Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Dec 27, 2018 7:50 pm

Number of Cats: 81 (43 M | 37 F | 1 NB)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 14

(Last moon)
The white she-cat was excited. She and her siblings had finally passed their warrior assessments! Winterpaw turned to her white-pelted brother and her black-and-white-pelted sister and flashed a wild grin of triumph. "We did it!" Magpiepaw exclaimed loudly, earning a glare from their more even-tempered brother, Icypaw. The white tom meowed solemnly, "We need to think about how we are going to spend tonight. Remember?" Winterpaw rolled her eyes (if cats could) and meowed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have to spend tonight in a silent vigil, away from the other cats, contemplating on what we could do in the future. I know." Magpiepaw added, "Come on, we got this. Today's our big day, stop being all sullen." Icypaw flashed a swift smile, admitting, "Okay okay, sheesh." The white tom added, "Let's not forget to go see Mum, Dad, and Uncle." Winterpaw and Magpiepaw nodded with gusto, "Yeah, okay!" The three apprentices raced toward the nursery, where they knew Rippleheart, their adoptive mother.

<At the nursery>
Rippleheart checked up on the sleeping figure of Whiterose, and seeing that the pregnant queen was comfortably laying in her nest, the gray tabby permaqueen made her way back to her own nest, but was faced with the grinning faces of her three adopted kittens. Rippleheart purred happily, "Congratulations!" and began to groom the closest cat she could get to, who was Magpiepaw. The black-and-white she-cat complained, pulling a face, "Muuuum, noooo!" Winterpaw stuck her tongue out at her bicolored sister, only to be pulled into a flurry of licking herself. As she squirmed out of the licks, she glimpsed the brown-and-white tabby pelt of her adoptive father, Ivynose, and grimaced, "Hi Dad." SeaClan's best tracker flashed a grin as he meowed, pulling the white she-cat back in toward himself with his paws, "Hey there, Winterpaw. I heard you three passed your assessments!" Winterpaw made a face as Ivynose continued to groom her pelt, probably to a smooth perfection. As Icypaw gave a smug look to his sisters, he himself was pulled into the embrace of another cat. Groaning, Icypaw meowed, "Hey Sticklenose." The silver tabby tom chuckled as he began to groom the white tom's fur, remarking, "You thought you were going to face the entire Clan without a proper grooming like your sisters, Icypaw?" Rippleheart purred between grooming Magpiepaw, "Not a chance, love. We all got this." Ivynose added, "You three aren't getting special treatment at all." Seabreeze's voice came from behind, "Yeah, we all got the grooming." Lightfur came to stand next to his sister as he added, grimacing, "It was a nightmare, let me tell you." Rippleheart frowned, "Oi, that was not-" "Sure it was Mum," Arrowthroat meowed, pulling a face, "it sure isn't a great thing to go through. I'm glad we only have to do it once in our lives." Ivynose pouted, "Hey, at least it wasn't by Dustflower." At the mention of the chocolate tabby she-cat, all six of Rippleheart's kits shuddered. Magpiepaw asked in a near-whisper, as if Dustflower was in the vicinity, "How bad was she?" Rippleheart sighed, "Dustflower used to groom all of us apprentices back in the day because most of our parents were not in the Clan." Ivynose meowed, a serious look on his face, "Kits, your grandmother is the queen of grooming, be glad we are the ones doing it, and not her."

<Sometime later, in the main camp>
Leafstar called, leaping onto the Meeting Ledge, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here, under the Meeting Ledge, for a Clan meeting!" The camp came to life as cats made their way toward the clearing around the ledge he used to make announcements. When the cats had settled down, Leafstar began, "Cats of SeaClan, we are gathered today to celebrate the making of three new warriors! Icypaw, Winterpaw, and Magpiepaw have all passed their warrior assessments!" The Clan burst into cheers as the cats congratulated the three apprentices. When they quieted down, the cream tabby leader of SeaClan continued, "And so, I shall, by Clan tradition, ask their mentors to see if they are truly ready to become warriors." Turning to where Birchlight, Breezewhisker, and Hailcloud were, Leafstar asked, "Birchlight, Breezewhisker, Hailcloud, are your apprentices ready to become warriors?" Birchlight nodded, her keen yellow eyes focusing on her apprentice Icypaw, "He is born ready, Leafstar. He is calm, collected, and never flinches away from any situations." Breezewhisker meowed, "Winterpaw sure was fun to mentor. She's especially good at cornering squirrels, as she is quick both in wit and paws." Hailcloud remarked, "Magpiepaw was the bright one, turning any time working with her into that of relaxed fun. She may not outdo her siblings in any skills, but she makes it up by keeping morale high." Leafstar nodded slowly and turned to face the rest of his Clan, meowing, "There we have it, SeaClan. The three are, indeed, ready to become warriors to serve SeaClan for many moons to come!" Again, the Clan cheered. The three had endured an extra moon of training to make up for not learning their last skills, and it had certainly helped them to overcome the hurdles in their quest to complete their final assessments.

Leafstar meowed, once the crowd became silent, "Icypaw, WInterpaw, Magpiepaw, step forward please." When the apprentices did, the cream tabby tom meowed solemnly, allowing his gaze to travel across the expectant faces of his cats before traveling upward to the cave ceiling, as if it were the sky, "I, Leafstar, leader of SeaClan, call upon our warrior ancestors to look down on these three cats. They have each tried hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you in their turns." Gazing warmly at the three apprentices before him, Leafstar turned his focus to Icypaw first, asking, "Icypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and defend and protect the Clan, even at the cost of your life?" The pure white tom meowed calmly, "I do." The SeaClan leader nodded and meowed, "Then, by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Icyclaw. StarClan honors your levelheadedness and bravery, and we welcome you as a full member of SeaClan." The SeaClan leader leapt down from the ledge and laid his muzzle on the newly-named warrior's head. In return, the pure white tom licked his shoulder. Cheers rang out from the crowd, but died quickly, as there were two more warriors to be made today. Turning to Winterpaw, once he had leapt back up on the Meeting Ledge, Leafstar asked, "Winterpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend and protect the Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Winterpaw shivered with excitement, meowing, "I do!" Chuckling softly at her enthusiasm, the cream tabby tom continued, "Then, by the power of StarClan I give you your warrior name. From this day forth you shall be known as Winterflame. StarClan honors your agility and perseverance, and we welcome you as a full member of SeaClan." Again, cheers filled the cavernous chamber, as cats congratulated the new warrior. But again, they quieted down soon after. Once again, Leafstar made his way down to face the newly-named warrior, this time Winterflame, and laid his muzzle on the white she-cat's head. The new warrior licked Leafstar's shoulder in return, and the SeaClan leader was back on the ledge soon afterwards. Once the Clan had settled down again, Leafstar meowed, turning to Magpiepaw, "Magpiepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend and protect the Clan, even at the cost of your life?" The black-and-white she-cat meowed confidently, "I do." "Then," Leafstar continued, "by the power of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Magpiepelt. StarClan honors your bright personality and endurance, and we welcome you as a full member of SeaClan." The Clan held their breaths as the sandy brown tabby tom leapt down from the ledge a third time to lay his muzzle on Magpiepelt's head. Once the black-and-white she-cat finished licking her leader's shoulder in turn, the gathered crowd of cats broke into loud cheers for the three new warriors: "Icyclaw! Winterflame! Magpiepelt! Icyclaw! Winterflame! Magpiepelt!"

(This moon)
Whiterose, Leafstar
Leafstar gazed down wonderingly at the four small heaps of fur that were his kits. "Three tom-kits and one she-kit," his mate, Whiterose, informed him sleepily. It had been a few sunrises since the four had been born to the pair, and Leafstar felt warmth radiating through his fur at the sight of his precious children. The cream tabby tom breathed, "Have you picked out names for our kits yet?" Whiterose purred softly, blinking thoughtfully, "I thought you were going to name two of them." "Me?" Leafstar asked, taken aback, "are you sure?" The white she-cat chuckled softly and replied, "What, thought I'd name them all? Please, other cats would call me selfish if I do that." Leafstar chuckled nervously, his mind drawing a blank, "Uhhh about that..." Seeing her mate sweating nervously, Whiterose purred, "I'm teasing you, Leafstar." The white she-cat turned to the lone she-kit of the litter, a pure white one, and murmured, "I'd love to call her Arumkit." A deep purr escaped Leafstar's throat as he meowed, "That is a perfect name for her." Turning to the other white kit, a tom-kit, Leafstar added hesitantly, "Can we call him Chamomilekit?" Whiterose nodded, "Yes! That sounds great for him." She then nudged the brown tabby tom-kit and murmured, "He'll be Limpetkit." Leafstar nodded and meowed, gently laying his tail on the ginger tom-kit's head, "And this one will be Onionkit then." Amused, his mate remarked, "You seem to have a thing for naming kittens after vegetables, my dear." Confused, Leafstar asked, "...Vegetables?" Whiterose looked at her mate in confusion for a moment before meowing, ".....Ah yes, I forgot you wouldn't know what that meant. I used to be a kittypet before I joined the Clan, remember? Back then, I remember hearing plants Twolegs ate as being called 'vegetables' from the other kittypets in the area." "Ah," the cream tabby tom replied, turning to the ginger tom who looked so much like him, "yes, well, in Carrotfur's case, carrots are those orange roots rabbits and hares are partial to, and for Onionkit, remember that red flower we saw some time ago?" "I know," Whiterose purred, batting at her mate's head playfully, "I was just playing with you, Leafstar." Scowling goodnaturedly, Leafstar meowed, "Stop teasing me, Whiterose!" His white-furred mate chuckled and replied, "Never!" and added mischievously, "Remember when Carrotfur was still a kit, you came in here to talk to Brightstream about something, and Carrotfur tried to play with you?" Smiling wistfully at the memory, the cream tabby leader of SeaClan replied, "Aye, those were the days." Flinching slightly at the words she had said, Whiterose meowed hastily, "UHhhhh, anyway, we should let Carrotfur see his new siblings in a few days when they have rested some." "Yes," Leafstar replied, successfully distracted, "of course, dear."

(Note to mod: Boulderclaw of FangClan, Portius of the Kingdom of Shattered Bones, and Natalia of the Kingdom of Shattered Bones can be found anytime~)

[ The Clan consumes Sparrow x4 and Mouse x2. ]
[ Accentor, a travel-weary rogue, decides to settle down in SeaClan. Agreeing to join the Clan as a warrior, he takes on the name Accentorfoot (birthday cat). ]
[ Honeytuft, Dappledawn, Sandripple, and Comfreypaw search for herbs. ]
[ Fritillarytail, Hailcloud, Seabreeze, and Arrowthroat hunt at the forest by the river. ]
[ Hawkpath, Pinefoot, Cardinalsong, and Whisperdust hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Hollyspots, Goshawkflight, Lightfur, Magpiepelt, and Jadefall fish at the river. ]
[ Shorefall, Oakshadow, Greywhisker, and Accentorfoot patrol by the river. ]
[ Everyone else stays at camp. ]
[ Honeytuft teaches Comfreypaw the Basic Defense skill. ]
[ Thistletuft teaches Sharkpaw the Climbing skill. ]
[ Boomtail, Ivynose, and Hawkpath teach their apprentices the Tracking skill. ]
[ Hollyspots, Goshawkflight, Nightwing, Carrotfur, Fritillarytail, and Mintnose teach their apprentices the Swimming skill (try 2) ]
[ Morningflame teaches Splashpaw the Fishing skill. ]
[ Pinefoot, Thunderstrike, Whisperdust, Oakshadow, Wolfshadow, Bellcloud, Goldenmist, Goosewing, and Jadefall teach their apprentices the Fishing skill (try 2). ]
[ Added Shrew x2 and Fish x2 from the Advent Calendar (days,21-24). ]
[ Added Conifer, Claypool's brother, from the Advent Calendar (day 25). ]

          Leafstar | 70 moons | tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆ [7/9]

          Carrotfur | 33 moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cats:
          Honeytuft | 72 moons | Tom | X
          Dappledawn | 31 moons | she-cat | X - has a twisted paw
          Sandripple | 41 moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Comfreypaw | 12 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Shorefall | 73 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 58 moons | tom | X
          Claypool | 67 moons | tom | X - powers
          Ivynose | 42 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 73 moons | she-cat | X
          Daisysong | 42 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormbreeze | 74 moons | tom | X
          Goshawkflight | 42 moons | tom | X
          Hawkpath | 35 moons | tom | X
          Dustflower | 69 moons | she-cat | X
          Morningflame | 36 moons | tom | X
          Breezewhisker | 36 moons | she-cat | X
          Birchlight | 63 moons | she-cat | X
          Hollyspots | 31 moons | she-cat | X
          Thistletuft | 31 moons | tom | X
          Sagefrost | 37 moons | she-cat | X
          Wolfshadow | 48 moons | tom | X
          Goldenmist | 28 moons | she-cat | X
          Hailcloud | 76 moons | tom | X
          Pinefoot | 41 moons | tom | X
          Boomtail | 25 moons | tom | X
          Jadefall | 25 moons | she-cat | X
          Cliffstripe | 25 moons | tom | X
          Cardinalsong | 24 moons | tom | X
          Thunderstrike | 48 moons | tom | X
          Swiftgale | 21 moons | she-cat | X
          Egretflight | 26 moons | she-cat | X
          Goosewing | 63 moons | she-cat | X
          Sulphurstream | 40 moons | tom | X
          Coppertail | 22 moons | she-cat | X
          Nightwing | 56 moons | she-cat | X
          Mintnose | 73 moons | she-cat | X
          Bellcloud | 35 moons | she-cat | X
          Brimflower | 52 moons | she-cat | X
          Fritillarytail | 63 moons | she-cat | X
          Juniperfrost | 23 moons | tom | X
          Campionstorm | 16 moons | nonbinary (bio female) | X
          Sticklenose | 59 moons | tom | X
          Seabreeze | 15 moons | she-cat | X
          Lightfur | 15 moons | tom | X
          Arrowthroat | 15 moons | tom | X
          Icyclaw | 15 moons | tom | X
          Winterflame | 15 moons| she-cat | X
          Magpiepelt | 15 moons | she-cat | X
          Accentorfoot | 25 moons | tom | X
          Conifer | 67 moons | tom | X
          Greywhisker | 28 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Sharkpaw | 12 moons | tom | X
          Splashpaw | 12 moons | she-cat | X
          Albatrosspaw | 12 moons | tom | X (left)
          Fernpaw | 12 moons | tom | X (right)
          Brightpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Petrelpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Blackpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Willowpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Lavenderpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Bonepaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Buntingpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Boragepaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Adderpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Brackenpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Harrierpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Rainpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Mistypaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Creampaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Sweetpaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Riverpaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Softdawn | 52 moons | she-cat | X - blind | Permaqueen
          Rippleheart | 42 moons | she-cat | X | Permaqueen
          Whiterose | 82 moons | she-cat | X
          Oatstripe | 30 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Arumkit | 0 moons | she-cat | X
          Chamomilekit | 0 moons | tom | X
          Limpetkit | 0 moons | tom | X
          Onionkit | 0 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | LakeClan | honey--bee
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x2
    Beech Bark: Unknown usage. x1
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x3
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x1
    Bright-Eye: Unknown usage x2
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x2
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x4
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough). x2
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x2
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x2
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x0
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x7
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x1
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x2
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x0
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x3
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x1
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x2
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x1
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x1
    Goldenrod: helps prevent infection + treats wounds. x1
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x1
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x2
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x3
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x1
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x4
    Lovage: Cures coughs x3
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x2
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x1
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x1
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x2
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x1
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy). x0
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x1
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x2
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x0
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x1
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x1
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x2
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x3
    Willow Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x3
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x1
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x3
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x1
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x2 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x3 | 1 serving
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Total | 22 servings

    Honeytuft | Comfreypaw | 5 | Herb Recognition, Herb Application, Treatment of Injuries, Treatment of Illnesses, Swimming
    Thistletuft | Sharkpaw | 5 | Hunting, Combat, Tracking, Swimming, Fishing
    Morningflame | Splashpaw | 3 | Hunting, Combat, Swimming
    Hollyspots | Fernpaw | 3 | Hunting, Combat, Tracking
    Goshawkflight | Albatrosspaw | 3 | Hunting, Combat, Tracking
    Hawkpath | Brightpaw | 3 | Hunting, Swimming, Fishing
    Pinefoot | Petrelpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Thunderstrike | Blackpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Whisperdust | Willowpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Oakshadow | Lavenderpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Ivynose | Bonepaw | 3 | Hunting, Swimming, Fishing
    Wolfshadow | Buntingpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Bellcloud | Boragepaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Goldenmist | Adderpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Nightwing | Brackenpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Carrotfur | Harrierpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Boomtail | Rainpaw | 3 | Hunting, Swimming, Fishing
    Goosewing | Mistypaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Fritillarytail | Creampaw | 1 | Hunting
    Jadefall | Sweetpaw | 2 | Hunting, Swimming
    Mintnose | Riverpaw | 1 | Hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Fogkit | 5 moons | tom| Murdered by Stormfang
    Snakekit | 0 moons | tom | Stillborn
    Brightstream | 45 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Stormfang
    Mottledsmoke | 33 moons | she-cat | Death by crows
    Smallwing | 23 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Owlfrost | 49 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Rosefern | 68 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Sleetsky | 29 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Fernstrike | 37 moons | tom | Executed by Ravenwish under Stormfang's orders
    Spiderpath | 45 moons | tom | Greencough
    Ashkit | 0 moons | she-cat | weakness
    Silkfeather | 44 moons | she-cat | Killed by Ravenwish
    Cloudkit | 0 moons | tom | Killed by Ravenwish
    Emberwhisker | 39 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Ravenwish, under Stormfang's orders
    Brocadeheart | 12 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Applemist, under Stormfang's orders
    Ravenwish | 36 moons | tom | Executed for murder of four cats
    Palekit | 3 moons | she-cat | Fell off of cliff while playing with Grasskit
    Grasskit | 3 moons | tom | Fell off of cliff while playing with Palekit
    Cedarpaw | 6 moons | tom | Fell off of the Sea Path while not listening to his mentor Cliffstripe's warnings
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Gender | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotfur, Brocadeheart (adopted), Arumkit, Chamomilekit, Limpetkit, Onionkit
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisysong, Lily, Ivynose
    Vinescratch (WildClan) and Brightstream | Hollyspots, Thistletuft, Fogkit, Dappledawn
    Shorefall and Dustflower | Goldenmist (adopted), Snakekit, Cliffstripe
    Adoniscloud (GustClan) and Softdawn | Gullpaw (GustClan), Gannetpaw (GustClan), Boomtail, Jadefall
    Oakshadow and Nightwing | Bellcloud (adopted), Cedarpaw, Brightpaw, Petrelpaw, Blackpaw
    Stormfang and Goosewing | Sharkpaw, Splashpaw, Comfreypaw, Albatrosspaw, Fernpaw
    Stormbreeze and Mintnose | Willowpaw, Lavenderpaw, Bonepaw, Buntingpaw, Boragepaw
    Ivynose and Rippleheart | Lightfur, Seabreeze, Ashkit, Arrowthroat, Icypaw (adopted), Winterpaw (adopted), Magpiepaw (adopted)
    ??? and Silkfeather | Cloudkit, Icypaw, Winterpaw, Magpiepaw
    Wolfshadow and Brimflower | Rainpaw, Mistypaw, Creampaw
    Honeytuft and Owlfrost | Brothers/Littermates
    Morningflame and Breezewhisker | Siblings/Littermates
    Hailcloud and Fritillarytail | Palekit, Sweetpaw, Riverpaw
    Hawkpath and Bellcloud | Adderpaw, Brackenpaw, Grasskit, Harrierpaw
    Goosewing and Rippleheart | Half-Siblings (same mother, different father)
    Sticklenose | Blood-uncle to Icypaw, Winterpaw, and Magpiepaw
    Name and Name | Relationships
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Create A Clan- V.4 [ NORTHERN CLAN - i ]

Postby solyn » Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:09 pm


      welcome to northernclan. a clan founded by a hardy molly in the foothills of the mountains, weary paws do not often find the cats of northernclan in their harsh environment. the cats here know that each day is a fleeting moment, and that every second could be their last. the mountain has no sympathy, and no distinction between good and bad. the only thing that keeps these cats alive is their skill and their nature as recluses. after all, in a world like this, the cat who matters the most is yourself: everyone else is secondary.

      northernclan is located in a basin in the mountains behind a two-leg village. the two-leg village is a ski resort, although most two-legs do not venture as high up as the clan's camp is situated, among the rocky crags. the medicine cats and leaders visit the moonstone, located deep within the twisting and turning caverns that carve hollow passages through the mountainside. the northernclan camp is in a basin of sorts, led to through one of these caverns, and the nests of the cats reside high up in other caverns in the walls of the basin where they are safe from predators. northernclan's territory cuts off at the ski slope to the west, the two-leg village to the south, the thunderpath beyond the fir forest to the east and at the vanishing pass to the north. no one knows what lays on the other side of the vanishing pass, as any cat who goes through it does not come back.

      northernclan is faced with frequent danger. blizzards, thunderstorms, and gale-forced winds threaten the cats especially in the harsh winters. two-legs and their dogs are also a problem, but not nearly as much so as the wolverines, mountain lions and occasional wolf that come through the vanishing pass. northernclan tends to hunt voles, stoats, birds, fish from the mountain lagoon, hares and rabbits. occasionally, if times are desperate, northernclan might hunt mice near the two-leg place, as they take shelter in the warm homes there. eating the food the two legs throw out often results in clan cats becoming sick, so they tend to stay away from scavenging when they can.

      the cats of northernclan are very hardy and often very large. most commonly, they have long or thick coats. it is very rare to find cats with short hair, as they simply cannot cope with the intensity of winter. common breeds include norwegian forest cats, maine coons, birmans, somalis, domestic longhairs and any mix breed or combination of these that results in a long-haired kit. short-haired cats in northernclan were often outdoor kittypets first, and have acclimatized to the cold, however they are very very rare within the clan as their kits often struggle to survive past kithood, due to the high likelihood of developing coughs or other cold-related illnesses.

      these cats are very reclusive: northernclan has troubles with a rogue clan that claims territory within the two-leg village constantly. as such, northernclan has few allies and fewer enemies, due to their reluctance to engage with other clans. they are relatively traditionalist: due to how hard it is to survive in northernclan, medicine cats are allowed to take mates as long as there is another fully trained medicine cat available should they need to take leave for kits. gay medicine cats are allowed to take mates regardless, but are not allowed to adopt or surrogate kits until the previous condition is filled. forbidden romances are strictly forbidden, and the kits of a forbidden romance are often given to another mother or sent out of the clan along with the mother, as northernclan is fearful of conflict.

      notes: this is my second clan. no pic for my founder, you decide, but may deimos be my mod c:
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Isle of Pagtuklas - Chapter Two

Postby Phina D Wolf » Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:19 am

[ 2 females ] [ 0 males ] [ 1 total ] [ commune Today ] [ 2 servings ] [ one free post left ]
Chapter Two

Taong Gala Welksoul was woken from her sleep when a tremor ran through the ground beneath her paws. Her graceful head rose from its former place of rest, scanning the horizon carefully, searching for the source of the strange feeling. Seeing nothing, she stood, emerging from the trees to lope around the island, her keen eyes searching for anything strange.

She had been on the isle for a moon now, as close as she could tell, and in that time she had felt this tremor twice before. Once had been a minor collision with a passing’s whale, but the other…..

Seeing that the skyline on the north shore was not as it should be, her pace in creased, the sand flying in little rooster’s tails from her paws. “Byahe, please let it be so.” She murmured, flying across the sand. As she needed the shore, she planted her feet, sand spraying out in front of her dark paws as she slowed to a stop. There, just beyond the end of the white sand, was another shore, thick with even whiter sand and dark, pointed trees.

The pale feline let out a crow of happiness, for her prayer was answered. The gods had guided her to a new and strange shore, one she had never seen the likes of before. With one final glance at the middle of the island, she padded the final few feet and stepped delicately on a little fjord of rock, barely submerged in crystal clear water.

As her paws hot the water, she took in a hiss of breath, shocked at the temperature, for it was so cold it felt as if it would burn her feet. Her pace quickened, swiftly turning into a mad dash for the comfort of the sand. But there, too, appearances betrayed her, for this strange white substance was not sand, for it was only barely warmer than the water, crunching and dissolving under her feet. “Ah, what is this?” She exclaimed, lifting one foot after another and shaking it violently, attempting futilely to warm them, “Who would live among such violent cold?”

“Some of us are used to it by now.” A strange voice said in amusement, “Even if we do wish we could get away. I would have left moons ago if I could but cross the ocean, but ships are so rare here, and they all already have cats.”

Welksoul spun around, seeing that what she hap presumed to be a dip in the strange sand was actually a grey cat, their vibrant blue eyes watching the other molly’s predicament with amusement. “Now, a floating island is even rarer that a ship. Yours is the first I’ve seen.” the molly purred.

Welksoul glanced back at her island, then again toward the strange molly. “Who are you?” She asked hesitantly, curious as to how any feline could survive, let alone live in such conditions as this.

“I am Fluffykins, but my people normally call me Fluffy or Fluffers.” The grey cat said, the strange syllables pouring off their tongue with astonishing ease.

Welksoul stared for a moment before collecting herself, “I am Taong Gala Welksoul, but you can call me Welksoul.”

“That’s a rather odd name.” The other molly purred, “But to each their own I suppose. Do you make a habit of traveling on floating islands, or is this a one time thing?”

“It’s my home, actually.” Welksoul said, trying not to shiver again as she stood straighter, “A gift from the gods to aid my quest to discover every corner of the world.”

Fluffy’s eyes widened, “You use…that? To travel the world? How do you steer it?”

“I don’t the tides and currents take me wherever they want to. This is the first time I hit land that I could get to, but I expect to see all sorts of places.” Welksoul explained, watching the other cat’s reaction carefully, “The gods allow me to have companions, but they must understand the conditions.”

“Such as?” the molly challenged.

“You are tied to the island for life. If you leave it for more than one cycle of the moon, you will die. But, as long as you live on the island you will never die of old age, it sustains you.”

The grey cat’s eyes glinted eagerly, “You are allowed companions you say?”

[ Welksoul asks the Great Council for a new member ]
[ Welksoul hunts for food ]

          Taong Gala:
          welksoul - female - 35 - 34
          ( notes )

          Mapakali Espiritu:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          Tagasunod Tagapagbalita:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Magdaraya:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Byahe:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Layag:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Gamutin:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Kamatayan:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Dahilan:
          stormwatcher - female - 21 - 21
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Hustisya:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Labanan:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
          Tagasunod Digmaan:
          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )

          [url]➳[/url] name - gender - age - age apparent
          ( notes )
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Big fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x0 | 1 servings
    Sea birds | x1 | 3 servings
    Shrimp | x0 | 1 servings
    Crabs | x0 | 2 servings
    Lobsters | x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Gone to the Waters:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
chat, my inbox is open!
My CaC Clan
My CaT Tribe
My CaK Kennel
I'm an amateur horse, cat,
and dog geneticist, so if
you are interested in any of
those, feel free to hit me up!
I'm always happy to chat!

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``✧ ━ [wiltedclan] [post 14]

Postby clarke, » Fri Dec 28, 2018 4:57 pm

[ population: 050 • male : 021 • female : 028 • non binary : 001 ] [ servings : 08 ]
Arrowfang sighed softly as she looked at the small scraps of fur sheltered near her stomach, their eyes closed and mouths open wide as they searched for milk. merlinwing sat next to his mate, looking rather smug and proud of his little warriors-to-be. brightflower smiled gently at arrowfang, an encouraging look as she looked down at her own kits, marmaladekit, dustkit, palekit, and sealkit; they were all only a moon older, but still bustled about, which made the new mother nervous. she could hardly manage her kits as they were; squawking for milk and prickling her stomach with their tiny claws, let alone with their eyes and ears open. not to mention, merlinwing hadn't left her side; not once since she'd given birth. not even to patrol, or to fetch her prey. he simply refused. that on top of brightflower and sheepfur's litters and heathernose's mate coming in and out of the nursery made her beyond anxious. she simply wanted to tell the world to hold still for just a moment so that she could get some relaxation; but how are you supposed to relax with ten kits, five she-cats, at least two tom cats, and two medicine cats in and out of a tiny cave that hardly could hold eight cats? the answer was simple: for the next six moons, arrowfang would not be able to relax. perhaps becoming a mother was poor judgement on her part, because she was so much better suited to be a warrior. but merlinwing wanted kits, and who was she to tell him no?

Drizzlewish shook out her pelt, ridding her fur of the dew drops that had settled on her flank. she couldn't help but glance backwards at eveningsong, who at that moment was licking her flank. a shy blush worked its way through her ears when the two she-cats made eye contact, before drizzlewish quickly looked away. despite all the emotions she was feeling, guilt was the most prominent one. drizzlewish knew she had feelings for heathernose, but heathernose was laboring with a tom cat's kits; nettlefoot. there was no chance of heathernose and her's relationship ever working out, yet each moon before heathernose revealed she was expecting kits, the two had talked more deeply than any other cat could imagine. they shared each other's hopes and dreams, fears and anxieties; heathernose had even told drizzlewish that she didn't believe in starclan. but that conversation felt like seasons ago and in the now, heathernose was becoming a mother and drizzlewish was being left behind again. but still, it was her that would feel guilty if she had left heathernose first. but the cream and ginger molly was sick of being in a relationship that was a scandal and had to be kept a secret; she longed to express her love fervently and out loud for everyone to know. but there was more to her guilt than just fear of leaving heathernose. eveningsong had been in love with brightflower, a queen who had recently given birth to four kits, long before she concieved those kits. brightflower left eveningsong for a tom named bone, which had in turn, broken the gray she-cat's heart. what would eveningsong feel if she told her that she was yet again a second choice? besides, drizzlewish wasn't so sure she wouldn't leave eveningsong if heathernose asked for her back. with those thoughts heavy in her mind, the ginger and cream molly bounded away ahead of the patrol, ignoring the protests of eveningsong's gentle voice.

Callapaw watched meadowstar as she climbed onto the high-ledge, her silky gray fur reflecting what looked like stardust from the sun as it peaked through the wispy, thin clouds. it's nearly a cloudless day, callapaw thought, her eyes shifting to the blue sky before they flicked back to meadowstar. "let all cats old enough to swim in the lake gather below the high-ledge." the short apprentice shuffled on her feet anxiously; this was it. she noticed her friend, comfreypaw, doing the same. both of them had left laurelclan together; and they had found wiltedclan just the same. several cats that callapaw didn't know gathered underneath the ledge; a cream tom cat with herbs stuck in his flank exited a cave that callapaw guessed was the medicine cove, while another brown tabby she-cat that had a twig stuck in between her jaws followed him out. what's her name, twigpaw? she snickered to herself, getting a smack from comfreypaw's tail. rolling her eyes, callapaw went back to observing the clan cats. she noticed a dark ginger tom-cat following the medicine cats out and he looked rather out of breath; like he was struggling to breathe. i wonder if he has asthma, she thought distantly. a long hair white she-cat came bustling out of a dip in the ground, followed by several other grown cats; she assumed that was the warrior's field; where most warriors slept unless it rained, then they moved into the apprentice's cave. at least, that's what meadowstar had told her and comfreypaw. the cats of wiltedclan preferred wide open skies, and only the nursing queens and kits weren't able to sleep under it. "i have found two wandering apprentices - though they are nearing a warrior's age, they are to be retrained under our own code to prove their loyalty. comfreypaw, come forward." callapaw's friend looked up shyly before padding to the front of the crowd, her head ducked down low. i'll keep my head up high; i'm not afraid of these cats. "from this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you shall still be known as comfreypaw. your mentor will be saltbreeze; i trust he will teach you the ways of wiltedclan well." comfreypaw and the dark classic tabby tom touched foreheads, before receding into the crowd, out of callapaw's view. "callapaw, approach." meadowstar beckoned with her long, agile tail. the cream and white she-cat stuck up her tail high and held her head up, padding forward with confidence. she could hear several cats murmuring to themselves, and she wondered if it was because they'd never seen a cat as small as her. she refused to let this bother her; instead, she sat down directly below meadowstar's ledge, waiting for her ceremony. "from this day forward until you receive your warrior name, you shall still be known as callapaw. your mentor will be..." the great blue she-cat paused, looking down at her crowd of warriors. a puzzled expression crossed her leader's face which flooded callapaw with anxiety, for the first time in her life. what if she doesn't accept me? what if she turns me away? there was an awkward silence before it was quickly filled with murmurings of cats, confusion and excitement quickly spreading through the crowd. finally, meadowstar shifted and her eyes landed on a cat that callapaw could not see. who will it be? she thought excitedly, looking out at the crowd of strong, muscular cats. "your mentor will be sulfurstone. he will teach you patience and acceptance; skills any warrior must know to be a strong cat." callapaw's whiskers twitched excitedly as she waited for her mentor to show up through the crowd. finally, the cats in the front parted to reveal her mentor; the shriveled dark ginger tom with asthma. callapaw let out a shrill outburst, fury filling her eyes. sulfurstone met her gaze unflinchingly, touching his forehead to hers. does she think i am too weak to fend for myself? is that way she gave me a weak, pathetic mentor? one who can't even breathe properly? the short she-cat flinched away from their touch and from wiltedclan, running toward the far reaches of the island. where was she to go, if these cats did not accept her? she could hear comfreypaw calling for her from the camp, but she didn't stop racing away. she didn't know if she ever would stop running; running from who she was, what she looked like, and how much she hated that she was born different.

Darkness settled over the plains as twigpaw twitched her nose, uncertain of the path in front of her. it had been days since she'd last spoken to starclan, and she was beginning to feel uneasy. she had snuck out of camp to be on her own, sick of honeytail's constant pestering of her to learn this herb or learn that herb. she was tired, honestly; her heart was aching for her mother's love, though she got none, and she was desperate to learn of her father's adventures in the city but he was busy soul-searching and looking for love, ignoring his ten kits. not to mention, twigpaw was overwhelmed with her six birth siblings and three half siblings; she got along best with bramblingpaw, but now that she had chosen the path of a medicine cat, she felt sick to her stomach as her sister could hardly bare to look her in the eyes anymore. even skypaw, who used to be her bestfriend, barely spoke to her; she was always off training and doing fun things like swimming and catching birds mid flight. they always had interesting stories to tell, while twigpaw was stuck in the medicine cat cove taking elders off ticks, organizing dried up crumbly leaves, fixing mouse bile on the end of sticks, and crunching ticks between her teeth. when she did do cool things, like travel to the mooncave every half moon, she couldn't even tell anyone what she saw or experienced! she had to have the lamest job in all of the clans, ever. a sudden rustling to twigpaw's right startled her and she let out a short gasp, leaping a tail length into the air. a snicker responded to her fright and as the tall grass parted, a muscular brown tom with a multitude of scars and a twisted back right paw stepped out into the grassy field. behind him, a younger tom cat with a white chest and rosette spotted flank paced anxiously, glaring at twigpaw. the saucy medicine cat apprentice spat at the large brown tom, her eyes narrowed to slits and claws sliding out. a ginger tabby flanked the tom she spat at, her own frame thick with lean muscles as well. "weren't you warned to stay in your camp, little one?" the ginger she-cat taunted her, tapping the ground with her unusually long claws. "pyro, shut it," the young tom cat hissed, earning a look of approval from the brown tom, who appeared to be the leader. twigpaw glared right back at the ginger tabby, raking her with her own sharp thorny claws before bouncing out of range just as pyro attempted to retaliate. the leader snapped his jaws shut so loudly that his bones cracked and immedietly pyro fled behind him and looked rather submissive, though her tail still twitched irritably. "you're trespassing on wiltedclan's territory!" twigpaw announced, lowering her frame into a battle stance. true, she was a medicine cat; but bramblingpaw had taught her one or two moves, just in case. "wiltedclan's territory?" the young tom scoffed, his tall, striped tail winding in the air. "oh please, this land belongs to bone now." he gestured to the leader. the muscular, scarred tom cat leapt at twigpaw without warning and knocked all the air out of her. she struggled for breaths, gasping underneath his weight. he pinned her by her throat, his large claws digging into her small frame. "i thought about sending you back with injuries to prove a point, but you've beyond irritated me, with all this talk of the island belonging to you and your pathetic clan. you're coming back with us, and then we'll talk about the message you have to send to your friends." bone's pink teeth were the last thing twigpaw saw as the lights in her eyes flickered out and everything went dark, her only thought being, starclan save me.

Tallkit bounded across the camp, his eyes finally wide open as he took in all the new sights. he had only heard his mother's voice before now, and now that he'd seen her, he knew she was the most beautiful she-cat in the whole world! behind him, he could hear his littermate galekit mumbling to sheepfur (the most beautiful she-cat in the whole world!) about how cold it was, and he couldn't help but agree. but he didn't mind the cold, that's why he had all this fur! tallkit looked up cheerfully as honeytail raced across the camp toward the nursery, but then he frowned as he noticed how frantic the medicine cat was. "where's twigpaw? has anyone seen twigpaw?" honeytail cried. tallkit looked over at his mother sheepfur, who automatically drew tallkit toward her with her long, elegant tail. he perched up his paws on her tail, peering up at her. "is something wrong?" he asked, before being hushed by sheepfur. the cinnamon kitten watched twigpaw's parents, swandust and bearspirit, exchange a short conversation, though neither of them looked as concerned as twigpaw's mentor honeytail did. but if twigpaw's parents weren't worried that twigpaw was missing, surely nothing was wrong? he shrugged it off and stumbled to the elder's den, ignoring his mother's protests. furzepelt always had fun stories to tell him about the twolegplace! tallkit wanted to hear all about how furzepelt beat up an entire pack of dogs and outran a flaming twoleg den. furzepelt chuckled in amusement as tallkit slipped inside the den, and for the first time tallkit noticed his four siblings had also followed him. he looked at them happily, though they ignored him, oblivious to their indifference toward him. he settled down to listen to furzepelt tell his stories. the old ragged tom drew in a shaky breath and shifted a little in his feather bed, before clearing his throat and beginning the tale tallkit had heard only once before. "so there i was, in front a huge twoleg fence and three massive dogs running right for me..."

new cats:
[ rainkit and lightkit are born to arrowfang ]
[ advent calender cat is added. see 'advent calender' ]
[ callapaw and comfreypaw from laurelclan join. proof here ]

hunting patrols:
[ drizzlewish, merlinwing, eveningsong, alligatorsnout, and cloversprig ]
[ nettlefoot, rushthroat, cinderfall, saltbreeze, and serpenttongue ]
[ meadowstar, bearspirit, snowtuft, sulferstone, and badgerpelt ]
[ ravenheart, prancingriver, smallbird, viperstrike, and siskingaze ]

herb gathering:
[ honeytail ]

apprentice training:
[ all apprentices train in combat, except twigpaw; she is trained how to identify herbs ]

due dates:
[ serpenttongue is due now. tunamouth of steamclan is the father ]
the clan believes cinderfall to be the father ]
[ heathernose is due now. nettlefoot is the father ]

other events:
[ twigpaw is taken captive by bone and his rogues. ]

consumption of herbs and food:
[ the clan fasts ]

advent calender:
[ 15 servings of prey are collected divided up by: 5 hares ]
[ 10 herbs are collected divided up by: x3 cobweb, x3 catmint, x4 raspberry leaves ]
[ one cat is added: a warrior[saltbreeze] ]
[ note: my second advent cat is alligator, a young tom cat that has not yet joined the clan. ]

mod note:
[ could you use real cat pictures only please?
even if they aren't genetically correct, that's okay!
thanks simon <3 i generally use this website. ]
    001.] Meadowstar • 36m • ♀ • 9 lives

    001.] Swandust • 51m • ♀

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭
    001.] Honeytail • 32m • ♂

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞
    001.] Twigpaw • 7m • ♀

    001.] Cinderfall • 48m • ♂
    002.] Snowtuft • 22m • ♀
    003.] Smallbird • 25m • nb
    004.] Siskingaze • 25m • ♂
    005.] Cloversprig • 25m • ♀
    006.] Rushthroat • 29m • ♂
    007.] Drizzlewish • 24m • ♀
    008.] Bearspirit • 50m • ♂
    009.] Nettlefoot • 30m • ♂
    010.] Eveningsong • 44m • ♀
    011.] Merlinwing • 50m • ♂
    012.] Prancingriver • 34m • ♂
    013.] Badgerpelt • 26m • ♂
    014.] Ravenheart • 36m • ♂
    015.] Mulleinbud • 13m • ♀
    016.] Viperstrike • 61m • ♂
    017.] Sulferstone • 36m • ♂
    018.] Saltbreeze • 24m • ♂

    001.] Bramblingpaw • 7m • ♂
    002.] Skypaw • 7m • ♀
    003.] Crowpaw • 7m • ♂
    004.] Slipperypaw • 7m • ♀
    005.] Dovepaw • 7m • ♀
    006.] Tawnypaw • 7m • ♀
    007.] Sycamorepaw • 7m • ♀
    008.] Pochardpaw • 7m • ♂
    009.] Hollowpaw • 7m • ♀
    010.] Callapaw • 9m • ♀
    011.] Comfreypaw • 9m • ♀

    001.] Brightflower • 53m • ♀
    002.] Arrowfang • 56m • ♀
    003.] Serpenttongue • 42m • ♀
    004.] Heathernose • 25m • ♀
    005.] Sheepfur • 29m • ♀

    001.] Marmaladekit • 1m • ♂
    002.] Dustkit • 1m • ♀
    003.] Sealkit • 1m • ♀
    004.] Palekit • 1m • ♀
    005.] Fawnkit • 1m • ♀
    006.] Nutmegkit • 1m • ♀
    007.] Galekit • 1m • ♀
    008.] Tallkit • 1m • ♂
    009.] Spicekit • 1m • ♂
    010.] Lightkit • 1m • ♀ • r
    011.] Rainkit • 1m • ♂ • l

    001.] Furzepelt • 162m • ♂

    N • Snakeclan • Bumbletear
    W • Pineclan • deimos
    S • The Arcane • noctem
    E • Clan Name • Username
    NW • Clan Name • Username
    NE • Steamclan • Katrione
    SE • Clan Name • Username
    SW • High Garden • eagle,

    Steamclan • Katrione
    Pineclan • deimos

    Clan Name • Username
    Clan Name • Username

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞
    Cobweb | used for | [x6]
    Mouse bile | used for | [x1]
    Oak leaves | used for | [x2]
    Mallow leaves | used for | [x1]
    Celadine | used for | [x1]
    Lungwort | used for | [x1]
    Feverfew | used for | [x1]
    Raspberry leaves | used for | [x4]
    Goldenrod | used for | [x1]
    Alder | used for | [x1]
    Dandelion | used for | [x1]
    Catmint | used for | [x4]
    Stick | used for | [x1]
    Watermint | used for | [x1]
    Mousebile | used for | [x1]
    Tansy | used for | [x1]

    𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞
    Crab • 1 serving • [x4]
    Minnow • 1 serving • [x5]
    Bass • 2 servings • [x5]
    Trout • 2 servings • [x3]
    Salmon• 3 servings • [x6]
    Hare • 3 servings • [x10]

    𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
    Twigpaw → Honeytail
    swim. herbs, wounds, diseases
    Bramblingpaw → Nettlefoot
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Skypaw → Ravenheart
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Crowpaw → Merlinwing
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Slipperypaw → Cloversprig
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Dovepaw → Snowtuft
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Hollowpaw → Siskingaze
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Pochardpaw → Cinderfall
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Tawnypaw → Rushthroat
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Callapaw → Sulferstone
    swim. combat, hunt, climb
    Comfreypaw → Saltbreeze
    swim. combat, hunt, climb

    Applepelt • 36m • ♀
    Jinglekit • 0m • ♂
    Cedarkit • 0m • ♂

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭
    Name • age • etc.
    Name • age • etc.

    𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
    Name • age • etc.

    Bearspirit & Swandust
    Serpenttongue & Tunamouth
    » Steamclan, forbidden
    Bearspirit & Applepelt
    Heathernose & Nettlefoot
    Arrowfang & Merlinwing
    Sheepfur & Dodger
    » Echoclan, forbidden

    Stormfur & Petaldance
    indMeadowstar, Jayseed
    Bearspirit & Swandust
    indBrambling, Sky, Crow, Slippery,
    indTwig, Hollow, Dove
    Bearspirit & Applefur
    indTawny, Pochard, Sycamore
    Fotam [IN] & Mulleinflight [RC]
    Smallfoot & Furzepelt
    Merlinwing & Arrowfang
    indRain, Light
    Brightflower & Bone
    indMarmalade, Dust, Seal, Pale
    Heathernose & Nettlefoot
    indDue now
    Serpenttongue & Tunamouth
    indDue now
    Sheepfur & Dodger
    indFawn, Nutmeg, Spice, Gale, Tall
    Loner & Loner
    indAlligator, Salt

    𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬
    Swandust, Ravenclan
    Mulleinseed, Ravenclan
    Siskingaze, Drizzleclan
    Merlinwing, Basinclan
    Arrowfang, Basinclan
    Snowtuft, Fangclan
    Cinderfall, Woodland
    Smallbird, Swanclan
    Sheepfur, Flowerclan
    Viperstrike, KOSB
    Sulferstone, KOSB
    Callapaw, Laurelclan
    Comfreypaw, Laurelclan
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♕ highgarden | four

Postby eagle, » Sat Dec 29, 2018 8:45 am

      total 10
      servings 3
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods anytime
      kitting none
      injury none
      archive here

paragraphwip wip wow

[ consumption ] highgarden eats one finch
[ added cats ] hornetpaw added as birthday cat (proof)
dippernose added from advent calendar
[ gods visit ] n/a
[ hunting 1 ] tawnyrose, bluetcrest, dippernose and flickersky hunt
[ patrol 1 ] softglow, mapleshadow, swiftheart, and smallheart look for the rogue group
[ training ] hornetpaw learns how to swim
[ herb hunting ] merlinsong
[ other ] added x1 celandine to the medicine store from pixel event proof
x17 servings of prey (x17 mice) added from advent calendar
x10 herbs added from advent calendar (x3 cobwebs, x2 catmint, x2 marigold, x1 poppy seeds, x1 chervil, x1 feverfew)

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            name, age, gender
            name, age, gender

            allies & enemies & borders


            total x27
            mouse | x18 | 1 servings
            vole | x0 | 1 servings
            squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
            rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
            big fish | x1 | 3 servings
            finch | x2 | 3 servings

            dippernose, hornetpaw, 0
            mentor, thorn, 0


            family trees
Last edited by eagle, on Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Forestclan Post 64

Postby Simonpet » Sat Dec 29, 2018 11:43 am

Number of Cats: 58 (28 ♂ | 30 ♀)
Servings Needed: 10
Ancestors | Families | Herbs and Prey | Mentors | Posts | Worldbuilding

Sisters without a name. That's what they were. Had been, for many moons. It was a miracle, really, that they hadn't wandered into clan territory or rather been caught trespassing. There had been close calls, but it was only now that they had finally been found.

"What're your names?" asked the fawn-colored molly.

The shorthaired tortoiseshell had no response. "We don't have names," she said finally.

The fawn molly cocked her head. Interested. Curious. Surprised? "We'll have to take you to our camp," she said, almost apologetically. "Applestar will decide your fates."

"So many cats!" gasped the longhaired tortoiseshell.

A tom chuckled. "We're not as big as some clans but we've been growing. Tipnose's kits were born just a couple of days ago so stay away from the nursery unless you want your insides to end up outside."

The longhaired molly turned sightless eyes to where she thought the tom was. "I...congratulations," she said hesitatingly.

"Do I know you?" came a voice in front of the tortoiseshell.

The longhaired molly frowned. The voice was unfamiliar though the scent triggered some until-now forgotten memory. "Do you?" she asked.

"Do you know them, Isi?" asked the tom, still friendly.

"Don't call me that."

"Fine, Isidora. Maybe they came from your old clan or nearby?"

"You might be right, Reedfur..." Isidora trailed off thoughtfully. "Ivytuft had a pair of kits, Aspenkit and Rowankit. They were the-"

The blind tortoiseshell couldn't see Isidora's face but could feel her interest, almost as intense as a summer sun.

"You are Aspen and Rowan!" exclaimed Isidora. "You're so grown up...!"

"Mom? I don't know them."

The tortoiseshell turned her head quickly to where the new voice was coming from and her sister murmured comforting words into her ear. "It's okay, just a ginger molly. She's probably Isidora's daughter."

"You know that color doesn't mean anything to me," the tortoiseshell hissed back.

"Well," said the shorthaired tortoiseshell hesitatingly, "those names aren't ours anymore. We haven't been kits for a long time."

"Yes yes," said Isidora impatiently, "but what's important is that you're here now, and that you're safe."

"I would..." The blind molly paused before forging ahead. "I'd like a different name. Those don't seem"

"Would Comma- and Robin- suit the pair of you better, perhaps?" asked a new voice, confident and male.

"Oh, Applestar!" said Reedfur cheerfully. "Hello!"

The leader, evidently. Though she couldn't see, the longhaired tortoiseshell could tell that he was moving around them, inspecting them. It was the feeling of small tremors in the earth, the way the air stirred around them, and the intensity of his gaze.

"You're blind, aren't you?" asked Applestar thoughtfully. "No matter. We'll simply have to start you slow, then, get you used to the territory."

"What makes you think we'll be staying?" challenged the blind tortoiseshell. "Maybe we'll leave right now."

Applestar chuckled. "I think you won't. Not for a while, at least." His tone turned serious. "You're lucky you didn't encounter the badgers we've been scenting across the territory. After that's will be your choice, I suppose."

The tortoiseshell sisters decided to join Forestclan and received new names, Commastorm and Robinpelt. They were generally well-received with the only points of contention being how Robinpelt could participate in patrols so long as the badgers were still around. In the meantime, Applestar had been sending out daily patrols in order to see what could be done about the situation. But for the past few days, nothing had been happening which meant that Applestar had a lot of time to think. About Boulderpelt.

As much as Applestar loved Cloudmask, she had been gone for so long and he wanted to, needed to, prove to himself that he was capable of an in-clan love. And his deputy made for a good match, he thought to himself, because she was fiery and loyal and beautiful. He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stay put. He could see her, talking with Scorchpelt and Tipnose, laughing in the delighted way that she always did. Applestar couldn't make himself admit it to Boulderpelt, yet he was drawn to her nonetheless. What a mess.

As Applestar thought, the camp was full of life. Even in the waning heat of greenleaf and the waxing cold of leaf-fall, cats were found everywhere; lying on the Sunning Stones, eating at the fresh-kill pile, play-fighting near the nursery. Boulderpelt was talking with Scorchpelt and Tipnose about their newly-named kits, who were sleeping in the nursery along with Isidora and Aspentail's kits. Commastorm and Robinpelt talked with Isidora about old Leafclan and their lives since its fall. Whimbrelheart, Garlicflower, and Newtflower were expending some nervous energy by play-fighting near the nursery; just close enough to the kits to be able to respond if necessary but quiet enough that they wouldn't wake up without cause. Several warriors, including Cherryclaw, slept in the warriors' den while they awaited patrols to bring news of the day.

It was a good day, and the peace would not be broken for some time when the patrols began to file in near the end of the day. Nour would be congratulated for his catch, of course, with his kits being eager to learn how to hunt. But he would tell them that they couldn't go out of camp yet and so they would beg until he relented and showed them some hunting postures. Swancloud and Neritestream would be teased about their relationship until Swancloud snapped at the offender to stop making fun of his mate. Loonfoot would come bounding in, light on his feet as Hillfang tackled him and the two would have a tussle that would only be broken up by Adderstream who came in, fish in his jaws, annoyed at the noise. Wouldn't they please remember that there were kits sleeping in the nursery? he would ask. Stop the fighting or else he'd drag them to the River and throw them in.

The commotion would soon lessen as Boulderpelt gathered the cats and discussed the evening patrols. Those who'd been sleeping were woken up and others groaned as they were picked for a second patrol. But all was well and no one had reason to suspect anything different.

The morning light cast shadows onto the forest floor and dappled the River with specks of white and gold. Fawnfur glanced at her son, Ruddfang, who was concentrating on his small section of the River. His paw dipped and emerged wet and empty. The golden-brown tabby tom hissed with frustration.

"It is fine," said Mila gently, looking over at him. "Even I do not catch fish all the time."

Adderstream looked up from his section. "Don't worry," he said. "It's only the morning. You'll probably have caught a fish or two by the time we need to head home."

"I know," grumbled Ruddfang. "It's just frustrating."

"We all have those days," Fawnfur said lightly. "Just learn to take them and move on."

Kestrelclaw sniffed the air and sneezed. "Ugh," she complained. "The parents must have been here recently."

Silverstorm looked at the golden-brown tabby molly with a curious eye. "How can you tell?"

Kestrelclaw's tail twitched in a shrug. "Experience, I guess," she said. "After a while you learn to discern the strength of scents and therefore how recently this prey has been there. I'm not quite as good as Applestar but I'm good enough."

Dandeliontail took a few cautious steps towards the den and his upper lip curled. "The cubs are sleeping," he said with disgust. "We should just get it over with."

"What should we do, though?" asked Gulltail, shivering from fear and the cold air. "We need to do something fast, if we want to get rid of the cubs right now."

Mottleflower narrowed his eyes. "I might have an idea..." he said thoughtfully. "What if we..." He shook his head.

"What?" prodded Kestrelclaw. "Any idea is worth listening to."

"What if we collapsed the den?"

Argusclaw, Fallowstripe, and Mottleflower were told to dig in several places around the top of the den. So that it could be thinned properly, said Kestrelclaw, which would allow them to collapse it. Once ready, the cats began to jump, hoping to begin the process of collapsing the den. Nothing happened for a while, however, and eventually Kestrelclaw called a pause.

"What should we do?" grumbled Silverstorm.

Kestrelclaw sighed. "I'm not sure at this point," she said. "We might have to admit defeat for the day."

"No." The objection came from Dandeliontail, who stood. Despite his age, he still had strength and a fire shone in his eyes. "I'll go in. Collapse it from the inside."

"It could be--" Kestrelclaw tried to say but he cut her off.

"I know," Dandeliontail said. "I know the risks."

"I'll join you," Mottleflower said quickly. "I can help." He cast an apologetic glance at Gulltail. "I'll come back. I promise."

Gulltail sighed, eyes squeezing shut. "I'm not worried about myself," she said gently. "I'm worried about you." The two nuzzled each other for a long moment. "I'll see you on the other side."

For a time, all the two toms could hear was the sound of their claws scratching at the earthen ceiling. The cubs slept, unaware that their home would soon come crashing down on them. Dandeliontail lowered himself, wincing at the pain he felt in his paws. Mottleflower gave a worried glance but the elderly tom shook his head. In pain, he signed. Just old age. Mottleflower cracked a smile but in his eyes it was clear that the worry hadn't gone away.

Time passed and the earth soon came down in greater amounts. Mottleflower was elated; soon, they would be able to escape the den and bring it down once and for all. No more badger cubs to deal with. He and his family would be safe.

A rumble. Another rumble. Mottleflower glanced down and saw the badger cubs waking up slowly, aware of the intruders. They'd be calling for their parents soon and there wasn't enough time to leave and try again. He looked at Dandeliontail who tensed. "There's no other way," Mottleflower said quietly.

Dandeliontail's jaw clenched and his tail stiffened in an upright position. "We'll go together," he said. It looked as though he wanted to say something more but couldn't.

If cats would cry, tears would have pricked the corners of Mottleflower's eyes. "I just hope Gulltail will understand."

"She will."

The next thing the cats waiting outside heard was the sound of earth crashing down in the den. They waited. And waited some more. But nothing emerged. The den was completely covered with rocks and earth and though they tried, nothing could be dug that would allow anything larger than a mouse to crawl through. The badger cubs were gone. But so were Dandeliontail and Mottleflower.

The funeral was the next day, as a team of cats had spent the whole night digging to find the corpses of the badger cubs and the two warriors. Dandeliontail's body had been crushed under the weight of the rocks and his eyes looked ahead to some unknown destination. Mottleflower's body had been mauled by the badger cubs, and he looked crazed in his determination to help his clan one final time.

The two toms were buried by the River of Souls, of course, with Dandeliontail being placed next to where the bodies of his brothers had been placed. Mottleflower was placed next to where the Gulltail's stillborn kit lay. Two more souls claimed by the forest.

"Wherever his spirit goes," said Gulltail in a trembling voice that had more to do with her grief than the cold, "I will follow. He said that he would come back to me and I must believe it." She looked up at the cloudy sky and most of the clan mirrored her actions. "His spirit--along with Dandeliontail's spirit--will join Starclan to guide us from afar." She tried to say something more but couldn't and simply broke down into quiet wails of grief. Garlicflower came up next to her mother and leaned against her, purring.

Tipnose came up next to speak. "My uncle was the best I could ever dream of," she said. "He was funny and had lots of energy. He was a lot like Dawnstorm, my dad. He was helpful. He loved us. He loved the clan. And he never backed down from a challenge. If he'd been alive, I think that he would have said that this was just one more thing that he was proud to do for the clan."

Finally, Applestar stepped up to speak. "I knew Dandeliontail since I was a young warrior. My first memory of him was coming back to camp to see three identical toms talking to each other, with Snowfoot and Briarwhisker talking on the side." He smiled, remembering that day. "I was so confused how a third one had been found. But we all went with it, and Dandeliontail proved to be a good addition to the clan." He swallowed. "I...wish this could have been prevented. I wish that he didn't die. I wish that Mottleflower hadn't died. But we can't change the past and must move forward. Two new stars will watch from above and we can take comfort in knowing that they might not be here but they're never really gone."

[ Forestclan consumes x5 mice and x5 shrews. ]
[ Forestclan gains x4 small fish, x3 large fish, x4 hares, x1 mouse, x1 catmint, x1 chervil, x1 dandelion, x1 elder leaf, x1 horsetail, x1 lavender, x2 marigold, x1 rush, x1 stinging nettle, x1 tormentil, x1 willow leaf, and x1 yarrow from the advent calendar. ]
[ Forestclan welcomes Dusktail and Firecloud from the advent calendar. ]
[ Forestclan welcomes the birth of Tipnose's kits, Poppykit, Skipperkit, and Thrushkit. ]
[ Forestclan welcomes Whimbrelheart as a full warrior of the clan. ]
[ Forestclan welcomes Commastorm and Robinpelt, formerly Aspenkit and Rowankit of Leafclan. ]

[ Adderstream, Barleystream, Fawnfur, Mila, Neritestream, and Ruddfang go on a fishing patrol. ]
[ Blizzardstream, Dawnface, Hillfang, Leechstorm, Nour, and Swancloud go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ Cloudflower, Heronface, Icefang, Loonfoot, Orchidwhisker, and Rushfur go on a hunting patrol. ]
[ Aspentail, Bitternfoot, Daffodiltuft, Embernose, Hareclaw, and Martennose go on a border patrol. ]
[ Argusclaw, Dandeliontail, Fallowstripe, Gulltail, Kestrelclaw, Mottleflower, and Silverstorm decide to kill the cubs now and deal with the parents later. In their efforts, they successfully collapse the den but Dandeliontail and Mottleflower are trapped inside and die of suffocation. You can choose who has what injuries. ]
[ Dustleaf, Larknose, and Tumbletoes look for kitting herbs. ]

[ Kestrelclaw and Adderstream become mates. They don't try for kits. ]
[ Neritestream and Swancloud become mates. They don't try for kits. ]

[ Applestar, Boulderpelt, Commastorm, Mistfur, Palefur, Reedfur, Robinpelt, Scorchpelt, and Whimbrelheart stay back to protect the camp. ]
[ Isidora stays back with her kits, Koikit, Peachkit, and Sparkkit. ]
[ Tipnose stays back with her kits, Poppykit, Skipperkit, and Thrushkit. ]
[ Garlicflower and Newtflower stay back with Beechkit, Flykit, and Minkkit. ]
[ Cherryclaw stays back during her pregnancy. ]

Mod Notes
[ Blizzardstream, Icefang, and Mila are more likely to catch large fish on patrols. ]
[ Cloudflower and Mila are able to teach two skills in one mentoring session, mainly a base skill and its advanced counterpart. ]
[ Isidora makes it less likely that kits will be stillborn, no matter what season it is. ]
[ Nour is more likely to bring in mollies when sent out on border patrols. ]
[ Newtflower and Nour triple the amount of prey caught on hunting patrols. ]

[ I want either predators or nothing to be found on border patrols. ]
[ I don't want anyone to die on border or hunting patrols, but I am alright with any injuries.]

Personal Notes
[ The following need new references: all warriors and kits. ]
[ The following cats can be added: Ophelia and her kits, Darkpaw, Rabbitpaw, and Patchpaw, formerly of Amberclan. They will be aged up by one moon. ]


Senior Warriors (1)
Ashstripe | Tom | 73 moons | f. Tumbleclan

Warriors (38)
Adderstream | Tom | 54 moons
Argusclaw | Tom | 14 moons
Aspentail | Tom | 64 moons | f. Asterclan
Barleystream | Molly | 54 moons
Bitternfoot | Molly | 28 moons
Blizzardstream | Tom | 20 moons
Cloudflower | Tom | 20 moons
Commastorm | Molly | 24 moons | f. Leafclan
Daffodiltuft | Molly | 31 moons | f. Leafclan
Dawnface | Tom | 34 moons
Dusktail | Molly | 20 moons
Embernose | Tom | 14 moons
Fallowstripe | Tom | 14 moons
Fawnfur | Molly | 43 moons
Firecloud | Tom | 20 moons
Gulltail | Molly | 68 moons
Hareclaw | Tom | 26 moons
Heronface | Molly | 28 moons
Hillfang | Molly | 45 moons | f. Obsidanclan
Icefang | Tom | 20 moons
Kestrelclaw | Molly | 41 moons
Leechstorm | Tom | 42 moons
Loonfoot | Tom | 14 moons
Martennose | Molly | 14 moons
Mila | Molly | 60 moons
Mistfur | Molly | 35 moons
Neritestream | Molly | 34 moons
Nour | Tom | 64 moons | f. Thicketclan
Orchidwhisker | Tom | 26 moons
Palefur | Tom | 69 moons
Reedfur | Tom | 35 moons
Robinpelt | Molly | 24 moons | f. Leafclan
↪ Blind
Rushfur | Tom | 13 moons
Ruddfang | Molly | 14 moons
Scorchpelt | Tom | 40 moons | f. Wrenclan
Silverstorm | Molly | 26 moons
Swancloud | Tom | 41 moons
Whimbrelheart | Molly | 13 moons
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ash's sub replies from yours truly :')

Postby akame, » Sat Dec 29, 2018 12:43 pm



( ❝ ⊰ ━ ASHTON.'S SUB REPLIES ) @ mukuroikusabas ; ridgeclan
━ ridgeclan's ancestors send a healer
you have received your healer! to start off
your medical/herb storage, choose 5 herbs from here

( mod notes remember to summarize your actions below your written
post just so mod's know for sure what to do! example:
[ leader name requests a medicine cat from starclan! ]


( ❝ ⊰ ━ @ MockSun ; darkclan )
━ starclan sends darkstar a healer

"i will help you heal your cats and yourself. treat me well."
you have received your healer! you can start off your medical storage
by choosing five herbs from here


( ❝ ⊰ ━ @ Legolas The Elf ; the empire )
━ rookiewigeon fails to learn fishing
━ cadetswan learns fishing
━ cadestorm fails to learn hunting
━ blazelion's patrol goes uneventful
━ rogerfang's hunting patrol catches +1 mouse
━ starclan sends a servant.
━ while patrolling, noble takes the wrong step and falls into a cold stream.
after minutes, he manages to crawl out of the stream but ends up getting
the chills. he discontinues his patrolling. while this will not kill him,
his fur will need to be licked the wrong way to get his blood flowing.

━ paisleyburner and cadetpool gather +1 beech leaf, +1 rosemary, and
+1 lamb's ear


( ❝ ⊰ ━ @ ilhdc7 ; winterclan )
━ the first hunting patrol drops +4 rats into the fresh-kill pile
━ the second hunting patrol catches +2 sparrows and +1 vole
━ the third hunting patrol stick near the river, catching +1 bass,
+1 rainbow trout, +1 mouse, and +1 rat!

━ the fourth hunting patrol ends up catching a family of 3 rats. disgusting!

dovepaw passes her test
alfalfapaw & avalanchepaw fails to learn swimming
petuniapaw & basilpaw learn to climb
daffodilpaw learns to climb
petuniapaw fails to climb
coralpaw, pepperpaw, and crowpaw learn fighting
bugpaw is educated on identifying poisonous herbs (passes)
firpaw fails to learn hunting
ratpaw, woolypaw, shimmerpaw, slatepaw, and boulderpaw
learn the skill: hunting.

━ whitherstar's rat patrol finds a queen that claims that her kits fell victim to
the rat bite fever. she has rat marks on her and there is a 50/50 chance she isn't
. take her into your clan, or leave her for the safety of winterclan?

━ with redwing's rat patrol, it seems that a kittypet that had been bitten by the rats
has bitten redwing himself??
what in the starclan?! can cats get infected by cat's with
the fever? will you put the kittypet out of its misery? what will the patrol do with
its your choice!

( mod notes, sorry if the rat patrols aren't what you wanted, i didn't know
what RATpatrols meant so i just did random events involving the fever;; i hope
thats god enough, pm me if you want me to change it! )


( ❝ ⊰ ━ @ Galipaygo ; fireclan )
━ hollypelt, valleyglow, and barktail gather +1 borage, +1 mouse bile, +1 ivy leaf,
+1 wild garlic, and +1 rosemary.
━ juniperbranch gives birth to four kits! congrats

━ lavenderpaw exceeds in advanced combat (passes)
━ firepaw passes in advanced climbing
━ lionpaw learns advanced hunting
━ skypaw fails to learn combat
━ cloudpaw is close into succeeding in climbing, but they fall out
of the tree! thankfully, they don't look too hurt. they'll need x1 juniper berry
━ reedpaw succeeds in advanced climbing

━ rainpelt's hunting patrol drops +1 vole, +1 big fish, and +1 bird in the pile
━ bramblestrike's hunting patrol catch +1 squirrel, +1 mouse, and +1 small fish

greyface's patrol finds themselves in some deep water, literally!
skypaw falls into the water, muddy water flows into his windpipe as
he and his patrol mates, struggle to get him out. in the end, he is
pulled out of the stream but its too late. skypaw drowns and his
patrol mates mourn before burying him.

saltwind's patrol find a kittypet, will they chase them away or
will they take them in?


( ❝ ⊰ ━ FOUNDING - for the aesthetic, huh? ) @ sunshine!! ; strawclan
━ strawclan has been founded!
your mod will be chosen by katrione
( mod note; i hope a dilute calico is okay!! i had this girl saved in my files
for a long time and couldn't resist :'] )

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby legolas the elf » Sat Dec 29, 2018 2:27 pm

Number of Cats: 28
Toms - 14|| She-cats - 14
Mod: ashton.
Current # of servings needed: 6
Next Birth: Elmblood, now

Noble was shivering, wet, and humiliated. He eagerly feasted his eyes upon the huge boulder stack that made his camp, and almost burst into a run. He skidded to a halt inside, almost crashing into Civetfang. The General's eyes widened. "My Lord?" Noble shook his head. "N-n-not n-now Civetfang." He shivered. The gray tom frowned, then scurried towards the nursery without another word.

Noble's pelt burned with shame. If only you could see me now, Icenose. he thought bitterly. The thought of his deceased mate sent another shiver to rack his body, and the black tom realized he should probably see Paisleyburner.

He padded into the Shaman's den, and Cadetpool looked up, eyes eager to help. "Hello King Noble! Oh my - what happened to you?" The tom's eyes were wide and excited as they scanned Noble's wet frame. "Eyes t-to yourself, cad-d-et." he growled, in spite of his condition.

Cadetpool met his Supreme Leader's Eyes, and nodded, spinning around. "Paisleyburner!"

The flae colored she-cat emerged from the shadows of the den, looked at Noble, sighed, and shook her head. "What did you do? Fall into the stream?" Her voice held a note of exasperation.

"F-for your information, y-yes." Noble said, his trademark smirk flitting across his face at her surprise. Paisleyburner nodded, then glanced at Cadetpool. "How should we help King Noble?" she asked.

Cadetpool's eyes narrowed in concentration then he jumped up as if an idea had ran under his paws. "To get the blood flowing, to warm him up, we need to lick his fur the wrong way!"

Noble leapt back, as if stung. "No way!" he yelped. "I'd r-rather f-freeze then do that!"

Paisleyburner frowned, shrugged, and turned away. "As you wish, My Lord."

Noble paused as she turned away, but the cold took over his pride. "Aliright! Fine! D-do it the-then!"

Paisleyburner's toungue was relieving, though the proud leader would never admit it. His body was starting to warm up, and, honestly, the repetitive motions reminded him painfully of Icenose, and....Midnight. No. He couldn't think about his sister now.

His thoughts made him antsy, and the black tom could barely sit still as Paisleyburner finished her work. "There." she mewed, staring at Noble like he was a troublesome cadet. "Rest for a while, my lord, and don't go falling into anymore streams." Noble's pride took another small blow as he didn't say anything, and he was turning to leave the den when a loud yowl cut through camp.

Noble paused and Paisleyburner grumbled under her breath, but her eyes were filled with worry. "That would be Elmblood. Cadetpool, grab the chervil. And a stick. Noble, get somebody to keep Civetfang from the nursery. He'll just make everything worse."

Normally, Noble wouldn't take orders from anyone, but kitting was a foreign process to him. All he knew was that it had killed his mate, and he would avoid it at all costs. And Paisleyburner knew what she was doing, however much Noble discredited her.

He headed off Civetfang, and the two toms eyes locked. "You can't go in there." Noble said as Civetfang mewed, "Let me through." The tom sounded quite calm for a cat who was about to be a father.

Noble shook his head. "No."

Civetfang's gaze grew angry. "Let me pass. It's my mate who's having kits." The gray tom's voice rose on the last few words.

Noble fluffed his fur out (the best he could do backwards anyways) and growled, "No not enter the nursery, Civetfang. That is an order."

Civetfang hissed, but he understood an order when he saw one, and backed away, sulking in the shadows. Almost immediately after that, three kits swarmed Noble.

"Emblood's yowling. Will she be ok? She sounds in pain." mewed Duokit, as Icekit hopped up and down in excitement, saying, "There will be new kits, right? For us to play with? Even if it is only for a moon!" While Slatekit frowned, a contemplative look on her face, and asked, "Civetfang is the father, right, dad?"

A rare moment of affection seeped over Noble, a feeling that he could only feel for his deceased mate or these three - his adopted kits.

Noble focused his gaze on Slatekit first. "Yes, Civetfang is the father of Elmblood's soon-to-be-born kits." Noble turned his attention to Icekit. "Yes, my kit, but they have to open their eyes first." Then to Duokit. "I hope so, my son. I hope so."

The Empire consumes x2 Rabbits.

Tawnyfall, scorned upon and jeered forward, is accepted to serve the Empire.

Percy trains Rookiewigeon in fishing.
Blazelion trains Cadetswan in swimming.
Civetfang trains Cadestorm in hunting.

Elmblood gives birth to Civetfang's kits! Paisleyburner and Cadetpool help out and use x1 chervil and x1 stick. During this, Paisleyburner attempts to train Cadetpool in kitting as well.

Cleopatra tries for kits with Redstar of eagle's QuickClan


Blank Slate (naming Rookiestream and calling female)
niah and az from ice nation (both at 16 moons) niah is left and az is right
Sootpaw (will be called Cadetfallen) 12 moons (clumsy lovable sweetheart)
Elkpaw (will be called Cadetstag) 12 moons (outspoken, fiery, doesnt care for anyone)
Neritevine 23 moons (grumpy mom)
Axel - 22 moons - tom

Flareblood, Nettlesting, Percy, and Rookiewigeon patrol.

Blazelion, Cadetswan, Cleopatra, and Wormwood patrol.

Rogerfang, Spottedtooth, and Civetfang hunt.

Splashingtorrent, Snowclaw, Blizzardcrest and Russetflash hunt.




Noble requests a a cat of any suitable rank.

Noble, humiliated and freezing, has his fur licked the wrong way by a patient Paisleyburner and eager Cadetpool to get the blood flowing after his slip into the freezing stream. He must rest for the moon.

Also - Civetfang's image broke. He was either gray or a gray tabby I believe.

          Supreme Leader:
          (King) Noble | 34 moons | Tom | X

          Cleopatra | 51 moons | she-cat | X

          Splashingtorrent | 58 moons | she-cat | X

          Percy| 24 moons | tom | X

          Paisleyburner| 23 moons |she-cat | X
          Cadetpool | 7 moons | tom | X

          Civetfang| 26 moons | tom | Supreme Leader General | X
          Blazelion | 47 moons | Tom | Acting as Thane General in Elmblood's absence | X
          Wormwood | 49 moons | tom | Pharaoh General | X
          Snowclaw | 32 moons | She-cat | King General | X

          Rogerfang | 50 moons | Tom | X
          Blazelion | 47 moons | Tom | X
          Spottedtooth | 61 moons | She-cat | X
          Flareblood| 15 moons | Tom | X, X
          Blizzardcrest | 37 moons | Tom | X
          Nettlesting| 14 moons | She-cat | X, X
          Russetflash| 59 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Tawnyfall | 33 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Cadets and Rookies:
          Rookiewigeon | 9 moons | She-cat | X
          Cadetswan | 9 moons | tom | X
          Cadetstorm | 10 moons | tom | X

          Mantasting | 46 moons | she-cat | X
          Elmblood | 26 moons | She-cat | Thane General | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[url]


          Icenose and Neritetooth’s kits:
          Slatekit | 5 moons | she-cat | [url=]X[/url]
          Sagekit | she-cat | HurricaneClan | X
          Icekit | 5 moons | she-cat | X
          Vinekit | tom | HurricaneClan | X
          Duokit | 5 moons | tom | X

          Rogerfang's Kit:
          Midnightkit | 5 moons | tom | X
          Boragekit | she-cat | HurrianeClan | X
          Stormkit | 0 moons | tom | X

          Kits found:
          Syrinxkit | 5 moons | tom | X

          Orielnose | 23 moons | she-cat | Paralyzed left side and hind legs
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Open
    West | Open
    South | HurricaneClan (Yukon_)
    East | Closed for future

    Healer’s Store
    Stick x1 | Could be used for queens to bite on during birth...
    Lungwort x1| Eaten; it cures yellowcough
    Wintergreen x1| Poultice; Treats wounds and some poisons
    Hawkweed x1| Eaten; Like a weaker catmint
    Tormentil x1| Chewed and put in wound; good for extracting poisons and really good for disinfecting wounds
    Parsley x3| Eaten; Cures bellyache and stops milk for queens
    Willow Leaves x1 | Eaten; Stops vomiting
    Lamb’s Ear x3 | Poultice; Gives a cat strength
    Honey x1 | Eaten or given by moss soaked in it; helps soothe sore throats, swallow other concoctions, soothe coughing, soothes infection, and gives energy
    Ragwort Leaves x1 | Crushed and chewed; soothes aching joints and keeps strength up
    Fennel x1 | stalks are broken and turned into juice; helps hip pain
    Goatweed x1 | eaten; eases grief
    Mint x1 | Rubbed on deceased bodies
    Celandine x1 | Crushed into juice and trickled into the eye; soothes weakened or damaged eyes
    Chervil x1| Chewed; for infected wounds, belly ache, and kitting respectively
    Foxglove Seeds x1 | Eaten; Used for heart treatment but can easily cause heart failure and paralysis
    Bright-eye x1 | Crushed into a poultice; used to treat coughs when mixed with lovage
    Chamomile x1 | Eaten; Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind - also given in traveling herbs
    Daisy Leaves x1 | Chewed into a paste; Eases the pain of aching joints and is a traveling herb
    Beech Leaf x1 | Unkown; Unknown - probably mistaken for Dock leaves
    Rosemary | Rubbed on the pelt; Hides the scent of death
    Herb | Usage

    Food Pile:
    Rabbits (2) | x3 | 6 servings
    Mice (1) | x1 | 1 servings
    Voles (1) | x1| 1 servings
    Small Fish (2) | x8 | 16 servings
    Ermine (2) | x2 | 4 servings
    Hares (3) | x6| 18 servings
    Total: 46 servings

    Percy | Rookiewigeon| Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Blazelion | Cadetswan | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Civetfang | Cadetstorm | Battle, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Endurance, Observance
    Paisleyburner | Cadetpool | Herb Hunting, Herb Recognition, Kitting, Organization, Swimming, Endurance, Basic Battle

    StarClan Living:
    Snowstar's Life #1 | Rogerfang's attack when first met
    Snowstar | 32 moons | Tom | X | Killed saving Nettlepath and Flarepath from the blizzard
    Ashfall | 22 | tom X | Killed saving Nettlepath and Flarepath from the blizzard
    Stormheart | 32 moons | Tom | X | Killed trying to save Mistkit and Cloudkit
    Reedfur | 31 moons | She-cat | X | Killed trying to save Brownkit and Bearkit from the blizzard
    Whitepelt | 36 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Branchfur | 29 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Drizzlepath (Drizzlerain) | 9 moons | She-cat | X | Battle | Killed trying to save Slipkit
    Skypath (Skyheart) | 6 moons | Tom | X | Killed trying to save Mistkit and Cloudkit; killed with Stormheart
    Softpath (Softfeather) | 6 moons | She-cat | X | Killed when a tree fell
    Slipkit (Slipfoot) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Drizzlepath
    Cloudkit (Cloudheart) | 1 moon | she-cat | X | Killed with Stormheart, Mistkit, and Skypath
    Mistkit (Mistfang) | 1 moon | tom | X| Killed with Stormheart, Cloudkit, and Skypath
    Brownkit (Brownfur) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Reedfur and Bearkit (Bearclaw) | 1 moon | tom | X | Killed with Reedfur and Brownkit
    Icenose | 19 moons | she-cat | X | Birthing Complications
    Stormkit | 0 moons | tom | XWeakness after birth
    Cat Name | age | gender | Cause of Death

    Icenose and Neritetooth | Slatekit, Sagekit (HurricaneClan), Icekit, Vinekit (HurricaneClan), and Duokit
    Icenose and Noble (adopted mates) | Slatekit, Sagekit (HurricaneClan), Icekit, Vinekit (HurricaneClan), and Duokit
    Rogerfang and Snowflurry | Stormkit, Boragekit (HurricaneClan), Midnightkit
    Flareblood and Nettlesting| Brother and sister (Adopted)
    Civetfang and Elmblood | Mates
    Name and Name | Kits

Credit to Fontmeme
Last edited by legolas the elf on Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[ clan replies ] [ 007 ]

Postby deimido » Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:33 pm







fanclub - create a discord (ask for invite) - main thread

New features are coming to CAC very soon! To make these easier on your Clan, it is advised to send out
border patrols sparingly, or lessen the number of cats in your Clan.


The air grows colder with every passing day and its not just the cats who notice, prey is staring to
take shelter from the cold, and the fresh-kill pile will suffer because of it. With the hunting growing
difficult, stray cats are now very willing to join new Clans as to ensure a better chance of survival.


Rubystar caught +1 bird on his hunt.→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

request to evanora:
Evanora pays heeds to Areli's request and sends a rookie to find and join Evanora's Reach.

Iolantha's patrol encountered a potential rookie for Evanora's Reach.
Lachesis's patrol encountered a loner who could be assigned to any rank in Evanora's Reach.
aside from motherbird or fledgling.→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

warrior ceremonies:
HazeClan has one new warrior to swell their ranks; Panthertuft!

apprentice ceremonies:
HazeClan has six new apprentices to swell their ranks; Milkpaw, Thornpaw, Palepaw, Rowanpaw,
Pricklepaw, and Yewpaw!

trying for kits:
Cloverpool has learned that she is now expecting a litter with Wrenfeather!

Windsong has given birth to a healthy litter of four! (1; tom) (2; tom) (3; molly) (4; molly)
Pineshade gives birth to a healthy litter of three! (1; tom) (2; tom) (3; molly)

herb gathering:
Ashfang and Twigstorm gathered +1 goldenrod, +1 burdock root, +1 lavender, and +1 tormentil.

Feathermist's patrol caught +2 rabbits and +2 mice.
Rainsong's patrol caught +4 stoats.
Aspencreek's patrol caught +1 mouse, +1 shrew, and +1 rabbit.

Shadowripple's patrol encountered a loner who could be assigned to any rank in HazeClan.
aside from queen or kit.
Tigerleap's patrol encountered an orphaned kitten, covered in the scent of blood and fox. It appears as if
the predator they drove out didn't come for HazeClan first.
Oceansplash's patrol is uneventful.

Whisppaw learned a new skill; offense!
Maplepaw and Sheeppaw learned a new skill; stalking!
Sandpaw was unable to learn a new skill...

Marigoldstar caught +1 hare on his hunt.

Marigoldstar encountered a potential warrior for PeakClan.

request to the great mother
The Great Mother pays heed to Marigoldstar's request and sends a medicine cat to find and join PeakClan.
They bring five herbs of their choice to begin stocking their medicine store.

regent trial:
Snowflake survives, meaning SnakeClan has a new apprentice to swell their ranks; Snowflakepaw!

Birchtalon's patrol were unable to catch anything...

Settingsun's patrol encountered a potential elder for SnakeClan.→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

apprentice ceremonies:
KwamiClan has two new cadets to swell their ranks; Peonypaw and Hornetpaw!

final assessments:
KwamiClan has a new warrior to swell their ranks; Pinepaw has passed!

Swallowpaw and Sparkpaw learned a new skill; hunting!
Rainpaw and Gingerpaw learned a new skill; fighting!
Tumblepaw was unable to learn a new skill...→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

The spirits of StarClan rejoice tonight, for there is a new Clan to carry on the legacy of the lost four;
NorthernClan has been founded!

I will be your mod.→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

moonpool visit:
The spirits of StarClan pay heed to Froststar's request and send a warrior to find and join DewClan.

herb gathering:
Bluesky collects +1 chervil and +1 raspberry leaves.

Sandsnarl and Hawkthorn were unable to catch anything...

Greengaze's patrol encountered a queen who's litter is due in two moons.

Birchpaw and Sunnypaw learned a new skill; hunting!→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→

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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:15 pm

Terra Clan
Number of Cats: 4 Here

The clan was silent as they ate together. Twistedcloud was really close to Ashfeather, who was still feeling sick. "Are you going to the Moonstone today?" Skygaze asked Twistedcloud, but only Rubystar spoke. "I'm going. Twistedcloud needs to take care of Ashfeather.". "Then I guess I'm going hunting." Skygaze prompted, and left her share of food with the others.

Hunting: Skygaze
Patrolling: N/A
Moonstone Trip: Rubystar

[ A clan who had just begun, and where a friend must find a friend to start it. ]

Rubystar | 57 moons | Male | Grey tabby with yellow eyes
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Medicine Cat:
Twistedcloud | 42 moons | Male | Dark gray tabby with blue eyes

Warriors: N/A
Skygaze | 31 moons | Female | Black and white cat with green eyes
Ashfeather | 26 moons | Male | Chocolate smoke cat with green eyes

Apprentices: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Queens: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Kits: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Elders: N/A
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans: N/A
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Borders: N/A
North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store: N/A
Goldenrod | 2 | Juices for bellyache, root for infected wounds
Tansy | 3 | Cures coughs, poison, and prevents Greencough
Dandelion | 1 | Heals bee stings, great painkiller
Sorrel | 0 | Traveling herb, builds up appetite

Fresh-Kill Pile: N/A
Mice | x0 | 0 servings
Stoat | x0 | 0 servings
Birds | x0 | 0 servings
Hare | x0 | 0 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

Mentors: N/A
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats: N/A
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family: N/A
Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits
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