Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

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Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:54 pm

Fanclub---Seeking artists!---Species information/lore+More---Nursery---Growths/transfers---Customs
A race of aliens to our world. The inspirations of the old Chinese myth of dragon, serpent creatures able to swim through the air. They can bend their forms to squeeze through cracks and find safety. The vents, fins, and edges of ears are quite to the area around them, be it pressure or chemical changes, allowing them to know when the littlest thing has changed. Big eyes allow them to see excellently in the dark as they are nocturnal. Interactions with earth began when a meteor struck their home and flung into space, entering a dormant state to survive the vacuum. Floating to earth centuries later, they woke, and desperately flew to the sky to return home. Inspiring many myths all over the world where they landed. They struggled with much heavier gravity, and the fate of these individuals was never determined.

This is all copy and pasted from the original version so I can do small edits and keep the archive.
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:31 pm

Physical Form
Similar to an octopus they are Invertebrates, they have no bones in their body, only powerful muscles. They are thus, very able to contort themselves and squeeze through small places. Their size varies HIGHLY, they may range from the size of a housecat to that of a horse. Most commonly they're around the size of a large dog.
Unlike most invertebrates, they are covered in a strange downy texture, covered in thick scale-like feathers. They are soft-edged but firm and warm. These allow slight protection, while still being lightweight and offering protection from heat loss.
They move similarly to reptiles, similar to an alligator or snake moving through the water, by pumping their body back and forth. They are incredibly lightweight, due to the lightweight structure of their body and their unusual physical compositions. When on their legs, they tend to be clumsy more than graceful, and prefer to hop like otters out of the water.

Their diet consists mainly of devouring anything that possesses the minerals they need, so anything rich in minerals found in things similar to an asteroid, such as gold, platinum, nickel, silver, copper, and other metals. These metals are absorbed by their body. They have no teeth, like a snake, they swallow things whole. The "vents" on their tails act like a shark's gills absorbing oxygen, however, they absorb loose minerals from the air as the creature travels through it, into the body where it's processed into energy for the creature. They can eat anything (eg, human foods) as well, and have quite a vivid sense of taste! It is just low in mineral content and they must eat either a lot or only have it as an add-on to a more mineral-made diet.

They have good eyesight and good hearing due to their large ears. They have no sense of smell at all due to lacking a functioning 'nose' something not helpful to them on their planet. They don't need to intake any sort of gas to survive, they don't need oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. They only need to ensure they're eating (or absorbing through their vent) enough minerals to support their wellbeing.

Their lifespan is around 50 human years but has been known to live up to 60 with good care and physical/mental wellbeing. They have separate biological genders but also can breed with their same gender if desired. They tend to mate for life and the separation of genders plays little role in their lifestyles, Females tend to be more muted colors, to protect the young ones, and males more flashy and slightly larger. But this is only a loose separation and there are many variations against this. As individuals, they may identify as any gender (or lack thereof) they chose.

The fins on the side of their body are movable! And they can wiggle them, wave them, and use them to express emotion. They can also be folded along their side to prevent harm since they're one of the most fragile parts of their bodies.

Their paws are very flexible and perform much like fingers rather than the paws of a canine or feline. They can grab and hold things. On their feet they are quadrupedal, so most often they hold things and float aimlessly as they perform whatever task has their attention.

They can reproduce with either gender, they spit up 'pods' that house their young, slimy, egg-shaped things that are very sticky to cling to rocky surfaces. Most often, these are housed in locations with high food content for the young to eat when they hatch. They take around a month to develop, and when they break free they are puffy and covered in fluffy down feathers-similar to a hatched penguin.

Due to the makeup of their bodies, generations of Paeus go through rapid evolution when put through stress. The introduction of extreme stress suppresses the protein Hsp90 within their bodies, a suggested inhibitor for genetic modification and change. This in itself is an evolutionary adaption to allow the creature to quickly ensure the safety of itself and its young by growing to suit its environment. This is a very rapid change, relatively- but it could take many years for an individual to adapt, the individual will not likely show radical changes in form, but any offspring of theirs will show new traits.

However, the Hsp90 protein is very important to Paeus, as it protects their bodies when high temperatures are involved-something very common on their planet. This can very quickly lead to overheating or death when they are exposed to extreme stress. It's suggested by some scientists that one reason they have developed such a peaceful society is to avoid these stressors and avoid the dangers of their genetic makeup. On earth, this is not necessarily an issue- but like any species, prolonged stress will lead to illness and early death.

Overall Paeus are fairly healthy and resilient creatures, they have good immunity to illnesses from the Earth as their makeups are very similar to earth creatures and due to their adaptations, their bodies will quickly change to handle a threat. It is common for any Paeus traveling from the homeworld to earth to spend their first few weeks in a sickbed, before never growing ill again. There have been suggested threat of Paeus bringing their illnesses to earth- as there are a few diseases that are dangerous on their homeworld, but most of these bacteria form do not survive in the Earth's atmosphere. There are fears of humans that they may adapt to be dangerous to humans and because of this, every paeus is put through testing before they are allowed on the planet. The Paeus don't seem to mind.
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:29 am

Physical features of the planet
Forged at the start of the universe like many other planets, Paeus serpents evolved on the planet Scion 9NX5. The planet was an early starter of evolution, made up of chemicals that rushed the formation of bacteria and the building blocks of life that would begin advancement not only on their planet but on every other in the nearby area. A rare conjunction of chemicals not present in many planets, but leaving the planet very weak and crumbling in mineral composition. With a lack of strong gravity, many pieces drifted off into space. Meteorites broken off of this planet would later help promote evolution on any planets they landed on by congealing with the already present makeups there.
Once the crumbling planet had loosened all of the fragile minerals, it left a harsh rocky terrain with thousands of caves and long deep underground rivers that made evolution tricky. Paeus serpents began as everything else on this planet, a small microbe in the waters rushing through the stony crevices. They would evolve through millions of years alongside other creatures, who would die out due to a lack of adaptations to allow them dominance in this location. Paeus Serpents began as small lizard-like creatures, unable to defend themselves and often being scooped up by larger predators. Slowly they adapted to be bigger, their muscles grew stronger to cling to rocks, and eventually, they reached their evolutionary peak in their current form. The only species able to fluidly take to the skies of their homeworld and secure an edge against other species. They adopted a peculiar intelligence and communicative skill, along with the ability to form rudimentary civilizations, before reaching a stagnant that they have remained at for thousands of years. They are not creatures who pushed boundaries until their introduction to mankind, and they are happy generally just surviving.

The planet's surface is riddled with steam vents and craters, but the mountains and spikes of rock are the most dangerous features. Sheer rock spines marring the surface provide risky obstacles for any creature nearby. It also affirms it as a planet not possible to land on- there are no plateaus large enough to suit a ship of any kind. The atmosphere of the planet is very thin and allows much of the heat from the nearby star Plols through it, meaning the planet has a generally very warm climate. It is a smaller planet than the earth, with a very sturdy center, preventing much in the way of earthquakes, though small volcanic vents and steam geysers are frequent as the pressure pushes through the surface. Due to its location in the star system, it is very susceptible to being struck with meteors and asteroids, that become part of its rocky mass and usually end up as food for Paeus, who eat minerals.

Civilizations or 'coves' of Paeus are built primarily into the sides of mountains and into their interiors. Forming small 'hives' of these creatures where they can raise their young.
Surrounding Atmosphere
Like the earth, The homeworld has multiple layers of the atmosphere, broken up similarly into the Troposphere, the Stratosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere, however, they are missing a Mesosphere, which allows meteors to frequently break through the layer around the planet and permeate through to their planet. The planet is very closet to their nearby sun, so their protective stratosphere is very thick and holds in a lot of heat.

The planet is circled by three small moons, similar to earth's moons. The mid-sized is Megreaphus, green in color and closest to the planet, the middle moon is the smallest, Udreon and is red, and the furthest moon is the largest, blue in color, Yafrora.
Turning of the planet
On the paeus homeworld, one day is around 30 earth hours! Just a little longer than Earth. Their planet is larger than earth and takes longer to revolve around. It does not experience different seasons, as it doesn't tilt on an axis similar to our planet, the southern side of the planet is just slightly more cold in climate. Due to the thick stratosphere, the heat is still contained.

Plant life
Plants are present on the planet, though not quite in the way they are on earth. They absorb light from the nearby 'sun' and are very sturdy and leathery to be able to survive the harsh terrain. They are not mindless things as they are on earth, on this planet the plants are sentient beings that will walk to find the best place to stick to the rocks to maintain the best light. They are not necessarily 'intelligent', but they will move. Migrations of 'grass' are very common. Some plants have adapted to predatory standings, but they do not often track down prey, they are opportunists who will wait for something to walk clumsily on top of it.
There are plants similar to 'trees', but they are very thin leafed, flexible long 'stick' trees with only a few leaves to avoid absorbing too much excess light from the strong rays of their sun-star.
In color
Much as the Earth is made up of greens and blues, their planet is lush with mineral-rich reds and oranges, the
water present is similar to the water on earth and blue in tint. The atmosphere is a deep royal purple due to the peculiar mix of water and red dust tinting it that color. Though water is present on the planet, it is denser and thicker than water on Earth otherwise it would float into the sky almost consistently. Because there is water, it rains, but their form of rain is different due to the low gravity, more like mystical slow-falling dust of water suspended in place, drifting slowly to the ground below.

Animal life
Paeus are, without question, the dominant life form on their planet, but there are millions of other creatures and species. Paeus are the only ones capable of sentient, civilization-building thought, and the largest surviving species on the planet. Most of the other species are made up of insect-like creatures, lizard-like creatures, and occasional mammalian creatures that live deep under the rocky surface. The only real danger to Paeus from these creatures is most often in certain insect species, which can deliver a toxic sting is sometimes fatal doses. Bites from other creatures can also lead to bad infections that can take lives as well.
Last edited by SonOfStarGod on Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:33 am

Social Life
Though of moderate intelligence, Paeus are not exactly innovative. They form rudimentary societies, living in caves made into the rock that they fit with their belongings and homes. They make simple accessories and clothing and speak their language, mostly made up of hissing noises and squeaking sounds. They are civilized enough to have simple currency made of shiny stones they dig from the rock and form 'jobs' where they may have specialties. They do not have any religious views 'native' to their planet but may adopt religions of other planets and cultures. They are generally an easygoing society that has little discrimination or bias. They are not conflictory and lack fighting skills, they mostly prefer to flee rather than engage in combat.

They get along well with one another, though there may be violent individuals and those who are more 'harsh' than others, as a whole they're rather mellow and laid back. They are often viewed by humans as being 'innocent'. They don't seem to have bad motives on their own a majority of the time, but with the wrong influence can be corrupted and turned to do cruel acts. The lack of malintent is due to a lack of need. They have no natural threats, plenty of resources to avoid starvation, thus fighting for survival isn't necessary and it is only each other that is a possible threat. Due to their 'squishy' forms, lack of bones means that any fights between two Paeus usually end up in bites or getting tangled up. Usually, by the time they're untangled, they've cooled off as most don't have long-lasting tempers. Their weak spot if they were to get into a truly threatening situation is their fins, which are very sensitive to pain.

Most jobs in their society are simplistic ones, such as finding caves to serve as homes to expand their villages, gathering meteorites for food, or medics. They have no real forms of medicine, they simply use herbs from their home planet for their healing properties.

They have a language of their own but have extreme ease in learning languages due to the composition of their brains, they are very able to understand the emotions and fluctuations of others to learn languages well. Their language is made up of squeaks and many "s" hissing sounds that complement their vocal cords.

Despite not being religious, they have rituals to bring good luck, primarily in dances to encourage rain or fertility and good gatherings of food. In their culture, all are equal, and their leadership is determined through personal achievement. Their accessories are often red, possibly in efforts to blend in, especially if the serpent is bright colored and standouts. They have no predators, but there can be rivalries between villages. In their home villages, they will often wear flashy colors and clothes with long ribbons that give a graceful flow to their dances in the low gravity. Since they eat rocks and minerals, there isn't much to account for taste in the culture of their cuisine, but they may paint the rocks to make them more colorful and appealing. Especially to the young or to guests. They are not affected by the paints as they are natural plant hues.

As a culture they are very artistic, painting with their flexible toes and covering their dens in images. Most often, abstracts of color or depictions of things they find beautiful-often landscapes or images of their kind's dances. Their images are full of emotion and movement, as the thought of something stagnant or geometric is rather boring and unnatural to them.

Paeus live in big social groups, villages, where they are essentially friendly towards each other and one big family. Most home-families are comprised of the parents and their children until they move out. A majority will leave, but often one child will remain with the parents and their mate, later on, will move in there, they will care for their elders as they age and then live in the homes themselves. The others will find a new home and start their lives there instead.

Children are raised most often by both parents and their older siblings. They form close bonds and at night most often sleep in a big pile to preserve warmth, and because as a species, many enjoy the closeness of others nearby. It is safer. In this clumps most often the youngest are towards the back of the home or cave, with the older more strong Paeus blocking them to protect them from the weather and any possible dangers.
Last edited by SonOfStarGod on Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:38 am

Paeus civilization is broken up into villages, these may be smaller, ranging in size from 10 individuals- to large colonies made up of a few thousand. These villages are ruled by a leader elected through personal success, the village places the strongest or 'best' paeus in charge. The determination of what is 'best' varies much between villages. Some may deem that as the strongest, some as the wisest, some as leadership qualities- or even something as menial as the best singer or dancer.

The villages mostly have a loose agreement since the species is generally not violent or malicious towards their kind, but there are rivalries, dislikes, and spats between villages. Most often, this just leads to refusing to trade or interact, but there are rare occasions it may spark a fight. They never wage full-on wars, and the fights are usually very spontaneous rather than planned attacks, and there is rarely any actual loss involved.

Eir Colony
The village known as Eir is the center of Paeus life on their home planet, a large colony that welcomes all outsiders. It is a huge trading hub where much Paeus trade and sell fascinating things they've found. It is located in a central valley and is seen as the 'middle' of the planet, every Paeus map generally has this village at the center. They are led by Iraneth, a happy go lucky leader who is happy to keep the party going. He's very laid back, but able to give a stern hand when needed, just the type of guy who can keep such a large colony in check and well managed.

Nott Colony
So dubbed as they reside on a big 'knot' on the land, a huge rounded mountain that had been hollowed out over the years. It is a relatively small colony, known as the 'nursery' because it is one of the places that is safest for Paeus young to be born and grow. Very sheltered from the elements, and far from the dangerous stabbing rocks that injure or kill far too many young who don't know yet how to avoid their danger.

Olympus Colony
A semi-large colony located at the top of a large spiny mountain range. Populated mostly by Paeus who have adapted to grow hard crystals and scales to defend their squishy bodies from the sharp stones surrounding it.

-to add later;
maps, individual villages,
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:11 pm

Interactons with Earth
Paeus were first introduced to earth when a massive asteroid collided with their planet, sending some of their kind into space as the low gravity was not enough to prevent the force of its massive impact from throwing them out of their own planet's orbit. The vacuum of space forced these Paeus into a deep comatose state. They awoke, where the force of the impact had thrown them to a planet known as Earth. They were lost, confused, and these creatures were a strange, frightening thing.
The Paeus homeworld never learned of the fate of these individuals.

They had no contact until the far future, thousands of years later when humanity mastered space travel and finally managed to reach the planets beyond their solar system, reaching out to the Paeus homeworld that was a reasonably close distance. Making contact with these creatures, and finding them to be friendly and generally quite intelligent and quick learners, they invited the Paeus to their home. Forming a peace treaty (Despite the fact this was unnecessary and the Paeus largely didn't understand the purpose of it, as they are a peaceful species anyway), and allowing formal and frequent interactions between the planets.

Paeus came to be born and raised on earth, and though they could return to their homeworld a new generation of the creatures was started that grew up exposed to these new trials and dangers and influences far from their homeworld.

Humans visiting their homeworld must wear specialized suits, since they mineral-thick air makes it incredibly difficult for them to breathe, and they need to keep themselves protected from the hot climate so as not to overheat. A human outside of a suit will survive for some time, usually only a day or two before becoming ill or worse.

Behavior towards humans
Most Paeus are rather curious about humans and their strange, different ideas. They may take the role of an intelligent pet/companion for humans, but it is generally very dependent on the individual creature. Some may prefer the role of a pet, others being independent, some forming roommate-like partnerships or friendships with humans. Their opinion on humans is very varied and will differ strongly based on each individual's exposure and interactions! Most Paeus aren't used to seeing large creatures, so animals from earth often frighten them.
They do not frequently attack or harm humans if they do it is primarily in self-defense or if provoked. There are certain malicious rebel groups from the homeworld who refute the peace treaty and try to demand earth stay away from their home planet, and may attack any humans who tread there. This is largely frowned upon by a majority of the population and they're seen as a group of radicals.

Travelling to earth
Paeus travel to earth primarily through the use of ships. Scientists come to their planet to study, and with each study group that comes, a certain number of Paeus are permitted to board and return to earth with them. This can be a harrowing process, as each Paeus must be tested for any possible dangers, including any illness and their intent/dispositions to ensure they have no desire to hurt anyone on the other planet. They are usually offered a stay at the launch base where they land, where a specially made housing is nearby for them, but Paeus are usually far too excited for that and they run off just as quick as they're let off the ship to explore. They are often plagued by protestors outside of the unit as alien life on earth is very controversial, and on landing armed guards must often escort them off of the property.
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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:12 pm

Trait Guide

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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:16 pm


Breeding V2

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Re: Paeus Serpents V2-Lore and more

Postby SonOfStarGod » Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:20 pm


Where did the inspiration for them come from?
Sixbane always loved the idea of creating my own 'world' for things! In conjunction with allowing them to interact with 'real' Earth, it seemed the logical step was to just create another planet and dominant species on that planet. The actual world-building process and considerations were inspired by the ideas proposed by No Man's Sky, Spore, and other similar sandbox exploration games with various worlds and creatures.
The actual physical species was inspired loosely by the Threads in the Dragonriders of Pern book series. They read the books as a child and these alien 'things' swimming through the air was an image that stuck with them long after. They aren't related to the idea in any way, as truly they don't remember much about them other than the look of them, but that image of 'swimming' is what inspired their serpentine flexible form. From there Sixbane just tried to incorporate traits that were draw-able and understandable. They're more like a mix of a snake, octopus, and gecko than anything.
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