Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Phina D Wolf » Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:35 am

[ 53 females ] [ 59 males ][ 1 non binary ] [ 113 total ] [ moonpool 3/22 ] [ 17 servings ]
Fluffytuft walked purposefully towards and across the Drizzleclan border, smiling as the now familiar scent of salt and sand reached her nose. As she sniffed, she caught a whiff of an even more familiar scent, and a grin broke across her face. Gathering herself, she bounded forward, her paw steps sure as she navigated Drizzleclan terrain. Had she been able, she would have called out, but instead she quickened her pace even more as she heard him, conversing with some other Drizzleclan cats. Slipping a little as she jumped off a small ledge, she beamed as she caught sight of him. His back was to her as he chatted with Teresa, but when the other molly spotted her, she smiled and waved her tail in greeting. Dragon turned around and a smile lit up his face as he recognized her.

“Fluffy.” he purred, padding to meet her, and licking her cheek affectionately, “You’re just the cat I was hoping to see, as always.” But his voice was…strange. And a little distant.

Fluffytuft felt her heart fall in her chest, “Something’s wrong.” she signed, the words torn from her. “What is it? What has happened?”

“I…” Dragon paused, searching for the words, “Diamond’s star has called a few members of Drizzleclan to leave. With Frecklestar so distracted, no one is quite sure what to do, but the handful of us that the star named must go with her.”

“And you were named.” Fluffytuft signed, her motions slow, as if she was in shock, “You’re leaving me? Our kits?”

“I’m so, so sorry Fluffy.” Dragon said, his voice breaking, “But Starclan has spoken. I swear I’ll do my best to visit you, but I don’t know what the rules of this new clan will be, or how far away they are. But I swear, as best I can, I’ll still come back.” Tears welled up in the molly’s eyes and she buried her head in Dragon’s shoulder weeping softly. “Hey, hey.” Dragon murmured, It’ll be okay. We’ll make it work. I promise.”


“She should be back by now.” Pebblenose insisted, her knees trembling as she faced the deputy. Her entire life in the clan so far had been confined to the nursery, and while the other queens assured her that Falconwatcher was no one to be afraid of, she still shook whenever she had to talk to him, which she avoided at all costs. But this was important.

“I’m sure she’s just visiting Dragon.” Falconwatcher soothed the young queen, smiling gently, “She does that often.”

“But she’s always back by sunset.” Pebblenose insisted, her voice shaking, “She promised she would be back by sunset, Velvetflicker and I made her promise, for the safety of her kits. Please, could someone look for her?”

Falconwatcher frowned slightly, “No one goes against a promise to Velvetflicker lightly.” He mused, “Something must really be wrong. Thank you for telling me Pebblenose, I’ll gather a party and we’ll find her.”

“Thank you.” Pebblenose said, breathing a sigh of relief, “I have to get back to my kits, but I couldn’t just not tell someone.”

“You were right about that.” Falcon watcher murmured, smiling briefly before leaping up onto the Shining Stone and barking, “Flarestrike! Maplestrike! Rivergaze! Wispwing! Lillystep! Luxx! With me, we need to go to Drizzleclan.”

The selected cats assembled, slightly confused, “Falconwatcher, what’s happened?” Maplestrike asked urgently, falling into step with the other deputy as they left the camp, the others jogging after them.

“Pebblenose stoped me just now and said that Fluffytuft still isn’t back.” Falconwatcher said grimly, “Normally I would just wait her out, but she promised Velvetflicker…”

“She promised me she would be home by dusk.” Velvetflicker broke in, appearing on Maplestrike’s other side, “And I know Fluffytuft. She isn’t one to break a promise if she can help it.”

“Especially not one made to you. No one is that stupid.” Maplestrike said, grinning.

Velvetflicker smiled briefly, then continued, “Dragon would have sent word if he was with her, so whatever happened must have happened after she left Drizzleclan. Spread out, and keep your eyes peeled.”

“I thought I was the tactical commander?” Falconwatched chuckled as the warriors immediately obeyed the older molly’s commands.

Velvetflicker grinned, “As long as none of my patients are involved, I’ll let you be commander.” she teased.


After thoroughly combing the area between the Drizzleclan camp and the Swiftclan camp, Luxx led the way to the Drizzleclan camp, where they were met with a strange and confusing sight. Fluffytuft was curled up, weeping, another molly curled around her, speaking to her softly, and several other cats in a group talking. A lanky chocolate and white tom spotted Rivergaze in the group and a flash of disgust crossed his face before he composed himself.

Electing himself the spokescat for the group, Cypressfall padded forward, “Hey guys.” He paused unsure how to continue, “We um…we seem to have a bit if a dilemma. You see, our founder, heir and warlock just ran off to join another clan. And Diamond’s star called several of our key members away to join yet another clan.” He saw Luxx’s face fall and winced, but forced himself to continue. “None of us really want to be founder, or really know how. So uh, we were wondering.” He glanced back at the other cats, who nodded encouragement, “We were wondering if we could join Swiftclan, sine our clans know each other so well?”

Maplestrike and Falconwatcher glanced at each other, then spoke at the same time, “Of course.” They agreed.

Cypressfall breathed a huge sigh of relief, “Thank Starclan.” he said, smiling as Arachnidkit appeared next to him, smiling at the other cats. “We were afraid you wouldn’t want a whole clan merging with you.”

Maplestrike laughed, “Trust me, it’s not an issue. We have plenty of territory to share. Come on, let’s get everyone moved in.”


Sweetstar yawned as the sun demanded that he rise, it’s warm, bright rays both easing the pain in his joints and urging him to stand, to get on with the day. Today was a day that he both rejoiced in and dreaded, both longed for and despised, but it must be done. He had spoken with Velvetflicker upon her return with the new clan members, and she agreed. It was time. And he knew the longer he put it off, the harder it would be.

As the clan began to slowly come to life, Sweetstar made his way up the Shining Stone to wait for everyone to gather, as they always did when they awoke and he was sitting on the stone.

His heart ached as he watch everyone trickle in, some in pairs, some in families, or friend groups, no one alone, not even to new comers. Kits played around their parents, biological or otherwise, paws, laughing and playing carelessly.

The handful of apprentices came in together, all very close to each other, despite the huge age range. Even the newest, Arachnidpaw, was already grinning and laughing along as if he had known these cats his entire life.

Maplestrike sat to one side, near the both the Shining Stone and the nursery, Magnoliarose sitting next to him, het tail twined around his, their daughter between her paws. Sloefur and Sloeface sat on the far side of the nursery, their kits playing around them as they chatted easily.

Finally, everyone was gathered, listening, ready. It was now or never. Sweetstar took a deep breath and began, “Swiftclan.” He said, his gently, slightly raspy voice carrying easily over the quiet chatter of the older kits, “For many moons I have led you, and have had the privilege to watch you blossom.” Hearing the tone, and the murmur of disbelief from their elders, the kits fell quiet. “But now it is time for my time as your leader to end.” Sweetstar said, his voice quiet, but heard by every cat present.

Maplestrike stared at Sweetstar, seeing him with new eyes. The leader may not be old in moons, but now he saw that he was old in body. The way he stood, the way he spoke, the scars that covered him. Until that moment, Maplestrike had seen his leader as if through the lens of the past, memories of how he used to be clouding out reality, but now? Now he was shocked Velvetflicker hadn’t forced him to retire sooner.

“But i shall not leave you without a leader.” Sweetstar assured the clan, smiling gently before turning to where the two deputies sat, “Though the moons, both you have been by my side faithfully, using your varied expertise to lead my clan, and I thank you both for it. However, Falconwatcher, you have expressed a specific disinterest in being a leader, and I shall honor your request.”

Maplestrike could feel every eye in the clearing turn to him, each gaze felt like a pinpoint of heat, burning through his fur.

“Maplestrike.” Sweetstar said gently, “Please join me on the Shining Stone.”

Standing slowly, as if in a daze, Maplestrike obeyed, passing through the crowd as if in a trance. Finally, he stood next to his leader of innumerable moons, beginning to realize that he would be asked to take his place, to follow in his pawsteps.

“Maplestrike.” Sweetstar repeated gently, smiling up at the tall deputy, “Will you take the responsibility of this clan upon yourself and lead them as best you are able?”

“I…I will.” Maplestrike said, his voice breaking as he saw Sweetstar breath a relived sigh, “I will lead Swiftclan as best I can, in your honor.”

Sweetstar smiled at the new leader, and said, “Having taken this upon yourself, I no longer bear the connection to Starclan, and I take the name Sweetsun. Upon you I bestow the name Maplestar, leader of Swiftclan. Guide them well.”

There was a slight pause, as all the cats were still in shock, before two brothers began the cry, one black, one tabby, both patched with white, neither looking anything like their father in appearance, but identical in spirit. “Maplestar, Maplsestar, Maplestar, Maplestar, Maplestar!” Brambleleaf and Tumblepounce called, the clan joining in swiftly, their voices rising and ringing across the plain, proclaiming the beginning of a new era, and the second leader of Swiftclan.


It had been a long day. Even though Maplestar’s duties did not change much, the responsibility was heavy. There was no higher power to check him if he made a mistake, no one to correct him. And that scared him. But, it also made him see things in a new light, and he decided to try to mend an old rift.

He took a deep breath as he approached the nursery, before quietly calling out, “Sloefur? Can we talk?”

The molly glanced up, sighed, then padded out of the nursery, her whole attitude already annoyed. “What.” Her voice was flat and disinterested.

“Sloe, I…we need to talk about something.” he said softly. “I have not bothered you since you came here five moons ago, but this needs to be addressed.”

“Oh, you think that just because your the leader you get to decide what’s addressed now?” Sloefur snapped at him, causing the newly appointed tom to take a step back.

“No, Sloefur, I, I’ve been meaning to address it for a long time.” He said, shift uncomfortably, “It’s about Bramblingkit and Bloomkit.”

“What about them.” Sloefur demanded, her tone hers and aggressive, “It’s not like you should have any say in how I raise them. You haven’t done anything to help them.”

“No, I’m not going to try and tell you how to raise your kits.” Maplestrike said, his voice on edge, “But you can’t hide their father from them forever. For crying out loud, they both look almost exactly like me. Isn’t this exactly what you were afraid of? Them never knowing their father?”

“That’s back when I thought their father was a person worth knowing.” Sloefur hissed, “Not some cheating dirtbag. I thought I made my intentions clear when I came here, unless they go and ask you for some reason, they won’t know, because there is no one to tell them. Skysun won’t. Aloestem won’t. Tangerinegaze won’t. So stay out of our life.” Spitting out the final words, she whirled, stalking back into the spacious den.

“That went well.” Maplestrike sighed, his tail drooping as he turned and padded slowly away.


Maplestar sat pensively on a rocky outcrop, well away from camp. He knew that at this time, the camp did not need minding, and he needed a few minutes to himself.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?”a quiet voice next to him murmured, causing him to jump slightly.

“Oh, hello Swanflight. Yes, I suppose the sunset is quite beautiful tonight.” the new leader responded, shifting as the molly sat down next to him. “You look like you have something on your mind.”

“I do.” Swanflight admitted, her pale fur turned rosy by the setting sun, “It’s about you, actually. Do you have a moment?”

“Always.” Maplestar assured her, smiling cordially, “What is it?”

“Well, it’s just…this is a big transition time. For everyone.” Swanflight began, “And the impression you make now will stay with people. They’ll remember how you act right now. And after your fight with Sloefur, I was thinking that maybe you should do something to help people trust you.”

“Like what?” Maplestar inquired, tilting his head, “You seem like you have an idea.”

Nodding, she continued, “I was thinking that maybe you should take another mate, one who has been in the clan a while. Magnoliarose if an absolute dear, and everyone is beginning to love her, but I think it would help if you had another, more well known mate, even if just in name.”

“You want me to just go up to some molly and go ‘Hey, people know and like you. Mine pretending to be my mate’?"

Swanflight shrugged, “I mean, it’s up to you. But I think if you had a better know mate, it would help you a lot. And I’m sure it won’t be that awkward, just pick someone you know won’t freak out over it. Someone who would just be able to roll with it.”

Maplestar thought for a bit, then his face lit up, “What about you? You wouldn’t freak out, right? And people like you, especially the younger warriors.”

Swanflight’s eyes widened, “I mean…are you sure? I’m sure that there is a better known molly you could ask.”

“No, no you’re perfect.” Maplestar said, grinning, “If you don’t mind, of course?”

“Not at all!” Swanflight said, smiling back at him, “Do you want to tell the clan, or shall I?”


Maplestar slept poorly in the leader’s den, having forgotten to expand Sweetsun’s nest, which was much too small. He awoke the next morning, a little groggy, but his head buzzing with the plans he and Swanflight had discussed the night before. Starclan, that molly was brilliant. He was glad she was working for him, not against him. She was a force to be reckoned with.

Stretching, he made his was out of the leader’s den to stand on the Shining Stone, waiting for everyone to assemble, which they thankfully did. “So um.” He started, “Since I was made leader, we need one more deputy at least, if not two, given the size of our clan now. After much thought, I have decided upon our next deputies. Loonfrost, Stormrise, please join me on the Shining Stone.” some surprised murmurs could be heard, and he continued as the younger cats made their way up to stand with him, “I know that they’re rather young for such a position of responsibility, but I have worked with both of these cats extensively. Both are clever, capable, and responsible. They may not be perfect for the job now, but give them a few moons, and you’ll see them blossom.”

He turned to face the two, one molly, one tom, who he had known since they were kits, “Loonfrost, Stormrise, will you accept the position as deputies of Swiftclan?” He asked, hoping fervently to hear the answer he wanted.

Both hesitated, and glanced at each other, seeming to have a silent conversation before turning to face him, both nodding firmly. “We do.” They said, faces determined.

“Fantastic.” Maplestar breathed, smiling as the clan began to chant their names. “You two will do great.”

Falconwatcher smiled as the two new deputies clambered down the Shining Stone and disappeared into the crowd. Turning, he almost ran into the cat he was looking for, “Oh! Mintynose, hey.” He said, blushing a little, “I was about to go look for you. Do you want to…like, go for a walk or something?”

The molly smiled, shrugging, “Why not?” she agreed, “To the old place?”

“To the old place.” he agreed, smiling.


As the pair walked along the beach, the surf washing over their paws, Falconwatcher was gathering his courage. Finally, he knew if he waited a moment longer he wouldn’t be able to ask. “Mintynose.” he burst out, “I…I’ve never been really good at saying things like this, but….I love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time, but it’s all confused in my head when I think about it. And I guess what I really want to say is…would you be my mate?”

Mintynose laughed, leaning against him happily, “I thought you’d never ask.” she purred, licking his cheek affectionately.

Falconwatcher beamed, purring in delight, but no words came. He just stood, relishing in the feeling of him and Mintynose, together, forever. Mates. At last.


“He’ll be in the way.” The dark tom insisted, “We can’t keep him around for long. You know that they trust him too much.”

“I know, I know.” a smooth voice assured him, “And we shall deal with that, but not yet. Not so soon after he’s stepped down. Give it a few moons, then dispose of him as you will, but the other is mine. Do not touch him.”

“Fine.” the tom spat, pacing up and down, “But you know that the longer you leave him, the stronger he’ll grow.”

“Not with me whispering in his ear he won’t.” The voice rang like steel, sharp in the night, “I know what to do with mine. You handle yours.”

“And the new ones? What of them?”

A slow smile crept across the molly’s face, “Oh, no need to worry about them. I chose them. They are of no concern to us, let them play around for a while. Enjoy their imagined power.”


It had been two days, and things were finally settling down in the nursery, now that the kits were becoming accustomed to the newcomers, the mothers began to chat more freely, except for Sloefur and Sloeface, who kept to themselves as usual. Even Pebblenose was starting to open up.

“Magnolia, love, it seems that you have a new suitor.” Breezeface chirped, smirking as the den entrance was momentarily darkened as a pale tom strode by.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean?” Magnoliarose said, glancing at the other queens in confusion as they chuckled. Velvetflicker had moved out, entrusting her kits to Pebblenose.

“Oh, please. You haven’t noticed Verglascry hovering around the den? He always pops in at least once a day and asks if we need anything to eat, but he’s always looking at you when he asked.” Breezeface purred, snagging her son as he darted past and beginning to groom him, ignoring his furious protests.

“And whenever you go out to talk to Maplestri-, Maplestar, he’s always nearby.” Flickershine agreed, purring an amusement and the kits carried on a rowdy game of clan wars, using their mothers as barriers more often than not.

Magnoliarose shook her head, “He’s just being nice.” she insisted, “And anyway, I already have a mate.”

“Maplestar is poly, so I guess he hopes there’s a chance you are too.” Tangerinegaze suggested, corralling her adopted kits as they began to yawn, unable to keep up with their older playmates.

“But…I’m not.” Magnoliarose said, frowning worriedly, “Should I tell him?”

“That’s up to you love.” Poppysong purred, her tail flicking gently as her son sparred with his adopted brother, hissing fiercely, “Tinykit, Honeykit, mind the little ones.” She purred reprimandingly. “Anyway, you can either confront him about it or continue to ignore him. Either should get it through his head eventually that you aren’t interested.”

“Never worked for Maplestrike.” A bitter voice from the corner snapped, and the little group winced.

“Oh, Sloefur, there’s no need to be angry at Magnolia just because she’s mates with your ex.” Mothwhisker sighed impatiently.

“Oh, right.” The molly drawled, “No reason to be frustrated that the father of my kits has moved on and is with a different molly. No reason to be angry he never once came to play with his children.”

“That’s a lie!” The cry rang out from an unexpected corner as Pebblenose stood quickly, her tail lashing, “That’s a lie and you know it. For two weeks after you came here he came every day, and you chased him off. And just yesterday he came by and tried to talk to them and you chased him off again. So you have no right to say he never dropped by. You wouldn’t let him.”

“I don’t need to take this from someone who got pregnant as an apprentice.” Sloefur snarled, standing angrily.

“You know it wasn’t intentional Sloefur.” Tangerinegaze said, her voice soft but angry.

“You too Tangy?” Sloefur hissed, “I thought you were my friend. You came with me from Skyclan, I saved your life!”

“And you left my kit.” Tangerinegaze said coldly, “I owe you nothing.”

“Fine!” Sloefur snapped, “Be that way.” She turned, storming out of the ten, causing the mock war to come to an abrupt stop as Bramblingkit and Bloomkit scrambled away from the fray, looking after their mother in confusion.

“Why did she leave?” Bramblingkit asked, his voice hesitant.

“She’s just angry about your father.” Poppysong soothed, “She’ll be fine, go back to your game.”

“Oh, it’s just that.” Bloomkit said, relaxing visibly. “Yea, talking about dad makes her angry.” With that, the pair turned, barreling back into the battle.


Loonfrost padded to the edge of camp, taking a deep breath, trying to relax. Being deputy was harder than she had imagined, with over a hundred cats, all with their own issues and problems and squabbles. “I feel like a kitsitter.” She grumbled to no one in particular.

“You’re a good one though.” A familiar voice commented, tinged with amusement.

Whirling, Loonfrost beamed, “Luxx!” She purred happily, “I wondered where you had gotten to.”

“Luxxstrike now.” He reminded her gently, “And come on, I found the coolest place while I was exploring. It’s on the border between the old Drizzleclan territory and the old Swiftclan territory, so I can’t believe no one’s found it before.”

“What is it?” Loonfrost asked, cocking her head slightly, “And that’s a bit of a walk…I’m not sure if I should leave for that long.”

“I’m not telling, it’s a surprise!” Luxxstrike insisted, grinning, “And don’t worry about that, I already talked to Maplestar and he gave you and Stormrise the rest of the day off. Said you needed a break from the responsibility for a bit.”

“Really? The whole rest of the day?” Loonfrost asked, beaming. “Luxxstrike, you’re amazing. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Then shush and come on.” Luxxstrike purred proudly, darting off through the tall grass in the direction of the old Drizzleclan camp.


“ did you find this?” Loonfrost murmured, her eyes wide in disbelief.

“I was bored.” Luxxstrike admitted, “And honestly kind of frustrated. I needed to get away, so I decided to go exploring.”

“How….how for down does it go? What’s at the bottom?” Loonfrost asked, peering down to where the waterfall crashed into the abyss of darkness.

“A pool.” Luxxstrike answered, “And about a million glow worms. It’s beautiful down there.”

“How do you get out?” Loonfrost asked, glancing up at him in wonder, “There’s no way you can climb up these walls.”

“There’s a stream that lets out of the pool, and if you follow it it leads to the ocean, right near my old camp.” Luxxstrike purred, smirking.

“No way.” Loonfrost said, incredulous.

“Yes way.” Luxxstrike smirked. “But the only way to know is to jump.”

“On the count of three?” Loonfrost offered, crouching with a grin, her tail flicking in excitement.

“Sure!” Luxxstrike agreed, smirking devilishly, “Ready?” at her nod, he said, “Okay, one….THREE!” And sprang forward, his cry of excitement echoing back up to her as he disappeared into the darkness.

“HEY!” Loonfrost shouted after him, leaping into the darkness after him, shrieking with excitement as she plummeted downwards, the darkness engulfing her.

[swiftclan consumes x5 trout and x1 mice]

[arumwillow, rainfall, swanflight, indigosky, hailclaw, and verglascry go hunting]
[luxx, lemondrop, snowsun, cloudgaze, dipperwing, and barknose go hunting]
[impclaw, shadowflight, smokefrost, bounceheart, reedwhisker, and lightningstrike go hunting]
[stormrise, swiftstep, sushicry, bearmask, teresa, and argusfang go on patrol]
(arumwillow, luxx and stormrise have applicable powers)

[rowanfern, brambleleaf, velvetflicker, strawberryfall and aloestem go hunting for herbs]

[all apprentices train]

[hemockbud is kitting! father]
[sweetbriar is kitting! father]
[Anellia attends both kitting so that they go more smoothly]

[sweetstar steps down and takes the name sweetsun]
[maplestrike is appointed the next leader and takes the name maplestar]
[maplestar appoints loonfrost as deputy alongside falconwatcher]

[maplestar and swanflight become mates, no kits]
[falconwatcher and mintynose become mates]
[lemondrop and raivon try for kits]

[maplestar requests a capable warrior to help train all the new kits]


maplestar - male - 56
[ 9 lives left ]

falconwatcher - male - 58
loonfrost - female - 14
stormrise - male - 15 (has Dia's powers)

medicine cat(s)
velvetflicker - female - 48
rowanfern - female - 28
brambleleaf - male - 22
aloestem - male - 46
strawberryfall - male - 49

aniella - female - 17
argusfang - male - 42
arumwillow - female - 15
barknose - male - 43
bearmask - male - 33
bounceheart - male - 24
brindlenose - female - 28
cloudgaze - male - 22
cottonfur - male - 25
cypressfall - male - 30
daisysun - female - 29
dancingstripe - male - 50
dipperwing - male - 29
finchcloud - female - 35
flickershine - female - 23
freddie - male - 26
hailclaw - female - 53
hollyfern - female - 15
impclaw - female - 14
indigosky - male - 25
lemondrop - female - 30
lightningstrike - male - 41 (blind)
lilystep - female - 24
luxx - male - 24
luxxstrike - male - 15
manateecall - male - 21
mothwhisker - female - 23
palenose - female - 15
poppysong - female - 37
rainfall - female - 15
reedwhisker - male - 24
rivergaze - male - 37
russetsplash - male - 40
sandflower - female - 38
scorchmask - female - 42
shadowflight - male - 44
smokefrost - non binary (biologically female) - 24
snowsun - female - 48
snakefang - female - 14
sushicry - male - 14
skysun - female - 52
swanflight - female - 36
swayingtrees - male - 54
sweetsun - male - 72
swiftstep - male - 15
teresa - female - 30
tumblepounce - male - 22
verglascry - male - 33
wispwing - male - 14
wisteriadust - female -14

nursery helpers
aster - female - 21 ( is deaf, on left )
fluffytuft - female - 37 ( is mute )
lavender - female - 21 ( is blind, on right)
swanlake - female - 33 ( is deaf )

palepaw - male - 12
weaselpaw - male - 12
robinpaw - male - 9
wobblepaw - male - 9
cottonpaw - female - 7
arachnidpaw - male - 6

breezeface - female - 24
flickershine - female - 23
poppysong - female - 37
mothwhisker - female - 23
pebblenose - female - 19
sloeface - female - 28
tangerinegaze - female - 43
sloefur - female - 34
velvetflicker - female - 48
dipperlull - female - 34
magnoliarose - female - 49
sweetbriar - female - 34 - 2 moons
hemlockbud - female - 21 - 2 moons
fluffytuft - female - 37 - 2 moons ( is mute )

dapplekit - female - 5
honeykit - male - 5
butterflykit - female - 5
beekit - male - 5
mistkit - female - 5
dustkit - male - 5
zinnakit - female - 5
tansykit - female - 5
meadowkit - female - 5
willowkit - male - 5
bramblingkit - male - 5
bloomkit - female - 5
pouncekit - female - 5 (blind)
hopkit - male - 5 (twisted leg)
cedarkit - male - 5
leafkit - male - 5
hawkkit - male - 3
kestrelkit - male - 3
tinykit - male - 5
bluekit - male - 5
heatherkit - female - 5
pumpkinkit - male - 3
oakkit - male - 3
sheepkit - female - 3
aspenkit - male - 1
houndkit - male - 1
cheesekit - female - 1
lavenderkit - female - 2
bubblekit - male - 3
sneezekit - male - 3
yellowkit - female - 3
sproutkit - female - 3
papaverkit - female - 0
jackdawkit - male - 4

sweetstar - male - 74

Ally Clans
CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
Cliffclan | Sushinekko

Enemy Clans

Border Clans
North | open | none
Northeast | Drizzleclan | aura.
East | Lilyclan | mochi.
Southeast | Leafclan | zephyrine
South | Oakclan | \Luna/
South-Southwest | Coniferclan | kacchan
Southwest | Cliffclan | sushinekko
West | Finchclan | Kacchan,
Northwest | Moleclan | Chinchy

Medicine Store
Alder bark | 3
Borage leaves | 6
Bright-eye | 1
Burnet | 2
Catmint | 6
Catchweed | 2
Chickweed | 1
Cobweb | 3
Cob nuts | 1
Coltsfoot | 3
Comfrey | 4
Daisy Leaf | 2
Dandylion | 1
Fennel | 3
Feverfew | 2
Goatweed | 1
Goldenrod | 1
Hawkweed | 1
Heather nectar | 3
Honey | 1
Horsetail | 1
Juniper berry | 3
Lavender | 2
Lovage | 1
Mallow leaves | 1
Marigold | 2
Mint | 1
Poppy seeds | 2
Ragwort | 3
Ragwort leaves | 1
Raspberry leaves | 1
Rush | 2
Sorrel | 1
Tansy | 1
Tormentil | 2
Wild Garlic | 1
Willow bark | 1
Willow leaf | 1
Yarrow | 1

Fresh-Kill Pile
Mice | x4 | 1 serving
Ermine | x0 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
All Birds | x2 | 3 servings
Trout | x5 | 3 servings
Salmon | x6 | 3 servings
Anchovy | x4 | 2 servings
Crab | x7 | 2 servings
Oyster | x4 | 2 servings

Palepaw | 3 | Hunting, Fighting, Climbing
Weaselpaw | 3 | Hunting, Fighting, Climbing
Robinpaw | 1 | Swimming
Wobblepaw | 1 | Swimming
Swiftpaw | 1 | Swimming
Palepaw | 1 | Swimming
Rainpaw | 1 | Swimming
Stormpaw | 1 | Swimming
Cottonpaw | 0 | none

Deceased Cats
Palewish | 0 moons | Molly | X
Cinderstream | 12 moons | Molly | X
Silversong | 32 moons | Molly | X
Mottledleap | 43 moons | Molly | X
Emberwish | 0 moons | Tom | X
Mixedwish | 0 moons | Molly | X
Tawnywish | 0 moons | Tom | X
Burningwish | 0 moons | Tom | X
Bellwish | 0 moons | Molly | X
Pansystep | 23 moons | Molly | X
Dogwish | 0 moons | Tom | X

Whisperdust and ??? | Bounceheart, Breezeface, Cinderstream
Wrenface and ??? | Muddypelt, Mothwhisker, Flickershine
Snowflight and Maplestrike | Tumblepounce,
Rowanpaw and Flarestrike | Sushipaw, Imppaw
Hailclaw and Dancingstripe | Palewish,
Wispkit, Wisteriakit, Whimbrelkit
Velvetflicker and Gladestep | Loonpaw,
Racoonpaw, Pondpaw, Snakepaw, Heronpaw, Houndkit,
Cheesekit, Aspenkit
??? and ??? | Rivergaze, Poppysong
Sandflower and Russetsplash | Robinpaw, Wobblepaw
Breezeface, ??? and Alpinenose | Meadowkit, Willowkit,
Heatherkit, Burningwish, Tawnywish
Mothwhisker and Alpinestar of Laurelclan | Tansykit, Bluekit
Poppysong and Alpinestar of Laurelclan | Zinniakit, Tinykit
Silversong and Alpinestar of Laurelclan | Mistkit, Dustkit
Flickershine and ??? | Beekit, Butterflykit,
Emberwish, Mixedwish
Mottledleap and Whitefoot of Lilyclan | Dapplekit,
Honeykit, Specklekit, Carrotkit
Pebblenose, Cedarpounce and Stagleap | Pouncekit,
Sloeface, Pumicetail of Cliffclan and Stagleap |
Cedarkit, Peakit, Leafkit
Luxx and Diamond of Drizzleclan | Luxxstrike,
Arumwillow, Palenose, Stormrise, Rainfall,
Swiftstep, Oakkit, Sheepkit, Yellowkit,
Sneezekit, Bubblekit
Pansystep and Smokeheart of Moorclan |
Dogwish, Foxkit, Owlkit, Crowkit, Hawkkit, Kestrelkit
Magnoliarose and Maplestrike | Papaverkit, Camelliakit
Fluffytuft and Dragon | unborn kits
Magnoliarose and Soot | Acciaberry, Hemlockbud,
Cypressfall and Hurricane | Arachnidpaw, cypress,
Barknose and Dipperlull | Sproutkit


Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
chat, my inbox is open!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby *~GECKO~* » Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:10 am

Number of Cats:19 | She-cats: 13, Tom's: 6
Next Moonpool visit: Due.

Cats talking wrote: BACK AT THE CLAN
[size=85]"Okay, guys. We have two new cats! Mothfur and Splittail. Welcome!” Oakstar said. “Also, Creampaw is now found. Let’s go hunting some of us again. I will go to Moonpool. Splittail, you replace me! The rest of you may stay.”

My clan used up 4 servings.
Stormclaw, Ashcloud,Clawflight, Duskclaw, Minnowtail, & Splittail go on a hunting patrol and look for new clan mates.
Oakstar requests an elder from moonpool.
Lilypetal and Goose of the Old Aspen go for a walk. Goose asks Goose to be his mate. They are now trying for kits.
Minnowtail asks Hazeltail to be his mate. They also try for kits.
Clawflight asks Oakstar to be his mate. Oakstar accepted and they are now trying for kits.

Flameleaf and Silvercloud are looking for herbs.

          Name Oakstar| Age 31 moons| Gender F | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name Ashcloud | Age 31 moons| Gender M | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name Flameleaf| Age 30 moons| Gender F| X

          Name Stormclaw| Age 32 moons | Gender F | X
          Clawflight | 30 moons | Male | X
          Duskclaw | 29 moons | Female | X
          Minnowtail |47 moons | Male | X
          Goose of the Old Aspen | 21 moons | Tom | X
          Lilypetal | 22 moons | Female | X
          Silvertail | 52 moons | Female | X
          Splittail | 24 moons | Gender F | X
          Mothfur | 49 moons | Gender F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name Creampaw| Age 12moons | Gender M | X
          Mudpaw | Age 13 moons | Female | X
          Stormcloud (MEDICINE CAT) | 13 moons | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Hazeltail |51moons | F | X
          Dapplewish | Age 48 moons| Gender F | X

          Blossomkit | Age 0 moons | Gender F| X
          Pouncekit | Age 0 moons| Gender F| X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Ally Clans
    Cherryclan | Maplefoxie
    Deerclan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    halcyonclan | Melifluous

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Deerclan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    South | Cherryclan| Maplefoxie
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb: Horstail x1| Usage: Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Herb: Borage Leaves x1| Usage: It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    Herb: Burdock Root x1| Usage: Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    Herb: Comfrey Root x1| Usage: Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Herb: Tansy x1| Usage: Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Herb: Mouse vile x1|Usage: Removes ticks.
    Herb: Burnet x1 | Keeps cat's strength up.
    Herb: Thyme x1 | Not sure
    Herb: Raspberry leaves x1 | Not sure
    Herb: Chamomile x1 | Not sure
    Herb: Catmint x2| Not sure
    Herb: Raspberry leaves | Not sure
    Herb: Tansy | Not sure
    Herb: Dandelion Leaves | Not sure
    Herb: Cobweb X2 | NS
    Herb: Poppy seed x1 | NS

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Mouse | x4 | 4 servings
    Bird | x2 | 6 servings
    Vole | x3| 3 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Dapplewish | Pouncekit
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by *~GECKO~* on Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:23 am, edited 8 times in total.
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heda's substitute replies 01

Postby clarke, » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:13 am

weather: it's springtime ! prey has come out of hiding and herbs preserved under snow are easier to find. litters have less chance of stillborn, and predators are on clan territories more.

badgerclan | bambooclan | boulderclan | salixclan | tideclan | cosmoclan | juniperclan | vixenclan | phoenixclan | creekclan | duskclan | eclipseclan | shellclan | seaclan | cinderclan

astrophile. wrote:

• frecklestar patrols the borders
• frecklestar hunts in the forest
[ frecklestar comes across a warrior. ]
[ frecklestar catches x1 mice and x1 hare. ]

mjolnirs wrote:

swanstar and snowbird patrol the borders
rookwing and viperfang hunt

[ swanstar and snowbird find a motherand her apprentice aged kit. ]
[ rookwing and viperfang catch x2 crane. ]

winter solstice. wrote:
[ The Clan consumes Fish x1, Sparrow x2, Mouse x1. ]
[ Honeytuft looks for herbs. ]
[ Daisypaw is ready for a final assessment! If successful, she will be known as Daisysong. ]
[ Whisperdust of SwiftClan joins SeaClan as a warrior. ]
[ Ant, Apple, and Rose, all former alleycats from the Twolegplace beyond the eastern border, come to join SeaClan. They become warriors by the name of Antfoot, Applemist, and Rosefern, respectively. ]
[ Smoke, a former loner, joins SeaClan as a warrior, by the name of Mottledsmoke. ]
[ Lucky, a former kittypet, joins SeaClan as a warrior, by the name of Smallwing. ]
[ Dustflower and Shorefall become mates! (Trying for kits) ]
[ Silverstorm, Mintnose, Mottledsmoke, Smallwing, and Antfoot patrol by the Pine Grove. ]
[ Dustflower, Vinescratch, Whisperdust, Appleblossom, and Rosefern patrol by the river. ]
[ Shorefall and Daisypaw head to the river for the final assessment (neither hunting nor border patrol) ]
[ Nightwing, Bellpaw, Stormfang, and Sagepaw hunt in the Pine Grove. ]
[ Oakshadow, Tundra, Hawkpaw, and Ivynose fish in the river. ]
[ Emberwhisker and Rippleheart stay behind to guard camp. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Sagepaw the hunting skill. ]
[ Tundra teaches Hawkpaw the swimming skill. ]
[ Nightwing teaches Bellpaw the hunting skill. ]
[ Leafstar requests a queen from the Moonpool. ]
[ honeytuft finds x2 deathberries and x1 daisy leaves. ]
[ daisysong has passed, but was overzealous and sprained her paw. she will have to rest for a moon. ]
[ dustflower is expecting kits! she's due in two moons. ]
[ silverstorm, mintnose, mottledsmoke, smallwing, and antfoot find a warrior. ]
[ dustflower, vinescratch, whisperdust, appleblossom, and rosefern catch the scent of a badger. do they pursue or leave it alone? ]
[ nightwing, bellpaw, stormfang, and sagepaw catch x3 mice. ]
[ oakshadow, tundra, hawkpaw, and ivynose catch x2 big fish. ]
[ sagepaw learns the hunting skill. ]
[ hawkpaw learns the swimming skill. ]
[ bellpaw learns the hunting skill. she even catches x1 hare! ]
[ leafstar's request is granted. she is due in two moons, and it is revealed that she's blind. ]

unflattering wrote:
    (( eclipsestar hunts for prey ))
    (( eclipsestar and dawnleap try to find his sister, lunar.))
    (( eclipsestar requests a medicine cat from starclan ))

[ eclipsestar catches x2 mice. remember to update your prey list so i know what to give you! ]
[ eclipsestar and dawnleap find his sister !]
[ eclipsestar's request is granted! ]

~Glaceon~ wrote:

(Recieved Briarsweep (star) from DawnClan)
[Juniperberry, Fernshade, Solarspark, Thunderbird and Lyrastar go hunting]
[Emberblaze, Wisteriawhisper, Briarsweep, Olive and Swiftsky patrol]
[Lyrastar asks for Hurricane Glider, previous leader/queen of StormClan (due in one post)]
[Swiftsky and Amberpaw train: Fishing]
[Wisteriawhisper tries for kits with Vaporfish of DrizzleClan]
[Olive and Badger train: Battle]
[Blossomfur is kitting! Solarspark assists her]
[The clan does not eat for 2 posts]

[can the queen be this cat?]
[ the hunting patrol catches x2 wren and x1 vole. ]
[ the border patrols finds awarrior.]
[ lyrastar's request is granted! ]
[ amberpaw learns how to fish! ]
[ wisterwhisper is now pregnant! she is due in two moons. ]
[ badger learns how to fight. ]
[ blossomfur gives birth to two kits. ]

Dragoncat08 wrote:
-Palestar asks Starclan for a Medicine Cat-
[ palestar's request is granted!]

røsebud wrote:
[ cinderstar asks starclan for a deputy ]
cinderstar's request is granted!

22tabby wrote:

HeatherKit and SootKit are having their apprentice ceremonies!
RowanStar visits moonpool! He asks StarClan for a warrior.
AshCloud, FirePelt and HareFur go on a border patrol.
FlickerClaw, PowderStar, and AppleClaw go hunting.
WhiteWhisker, FoxClaw, SwanRipple, and PineLeg go hunting.
KestralTalon, Dolly, and MoonEar go hunting.
EmberFoot trains ThrushPaw in stalking and hunting.
GustClaw trains BrackenPaw in swimming.
MudWhisker and RainPaw look for herbs
The Clan consumes 2 birds
[ heatherpaw and sootpaw are now apprentices! ]
[ rowanstar's request is granted!]
[ ashcloud, firepelt, and harefur catch the scent of a fox. do they pursue the scent or leave it?]
[ flickerclaw, powderstar, and appleclaw catch x1 frog and x1 ermine. ]
[ whitewhisker, foxclaw, and swanripple catch x2 mice. ]
[ kestraltalon, dolly, and moonear catch x1 bird and x1 vole. ]
[ thrushpaw only learns hunting. *apprentices can learn only one skill at a time. ]
[ brackenpaw learns swimming!]
[ mudwhisker and rainpaw find x2 tormil and x1 cobweb. ]
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Thu Mar 22, 2018 2:23 pm

During newleaf, kittings will run smoother and the chances of queens and kits dying during birth will drop, the amount of prey you catch will rise, and the number of illnesses will also decrease. With all the snow melting, however, low-lying territories will likely flood.

Skullclan | Finchclan | Wildclan | Cliffclan | Mistclan | Lilyclan | Rosemaryclan | Alpineclan | Ferretclan | Amberclan | Dustclan | Ridgeclan | Blossomclan | Sunclan | Eagleclan | Moonclan

faerie; wrote:

[the border patrol follows the scent of tigerspring's mate.]
[ferretfur, snaketooth and demelza go on a hunting patrol.]
[reedstrike, almondflower and ferretfur go on a hunting patrol.]
[demelza, russetstrike and orchidstep go on a border patrol.]
[bumbletail goes off to search for herbs.]
[pineclaw teaches larkpaw the climbing skill.]
[orchidstep's litter becomes apprentices. they all train for any skill.]
[sootstar requests a warrior from the moonpool.]

[the clan doesn't eat for one moon.]

The first border patrol finds Tigerspring's mate and the second border patrol finds. Tigerspring's mate is badly injured however, and will require x1 chervil and x1 lavender to recover.
The first hunting patrol catches x1 squirrel and the second hunting patrol catches x1 vole and x1 small fish.
Bumbletail finds x1 alder bark and x1 dandelion.
Boulderpaw, Larkpaw, and Shellpaw learn climbing.
Goosepaw and Mistpaw learn hunting.
Starclan grants Sootstar's request of a warrior.
Amberclan has two moons before cats begin to starve.

scarlet_wolf wrote:
[ slatestar welcomes tortoisecreek to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes sealpaw to mistclan ! ]
[ slatestar welcomes chickadeewing to mistclan ! ]
[ fernbreeze passes away due to an unknown sickness that doesn't appear to be contagious. may starclan light her path. ]
[ all mentors and apprentices train ]
[ mousewillow trains twitchpaw, the new medicine cat apprentice ]
[ slatestar, kestrelflight, redhawk, darkmask, and leafcurl search for chickadeewing's mate and the sire of her unborn kits, a former kittypet. ]
[ toadsplash, claystream, quailtuft, dovesky, bumblesnout, and briartongue try to kill the eagle ]
[ duckwater, eclipseheart, shrikethorn, pineleg, tangledvine, and wolfhound go hunting ]
[ flurrywind, sunflight, geckoflight, mudflank, bearclaw, and whimbrelstep go hunting ]
[ cottonfur, warblerfoot, magpiewing, and canarysong go on a border patrol ]
[ tortoisecreek, wheatbelly, skunkberry, and sheepnose go on a border patrol ]
[ palesun looks for herbs. he claims that addercloud is sick, though in reality he is keeping her pregnancy a secret from the clan ]
[ mistclan does not eat for another post ]

Fernbreeze will be greatly missed. May Starclan light her path.
Foxpaw, Eaglepaw, and Otterpaw learn tracking.
Ferretpaw, Fawnpaw, Honeypaw, and Beepaw learn fishing.
Neptunepaw, Saturnpaw, Skypaw, and Blackpaw learn fighting.
Frostpaw, Turtlepaw, and Webpaw learn climbing.
Spiderpaw and Cloverpaw learn stealth.
Sealpaw, Willowpaw, Flowerpaw, and Heavypaw learn
Finchpaw, Bubblepaw, and Treepaw learn hunting.
Twitchpaw learns basic poison knowledge.
The patrol finds Chickadeewing’s mate. He is mildly injured however, and will require x1 celandine and x1 cobweb to recover.
The patrol fails to kill the eagle and will have to try again another time. In the process, Dovesky and Bumblesnout were moderately injured and will require x1 stinging nettle and one moon of rest each to recover, while Claystream and Quailtuft were mildly injured and will require x1 raspberry leaf each to recover.
The first hunting patrol catches x2 hares and the second hunting patrol catches x1 small fish and x1 bird.
Neither border patrol finds anything of interest.
Palesun finds x1 celandine and x1 ragwort leaf.
Mistclan has one moon before cats begin to starve.

kacchan, wrote:
[ the clan eats x2 and 1/2 bluebirds. ]
[ the clan welcomes wolfhound, bluestripe, puddleflank and midnightclaw, and asterflight ]
[ pineshell and mistypaw searches for herbs ]
[ pineshell trains mistypaw ]
[ robinthroat decides to investigate further and searches for the loner ]
[ all apprentices train with azollaheart and juniperheart.( azolla's special traits) ]
[ apprentices, skypaw(star) and yarrowpaw(star) train with their mentors tangy and totti ]
[ monarchstride orders thristleleaf, kestrelpaw, flickerpaw, bluestripe, leoponskip, and tidalsnout to go on a border and hunting patrol ]
[ monarchstride orders weaseltail, poppyleap, firewhisker, sootfur, midnightclaw, and yarrowpaw to go on a border and hunting patrol ]
[ skystar walks to moonpool with totti and asks for a queen ]

Pineshell and Mistypaw find x1 beech leaf, x1 bright-eye, and x1 chamomile.
Mistypaw learns basic poison knowledge.
Robinthroat finds a warrior.
Dryadulpaw, Evergreenpaw, and Racoonpaw learn fishing and advanced hunting.
Ashenpaw, Flickerpaw, and Kestrelpaw learn fishing and swimming.
Skypaw and Yarrowpaw learn advanced leadership and tracking.
The first border patrol catches the scent of a badger and the second finds nothing of interest.
The first hunting patrol catches x1 bluebird and x1 wild turkey, and the second hunting patrol catches x1 insect and x1 salamander.
Starclan grants Skystar's request of a queen. She will give birth in two moons.

A Fox's Tail wrote:

{Ivyfeather and Thrushstripe join}
{Owlkit, Sunkit, Rosekit, and Hawk-kit are welcomed into the clan}
{Bramblestrike, Slatekit, and Bramblekit join from Leafclan}
{Apenthorn (Spikewing) joins from Summitclan}
{Toadsplash and Claystream join from Mistclan}
{Tumblecloud (Tumbleweed) and Briarpaw join from Frostclan}
{Briarpaw's mentor will be Leafcrest}
{All apprentices train}
{Echostar, Appleblaze, Briarpaw, Eclipsefur, Minkwhisker, and Frostedsky go patrolling}
{Amberflame, Flintnose, Leafcrest, Eyestone, Erminepaw, and Birchnose patrol}
{Snowdrift, Honeybriar, Tawnyface, Ospreyswoop, Tumblecloud, and Aspenthorn go hunting}
{Lynxtalon, Toadsplash, and Claystream hunt}
{Sandripple looks for herbs}

Erminepaw, Swiftpaw, and Briarpaw learn hunting.
Neither border patrol finds anything of interest.
The first hunting patrol catches x2 rabbits and the second hunting patrol catches x1 squirrel, x1 ermine, and x1 mouse.
Sandripple finds x1 fennel and x1 oak leaf.

sincerely. wrote:

    frigidstar visits the moonpool. during her visit she asks the ancestors
    for a mercenary.

    snowpaw is taking his mercenary assessment. if he passes he will be
    known as snowtuft and will be welcomed as a mercenary of blossomclan.

    partridgewillow is kitting. the father is a loner and both are oriental
    shorthairs. (if possible, I’m requesting for one of two oriental kittens
    in her litter).

    kaydel and eclipseheart try for kits.

    tortoisemuzzle is kitting. the father is a loner and both are siamese.

    eclipseheart and jackdawpaw and cindersnout and frostedpaw go out
    for training.

    border patrol: frigidstar, leopardleap, padmé, and hawkrise.

    hunting patrol: ravenpounce, turqoisepaw, scorchwind, and stormcry.

Starclan grants Frigidstar’s request of a mercenary.
Snowpaw passes his mercenary assessments and is accepted as Snowtuft, mercenary of Blossomclan.
Partridgewillow gives birth to 5 (x, x, x, x) kits. Unfortunately, two kits are born with a non-lethal defect; one kit has a crooked tail and one kit has a single blind eye.
Kaydel is pregnant and will give birth in two moons.
Tortoisemuzzle gives birth to 2 (x, x) kits. Unfortunately due to complications during birth, Tortoisesemuzzle and one of her kits die.
Jackdawpaw and Frostedpaw learn hunting.
The border patrol finds a ranger.
The hunting patrol catches x1 tuna and x1 rabbit.

MissFriday wrote:

[Kits: Russetfur goes into labour(can this be the father?) + Moonstar and Emeraldeyes are mates as of last quarter-moon and try for kits]

[Hunting: Thistlegrouse, Emeraldeyes and Hawkpaw hunt]

[Patrolling: Moonstar, Thistlegrouse and Bluepaw]

[Herb collecting: Russetfur]

[Traning: Bluepaw and Moonstar(climbing) + Hawkpaw and Emeraldeyes(Tracking)train]

[Eatings: Moonclan eat the last two servings of rabbit]

[Moonpool: Moonstar asks for a medicine cat or an elder, as Russetfur could become a med cat]

Russetpelt gives birth to 3 (molly, tom, molly) kits. All kits are polydactyl.
Moonstar is pregnant and will give birth in two moons.
The hunting patrol catches x1 bird (3 servings) and x1 mouse (1 serving).
The border patrol finds two warriors, siblings.
Russetpelt finds x1 lamb’s ear.
Bluepaw learns climbing and Hawkpaw learns tracking.
Starclan grants Moonstar’s wish of an elder and suggests Russetfur become the medicine cat.

For future reference, your serving sizes are wrong. All birds are 3 servings, mice and voles are 1 serving each, small fish are 2 servings and big fish are 3 servings.

• noodle • wrote:

"you don't need to change,"
lupineclan is a very odd group of cats. they hold traditions almost co
npletely opposite of the other clans, up in their little world in the mo
untains and valleys. in fact, they pride themselves on the breaking o
f common practice, their individuality being what defines them. the
y tend to stay away from affairs of other clans, although they are k
nown to be curious and have a knack for adventure. call them odd,
stupid, whatever floats your boat. but they like the spontaneous a
spect of life and revel in challenges. although they keep to thems
elves, being generally disliked, they are very altruistic and the m
ajority of them have good hearts. they will always help another i
n need. say what you like, but sometimes a little freedom is good.
just ask any member of lupineclan. they practice what they prea
ch, the fire inside each cat never dying, but growing, spreading.
"it's boring being the same!"



Your founder will be this cat.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby SunnyStreets » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:13 am

Ravenwhisper's Wish wrote:
Ravenwhisper's Wish wrote:
°°°·. ℂ 𝕠 𝕧 𝕖 ℂ 𝕝 𝕒 𝕟 °°°
Number of Cats: 2
Next avaliable moonpool visit: 21 March 2018
Mod: Simonpet

Crispstripe looked into the medicine den. Seeing that Fadedleaf was gone, he ducked back out and padded to Patchedstar. "Patchedstar, where's Fadedleaf?"

"Herb-hunting, I think." Patchedstar looked down at the warrior with a pleasurable smile on her face.

"I'll go for a border patrol, naybe I'll bump into her," Crispstripe decided.

Patchedstar nodded then looked at the empty fresh-kill pile. "And I'll go hunting."

          Patchedstar | 41 moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Fadedleaf| 25 moons | she-cat | X

          Crispstripe | 32 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Pine forest | possible clan | Username
    East | Thunderpath | Twolegplace | no user
    South | Ocean | no user
    West | moorland | possible clan | Username

    Medicine Store
    blackberry leaves | eases swelling of bee stings | 0x
    celandine | soothes damaged eyes | 0x
    chervil | juice for infected wounds/roots for bellyache/kitting | 1x
    cobwebs | covering wounds | 1x
    dandelion | leaves; painkiller/juice; soothing and healing bee stings | 0x
    fennel | helps hip pain | 0x
    goldenrod | use | 0x
    marigold | to stop infection & bleeding/for bone-ache | 0x
    catmint | for greencough/whitecough | 2x
    tansy | cures poison/soothes throat & greencough| 0x
    bindweed | holds broken bones in place | 0x
    chamomile | travelling herb | 2x
    honey | soothes sore/damaged throats and makes herbs taste nicer [for kits] | 0x
    mouse bile | for ticks | 0x
    juniper berries | soothes bellyache and helps breathing | 0x
    mint | hides scent of death | 0x
    parsley | stops milk in queens | 0x
    raspberry leaves | for stopping bleeding in kitting | 1x
    borage | for nursing queens | 0x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bass | x0 | 3 servings
    Trout | x0 | 2 servings
    Crab | x0 | 2 servings
    Eel | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Eaten: squirrel, 1x
Herbs used: none
Herb-hunting: Fadedleaf
Training: no-one
Hunting: Patchedstar
Patrolling: Crispstripe
Moonpool: cannot visit
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:02 am

During newleaf, kittings will run smoother and the chances of queens and kits dying during birth will drop, the amount of prey you catch will rise, and the number of illnesses will also decrease. With all the snow melting, however, low-lying territories will likely flood.

Skullclan | Finchclan | Wildclan | Cliffclan | Mistclan | Lilyclan | Rosemaryclan | Alpineclan | Ferretclan | Amberclan | Dustclan | Ridgeclan | Blossomclan | Sunclan | Eagleclan | Skyclan | Coveclan | Moonclan

Ravenwhisper's Wish wrote:
°°°·. ℂ 𝕠 𝕧 𝕖 ℂ 𝕝 𝕒 𝕟 °°°

Eaten: squirrel, 1x
Herbs used: none
Herb-hunting: Fadedleaf
Training: no-one
Hunting: Patchedstar
Patrolling: Crispstripe
Moonpool: cannot visit

Fadedleaf finds x1 goldenrod and x1 marigold.
Patchedstar catches x1 bass
Crispstripe finds a warrior.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby SunnyStreets » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:30 am

°°°·. ℂ 𝕠 𝕧 𝕖 ℂ 𝕝 𝕒 𝕟 °°°
Number of Cats: 4
Next avaliable moonpool visit: Now
Mod: Simonpet

Crispstripe licked Fadedleaf's cheek. "I love you," he murmured happily.

"Littledusk? Crispstripe?" Patchedstar called out. "I need you to come on patrol with me!"

"Of course!" Crispstripe jumped up. "See you soon, Fadedleaf," he purred, then ran out to join Patchedstar. Fadedleaf padded out of the den a little after and bounded into the forest.



Patchedstar touched noses to the glowing stone and drifted into her dreams.

          Patchedstar | 41 moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Fadedleaf| 26 moons | she-cat | X

          Crispstripe | 33 moons | tom | X
          [url=#6a71a5]Littledusk[/url] | 24 moons | tom | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Pine forest | possible clan | Username
    East | Thunderpath | Twolegplace | no user
    South | Ocean | no user
    West | moorland | possible clan | Username

    Medicine Store
    chervil | juice for infected wounds/roots for bellyache/kitting | 1x
    cobwebs | covering wounds | 1x
    goldenrod | use | 1x
    marigold | to stop infection & bleeding/for bone-ache | 1x
    catmint | for greencough/whitecough | 2xx
    chamomile | travelling herb | 1x
    raspberry leaves | for stopping bleeding in kitting | 1x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bass | x1 | 3 servings
    Trout | x0 | 2 servings
    Crab | x0 | 2 servings
    Eel | x0 | 2 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Eaten: bass, 1x
Herbs used: chamomile is taken by patchedstar for the journey to the moonstone
Herb-hunting: Fadedleaf
Training: no-one
Hunting: Crispstripe, Littledusk, Patchedstar
patrol one Littledusk, Crispstripe
patrol two Patchedstar,
patrol one Littledusk, Patchedstar
patrol two Crispstripe
Moonpool: Patchedstar asks for a deputy
Other: Crispstripe and Fadedleaf become secret mates
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lillygreeneyes » Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:35 am

Join my clan, page 314!!! :)

~ lillygreeneyes
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby sincerely. » Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:05 pm

number of catsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx32
next moonfall visitxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxanytime

orion frigidstar, 20m, ♀
lives: ★★★★★★★★★

baron name, age, gender
baroness hawkrise, 20m, ♀
cleric grassheart, 20m, ♀
cleric app name, age, gender
mercenaries leopardleap, 20m, ♀
padmé, 20m, ♀
ravenpounce, 25m, ♂
eclipseheart, 20m, ♂
cindersnout, 20m, ♀
stormcry, 14m, ♂
scorchwind, 20m, ♂
sweetwillow, 20m, ♀
snowtuft, 13m, ♂

novices turqoisepaw, 12m, ♀
blackpaw, 8m, ♂
jackdawpaw, 10m, ♂
frostedpaw, 11m, ♂

ranger macaria, 20m, ♀
kaydel, 20m, ♀ due in 2m
partridgewillow, 20m, ♀

pups rowankit, 4m, ♀
tawnykit, 4m, ♀
maplekit, 4m, ♀
silentkit, 4m, ♂
hopkit, 4m, ♂
aspkit, 4m, ♂
yellowkit, 1m, ♀
cinderkit, 1m, ♀
oceankit, 1m, ♀
burntkit, 1m, ♀, back
phantomkit, 1m, ♂, front
shadowkit, 1m, ♂

elders name, age, gender

    will be written up in the archives. coding inspiration credit: mochi.

    frigidstar visits the moonpool. during her visit she asks the ancestors
    for a mercenary.
    turqoisepaw is taking her mercenary assessment. if she passes she will be
    known as turqoisestream and will be welcomed as a mercenary of
    eclipseheart and jackdawpaw and cindersnout and frostedpaw go out
    for training.
    border patrol: frigidstar, leopardleap, padmé, and
    hunting patrol: ravenpounce, turqoisepaw, macaria, and snowtuft.


cat notes
silentkit is deaf
cinderkit is blind in her left eye
yellowkit has a crooked tail
freshkill pile
Trout | x2 | 3 servings
Tuna | x4 | 3 servings
Salmon | x0 | 3 servings
Crab | x1 | 2 servings
Finch | x2 | 2 servings
Penguin | x1 | 3 servings
Rabbit | x5 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings

medicine store
borage x1 | cobweb x1 | comfrey x1 |
marigold x1 | feverfew x1 | | tormentil
| x0 | daisy | x0
juniper | x0 | lavender | x0 | mint | x0 |
rush | x0 | catmint | x0 | fennel | x0 |
bright-eye | x0 | ragwort | x0
ravenpounce | turquoisepaw | 4 | hunting, swimming, fighting, tracking
eclipseheart | jackdawpaw | 2 | fighting, hunting
cindersnout | frostedpaw | 2 | fighting, hunting
tortoisemuzzle | birth complications
aspenkit | died during birth
name | cause of death
name | cause of death
kaydel and ? | rowan, tawny, maple, silent, hop, asp
tortoisemuzzle and ? | aspen, ocean (ocean fostered by partridge)
partridgewillow and ? | yellow, burnt, phantom, cinder, shadow
name and name | kits
name and name | kits
name and name | kits
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( pineclan ) • [ post 52 ]

Postby deimido » Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:11 pm

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( population. 051 ) ( toms. 026 ) ( mollies. 025 ) ( moonpool. n/a ) ( hunting/borders. n/a) ( servings. 009 ) ( last reply. here )
indentA solemn silence spread through all of PineClan as every cat paid their respects to the departed warrior who laid in the middle of the clearing. Shrikeface's gray-and-white fur had been washed clean of the blood that dirtied it, and whatever living petals and ferns the Clan could find covered his body so that he wouldn't smell of death. Soft utterings were mewed in his ears as if perhaps their words could reach him in StarClan if they spoke this way, all of them kind and thanking him for all his moons of service.

indentHis own family approached him once everyone else had finished, Magpiewhisker along with his mate and kit went first. Fawnfur laid her tail on Acornclaw's back as the young cat openly wept at the sight of her grandfather's body, Magpiewhisker's eyes watered as well, though he knew he had to be strong for his family's sake. "Thank you," He started, voice wavering. "you were the best father any cat could wish for, I'll miss you so much." He leaned down to touch the tip of Shrikeface's ear with his nose, muttering how it should have been him who died instead, but far too quiet for either Fawnfur or Acornclaw to hear.

indentAspenheart and Rosefur went up next after the three others had backed away, the ginger molly had her thick tail twined with the tabby tom's in a gesture of comfort. Her face was grave as she took in the sight of her dearest friend's hurt profile. It was one she was well acquainted with; she lost her parents too, after all. Aspenheart's paws were shaking, a choked cry leaving his throat before he whipped away from the body of his father and headed straight for the warriors' den. Rosefur trailed after him before coming to a stop, understanding it was probably better for him to be alone for the time being.

indentSkunknose along her and Shrikeface's youngest daughters trailed behind the gray-and-white molly. Asterpaw had her face buried in Lavenderpaw's neck fur as sobs wracked her body, but Lavenderpaw was quiet, a faraway look in her eye as she stared down at the sleeping body of her father. Skunknose laid herself down beside her mate, head resting on her paws as she stared helplessly at his serene face. He looked like he was doing nothing more than sleep, and she desperately wished that he would wake up again. "You are the only one I could ever love," She whispered to him sorrowfully, "you've made me happier than I thought possible; my heart is, and always will be, yours. Goodbye, Shrikeface. I love you."

indentOnce the three mollies mustered up the will to separate themselves from him, Mintstar was expected to go next. Not only because Shrikeface was her littermate, but it was one of her duties as a leader to oversee all vigils of the dead. The gray-and-white molly slowly rose to her paws, a haunted look in her hazel eyes as she stared ahead of her, and every paw step she took made her feel as if she was walking underwater. My brother! She screamed as she sat in front of his body, a nearly inaudible whimper left her throat as she took in just how small he seemed now that his spirit was gone.

indentEvery pitiful glance her Clan sent her way burned holes in her heart, all she wanted to do was hide in her den and never come out. I'm a failure to my Clan! She thought as her eyes watered up. What good am I?! She ruminated as her head hung low. I couldn't even protect my brother! She thought as she collapsed to her paws, for the first time in her eight lives, not caring about how she presented herself in front of PineClan. She just wanted to be Mintclaw again, without the worry of having so many cats look to her for guidance and support.

indent"I'm sorry!" She sobbed into his fur, wailing more apologies and hoping that he could hear them among StarClan. Mintstar had so much to atone for; it was no wonder he wound up hating her. She flinched as she felt a feathery tail stroke her back, looking up to see Skunknose and her own tear-filled eyes. "Don't don't this, Mintstar," She pleaded, her voice shaking. "he wouldn't want to see you like this, I know he wouldn't." She crouched down to her level, gently nosing Mintstar up to her paws, and placed her muzzle on top of Mintstar's head. "Don't let him go into StarClan knowing you're scared," She muttered softly. "Just remember him as the proud warrior we all knew him as."

indentMintstar said nothing as she let Skunknose guide her into her den. She briefly gazed at the faces of her Clanmates, her stare lingering on Duckfoot's. Her mate stared back with a look of understanding, his sister, Anthiese, died four moons ago. Is this anything like how you felt? She pondered before entering her den underneath the roots of the Great Oak. Skunknose helped her settle down and lay beside her, both the mollies quieter than stone.

indentThey exchanged one last look at each other before bursting into tears, and while the two were grieving together, they could have never felt more alone.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

indentThe day came and went, Shrikeface's body no longer laid in the clearing and the rest of PineClan carried on with their daily routine. Aside from the absence of Mintstar and Skunknose, who still stayed inside the former's den, Lavenderpaw was almost tempted to say that it was yet another passing day. Larkclaw teased his mate about her ever-growing belly, Cottonbush was still vying for Laurelcloud's attention, Egrettail was stealing looks when Firestream wasn't looking, and every single one of the kits was enjoying the freshly fallen snow. But the gray molly had to face reality, the lingering scent of blood in the air, and the despair she felt in the pit of her belly.

indentHer father was dead. And she would never see him again.

indentShe tried her hardest to convince herself he died honorably by defending his family. But it was hard when deep inside, she knew it was an avoidable death. Lavenderpaw may have respected her aunt, but she didn't like how the leader hadn't done much about the invasive rogues aside from sending fruitless patrols to try and find out where they lived. She hated to think that it would take the death of her father to do something more. It's not like she can do much now, She thought sadly, casting another long glance at Mintstar's den.

indentShe couldn't criticize her for not leaving her den since dawn, Lavenderpaw hadn't left the apprentices' den all day either, both out of grief and because she didn't want to walk out into the clearing only to realize her father wouldn't be there. His yellow eyes would no longer be shining in warmth and pride as he would ask her how she was faring with her training, and his mews about how proud he was of his daughters would no longer be heard. Am I going to miss him at every turn?

indent"Lavenderpaw? Can I come in?" Sorrelpaw mewed; Lavenderpaw was quiet. She didn't even have the energy to talk. The tabby tom stepped in gingerly; her throat tightened seeing the sympathy in his eyes. She valued her pride and hated to look weak, though there was no use hiding her sorrow from her denmate. Sorrelpaw settled himself in the nest in front of her, tucking his forepaws under himself. "We're going to see Maplepaw off for her warrior assessment," He started, mustering a smile. "and then we're going to welcome the four cats the patrols found."

indentLavenderpaw's ears twitched in acknowledgment, swallowing down her surprise at the mention of four new Clan members. Two from QuartzClan, two from HyenaClan. She had been so focused on her grieving for Shrikeface she had forgotten that her Clan had found four new refugees to take in. 'There seems to be a surplus of those,' she thought. Remembering how she and father would talk about their concerns about the cats Mintstar often took into her Clan; they agreed they had the advantage of taking in new cats to strengthen their numbers, but that they also could've done that on their own.

indentthe rest is a wip !!
xxxxxx( maplepaw takes her warrior assessment, if she passes, her warrior suffix will either be -fang -face -pelt -nose or -tail ) [ you pick! ]
xxxxxx( all of the apprentices aside from marigoldpaw, asterpaw, and lavenderpaw are taken out to train. )
xxxxxx( x3 cobweb & x2 dock are used for hawk, rowanpelt, and duckfoot's wounds. the medicine cats go out searching for more dock to treat duckfoot. )
xxxxxx( a patrol consisting of comfreyfang, cottonbush, laurelcloud, and flamefang go out to try and chase off the badger. )
xxxxxx( a patrol consisting of vervaincloud, ratnose, chickadeefur, and rosefur go out to try and find more information about the rogue group. )
xxxxxx( a patrol consisting of wasptail, ramhorn, dandelionpaw, and sorrelpaw go out to hunt. )
xxxxxx( the newcomers are taken in and renamed mottlecloud, grebepaw, hyenatooth, and hawkpaw. )
xxxxxx( rosemask chooses to change her name to chickadeefur. )

xxxxxx( pineclan consumes x2 sparrows, x1 wren. )
xxxxxx( magpiewhisker rests in the medicine den. )
xxxxxx( waxwhisker rests in the nursery. )

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnote to mod; these are cats i received via gifts/readoptions/events/etc., you can have my clan find them in any order as time goes by.
(commaflower ♀) [advent calendar] • (riverswirl ♂, spiderpad ♂) [skyclan] • (cloudyspots ♀) [cloudclan] • (embershine ♀) [duskclan] • (orangeleaf ♀) [rainclan] • (turtlefur ♀, ocraspirit ♂, tipkit ♀, bryumkit ♀, iriskit ♂, mistykit ♀) [drizzleclan] • (bleakstar ♂, dreamingthistle ♂) [coniferclan] • (talonwhisker ♂) [colossalclan] • (warblerfoot ♂) [hidden message] • (archkit ♀) [summitclan] • (oatfur ♂, buzzardpaw ♀) [lilyclan] • (unnamed elder ♂) [wildclan] • (rose, robincloud, luckypaw) [cliffclan]


    𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [1]
    Mintstar • 68 • molly •
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★ [8/9]

    𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐲 [1]
    Rowanpelt • 51 • tom •

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 [2]
    Weaselstorm • 53 • tom •
    Shadeleaf • 23 • molly •

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 [0]
    reserved for poppykit.

    𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐬 [27]
    Duckfoot • 69 • tom •
    Skunknose • 66 • molly •
    Wasptail • 56 • molly •
    Ramhorn • 52 • tom •
    Minkcloud • 49 • molly •
    Comfreyfang • 49 • molly •
    Mottlecloud • 49 • molly •
    Rosefur • 43 • molly •
    Chickadeefur • 43 • molly •
    Asphodelface • 41 • tom •
    Lizardstripe • 38 • tom •
    Larkclaw • 38 • tom •
    Magpiewhisker • 37 • tom •
    Aspenheart • 37 • tom •
    Flamefang • 37 • tom •
    Fawnfur • 36 • molly •
    Hyenatooth • 30 • molly •
    Cottonbush • 28 • tom •
    Laurelcloud • 27 • molly •
    Vervaincloud • 24 • tom •
    Blissheart • 23 • tom •
    Ratnose • 23 • tom •
    Juniperpelt • 18 • tom •
    Egrettail • 18 • tom •
    Orchidnose • 18 • molly •
    Acornclaw • 17 • molly •
    Firestream • 16 • tom •

    𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 [13]
    Maplepaw • 12 • molly •
    Marigoldpaw • 9 • tom •
    Dandelionpaw • 9 • molly •
    Patchpaw • 9 • tom •
    Sheeppaw • 9 • molly •
    Sorrelpaw • 9 • tom •
    Asterpaw • 9 • molly •
    Lavenderpaw • 9 • molly •
    Grebepaw • 9 • tom •
    Hawkpaw • 9 • molly • blind •
    Birchpaw • 7 • molly •
    Ashpaw • 7 • molly •
    Elmpaw • 7 • tom •

    𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 [2]
    Daisystorm • 31 • molly •
    Waxwhisker • 21 • molly •

    𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐬 [5]
    Lightkit • 4 • tom •
    Morningkit • 4 • molly •
    Tigerkit • 3 • tom •
    Whimbrelkit • 3 • tom •
    Poppykit • 2 • tom •

    𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 [0]
    Name • age • etc.
    Name • age • etc.

    N • Clan Name • Username
    W • Clan Name • Username
    S • Clan Name • Username
    E • JinxClan • vampiress_fox
    NW • MoorClan • Dinolil1
    NE • SoulClan • krazykitty00
    SE • SeaClan • winter solstice.
    SW • Clan Name • Username

    JinxClan • vampiress_fox
    EchoClan • Katrione

    Clan Name • Username
    Clan Name • Username

    𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞
    alder bark | used for | [x1]
    blackberry leaves | used for | [x1]
    borage leaves | used for | [x1]
    broom | used for | [x1]
    burdock root | used for | [x1]
    burnet | used for | [x1]
    catmint/catnip | used for | [x3]
    celandine | used for | [x2]
    chamomile | used for | [x1]
    chervil | | used for | [x1]
    chickweed | used for | [x1]
    cobwebs | used for | [x0]
    coltsfoot | used for | [x1]
    comfrey root | used for | [x1]
    daisy leaf | used for | [x1]
    dandelion | | used for | [x1]
    deathberries | used for | [x1]
    dock | used for | [x0]
    dried oak leaves | used for | [x1]
    elder leaves | used for | [x1]
    fennel | used for | [x1]
    feverfew | used for | [x2]
    goatweed | used for | [x1]
    goldenrod | used for | [x1]
    hawkweed | used for | [x1]
    honey | used for | [x2]
    horsetail | used for | [x1]
    juniper berries | used for | [x1]
    lamb's ear | used for | [x1]
    lavender | used for | [x2]
    lungwort | used for | [x1]
    mallow leaves | used for | [x1]
    marigold | used for | [x0]
    mouse bile | used for | [x1]
    parsley | used for | [x1]
    poppy seeds | used for | [x2]
    ragwort leaves | used for | [x1]
    ragwort | used for | [x1]
    raspberry leaves | used for | [x1]
    rush | used for | [x1]
    sorrel | used for | [x1]
    sticks | used for | [x1]
    stinging nettle | used for | [x1]
    sweet-sedge | used for | [x1]
    tansy | used for | [x2]
    tormentil | used for | [x1]
    thyme | used for | [x1]
    watermint | used for | [x1]
    wild garlic | used for | [x1]
    willow bark | used for | [x2]
    yarrow | used for | [x1]

    𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡-𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞
    wrens • 3 servings • [x0]
    thrushes • 3 servings • [x1]
    squirrels • 2 servings • [x3]
    rabbits • 2 servings • [x4]
    mice • 1 serving • [x6]
    voles • 1 serving • [x7]
    sparrows • 3 servings • [x0]

    𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
    Minkcloud & Maplepaw
    hunting, tracking, climbing, battle
    Mintstar & Marigoldpaw
    battle, stealth
    Rowanpelt & Dandelionpaw
    hunting, stealth
    Lizardstripe & Patchpaw
    climbing, stealth
    Comfreyfang & Sheeppaw
    climbing, stealth
    Asphodelface & Sorrelpaw
    hunting, stealth
    Blissheart & Asterpaw
    tracking, stealth
    Vervaincloud & Lavenderpaw
    stealth, battle
    Larkclaw & Grebepaw
    hunting, climbing
    Ratnose & Hawkpaw
    Egrettail & Birchpaw
    Orchidnose & Ashpaw
    Juniperpelt & Elmpaw

    Molekit • 2 • tom • weakness
    Owlfur • 67 • tom • fox attack
    Shadowstar • 80 • molly • poisoned seeds
    Firkit • 0 • molly • stillborn
    Cedarkit • 0 • tom • stillborn
    Shrikeface • 67 • tom • killed by rogue

    𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭
    Name • age • etc.
    Name • age • etc.

    𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
    Anthiese • 64 • molly • kitting

    Skunknose + Shrikeface
    Fawnfur + Magpiewhisker
    Mintstar + Duckfoot
    Comfreyfang + Minkcloud
    Wasptail + Ramhorn
    Chickadeefur + Lizardstripe
    Rowanpelt + Velvetrabbit [JinxClan]
    Daisystorm + Bearstar [LaurelClan]
    Waxwhisker + Manateecall [SwiftClan]

    Unknown & Unknown

    Shadowstar & Owlfur

    Unknown & Unknown

    Foxtail & Graynose
    Ashstripe [ForestClan]

    Luckystar & Eagletalon
    Oakstream [FlurryClan]

    Skunknose & Shrikeface

    Aldershine & Fadedstar
    Rabbitwish [EchoClan]
    Cloudbelly [WitherClan]
    Stripeclaw [WitherClan]
    Smoothpetal [BeechClan]

    Mallowgaze & Marblefur
    Avaricefang [WitherClan]
    Asceticslash [WitherClan]
    Nutmegkit [WitherClan]
    Adderkit [WitherClan]

    Unknown & Unknown

    Magpiewhisker & Fawnfur
    Daisystorm & Unknown
    Comfreyfang & Minkcloud
    Maplepaw (adopted)
    Wasptail & Ramhorn

    Chickadeefur & Lizardstripe

    Rowanpelt & Velvetrabbit
    Lemontail [JinxClan]
    Dirtheart [JinxClan]
    Hazelflower [JinxClan]
    Owlclaw [JinxClan]
    Cougarfang [JinxClan]

    Anthiese & Unknown

    Daisytuft & Jaggedstorm
    Taffykit [HoneyClan]

    Daisystorm & Bearstar
    Unborn, one moon left.
    Unknown & Unknown
    Rose [CliffClan]

    Flamefang & Dappledcreek
    Thrushkit [DuskClan]
    Juniperkit [DuskClan]

    Waxwhisker & Manateecall
    Unborn, one moon left.
    Orangeleaf & Unknown
    Harvestkit [GlacierClan]
    Mixedkit [GlacierClan]

    Mottlecloud & Unknown
    Firespark [MarshClan]
    Hyenatooth & Shadowclaw
    Snaketooth [AmberClan]
    Quickfoot [BriarClan]
    Flintpaw [SwallowClan]
    Riverpaw [FalconClan]
    Luckypaw [CliffClan]

    𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬
    Ramhorn | EchoClan
    Rosefur | TumbleClan
    Cottonbush | WitherClan
    Blissheart | WitherClan
    Chickadeefur | FlurryClan | Rosemask
    Tigerkit | GorseClan
    Whimbrelkit | GorseClan | Moonkit
    Flamefang | FlameClan | Flamestar
    Poppykit | RainClan | Runningkit
    Mottlecloud | QuartzClan | Mottledlight
    Grebepaw | QuartzClan | Barkpaw
    Hyenatooth | HyenaClan | Arrow
    Hawkpaw | HyenaClan | Hawk
Last edited by deimido on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:21 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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