Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Briarclan [25]

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:33 am

Number of Cats: 48(8 Servings)
Toms: 25 Mollies: 23
Next Moonstone Visit: Now
OOC: Please note that Fawnwillow is not going to commit suicide, she is just not eating because the lose of her mate is to much. She will eat next post. If you need me to edit anything out or change something, please let me know.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather!" The familiar command came out in a yowl, was the only way to get the whole clan to come out. I stood up straight and puffed out some of my fur to make me look more intimidating 'who are you fooling?' the voice in my head asked. I let out a quiet growl and that made the voice laugh and mock me. I noticed the crowd of cats below me then and shook my head before taking a step forwards to address my clan. "Now! As you all know, Bouldershade had passed away and though he was a great deputy, it is time for me to announce who I chose to succeed him. I have spent some time with myself to think this over but I would like to call Sagestorm up here. Sagestorm, you have proven yourself since the day you joined Briarclan that you are loyal and responsible. There is no doubt in my mind that you would make a great deputy, just as Bouldershade was." Sagestorm nodded his head but didn't say much, good, that's what I liked about him anyways. Bouldershade too, they hardly ever talked and it was nice for a while. I dipped my head slightly to the new deputy and left high rock, I didn't need to tell Sagestorm what to do. I left camp with a flick of my tail to report to Starclan, 'Why? You know they have turned their back on you. You are nothing now.' the voice began to taunt me again.
"You need to eat mother!" I shoved the quail towards her, she had refused to eat since my father's death. My siblings didn't know enough to know that mother would die if she didn't eat soon. "If not for yourself at least for the kits." I hissed in my attempt to get her to eat. It didn't work, the suborn queen shoved the bird away and turned, her back was now facing me.

I growled at her in annoyance and went back out of the nursery, there my younger siblings huddled together. I frowned and padded towards them, they needed to know what was going on and our mom, Fawnwillow, was absolutely no help. The five kits were huddled together so at least I didn't have to round them up. As I came up to them I licked Rockkit's head and let out a sigh "It is time for you guys to understand what is going on. You will be apprentices soon enough and I know mom is suppose to prepare you but since father's death she has refused to do anything but curl up in her nest and cry." I took a second and saw that all eyes were on me, even Sunnykit who often ignored me was listening so I continued "Father is dead, and you know that he will never come back. We will never see him again." I could feel my voice quiver as I told them, I haven't said that out loud and hearing it hurts. "He is resting in Starclan now and I fear that mom might join him. At least I think she is planning on it." The kitten's eyes went wide and a few started to cry. I knew I needed to continue "She refuses to eat and she even has a fever and refuses to do anything about it. If not for herself at least for you guys. Sadly this isn't the case so we all have to be there for each other. We can't fight anymore and we have to stick together and be brave." I heard a few small meows come from them, agreements. That's good at least, I wonder how long it will last anyways? It didn't matter right now as I felt the warmth of them squish against me, I didn't pull away, instead I leaned into them as well and purred quietly just for them to hear as they ignored the gathering.

A smile spread across my maw as I heard the new deputies name, I knew it was going to be Sagestorm. A loud cheer from Lyrasong came from the direction of the nursery "That's my mate!" that bee brained queen meowed. I couldn't help myself as I narrowed my eyes and growled quietly. Lyrasong should have never become mates with Sagestorm, I would have been a far better choice. Now Sagestorm has kits that can be duller than a rock just like their mother. That's when the idea struck me, maybe Sagestorm would take me as a mate? After all I did help him become the deputy and there is obviously nothing I wouldn't do for him. Now that he has power I can raise our kits and they will be the best kits Briarclan has ever seen! The thought made my hair raise and I kneaded the ground with excitement.

The clearing was starting to clear out now, though a few cats stuck around. I already had a quail with me, ready to share with Sagestorm. He seemed to know it too because he came over and started to eat. "I was going to share but if you are that hungry you can just have it." It came out harsher than I intended and I quickly appologized "Sorry, it has just been a long day is all."

"Sure Aspenthorn, but you better watch how you talk to me next time. I am the deputy now and it won't be long till I am the leader. I have secured my future and I intend on keeping it this way for some time." I flattened my ears at the familiar scolding.

"I know. I was actually thinking, about Lyrasong. Is she really the perfect mother for your kits?" I blurted out before takeing a quick bite of the quail when he shoved it towards me.

Sagestorm shrugged "Not the ideal for smart kits, but if I can get some mouse-brained kits that would listen to every word I said it would help. Imagine all the power I can have and then the strength to back it up. Briarclan will be unstopable." he explained to me.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes "What if you had kits with me? I would be a far better mate than Lyrasong. Not only am I loyal to you but I am smarter than that cat. Our kits would have our strength and intelligence and would be far better than Lyrasong's kits." I watched as Sagestorm looked at the quail, he must be thinking things through. "Just think about it through the night and then we can talk later."

"There's no need for me to think. I will let you bear my kits because what you say is true." Sagestorm meowed before adding "I am finishing this quail though and we can go for a walk later." I nodded and sat beside him, grooming his side as he ate.

[Ceremony Dipperpaw-Dipperdust, Sagestorm becomes deputy.]
[Apprentice Trial Mutepaw went to do their trial.]
[Apprentice Training Owlpaw, Runningpaw and Lambpaw train for the climbing skill.]
[Border Patrol 1 Coppereyes, Waspfur, Dawnflower, Lizardtream, Russetmist and Dipperdust patrol the western border.]
[Border Patrol 2 Lichenfern, Breezerunner, Foxclaw, Vixenspirit, Quailwing and Ryestone patrol the eastern border.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Patchpelt, Rabbitheart, Sagestorm, Owlpaw, Lambpaw and Runningpaw hunt in the meadow.]
[Hunting Patrol 2 Brambletuft, Willowdusk, Mudpuddle, Tigerflower and Finchfin hunt in the forest.]
[Herb Hunting Archpool looks for herbs.]
[Becoming Mates Apenthorn and Sagestorm become secret mates.]
[Trying for kits Waspfur and Lizardstream try for kits.]
[Camp Guard The queens are left to guard the camp on their own. (Can you have a hawk take one of the 1 moon old kittens?)]
[Starclan Cloudstar reports to Starclan (Don't send a cat) ]
[Prey Eaten 1 Ermine(2 servings) 2 Quails(6 servings)


        THE CLAN
        Cloudstar | 54 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

        Sagestorm | 47 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat:
        Archpool | 72 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:
        Owlpaw will become the victim after
        she goes through apprentice training.

        Coppereyes | 48 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Waspfur | 48 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Dawnflower | 47 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lizardstream | 47 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lichenfern | 45 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Breezerunner | 36 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Foxclaw | 35 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rabbitheart | 34 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Patchpelt | 29 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Brambletuft | 25 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Willowdusk | 25 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mudpuddle | 24 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Russetmist | 24 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Aspenthorn | 17 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Ryestone | 17 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Tigerflower | 16 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dipperdust | 14 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Finchfin | 14 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Quailwing | 14 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Mutepaw | 12 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lambpaw | 11 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Owlpaw | 11 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Runningpaw | 10 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Oriolefeather | 61 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lyrasong | 48 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Badgerfall | 42 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Fawnwillow | 41 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Blazekit | 4 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mottlekit | 4 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Rockkit | 4 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Sandkit | 4 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Sunnykit | 4 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Applekit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lightingkit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lionkit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Longkit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Needlekit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Nettlekit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Newtkit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rainkit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Robinkit | 1 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Rustlekit | 1 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Darkshade | 145 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Resinmoon | 108 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Vixenspirit | 32 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Mice | x3 | 1 servings
        Water Vole | x5 | 1 servings
        Rabbit | x5 | 2 servings
        Quail | x2 | 3 servings
        Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
        Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
        Total | 19 | 32 servings


        Berrypaw | Killed by Aspenpaw and Sagestorm
        Blizzardsong | Exiled and killed
        Bouldershade | Killed by Aspenthorn and Sagestorm
        Owldust | Complications after kitting
        Starlingpaw | Rouge Attack
        Stormkit | Stillborn
        Whitekit | Stillborn
        Quailkit | Weak after birth

        Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
        ↪Tigerflower, Rockkit, Sandkit, Mottlekit,
        Sunnykit, Blazekit

        Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
        ↪Ryestone, Aspenpaw, Whitekit, Quailkit
        Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
        ↪Owlpaw, Lambpaw, Dust of the Briar(Hyenaclan),
        Spiderkit(Jinxclan), Whitekit(Jinxclan)

        Waspfur and Lizardstream
        Squirrelpaw(Hopeclan), Russetpaw(Deathclan),
        Sorrelpaw(Gorseclan), Darkpaw(Verglasclan)

        Coppereyes and Badgerfall
        ↪Lionkit, Longkit, Lightingkit
        Lyrasong and Sagestorm
        ↪Rainkit, Stormkit, Rustlekit, Applekit, Robinkit
        Oriolefeather and Lichenfern
        ↪Nettlekit, Needlekit, Newtkit
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Hyenaclan | roses - !
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Sageclan | kaden.
    West | Gorseclan | Emberwisp


    0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
    0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
    1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
    0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
    0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
    1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
    0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
    1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
    0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
    0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
    1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
    0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
    0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
    0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
    1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
    1|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
    1|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
    0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
    0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
    0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
    2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
    0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
    0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
    1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
    0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
    1|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
    and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

    1|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
    0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
    0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
    0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
    0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
    0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
    0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
    2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    2|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
    1|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
    1|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
    0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
    0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
    1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    0|Tyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
    1|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
    1|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
    0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
    0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
    0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
    1|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

    Lizardstream | Mutepaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Sagestorm | Owlpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Rabbitheart | Lambpaw | 5 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Patchpelt | Runningpaw | 1 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
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Postby krazykitty00 » Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:13 pm



Number of Cats: 44
Toms: 23 / Mollies: 21
Moonpool Visit: 7 days
Next Visit: ???
Servings Used: Eight
2 Fish, 1 Vole, 1 Bird

    XXXXCinderblaze's mind and heart were all over the place and yet still focused at one time. He thoughts were centered around one tom who managed to break her heart so cruelly and yet still make it flutter upon seeing him. And he got to see the kits. His kits. And from the looks of it, he took care of them. But that didn't change the bitterness she felt upon seeing him. It hurt so much inside that she nearly broke down and cried. But she couldn't do that. Not in front of her kits... "Who would have thought that there were trees named after me too~" Beechkit bragged happily as she walked alongside her mother and siblings after their tour of Beechclan. "Correction sister, you were named after them. Those trees must be hundreds of moons old. That's older than Speckledsight." Cloverkit corrected using the new knowledge that Pigeonpaw had filled his mind with. Applekit didn't reply, just yawned. It was long past her nap time and watching her two younger siblings play around the other clans territory. Which meant she was stuck with that grumpy medicine cat the entire time. Though oddly enough, they had quite a bit in common.
    XXXX"Ah who cares Cloverkit? I just can't wait to go there again~" "No!" Cinderblaze suddenly spot out from her silence to look sternly at her kits. "You can not go back there, for any reason." "But why?" "Because Beechclan is the enemy. Do you have any clue what they would have done to you had it been anyone other than those medicine cats who found you? You'd be putting both yourself and the clan in danger if you step over that border again. And when I find you, there will be consequences. Am I clear?" She hissed sharply at the three, noting how they visibly shrunk away from her anger. Her two calico's nodded and muttered a word of acknowledgement and understanding but it really wasn't them she needed that from. It was the young molly who she was sure started this whole trip in the first place. The one who here mother predicted to be a trouble maker from moon one. Her wild Beechkit.
    XXXXSaid molly was looking down at her paws, avoiding her mother's eyes at all cost, but the burning of those eyes grew too much for the kit and she finally looked up and nodded. "Yes ma'am.. I'm sorry..." Cinderblaze relaxed and managed to smile as she stepped over and light rasped her tongue against each of their heads. "I love you three so much. I wouldn't bear it if anything happened to you. I just want to keep you all with me forever. And I can't do that if you run away from me again ok?" She purred, nuzzling them all. The kittens returned her love and affection happily, preferring this over their angry mother any day. "Alright, come on. We need to get back to camp. Everyone's worried sick about you." She nudged them ahead and watched the walk before joining behind them, a sad smile on her face as she wondered how Asptail would have handled this. Her grump would have angrily covering them with hugs and kisses and harsh words about their stupidity she bet... She wished she would have looked at him more while she was there. Embed him deeper in her memory... but it hurt so much...

    XXXXUpon entering the camp, the kits were immediately showered with both angry and relieved words from the cats of the clan. Some of the warriors scolded them while the apprentices whispered questions about how excited the three must have been to leave camp for the first time. Some even approached Cinderblaze as she entered, apologizing first about their shortcomings to finding her kits then expressing how glad they were that back unharmed. Some, like her brother, simply wanted to know if she was ok after the moment of stress and panic she was forced to endure. All in all, there was a sigh of relief from the whole camp.
    XXXXBut there was one cat who wasn't ready to throw this mess away just yet. And her pawsteps were like thunder as she pressed through the crowd of cats towards the four in the center. Immediately, Cinderblaze's expression darkened. "I've see you've found your crew of misfits." Jaystar hissed once she stood in front of Cinderblaze, a spark of malice in her eyes as she glanced over the three kits, mainly Beechkit. Cinderblaze blocked her vision of them with a step to her right while growling softly. "Go to the nursery." She heard Cypressdawn whisper to the three and she sent all the gratitude she could to him while glaring down her mother. "But-" "Now is not the time Beechkit. Nursery. Now!" Cloverkit managed to coax his sister into obedience and lead her to the nursery, but both her and Applekit continued to glance back to their angry mother and their terrifying grandmother... "I knew they would be nothing but trouble when they where born. That runt especially." "Do not speak about my kits that way. What is wrong with you?" Cinderblaze hissed, stepping closer so that her mother could clearly see the disgust and disdain she was showing. "Every since my kits were born you've been nothing but crude. As if you have some personal vendetta against them! All because one of their names is less than desirable. That's got to be the worst thing, to curse kits because you don't like one. "It is not just the name but the name of the enemy. An enemy who has taken more from us than they should. They killed and taken the lives of two loved ones. And you dare name a kit in their honor? Not only do you mock me and the clan, but the lives of those who were stolen from us by that clan's paws. Do you feel no shame? That kit of yours is a bad omen, a curse walking amongst us. It'd be better if that one never came back." Jaystar scoffed sending a wave of shock throughout the clan who watched idly.
    XXXXThe silver molly turned to look at them all, eyes blazing in conviction of her belief. "Do you all not agree? Thanks to that kit disappearing from camp, our day had become hectic and out of order. Wrenshine and Graystone, two of our brave warriors who, along with you all, went out in search for this hexed kit returned with injuries due to the danger of the badgers that are currently among our territory. Many of you all could have been hurt too, along with the two kits who were dragged along that kit's reckless adventure. Those young ones could have been hurt too in the process." Murmurs rose up among the gathered, many in hesitant agreement, others just quiet, not sure what side they should take on all of this. Cinderblaze stood in the middle of it, fighting off tears of anger and just glaring at her mother. First she was forced into meeting Asptail and feel her heart be squeezed and tossed around while keeping a face of indifference. Now she was taking the blunt of her mother's pure hatred of one of her kits because she was dumb enough to fall in love. Why'd he have to leave her? If they were still together, she could take these tears and let him wash them away for her. Why was she being forced to suffer this alone?
    XXXX"Fine. I see how this is." Cinderblaze said with a broken chuckle, a sad laugh that gushed with the emotional pain she was feeling inside. "Hate my child. Do as you please. Just know I'll hate you ten times more." Cinderblaze's gaze dropped down to the cave floor, clawing at it in attempt to not grace her mother with the sight of her tears. After a shaky sigh, Cinderblaze dashed away to the nursery to avoid hearing anything else from her heartless mother. During her departure, she missed the flinch that visibly shook Jaystar at her daughters proclamation of hate. She also missed the flash of guilt that briefly passed over her features. But she believed herself. Since the day Sorrelstar sent a murderer to her clan, she believed that Beechclan had been descended from the Dark Forest itself. And have the of very essence of their name brought into her clan was the worst thing she could fathom from it all. She just would not accept it.
    XXXXAnother cat approached Jaystar, Cypressdawn who had long since returned after ushering the three kits to the nursery. And from the look on his face, he did not like what he returned to. "I want to hate you too. So much right now. But I can't, you're my mother. But I'm not too proud to be saying that now..." Cypressdawn muttered. The pain of her own son being unable to look her in the eye was something she didn't like at all. "Cypre-" "No! No... whatever it is, I don't want to hear it. Whatever you're going through, I hope you're able to move past it. Because if it's causing you to treat kits like rats... tsk... I don't want to see how you'll be towards Mistleleaf's kits.."
    XXXXBlue eyes widened like saucers at that announcement and her silver ears perked up in surprise. This was definitely news to her. Mistleleaf's having kits!?" Cypressdawn scoffed. "Figures she wouldn't tell you. You've been doing such a great job pushing your own kits away from you and making Cinder's kits feel like trash. Who would want you tell you." "Oh Cypressdawn I'm so sorr-" "Save it. I don't want to hear it. And I'm the last person who needs to hear it. Fix yourself. That's what I want. Until, stay the hell away from my sisters." And with that, the tom was gone.

    XXXXJaystar sat there in utter shock, mind swirling, heart hurting. All her kits. Every last one of them left her, hated her. What had she down wrong. Ha! Stupid question. She'd done everything wrong. It was as Cypressdawn said, she pushed them away. And in the worst way possible. She simply awful. Hehe.. Mudstone was the lucky one, not having to deal with the awful cat she had become.
    XXXX"Alright, alright. Move along. "Yes. Please don't stand and stare unless you plan on saying something encouraging. It's really mean." Nettlefoot said to the cats who were milling around simply watching Jaystar's inner turmoil. The leader didn't realize she had been sitting there, her mind an heart utterly defeated to care. But upon their voices, she looked up in surprise as if they had appeared out of thin air. When the mollies' eyes locked with hers, their faces immediately switched to looks of sympathy and they were by Jaystar's side in a heartbeat, nuzzling her. "Oh you poor thing. It pains me to see you cry..." She was crying? She didn't notice that either.. She must have been that far gone...
    XXXXAs Nettlefoot wiped Jaystar's cheeks lightly with her paw to clear the tears, Thistlethorn continued to comfort Jaystar with gentle purrs. "Honestly, you don't deserve this Jaystar. You've been going through such a rough time. Being leader is not easy I can safely assume and your kits should be supporting you, not fretting over every little mistake." The dark brown molly sighed apologetically. "But it's my fault they hate me now..." "Nonsense." "Sis is right Jay. It's their fault taking offense at such the tiniest of things. If you ask me, you're better off without them." Nettlefoot ended with a confident nod of her head and and light stomp on the ground, making her case. "But I-" "Up pup pup. Not another word about it. You need to stop thinking about it. They don't deserve you, end of story." "Actually! I know exactly what to do to relax that tired mind of yours. Let's go for a walk~" Thistlethorn offered, eyes wide with anticipation. "A walk? A-are you sure?" "Mmhmm. And I know the perfect place. It's right up the mountain. Will you join us Nettlefoot?" "Actually, I wanted to talk some sense into Cinderblaze. Maybe I'll join you two later? But have fun until then~" And with that, Nettlefoot bounded away towards the nursery. Though she took a moment to glance over her shoulder and smirk at her sister, an evil glint in her eyes that went unnoticed by Jaystar. Thistlethorn though, was more than happy to return it.
    XXXX"Alright, come on then." The dark molly piped up, gently nudging Jaystar to her paws and towards the camp entrance. But the leader hesitated, glancing both to where Nettlefoot had gone off to talk to her daughter and the cats that were litter about the camp. "Are you sure? I don't think I should leave... as leader I- "Now now, as leader you deserve a break. Give your heart a rest today." Thistlethorn urged, still trying to nudge Jaystar out of the camp. "But what if something happens while I'm gone? The badgers!" Mentally, Thistlethorn rolled her eyes. "Paranoid are we? That's why you have a deputy. For times when you need a break. This is that time. And plus, the badgers can't reach us where we're going. Now move." That last bit of power behind her voice somehow managed to jolt the currently fragile leader into stepping and walking. "Where are we going?" "Up the mountain. There's a certain spot up there that simply amazing and calming. Nettlefoot and I go there all the time. The view from it is to die for~" That purr was sinister, and had Jaystar been in her right frame of mind, she would have found it odd and suspicious. But all the silver molly felt right now was emotionally tired and desperate for the warmth and caring attention Thistlethorn was providing. "I've never truly climbed far above the mountain. I can't wait to see it if you say it is worth it." That was all Thistle needed to hear before she happily led the way out of camp.

    XXXXNettlefoot honestly hated the nursery. She wasn't fond of kits in the slightest. So weak, easily breakable, and so noisy. So she avoided this particular den at all cost most of the time. And her first time inside didn't change anything. It was dark-ish before her eyes adjusted to reveal the large opening area where she assumed the kits played. The cave walls were littered with smaller caves that each queen chose to live in with their kits. It was large despite the size it appeared to be outside. Almost too large in Nettlefoot's opinion... and it reeked of motherly milk... Just sickening..
    XXXXLucky for here, it wasn't hard to find Cinderblaze. She just followed the sounds of sniffles and muffled sobs, as well as the comforting voice of Cypressdawn towards the green molly. She peeked inside and say Cinderblaze laying on her paws, attempting to keep her sobs down so her kits didn't hear, who Nettlefoot assumed to be with Sorrelwhisper's two in their little den. Nettlefoot honestly wanted to laugh at Cinderblaze and her pain, but she couldn't let that slip right now. So, putting on her innocent act that the clan so easily fell for she stepped inside and mewed a greeting. "I would ask how you're feeling but that would be very insensitive of me." Her voice echoed through the den within the den, catching Nettlefoot by surprise, even frightening her a little bit. Though she was glad she heard it before she along with her idea to "comfort" the distraught queen.
    XXXXThe siblings glanced up at their new arrival and Nettlefoot could easily see the strike of fear on Cinderblaze's face. She smiled at the distraught queen and her brother but the grey molly knew just what lied behind that smile. "Ah, Nettlefoot. You sure are a sight for sore eyes." Cypressdawn perked up kindly, nodding his head at her. "As are you Cypressdawn. You're such a cutie. Heals my sore eyes right up." She giggled avoid while keeping her voice low to avoid the echo. Cypressdawn blushed but otherwise kept face. "You flatter me. Might I ask why you came to visit?" "Yes, why are you here?" Cinderblaze hissed in revision of her brother's niceties. Nettlefoot easily pretended to be hurt. "O-Oh... I t-thought I would come to comfort you Cinderblaze... I'm so sorry, I've only created a burden..." Her voice wavered as if she was on the verge of crying. And, ass expected, Cypressdawn was quick to comfort her. "No no, don't think that. That's very thoughtful of you. I think Cinderblaze would appreciate someone as kind as you giving her comfort." Nettlefoot smiled slowly. "Really?" "Indeed. Here, I'll leave you two alone for your she talk~" "NO!" Cinderblaze suddenly shouted. Nettlefoot went into acting mode once more. "O-Oh my, I knew this would be such a terrible idea..." She sniffled and hid her face behind her tail in a sad manner, once again successfully pulling at the kind tom's heartstrings. "It's fine Cinderblaze. Nettlefoot is one of the nicest cats around, only rivaled by her sister. She'd better at making you feel better than I." He smiled before nodding to Nettlefoot, who shyly peeked out from her tail, before seeing his way out.
    XXXXNettlefoot waved the tom goodbye before he was out of sight before she smirked proudly at Cinderblaze who glared and cowered back against the den's wall. "Having fun?" "You're a monster." "And you look oh so pretty sinking~" Nettlefoot giggled softly, uncurling and curling her tail restlessly. It was clear she was finding too much happiness in her misery. "What do you want?" Cinderblaze hissed softly, making Nettlefoot giggle more. "Aw, come on, don't you want to cry more? I'd love to sit here and watch." Nettlefoot purred. "Sadly there's just so little time. Now up up. On your paws. We've got stuff to do." "I'm not going anywhere with you." "Is that so? That's too bad. Guess I'll invite one of the kits then. Beechkit loves going out of camp it seems. I'd be happy to take her and-" "You wouldn't dare!" Nettlefoot scoffed. "Oh darling we both know I would. Now who will it be? You or the 'cursed' one?" Cinderblaze was shaking it both fear and anger at this point and Nettlefoot simply adored it. Breaking both the daughter and the mother into one day, it was simply glorious. And they haven't even reached the climax yet~ Cinderblaze was on her paws now, head low, ears down and gaze on the ground. "Where are we going?" "Oh ho, that's for me to know and you to find out deary~ Now let's get going yes?"

    XXXXBefore they headed out, Nettlefoot grabbed her two favorite little apprentices to join the fun. As usual, Bouncepaw looked elated to join Nettlefoot in whatever her mentor had planned for the day. Shiverpaw, though she didn't show it, emitted that same excitement through her eyes. Though Nettlefoot didn't miss the occasional glances she threw Cinderblaze's way. Not like she cared though. With the group together, they finally set out.
    XXXXCinderblaze stayed to the back of their small party, following behind the happy pair of humming mollies that was Bouncepaw and her mentor. Her gaze was kept sternly on the ground, watching her paws move against her better judgement. She didn't want to go wherever this monster planned to lead her, but, quoting the monster herself, "it was her or her kits." She sighed heavily and glared and the ground. She was fully aware of Shiverpaw's eyes locked on her, burning holes into her pelt. It was uncomfortable but she knew why the sickly apprentice was doing so. After all, Shiverpaw and her siblings had been super close with Mistleleaf and Mudstone when they were apprentices, thus making them close to Cinderblaze and Cypressdawn as well, though not so much so as the others. And Cinderblaze had known her to be such a sweet but strong little thing. Whatever could have happened to make her join this harsh side of brewing evil? True, it could only have been a matter of time before she was corrupted, seeing as her mentor was one half of the dastardly duo, but still... what could have been said to give the kit such a hard push in the wrong direction...?
    XXXXThe gray furred queen had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed the group come to a stop. She would have crashed right into Nettlefoot had it not been for Shiverpaw stepping into her line of view and stopping her. "O-Oh.. thank you.." She got no answer in response. Shiverpaw just turned away from her and walked to stand by Bouncepaw who tossed a smile her way. Shiverpaw returned the smile happily and it almost made Cinderblaze's heart ache. Two innocent mollies... poisoned by the darkness... She prayed Starclan would find a way to save them from their mentors' evil clutches...
    XXXX"Now might I ask who you are darling and what you are doing on Soulclan territory?" Nettlefoot's voice snapped her gaze away from the two apprentices, reminding her of the question she meant to voice but forgotten to: Why'd they stop? Nettlefoot's voice was sweet as she spoke to, what the queen assumed to be, a roaming cat, but her 'sweetness' held an implied malice underneath that made her skin crawl. She could almost believe this ball of darkness was true warrior for a moment, thinking about the safety of her clan. But they all knew she probably couldn't care less... Cinderblaze finally stepped forward a bit to get a better look at the loner only to see a cat the same age as- no, younger! as Shiver and Bounce. A long furred Siamese tom who looked around with a eyes that showed emptiness and disconcern for the warrior.
    XXXX"Come on hun, can't you speak? Kitty got your tongue?" Bouncepaw giggled, mocking her mentor's tone of speech. The tom landed his eyes on said apprentice and blinked at her before looking to Nettlefoot. "Sorry for trespassing. I'm Wolfpaw..." He said through a sigh before looking down. "An apprentice? Well now, aren't you a bit far from your own clan sweetie?" "Not far enough I'd say..." The tom scoffed, glancing over his shoulder as if the very clan he spoke of was behind him. "I'm fro- was from Thicketclan, but I didn't belong their. I didn't feel welcome. Was was just that kit in the background.. so I left." The tom growled softly looking back to the ground. The two Soulclan apprentices glanced at each other before looking to Nettlefoot for her response. But the molly had a malicious grin on her face that made them both shiver and laugh at the same time. They knew Nettlefoot liked finding new 'toys'. Cinderblaze took a step back. "Well sweetie, your old clan sounds quite awful I'm afraid, ignoring such a handsome young tom as yourself. Isn't that right Bouncepaw?" The apprentice in question didn't miss a beat and sauntered over to press her nose against Wolfpaw's, grinning as she stared into his ears and made him flustered. "That's right Nettlefoot. Handsome indeed~" Bouncepaw purred. It was frightening how easy Bouncepaw had picked up on what her mentor had planned. THe young molly was must be plannning to be Nettlefoot's younger splitting image; and she was doing a fine job too... scary...
    XXXXWolfpaw could feel his chest pounding in his ears and immediately stepped back, feeling hot under his fur. "Y-You t-two are just saying that...." He stuttered, trying that glare but failed. Nettlefoot called Bouncepaw back and shrugged. "Maybe we are, maybe we aren't, only you can decide hun. But that sadly does not change the fact that I do believe Biscuitclan has wronged you." "Thicketclan." "Whatever. Now, rather than having you roam the way you are now, why don't you join Soulclan? We'd be happy to have you, and the cats are so friendly it's sickening. We wouldn't ignore you, we'd make you feel as if you'd belong. I'll personally see to that myself." Nettlefoot smiled kindly to the young tom, who appeared to hang on every word the honey sweet molly spoke. "Do you mean it?" He asked, making her smile more. "But of course. Though, I'll need your loyalty~" She purred. The young tom looked from Shiverpaw who nodded to him in friendly encouragement then to Bouncepaw who winked and blew a kiss at him. The tom grew flustered before quickly looking away to where Cinderblaze stood slightly behind the group. She shook her head rapidly, attempting to warn the tom hopefully save another apprentice from the Shade Sisters, but it seemed Bouncepaw's wink was still on his mind for he ignored the queen completely as he cast one last shy glance to Bouncepaw. "Ok... you have my loyalty." The tom bowed his head, too young to realize that he signed his soul off to the dark forest.
    XXXX"Yay~ Welcome to the team Wolfpaw." Bouncepaw giggled, literally bouncing with excitement per usual as she made her way to playfully press her nose against his, making him jump back flustered again. "S-Stop doing that!" "Aw no fun." She giggled lightly batting his ear before being stopped by Nettlefoot. "Now, now Bouncepaw darling. Don't go teasing our new friend." "Yea. Or else you'll be sending him running scared from your creepy face." Shiverpaw teased, making Bouncepaw stick her tongue out at her before stepping back to give the blushing tom space. The warrior glanced up at the sky and sighed. "Oh my... it seems we've fallen behind schedule... it's already sunhigh.. looks like we're going to have to put a rush on things..." "Like what?" Wolfpaw asked. "The fun we planned on having~ Tell me Wolfpaw, how are you with badgers?" The tom's eyes went wide and slightly scared as did Cinderblaze. What did the badgers have to do with anything? Where they heck were they going? "I see. Don't worry then. I'll explain it all in a moment. But since we're in a rush, Cinderblaze, Shiverpaw, I'm sending you back to camp to go get Thrushclaw." "What do you want with my father?" Cinderblaze hissed, on the defensive now. Whatever she had planned, no good could come from it. But her question was ignored as Nettlefoot just spoke with Shiverpaw. When the shaking young molly nodded, she turned back towards camp and began walking. "Let's go." She said curtly to the queen as she passed her by. Cinderblaze wanted to protest and argue that she wasn't going to do anything that put her father in harm's way. Harms way being Nettlefoot at this moment. But this chance alone with Shiverpaw may provide her with a chance to warn the clan of the evils that's been within all along. And so, with hesitant but determined steps, Cinderblaze followed Shiverpaw back to camp, listening as Bouncepaw's excited giggles returned and began to explain to Wolfpaw before it faded out with distance.

    XXXXThe air between the two was filled by nothing but the sound of their pawsteps on the leaf covered ground. Cinderblaze didn't feel like conversing much anyway, seeing as she was trying to pinpoint exactly what Nettlefoot could want with her father. Seeing as the molly mentioned badgers, it could be something harmless like explaining ways of getting rid of the black and white pest. But nothing was ever harmless with her... Shiverpaw's sharp sneeze drew Cinderblaze from her thoughts. The queen turned her head and watched as the apprentice wiped her nose angrily. "Are you ok?" She asked softly, only to earn a glare. "Don't pity me!" "I'm not-" "Don't lie. I can see it in your eyes.. in everyone's eyes.. poor Shiverpaw the sick. Well I've heard it enough so just don't..." Silence ensued once more as Shiverpaw sped up a bit more to avoid walking side by side with the queen.
    XXXXCinderblaze watched Shiverpaw and every shaky step she took before sighing, trying to remember the moons she'd pay a visit to the young molly and her siblings. She just had to ask: "What happened to you Shiverpaw?" "What?" Cinderblaze froze for a second, not expecting to be heard when she whispered those words to herself. But Shiverpaw had a good ear it seemed.. "N-Nothing... I was wondering though... why are you going along with Nettlefoot and Thistlethorn? Did they force you into all of this? If so tell me. Let me help you. We could tell the whole camp and chase them out. Expose them before they cause anymore damage than they have..." Her voice came out desperate, but she was strong with her conviction. With Shiverpaw, a cat who has seen what those two could do and have done first hand, then there was no way they'd get away with it. Rid the camp of evil.
    XXXX"You'd be saving Soulclan. Your family would be so-" "Ok that's where I stop you. Whatever you're trying to convince to do, become a hero or whatever, it's not going to work. My 'family' never liked me, never cared. I was a burden. A burden they so quickly relieved them self of just because Archpaw couldn't defend himself against this 'sick' mess that I am when I clawed at him." She spat, glaring sharply with tears threatening her eyes. "I happen to like what Thistlethorn and Nettlefoot are doing. Soulclan needs change and I plan to be right there with them. They, and Bouncepaw, are more of a family to me than my blood kin ever was...." She let her voice fade out, taking on a sad tone as she shifted her glare to the ground. Cinderblaze wasn't sure, maybe her eyes were playing tricks on her, but in that moment, she thought she say a tear shimmer as it fell down to the ground. But Shiverpaw shook it away so fast, the queen wasn't sure if what she say was a mere illusion. "Whatever... moral of the story is shut up and just do as you're told. If you don't, well Nettlefoot said you know what happens. Got it?" Shiverpaw didn't give her a chance to respond before she turned back on her way, walking ahead to camp. Cinderblaze was rooted to the spot for a moment, watching her go. She know pain similar to this, but Shiver... She was on another level...
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Postby krazykitty00 » Fri Oct 06, 2017 4:14 pm

    XXXX"Well, I'm just glad you're ok Cinderblaze. Your mother has been anything but..... ideal lately but please understand that she's still going through a rough time. And she loves you." Thrushclaw purred softly as he walked in step with his daughter through the forest. He was genuinely shocked by her wish to talk to him but he wasn't complaining one bit. He loved his kits to pieces but he's felt closed off from them for a while... "Yea.. and I love her too. But I love my kits more and I wish she loved them too." "All in due time, I promise. Just you wait." "But" "Just you wait." He smiled warmly as he licked her head gently. "It's only a matter of time." Cinderblaze smiled right back and gave a chuckle. Had they been in camp she would have playfully pushed him and said: "Jeez dad.. not in front of the camp!" But if he wanted to rasp his tongue against her cheek and love her like the overbearing father he was moons ago, she'd take it eagerly. She honestly missed him. She'd been avoiding him sort of, believing he was on his mother's side of things, but he wasn't. He actually came to see the kits with a smile. Even if he did believe the name was bad luck of some sort, he never put the kits or her down for it. He was just great like that.
    XXXXA rustle in the trees caught her attention. It didn't sound like your normal wind blowing against leaves kind of rustle, nor your scared bird flying away type. When she looked up, she saw Shiverpaw in branch quietly, hidden away slightly behind some leaves and peering down at her. The sound she had heard was the apprentice's shaking form on the leaves. But it was so faint that It was a miracle that Cinderblaze heard it. She had always been good of hearing but never choosing to listen. Kinda ironic. But the sight of Shiverpaw sent a shiver down her spine as Shiver he was reminded of her original objective. She didn't want to give her father to Nettlefoot, but she felt by not doing so, it would make whatever she planned to do to him, ten times worse. Right now she believed (and hoped) Nettlefoot was just going to talk to Thrushclaw... But if anything, she wanted to at least postpone handing him over to the Dark forest for as long as possible...
    XXXX"U-Uh hey! Father, can we play a game of hide and seek? We use to play it all the time when I was a kit, remember?" She tried for a smile, glancing up to a not so happy apprentice. Shiverpaw mouthed the words 'What do you think you're doing?' But she was promptly ignored and Cinderblaze's forced smile got even wider. "Hide and seek you say? Yea I remember. You always thought you were so clever hiding away in the Kit Rocks." "Yea, but to never found me did you?" "I actually did hun, I just pretended for the sake of your happiness." He teased with playful smirk on his face. Cinderblaze's smile finally became real again as she put on a challenging face. "Oh is that so? Well then, now I must restore my wounded pride! Me and you Father. The whole forest is our hideaway!" "You're on little one! Though we can't go far ok? I don't want to be too far from camp." "That's fine. Because when I beat you, I want to be able to tell the whole clan as soon as possible!" "Yeah right." Thrushclaw rolled his eyes playfully before gently swatting her ears. "Don't get cocky." "Cocky is my middle name Dad." "No. It's Star." "Is it really?" Cinderblaze asked with a tilt of her head. Thrushclaw nodded. "Cinder Starblaze is my full name?" "Haha, no, but you should have seen the look on your face." He laughed, making her scoff and playfully return the swat he had given her. "You suck! Now go on, hide. I'm gonna seek this time. You've got 20 heartbeats." "You know you love me Starblaze~" "1 MOUSE TAIL! 2 MOUSE TAIL." She suddenly began to shout, making Thrushclaw turn away laughing. "Love you too~" He chuckled before disappearing into the underbrush.
    XXXXCinderblaze was and small fit of chuckles and giggles as she watched him disappear before turning away from the way he went and continuing to count. But what she turned to was Shiverpaw glaring spitefully at her. "What are you doing?" The young cat hissed in her face. "Playing with my father. So what?" "So what is that you weren't told to 'play with you father'! You should be taking to him to Nettlefoot by the East border." Cinderblaze bit back, only making Shiverpaw growl even more. It was almost intimidating when she did so because her entire body began to vibrate and shake, and the growl itself was frighteningly low, seeping into Cinderblaze and traveling menacingly through her entire body. But her current resolve to keep Thrushclaw from the evil one as long as she could was stronger that the scary apprentice. "I'll take him there eventually, but what I do until then is my choice. And if this little game happens to take a whole moon, then that's just what it'll take! Now if you'll excuse me, it's been 20 heartbeats. I'm going to go find my father." Cinderblaze said with a brave hiss of her own before sharply turning away to follow Thrushclaw where he sauntered off to. There was another growl behind her before it cut off sharply and the sick apprentice was no longer there. Now that was a scary thought....

    XXXXMinutes passed and Cinderblaze soon stumbled upon Thrushclaw, hiding away behind a blueberry bush. "Ha! Got ya!" She laughed after she whacked his shoulder with her paw, making him join into the laughter. "Ah, looks like I made it too easy for you huh?" "Oh please! There's no way. You were genuinely hiding right there! Don't lie." She nudged him. "Ok sure. Whatever makes you happy." He rolled his eyes before nudging her back. It really took him back to the times when his first litter of kits were born. At first he had no clue how to be a good father for Cinder and Cypress but eventually it came so naturally and he got to watch and help them grow into cats so wonderful he couldn't have been happier. He wished he could have seen the same for Mistleleaf and Mudpaw- er, -stone, but losing his young son made his youngest daughter distant. It was heart wrenching really. But of course, them being alive and well was enough to erase that pain.
    XXXX"Alright, you know the drill Father. Time for you seek! Good luck finding me eh." Cinderblaze stuck out her tongue before rasping it against his cheek. She smiled kindly before that playful gleam returned and she ran off to hide. Yea. Moments like these erased the pain and replaced it with pride and joy. "One mouse tail, two mouse tail..." He began to count with a smile on his face.
    XXXX20 heartbeats later and Thrushclaw began to follow the scent his careless daughter left behind. He smirked to himself, already finding this to be super easy. He even took his slow time. Though, he soon found out that the carelessly left scent was branching off in two directions... then three, then four until Thrushclaw felt as if he were surrounded in the scent of river water and fresh milk, a scent he had loved in it belonged to Jaystar. The deputy had no clue how to which scent trail would lead to his daughter but he knew one thing: he was proud of her. "That's my girl" He purred to himself before randomly picking the trail that seemed more fresh and followed it.
    XXXXThough as he followed he felt a small grip of worry grab onto him. They strayed a little too far from camp than Thrushclaw had liked. On a normal day, he would have been more than happy to be this far out without worry, but with the threat of badgers lurking in their territory, the last thing he wanted was either of them to get hurt and be unable to get help. Cinderblaze especially. Looks like he'd have to call it a loss on his side because they really needed to get back to camp. "Alright Cinderblaze. You win!" He called out, smiling a little as he could already see her smug look as she bragged about her victory. He wouldn't care though. They'd have a far rematch later. Or maybe they'd even have the kits play along. Give them their first- ah, second, adventure outside camp. When it's safe of course..
    XXXXHe called her name once more but received nothing in response, save for the frightened squirrels dashing away. Nevertheless, Thrushclaw remained calm and tried to call for her again... and again.. and again. But nothing. So much for remaining calm. That facade broke in seconds and his eyes were wide with worry and underlying panic. He was known to worry a lot and his was no exception. "Come one Cinderblaze, game's over. Please come out. We need to get back to camp." He whimpered in plea. He sighed and hung his head for a moment, trying again to catch her scent. Not even a heartbeat later there was a rustle in the bushes ahead. It was too large to be a mouse or rabbit, but it was too small to be a fox or badger. Thrushclaw sighed in relief as he finally found his daughter and began to approach the bushes. "Alright sweetie, you win. Now you can rub it in my face. Come on out and let's go back to camp." He smiled into the bushes, but Cinderblaze didn't respond, oddly. "Is something wrong Cinderblaze?" He asked in concern before using a paw to part the leaves of the bushes.
    XXXXJust as that happened, a cat leapt out and pounced on him, earning a surprised yelp from the deputy as he was tackled back into the forest floor. He hissed as pain laced through him after his head hit the ground hard, leaving just a tad bit dazed. Ok- A lot dazed because when he opened his eyes, there were three identical cats standing on top of him. "Surprise!" The three cats chuckled darkly at the exact same time. Weird. "W-What? Who are you three?" He asked slowly, trying to piece together what was happening? "Three?" The cat asked in confusion, but they shook it off immediately. "Whatever. The name's Wolfpaw, a new follower of the Spirit." "What?" "Don't worry about. But it's a privilege to be the last face the infamous Thrushclaw sees." "Wait. How do you- AAH!" Thrushclaw's sentence wasn't even halfway finished before pain laced through him again. Across his eyes this time. Sharp claws pierced his eyes, clawing them to uselessness. He howled and screamed in pain, barely hearing the laugh of the cat above him. Gritting his teeth to fight the pain, rose his paw and slashed at the cat calling himself a follower of some Spirit.
    XXXXThe tom leaped off of Thrushclaw, easily dodging the blinded deputy and snickered softly. "As she said, you'd still have some fight in you." Wolfpaw hummed, referring to Nettlefoot who assigned him to this job. Thrushclaw didn't care about who 'she' was though. He was in pain and extremely worried. If this cat was running about slashing cat's blind, then it was possible he got to his daughter too. So many thoughts ran through his mind, overshadowing the pain. But the pain was much of a distraction as he missed when Wolfpaw ran at him again, pouncing on his shoulder and biting down hard. The apprentice's teeth were unbearably sharp, making the deputy stagger in his attempt to shake him off, only to collapse on the floor.
    XXXX"Can't take me down old tom? How the mighty fall." "I'll claw you to shreds rat!" Thrushclaw hissed, but the torment he felt made him weak. Wolfpaw's claws digging into his back did nothing to help either. "You sure can talk for a tom who can't see. Well let's see you talk smack when you can't smell!" And with that, those same sharp claws scratched his nose to uselessness. Two vital senses were lost to him in such a short amount of time. To an apprentice no less. He felt hopeless and helpless all at once, drowning in the young tom's cackles as he finally stopped clawing at his nose and hopped off. Thrushclaw slowly got to his paws, feeling the blood falling down his face. He honestly felt a little lost without his sense of sight and smell, but he still had his ears, and he could still hear.
    XXXXWhat he couldn't hear though was the cackling of Wolfpaw. It was silent, almost like he disappeared. Not being able to see where the apprentice had disappeared to was all the more frightening now that he couldn't even hear him. But that didn't stop Thrushclaw from trying to hear. He went silent, listened closely and tried to find his attacker. But all he was met with was the shrill voice of- "Thrushclaw! Thrushclaw! Thank goodness I found you!" "Bouncepaw?" The deputy's head swiveled over on a slight edge, not calming at all at the familiar voice of the sweet and bubbly molly. "Bouncepaw why are you out here? Without a warrior no less. It's dangerous out here." "You're one to talk sir. You look awful! But that's not the problem here! I was sent to find you! Jaystar's in trouble!" She said, her voice full of panic but a smirk on her face that Thrushclaw would never see.
    XXXXThe threat of that rogue Wolfpaw seemed to grow once he heard his mate and clan leader was in trouble. His personal fighter seemed to have disappeared, but what if he wasn't alone? And what if his 'group' was attacking the clan? Meanwhile he was out hear playing around. He growled at himself and shook his head, sending blood splattering the forest floor. He wasn't sure how
    much help he'd be blind and scent less, but he wasn't going to pity himself when his mate was in trouble. "Lead the way Bouncepaw." "A-are you sure? You don't look to good yourself Thrushclaw. Maybe Hearthflame can-" "I'm fine! Now lead the way!" There was a brief silence that was easily mistaken for hesitation. But in truth, Bouncepaw was stifling a laugh. "O-okay then. This way." She said, turning on her paws and leading the way back. Thrushclaw was able to follow by listening for her pawsteps on the ground, his hearing slightly stronger. Not to mention he's navigated this forest more times than any other cat so he more or less knew where he was going. With worry in his heart and the intense need to protect, he began following Bouncepaw.

    XXXXMeanwhile, Cinderblaze had long since gotten impatient, waiting for her father to find her. She had taken residence in a large abandoned rabbit hole and have been for him since. But, now she was bored. Bored and uncomfortable, which was never a healthy combination. "Looks like I hid too well." She chuckled to herself as she crawled her way out, stretching her slightly aching bones and body. She was still a tad bit swallow from kitting so that rabbit hole was a tight fit...
    XXXXImmediately after she left her hiding spot though, something leapt out at her, pouncing onto her back and latching onto her with sharp claws. Fangs bit sharply into her shoulder and then mauled her ears, making her howl with pain. It all happened so fast and Cinderblaze was drowning in a dozen sensations at once, but she managed to have a brief moment of clarity that allowed her to roll over, crushing the smaller body below her and releasing them from her body. Cinderblaze stumbled away, ready to run, but she made a mistake. She turned around to see just who, or what, attacked her. "Shiverpaw!?" Her mistake proved fatal, for as soon the name even left the apprentice smirked and tackled her down, pinning the queen her neck.
    XXXXCinderblaze growled and hissed at the shivering molly, attempting to claw at her but let's be real, she was six moons out of practice and couldn't fight much. Not too to mention every slight movement was threatened with the sharp piercing of claws on her neck... "Why are you doing this?" She asked through gritted teeth. "I was ordered to. I told Nettlefoot of you plan of procrastination. She wasn't happy. So she sent us to find you two, and she told me to be sure you get this message: 'Obey or suffer'." Shiverpaw dug her claws deeper into the side of Cinderblaze's neck, deep enough to draw blood, but not enough to kill.
    XXXX"You'll never get away with this! None of you will!" The grey queen hissed softly. Just then, the sound of pawsteps came thundering by. Cinderblaze moved her head best she could to what she hoped was help. Bouncepaw soon came running and bouncing (somehow) into view, a smile on her face and looking pleased with herself. She saw Shiverpaw and waved a hello with her tail before counting to bounce/run ahead. Soon following after her was Thrushclaw, running after the speedy bouncing molly, albeit slower. His entire muzzle and face was stained a dark brown from were blood was still leaking from his eyes and nose. Occasionally he'd limp or stop to feel around his feet for a memorized landmark but soon he two was out of view.
    XXXX"My, my. Looks like we have gotten away with this." Nettlefoot's voice purred right in the queen's ear, chuckling darkly as she spotted the look of horror Cinderblaze now held. "W-What did you do to him? What'd you do to my father!?" "Made this a lot easier that's for sure. It's easier to bait a blind and nose less tom. He thinks he's about to rescue Jaystar. How noble~" "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MOTHER!?" A smirk appeared on Nettle's maw and she hovered her own face over the pinned queen's so that they were eye to eye. "You'll see soon enough darling. After all, I've saved us front row seats~" Cinderblaze could only watch in horror as her laughter filled the forest, and the bushes began to rustle. Black furred monsters began to emerge from around them, and not one looked too happy as they slowly lumbered towards them, snapping their huge jaws. Wolfpaw came out too and would occassionally claw at one to lead them. Like herding sheep, but with badgers who wanted to claw all their fur off. "Now come Cinder. The big Finale awaits~"

    XXXXJaystar sighed for what was probably the hundredth time. She was still mentally and emotionally upset but everything. And even though getting out of the camp for a while like this was helpful she didn't feel any better. She looked up the mountain to where Thistlethorn lead the way, gracefully hopping from rock to rock as they climbed higher. It was obvious the she cat had down this many times. "Thistlethorn, we've been up climbing for quite a bit. Are we almost there?" "Just about." She hummed distractedly, her gaze out on the sea of green that marked the trees. She had been doing that a lot, as of she was looking for something, but Jaystar stopped wondering what she was looking for after the fifth time.
    XXXXThistlethorn was indeed looking for something. Towards the one of the four tallest trees in Soulclan's forest that marked the four cardinal directions. More specifically the Northern Pine where her sister would give her the signal. Something to tell her it was time. Until then she needed to appear.... friendly. "Tell me Jaystar.. do you truly hate Beechkit? Is the name something so revolting that you must over look the joy itself?" Jaystar sighed heavily and jumped up after her. "I want to say no... But I can't help myself. Beechclan... they murdered my closest friend... with little to no apology at that. I hate them so much. And to think they've invaded my clan through a child... it makes me sick." She hissed, shaking her head.
    XXXX"I see.." The dark molly hummed again, in distraction once more looking off into the distance. Though this time, she was greeted with a sight that made her heart, shockingly, flutter in glee. Up in the highest branch of the Northern Pine was the sight of Shiverpaw, clamping tightly on the tail feathers of two jaybirds. That sickly kit had always been a great climber but this was a great feat. No apprentice had ever climbed one of the Cardinal Pines before. Even Thistlethorn was surprised. But that was another topic for another day. As Shiverpaw released the birds to fly away, Thistlethorn felt away smirk rise on her face before she stopped to and gaze down at Jaystar. Looks like that was her signal. But a bit more shattering of the broken leader couldn't hurt~ "What?" Jaystar was a little confused why the molly was so happy but she didn't mind much. Really, she wanted off this mountain now. The oxygen levels were getting lower... "It's funny really. Those very kits you hate so much actually belong to a tom in Beechclan." Thistlethorn chuckled, watching as Jaystar's eyes widened in shock. Just as quickly though her eyes narrowed into sharp slits as she growled softly. "You must be pulling my fur." "Now why would I go and do that? Why lie when the truth hurts so much more." Jaystar didn't want to believe it. Not at all. But she couldn't tell with Thistlethorn. Somehow. "...Who?" She mumbled. "Ohho! I'm sorry, what was that?" "I SAID WHO IS THE TOM!?" Thistlethorn looked about ready to keel over in laughter she watched her leader begin to break more. "You're not going to believe this~ It's that cute little med cat Asptail~ One of Sorrelstar's kits. Oh the cruel irony!" "No... no- it can't be!" "It can and it is Jay dear. So sad. So true." Thistlethorn sighed in fake sympathy. Jaystar looked ready to blow in rage, a sight that was rare for the composed leader. Just watching her break and shatter piece by piece. Oh yea. Thistlethorn was definitely the reason they couldn't have good things.
    XXXX[/color][color=#C0C0C0]"I knew it... that kit is nothing but a curse. A burden! It'd be best if she was no more! And Cinderblaze! How could sh-" "Hold on hun. Back up a bit." Thistlethorn purred, not even trying to hide her giddiness anymore as she hopped down to the rocky ledge Jaystar stood and circled slowly. "Are you saying it would be best if Beechkit... died?" Immediately Jaystar opened her maw to protest but shut it just as fast. She didn't like lying to anyone. And as awful as it is... saying she didn't want Beechkit gone... would be a lie. "My, my, how awful of you Jaystar. Wishing death upon your own grandkits! Just terrible." Her scolding voice didn't match her devious smile in the slightest. "Don't you remember the pain you suffered when Mudpaw perished?" The very name caused Jaystar to flinch and her eyes to water slightly. "And you would wish that pain upon your own daughter? For shame." Thistlethorn sighed. "It's too bad about Mudpaw though. I didn't get to break the ice with him yet. He fell through before I could even get a word." Thistlethorn shrugged, gracefully hopping back up to continue the climb they had started. "Don't get swept with the current now. We've still got a ways to go." Jaystar barely registered what was said, just allowed her paws to move. Mudpaw's death had broken Mistleleaf terribly. It hurt Jay too. And here she was wishing that same pain on her other daughter...
    XXXXThistlethorn was speaking out loud to herself but the words didn't reach Jaystar properly, the silver molly lost in her self-disappointment. "-It's kinda funny how it only took a few jumps to make Mudpaw fall into the ice. He must have been gaining weight or something." At that moment, Jaystar's blood ran cold a a slight fire blazed in her eyes as she turned her gaze up to the dark furred molly. "What.. did you say?" Thistlethorn looked over her and grinned as she met eye to eye with her angered leader. "Oh my, did you hear that?" "I asked you a question!" Jaystar hissed. Thistle only shrugged in response. "There's no point in repetition if clearly you heard me. But~ There's no use of withholding info if the cat's out of the bag. And drowning in the river I might add." Her grin turned mischievous as she turned fully to smirk down at Jaystar who was a few ledges lower than her. "Mudpaw's little 'dive' was no accident. We killed him~" A purr rose with those words, a purr that Jaystar so foolishly say as the kindness of a friend. But now she knew just what laid behind that smile. How had she been so foolish? How had she not seen it? "W-Why? Why'd you do it?" "Just to see the very face you're making now. Honestly, Mudpaw could have been spared but, eh." Thistlethorn shrugged. "Who's we?" Jaystar dared to ask. But it was already as clear as daylight now. "Why, my sister and I of course. Plus a few extra paws." Jaystar wasn't sure just what expression she was making but she was sure it was purely pathetic. Betrayal, anguish, anger, all mixed in one. "But why? We took you in. Soulclan is your home." "True, but I couldn't care less about this place. You see, Nettle and I serve a greater cause. We're followers of Spirit and it would seem you've made her list. Thus, we've been sent here to.. how do I say, end you." The word 'Spirit' sent a shiver down her spine. It was a strange name, mystifying, and felt vaguely familiar.. but if it was the one who sent these two to Soulclan then it was something to be feared. A shaky breath later, Jaystar began to speak but Thistlethorn cut her off. "I'm sure you have questions Jay dear, but the show is starting and I want to see it~" "Show? What show?" Jaystar hissed, though she was honestly scared to ask. Her fears weren't calmed in the slightest by the dastardly grin she received from Thistlethorn who gave a graceful point with her tail. "Why don't see for yourself~"
    XXXXRegrettably, Jaystar followed her direction and glanced down the mountain to the forest floor far below. At first she failed to catch anything out of the ordinary. But eventually she spotted her mate bursting out of the underbrush. The sight of him was relieving and Jaystar managed to smile despite the looming fear of Thistlethorn above. But as she stared more and took in his mannerism, she gasped. His face matted with blood from tightly shut eyes and a now nonexistent nose, his body quivering in both unease and worry. He appeared ready for a fight but as if he already lost said battle. Jaystar could feel every fur along her spine stand. "W-What did you do to him?!" Her voice shook as she continued to look at the mangled figure of Thrushclaw. "Well Jaystar I'm hurt! How could you accuse me when I've been with you this whole time~?" She laughed as she made her way to where Jaystar sat pressed against the mountain. "Honestly, I'm honored but this is all credit to my dearest sister~ She does great work doesn't she?" "W-Why-" "Because you look so pretty sinking~ Broken, empty, alone. This is the final cherry on top. And it's pretty sweet If I do say so myself~." Thistlethorn hummed, adding a bit of sway to each off her words as she sat herself down beside her leader and watched the molly as if she could actually see her breaking down mentally and emotionally inside. She didn't fear the silver she-cat turning to pounce on her. She's been 'friends' with Jaystar for moons now. She knew she had nothing to worry about when Jaystar got like this. It was entertaining to say the least. "W-What... what are planning to do with him?" Jaystar stuttered out, claws visibly trembling as they gripped the rocky surface below her, listening to Thrushclaw as he blindly called her name. The worry and pain was extremely evident in his voice. He must have some how known about the sister's and their plot and come to help her. That only made the pain of seeing him like this all the worst. "Why did you hurt him?" She sniffled, filled with guilt and self hatred. Not just for what's she brought upon her mate, but her kits too. And Cinderblaze's kits. She brought them all into something dangerous without even knowing and, to make matters worse, she still had no clue where it all went wrong! "Why?" "Oh how rich! You're crying~ I love it. Tears of despair look really good on you, you know." Thistlethorn laughed. "Any who~ As I mentioned, Spirit has it out for you and wants you dead. But just killing you is no fun so we... had a little fun. Just think of this as your parting gift~ From Nettlefoot and I, to you."
    XXXXMovement in the corner of her eye finally allowed the tearful Jaystar to peel her ears away from the tattered Thrushclaw and take in the scene around him. She wasn't sure when it happened, but now, slowly and angrily, a group of large badgers lumbered towards Thrushclaw. Their teeth bared as their collective growls began to in circle the deputy. "THRUSHCLAW!" Jaystar called out in warning, voice cracking as she rose up quickly. "Jaystar? Is that you? I-I can't see! Where are you? I was told you were in trouble. I'm here to help. J-Just keep talking a-and I'll make my way to you." "Thrushclaw no! You're the one in danger. Behind you, there are-" Just then, one of the four badgers closed the distance with a sprint, slashing it's large paws across his flank. A howl of pain echoed from Thrushclaw and he quickly swirled around to retaliate, using his best judgment to find his opponent. But by the time he struck the first badger, another was one him. "Thrushclaw!" Jaystar began to jump down to help him but Thistlethorn was on top of her faster than she could think, pinning her down under an claw bearing paw, digging into her back. "Ah, ah, ah. This is a present. Enjoy the show." Evil laughter filled Jaystar's ears as she was forced to watch the horribly one sided battle. Another badger had joined, soon followed by the last, to bring down a common foe. All four badgers, filled with anger towards cats after they raided their homes killed their leader(courtesy of Thistlethorn and Shiverpaw) and attacked them on a regular basis. Revenge was all that was on their minds. And they were starting with this one. "No! Thrushclaw!" She cried out once more, unable to help the tears just flow as she watched and heard the he painful demise of Thrushclaw. Her friend, her partner, her mate... Gone.
    XXXX"P-Please. N-No. Thrushclaw don't leave me. Leave him alone please. I love him. Thrushclaw, oh stars." Jaystar cried in incoherent babbles, as if her will would reach the badgers and get them to leave. But they clearly fell on deaf ears as the carnage continued. "Do you want to help him?" Came a whisper by her ear. She thought it was Thistlethorn's voice but it was higher pitched and echoed, almost like it was there but also not there at all. "Do you want to help him?" The voice asked again. "I-I can't. He's gone..." "Do you want him back? Keep him with you forever?" "Yes. Oh stars yes..." "Would you be willing to do anything to be by his side? Forever?" "A-Anything! I'd do anything!" Jaystar had no clue who she was talking to or why they were asking. She was just speaking her heart. Thrushclaw was all she had of her broken family. She needed him. "Well then." The voice paused and Jaystar finally took that moment to stand and see who she was talking to. But that's when she felt a hard push flank, taking her right over the edge of the ledge they occupied. "DIE"
    XXXXJaystar couldn't think at that moment. It happened to fast to truly recall.But as she fell, she did remember Turning to look up at her killer. Thistlethorn stilled held that malicious grin but beside her, a molly that made Jay's eyes go wide in shock and fear. A pair blazing eyes, one gold the other yellow bored into her spitefully as she descended. A familiar feeling that she hadn't felt in moons. "Spiritshade?" She remembered the words leaving her lips but after that she no more. Jay's eight stars burned out completely.

    XXXXThistlethorn took a route down that kept her out of the badgers' line of sight as they tore into their new victim. She hummed a sweet tune as she met up with her sister Nettlefoot, who was settled peacefully below the shade of a tree, watching the show with a proud look in her eyes. "Thistlethorn!" She called out, waving her over with her tail as she spotted her sister. "You did great~ I couldn't hear a thing you two were saying but you looked so cool~" Nettlefoot praised as Thistlethorn joined her. "Gosh, you flatter me sis~ But my work pales in comparison to yours. That work you did on Thrushclaw. Marvelous!" "In truth, though it was my idea, I had a bit of help from this little guy. He's new~" Nettlefoot beckoned the apprentice from Thicketclan down from the branch he was on. "Ah. Hello... I'm Wolfpaw." "Well Wolfpaw, aren't you a cutie~" "A-Ah.. thank you.." "It's great having you. You did great. I hope you'll stay for the party later~" The young tom just nodded, not having any clue what that meant but not wanting to upset the she-cat with skills to kill. "Ah! Where's Cinderblaze? I want to break the good news~" Thistlethorn asked enthusiastically. "There's actually no need. You see, she saw the whole thing." Nettlefoot purred darkly as she gestured to the shivering mess huddled in a ball after being held down and forced to watch her parents perish so violently. "You're diabolical." "Why thank you~ I try. Now, any second now, Bouncepaw and Shiverpaw would have brought the clan here. Let's put some more great performances sis." "Indeed~" The thundering of pawsteps hitting the ground began to sound, just in time. The sisters grinned at each other before getting ready to join the fray. "Wolfpaw, you stay here dear. Well come get you later ok?" With affirmation from him, Nettlefoot looked to the shivering queen. "And Cinderblaze. We've been over this enough right? Say anything and, who knows? Maybe Adorable little Cloverkit will be the next to jump off the mountain~" A whimper sounded from Cinderblaze, which enough for her. The clan was her now. All of the versus 4 badgers. Leader, deputy, dead. All that's left now, is the clan's complete downward spiral into the Shaded Era.

    [Thistlethorn and Nettlefoot's plan succeeds. Jaystar and Thrushclaw has fallen by their paws.]
    [The Spirit looms.]
    [Wolfpaw of Thicketclan has joined Soulclan]
    [The warriors are preparing to fight the badgers]
    [Cypressdawn crosses the border to ask Echoclan for help in battle]
    [Mistleleaf is expecting kits with Duskpaws]


      Jaystar | 65 moons | She-cat | X
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★

      Thrushclaw | 63 moons | Tom | X

      Medicine Cat:
      Hearthflame | 37 moons | Tom | X

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:
      Silverpaw | 7 moons | She-cat | X

      Graystone | 60 moons | Tom | X
      Sandfur | 56 moons | She-cat | X
      Russetfall | 56 moons | Tom | X
      Wrenshine | 56 moons | She-cat | X
      Blackstreak | 58 moons | Tom | X
      Whitenose | 58 moons | She-cat | X
      Smokeclaw | 58 moons | Tom | X
      Amberstorm | 43 moons | She-cat | X
      Tumbleshade | 44 moons | Tom | X
      Leopardpounce | 42 moons | Tom | X
      Gorsetail | 56 moons | Tom | X
      Nettlefoot | 41 moons | She-cat | X
      Thistlethorn | 41 moons | She-cat | X
      Cypressdawn | 30 moons | Tom | X
      Cinderblaze | 30 moons | She-cat | X
      Brackenfern | 32 moons | Tom | X
      Sootwhisker | 25 moons | Tom | X
      Sorrelwhisper | 25 moons | She-cat | X
      Firestrike | 24 moons | Tom | X
      Ashfur | 24 moons | Tom | X
      Brookseed | 22 moons | She-cat | X
      Mistleleaf | 18 moons | She-cat | X - X
      Doeheart | 33 moons | She-cat | X
      Bearpike | 36 moons | Tom | X
      Duskpaws | 20 moons | Tom | X
      Gingerfoot | 29 moons | She-cat | X

      Barkknot | 33 moons | She-cat | P.O.W |X

      Archpaw | 15 moons | Tom | X
      Shiverpaw | 15 moons | She-cat | X
      Maplepaw | 15 moons | She-cat | X
      Bouncepaw | 18 moons | She-cat | X
      Hollowpaw | 12 moons | Tom | X
      Tinypaw | 9 moons | She-cat | X
      Cloudpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X

      Sorrelwhisper | 25 moons | She-cat | X
      Cinderblaze | 30 moons | She-cat | X

      Poppykit | 4 moons | Tom | X
      Drizzlekit | 4 moons | Tom | X
      Applekit | 2 moons | She-cat | X
      Beechkit | 2 moons | She-cat | X
      Cloverkit | 2 moons | Tom | X

      Bluetail | 114 moons | She-cat | X
      Speckledsight | 149 moons | Tom | X

      Jaystar ♥ Thrushclaw
      ➤ Cypressdawn, Cinderblaze, Mistleleaf, Mudpaw
      Sandfur ♥ Graystone
      ➤ Firestrike, Ashfur, 'Sorrelwhisper'
      Wrenshine ♥ Gorsetail
      ➤ Archpaw, Shiverpaw, Maplepaw
      Doeheart ♥ Bearpike
      ➤ Tinypaw
      Sorrelwhisper ♥ Sootwhisker
      ➤ Poppykit, Drizzlekit
      Whitenose ♥ Smokeclaw (Sageclan)
      ➤ Cloudpaw, Silverpaw
      Cinderblaze ♥ Asptail (Beechclan)
      ➤ Applekit, Beechkit, Cloverkit, Dewkit
    Ally Clans:
    Fogclan | LukaMegurine
    Echoclan | Katroine
    Witherclan | seedcakes
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1
    Sageclan | kaden
    Smokeclan | Teastar~

    Enemy Clans
    Owlclan | TheNatureMaster
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Blackberry Leaves x2 | Ease bee sting swelling
    Borage Leaves x2 | Produces more and better milk,
    brings down fevers
    Burdock Root x1 | Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites;
    used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    Catchweed x2 | Stops poultices from being rubbed off
    without hurting skin
    Catmint x3 | Best remedy for Greencough
    Celandine x2 | Soothes damaged eyes
    Chamomile x1 | Strengthens the heart and soothes
    the mind
    Chervil x2 | For infected wounds and belllyaches
    Chickweed x1 | Treats greencough
    Cobwebs x2 | To soak up and stop the bleeding
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones and soothes
    injury wounds.
    Dock x0 | Soothes scratches, sore pads, and can ease
    pain of wounds
    Fennel x1 | Helps pain in the hips
    Goldenrod x3 | Heals wounds
    Horsetail x1 | Treats infections and stops bleeding
    Juniper Berries x2 | Soothes belly aches, gives strength,
    and help with troubled breathing.
    Lamb's Ear x2 | Gives a cat strength
    Lavender x3 | Cures fevers and chills
    Mouse Bile x3 | Removes ticks from pelt
    Poppy Seeds x2 | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock
    or distress, or ease pain
    Raspberry Leaves x2 | Can ease pain an stop bleeding
    during kitting
    Rush x0 | Holds broken limbs in place
    Thyme x0 | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who
    are in shock
    Tormentil x2 | Use to treat all wounds and extract
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poison from wounds, makes cat
    vomit up toxins, can heal cracked paw pads

    Brackenfern | Archpaw | 3 | Hunting, Climbing, Battle,
    Thistlethorn | Shiverpaw | 4 | Hunting, Battle,
    Climbing, Swimming
    Leopardpounce | Maplepaw | 3 | Hunting, Climbing, Battle,
    Nettlefoot | Bouncepaw | 1 | Battle, Swimming
    Tumbleshade | Hollowpaw | 1 | Swimming, Climbing
    Sootwhisker | Tinypaw | 0 N/A
    Gorsetail | Cloudpaw | 0 | N/A

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    8 servings
    Mice | x4 | 1 servings
    Voles | x4 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Hare | x5 | 3 servings
    Birds | x5 | 3 servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Mudpaw(stone) | 12 moons | Tom | Drowned
    Aspenleaf | 63 moons | She-cat | Killed by Thistlethorn
    Hootdust | 24 moons | She-cat | Died in Battle Against Beechclan
    Dewkit | Too Weak After Birth
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
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Echoclan [051]

Postby Katrione » Fri Oct 06, 2017 7:11 pm



Many Voices Crying Out As One
Number of Cats: 47 | Toms: 21 | Mollies: 26
(8 servings)

Squirrelstar purred softly, nuzzling her nose into Applefur's neck. The dark ginger tom smiled, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of his mate as he twined his tail with hers. "Well, you sure are happy this morning." Applefur mewed. Squirrelstar pulled back, looking up at her mate affectionately.

"I just feel so happy today, I have no idea why." Squirrelstar said, her tail swishing back and forth before curling happily over her back. "Otterstream!" The pale ginger she-cat purred when she saw her dark brown and cream daughter dragging herself across the clearing to join them. Otterstream shifted on her front paws a few times before settling down comfortably, her useless hind legs sprawled out behind her. Squirrelstar bent her head down to touch her nose to Otterstream's, purring happily.

Blazefur and Sunnyflower hurried across the clearing with Strawberrypatch, Beestripe, Wrenleap and Acornfall in tow. "Hey, don't we get some love?" Wrenleap gasped, his whiskers twitching slightly in amusement. Squirrelstar flashed Applefur an amused look before turning to greet her other kits. The small family settled down together, talking excitedly about what they had seen on patrol or about whatever drama was going on in Echoclan.

Squirrelstar looked up when a new smell washed over her, immediately recognizing that it belonged to Soulclan. The Echoclan leader jumped to her paws when she saw Cinderblaze being lead into camp by one of the border patrols. "Cinderblaze? What's wrong?" She asked, crossing the clearing to meet them at the entrance.

"We're being attacked by badgers, we really need your help." Cinderblaze panted, her grey and white fur tangled and matted with dirt from running through the undergrowth and dusty mountain paths. Squirrelstar immediately turned, the fur along her spine bristling.

"Lizardstrike, Applefur, Mossycreek, Hemlockheart, Gorsebird and Cloudwatcher!" She yowled. "Come with me, we're needed in Soulclan." Applefur hurried to join his mate, reaching her at the same time the rest of the battle patrol did. "Let's go." Squirrelstar mewed sternly, turning and following Cinderblaze out of the camp.


Brindlecloud stood at the entrance of her den, watching Squirrelstar and her battle patrol as it left with Cinderblaze. "Will they be okay?" Crowpaw asked worriedly, peering around his mentor. The dilute calico looked down at the black tom, an uncertain look in her eyes.

"I... I'm sure everything will be fine, Crowpaw." She replied, her voice barely more than a whisper. The medicine cat kept trying to push the message she had received the night before out of her mind.

Two hearts... one of souls... one of echoes

The she-cat couldn't understand entirely what the brief message meant but it bothered her more and more over the past day. "What in Starclan could it mean?" She muttered to herself as she stepped out of the medicine den clearing and into the main clearing. "It doesn't feel finished..."

Brindlecloud stiffened briefly when she heard a loud squawking noise, looking over to see a blue bird land in the center of the clearing in front of the nursery. The dilute calico tilted her head to the side, watching the bird- a jay, she realized- as it hopped in front of the nursery. Moments later, the underbrush surrounding the camp shuddered slightly and a squirrel popped up, it's tail twitching before it bounced up to the jay. The squirrel and jay made tiny noises to each other, as if they were having a conversation, before they moved closer to each other, seeming to nuzzle against each other the way Brindlecloud's clanmates would often do.

The medicine cat blinked. When her eyes opened again, the jay and squirrel were gone.


Squirrelstar threw her head back, letting out a victorious yowl as they finally pushed the badgers back. Applefur crouched next to his mate, blinking away the blood that was dripping into his eyes from his forehead. The two shared a smile before Squirrelstar whirled around to find Jaystar. The Echoclan she-cat shook her pelt, blood droplets splattering the ground as she did so. Despite this, the she-cat chose to ignore her obviously heavy bleeding.

"Jaystar! We did it!" She squealed happily, looking around for her best friend. "Jaystar?" She mewed, her tail starting to droop slightly. Squirrelstar's nose wiggled slightly as she scented the air, her tail twitching as she followed Jaystar's faint scent trail, her nose pressed close to the ground.

Applefur followed close behind his mate, starting to feel worried for Squirrelstar's best friend as well. He looked up, his eyes widening at what he saw. "Squirrelstar." He gasped, hurriedly moving in front of her to block her from the horrific view in front of him.

"Applefur, not now!" Squirrelstar mewed. "I'm trying to find Jaystar, I need to find her." She furrowed her brow, trying to convey to her mate that this wasn't the time or place to question her actions.

"Please..." Applefur whispered, his voice breaking. "Squirrelstar, please turn and walk away." Squirrelstar's tail started to droop again and her ears flattened back against her head. "You shouldn't see this."

"...Move out of my way, Applefur." Squirrelstar whispered. Applefur shook his head only to be pushed aside by the Echoclan leader. A shriek clawed its way out of Squirrelstar's throat.

"Jaystar! No!" Squirrelstar yowled, collapsing next to the silver tabby. She buried her nose in Jaystar's blood-matted scruff. "Jaystar, you can't leave me." She sobbed, her cries growing louder as she felt her heart slowly tear itself in two. "I can't do this without you. You've always been here, I need you here."

Applefur stood back with the rest of the Echoclan battle patrol and the Soulclan cats that were starting to gather. Tears welled in the tom's eyes as he listened to his mate's cries and wails, hating to hear the pain in the usually cheerful leader's voice. The two Clans stood there for what felt like forever, watching the two leaders, the two best friends. One whose warmth was seeping out much slower than the light that had been taken from her eyes. And one who was still warm but no longer had the light in her eyes as well. She was alive in the physical sense, but her heart had been taken from her.


At dusk, the Echoclan battle patrol helped Soulclan move Jaystar's body to the center of their clearing, Squirrelstar sticking close to her friend's body. Squirrelstar settled next to her, tucking her paws under her chest and nuzzling her nose into Jaystar's shoulder. The light ginger she-cat closed her eyes, her cries having finally died down. The Echoclan and Soulclan cats settled around the two, resting their heads on their paws as they sat vigil for the beloved leader.

Applefur opened his eyes shortly before sunrise, having accidentally fallen asleep during the vigil. The dark ginger raised his head, looking down at Squirrelstar. His shoulders slumped when he noticed that her flank was no longer falling and rising. Applefur pressed his nose against her ears, like he had done the morning before. This time, Squirrelstar didn't purr and twine their tails together. She didn't blink open her beautiful, bright blue eyes and she didn't greet him. She didn't rise to her paws to go greet their kits and grandkits and great-grandkits. She didn't go for her usual walk through the mountain trails. She didn't do anything.

The Echoclan leader's mate drew in a shaky breath and whispered in Squirrelstar's ear, praying that she would hear him from wherever she was.

"I will see you in the stars"

[ Echoclan consumed x2 fish + x1 squirrel ]
[ Squirrelstar has lost her last life ]
[ Raggedtail will now take Squirrelstar's place as Echoclan's leader ]
[ No border and hunting patrols will be sent out today ]
[ No training will be taking place today ]

          Squirrelstar | 72 | Molly |
          Lives: ★

          Raggedtail | 31 | Tom |

          Medicine Cat:
          Brindlecloud | 27 | Molly |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Crowpaw | 10 | Tom |

          Applefur | 80 | Tom |
          Petalbound | 55 | Molly |
          Lizardstrike | 51 | Tom |
          Redfeather | 49 | Tom |
          Rabbitwish | 48 | Tom |
          Blazefur | 46 | Tom |
          Sunnyflower | 46 | Molly |
          Oatdapple | 45 | Molly |
          Cloudwatcher | 43 | Molly |
          Stagstep | 42 | Tom |
          Birdsong | 39 | Molly |
          Otterstream | 35 | Molly |
          Bayfur | 33 | Molly |
          Mossycreek | 33 | Molly |
          Yewfrost | 27 | Tom |
          Pigeonnose | 27 | Tom |
          Hemlockheart | 26 | Tom |
          Hurricanejaw | 23 | Tom |
          Cloudysky | 20 | Molly |
          Sparrowflight | 19 | Tom |
          Gorsebird | 16 | Molly |
          Icefang | 16 | Tom |
          Strawberrypatch | 15 | Molly |
          Beestripe | 15 | Molly |
          Acornfall | 15 | Tom |
          Wrenleap | 15 | Tom |
          Sparkfang | 13 | Molly |

          Snakepaw | 10 | Tom |
          Sandpaw | 10 | Molly |
          Darkpaw | 9 | Tom |
          Brightpaw | 9 | Molly |

          Witheredstalk | 27 | Molly |
          Mossvine | 72 | Molly |
          Wildpoppy | 42 | Molly |
          Bramblingflight | 31 | Molly |

          Bubblekit | 3 | Tom |
          Foamkit | 3 | Molly |
          Lavenderkit | 2 | Molly |
          Silverkit | 2 | Molly |
          Koikit | 2 | Molly |
          Goosekit | 2 | Tom |
          Bristlekit | 1 | Molly |

          Tigger | 159 | Tom |

          Ally Clans:
          Souclan | krazykitty00
          Beechclan | hazilnut
          Leafclan | zephyrine
          Dawnclan | stranger danger
          Forestclan | Simonpet

          Enemy Clans:
          Streamclan | justice'n'joy
          Clan Name | Username

          (N) | Verglasclan | .iris.
          (E) | Clan | User
          (S) | Groveclan | solyn
          (W) | Skullclan | Heda
          (NW) | Redclan | RebelliousWinter
          (NE) | Moorclan | dinolil1
          (SW) | Leafclan | zephyrine
          (SE) | Oceanclan | hiraeth

    Medicine Store:
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases swelling of bee stings
    Broom x0 | Unknown effects
    Burdock Root x2 | Lessens + heals the
    pain of infected rat bites
    Burnet x1 | Keeps strength up
    Catmint x4 | Greencough + whitecough
    Celandine x1 | Soothes damaged eyes
    Chervil x2 | Infected wounds + bellyaches
    Cobwebs x1 | Soak up + stop bleeding
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing or kittencough, helps
    with cracked pads or sore pads
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones + soothes wounds
    Dandelion x1 | Soothes and heals bee stings
    Dock x1 | Soothes scratches + soothes sore pads
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fevers,
    heals aches + pains
    Goldenrod x0 | Heals wounds
    Honey x2 | Soothes infections, helps soothe coughing
    Horsetail x0 | Treats infected wounds
    Lamb's Ear x1 | Gives strength
    Lungwort x2 | Cures yellowcough
    Mallow Leaves x1 | Soothes bellyaches
    Marigold x2 | Stops infections, bleeding, helps with
    inflammation + stiff joints
    Oak Leaves x1 | Stop infection from setting in
    Rush x0 | Holds broken limbs in place
    Sweet-Sedge x1 | Eases infections
    Tansy x2 | Cures coughs, wounds, poison, + soothes throats
    Thyme x0 | Calms nervousness, anxiety + shock
    Tormentil x1 | Treating all wounds + extracting poisons
    Watermint x1 | Eases bellyaches
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poisons from wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x3 | 1 servings
    Pigeon | x3 | 3 servings
    Vole | x3 | 1 servings
    Fish | x2 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings

    Bramblingflight | Snakepaw | 3 | Climbing, Hunting, Battling
    Hurricanejaw | Sandpaw | 3 | Climbing, Hunting, Battling
    Sunnyflower | Darkpaw | 2 | Hunting, Tracking
    Rabbitwish | Brightpaw | 2 | Hunting, Tracking

    Deceased Cats:
    Mottledkit | Tom | Kit | Stillborn |
    Dapplewing | Tom | Medicine Cat | Tumbleclan Attack |
    Rosie | Molly | Elder | Fox Attack |
    Brightclover | Molly | Warrior | Rogue Attack |
    Barleyfur | Tom | Warrior | Rogue Attack |
    Bloodyclaws | Tom | Warrior | Killed by Witheredstalk during rogue attack |
    Shadepool | Molly | Warrior | Rogue Attack |
    Shrewtail | Molly | Warrior | Red Plague |
    Simon | Tom | Elder | Red Plague + Greencough |
    Smokespeck | Tom | Deputy | Red Plague + Greencough |
    Poppypounce | Molly | Warrior | Red Plague + Greencough |
    Talonkit | Tom | Kit | Fading Kitten Syndrome |

    Former Clanmates:
    Ramhorn | Tom | Former Med. Cat | Pineclan |
    Nightkit | Tom | Former Kit | Jinxclan |

    Squirrelstar + Applefur: Sunnyflower, Blazefur, Otterstream,
    Mottledkit, Strawberrypatch, Beestripe, Wrenleap + Acornfall
    Mossvine + Smokespeck: Stagstep, Wildpoppy, Silverkit, Koikit + Goosekit
    Mossvine + Dapplewing: Hurricanejaw
    Petalbound + Barleyfur: Mossycreek + Bayfur
    Shadepool + Lizardstrike: Yewfrost
    Sunnyflower + Rabbitwish: Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk + Sparkfang
    Cloudwatcher + Blazefur: None
    Brightclover + Redfeather: Raggedtail
    Bayfur + Stagstep: Gorsebird + Icefang
    Birdsong + Bloodyclaws: Snakepaw + Sandpaw
    Mossycreek + Bloodyclaws: Darkpaw+ Brightpaw
    Witheredstalk + Hemlockheart: Bubblekit + Foamkit
    Brindlecloud + Appleheart of Leafclan: Lavenderkit + Tawnykit of Leafclan
    Wildpoppy + Tux of Jinxclan: Bristlekit, Talonkit + Nightpaw of Jinxclan
    Bramblingflight + Raggedtail: Expecting [ Due in two posts ]
Last edited by Katrione on Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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clan replies / 043.

Postby deimido » Sat Oct 07, 2017 4:41 pm

- Weather Report -
Current Season: Leaf-bare.
Next Replies: October 13th.

Leaf-bare is coming to a close, the snow is beginning to melt and prey is slowly being coxed out of their dens, and herbs are starting to grow back after the frost killed them during the cold season.

-[ CAC Fanclub || StreamClan , SolarClan , QuartzClan , SorrelClan , StoneClan , ShadeClan , SilentClan , FallClan , TroutClan , SpringClan , EchoClan , CaveClan , GorseClan , SwallowClan , BlazeClan , SummitClan , ScorchClan , SedgeClan , RainClan , CliffClan , DuskClan ] -

RainClan | Savannah-the-Caracal wrote:RAINCLAN

💦Rainstar goes to the Moonpool to ask for a Random Cat💦
💦After, she, Onyxstone, Piranha, and Indigosplash go hunting💦
💦Nightwing goes on patrol💦
💦Blacklily teaches Emeraldpaw how to Hunt💦

StarClan has heeded Rainstar's request; RainClan is granted a warrior.

Your hunting patrol caught +1 vole and +1 lizard.

Nightwing's border patrol passed by uneventfully.

Emeraldpaw learns how to hunt during his training session.

CliffClan | sushinekko wrote:Cliffclan

[Tunnelstar goes hunting, hoping to find a warrior for his clan.]

( don't forget to update your fresh-kill pile so i know what kind of prey your cats catch! )

Tunnelstar encounters a potential CliffClan warrior on his patrol.

SolarClan | ayasha;; wrote:『s』『o』『l』『a』『r』『c』『l』『a』『n』

[ Leafrush, Clearsight: aiding Silkwing in kitting | Shinestar: travels to Moonpool (asks for apprentice) | Clan consumes 2 rabbits | Silkwing: Kitting! | Cloudswift, Hawkswift, Ravenfall, Fennelclaw, Smudgetail, Aspenstep: Hunting Patrol | Thrushflight, Larksong, Viperthorn: Border Patrol]

Silkwing gave birth to two kits!
[ one - two ]

StarClan has heeded Shinestar's request; SolarClan is granted an apprentice.

Your hunting patrol caught +2 rabbits.

Your border patrol found nothing of interest.

DuskClan | ❝ aesthetic. wrote:Image

[ jaggedstar goes to moonpool to request a medicine cat ]

StarClan has heeded Jaggedstar's request; DuskClan is granted a medicine cat.

EchoClan | Katrione wrote:Image

[ Echoclan consumed x2 fish + x1 squirrel ]
[ Squirrelstar has lost her last life ]
[ Raggedtail will now take Squirrelstar's place as Echoclan's leader ]
[ No border and hunting patrols will be sent out today ]
[ No training will be taking place today ]

Silverpelt has a new star in its skies; Squirrelstar will be well taken of...

Raggedtail is blessed with nine lives and is now named Raggedstar.
May StarClan light his path.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Avisowl » Sun Oct 08, 2017 5:57 am


Toms:3 | She Cats: 2

Next M00NP00L Visit: In 1 day

ᏁᎪᏆuᏒᎬ: These cats are very peaceful, and hunt in trees

ᏟᎪmᏢ: This camp is located in a shady woodsy area consisting of many large cypress trees, the largest one is called the "calling of ears" where the leader holds ceremonies and announcements on the large branch, a stream runs through the center of camp and it is called "the water of silence", and the dens are made through small cave systems under the camp.

ᏒᎬᏢuᏆᎪᏆᎥᎾᏁ: This clan is known for being good Allies, but also known for being one of the weaker clans, these cats don't fully believe in much violence and would rather talk it out than fight

Roachjaw smiled as Sunlight accepted Oreo, now Flickersong. His heart beat quickly feeling Gingerfeather's eyes baring into him. Quickly he stepped away from the crowd going to hunt for prey. Gingerfeather smiled at the new warrior "very handsome...", she thought looking at the tom's enchanting eyes. Sunlight padded away, going out of camp, Flickersong told her of some more loners looking for their clan, and she wants to find them. Cloudmask turned away from Gingerfeather padding back to his den, heart fluttering. Gingerfeather took in a sharp breath and went up to Flickersong ,"hello I'm Gingerfeather, would you like to come hunt with me?" The tom blushed and shuffled his paws "yeah....of course!" The pair of cats went out of camp and into an undergrowth of vines and leaves. Out of he corner of Flickersong's eye, a shaped passed through the leaves.
{Roachjaw Hunts }
{Gingerfeather And Flickersong hunts}
{Sunlight searches for the loners Flickersong spoke about}
{A shrew and a bird is eaten}

          Name: Sunlight| Age:22 moons| Gender: Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          Personality: A quiet, kind, easily frightened
          Backstory: She was originally called Sun, the loner but she once found that clans are like families and that's something she's always wanted.

          Name: Roachjaw| Age: 18 moons| Gender: Tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name: Cloudmask | Age: 22 moons| Gender: Male | X

          Medicine Heir:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name: Gingerfeather | Age: 17 moons | Gender: Female | X
          Name: Flickersong| Age: 15 moons| Gender: male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Storage❀
    Catmint|Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough | x0
    Cobweb | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.It may also be used to bind broken bones| x0
    Lavender | Cures fevers and chills. Also used to cover up the scent of death | x0
    Poppy seeds | Helps cats sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain| x0
    Death Berry | Kills a cat in a matter of seconds | x0
    Oak Leaves | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. | x1
    Golden Rod | Good for healing wounds | x1
    Willowbark| X1
    Tansy| x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrews | X1| 1 servings
    Birds | x2| 2 servings
    Rabbits | X1| 2 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 0 servings
    Frogs | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by Avisowl on Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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luckily my profession
supports that. The
best ideas come to
me in the dead of

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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 33

Postby Chamrosh » Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:51 am

Number of Cats: 27 (4 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 5
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

xxxxOnce word of the new queen reached Heronstar’s ears, it took barely a moment for her mind to be resolved. It was her instinct to think cautiously, that was true, but she severely doubted that a lone female whose priorities would almost certainly be minding her kits would be any significant threat to her warriors, even if she was aggressive. More importantly, her cautious mind was playing ahead to issues that would only come to plague Gustclan as the next generation took over leadership. But she didn’t want to phrase her concerns. Phrasing them aloud would only inform other cats of Gustclan’s vulnerability; either encouraging panic or treachery.
xxxxShe spared a quick look at her mate and deputy, and the quick nod in return confirmed her thinking. Moons of being mates, and of being the leaders of the clan (leaders, for she had spent long enough in the nursery during her leadership that Chubtail really did deserve some credit for being able to step in) had allowed them both a very accurate model of how the other thought, and so they really could have conersations just by meeting each other’s eyes if they wanted.
xxxx"Treat it as high priority to meet them. Make sure there are enough warriors going so as to be able to ensure a victory if a battle starts, but also to ensure that any kits can be safely transported. Make sure that you only take those with a peaceful temperament; we don’t want any aggression to feel justified, or worse yet, necessary. It is better to have too few going than to force a fight. Don’t take Bugleclaw or Myrtleclaw.”
xxxxShe knew that Chubtail would nod understandingly before leading the others out of the leaders den, she knew him too well to not know that. As they left, she tucked her paws under her chest, hoping that this wouldn’t result in a kit dying in the thick snow. Hopefully sending no –claw cats would help signal she meant no harm.
xxxxIt was easy for them to make decisions for this queen, here in the warm, both literally and by being surrounded by family, but out there, on your own, having to care for young kits in the freezing cold… How can one who’s warm understand one who’s cold? Who could know how this would go? Heronstar just hoped the queen wouldn’t reject their offer for clan life.
xxxxMosquitokit had watched how her mother groomed for as long as she had lived, and had also learned that absent mindedly grooming between your toes seemed to be a good way to show mild disdain for whatever was going on around you. Presently she was grooming between her toes (despite what her mother said about her just ruffling the fur up the wrong way with what she was doing; she did know how to groom herself, and she was doing it properly).
xxxx"I am the mighty Lobsterclaw! No wait, Lobsterstar, leaders are always –stars right? I’m Lobsterstar, and I will defeat you!”
xxxx"No, I’m leader, I’m Pheasantstar. You’re the apprentice.”
xxxx"Why do I need to be defeated?” Camberkit had noticed how silly his siblings’ bickerings were, but hadn’t commented on it, so in Mosquitokit’s eyes, he was participating just as fully.
xxxx"Because you’re being one of those things Moraine told us about. Gul… Gulah... Gla-?”
xxxx"Glaciers.” Mosquitokit corrected her sister, in a somewhat know-it-all tone.
xxxx"Yes, one of those, a gulasser-"
xxxxPheasantkit shot Mosquitokit a look for correcting her. "Guhlaysser, and Moraine said they eat kits, so we need to kill them so that we can protect Gustclan’s kits.” Moraine had indeed taught them about glaciers. Despite Heronstar’s early promise about never putting Moraine in charge of kit minding, it had happened, somehow. Moraine had not mentioned anything about eating kits, needing to kill glaciers, or even how glaciers could be killed, but she had mentioned that they did not live anywhere near Gustclan. Somehow three of the kits had entirely the wrong take-aways from Moraine’s folklore.
xxxxMosquitokit rolled her eyes. “You three weren’t listening at all, were you? Glaciers are meant to be enormous, the size of most clan territories at the very least, and the actual monster is more a swarm of small monsters, with an enormous self-made shell of ice around themselves. Two cats – even a -claw cat and a leader” (the tone of Mosquitokit’s voice made it clear that she didn’t think those really made any significant difference to fighting ability when compared to a creature thousands of times the size of even their father) “Aren’t going to be able to stand a chance against something that can wear down a whole rock as big as this bit of camp to be smooth in a fight.”
xxxxLobsterkit and Pheasantkit looked at her sceptically. “I don’t think you were paying enough attention.” Mosquitokit tried her best to look even more disdainful, but it’s a hard look for a kitten, especially her age, to pull off.
xxxx"Yeah, Moraine said Guhlayshee-heres only attack cats that wonder away from the clan, so if the whole clan is fighting, then they won’t attack, duh.”
xxxx"You really weren’t paying any attention were you? If that plan went wrong – and it would – that would just mean the whole clan dies out! A good leader doesn’t go out to deliberately pick fights with the most impressive opponent, do they? Any cat willing to throw away 9 Starclan-given lives, purely for their own honour, quite frankly deserves to have them taken away, whether or not that makes them look “lame” or “dull”.”
xxxx"Moskito, honey, how about you stop flea-picking for your siblings and just suggest something you actually want to play?” Argusheart suggested, hoping that at some point one of her children’s games wouldn’t result in Mosquitokit giving her a ton more grooming of her to do. She could tell from the looks Boulderdash gave her kits, that she was dreading how Mosquitokit would criticise all the games of any younger kits within the nursery. It wasn’t hard to guess how this loner female would feel about them, too.
xxxxMosquitokit wasn’t helped by the contrast between her appreciation of accuracy, and her more ambitious siblings just wanting to learn to be the best warrior so they could someday be leader, although Camberkit would probably have preferred Mosquitokit’s ideas of games to always being the target. And this would go on for at least another 4 moons. Argusheart was not looking forward to all the fights she would inevitably have to break up between her kits.
xxxxThere is a point where you will suddenly realise something about yourself if you are exposed to the right stimuli. Shellcloud and Nettleflower were spending yet more time working out how Nettleflower was going to communicate now (Shellcloud had always considered her a friend, at the very least, and he was one of the few cats with the patience to sit with her and work everything out before they were ready to announce how their form of silent communication would work. It would be useful to the whole clan in order to be more sneaky, so of course, they’d decided to turn it into a full mode of communication of its own right).
xxxxEverything was going as usual, sitting up on the flat surface the humans had had while they’d still occupied the dens, with thin, white fur, spread and draped on top. Of course, it now had a good variety of cat hairs and muddy paw prints, but to a human observer, it was reminiscent of the sheets used to cover the furniture of the deceased. To the cats, it had no such meaning.
xxxxTheir attentions were briefly wrested due to the noise of the kits barely a few fox-lengths away, and Shellcloud saw her heart melting in just memory of their cuteness, felt it himself from her… Shellcloud looked into the nursery from the angle he was at, to see Argusheart nuzzling Bugleclaw as he came to make a fuss of his kits again for what felt like the thousandth time.
xxxxNettleflower tapped the table quickly, flicked her tail, and wiggled her ears in exactly the right way to say; We are like them. Not “Are we like them?” There was no hint of uncertainty. And it was fact, wasn’t it? Shellcloud was terrible at expressing himself emotionally, or really, at all, to most cats, and terrible at deciding how he felt about others, but as soon as Nettleflower said (signed?) it, he knew she was right.
xxxx Nettleflower shivered as she stepped out into the snow. The white layers came up to her knees, almost to her stomach as she stepped out onto it. Moving quickly kept it below her, but it was still icy cold against her paw pads. As Firepath followed her out onto the snow through the fin to access the dens, he winced, pulled his paws up and complained about how fire and ice shouldn’t go together. Unlike him, though, she couldn’t. She suffered silently as the ice bit into the skin of her pads.
xxxxPearstone came next, his thick fur keeping him warm everywhere but his eyes, nose and feet, and Nettleflower could see that he had at least the manners not to complain with the thickest fur of the patrol. In truth, he had the manners not to complain about most things.
xxxxChubtail came last, shivering violently in his short, thin coat, and seeming to have delayed in a failed attempt to brace himself for the cold. He didn’t hide how cold he felt, unlike Pearstone, but as a deputy, he had to maintain a certain dignity under discomfort, and so, much like Nettleflower, didn’t breathe a word.
xxxxChubtail lead the way for the patrol, having been on the patrol that found this queen first, and knowing the route, but Nettleflower was going to take the lead as they approached. They’d brought a small food offering, so that Nettleflower wouldn’t need her non-present words to declare herself a friend. The plan was that a lone queen would be more trusting of a cat who was willing to help her look after her kits; but also, that as a queen minding kits in these conditions, she’d probably be needing the food, both for strength and to ensure she didn’t need to leave her kits for long to hunt so soon.
xxxx Nettleflower, hadn’t voiced her doubts, nor complained; she couldn’t. And even if she could, she almost certainly wouldn’t, because she loved kits, and was happy to be given the opportunity to make a fuss of them.
xxxxMoraine looked longingly after her friend (and hopefully soon, something else as well), Pearstone, as he vanished behind the fin, and it swung wildly after him. Chubtail eyed her knowingly.
xxxx"You really should just ask him to be your mate, Moraine. I know he looks blind to these things, but he’s probably just too nervous you’ll reject him to show otherwise, and too polite to want to force you into a compromising situation of rejecting him. It’s just the way of his type.”
xxxx"Are you wro- I mean, you’re wr-" Chubtail cocked his eyebrows, calling out her attempted lie. Moraine sighed “You think he actually wants that?”
xxxx"I can’t read minds, but I can read faces. He’s very fond of you. I can’t guarantee anything, but I know he won’t be mad for asking. Trust me. It benefits us all for you two to get on with becoming mates as you’ve clearly been wanting to do since you first met.” And as soon as he’d said that, the deputy vanished through the entrance, biting back a loud gasp at the freezing cold.
xxxxMoraine was a little embarrassed about how obvious her affections must be to everyone else. It really would be better off to get on with it, wouldn’t it, if only so that that embarrassment could end sooner. Yes. Okay. She would do this as soon as possible after the patrol returned, before things became too hectic to do it.

[Chubtail, Pearstone, Nettleflower and Firepath go on patrol; to invite the queen and her kits into Gustclan (and then to help transport the kits safely)]
[Sparrowfoot, Lobeliafur, Moraine and Martinwhisker go hunting]
[Shellcloud and Nettleflower become mates; no kits yet]
[Boulderdash, Bugleclaw and Barnfish stay in camp]
[Harrierpelt stays in camp to mind his patients]
[Argusheart stays in camp to mind the kits; Pheasantkit, Mosquitokit, Lobsterkit, and Camberkit]
[Osierfang and Merlinpaw, Shellcloud and Langoustinepaw, Droseratail and Vendacepaw, Myrtleclaw and Ploverpaw and Heronstar and Cicelypaw go training]
[Gustclan consumes 1 squirrel and 1 big fish – 5 portions]

    Heronstar | 70 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆
    ↪point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    ★ Chubtail | 66 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 45 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Warriors: (12 [+2])
    ★ Boulderdash | Female | Queen
    ★ Myrtleclaw | 57 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    BB/CCb/dd/dmdm /Ii/ll/McMc/oY/ss/ww
    ★ Argusheart | Female | Queen
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 44 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
    ★ Osierfang | 32 | Female
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby molly with green eyes
    ★ Bugleclaw | 63 | Male
    ↪ Large, long-furred black tom with hazel eyes
    ★ Lobeliafur | 28 | Female
    ↪ White-furred molly with brown eyes
    bb/CCs/Dd/dmdm /ii/Ll/McMc/OO/ss/WW
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 39 | Female
    ↪ Golden-brown tabby molly with big green eyes
    ★ Shellcloud | 24 | Male
    ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
    ↪ Claw-mark scars diagonally over his nose
    ★ Droseratail| 24 | Male
    ↪ Tabby cinnamon tom with blue eyes
    ★ Martinwhisker | 40 | Male
    ↪ White tom with black ears and back and hazel eyes
    ★ Sparrowfoot | 18 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with hazel eyes
    ★ Nettleflower | 18 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with blue eyes
    ★ Firepath | 22 | Male
    ↪ Apricot tabby with hazel eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Apprentices: (5)
    ★ Merlinpaw | 15 | Male
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby tom with green eyes and white feet
    ★ Langoustinepaw | 13 | Female
    ↪ Apricot tabby with yellow eyes
    ★ Vendacepaw | 13 | Male
    ↪ Grey tabby tom with yellow eyes
    ★ Ploverpaw | 11 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white underside and hazel eyes
    ★ Cicelypaw | 11 | Female
    ↪ Molly with grey point, white toes and blue eyes
    ↪ Jagged tail, with a break in the bones of it
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Queens: (2)
    ★ Argusheart | 62 | Female | •••
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale eyes
    ★ Boulderdash | 61 | Female | ••
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    ↪ Scar on shoulder and chipped ear
    ★ Name | Age | Gender | •
    ↪ Description

    Kits: (4)
    ★ Pheasantkit | 2 | Female
    ↪ Tortoiseshell molly with green cross-eyes
    ★ Mosquitokit | 2 | Female
    ↪ Tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
    ★ Lobsterkit | 2 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred black tom with green eyes
    ★ Camberkit | 2 | Male
    ↪ Polydactyl black tom with blue eyes and pale undersides
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Elders: (1)
    ★ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 95 | Male
    ↪ White and ginger tom with hazel eyes
    ↪ Nose scar, scar over one eye, so he’s blind on one side
    ↪ Developing diabetes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
South | Road | Clan Name | Username
West | Hills | Redclan | RebelliousWinter

Medicine Store
Alder Bark (1) | Helps toothache
Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
Burnet (1) | Stops minor bleeding, keeps strength up
Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
Celandine (1) | Soothes damaged eyes.
Cobweb (0) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
stiffness. Helps burns.
Daisy Leaf (1) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb
Fennel (1) | Eases hip pain, helps kittings
Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
and pains, esp. headaches.
Goatweed (1) | Eases anxiety and grief
Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds
Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
Horsetail (0) | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
Lamb's Ear (1) | Gives a cat strength
Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough
Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
Sorrel(1) | For travelling, increases appetite
Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
Thyme (0) | Helps nervousness, anxiety and shock
Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | x3 | 1 serving
Mice | x2 | 1 serving
Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
Rabbits | x3 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
Hares | x2 | 3 servings
Total | x24 | 4 moons’ worth

All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
Warrior: Fight, Track
Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
+Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
+Deputy, from Leader: Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility,
Basic Heal (warrior), Diplomacy, Fight, Fish, Herb
identification, Hunt, Interpret Prophecy, Investigate,
Observe, Orate, Run, Stalk, Stealth, Strategise,
Swim, Track

Osierfang | Merlinpaw | 8
Track, Fight, Fish, Hunt, Track, Climb, Diplomacy, B. Healing,
Shellcloud | Langoustinepaw | 6
Fish, Hunt, Track, Climb, Agility, B. Healing,
Droseratail | Vendacepaw | 6
Fish, Hunt, Track, Climb, Agility, B. Healing,
Heronstar | Cicelypaw | 4
Stalk, Climb, Fish, Hunt,
Myrtleclaw | Ploverpaw | 4
Stalk, Climb, Fish, Hunt,
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

Starclan cats:
Elmkit fang | Died shortly after birth
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Dark Forest cats:
Saddlekit stream | Ate poisonous fungus
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Heronstar and Chubtail
Shellcloud and Droseratail;
Ploverpaw, Cicelypaw and Saddlekit
Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
Elmkit, Sparrowfoot and Nettleflower
Argusheart and Bugleclaw
Kits reabsorbed
Pheasantkit, Mosquitokit, Lobsterkit and Camberkit
Larchstorm and Unknown [Osierfang]★
Clearsight of Tempestclan and Embertoes of Iceclan? ★
Smoke t.C.t.M. of Hyenaclan, Ash w.N-E.B of Hyenaclan and Firepath
Droseratail and Lobeliafur
No kits yet
Unknown and Unknown
Langoustinepaw and Vendacepaw
Shellcloud and Nettleflower
No kits yet
★ Name and Name ★
Last edited by Chamrosh on Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby *~GECKO~* » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:03 am

Number of Cats:5 | She-cats: 3, Tom's: 2
Next Moonpool visit: Due.

Cats talking wrote:“Oh my!” Oakstar shrieked,
lookig at Creampaw. “Come along with us.”
Creampaw stayed silent. Who are they? He wondered.
"This is the wonderful Oakclan territory," Oakstar said when they got to their little Forest. “Now everyone may get to work!! Flameleaf, stay. I can't have any attackers coming! Stormclaw, Creampaw, you go for a hunting patrol. I gotta go to Moonpool!” She realized she had totally ignored the new Deputy. “Just get settled in,” she smiled.

Oakstar is going to Moonpool.
I'm sending Stormclaw and Creampaw on a hunting patrol.
My clan hunts for mice and squirrels

          Name Oakstar| Age 27 moons| Gender F | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name Ashcloud | Age 26 moons| Gender M | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name Flameleaf| Age 25 moons| Gender F| X

          Name Stormclaw| Age 27 moons | Gender F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name Creampaw| Age 7 moons | Gender M | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Ally Clans
    Cherryclan | Maplefoxie
    Cliffclan | sunshinekko
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Cherryclan| Maplefoxie
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb: Horstail| Usage: Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Herb: Borage Leaves| Usage: It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    Herb: Burdock Root| Usage: Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    Herb: Comfrey Root| Usage: Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Herb: Tansy| Usage: Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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two. ❝ he was a charming lad.

Postby carpe noctem. » Tue Oct 10, 2017 7:17 am

❝ glory is nothing without the loyalty of the clan. ❞

number of cats; two.
females; one | males; one.
servings necessary; two.

"thank you for your time, starclan." uttered jaggedstar softly, her voice exuding a soft tone to it as she signalled the meeting with the great ancestors above to a close. it was just after she had closed her eyelids for a moment that a soft breeze swept through her fur, ruffling her bengal coat.

"greetings, jaggedstar." a voice behind the bengal chimed. the voice seemed to be male, as it was low, though not a husky bartone, more of a smooth one. she had no clue who this was, though knew it was a sign of starclan. "tis i, bramblepool, your clan's resident medicine cat from here on out."

the silver-furred head swivelled round, azure eyes fixed upon the cat that was perched upon one of the sharp rocks scattered around the basin of moonlit water that was hosted in the centre of the cave. "bramblepool." she murmured, her voice slightly distant as she inspected the tom.

he was rather impressive, with a dark rosetted pelt that was adorned utop of well-equipped muscles. He held a build of a tough warrior rather than a healer of a clan, though in his striking yellow eyes the patience and intellect of a talented medic. it was clear to jaggedstar that starclan had sent down the right cat.

"well, you have gotten a few herbs with you, correct?" she inquired, blue eyes settled on his.

the male nodded simply, front legs splayed out to stretch, tail curling over his arched back. "indeed, though I intend to search for more after I've grown accustomed to the camp." he replied, smooth voice coming off his tongue like honey. it took only a flick of jaggedstar's tail to beckon the tom forwards, muscles bunching together as he leapt off the rock, landing beside jaggedstar, who meerly scoffed humourously and continued forwards.

As they came out the entrance of the moonpool cave, the pair was met by a sudden gust of wind. The icy-crisp air tore into their skin, piercing them with it's frozen shards just as their paws touched the packed snow. It wasn't as bad beneath their paws as it previously had been a moon ago, and it was a pleasant reminder that soon leaf-bare would retreat to be replaced by new-leaf.

[ jaggedstar patrols ]
[ bramblepool searches for herbs ]


    jaggedstar | thirty-one moons | ♀ |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    medicine cat
    bramblepool | thirty-two moons | ♂ |

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    ally clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    enemy clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    east | badgerclan | _ravenfeather_
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    medicine store
    catmint | x1 | remedy for greencough
    goldenrod | x1 | heals wounds
    horsetail | x1 | treats infection & stops bleeding
    lavender | x1 | cures fever and chills
    tormentil | x1 | treats all wounds & extracts poison

    fresh-kill pile
    minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    pika | x0 | 1 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    trout | x0 | 3 servings
    hawks | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    cats no longer apart of duskclan
    name | gender | rank | reason | link
    name | gender | rank | reason | link

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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carpe noctem.
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✧ | mapleclan - post 12

Postby requiem, » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:19 pm

number of cats: fifteen.
next moonpool visit: 14th of october.


      "may all cats gather under the blazing maple!" foxstar's call rang through camp for a few seconds before cats started gather below him. doveflight slowly walked out of the nursery, her kits surrounding her protectively. just like briarleap when sagepaw died, tears were constantly flowing down her cheeks and she could barely utter a word. heronswoop approached and helped her sit down comfortably. doveflight simply did everything she was told, almost unable to move her own limbs. she'd exploded into tears as soon as she saw the corpse of her mate, and could not be comforted. foxstar gave briarleap a sad smile when he saw her, and she returned it. thankfully for doveflight and her kits, he might have found a way to cheer her up. "as you all know," foxstar began once everycat was seated, "our beloved medicine cat, smokeleaf, has left us. as many other loved clan-mates." doveflight choked on a sob upon hearing the name of her mate, and her kits instantly started rapidly whispering soothing words to her. vixenbelly let out a muffled angry growl at the mention of her son's murder, and acornpaw lowered her head submissively. she too, had barely spoken a word since that fateful day. "i have spoken with our ancestors, and they approve of what i'm going to say." the leader's clan-mates waited for him to continue with intense stares. "i have decided to add a new rule to the warrior code of mapleclan. about medicine cats." all cats were now impatiently waiting for him to continue, and something flickered in doveflight's gaze. "from this day on, all medicine cats will be able to have mates, as well as one litter of kits. for i have realized the rules to be cruel to keep a cat from love." many cats gasped, but the most intense reaction was doveflight's for the molly cried even harder. although for once, her tears were of happiness. her kits weren't going to be treated like outsiders or outlaws. acornpaw raised her surprised glare to make eye-contact with her father. "i have also thought of the other cats who have lost some loved-ones. every leaf-fall, there will be a festival. the festival of the falling leaves. the first day will be competitions between apprentices about the skills they learned from their mentors. the second day, the three winning apprentices will compete against some of the clan's best warriors. the winning apprentice will be crowned autumn king or queen. the third and final day, all cats will sleep in the blazing maple to speak with starclan. so those who have lost a friend, sibling, kit or mate can see them again." doveflight's eyes seem to clear a bit from the constant sad fog constantly clouding them. vixenbelly jumped to her feet and called out, "can we see them now? today?" acornpaw also seemed to be highly interested in her father's words. foxstar smiled and replied, "of course. i have planned a meeting with starclan tonight. your ancestors are excited to meet all of you."

      all apprentices go training!
      foxstar, briarleap, whitesong and vixenbelly go hunting, then patrol the borders!

      later on in the day, the apprentices returned to camp with a surprise. a pure white tom with ocean blue eyes was hopping along with them, his curious gaze searching every corner of this unknown place. foxstar had been talking with briarleap about mapleclan's medicine cat problem when tigerfang shyly approached them. "we found a cat meandering in our territory. he didn't seem hostile and rather lost, so we brought him here. we think he has some handicap of some sort, he hasn't spoken a word and tried to communicate using...signals." foxstar frowned and raised himself to his paws, briarleap following him, and walked towards the newcomer. just as he was about to ask the tom a question, a voice did it for him. "frost? is that you?" the cat's eyes lit up and a loud purr came from his throat as whitesong padded towards him. they touched noses and whitesong's pretty face was illuminated by a smile. heronswoop watched the scene with badly hidden jealousy. the white molly then turned to face her leader. "this is my brother. i haven't seem him in moons!" then the oddest thing happened. frost started making strange signs with his feet and tail. "do you have any idea what he is saying?" asked a puzzled foxstar. "a bit... he's deaf, so he developed this language as a kit to communicate. i've forgotten most of it, though." "he's saying that he's been searching for you ever since you disappeared." all cats turned to see the tabby pelt of fogkit, who walked up to the snow white tom and replied with signs of his own. "h-he thought you'd join a clan, so he asked every clan-cat he could find if they saw you. they told him about a molly that looked exactly like you that lived in a clan called lunarclan. but when he got there, the clan had disbanded and-" "that is quite enough. none of you need to know about my past!" whitesong spat, her face instantly changing from anger to regret. "oh my. i'm so sorry fogkit! i-i'll just go get some air." the white warrior disappeared through the camp entrance, heronswoop soon following her. "i'll go talk to her." foxstar nodded and the grey tabby ran off. the ginger tom then turned his attention to fogkit. "how do you know this...sign language?" fogkit shrugged and gave his leader a shy smile. "stonestar visited me in a dream last night. he said that a new medicine cat was to come to mapleclan, and that i would be his apprentice. he taught me this language. i could teach you, if you want."

      frost has become frostnose, mapleclan's new medicine cat!
      the kits become apprentices! fogpaw is to be a medicine cat apprentice.

      heronswoop dashed through mapleclan's territory. whitesong was one of the best hunters in the clan, and her favorite prey were hares. so naturally, she was quite fast. the grey tabby followed her scent and distant paw steps to the cliff where smokeleaf had died. her pace had slowed at this point, so the tom relaxed his run to a walk. he exited the shadows of the trees to find whitesong crying near the edge. heronswoop padded as silently as he could towards her, but the molly noticed his presence nevertheless. "sorry about that." her voice was cracked from her tears, and the warrior felt his heart melt. "it's okay." heronswoop sat down near her, but not too close, to give her space. silence settled between them, and he was quite uncomfortable with it. "do you want to talk about it?" "no." the silence returned, and heronswoop searched for something to say. mollies were so complicated and sensitive sometimes, he didn't quite know what to tell her. "i've done many things i regret." well, seems like he didn't have to say anything after all. "one of those things include abandoning my brother." the white molly dropped her head in shame, and heronswoop patiently waited for her to continue. "i've said so many mean words, done so many bad things...i needed to be forgiven for my actions. so i joined lunarclan." whitesong sadly observed the landscape before her. "but it disbanded. i felt like it was my fault. and when i came here, it wasn't long before cats started dying. i would be better off if littlestep had killed me." heronswoop growled angrily and shot to his paws. "NO! without you, doveflight wouldn't have recovered this well. she probably would've jumped off this ravine if you hadn't taken care of her. frost would be lost if you weren't here today!" tears started rolling down the cat's cheeks as the tom screamed the truth in her face. then more quietly, he meowed, "i'd be lost without you." shock filled the warrior's different colored eyes. heronswoop himself was surprised of the words that had escaped his mouth before he could stop them. " me?" the grey tabby nodded shyly, avoiding eye contact with her. he suddenly heard a light purr and felt a tail entwine his. "then why didn't you say so sooner? mouse-brain."

      whitesong and heronswoop are now mates! (no kits yet)

      it was night. all cats were once more gathered under the blazing maple, excitement buzzing in the air. foxstar flicked his tail and cats started to climb up onto the maple. friends were sitting on the same branches, so acornpaw followed her brother to a low branch. "exciting, right?" "mhm." cloverpaw gave her a sad smile. earlier in the day, foxstar had tried giving them their warrior names, but she had refused hers. being the flea-brain that he was, her brother had followed her example. acornpaw sighed and laid down on the bark. cats were starting to close their eyes, and soon almost everyone was asleep, including cloverpaw. whitesong was on the branch beside her, and she winked before closing her eyes as well. acornpaw sighed once again and rested her head on the huge maple's bark. sleep was soon forcing her eyelids closed, and she obliged. the tortoiseshell had been sleeping for only a few minutes when she woke. expecting to see the familiar scenery of mapleclan's camp, she was quite startled to see a foggy forest before her. "are you awake?" acornpaw leapt to her feet and took a few steps away from the voice. a sand colored molly was sitting near her, her tail neatly resting on her paws. her eyes were a forest green, and a kind smile lit her face. "i hope i didn't scare you too much. i am sandheart of brookclan. i died long ago in the great flood." her voice was light and happy, matching her appearance. "i'm in starclan?" acornpaw felt dizzy. she wasn't a big believer in starclan, and it was fairly stunning to be speaking to her dead ancestor. "not quite. you're in a place between starclan and the living world. where the dead and alive can speak. your clan-mates are not far, speaking to another starclan cat. i was the cat chosen to see you." acornpaw barely understand her words. "chosen?" sandheart slightly shook her head, as if talking to a kit. "yes. to calm the guilt and anger in your heart." the apprentice took a step backwards and slipped, falling on her behind. she was desperately trying to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. "i should not be forgiven for what i have done." the starclan molly once again shook her head, a frown darkening her expression. "you were deceived in taking the lives of others. those deaths were not your fault, they were littlestep's." acornpaw's mind cleared at the name of the evil cat. "where is she now?" "in the dark forest. where she'll never be able to hurt either you or anyone else ever again." the tortoiseshell let out a relieved sigh. "you don't have to fear her any longer." a bell rang in the distance, and sandheart smiled sadly. "my time is up. it was great talking to you. before i go, remember this: everyone here has forgiven you, and believe in the kindness in your heart. destroy the anger and hate in you and you will be freed from your past forever." the image of sandheart disappeared and was replaced with darkness. acornpaw woke up (this time for real) to see the light of dawn illuminating mapleclan's camp. her clan-mates were stirring around her, and cloverpaw raised himself to his paws beside her. "well that was interesting. i spoke to someone named foxclaw. he looked exactly like father. i wonder if they're related or something." acornpaw was barely listening to his words, for she was searching left and right for the ginger pelt of foxstar. when she saw him, she climbed off her branch and went to his. once there, she determinedly stared into his hazel gaze. "i'm ready for my warrior name."

      cloverpaw and acornpaw become warriors! (cloverpatch and acornheart)

      foxstar - 35 moons - ♂ -
      xxx★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

      briarleap - 34 moons - ♀ -

      medicine cat:
      frostnose - 36 moons - ♂ -

      medicine cat apprentice:
      name - moons - ♀/♂ - ✧

      whitesong - 36 moons - ♀ -
      vixenbelly - 35 moons - ♀ -
      heronswoop - 34 moons - ♂ -
      magpiefeather - 19 moons - ♂ -
      tigerfang - 18 moons - ♀ -

      cloverpaw - 14 moons - ♂ -
      acornpaw - 14 moons - ♀ -
      heatherpaw - 12 moons - ♀ -

      doveflight - 31 moons - ♀ -

      fogkit - 7 moons - ♂ -
      wolfkit - 7 moons - ♂ -
      cinderkit - 7 moons - ♀ -

      none at the moment

      deceased cats:
      sagepaw - 3 moons at death - ♂ - killed by littlestep -
      brightwhisker - 138 moons at death - ♀ - killed by littlestep -
      silverdash - 21 moons at death - ♂ - killed by acornpaw -
      hawkpaw - 8 moons at death - ♂ - killed by acornpaw -
      smokeleaf - 30 moons at death - ♂ - killed by littlestep -
      littlestep - 30 moons at death - ♀ - dark forest resident -

      foxstar + briarleap
      xxsagepaw, cloverpaw, acornpaw
      unknown + vixenbelly
      xx↪ heatherpaw, hawkpaw
      smokeleaf + doveflight
      xx↪ fogkit, wolfkit, cinderkit
      swallowclan | arya22
      sedgeclan | Enchanted.,


      north | the brook | colossalclan
      south | the clearing | forestclan
      west | maple tree forest | roseclan
      east | dense forest | caveclan


      medicine store:
      alder bark | x1 | toothaches
      beech leaves | x1 | to carry herbs
      borage leaves | x1 | fevers, queen milk
      burdock root | x1 | rat bites
      catmint | x1 | green/whitecough
      chervil | x1 | infections, kitting
      cobwebs | x1 | stops bleeding
      comfrey | x1 | broken bones
      dock | x1 | scratches, wounds
      marigold | x1 | stops bleeding
      sorrel | x1 | traveling herb
      wintergreen | x1 | wounds, poisons


      fresh-kill pile:
      4 servings per post until 20 cats
      mouse | x1 | 1 serving
      squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
      stoat | x2 | 2 servings
      salmon | x2 | 2 servings
      hare | x2 | 3 servings
      sparrows | x2 | 3 servings


      heronswoop ➻ cloverpaw
      xxone : hunting | two : battle
      xxthree : climbing | four : skill

      whitesong ➻ acornpaw
      xxone : hunting | two : battle
      xxthree : climbing | four : skill

      tigerfang ➻ heatherpaw
      xxone : battle | two : climbing
      xxthree : skill | four : skill
Last edited by requiem, on Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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