Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill


Postby ashton. » Fri May 12, 2017 1:36 pm




"Good morning, Dewpaw."
The white tom started, his head jerking up and his eyes widening a little, but he relaxed when he found that it was only Frigidrose. "Good morning," he mumbled. "How does some training sound? I know it's a bit early, but it wouldn't hurt." Dewpaw grumbled something inaudible as he curled up into a tight ball again, taking a quick moment to savor the warmth of his nest before suddenly jumping to his paws. "Alright, let's go." His mentor smiled and turned away from the den. The young tom scampered out after her, and the two quietly hurried out of the camp, careful not to wake the rest of the Clan. As soon as they had left the shelter of the camp, Dewpaw's teeth began to chatter with the cold. "You'll be alright," Frigidrose assured him. "A good warrior should be able to focus on their task at hand and block out everything that would distract them. This will be good for you." This statement of hers brought a question to Dewpaw's mind. "What if one was injured very badly and they could hardly think because of the pain?" Frigidrose smiled and rested her tail on his back before purring, "Ah, what a great question. Even the greatest pain should be ignored. Anything that stands in your way should be ignored or destroyed." The apprentice tilted his head to the side a bit, mewing quietly, "Destroyed? What do you mean? You can't destroy pain - or this freezing leaf-bare." The she-cat didn't respond for a moment and seemed to be contemplating whether to share with him what was on her mind or not. At last, after a nudge from her apprentice, she meowed calmly, "No, pain and leaf-bare cannot be destroyed, but... some things can be." Dewpaw let out a noisy sigh. Why was she being so cryptic? Every answer she gave seemed to evoke yet another question from him. "What things?" he mewed a bit irritably. The only answer he received this time was a smile - not a grin, not a happy smile, something he hadn't quite seen before.... It was as if she knew something he didn't. Something that should only be told to those worthy of it, he thought. Why wasn't he worthy? He was her apprentice and they had grown closer and closer through all of the times she had comforted him when he was teased by his sister. He thought they could share everything with each other. She was like his mother - she understood him when even his own mother didn't. What had he done wrong? "How can I get you to tell me?" he blurted suddenly. Frigidrose gave him a sidelong glance and smiled that certain smile again. "Oh, I don't know," she purred. "Perhaps..." she trailed off before stopping in her tracks to look him in the eye, directly, intently. He held her gaze, preparing to listen for every little detail. "I know. You master every skill I teach you. Every skill, whether it is considered normal training or not. You will not question me either. You will do exactly as I tell you," she spoke, her eyes gleaming with carefully contained excitement. It almost scared Dewpaw. "Do we have a deal?" Dewpaw hesitated for a brief moment. The gleam in her eye and her being so vague again were frightening him slightly, but he needed to know what she hadn't wanted to tell him. He needed to be worthy of it - the idea that he wasn't already angered him. He didn't give much thought to the idea of this extra, unusual training when perhaps he should have. He made his decision quickly and unthinkingly.
"Of course."

The Clan was up and moving by the time Frigidrose and Dewpaw returned from their training session. That is, all except Falconpaw. The older apprentice was dozing in the den and had to be woken by his siblings. "Falconpaw, get up, lazy-bones!" Heatherpaw called as she came bounding toward the den. Her brother only curled into a tighter ball and let out a heavy sigh. "Come on, get up already," Pinepaw meowed irritably, giving him a hard prod in the ribs. "Ow!" Falconpaw cried before swiftly getting to his paws. "I was just trying to sleep." Heatherpaw laughed, "Oh, we know that. Seriously, we're almost warriors - you can't be sleeping in this late!" With a flick of her tail signaling her brothers to follow, she hurried out of the den. Upon noticing the direction in which they were heading, Falconpaw inquired, "Why are we going to the leader's den?" "Mom wanted to talk to us," Heatherpaw replied. Falconpaw thought that was strange. Wouldn't Emberstar just come find them to speak with them? Why was she having them come to her den? Was something wrong? He began to worry and increased his pace to a trot. "Mom? What is it?" he meowed as he entered the den. He stopped at the sight of his and his siblings' mentors sitting before the leader. Suddenly he realized what was happening and struggled to contain his excitement. Heatherpaw didn't care if her happiness showed and so she let out a squeal of delight when their mother beckoned them inside. "Good morning," Emberstar meowed with a smile. "You all slept well?" The three nodded quickly, eager for her to get to the point of this meeting. "Wonderful," she purred. She allowed a pause before jumping to the subject she wished to discuss, "I believe from what I've heard from your mentors that you three are ready to be warriors." She gave each of them a long, meaningful look. Each apprentice's heart was pounding at having heard those words. Finally! - they were going to be warriors! Emberstar turned to the mentors. "You believe they are ready?" Frostpath, Birchwing, and Stormbreeze each nodded, glancing at their apprentices with a spark of excitement in their eyes but also one of sorrow, for the long, often enjoyable hours of training had at last come to an end. "Alright. Falconpaw, Pinepaw, and Heatherpaw, please join me for a patrol," Emberstar meowed. She was unable to keep the wide grin from making it onto her face at the idea of her kits becoming warriors.

The Clan consumes two birds (six servings)
Training: Ivypaw, Dewpaw, Russetpaw, Otterpaw, & Brightpaw
Patrol: Emberstar, Falconpaw, Pinepaw, & Heatherpaw
Hunting: Webfang, Briardusk, Honeydapple, Cloudtalon, Breezeclaw, & Cinderdawn
Herb Hunting: Willowcloud & Appleheart
Becoming warriors: Falconpaw, Pinepaw, & Heatherpaw -> Falconchaser, Pinedust, & Heatherpond


      Emberstar | 57 | F | X
      Lives: ★★★★★★★ [7/9]

      Ashenclaw | 60 | M | X

      Willowcloud | 49 | F | X
      Appleheart | 26 | M | X


      WARRIORS: [18]
      Patchthorn | 62 | M | X
      Webfang | 66 | M | X
      Briardusk | 41 | F | X
      Dustfall | 54 | M | X
      Frostpath | 30 | F | X
      Honeydapple | 51 | F | X
      Cloudtalon | 39 | M | X
      Stormbreeze | 27 | M | X
      Badgerstrike | 69 | F | X
      Daisyskip | 22 | F | X - right eye missing
      Foxpounce | 22 | M | X
      Birchwing | 22 | M | X
      Frigidrose | 42 | F | X
      Crowstorm | 27 | M | X
      Adder | 22 | F | X
      Snowstep | 33 | F | X
      Tinyfeather | 53 | F | X
      Breezeclaw | 15 | F | X
      Cinderdawn | 15 | M | X

      APPRENTICES: [9]
      Falconpaw | 14 | M | X
      Pinepaw | 14 | M | X
      Heatherpaw | 14 | F | X
      Ivypaw | 10 | F | X
      Dewpaw | 8 | M | X
      Russetpaw | 8 | F | X
      Otterpaw | 8 | M | X
      Brightpaw | 8 | F | X
      Fernpaw | 7 | F | X

      QUEENS: [0]

      KITS: [0]

      ELDERS: [1]
      Sunstripe | 109 | M | X


      Shadekit | drowned | X
      Featherpaw | murdered by Frigidrose | X


      Honeydapple & ???
      xx↪ Daisyskip, Foxpounce, Birchwing
      Frigidrose & ???
      xx↪ Breezeclaw, Shadekit, Cinderdawn
      Emberstar & Webfang
      xx↪ Falconpaw, Pinepaw, Heatherpaw
      Snowstep & ???
      xx↪ Dewpaw, Russetpaw, Otterpaw, Brightpaw
      Tinyfeather & Dustfall
      xx↪ Fernpaw
      Daisyskip & Crowstorm
      xx↪ expecting


      Northern | forest | BeechClan
      Southern | fields | AsterClan
      Western | river | StrikeClan
      Eastern | fields | SootClan
      North-east | forest | EchoClan
      North-west | river | LotusClan
      South-east | fields | AspenClan
      South-west | fields | open
        EchoClan | Katrione
        StrikeClan | sugar pixel .
        BeechClan | hazilnut
        AsterClan | hiraeth.




        Alder bark | x2 | Eases toothaches
        Bindweed | x1 | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep
        xxthem in place
        Blackberry leaves | x1 | Eases the swelling of bee stings
        Borage Leaves | x2 | Produces more and better
        xxmilk, also brings down fevers
        Broom | x2 | Used to make poultices for broken legs and
        Burdock root | x2 | treats infection
        Burnet | x1 | Keeps a cat's strength up
        Catmint | x5 | Best remedy for greencough, can be used
        xxfor whitecough
        Celandine | x1 | Soothes damaged eyes
        Comfrey root | x1 | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds.
        xxAlso used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for
        xxinflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched
        xxshoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
        Goldenrod | x1 | Good for healing wounds
        Hawkweed | x1 | Alternative to catmint, but not as strong
        Heather nectar | x1 | Makes swallowing easier and sweetens
        Honey | x2 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for
        xxsmoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other
        xxconcoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy
        Horsetail | x2 | Treats infections and stops bleeding
        Juniper berries | x2 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps
        xxtroubled breathing. Also used to help calm cats
        Lamb's Ear | x1 | Gives a cat strength
        Marigold | x1 | Stops infection and bleeding
        Mouse bile | x2 | Used to remove ticks embedded in pelts
        Nettle leaves | x1 | Chewed into a poultice for a wound
        Poppy seeds | x1 | Helps a cat sleep, soothes shock
        xxor distress, and eases pain
        Ragwort leaves | x1 | Treats aching joints
        Raspberry leaves | x1 | Could possibly ease pain or stop bleeding
        Rosemary | x2 | Hides the scent of death
        Snakeroot | x1 | Thought to heal poison.
        Stinging nettle | x1 | Induces vomiting, brings down swelling,
        xxcan be mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones, heals
        xxwound, chewing the stems helps against infection
        Sweet-sedge | x1 | Eases infection
        Thyme | x1 | Treats shock
        Wild garlic | x2 | Prevents infection, especially rat bites
        Willow bark | x1 | Eases pain, inflammation, diarrhea, and fevers
        Yarrow | x1 | Extracts poison from wounds, will make a cat
        xxvomit up toxins, and the ointment will soften and help heal
        xxcracked pads


        Mouse | x9 | 1 serving
        Vole | x7 | 1 serving
        Squirrel | x8 | 2 servings
        Small fish | x8 | 2 servings
        Hare | x8 | 3 servings
        Birds | x7 | 3 servings
        Total | 44 | 86 servings



        Frostpath | Falconpaw | hunting, battle, climbing, swimming,
        Birchwing | Pinepaw | hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
        Stormbreeze | Heatherpaw | hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
        Foxpounce | Ivypaw | battle, swimming
        Frigidrose | Dewpaw | none
        Crowstorm | Russetpaw | none
        Patchthorn | Otterpaw | none
        Dustfall | Brightpaw | none
        Emberstar | Fernpaw | none
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby vampiress_fox » Fri May 12, 2017 2:27 pm

The Clan of the Faithful Outsiders
Number of Cats: Thirty | Males - 15 | Females - 15
Month: Thirty-Two
Next Moonpool visit: Now
Next Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC
Next Med Cat Gathering: ? 12 pm UTC

Jinxstar walked back into camp, leading the young she-cat.

"This is our camp. Soon everyone will be back from their duties and you will be able to meet the rest of the clan." Jinxstar said to her as he heard a commotion from the nursery.

"Duskkit, release your sister, now!" He heard Tanagerpelt admonish her kits.

"Well, sounds like an adventure over there." She said as she walked over to the nursery just in time to dodge the rolling ball of dark and light fur that came out of the entrance.

"Stop it right now!" Tanagerpelt yowled as she boxed both of her kits around the ears, "You two need to calm down and go to sleep, right now!"

Jinxstar walked over with a smile on his face, "Tanagerpelt, this is Magpie. She will be out newest warrior."

Just as he was speaking, one of the hunting patrols and Blackberry and Ashleaf got back to camp. He introduced Magpie to them. As the rest of the clan filed in, Flintshade flagged Jinxstar over.

"Sir, while we were out on patrol, we scented a very young cat in the area." Flintshade reported as his sister stalked off.

Jinxstar nodded and decided to take a few other cats with him, Flinshade had already been out of a patrol once, and he thought it better for him not to go out again. This was not the time of year for any cat to be out on it's own, especially not a young one. Jinxstar and Leopardclaw, along with Blossomsong, went out to find the young cat.

The five apprentices went over to the apprentice den, talking loudly among themselves and joking like old friends.

While they were gone, Blackmouth flagged down her group of scoundrels and started to talk about their plans. Yinpelt walked over with Flintshade, the two not speaking to each other. Yinpelt had never liked Flintshade, though he would never tell Blackmouth that. He thought that Flintshade was a spineless little mouse-brain who was too scared to do anything other then meekly say yes. Hollowheart and Stormcloud wandered over slowly, speaking together in low tones and smiling dorkily at each other. Blackmouth rolled her eyes at the sight of her daughter, she thought that she was laying it on a little thick for the love-struck male.

"We need to start looking closer at the cats in this clan, we need to start gathering more allies. We need to work harder to turn them against Jinxstar, Willowbolt, and Blackberry.
I know that Mulberry will stick by her sister, she always has. Blossomsong and Blueriver will more then likely be loyal to their parents, and I know that Ashleaf will be loyal to his mentor.
" Blackmouth said, looking to anyone else to give any information.

"Frecklesnow will stick by Ashleaf over me, I know that. My parents will more then likely be loyal to Jinxstar, though they will not want to fight me." Stormcloud said as he looked at his paws.

"You are with us, right?" Hollowheart asked him pointedly, sensing his hesitation, "You are with me?"

Stormcloud looked into her eyes, which were filled with a loving look, and melted for her. He was such a mouse-brain that Blackmouth almost felt sorry for using him in this way. He nodded at Hollowheart and nuzzled into her ear. Blackmouth watched the two closely, not entirely sure that Hollowheart was faking. It seemed to real for her to be faking, but she knew that her daughter was very good at what she was doing.

"My brother will be of no use. He wasn't in the past and he won't be now. He wills stick by the side of my sister, and whatever side I am not on." Yinpelt said simply.

Blackmouth did not know much about Yinpelt's past, but he has proven his worth repeatedly. Blackmouth thought long and hard about who was left in the clan that might be able to be turned to their side. Jinxstar, Willowbolt, Blackberry, Ashleaf, Skydapple, Brindlethorn, Frecklesnow, Harmonypaw, Icepaw, and Snowpaw were all already out. They would stick loyal to each other no matter what. That is ten to five and leaves fifteen cats up in the air.

Only two of the apprentices, Firepaw and Windpaw, were even close to being swung around. Tux was still new enough to the clan that he could be brought over to their side, and with him Windpaw. Firepaw was already a viable option, since she was Stormcloud's apprentice. If they could get Firepaw, then there is a chance that she could talk Windpaw into coming over as well, since they were siblings.

That just left Yangfur, who will stick with whatever side his brother is not on apparently, and the newest recuit, Magpie. If she could jump on her quickly enough, she might be able to swing her around to her side with a little misinformation. Mulberry will be loyal to her sister, no matter what, she she was out too. Tanagerpelt is not even worth trying for, she gave up her honorable life as a warrior to become a coddled queen and birth kittens the rest of her life, and she has kits already so she would not do anything to endanger them. Barkclaw is not worth trying either, he will be loyal to his mentor and his mate, probably his mate over anything. He might not be an enemy, but he is not an ally either, which made his an enemy in Blackmouth's book.

Blackmouth made her count again, the five that she had here were her only guarantees. Velvetrabbit, Leopardclaw, Birchfeather, Tux, Windpaw, and Firepaw. Six more, plus her five, made eleven cats that might be on her side. Compared to the rest of the clan, that would have 19. The only thing that she could count on was that she had families split up. Yinpelt and Stormcloud were related to Skydapple, Brindlethorn, Yangfur, Frecklesnow, Ashleaf, Harmonypaw, Icepaw, and Snowpaw. If she could get Firepaw and Windpaw, then they were related to Tanagerpelt, Barkclaw, Dawnkit, and Duskkit. That really took care of a bulk of the problem, with have Yinpelt and Stormcloud. Skydapple and Brindlethorn had the largest family in the clan, as of right now, and that was saying something.

"I will start trying to bring Firepaw over to our side, Blackmouth." Storncloud said to her, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Good, Flintshade, you start talking to Leopardclaw. He seems to like you, so you might have the best option of getting him to join us. Yinpelt, you try to find out a way to get Velvetrabbit to join us, you are sneaky enough that I am sure you will figure something out."

"Mom, I do not think that Birchfeather would be of use to us. He seems like he is so close to Mulberry that I am surprised they are not mates already. If she sticks with her sister, then he will stick with her." Hollowheart pointed out.

"I was thinking of that. I will focus on Tux, I am sure that I will be able to get that amorous fool to be eating out of my paw in no time, and then he can start working on Windpaw.
He is still new enough that I can think of a couple ways to get him on our side. Hollowheart, make friends with Magpie, see what you can do to get her to join us.
" Blackmouth said as she looked around for Tux.

Blackmouth spotted Tux in a quiet corner of camp, grooming himself. She decided that now would be a good time for her to try her magic. She sauntered over to him with a coy smile on her face. Tux smiled up at her, his eyes sparkling, as the pretty she-cat started to talk to him.

While all this was going on, Birchfeather was seeking out Mulberry.

"Hey, Mulberry, can I talk to you?" Birchfeather said, nervously bouncing from paw to paw.

"Yeah, sure, what's up?" Mulberry said with a nervous smile.

"" Birchfeather stuttered as he looked at her, "I-I just wanted t-to ask you..."

Birchfeather's voice suddenly broke and left him completely as he looked at the pretty female in front of him.

"Wanted to ask me what?" Mulberry prompted, holding her breath on what he was going to say.

Though she had never truly said it, she was deeply in love with Birchfeather. He was her best friend, the only cat other then her sister that she had confided her deepest secret in. She was deathly afraid of her feelings for him, as well, and she was not sure whether or not she really wanted to know what he was about to say. She was afraid that the same thing might happen as last time, and she did not think that she could survive such a thing happening again.

Birchfeather took a deep breath, then went on in a rush, "I want to ask you to be my mate." He said in all one breath, "I love you, Mulberry. I have since the first time I saw you."

Mulberry was stunned by his admission, not just that he said it, but also because of the emotion that was behind it. There was nothing but raw emotion in his words, an aspect that she never saw in anyone else before.

"I-I...b-but..." Mulberry was at a loss for words as her eyes started to fill with tears, "How can you love me?"

"You are the most amazing she-cat I have ever met." Birchfeather said to her, "You are loyal to your family and to the clan, even though you have no reason to be.
You are passionate in everything that you do. You are amazing at anything that you put your mind to. I do not choose who I love or why I love them, but I know that I love you. I have never been so sure about anything in my life. I love you and I want you to be my mate.

By the time Birchfeather was done speaking, the trepidation had left his voice and all that was left was determination and pure emotion.

"I-I...would be..." Mulberry stopped and took a steadying breath, "I would be honored to be your mate, Birchfeather."

Birchfeather started to tear up as well as he wrapped her into a hug and licked the top of her head. Blackberry had been watching, though she could not hear what was said, but she knew what had happened and she could not be happier for her sister.

Jinxstar, Leopardclaw, and Blossomsong got back to camp late into the night, following the trail of the young cat as far as they could. In the morning, he would send three other warriors out to pick up the trail where they had left off.

The whole clan went to bed knowing that they were in a good position for tomorrow.


Jinxstar woke up early, feeling beat after such a late night and so little sleep. He got up and walked out of his den, making plans on who is going where today. He called his clan to him and gave out the orders.

[Birchfeather and Mulberry become mates, they want to wait on kits]
[Velvetrabbit and Rowanpelt of Pineclan become mates, Velvetrabbit wants kits now]
[Herb Hunting, Searching for Catmint - Blackberry and Ashleaf]
[Searching for the Apprentice - Skydapple, Blueriver, Yangfur]
[Boarder Patrol - Jinxstar and Leopardclaw]
[Boarder Patrol - Yinpelt and Hollowheart]
[Hunting Patrol - Magpie, Velvetrabbit, Frecklesnow, Barkclaw]
[Hunting Patrol - Brindlethorn, Blackmouth, Flintshade, Blossomsong]
[Training - Stormcloud/Firepaw, Tux/Windpaw, Willowbolt/Harmonypaw, Birchfeather/Icepaw, Mulberry/Snowpaw]
[Watching Dawnkit and Duskkit - Tanagerpelt]

          Jinxstar | 67 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Willowbolt | 47 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Blackberry | 49 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Ashleaf | 21 moons | Male | X

          (48-71) Senior Warriors:
          Skydapple | 57 moons | Female | X
          Yangfur | 57 moons | Male | X
          Yinpelt | 57 moons | Male | X

          (12-47) Warriors:
          Brindlethorn | 48 moons | Male | X
          Barkclaw | 33 moons | Male | X
          Velvetrabbit | 45 moons | Female | X
          Flintshade | 39 moons | Male| X
          Blackmouth | 43 moons | Female | X
          Birchfeather | 29 moons| Male | X
          Leopardclaw| 38 moons | Male | X
          Mulberry | 48 moons | Female | X
          Frecklesnow | 21 moons | Female | X
          Stormcloud | 21 moons | Male | X
          Tux | 33 moons | Male | X
          Hollowheart | 17 moons | Female | X original reference
          Blossomsong | 15 moons | Female | X
          Blueriver | 15 moons | Male | X
          Magpie | 12 moons | Female | X

          (6-12/16) Apprentices:
          Firepaw | 9 moons | Female | X
          Windpaw | 9 moons | Male | X
          Harmonypaw | 7 moons | Female | X
          Icepaw | 7 moons | Male | X
          Snowpaw | 7 moons | Male | X

          (18-71) Queens:
          Tanagerpelt | 29 moons | Female | X

          (0-5) Kits:
          Dawnkit | Female | 2 moon | X
          Duskkit | Female | 2 moon | X

          (72-108) Elders:
          Name | Age | Gender |
          Name | Age | Gender |

    Blackberry | Ashleaf
    Stormcloud | Firepaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Tux | Windpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Willowbolt | Harmonypaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Birchfeather | Icepaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Mulberry | Snowpaw | 1 | Learned: Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | 1 | Learned: Hunting

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt

    Brindlethorn and Skydapple are parents to Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Frecklesnow, Harmonyheart, Snowbird, and Icestripe
    Blackmouth is mother to Hollowheart
    Jinxstar and Willowbolt are parents to Blossomsong and Blueriver
    Blackberry and Mulberry are sisters
    Barkclaw and Tanagerpelt are parents to Firesoul and Windstorm
    Skydapple, Yangfur, and Yinpelt are siblings
    Yangfur and Yinpelt are uncles to Frecklesnow, Stormcloud, Ashleaf, Harmonyheart, Icestripe, and Snowbird

    Medicine Store
    Medicinal Herb, Poison, Usage, Effect, Treatment
    [x1]Alder Bark | For tooth pain. Eases tooth aches
    [x1]Beech Leaves | Used to carry herbs.
    [x1]Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    [x2]Blackberry Leaves | These leaves are chewed into a pulp. Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    [x2]Borage Leaves | It is chewed and eaten. It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers.
    [x1]Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    [x1]Burdock Root | The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp. Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites.
    [x1]Burnet | A traveling herb. Is said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs. Keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Catchweed | The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are. Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin.
    [x5]Catmint/Catnip | Eaten Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.
    [x1]Celandine | Juice is trickled into the eye. Soothes damaged eyes.
    [x1]Chamomile | Eaten Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to traveling cats for strength.
    [x0]Chervil | Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root. For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    [x0]Chickweed | Eaten, such as catmint/catnip. Treats greencough, though catnip is often preferred.
    [x0]Cob Nuts | Made into ointments.
    [x1]Cobwebs | Press over wound. To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
    [x0]Coltsfoot | Leaves chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads.
    [x2]Comfrey Root | Roots are chewed into a poultice. Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    [x0]Daisy Leaf | Chewed into a paste. Eases the pain of aching joints. It is also a traveling herb.
    [x2]Dandelion | The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings. Leaves can be chewed. Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
    [x1]Dock | Chewed up and applied to scratches. Similar to sorrel. Also can be put in one's nest during sleep. Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.
    [x1]Fennel | Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth. Helps pain in the hips.
    [x1]Feverfew | Eaten. Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
    [x0]Goatweed | Given daily. Eases anxiety and grief.
    [x1]Goldenrod | Chewed into a poultice. Good for healing wounds.
    [x0]Hawkweed | Like Catmint/Catnip but not as strong.
    [x0]Heather Nectar | Included in herbal mixtures. Makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures.
    [x0]Honey | Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it. Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
    [x0]Horsetail | Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds. Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    [x0]Ivy Leaf | To store herbs
    [x1]Juniper Berries | Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
    [x0]Lamb's Ear | Gives a cat strength.
    [x2]Lavender | Placed under a cats nose and is to be inhaled constantly. Or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death. Cures fever and chills. Also a herb used to hide the scent of death.
    [x1]Lungwort | Eaten Cures yellowcough.
    [x0]Mallow Leaves | Eaten Soothes bellyache.
    [x0]Marigold | Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice. Juice can be used as well. Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    [x1]Mint | Rubbed on a dead body. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Mouse Bile | The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt. The ticks fall off.
    [x0]Oak Leaf | The dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound. Stops infection from setting in.
    [x0]Parsley | Eaten Stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk. Also used to cure bellyache.
    [x1]Poppy Seeds | Chewed on. They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
    [x1]Ragwort Leaves | Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper berries, it can help aching joints. Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    [x2]Ragweed | Thought to give cats extra strength. Like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    [x2]Raspberry Leaves | It could be a painkiller, or help stop bleeding during kitting. Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
    [x0]Rosemary | Put on the pelt of a dead cat to prepare for burial. Hides the scent of death.
    [x0]Rush | Used to bind broken bones. Helps hold a broken limb in place, such as casts for Twolegs.
    [x0]Snakeroot | Thought to be applied to wounds. Thought to heal poison, especially snake bites.
    [x2]Sorrel | Eaten Traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
    [x1]Stick | Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended. Also used to help broken legs heal. Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth.
    [x0]Stinging Nettle | The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound. The stems can also be chewed. Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
    [x0]Sweet-Sedge | One must swallow the sap. Eases infection.
    [x2]Tansy | To be consumed, but only in small doses. Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    [x0]Tormentil | Chewed and put on the wound. Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    [x2]Thyme | Leaves can be chewed on. Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    [x0]Traveling Herbs | sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Eaten Used to give a cat more energy and strength, and it keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time.
    [x0]Watermint | It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten. Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache.
    [x0]Wild Garlic | One must roll in it. Prevents infection, especially rat bites.
    [x0]Willow Bark | Eases Pain
    [x1]Willow Leaves | Eaten Stops vomiting.
    [x0]Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons.
    [x1]Yarrow | Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound depending on the situation. Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads.
    [x0]Deathberries | Yarrow Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry. Kills a cat within minutes when consumed.
    [x0]Foxglove Seeds | They are used to treat the heart They can easily cause paralysis and heart failure
    [x0]Holly Berries | Similar to Deathberries, though not as severe; they are still a danger to kits.
    [x0]Deadly Nightshade | To kill a cat who cannot be saved quickly. Poisonous.
    [x0]Water Hemlock | Yarrow Causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth.

    Fresh Kill Pile (6 servings)
    Clan consumes 6 servings: 2 snakes
    3 serving Snakes x0
    1 serving Frogs x0
    1 serving Lizards x0
    1-3 servings Fish
    1 serving *Greyling x2
    2 servings *Brook Trout x0
    3 servings *White/Yellow Perch x0
    1 serving *Sunfish x0
    1 serving *Bluegill x0
    2 servings *Bass x0
    2 servings *Pickerel x0
    1 serving Bats x0
    3 serving *Sparrow x1
    3 serving *Finch x1
    3 servings *Grouse x1
    3 serving *Sandpiper x1
    3 serving *Thrush x2
    3 serving *Blackbird x2
    3 serving *Crow x1
    3 servings *Raven x1
    1 serving Chipmunks x1
    1 serving Mice x1
    3 servings Rabbit x4
    2 servings Squirrel x2
    1 serving Vole x1

    Northern Mountain | Skullclan | Heda
    Southern River | Beechclan | hazilnut
    Eastern Swamp | Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Western Pine Forest | Pineclan | voidgear.

    Ally Clans:
    Thicketclan | Emberwisp
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Pineclan | voidgear.
    Witherclan | seedcakes

    Enemy Clans
    Reedclan | Areater
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Clan Tradition:
    When an apprentice is ready to become a warrior, they shall make a one week trip to visit Tori and Anna, a raccoon and magpie respectively, that shall make their Clan Collar. If they succeed then they shall be welcomed back to the clan as a full warrior, if they do not then they will have to train for an additional moon before they are able to try again.

Jinxstar: started at 36 (25)(6 mo jump: 26)(27)
Brindlethorn: 18 (24)(6 mo jump: 25)(26)
Blackberry: 20 (23)(6 mo jump: 24)(25)
Willowbolt: 18 (22)(6 mo jump: 23)(24)
Skydapple: 30 (21)(6 mo jump: 22)(23)
Barkclaw: 6 (20)(6 mo jump: 21)(22)
Tanagerpelt: 6 (19)(6 mo jump: 20)(21)
Velvetrabbit: 23 (15)(6 mo jump: 16)(17)
Stormcloud: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(16)
Ashleaf: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(16)
Frecklesnow: 0 (14)(6 mo jump: 15)(16)
Flintshade: 20 (13)(6 mo jump: 14)(15)
Blackmouth: 24 (12)(6 mo jump: 13)(14)
Hollowheart: 0 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)(13)
Birchfeather: 12 (11)(6 mo jump: 12)(13)
Blueriver: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(11)
Blossomsong: 0 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(11)
Leopardclaw: 23 (9)(6 mo jump: 10)(11)
Mulberry: 36 (7)(6 mo jump: 8)(9)
Yangfur: 47 (5)(6 mo jump: 6)(7)
Yinpelt: 48 (3)(6 mo jump: 4)(3)
Tux: 32 (6 mo jump: 1)(2)
Dawncloud: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)(2)
Duskwatcher: 0 (6 mo jump: 1)(2)
Magpie: 12 (1)
Last edited by vampiress_fox on Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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clan replies no.3

Postby ashton. » Fri May 12, 2017 2:57 pm

      WEATHER: it is currently leaf-bare. the first snow is here! fresh and soft, it coats the ground and is around three inches deep. young apprentices (and maybe even kits) probably want to play in it, but be careful, for it would be very easy for them to catch a cold. prey are hiding in their burrows, so not much will be caught today. however, you are a bit more likely to find new cats since they are seeking shelter.

Midnightkitkat wrote:

The leaf-bare always worried him but he had always made it through alright. Limpetstar stretched himself out, resting both his body and mind. Overworking himself and getting sick wouldn't help his clan. With a sigh the tom felt himself drift into a peaceful nap, the sounds of Duckwing speaking faded into the silence of dreams.
☆The clan eats 2 servings of Trout
●Limpetstar rests at camp
●Duckwing sorts his herbs

(I don't want my only two cats getting sick so soon.
Not much this post ^-^')

      Duckwing was so absorbed in sorting his herbs and repeating to himself the name of each and its use that he didn't notice the falling snow until he was finished. He looked up from his completed task to find little white flurries drifting down from the sky. The medicine cat's eyes widened with awe and he let out a cry of excitement, waking Limpetstar.
      What could he possibly be talking about now? the leader thought as he slowly got to his paws and stepped out of the den. He instantly smiled when he discovered the snow. It was such a wonderful sight - except for the part that Duckwing, a full-grown cat, was playing in the snow like a kit. Maybe leaf-bare won't be so bad after all.


sstormling wrote:
    xxxxxpoppystar was now walking side by side with another warrior to welcome into her clan. "the name's chamomile!" the she-cat yelled in a prideful voice. she was quite the rambunctious she-cat, the opposite of her first warrrior, ashenstorm. poppystar thought their clashing personalities were a great combination to the clan. "oh! i've been waiting to join a clan ever since i was a lil' youngling, except most clans i've found tend to chase a loner like me away," she smiled to her new leader. responding to the she-cat's exclamation, poppystar gave chamomile a faint smile in return, "well i'm glad you got to join our clan!" they sat down next to the wind's tree, their new camp's main attraction. poppystar gave a small ceremony to give chamomile her clan name, bumblebelly. her name resembling her cheerful and hopeful personality. the two talked, waiting for ashenstorm to return from his hunting trip. he got back not soon after with a bunny in his chops. "what a great find, ashenstorm!" the leader purred. he gave a tiny nod and dropped it near the base of the tree. poppystar soon departed the clan camp, set on a journey to the moonpool. it was now leafbare and a medicine cat would be in great assistance.

    xxxxxashenstorm and bumblebelly chatted. that means that bumblebelly did most of the chatting, the only thing ashenstorm did was listen to her wild stories. which he enjoyed, listening was a trait ashen had mastered through time and it was a quite enjoyable trait of his. "i know you just went on a hunt of your own.. but i was wondering if we could search for more prey. it is leafbare," the she-cat stated quietly after finishing her brief story. "sure, let's go!" he responded in amusement. they ran into the forest, hoping for prey to set them for the harsh leafbare that lays in front of them.

    xxxxxthe sun-colored she-cat was now making her way through the thick pine forest. she remembered this path well, as well as what happened last time. how much excitement had filled her head and the same excitement stayed there. she was a leader now, it was fun to take charge but she knew that it would get harder in the future. she was to ask for a medicine cat.. or maybe a deputy. she was in need for a second head to help her with her clan. yet, she had two bright and young warriors in front of her. they might have a chance to become her first deputy in the future, but which of the two? oh.. so much to think about. yet such little time, she was already at the moonpool. "good afternoon starclan," she hummed as she entered the small cave. her restless and long build made it's way to the pool. her nose hit the cold water; no shiver came to her spine this time. "i ask for a medicine cat. it is getting to be leafbare and we could need the help for the future of hickoryclan," she requested.
( @moonpool poppystar asks for a medicine cat
@hunting patrol ashenstorm and bumblebelly hunt together in the forest )
the clan consumed a rabbit )


      Poppystar woke from her dream with a smile on her face. Again she had dreamt of the time that HickoryClan would be one of the greatest in the forest - such a wonderful dream. It all had felt so real, yet seemed just beyond her grasp. She knew she would get there one day, though. She, a former kittypet, would build such a mighty Clan -
      "Hello there," came a soft chuckle.
      The HickoryClan leader started, having been interrupted from her thoughts, but quickly regained her composure. "Hello. You are?"
      They smiled. "I'm supposed to be your medicine cat, aren't I? At least that's what they told me. I hear you're in need of one with leaf-bare here now."
      Poppystar nodded and a slight smile appeared on her face. "Come on, I'll show you the way to camp."

      starclan has given you a medicine cat! choose five herbs from here to start your collection.
      ashenstorm and bumblebelly caught a squirrel!

Zmija's Folly wrote:
    Our Clan is called FrostClan. Our camp is cradled in the mountain of the dangerous tundra inside one of the huge, empty caves. The leaders den is the only true den - it resides in the back of the cave and is essentially another cave within it. The medicine cat and his/her apprentice's den is a close attempt to be a second cave but it's much smaller and has several shelves for herb stocking and storing as well as a small trickle of water near the entrance where they keep sick or injured cats. Warriors and apprentice's sleep in the open of the cave, guarding the entrance. Elders and Queens sleep near the back in the water worn dips on the ground or on the small shelves the cave naturally presents.

    Every morning consists of a hike down the mountain side to either the neighbor lake or the wide open tundra for hunting. Prey consists of field mice, lemmings, voles, grouse, ducks and rabbits with occasional fishing done by the clan. Predators are much more intimidating - foxes, eagles, hawks, wolves, bears. Even the reindeer that meander through the territory can be terrifying if you get to close to them.

    Due to living on a tundra most of the cats here have long fur to protect from the brutal cold and biting frost. A lot of white and brown cats are found so they're good at blending in all seasons - red, black or tortoiseshell cats are uncommon but not unheard of.

    For the most part FrostClan is very welcoming of other cats as their own kind isn't popular on the tundra and they could use all the help they can on the harsh environment.

      The light gray tabby panted heavily as they trudged their way through the snow. They had been on this journey for several days now, searching for the perfect place for their Clan to reside. They were incredibly weary for having trekked so long, and were very near giving up. But finally, as they rounded a corner, they found a cave. They immediately knew this was where the camp should be. It was absolutely perfect, everything they had hoped for. A broad grin made its way onto their maw as they hurried inside to explore.

      frostclan has been founded!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby shishou » Sat May 13, 2017 12:33 am

Number of Cats: 6 (3 f, 3 m)

motheyes and minnowstep returned from their short hunting trip with motheyes carrying
an owl. "we seem to have made it just in time for a clan meeting motheyes, look!" minno
wstep said not waiting for the tom's anwer as she hurriedly sat down. the tom nodded and
went to place the owl in the fresh kill pile for later as he went and sat down next to flam-

"cats of scorchclan, i welcome you a new member of our clan!" risingstar's excited voice
made it clear that she was happy to introduce this new cat. maybe i can become this app-
rentices mentor..
he thought. the new cat, smiled brightly at this as he announce his na-
me. "thrushpaw, i welcome you as a full member of scorchclan, i, risingstar will be your n-
ew mentor!" risingstar finished the ceremony by touching noses with thrushpaw, mothey-
es was pretty disappointed with not getting an apprentice but shrugged it off when minn-
owstep asked him to accompany her on a herb hunt.

after thrushpaw was introduced to the clan and each cat seperately she ushered him to le-
arn hunting first as she says "the way you were hunting that rabbit back there was wrong"
but he didnt mind and so he did as was told. "thrushpaw, make sure your tail is not too hi-
gh up or else the prey might see it and run off and dont forget to keep it still!" she exclai-
ed. thrushpaw sighed but obeyed and caugh the leaf that was falling off of a tree perfectly.

meanwhile, in a more sandy area is where cloudfeather is teaching flamepaw a more adva-
nced way of battling or so he calls it. "flamepaw if you were to get pinned down by a cat m-
uch larger and stronger than you what do you do?" he tested. usually flamepaw would snick-
er and say 'im too strong for that to happen' or 'easy, ill go for the neck. instant kill.' but sin-
ce she really didnt want to annoy him like last time she decided to go for the wise decision
and answer, "i would either claw their eye(s) or rake their belly with my hind claws."

"good flamepaw." cloudfeather praised.

after a long day of training, owlfeather, flamepaw, risingstar and thrushpaw all headed back
to camp and rested. all but risingstar, she said that she would be back with a new cat from a
trip to the moonpool. owlfeather gaurded camp with the two apprentices while waiting for m-
innowstep and motheyes to return, also risingstar and a new cat. upon arriving the moonpool
the leader touched noses with pool and spoke to her ancestors wishing for a new cat.

-- motheyes and minnowstep gather herbs --
-- risingstar goes to the moonpool (deputy or pregnant queen) --
-- risingstar trains thrushpaw in hunting --
-- owlfeather trains flamepaw in battle --
-- the clan eats 2/3 of the owl --

          Risingstar | 51 moons| Molly | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Minnowstep | 47 moons |Molly | X

          Owlfeather | 39 moons | Tom | X
          Motheyes | 31 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Flampaw(mask)| 19 moons | molly | X
          Thrushpaw(leap) | 13 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Owlfeather | Flamepaw | 2 | battle , hunting
          Risingstar | Thrushpaw | 1 | hunting
          Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    burdock root | heals rat bites
    cobweb | stops bleeding
    wintergreen | treats wounds
    willow bark | eases pain
    chickweed | treats greencough
    thyme | helps anxiety/shock/ect

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    mice | x0 | 1 servings
    vole | x0 | 1 servings
    shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    minnows | x0 | 1 servings
    hare | x0 | 3 servings
    owls | x1 | 3 servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
if i eated soap. i dont eat it bc i did. no i didnt 😝😝😝
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby ossa di cervo » Sat May 13, 2017 4:59 am

Number of Cats: one (1) ; 0 ♂ 1 ♀

Snowstar was thankful for the new camp - a great cave that could easily be guarded and house many cats. She'd slept peacefully, it was a relief to be out of the biting cold wind of the tundra. Snowstar was even happier that she'd found the cave when she looked outside and found that the snow she'd trudged in last night had only gathered - starting a clan in this weather was a foolish idea but Snowstar stood strong. This wasn't for her but for her ancestors, to ensure their memory lived on forever.

She spent the majority of the morning arranging the cave for new cats - she'd have to hunt eventually but she didn't want to risk a cold until she found more allies.

She left the cave that night and began her trek farther up the mountain toward the small entrance she'd seen before coming into this cave last night. It was small but she fit through without much hassle. She weaved her way through the tunnel and emerged to see a large stone. Starlight poured in through a crack in the mountain and soon enough the moonlight itself shone down on the massive rock. This was it - the Moonstone.

Falling asleep with her nose pressed against the stone, Snowstar pleaded with her ancestors for some help - a medicine cat or a deputy would be great.. but any kind of help would be appreciated.

snowstar visits the moonstone to ask for another cat

          Snowstar | thirty-two moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    field mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    fish | x0 | 0 servings
    lemming | x0 | 0 servings
    grouse | x0 | 0 servings
    duck | x0 | 0 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Sat May 13, 2017 7:00 am

Number of Cats: 15
Kits Due In: N/A
Next Moonpool Visit: 05/13/2017

"As it's almost time for Applepaw's assessments," said Honeystar from the Speaker's Tree, "I will accompany him and his mentor to the Moonpool."

"Why?" called Palefur. Though he fit in well, it had only been a moon since his joining and he didn't yet know all the intricacies of clan life.

"So that Starclan may accept Applepaw as a warrior."

Everyone nodded in agreement. This seemed like a fair way of measuring the worthiness of an apprentice, although no one yet knew just how the cats of Starclan would accept him. Or decline, in the worst-case scenario.

The leader leaped down from the tree and padded up to the proud mentor and his apprentice. "Are you ready?" she asked. Her only response was a nod from both. "Then let's go." To the rest of the clan she called, "In my absence, Birchnose will take over my duties."

Birchnose nodded, grinning. She was extremely excited, and hoped that nothing would go wrong in Honeystar's absence. The rest of the clan simply watched as Honeystar left, Acornstream and Applepaw close behind. As soon as they were out of sight, Birchnose leapt onto the Speaker's Tree to annouce the day's patrols.

"Alderclaw and Briarwhisker," she called, "will go hunting. Dawnstorm and Palefur will go on a border patrol. Those whose names I did not call will remain in camp." There was no complaint, only the shuffling of paws as the assigned patrols left the camp on their respective missions.

Briarwhisker wasn't talkative, and certainly didn't appreciate rambling. She was glad that Alderclaw knew when to keep quiet. Like now, when they were hunting in the snow, and it was extremely important not to scare away the scarce prey.

"I hear you're a good hunter?" murmured Alderclaw, only partially concentrated on the conversation.

"The best in the clan," Briarwhisker replied proudly. "And with Birchnose..."

"How much prey can you catch?"

"More than you'd believe."

Palefur shivered in the leafbare air. "Is it always this cold?" he asked.

Dawnstorm looked at the other tom worriedly. "Are you okay? It's just for the leafbare. The newleafs and greenleafs are really warm."

"I-- I don't know."

"Come here and sit down." Dawnstorm moved closer to Palefur and the two huddled. "When we get back to camp, get some freshkill and go into the warriors' den. It's nice and warm in there."

"I know." They sat together for a bit, before finally Palefur stood and shook his fur. "Let's go." Despite Dawnstorm's worry, the pair completed the border patrol.

Crowcloud had volunteered to show Dustkit his den and teach her a little about medicine cats and healing, so Duckpelt had allowed the two to be together while everyone else was out on their patrol or, in the case of Snowfoot, sleeping in the warriors' den. The other three kits were wrestling together.

"Getting their training started early, I see," purred Birchnose, who was stretched next to Duckpelt. The two mollies had become good friends and when the queen wished to take a break, Birchnose was always the first to volunteer to watch the kits.

"They'll need it," laughed Duckpelt.

"Yes." Birchnose sobered quickly. "Who do you think should mentor them?"

Duckpelt blinked. "I haven't thought about it yet... But..." She thought for a moment, before speaking. "Perhaps Alderclaw for Boulderkit. And Dawnstorm for Barleykit. Maybe Briarwhisker for Adderkit. And...Snowfoot for Dustkit, if she doesn't stick with her desire to become a medicine cat."

"I'll think about it."

"Thank you."

Honeystar led Acornstream and Applepaw to the Moonpool, ignoring the apprentice's questions. When they finally arrived, it was darkning.

"We'll stay here tonight and head back tomorrow," said Honeystar. Turning to Applepaw, she said, "Just drink some of the water and go to sleep." Applepaw nodded and did what she recommended. He fell asleep quickly, heedless of the two pairs of eyes on him.

"What do you think will happen?" asked Acornstream worridly.

"I don't know," Honeystar replied.

Applepaw woke up surrounded by mist. However, it soon faded to reveal the Moonpool. Only Honeystar and Acornstream were missing. Where were they. Where was he?

"You're in Starclan," said an amused voice.

Applepaw whirled around to see an elderly tom, who looked similar to Palefur, only his markings were darker and he had tabby stripes. "Who are you?"

"Come walk with me," said the tom, ignoring the question. He stood and headed into the forest, and Applepaw had to stand quickly and hurry to avoid losing sight of him. After they had traveled into the forest, the apprentice realized that the territory looked very similar to that of Forestclan.

"How did we get here so quickly?" he wondered aloud.

The elderly tom stopped and looked back. "In Starclan, distance means nothing. This used to be my clan's home before Honeystar found it. In life, I was Minkstar, leader of Cherryclan."

"But I've never heard of Cherryclan."

Minkstar sighed. "We failed many seasons ago. Long before Honeystar was born. The first winter caught us off guard, and after some of our warriors died, the rest fled. I never knew what happened to them. I stayed here until I died, living alone with no comfort from Starclan or the other clans."

Applepaw blinked. "That's a sad story."

"Indeed. But I want you to remember Cherryclan. We never had kits. No apprentices. Just adult cats that fled as soon as hardship was presented." Minkstar smiled kindly. "Do your best. Don't shrink from adversity. Be the best and most loyal warrior you can be."

Applepaw nodded vehemently. "I will!" he promised.

"Then go. And tell those kits of yours a story."

The scene began to dissolve around Applepaw and this time, when he blinked his eyes open, he saw Honeystar and Acornstream sitting in a silent vigil. When Acornstream noticed him, he purred. "What did you see?"

"I'll tell you when we get back home."

Forestclan consumes 4 servings (one hare, one vole)
Honeystar, Acornstream, and Applepaw go to the Moonpool
Alderclaw and Briarwhisker go hunting
Dawnstorm and Palefur go on a border patrol

    Honeystar | 32 moons | Molly | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Birchnose | 27 moons | Molly | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Crowcloud | 31 moons | Tom | X

    Acornstream | 28 moons | Tom | X
    Alderclaw | 29 moons | Tom | X | f. Streamclan
    Briarwhisker | 24 moons | Molly | X
    Dawnstorm | 23 moons | Tom | X
    Palefur | 20 moons | Tom | X
    Snowfoot | 21 moons | Molly | X

    Applepaw | 11 moons | Tom | X

    Duckpelt | 30 moons | Molly | X

    Adderkit | 4 moons | Tom | Right
    Barleykit | 4 moons | Molly | X
    Boulderkit | 4 moons | Molly | Left
    Dustkit | 4 moons | Molly | X

    Ally Clans:
    Thicketclan | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name
    Northwest | Wrenclan
    East | Clan Name
    South | Clan Name
    Southeast | Caveclan
    Southwest | Gustclan
    West | Clan Name

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Comfrey root | x1
    Dried oak leaf | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Juniper berries | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Poppy seeds | x1
    Raspberry leaves | x1
    Stinging nettle | x1
    Tansy | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    Bird | x0 | 3 servings
    Hare | x0 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Stoat | x1 | 2 serving

    Acornstream | Applepaw | 5 | hunting, fighting, climbing,
    tracking, stealth

    Deceased Cats
    Minkstar | Tom | X | f. Cherryclan | old age

    Duckpelt + Acornstream = Adderkit, Barleykit, Boulderkit,
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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 16

Postby Chamrosh » Sat May 13, 2017 10:09 am

Number of Cats: 12 (2 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 3
Visit to Moonpool: 17th May (7 days)

Nettlekit jumped onto the ledge by the sheet of vertical ice a little clumsily, having to shuffle her foot back into place, and stared out in wonder at the world outside.
“It’s so pretty! Why’s everything so white? Is it always white?” Nettlekit asked her mum, but her sister replied, instead.
“That’s snow, and it only comes when it’s cold.”
Nettlekit didn’t question how Sparrowkit knew that. She made a loud “ooooh” noise. Their mother didn’t miss the strangeness, however.
“How do you know what snow is, Sparrowkit?”
“Papa told me.” Sparrowkit hesitated just a tiny bit before saying that, and her tone sounded a lot wobblier than it had a few seconds before, but both of the other mollies just accepted this.
Osierfang shivered against the cold, her legs only just barely making their way through the snow beneath her to the ground. It wasn’t her fault she was short! For her size, even if she was the one saying it, she was a pretty skilled warrior. She was sure she could find somewhere willing to take her in, where she could get shelter from the icy blasts that seemed to channel their ways through here with such ease.
She was delighted when she saw the two warriors on patrol, and pretty much forced her way into coming back to camp with them. They were friendly enough, although she was sure she’d interrupted them somehow. Osierfang could tell they both thought- rightly- that she was very young to be on her own, but that didn’t bother her. She’d have a warm nest and a full belly to keep her interest instead, tonight.
“Mummy! Mummy, look what I’ve got!” Boulderdash wouldn’t have done so if Nettlekit hadn’t practically jumped straight onto her stomach, in an awkward furry lump. That and if Nettlekit hadn’t been yowling loud enough to wake Starclan. “Shellpaw gave me an old leaf, Mummy! He tried to give me some ‘snow’” (she clearly struggled to pronounce that word, as it came out slow and prolonged) “but it turned into water! Does Starclan turn it into water? Do they send water like that sometimes instead of rain because it’s nicer, and because it makes fur less icky?”
Boulderdash moaned, grumbling as she roused. “Questions in the morning, Nettlekit.”
“But I have questions now! What if I can’t remember them in the morning! Then I‘ll never know the answers, and I’ll always be sad! You can’t do that to me, Mummy!”
“Go to sleep, Nettlekit, or I’ll steal and destroy all the nice things Shellpaw gives you.”
Sparrowkit answered.
“No! That’s mean!”
Despite her protests, Nettlekit went to sleep almost straight away after that, and by the morning neither Nettlekit or Boulderdash remembered to question how Sparrowkit had known what to do.
“I have a suggestion for training this moon, Myrtleclaw.” The grey warrior perked up at hearing that from Argusheart, waiting for her to continue, and she only did so when she was sure he wasn’t about to egg her on anyway. It was an awkward pause. “Seeing as they are brothers, it might make sense to train them together. And I was thinking, they might be able to learn more than one thing. See, if I take Shellpaw off with me to practice hiding and stealth for a bit, and you and Droserapaw practice hunting us down, and we swap at Sun-high, both will learn about stealth and tracking.”
There was another pause, this time filled with Myrtleclaw’s surprise at that idea, rather than awkwardness. “...You’re brilliant, you know.”
“I do know that, yes.”
“I’ve been thinking.” Chubtail introduced, as he bounced up proudly to where Heronstar was lying in her nest, and curled up close beside her. “Once Leaf-bare’s nearing its close, I’d like to have more kits with you.”
Heronstar beamed for a second, then became slightly uncertain. “I’d love to have more kits, too, but I’m aware how hard your job was to keep up before, when we had fewer cats to manage, and I don’t want your job as deputy to become undoable.”
Chubtail gave her a knowing side-nod, acknowledging the concern, and nuzzling against her. “Which is why I was thinking; we could have a sort of… secretary. When we’re busy or predisposed in any way- kittings, injury, illness, anything- we just appoint a cat- or maybe two or three cats- who can take over what’s needed for a short time. We still do whatever we can, but if we can’t quite manage a few things, they do them instead.”
Heronstar’s happy expression grew brilliantly wide at that. “That is genius. It might even help cohesion to have the role passed around each moon, so everyone can take an active role in maintaining Gustclan.”
“Is that a yes for more kits next season, then?”
“Oh definitely. I’m just trying to work out who I’d pick to be secretary- or whatever we decide to call it- first.”
Sparrowkit sleepily opened her eyes to look at the ceiling of the den, having rolled around onto her back during her dreams. Her jaw opened a few times, her tongue making a satisfying click when she did so. She rolled onto her side. She was sure she’d dreamed of someone talking to her.
Something crinkled underneath her- Shellpaw had brought more leaves in overnight. Sparrowkit stretched her paws out in front of her, and her tail flopped gently behind her. It was still dark. Sparrowkit rolled over, moving close to her mother, but she stopped as she heard someone’s voice again.
"Sparrowkit! Listen!” Sparrowkit’s eyes flew open. That was weird. It sounded almost like her sister had spoken, but the voice had sounded more like Heronstar, if anything. That was strange. It was the same pattern of speech, the same tone, the same inflections as her sister, similar to their father, but the accent was very different. Very much like Heronstar.
"Sparrowkit, you’re not imagining me. Listen!”
Sparrowkit groaned, and murmured, under her breath. “Fine, I’ll listen, whocha want?”
"I’m Elmkit.”
Sparrowkit laughed loudly, loudly enough that Nettlekit rolled in her sleep, and fidgeted like she was waking.
"I’m not meant to speak to you, but it’s lonely here. Most clan’s don’t bother sending their dead kits to Starclan, they just let them pass; most kits don’t know where to go. It’s just me, and the few who got here on their own, and the kits whose mothers died before childbirth. And most clans don’t ask for us to become warriors, so even a load of those are deaf-blind.” (Elmkit may have been exaggerating to make her point about boredom, but Sparrowkit didn’t pick that up).
“So why do you want me?”
"It’s lonely... I’m meant to be wise, and guide the living, but I never lived myself. So I want to guide you, I want to be able to experience the world of the living through you, so I can do my job... And I want a friend.”
That seemed reasonable enough, especially paired with what Elmkit had said about the number of kits in Starclan. “Why not Nettlekit?”
"Are you asking me to prophesy now?” It was strange to hear a Starclan cat sounding amused. Or at least, Sparrowkit assumed it was, not having heard Starclan cats before. "You’re just the smarter choice, okay?”
Sparrowkit’s eyes flew wide open, terrified at what that could mean.

[Osierfang joins Gustclan]
[Argusheart and Shellpaw, and Myrtleclaw and Droserapaw, go out as a group to train track (and stealth) together]
[Chubtail, Pearstone and Osierfang go out hunting]
[Boulderdash and Harrierpelt stay with the kits; Sparrowkit and Nettlekit stay at camp]
[Heronstar requests a warrior from Starclan]
[Gustclan consumes 1 squirrel and 1 mouse - 3 portions]

(Could the requested warrior be black furred, please?
(I’m also going to assume that my apprenticing system is okay? Unless otherwise specified, in my summary bit, it’s okay from my perspective to just give an apprentice whatever skills you feel like in whatever order.)

      Heronstar | 53 | Female
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
      ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

      Chubtail | 49 | Male
      ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes
      ** Carries point

      Medicine Cat: (1)
      Harrierpelt | 28 | Male
      ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

      Warriors: (4)
      Myrtleclaw | 40 | Male
      ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
      Argusheart | 45 | Female
      ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
      Pearstone “Poirroche” | 27 | Male
      ↪Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
      Osierfang | 15 | Female
      ↪Gold-brown tabby molly with green eyes
      Name | Age | Gender

      Apprentices: (2)
      Shellpaw | 7 | Male
      ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
      Droserapaw | 7 | Male
      ↪ Tabby brownish-red tom with blue eyes
      ** Carries point
      Name | Age | Gender

      Queens: (1)
      Boulderdash | 44 | Female | ••
      ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
      ↪Scar on shoulder and chipped ear
      Name | Age | Gender | •

      Kits: (2)
      Sparrowkit | 1 | Female
      ↪ Pale grey tabby newborn molly kit with hazel eyes
      Nettlekit | 1 | Female
      ↪ Pale grey tabby newborn molly kit with blue eyes
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
    North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Wrenclan | Raven Walker
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
    Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
    Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
    Cobweb (1) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
    Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
    stiffness. Helps burns.
    Daisy Leaf (1) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb
    Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
    and pains, esp. headaches.
    Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds
    Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
    and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
    Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough
    Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
    Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
    Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
    Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x1 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Hares | x2 | 3 servings
    Total | 11 | 3 moons’ worth

    All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
    Warrior: Fight, Track
    Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
    +Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
    +Deputy, from Leader (informal): Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
    Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility, Basic Heal
    (warrior), Diplomacy, Fight, Fish, Herb identification, Hunt,
    Interpret Prophecy, Investigate, Observe, Orate, Stealth,
    Strategise, Swim, Track

    Myrtleclaw | Droserapaw | 1
    Argusheart | Shellpaw | 1
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Elmkitfang | Died shortly after birth
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Heronstar and Chubtail
    Shellpaw and Droserapaw;
    Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
    Elmkit, Sparrowkit and Nettlekit
    Name and Name | Kits

Last edited by Chamrosh on Mon May 22, 2017 10:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[ orchardclan ] [ 11 ]

Postby utena » Sat May 13, 2017 1:55 pm

number of cats sevenxxnext moonpool visit ready

      Sparrowstar woke with a start, heart hammering against her chest. It was before daybreak, and camp was
      still and silent; yet the leader felt anything but calm. It wasn't fear she felt, for the dream she had just
      awoken from was not frightening; it was an odd mixture of surprise and confusion. This was only the
      second dream she had directly from Starclan, and not from drinking the cool waters of the Moonpool.
      The first was a vision that caused her to create the clan in the first place; it was straightforward, and
      the glittering pelts of the Starclan cats she saw were inviting and hopeful. But this dream, the vision she
      just had, was cryptic, and made her shiver. Sparrowstar could remember clearly what she heard, and she
      had no trouble reciting it, word for word: Destined shall you be to live forever in the ruins of others; take
      flight on the whims of the lovers.
      That was it; all she had seen was darkness.

      The leader curled her legs more tightly against her body, willing herself to not leap to Dustfur and
      immediately spill her thoughts. The medicine cat would clearly still be sleeping, and perhaps he was
      even having the same dream―it would be useless to startle him at this hour. Uncomfortable being alone
      with her own thoughts, Sparrowstar slipped out into the dark, and set off on a solo patrol. The crisp, cold
      air should clear her mind, she thought, as she padded softly out the old mill.
━ ━ ━

      As the faint, leafbare sun shone through the gaps in the clouds, the rest of the clan woke. The warriors
      and their apprentices went about their usual routines: Sablepelt had swiftly assigned Brindlethorn to a
      hunting patrol, hoping that, despite the thin layer of snow, some prey would be about. The deputy then
      went out with Gingerpaw to train under the overgrown apple trees, where the ground underneath was
      barely touched by snow. They were soon joined by Thistlefang and Twigpaw, and after briefly letting the
      apprentices chase each other in the snow, they began a training session.

      Back at camp, Dustfur sorted through the herb supply. He would probably have to go search for herbs in a
      few days; it was always good to have extras in this season. But as he counted his supply, the medicine cat
      was troubled; the past few nights had been occupied with dreaming―strange dreaming―and he didn't know
      what to make of it. It was always the same sounds of waves crashing against the shore, but he was never
      shown anything else. This was the third night that he heard this, and Dustfur was becoming worried. He had
      to tell Sparrowstar at some point, though he feared that this might just be a normal dream.

      Snow began to fall outside of the mill, and the medicine cat sighed. Despite his expertise with medicines,
      he was still new to the spiritual side of his role.

Brindlethorn hunts.
Sparrowstar goes on patrol.
Sablepelt and Gingerpaw train with Thistlefang and Twigpaw.

The clan consumes a mouse and hare.

            sparrowstar | 33 | ♀ | cautious | x
            lives | 9/9

            sablepelt | 30 | ♀ | friendly | x

            medicine cat
            dustfur | 40 | ♂ | calm | x

            thistlefang | 47 | ♂ | serious | x
            brindlethorn | 55 | ♀ | reserved | x

            gingerpaw | 11 | ♀ | bubbly | x
            twigpaw | 10 | ♂ | timid | x

            name | age | ♀♂ | x

            name | age | ♀♂ | x

            name | age | ♀♂ | x
    ally clans
    clan | username

    enemy clans
    clan | username

    north | clan | username
    east | clan | username
    south | clan | username
    west | clan | username

    medicine store
    chervil x1 | infection, bellyache
    cobwebs x2 | bleeding
    dandelion x1 | beestings, pain
    honey x2 | sore throats, energy
    lavender x2 | fever, chills
    poppy seeds x1 | sleep, shock
    tormentil x1 | wounds, poisons
    wild garlic x1 | infection

    fresh-kill pile
    mouse x0 | 1 serving
    vole x0 | 1 serving
    squirrel x1 | 2 servings
    hare x0 |  2 servings
    finch x0 | 3 servings
    pigeon x1 | 3 servings

    sablepelt | gingerpaw | 3
    ↳ hunt, battle, endurance
    thistlefang | twigpaw | 3
    ↳ battle, endurance, hunt

    deceased cats
    name | cause of death

    name and name | kits

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hickoryclan (004)

Postby sunfool » Sat May 13, 2017 3:59 pm

total cats: four
two she-cats, two toms
2 needed servings

may 18, moonpool visit

    xxxxx"come on, I'll show you the way to camp."
    xxxxx"this is a newer clan, correct?"
    xxxxx"oh yes, it is i suppose! even though i hope for it to flourish in no time."
    xxxxx"well i don't," the tom exclaimed, following by a quick snicker. poppystar turned to him in surprise -- a little gleam of disgust in her pale eyes. "oh no! did that offend you? i have a bad habit of making the most snarkiest comments," the young tom stressed. he shook his head softly. "i just like a small clan! less cats to worry about -- hm?" he shouted in a disturbed manner. oh i must of already ruined my shot at nearly anything close to respect in this clan, he thought to himself. poppystar let out a small giggle at the youthful medicine cat. the new clanmate had such a different nature. he came off as rude but had such guilt that he would apologize in an instant. was that a bad or good thing? a bright smile was plastered on poppystar's face as always, she swung her head back to the path to camp, "oh it's alright. what's your name?" the lean tom gave an awkward beam back to his leader. "mosspelt," he responded shyly. poppystar intoned in a much higher pitch, "moss! ah -- i could due to a nice moss bed right now. building this clan has laid down quite the stress on me." mosspelt gave acknowledge to the she-cat's simple statement, noticing her low and slow pace in the short snow. "you should rest. i'm sure your warriors can take-over your new and busy schedule." the two nodded in agreement. the newly appointed leader was happy to finally lay down for a quick minute. she was getting restless but this would often happen back in her time as a kittypet. she remembered a stray that showed up at her doorstep, looking as if he had died. he healed and left without a thought; is what she had in mind anyways. she had a problem for worrying about other's problems, a habit she had picked up from her father.

    xxxxxbumblebelly laid in the half-made warrior's den next to ashenstorm. their thin pelts huddled together to gather as much warmth as they could. ashenstorm was nearly dead asleep, it seemed as if any sound from anywhere couldn't wake the tired tom. oh i might as well go for a quick walk.. i'm not nearly as tired as this goofball, the restless she-cat thought. "ashenstorm? i'm going to head out for a walk. i will be back in no time!" she gave a quiet whisper to his ear. he responded with an unclear mumble. the warrior giggled as she ran out of the den, heading south of the camp. she ran as the soft snow crunched beneath her paws. she stumbled across a bare meadow, leafbare seemed to be eating it alive. she slumped down in the thick cloud beneath her, rolling in it playfully as if she were a kit. she stopped shortly after. what a strange new scent. an essence lingered in the air. it certainly wasn't any kittypet nor outsider. this aura had their on specific ring to it, almost like hickoryclan's sweet scent. this would be a good thing to report, also hide the fact that she came here to play. bumblebelly spent her time on the way back looking for other cats to bring to the clan.

    xxxxxthe two clanmates had finally reached clan camp. ashenstorm seemed to be resting as well, he did deserve it for all the work he contributed with poppystar. deputy... that's right! she needed a deputy to help co-lead her clan. he was a good choice for his intelligence and nobility, but he was reserved and kept most of his thoughts to himself. bumblebelly. she was an open story to follow along. naive and troublesome though.. "poppystar?" mosspelt questioned the leader zoning out into what seemed nothing. the tom repeated himself once again since she seemed not to notice him speak at all. "oh sorry," she laughed. continuing slowly, "just thinking to myself! getting rest now, don't worry!" she yelled; running to her own special den. mosspelt was already doing a great job, keeping the worrisome leader in shape was a great start.
( @border patrol bumblebelly sets out on her own to look for a warrior, she finds strange scents near the meadow /briarclan/
@sorting mosspelt organizes his herbs
poppystar and ashenstorm rest at camp )

          Leader: 1
          Poppystar // twenty-nine moons // she-cat // motherly

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          Medicine Cat: 1
          Mosspelt // fifteen moons // tom // snarky

          Warriors: 2
          Ashenstorm // twenty-seven moons // tom // private
          Bumblebelly // twenty-three moons // she-cat // high-spirited
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait

          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
          [url=x]N[/url]ame // age // gender // trait
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername

      Enemy Clans:
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername
      Clan Name // [url=x]U[/url]sername

      North // none (mountains)
      East // clan Name (forest) // [url=x]U[/url]sername
      South // Briarclan (meadows) // amethyst14
      West // Fallclan (river) // Tomato Sauce

      Medicine Store
      Alder bark // x0 // toothaches
      Bindweed // x0 // keeps broken legs in place
      Blackberry leaves // x0 // bee stings
      Borage Leaves // x0 // produces milk, lowers fevers
      Broom // x0 // poultices for broken legs, wounds
      Burdock root // x0 // infection
      Burnet // x0 // boosts strength
      Catmint // x1 // greencough, whitecough
      Celandine // x0 // soothes damaged eyes
      Comfrey root // x1 // broken bones, wounds, wrenched
      claws, itching, inflammation, stiff joints, stiffness, burns
      Goldenrod // x0 // wounds
      Hawkweed // x0 // like catmint, but not as strong
      Heather nectar // x0 // swallowing easier, sweetens
      Honey // x0 // infections, sore throats, swallowing
      easier, coughing, energy
      Horsetail // x0 // infections, bleeding
      Juniper berries // x1 // bellyaches, strength, breathing,
      calming to cats
      Lamb's Ear // x0 // strength
      Marigold // x0 // infection, bleeding
      Mouse bile // x0 // ticks
      Nettle leaves // x0 // poultice for wounds
      Poppy seeds // x1 // sleep, shock, pain
      Ragwort leaves // x0 // aching joints
      Raspberry leaves // x0 // pain, bleeding
      Rosemary // x0 // hides the scent of death
      Snakeroot // x0 // heals poison
      Stinging nettle // x1 // vomiting, swelling, mix with
      comfrey to heal broken bones, wounds, chewing helps
      Sweet-sedge // x0 // infections
      Thyme // x0 // treats shock
      Wild garlic // x0 // infections (especially rat bites)
      Willow bark // x0 // pain, inflammation, diarrhea, fevers
      Yarrow // x0 // poison from wounds, vomit toxins,
      cracked pads

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Water shrew // x0 // 1 serving
      Rabbit // x0 // 2 servings
      Squirrel // x1 // 2 servings
      Small fish // x0 // 1-2 servings
      Hare // x0 // 3 servings
      Thrush // x0 // 3 servings

      Total // 2 servings

      Mentor // Apprentice // No. of training sessions // Moves
      Mentor // Apprentice // No. of training sessions // Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name // Cause of Death
      Cat Name // Cause of Death

      Name and Name // Kits
      Name and Name // Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby kiro,, » Sat May 13, 2017 4:02 pm

Number of Cats:1 (Male-1/Female-1)

Mousestar purred. "Welcome, starclan was right. This is Hopeclan." Nightglow smiled.

"I am going hunting. We will need freshkill if we are going to survive. You should go on a border patrol, that way the other clans will know that we rule this part of the forest!" She turned and ran towards the trees, splashing through the river, before disappearing from sight. Mousestar also left camp, heading towards the

Hunting: Nightglow
Border Patrol: Mousestar

Mousestar | 59 moons | Tom | [url=link][/url]
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Nightglow | 48 moons | she | [url=link][/url]

Medicine Cat:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username[/quote]

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
East | Foxclan | diamondfox
South | Sapphireclan | Shiraya
West | Mossclan | RebelliousWinter

Herb | Supply
Herb | Supply

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Birds | x0 | 0 servings
Fish | x0 | 0 servings
Voles | x0 | 0 servings
Squirrels | x0 | 0 servings
Mice | x0 | 0 servings
Snakes | x0 | 0 servings
cat parent
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