Prompt 1: A Special Person [ results pg 8 ]

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Prompt 1: A Special Person [ results pg 8 ]

Postby Rabbit » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:37 pm



You search for an empty space on a log, hoping to sit for a bit and relax near the campfire, enjoying the quiet crackle of the logs as it burned. You spot a space next to a young girl, with long black hair, gazing silently into the flame.

Asking if the seat is available, she nods and smiles slightly, and you take a seat next to her. A few more minutes of silence pass by, and you shuffle awkwardly.

"Hey," she says, "Is there someone in your life that you would give everything for? It doesn't matter if they're someone you care about romantically or like family or just as friends. There's someone like that in my life, and I wonder what others' experiences are like. That is, if you don't mind sharing, of course."

The young girl stares at you curiously as you wonder how you will answer.

Tell me about a special someone that your Kalon has, be it romantic, platonic, family, etc.! Talk about whatever you'd like, such as tell about their history, what they mean to them, how they feel, or how they impacted them.

The only specific requirement for this prompt, other than the main event requirements, is to include a quote that represents their relationship/feelings! It can be any quote, but it will be counted towards your word count!

Art is also allowed! You can include the quote either as text or in the art piece as writing, just make sure it's legible!

500 words is your limit for writing, art can be whatever, but I won't be judging on length of the entry!
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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby elliott. » Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:16 pm

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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby kittykore » Tue Mar 10, 2020 6:53 pm


      “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”

      aethelwine believes in soulmates, she believes she's found hers. kato is her best friend, ever since she was born kato's been by her side, his calm, quiet presence always seems to calm her down and make her feel at ease. they don't have to even talk to know how each other feels, they're around each other so often you'd be surprised if you saw them apart. they always have each others back, aethelwine brings out kato's friendly outgoing side while kato brings out the calm, mature side of aethelwine. the best way to describe their relationship is the ying yang symbol, they're perfect opposites, they compliment one another. aethelwine's mom and kato's mom are life-long best friends, they made a pact to make sure each of their children are best friends and hopefully married. they live next door to each other and ever since they were young kato's been there to help her every step of the way literally, aethelwine was there for kato's first steps while he was there for hers. aethelwine really believes that they were past lovers. kato is someone she couldn't live without, if she lost him she would be a husk of what she is now, lost, dazed and unsure of where to go. they started dating way back in middle school, they're juniors now in high school. they've been together for exactly five years, april 20th is their anniversary, kato is aethelwine's person, someone she would do anything for. she would give him the world.

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Postby petrify » Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:13 pm

    haruki -

    “let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. even love unreturned has its rainbow.”

    a slow smile spread across haruki's face as the question left the other girl's mouth, her mind instantly recalling the abundant memories she had with emi. shifting to look to at the young woman beside her, emi sat there silently for another moment before she began to speak. "yes. her name is emi. i would watch the world burn if that's what she so pleased." her gaze went to the fire burning in front of them, watching as the flames swayed in the slight breeze, imagining it engulfing metaphorical buildings that emi had told her to burn. "you see, i was appointed her main guard after her last one killed her father and ran off on her. the mere thought of that man..." her hands balled into fists, her jaw clenching and then un-clenching as she continued. "i'm not going to get into it, but she didn't deserve all of that pain. she likes to put on a strong front, but underneath that, she is so, so fragile. she only puts on this facade so others put their faith in her. so, even though i'm her guard and i'm suppose to put my life on the line for her... either way, if i was or wasn't, i'd do it anyway. she deserves to have a happy and long life." haruki sat there, letting her words sink in to her own brain as she stared at the grass below them, studying the tiny yellow-green leaves. "i was appointed a vacation only yesterday - someone has taken my spot for the week - but i already miss her." a small sigh left her lungs, and suddenly, she stood to her feet. "i apologize for leaving so abruptly but... i... i must return to her. i have to know she's okay." and with that, haruki hurried away, not wasting a moment more.

    [281/500 words]
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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby NE0N-UMBR30N » Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:40 pm

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure don't deserve me at my best.”

Indigo fidgets a bit as the girl asks her a question, frowning for a moment as she contemplates sharing this info. "Well." She trails off for a moment, staring into the distance. "I suppose as cheesy as it sounds I'd have to say my partner." Who else would she say anyways? As the girl stares at her semi expectantly, wondering if she'll share more, Indigo speaks again.

"Beckett is her name. We've been together for about... 20 years now? Huh." She stopped again for a moment, almost as if that was odd to say out loud. Had it really been that long? "She's friendly and welcoming, even if you're first meeting her its hard to just not get along with her. Like sure she gets on my nerves all the time but that's because I'm... me. I'm angry and selfish. I'm a jerk." She shrugged as she said this, almost like it was second nature to label herself as such.

"Beckett though, she's like the one ray of sunshine in a dark forest. Geez I'm being really cliche right now aren't I? But it's the truth, she's like...."

"She's like the one thing that no matter how bad my day gets, no matter how mad I am at the world, who comes in a swoops me up with her laughter and makes it all better. No matter how much of a jerk I am at times she never hesitates to make sure I'm safe and happy. Me of all people. I'm sure there's someone out there who's less of a grump that could have made her happier than I do. Someone who maybe deserves that ray of sunshine a little more. But she's here and she's mine. Maybe sometimes I think I don't deserve that. But I have her regardless and I wouldn't trade her for the world. In fact I think I'd trade the world for her." She seems lost in her ramblings about her wife, not seeming to have noticed just how much she was talking now. However she seemed happy to be talking about Beckett.

"I wonder a lot how someone like her came to marry someone like me. But at the end of the day I would give any and all things just to see her smile, to hear her laugh. I said that I'd give the world for her but you know I can't do that. She is my world.
{473 words}
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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby bakuraas. » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:49 pm

|| dresden ||

"I hope everyday I see, A little more of my father in me."

Dresden sighed at the question, looking off to the side. It was clear that thinking about this made him a little bit upset. Most would expect him to answer with something about how he loved his boyfriend, but that wasn't what was truly on his mind in that moment. It took him a small second to compose himself enough to talk. He spoke in a soft voice, with an unrecognizable tone. It was both somber and pleasant, so the emotions seemed mixed together in a way that almost made sense when he started speaking.

"My dad. My adoptive dad that is. My birth dad had to leave with my brother and my mothers and leave me behind. I was enrolled in a very expensive school, a school of magic that usually only rich and powerful kits get into. I somehow got accepted, but I couldn't travel with my birth family anymore. I decided to stay and learn, not waste an opportunity like that. While I was in that town, I lived with one of my birth father's friends. He was a really big kalon that had an easy time taking care of me. He lost his child after the divorce with his ex husband, so I guess I got the result of the hand-me-down fatherly instincts he took on."

"When I got older, he would teach me life advice and the like. Stuff like why you should respect others, how to give advice, how to ask a boy out. Stuff like that. He was really open about his life and told me when things were difficult, so it was pretty easy to do the same and make sure he knew how things were going in my life. He did everything to help me with anything I wanted to do. He bought me study materials, he helped me buy gifts when I wanted to ask out the kalon who is now my husband, he even helped me learn a spell to help me have a more masculine body type when I told him I was trans. He was always there for me, and I never felt scared of him- even when I did something wrong. A lot of kalons I know say they're scared of their parents when they mess something up, but I never felt that with my dad. He's too nice to hurt a fly, let alone me."

"I guess, overall...He's kind of an idiot at times, but he means a lot to me. When I graduated from the school, he was there to cheer me on during my graduation. Sometimes, I still miss my birth dad. But, now I've lived more of my life with my adoptive dad, and to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way."

"I hope I can be like him when I become a father."

[486 words]
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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby chanhee. » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:23 pm


    "Having perfected our disguise, we spend our lives searching for someone we don’t fool."

    Sonny bites their lip and thinks over telling the girl anything about where they're from and who they're involved with. After a few moments they shrug because, honestly, they're here a few nights and their impulse control is back in California, keeping things at home in line.

    "Yeah, there is," Sonny turns to rest their head on their hands as they talk, fake accent slipping through without thought, "His name's Maxim. He's the light of my life. We met in high school and... we never gave up on each other. He helped me through my mother's passing and I helped him through his family abandoning him, so we've been each other's support system for years."

    Sonny looks to the campfire, ignoring the burning of their eyes as they do so. It's not as bad as some of the buildings they've left in their wake. "We started working together just out of high school, actually. His family had just left him and he had nowhere to go, so my mom took him in and we started doing odd jobs, from walking dogs to repairing cars to whatever could make us that money. I got really good at lying about qualifications and he was a natural leader, so we sparked up our own little business with forged papers and faux promises. It took off surprisingly well, and it... became dangerous really fast. Max has saved me in our job more times than I can count and I... would do the same for him in a heartbeat."

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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby kolyakun » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:35 pm

Father and Daughter (Owned by AboveAspen)

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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby quiixxy » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:54 pm


the question the girl so carelessly asked stunned odara the tiniest bit. she spoke so softly, care pouring off her tongue.
was this what most kalons were like ? carefree and practically bursting at the seems with kindness ? "i view no one like that. theres
no time to fling feelings around where im from. its.."
odara stopped, her ocean blue eyes flickering over to meet the girl's eyes,
"its complicated." the troubled kalon's voice slowly dissolved into a whisper, memories flooding her version as she stared into
the fire, getting lost in the pitiless array of colors. she wanst used to being questioned like this. even if it was such a simple question,
one that shouldnt be taken too seriously yet odara felt something deep inside her, itching to come out. there was a burning
passion that she seemed to not be able to shake off. "in a mafia,,,we have to look out after each other." odara shifted herself awkwardly,
her paws sinking into the wet moss. "i would risk my life for everyone in our little organization its what we do but,,my adopted
brother koe stands out among the rest."
odara wouldve stopped there if the kalon beside her didnt lean forward, as if asking for more.
"w-we've been through a lot together. he isnt one do i say it, associate with people so from a child he's been
rather troubled.

big wip but i am finishing this hehe
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Re: Prompt 1: A Special Person [ open for posting ]

Postby PleaserOfCrowds » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:56 pm

“In the chaos you will find peace, because the sun still shines through the trees.”

Solaris stares at the girl for a moment, before her normally sour expression lightens up into an awkward grin. For the stoic knight herself, she wasn’t used to smiling, but the girl’s question she couldn’t help it.

“I met Cenere back when I still had my ‘curse’, when he freed me from someone that held me captive for a year.” She shudders at the thought, vividly remembering that very moment. “Shortly after, I was able to bring myself back to my original state, a kalon like I am now. With nowhere to go, I decided to head back to him and ever since then, I’ve been by his side.”

She looks off into the distance for a moment, reminiscing her time with him. “I’ll admit, he was a bit strange at first, but so was I. We were both well behind our times where I had lost my sense of time when I was in a half conscious state when I originally died, and he was cursed with immortality that sent him into centuries of despair. Somehow from all of this stuff happening at once, our paths intertwined that day.

There’s quite a lot of things that happened to get us both in the same place, and I’d rather not have gone through what I have, and I’m sure Cenere had a choice he would’ve never choose to be immortal. But in spite of this, I don’t think we would’ve crossed paths if those events never happened. While I’m reluctant to say this, it kind of shaped us into who we are in the present. Even if sometimes the past still haunts me to this day, it was that that brought us together.”

“I guess we finally found our place together, in a world where time goes by at the speed of light. I wouldn’t give up the world for him, because together we’ve grown a lot. Even though it’s only been a month since I’ve decided to see the world for myself once more, I’ve been missing him a lot. But I know that in the end, everything will be okay.”

Solaris, by now was tearing up a bit, but she didn’t pay any mind to it. “Sorry, if it’s rather sappy, but he got us through some very dark times, to which I am grateful for. To be honest, I don’t know where we would be without our fates connecting. He’s really special to me, you know?”

(424 words)
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