Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

06. )───the kaokay clan

Postby w0ah » Sat May 25, 2019 11:15 am

    population 009 na'vi ── men 05 na'vi ── women 04 na'vi ── children 00 na'vi ── companions 00 ── servings 8½ ── eywa visit now ── archives here────


              ⤷ the kaokay feast upon a deer and two ½ figs.
              ⤷ the hunter and the warrior are accepted into the clan.
              ⤷ nehay requests a faithful war chief from eywa.
              ⤷ vìotwì, elfìweyt, sou, and kiewi perform a hunting patrol.
              ⤷ nehay and loufkì perform a scouting patrol.
              ⤷ awhut and räae perform a gathering patrol.
              ⤷ räae harvests the peach seed.
              ⤷ awhut researches medicine.
              ⤷ elfìweyt trains sawyulii.


            nehay te tey'on ── ♂ ── 29 yrs
            ↪ j2 / s / 3 / c3 / x / na'vi ────


            awhut te owì ─── ♀ ── 27 yrs
            ↪ j2 / hc / 3 / e4 / x / na'vi───



        𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐄𝐅
        full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────

        1. loufkì te usloheo ── ♂ ──32
        ↪ j3 / hw / 5 / h5 / x / na’vi ─
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────
        3. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        1. räae te eyä ──── ♀ ─── 21
        ↪ j1 / s / 2 / e5 / x / na'vi───
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────

        1. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────
        3. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        1. sawyulii te uaoa ── ♂ ── 16
        ↪ j6 / ac / 1 / c5 / y / na’vi──
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ extra information ───────


        vìotwì te oeyri ─── ♀ ── 34
        ↪ j1 / lw / 5 / d4 / x | na’vi ─

        1. elfìweyt te tawi ── ♂ ── 24
        ↪ j2 / hw / 4 / d1 / x / na'vi──
        2. sou te iäri ──── ♂ ──── 36
        ↪ j4 / lc / 4 / a7 / x / na’vi──
        3. kiewi te ovaw ─── ♀ ── 33
        ↪ j4 / lw / 4 / a5 / x / na’vi──


        1. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ child's name, ♂♀, 00 yrs
        2. full name here ── ♂♀ ── 00
        ↪ child's name, ♂♀, 00 yrs



        nehay & awhut ────────↴
        ↪ due in one post of time
        räae & elfìweyt ────────↴
        ↪ due in two posts of time


        pet name here ── type ── ♂♀
        pet name here ── type ── ♂♀


        elfìweyt ⟶ sawyulii te uaoa (2)
        ↪ training to become a hunter


        extra items here ─────── (#)
        extra items here ─────── (#)


        hare ── one serving ── (#)
        boar ── three servings ── (2)
        deer ── six servings ── (5)
        moose ── ten servings ── (1)
        radish ── one serving ── (#)
        turnip ── three servings ── (2)
        spinach ── four servings ── (2)
        fig ── one serving ── (½)
        peach ── two servings ── (2)
        papaya ── four servings ── (#)

        peach seed ─ harvested now

Posts: 9499
Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 9:29 am
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Black Rock Weyrhold 25

Postby Simonpet » Sat May 25, 2019 6:32 pm

𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 56 (29 ♂ | 27 ♀)
Number of Animals: 28
Next Visit to North: 05/31/2019
Ancestors | Families | Items and Food | Mentors | Posts | References | Worldbuilding

"Welcome to the Weyrhold," said Ze'ku, smiling as he led an awestruck Hallitu and Tuncagin down the road to the Dragons' Weyr. Looking overhead, he could see Hosurth wheeling in the sky with Kimorth. The brown's rider, F'dust, stood near the weyrling barracks (which had been deserted for several turns now) holding hands with Soyah.

"It's so big," breathed Hallitu. She had come from a cothold and was used to holds the size of a family--which is to say around twenty people. The fifty-odd people plus the animals and dragons that resided within the Weyrhold was more than she had ever had reason to expect.

"It is," Ze'ku responded absentmindedly. "Hey!" he shouted at F'dust and Soyah, "you got everything ready?" F'dust flashed a sign of affirmation and Ze'ku nodded. "Alright," he said to the Candidates, "you're going to meet the other Candidate so far--Rorria--and be briefed on what life is like at the Weyrhold. She's already gotten the briefing and when we bring in the next batch of Candidates, you'll go through this again. You will be living in the South Tower for now. Understood?" Hallitu nodded and Tuncagin saluted. The bluerider huffed out a not-unkind laugh.

A shadow passed overhead and Ze'ku looked up to see Zerith's yellow underbelly. The young queen landed and Sedah dismounted. She rushed over to Ze'ku and gave him a kiss, making him blush. "That's my sister," he grumbled, "rider of the oh-so-wonderful gold Zerith."

"Must I remind you of the time when you lost track of your own dragon?" asked Sedah testily. "And didn't find him for a day until Jar found him sleeping by the banks? Don't mind him," she said to the Candidates. "He can get a bit grumpy." Hallitu giggled and Tuncagin looked as though he were trying to suppress a smile.

Another shadow passed overhead and Ze'ku was startled to realize that it was Rosanth. Weyrwoman Seanni herself had come to oversee this! Why? Didn't she trust them? The elder gold landed gently, and the Weywoman helped several people off.

Hosurth, he asked, do you know who these people are?

The blue was silent for a few moments before responding. Rosanth says they are Candidates from the Hold.

Which Hold?


Ze'ku nodded in understanding; N'reg had implied that they might be receiving Candidates from nearby Holds and Dovefeather was one of the most likely candidates. They had a good relationship although...was that Chieftan Myracle walked towards them?!

Weyrwoman Seanni approached and smiled at the Candidates, winking at Ze'ku, who blushed furiously. "I had Rosanth tell your dragons that we have four Candidates from Dovefeather: Chieftan Myracle, Carnivorous Wings Nikolas and Raiden, and Fielder Kiiron." She looked at the younger Candidates. "All of you will receive the same briefing prepared by our previous class, which as you can see, includes Ze'ku and Sedah. I expect there to be no incidents," she said, staring at a grinning dark-skinned man with oddly-pointed ears. "I will take leave of you now to see to...other duties." She had a wistful smile on her face that Ze'ku was sure had something to do with her children. She vaulted onto Rosanth, drawing a couple of gasps from the younger Candidates, and the large gold flew off.

Ze'ku and Sedah looked at each other and shrugged. "Well, come along," said Ze'ku awkwardly to the gaggle of new Candidates.

F'dust waited until the Candidates had settled down before he began. He was nervous, but also excited. Weyrleader N'reg trusted him enough to be the teacher and he wanted to make the bronzerider proud. He nodded to himself. It was time to begin.

"I know that Rorria has gone through this before but now that we have a larger group which may expand yet again as we get closer to a Rising, we will be briefing you about a dragonrider's life. First," he said in a warning tone, "you are not guaranteed to Impress a dragon. There were at least ten Candidates in our Impression and only four of us Impressed. If you do Impress, it's the dragon who chooses you. You never go into an Impression expecting a gold or a bronze. You go in and hope that the person that you are and can become is attractive enough to a dragonet that they will choose you above all other people." Here, he paused and looked around. Raiden looked thoughtful, Hallitu looked rebellious, and Chieftan Myracle (although she insisted on being simply called "Myracle") looked...curious, if that was the right word. Trying to soak up every bit of information.

"In the past," F'dust continued, "you may have heard that certain colors were considered more valuable, namely the golds and bronzes. But now that the Passes have been confirmed to be over, many opportunities have opened up to riders of all colors. Any rider who proves themselves worthy can lead a wing. Or start their own Weyrhold. We can point you to a few green-led Weyrholds further inland as an example. But," he said with a clap, "enough talking about what-ifs and maybes. Soyah will take you through dragon-care."

Soyah stepped forward, taking off her bovinehide riding gloves. "Dragons are not pets. Dragons are people, just like you and me."

"But aren't their memories bad?" asked Hallitu.

Soyah dipped her head. "Yes, in AIVAS's files it was shown that Kitty Ping deliberately limited the memory of dragons to ensure that they would not be afraid of fighting Thread. However, just because a dragon may not recall the specifics of an event doesn't mean that they don't remember feelings associated with it. Can you remember everything you ate yesterday? How about what you did?" One by one, the Candidates shook their heads. Soyah smiled. "My point has been made. But you can remember that yesterday you likely had a good day, yes?" This time, several heads nodded. "It goes similarly for dragons. And each dragon is unique; my Borinth has this...ability to predict the weather. Ze'ku's Hosurth is showing signs of being a good Search dragon. Sedah's Zerith is very maternal while Weyrwoman Seanni's Rosanth is a natural leader. To repeat my point, this means that you cannot treat dragons as pets." She looked around, meeting the eyes of every Candidate. The teenagers mostly shied away from her gaze while the Dovefeather Candidates held her glance.

"While dragons are not pets, there are many things they cannot do for themselves; many large animals are incapable of cleaning every part of their body and so it is with dragons. Once a week, if not more often, we bathe and oil our dragons to prevent itchy and flaking skin that could prove deadly when going between."

"What's between?" interjected Nikolas.

Soyah glanced at him. "We'll get to it later." She continued: "Dragonets require cleaning every day because they grow so quickly. While dragons are not as big as they were during the Ninth Pass, they are still large enough that it is considered a serious responsibility while you are a weyrling, our term for apprentice dragonrider." That last was more for the Dovefeather Candidates' benefit than anything else. "Additionally, dragonets need food--and lots of it--while they grow. Though adults can eat between once and four times per sevenday, dragonets will eat almost every day. You likely won't understand what this means," she said in a warning tone, "until you have a telepathically-linked infant screaming at you for food because they're hungry in the middle of the night but we can give you a taste by letting you help us with caring for our own dragons."

I wasn't like that! Borinth protested.

Soyah smirked. Yes you were, she replied. But I love you anyway.

"...but what's between?" Nikolas asked again, sounding annoyed.

Ze'ku spoke up from where he was leaning against the wall. "Between is what we call the place between here and there, the place where dragons go when they teleport. It is a cold place with no air, sight, sound, or sense of touch. If you and your dragon do not have proper visualized coordinates, you can and will get stuck between and die. It happens in some weyrling classes. We don't generally allow weyrlings to go between until their fourth turn--or longer--of dragonriding because until then, they and their dragon have likely not matured enough mentally to be able to pull off a successful transfer." Before one of the younger Candidates could contradict him, Ze'ku pushed on. "While during the Passes, going between was something that almost every weyrling did by the time their dragon was one-and-a-half turns old, we now focus more on other skills that are needed in this day and age."

F'dust clapped and emerged from the shadows. "Now that you've gotten this briefing, we'll take you to meet the dragons."

Kimorth was excited to see the Candidates. He had met some of them and really liked them. But he still liked his F'dust more, of course, he had told his rider. The humans exited the building and he stood up to pad over to where they stood.

"Meet Kimorth," said F'dust, "only the best brown out there."

Well I'd better be! said Kimorth, mildly offended. There's only one of me!

F'dust laughed, although Kimorth couldn't understand why. "Feel free to come up to him," the rider said. "He's friendly."

The group was hesitant. Finally, a dark-skinned man approached him. "H-hi, Kimorth," he said, putting a hand. The man had seemed so happy earlier; why wasn't he now?

Can I...?

Go ahead, Kimmy. But be nice about it.


Kiiron flinched and looked around wildly, bravado no longer there. F'dust cleared his throat and the elf finally looked up at the brown dragon. He seemed taller than before, for some reason, although the largest didn't seem to be much taller than the barns when stretching her neck out. "Was...that you?" he said wonderingly. He barely felt Myra step up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He was... He was honored that the dragon, Kimorth, had chosen to speak to him. Was this feeling of elation, of amazement, of wonder the feeling that every dragonrider got? All of a sudden, he thought he understood the way that the riders looked at their dragons.

Yes! What's your name?

"He's asking me what my name is," murmured Kiiron, amused. "I'm Kiiron," he said in a louder voice, "and this is my...friend. Myra."

Hello friend Myra!

Myra sucked in a deep breath and her eyes opened wide. "May I, uh, may I touch you?" she stammered, a pale flush crossing her cheeks. Though Kiiron couldn't hear the answer, he could surmise what it was when Myra stepped further into Kimorth's shadow and touched the brown's hide. "He's soft!" she exclaimed, surprised.

"Really?" asked Niko curiously. He turned to Ze'ku and started to ask the rider something that Kiiron couldn't hear.

Kiiron looked at F'dust questioningly and a moment of understanding passed between them. "C'mon," he said gently to the younger Candidates. "You can pet him too." While Rorria hung back, claiming that she liked Borinth more, Hallitu and Tuncagin hesitantly made their way forward.

Kiiron became so engrossed in talking to the younger Candidates that he was startled to hear Kimorth's brassy trumpet of welcome, and a lower-pitched rumble reply. He glanced up and his eyebrows shot up as he saw a glistening brown--no, bronze--dragon descending. Weyrleader N'reg hopped off lightly with the grace that all the riders apparently had, and walked over to talk to F'dust, ignoring the Candidates.

"Alright," called F'dust, clapping to ensure that all attention was on him. "We're going to the mess hall now, which is where you'll be eating until the day of Impression."

Food did sound like a good idea, and Kiiron smiled slowly as he thought of all the ways he could incite a food fight between the younger Candidates. They really needed to loosen up after the day's events.

"Do you like this?" stammered Ermid, blushing.

Eshni grinned. "Well, duh!" she said, sweeping her arm to indicate the blanket, basket, and food. "First of all, it's got all my favorite stuff. I mean Miklo's bubblypies are amazing. And second, it's a gorgeous day! Why shouldn't I be happy? And finally, you're here," she said, meeting his eyes, "and I believe that's the best part about this day."

Ermid smiled shyly. Even after courting Eshni for several months now, he was still unused to her relative bluntness. And he was sure that half the time, she was just saying things to comfort him. But they cared for each other. And he was hopeful for their future.

"So," he said, "let's eat, then?"

"Already ahead of you," Eshni assured him with a wink as she tore a piece of the pie with one hand, and plucked a handful of blueberries with the other.

Shards and shells she's beautiful. Ermid grinned as he gently grabbed a fistful of blueberries, making Eshni roll her eyes in amusement.

"I'm going to fight you for the last one," she warned in a playful tone.

"Oh yeah? I bet you won't be able to force my hand open."

"Want me to try?"

Ermid wiggled his eyebrows and Eshni took the challenge, launching herself forward and making him fall backwards onto the grass with a quiet thump. She grabbed his closed first in one hand and started tickling his heck with the other.

"Agh!" he squealed. "Stop it!" He tried to get away and keep his fist closed but then he was laughing and she was laughing and she was sprawled on top of him holding his hands and then they kissed.

Everyone had known it was coming; Soyah had grown more and more irritable as Borinth inched closer to her first Rising. No one had expected it to occur just before dawn. The only people awake at the time were Pepper and Thiolo, who had been working the fields. The first thing they heard was the shriek of a hungry dragon.

"Holy--!" cried Pepper, jumping in surprise. Baxter jumped and fluttered his wings in surprise.

"Shards and shells," cursed Thiolo. "One of the females is Rising!"


Thiolo's eyes widened. "We've got to warn the Beastcrafters to ready the herd! Go! Go!" She pushed Pepper who stumbled before catching her footing and running alongside her friend.

"Calma, stop it," Soyah muttered, brushing away the frantic green fire-lizard. "Lemme..." She bolted upright in her bed, brushing her hair back. "By the..." she whispered in shock. She could feel Borinth waking, and her dragon was hungry. "F'dust," she whispered, shaking him. "F'dust!" she said into his ear. "Wake up!"

Already, she was starting to feel her dragon's hunger for food. Blood! Blood! she screamed, on the verge of panicking now. She wasn't by her dragon's side. This was wrong, so wrong. Don't eat! BLOOD!

There was a scream inside Soyah's head and she felt Borinth's lust-red eyes bore into her own dark green ones. The greenrider held strong and felt strengthened as F'dust's arms wrapped around her. She would not bend, would not break. She would control her dragon and Borinth would blood.

The dragon broke. There was a sensation of warm energy and Soyah saw the world through her dragon's eyes. Pity her rider wasn't there to witness such a glorious challenge. But she would hear the cry. A shriek ripped across the sky and Borinth heard answering cries back. Good; so someone was interested after all. She sprung into the sky, nimble and fresh, and climbed into the sky. A few moments later, the Weyrhold heard the wingbeats of the male dragons who chased after her.

He likes you, commented Baxter from Pepper's shoulder.

The Farmercrafter stifled a sigh. Some days... "So, anything interesting in the fields? Or with the animals?" she asked uncertainly.

Kyniken chuckled. "Not really," he answered. "Well...I suppose there's Master Abesses's plan to start mass-breeding the bovines. See how many of their offspring we can sell at market."

Pepper wrinkled her nose. "Ugh," she said, flapping her hand like a fan.

Kye laughed. "Exactly," he said. "I told him that I am not participating and that I know more about hunting wherries than breeding animals. I'm not particularly interested in Mastery."

Pepper snorted with amusement. "I know the feeling," she said. "Teaching apprentices, coming up with new techniques..." She shrugged. "Not really for me." No, she preferred tending to her field in quiet, using her magic subtly to help plant growth. It still amazed her how the native Pernese didn't understand what magic was despite living with dragons who could communicate telepathically and teleport and use telekinesis. She shook her head internally; at least they didn't question Baxter's presence or the way plants seemed to thrive around her. Master Borrin had simply said she "had a green thumb." It was true enough, she supposed.

See? said Baxter. He totally likes you!

Unfortunately, Pepper couldn't reply in front of Kye. She'd pay the bluebird in kind later.

"I can't believe that Tien's almost two turns now," squealed Fira with delight. "I still remember the day he was born. He was just this...little squalling thing louder than a hatchling fire-lizard. But look at how cute those eyes are!!"

Beallolril grimaced. "I have no idea what your obsession with little kids is."

Fira glared. "Oh come on, Tien's cute. And soon he's going to be trouble. Remember when it was Eshni taking care of us?"

Ril laughed. "I am so glad that the weyrbrats get to care for him. I'm definitely going to be working with Master Tugall every chance I get."

Fira rolled her eyes and moved her head in a sarcastic circle. "Like that's gonna work."

"What's gonna work?" Seregan asked, startling both apprentices.

"How'd you--" spluttered Ril.

"Why would you--?!" exclaimed Fira. "Don't you know you could get hurt?" She looked down and swung her feet in the empty air. The three of them were currently on the roof of the barn and apparently, something hadn't put the ladder away properly. Well, she supposed she could forgive Ril considering they had both been on the roof and wouldn't have been able to get up without that ladder.

"Well, you're here," grumbled Seregan.

Ril huffed. "We're older and we're not going to get hurt."

"Let him stay," sighed Fira. "It's not like he's doing much harm. C'mere." She held an arm out and Seregan carefully climbed down to her. He leaned into the hug and though there was a soft snort from Ril, Fira could see the smile on her best friend's face.

[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old consume 41 servings: x3 bovine, x3 large fish, x1 blueberry, and x1 cucumber. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old consume 7 servings: x1 carrot and x1 corn. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 5 servings: x1 wherry. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.5 servings: x0.5 blueberry. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.75 servings: x1 moonflower fruit. ]

[ The following animals are added to the Weyrhold: Screech, a hawk. ]
[ The following villagers are added to the Weyrhold: Candidates Hallitu and Tuncagin. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Master in their respective Crafts: none. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Journeyman in their respective Crafts: none. ]
[ The following dragonriders have completed their training: none. ]

[ Sedah leads Eshni and Hantyn on a scouting patrol. They take Zerith, a dragon. ]
[ Ayal leads Baridna and Mairmun on a border patrol. They take Gen, a fire-lizard. ]
[ Boldosh leads Lolardra, Rabrusull, and Veashmorell on a fishing patrol. ]
[ Abesses leads Griengrilon, Kyniken, and Nitia on a hunting patrol. They take Sparky Jr., a fox. ]
[ Thiolo leads Fudiom, Hallitu, Miklo, Rorria, and Tunacagin on a gathering patrol. They take Pellar, a bird. ]
[ No one researches medicine. ]

[ Seanni and Rosanth ride on Search in the north. ]
[ N'reg and Predath ride on Search in the east. ]
[ Ze'ku and Hosurth ride on Search in the west. ]

[ Pepper tends to the moonflower seed with the help of bovine 5. It blooms this turn! ]
[ Ershar tends to the redfruit seed with the help of bovine 3, which will bloom in three turns. ]

[ Rabrasull uses x1 wood and x1 iron to craft x1 pickaxe. ]

[ Benorri trains Fella in Starcraft. ]
[ Borrin trains Ermid in Farmercraft. ]
[ Tugall trains Beallolril in Tannercraft. ]
[ Shollun trains Fira in Healercraft. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Jesni will give birth now with Shollun (12 KP) and Fira (apprentice) attending. The father is Ershar. ]
[ Kivee will give birth in now with Camilla (5 KP) attending. The father is Tugall. ]
[ Soyah will give birth in one turn. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Kalliarrah, Kivee, Renolla, Saltul, and Waxinnan will return from the marketplace in one turn. ]
[ Nella, Salano, and Wedassea stay back to care for Tiennen. ]

[ Borinth and Kimorth, dragons, mate. ]
[ Screech and Pellar, birds, mate. ]

[ Seanni goes on Search for (requests) a Candidate. ]

[ "Search" is a border patrol solely for villagers of candidate rank. If any thing other than "person(s) found" is rolled, the Searcher finds nothing. ]

[ Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]
[ If any new members are found or randomly requested, please don't make them a headwoman, dragonrider, or any of the associated ranks. ]

[ Rosanth will rise to mate in four turns. Predath will catch her. ]
[ The following villagers will be introduced in one post: Fay Barkridge and Aiden Wood of Adularia from this adoption. ]


G. Seanni | female | 49 turns | X | Rosanth
↪ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - D7

Junior Goldriders (1)
G. Sedah | female | 29 turns | X | Zerith
↪ ST - B3 / HS - S / HC - 24 / EC - C2

Retired Dragonriders (0)

Renolla | female | 44 turns | Y
↪ ST - D11 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - G2

Lower Caverns Staff (10)
Fudiom | male | 63 turns | X
↪ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 17 / EC - A3
Hantyn | male | 31 turns | Y
↪ ST - C11 / HS - S / HC - 12 / EC - H2
Kalliarrah "Kali" | female | 30 turns | X
↪ ST - A9 / HS - HC / HC - 2 / EC - G7
↪ has ocular albinism
Kivee | female | 42 turns | X
↪ ST - E11 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - B5
Miklo | female | 53 turns | X
↪ ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 18 / EC - C1
Nella | female | 35 turns | X
↪ ST - D6 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - A7
↪ Fostering staff
Salano | female | 56 turns | X
↪ ST - D6 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - D2
↪ Fostering staff
Saltul | male | 31 turns | X
↪ ST - E2 / HS - LW / HC - 5 / EC - C5
Veashmorell "Veash"| male | 34 turns | X
↪ ST - B1 / HS - S / HC - 24 / EC - C2
Wedassea | female | 56 turns | X
↪ ST - D10 / HS - AC / HC - 18 / EC - E6
↪ Fostering staff

Weyrbrats (7)
Balidosh | male | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - A6 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - C4
Jarshonen "Jar" | male | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - A6
Nebenni | female | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - C4 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - H7
Riziolke "Riz" | female | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - D9 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - C4
Seregan | male | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 8 / EC - D7
Tiennen "Tien" | male | 2 turns | X
↪ ST - B5 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC – F3
Tigill | male | 11 turns | X
↪ ST - E11 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - B5
Beastcrafters (4)
M. Abesses | male | 47 turns | X
↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - E3
J. Griengrilon | male | 27 turns | X
↪ ST - A5 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - G7
J. Kyniken "Kye" | male | 28 turns | Y
↪ ST - B5 / HS - S / HC - 25 / EC - E4
M. Nitia | female | 40 turns | X
↪ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - F3

Farmercrafters (5)
M. Borrin | male | 48 turns | X
↪ ST - B2 / HS - LW / HC - 30 / EC - F3
A. Ermid | male | 17 turns | X
↪ ST - C8 / HS - HW / HC - 2 / EC - F6
M. Ershar | male | 46 turns | X
↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC -C5
J. Pepper | female | 25 turns | X | Baxter
↳ ST - D8 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - C5 / X
↳ witch, Baxter is familiar
J. Thiolo | female | 27 turns | X
ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - A5

Fishercrafters (3)
M. Boldosh | male | 42 turns | X
↪ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - B6
M. Jesni | female | 46 turns | X
↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 6 / EC - A2
J. Lolardra "Lola" | female | 29 turns | Y
↪ ST - B4 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - A1

Glasscrafters (1)
M. Baridna | female | 42 turns | X
↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - C4

Harpercrafters (3)
J. Eshni | female | 20 turns | X
↪ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 2 / EC - A2
M. Mairmun | male | 51 turns | X
↪ ST - C11 / HS - LW / HC - 19 / EC - E5
M. Waxinnan "Wax" | male | 42 turns | X
↪ ST - B5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - G2

Healercrafters (3)
J. Camilla | female | 29 turns | 5 KP | X
↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 20 / EC - C2
A. Fira | female | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - D11 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - B1
M. Shollun | male | 43 turns | 12 KP | Y
↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 33 / EC - H7

Smithcrafters (1)
J. Rabrusull | male | 29 turns | X
↪ ST - F7 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - H6

Starcrafters (2)
J. Benorri "Benny" | female | 32 turns | X
↪ ST - D2 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - B4
A. Fella | female | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - D4 / HS - HW / HC - 2 / EC - G6

Tannercrafters (2)
A. Beallolril "Ril" | male | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - G1
M. Tugall | male | 40 turns | X
↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - A6

Woodcrafters (1)
M. Ayal | female | 38 turns | Y
↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - H2
B. N'reg | male | 44 turns | X | Predath | W1
↪ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - H7

Wingleaders (0)

Wingseconds (0)

Dragonriders (3)
Br. F'dust | male | 27 turns | X | Kimorth | W1
↪ ST - E1 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - F5
Gr. Soyah | female | 26 turns | X | Borinth | W1
↪ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - C5
Bl. Ze'ku | male | 26 turns | X | Hosurth | W1
↪ ST - B7 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - A1

Weyrlingmasters (0)

Weyrlings (0)

Candidates (7)
Hallitu | female | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - F2 / HS - HC / HC - 26 / EC - E6
Kiiron | male | 31 years | Y
↪ ST - A10 / HS - HW / HC - 27 / EC - B4
↪ light elf
Myracle "Myra" | female | 26 years | X
↪ ST- B3 / HS- LW / HC- 44 / EC- G6
↪ light elf
Nikolas | male | 29 male | X
↪ ST - A5 / HS - LC / HC - 39 / EC - D8
↪ dark elf
Raiden | male | 25 years | X
↪ ST - C2 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A2
↪ wood elf
↪ has a permanent limp
Rorria | female | 16 turns | X
↪ ST - A8 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - H5
Tuncagin | male | 15 turns | X
↪ ST - B9 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - C7


Animals (7)
Bovine 3 | female | 17 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 4 | male | 16 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 5 | female | 16 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 6 | male | 13 turns | b1 | bovine
Bovine 7 | female | 13 turns | bovine
Bovine 9 | female | 2 turns | bovine
Sparky Jr. | male | 4 turns | fox

Pets (4)
Autumn | female | 5 turns | canine
Pellar | female | 18 turns | hawk
Screech | male | 1 turn | hawk
Sprout | male | 5 turns | canine
Fire-Lizards (12)
Calma | green | 5 turns | Soyah
Curo | green | 13 turns | b1 | Seanni
Etasi | gold | 16 turns | b1 | Renolla
Fire | bronze | 16 turns | b1 | Abesses
Gala | green | 5 turns | Ze'ku
Gen | bronze | 13 turns | Baridna
Han | brown | 5 turns | F'dust
Kolu | green | 13 turns | Renolla
Ritter | blue | 5 turns | Sedah
Shulli | green | 13 turns | Waxinnan
Tirvam | blue | 13 turns | Shollun
Zor | brown | 16 turns | b1 | Ershar
Dragons (6)
Borinth | green | 12 turns | Soyah
Hosurth | blue | 12 turns | Ze'ku
Kimorth | brown | 12 turns | F'dust
Rosanth | gold | 22 turns | b1 | Seanni
Predath | bronze | 18 turns | b1 | N'reg
Zerith | gold | 12 turns | Sedah
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linlithgow - 1

Postby panzram » Sun May 26, 2019 5:14 am

            population. 3 females / 1 male / 0 children
            animal population. 0 females / 0 males / 0 young
            servings needed. four


Writing is a wip for now c:

[ Consumption. ]
[ Nothing is consumed by Linlithgow this post. ]
[ There are five stockpiling posts left. ]

[ Additions. ]
[ Leah founds Linlithgow. ]
[ Ezra, Octavia, and Adrienne join Linlithgow. ]

[ Seer duties. ]
[ Octavia studies medicine. ]

[ Border Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Gathering Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Hunting Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Scouting Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Union ]
[ Adrienne and Ezra are married and try for kids ]

[ Species ]
[ only humans with natural colors can be found ]

[ Mod Notes ]
[ no deaths, please! injuries are fine ]

    Queen of Scots
    Leah Stuart | female | 24
    ↪ ST-E1/HS-S/HC-1/EC-B2/X

    Chosen by Leah Stuart

    Royal Children
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ Princess
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ Prince

    Octavia Vyns | female | 23
    ↪ Knowledge Points:

    War Lieutenant
    Adrienne Dukran | female | 21
    ↪ ‪ST-D4/HS-LW/HC-3/EC-F3/X ‬

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Lieutenant
    Ezra Dukran | male | 23
    ↪ ST-C6/HS-S/HC-1/EC-A7/X

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Lieutenant
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Gathering Lieutenant
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
rabbit | 00 amount | 1 serving
boar | 00 amount | 3 servings
caribou | 00 amount | 6 servings
moose | 00 amount | 10 servings
wheat | 00 amount | 2 servings
tomato | 00 amount | 3 servings
corn | 00 amount | 4 servings
seaweed | 00 amount | 5 servings
strawberry | 00 amount | 1 servings
mango | 00 amount | 2 servings
coconut | 00 amount | 3 servings
watermelon | 00 amount | 4 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Ezra Dukran + Adrienne Dukran | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Postby salvation. » Sun May 26, 2019 8:47 am

➳population:1➳animal population:➳servings needed: five fasting days left➳

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xx➳previous visit: date/request
xx➳next visit: date
xx➳north: village name/username
xx➳west: village name/username
xx➳east: village name/username
xx➳south: village name/username
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

evangeline ran through the dense forest jumping over logs and dodging bushed that lined her path. she stopped running and flopped onto the ground her chest rising and falling heavily as she caught her breath. she looked up at the trees, small patched of sunlight peeked through the thick coverage. after getting her breath to finally return back to its normal rate she stood up. continuing to walk around the forest.

{evangeline goes on a patrol around the borders}

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xx➳evangeline ithor/female/23 years
xx⤷traits;st- c6/hs-lw/hc-12/ec- B1/x/human
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxhead scout
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/age
xx➳full name/age
head hunter
➳full name/gender/age
dragon trainers
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age

xx//food storage//
xx➳rabbit/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳chicken/3 servings/amount=0
xx➳cow/6 servings/amount=0
xx➳wheat/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳potato/3 servings/amount=0
xx➳corn/4 servings/amount=0
xx➳strawberry/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳peaches/2 serving/amount=0
xx➳watermelon/4 serving/amount=0
xx//item storage//
➳item name/uses left/amount=0
➳item name/uses left/amount=0

xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/age/cause of death
xx➳name/age/cause of death
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Mon May 27, 2019 7:45 am

    Season: Summer
    Weather: The warm summer days have made prey lazy, easier to catch for your villagers. Births will be much easier now and the chance of finding dangers on patrol are slim.

    Announcement: If I made a mistake please don't be afraid to pm me! Also check out the fanclub for some adopts! There is a link to it on the front page.


Kazin wrote:Image
New Members/Rank Up:
--> The scout is named Polaris, the warrior is named Vikram.
--> Mica and Vida are added via the fanclub.

--> Paradox, Seraphim, Merope, Yuki, Syrinix, and Finn hunt.

--> Aelys and Kyran gather.

--> Cylia, Evidone, Polaris, Mica, and Aara scout.
--> Laurel, Samael, Vikram, and Amara patrol borders.

--> Astor studies medicine.

--> Neru gives birth now! Aelys is the father. Her traits are ST- D7 / HS- LC / HC- 63 / EC- G6 / X / elf, the father's traits are ST - B9 | HS - LW | HC - 61 | EC - A7 | X | elf.
--> Vida is ready to give birth! Her traits are ST - B2 / HS - S / HC - 7 / EC - G5 / X / human. The father's traits are ST - A5 / HS - HC / HC - 3 / EC - D3 / X / shapeshifter.

--> Hawk Ridge consumes a moose, salmon, catfish, and strawberry. [20 servings].

    Paradox, Seraphim, Merope, Yuki, Syrinix, and Finn catch two squirrels, a moose and two catfish.
    Aelys and Kyran gathered a plum and an eggplant.
    Cylia, Evidone, Polaris, Mica, and Aara find nothing on their scouting mission.
    Laurel, Samael, Vikram, and Amara find a hunter and a warrior while on patrol.
    Astor gained a knowledge point.
    Neru gave birth to twins!
    Vida gave birth to a single child!
    The hunter's traits are: ST-C5 | HC-32 | HS-LW | EC-F2 | Y | Human
    The warrior's traits are: ST-C11 | HC-49 | HS-HC | EC-C4 | X | Dryad
    Twin one's traits are: ST-B9 | HC-63 | HS-LC | EC-A7 | X | Elven
    Twin two's traits are: ST-B9 | HC-63 | HS-LW | EC-G6 | X | Elven
    Vida's child's traits are: ST-B2 | HC-7 | HS-HC | EC-G5 | X | Shapeshifter

    Mod Notes: You can choose the shift for the child, however if you would like me to choose they will have the auklet shift.

salvation. wrote:Image
{evangeline goes on a patrol around the borders}

    Evangeline found a hunter while on patrol.
    The hunter's traits are: ST-F11 | HC-3 | HS-LC | EC-A3 | X | Human
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Vale of Archaic Corybantic

Postby amethyst14 » Mon May 27, 2019 7:47 am


      Vale of Archaic Corybantic has been long forgotten until now. The elder's stories that have been passed down generation to generation and eventually written into books found their way to Joak. He learned all he could about the ancient village as he went on with his studies. Joak never imagined that he would receive dreams from the proclaimed ancestors, telling him that he was the new leader. Joak didn't believe he would be a great leader and never really pursued the dreams and instead went on with life as he was use to. The ancestors grew angry with him however and threatened him to leave his life now to become the leader or they would start to destroy their loved ones. Joak didn't believe them at first and went on with his life, until his parents fell very ill one day and soon after died. Joak left his home then but didn't give the ancestors what they wanted, instead he chose to travel and learn ways of others. After a while however Joak grew bored and lived on his own in a valley.

      Joak made his home in this old valley between two large mountain ranges. A river flowed down from one of the northern mountains that created the valley. Joak stayed in these mountains during spring time, though far enough away from the river so he would not get flooded out of his home. Joak hunted moose and fished in the river for protein. There were raspberries, blackberries and butternut squash in the area as well. The river flowed down the mountain into the end of the valley lake, Joak followed this river when spring was close to ending.

      At one end of the valley was a large lake, Joak traveled here during the summer time to escape the heat. He didn't bother making a house or anything as the nights stayed warm enough to sleep under the stars. He lived off the large fish from the lake and beets that grew around the water in the damp soil. When the nights started to get colder Joak left the lake and into the southern mountains.

      The southern mountains was hardly home to a forest. The trees thinned out so much were meadows would become large open plains. Joak had a house here during the fall and hunted yak. He didn't hunt often though and preferred the avocados and snow peas that grew in abundance here.

      When the snow started to fall Joak moved to the other end of the valley. This side of the valley was a large forest that protected Joak's home from the heavy snow. Joak found elk and moose to hunt in the forest as well as blackberries and spinach to harvest. When the snows start to melt Joak would move up into the northern mountains and start the moving process all over again.

      Joak would avoid the center of the valley unless he needed to commune with the ancestors. Large ceremonies will be held there so the ancestors can witness the happening themselves. Joak will avoid going there unless he absolutely needed something, as the ancestors were the ones that took his loved ones in the first place.

      Joak remembered reading that the people of the vale are mainly centaurs. The people keep to themselves usually and rarely allow strangers into their ranks. The group is rather hostile and will chase out outsiders, though, occasionally any chief can vouch for an outsider. In this case the newcomer will be carefully watched by the chief for a season. Once the season is over the chief will take the outsider to the shrine and commune with the ancestors. If they deem the newcomer unworthy then they are cased out of the vale.

      Vale of Archaic Corybantic has no testers. Children will be grouped together and away from their parents and watched by the head chief. When it is time for them to become apprentices the chief will assign them to a head of the profession. It is up to the head to make sure the apprentice gets trained.

      When an apprentice is finished with their training the heads will evaluate them and determine if they are ready to take on the full role. If the apprentices show signs of not being ready they will continue to train under a new mentor from the very beginning.

(Natural ST, Any HC and EC. Centaur only for now please.)
(My leader's traits please: ST-D6 | HC-1 | HS-LW | EC-F10 | X | Centaur-Belgian Draft
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Vale of Archaic Corybantic [2]

Postby amethyst14 » Mon May 27, 2019 7:47 am

Number of Villagers: 3(1 Serving)
Male: 2 Female: 1
Ancestors: Now


        Joak walked the riverside, it was a nice, warm, summer evening and the water felt nice when he dipped his hooves in the water. At some point though he heard faint crying and sighed before turning around, he didn't want to deal with a mother and her crying child on such a nice evening. But as he walked away from the noise it slowly grew louder, and louder, and louder. Joak looked around and saw a strange raft in the water, he saw the children, two infants flowing down the river. Without a thought he crashed into the water and did his best to get to the moving raft, gripping it when he could and pushing it to the other side. When he got to the bank he gave it one last shove so it wouldn't flow away as he got out, he stood there for a second, the now two crying infants laid there.

        "Where is your mother?" Joak murmured to them, he sat down and waited, hoping the mother would come for them. He let the two lay there for sometime, they had cried themselves to sleep for now and the sun was touching the mountain tops now. It had been hours and it was too late to take the children back up river to search for their mother. The centaur sighed and rummaged around in his bag, nothing would help him in this situation.

        Joak got to his feet and paced in circles, should he take them? He can't care for infants, that was their mother's job. Why would she send them down a river? No. She can come and get them, he wasn't going to take care of them. He couldn't. Joak found himself kneeling by the infants anyways, they were not bundled up and when he touched them they were cold. He felt stupid then and knew he needed to warm them or they would catch a cold or something so he picked them up and carried them awkwardly back towards his camp.

        Joak had made himself a bed in the grass, it wasn't the best but it worked in the summer nights. "At least it is dry…" he said to the children before setting them down. Joak then worked on creating a fire to warm the kids and it didn't take long, "Maybe your mother will see the smoke?" He sighed and then moved towards the kids, laying by them and watching as they slept. He planned on going up river as soon as the sun began to rise, in hope of finding the kid's mother. For now, it is time to rest. He then closed his eyes for the night, only to be woken up a few hours later by the children's wailing. It was going to be a very long night.

        Joak grumbled as the light started to appear on the horizon. He had been up all night with the children, they must be hungry, but it was to dark then the search for what he needed. He recalled a cabin that he came by, long abandoned, but it had baby bottles if he remembered right. Maybe he would get lucky and find some kind of formula? Now he was only left with the dilemma of taking the children or leaving them for a few hours. After some thought he knew it would be best to take them along so he scooped them up and walked to the area he had seen the cabin.

        Joak somehow had gotten turned around and it took nearly all day to find the cabin, the sun was already starting to set. He grumbled to himself when he founded, knowing this must be the ancestors fault because now he had to spend another night with the babies. At least the held still while he carried them but his arms were tired and it was becoming uncomfortable. Joak kicked at the door and it swung open just enough for him to grab hold and pull the rest of the way. He did some awkward shuffling but managed to get inside of the large cabin, odd it seemed smaller from the outside.

        Once inside Joak looked around for a place to set the children, everything was covered in dust and dirt so he shuffled the babies in his arms and pulled out a small weaved mat and placed it on some straw furniture before setting the children down on it, "Don't move." He instructed them, as if they could. They instead settled for wailing and crying and Joak had annoyance written all over his face. He pinched the bridge of his nose and turned away to search for food for them. The male centaur went into the kitchen and indeed found bottles, he had to wash them but of course the water system was not working so he used a cloth he found and some water from his canteen. It did the job well enough for him. He set them down and started to look for formula. He was down to the last cabinet, his eyes were closed and he was actually praying for some kind of miracle to happen, when he opened them he saw a bunch of cans of formula, they were untouched by dust and looked brand new. Joak instructed them and saw that the expiration date was far off and he didn't need to worry, though he started to wonder what this cabin was for and how long it has been abandoned.

        The crying in the background became louder and Joak did not waste anymore time thinking. He followed the instructions and used up the rest of his water to make two bottles. Joak gave the crying babies a bottle and grew frustrated when they would not hold it, forcing him to stand there and hold them. The little colt finished rather quickly but the little filly seemed to have taken her time, even falling asleep at times. When they both finished he let them sleep and looked around the cabin some more. It was a nice two bedroom cabin that seemed perfect to stay in with children. He rolled his eyes and looked up, "What have you done now?" He asked his ancestors, hating them even more. "I am not raising these children! I am going to take them back to their mother, you watch!" He said a tad louder. Never a reply however, he wasn't expecting one anyways.

        Joak went and checked on the children one last time before laying down for the night, hopefully he could get some sleep himself. He was wrong and ended up waking up several times that night as the two took turns crying, frustrated and annoyed he ignored them the last couple of times and stepped outside for a breather. The sun had already started to rise, "Great." Joak went back inside when it grew quiet, with a quick peek he saw that they had fallen asleep and he took this time to look around more. In the main room he found a drawer with a drape looking thing and an idea came to him. He wrapped it around him and folded the sides before sticking the children in them, it acted as a carrier for them and it freed his hands. It wasn't heavy either and didn't make him hot, a bonus in his mind. He then packed a couple cans of formula in his bag and grabbed a few bottles before leaving. He had to get to the river to replenish his water, his camp also had his pans so he could sterilize the water.

        It didn't take him long to get to the river, strange that it took all day yesterday to get the cabin he thought. He then spent the morning sterilizing water, filling four bottles and his own water bag, he even fed the children as he waited, they seemed to like the stuff warm and he unconsciously took note. Once everything was finished he put out the fire and started upriver, hoping to find where their mother was.

        Joak was well up into the mountains and rather close to the lake that made the river when he saw a little camp. The tent was trampled and the charred sticks that once made a fire were put out by water. Joak investigated more and saw a shovel and a mound with stones, he shook his head and instinctively hugged the children. "Cruel of you to take their family too…" he whispered to the ancestors.

        This time they responded to him, "You forced us to be desperate, we have tried many things and you pushed us this far."

        "These are newborns, how could you leave them to me?" He accused.

        "We have to let things go on, you need to learn to love. Children are the best choice."

        "How do you know I won't send them away when they are older? You ever think of that? It is your fault, these children are orphaned now. If she is buried then where is the person that did it?" He muttered.

        "We sent someone to do that, we will send them again later when you need them. For now you will be on your own, forced to raise these children." The ancestors sounded smug and he hated it so he set the children down and started to walk away.

        Their immediate crying made him linger in the area and he eventually gave up and went back to the children, "I will not teach them about you and if I do I will tell them how cruel you are." He declared to the ancestors. They stopped responding to him and he just sat there, holding the crying children and calming them with coos and light bouncing.

        Joak took the babies back to the cabin and he spent a few months cleaning the cabin out and raising the children. He eventually gave them names and has come to terms of raising them. He vowed that he would send them on their way once they were old enough, at least that was the plan for now.

          [Gathering] Joak
          [Fishing] Joak
          [Notes] Feel free to make it hard on poor Joak. Also don’t send people please!

    Head Chief
    Joak Valentine | Male | 37 | X

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Phillep Valiant | Male | 0 | X
    Sarah Valiant | Female | 0 | X

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

Will never share borders.

Food Storage
Moose | 0 | 10 Servings [Sp, Wi]
Muskie | 2 | 3 Servings [Sp,Su]
Elk | 0 | 6 Servings [Fa, Wi]
Yak | 0 | 10 Servings [Fa]

Butternut | 1 | 5 Servings [Sp, Fa]
Beets | 1 | 3 Servings [Su]
Spinach | 0 | 4 Servings [Wi]

Blackberries | 0 | 1 Serving [Sp, Wi]
Raspberries | 1 | 1 Serving [Sp, Su]
Avocados | 0 | 2 Servings [Fa]

Total | 5 | 15 Servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Unknown and Unknown | Phillep and Sarah Valiant
Name and Name | Kids
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Re: sanguis//001

Postby salvation. » Mon May 27, 2019 4:23 pm

➳population:1➳animal population:➳servings needed: four fasting days left➳

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xx➳previous visit: 5-26-19/head scout
xx➳next visit: 6-2-19
xx➳north: village name/username
xx➳west: village name/username
xx➳east: village name/username
xx➳south: village name/username
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)
➳village name/(enemy)(ally)

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

evangeline and anai were walking through the forest, the queen was going to help the hunter hunt a little before returning to the kingdom.
"you know..." anai began stepping over a trunk. "if you want to make these sort of things go faster we should start looking for more people."
"i've been looking." evangeline stated. "i just haven't found anyone yet."
the duo stopped, anai looked at her. "we could split up. i'll keep hunting and you can go look for some folks."
evangeline sighed. "that does sound smart. good luck."
anai nodded her head and marched off in the opposite direction. the queen continued on her way through the forest hoping to find someone to bring back.
after a few hours of searching she stopped to rest at a tree. she had remembered something she read about these gods that would grant wishes to those who prayed to them. now might be a good time to do that. she squeezed her eyes shut. thinking that if there was a god out there, if they could send her a person to take over the patrol jobs that would be nice. she didn't really know how the whole praying thing worked but she hoped it did. she stood up and continued searching.

{evangeline patrols the borders and requests a head scout from the gods}
{anai goes hunting}

┈ ┈ ┈ ⋞ 〈 ⏣ 〉 ⋟ ┈ ┈ ┈

xxevangeline ithor/female/24 years
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxhead scout
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xxanai savalani/female/20
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/gender/age
xx➳full name/age
xx➳full name/age
head hunter
➳full name/gender/age
dragon trainers
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age
➳full name/gender/age

xx//food storage//
xx➳rabbit/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳chicken/3 servings/amount=0
xx➳cow/6 servings/amount=0
xx➳wheat/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳potato/3 servings/amount=0
xx➳corn/4 servings/amount=0
xx➳strawberry/1 serving/amount=0
xx➳peaches/2 serving/amount=0
xx➳watermelon/4 serving/amount=0
xx//item storage//
➳item name/uses left/amount=0
➳item name/uses left/amount=0

xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/name/training sessions=0
xx➳name/age/cause of death
xx➳name/age/cause of death
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Gh0st » Tue May 28, 2019 5:18 am

Whitecliff is a small Village located in the mountains,the village is in a small valley near the bottom of the mountains with a lake nearby.


The Village is surrounded by tall mountains and grassy hills.
the people there are usually calm and peaceful,they like to help others.

Any Species
Image Image Image Image

Image\ImageImage ImageImage Image will probably redesign this at some point.
I have a TH but idk if i'll link it-
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Re: Create-A-Village V3

Postby Wolfypoof » Thu May 30, 2019 7:25 pm

Season: Summer
During summer, your villagers will likely catch even more prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to drop.

Announcements: Check out our fanclub where we have some adoptions for you! Also please let me know if you need any changes :>

Black Rock Weyrhold | Mournstead | Skyhelm | Kaokay Clan | Liones Kingdom | Aurora Borealis Woods | Vertwyn | Linlithgow

w0ah wrote:Image
⤷ the kaokay feast upon a deer and two ½ figs.
⤷ the hunter and the warrior are accepted into the clan.
⤷ nehay requests a faithful war chief from eywa.
⤷ vìotwì, elfìweyt, sou, and kiewi perform a hunting patrol.
⤷ nehay and loufkì perform a scouting patrol.
⤷ awhut and räae perform a gathering patrol.
⤷ räae harvests the peach seed.
⤷ awhut researches medicine.
⤷ elfìweyt trains sawyulii.

[Nehay receives a war chief. Their traits are ST-J2 | HS-HW | HC-2 | EC-E4 | Y | Na’vi]
[Vìotwì, Elfìweyt, Sou and Kiewi hunt x1 moose, x1 deer and x1 boar]
[Nehay and Loufkì are attacked by a pack of viperwolves! Nehay is given a minor leg wound and needs 1 post of rest. The pack also leaves behind a young which the patrol takes back to be a companion]
[Awhut and Räae gather x1 radish, x1 peach and x1 spinach]
[The peach seed has been planted and begins to grow]
[Awhut gains 1 KP]
[Sawyulii learns a skill in hunting]

Simonpet wrote:𝕓𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕨𝕖𝕪𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
[b][ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old consume 41 servings: x3 bovine, x3 large fish, x1 blueberry, and x1 cucumber. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old consume 7 servings: x1 carrot and x1 corn. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 5 servings: x1 wherry. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.5 servings: x0.5 blueberry. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.75 servings: x1 moonflower fruit. ]

[ The following animals are added to the Weyrhold: Screech, a hawk. ]
[ The following villagers are added to the Weyrhold: Candidates Hallitu and Tuncagin. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Master in their respective Crafts: none. ]
[ The following Crafters have been promoted to Journeyman in their respective Crafts: none. ]
[ The following dragonriders have completed their training: none. ]

[ Sedah leads Eshni and Hantyn on a scouting patrol. They take Zerith, a dragon. ]
[ Ayal leads Baridna and Mairmun on a border patrol. They take Gen, a fire-lizard. ]
[ Boldosh leads Lolardra, Rabrusull, and Veashmorell on a fishing patrol. ]
[ Abesses leads Griengrilon, Kyniken, and Nitia on a hunting patrol. They take Sparky Jr., a fox. ]
[ Thiolo leads Fudiom, Hallitu, Miklo, Rorria, and Tunacagin on a gathering patrol. They take Pellar, a bird. ]
[ No one researches medicine. ]

[ Seanni and Rosanth ride on Search in the north. ]
[ N'reg and Predath ride on Search in the east. ]
[ Ze'ku and Hosurth ride on Search in the west. ]

[ Pepper tends to the moonflower seed with the help of bovine 5. It blooms this turn! ]
[ Ershar tends to the redfruit seed with the help of bovine 3, which will bloom in three turns. ]

[ Rabrasull uses x1 wood and x1 iron to craft x1 pickaxe. ]

[ Benorri trains Fella in Starcraft. ]
[ Borrin trains Ermid in Farmercraft. ]
[ Tugall trains Beallolril in Tannercraft. ]
[ Shollun trains Fira in Healercraft. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Jesni will give birth now with Shollun (12 KP) and Fira (apprentice) attending. The father is Ershar. ]
[ Kivee will give birth in now with Camilla (5 KP) attending. The father is Tugall. ]
[ Soyah will give birth in one turn. ]

[ N/A ]

[ Kalliarrah, Kivee, Renolla, Saltul, and Waxinnan will return from the marketplace in one turn. ]
[ Nella, Salano, and Wedassea stay back to care for Tiennen. ]

[ Borinth and Kimorth, dragons, mate. ]
[ Screech and Pellar, birds, mate. ]

[ Seanni goes on Search for (requests) a Candidate. ]

[ "Search" is a border patrol solely for villagers of candidate rank. If any thing other than "person(s) found" is rolled, the Searcher finds nothing. ]

[ Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]
[ If any new members are found or randomly requested, please don't make them a headwoman, dragonrider, or any of the associated ranks. ]

[Sedah, Eshni and Hantyn find a tester. Their traits are ST-C2 | HC-26 | HS-HW | EC-C2 | X | Human]
[Ayal, Baridna and Mairmun find a lower caverns staff. Their traits are ST-C11 | HC-9 | HS-LW | EC-D1 | X | Human]
[Boldosh, Lolardra, Rabrusull and Veashmorell fish x2 large fish and x2 small fish]
[Abesses, Griengrilon, Kyniken and Nitia hunt x2 wherry and x1 bovine]
[Thiolo, Fudiom, Hallitu, Miklo, Rorria and Tunacagin gather x1 cucumber, x1 moonflower fruit, x1 red fruit and x1 cucumber seed]
[Seanni finds a candidate. Their traits are ST-D9 | HC-3 | HS-HC | EC-F3 | Y | Human]
[N'reg finds nothing of interest]
[Ze'ku finds nothing of interest]
[The moonflower fruit plant gives 5 items. It will bloom again next post]
[The red fruit seed starts to grow]
[Fella learns a skill in starcraft]
[Ermid learns a skill in farmercraft]
[Beallolril learns a skill in tannercraft]
[Fira learns a skill in healercraft]
[Jesni gives birth to 2 healthy children. Their traits are ST-B9 | HC-2 | HS-HC | EC-A2 | X | Human and ST-D3 | HC-6 | HS-LW | EC-A2 | X | Human]
[Kivee gives birth to 1 healthy child. Their traits are ST-D4 | HC-18 | HS-LC | EC-A6 | X | Human]
[Borinth and Kimorth produce 6 eggs. 5 of them hatch and the last turns cold...]
[Screech and Pellar produce 2 eggs. They both hatch]
[Seanni receives a candidate. Their traits are ST-D6 | HC-2 | HS-LC | EC-F7 | X | Human]

panzram wrote:Image
[ Consumption. ]
[ Nothing is consumed by Linlithgow this post. ]
[ There are five stockpiling posts left. ]

[ Additions. ]
[ Leah founds Linlithgow. ]
[ Ezra, Octavia, and Adrienne join Linlithgow. ]

[ Seer duties. ]
[ Octavia studies medicine. ]

[ Border Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Gathering Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Hunting Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Scouting Patrol ]
[ Leah, leading the patrol, Ezra, and Adrienne ]

[ Union ]
[ Adrienne and Ezra are married and try for kids ]

[ Species ]
[ only humans with natural colors can be found ]

[ Mod Notes ]
[ no deaths, please! injuries are fine ]

[Octavia gains 1 KP]
[Leah, Ezra and Adrienne find a tester and a gatherer. Their traits are ST-A7 | HC-12 | HS-S | EC-C4 | Y | Human and ST-A8 | HC-2 | HS-LC | EC-C1 | X | Human respectively]
[Leah, Ezra and Adrienne gather x1 tomato and x1 seaweed]
[Leah, Ezra and Adrienne hunt x1 caribou and x2 boar]
[Leah, Ezra and Adrienne find nothing of interest]
[Adrienne is now pregnant and will give birth in two posts]
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