]

[ Mod notes: Would disincluding cow/oxen, fire-lizards, foxes, and horses as animals KH can find be reasonable? And perhaps cats could be a rare find because lots of sailors did take cats for good luck/to get rid of mice but as you mentioned, they are harder to care for if a cat doesn't like water and is on a small boat. ]

hazilnut wrote:

[ Ackerley gains a KP. ]
[ Quaide's patrol gathers x1 asparagus seed, x1 blackberry, x2 dandelion greens, and x1 apple. ]
[ Amicus's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Aoife's patrol catches x1 deer and x2 trout. ]

[ Keiran learns a skill in farming. ]
[ Custos learns close combat. ]

[ The cats catch x3 mice. ]

[ The construction has been completed successfully! The hunter's traits are: ST - I7 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - E3 / X / robot. ]

[ The intermediate food bundle gifts Mekhanikos with x1 beaver, x1 deer, x2 apples, x3 rabbits, x1 blackberry, and x1 hopniss. ]
[ The intermediate resource bundle gifts Mekhanikos with x1 sand, x1 steel, x1 blackberry seed, x3 hopniss seeds, x2 asparagus seeds, x1 blueberry seed, x1 dandelion green seed, x1 iron sword, and x2 glass jewelry. ]
[ The Hope's Cage gifts Mekhanikos with a horse. ]

[ Mod notes: I stg that only KH mentioning that cats are probably not going to be allowed saved you from not having your mice rolls done again. XD ]
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Mekhanikos | 07

Postby hazilnut » Sat Oct 19, 2019 6:07 pm

nυмвer oғ vιllagerѕ: 11
nυмвer oғ anιмalѕ: 4
ѕervιngѕ needed: 11
neхт conѕтrυcтιon: 10/26/19

“Keiran has trained tirelessly to become a provider for Mekhanikos,” recited Princeps to the villagers, who had gathered under the crisp autumn moon for the celebration. At the head of the food-laden table Keiran glowed brilliantly at eir mentor sitting right beside, who in turn squeezed one of eir stones. “Today we honor eir passion and dedication which, along with the expert tutelage of Cultor, have propelled Keiran’s growth into a farmer, and golem, ei should be proud of.” As Princeps slid their notecards into the breast pocket of the suit jacket they wore for the occasion, the table broke into uproarious applause.

“Go Keiran!” cheered Aoife, arguably loudest of all. Amicus, who sat next to fem, echoed with an ear-splitting screech. A cascade of good-natured laughter quickly filled the subsequent pregnant pause. There would be no silence tonight.

“Now lets enjoy the bounty Keiran has given us- let’s eat!”

After all had eaten their fill, or more than it, the table was cleared away to make room for dancing. Tonus whipped out their bow and began to saw out a lively tune that moved stone, metal, and flesh alike as well as any magic could. Caught up in the moonlit euphoria, Custos clapped their hands and warbled wordlessly to the melody. Lumina appeared to be performing some kind of complex acrobatics in time with the young apprentice’s clapping, causing them to beam all the brighter. Ackerley’s movements couldn’t be called graceful but they compensated with such enthusiasm that Keiran had to laugh and attempt to follow suit.

Off to the side of the dance floor, Aoife was swaying gently to music. They wondered idly why the tune Custos harmonized sounded so familiar, but brushed the thought away when Amicus broke away from dancing with Ackerley and Amicus to approach fem.

“Good party, huh?” Aoife greeted Amicus with a forced-neutral tone. The rapid thudding of feir heart, or the golem approximation of it anyways, could only be attributed to the driving beat of the music to a certain extent. Fa only hoped feir emotions weren’t blindingly obvious on feir horns.

“ᵞᴱˢ“ replied Amicus, just as passively. For a moment the pair just stood there together, watching Keiran and Cultor wriggle out of time with the beat and Lumina challenging Ackerley to a limbo contest which the mechanic lost pitifully. Then, in a whirr of clockwork, Amicus extended a segmented hand to Aoife. “Will yuuu dance with meee?”

Aoife felt feir horns glow so brightly fa would have sworn they outshone the harvest moon. “I-I’d love to!” Still glowing like an idiot fa put a stone in Amicus’s palm and let femselves be pulled onto the dance floor.

Cultor’s knee joints had begun to ache from the strain of unfamiliar movement, and so they had gracefully excused themselves from the dance floor and gone over to sit by Princeps. “Looks like the party’s gone off without a hitch,” Cultor greeted the head chief warmly as they sank onto the bench, letting out a sigh of relief at finally being off their feet. “You should be proud.”

“Oh I am,” replied Princeps sincerely. They took a slow drink of cider as they watched Cultor’s eyes light up. “Don’t think me foolish- I do good work and I know it. If I was not proud, I would not be satisfied I had held myself to a high enough standard.”

Cultor let out a loud laugh and pushed the brim of their sun hat out of their face. “Self-confidence is a good look. Can’t say I don’t have my fair share of pride myself.”

“As well you should. Keiran’s success can be much attributed to you.”

Again Cultor laughed, this time a softer buzzing chuckle. They gazed out across the dance floor where Keiran had stopped line dancing with Custos and Lumina to giggle and gesture at Aoife and Amicus who had fallen into some form of slow dance. For a moment their eyes caught on the hunched form of Quaide scowling at the ground; even the shadows of newly-bare trees couldn’t disguise the bitterness of keir expression. Cultor turned back to look at Princeps, what Quaide was dealing with wasn’t really their business. “Em’s an especially bright kid- I really didn’t do all that much.”

“Is modesty now the fashion?” asked Princeps archly, arms folded easily over their chest.

“Even great minds like we need occasional humbling. Say- do you dance?”

Princeps thought back to the Festival of the Perceived Self earlier in the year, and then back to the number of festivities they had organized before that. They couldn’t remember ever doing more than swaying to the music during the rare occasion dancing was arranged. “I haven’t yet and don’t plan on breaking that record.” A sinking feeling filled Princep’s chest cavity as Cultor’s eyes lit up dangerously.

“Perfect.” Cultor extended a hand. “Come and get humble with me.”


“Oh come on dear Prince, let loose a little.” Before Princeps could come up with any proper excuses Cultor was already dragging them onto the the dance floor and into a modified samba.

In the shadow of an ancient proud oak, now barren and exposed to the harsh moonlight, Quaide forsook the festivities. Kai were tired, oh so very tired, but kai couldn’t find it in kemselves to pull away from the scene.

“Frustrating, isn’t it.” Quaide startled as Genaine emerged from the forest behind. It was incredible how easily the golem blended into the night, even one as moonlit as this, only becoming more than a splash of softly glowing red against a dark background when ai made aimselves heard. “To be unable to pretend that everything is fine; that nothing has changed. Especially when the evidence is your own child.”

“Go away, Genaine,” Quaide rumbled, eyes still locked on the dance floor. “I don’t want your poison.”

Genaine, undeterred, slipped around in front of Quaide so that kai were forced to look at aim. “I was too harsh last time. You were stupid, but I cannot afford to loose my only ally.”

“Well you’re off to a wonderful start this time around.”

“Sarcasm is unbecoming,” growled Genaine. Air horns, a matte red for the prior part of the conversation, suddenly flashed dark crimson and Quaide found kemselves afraid of Genaine’s raw anger. “For once in your life listen.”


The glow of the golem’s antlers slowly dulled as Genaine regained control of aimselves. The cold fury that laced air subsequent rumbling was no less terrifying though. “I’m about to say something big, Quaide, something important- especially to you and Aoife. I suggest you heed my revelation and start worrying less about internal breaches of culture when we face an external threat to our existence.” And with that Genaine slipped away as silently as the past.

“I have something I wish to say,” rumbled Genaine, standing atop the oaken table. The cacophony interrupted the circle dance the majority of the population had been partaking in and Aoife glanced up at aim, intrigued, and then back around at everyone else to gauge what was going on. Tonus had stopped playing, reluctantly. While Ackerley and Cultor exchanged confused glances, Amicus and Lumina’s face plates were characteristically unreadable. At some point Quaide had sidled up besides Aoife. Upon noticing this fa shuffled pointedly away. Princeps looked on disapprovingly at the golem’s choice of podium but motioned for aim to speak. “Thank you for your permission. Custos, Ackerley- would you help me with a demonstration?”

Custos practically bounced onto the table, buoyed by a cheerful “Good luck!” from Keiran. Ackerley clambered up with less grace but their smile was easy and bright. The momentary tightness in Aoife’s chest relaxed at the sight of the pair of them beaming; Genaine mending bridges was a good thing.

“What kind of demonstration are we doing?” Ackerley laughed. “I’ll warn you I didn’t prepare anything.”

“Were we supposed to come up with something beforehand? I mean I can show off what Amicus’s been teaching me I guess?” Custos’s clumsy punches and kicks grew more confident and centered as the crowd began to cheer, Tonus improvising a quick ditty to underscore the apprentice's performance. Giggling, Custos gave a bow.

Having shifted away from feir composer to Amicus’s side, Aoife gave feir friend a quick shoulder bump. “You’ve done well with them,” fa whispered around vines.

Before Amicus’s face plate could display any response, a crash from Genaine brought all attention back to aim. “I notice that you've been singing all night tonight, Custos. A lovely voice, and lovely wings-” Genaine made the ‘turn around’ motion with a fist-like stone and Custos happily obliged, ruffling their feathers for good measure. “Ackerley must have worked hard on you.”

“Thanks, I think,” chirped Custos. Ackerley, too, looked pleased at the compliment- chest puffed out slightly despite running both hands through their hair.

But something felt wrong. Turning around, Aoife noticed Quaide staring past fem with rabbit-wide eyes. Well, business as usual then, but when fa turned back to watch the demonstration a sinking feeling lingered in feir gut. Fa tried to tune it out by focusing on Ackerley’s chatter on the finer parts of Custos’s inner mechanisms. “Each feather is actually composed of three seperate parts, well, four for the flight-”

“Fascinating,” interrupted Genaine roughly, “but what makes Custos go?”


“What powers it?”

The warning bells blaring in Aoife’s mind drowned out Ackerley’s hesitant rundown of “revolutionary power cores” and “highly advanced wiring”. Fa glanced frantically at Amicus, whose attention was focused solely on Genaine’s stock-still form, their fists the only thing betraying the tension in their metal body.

“Lies!” Aoife’s attention snapped back to Genaine, who had drawn aimselves up to air full height to tower over Ackerly and Custos. “This creature runs on stolen power and I will return it!” With an inhuman screech of stone against stone, Genaine whirled on a cowering Custos and lunged at them. Custos’s shrill shriek of alarm mingled with the horrible crunching of metal. Something red and glistening fell to the ground before Aoife.

Amicus was on Genaine in a second, wrestling the golem off of their apprentice and onto the dirt. There the pair rolled and floundered, forcing everyone to step away for fear of flailing limbs. By the time Ackerley found enough voice to choke out “Birthright!” Amicus’s visor had already been broken in half and several of Genaine’s smaller boulders lay shattered across the floor. “Stop it!” commanded Ackerely. “Stop it!” And just like that, the fight stopped.

But the noise didn’t. Custos wailed high soprano, collapsed on the table- arms around knees. Now devoid of its scarlet capstone, their power core pulsed and hummed brilliantly. It was a song Aoife knew well. Fa should; fa wrote it. In the back of the crowd Quaide keened for a different reason. Kai too had recognized the song. In the middle of Custos’s chest pulses Aoife’s fractured antler tip.

Genaine stewed in silence beneath Amicus’s weight as the village struggled to take in the significance of what had been revealed. “I said I wouldn't use it if you didn’t try to kill anyone,” Ackerley stuttered, more to themselves than anyone else. “But you-” They trailed off, glancing plaintively around at the gathered faces.

Finally, Quaide broke through the silence that had fallen, save for the soft crying of Custos. “Let Genaine speak. We deserve to know what you’ve done.”

“I haven’t done anything! I’ve- I- oh. Just speak Genaine.”

Still pinned by Amicus and the force of air word, an unnatural voice- an actual human voice, emanated from Genaine, dripping with unrestrained malice. “Ackerley has broken our fragile trust by stealing Aoife’s life force and using it as an extravagant battery for this unnatural monstrosity. If it can take Aoife’s voice, what else can it take? What else have the pair of them already taken?”

Aoife knows that all eyes are on fem, and yet fa can’t find any words. Fa can’t even find any feelings- just numb disbelief. Is fa hearing right? Did Ackerley power Custos with a shard of feir discarded antler? What did that even mean? Feir force, the core of feir very being, is now in someone else? Aoife doesn’t know what to think, let alone what to say, and so fa turns and walks away- away from Ackerley’s desperate eyes, Quaide’s horror, Genaine’s unreadable still body, and away from all the questions.

Iii will prot-t-tec-c-c-t-t-t yuuu,” Amicus promised as they took the still-shaking Custos up in their scraped arms. Slowly, so as not to jostle their precious cargo any further, the warrior carried Custos to the little watchtower they had claimed as their own. Laying them down on Amicus’s own untouched cot, Amicus began to inspect the apprentice for damage. A number of Custos’s feathers were dislodged or dented and there were a few minor scrapes across their torso. Most notable, of course, was the gaping hole where Custos’s capstone had been. Tomorrow morning Amicus would have to try and find it, but until then they couldn’t do much about their apprentice’s physical ills. They couldn’t do much about their apprentice’s physical ills period, only Ackerley could, and well- “Yuuu will beee okaaa.”

Custos rolled over to face the wall, knees tucked up against their chest. “What am I?” they whispered so softly it was barely more than a breath. Amicus sank onto the cot and rested a hand gingerly upon their apprentice’s shoulder, heart twisting as Custos flinched at the touch.

“Yuuu are yuuu and that-t-ts all that-t-t matt-t-ters. Rest-t-t.” And Custos did rest: fitfully and for short bursts at a time. But every time they awoke, Amicus was sitting over them, guarding them as they promised they would.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPlot requests a human warriorxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxAckerley researches mechanicsxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxQuaide, Cultor, Keiran gatherxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxKeiran plants x1 hopniss seedxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxCultor plants x1 blackberry seedxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxQuaide plants x1 asparagus seedxxxxxxxx
xxxxxAmicus, Lumina, Custos patrol the forest (using x1 glass jewlery)xxx
xxxxxxxxxAmicus instructs Custos in self defensexxxxxxxx
xxxAoife, Genaine, Princeps, Tonus go hunting (bringing Velox)xxx
xMekhanikos consumes x1 deer, x2 dandelion greens, x3 mice, x1 blackberryx

    нead cнιeғ
    Princeps | "Prince" | 4 y.o. (46 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G8 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, nonbinary

    Ackerley | "Curly" | 24 y.o. | 3 kp
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - S / HC - 9 / EC - E1 / X / Human
    ↪ they/them/their, masc descriptors, demi-guy

    war cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Amicus | "Amy" | 6 y.o. (30 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 24 / EC - H5 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, fem descriptors, demi-gal

    ѕcoυт cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lumina | "Lulu" | 3 y.o. (23 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - C11 / HS - HC / HC - 4 / EC - B2 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, flux descriptors, genderfluid

    нυnтιng cнιeғ
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Aoife | "Phe" | 257 y.o. (29 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G3 / HS - LW / HC - 11 / EC - H1 / X / Golem
    ↪ fa/fem/feir, neutral descriptors, agender
    Genaine| "Gen" | 470 y.o. (50 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G11 / HS - LW / HC - 22 / EC - A6 / X / Golem
    ↪ ai/aim/air, neutral descriptors, agender
    Tonus | "Fiddler" | 1 y.o. (24 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - I7 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - E3 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neautral descriptors, nonbinary

    Keiran | "Kee" | 143 y.o. (19 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - A11 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F2 / X / Golem
    ↪ ei/em/eir, neutral descriptors, agender
    Cultor | "Teach" | 5 y.o. (60 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - E5 / HS - HC / HC - 65 / EC - C3 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, genderfluid
    Quaide | "Q" | 581 y.o. (61 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G6 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - G6 / X / Golem
    ↪ kai/kem/keir, neutral descriptors, agender

    Custos | "Angel" | 2 y.o. (14 equivalent)
    ↪ ST - G7 / HS - AC / HC - 9 / EC - A6 / X / Robot
    ↪ they/them/their, neutral descriptors, nonbinary

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
vιllage relaтιonѕ
Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet | Unknowingly protected by
Solaris Canyon | Dinolil1 | Basically adopted by

вorder vιllageѕ
Enveloped | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet

ғood ѕтorage
Deer | x4 | 6 servings
Beaver | x2 | 3 servings
Trout | x3 | 6 servings
Rabbit | x4 | 1 serving
Dandelion Greens | x2 | 2 servings
Asparagus | x1 | 3 servings
Hopniss | x1 | 3 servings
Blackberry | x6 | 1 serving
Apple | x5 | 2 servings
Blueberry | x0 | 1 serving
Mice | x3 | 1/4 serving

ιтeм ѕтorage
Glass jewlery | x1 | 1 use left
Iron sword | x1 | 2 uses left
Sand | x1 | craftable
Steel | x1 | craftable
Asparagus seed | x2 | plantable
Blackberry seed | x0 | plantable
Hopniss seed | x2 | plantable
Blueberry seed | x1 | plantable
Dandelion green seed | x1 | plantable

Sheherr | female | 6 y.o. | Wildcat | bred 1/2 times | Looks
Hehimm | male | 4 y.o. | Half-wildcat | bred 1/2 times | Looks
Calpras | female | 3 y.o | Half-wildcat | bred 0/2 times | Looks
Velox | male | 1 y.o | Horse | bred 0/2 times | Looks

Amicus | Custos | warrior | 1
↪ close combat

Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids

Ackerley wants to reconcile
Keiran wants to find eir parents
Amicus wants to protect Custos
Aoife wants to understand
Cultor wants to bond with Princeps
Princeps wants some organization
Genaine wants to reconnect with Aoife
Quaide wants to rebuild the Caling empire
Lumina wants to challenge themselves
Custos wants to understand
Tonus wants to cheer people up
Worldbuilding Thread
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:09 am

Number of People: 12
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed: 0
Next Visit to Ancestors: 0

Back to the cool-cave walls, Nyx could finally gather her thoughts - She hated herself, hated the scars on her body, hated the way her eyes glimmered and glared, hated everything to with herself. If there was a way to restart, Nyx would take it, no matter the cost - Except what if the cost ended up with someone hurt? With someone killed even? Sniffling, large hands rose up to hide her face - Spots of red and black swam in front of Nyx's eyes as she cried out in frustration. One step forward one day and two steps backwards another! Shaking, the warrior sunk slowly down to the ground -

Let her devils have her, they had more use for her soul than she did these days.

''Nyx, are you trying to freeze yourself to death?'' Stella tutted, padding up to the shapeshifter with a blanket in her arms. ''Come on now, don't sulk at me.'' The elf crouched beside her, drawing the soft cotton around both their shoulders - As she leaned against Nyx's broad shoulders, Stella quickly became aware of how gossamer-light she was compared to the warrior. ''What is the matter?'' Her eyes flashed brightly, as she leaned in conspiratorially. ''Are you jealous that Artemio held my hand all day yesterday?'' When Nyx blushed and hastily denied it, Stella couldn't help but laugh. ''Oh dearie, dearie dear...'' She wrapped her arms around Nyx. ''Now, do you want to talk to me?'' Motioning to her pricked ears, Stella smiled kindly. ''I'm listening.''

She was silent, trapped in her own world - It tottered on falling and drowning, of grasping for thin-air and of begging to ignorant-ears. After what felt like an age, her dark-eyes flickered up to Stella and shimmered with tears. ''J-just stay here, I don't feel ready.'' Nyx confessed bashfully, ashamed that for all her strength; Her feelings could not yet fall from her mouth. ''Please, Stella?'' She might have been a warrior, but Nyx knew she was no poet. War left little time to heal, little time to come to terms with the blood under your nails and on your face.

How could she put all that into mere words?

Stella said nothing, wrapping her arms around Nyx and resting her cheek on the old warrior’s chest. Gently, she traced her fingers through Nyx’s hair. Sighing, Stella hoped that Nyx knew that she loved her so very much. She knew there was darkness in her heart but there was also warmth, so much warmth and it would be unfair to turn away the faint inklings of fire, just because there was so much smoke and tar. Nyx couldn’t have done anything, and she was suffering so much now. Outside, a golden sunset had quietly broken out on the horizon and it dazzled the solemn pair. Quietly smiling, Stella wondered quietly if Nyx knew that it was not the view that she was admiring. Curiously, Stella leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against the surface of Nyx's cheek - It was a tentative shy kiss, but a loving one nevertheless.

Peering at his mother and what appeared to be her lover, Artemio couldn't help but pull a disgusted face; Of course, he didn't care who his mother kissed, or whether they were a man or a woman. He cared that she was kissing someone at all. Turning nimbly on his heels, Artemio raced further down the winding caverns - Ever since he was little, he had spent his time exploring each one meticulously. One time he'd found emerald, and another he found a funny looking bone - Which everyone insisted was just an old chicken bone, but what if it wasn't? What if it was a dragon's bone? Stupid adults and teenagers, always forgetting to think of the possibilities, Artemio thought grumpily. They could pretend they all knew better, but Artemio had seen all the stress on their faces - For all their power and wisdom, adults seemed so burdened and confused; Solaris in particular, who had lately been disappearing. Where they went to, Artemio wasn't sure - But it seemed to frighten everyone else, Thurayya in particular.

Shoving his hand into his pockets, Artemio tugged out a small collection of shiny marbles - He couldn't help but feel lost, head spinning as he thought of all those frightened adults. For the longest time, it had been him and his mother against the world - And things seemed so much more simpler then, less stressful, less like mice scurrying just millimeters away from a ravenous cat. He was only 6 years old and even he could tell there was something wrong.

Solaris paced up and down the length of the chasm, staring into the whispering woods. Sitara had been right - she could never go back home. With a twitch of her ears, the centaur crossed her arms and regarded the darkness with a heart-broken glimmer in her eyes - For all the pitchforks, Solaris could only remember the satin-soft flowers, for all the crackling fires, Solaris could only remember the warmth of the villagers' smiles. At least, until they had turned on her. Crossing her arms behind her back, Solaris barely heard Astraea approaching with a soft whisper of snapping twigs and tumbling leaves. ''Hello...'' She sighed, putting on a brave face, turning to face the gorgon with a smile. ''...How are you, dear?''

''Don't dear me, Sol.'' Astraea bit back, shaking her head - The orange-snakes writhed around her ears angrily, little beady-black eyes glaring at her. ''Everyone's wondering where you're sulking off two, for ****'s sake your girlfriend is going mad wondering where you are.'' Crossing her arms, Astraea stood before the centaur. ''What's wrong, Sol?'' She hissed, baring the mildest hint of fangs. ''Spit it out, or I swear I'll rip it from your throat, trust me...''

Blinking in astonishment, Solaris flushed a brilliant-scarlet; That was true, wasn't it? The centaur knew she had been selfish, knew she had been wrong - After-all, she knew what she was getting into when she started this village, in the belly of the earth. ''I...I'm sorry, Astraea.'' The gorgon did not reply, evidently still waiting for Solaris' explanation. ''...I miss my family.'' The centaur mumbled, rubbing her arms slowly. ''They hurt me, they hurt me so badly and yet I haven't forgotten what they had been like, before...before I changed.'' Solaris stared down quietly at the stony-faced teenager, wondering why the gorgon had not yet grown bored, why the others had not either, why they had not all abandoned her like the rest. ''I want my family back, Astra...''

''Idiot.'' Astraea piped up, grabbing hold of Solaris' hands and squeezing them tight in her own - Freezing cold, the gorgon noticed, realizing that the centaur had been standing out here for longer than she had originally thought. ''You didn't change, nobody changed - Chances are they were always going to hurt you for who you were, because you were always you.'' The gorgon scoffed,a forked tongue briefly flickering over her lips. ''And if anyone is your family, it's us! Y'know? The ones who appreciate you for you.'' And besides, the gorgon knew a thing or two about family betrayals. ''And trust me.''

''you're not alone.''

Blinking slowly, Solaris smiled gratefully. ''Y'know, for a surly teenager, you're a good talker.'' The centaur spread her arms wide, inviting Astraea in for a hug, before holding her protectively against the chill night-wind and the slowly encroaching, murmurous darkness.''How come you don't have a hoard of girls or boys trailing soppily behind you? You'd make an excellent poet.'' Solaris teased, making a move for the canyon - She could already smell the fires being lit and she knew she owned Thurayya an apology or two for leaving her behind lately. ''Although don't tell Chandra, he's already a bit bitter about being bested in hunting by Ayberk.'' The stars twinkled above her head and for the first time in days, Solaris was feeling a sense of calm creeping over her - A sense of comforting insignificance, that no matter how many mistakes she made, the universe would continue to spin, uncaring, unfeeling and she supposed, forgiving of whatever happened in her small, insignificant life-span.

''Pft, romance isn't my thing.'' Astraea scoffed, shaking her head - It wasn't so much that she thought it was a waste of time, but simply but she didn't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone; Not that she cared, everything was so much better when you only wanted to be friends with people. ''And come on, I'm absolutely going to tell Chandra.'' She grinned impishly, arms crossed behind her back. ''It's not difficult to best him at anything anyway, he's such a moron.'' The gorgon remarked quietly, breath misting in the chilly night-air as the pair crept down into the canyon.

''Solaris!'' Thurayya called out, scrambling to her feet and clumsily pulling out a bouquet of crushed, sad-looking flowers. ''Honey, I'm so sorry, whatever it is I said or did, I'm so sorry.'' The shapeshifter bounded up to her, brushing a strand of hair out of their eyes. For a long time, they simply stood before the centaur, beseeching her quietly - Her disappearance had hurt Thurayya more than any wound, than any searing blaze could. At first, she had been so angry, so betrayed but now, she simply wanted Solaris back. ''...What happened?'' Thurayya sighed, shaking her head. ''Why did you leave?''

Taking the broken flowers, Solaris sighed and looked up at Thurayya. ''I'm so sorry, I should've never just left you without saying anything.'' The centaur mumbled softly, shuffling her hooves shyly - She had hurt Thurayya, and she had hurt her badly. ''Thurayya, it wasn't anything to do with you - I was just feeling...I was feeling miserable and I needed to be alone...and...and...'' Words, they didn't come easy in this situation and so Solaris' clicked her mouth shut and pulled Thurayya in with a hug. ''I love you.'' She sighed, as the shapeshifter pressed a few soft kisses to her jawline and below her ears.

Solaris and Nyx patrols the borders of the village
Thurayya, Leo and Helios go hunting
Astrophle goes Scouting
Astraea goes training
Ayberk and Chandra go gathering

    Head Chief
    Solaris Roserunner | Female | 39
    ↪ ST-C6 | HC-60 | HS-S | EC-D7 | X | Centaur

    Sitara Goldmane | Female | 57 | Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - B7 | HS - LW | HC - 20 | EC - D6 | X | Highland Cow Shapeshifter

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Nyx Greybone | Female | 49
    ↪ ST - B7| HS - LW |HC - 20 | EC - D6 | X | Boar Shapeshifter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Astrophle Blackroot | Male | 19
    ↪ ST - G11 | HS - LW | HC - 55 | EC - E4 | X | Cherry Blossom Tree Dryad

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A


    Thurayya Stormsnake | Female | 37
    ↪ ST-J4 | HC-34 | HS-LC | EC-G11 | X | Cobra Shapeshifter

    Leo Greeneyes | Male | 36
    ↪ ST-D2 | HC-57 | HS-S | EC-H4 | X | Human

    Helios Alderbark | Male | 21
    ↪ ST-E2 | HS-HW | HC-8 | EC-A6 | Y | Satyr

    Ayberk Seastride | Male | 37
    ↪ ST-C6 | HC-21 | HS-LC | EC-F1 | X | Vampire

    Chandra Quickfoot | Male (Trans) | 34
    ↪ ST - D8 | HS - LC | HC - 21 | EC - G4 | X | Human

    Astraea Amberscales | Female | 18
    ↪ ST - K9 | HS - HC | HC - 62 | EC - D7 | X | Gorgon
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A


    Stella Ivyclaw | Female | 53
    ↪ ST - F5 | HS - LW | HC - 53 | EC - E2 | X | wood elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A


    Artemio Ivyclaw | Male | 6
    ↪ ST - F5 | HS - LW | HC - 64 | EC - G2 | X | wood elf
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Trout | x2 | 2
Perch | x3 | 1
Tench | x2 |1
Salmon | x6 |6
Carrot | x2 |3
Lettuce | x3 | 4
Tomato | x3 | 1
Apple | x3 | 2
Orange | x4 | 1
Pear | x3 | 3

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Comet | Female | 3 | Timber Wolf | 0 of time bred | Mexican Grey Wolf
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Solaris Roserunner | Astraea Amberscales | Warrior | x2
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Stella Ivyclaw and Pran Ivyclaw | Artemio Ivyclaw
Name and Name | Kids

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