Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

-- nixie's replies no.33

Postby ashton. » Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:23 pm

      weather: new-leaf.
      all the snow has melted at last, but because of this the water levels have grown immensely. additionally, storm clouds heavy with rain are approaching and a few small rain clouds are already here. your territory will soon be flooded, so make sure to keep a close eye on kits and apprentices.

Galipaygo wrote:

Timberstar emerged from his den, his eyes tired and worried as he looked at the clan blanketed in such snow he never would have imagined could reach them. It was so much, all because the relentless clouds did not stop their barrage of snow and cold. The trees that protected the ground from sunlight were useless in protecting from all the snow that never stopped falling. Just collecting until it was impossible to see anything. The leader looked to the nursery, glad to know that it was closed and the nests weren't placed close to the entrance. Then, the leader began trudging through the snow to make his way out of his den. Warrior
s began emerging from their dens, Birchfur and Fernheart venturing to the apprentice's den to let them know they will stay in camp today and will be cleaning nests and dens. Then, they all went their ways to do their warrior duties.

Timberstar, Birchfur, and Saltwind go on a patrol
Timberstar, Birchfur, and Saltwind hunt
Hollypelt goes herb hunting
Stonebark, Fernheart, and Birchfur hunt
Riverpelt feeds her kits
The clan consumes a squirrel and a mouse, 3 servings!
Stonebark and Fernheart patrol the boarders
Snowpaw is named Birchfur's apprentice

      timberstar, birchfur, + saltwind's patrol was uneventful.
      timberstar, birchfur, + saltwind caught a small fish + a vole!
      hollypelt found wild garlic + juniper berries!
      stonebark, fernheart, + birchfur caught a big fish + a mouse!
      stonebark + fernheart found a warrior!

starkiller. wrote:

    writer's block, will add a lengthy story next post!!
    I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may bring!

    [branch is accepted into garrisonclan as dustytuft]
    [lionstar asks for a queen with kits from the moonpool]
    [lionstar & koaclaw go patrolling to look for more cats]
    [dustytuft goes on a solo hunting patrol ]

      starclan has granted you a queen and her two kits!
      lionstar + koaclaw found a warrior!
      dustytuft caught a rabbit + a minnow!

Midnightkitkat wrote:

Cats do things here.. I'll fill this in later.
☆ Limpetstar and Ambershade stay at camp
☆ Duckwing joins the Hunting party of Swanclaw and Flametalon to look for herbs.

      swanclaw + flametalon caught a trout and a mouse!
      duckwing found ragwort + yarrow!

      please fill in the rest of your 'fresh-kill pile' with the other four types of prey your clan will catch.

Dinolil1 wrote:

The nine ghostly cats stood fearfully under a starless sky, luminous eyes wide and limbs quivering with fear.

''Mum? Mum, are you okay?'' Ternpaw nuzzled his mother's sodden body, burying his pink nose into her coal-black fur. He could tell that Nightclaw was afraid, and he understood that; they weren't meant to be here, dwelling among murderers and monsters.Trees loomed like clawed beings and eyes blinked in the shadows before them and before them, appeared a ghostly white molly.

Swanstar chuckled at their faces of fright, regarding them with cool icy eyes. Snailstep had done good to trigger the war, sending all these unfortunate souls plummeting to their doom; evidently fate had not been kind to them. Fate hadn't been kind to Swanstar either, for hunger laced her body and her pelt was ragged for the want of remaining dry for longer than two minutes. And fate had been cruel to her even before that; so she'd be twice as cruel.

Robinstorm was the first to speak, getting up on sodden paws. ''Why are we here!?'' She hissed, patchy fur bristling. ''Is StarClan just as unjust as Fritillarystar?!'' Outraged gasps from her fellow MoorClanners with the exception of Nettlefang and Swift whom all quietly agreed with the torbie's accusation. It was all very strange why they were not in StarClan; sitting high among their ancestors and regarding their living companions with protective and loving eyes.

''I know why I'm here.'' whispered Hollytail, curling a patched tail around her paws; she'd died on the brink of Leafbare. ''I killed you...'' The molly turned to face Nightclaw, guilt painting shame on her face. ''I'm a murderer.'' Hollytail turned to Darkheart. Guilt crept into the nightmarish scene and made itself king there. ''I’m meant to be here but the others? I don't understand.''

Swanstar grew bored of the whispers, gasps and mutters that spewed from the mouths of the MoorClanners; At least TumbleClan knew how to keep a stiff upper lip, they'd only ever had one murderer in their ranks and that had been Swanstar herself. Glancing skywards, Swanstar hoped that Fritillarystar was sleeping fitfully; she'd need the rest to be able to cope with what Swanstar had planned for her. But it'd all fall apart unless she gained the nine lives that Swanstar believed she so richly deserved.

''Cats of the shadows! Hear me and praise me!'' Swanstar yowled, startling Stonenose whom had been quietly muttering the prophecy over and over again under his breath. '''I have here the nine cats and the blood that ran in their veins!'' The trees darkened and the eyes that stared betwixt the trunks shone brilliantly like a thousand firefly rumps lightning up at the same time. In the new light, Swanstar appeared as she was; a crazed tyrant to the waiting nine. ''Step forward, or the shadows will make you!'' Swanstar commanded, beckoning forth a trembling black tom.

Swift was afraid of the dark, always had been and even now among the dark trees, Swift could feel his legs trembling and saw that as he neared Swanstar, the very air was freezing in his lungs. Blimey, did she carry her own leafbare around with her? Swift glared bravely at Swanstar, the regal molly taking no notice of his anger towards her. ''Why are you like this?'' Swift piped up, his voice ashamedly squeaky with fear. ''What do you have to gain from it?''

''Power.'' Swanstar replied without a moment's hesitation. ''I gain power, control and order; you see, Swift, I never had those in life.'' The white molly approached on phantom-like paws. ''But when I had my first taste, it was wonderful!'' She exclaimed, regarding the black tom's fear filled face and a soft chuckle pouring from her open maw. ''But let's not dilly dally.'' The molly turned to the rest of the MoorClanners, stood there quivering like feathers in a hurricane and leaves in a gale.

Ternpaw stepped forward, ushered by ghouls like a mother ushers her rowdy kittens into the nursery. The young tom could sense the evil that oozed off the molly’s snow-white fur, like an invisible miasma that hung around her like a veil. ‘’You’re not a good cat.’’ Ternpaw hissed, fur bristling in the cool forest air. Forest-green eyes blazed with anger, meeting Swanstar’s icy ones with unrelenting contempt. ‘’You think I don’t know that, Ternpaw?’’ replied Swanstar, rolling her eyes softly. ‘’I believe you have a life to give me.’’ She tilted her head thoughtfully, watching the tom fight with his temper and growl out his life.

‘’I give you the life of bloodlust; may you never feel satisfied with the amount of red flowers you grow, you monster.’’ Ternpaw watched the leader’s eyes quiver as a red light seemed to coat every shadow in a layer of russet; it was satisfiying and with that Ternpaw’s smile misted away into nothing, his entire body following shortly.

Nettlefang approached shortly, grim as he watched the young apprentice fade away like morning mist. In his opinion Ternpaw’s unfortunate death was the pivot for his life’s down spiral and while he didn’t resent the apprentice for dying, Nettlefang couldn’t help but wonder if all this would’ve happened if they’d just quickly and efficiently caught the murderer rather than toss accusations around based off a bias.

‘’Swanstar, I give you life of ever-lasting guilt; may you never feel redemption for what you have done and may the nightmares haunt you.’’

Nettlefang was thankful for the void swallowing him up, rendering him gone forever; perhaps the rest that Nettlefang truly deserved. Behind him, had stood Stonenose; silent and muttering something about the third wing under his breath. The grey healer didn’t look Swanstar in the eye, perhaps he was afraid she’d turn him to stone and have him live up to his name.

‘’I give you the life of silence; may you spare others the wrath of your sharp tongue.’’

Cat after cat after cat had vanished before him and Swift’s legs trembled as he approached Swanstar; although she seemed a little ruffled by the curses that were bestowed on her, it didn’t stop her from being oh so composed and menacing. Glancing anxiously over his shoulder, Swift flashed Robinstorm a loving and piteous look before turning back to his worst nightmare.

‘’I give you the life of lovesickness; may you never have the courage to give your heart to the one you truly love.’’ And with a last look at Robinstorm, Swift vanished from this world forever, Nightclaw briskly taking her place in front of Swanstar.

Curling a coal-black tail around her paws, Nightclaw looked upon Swanstar with a look heavy with hatred and a mother’s anger. ‘’You were the one that caused all this; monster.’’ She snarled, realizing that Swanstar truly felt no remorse for all that she’d done.

The blizzard-white cat chuckled and stared at Nightclaw. ‘’Monster? How charming.’’ She cooed. ‘’That’s actually one of the nicer things others have called me, dear.’’ Swanstar informed, eyes shining like two slivers of a coloured crescent moon. ‘’And now, my life?’’

Angrily Nightclaw hissed at Swanstar, spitting her life out with spite. ‘’I give you the life of a mother’s wrath; may boundless anger be your only friend and cloud your senses.’’ And in a fading mass of black fur, Nightclaw cursed Swanstar for the rest of her life.

Dustfoot, Hollytail and Darkheart all approached at the same time; staring unblinkingly and unlovingly at her. The first to speak was Dustfoot, voice low with rage and contempt burning bright.

‘’I give you the life of never forgetting; may you know the past entirely and burn for it.’’ The siamese turned away and padded into nothingness; leaving behind his family in return and the three remaining she-cats trembled; for different reasons. Hollytail was the first of the two remaining to step forward and she’d been trembling because of fear.

‘’I’m sorry...I’m sorry.’’ She gabbled, bowing under Swanstar’s unrelenting stare. ‘’Get up, I’ve murdered too; you get over it eventually.’’ The TumbleClanner murmured, flicking an ear impatiently and waiting for the russet molly to get on with it. Struggling onto quavering paws, Hollytail stared at Swanstar and sighed.

‘’I give you the life of grief; may you weep and weep and weep for all that you’ve destroyed.’’

The strangely beautiful molly vanished into oblivion, leaving Swanstar impatient and the two remaining mollies visibly stirred by all the lives they’d heard so far. ‘’Do you have no compassion, Swanstar?’’ piped up a coal-black she-cat, amber eyes wide in the dark. ‘’What a shame; you could’ve been a valuable asset to your clan.’’

This comment stung and Swanstar turned on her, spitting insults. ‘’I was a valuable asset to my clan; they just frittered power away on the those less valuable.’’ She sighed, wondering when the last two would come and what they were. ‘’What’s my life, Darkheart? Spill.’’ And spill did Darkheart.

‘’I give you the life of longing; may you watch the one you love struggle from afar and may you also love the those that despise you.’’

Although Darkheart had the fortune to charm Lizardpath, she’d not lived long enough to take it a step further although StarClan knows that had she become mates with Lizardpath; one of their kittens would’ve become a leader, a legendary and wise one at that! But alas this wasn’t the case, for fate decided the day was to be cruel. Watching her shadow-dark friend fade away, Robinstorm swallowed and approached; a brave face in all that was grim.

‘’You can stop pretending, Robinstorm, I know you’re broken on the inside.’’ Swanstar mocked, trying to break the plump torbie apart. ‘’Oh dear, Robinstorm, so stupid for thinking your fate lay in being Robinstar.’’ The torbie prickled at this accusation. ‘’I didn’t want to be leader! I just wanted Fritillarystar to realize she was wrong.’’

‘’Sure, you did.’’ Swanstar sneered. ‘’Nobody ever rebels against their leader unless its for their own gain, Robinstorm.’’ The molly circled Robinstorm like a hunting monster, eyes bright and predatory. ‘’You can stop trying to be a hero.’’

‘’Swanstar, shut up.’’ Robinstorm commanded, turning on the snow-white cat. ‘’No more of your lies; just take this life and wait until you get what’s coming for you.’’ The torbie snarled at Swanstar, looking into the murky depths of the woods.

‘’I give you the life of revenge; may it consume you until it’s all you desire.’’

Lightningstrike sat sullenly in the corner of camp, aware despite his blindness that Oakfeather was glaring at him; condemning him for his murder of her mate. He didn’t blame her for that, he’d condemn a murderer too. He heard paw-falls and before he knew it, Oakfeather’s voice was blasting into his ear.

‘’You’re a disgrace.’’ The molly snarled, voice trembling with emotion. Lightningstrike’s pelt bristled with irritation. He didn’t need to be told that by Oakfeather; the way Avocetblaze avoided him was enough and the way his heart chided him was enough. He didn’t need an angry mother scolding him too. ‘’I know, Oakfeather, and I can’t ask for forgiveness…’’ The pale pelted tom finished his sentence with a heavy sigh. Oakfeather wasn’t satisfied but he could hear her walking away; apparently she was never able to truly unleash her wrath on anyone, murderer or not.

The atmosphere of the clan was stifling and Ravenflower hated it, even as she conversed with Harefoot about TumbleClan; the memories that ought have been happy were overshadowed by the feeling of unease. ‘’Harefoot, do you think something bad is going to happen?’’ The former healer inquired, releasing that the camp was unusually silent; save for the loud chatter of Trouttail, but then everyone suspected that molly was a few whiskers short of a mouse.

‘’Bad? Why?’’ Harefoot murmured, his stumpy tail twitching with anxiety; it always did whenever he got scared. Although Ravenflower had long given up the art of healing, it didn’t erase the bond she had with StarClan; sacred and very special. ‘’Did StarClan tell you that?’’ He whispered, eyes suddenly shiny with awe and mystique.

Ravenflower shook her head, as a punishment for her betrayal StarClan had tugged their bond away with her and had refused to speak to her since. ‘’They haven’t spoken to me since I left TumbleClan; but I just feel like something’s about to happen.’’ An ear-twitch. ‘’It’s a gut feeling.’’

‘’I see…’’ Harefoot murmured. ‘’Lets hope it’s just a gut feeling.’’

‘’I don’t think it is.’’

‘’Don’t say that!’’

‘’Don’t say what?’’ inquired Sandleap, ambling up to them with large fretful eyes. ‘’Is it serious?’’ The russet tom murmured, plopping himself down before them. ‘’Are we in danger?’’ Sandleap piped up, causing Avocetblaze to stir out of her sleep and Neritefang to cast an odd look at him. ‘’What is it?’’ Sandleap continued, babbling in fear.

‘’You need to calm down.’’ Ravenflower replied, frowning at him. ‘’It’s just a gut feeling.’’ The former healer sighed, feeling guilty for spreading feelings of distress around the camp. ‘’No use panicking about gut feelings.’’ She soothed, laying her head down. ‘’But why are we worrying? We’ve got nine new clanmates and that should be reason enough to smile.’’

Harefoot and Sandleap shared an uncertain look and nodded in agreement, although they weren’t entirely sold on the idea that they should be smiling when it was true that there was something dark and sinister on the horizon. Like a ghoul digging it’s way out it’s grave.

Swanstar has returned.
Harefoot, Sandleap and Ravenflower go on patrol
Trouttail and Smallwhisker gather herbs
Lizardpath and Linnettail go hunting

      harefoot, sandleap, + ravenflower found a queen! her kits are due in two moons.
      trouttail + smallwhisker found borage + juniper berries!
      lizardpath + linnettail caught a hare + a mouse!
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garrisonclan - 3

Postby goneeeeee :) » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:00 pm

N U M B E R O F C A T S: 009, 5 toms | 4 she-cats

    garrisonclan's leader was large and muscular, with powerful paws and flexible haunches. his coat was long
    and thick like a lion's, but unlike the feline for whom he was named his fur was light grey, white, and black
    with black stripes along his back. but in his daring yellow eyes held all the bravery and courage of the mighty
    lionclan that once roamed the earth. it was because of his bravery and courage that his clan respected him
    greatly, and his kindness was known to rogues, kittypets, and loners alike throughout the land. when he had
    returned to his clan after visiting the moonpool, a kit was swinging from his jaws, another in the jaws of the
    mother, a smoky gray and jet black she-cat, who radiated confidence with her every step.

    koaclaw stood from where he had lain in the sun underneath the highrock, his eyes curious but cautious as,
    tail flicking across the ground, he approached the two with the kits, his long fiery red coat lighting up under
    the sun's warming rays. dipping his head respectfully, he spoke. "lionstar? they are what you asked starclan
    he inclined his head politely to the she-cat, who stayed quiet with a steady gaze.

    "yes. koaclaw, this is ashflight, sent straight from starclan who had given her the name ash, and her two
    kits, sootkit and crowkit. we agreed on the names for both her and the kits, and starclan approved. now,
    ashflight, this is the clan's deputy koaclaw, and our two warriors dutytuft and flametail. koaclaw will
    show you the nursery."
    the leader spoke around the kit's thick scruff, indicating to koaclaw and the two
    warriors leaving on a hunting patrol before passing the kit over to koaclaw, who easily took its scruff.

    inclining his head to the queen and the deputy set off toward the nursery, and with a quiet sigh the leader
    trotted off for a nap before the border patrol he would take with his deputy later on in the day.

    [advent calendar: redeemed sorreldust, firepelt and 27 prey/herbs]

    [lionstar and koaclaw: border patrol]
    [koaclaw: searches for ashflight's mate]
    [dustytuft and flameclaw: hunting patrol]

    [moonpool: lionstar asks for an apprentice]

    [ashflight: expecting wolfclaw's (summitclan) kits
    [sorreldust: goes into labour, this is the father of the kits]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x0 | Eases toothaches
    Cobwebs x0 | To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding
    Juniper berries x0 | Soothes bellyaches
    Lavender x0 | Cures fever and chills
    Poppy seeds x0 | Help a cat sleep
    Rogwort leaves x0 | Treats aching joints
    Sorrel x0 | Gives cat an appetite
    Nettle leaves x0 | Helps a cat who has swallowed poison
    Chamomile x0 | Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind
    Catmint x0 | Cures whitecough or greencough
    Heather Nectar x0 | Makes swallowing easier
    Mint x0 | Covers the scent of death
    Parsley x0 | stops a queen producing milk
    Stinging Nettle x0 | Helps a cat who has swallowed poison
    Bindweed x0 | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place
    Blackberry leaves x0 | Eases the swelling of bee stings
    Dock x10| Soothes scratches, sore pads, and wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Eagle | x0 | 0 servings
    Hawk | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Ermine (Stoat) | x0 | 0 servings
    Hare | x0 | 0 servings
    Minnow | x1 | 1 servings
    Rock Bass | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ?? and Ashflight
    ↳ sootkit, crowkit
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by goneeeeee :) on Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:36 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby oceanz » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:14 pm

number of cats:19
toms: 10 | she-cats: 9
next moonpool visit: today

ah the moonpool. it had been awhile since mudslide had visited. mudslide took a moment before approaching the pool, admiring the scenery. the pool was it's usual aqua blue, illuminating because of the light of the moon hitting it. he pushed away his uneasy feeling and approached, dipping his muzzle into the water. the medicine cat opened his eyes and was alarmed by his surroundings. he was in the meadow, as usual, but this time it wasn't bright and heavenly like. it was dark, menacing. "yellowheart?" mudslide called, worry in his voice. his call echoed around the meadow, making everything even more eerie. "mudslide." yellow heart's deep voice came from behind him. the tom turned around quickly to face yellowheart, the other tom looked beaten and concerned. "yellowheart- what's wrong? why is the meadow so dark? is everything okay in starclan?" mudslide asked, looking around again. "there's a darkness coming soon mudslide, you must warn the clan." yellowheart began,"autumnclan has allowed a snake disguised as a bird into the clan. the bird will be the downfall of the clan if you let it. however, the tall reed or the sturdy tree could save many. " as soon as he came, yellowheart vanished, leaving mudslide. "wait- yellowheart! what does that mean? yellowheart!"
mudslide yanked his head from the moonpool, gasping, his eyes wide. "I have to get back immediately."

mudslide, maplestar, pearlstone & rowanclaw
a sunrise passed before mudslide was home, panting and exhausted, ignoring all greetings and going directly to maplestar. "mudslide! you're back early, the journey home is suppose to take at least 2-3 sunrises, is everything alright? please, please sit down you look exhausted." maplestar lead mudslide to her den and sat him down, concerned. "maplestar... starclan... not good... prophecy..." mudslide panted, hanging his head. "pearlstone, bring water please!" maplestar called, alarmed. in moments pearlstone arrived with a large leaf of water, followed by rowanclaw, that mudslide quickly gulped up. the two she-cats exchanged a concerned look before turning back to mudslide, who had cleared his throat. "had to come back as fast as I could," mudslide exhaled, closing his eyes to concentrate better, "I was uneasy on my way to the moonpool, and now I know why. yellowheart had a prophecy to tell me." he continued, opening his eyes to look at his leader and deputy. "autumnclan has allowed a snake disguised as a bird into the clan. the bird will be the downfall of the clan if you let it. however, the tall reed or the sturdy tree could save many." he recited. maplestar and pearlstone's eyes widened in worry "but what does that mean?" pearlstone asked, looking at maplestar. "tall reed.. that must be reedsong... who else could it be?" maplestar replied, looking down at her paws. "sturdy tree has to be you, maplestar." mudslide added. "or oakpaw..." pearlstone mumbled, quieting down after getting a sharp glance from maplestar. "not oakpaw, he's too young." maplestar stated, calming once she got a nod in agreement from mudslide. "as for the bird... maplestar started. "it's crowpaw." rowanclaw hissed, surprising the three others."I don't understand your hatred for the apprentice rowanclaw." maplestar shook her head, no, I don't think it could be crowpaw, starclan wouldn't have let me make him an apprentice if it was." rowanclaw flicked his tail in annoyance but said nothing, not wanting to start anything. "we will keep this between us for now. we will tell reedsong soon, but right now he has enough on his plate with his kits." maplestar added, shooting rowanclaw a silencing look as he opened his mouth to protest.

maplestar, mudslide
maplestar sat outside her den, looking out at her clan, deep in thought. "deciding?" the voice of mudslide asked, sitting down next to her. maplestar snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat "oh, um.. well," she began, turning her head to face the medicine cat, "yes..." she sighed, looking back out at the camp, "today was supposed to be crowpaw's day to become a warrior... but after our meeting..."
"you feel uneasy and unsure?" mudslide asked, receiving a nod from maplestar. it was as if he read her mind. "yes... maybe it's because of rowanclaw, how he feels so strongly for the younger tom, maybe it's the prophecy, but it just doesn't feel like that right time." maplestar responded, looking over at crowpaw and leafpaw who were sharing a vole together. "yes... I agree with you. maybe just wait a little longer." mudslide agreed.

"so it's settled then?" a deep voice asked. there was silence after the cats question, "I said, so it's settled then?" the voice asked again, louder and more impatient. "yes sir!" a feminine voice responded confidently.
"y-yes sir." stammered a weak, quiet voice.
"you need to be more confident kittypet. I need to know that you're with me in this." the deep voice asked again, the toms voice almost threatening. "yes sir, I am one hundred percent with you." the other male voice replied with more confidence. "that's my boy, I knew I could count on you." the first voice responded with a deep laugh. "one moon. I know that's a long wait, but we can do it. we can take this system down with our eyes shut it's so weak." the two other voices cackled quietly, agreeing with the first toms statement. "alright, let's head back before anyone notices. good talk team..."

[the clan consumes 4 servings of food - 2 voles and a squirrel]
[there's a new prophecy!]
[toadstool, rowanclaw & oakpaw patrol the borders]
[everyone else rests in camp for a day]


maplestar | 42 moons | she-cat | 🍂
Lives: ★★★★★★★★☆

pearlstone | 39 moons | she-cat | 🍂

medicine cat:
mudslide | 44 moons | tom | 🍂

medicine cat apprentice:

dawnwing | 20 moons | she-cat | 🍂
acornnose | 23 moons | tom | 🍂
jay | 27 moons | tom | 🍂
mellowbreeze | 28 moons | she-cat | 🍂
reedsong | 33 moons | tom | 🍂
greentail | 36 moons | tom | 🍂
rowanclaw | 42 moons | tom | 🍂
toadstool | 49 moons | she-cat | 🍂

oakpaw | 10 moons |tom | 🍂
honeypaw | 10 moons | she-cat | 🍂
leafpaw | 10 moons |she-cat | 🍂
crowpaw | 12 moons | tom | 🍂

snowshoe | 31 moons | she-cat | 🍂

riverkit | 4 moons | tom | 🍂
wrenkit | 4 moons | tom | 🍂
applekit | 4 moons | she-cat | 🍂


dark forest cats:

ally Clans:

enemy Clans

north | lake, two-leg village | 000
east | thick forest | 000
south | thunderpath | 000
west | meadow | 000

medicine store
borage | x2 | produces more and better milk & also brings down fevers
burdock root | x1 | lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites
catmint | x2 | helps cure greencough/whitecough
celandine | x3 | for greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare & also used for whitecough
chervil | x2 | helps heal wounds/stomach aches
cobweb | x1 | can help slow down bleeding
coltsfoot | x2 | eases breathing/soothes cracked pads
dandelion | x1 | soothe and heal bee stings; leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller
elder leaves | x0 | soothes sprains
goldenrod x1 | good for healing wounds
poppy seeds | x1 | helps with sleep, shock, distress, and pain. not for queens.
raspberry leaves | x1 | a painkiller, helps stop bleeding during kitting
sorrel | x0 | traveling herb, can be used to build an appetite

fresh-kill pile:
mice | x2 | 2 servings
rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
squirrel | x2 | 4 servings
thrush | x3 | 9 servings
trout | x2 | 4 servings
vole | x0 | 0 servings

reedsong | crowpaw | 03 | hunting, battle, climbing
rowanclaw | oakpaw | 02 | climbing, hunting
pearlstone | leafpaw | 04 | climbing, battle, swimming
toadstool | honeypaw | 02 | hunting, swimming

snowshoe | dawnpaw | 03 | hunting, battle training, climbing

deceased cats:
cat name | cause of death

maplestar & rowanclaw | oakpaw, honeypaw, and leafpaw
snowshoe & reedsong | riverkit, wrenkit, and applekit

+ mates; → one sided crush; → ← mutual crush
maplestar + rowanclaw
snowshoe + reedsong
dawnwing → acornnose
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby winter solstice. » Thu Dec 28, 2017 4:19 am

Number of Cats: 14 (6 M | 8 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 4

(Received Nightwing (Rookbelly) from AdderClan. Received Shorefall (Maplewhisker) and Oakshadow (unnamed) from readopts. Received Mintnose from Advent Calendar (25th). Received Tansy x1, Chervil x1, Stick x1, and Feverfew x1 from the Advent Calendar.)

(One moon ago)
Leafstar's eyes narrowed as he spotted three cats in the distance. The sandy brown tabby tom signaled for Ripplepaw, Brightstream, and Daisypaw to stop with his tail. A black she-cat was telling a golden brown tabby tom, "Maplewhisker, please, we've got to be close to them now!" A dark brown tabby tom stiffened as he scented the air, "Careful! I think-" At that time, Leafstar gave the order to strike. The SeaClan leader pounced on the larger of the three, the golden brown tabby, knocking him over. Ripplepaw was wrestling with the black she-cat, while Daisypaw was trying to help her friend, her fur bristling with both fear and hostility. Brightstream managed to pin the dark brown tabby tom, who bared his fangs in defiance. The golden brown tabby tom shouted, "Peace! We mean no harm!" Leafstar signaled with his tail, and his Clanmates stepped away from the winded intruders.

Leafstar demanded, "Who are you, and what are you doing on SeaClan territory?" The three cats exchanged glances of surprise before the black she-cat meowed, "Forgive us for trespassing. We didn't know this was Clan territory." The dark brown tabby tom spoke, "We only met together to help each other as we moved away to find a new home away from our old clans." The golden brown tabby tom nodded, adding, "My name is Maplewhisker, of SedgeClan. My Clan was disbanded when I was the lone survivor of a badger attack. I was its deputy," he sighed, a faraway look in his eyes. The golden brown tom mewed, "I'm Oakshadow, of LightClan, and I escaped from my clan before I would have caught the same mysterious illness everyone else had." He looked down on his paws, "I was a coward, I guess..." The black she-cat took a deep breath before meowing, "And I'm Rookbelly, of AdderClan. I left my clan because I did not agree with Houndstar's way of life." Her pale green gaze clouded as she added softly, "I left my only kit Swiftkit there... But she'll fare better there as she is so young..." Leafstar glanced at his deputy before meowing, "My name is Leafstar, leader of SeaClan, and this-" he indicated Brightstream with his tail, "is Brightstream, my deputy." Turning to Ripplepaw and Daisypaw, he added, "And these are Ripplepaw and Daisypaw, our apprentices." The sandy brown tabby tom meowed, asking, "Would you three want to join our Clan?" Brightstream nodded, adding, "Yes! We are still somewhat of a small Clan as of now, and it would be wonderful to have three cats with Clan experience to join us." The three cats turned to each other and, after a short discussion, the one called Maplewhisker meowed, "Yes, Leafstar, we will join." Rookbelly asked, "But may I request to have my name changed, to signify a new life?" Maplewhisker nodded, "So do I." Oakshadow said nothing, but nodded. Leafstar ordered, "Ripplepaw, Daisypaw, take the fresh-kill we caught back to camp first, and inform Honeytuft three new Clanmates are coming back with us." The two apprentices dipped their heads in acknowledgement and quickly made their way toward camp. The SeaClan leader meowed, turning to the three new members of his Clan, "Welcome to SeaClan, the Clan by the Great Waters, as many cats would call it."

Honeytuft told Leafstar urgently, calling him into his chamber, "Leafstar, Emberwhisker has developed a fever." Glancing at the tortoiseshell she-cat laying on the moss bed nearby, the sandy brown tabby leader of SeaClan asked, worry cropping onto his voice, "Will she be okay?" Honeytuft replied, as the two toms listened to Emberwhisker's feverish moaning, "I've given her feverfew. She is strong, I know she will make it." Leafstar sighed with relief, meowing, "I know she is." He then asked, worry back in his mew, "And Whiterose?" The honey-colored tabby medicine cat meowed firmly, "Her kits will come when they decide it is time, Leafstar. Be patient." The sandy brown tabby tom sighed and mewed, "All right, I will be on patrol with Ripplepaw and Oakshadow." At the mention of the new SeaClan warrior, Honeytuft nodded in satisfaction, "Good. Oakshadow is a good tracker, if I heard it right from Brightstream. He'll learn the borders quickly." Glancing at Emberwhisker, the SeaClan medicine cat asked worriedly, "Who can I ask to help watch her and Whiterose while I'm out to gather herbs?" Leafstar's whiskers twitched as he asked, "In this weather?" The honey-colored tabby retorted, "I need to find more herbs to prepare against disease." The SeaClan leader sighed, "Dustflower and Shorefall should be free." Honeytuft thanked him and left, prompting Leafstar to sigh and head out, taking one last glance at the tortoiseshell she-cat lying on the floor.

Leafstar saw Ripplepaw and Oakshadow waiting for them; the fluffy gray apprentice mewed excitedly, "Where are we heading today?" Chuckling, her mentor replied, "The eastern border, by the large boulder. Oakshadow will need to learn our borders, right?" "Right," the dark brown tabby tom nodded, clearly looking forward to his outing. Leafstar mewed, as Stormfang's border patrol was preparing to leave the camp, "Stormfang!" The solid gray tom turned and signaled for his patrol, consisting of Ivypaw and Mintnose, to stop. "Yes?" the gray warrior asked; Leafstar meowed, "Be sure to show Mintnose the Sky Pine and everywhere on our side of the border." Stormfang nodded, "Will do, Leafstar." Turning to the gray Maine coon she-cat, who had joined just a few sunrises ago, he mewed, "Let's get going." He flicked his tail at Ivypaw, who glanced at his leader before following the two warriors out toward the clifftop. Nodding toward his own patrol, Leafstar led the two cats toward the Walkway.

(Sometime later)
Honeytuft returned early to check up on his two patients. Just as the honey-colored tabby tom was about to head into his chamber to check up on Emberwhisker, he heard the unmistakable shriek of Whiterose from the nursery. Dustflower came running out of the medicine cat's chamber and meowed, "Honeytuft! Thank StarClan! Did you-?" Honeytuft meowed urgently, "Do me a favor, Dustflower. Go back to my chamber and get the stick you see and the chervil." After a moment, Honeytuft explained, seeing confusion on the chocolate tabby she-cat's face, "Chervil leaves are large, like fern leaves, and have a sweet scent." With a brisk nod, Dustflower disappeared down into the medicine cat's chamber. Honeytuft rushed into the nursery, meowing loudly, "Coming Whiterose!" Shorefall, who had been standing guard outside the nursery, stood aside to allow the medicine cat in, eyes wide with worry.

(That night)
Brightstream glanced at the cats gathered near the nursery. Her Clanmates seemed not to notice what she was doing as she padded quietly toward the Walkway. The white-and-ginger quickly padded out, and began to make her way down to the beach, guided by her knowledge of the narrow path and by the glow of the moon's pale light above. The SeaClan deputy mewed softly to herself, "Brightstream, this is for the good of the Clan. More kits means more cats for SeaClan." She kept repeating this to herself over and pver again until she was at the bottom. As she made her way toward the eastern border, where she told Vinescratch to come to, Brightstream did not notice that two sets of eyes were watching her.

Daisypaw was watching her from the top of the Walkway, just out of sight from below. The white-and-tabby she-cat whispered softly as she saw her mentor's form disappear from view, "May StarClan guide your paws..." With a sigh, Daisypaw stepped inside, deciding not to tell Leafstar or anyone else about it as she paded toward the group waiting news from inside the nursery.

Stormfang, meanwhile, had been outside for some time. The solid gray tom had suspected Brightstream had fallen for Vinescratch, the gray-and-white tabby tom from SkyClan, ever since the gathering. The SeaClan warrior had been returning from a late evening stroll earlier when he had noticed the SeaClan deputy coming down. Stormfang had quickly hidden behind some rocks; the gray warrior growled, once he was sure Brightstream had disappeared from listening distance, "You will not get away with this, Brightstream! Just you wait! First, you take my chance of becoming a mentor away from me, and then now break the warrior code by going to meet another Clan's warrior?" The solid gray tom's claws slid out as he promised grimly, "If and when you have kits, and when they are apprenticed, I promise to deal you swift punishment for being disloyal to both SeaClan and to StarClan by daring to try to become mates with another Clan's warrior!" Calming himself down, Stormfang sheathed his claws again before he forced his paws to carry him back to camp.

Once back in camp, the solid gray tom apologized to Shorefall, who had noticed his entrance, "Sorry, I was out for a stroll. What's all the fuss?" Shorefall replied, his gaze traveling to the nursery, "Whiterose is kitting." The gray warrior exclaimed, his attention suddenly going to the nursery, "Really?" The former SedgeClan deputy nodded in the positive and pointed out Leafstar's restlessly-pacing figure right outside. Nodding, Stormfang watched as time seemed to come to a standstill as another earsplitting yowl came from the nursery. Shorefall murmured, "I recommend taking Leafstar outside to put his mind off things." Nodding, Stormfang came up to his leader and mewed gently, "We should take a walk in the Pine Grove to try to calm you down." The sandy brown tabby tom meowed worriedly, "But Whiterose-" Mintnose, closest to the two toms, meowed softly, "He's right, Leafstar. Go." Glancing back at the nursery with a worried look, Leafstar allowed Stormfang to lead him toward the path that led to the Pine Grove.

[ The Clan consumes Fish x2 ]
[ Honeytuft uses Feverfew x1 on Emberwhisker. ]
[ Brightstream and Vinescratch (SkyClan) try for kits. ]
[ Dustflower and Shorefall stay in camp to watch Whiterose for any sign of kitting, as well as watching Emberwhisker., while Honeytuft is out ]
[ Whiterose is kitting. Father ]
[ Honeytuft uses Chervil x1 and Stick x1 to aid in the kitting. ]
[ Nightwing, Brightstream, and Daisypaw hunt in the Pine Grove. ]
[ Leafstar, Ripplepaw, and Oakshadow patrol the eastern border. ]
[ Stormfang, Mintnose, and Ivypaw patrol the Pine Grove. ]
[ Honeytuft looks for herbs (have him not find anything since he came in early please). ]
[ Leafstar teaches Ripplepaw tracking. ]
[ Brightstream teaches Daisypaw combat. ]
[ Stormfang teaches Ivypaw combat. ]
[ Rookbelly of AdderClan joins SeaClan. She requests a name change and becomes Nightwing. ]
[ Maplewhisker of SedgeClan, a disbanded clan, joins SeaClan. He requests a name change and becomes Shorefall. ]
[ Oakshadow of LightClan, a disbanded clan, joins SeaClan. ]
[ Mint, a former rogue, joins SeaClan. She becomes Mintnose. ]
[ Nightwing, Shorefall, Oakshadow, and Mintnose become warriors. ]

          Leafstar | 37 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Brightstream | 37 moons | she-cat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 40 moons | Tom | X

          Emberwhisker | 22 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormfang | 38 moons | tom | X
          Dustflower | 36 moons | She-cat | X
          Nightwing | 23 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 40 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 25 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 40 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ripplepaw | 9 moons | she-cat | X
          Ivypaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          Daisypaw | 9 moons | She-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Whiterose | 49 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x1
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x0
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x1
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x1
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x0
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough).x2
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x1
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x0
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x2
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x2
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x1
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x0
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x1
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x1
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x0
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x1
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy).
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x1
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x0
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x1
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x0
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x0
    Wild Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x0
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x0
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x0
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x0
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x2 | 4 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 6 servings
    Sparrow | x0 | 0 servings
    Mouse | x2 | 2 servings
    Hare | x1 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 0 servings

    Leafstar | Ripplepaw | 2 | Hunting, Combat
    Emberwhisker (Stormfang is substituting) | Ivypaw | 2 | Hunting, Tracking
    Brightstream | Daisypaw | 1 | Stalking

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Unborn kits
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisypaw, Lily (deceased), Ivypaw
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Phina D Wolf » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:40 am


Number of Cats: 47 (21 toms, 26 mollies)

Servings: 8

Next Moonpool Visit: 12/31

Rowanpaw yawned as the pale sunlight gently demanded she wake up. A gentle nudge pulled her over the brink and she blinked groggily, “What?” she demanded, her speech still slurred with sleep.

A gently chuckle woke her fully, “Wake up sleepyheads.” Velvetflicker purred, “It’s a big day today.”

“What’s today?” Bramblepaw asked, yawning, as he stretched, trying to shake the sleep from his eyes.

“Well, I’ve heard a rumor running around camp that there is going to be two ceremonies this morning.” Velvetflicker replied, purring in amusement.

“But Wobblekit and Robinkit are still way too young to become apprentices.” Rowanpaw protested, stretching as she stood.

“And the apprentices are all too young to become warriors.” Bramblepaw agreed, “Are new cats joining the clan?”

“Not as far as I know.” Velvetflicker said, sitting and curling her tail around her feet, waiting for the apprentices 1D391E figure out what was happening.

“Then who….” Bramplepaw started, then trailed off, his eyes widening, “Velvetflicker, you said two ceremonies? What kind of ceremonies?”

Velvetflicker laughed as the apprentices started to realize who the only two cats who could be graduating were. “Well, now there’s a question worth asking isn’t it?”

Rowanpaw’s mouth hung open slightly as she stared at Bramblepaw, then at Velvetflicker, “You don’t mean….?”

Velvetflicker grinned at her two apprentices, “Let’s just say that you two will probably want to get cleaned up before you head outside.”

Rowanpaw squealed with excitement, bouncing on her toes, grinning ear to ear, “Bramblepaw, we’re going to be real, honest to Starclan med cats!!! Can you believe it??!?!?”

Bramblepaw grinned, flicking his tail happily, “It’s definitely exciting.” He agreed, purring happily. ”Let’s get cleaned up, I’m sure that Sweetstar will be ready soon.”


Bramblepaw groomed his paw one last time as they waited for the last few warriors to join the throng that was waiting patiently around the shining stone, it’s surface worn smooth by the passage of many cats. Bramblepaw examined the stone, thinking of all those who had passed over it before him. Warriors, of course. Many warriors. And apprentices, including himself, had all stood there. But never before a medicine cat. Rowanpaw and he would be the first, and he the first Medicine cat born to the clan.

He glanced over at his father, who was sitting by Falconwatcher, chatting quietly. Then over at his mother, who was speaking quietly with the new queen, the young one. Pebblenose, he thought she was called. He had not spoken with her much yet, as Velvetflicker and Rowanpaw handled most things in the nursery. He was allowed to help, and knew how to of course, but for the comfort of the queens, he restricted himself mostly to working with injuries.

Shaking himself for his reverie as Sweetstar, satisfied that the whole clan was present, padded towards the Shining Stone. “All cats old enough to catch their own prey, heed my words.” He called, smiling at the two young cats, waiting impatiently for the quiet conversation to calm down. “Today, two cats have completed their training. Rowanpaw, Bramblepaw, please join me on the Shining Stone.” As the two apprentices stepped forward, he continued, “Rowanpaw. Although you were not born to our clan, you have accepted us as your family. Many times you have nursed your clan mates back to health. I remember your gently care when I was injured by the fox, and I’m sure your clan mates can all remember a time when they or a loved one was healed by your careful ministrations.” Turning to Velvetflicker, Sweetstar asked, “Velvetflicker, as Rowanpaw’s mentor, do you approve this ceremony?”

Velvetflicker beamed, nodding happily, “I do, and my Starclan bless her path.” she purred contentedly.

Turning back to Rowanpaw, Sweetstar smiled gently, “Then it is my honor to name you Rowanfern, medicine cat of Swiftclan.”

The crowd cheered, then chanted, “Rowanfern! Rowanfern! Rowanfern!”

Rowanfern blushed happily, seeing her mate sitting happily, their children at his feet, smiling at her as she dipped her head to Sweetstar in thanks.

Sweetstar turned to Bramblepaw as Rowanfern stepped off the other side of the Shiningstone, joining Velvetflicker. “Bramblepaw, please join me on the Shining Stone.” As the apprentice stepped gracefully up to stand next to his leader, Sweetstar continued, “For moons before you you were apprenticed, you already knew the path that Starclan had chosen for you, and you have thrown your whole soul into pursuing your passion. You have saved the life of a warrior, and healed countless many more.” Turning to Velvetflicker again, Sweetstar asked, “Velvetflicker, as his mentor, do you approve of this ceremony?”

Velvetflicker nodded firmly, smiling at her apprentice, “I do with all my heart, may Starclan light his path.” She responded.

Turning back to the apprentice, Sweetstar continued, “Then it is my honor to name you Brambleleaf, medicine cat of Swiftclan, first of our blood to hold the position.”

There was a loud cheer from the crowd, and they chanted excitedly, “Brambleleaf! Brambleleaf! Brambleleaf!"

Brambleleaf sat up straighter, smiling at his father as his family chanted his name. Glancing over at Velvetflicker, he smiled even wider at the pride on her face. He dipped his head respectfully to Sweetstar, and at his signal padded to Sit beside Velvetflicker.

Conversation began to rise, until Sweetstar cleared his throat, causing silence to fall suddenly. The cats looked up at their leader, confusion evident on their faces. “We have one more thing to address.” Turning to Falconwatcher, he called, “Falconwatcher, please join me on the Shining Stone.” There was a flood of quiet murmurs of surprise and confusion as the warrior leapt lightly up to join Sweetstar. “For many moons, Maplestrike and I have been talking an we watched Swiftclan grow, and we have made a decision. It takes more than two cats to run a clan this size, so we have made the decision to add a second deputy position. After much deliberation, we have decided that Falconwatcher, former deputy of Scorchclan, would be the ideal choice.” Turning to the warrior, Sweetstar said, “You have served Swiftclan loyally for many moons, sometimes even aiding me in the position of Deputy in times of need. I now ask you to join Maplestrike in the position of Deputy permanently. To do this you must devote your life to Swiftclan, to her protection and her needs. Do you swear to do this?”

“I swear on my life and my ancestors in Starclan.” Falconwatcher responded, “I gladly take on this responsibility and will pledge my life to Swiftclan, her protection and needs.”

A little surprised, but none the less excited, the clan cheered, and called out, “Falconwatcher! Falconwatcher! Falconwatcher! Falconwatcher!”

Swiftstar smiled, then called out, “And with that, I shall leave you to your deputies to dole out assignments today.” Leaping a little clumsily down from the rock, Sweetstar disappeared into the tall grass.

Maplestrike leapt up to join Falconwatcher, grinning at his new partner, “Well then, let’s get started.” He said, smirking.


Rowanfern hummed happily as she searched along the border, her tail swishing in contentment. She found a large patch of Borage and began to pick the leaved carefully. Her nose was so saturated with the scent of the herb that she didn’t notice the approach of the other cat until they were right upon her. When she finally fell the cat’s gaze upon her, her head snapped up and their gazes met.

“Who are…” Rowanfern started, staring at the cat in wonder. She had not seen her reflection clearly since she was a kit, but from glimpses in the still ponds she passed, this cat looked exactly like her.

“R…Rowan?” The molly asked, taking a hesitant step forward. Rowanfern’s eyes widened and she stood frozen to the spot. Images of her twin flashed through her mind, images of their time alone, and finally of their separation in a storm.

“But…Brindle died.” She murmured, staring at the other molly, “She was swept away, down the river. You can’t…she can’t be…”

“Rowan!” The other molly exclaimed joyfully, “It is you!! I caught your scent a while back, and thought it was too good to be true, It wasn’t quite the same as when I last saw you, but I had to hope.”

“I…I can’t believe it.” Rowanfern said, a smile breaking out over her face, “Brindle, where have you been this whole time?”

“Brindlenose now.” The other molly said, standing up straighter, “I was warrior for Blueclan, and then Gorseclan. Then when Gorseclan broke up, a wandered for a bit. Then I found this place, and caught your scent. Starclan, I don’t know how I recognized it after so long.”

Rowanfern grinned, “I joined a clan too, Swiftclan. I’m one of their medicine cats, and I’m Rowanfern now.” He’s hesitated, then offered, “If…if you’re looking for a new clan, I’m sure Swiftclan would be glad to have you. Sweetstar accepts everyone.”

Brindlenose let out a sigh of relief, “Thank Starclan. I hate being out on my own. If you’re sure she’ll take me, I’d gladly join.”

“He. Sweetstar is actually a he, but it’s a source of much confusion.” Rowanfern chuckled.

“Oh, sorry! I hope he doesn’t get mad if I slip up some times.” Brindlenose said worriedly, “I mean, toms, especially ones that have fought to be leaders, can push us mollies around pretty easily.”

Rowanfern suppressed a laugh, “You won’t have to worry about getting pushed around by Sweetstar.” she assured her sister, her amusement creeping into her voice.

“Oh, is he not much of a fighter?” Brindlenose asked, tilting her head curiously.

“No, no. He’s a terrible cat to have mad at you.” Rowanfern assured her, grinning.

“Then why don’t I have to worry about him pushing me around?” Brindlenose asked, confused.

Rowanfern laughed, “Oh, you’ll see.” she promised, turning to lead her sister back to their camp.


Swanflight glanced around the camp as she and three other cats approached. She didn’t know the other four, Finchcloud, Lionleap, Pansystep and Fluffytuft, thank Dark Forest she wasn’t cursed with a name like that, but had simple encountered them in her wandering. A moon ago, they had decided to seek out a clan, better than the one they had left, and after several conversations, their path had led them to Swiftclan.

As they approached, a lightly built ginger tabby tom approached them smiling easily, “Why hello ladies, how are you today?” He asked politely.

Lionleap smiled and spoke up, “We’re all doing fine, thank you for asking. I’m Lionleap, and these are my friends Swanflight, Pansystep, Finchcloud, and Fluffytuft.” Swanflight suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at being called this molly’s friend. Instead, she smiled charmingly at the tom. “We’re looking for a clan to join, and we heard that yours what the best.”

The tom grinned, “Well, maybe not the best. But Swiftclan does look after it’s own. Our leader is out right now, but the deputies are assigning the patrols. As soon as they’re done, I’ll introduce you.”

“Sounds lovely.” Swanflight purred, flicking her tail gently, “And you said deputies? You have more than one in Swiftclan?”

“Well, with forty two cats, we kind of need two.” the tom chuckled, turning and beginning to walk towards a large, raised stone upon which two cats stood, another ginger tom and a brown tom.

Finchcloud raised her eyebrows, “Forty two cats? Starclan that’s a lot.”

“And more on the way.” the tom said proudly, “I’m Flarestrike by the way. And it’s a pleasure to meet you ladies. It looks like Maplestrike and Falconwatcher are done with patrols now, stay here while I go fetch them.”

Swanflight rolled her eyes as soon as the tom’s back was turned. Lionleap, Finchcloud, Pansystep, and Fluffytuft however all seemed enamored with the strong, obviously capable young tom, and where whispering about him, even as he padded back towards him, the two deputies following him.

“May I introduce Maplestrike, deputy of border patrols, and Falconwatcher, deputy of hunting patrols.” Flarestrike said, gesturing to each tom in turn, then stepping to the side a little, “Maplestrike, Falconwatcher, this is Swanflight, Lionleap, Pansystep, Finchcloud and Fluffytuft. They wish to join Swiftclan.”

The two deputies glanced at each other, then the brown tabby dipped his head slightly. The ginger deputy spoke to the mollies, “All cats are welcome in Swiftclan, to stay, or to rest their weary paws. We have very few rules, so you should be able to adjust easily.” He glanced at the molly who had been named Pansystep, “Ma’am, if I may, are you a queen?” The molly blushed and nodded, “Well then, come with me. We have many queens at the moment, so you will have plenty of company.” dipping his head to them, he said, “Falconwatcher will assign you to join a patrol, which will help you get acquainted with the territory. Once you return, feel free to explore the camp, or talk with the other cats here. Pansystep, please follow me.”


Swanflight flicked her ears as her patrol padded back into camp, their leader trotting off to report to the two deputies. Her gaze roved over the assembled cats, all chatting and laughing, some eating with friends. She was in no way concerned about fitting in here, but she did need to find a good place to start spreading her influence.

Swanflight's analysis of a white, curly coated queen with strange ears was interrupted when a dark tabby molly approached her. Swanflight examined the molly as she drew near. Her stride was confident, possibly too much so. Het claws left little marks in the well worn earth of the camp as they flicked out of their own accord. Her eyes held a challenge, and a spark of defiance as hey eyed the older molly. When they locked eyes, the young cat’s gaze did not waver, instead matching Swanflight’s intensity cooly.

“Who are you?” The young molly asked, an undercurrent of demand and authority lacing her speech.

Swanflight eyed her curiously. “I’m Swanflight, former deputy of Sorrelclan. I used to go by the name Honeycreek, but Starclan spoke to me and told me to use this name, to represent my past.”

Imppaw laughed, shaking her head, “Right, right. Whatever you say. What brought you to Swiftclan anyway? You were a deputy, why not start your own clan?”

Swanflight hesitated, then shrugged, “That’s not what I was led to do. I think that I would be best suited to a deputy position, or that of a senior warrior. A leader? Not my style. Now, I’ve introduced myself, who are you?”

“A meddling apprentice who can’t mind her own business.” a dark tabby tom muttered, padding up behind the apprentice and batting at her ears grouchily. The apprentice simply ducked, grinning at him.

“He means to say that I’m Imppaw, and he’s my mentor, Swayingtrees. He seems like a grouch, but he isn’t really. Not with me anyway.” She said, shouldering him gently.

The tom rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at his mouth, “So she likes to think.” he pretended to grumble, “Anyway, welcome to Swiftclan. Buncha goody two shoes, running around and finding mates in other clans. Clan’s big enough for them to keep themselves to themselves if you ask me, but Sweetstar don’t do much about it.”

Swanflight smiled a little, “Well, hope you don’t mind us joining.” she purred, sitting down and wrapping her tail around her paws, “The group I came with had cats from…four clans I believe? Pansystep was kicked out for having a forbidden mate, which is why we came here.”

Swayingtrees shrugged, “Eh, I don’t mind others joining us as much as I mind them runin’ off with other cats. Why, just last moon, Sweetstar announced that if cats wished to leave and try another life, they were welcome to do so, and could return to Swiftclan as if they had never been away. Can you imagine? This youngin’” Here he nudged Imppaw, who batted his nose gently, “Wants to run off and join Adderclan for a few moons to hone her fighting skills. With a father like hers, I doubt she’ll need it.”

“Oh? Who was her father?” Swanflight asked, now very interested. If this molly could be an up and coming warrior, she might be worth her time.

“Is, actually.” Imppaw interrupted, “He’s Flarestrike, the best warrior in our clan. Better even than Maplestrike and Falconwatcher.”

“Better than your leader?” Swanflight asked, impressed. She remembered the ginger tom who had greeted them, and the sure of calm power that has surrounded him.

The other two cats laughed in amusement, “He is WAY better than our leader.” Imppaw chuckled, “I take it you haven’t met Sweetstar?”

“No, no, she was out of camp when I joined.” Swanflight said, in way of explanation.

“Yea, he’s at the moonpool today.” Imppaw said, still purring in amusement, “He’s this itty bitty cat, about half my hight. He couldn’t be a good fighter if he tried, but he’s an okay leader. Keeps the fighting down at least.”

Swayingtrees huffed in disagreement, “Well, that’s about all he does.” He grumbled, “But you don’t want us grumbling about this. Why don’t we show you around? It’ll be good for Imppaw’s training.”

“Always glad to help.” Swanflight said, smiling. A genuine smile. She would like these cats. A little rebel of a fighter, and her mentor, who was obviously displeased with the current leadership. Perfect.

[Bounceheart and Dancingstripe rest and receive x1 cobweb each]
[Bramblepaw and Rowanpaw become fully fledged medicine cats]
[Falconwatcher is selected to be deputy]
[Breezeface is kitting! Fathers: Wolfpaw (outdated pic sorry) and Alpinenose
[Mothwhisker is kitting! Father: Alpinenose
[Poppysong is kitting! Father: Alpinenose
[Silversong is kitting! Father: Alpinenose
[Flickershine is kitting! Father: Wolfpaw (outdated pic sorry)
[Mottledleap is kitting! Father: Whitefoot
[The following herbs are used to aid in the kittings: x1 chervil, x1 willowbark, x1 ragwort, x1 raspberry leaves, x1 goatweed, x1 tormentil]
[Maplestrike, Daisytuft, Dipperwing, Sushipaw, Shadowflight, Lionleap, and Flarestrike go on patrol]
[Hailclaw, Hailwhisker, Wisteriapaw, Muddypelt, Snowflight, Rivergaze, and Loonpaw go on patrol]
[Scorchmask, Swanflight, Falconwatcher, Whisppaw, Fluffytuft, Swayingtrees, and Imppaw go hunting]
[Russetsplash, Tumblepounce, Whisperdust, Finchcloud, Wrenface, Snakepaw and Brindlenose go hunting]
[Brambleleaf, Rowanfern and Velvetflicker hunt for herbs]
[Sweetstar asks Starclan for a warrior]

[SwiftClan consumes four small fish]
[+1 goatweed and +2 tormentil, poppy seeds, chervi, borage, ragwort, catmint, cobweb and willow bark were obtained from the advent]


    Sweetstar | 57 moons | Tom | X

    Lives: ★★★★★★★ [7/9]


    Maplestrike | 50 moons | Tom | X
    Falconwatcher | 52 moons | Tom | X

    Medicine Cats

    Velvetflicker | 42 moons | Molly | X
    Rowanfern | 22 moons | Molly | X
    Brambleleaf | 16 moons | Tom | X


    Bounceheart | 18 moons | Tom | X
    Brindlenose | 22 moons | Molly | X
    Daisytuft | 54 moons | Molly | X
    Dancingstripe | 44 moons | | Tom | X
    Dipperwing | 23 moons | | Tom | X
    Finchcloud | 29 moons | Molly | X
    Flarestrike | 23 moons | Tom | X
    Flickershine | 17 moons | Molly | X
    Hailclaw | 47 moons | Molly | X
    Hailwhisker | 49 moons | Molly | X
    Lionleap | 20 moons | Molly | X
    Mothwhisker | 17 moons | Molly | X
    Mottledleap | 42 moons | Molly | X
    Muddypelt | 17 moons | Tom | X
    Poppysong | 31 moons | Molly | X
    Rivergaze | 31 moons | Tom | X
    Russetsplash | 34 moons | Tom | X
    Sandflower | 33 moons | Molly | X
    Scorchmask | 36 moons | Molly | X
    Shadowflight | 38 moons | Tom | X
    Silversong | 31 moons | Molly | X
    Snowflight | 44 moons | Molly | X
    Swanflight | 30 moons | Molly | X
    Swayingtrees | 48 moons | Tom | X
    Tumblepounce | 16 moons | Tom | X
    Whisperdust | 42 moons | Molly | X
    Wrenface | 43 moons | Molly | X

    Nursery Helpers

    Fluffytuft | 31 moons | Molly | X


    Wisppaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
    Wisteriapaw | 8 moons | Molly | X
    Whimbrelpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
    Imppaw | 8 moons | Molly | X
    Sushipaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
    Loonpaw | 8 moons | Molly | X
    Snakepaw | 8 moons | Molly | X


    Sandflower | 32 moons | Molly | X
    Breezeface | 18 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Flickershine | 17 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Silversong | 31 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Poppysong | 31 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Mothwhisker | 17 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Mottledleap | 42 moons | Molly | X - kitting
    Pebblenose | 13 moons | Molly | X
    - due in one moon
    Sloeface | 22 moons | Molly | X
    - due in one moon
    Pansystep | 21 moons | Molly | X


    Robinkit | 3 moons | Tom | X
    Wobblekit | 3 moons | Tom | X


    Smokepath | 163 moons | Tom | X
    Sandstripe | 157 moons | Tom | X
Ally Clans

CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
Skyclan | Imp
Cliffclan | Sushinekko

Enemy Clans


Border Clans

North | CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
Northeast | StagClan | DasCanadianSparkle
East | Lilyclan | mochi.
Southeast | LeafClan | zephyrine
South | OakClan | \Luna/
South-Southwest | ConiferClan | kacchan
Southwest | CliffClan | sushinekko
West | AdderClan | Marya D
Northwest | Skyclan | Imp

Medicine Store

Alder bark | 2
Borage leaves | 4
Burnet | 2
Catmint | 4
Catchweed | 2
Chervil | 1
Chickweed | 1
Cob nuts | 1
Cobweb | 1
Coltsfoot | 2
Comfrey | 2
Dandylion | 1
Fennel | 1
Goatweed | 1
Goldenrod | 1
Hawkweed | 1
Heather nectar | 1
Honey | 1
Juniper berry | 1
Lovage | 1
Mallow leaves | 1
Oak leaves | 1
Poppy seeds | 2
Ragwort | 1
Ragwort leaves | 1
Raspberry leaves | 1
Tansy | 1
Tormentil | 1
Willow bark | 1
Willow leaf | 1

+2, cobweb

Fresh-Kill Pile

Mice | x6 | 1 serving
Ermine | x1 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
All Birds | x2 | 3 servings


Swayingtrees | Imppaw | 0 | none
Dipperwing | Sushipaw | 0 | none
Dancingstripe | Whimbrelpaw | 0 | none
Hailwhisker | Wisteriapaw | 0 | none
Snowflight | Whisppaw | 0 | none
Rivergaze | Loonpaw | 0 | none
Wrenface | Snakepaw | 0 | none

Deceased Cats

Palewish | 0 moons | Molly | X
Cinderstream | 12 moons | Molly | X


Whisperdust and ??? | Bounceheart, Breezeface and Cinderstream
Wrenface and ??? | Muddypelt, Mothwhisker and Flickershine
Snowflight and Maplestrike | Tumblepounce and Brambleleaf
Rowanpaw and Flarestrike | Sushikit, Impkit
Hailclaw and Dancingstripe | Palewish, Wispkit, Wisteriakit,
Velvetflicker and Gladestep of CliffClan | Loonkit, Racoonkit,
Pondkit, Snakekit, Heronkit
Unknown and unknown | Rivergaze and Poppysong
Sandflower and Russetsplash | Robinkit, Wobblekit
Breezeface, Wolfpaw and Alpinenose | unborn kits
Mothwhisker and Alpinenose | unborn kits
Poppysong and Alpinenose | unborn kits
Silversong and Alpinenose | unborn kits
Flickershine and Wolfpaw | unborn kits
Mottledleap and Whitefoot | unborn kits
Pebblenose, Cedarpounce and Stagleap | unborn kits
Sloeface, unknown and Stagleap | unborn kits
Last edited by Phina D Wolf on Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sycamoreclan | post 13

Postby skywalker, » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:41 am


As the winter months in Sycamoreclan dragged on, the clan welcomed a new kitten; Pinekit. Acornfur was over the moon about his little son, and Leopardeyes could hardly keep her eyes off him for a minute. He was the only kit in the nursery right now, and he was only one moon of age, but he was already causing trouble. Robinpaw was now a warrior, Robinwing, and Fawnleap took her friend out for a nice day of hunting after her vigil was done. They didn't catch much, but the two had fun being warriors together. Otterpaw and Hickorypaw were fitting in well, having found friends in the other apprentices. Bearstar and Silkfeather were talking much more often, and Lilacpounce and Wolfstep seemed to be closer than two lovebirds. Batpaw was learning quickly from Heronstream, and the other apprentices were moving along quickly. Fallingbirch and Honeynose were once again excepting kits now that the cold months were starting to pass, and Mapleflower was fierce in making sure her friend knew how happy she was for the both of them. Gullrunner was practically bubbling from how well his sons were doing, and found himself truly happy where he was. Mapleflower soon found out she was excepting kittens as well, and Gullrunner nearly collapsed when he heard the news. Things in Sycamoreclan were going perfectly, for now.

( Lilacpounce, Wolfstep, Gullrunner, Fawnleap and Hickorypaw go hunting ! )
( Heronstream and Batpaw go herb hunting )
( Honeynose is expecting kits ! father )
Mapleflower is excepting kits ! father )
( Otterpaw and Wolfstep train; the climbing skill ! )
( Hickorypaw and Fawnleap train; the hunting skill ! )
( Flamepaw, Jackdawpaw, Creampaw, Poppypaw and their mentors train for the tracking skill ! )
( Batpaw and Heronstream train; the herb knowledge skill ! )
( Acornfur, Robinwing, Silkfeather and Bearstar patrol the boarders ! )
( Leopardeyes looks after Pinekit )
( Gullrunner takes over the deputy position while Mapleflower is in the nursery )
( The clan consume 1 big fish and 1 squirrel = 5 servings )

number of cats: 21 cats
11 males | 10 females

Bearstar | forty-nine moons | male |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

Mapleflower | forty-four moons | female |

medicine cat:
Heronstream | fifty-two moons | male |

medicine cat apprentice:
Batpaw | eight moons | male |

Gullrunner | fourty-one moons | male |
Fallingbirch | thirty-one moons | male |
Acornfur | thirty-six moons moons | male |
Wolfstep | twenty-seven moons | male |
Honeynose | thirty-two moons | female |
Fawnleap | twenty-two moons | female |
Lilacpounce | twenty-seven moons | female |
Silkfeather | forty-one moons | female |
Robinwing | fourteen moons | female |

Otterpaw | twelve moons | male |
Hickorypaw | ten moons | female |
Flamepaw | eight moons | male |
Creampaw | eight moons | female |
Poppypaw | eight moons | female |
Jackdawpaw | eight moons | male |

Leopardeyes | thirty-four moons | female |

Pinekit | one moon | male |

none currently
ally clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

enemy clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Moorclan | Dinolil1
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

medicine store:
herb list
Catmint | x1 | Remedy for greencough
and whitecough
Cobwebs | x1 | Stops bleeding wounds
Horsetail | x1 | Treats infections
Marigold | x1 | Treats infections and
inflamation of stiff joints
Chervil | x1 | Leaves cure infected wounds,
and chewing roots helps bellyache
Comfrey Root | x2 | used for burns, torn claws,
repairs bones, soothes wounds and can sooth
aching joints.
Goldenrod | x1 | Good for healing wounds in general.
Elder Leaves | x1 | Soothes sprains
Mint | x2 | Hides the scent of death
Feverfew | x2 | Reduces body temperature, also heals
aches and pains, good for headaches especially.
Stick | x1 | Helps queens relieve pain when kitting.
Alder Bark | x1 | Eases tooth aches.
Honey | x1 | soothes sore throats
Celandine | x1 | soothes damaged eyes.
Daisy Leaf | x1 | travelling herb, eases aching joints.
Goatweed | x2 | eases anxiety and grief.
Catchweed | x1 | Stops poultices from being rubbed
off without hurting the skin.
Parsley | x1 | used to stop queens from producing milk.
helps bellyaches.
Rush | x1 | helps hold broken bones in place.
Borage Leaves | x1 | helps queen produce more milk.
Broom | x 1 | made into poultice to help heal broken
legs and bones.
Chamomile | x1 | Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
Also used as a travelling herb for strength.
Sorrel | x1 | Travelling herb.
Tormentil | x1 | Good for all wounds and extracting poisons.
Stinging Nettle | x1 | Induces vomiting, brings down swelling,
helps heal broken bones & fight infections.
fresh-kill pile:
Voles | x3 | 1 servings
Mice | x2 | 1 servings
Big Fish | x3 | 3 servings
Rabbits | x2 | 2 servings
Shrew | x3 | 1 servings
Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings

Wolfstep | Otterpaw | 3 | hunting, tracking, fighting
Heronstream | Batpaw | 2 | poison herb, help with kitting
Bearstar | Flamepaw | 2 | hunting, fighting
Fawnleap | Hickorypaw | 2 | tracking, fighting
Acornfur | Jackdawpaw | 2 | hunting, fighting
Lilacpounce | Creampaw | 2 | hunting, fighting
Gullrunner | Poppypaw | 2 | hunting, fighting

deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Gullrunner and Mapleflower are mates.
Fallingbirch and Honeynose are mates.
Acornfur and Leopardeyes are mates.
Wolfstep and Lilacpounce are mates.
Silkfeather has a crush on Bearstar.

Mapleflower & Gullrunner - Flamekit and Batkit
Honeynose & ? - Creamkit, Poppykit and Jackdawkit
Leopardeyes & Acornfur - Pinekit
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[ ☆ — - brambleclan ]

Postby kangals » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:06 am

i▬( borders )— - to the west is mi
i▬stclan, a trusted ally. to the east
i▬is [open], to the north is [open],
i▬and to the south is [open]

i▬( prey )— - the most common p
i▬rey for brambleclan are rodents,
i▬as well as rabbits or shrews. the
i▬re are also avians if you're stealt
i▬y enough.


brambleclan made its home in an overgrown forest; the camp nestled in a clearing bordered by thick, dense brambles. in newleaf, these shrubs grow berries, which not only offers easily accessible food to the clan, but hides their scent as well. the grass surrounding the camp is thick and overgrown, but within the camp, the grass' growth has stunted from constant treading. the dens are burrows dug beneath the brambles. they are cozy, roomy, and insulated with moss. the leader's den is same, under the thickest of brambles for protection. an especially large root is unearthed in the center of the camp, and this is where meetings are called from.
the main undergrowth is moss, and many knotted roots peek out from the soil. the cats have learned to be extremely agile, as to hunt they must weave through the thickets, grass, and roots without being heard. the warriors are light-footed and slim, often with short pelts to avoid getting caught in the brambles. their coats are primarily dark, allowing them to blend in with the forestry around them, and permitting undetected shelter in the trees, shrubs, and thickets.
the cats of brambleclan are a quiet bunch, and prefer seclusion. their camp is hidden by the brambles that protect them, and can go undetected by most. they are usually passive, and if their borders are overstepped, in many cases they will turn a blind eye to avoid conflict. their light footing may make them skilled hunters, but they aren’t good fighters. without the element of surprise, these cats rely on their hidden camp and trusting their allies.
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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 39

Postby Chamrosh » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:44 am

Number of Cats: 40 (6 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 7
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

ComeSparrowfoot’s eyes opened to a view of a familiar forest. And as per usual, there was the grey kit she knew to be her sister.
xxxx"Thought I’d bring you in slightly more fully than usual; I just need your attention a bit more fully. There’s a tabby in Vixenclan that Heronstar must not meet.”
xxxx"There’s a clan called Vixenclan? What about Foxclan?”
xxxx"Taken, actually.” Elmfang rolled her eyes at Sparrowfoot’s astonished look to hear of two completely unfamiliar clans so quickly. “There’s a lot of clans now. But stop diverting. Just because you don’t like getting omens doesn’t mean they’re not important.”
xxxxSparrowfoot grumbled under her breath, but she knew that she couldn’t stop her sister doing this. She’d just be here again the next night if she tried. She sighed slightly, rolled her eyes, then waited for her sister to continue.
xxxx"You know how much Heronstar hates clans having the same name as individual cats?”
xxxx"Yeah, there was this one time when Harrierpelt was talking about his old cl-"
xxxx"Stories tend to stop being interesting by the fifth time you hear them.” Elmfang interrupted. “There’s a new molly around. Gustclaw-" Sparrowfoot couldn’t help hissing, and loudly. Elmfang didn’t seem surprised to have to stop for a moment. “from Vixenclan. And I think you noticed the similarity. Gustclaw, Gustclan. One sound different.”
xxxx"But surely no leader would allow that? That’s supremely arrogant.”
xxxx"And that’s your reaction. Imagine how Heronstar would react. You can’t let her.”
xxxx"What happens if she does?”
xxxx"The storm a few moons ago was an omen of her rage.” Sparrowfoot gulped slightly. “At least, I think.” That boded a little better. “I’m not involved in every decision.” Elmfang shrugged, which looked especially strange on the shoulders of a kit barely old enough to stand – Sparrowfoot had noticed how her sister had aged just slightly more than she should have done in Starclan, and then stayed there. Like the very fabric of the forest Starclan claimed knew that to be forever weak-limbed, closed-eye and closed-ear was a horrendous notion. “But it wouldn’t surprise me if it were proportional. If Heronstar finds out, the best case is Gustclan changing its name to something so obscure, no cat would follow, and steadily increasing isolationism. The worst is that she makes sure that no one rises to such arrogance again. I think.” Sparrowfoot gave a bigger gulping noise, even if the last validation detracted slightly from the communication of threat level.
xxxx"So… what do I do?”
xxxx"Say you saw an omen of something… I don’t know, Betonycloud said to be cryptic, but just talking to you seemed a lot more helpful. Cryptic is useless unless I want you to mess up, and I really don’t. I don’t know! Just… anything that will stop her.”
xxxxSparrowfoot stared at her sister, eyes wide, realising how much responsibility was seeming to be placed on her.
xxxxAnd she huffed. Of course her sister didn’t have a plan.
xxxx"I’ll try. I can’t promise I’ll manage, but I can promise I’ll try.”
xxxx"It’d better be a good try. Failure won’t go well.” Elmfang slowly sagged under the weight of her worry for a second, before shaking herself slightly and springing back into the mode of a young kit again. “You’d best be up to get back on with your duties for the day. You should have enough time to start thinking up excuses.” Elmfang twisted her head slightly. Then shrugged slightly, took a deep breath in, and blew, blowing the swirling grey woodland away and out of Sparrowfoot’s sight…
Bye bye, big sister, and good luck.Sparrowfoot’s eyes opened slowly. All the other warriors were already up and about. She groaned at her sister’s timing before righting herself from her position on her back and running out to start her duties for the day.

xxxxThe snow reached up to Harrierpelt’s stomach, so he was more pulling himself through the snow than walking. He’d tried, initially, using forward momentum to keep his force on the snow minimal, so he wouldn’t sink, but this had quickly grown exhausting, and he’d been forced to return to trawling forward.
xxxxThere were only a few herbs which were easier to find during winter, but it was well worth doing herb searches whenever he wasn’t preoccupied with kits.
xxxxAs he ducked his head down to look for herbs in a well-tested spot, he was greeted by the smell of a young molly, and a face full of ginger fur.
xxxxHarrierpelt drew his head back quickly in surprise. Clearly the snow had been covering her scent until now.
xxxx"Hiii!” The kit called in a strange accent, and then sprang out of the bush towards him, landing clumsily and flopping face-first into the snow. She spat the white powder out of her mouth quickly and looked back up at Harrierpelt, twisting her neck backwards, brown eyes shining. “I’m Squirrelkit, and I’m looking for my mummy, have you seen Honeycreek?” Her tail wiggled awkwardly, and then she scrambled to her tiny feet, and slipped again. “Or Laurelkit, or my brothers?” And again her attempts to scramble to her feet didn’t work.
xxxx"I haven’t, no. If you come back to camp now we can have a proper look for your family later.”
xxxx"Okay! I’ll just follow-" really Squirrelkit was not particularly skilled at handling herself in deep snow. Harrierpelt couldn’t help an amused expression crossing his face. “Hey!” Squirrelkit protested as she was picked up by the scruff of his neck and brought back to camp.
xxxxBoulderdash was not going to appreciate this.

xxxxBoulderdash woke up to the light filtering in, past the human den’s strange soft walls, onto her face. She could feel some fidgeting from her ball of kittens, but that was normal when there were five of them to mind. Her head rolled back slowly so she could feel the sun against her chin.
xxxxShe stayed still for a moment before yawning widely, and turning her head back round and then paused for a moment.
xxxxWhy was there an extra kit? And a bright ginger kit, very different to her grey kits. Even if the molly was about the same size.
xxxxBoulderdash nudged the ginger lump with her nose, and it grumbled before snuggling in tighter against Dipperkit. Boulderdash nudged it again. And then she prodded it with one of her forepaws.
xxxxA tiny ginger face emerged from between Dipperkit and Ringkit, and looked up with droopy brown eyes, and a tired expression. She attempted a greeting, only to follow up with a wide yawn.
xxxx"Harrierpelt said you’d look after me. And the floor was cold.” The ginger fluffball made an exaggerated shiver, and then yawned again. Her voice was slow and unresponsive, reflecting more of the tiredness. "And it looked warm up, and good for me."
xxxxBoulderdash narrowed her eyes slightly. She’d be having a word with her mate later. “Ri’.”

xxxxSquirrelkit got on quite well with the rest of the litter she had decided she was now part of, and the six of them caused quite a lot of chaos around camp – particularly when Shellcloud and Nettleflower or Langoustinefang and Vendacethroat got involved.
xxxxMyrtleclaw would admit openly that he loved acting father to kits, but he had to admit that eight foster children, six of whom were kits were a bit much. He’d be politely informing his friend later that eight was enough kits to father, and that her next litter would need a different male to cover up for her.
xxxxJudging by how hard getting the original five to sleep was, and how much more tired Boulderdash looked now, Myrtleclaw was fairly sure she’d agree about the quantity. But he was going to check anyway. Eight really was enough.

[Squirrelkit joins Gustclan]
[Shellcloud and Nettleflower try for kits]

[Jack of all trades, master of none,
But better that than master of one ; Ploverpaw has grown into a warrior: Ploverstripe]
[Cicelypaw has grown into an observant warrior, skilled at tracking: Cicelynose]

[Martinwhisker and Troutpaw, Bugleclaw and Pheasantpaw, Shellcloud and Mosquitopaw, Lobeliafur and Lobsterpaw, Merlindash and Camberpaw, Osierfang and Lionpaw, Clarystorm and Ospreypaw, Vendacethroat and Noctulepaw, and Firepath and Saffronpaw train]
[Chubtail and Tabitha train; fighting]

[Harrierpelt looks for herbs]
[Heronstar, Droseratail, Ploverstripe, Cecilynose and Langoustinefang go hunting]
[Myrtleclaw, Argusheart, Sparrowfoot and Nettleflower go hunting]

[Boulderdash stays in camp to mind the kits: Teaselkit, Ringkit, Zinniakit, Dipperkit, and Sealkit]
[Pearstone, Moraine, and Barnfish stay in camp]

[Gustclan consume 2 hares and 1 big fish – 7 portions]
[18th and 25th Advent gifts not currently claimed– Day 19 -> Day 24: Frog, Beech Leaf, Alder Bark, Mouse, Hare, Hare, Lavendar]

    Heronstar | 76 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    ★ Chubtail | 72 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Harrierpelt | 51 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Warriors: (20 [+1])
    ★ Boulderdash | Female | Queen
    ★ Myrtleclaw | 63 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    BB/CCb/dd/dmdm /Ii/ll/TT/oY/ss/ww
    ★ Argusheart | 68 | Female
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale eyes
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 50 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred white tom with slightly grey tail and green eyes
    ★ Osierfang | 38 | Female
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby molly with green eyes
    ★ Bugleclaw | 69 | Male
    ↪ Large, long-furred black tom with hazel eyes
    ★ Lobeliafur | 34 | Female
    ↪ White-furred molly with brown eyes
    bb/CCs/Dd/dmdm /ii/Ll/TT/OO/ss/WW
    ★ Moraine on Steep Slope “Moraine” | 45 | Female
    ↪ Golden-brown tabby molly with big green eyes
    ★ Shellcloud | 30 | Male
    ↪ White tom with grey point and blue eyes
    ↪ Claw-mark scars diagonally over his nose
    ★ Droseratail | 30 | Male
    ↪ Tabby cinnamon tom with blue eyes
    ★ Martinwhisker | 46 | Male
    ↪ White tom with black ears and back and hazel eyes
    ★ Sparrowfoot | 24 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with hazel eyes
    ★ Nettleflower | 24 | Female
    ↪ Pale grey tabby molly with blue eyes
    ★ Firepath | 28 | Male
    ↪ Apricot tabby with hazel eyes
    ★ Tabitha “Tabbyfur” | 25 | Female
    ↪ Tabby grey molly with yellow eyes and a white throat
    ★ Merlindash | 21 | Male
    ↪ Gold-brown tabby tom with green eyes and white feet
    ★ Clarystorm | 61 | Male
    ↪ Battle-hardened dark-grey tom with yellow eyes
    ★ Langoustinefang | 19 | Female
    ↪ Apricot tabby with yellow eyes
    ★ Vendacethroat | 19 | Male
    ↪ Grey tabby tom with yellow eyes
    ★ Ploverstripe | 17 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white underside and hazel eyes
    ★ Cicelynose | 17 | Female
    ↪ Molly with grey point, white toes and blue eyes
    ↪ Jagged tail, with a break in the bones of it

    Apprentices: (9)
    Ploverpaw & Cicelypaw
    ★ Troutpaw | 9 | Female
    ↪ Grey polydactyl tabby molly with grey eyes
    ★ Pheasantpaw | 8 | Female
    ↪ Tortoiseshell molly with green cross-eyes
    ★ Mosquitopaw | 8 | Female
    ↪ Tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes
    ★ Lobsterpaw | 8 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred black tom with green eyes
    ★ Camberpaw | 8 | Male
    ↪ Polydactyl black tom with blue eyes and pale undersides
    ★ Lionpaw | 7 | Male
    ↪ Ginger tom with white feet and underside, and hazel eyes
    ★ Ospreypaw | 7 | Female
    ↪ White and grey molly with hazel eyes
    ★ Noctulepaw | 7 | Female
    ↪ Chocolate tabby with pale undersides and blue eyes
    ★ Saffronpaw | 7 | Male
    ↪ Silvery tabby tom with violet eyes and pale undersides

    Queens: (1)
    ★ Boulderdash | 67 | Female | ••••
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    ↪ Scar on shoulder and chipped ear

    Kits: (6)
    ★ Teaselkit | 3 | Male
    ↪ Grey tabby tom with brown eyes and white undersides
    ★ Ringkit | 3 | Male
    ↪ Blue-eyed silver tom with stripes extending over white areas
    ★ Zinniakit | 3 | Female
    ↪ Lilac-silver molly with hazel eyes and pale areas
    ★ Dipperkit | 3 | Female
    ↪ Dark brown, long-furred molly with white face and grey eyes
    ★ Sealkit | 3 | Male
    ↪ Dark grey, long-furred tom with grey eyes
    ★ Squirrelkit | 3 | Female
    ↪ Red long-furred molly with brown eyes

    Elders: (1)
    ★ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 100 | Male
    ↪ White and ginger tom with hazel eyes
    ↪ Nose scar, scar over one eye, so he’s blind on one side
    ↪ Developing diabetes
    ★ Name | Age | Gender
    ↪ Description
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username
    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x6 | 1 meal
    Mice | x6 | 1 meal
    Squirrels | x5 | 2 meals
    Rabbits | x4 | 2 meals
    Big Fish | x4 | 3 meals
    Hares | x7 | 3 meals
    Sum | x63 | 9 moons’
    N-E | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
    N-W | Mostly Lake | Morningclan | Stormly
    E | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    S | Road | Skyclan | imp.
    W | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    All: Climb, Fish and/or Hunt
    Warrior: Fight, Track
    Med Cat: Herb Identification, Heal, Stealth
    +Detective: Observe, Investigate, Stealth
    +Deputy, from Leader: Diplomacy, Orate, Stategise
    Optional skills (2(+)): Advance skill (above), Agility,
    Basic Heal (warrior), Diplomacy, Fight, Fish, Herb
    identification, Hunt, Interpret Prophecy, Investigate,
    Observe, Orate, Run, Stalk, Stealth, Strategise,
    Swim, Track

    Heronstar | Cicelypaw | 10
    Stalk, Climb, Fish, Hunt, Fight,
    Stealth, Swim, Observe, Run, Track,
    Myrtleclaw | Ploverpaw | 10
    Stalk, Climb, Fish, Hunt, Fight,
    Stealth, Swim, Observe, Run, Track,

    Martinwhisker | Troutpaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Osierfang | Lionpaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Bugleclaw | Pheasantpaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Shellcloud | Mosquitopaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Lobeliafur | Lobsterpaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Merlindash | Camberpaw | 2
    Climb, Hunt,
    Chubtail | Tabbyfur | 2
    Fish, Climb,
    Clarystorm | Ospreypaw | 1
    Vendacethroat | Noctulepaw | 1
    Firepath | Saffronpaw | 1
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions

    Starclan cats:
    Elmkit fang | Died shortly after birth
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Dark Forest cats:
    Saddlekit stream | Ate poisonous fungus
    [Glaceon has permission to use her for plot purposes!]
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark (2) | Helps toothache.
    Beech Leaves (1) | Carries other herbs.
    Bindweed (0) | Attachments.
    Blackberry Leaves (0) | Ease bee stings.
    Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk.
    Bright-Eye (0) | +Lovage, cures coughs.
    Broom (0) | Helps broken limbs and wounds.
    Burdock Root (2) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain).
    Burnet (1) | Stops minor bleeding, keeps strength up.
    Catchweed (0) | Fixes poultices in place.
    Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough.
    Celandine (1) | Soothes damaged eyes.
    Chamomile (0) | Strengthens hearts, soothes, travelling.
    Chervil (0) | fights infection and bellyache. Kiting herb.
    Chickweed (0) | Treats greencough.
    Cobnuts (0) | Used in ointments.
    Cobweb (0) | Slows bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Coltsfoot (2) | Eases breathing, kitten-cough and sore pads.
    Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
    Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
    stiffness. Helps burns.
    Daisy Leaf (2) | Eases aching joints, travelling herb.
    Dandelion (0) | Helps bee stings. Anesthetic.
    Deadly Nightshade (0) | Euthanasia.
    Dock (0) | Soothes scratches, nettle stings, and sore
    pads. Can ease pain if placed in bedding.
    Elder Leaves (0) | Soothes sprains.
    Fennel (1) | Eases hip pain, helps kittings.
    Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
    and pains, esp. headaches.
    Fox-glove Seeds (0) | Affect the heart.
    Goatweed (1) | Eases anxiety and grief.
    Goldenrod (1) | Helps heal wounds.
    Hawkweed (0) | Remedy for green/whitecough.
    Heather Nectar (1) | Eases swallowing. Sweetener.
    Holly Berries (0) | Kit euthanasia.
    Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
    and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
    Horsetail (1) | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    Ivy Leaves (0) | Storage aid.
    Juniper Berries (0) | Soothes bellyache, minds and
    breathing. Gives strength.
    Lamb's Ear (1) | Gives a cat strength.
    Lavender (2) | Cures fever and chills. Hides death-smell.
    Lovage (0) | +Bright-Eye, cures coughs.
    Lungwort (2) | Cures yellowcough.
    Mallow Leaves (1) | Soothes bellyache.
    Marigold (0) | Stops infection and bleeding. Used to
    help stiff joints.
    Mint (1) | Hides death-scent.
    Mouse Bile (0) | Removes ticks.
    Oak Leaf (1) | Stops infection.
    Parsley (0) | Stops milk production. Cures bellyache.
    Poppy Seeds (0) | Aid sleep. Soothe. Anesthetic.
    Ragwort Leaves (0) | Helps joints. Keeps strength up.
    Ragwort (2) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength.
    Raspberry Leaf (1) | Anesthetic. Stops bleeding.
    Rush (0) | Splints.
    Rosemary (0) | Hides death-scent.
    Sorrel(1) | For travelling, increases appetite.
    Sticks (1) | ”Bite this for me!” *amputates hastily*
    Stinging Nettle (0) | Induce vomiting. Reduce swelling.
    +Comfrey, heals bones. Stems reduce infection.
    Sweet Sedge (0) | Ease infection.
    Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
    Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.
    Tormentil (0) | Help wounds, extract poison.
    Travelling (0) | (=Sorrel+Daisy+Chamomile+Burnet)
    Holds back hunger, keeps up strength.
    Thyme (1) | Helps nervousness, anxiety and shock.
    Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache.
    Water Hemlock (0) | Causes pain, writhing and foaming.
    Wild Garlic (0) | Prevents infection, esp. from rat bites.
    Willow Bark (1) | Paracetemol.
    Willow Leaves (0) | Stops vomiting.
    Wintergreen (0) | Treats wounds and poisons.
    Yarrow (0) | Extracts poison. Instigates vomiting.
    Off-brand Vaseline.
    Yew Berries (Death-berries) (0) | Euthanasia.


    Heronstar and Chubtail
    Shellcloud and Droseratail;
    Ploverstripe, Cicelynose and Saddlekit
    Boulderdash and Harrierpelt [Myrtleclaw] ★
    Elmkit, Sparrowfoot and Nettleflower
    Teaselkit, Ringkit, Zinniakit, Dipperkit, and Sealkit : [Squirrelkit]
    Argusheart and Bugleclaw
    Kits reabsorbed
    Pheasantpaw, Mosquitopaw, Lobsterpaw and Camberpaw
    Larchstorm and Unknown [Osierfang]★
    Clearsight of Tempestclan and Embertoes of Iceclan? ★
    Smokefrost of Moorclan, Ashflight of Duskclan and Firepath
    Droseratail and Lobeliafur
    No kits yet
    Unknown, Unknown and Unknown
    Langoustinefang and Vendacethroat
    Shellcloud and Nettleflower
    [Troutpaw] and [Lionpaw]
    Unknown and Tabitha
    Ospreypaw, Noctulepaw and Saffronpaw
    Pearstone and Moraine
    No kits yet
    Crowdawn of Cliffclan and Magick Pinestep of Stagclan
    Troutpaw, Murdochpaw of Briarclan and Shinekit of Swallowclan
    Oatfur of Lilyclan and Scales of Bloodclan
    Lizardpaw of Cliffclan, Forest of Bloodclan, Lionpaw and Ghostpaw of Lilyclan
    Russetstar of Cloudclan and Honeycreek(?) of Swiftclan
    Lionkit of ?clan, Squirrelkit, Laurelkit of ?clan and Owlkit of Cliffclan
    ★ Name and Name ★
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Dinolil1 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 11:02 am

Justice will come on swift wings, none shall ever escape
Number of Cats: 26 | Males: 13 | Females:13 | Last Post: X

Everyone agreed that Fogwhisker was a very attractive molly; her pelt shimmering like raindrops and her eyes the softest shade of green; although the patrol swore that they changed colour with her emotions, reflecting her grief and anger just as they also reflected her serenity. Many lamented the disloyalty of her beloved but admired her strength as she entered the camp with her head and tail high. Very quickly Snailstep became enraptured by Fogwhisker's beauty and independence; he ignored Smokeheart's ceremony and cheered loudly for Fogwhisker's ceremony.

''Why's everyone fawning over you?'' Smokeheart complained, glaring at Fogwhisker, he was the only one who didn't see the appeal in her, save for the blind cats who were charmed anyway by her kindness. The silver tom curled his tail around his paws and sighed loudly. ''I'm beautiful as well!''

Fogwhisker stared calmly at the large-eared tom and coolly reassured him that he too was beautiful. Unfortunately she didn't have a great deal of time before the deputy approached, silent-pawed as ever. The shaggy tom was confident of his charms and good looks; although many secretly agreed he was a little too pretentious for their liking. ''Hello Smokeheart.'' Snailstep murmured.
''May I speak to Fogwhisker alone?''

''Told you they only care about you.'' muttered Smokeheart, shooting the queen a rueful look. The elegant tom slunk off to converse with Linnettail, she'd seemed very interested in him and who was Smokeheart to deny a friendly molly the chance to get on his good side? As Smokeheart pulled Linnettail into a conversation, the queen became vaguely aware of Snailstep inching closer to her and her swollen belly; she didn't like it.

''You are beautiful, you know that?'' Snailstep murmured, a smirk softly curling his mouth and bringing a shine into his eyes.

Fogwhisker nodded. ''I know that I'm beautiful.'' This earned a soft chuckle from Snailstep, plopping himself next to Fogwhisker and shaking his head softly. The shaggy deputy wasn't easily pushed away from a beautiful cat with eyes that appeared as though they turned stars green with envy. ''Just checking, beautifulwhisker.''

The queen frowned and bristled, striking a paw across Snailstep's face in unchecked anger. ''I'm Fogwhisker.'' She replied sharply. ''And I'll thank you to call me Fogwhisker.'' Getting up, the queen slunk quietly in the nursery; she remained unaware of Snailstep's humiliation and the anger that blazed in his eyes for a few moments. ''Y-you'll pay for that.'' The deputy grumbled, storming off and heading for ledge where all announcements were made.

''We have three new apprentices! Please cheer for Hazelpaw, Beechpaw and Elmpaw.'' Fritillarystar crowed, looking down at each of the three young cats; they had done well to get this far and even with her distaste of kittens, Fritillarystar was proud of them.They weren't the first apprentices, but they were indeed apprentices nevertheless; MoorClan appeared to be getting more apprentices now with Sparrowpaw's ceremony only last moon. ''Braircloud, your calmness never ceases to be valuable; your patience will hopefully tame Elmpaw's fire.''

The young molly bounded up to the old leader, nuzzling him affectionately with a wordless promise that she'd never let her fire die,
no matter what Fritillarystar said. It was her crowning feature and one that her late father had always commented on with great pride; her fire was a large part of her and if it was cut away, then who was she?

''Hazelpaw, your mentor shall be Ravenflower; for you need kindness and patience to understand your difficulties.'' The young tom's fur bristled at the word difficulties. He'd always tried to make sure nobody saw his blindness as an obstacle for he could hear, track and feel just as well as his brother and sister. While he knew Ravenflower was very nice, he disliked Fritillarystar's disregard for him merely because one part of him was absent. Before he could complain, Beechpaw's name was called.

''And Beechpaw; your mentor shall be Oakfeather.'' Fritillarystar sighed, watching the son greet his mother. ''Because she's the only cat left capable of mentoring.'' The tortoiseshell stood silent for a few moments as though fearing a challenge. Hearing none, the meeting was adjourned.

Beechpaw, Hazelpaw and Elmpaw are apprentices and are taken out training

    Fritillarystar | 58 | Female | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Snailstep | 53 | Male |X

    Medicine Cat:
    Smallwhisker | 16 | Female | X
    Trouttail | 40 | Female | X

    Dawnpool | 57 | Female | X | Blind
    Bramblefur | 50 | Male |X
    Braircloud | 53 | Male |X
    Ravenflower | 70 | Female | X
    Linnettail | 24 | Female | X
    Lizardpath | 31 | Male |X | Blind
    Avocetblaze | 28 | Female | X | Blind
    Harefoot | 55 | Male | X
    Sandleap | 42 | Male |X
    Lightningstrike | 35 | Male | X | Blind
    Oakfeather | 72 | Female | X
    Smokeheart | 27 | Male |X

    Sparrowpaw | 7 | Male |X
    Vervainpaw | 7 | Male |X - Not part of Clan
    Lilypaw | 9 | Female | X - Not part of Clan
    Elmpaw | 6 | Female | X
    Hazelpaw | 6 | Male |X | Blind
    Beechpaw | 6 | Male |X

    Fogwhisker | 54 | Female | X


    Neritefang | 301 | Female | X | Blind

    Blueclan - MissUniverse - ''They're young at their roots just like us, but they'll prove good.''
    Tempestclan - IC - ''They offered us their paw first, they seem wise enough.''

    Northwest: Echoclan
    Northeast: Pineclan
    South: Sycamoreclan

    Medicine Store:
    Catnip - Cures GreenCough - 1
    Comfrey Root - Cures burns, eases swelling, itching, stiffness and wounds - 1
    Goatweed - Eases anxiety and grief - 1
    Goldenrod - Heals wounds - 1
    Lamb's ear - Gives strength - 1
    Poppy Seeds - Brings rest - 0
    Borage - Produces milk and brings down fevers - 1
    Juniper - Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, aids troubled breathing and calms down cats - 1

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Kite | x2 | 2 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings

    Sparrowpaw | Bramblefur | N/A
    Vervainpaw | Snailstep | N/A (Not yet)
    Lilypaw | Fritillarystar | N/A (Not yet)
    Elmpaw | Braircloud | N/A
    Hazelpaw | Ravenflower | N/A
    Beechpaw | Oakfeather | N/A

    Deceased Cats:
    Ternpaw (heart) | (Died aged 8 moons) | Male | X– Killed by Snailstep
    Nettlefang |(Died aged 50 moons) | Male | X- Drowned in the stream
    Stonenose | ( Died aged 46 moons) | Male |X - Killed by an adder
    Swift |(Died aged 25 moons) | Male | X - Killed by Bramblefur; bloodloss
    Nightclaw | ( Died aged 51 moons) | Female |X - Killed by Hollytail; bloodloss
    Dustfoot | ( Died aged 70 moons) | Male |X - Killed by Lightning; bloodloss
    Hollytail | (Died aged 56 moons) | Female | X - Drowned in stream
    Darkheart |(Died aged 31 moons) | Female | X - Killed by Lightning


    Oakfeather & Dustfoot - Elmpaw, Hazelpaw and Beechpaw
    Braircloud & Bramblefur
    Hollytail & Dawnpool

I believe that you are purrfect!

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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby ilhdc7 » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:45 pm

Total: 021 <3 {6 kits}
Male: 09 | Female: 012
Next Moonpool Visit: [now] January 3rd
Next Kits Due In: ---
Prey Servings: 5
advent days 19-25 ; catmint, borage leaf, raspberry leaf, mouse, squirrel, mouse, rainbow troutx2, poppysong

aloeleap & salmonstar & seabird & his kits; shellkit, gullkit, & lavenderkit
aloeleap slowly pushed his way into camp. The kits he was struggling to bring, barely a few days old, were already hard to handle. He could barely get the first one a few feet, then had to go back, grab another, drop it, then grab another. It was a slow process, especially coming from the southern border, where Pearlheart, his mate, had been. He knew, that at the moment, almost all the warriors were out patrolling and hunting, so, he wasn't worried about creating a big fuss. But at noontime, was when seabird and salmonstar had alone time with their kits, was when he decided to bring the kits in to see them.

He slowly placed the three kits, two mollies, and one tom, into the nursery. Salmonstar was glaring at him, and Seabird was apprehensively looking at the kits. Her three were sleeping next to her, and he wanted her to take care of his. He didn't know how to ask her to mother her kits, but there was no other nursing she-cats.

Salmonstar cleared his throat, "What on earth are you doing with three kits! Barely a few days old at that!"

Seabird slowly pried herself from her three and gently came over to Aloeleaps kits. "What are their names?"

Salmonstar lashed his tail, "Who cares about names? Why does he have kits at all!!"

"I- I don't know! I found them! On the border!" His eyes widened, he didn't want to be kicked from his deputy position. So he told them a lie. But he decided that he would care for them, of course. "I-I carried them from the southern border! I want to be involved in their lives. I'm invested in them. I can't not!"

Salmonstar nodded his head, eyes still narrowed sharply on Aloeleap. "Alright. I'll leave you two to get settled..." He glanced at Seabird one more time, before leaving the nursery.

Seabird sniffed the three kits, and picked the mottled she-kit up, placing her next to sootkit. Aloeleap grabbed the other she-kit, leaving Seabird to grab the tom. "So, Aloeleap, I'll care for them, but I need to call them something."

He nodded, and shook his head to take away the fuzziness, "The tom is Gullkit, and the white she-kit is Lavenderkit. I think the other she-kit is the first born, and I want to continue the tradition like Salmonstar started, so I'll let you name her..."

Seabird smiled and looked her over, curling up around all six kits to keep them warm. "Shellkit."

He laughed and nosed the small kit, "An 'S' letter, like your family?" She laughed and nodded snuggling closer to the six.

Aloeleap liked it, the names. He couldn't have picked better names. He was glad that she had used a name related to the sea. Pearlheart was from Marineclan and Shellkit sounded like a name Pearlheart would have used. He left the nursery, before giving each kit a small lick on their back, comforting them, but also himself.

flintpaw & heronstride
Heronstride was excited. She was glad that Salmonstar was trusting her with an apprentice, although a nasty one. She hoped that her happiness and her excitement over clan life would spill into the young tom. She padded into the apprentice den, her apprentice wasn't up yet, and she was slightly furious. She had told him to be up at sun up, and he wasn't.

She snarled, her temper flaring, the first time since Scorchscream ruined her fur coat with berries. The snap from, 'I'm gonna be a great teacher!' to 'I'm going to kill him!'. "FLINTPAW! GET YOUR FLEA RIDDEN PELT UP! I TOLD YOU SUN-UP!"

He groaned and stood up, his large grey coat dwarfing Heronstrides thin complexion. He glared at her, "I didn't want to get up! Hold your horses!"

"No! I said be up at sun up. You are now taking care of Barkfang today, tomorrow we will go hunting."

"What! That's so unfair! You said hunting today! And I took care of Barkfang yesterday!"

"Too bad! Next time be awake when I say!"

mambaquake & timberclaw
Timberclaw shook his pelt as he padded down the path, wanting to visit with Mambaquake. He knew that she wasn't the biggest fan of Salmonstar, but dealt with it because there wasn't anybody else who felt that way. But what she didn't know, was that he also wasn't a fan of Salmonstars moping, and gathering skipping, and peaceful approach to leading a clan. He wanted that position, and knowing that Mambaquake was a salty sshe-cat, and wasn't afraid of battle nor wasn't afraid of treachery. He believed that she wanted to have a more aggressive tribe too. "I know I'm supposed to be resting this moon, but how have you been?" He had to word his spiel correctly or else she would think he was crazy.

She glanced at him, "Good. What are you up to, Timberclaw?"

He sighed, and rolled his eyes, "Salmonstar has been bugging me, and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. Not enough cats dislike him, and I don't think I can get enough cats to overthrow him, honestly."

"Over throw? It's too early to think like that. Maybe in the future, when your kits have grown up, knowing that their goal is to kill Salmonstar."

"My kits? Redwing would never let our kits be raised like that. She thinks Salmonstar is a gift sent to her and her clan mates."

"That's why you take one or two out of a litter, the more vicious of the kits and train them to kill."

"Ahh," He sat down, "What about you? Would you think you'd let your kits be like that? Trained to kill Salmonstar?"

"I'm not going to have kits, unless its advantageous to me. I don't want a mate either." She shook her coat and glanced around the clearing.

"Would you be my deputy? If I begin to build a rebellion?"

Mambaquake laughed and shook her head, "No, But when you begin to gather more cats, I'll mother kits for you to raise."

"Really? That's- That's quite an offer!"

She shook her head, "The only offer I can give you. As long as Salmonstar is killed."

new cats; flintpaw, poppysong, shellkit, gullkit, lavenderkit(from marineclan's pearlheart, kits of aloeleap)
moonpool; salmonstar wishes for a warrior
hunting; salmonstar, scorchscream, poppysong, heronstride, flintpaw
patrol; aloeleap, redwing, ibisthroat, wolffrost, phantompaw
guard; mambaquake
resting; timberclaw (1 moon)
herb hunting; badgerheart searches for strengthening herbs
mates; wolffrost & ibisthroat become mates(no kits yet)
kitting; ---
kit->apprentice; ---
apprentice->warrior; ---
training; wolffrost & phantompaw (climbing), heronstride & flintpaw (hunting)
fresh-kill; (5) rainbow trout & x2mouse

          salmonstar | 27m | tom | X
          Lives: [9/9] ★★★★★★★★★

          aloeleap | 30m | tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          badgerheart | 34m | molly | X

          scorchscream | 25m | tom | X
          wolffrost | 27m | tom | X
          timberclaw | 22m | tom | behind
          redwing | 23m | molly | in front
          heronstride | 23m | molly | X
          mambaquake | 30m | molly | X
          ibisthroat | 26m | molly | X
          poppysong | 32m | molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          phantompaw (belly) | 7m | tom | X
          flintpaw (owl) | 6m | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          seabird | 25m | molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          snowkit | 2m | molly | X - blind & albino
          screechkit | 2m | molly | X - runt
          sootkit | 2m | molly | X - runt
          shellkit | 0m | molly | X
          gullkit | 0m | tom | X
          lavenderkit | 0m | molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          barkfang | 146m | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | mountain | open
    East | marsh | open
    South | Marineclan | bel.
    West | forest | open

    Medicine Store
    x1 catmint | for deadly green cough, or white cough
    x1 lambs ears | strength
    x2 juniper berry | belly aches, strength, breathing, anxiety
    x1 poppyseed | sleep, shock, ease pain
    x1 goldenrod | healing wounds
    x1 chamomile | strengthens heart, soothes mind
    x3 borage | helps queens milk to come
    x1 cobweb | stops bleeding, binds wounds
    x1 chervil | helps heal wounds, stop stomach aches
    x1 ragwort | aching joints, strength
    x4 raspberry leaves | painkiller & stops bleeding
    x2 honey | soothes infections, sore throats, coughs
    x1 tansy | cough, stops green cough, cure poison&wounds, sooth throats

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rainbow Trout | x3 | 3 servings
    Sparrow | x3 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x2 | 1 servings
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Robin | x3 |  3 servings


    wolffrost | phantompaw | 1 |
    hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle
    heronstride | flintpaw | 0 |
    hunting, swimming, climbing, forest battle, water battle, tree battle

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    salmonstar & seabird
    -L1-snowkit, screechkit, sootkit
    timberclaw & redwing
    no kits yet
    aloeleap & pearlheart(marineclan)
    -L1- shellkit, gullkit, lavenderkit, leafkit & dovekit of marineclan
    wolffrost & ibisthroat
    no kits yet
Last edited by ilhdc7 on Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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