Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:30 pm

Number of Cats: 1 [ 0 males ] [ 1 females ]

    Arrow looked across her camp, her dark brown tail quivering slightly as she took in the sight of her own territory. She dearly remembered the face of her mentor, Fidgetspice. She would love to listen to his many, long stories of his old clan, Howlingclan. She knew that they still existed, but heard that they shifted their territory off to become more independent from the other clans.
    "Shame." She mumbled. From when she was very young, just five moons old, she had dreamed to getting revenge on that retched queen, Sheepflower, and her kits who had forced her beloved mentor into a live he did not deserve.
    As her thoughts deluded to Fidgetspice, she remembered his horrid death. He had told her of his 'shakes', but that disorder that caused his death was much more terrifying to watch than she ever thought. Yet, she was glad to watch.
    Moving on, she decided to hunt, along with patrol the border for any other cats she could bring into the clan.
[ Arrow went hunting ]
[ Arrow went on a border patrol ]


    Arrow | Seventeen | Female | X
    -- Beast Master
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Medicine Cat:
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    -- Status name
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username
Medicine Store
Herb x Amount
Herb x Amount
Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | 0 servings
Squirrel | 0 servings
Hare | 0 servings
Ravens and Crows | 0 servings
Blue Gill | 0 servings
Prey | 0 servings
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
Deceased and Exiled Cats:
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
Name and Name | Kits
Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:54 pm

Number of Cats: 19
Kits Due In: Now
Next Moonpool Visit: 06/19/2017

"May all Forestclan cats gather beneath the Speaker's Tree!" called Honeystar from one of the limbs of the Tree. She watched as her clan gathered, and smiled at Dustpaw who was trembling with excitement. "Today, Dustpaw will be switching from warrior training to medicine cat training! She has demonstrated her eagerness for this path over the past few moons, and Crowcloud has agreed to take her as his apprentice. Will she please step up to the roots of the Tree?"

The crowd parted to let the dust-brown molly through, and Dustpaw padded up to the Tree seemingly fearless, although Honeystar could still detect her excitement. Crowcloud padded up with her, and turned to the clan.

"I have been watching Dustpaw closely over the past few moons," said Crowcloud, "and believe that she demonstrates the ability to handle the honor of being a medicine cat. Dustpaw, will you become my apprentice and accept a life dedicated to healing and our ancestors above?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Dustpaw, voice ringing through the clearing.

"Then from now on," continued Honeystar, "your mentor will be Crowcloud. May he pass his knowledge, wisdom, and kindness to you."

"Dustpaw! Dustpaw!" cheered the clan. As the newly-named medicine cat apprentice looked out proudly, she noticed that her siblings cheered the loudest. Dustpaw smiled.

A quarter-moon later, the clan's routine had remained fairly stable, although Dustpaw had moved into Crowcloud's den and had become quieter as she trained. That day, Honeystar had gone to the Moonpool and Birchnose had assigned the patrols as usual. As twolegs and their dogs had been scented recently, patrols were sent out more frequently to ensure that no one got too close. That day, Birchnose, the medicine cats, three warriors, Snowfoot, and Grayfur remained while the rest were out on their patrols.

"I've been wondering when Snowfoot will kit," murmured Birchnose to Grayfur. The two mollies were relaxing in some sunshine, chatting in the way that some of the others were.

"Don't worry," said Grayfur reassuringly. "Queens have been kitting since before we were born, and I'm sure that the kits will come out when they're ready."

"And may Starclan bless them with health." Just then, a yowl came from the nursery, and Birchnose sprang to her feet before realizing that Crowcloud and Dustpaw were already in there, shouting words of comfort and encouragement. Dustpaw should not be seeing this, the molly thought. She's really too young. A moment later, she grinned as she remembered that she had been only a few moons older when her friend had given her kits away to Birchnose. If Dustpaw could handly this, she could handle anything.

"Now that you know the basic skills any Forestclan cat should know," said Alderclaw to the three apprentices who were gathered before him and the other two mentors, "we will now be training you separately to hone your special talents. You will be assessed constantly and will start partaking in more patrols, both hunting patrols and border patrols. If you don't pass your final assessments, you will be held back until you're deemed ready to try again."

"No pressure," muttered Boulderpaw sarcasticly to her siblings.

Adderpaw snorted and nodded. "It's not like failing assessments isn't the end of the world."

Barleypaw's whiskers twitched with silent laughter. "I don't think that Briarwhisker's amused..." she warned. And she was right, for Briarwhisker's tail was twitching with impatience. The three stopped talking.

"You ready? Let's go, Boulderpaw!" One by one, the pairings left the small clearing that they had used as a meeting place for the past moons.

Forestclan consumes 4 servings (two squirrels)
Dustpaw has become a medicine cat
Honeystar goes to the Moonpool and asks for any cat
Acornstream, Daisywhisker, and Egretstep go hunting
Ashstripe, Duckpelt, and Palefur go on a border patrol
Adderpaw, Barleypaw, and Boulderpaw train; skills learned will be decided separately
Dustpaw trains; herbal knowledge
Snowfoot is kitting -- toms will be black-and-white | mollies will be tortoiseshell-and-white

    Honeystar | 37 moons | Molly | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Birchnose | 32 moons | Molly | X

    Medicine Cat:
    Crowcloud | 36 moons | Tom | X

    Medicine Cat Apprentice:
    Dustpaw | 9 moons | Molly | X

    Acornstream | 33 moons | Tom | X
    Alderclaw | 34 moons | Tom | X | f. Streamclan
    Applenose | 16 moons | Tom | X
    Ashstripe | 27 moons | Tom | X | f. Tumbleclan
    Briarwhisker | 29 moons | Molly | X
    Daisywhisker | 28 moons | Tom | X
    Dawnstorm | 28 moons | Tom | X
    Duckpelt | 35 moons | Molly | X
    Egretstep | 23 moons | Tom | X
    Palefur | 25 moons | Tom | X

    Adderpaw | 9 moons | Tom | X
    Barleypaw | 9 moons | Molly | X
    Boulderpaw | 9 moons | Molly | X

    Snowfoot | 26 moons | Molly | X


    Grayfur | Molly | 109 moons | X | blind
    Ally Clans:
    Swallowclan | Arya22
    Thicketclan | Emberwisp

    Enemy Clans

    North | Mapleclan
    Northwest | Wrenclan
    Northeast | Frostclan
    Southeast | Caveclan
    Southwest | Gustclan

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | x1
    Cobweb | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Comfrey root | x1
    Dried oak leaf | x1
    Fennel | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Juniper berries | x1
    Lamb's ear | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Poppy seeds | x1
    Raspberry leaves | x1
    Sorrel | x1
    Stinging nettle | x1
    Tansy | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    Bird | x3 | 3 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
    Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Stoat | x1 | 2 servings

    Mentors and Apprentices
    Alderclaw | Boulderpaw | 3 | hunting, fighting, climbing
    Briarwhisker | Adderpaw | 3 | hunting, fighting, climbing
    Dawnstorm | Barleypaw | 3 | hunting, fighting, climbing
    Crowcloud | Dustpaw | 3 | hunting, fighting, climbing

    Deceased Cats
    Minkstar | Tom | X | f. Cherryclan | old age

    ??? + ??? = Daisywhisker, Dawnstorm
    Duckpelt + Acornstream = Adderpaw, Barleypaw, Boulderpaw,
    Snowfoot + Dawnstorm
Last edited by Simonpet on Wed Jun 14, 2017 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roseclan- [7]

Postby ?lady luck? » Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:10 am


Number of Cats: | ♂: 6 | ♀: 4 | Cats: 10 |
Next Moonpool Visit: Now

Spiderstar was rather impressed with the outcome of the kits, all were healthy and strong. He didn't really have a preference on names so he left that up to Echoflame, he was happy that there was at least one tom in the litter. Echoflame had seemed to forgot about their earlier argument which was fine to Spiderstar, he really didn't feel like fighting with the she-cat even more then he already was.

He didn't really have time to stick around as he wanted to head off to the moonpool and be there before it was too dark. All of the warriors were going to hunt so he was hoping they would catch plenty and bump up their prey stock.

(ugh, righters block.)
(Spiderstar asks for a warrior at the moonpool)
(Thicketscar looks for herbs)
(Swiftfoot, Flamewhisker, Briarhawk, and Whitecoal go on a hunting patrol.)


      Spiderstar | 42 | tom | ¤
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Briarhawk | 33 | tom | ¤

      Medicine Cat:
      Thicketscar | 59 | tom | ¤

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      Echoflame | 39 | molly | ¤
      Swiftfoot | 26 | molly | ¤
      Firewhisker | 29 | tom | ¤
      Whitecoal | 46 | tom | ¤

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]

      Sorrelkit | 0 | molly | ¤
      Robinkit | 0 | molly | ¤
      Riddlekit | 0 | tom | ¤

      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]¤[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan | User
Clan | User

Enemy Clans
Clan | User

Border Clans
Northern Field | Sedgeclan | enchanted
Western Forest | Clan
Eastern Forest | Mapleclan | purrfect
Southern Beach | Coastclan | cosmos

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | x1 |
Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.
Burdock Root | x1 |
This herb is used to treat infections, and is especially g
ood for rat bites.
Catmint | x1 |
This herb is good for treating white cough and green co
Chervile Root | x0 |
This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.
Comfrey | X0 |
This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path fo
r mending.
Daisy Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to soothe aching joints.
Elder Leaves | x0 |
This herb can be used to help treat sprains.
Feaverfew |x0 |
This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.
Lavender | x0 | This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers.
It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous break
down or severe shock.
Marigold | x1 |
This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can al
so heal sores.
Nettle Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.
Oak Leaves | x1 |
This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infe
Poppy Seeds | x1 | This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat
Snake Root | x0 | This herb is used to counter the effects of pois
Yarrow | x0 | This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action
expels poisons from the body.
Cobwebs | x1 |
Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.
Honey | x0 |
Honey is used to treat sore throats.
Wild Garlic | x0 | Rolling in this herb can help to keep infection o
ut of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Hare | x1 | 3 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
Mice | x1 | 1 servings
Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
Shrew | x1 | 1 servings
Pheasant | x0 | 3 servings
Total | 5 | 9 servings

Necessary Skills: Stealth, Combat
Common Skills: Speed, Climbing, Tracking,
Rare Skills: Swimming, Fishing

Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *
Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *


Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Age | Cause of Death

please click them or they'll die! :c
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laurelclan // post 03

Postby » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:21 am

number of cats; 3
she-cats; 2 // toms; 1
next moonpool visit; today

i looked at the black she-cat as she stepped closer, slightly surprised at her statement. she had been watching our clan and we haven't any idea? come to think of it, she was pretty hidden. if she hadn't made her presence known, i probably wouldn't have walked right by the amber-eyed cat without noticing her. she could very well have been watching laurelclan and we would've had no clue. i nodded, admiring her stealth.
"you wish to join laurelclan?" the small cat nodded. "well, you are free to stay with the clan for a few days. you can join if we see that you are kind and that your faith is in starclan. it's just a caution, you see. laurelclan is to be a caring clan that relies on starclan for advice." the young cat nodded again as i explained myself.
"okay. thank you, uhm . . . i don't think i got your name."
"oh, it's russetstar."
"okay. well, thank you, russetstar, for welcoming me." i nodded, and we walked back to camp. hopefully, adderflight had caught some prey and we could all sit down and get to know each other while eating.

i walked into camp and dropped the prey on the fresh-kill pile, looking around to see that russetstar had not yet returned. hopefully, he found someone to join laurelclan. they needed all the clan members they could get. i sat down, bathing myself while waiting for the leader. it wasn't long before a red-furred tom and an amber-eyed she-cat walked into camp. i stood, greeting them both.
"hello, russetstar. i see you found a potential clan member." he nodded, glancing at the small, black cat beside him.
"yes. she has been watching the clan and wishes to join."
"well, welcome. you guys hungry? there's plenty of prey to go around."
we sat around, eating and making small talk. afterwards, i pulled russetstar to the side to talk about going to the moonpool.
"so, russetstar, are you​ going to travel to the moonpool?"
"yes, although I'm not sure what i should ask starclan for. we don't have a medicine cat, but is that asking for too much? i already received a deputy . . . perhaps ill just ask for a warrior."
"russetstar, i think you should ask for a medicine cat. we need one. i don't think starclan will mind. i mean, you're just doing what's best for your clan." i could tell that the leader was debating about what to do. i glanced back to where the black cat was sitting. "we already have one promising clanmate. i think we should make her a warrior. she seems nice and we can teach her about starclan." russetstar nodded.
"she seems like a good cat. i will have a ceremony to announce her warrior name when i get back. for now, i will travel to the moonpool and ask starclan to give me whatever cat they feel my clan needs." i nodded, still thinking that we should have a medicine cat but ultimately agreeing with russetstar's decision to consult starclan.
"okay. are you going to tell her of your decision to make her a warrior?"
"yes, i shall do that before i go."

i looked down at the ground, waiting for the two cats to finish speaking to each other. russetstar approached me and i stood, nodding at the red-furred tom.
"me and adderflight have talked it over, and we have both agreed that you seem like you would be a great warrior to laurelclan. i can't hold your naming ceremony now, for i must travel to the moonpool, but when i return, you will have a proper welcome."
"thank you." i said. "until then, you guys can call me little." russetstar nodded.
"well, little, i must go."
"have a safe trip."
"thank you. goodbye, adderflight. i will see you tomorrow."
"may starclan light your path," the blue-eyed cat said as the leader left camp.
i walked up to adderflight, the she-cat nodding at me.
"uh, is it alright if i hunt?" i asked.
"yes, of course. i suppose ill go out on a border patrol, look for any cats to recruit." i nodded, saying a goodbye before heading off into the moor to look for prey.

@hunting patrol; little hunts in the moor
@border patrol; adderflight looks for cats
@moonpool; russetstar asks for a random cat
@clan; an ermine was consumed

russetstar // twenty-eight moons // tom // × // BF8000 //
lives; ★★★★★★★★★

adderflight // twenty-four moons // she-cat // × // 7F5A58 //

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄɪɴᴇ ᴄᴀᴛ;
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //

little // fifteen moons // she-cat // × // 7F462C //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //

name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //

name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //

name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //

name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
name // age // gender // [url=link]×[/url] //
ᴀʟʟʏ ᴄʟᴀɴs;
clan // username
clan // username

ᴇɴᴇᴍʏ ᴄʟᴀɴs;
clan // username
clan // username

north // clan // username
east // clan // username
south // clan // username
west // clan // username

ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄɪɴᴇ sᴛᴏʀᴇ;
herb // usage // #
herb // usage // #

ғʀᴇsʜ-ᴋɪʟʟ ᴘɪʟᴇ;
mice // 0 // 1 serving
shrew // 1 // 1 serving
rabbit // 0 // 2 servings
ermine // 0 // 2 servings
squirrel // 1 // 2 servings
hare // 0 // 3 servings
total // 3 servings

_______ mentors _______
_______ mentors _______

name // cause of death
name // cause of death

______ and _______
______ and _______
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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 21

Postby Chamrosh » Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:38 am

Number of Cats: 15
Food Consumption: 4
Visit to Moonpool: It’s been more than a week since the last Moonpool visit

“Heronstar, we smelt dogs and twolegs by the lake shore, and in the Western woods.”
“Humans." Harrierpelt corrected Chubtail, from his position in the medicine cat den, calling out to where the nursery was, and Heronstar had been as the deputy came in to report on the patrol. Chubtail slightly rolled his eyes. “If we can have a proper name for their bridges, we can definitely have a proper name for them. You may have also noticed that birds have twolegs too? Should we not call all birds twolegs if we call humans twolegs? And you may have noticed that they do have four legs, just two are withered and short, so they must struggle on just their two back legs; they should be witheredlegs if anything.”
“But it is our tradition to call them twolegs, Harrierpelt, you can’t just change every word you don’t like.” Chubtail called back.
“Tradition should not be the sole reason for something.”

Heronstar flicked her tail, impatiently, waiting for her deputy and medicine cat to stop debating over trivial matters. Honestly, she sided with Harrierpelt on this, although both terms seemed reasonable, and him randomly interrupting rather vital matters for a terminology debate was unhelpful.
“Alright. Our territory is easily large enough for us to be able to avoid them as long as we take good care to stay away from their normal routes. I suggest we have a watch high up- preferably on the closer of the two peaks of the hills- who can quickly return to warn us if any humans, twolegs, whatever term you use-" She gave Harrierpelt a bit of a pointed look- yes it’s fine to question words, but don’t belittle things of actual import “-are approaching our camp. For the mean time, I don’t want any cats not yet warriors to approach the western woods or the lakeshore. I suggest the apprentices are all trained fairly near camp.
“There’s no reason that we cannot still have hunting patrols and border patrols, but only cats who are not going to charge out the twolegs or humans, and risk us getting evicted by them should go anywhere near those areas. Further, only cats able to run and quickly recall to us what happened should go.”

She would have gone herself to scout out what was going on, if it weren’t for her pregnancy. She had 9 lives, she could spare one on keeping her clan safe from the dogs.
“If any cat sees a dog, they are to climb up a tree immediately if they cannot reasonably get to camp before it catches up with them, but more importantly do not go near the dogs under any circumstances. Then we won’t need special measures about how to avoid their fangs. If you cannot escape one that’s noticed you, and it is not attacking you, leave it be, so you don’t make it want to attack you.”
“Hey, Shellpaw!” Called Droserapaw, bounding up to his brother as he practiced his running skills within camp. Shellpaw kept running, in short bursts of high speed around the courtyard area. Or, high speed for him. He wasn’t that good at running quickly yet, and kept stumbling over or around things. “Did you know twolegs can turn their legs into weird yellow things?”
Shellpaw panted out, having stumbled over a large rock seconds before.
“Well, they can. There were a load of them- one big twoleg, and a load of his kits- I didn’t realise twolegs could have so many, I always thought they only had one or two before- all out on the water with big sticks with giant duck feet on the end. They were all turning around in the water.”
“Right. Maybe Harrierpelt’s right that we shouldn’t call them twolegs if sometimes they don’t even have any legs?”

Droserapaw shook his head at that assessment. Changing their terms would just confuse other clans needlessly when they went to gatherings, or needed allies, so he dismissed that thought of his brother’s. “We don’t see them swim very much, because they’re awful at it, really. Their tails point forwards as well as backwards, and they have the giant duck feet instead of fins themselves. And some of them had conjoined tails, made of something green and shiny, and each of them had half of a stick-with-duck-feet., and those ones all had their tails ripped open, so I could see all the bones in them.”
Shellpaw stumbled at his next sprint and almost catapulted himself into a flowerpatch. “And how’d’ya work that out? Didn’t mum say we’re not meant to go very far out of camp?”
“…I was just practicing climbing. Ma said we’re meant to have a look-out at all times until the twolegs and their dogs are gone, and I know none of them are gonna be able to reach me half way up the cliff. And besides, the one way to get an apprentice to do something reliably is to tell them not to do it, right? Like you telling me to stop trying to look after you, to stop you getting hurt!”

Shellpaw shot him a glare, but unfortunately for him, a cat who regularly flinches at basic physical contact was not particularly intimidating even with his best efforts.
Heronstar waited in her nest, in the nursery, waiting for when the kits actually started to come. Moraine had come in to try to keep her company for a few moments until Chubtail returned. She kept kneading the bedding around her, trying to perfect the shape of it for when they came, to make sure they’d be warm and- more importantly- unlikely to fall out of the nest.
Moraine sat nervously by one side, a short way off. Harrierpelt was trying to organise herbs for what he would need quickly accessible once the kits started coming. Moraine had been tasked with fetching him when he was needed.
Heronstar groaned, and fidgeted again. “Do you have any distractions? Yes, what was it about your name and …glaciers, was it?”
Moraine was somewhat nervous of this. “Yes. They were huge, enormous, and their shells could scrape entire mountains away. They could spray huge streams of water out of their throats, leaving lakes high up in the mountains where they wouldn’t otherwise be found. They laid out lines of rocks - moraines- as worship to their deities. They came in swarms, each swarm in a single shell, like bees, and they’d would swallow any cat who got too close. They’d charge towards good cat territory, to hunt. The gaps in the shells housed their mouths, and they’d use their long tongues to pull in cats who strayed too close to the gaps. They were so fast, that no cat ever saw them come out to grab one, but you could hear their screams as they landed in the beasts’ maws. They were so fast, even, that a whole shell hasn’t been seen in generations, but all cats know well enough to not go out looking for them, lest they be consumed themselves.”
Heronstar was staring at Moraine in something close to terror as moraine finished her description. “You are sure that they are nowhere near here? That they cannot get far enough out of their shells, and their home territory, to reach us?”
“I think it has been a long time since any glaciers lived near here, Heronstar. But glaciers do not like to descend from mountains- our ancestors cause their shells to disintegrate and fall away, and their very bodies to evaporate when they leave the mountains, as a form of protection. I doubt they can get here.”
Heronstar looked only slightly more reassured. “Remind me to never put you in charge of kit minding.”

[Myrtleclaw and Droserapaw, Argusheart and Shellpaw, Pearstone and Sparrowpaw and Boulderdash and Nettlepaw go training close to camp]
[Osierfang, Lobeliafur and Moraine go hunting close to camp]
[Heronstar and Harrierpelt stay in camp to prepare for the kits coming]
[Chubtail and Bugleclaw sit as look outs for dogs and twolegs close to camp]
[Gustclan consumes 1 mouse and 1 hare – 4 portions]

    Heronstar | 58 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
    ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    ★ Chubtail | 54 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 33 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Warriors: (7)
    ★ Boulderdash | 49 | Female
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    ↪ Scar on shoulder and chipped ear
    ★ Myrtleclaw | 45 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    BB/CCb/dd/dmdm /Ii/ll/McMc/oY/ss/ww
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 32 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
    ★ Osierfang | 20 | Female
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby molly with green eyes
    ★ Bugleclaw | 51 | Male
    ↪ Large, long-furred black tom with hazel eyes
    ★ Lobeliafur | 16 | Female
    ↪ White-furred molly with brown eyes
    bb/CCs/Dd/dmdm /ii/Ll/McMc/OO/ss/WW
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 27 | Female
    ↪ Golden-brown tabby molly with big green eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Apprentices: (4)
    ★ Shellpaw | 12 | Male
    ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
    ★ Droserapaw | 12 | Male
    ↪ Tabby cinnamon tom with blue eyes
    ★ Sparrowpaw | 6 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with hazel eyes
    ★ Nettlepaw | 6 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with blue eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    Queens: (2)
    ★ Heronstar | 58 | Female | •••
    ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes
    ★ Argusheart | 50 | Female | •
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender | •
    ↪ Description

    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description

    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
South | Road | Wrenclan | Raven Walker
West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
Celandine (1) | Soothes damaged eyes.
Cobweb (1) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
stiffness. Helps burns.
Daisy Leaf (1) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb
Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
and pains, esp. headaches.
Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds
Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
Horestail (1) | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough
Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
Sorrel(1) | For travelling, increases appetite
Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
Thyme (1) | Helps nervousness, anxiety and shock
Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | x2 | 1 serving
Mice | x1 | 1 serving
Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
Rabbits | x2 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings
Hares | x1 | 3 servings
Total | 24 | 6 moons’ worth

All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
Warrior: Fight, Track
Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
+Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
+Deputy, from Leader: Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility,
Basic Heal (warrior), Diplomacy, Fight, Fish, Herb
identification, Hunt, Interpret Prophecy, Investigate,
Observe, Orate, Run, Stalk, Stealth, Strategise,
Swim, Track

Myrtleclaw | Droserapaw | 6
Fight, Track, Fish, Climb, Swim, Stalk,
Argusheart* | Shellpaw | 6
Hunt, Track, Fish, Fight, Swim, Climb,
Boulderdash | Nettlepaw | 0
Pearstone | Sparrowpaw | 0
Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

Deceased Cats:
Elmkitfang | Died shortly after birth
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Heronstar and Chubtail
Shellpaw and Droserapaw;
Kits coming
Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
Elmkit, Sparrowpaw and Nettlepaw
Argusheart and Bugleclaw
Kits Coming
★ Name and Name ★
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clan replies no.9

Postby ashton. » Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:57 pm

      WEATHER: it is currently green-leaf. This season has reached its peak, resulting in high temperatures and slight droughts. it will be hard to find prey and new cats since they will most likely be hiding from the heat, but herbs have managed fairly well and few have shriveled up. watch out for two-legs and their dogs.

Zmija's Folly wrote:

The four cats rose at nearly the same time and instantly they all could all tell that something had Snowstar antsy. Swiftleap sat, watching his leader with concern brimmed eyes while Mothpaw attempted to use her new fighting moved on her mentor. Timberfang kept her at bay easily, admiring the fire and determination that she had in her. Snowstar paced back and forth inside the cave near the back and somewhat close to the fresh-kill pile.

Growing tired of waiting for her to calm, Swiftleap rose and approached the she-cat, "Anything you'd like to talk about, Snowstar?" The she-cat glanced up from her paws and at her deputy with a small, half smile, "Everything is fine. I'm just worried. The good seasons are coming but even though they may be easier sickness can still hit us at any moment.." she hesitated, her pacing coming to an end and shrugged lightly, "Do you think I'm worrying too much?" Swiftleap took a moment to consider her words before he shook his head, "I don't think you're worrying too much at all." his eyes flickered to the cave entrance, "In fact, I agree with you. It's terrifying that Starclan hasn't sent us a medicine cat yet but you must keep faith." He turned his gaze again to Snowstar, "Perhaps that's what you should ask Starclan for the next time you visit them."

Mothpaw rushed up to the two, "Hey! Timberfang and I are going to go hunting - is that okay?" her wide eyes locked with Swiftleap as she asked for permission and the tom couldn't help but chuckle, "Sure." "Wait." Snowstar chimed in, "If you are both okay with you I'd like to join you." Mothpaw beamed up at Snowstar and nodded her head vigorously, "Well, duh, Snowstar! Of course you can come! Let's go!"

Snowstar smiled before following after the apprentice. Snowstar, Timberfang and Mothpaw left the cave on their venture to go hunting with a warning from Swiftleap to watch out for wolves and bears. Swiftleap watched them vanish and took a moment to ponder on what to do next. Out of sheer boredom the tom left the cave to go on a patrol - he knew the trio of hunting companions would have some kind of luck and he may as well go seeking for the medicine cat that Snowstar so desperately wished for.

snowstar, timberfang & mothpaw go hunting
swiftleap goes on patrol

      It was nearly sun-high, and Swiftleap had yet to find a medicine cat - or any cat, for that matter. He was quickly losing hope, and the idea of them not having a medicine cat gnawed at him and worried him almost sick. With one last glance around the territory, the deputy turned to head back to camp when nothing resembling a feline form was seen. He held his head low and let his tail droop. He was certainly disappointed and tried to lift his own spirits by suggesting to himself that the hunting patrol had probably caught something. There were only two pieces of prey remaining in the fresh-kill pile, so hopefully they had caught a little something to help replenish it. It was then, when he was lost in his thoughts, that a sharp call rang out.
      "Hello? - wait! Where are you going?"
      Swiftleap wheeled around to see a brown and white cat bounding toward him. His fur had begun to stand on end a little, but he quickly relaxed; he didn't want to frighten this cat away. "Hello," he meowed calmly. "Can I help you?"
      They sputtered out between heavy breaths, "You smell like a Clan cat. Is that true? - are you in a Clan? I really want to join a Clan - all my life I have. Th-these starry cats always come to me in dreams and tell me to find a Clan to live in." Their speech finally came to an abrupt halt so they could finish catching their breath.
      Swiftleap could barely restrain himself from grinning widely. If StarClan constantly spoke to this cat, then perhaps they were a medicine cat? He thought he'd heard somewhere that medicine cats were close to StarClan. "Oh, yes, I'm the deputy of a Clan actually. It would be a pleasure if you joined us. We're called FrostClan."

      your hunting patrol caught a grouse and a field mouse!
      swiftleap found a medicine cat! you can choose five herbs from here to start your collection.

Awesomeness7 wrote:

Flamestar trudged through the swamp towards an island. He had heard much of clans and had decided to make his own. The night before he had dreamt of transparent cats that called themselves Starclan. They had told him to go to the Moonpool, a sacred place that lay beyond his borders. Tonight he would sleep so he was prepared for tomorrows journey. He climbed up onto the island and trotted towards a log. He sunk down into the nest inside and fell asleep.


He woke up and looked outside. The sun shone brightly and the sky was clear. He stretched his legs and gave himself a quick grooming before jumping into the swamp and heading for the north-east border where he had been told to go. He passed the border he had marked and stared at the ground in front of him as the gluggy slime of the swamp turned into hills, streams crisscrossing across the flower speckled ground. He bounded from lilypad to lilypad until he reached the open space. He stood silent and pricked his ears, listening for the roar of a waterfall. The Starclan cats had told him exactly what to do. He heard something several treelengths away and bounded towards it, until he was standing at the rim of a hollow. A spiralling​ path led down where a small waterfall trickled down into a clear, shining pool of water. He climbed down and lapped up a mouthful of water and closed his eyes. "Starclan, please send me a deputy to guide me through times of hardship..."

Moonpool: Flamestar asks for a deputy!

      Flamestar awoke to a sharp prodding in his side. "Ow!" he yelped, jumping to his paws. "What was that for?" He peered into the darkness, hoping for a glimpse of the other.
      He was met with a bit of muffled giggling. "I thought you looked a little silly just sitting there sleeping by the water. I kind of wanted to push you in," they mrrowed.
      Flamestar's whiskers twitched with amusement, and he sighed softly. "Well? Are you to be my deputy?"
      "Oh, yeah, right! These weird starry cats told me to come here. They said there was a leader who was in need of a deputy - and I can see why! Someone who happened to just fall asleep by a pool probably hasn't enough sense to care for a Clan by themself," they mewed with a grin.
      The leader allowed himself a small smile. Life in his new Clan certainly wasn't going to be boring with a deputy like this.

      starclan has granted you a deputy!

OcelotDragon wrote:

Poppystar paced around camp, trying to decide her actions for the day. She fretted about these things too often, she knew, but thinking about her stress wouldn't change it. Making up her mind she meowed, "Ripplepelt, can you hold down the camp for a while? I'm going to the Moonpool." When he nodded, she sighed in relief. Poppystar started up the long trek once again. As the sun began to set, she saw the glistening pool in front of her. She waited until the moon struck the pool, then padded up to it. Nerves gnawing at her stomach, she said stiffly, "Starclan, may I be granted a Medicine Cat?" She had thought about her decision long and hard, and had decided on a medicine cat in case of infection. Poppystar toughed her nose to the water, and settled down to speak with her ancestors.

Ripplepelt nodded to the leader as she put the question to him, instantly agreeing. There was nothing else to say, so he bid her a good journey and began panning his day. He could hunt if Lilytail checked the border for any trace of intrusion. The Greenleaf sun was warm, but a little too hot for his thick pelt. "Lilytail, check the borders while I loo for prey!" he meowed, and headed into the woods to hunt.

Lilytail was about to protest when he walked away. She sighed in exasperation and headed off to patrol. She checked all the scent markers while wishing for somebody to talk to. Lilytail wasn't catching any scents so far, and wondered why she had got stuck with the lame job.

{Poppystar has asked Starclan for a medicine cat}
{Ripplepelt has gone hunting}
{Lilytail is patrolling the border}

      Lilytail hurried through her patrol, quickly padding along the borders and glancing around for anything unusual. She was desperate to return to the camp so she could have someone to talk to, but would anyone even be back from their errands yet? The warrior sighed as she trodded along. Suddenly a sharp smell caught her attention. She sniffed at the air a little longer and identified the scent. Her eyes widened with fright and her gaze darted here and there, searching for the dog. The scent was fresh, but the creature could not be found. With a new sense of urgency, Lilytail bounded back to camp to report this.

      starclan has granted you a medicine cat! you can choose five herbs from here to start your collection.
      ripplepelt caught a squirrel!
      lilytail caught the scent of a dog, but it is nowhere to be seen. keep an eye on your borders!

Tigerstar. wrote:

Darkstar woke up with a jolt, to see a cat staring over her. Suprised at first she lept up, but then remembered why she was here. In a more polite tone she asked the tom "Are you the medicine cat that starclan sent to for my clan?" "I am" "Then follow me" The she cat and tom padded down the sloped and back to the clearing, the center of Midninghtclan camp. She led the tom over to the rock cave that would be his den. " Here is your den, I hope you like it. We already have collected some herbs for you but we were hoping that you could help us" " Thank you, my name is Smokebreath, and I would be glad to help..


Midnightclaw, Smokebreath, come quick, I think my kits are coming. The two toms rushed over but smokebreath put his tail in Midnightclaws way. Wait out here .

[The clan ate a hark]
[Midnightclaw is patrolling/hunting]
[Darkstar is kitting]
[Smokebreath is the new medicine cat]

      Midnightclaw ran toward the camp with the squirrel in his maw, deposited his kill on the pile, and made a beeline for the medicine den. He was bursting with questions: was Darkstar alright? - were the kits here yet? - how many were there? - were they all healthy? He poked his head into the den to find his mate lying in a corner with her tail curled around three kits, who were snuggled up against her belly. A loud sigh of relief escaped him.
      "She did just fine," Smokebreath said to him. "All the kits are fine as well. You have a beautiful little family there."

      midnightclaw caught a squirrel!
      darkstar gave birth to 1 2 3 kits!
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Re: Coastclan (8)

Postby ..cosmos.. » Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:37 pm


Number of Cats: 8
Next Moonpool Visit: June 22

Tallstorm walked into the camp and sighed, it was getting darker and starting to cool down, the heat wasn't as bad at night and the caves were always cool which was an added bonus. He put the herbs he managed to find in this drought in the his den before popping out and smiling at Adderkit who was playing with Honeyflame. "How was your day today?" Honeyflame smiled at Tallstorm. "It was actaully good, we went out for a bit in the morning to see the sea and play in the tide pools." Adderkit nodded but the small one was to busy playing with his mothers fluffy tail to really care to listen. "Very good, the heat is savage out there I must say, makes it for an unpleasant herb hunt let me tell you. I feel bad for the hunting patrol. Running in this heat must of been a chore." Honeyflame nodded in agreement. "I couldn't even imagine."

Otterleaf laid on a rock outside the warrior den, back on the cool rock and paws in the air he looked at Saltleap and Bluesage who were both as hot and tired as you was. "That was brutal." Saltleap huffed loudly in response and Bluesage groaned. "I hate this blasted heat." Pinepaw had run off to go see Adderkit, as the apprentice clearly had more energy then they did and wanted to have some fun. "I grieve for Cricketstar and Honeyflame, they have such thick coats." Saltleap yawned and looked towards the entrance. "I suppose she will be back soon, hopefully with a new member." Bluesage sat up and glanced at the entrance himself. "Well I am not going to look for her." He grinned and Otterleaf laughed. Although sure enough the Coastclan leader walked in with a small green eyed tabby. Approaching the group she would give them all a nod. "This is our newest warrior, her name is Hollypool. Make her feel welcomed, I myself am quite tired from the days journey and the heat it had to offer. So I am off to my den, tomorrow is a big day for us. We will be discussing who wants to come to our little gather with our two allies." Otterleaf had rolled over by now. "What about Roseclan?" Saltleap gave Cricketstar a quick look and the other she-cat shrugged. "We will see I suppose."

[A serving of sooty stern was eaten]
[Tallstorm looks for herbs]

[Bluesage and Hollypool go hunting]
[Saltleap trains Pinepaw speed]
[Cricketstar asks for a warrior at the moonpool (which will be Honeyflames mate.)]


      Cricketstar | 40 | molly |
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Saltleap | 29 | molly |

      Medicine Cat:
      Tallstorm | 42 | tom |

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:
      name | age | gender |[url=link]☀[/url]

      Bluesage | 45 | tom |
      Otterleaf | 19 | tom |
      Hollypool | 23 | molly |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

      Pinepaw | 6 | tom | [url=link]☀[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

      Honeyflame | 33 | molly |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

      Adderkit | 3 | tom |
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link]☀[/url]
Ally Clans:
Blazeclan | shimmerstream
Skullclan | heda

Enemy Clans
Name | Username

Border Clans
North Forest | Roseclan
Eastern Beach| open
Western Forest | open
South | water/sea

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | x1 |
Bark from an alder tree is good for healing toothaches.
Borage Leaves | x1 |
This herb is used to treat fevers. It also helps nursing q
ueens bring up their milk supply.
Catmint | x1 |
This herb is good for treating white cough and green co
Celandine | x0 |
This herb is used to ease pain. It can also be used to tre
at injuries of the eyes.
Chervile Root | x1 |
This herb is used to keep away and treat infections.
Comfrey | X1 |
This herb is used to put broken bone on the right path fo
r mending.
Daisy Leaves | x1 |
This herb is used to soothe aching joints.
Dock Leaves | X0 |
This herb is used to treat nettle stings. Its juices are also g
ood for soothing sore paw pads.
Feaverfew |x0 |
This herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches.
Goldenrod | x0 |
This herb is used in poultices to treat aching joints and stiff
ness. It can also be used to treat severe injuries.
Lavender | x0 | This herb is used to treat coughs and fevers.
It can also be used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous break
down or severe shock.
Marigold | x1 |
This herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can al
so heal sores.
Nettle Leaves | x1 |
This herb is used to keep down the swelling of a wound.
Nettle Seeds | x0 |
This seed is used to counter the effects of weak poisons.
Oak Leaves | x0 |
This herb is used to stop bleeding from a wound and to fight infe
Poppy Seeds | x1 | This seed is used to numb pain and help a cat
Snake Root | x0 | This herb is used to counter the effects of pois
Yarrow | x1 | This herb is used to make a cat vomit. This action
expels poisons from the body.
Cobwebs | x1 |
Cobwebs are used to stop bleeding.
Honey | x1 |
Honey is used to treat sore throats.
Wild Garlic | x0 | Rolling in this herb can help to keep infection o
ut of wounds. It is also good for rat bites.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Sooty tern | x1 | 3 servings
Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
Sea Urchin | x1 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
Vole | x2 | 1 servings
Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
Total | 6 | 10 servings

Necessary Skills: Speed, Agility
Common Skills: Swimming, Endurance, Logic
Rare Skills: Climbing, Advance Stealth

Saltleap | Pinepaw | * | * | * | *
Mentor | Apprentice | * | * | * | *

Honeyflame & ? ⇒ Adderkit, Petalkit

Deceased Cats:
Petalkit | 0 | still born
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:38 am

It's Greenleaf! The flood waters have dried up and the storms have disappeared from the sky. The sun has come out and has heated up the Clan territories, bringing all prey out from hiding. However, due to the warm weather, twolegs and their dogs have started to come settle in some parts of the Clan territories. Some Twolegs have moved into temporary dens for greenleaf, bringing their dogs with them.


roses - ! wrote:
Arrow looked across her camp, her dark brown tail quivering slightly as she took in the sight of her own territory. She dearly remembered the face of her mentor, Fidgetspice. She would love to listen to his many, long stories of his old clan, Howlingclan. She knew that they still existed, but heard that they shifted their territory off to become more independent from the other clans.
"Shame." She mumbled. From when she was very young, just five moons old, she had dreamed to getting revenge on that retched queen, Sheepflower, and her kits who had forced her beloved mentor into a live he did not deserve.
As her thoughts deluded to Fidgetspice, she remembered his horrid death. He had told her of his 'shakes', but that disorder that caused his death was much more terrifying to watch than she ever thought. Yet, she was glad to watch.
Moving on, she decided to hunt, along with patrol the border for any other cats she could bring into the clan.
[center][ Arrow went hunting ]
[ Arrow went on a border patrol ]

Arrow bristled, her lips curling back from her teeth in snarl as she circled the long-haired black and white cat that was eyeing her, its yellow eyes narrowed in contempt. "What are you doing on my territory?" Arrow snarled. The black and white cat flicked its tail, clearly agitated.

"This isn't your territory, it's mine. You rogues think you can just waltz in and take anything you want." The loner unsheathed it's claws, snarling back at Arrow. "Why don't you just leave and find somewhere else?"

"I'm not leaving." Arrow growled before huffing slightly. "If neither of us are going to leave, you might as well come with me." The dark tabby mewed before turning on her paws. The black and white loner tilted its head to the side, confused. It hesitated before slowly following after Arrow. ((You can choose if this cat is a deputy or a warrior, I don't know if you want to go for high ranks first))

[ Arrow found a loner while on patrol ]
[ Arrow caught a squirrel, blue gill and a raven while hunting ]


Simonpet wrote:
"May all Forestclan cats gather beneath the Speaker's Tree!" called Honeystar from one of the limbs of the Tree. She watched as her clan gathered, and smiled at Dustpaw who was trembling with excitement. "Today, Dustpaw will be switching from warrior training to medicine cat training! She has demonstrated her eagerness for this path over the past few moons, and Crowcloud has agreed to take her as his apprentice. Will she please step up to the roots of the Tree?"

The crowd parted to let the dust-brown molly through, and Dustpaw padded up to the Tree seemingly fearless, although Honeystar could still detect her excitement. Crowcloud padded up with her, and turned to the clan.

"I have been watching Dustpaw closely over the past few moons," said Crowcloud, "and believe that she demonstrates the ability to handle the honor of being a medicine cat. Dustpaw, will you become my apprentice and accept a life dedicated to healing and our ancestors above?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Dustpaw, voice ringing through the clearing.

"Then from now on," continued Honeystar, "your mentor will be Crowcloud. May he pass his knowledge, wisdom, and kindness to you."

"Dustpaw! Dustpaw!" cheered the clan. As the newly-named medicine cat apprentice looked out proudly, she noticed that her siblings cheered the loudest. Dustpaw smiled.

A quarter-moon later, the clan's routine had remained fairly stable, although Dustpaw had moved into Crowcloud's den and had become quieter as she trained. That day, Honeystar had gone to the Moonpool and Birchnose had assigned the patrols as usual. As twolegs and their dogs had been scented recently, patrols were sent out more frequently to ensure that no one got too close. That day, Birchnose, the medicine cats, three warriors, Snowfoot, and Grayfur remained while the rest were out on their patrols.

"I've been wondering when Snowfoot will kit," murmured Birchnose to Grayfur. The two mollies were relaxing in some sunshine, chatting in the way that some of the others were.

"Don't worry," said Grayfur reassuringly. "Queens have been kitting since before we were born, and I'm sure that the kits will come out when they're ready."

"And may Starclan bless them with health." Just then, a yowl came from the nursery, and Birchnose sprang to her feet before realizing that Crowcloud and Dustpaw were already in there, shouting words of comfort and encouragement. Dustpaw should not be seeing this, the molly thought. She's really too young. A moment later, she grinned as she remembered that she had been only a few moons older when her friend had given her kits away to Birchnose. If Dustpaw could handly this, she could handle anything.

"Now that you know the basic skills any Forestclan cat should know," said Alderclaw to the three apprentices who were gathered before him and the other two mentors, "we will now be training you separately to hone your special talents. You will be assessed constantly and will start partaking in more patrols, both hunting patrols and border patrols. If you don't pass your final assessments, you will be held back until you're deemed ready to try again."

"No pressure," muttered Boulderpaw sarcasticly to her siblings.

Adderpaw snorted and nodded. "It's not like failing assessments isn't the end of the world."

Barleypaw's whiskers twitched with silent laughter. "I don't think that Briarwhisker's amused..." she warned. And she was right, for Briarwhisker's tail was twitching with impatience. The three stopped talking.

"You ready? Let's go, Boulderpaw!" One by one, the pairings left the small clearing that they had used as a meeting place for the past moons.

Forestclan consumes 4 servings (two squirrels)
Dustpaw has become a medicine cat
Honeystar goes to the Moonpool and asks for any cat
Acornstream, Daisywhisker, and Egretstep go hunting
Ashstripe, Duckpelt, and Palefur go on a border patrol
Adderpaw, Barleypaw, and Boulderpaw train; skills learned will be decided separately
Dustpaw trains; herbal knowledge
Snowfoot is kitting -- toms will be black-and-white | mollies will be tortoiseshell-and-white

"Ow, ow, ow!" The tortoiseshell gasped, hissing at Ashstripe, Duckpelt and Palefur as they tried to pry the thorn bush branches back. As soon as the branches were pulled back far enough, the tortoiseshell shot out from under the bush, clumps of her fur stuck on the branches. She panted heavily before leaning down to rasp her tongue over her swollen belly.

Ashstripe sniffed at the bare patches on the stranger's plump flank. "You should come with us to see Crowcloud. He can put a poultice on it."

[ Acornstream, Daisywhisker and Egretstep caught two squirrels and a mouse while hunting ]
[ Ashstripe, Duckpelt and Palefur found a queen while on patrol ]
[ Boulderpaw learned the Tracking skill while training ]
[ Adderpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Barleypaw learned the Stealth skill while training ]
[ Dustpaw learned how to make a poultice for the queen's wounds ]
[ Snowfoot gave birth to four kits ]


WolvesLionsCats wrote:
i looked at the black she-cat as she stepped closer, slightly surprised at her statement. she had been watching our clan and we haven't any idea? come to think of it, she was pretty hidden. if she hadn't made her presence known, i probably wouldn't have walked right by the amber-eyed cat without noticing her. she could very well have been watching laurelclan and we would've had no clue. i nodded, admiring her stealth.
"you wish to join laurelclan?" the small cat nodded. "well, you are free to stay with the clan for a few days. you can join if we see that you are kind and that your faith is in starclan. it's just a caution, you see. laurelclan is to be a caring clan that relies on starclan for advice." the young cat nodded again as i explained myself.
"okay. thank you, uhm . . . i don't think i got your name."
"oh, it's russetstar."
"okay. well, thank you, russetstar, for welcoming me." i nodded, and we walked back to camp. hopefully, adderflight had caught some prey and we could all sit down and get to know each other while eating.

i walked into camp and dropped the prey on the fresh-kill pile, looking around to see that russetstar had not yet returned. hopefully, he found someone to join laurelclan. they needed all the clan members they could get. i sat down, bathing myself while waiting for the leader. it wasn't long before a red-furred tom and an amber-eyed she-cat walked into camp. i stood, greeting them both.
"hello, russetstar. i see you found a potential clan member." he nodded, glancing at the small, black cat beside him.
"yes. she has been watching the clan and wishes to join."
"well, welcome. you guys hungry? there's plenty of prey to go around."
we sat around, eating and making small talk. afterwards, i pulled russetstar to the side to talk about going to the moonpool.
"so, russetstar, are you​ going to travel to the moonpool?"
"yes, although I'm not sure what i should ask starclan for. we don't have a medicine cat, but is that asking for too much? i already received a deputy . . . perhaps ill just ask for a warrior."
"russetstar, i think you should ask for a medicine cat. we need one. i don't think starclan will mind. i mean, you're just doing what's best for your clan." i could tell that the leader was debating about what to do. i glanced back to where the black cat was sitting. "we already have one promising clanmate. i think we should make her a warrior. she seems nice and we can teach her about starclan." russetstar nodded.
"she seems like a good cat. i will have a ceremony to announce her warrior name when i get back. for now, i will travel to the moonpool and ask starclan to give me whatever cat they feel my clan needs." i nodded, still thinking that we should have a medicine cat but ultimately agreeing with russetstar's decision to consult starclan.
"okay. are you going to tell her of your decision to make her a warrior?"
"yes, i shall do that before i go."

i looked down at the ground, waiting for the two cats to finish speaking to each other. russetstar approached me and i stood, nodding at the red-furred tom.
"me and adderflight have talked it over, and we have both agreed that you seem like you would be a great warrior to laurelclan. i can't hold your naming ceremony now, for i must travel to the moonpool, but when i return, you will have a proper welcome."
"thank you." i said. "until then, you guys can call me little." russetstar nodded.
"well, little, i must go."
"have a safe trip."
"thank you. goodbye, adderflight. i will see you tomorrow."
"may starclan light your path," the blue-eyed cat said as the leader left camp.
i walked up to adderflight, the she-cat nodding at me.
"uh, is it alright if i hunt?" i asked.
"yes, of course. i suppose ill go out on a border patrol, look for any cats to recruit." i nodded, saying a goodbye before heading off into the moor to look for prey.

@hunting patrol; little hunts in the moor
@border patrol; adderflight looks for cats
@moonpool; russetstar asks for a random cat
@clan; an ermine was consumed

Adderflight looked at the silver tabby from the corner of her eye as she led it back to camp. Russetstar had requested a cat from the Moonpool nearly a moon ago and nobody had shown up. The deputy was a little surprised but happy when she found a young cat at the border while she was on her patrol. She found it odd that Starclan could send the Clan new cats but decided it was best to bring the cat back with her to camp anyway.

[ Little caught a hare, mouse and shrew while hunting ]
[ Adderflight found an apprentice
while on patrol ]


Chamrosh wrote:
“Heronstar, we smelt dogs and twolegs by the lake shore, and in the Western woods.”
“Humans." Harrierpelt corrected Chubtail, from his position in the medicine cat den, calling out to where the nursery was, and Heronstar had been as the deputy came in to report on the patrol. Chubtail slightly rolled his eyes. “If we can have a proper name for their bridges, we can definitely have a proper name for them. You may have also noticed that birds have twolegs too? Should we not call all birds twolegs if we call humans twolegs? And you may have noticed that they do have four legs, just two are withered and short, so they must struggle on just their two back legs; they should be witheredlegs if anything.”
“But it is our tradition to call them twolegs, Harrierpelt, you can’t just change every word you don’t like.” Chubtail called back.
“Tradition should not be the sole reason for something.”

Heronstar flicked her tail, impatiently, waiting for her deputy and medicine cat to stop debating over trivial matters. Honestly, she sided with Harrierpelt on this, although both terms seemed reasonable, and him randomly interrupting rather vital matters for a terminology debate was unhelpful.
“Alright. Our territory is easily large enough for us to be able to avoid them as long as we take good care to stay away from their normal routes. I suggest we have a watch high up- preferably on the closer of the two peaks of the hills- who can quickly return to warn us if any humans, twolegs, whatever term you use-" She gave Harrierpelt a bit of a pointed look- yes it’s fine to question words, but don’t belittle things of actual import “-are approaching our camp. For the mean time, I don’t want any cats not yet warriors to approach the western woods or the lakeshore. I suggest the apprentices are all trained fairly near camp.
“There’s no reason that we cannot still have hunting patrols and border patrols, but only cats who are not going to charge out the twolegs or humans, and risk us getting evicted by them should go anywhere near those areas. Further, only cats able to run and quickly recall to us what happened should go.”

She would have gone herself to scout out what was going on, if it weren’t for her pregnancy. She had 9 lives, she could spare one on keeping her clan safe from the dogs.
“If any cat sees a dog, they are to climb up a tree immediately if they cannot reasonably get to camp before it catches up with them, but more importantly do not go near the dogs under any circumstances. Then we won’t need special measures about how to avoid their fangs. If you cannot escape one that’s noticed you, and it is not attacking you, leave it be, so you don’t make it want to attack you.”
“Hey, Shellpaw!” Called Droserapaw, bounding up to his brother as he practiced his running skills within camp. Shellpaw kept running, in short bursts of high speed around the courtyard area. Or, high speed for him. He wasn’t that good at running quickly yet, and kept stumbling over or around things. “Did you know twolegs can turn their legs into weird yellow things?”
Shellpaw panted out, having stumbled over a large rock seconds before.
“Well, they can. There were a load of them- one big twoleg, and a load of his kits- I didn’t realise twolegs could have so many, I always thought they only had one or two before- all out on the water with big sticks with giant duck feet on the end. They were all turning around in the water.”
“Right. Maybe Harrierpelt’s right that we shouldn’t call them twolegs if sometimes they don’t even have any legs?”

Droserapaw shook his head at that assessment. Changing their terms would just confuse other clans needlessly when they went to gatherings, or needed allies, so he dismissed that thought of his brother’s. “We don’t see them swim very much, because they’re awful at it, really. Their tails point forwards as well as backwards, and they have the giant duck feet instead of fins themselves. And some of them had conjoined tails, made of something green and shiny, and each of them had half of a stick-with-duck-feet., and those ones all had their tails ripped open, so I could see all the bones in them.”
Shellpaw stumbled at his next sprint and almost catapulted himself into a flowerpatch. “And how’d’ya work that out? Didn’t mum say we’re not meant to go very far out of camp?”
“…I was just practicing climbing. Ma said we’re meant to have a look-out at all times until the twolegs and their dogs are gone, and I know none of them are gonna be able to reach me half way up the cliff. And besides, the one way to get an apprentice to do something reliably is to tell them not to do it, right? Like you telling me to stop trying to look after you, to stop you getting hurt!”

Shellpaw shot him a glare, but unfortunately for him, a cat who regularly flinches at basic physical contact was not particularly intimidating even with his best efforts.
Heronstar waited in her nest, in the nursery, waiting for when the kits actually started to come. Moraine had come in to try to keep her company for a few moments until Chubtail returned. She kept kneading the bedding around her, trying to perfect the shape of it for when they came, to make sure they’d be warm and- more importantly- unlikely to fall out of the nest.
Moraine sat nervously by one side, a short way off. Harrierpelt was trying to organise herbs for what he would need quickly accessible once the kits started coming. Moraine had been tasked with fetching him when he was needed.
Heronstar groaned, and fidgeted again. “Do you have any distractions? Yes, what was it about your name and …glaciers, was it?”
Moraine was somewhat nervous of this. “Yes. They were huge, enormous, and their shells could scrape entire mountains away. They could spray huge streams of water out of their throats, leaving lakes high up in the mountains where they wouldn’t otherwise be found. They laid out lines of rocks - moraines- as worship to their deities. They came in swarms, each swarm in a single shell, like bees, and they’d would swallow any cat who got too close. They’d charge towards good cat territory, to hunt. The gaps in the shells housed their mouths, and they’d use their long tongues to pull in cats who strayed too close to the gaps. They were so fast, that no cat ever saw them come out to grab one, but you could hear their screams as they landed in the beasts’ maws. They were so fast, even, that a whole shell hasn’t been seen in generations, but all cats know well enough to not go out looking for them, lest they be consumed themselves.”
Heronstar was staring at Moraine in something close to terror as moraine finished her description. “You are sure that they are nowhere near here? That they cannot get far enough out of their shells, and their home territory, to reach us?”
“I think it has been a long time since any glaciers lived near here, Heronstar. But glaciers do not like to descend from mountains- our ancestors cause their shells to disintegrate and fall away, and their very bodies to evaporate when they leave the mountains, as a form of protection. I doubt they can get here.”
Heronstar looked only slightly more reassured. “Remind me to never put you in charge of kit minding.”

[Myrtleclaw and Droserapaw, Argusheart and Shellpaw, Pearstone and Sparrowpaw and Boulderdash and Nettlepaw go training close to camp]
[Osierfang, Lobeliafur and Moraine go hunting close to camp]
[Heronstar and Harrierpelt stay in camp to prepare for the kits coming]
[Chubtail and Bugleclaw sit as look outs for dogs and twolegs close to camp]
[Gustclan consumes 1 mouse and 1 hare – 4 portions]

Harrierpelt looked up from the herbs he was sorting when Shellpaw entered the den. "What is it?" The dark grey medicine cat asked.

"I think Heronstar is in pain." Shellpaw mewed, a worried look flashing in his eyes. "Argusheart told me to come get you." Harrierpelt quickly got to his paws and followed the white tom to the nursery.

[ Droserpaw, Sparrowpaw and Nettlepaw learned the Hunting skill ]
[ Shellpaw learned the Stealth skill ]
[ Osierfang, Lobeliafur and Moraine caught a mouse, hare and frog while hunting ]
[ Heronstar gave birth to three kits
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Echoclan [046]

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 17, 2017 8:39 am



Many Voices Crying Out As One
Number of Cats: 40 | Toms: 19 | Mollies: 21
(7 servings)

Bramblingflight giggled softly, pressing against Raggedtail's side. Raggedtail gazed lovingly down at the ginger, white and tabby she-cat, twining his tail with hers. "We gotta go, Raggedtail." Wildpoppy called to the ginger tom. Raggedtail looked over to the calico she-cat, sighing slightly before looking back at Bramblingflight.

"I'll be back soon." Raggedtail promised, licking her between her ears. Bramblingflight nodded and smiled, watching as he hurried across the clearing to join the rest of the hunting patrol.

"Will you be joining us in the nursery soon?" Witheredstalk joked, looking up grooming the fur on her swollen belly. Mossvine was lounging next to her, raising her head to look at the newest addition to Echoclan.

"I've never seen Raggedtail so affectionate towards anyone." Mossvine mewed, a happy look on her face. "Brightclover was always fussing at him to give her grandkits." The white and calico she-cat's eyes glazed over for a moment when she brought up the deceased she-cat.

Bramblingflight's ears pressed back against her head. "We aren't mates yet... I don't want to rush into anything." Bramblingflight mewed.


Brindlecloud tucked moss around Poppypounce, a worried look on her face. The red she-cat was the fifth cat to catch this strange sickness. The young medicine cat had no idea what was going on and she didn't know how to fix it. Brindlecloud huffed slightly, already starting to feel the weight of her unborn kits.

"Brindlecloud?" Smokespeck croaked, raising his head to look at the she-cat. Brindlecloud hurried across her den to him. "Can I have some water?" The deputy asked. The medicine cat nodded, heading towards a small dip in the den that always had water dripping into it from a crack in the ceiling. She dipped some moss in the water before bringing it over to Smokespeck, setting it next to him.

"Drink then get some rest. You'll need it." Brindlecloud ordered before going to check on the two elders; Simon and Tigger. The two toms were passed out in their nests. She watched them for a moment before going to check on Shrewtail. The she-cat was panting heavily and her fur was drenched with sweat. "Oh, Shrewtail." Brindlecloud muttered, running her tail comfortingly across the brown she-cat's flank.

[ Echoclan consumed 3 rabbits + 1 mouse ]
[ Echoclan consumes 1 lamb ear for Shrewtail ]
[ Squirrelstar goes to the moonpool to request permission to give Sparrowpaw his warrior name; Sparrowflight, and to ask for an apprentice for Brindlecloud ]
[ The lamb ear doesn't work on Shrewtail and she gets sicker ]
[ Wildpoppy mated with Tux of Jinxclan ]
[ Gorsepaw and Icepaw leave to start their final assessment ]
[ Simon, Tigger, Smokespeck and Poppypounce have caught the mysterious illness ]
[ Brindlecloud goes herb hunting ]
[ Applefur, Petalbound, Lizardstrike, Blazefur, Sunnyflower and Redfeather go on a border patrol ]
[ Wildpoppy, Bayfur, Raggedtail, Hurricanejaw, Cloudysky and Rabbitwish go hunting ]
[ Yewfrost, Pigennose and Hemlockheart take Strawberrypaw, Beepaw, Acornpaw and Sparkpaw training ]

          Squirrelstar | 67 | Molly |
          Lives: ★★★★★★

          Smokespeck | 69 | Tom |

          Medicine Cat:
          Brindlecloud | 22 | Molly |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❁[/url]

          Applefur | 75 | Tom |
          Petalbound | 50 | Molly |
          Lizardstrike | 46 | Tom |
          Blazefur | 41 | Tom |
          Sunnyflower | 41 | Molly |
          Redfeather | 44 | Tom |
          Stagstep | 37 | Tom |
          Wildpoppy | 37 | Molly |
          Poppypounce | 38 | Molly |
          Otterstream | 30 | Molly |
          Bayfur | 28 | Molly |
          Raggedtail | 26 | Tom |
          Yewfrost | 22 | Tom |
          Pigeonnose | 22 | Tom |
          Hemlockheart | 21 | Tom |
          Hurricanejaw | 18 | Tom |
          Cloudysky | 15 | Molly |
          Shrewtail | 23 | Molly |
          Rabbitwish | 43 | Tom |
          Bramblingflight | 26 | Molly |

          Sparrowpaw | 13 | Tom |
          Gorsepaw | 11 | Molly |
          Icepaw | 11 | Tom |
          Strawberrypaw | 10 | Molly |
          Beepaw | 10 | Molly |
          Acornpaw | 10 | Tom |
          Sparkpaw | 8 | Molly |

          Birdsong | 34 | Molly |
          Mossycreek | 28 | Molly |
          Witheredstalk | 22 | Molly |
          Mossvine | 67 | Molly |

          Snakekit | 5 | Tom |
          Sandkit | 5 | Molly |
          Darkkit | 4 | Tom |
          Brightkit | 4 | Molly

          Tigger | 154 | Tom |
          Simon | 169 | Tom |

          Ally Clans:
          Souclan | krazykitty00
          Beechclan | hazilnut
          Witherclan | seedcakes
          Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          Aspenclan | røsebud
          Ivyclan | Savannah-the-Caracal
          Asterclan | hiraeth.
          Leafclan | zephyrine

          Enemy Clans:
          Streamclan | justice'n'joy
          Clan Name | Username

          (N) | Clan | User
          (E) | Sorrelclan | SkyGold
          (S) | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          (W) | Skullclan | Heda
          (NW) | Clan | User
          (NE) | Moorclan | Dinolil1
          (SW) | Leafclan | zephyrine
          (SE) | Clan | User

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint x3 | Greencough & Whitecough
    Chervil x2 | Infected Wounds & Bellyaches
    Cobwebs x1 | Soak Up & Stop Bleeding
    Burdock Root x2 | Lessens & Heals the
    Pain of Infected Rat Bites
    Comfrey Root x0 | Repairs Broken Bones & Soothes Wounds
    Tansy x2 | Cures Coughs, Wounds, Poisons & Soothes Throats
    Mallow Leaves x1 | Soothes Bellyaches
    Goldenrod x0 | Heals Wounds
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces Body Temperature For Cats With Fevers,
    Heals Aches & Pains
    Thyme x0 | Calms Nervousness, Anxiety, and Shock
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts Poison From Wounds
    Honey x2 | Soothes Infections, Helps Soothe Coughing
    Lungwort x2 | Cures Yellowcough
    Lamb's Ear x1 | Gives Strength
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases Toothaches
    Oak Leaves x1 | Stops Infection From Setting In
    Horsetail x0 | Treats Infected Wounds
    Broom x0 | Unknown Effect
    Rush x0 | Holds Broken Limbs in Place
    Watermint x1 | Eases Bellyache
    Tormentil x1 | Treating All Wounds &
    Extracting Poisons
    Dock x1 | Soothes Scratches + Soothes Sore Pads
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases Swelling of Bee Stings
    Marigold x2 | Stops Infections, Bleeding, Helps With
    Inflammation + Stiff Joints
    Celandine x1 | Soothes Damaged Eyes
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases Breathing Or Kitten-Cough, Helps
    With Cracked Pads Or Sore Pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Pigeon | x2 | 3 servings
    Vole | x1 | 1 servings
    Fish | x6 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x6 | 2 servings

    Smokespeck | Sparrowpaw | 4 | Fighting, Hunting, Climbing, Swimming
    Applefur | Gorsepaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Tracking
    Petalbound | Icepaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Tracking
    Mossvine | Strawberrypaw | 3 | Climbing, Swimming, Tracking
    Yewfrost | Beepaw | 3 | Climbing, Swimming, Tracking
    Pigeonnose | Acornpaw | 3 | Climbing, Swimming, Tracking
    Hemlockheart | Sparkpaw | 1 | Tracking

    Deceased Cats:
    Mottledkit | Tom | Kit | Stillborn |
    Dapplewing | Tom | Medicine Cat | Tumbleclan Attack |
    Rosie | Molly | Elder | Fox Attack |
    Brightclover | Molly | Warrior | Rogue Attack |
    Barleyfur | Tom | Warrior | Rogue Attack |
    Bloodyclaws | Tom | Warrior | Killed by Witheredstalk during rogue attack |
    Shadepool | Molly | Warrior | Rogue Attack |

    Former Clanmates:
    Ramhorn | 44 | Tom | Former Med. Cat | Pineclan |
    Wrenpaw | 7 | Tom | Former Apprentice | Obsidianclan |

    Squirrelstar + Applefur: Sunnyflower, Blazefur, Otterstream,
    Mottledkit, Strawberrypaw, Beepaw, Wrenpaw of Obsidianclan + Acornpaw
    Mossvine + Smokespeck: Stagstep + Wildpoppy, Expecting
    Mossvine + Dapplewing: Hurricanejaw
    Petalbound + Barleyfur: Mossycreek + Bayfur
    Shadepool + Lizardstrike: Yewfrost
    Sunnyflower + Rabbitwish: Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk + Sparkkit
    Brightclover + Redfeather: Raggedtail
    Bayfur + Stagstep: Gorsepaw + Icepaw
    Wasptail of Pineclan +Ramhorn: Marigoldkit, Dandelionkit, Patchkit,
    Sheepkit + Sorrelkit
    Birdsong + Bloodyclaws; Snakekit + Sandkit
    Mossycreek + Bloodyclaws;Darkkit + Brightkit
    Witheredstalk + Hemlockheart: Expecting
    Brindlecloud + Appleheart of Leafclan: Expecting
Last edited by Katrione on Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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sedgeclan 08.

Postby whatswrongwithangela » Sat Jun 17, 2017 12:52 pm


Number of Cats: 16 / 4 Servings
Next Moonpool Visit: Now
whole clan chants at the same time > using bold

the clan was well with all of the younger cats it had gained. a new warrior brightflower joined a few sunrises ago and she was already getting along very well. she loved to help out with stormdapple's adventurous kits, dewkit, snakekit, wavekit, olivekit and snailkit who were always trying to sneak out of camp. willowstar woke up from a great sleep. the first thing she did was check up on the clan. when she got out of her den foggypaw and whitepaw were already practicing their stalking with leaves. soon enough crowfur called out from the warriors den, "be quiet out there!" he told the apprentices. "you'll wake up the whole territory!". foggypaw and whitepaw stopped. sorry, crowfur! foggypaw apologized. crowfur got up, groomed his fur and streched his legs before heading over to tell the apprentices what they were gonna do today. after him maplewhisker and hawknose woke up and after a while everybody was in the camp. the kits were running around playing fox and mouse while their mother was talking with brightflower. "oww! you stepped on my tail, wavekit!" squealed snakekit. his sister immediately stopped chasing him. "sorry, didn't mean to! now you're the fox!" his sister meowed to him after catching him. snakekit ran after her to try to catch her back. after a while patrols were made and all warriors and apprentices were out of camp. willowstar padded over to the medicine cave and walked all the way until the moonpool. once she arrived she sat down by the pool and lapped up some of its water. "i wish for a queen to give birth to future warriors for our clan" she meowed before falling into a deep sleep.

foggypaw and whitepaw train ( mentors; eaglestorm, crowfur )
rosepaw goes herb hunting ( different place than brackenheart )
brackenheart goes herb hunting ( different place than rosepaw )
hawknose and brightflower; hunting patrol
fluffyberry and maplewhisker; border patrol
willowstar; moonpool ( wishes for a new queen )
the clan eats a thrush


          Willowstar | 38 Moons | Female
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Maplewhisker | 46 Moons | Male

          Medicine Cat:
          Brackenheart | 33 Moons | Female
          Rosepaw | 12 Moons | Female

          Hawknose | 35 Moons | Male
          Fluffyberry | 31 Moons | Female
          Eaglestorm | 40 Moons | Male
          Crowfur | 41 Moons | Male
          Brightflower | 36 Moons | Female
          Name | Age | Gender

          Whitepaw | 7 Moons | Male
          Foggypaw | 7 Moons | Male
          Name | Age | Gender

          Stormdapple | 43 Moons | Female
          Name | Age | Gender

          Dewkit | 1 Moon | Male
          Snakekit | 1 Moon | Male
          Wavekit | 1 Moon | Female
          Olivekit | 1 Moon | Male
          Snailkit | 1 Moon | Female
          Name | Age | Gender

          Name | Age | Gender
          Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    mapleclan | purrfect.
    caveclan | tauriel.

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | SootClan | Catskitten
    East | SageClan | Kaden
    South | RoseClan | ..cosmos..
    West | LunarClan | Bumbletear

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | Remedy for greencough
    and whitecough
    Cobwebs | Stops bleeding wounds

    Horsetail | Treats infections

    Marigold | Treats infections and
    inflamation of stiff joints

    Borage Leaves | Helps queens produce more milk

    Chervil | Leaves cure infected wounds, and chewing
    roots helps bellyache

    Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons

    Yarrow | Extracts poison from wounds. Will make a cat
    vomit up toxins. The ointment will soften and
    help heal cracked pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
    Robin | x0 | 3 servings
    Thrush | x1 | 3 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Frog | x0 | 1 servings

    Eaglestorm | Whitepaw | 0 |
    - battle . no
    - hunting . no
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . no
    - stealth . yes
    - speed . no

    Crowfur | Foggypaw | 0 |
    - battle . no
    - hunting . no
    - advanced battle . no
    - swimming . no
    - stealth . yes
    - speed . no

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    stormdapple and crowfur | dewkit, snakekit, wavekit,
    olivekit and snailkit
    Name and Name | Kits
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