LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

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LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Mon Apr 02, 2018 3:11 pm


Lions of the Cosmos Civil War
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This is a re-adopt for the Oasis Event! This lion belongs to the Oasis and has a set rank as a guide and elements consisting of love and darkness. Will be judged on overall character development! He WILL take up a lion slot!

Edit(s): custom feather mane, horn

Code: Select all
Username -
Name -
Gender - Male
Element(s) - Love & Darkness
Rank - Oasis Guide
Personality -
History -
Extras -

Contest ends May 1st!

For any questions or relations feel free to pm me!
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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Penultima » Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:21 pm

Username - Penultima
Name - Matrix
Gender - Male
Element(s) - Love & Darkness
Rank - Oasis Guide
Personality -
History -
Extras -

WIP! <3
Last edited by Penultima on Wed May 02, 2018 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

She/Her - Bi - Biologist - Artist - Nature-lover - Master's student - Progressive - Unitarian


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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby broken* » Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:00 pm

this darling is beautiful!

i dont have the time to apply for him, but I do have some oasis darlings as well as nomads/pridelanders for relations<3
--phoebe -- she/her -- pansexual--
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• rigel tryout •

Postby T h e M a r t i a n » Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:42 pm


"a man begins to die when he ceases
to expect anything from tomorrow"

Username -
T h e M a r t i a n

Name -

Gender -

Element(s) -
love & darkness

Rank -
oasis guide

"in reality, hope is the greatest evil of all
as it prolongs the torments of a man"

Personality -

reserved :: ruthless :: pessimistic :: unforgiving :: demanding :: territorial

First and foremost, Rigel is not an outgoing lion. He often sticks to himself, and often avoids other lions when he can. His job provides that he must spend time around the pride cubs and even other higher ranked pride members and leaders. Despite this, he still maintains a reserved demeanor and attitude. Now, he is not antisocial, as he still maintains sociable mannerisms when put into a social interaction. An antisocial individual is one capable of doing vast evils and feeling no remorse, a sociopath. While Rigel may be reserved or unsociable, he is not a sociopath. He does tend to be a little blunt and does have snappy or rude comments, but he will feel remorse for comments made against someone he does not resent.

Rigel is a ruthless individual, capable of destroying someone both verbally and physically. He is entirely capable of tearing someone to shreads with his words, and this is due to an observant nature. He is always watching for quirks and pressure points he may be able to use against someone in the event they turn on him. He is unafraid to utilize each and every sore spot he has uncovered. Many seem to avoid him because of this, and he has made enemies in the past because of this trait. He has a sharp tongue, and small comments are often made when the lion is agitated or frustrated with something. These comments are designed in such a way to eat away at whomever they are directed at. This is again his ruthlessness, which he is in excess of quite often.

Rigel, for someone with the love element, is surprisingly pessimistic. He is not a hopeful lion by any means, and believes that hope is detrimental to himself and to others in their development. Now, some have blamed this on his darkness element, tainting the beautiful love element he boasts. Others still might believe it to be his past which had not treated Rigel well. Whatever it may be, Rigel is someone who despises the idea of hope and certainly has none of his own. At least none that he might admit to. Rigel is pestered by the hope that one day he may be able to settle down, that someone may see past his ruthless and perhaps cruel exterior. This is perhaps the true source of his dislike of the idea of hope.

Rigel is a protective individual, but is not someone who will try to chase someone off from harming someone he cares about. If he believes someone poses a threat of either harming someone or taking someone from him, he has no intention of just chasing them off. He has the intent to mar, to ruin, to even kill in certain situations. Rigel is a severely territorial individual, and it is not wise to mess with what he believes to be a part of his own territory. It is recommended to step back and step down.

Rigel does have a soft spot for cubs, and they bring out a more true and a more pure side of Rigel. Around the cubs he is still a reserved individual who tries to act all tough to maintain a reputation he has garnered. However, he does become a bit playful about the cubs, joining in their little games and their little acts. Rigel is a rather charming individual when about the cubs, someone who loses the blunt and ruthless comments, and trades them for smooth and sweet words. He understands that being blunt or ruthless about the cubs might inspire them to do evil against their brethren, and Rigel is adamantly against such things. Rigel is still that same territorial individual, and is hyper protective of those cubs he is tasked with training and monitoring.

Rigel is imperfect, certainly, to the eyes of the masses. But, their is no excitement in perfection, and striving for perfection is a hopeless journey. Rigel is in no mood to try and change his personality and his mannerisms. No matter what, he is unlikely to please everyone. Despite the supposed major imperfections with his mannerisms and persona, Rigel seems to be a perfect match for his title. He pushes the cubs to strive for more, but not in a manner that is detrimental to their development. He has a soft spot for the cubs, losing the ruthless comments, and instead using words of encouragement as to ensure further development in the younger generations of the clan.

History -

p e r s i s t e n c e

"He won't survive the night. I am sorry, but just look at him? I can hear his chest click with every breath. I have never seen a cub in all my time manage to survive when they begin to breath like that." A pause came, a tense silence, sadness hanging in the air. Three cubs lay side by side, only one managing to breath, and barely at that. "Is there nothing you can do for him?" The soft voice sounded like a whisper on the wind. "I am afraid not. It is not in our hands anymore. I am sorry." Claws raked the stone floor as the voice vanished into the inky black night. Sobbing broke the silence next, the soft voice drawing the ailing cub against their chest. First her mate, now her cubs. What did this world have against her? "I am so sorry, my love. I pray you do not suffer long."

Golden rays pierced the black that had settled upon the den that night. Brought with it, hope. The voice raised its head, looking down upon the child, expecting to see no signs of life. Instead, the cub was breathing stronger and was making attempts to move. The softest sounds came from the cub, weak, but persistent. They remained. Against all odds, the cub had persisted, fighting against those odds. Weeks passed, each night a struggle for the cub, each night the voices claiming his eventual fall, and failure to persist. However, the cub fought day in and day out, each minute a blessing and each minute stronger than the last. These struggles were not gentle upon the cub, frailty following the cub around for much of his infancy and even into his adolescence. Weak-jointed, unnaturally thin, he was abandoned when it came to beginning one's training. They believed he would not survive.

Thus, the cub relied upon his mother, the voice of hope, to teach him what he needed to know for survival within their world. "Mother, why don't they think kindly of me?" The cub would ask of his mother frequently, be it in one form or another. It was a question plaguing his mind day and night. Other cubs avoided him, the others pitied him, something he could not stand even more than the avoidance. "My dear Rigel, it is not that they do not think kindly of you or not. They worry for you, just as I do. They do not wish to bring harm upon you by pushing you past your own limits." She reasoned, trying to comfort her son. It rarely worked now. The more and more the cub was avoided or pitied, the more down-trodden the cub became. "I am just as capable as they are. I don't need their pity, I don't need those looks or those bitter-sweet words. I am not some sick animal. Why must they treat me as one?" The cub would complain in greater frequency as time elapsed. The cub, despite the looks and the sickly words, continued to grow and fill out his fragile frame with lean muscle. His persistence was dwindling, time dragging on with those words and those looks.

The cub, becoming a teen, began to reply in harsh words to acts of pity. Still thinner than the other lions, and still prone to crippling joint episodes, he was still looked down upon. His harshness created a rift between him and others, leaving just him and his mother. Despair began to overtake the adolescent, concerned this stage would be stuck with him for his whole life. Why him of all lions? Hadn't he suffered enough already?

a n g u i s h

Despair, hopelessness, anguish, call it what you must, the cub was beginning to fall victim to these feelings of desperation. "What cruel joke is this? Why must it be me? Certainly, I have suffered enough?" He would rant to his mother. He had begun training some time ago, and at first they were impressed by his persistence despite his overall lack of ability. But, they had grown thin in patience with regards to his self-pity and his wallowing. They had called upon his mother to amend the situation, but alas, not a thing changed in the male. He was continuing to fill out, to age, to grow out of his weakened infancy.



nox :: friend
rigel wrote:nox... hmmm... i suppose she may be a friend of mine. I am not entirely sure. She is far too... optimistic and hopeful for my liking. Several times she sought to argue with me over some comment I made that was too 'pessimistic' or something like that. Despite this particularly... annoying trait, I must say I would count her a friend of my own. Despite my vast differences from the council member, she has not ignored my presence or any inquiries I had presented to her. I suppose that may make up for her several drawbacks. I also do admire her for dealing with several of my outbursts made against her and still not turning her back on me. So, I suppose she is a friend of mine. Perhaps one of the few who can tolerate me... and one of the few /I/ can tolerate.


malachi :: respected lion
rigel wrote: malachi, I was unsure of him at first. Something seemed, I don't know, off? Nonetheless, he happened to show respectable qualities, and thus he managed to gain my respect, and supposedly I had gained his somehow. I actually only met Malachi through Nox, as he is her guard of sorts. I respect his work ethic, his desire to strive for greatness withim himself. Perhaps what unsettles me is his anger issues. I am not calm and cool lion, but he takes anger management issues to another level. Also, his vanity irks me a bit, I suppose. He finds himself both better in looks and physical capability. Confidence is fine, but arrogance is one of the roots of evil, in my own opinion. So, I am not a fan or even a friend of the lion... however, I suppose I cannot deny my respect for him.


vanya :: respected lioness
vanya wrote: of course I know Vanya. She is one of the highest lions in the Oasis. Now, I don't associate with her often, just because I am not the most sociable lion. But, I don't despise her company, if that is what you are looking for. I respect her, greatly actually. Her work ethic is admirable, as is her unwavering loyalty to the Oasis and those that reside within the Oasis. I also respect how undeniably devoted she is to her moral compass. She will do nothing that goes against her own beliefs, something I am finding less and less. So, while I may not associate with the lioness much, I highly respect and admire the general.


eratrea :: close friend
rigel wrote:She is a cub, and the daughter of the alpha at that. I was unsure of the cub at first, as she acted far too proper for my own liking. However, as time passed and I happened to spend more time around the cub, I noticed her true nature. She has come to the Oasis during the skirmish going on at the moment... the war, which I cannot throw my support behind. Anyways... I must say I have become quite attached to the cub. I am far more comfortable around cubs than I am with adults, which was why I gained my job in the first place. Anyways... I care deeply about Eratrea, and would give anything to ensure her safety and wellbeing.


araru :: close friend
rigel wrote:As much as it may pain me to say... I actually like Araru. Yes... I suppose I may have found someone that I would consider a.. close friend. Araru is a knight in the oasis, and we met as we share the same habitat. While he may be far from my own personality, in fact some might consider us opposing in nature. They say opposites due attract. He has his flaws, but I have my own. Imperfection is something not to run from, its unavoidable. I am willing to accept his flaws just as he accepts mine. This mutual understanding and ability to work around these flaws it what has truly allowed us to become as close as we are at this point.


- Rigel has a habit of drawing out words at the beginning of sentences. He makes it very clear when he is thinking while he is talking, as it is made clear by pauses or drawn out words while he is speaking. It is unclear as to why he did this and when it started. But, the quirk has been a source of irritation when Rigel is speaking with other individuals.

- Rigel has a habit of avoiding eye contact with other individuals. The only times he really meets someones eyes is when he is talking to a cub, or when he is angry with someone or trying to assert dominance over another. Any other time he avoids eye contact, preferring to either focus his attention on the ground, the horizon, or the sky.


- gif at top and below used from tumblr user
- nox owned by Mechanic Drone
- malachi owned by keen
- vanya owned by Mechanic Drone
- eratrea owned by starry-knight
- frode owned by Glomp

beautiful boyo.
Last edited by T h e M a r t i a n on Wed May 02, 2018 2:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:02 am

Friendly Reminder you have a little over 2 weeks to finish forms!
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Beep Beep Here I am! ;-;

Postby Cutieduckpie » Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:23 am

    Username: Cutieduckpie

    Name: Hydris
    Gender: Male
    Age: Almost 200

    Elements: Love and Darkness
    His abilities: Shadow puppeting: He can transform their or others shadows into living beings. Warning: It can take a lots of energy. Status: Improving. Some even say that with training, anything that happens to the shadow will be reflected in the true body.
    Attacks: Simple attacks that he tried a few times with concentrated balls of darkness. Status: Beginner. Warning: The more energy are concentrated into the attack, the more energy it'll take.
    Circadian cycle/Night Owl: Adaptable at night/in dark areas, he can move like it was daytime and can be almost undetectable within darkness. Status: Good. Warning: Eyes can be more sensitive to light whenever the circadian cycle in programmed. And of course, he shouldn't forget he isn't invisible neither.

    Current rank: Oasis Guide
    Previous rank: He worked as a guard, in a group charged to monitor the trading center or occasionally in duos in less busy areas, as being a trainer wasn't on his top list at all. He was deeply thinking that if he couldn't handle himself, how could he properly teach the youngs?
    When he was with Nox he always mentioned how he knew there were cubs in need somewhere in the vast of the Oasis, that he whish he could do something to help them. So, when a vacancy became available Nox innocently drew him to apply, what he did after a long reflexion.

    Personality: The world is not black and white, everyone has their own spectrum of colors. Hydris is more like ... shades of purple;
    Playful; He's not a touchy-playful-prankster lion, in fact he's rather a zealous user of oral jokes and dark humor, irony, sarcasm, and all these types of joking. Mostly because he thinks that's rather cool and less easier to use it well thus, usually funnier.
    Optimistic; Despite his dark past, he's quite of an optimist and in fact has always been one, it was just overwhelmed by the tenions that thrived at that time. He developed this trait to not let himself perish over time, as he began to be paranoid with others interacting with him, after he left his home.
    His job and the Oasis; This lion shows a pure loyalty to the Oasis, he takes any of their duties to heart and is always obliging towards them and every member of the pride. He exudes an infectious enthusiasm for his work to the point where he's wrongly considered has a workaholic when he is obviously not making any efforts to push himself at work: his life is his profession.

    "If you looked down to the bottom of my soul, you would understand fully the source of my longing and – pity me. Even the open, transparent lake has its unknown depths, which no divers know."

    Hurt; Hide his deepest sufferings behind joyful faces that he masters flawlessly. Moreover he doesn't have a lot of close friends so he keep it to himself, all of this leading to the fact that he tends to not trust other's feelings- feelings in general- and is overall very cautious.
    It's said that purple/violet is the uniting of the “wisdom” of blue and the “love” of red and symbolizes justice and royalty; which can't be more true in the case of Hydris. He has trouble being confident in his own opinion and doesn't usually stand for what he truely believe is unfair unless we push him to the limit. Not that he can't think by himself, his head is full of thoughts and reflexions leading to situations that can be awkwards if he ever decide to act once there're no risks.
    He's rather submissive; because he wants to follow the rules, he comply to everything coming from the high authorities of the Oasis. It never caused him any problems from now he understood that lions
    As I've said he's really well mannered and behave totally reverently, but he's desperately craving for strong figures he could trust blindly when he's into a crisis. When he enters these crisis he feels like everyone's lying and playing a role, he loses all sense and logic and goes back to a state filled with darkness, anxiety and an unbearable feeling of loneliness.

    Prized possession: This big boy has a strong taste for paintings, sculptures, adornments, tacks, drawings, any and all art pieces. With time he made a lot of acquaintances within the oasis merchands and artisants; and a lot of knowledge as well. That's why he can be quite picky when it comes to choosing what he'll buy.
    His most prized item is without a doubt a stunning body jewelry made out of the brightest agate and a fine dark metal. Its shaped almost like a subtle harness that begin around his neck to then pass on his chest where an agate of a deep purple is placed. The chain continues between his front legs, and end up around his belly (similar to this shape).

    The ugly duckling

    From a young age he was plunged into darkness.
    But not the darkness he created to occupy his endless days.
    The empty darkness of the heart.

    As an unborn cub he brought excitement and joy for sure, the family gathered up to celebrate his birth, but It didn't last long before the everyday fights start again. His dad was naricssistic and oversued it's element to feed his need of attention and compliments. Him, he grew up with a continuous sentiment of being the ugly duckling; at first it was because of his look since both of his parents and his three elder siblings were sporting onyx pelts, a crimson mane, and a pair of impressive crooked horns as well as spikes in some areas of their bodies. He soon learned to use everything he had to protect himself; for him fighting was a last resort so he used to growl more and more loudely while arching a bit his back to look larger, pupils dilating, ears pinned backward he rolled up his lips before vibrating his feathered mane. He even became a master at frightening others in a second by jumping into their face with his mane ruffled and a sharp roar whenever he felt threatened.
    As for his elements his siblings and the other members didn't dared to mock him on the love one since he inherited it from their father, but them they inherited their mother's air element ... and him from the darkness element. They were constently telling him how much his element was shabby, useless and powerless compared to theirs. The only thing the cub new was to cover himself completely with darkness so that there was just a scaring shadow, as dark as a black hole, left. It was his best outlet.

    Almost ironically he was finding comfort surrounded by this emotionless and cold substance.

    The massive lilac lioness's eyes glinted with a hatred able to freeze the hottest energy. "You imbecile!" Her roar erupted into a sizzling crescendo as she reared to face the even larger king. "You could've gotten us all killed!"
    He met her gaze steadily, both unperturbed and seeming almost mildly amused at her rage. "Almli, listen. You don't have to run--"
    "I DON'T GIVE A FREAKING FEMUR THAT YOU HAVE TO RUN THIS FREAKING PRIDE!" she screamed back. She threw herself forward, skidding to a narrow halt just before his neck with snapping jaws. "AND YOU DON'T REALIZE THERE ARE OTHER ACTUAL BREATHING EXISTING LIVES BESIDES YOURS IN THESE GODFORSAKEN LANDS."
    He shivered as she crept inches closer to his father, her ivory amory glinting against the muted light in what appeared to be a threat. The teenaged lion crept slowly back into the surrounding undergrowth, as if the overgrown vegetation could blind and deafen him from this horrid scene that'd played out one too many times already. And it wasn't just the vision itself that bore down on him- the hatred, the broken vows, the lack of any love- all of the displaced emotions crowded him as tangible oppression until he could no longer breathe. The dark emotions were what brought the physical pain down on him, and each hateful word was a claw in his innocent flesh.

    Viklingda suddenly lost his front and swung his head so that his horns, so easily fatal if used correctly, caught her in the shoulder. She was flung aside, and he turned on her. Ropes of glistening saliva cascaded down on the fallen lioness. "Now, listen here, dam. I've been sooo patient with you. I've for years tolerated your daily hissy fits, and never said a word. You've spoiled so much of life for me- so much more than your nonexistent brain could ever comprehend- turned my days into rotting carrion. And you know what? I let you stay. Because of your cubs." His voice lowered to a simmering hiss on the last words, accentuating the innumerable regrets he cultivated over ever encountering this lioness in the first place.
    His ears suddenly straightened, as if they themselves were urging him to revise the statement. "Our cubs."
    "But the day has come. They've grown up. There is nothing more tying us together, Almli. And there are others who can appreciate me for who I am, not depreciate me for what I lack."

    Hydris could hear no more. He knew what had been rising in his heart for seasons to be correct. He had to go. These lions- his parents, his whole pride- gave not even proper acknowledgement to how fragile emotions and their aftermaths were. Even as a cub, he'd been nurtured by hate and distrust- what he'd immediately known to be a sharp contrast to his own purpose. Fights were commonplace in this pride; his relatives were nourished by jealously and distrust. He'd known all along that he'd never belong here, but he'd tried so hard to bottle up his seeming fate. And when that had miserably failed, he'd attempted to reach out and touch his troubled family with the gift that had been bestowed upon him.
    It had worked at times, true! but using his element to mask who they truly were had proved an empty fix. He couldn't keep them living lives and experiencing emotions that weren't theirs forever. He'd felt as those he were living in a community of fakes.

    The time had come.

    So Hydris ran. He exploded out of the bushes, and barreled between his parents one last time, narrowly pardoning his mother from an angry gash. He turned a pooling face on both of them one last time- eternally miserable over the fact that he'd failed what he'd believed to be the one unrest he should've worked tirelessly to get fixed.

    And then he ran.

    He ran from the lives that were slowly spoiling his.

    And he didn't look back.

    "To be born in a duck's nest, in a farmyard, is of no consequence to a bird, if it is hatched from a swan's egg."


    Sat in the middle of the green grass of an atrium in the main city, Hydris and his pupils are conversing.
    The breathtaking atrium is supported by stone columns, plants growing freely on them or on the sculptures disposed following complex schemes for everything to be in harmony. Hydris loves this place as he believes it clear the body troubles and increase the power of meditation.

    Even if the trainings are still a recent thing to him, he quickly learned the basis and got through the first classes very well. This day he decides to open up more to his pupils, stating that his mistakes could prevent others to do the same or at least to understand better.

    "When I was your age I refused to be trained, the trainers were too cautious, they would never teach attacks or combat abilities so I could protect myself from my siblings." He says, then tells about they probably want to see amazing tricks too but before they would have to learn and masters the simpliest tasks and bases. He talks about his father whom taught me how to use his love element to 'alter the reality' or to simplify his living.
    "I tried to model this everyday life that was hurting me into an illusion, an utopia that was a dream of mine. But I was just ... hiding the ugly truth away, I was blinding myself, and I later realized the pain was even greater."
    He tells them more about this perticular element as well as the darkness one he'd been using for hours when he was a cub.
    The little assembly let out sighs of admiration, completely caught up in Hydris telling.

    "When I flew from my relatives I promised myself to never use again my elements for social interactions/purposes." He stops for a few seconds."Now that I understand lions are being sincere and genuinely considering me as a friend I slowly try to let them get closer. Umh, yeah maybe sometimes I still have the urge, like my life was depending on it.." He gently laughs, imitated by the cubbins before he goes on "to use my element."
    He clears his throat and disciplines the small chats to pursue his class calmly.

    "We say; Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour. True friends are like stars, you don't always see them but they are always there. Anyone wants to share their thoughts?" He raised one eyebrow, gazing at his hesitant pupils, encouraging one of them to talk by a light head nod.


    — Relationships —

    Image Vanya; The split leader — These lions are really similar by some points, they share a relation that would be considered as mutual respect and acknowledgement but no further. They first met when he was a guard, a few years after he settled in the city center; during one of his safekeeping mission he saw her, serenely walking and enjoying her pleasing moment of loneliness. He heard rumors about her, she was known as "the heartless general". Lost in his thinking she caught him staring; he blinked a few time, nodded softly his head to salute her before before turning away his head in a shameful wince. Since that day he changed the way he'd been watching her and he witnessed acts that changed everything about his opinions of her, he started looking up to her.
    The way she’s loyal and wants to do her job the best way she possibly can, that she knows to part feelings from serious discussions, that she’s protecting herself from emotions, are all the things that Hydris shares and admires in someone else.

    ImageNox; The one to dodge — The stunning 9th council member is the one that pushed Hydris on the way of being a guide when he still lacked of confidence. As a member of the council he appreaciates that she keeps her feet on the ground and takes the time to exchange with the lower ranked/average lions.
    They share the same strong taste for learning and studying thus each time they meet they either discuss about diverse topics or she recounts him stories of the Oasis while Hydris is hung upon her every words. More often than he would like, he gets caught up in her endless need of adventure and ends up in situation he'd never wish to be in, however he still hasn't realized that all his anxiety disappeared.
    You may ask: but why the title then? Known for her outgoing, warm, friendly AND hyperactive personality Hydris absolutely hated being in her company, she was a little bit too much for him and it almost made him sick! but he kept it all in like he always do and made good impression the next day. With time he noticed she looked and might be "sincere" after all ... His fears started to disappear step by step to a point that now he's just deeply pretending to be annoyed and to avoid her the best he can, because that's how he learnt to be.

    Aharon; The shop lady — She is actually is the first one that appeared sincere to Hydris when it was only his first days after moving on in here (even though his first impression was that her shop was an absolute mess hehe). He still approached, moved by his love for clothings and jewelry, and as soon as he touched a fur piece a lioness jumped out from behind of the stand while letting out a jovial "Welcome to my shop!" to then introduce herself and talk cozily with him when he was obviously trying to escape this interaction. After this scene he avoied her shop as much as he could, but he was always watching her from the corner of his eye, and began to feel empathy towards the lioness. He admired her devotion for her shop, wondered how she could always look that much happy. With time he decided to visit her shop again only to find himself bewildered when she played the same act again. Same thing the next day, and over and over as he visits her almost everyday. He potentially got used to it and in fact finds comfort by the fact she can't seems to always remember him.
    Sometimes he makes fun of her because of her short memory, but then she makes fun of him ... so he just mumbles and mess up with her shadow or changes it into a tiny amani.

    Aush Bael; — Hydris knows him from his time as a guard, he sure caught his eyes and attention but the introverted lion never got to talk to him yet, considering that it was of course inconceivable for him to engage the conversation or else!

Last edited by Cutieduckpie on Wed May 02, 2018 10:47 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:19 pm

Reminder you have a little under a week to complete forms!
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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Wed May 02, 2018 3:24 am

Today is your final day to finish your forms! The contest will end 11:59pm Arizona time! Be sure to have your form completed by than!
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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Wed May 02, 2018 7:00 pm

this contest is now closed for judging!
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Re: LOC Oasis Event Lion No. 10 Re-Adopt

Postby Mechanic Drone » Thu May 03, 2018 8:33 am

The for this competition winner is... Cutieduckpie! Your form was very well put together and I am happy to give you this lion <3

But that isn't all! Would love to give a Claim Slot as a runner up prize to T h e M a r t i a n! You had a very strong form as well and would be happy to award you for your efforts!

Thank you all for your efforts!
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