Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby oceanz » Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:18 am

my clan is called autumnclan. autumnclan is located deep in a forest populated mainly by pine trees. there a small lake that separates autumnclan's territory and a small town of two-leggeds. the clan feeds mainly off of mice, voles, fish and on occasions even frogs. their camp is sheltered by various bushes and stable/secure, fallen trees. besides two-leggeds and on rare occasions dogs, autumnclan's only problems are the occasional fox and floods. autumnclan is known for their kindness, they will never turn a hungry or shelter less cat away. for some, that is the clans weakness, being too trusting. however, for autmnclan they believe that it's one of their biggest strengths.

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clan replies no.25

Postby ashton. » Fri Oct 27, 2017 8:42 am

      weather: green-leaf.
      ah, the wonderful green-leaf weather is here! kittings are going well, prey is plentiful, herbs are easy to find. for once there aren't any dangers to be concerned about - for a little while, at least. soon your patrols may come across two-legs and their dogs, as well as more badgers and foxes.

stormly wrote:

        xxxxxxxThe forest was quiet, well, occasionally a roar from one of the monsters would appear. Each time it managed to shock Rye, startle her in some way. Still, today was just one of those days; quiet. Rye managed her way to the thunderpath and stopped as soon as it caught her sight. She exhaled calmly and in a half second she dashed across the worn thunderpath and into another part of the forest. It was quiet once again. Rye hadn't talked today, maybe that was why it was so silent. She had no one to talk to so how could she. Her friend had passed last night. There was nothing to talk about right now anyways.

        xxxxxxxIt is my time to go.

        xxxxxxxThe leaves started to dance, celebrating the decent air. The sandy she-cat glanced at the sudden noise of rustling in the tall, tall trees. Her pace then started to increase as if she was running away from something. She had never traveled this fast and it almost excited her. Her friend was old and couldn't move as much as she could, Rye never minded. At this point she wasn't really thinking, just running and running until she couldn't catch up with her breath anymore. It took awhile until she finally stopped and laid against an old tree. It was rough and almost felt like thorns against her back which caused her to turn and get a view of the tree. It was different from all the other trees since it's bark had withered and all that was rest was dusty old wood. It was still pretty in Rye's green eyes which soon began to widen. There were so many tunnels, everywhere. A wave of realization washed over Rye. It was a camp, withered just like that tree.

        xxxxxxxPlease don't be sad.

        xxxxxxxThe adventurous she-cat wouldn't forgot the camp, but she just didn't want stay in one place for too long. Rye started to travel again and let her heart choose where she wanted to go. It led her to nightfall, a dimly lit cave, and a body of water you could see the moon in. Her curiosity got the best of her because she immediately pranced to that little pool and laid beside it. She lapped up a few drinks before making a face of disgust. She would never be able to describe that taste but she wouldn't praise it as a good thing either. Rye didn't even have two seconds to react because she had slipped into a deep sleep that not even she had noticed.

        xxxxxxxI lived a long life and so will you.

        xxxxxxx"Hello?" she spoke, her voice trembling. It was light and welcoming around her but she couldn't help but feel scared. Don't worry my little Rye. A voice came before her and soon a figure did too. It was her friend, Bumblebelly. She now looked younger and full of life. Rye wanted to speak, still, nothing escaped her mouth. Eight other figures began to appear, four she couldn't recognize.

        xxxxxxxA beautiful she-cat appeared before Rye. Her mask appeared as if it was kissed by the sun. I am Poppystar. Her voice is soft and Rye can't help but think she seems sad. Poppystar's nose laid on her head, the former leader was now smiling. With this life I give you ambition. Use it well to start your new journey.

        xxxxxxxA tom now makes it's way to Rye and she notices who it is, her father, Mud. With this life I give you strength. Use it well for fighting for your clan.

        xxxxxxxHer mother, Abigail. With this life I give you forgiveness. Use it well to clear your worrying mind.

        xxxxxxxA small kit now prances to her. He talks of how he died young but gets sidetracked and starts to speak of a time where he would sneak out of camp and play in the meadow. Rye bows for the kit, Graykit, for him to reach. With this life I give you happiness. Use it well to brighten you and your clan's days.

        xxxxxxxHer sister, Marigold. With this life I give you friendship. Use it well in your new home.

        xxxxxxxA deputy named Ashenstorm who claims to be Bumblebelly's mate. He's stern and you can sense pride when he speaks. With this life I give you responsibility. Use it well to lead your clan.

        xxxxxxxA silly foe, Raven. With this life I give you mercy. Use it well to learn that not even the greatest win.

        xxxxxxxA medicine cat, Mosspelt. With this life I give you humor. Use it well for making even the saddest smile.

        xxxxxxxBumblebelly. She smiles but she too seems sad. She looks as if she wants to say something but she doesn't. Her eyes gleam as she looks at Rye, and she finally places her nose on the other she-cat's head. With this life I give you mother's love. Use it well to take care of everyone around you.

        xxxxxxxBumblebelly steps back and it is Poppystar who starts to speak again. I hail you by your new name, Ryestar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of Morningclan. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the Warrior Code; live each life with pride and dignity. In the end everyone spoke and it felt like echos bouncing off of a cave's walls.

[ Ryestar wishes for a clanmate ]

Galipaygo wrote:

The sun shines through the trees and trickles down to brush the fur of the cats that lay in the darkness of their dens. Timberstar flicks his ears and opens his eyes lightly to see the sun shining through. He blinks a few times, tired, then stretches and begins to sit up. As he rises from his stretch he shakes of the bedding that still clung to his fur. He drug himself out of his den and looked around the quiet clearing. He sat down to groom himself until he heard rustling from a den nearby. He perked his ears and looked at the den. There was silence. He stared for a moment longer before going back to grooming himself. Then he heard it again. He stood up and stared at the den again. What was making the sounds? Then he glanced over at the fresh-kill pile. A bird was all that sat there. He then remembered the warrior he came across yesterday. Birchfur... "Birchfur, good morning." Timberstar called to the she-cat. Birchfur nodded at the leader and padded out of the camp entrace.

Birchfur hunts alone
Timberstar patrols the boarders

Phina D Wolf wrote:

Sweetstar began his trek to the Moonpool dispiritedly, his paws dragging through the grass. Surely StarClan would send him a deputy soon. Surely there was a purpose in the delay. As he padded through the tall grass, his gaze fixed on the trail in front of him, he began to hear voices, drifting through the misty morning air. Quickening his pace, he began to lope, his eager ears searching for the source of the voices. Breaking into a small clearing, he spotted two ginger cats, one male, one female, in a heated debate.

“No you idiot, I am not trying to poison you.” the female insisted, attempting to wrap a cobweb around the foreleg of the other, which had a small but bloody scratch on it.

“Why else would you be trying to shove a spider into an open wound?!?” The tom protested, shaking his paw vigorously and attempting to back away, only to be followed determinedly by the she-cat.

“I keep telling you, it wasn’t a spider! It was a speck of dirt, and I brushed it off before I even tried to put the cobweb on you. Now stop being a big baby and get over here!”

The tom tried to turn and flee, but slammed face first into a bemused Sweetstar, who’s stumbled slightly before regaining his footing. “Woah there!” the leader cried, holding up a paw to stay the cat, “Who are you two? And why are you refusing medical help?”

Obviously flustered, the tom cleared his throat, “Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He looked at the leader a moment before starting, “You! I knew it! See, I told you I wasn’t crazy Velvetflicker, this is him! We are in the right place!”

Huffing, the female examined Sweetstar momentarily, “He looks nothing like what you described to me, Maplestrike.” she said, shaking her head.

“No, no see? Grey and white, looks like he could still be an apprentice….” Maplestrike trailed off, realizing what he had just said, “Oh, um, I mean…”

Sweetstar chuckled, shaking his head in amusement, “No, no, you’re right.” he agreed, “I do have that issue. It makes me easy to identify though. Why were you looking for me?”

“Well, you see," the tom began, "StarClan visited me a week or so ago and told me to come here. I was on my own at the time, but StarClan said not to join you until I could find Velvetflicker here. They said that our clan needs to grow quickly, to withstand trials to come, whatever that means. Neither Velvetflicker nor I can remember if they said anything specific about these trials, but starting a new clan is hard, so who knows.”

Velvetflicker nodded in agreement, “Yea, I haven’t had any dreams from StarClan in a while yet. Last I heard, I wouldn’t until I found a new clan. I’m hoping that you’ll let me join you.”

“Of course!” Sweetstar said, beaming, “I would be honored to have you in my clan as my medicine cat and my Deputy. Follow me, our camp is this way.”

The three quickly traversed the easy terrain back to camp, hopping the stream twice as they went, Sweetstar giving them a brief summary of the territory and a few potential dens he had spotted in the camp. “There’s a den near the edge of camp with a sandstone wall that the stream runs through that I’ve been clearing out, thinking that it could make a good medicine cat den.” He said, turning his head to speak to them as they entered the little clearing that was the camp, “And over here, next to my den, is another den that I’ve been clearing out, you could use that one Maplestrike.”

Quickly inspecting their new homes, the two returned, grinning, “This is perfect!” Maplestrike meowed, grinning, “Tons of space and great weather. I can’t wait for more cats to get here.”

“Actually, I was on my way to the moon pool when I met you two.” Sweetstar admitted, “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go there now to see if StarClan will grant us another member.”

“Good idea.” Velvetflicker agreed, “And I’ll go hunt down some herbs so that we’re ready if something happens.”

“And I can go hunting.” Maplestrike offered, “It looks like we’re a bit low on food.”

“Perfect!” Sweetstar exclaimed, grinning, “I’ll see you all back here tonight then."

[Sweetstar goes to the Moonpool]

[Maplestrike goes hunting]

[Velvetflicker searches for herbs]

      starclan has granted you a warrior!
      maplestrike caught a bird!
      velvetflicker found parsley and mallow leaves!

Zmija's Folly wrote:

Bearmask watched the silver tabby slink across the cave's cool floor, tail dragging, head held low. The icy blue gaze of Bearmask rolled upward as he watched Tumbleweed drag his paws to the fresh-kill pile and pick up the remains of a rabbit others had recently dug into. The massive white tom kept his eyes on Tumbleweed as he crept back into the nursery.

We get it, your kits died. Grow up. Bearmask's thoughts were nothing short of cruel - he cared nothing for the feelings of Tumbleweed and his pathetic mate.

A moon had passed and Cobweb was still in the nursery, mourning the loss of her two kits who she'd named Coalkit and Nightkit. The clan had spared the couple a day but they needed to get on with their lives or else the clan would suffer for it. Snowstar, in all her poor judgement had left Cobweb where she was to quietly suffer. Bearmask's claws slid onto the cool floor at the mere thought of the dreadful leader of Frostclan.

With Tumbleweed's tail vanishing into the nursery Bearmask was finally able to turn away from the sad sight. His gaze then landed on his next target - Mousewillow and her apprentice, Burrpaw. The large white tom beckoned the apprentice over with his tail when he got a glance. Burrpaw trotted over and rolled his eyes, "What, Bearmask?" the apprentice snapped, lacking any sense of empathy.

Bearmask chuckled, "Woah there, kit, easy. I just wanted to ask how Cobweb was doing."

Burrpaw stared into Bearmask's eyes, his own gaze heavy with doubt, "You want to know about Cobweb?" When Bearmask finally allowed a small nod the apprentice continued, "Well, she's a queen who lost not just two kits but her whole liter. So obviously not great."

"She's still not better?" Bearmask scoffed, watching the apprentice's reactions closely, "Pathetic."

The small apprentice scoffed in return, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that she needs to get over it..."

Bearmask grinned - just the answer he was looking for, "Kit, I think you and I have a lot more then just one opinion in common." the warrior offered a wink along with the comment.

Burrpaw's face scrunched up in confusion, "Um.. Okay. I have to go help my mentor now. Don't call me unless you actually need something, dirt-breath."

The apprentice hurried back to Mousewillow's side and got back to his duties. Bearmask turned around to find his own apprentice, Ashpaw, trotting toward him. Ashpaw already knew to agree to everything that Bearmask said, everything Bearmask ordered - she was molding perfectly - everything Bearmask needed. The tom watched a rather hostile exchange happen between Snowstar and Swiftleap before the she-cat stormed off into the wilds. With a chuckle and a flex of his claws Bearmask turned to Ashpaw. Time to get more training under her little paws.. this time, alone.

frostclan consumes a duck and half a rabbit!

mousewillow & burrpaw go herb hunting
bearmask & ashpaw go training
timberfang, thornblossom & swiftleap go on a patrol
mothfrost, lightningwatcher, hawktuft, murkjaw & snowstar go hunting
after hunting snowstar visits to moonstone to ask for a random cat.
all apprentices stay in camp to avoid the high water levels (excluding ashpaw & burrpaw)

      mousewillow + burrpaw found cobwebs, lamb's ear, + mouse bile!
      ashpaw learned the hunting skill!
      timberfang, thornblossom, + swiftleap found a queen! she's due in two moons.
      mothfrost, lightningwatcher, hawktuft, murkjaw, + snowstar caught a mouse, a fish, + a duck!

The Lion Queen wrote:

Fawnstar took a deep, relaxing breath as he walked down to the moonpool. With one flick of his ear, he sat down in front of the pool and reached down to take a drink of the water, entering the realm of starclan. Starclan, I am Fawnstar of Evergreenclan. I ask for a deputy that can help me build and run my clan. he whispered, doing his best to keep the anxiety slowly pooling in his stomach down.

      starclan has granted you a deputy!
      next time, please put the actions you want replied to (for example, "fawnstar requests a deputy at the moonpool") below the story, just to make my job easier. thank you!

Dinolil1 wrote:

All around him were 21 pairs of eyes and the blackness of the stream below. The silvery tabby sighed and turned to Fritillarystar, bidding her to do the unjust deed. ''I didn't kill Ternpaw.'' Nettlefang murmured, over the gurgle of water and the chirp of crickets. ''I was with Ravenflower and Robinstorm at the time; how could I possibly have done it?'' He urged, hoping that the dark molly would see some sense. In the crowd, Ravenflower squirmed uncomfortably at the mention of her name; the old molly had wanted to remain as invisible as possible and this association with Nettlefang would do her no favours.

Fritillarystar met his gaze, sharp and unwavering. For a long time she said nothing and the clan's eyes drifted to her; eyes that pleaded to her, asking if this cat that stood before them was really the killer of Ternpaw. ''Even if you didn't...'' She crooned. ''...remember Loach?'' She noticed the way he froze and knew that, whatever he said, Nettlefang most certainly did remember the sweet little brown and white molly. ''And Teasel? Reed? Little Minnow too?''

At this, Nettlefang's heart broke a little. He'd made some terrible choices, yes, but the silver tom had worked terribly hard to redeem himself and had not know just how badly it'd effected Fritillarystar all these moons ago. ''I-I'm sorry.'' He nearly choked on his words. ''I was foolish back then; can't you give me another chance, Fritillarystar, please.'' But his pleas went unheard, as Fritillarystar cast her gaze on the two mothers of Moorclan.

''Oakfeather, mothers, would you want this kitten-killer among your ranks?'' She urged, noting their head-shaking with solemnity. ''Dustfoot! As a father, would you like this tom eating the same prey as you?'' The Siamese tom immediately piped up with a loud 'No!' before pulling Beechkit and Elmkit closer to him. Soon the cries of 'No' were swept up in one giant storm, each cat chanting one after the other.

Nettlefang bowed under this outcry, staring at Fritillarystar in hopes that she'd find something in her heart that'd forgive him. But there was no chance, Fritillarystar had made up her mind and if he was being honest, Nettlefang did not blame her for this. Quietly, Nettlefang took one step closer to the gurgling stream and pondered it's depths. It appeared to creep closer and closer, engulfing him in dark and ice; Nettlefang felt his spirit drift and no more was he.

From the rocks, Robinstorm watched in silent horror as Nettlefang's body vanished under the surface. ''Oh Starclan, no.'' She whimpered, shaking her head. Beside her, the loners were watching on solemnly; not sharing her grief but understanding it. ''I'm sorry, Robin.'' mumbled Swift, nuzzling her shoulder comfortingly. Beside him was his sister, trembling with fury at this travesty of justice and unsheathing needle-sharp claws. Avocet despised liars and she hated Fritillarystar especially for hurting dear Robinstorm's feelings. ''I'm going to teach her a lesson.'' Avocet threatened, lashing her tail angrily. ''Avocet! Don't be rash.'' Lightning warned, glaring at her. ''There's far too many cats; if we just attack the leader, no doubt the others will attack us.''

''Lighting's right, Avocet.'' Swift replied sagely, watching the crowd disperse from the stream and enter the mossy-house. ''I doubt Robin would wanna lose you, right Robin?'' He added, turning to Robinstorm. The tortoiseshell looked furious, and she slowly turned to Avocet. ''We'll attack, all of us together.'' Robinstorm smiled darkly. ''Fritillarystar's got a few enemies in MoorClan; Bramblefur, Braircloud and Lizard all don't believe that Nettlefang was guilty.'' She explained. ''Maybe Dustfoot, although I'm not sure.'' With a pause, Robinstorm stared at the MoorClan camp and frowned determinedly. ''But I know we've got to attack; Lightning, Avocet, Swift...are you with me?''

Avocet nodded eagerly, champing at the bit for a battle of justice. But Swift and Lightning appeared uncertain, pawing the grass thoughtfully. ''I-I don't know...what if we lose, Robin?'' Swift murmured. ''I'll lose you!'' Robinstorm heard this and nodded sternly. ''That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, Swift, And I'm not asking you to die.'' She explained, turning slowly to a silent Lightning.
To the surprise of the trio, Lightning was nodding. ''We cannot let injustice run rampage; it must be destroyed before it takes root in the minds of innocent cats.'' The fluffy white tom concluded his speech with a faint nod, staring unto a cowardly Swift. ''I...I'll come.'' The black tom mumbled, afraid and uncertain. ''I'll fight along side you, Robin.''

Lizard couldn't sleep, staring at the waxy moon and wondering when he'd be freed from the rank of prisoner. With the death of Nettlefang, he'd expected a pardon of sorts from Fritillarystar and when that didn't happen, the tom couldn't help but wonder if she'd forgotten all about him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could sense movement and instinctively, Lizard froze rigidly with terror. ''W-who's out there?'' He mumbled, hearing the soft thump of heavy paw-falls. ''It's just me, Snailstep.'' The paw-steps replied, the moonlight illuminating his shaggy pelt and the young kitten that stood between his large paws. ''And I just saved this young tom's life.'' He lied, gazing down at Hazelkit. ''Oh! Oakfeather will be pleased.'' Lizard replied shyly, scrambling to his paws.
''Should I wake the others up?'' The tabby offered, staring at Hazelkit. Where his bright green eyes had been was a long pink scar and white fur all around it. ''Oh yes, please do.'' murmured Snailstep, smirking as all the pieces fit together at last.

Hazelkit's family were in the nursery, reveling in the return of their eldest son. ''You're a hero!'' cheered Elmkit, grinning up at Snailstep. ''Thank you, I only wish I could've saved his sight as well.'' the shaggy tom sighed wistfully, turning to a proud Fritillarystar. ''Nevertheless Snailstep, Oakfeather's indebted to you.'' She replied, dipping her head solemnly. ''And nevermore have I seen another so determined to bring a traitor to justice.'' The tortoiseshell added, blind to his selfish wanderings and assuming he'd been on a prowl for Nettlefang. The clan quietly murmured in agreement, eyes shining with pride and admiration. ''As a reward, I bid thee deputy; for what's better than a just deputy who'd be willing to take on the mantle of leader after I die?''

This announcement was met with horror by Dawnpool, who gawked at Fritillarystar in mortification. ''But I'm deputy!'' She hissed, glaring at Snailstep. ''I'm sorry Dawnpool, but she's made her decision.'' crooned Snailstep. ''And leader's word is law.'' Fritillarystar smiled at Snailstep, before turning to Dawnpool. ''I'm sorry but the day I made you deputy was a mistake, I did it out of nothing but superficial love.'' She explained, watching the beautiful molly sulk off with Hollytail in tow.

The loners prepare for attack
Hollytail and Dawnpool leave to plot revenge
Fritillarystar goes to the lightning tree to ask Starclan for a warrior as Robinstorm's been missing for too long

oceanz wrote:my clan is called autumnclan. autumnclan is located deep in a forest populated mainly by pine trees. there a small lake that separates autumnclan's territory and a small town of two-leggeds. the clan feeds mainly off of mice, voles, fish and on occasions even frogs. their camp is sheltered by various bushes and stable/secure, fallen trees. besides two-leggeds and on rare occasions dogs, autumnclan's only problems are the occasional fox and floods. autumnclan is known for their kindness, they will never turn a hungry or shelter less cat away. for some, that is the clans weakness, being too trusting. however, for autmnclan they believe that it's one of their biggest strengths.

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Postby sunfool » Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:30 pm

        [ Number of Cats 02 ][ Next Moonpool Visit anytime ]

        xxxxxxxThe former rogue, now named Ryestar, arose from her deep slumber. She kept her eyes closed, fear still overwhelming her from seeing a friend she had thought was dead. She laid there with too much to say and too much to do. It had all happened so quick for her. She had a clan and had the word 'star' in her name, and it felt like only just a brief second had passed. Her heart rate had quickened and she had felt heat trapping her in her body, but then it was cold again. The she-cat let out a solid huff as she slowly opened her eyes.

        xxxxxxx"Hello." This single word made the leader jump out of her own fur. She looked across the pool to find a golden tom staring back at her. She could feel every single hair on her pelt standing on its ends.

        xxxxxxx"Who-who are you?"

        xxxxxxx"I'm Sunpetal, your first ever warrior."

        xxxxxxx"That sounds like a queen's name," the young cat snickered. The tom, who noted, could of easily been offended, laughed. His laugh was warm and gave the new leader a sense of why his name started with the word sun. "Well, I think my name matches my quite handsome looks." Ryestar returned a small giggle but kept her distance. Who knew how long this birdbrain had been watching her.

        xxxxxxx"Warrior? I don't know what you mean," she quietly remarked. Sunpetal tilted his head towards her response but it quickly retreated as if he figured how to respond. "Yeah, right." A small smile was still placed across his face, he didn't seem like a cat who'd make sarcastic remarks such as Ryestar herself. "Starclan has given me a second chance," the tom beamed. His voice was elegant and proud and his green eyes reminded the leader of the leaves she saw dancing earlier. He was much different than any other snob rouge she had encountered before. "That chance is to serve you."


        xxxxxxxThe two walked together, farther apart, but still accepted as 'together'. Ryestar glanced at the tom who had a rather chipper bounce to his walk. He had said he was only 12 moons earlier, but he could easily miss the she-cat and accidentally topple over her as if she was a small rock. It also seemed like something he would do.

        xxxxxxx"I don't get it."

        xxxxxxx"Get what?"

        xxxxxxx"I know nothing about life. I'm only 15 moons for this so-called Starclan's sake! Worst of all, my best friend just died. And they expect me to carry the weight of a whole clan on my shoulders?"

        xxxxxxx"Half of a clan. They expect you to carry the weight of half of a clan on your shoulders."

        xxxxxxx"Why's that?"

        xxxxxxx"You have me! When others join you'll have them too! Your responsibilities will grow but so will the amount of cats to help you."

        xxxxxxx"What happens if they decide not to say.. or worse. What if they die?"

        xxxxxxxA soft tranquility took over the forest they walked upon that moment. Death was such a depressing thing to discuss among the trees but the word had gotten used to the tip of Ryestar's tongue. Sunpetal frowned, but at the same time he still looked as if he was happy. She couldn't help but not understand. He believed as if everyone had good in them, everything was someone's faith. He was naive and the leader envied it. He stole her trust just like that and that was when she started to realize that she had been talking too much, saying too much. She had showed weakness by a simple outbreak. The former trust faded quick between them. The new leader would stay with him, mostly because Starclan had chosen him, but she would keep her distance. Starclan can't control her actions and they definitely can't make her.

        xxxxxxxTears. Salty and messy tears dripped down her face. It sounded as if she was trying to say something but all that could come out was nonsense. Well, few garbled words could be noticed at most, but nobody could bother to even listen. They all stood there with shock and fear covered all over their beaten down faces. They didn't do anything, not one single cat dared to take a step forward. They were like a deer in a monster's lights; frozen. It didn't matter. She didn't notice them either, just the lifeless cat that laid before her. She sunk into the now cold and hard ground. She was sobbing uncontrollably as if not one single cat could wake her from this trance. Maybe that's why no cat did. No one had ever seen her cry and no one ever will, because that night no one dared to set eyes on the one who would kill for her clan.

        xxxxxxx"I don't know Ryestar. One day you'll find out. It will be a sad day or maybe even a good one. Please do tell me how you feel when that day comes."

        xxxxxxx"I feel like a piece of me is missing."

[ Ryestar and Sunpetal border the eastern part of territory (mainly cliffs) to hunt and search for new clanmates ]

(sorry if you're not allowed to do ^that^ if not then ryestar hunts and sunpetal looks for clanmates ;))

        Leader [ 1 ]
        Ryestar-15 moons-she-cat-𝘹

        Deputy [ 0 ]

        Medicine Cat [ 0 ]

        Warriors [ 0 ]
        Sunpetal-12 moons-tom-𝘹

        Apprentices [ 0 ]

        Queens [ 0 ]

        Kits [ 0 ]

        Elders [ 0 ]
        Ally Clans

        Enemy Clans


        Medicine Store
        Alder bark-x0-toothaches
        Bindweed-x0-keeps broken legs in place
        Blackberry leaves-x0-bee stings
        Borage Leaves-x0-produces milk, lowers fevers
        Broom-x0-poultices for broken legs, wounds
        Burdock root-x0-infection
        Burnet-x0-boosts strength
        Catmint-x0-greencough, whitecough
        Celandine-x0-soothes damaged eyes
        Comfrey root-x0-broken bones, wounds, wrenched
        claws, itching, inflammation, stiff joints, stiffness, burns
        Hawkweed-x0-like catmint, but not as strong
        Heather nectar-x0-swallowing easier, sweetens mixtures
        Honey-x0-infections, sore throats, swallowing easier, coughing, energy
        Horsetail-x0-infections, bleeding
        Juniper berries-x0-bellyaches, strength, breathing, calming to cats
        Lamb's Ear-x0-strength
        Marigold-x0-infection, bleeding
        Mouse bile-x0- ticks
        Nettle leaves-x0-poultice for wounds
        Poppy seeds-x0-sleep, shock, pain
        Ragwort leaves-x0-aching joints
        Raspberry leaves-x0-pain, bleeding
        Rosemary-x0-hides the scent of death
        Snakeroot-x0-heals poison
        Stinging nettle-x0-vomiting, swelling, mix with comfrey to heal
        broken bones, wounds, chewing helps infections
        Thyme-x0-treats shock
        Wild garlic-x0-infections (especially rat bites)
        Willow bark-x0-pain, inflammation, diarrhea, fevers
        Yarrow-x0-poison from wounds, vomit toxins, cracked pads

        Fresh-Kill Pile
        mice-x0-1 serving
        voles-x0-1 serving
        rabbits-x0-2 servings
        squirrels-x0-2 servings
        water shrew-x0-1 servings
        small fish-x0-2 servings

        Mentor-Apprentice-no. of training sessions-moves
        Mentor-Apprentice-no. of training sessions-moves

        Deceased Cats

        Name and Name-Kits
        Name and Name-Kits
Last edited by sunfool on Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Yewclan [6] | "Overpopulation."

Postby eltonn » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:16 pm

Number of Cats: 015

[ it's who we are ]

          Yewstar | 61 | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★

          Thorntoes | 48 | Shecat | X
          si. Applespeck | 31 | Shecat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Nightsage | 21 | Tom | X
          app. Owl Flutter | 17 | Shecat | X

          Houndheart | 32 | Tom | X
          Foxpelt | 28 | Tom | X
          Amberheart | 37 | Shecat | X
          Badgerclaw | 45 | Tom | X
          Dustymouse | 57 | Tom | X

          No cats are training under the code.

          Figfur | 28 | Shecat | X
          Breamkit | 5 | T | X
          Flowerkit | 5 | S | X
          Redkit | 5 | T | X
          Silvershade | 48 | Shecat | X
          ↳ expecting

          The clan contains none of old.
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Yewclan is 3 days journey away from everything.

    Medicine Store
    Comfrey Root | Many uses
    Daisy Leaves | Aching Joints
    Feverfew | Fevers
    Hawkweed | weak form of catmint
    Goatweed | Anxiety and Grief
    Mallow | Bellyaches
    Marigold | Infections

    Fresh-Kill Pile: x04pp
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Vole | x1 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x1 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
    Forest Birds | x2 | 6 servings

    forest birds as in robins, thrushes, finches, jays, sparrows etc

    No cats are under training.

    Deceased Cats:
    Flurry | Euthinized ;-;
    Applekit | Stillborn
    Howard | Murdered by Clyke
    Crescentpaw | Killed by a fallen tree | In SC

    Thorntoes and Applespeck are half-sisters.
    Figfur and Flurry were mates, and had
    - Applekit, Breamkit, Flowerkit and Redkit.
    Houndheart likes Applespeck.
    Owl Flutter likes Nightsage.
    Yewstar and Figfur are trial mates.
    Badgerclaw and Silvershade are mates.

Yewstar flicked his ears, observing his clan from his perch on the Highstump. So many cats had joined recently...and he had never intended the clan to become large. There was Amberheart, a former leader of a clan that had fallen apart. She was always giving him advice, but he was wary to take it. She served as a reminder of what could happen if he failed in his task of keeping these cats together. And then there was Dustymouse. He was a strange tom, a bit abrasive and sarcastic, but had a good sense of humor. Dusty tended to talk to Howard quite a bit, which warmed Yewstar's heart. It was good for the older tom to have someone to chat with. Flurry certainly wouldn't provide the kinship that Howard required. And then there was the odd couple of Badgerclaw and Silvershade. Badgerclaw towered over the thin shecat, but they loved each other nonetheless. He was a jovial tom, while she was intelligent and observant. Fifteen cats...Yewstar's pelt fluffed out. He decided to go through with his plan.

"All cats old enough to shed their past ghosts gather below the Highstump for a clan meeting!" With a chill, the tom realized that those words wouldn't go down well with the resident spirits, and a glare from Fluffy confirmed that. But the clan gathered nonetheless. Yewstar gulped, then continued. "As you know, Thorntoes is gravely injured. She hasn't left the medicine den for three moons, and at this time I believe it would be smart to put in place a stand-in deputy until she recovers. I have thought over this for a while, and decided that Applespeck will be stand-in deputy."

Cats rose the shecat's name on their yowls, Houndheart's purrs the loudest of all. Applespeck's eyes went round, and she dipped her head in embarrassment and thanks. Yewstar raised his tail for silence after the crowd began to peter out. "That is not all I have to say," a twinge of guilt ran through him as he noticed how closely Houndheart was sitting to Applespeck. "Yewclan is growing larger. I fear that we may not be able to handle more growth. Because of this, I will be closing our borders. I also ask that we leave the nursery empty after Figfur and her kits leave, at least until we discover the extent of what our territory can support. Do you all agree with this?"

Most cats nodded in agreement, seeing sense in what he said. However, two cats in specific looked troubled. To Yewstar's surprise, it wasn't Applespeck and Houndheart. Badgerclaw coughed lightly, lowering his head as he addressed his leader. "Um...well, you" Yewstar tilted his head at the stuttering tom, who appeared quite flushed. The black-and-white warrior spent a few more moments trying to choke out the words, then his mate sighed and stood up. "With all due respect, Yewstar, I prefer my--our--new kits to be raised in the nursery, if it's all the same to you." Silvershade sat back down, leaning into her mate's side, as if even the simple motion of standing exhausted her.

Shock flashed in Yewstar's gaze. Of had he not seen the signs? She had been eating more than any other cat since she had arrived, and the weight he thought she was gaining from the extra prey wasn't from prey at all. He glanced at Nightsage, who simply turned his head away. "I've known for half a moon. They had asked me to keep it confidential," he murmured guiltily. By the surprise (and happiness for the couple) on Owl Flutter's face, she hadn't been aware of the coming kits.

Yewstar sighed. "I suppose we can't do anything about that now. You may move into the nursery, Silvershade. But please, to all others...we don't want to overpopulate so quickly."

Flurry frowned, and by the way he was grinding his fangs, Yewstar could tell that he had something to say. He tilted his head to the tom, awaiting the scathing words. "I think that we should allow one more cat to join before closing the borders completely."

"Oh? Who would that be?"

"An elder. Right now, we need as much wisdom as we can get." Flurry stated simply.

To the clan, it sounded like a rational statement, but Yewstar could tell it was an underlying challenge to his fitness to lead. The tom quelled the annoyance rising in his chest, dipping his head. "I will speak to Starclan about it. If no one else has anything to say, this meeting has been dismissed."


Foxpelt stared at his paws, worry swimming in his eyes. It was his fault that the deputy was crossed with burns. His fault that Yewstar lost a life. His fault that Crescentpaw was gone. He overheard Nightsage tell Owl Flutter that he didn't know if Thorntoes would ever be able to walk correctly again. Guilt smashed over him in waves. To make matters worse, Flurry wasn't talking to him anymore. Maybe it was his loyalty to Yewstar, he didn't know. And Crescentpaw's ghost hadn't returned. He looked around the territory for her for half a moon, but no sign of the perky apprentice. Perhaps she had gotten lost? No. Something must have happened.

Foxpelt got to his paws. Even if the rest of his clan had all but forgotten her, he wouldn't. He would find her, even if it was the last thing he ever did. Foxpelt ran to Yewstar's den, hastily informing the leader of his plans and then dashing off before the black tom could object. An orange streak raced out of Yewclan's camp. He was going to find her. He was going to find her. He was going to find her.

{ Dustymouse, Yewstar and Badgerclaw border patrol. }
{ Amberheart, Applespeck and Houndheart hunt. }
{ Nightsage and Owl Flutter gather herbs. }
{ Foxpelt has left the territory to look for Crescentpaw. He will return next moon. }
{ Breamkit, Flowerkit, and Redkit are ready to be apprenticed! }
{ Applekit will be symbolically given her name. }
{ Silvershade is pregnant with Badgerclaw's kits. They are due in one moon. }
{ Yewstar gives in to Flurry's pleas, and asks Starclan to send an elder. }
i hope its okay that since i was gone for so long, i aged all my cats 3 moons? ;w;
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Galipaygo » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:18 pm

Number of Cats: 3

Writer's block :/, sorry!

Birchfur patrol the boarders
Timberstar and Birchfur hunt
Hollypelt searches for more herbs
Timberstar asks for a deputy

          Timberstar | 38 moons | Tom |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Hollypelt | 20 moons | Female |

          Birchfur | 29 moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 servings
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby scarecrowz » Fri Oct 27, 2017 3:49 pm

Number of Cats: 6
Next Moonpool visit: Now

Flamefur nodded at Amberstar's question. "You may have a queen, she is shy but she will provide your clan greatness for many moons to come" the she-cat mewled, her ginger fur began fading to stars, "Thank you!" Amberstar meowed, soon Flamefur had faded into mist, and Amberstar awoke. He searched around the cave for a bit, not finding a single cat. Did Starclan forget to lead the cat? he thought. A soft mew broke his thoughts, "Um.. are you.. Am-Amberstar?" the cat stuttered. Amberstar turned quickly to see a she-cat standing infront of the entrance to the cavern. Her stomach seemed heavy, he knew she must've been a queen. He padded up to her and dipped his head as a greeting. "I am Amberstar, the leader of Badgerclan." he mewled, the she-cat nodded her head. "I-I'm Crystal.. my mate died a few days ago f-from drowning while catching fish.. I tried to s-save him, but I couldn't" she stuttered, Amberstar's previous welcoming grin and turned into a frown.. "I-I am so sorry, Crystal.." he mewed softly, the she-cat followed him out the cave. Most of their walk was complete silence, till Amberstar finally decided to speak with her. "So when you join Badgerclan you'll become a queen till your kits become apprentices" he explained, the she-cat jumped a bit. "Q-Queen? but your the leader.. plus we just met!" she yowled in fear, stopping in her tracks. Amberstar let out a chuckle, "queens are cats with or expecting kits" he grinned, Crystal looked embarrassed, dropping her gaze to her paws.. she began walking again with Amberstar, "o-oh.. I'm sorry" she apologized, Amberstar kept his grin up, "It's fine, and would you be fine with changing your name?" he asked, Crystal thought for a second, but gave a nod, Amberstar turned his gaze to the sky, the sun was crawling underneath the Earth. "We should camp out here, tomorrow we will be back at Badgerclan." he mewled, Crystal nodded and awkwardly walked over to a hollowed out area underneath a dead tree. Amberstar climbed the tree, sleeping on a branch.. his paws hanging off of the branch he fell asleep. He woke up somewhere.. unusual.. surrounding him was a forest, the skies were a pale grey.. the trees of the area were tall and shadow-y, no leaves on any of the branches. Glowing red eyes glowed from behind the trees, some of them even on top. Suddenly a large she-cat jumped from the shadows, her fur fluffy and white, but her eyes filled with hatred. She let out a growl and turned back to the cats in the shadows, "Look here, a clan leader who we got in this nightmare!" the she-cat yowled, shadows began jumping out from the trees as well, all of the cats circling Amberstar, he let out a hiss and tried jumping at one, he had it on the ground but not before other cats began clawing at his sides, dragging him off of the cat and tossing him around the circle of them. the she-cat chuckled in triumph as Amberstar tried to claw at them, "face it, amber eyes, your weak against the dark forest! you should prepare for a rising of one of our.. alive trainees" the she-cat meowed sternly, Amberstar let out a hiss lunging at her, pinning her on the ground and his claws sinking into her shoulders, "You'll never defeat Badgerclan! Neither will your trainee!" he spat, claws began raking at him again, they left no scratches.. none of their attacks did.. suddenly he jolted awake to Crystal's yowls, he breathed heavily, leaning his head over the tree branch, he scanned himself for any scratches, he was relieved to find none. He looked back down at Crystal, "Ready to head out?" she meowed, the sky was barely even lit up, but he cautiously climbed down the dead tree, "S-so wh-what about my name?" Crystal asked as they began walking. "I was thinking maybe Featherflower" he mewed to her, he looked over to Crystal, "s-sure.. it sounds be-beautiful!" she said with a warm grin. "Great!" Amberstar nodded, they walked the rest of it in silence till Amberstar finally had to open his mouth, "So.. what was your old mate like?" he asked, Featherflower smiled, "He was a handsome tom, he saved me from an attack from a loner who tried to steal my prey, he was very friendly.. and he was always teasing and joking around" Featherflower meowed calmly, though in her eyes a bit of sadness shown. "We became mates only a moon after we met.. he was so worried about becoming a father that he insisted to do all the work for me while I was pregnant.." she mewled, her eyes grew dark suddenly, Amberstar walked back a bit, "Then he drowned while trying to grab a fish.. he was in the river that lead to a waterfall too.. I tried to save him but.. but I couldn't" she sobbed. Amberstar looked ahead to see the entrance of Badgerclan's camp, he was so lost in Featherflower's story he hadn't even smelled the border markings, by the time they got back to camp it was almost noon. He walked into the camp, Featherflower behind him. "I am so sorry for your mate, Featherflower.. you didn't have to tell me about him.." he whispered to her, but she stayed silent. Eaglewing padded up to Amberstar, dipping his head in a greeting. "Why hello, Amberstar! I see you've returned, everything is going great in camp, the only bad thing was Embersong getting into a fight with Wolfmoon this morning, but otherwise it's been normal" Eaglewing grinned. "Thank you for the report, Eaglewing. I would like you to show our new cat, Featherflower around camp if that's okay!" Amberstar mewed, Eaglewing nodded, "Why of course!" he mewled, Featherflower walked out from behind Amberstar, her tail between her legs, "Oh um.. hi" she meowed nervously, "well hello there, Featherflower! I am Eaglewing, the deputy of this great clan!" smiled Eaglewing, Featherflower grinned at his friendly introduction. "Come along, I will show you around our camp!" he said, and began walking out to the Nursery first, Featherflower by his side. Amberstar forgot all about his nightmare, it popped back into his head.. he began worrying, what if one of his trusted clan-members would be the trainee.. Embersong padded up to him, "Hey, Amberstar. Ya look worried. Anything wrong?" she mewed, he shook his head.. "u-uum... no, its nothing really" he lied, he didn't want to worry any of his clan-mates till he had gotten everything figured out..
One moon later
Eaglewing, Wolfmoon, and Amberstar had been sitting around in the Medicine Cat Den, discussing the dream.. these cats weren't like the others, they had the most important rank, so he felt like he could trust them. "Maybe it is something to do with Featherflower" Wolfmoon suggested, Eaglewing gasped, "Wolfmoon, she seems way to shy and hurt to be a trainee of the Dark Forest. You should get to know cats a little better!" Eaglewing meowed, Wolfmoon rolled his eyes, "I know, I feel bad for the lass, but we cant just let her off the hook for being shy.. some cats have disguises" Wolfmoon scoffed, Amberstar didn't want it to be Featherflower, he didn't have a crush or anything.. he just felt sympathy for her, "well have you received any dreams lately, Wolfmoon?" he asked, Wolfmoon shook his head. "Only dreams about going on walks at night really, but I'm sure i'll receive one soon.. Starclan better hurry up with their warnings though"" he replied, "I hate to say this but we may have to loose our trust in some of our clan-mates" sighed Eaglewing, "I agree, this is a serious issue for Badgerclan, if any cats get other clan-mates on their side Badgerclan may fall.. keep a close eye on each of them, even the cats in this den" warned Amberstar, "ugh.. right when things run smoothly these dark forest cats come and rain on it.. Starclan better give me a prophecy anytime soon.. I don't want one of those last minute ones.." he hissed. The cats were dismissed, Amberstar walked up to Wolfmoon as he left the den, "can you check on Featherflower, and after that go herb-hunting?" he asked, "Fine.." Wolfmoon mumbled, he walked off to the nursery, "I better get an apprentice sometime soon.. I cant do all this work on my own" Wolfmoon thought to himself. Featherflower greeted Wolfmoon, he gave a flick of his tail as a response. Windflight left to go hunting with Eaglewing, while Embersong and Amberstar did a border patrol. By the time Amberstar got back with Embersong Wolfmoon was off collecting herbs.
Amberstar and Embersong do a border patrol
Eaglewing and Windflight go hunting
Wolfmoon checks on Featherflower
Wolfmoon goes herb-hunting

Amberstar| 37 Moons | Male | X I brave, easily-angered, adventurous
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Eaglewing | 25 Moons | Male | X I friendly, patient, urge to help.

Medicine Cat:
Wolfmoon | 60 Moons | Male | X rude, stubborn, bossy

Windflight | 30 Moons | Female | X awkward, introverted, chill
Embersong | 32 Moons | Female I X Tough, Independant, Determined

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Featherflower | 23 Moons | Female | X shy, nervous, jumpy
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
[/left] Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Duskclan | Aesthetic

Medicine Store
Herbs List
Alder Bark | Eases Tooth Aches
Marigold | Stops Infecting, Stops Bleeding, Used for inflammation of stiff joints.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | X1 | 1 servings
Songbird | x0 | 0 servings
Lizard| x0 | 0 servings
Frog | x2 | 2 servings
Blackbird | X1| 2 servings
Shrew| x0 | 0 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Featherflower and unknown | expecting
Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by scarecrowz on Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby cloudy days » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:02 am

Number of Cats: 2 Toms, 3 She-cats
Next visit to the Moonpool: Now (3rd November)
Next Litter due: Now

Jayflight looked up to the stars, restless with a new feeling. She was a warrior now. she closed her eyes as she reflected on the bad events of the past, and the experiences that had lead to this day. The harsh times being bullied by rouges, and the sadness on discovering things she had never dreamed of coming true. Jayflight blinked as a new voice entered her mind. A voice telling her of the things to come, and the powerful things that she could do. Suddenly the voice faded away as a cat came towards her. She opened her eyes regretfully and turned her sharp gaze on to the new cat.
The other she-cat, a white she-cat with ginger splotches, looked at her with a kind, almost sympathetic gaze. Jayflight suppressed a shudder, before her mind whirred. This cat was a medicine cat, and clearly was the type of cat who was childish and tried to make friends with everyone. She immediately didn't like the cat.
"You're new to the clan aren't you?"
No, you didn't just witness a warrior assembly did you? Jay thought, eyes narrowing. This cat must be hare brained! The other she-cat then narrowed her eyes as well.
"Of course you are! Would you like a tour of the camp then?"
"No thanks."
Jayflight didn't want them showing her around camp. She would just find the way herself. She walked off to the warrior's den, abruptly ending the conversation.

~The next day~

Skystar opened his eyes, warm newleaf Sun on his back. The morning light coaxed him out of his den. He stood up quickly, resulting on bumping his head on the wood of the HighBirch above him. He let out a small hiss, before jumping with ease out of the squirrel hole where he slept. He then took a deep breath, before making his announcements for patrols.
"Jayflight, you will be on Border patrol. Emberblaze, you will be on a hunting patrol,"
He yowled. He then talked to Jayflight, who clearly wasn't sure what to do on border patrol. Her eyes showed no weakness, so the only way he could tell was from the way her tail flicked nervously.
"On border patrol you basically patrol the territory. I want you to keep an eye on the streams flowing in the territory and report back what you see-"
"Will you go on border patrol with me?"
Jayflight blurted out in the middle of his sentence. The two cats awkwardly dithered there for a moment.
"Okay then!" Skystar nodded. "We also need to look out for other cats in the territory. If they are from another clan we can attack, but if they are not we can take this as an opportunity to ask them to join the clan." The two cats went through the camp tunnel.

~Half a moon later~

Emberblaze's green eyes darted towards the nursery as Cloudyspots ran in carrying some herbs in her mouth. He had just been on a hunting patrol with Jayflight, as the clan needed more fresh-kill. Emberblaze nodded towards Cloudyspots, before his eyes darted towards Skystar leaping gracefully from his nest.
"Meadowfern's kitting. I'm guessing you are going to this Moonpool place?"
He inquired. Skystar's eyes flashed briefly. The tom went out of camp, and Emberblaze picked up some fresh-kill. He imagined it turned into a fish. Emberblaze blinked. The fresh-kill turned normal again. Emberblaze shook his head, and took it to the nursery. Then Emberblaze curled up outside the warrior's den and looked at the sunset, before drifting off to sleep.

[Jay joins the clan and becomes Jayflight]
[Emberblaze goes on a Hunting Patrol]
[Emberblaze and Jayflight go on a second Hunting Patrol]
[Jayflight and Skystar go on a Border Patrol]
[Meadowfern is kitting, 1x stick was used]
[Cloudyspots stays in camp to assist Meadowfern]
[Skystar goes to the Moonpool to ask for a Deputy]
(Could the cat from StarClan be this? And would I be able to find two cats on border patrol
(but to make it fair I find small prey)?)

[The clan consumes 2 servings]

          Skystar | 33 moons | Tom | ☁️
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          (Respectful, kind, quick-witted, proud, easily offended)

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloudyspots | 33 moons | She-cat | ☁️
          (Childish, kind, quick-witted, easily offended)

          Emberblaze| 27 moons | Tom | ☁️
          (Tough, quick-witted, cheerful)
          Jayflight | 45 Moons | She-cat | ☁️
          (Flighty, reserved, courageous, sarcastic, quiet)

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]

          Meadowfern | 23 Moons | She-cat | ☁️
          (Quirky, friendly, bold, brave, sweet)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]☁️[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    SwiftClan | Phina D Wolf
    CliffClan | sushinekko

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Lavenderclan | The Mouse
    East | Lightclan | elementalx
    South | Swiftclan | Phina D Wolf
    West | VixenClan | 22tabby

    Medicine Storage wrote:
    Stick | Distracts cats from pain. Recommended for queens giving birth. | x1
    Honey | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy. | x1
    Poppy Seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x3
    Borage Leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.| x2
    Ragwort Leaves | Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up. | x1
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches. | x1
    Raspberry Leaves | Could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding. | x1

    Herbs List

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bird | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Hare | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ??? and ??? | Skystar + Cloudyspots + Misty
    Meadowfern and Unknown | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by cloudy days on Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:52 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Phina D Wolf » Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:48 am


Number of Cats: 4
next Moonpool visit: 11/3

Sweetstar quickly glanced around the camp, the trotted over to the two other members, “Velvetflicker, Maplestrike, I’m going to the moon pool again. Hopefully StarClan will grant us another member.”

“Hopefully a queen.” Maplestrike agreed, “Kits are the future of the clan, and as far as I know, there are no kits coming.”

“Yea, no.” Velvetflicker agreed, rolling her eyes, “Okay. I’m going to go see if I can find some herbs. Maplestrike, don’t the borders need patrolling?”

“Who says you get to boss me around?” Maplestrike teased her, swiping at her ears playfully, “Okay, okay, I’m going.” he agreed, chuckling slightly. Sweetstar haw already disappeared into the underbrush, so when the stranger appeared, only the Deputy and the Medicine Cat were in the camp.

Velvetflicker turned to leave, and yelped, jumping back from the pale colored molly who had seemingly appeared from no where, “Where in StarClan did you come from?” She demanded, her voice surprised and wary.

“Umm..I got a dream sending me here.” the molly said, a little timidly, “This is the SwiftClan camp, right? I was told to join you.”

The other two cats visibly relaxed at her words, “Oh, okay. Cool.” Maplestrike said, his tail flicking casually, “You just missed our leader, Sweetstar, but he’ll be back tonight. In the meantime, how about you come with me on patrol? We can patrol a few borders, get you acquainted with the territory.”

“Okay.” the molly said hesitantly, “That sounds like a good idea.” After a pause, she asked, “What is your name?”

“Oh! Duh. Sorry about that. I’m Maplestrike, the deputy of this clan, and that is Velvetflicker, our Medicine Cat. What is your name?”

“I’m Snowflight,” the molly said softly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Lovely to meet you as well.” Velvetflicker said, kindly, “Now, let’s all get busy. Once Sweetstar comes back, he’ll want to see that we were productive."

[Sweetstar goes to the Moonpool to ask StarClan for a queen]
[Maplestrike and Snowflight go on patrol]
[Velvetflicker searches for herbs]
[Swift clan consumes one serving of bird]

          Sweetstar | 37 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Maplestrike | 30 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Velvetflicker | 22 moons | Female | X

          Snowflight | 24 moons | molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Ally Clans:
          CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
          Clan Name | Username

          Enemy Clans
          Clan Name | Username
          Clan Name | Username

          North | CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
          East | CliffClan | sushinekko
          South | Clan Name | Username
          West | Clan Name | Username

          Medicine Store
          Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 0
          Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
          Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0
          Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 1
          Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
          Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 0
          Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
          Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
          Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
          Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1
          Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
          Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
          Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
          Chickweed | treats greencough - 0
          Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0
          Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
          Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
          Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
          Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
          Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
          Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0
          Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
          Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
          Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 0
          Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
          Goldenrod | helsp healing wounds - 0
          Hawkweed | like catmint - 0
          Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
          Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
          Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
          Juniper berries | soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0
          Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0
          Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 0
          Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
          Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0
          Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 1
          Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
          Mint | hides scent of death - 0
          Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0
          Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
          Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
          Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
          Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0
          Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 0
          Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 1
          Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
          Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
          Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 0
          Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0
          Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 1
          Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
          Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0
          Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0
          Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
          Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
          Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
          Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0
          Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0

          Fresh-Kill Pile:
          Mice | x0 | 1 serving
          Ermine | x0 | 2 servings
          Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
          Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
          Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
          All Birds | x1 | 3 servings (2 left)

          Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
          Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

          Deceased Cats:
          Cat Name | Cause of Death
          Cat Name | Cause of Death

          Name and Name | Kits
          Name and Name | Kits

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby oceanz » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:25 am

Number of Cats:01

green. that was the first and only thing mapleleaf saw when she opened her eyes. where was she? mapleleaf blinked a few times, attempting to clear her vision. once everything was clear, she sat up and looked around. she was in the middle of a grassy field, surrounded by forest. this location was all too familiar with the she-cat, it was the training grounds of her previous clan. "mapleleaf.." a smooth, familiar voice addressed her. mapleleaf turned quickly to face where the voice was coming. she inhaled sharply when she spotted a large, dark brown tabby tom not too far away from her. mapleleaf's eyes teared up as she got to her paws and approached him
"oakstar.. w-where? h-how?" she began, tears building up in her eyes "I'm so sorry, I did everything I could. I-I should've known better." mapleleaf weeped softly, looking down at her paws, ashamed. "mapleleaf, please." oakstar begun setting his tail on her shoulder, "it's not your fault darling, stop beating yourself up." mapleleaf looked up into the toms eyes. the were a dark blue, just like the color of a lake. "b-but, I lead the dogs right to us! I'm the reason everyone is-is." oakstar quickly hushed mapleleaf, offering her a soft smile. "that's what starclan intended. our clan as broken mapleleaf. it was corrupt and full of deceit." the tom sighed, looking down, "I will admit I wasn't the best leader.." mapleleaf shook her head "no oakstar, you were a great leader!" she defended him. the tabby looked up again and let out a small laugh "ah mapleleaf, I can always count on you to defend me." he began, "but really, I wasn't a good leader, or else our clan would still be alive. you see, starclan saw how broken leafclan was and decided it needed to end. without you even realizing, they sent you straight to the dogs, to lure them to the clan." mapleleaf's jaw dropped I shock "but.. I thought starclan was supposed to protect us? many innocent cats died!" she spat angrily. oakstar nodded, staying quiet for a moment. yes.. you're right. many did die in the fight, but starclan knows what they're doing, they did this for the best, for a fresh start. the tom begun, hushing mapleleaf as she began to object. mapleleaf, you were one of the few in our clan that was good. you never turned a soul away, and you always stood up for what you believe in. the only cat you never stood up to was me, however." he purred with a small smile, starclan chose you. they want you to start over, make a new clan." oakstar paused, waiting for a response. mapleleaf's eyes widened "m-me? they chose me to start a clan?" she asked, surprised and confused. oakstar nodded yes. they said you have what it takes. you were a fantastic deputy of leafclan, and now you'll be a tremendous leader of your new clan."
mapleleaf was quiet for a moment, thinking everything over before nodding, accepting the role starclan had given her to play. oakstar smiled one again "with this life, I give you longevity, so you can take care of and shape your clan for as long as possible." the tom purred.
"with this life a grant you love." a feminine voice said from behind mapleleaf. the she-cat turned to face her mother, wrenfeather, "spread it wherever you go and peace will follow."
mapleleaf turned next to a dark ginger tom that she recognized as her father with this life, a grant you courage, use it to denf your clan with all you have."
a slim calico she-cat approached that mapleleaf recognized as the leafclan medicine cat, yellowheart "with life I grant you patience and wisdom, use it well to guide your clan in the right path."
"with this life.." a small voice began, mapleleaf looked down and was met with a small version of her she instantly recognized as her little brother salmonpaw, "I grant you open-mindedness and forgiveness, everyone deserves a second chance"
a last cat approached that mapleleaf recognized as her sister, gingertail "with this life I grant you friendship and laughter, without the two the world is very dull."
oakstar steps forward, "you will now be known as maplestar, leader of autumnclan. by starclan's request, you have officially received the nine lives of a leader. we know you will do well in creating and shaping this clan." oakstar leaned down to place his nose on maplestar's head "best of luck love."
maplestar wishes for a clanmate

          maplestar | 26 moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |  0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by oceanz on Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re- Create A Clan- V.3

Postby beeqlass » Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:14 am

my clan is willowclan.
their territory is a large forest will large willow trees drooping down. theres a river that runs through the territory, and very close to the camp. the prey there is plentiful, with rabbits and voles, and many types of birds. theres many fish too, along with rodents and other animals. its also filled with bushes, containing a variety of herbs and berries. their clan is about a half a days walk to the twoleg place, and about two full days away from any other clans.

the cats of willowclan are normally fairly dark or medium toned, with an occasional lighter cat thrown into the mix. these cats are slim, ranging from small sizes to large sizes, but always skim. theyre strong cats, always resdy for battle among other cats. theyre trusting cats among one another.
the cats are dedicated to both their clan and star clan. they like to swim and play in the water, and climb the large willow trees that fill their clan.
but they are also mischievous and sneaky, they dont trust other clans unless they prove that they can be trusted by one way or another.
some of the best traits they have are they are highley loyal and honest. these cats almost never lie, except in certain times. these cats are loving, and always put the other cats before themselves, and would even risk their lives for loved ones.

the clan is fairly large, with llots of room to roam around in. its hidden by fallen willowtrees that make up the dens and shelters. the leaders den is slightly uphill, with a large uprooted leaning willowtree, and a dead, fallen willowtree to provide shelter in the dug-out trunk thats been weakened over many years of rain, and the strong, healthy willowtree providing shade and support to the fallen one. the deputy sleeps in a hollowed out willowtree, close to the leaders. the warriors den is half underground, dug up under two side by side fallen/leaning willowtrees. the apprentices den is fairly open, with crumpled leaves from past seasons filling the bottom. two large willowtrees grow up behind it, with large roots providing shelter. theres also a tree that has split, and is now going across the roots of the other willow trees as a protection from snow, water, and others. the medicine cats den is dug up under a willowtree, with protection of any snow and water, to protect the herbs. the elders den is probably the warmest and most sheltered, as its also dug up under a willowtree, with a fallen willowtree almost hiding the entrance. the highrock is build up near the entrance of the clan, with the freshkill pile being in the middle of the entire clan.

//and i think thats all? i cant wait to join in the fun -
///edit: name changed into creamclan instead

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