VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - CLOSED

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby ataraxic_gone » Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:14 pm

    Username: dewly_noted
    Link to pride: The ambivalent
    Prompt Number: E22
    Completed Prompt:
    As Halloween comes to an end lions of all shapes and sizes take a moment to rest and contemplate over the festivities and begin making plans for next year. Cleaning up his handled by the founder Karllè, who ensures that by dawn the next day the camp is returned to it's former glory. Sometimes lions may volunteer to assist but cleaning up is mostly a ritual Karllè takes upon herself and herself alone. The day after is spent in near silence as the pride continues to think over the celebrations and festivities.
    The few who don't rest or assist with healing often set up an after party of sorts to continue on with festivities in the caves below camp where they are forbidden to go. The after party is much of the same festivities with an overuse of the tribe members powers to make a light show to accompany the festivities, something they aren't allowed to do during Halloween itself. [160]

    Username: dewly_noted
    Link to pride: The ambivalent
    Prompt Number: E23
    Completed Prompt:
    A running joke amongst the pride is that the current number of members their pride has is an unlucky number. It started out as a joke amongst the early pride members that they were the unlucky few to be cursed with powers and such a gathering of cursed people in in of itself was unlucky. With each new member that joins the joke becomes a little less understood and more interpreted as fact, some lions taking on the superstition more seriously. With each new pride member a few lions will go around, some joking, some concerned stating that the new unlucky number is eight or nine and so forth. It's the only real superstition the pride has in regards to numbers, a running joke that turned into something more to members of the pride who are uninitiated in the sense of humour of the original members. Those who are new members of the pride feel a burden of ticking that cursed number up by one. [165]

    Username: dewly_noted
    Link to pride: The ambivalent
    Prompt Number: E24
    Completed Prompt:
    It was a flick of the ear through the night while alone, the sound of distant footsteps creeping their way through the darkness. Ca'ndra paused, maw breaking into a sharp grin as she paused in her walking, listening as the footsteps behind her crept once or twice before coming to a halt.
    She turns on her heel, stepping towards the sound, grin getting sharper and sharper as the lights she wears clink against each other. The creatures in the dark had chosen the wrong person to sneak upon, the lights illuminating the darkness and casting the figure in the darkness at a disadvantage. Maybe another would be scared by a figure in the dark but this was Ca'ndra, the lioness who dealt with an inner darkness far scarier than a stalker in the night. She stepped forwards closer and closer to the figure only to find an out of sorts Zion, looking apathetic as always but with a hint of fear. Clearly Ca'ndra's show had gotten to him, good, it served him right for creeping through the darkness.
    "What do you want?" Ca'ndra asked, breaking the fearful look from Zion features. Apparently they had something to discuss. [197]
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Lavellan » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:00 am

    Username: Lavellan
    Link to pride: Flame Valley Pride

    Prompt Number: Prompt E22
    Completed Prompt:
    While the guards of the pride were more than enthusiastic to help set up the decorations in preparation for Hallowe’en, it’s hard to find anyone to help take them all down.
    Djall will probably sleep it off, snores rattling through the entire camp as the excitement from the previous nights’ celebrations will have kept him from his beauty sleep.
    Ora will absolutely refuse to help tidy up, claiming that she was not the one to put up the decorations, so she should not be the one to take them down. She will probably hide in her den, or out in the forest, a parcel of goodies to keep her energy up for the day.
    This leaves Aurelia and Sarasa to do the tidying up. Aurelia will do so without any complaints, but Sarasa will complain the entire time, moaning about Ora’s stash of goodies and Djall’s thunderous snores. It’ll be Aurelia’s job to keep him happy and complacent, giving him some snacks from her own stash in order to stop his complaining.
    172 words

    Prompt Number: Prompt E23
    Completed Prompt:
    As a pride, the lions have a belief that three is an extremely lucky number. If a hunter comes across three rabbits together, or a guard finds three signs, then the pride will have good luck in the next couple of days. The Sky Watchers keep an eye out for threes, looking for the positive omen in the stars themselves.
    However, on the other hand, the pride have the complete opposite feelings about double that - six. Six is the official unlucky number of the Flame Valley Pride, and the lions, no matter what background or superstitions they might have personally, all avoid anything with the number six. Anything, from a group of six, to flowers with six petals like lilies or hepatica buttercups, are avoided. The Sky Watchers always keep an eye out for the number six, and will warn the pride if there is any sign of anything to do with the unlucky number that shows up in the skies.
    161 words

    Prompt Number: Prompt E24
    Completed Prompt:
    Padding through the valley, green eyes almost half closed on her meditative walk, Ora moved back towards the caves. She had a great day’s hunting, bringing back many meals for the pride and now was wandering - if something passed her path, she’d catch it, but if nothing did, it was no shame. As she passed over the old human bridge, she extended her claws, clicking them against the stone with each step She chuckled to herself as she realized that the click of her claws made it sound as though there were two sets of footfalls traveling along the path. Allowing her paws to relax again, she traveled with a soft moment’s silence.
    Her fur stood on end when she realized what she had just thought. Silence. Where were the birds? What about the bugs? Even the wind seemed to be still. There were no sounds.
    No sounds but her pawfalls. And the sounds of her clicking claws.
    Freezing, wide-eyed, Ora realized that there should be no reason for the clicking. Turning, glancing over her shoulder to make sure there was nothing following her, she flicked her tail in annoyance at herself. The birds were probably silent because she was here, a predator in their midst. Shaking out her auburn fur, huffing, she began to stride forward again, her own footfalls the only things breaking the silence. A renewed sense of calm set across her, and she relaxed again.
    But, it was all too soon. After a number of steps, a second pair fell into step with her own again, and, when she stopped, continued for two steps before stopping themselves.
    “This is not funny, Djall!” She snapped, sure that the guard would be the only one capable of such nonsense. But there was no answer, no rumbling laugh or approach.
    Turning with her head high, her fur stood on end as the footfalls began again, and, at that point, the huntress lost her nerve. With ears pinned against her head and eyes wild, Ora booked it back towards camp, crossing the rest of the bridge with a mere two strides, and sprinting to the safety of the company of others. The footfalls did not follow, and, as she barreled into camp, panting heavily and wide-eyed, she straightened herself, ignoring the quizzical looks from her pridemates. They didn’t need to know that she was spooked by nothing.
    And that’s what it was. Nothing... Right?
    404 words
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Firedancer77 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:04 am

Username: Firedancer77
Link to pride: Isle of Roses
Prompt Number: E22, E23, E24
Completed Prompt:
E22 wrote:Every member of the Isle of Roses has a task to complete when the Halloween festivities are over. Nasaba, of course, organizes everyone into their tasks and goes about making sure everything is done properly, often stopping by to help the task go by faster. Mzatamo is on duty to make sure no one gets hurt cleaning up, though he is also in charge of making sure the cubs (Sasa and Laani) don't get into trouble. He generally puts them to work helping to clear up some of the decorations near his den, saying it's a game so they won't complain about having to clean up. Maji and Kusafiri will work together to clean up the dens that any festivities might have taken place in; Nasaba realized quickly that if he put them on separate clean-up crews, the two practically inseparable pride mates would end up getting none of their work done because they would just end up goofing off with each other. Tenga and Kotoko are both supposed to gather all the food and see if anything needs to be replenished, though Kotoko rarely does any work. He prefers to sit by and preen while Tenga rolls her eyes at his antics (which she finds amusing instead of annoying) and does almost all of the work. He claims it's because he "doesn't want to get his paws dirty," though a glare from Nasaba will get him working for a bit. Jiwe is in charge of cleaning up the general camp area and sorting the decorations between what can be kept and what needs to be ditched. Haraka is supposed to take the stuff that's being ditched and get rid of it before organizing the stuff that's to be kept in one of the pride's spare dens, but she's more interested in going off and doing her own thing.
E23 wrote:There are two lions in the Isle of Roses who have an issue with a certain number. One of them is Laani. Granted, most things in her life tend to be bad luck, but she has one that she feels is particularly bad: eleven. Her parents aren't quite sure where she learned it from, but she has a short rhyme that she has told others on the subject.

"Eleven will sit down to dine.
The first to stand is the one to die."

It's incredibly morbid for a cub to say, and Jiwe and Tenga have told her off for it, but it hasn't stopped her. The few times they've tried to teach her that the number isn't bad, she's refused to participate, therefore marking the experiment as null and void. However, when the number totals to eleven, Laani freaks out.

The other, more surprising superstitious lion is Mzatamo. Despite his skepticism of the supernatural as a whole, Mzatamo hates when things aren't in even numbers. If he starts counting something, he has to have it in an even number, and if it isn't, he'll find a way to make it be. He's not really sure what he believes will happen if something is an odd number, but he doesn't want to find out.
E24 wrote:There were footsteps behind him.

Kotoko froze, ears perked as he listened carefully to the sound around him. There was definitely something off. He was the only one around, the only one who was even awake, and yet he had distinctly heard the sound of someone following after him. He took a few steps forward, only to hear it again.

There was no mistaking it; someone was definitely following him.

Kotoko walked a few paces forward again, but this time then suddenly whipped around to see who was there. "Ha!" However, there wasn't anyone to be seen. "Who goes there?"

As one might expect, there was no answer. Kotoko frowned for a moment, before tossing his luxurious mane over his shoulder and shooting a winning smile into the shadows. "A fan! Oh dear, don't be shy. Believe me, if I could, I'd stalk me too. Come now, let me regale you with the story of my life. I'm sure you are interested."

When Kotoko launched into the story of his life, he failed to hear the pawsteps retreating into the distance only a minute later. Apparently whoever had been following him was not intent on hearing his life story, and so Kotoko never did find out whether or not it was a fan or someone more sinister. (He'll claim the former, but everyone else seems to think differently.)
Last edited by Firedancer77 on Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Isle of Roses | Valley of Kings

One of these days a-coming, I'm gonna take that boy's crown

Cause I am, I am a little wicked
I am, I am
Hands red, hands red just like he said

I am a little wicked

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Frisco » Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:07 am

Username: Frisco
Link to pride: The Dreamcatchers

Prompt Number: E22 [ 169 words ]
Completed Prompt:
The one thing Revas would love to do most after Halloween is sleeping off the whole night’s activities. The Dreamcatchers, as protectors of the land, spend Halloween working. That does not stop them from having some fun, especially not Revas. When he’s patrolling borders, he does it in a funny costume. When taking care of cubs, he joins into their fun. Still, their main objective is keeping everyone safe, so nothing disrupts their festivities.
However, he has to be back on his feet after only a short nap. The time after Halloween, when everyone is tired, lazy from eating too much candy and calm, since the time of spooks is over is also a time of rise of criminal activity. Worried about the peace and safety of everyone, Sen sends his pride out to keep up their work to hunt nightmares and maintain the harmony.
The good of many comes before their own desires, so sleep, eating candy and even cleaning up the decorations has to wait til later.

Prompt Number: E23 [ 157 words ]
Completed Prompt:
Sen strongly believes in lucky numbers. To the point, he’s willing to bet everything he owns on that number in a game. He’s a hopeless gambler and loses most of the time, but does not lose his faith that lucky numbers exist. He thinks instead that he must’ve just been wrong that time and has not found the right one yet. He does not believe that one specific number like 7, will be lucky for everyone, but instead, that everyone has their own. It does not hurt however, to try out the “classics” just in case they do work. And if not, he’ll just keep changing the numbers until he does find the perfect one. So far without success.
He does have one lucky number, the only one that has actually been lucky for him, and that is 88, his badge number. He thinks it has given him good fortune and helped him change his life for the better.

Prompt Number: E24 [ 269 words ]
Completed Prompt:
It was a dark and starless night. Sen was on patrol, alone, for the first time in forever. He was of the opinion that strength lie in numbers, but during Halloween they had more work than usual and they had to split up to cover more ground. He did not feel confident, but he stayed calm and focused, even though he thought he heard footsteps behind him. When he stopped, they stopped as well. As soon as he began walking again, they also moved.
If any of his pride members were here with him right now it would’ve been easy. They’d come up with a plan to trick the invisible thread and get behind it to ambush it from both sides. With power of two, capturing them would have been a piece of cake.
But he was alone. What was there to do? Ignore the sounds and just keep walking? It did not seem like the footsteps were gaining any distance on him. Turn back? He might be able to find the creature, but if he does, will he be able to take it on by himself? The best way would be to find a way to look behind him without turning his head around, but there was nothing that could help him do that. Only barren lands and naked trees surrounded the lion.
He took a few more steps, the sound following him, and stopped.
“Show yourself” he demanded.
Noone answered, but after a while of waiting he heard the footsteps again. They were running away. He swiftly turned around, peering into darkness, but nothing could be seen.

What a beautiful, beautiful thing
to be able to dream
when you're not asleep.

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby ~Soul~ » Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:34 am

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E22
Completed Prompt:
Clean Up?

Normally after the big day of candies, treats and late night the pride takes a day to sleep off the food that had been ate. The pride takes this time to enjoy basking in the sun, playing in the tide pools are relaxing in the steam den. The day after is all about taking time to take care of themselves and really enjoy spending time with other. Normally later in the night when the pride has finally got back into it a normal routine, the pride take their time to clean up the beach and the great fire pit in the Gathering Circle. This will last untill dinner time and normally the cubs don't have to help in cleaning up do to their early bed time and not being very helpful at all when they just want to play around. So the Adults do all the work so the cubs can enjoy the event or day after.
( 157 / 150 )

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E23
Completed Prompt:
Beware the Clams

Though the pride does have some other superstitions when it comes to spirits and other things numbers dont really hold any supernatural element or terror to it. Its just something that does not make sense to the pride that a number should hold such power and fear. So even though numbers have no spooky or creepy meaning to the pride things like if you find a closed clam with no meat inside that its bad luck or a sign of miss fortune. If you find a pearl in it , it mean great things are destined for you. Though two pears mean you are close to the one you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. So Clams though tasty can still have some kind of symbolic or strong meaning behind it. So always be careful with your clams and never overlook a sign that is given to you.
( 151 / 150 )

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E24
Completed Prompt:
Lurking Foot Steps

Alani the one that is probably the most scarty cat or the pride tends to over think many thing and in the woods she walked along in search for a spot to nap. Though something felt off and her fur stood on end as if someone was watching her and lurking near by. Alani quickened her step and lowered her body as she moved swiftly. It was then did the foot steps sounded clacking behind her and sounding as though they where close behind. She let her ears drop her tail between her legs and she rushed off among the trees as the foot steps seem to still linger behind her matching her speed. She growled as she darted off to afraid to look behind to face the thing that belong to those huanting steps and bolted to the beach. Once to the beach the foot steps seem to stop but still lurking.
( 153 / 150 )
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby hawkfire102 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:47 am

Username: hawkfire102
Link to pride: The Howling Crags Pride
Prompt Number: E22, E24
Completed Prompt:


Tambo guided the cubs back to the cavern, all were carrying their buckets of candy in their mouths with glee. They bounded up to their families and started chowing down on all of the sweets. Tambo shook his head and went to the healer's den to make sure they were prepared for all the bellyaches to follow.

Once he was assured that everything will be alright for the cubs, Tambo took his candy and went to his nest. He plopped down tired and closed his eyes, knowing he still had more work to do.

Dawn was barely there when he awoke. Stretching, he made his way through the caverns. Methodically, he picked up all of the small candy wrappers thrown about from last night and gathered them in a pile. He left a few for the non-sugar sick cubs to play with since they were shiny.

Once that was all done, he could finally relax enough to eat his own candy.


It was dark that night on patrol. Only a few lions from the pride were out and about, all on patrol. Tambo situated himself in the back of the mountains, guarding the paths that lead to the caverns. The night was quiet like usual, which he enjoyed. However, this peace was only momentary.

As the moon rose overhead, he started hearing footsteps around him. He felt his stand on end. He stopped and waited, looking around to see if it was one of his pride mates coming to report something to him. Nothing and no one. He pinned his ears back and kept walking, watching carefully only the rock lines to see if he could spot anyone.

Carefully he made his way to the summit of the mountain. He knew once he got up there he could see how his stalker was. As soon as he got close, he bounded quickly to the top and scanned his surroundings. He saw no one. He narrowed his eyes and decided he would need more patrols to find who ever or what ever it was.
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Sixbane » Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:57 am

New prompts are posted

There were Four prizes in the pool today;
(# of prizes randomized in proportion to amount of people participating)

dewly_noted Has won a Claw edit
Frisco Has won a ticket for +150 exp
Firedancer77 Has won a Cub growth potion (can be used to grow a cub early as long as the artist has finished the adult version)
Lavellan has won +3 tickets in the final raffle

**Exp tickets can be used when leveling up, they will be added to bank and removed once used
**Custom ticket instructions are now located on the first post of the main adopt thread
**Breeding items are used when posting the breeding ticket
**Lions won will be posted shortly after being won and the link messaged to winner if they are not already linked here
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby MySpoons » Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:51 am

Username: MySpoons
Link to pride: The New Guard
Prompt Number: E25, E26, E27

E25 [172/150 words]

If Astrona woke up immortal, she would have returned home to the Silver Ruins out of confusion. Immortality is such a hard concept for a young tigress to grasp-- and especially if she wasn't planning on it! Astrona wouldn't be panicked, no-- she'd just be... lost, perhaps? Confused as to why her-- of all felines, her? Could it have at least waited until she was older and more world-wise? Or world-weary?

It would mean she would be able to establish a New Guard in the valley though-- and the Counsel of Guardians would likely invest more resources to her mission. An immortal Guardian could be very helpful. Astrona would like that part of it very much. Not the outliving everyone she knows part, but grief has its place in the world. Children weren't really anywhere near Astrona's list of things to accomplish in her life... but hey, a family of tigers with a guardian-- hah!-- immortal tigress who could be around to help and keep everyone save, now that sounds pretty nice.

E26 [150/150 words]

A friend: seeing a dead friend coming back from the dead would likely leave Astrona overjoyed. She isn't one to curse a gift from the gods-- assuming, of course, that her friend is free of pain and confusion. Sometimes animated bodies have trapped souls within them-- and that's not good for anyone. Astrona would not be angry or anything-- she knows death is a part of life and her grief and mourning was still real.

If it was a foe-- Astrona would be shocked, confused. But likely still welcoming, if cautious. As a Guardian, her personal biases should never outweigh her judgment. If the feline returned to life repenting, Astrona would be there to guide the way and turn their name around. If they were there to cause more trouble, Astrona would likely try to reason with them. If that failed, she would warn the communities of a resurfacing danger.

E27 [166/150 words]

"Truth or dare?"
"Mmm... dare."
"Okay, I dare you to lick Apprentice Grey's elbow!"

The other Rooks erupt into laughter. Astrona lashes her tail and rolls her eyes. Another night of games. Why is it that they must play inside the sleeping quarters? If they're not tired, fine-- they don't have to sleep. But pestering those who are trying to get some rest is rude.

Astrona was interested in the game for about half a moment. The Rooks only ask invasive questions if she says truth-- but apparently even Astrona's answers to those are boring. If Astrona says dare, they want her to do something stupid. Or dangerous. The younger Rooks are at a higher risk of being pressured into doing something harmful. Astrona keeps an ear out, just in case. No one asks her to play anymore. Partially because they think she's boring to play with, and partially because Astrona herself is unlikely to join in.

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Firedancer77 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:56 pm

Username: Firedancer77
Link to pride: Isle of Roses
Prompt Number: E25, E26, E27
Completed Prompt:
E25 wrote:If Tenga woke up one day to find out that she was completely immortal, the first thing she would do is cry. Tenga loves her family and friends deeply; to find out she would outlive them all would be one of the worst fates imaginable to her. She would cry over all the deaths she would be forced to witness. She would cry over being unable to grow old alongside her mate, Jiwe. She would cry over seeing her cubs both grow old, have families of their own, and then die. She would cry over having to watch that happen again with her grandcubs, and her cub's grandcubs, and her grandcub's grandcubs, and so on and so forth. She would cry over all her pride mates that she would lose to time. She would cry over all the tragedy she would witness in her life. She would cry over how, someday, she would look at the Isle of Roses and be unable to find any reminders of the pride that she had originally joined.

However, if Tenga were to wake up and find that she was completely immortal for one day, so long as it also kept her from serious injury, she would climb the rocky hillside that the Isle of Roses was situated on and see what was beyond it. It always looked as if it going up to form mountains, but Tenga would want to find out herself. And, if there was enough time, she would want to see what, in turn, was beyond the mountains.
E26 wrote:So far, no member of the Isle of Roses has actually died, because Nasaba is the founder. Everyone else joined him and were not born into it. However, everyone has their ghost, and if someone were to come back, it would most likely be Nasaba's father, who has the closest connection with the Isle of Roses. If his father were to return, Nasaba would be overjoyed. Granted, he didn't know him much when his father was alive, but Nasaba appreciated his help, especially when he taught him of what lurked in the Trial Grounds. To have him return and help guide him in his leading is something Nasaba would adore. However, most of the pride would not be affected by this reappearance, having never known their king's dad. Jiwe might be a bit sad, feeling that his input was no longer as valued by Nasaba when he had his father around. The only others that would be really affected by it are Maji and Kusafiri; as they are the most aware of magic. They would be incredibly suspicious of another lion returning back to life.
E27 wrote:If the members of the Isle of Roses were to play a round of Halloween truth or dare, calling it mild would be an understatement. Most of the pride would be too chicken to even pick dare. In the case of Kotoko, he would talk big game beforehand, making himself seem incredibly brave, only to back out when he first picked an option. It wouldn't matter if he chose truth or dare; the moment he was proposed one, he would refuse and go back to his den to sleep. Of course, the rest of the pride would expect no other behavior from him. Both of the cubs would not be allowed to play. Sasa would be desperate to play, bemoaning the fact that his parents wouldn't let him. Laani, on the other hand, would be relieved that she wasn't allowed to play, as she'd be too scared to.

As for everyone else, half of them would be too chicken to ever select dare, and if they were forced to give one to someone, it would be fairly easy and boring. The ones that fall into that category are Nasaba, Jiwe, and Tenga. However, the others would all be eager to play and challenge each other, none of them risking seeming like a coward by chickening out. In fact, the game would ultimately end up just being the three of them asking questions to each other, though Nasaba, Jiwe, and Tenga wouldn't really mind. Kusafiri and Haraka are expected to be the intense ones about it; the much more shocking one is sweet Maji, who gets incredibly competitive in these sort of games. All three lions would try and ramp up the stakes among the pride, pushing and pushing to see which two would cave and give up first, as that would leave the "champion" of truth or dare behind.
Last edited by Firedancer77 on Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:13 am, edited 3 times in total.

Isle of Roses | Valley of Kings

One of these days a-coming, I'm gonna take that boy's crown

Cause I am, I am a little wicked
I am, I am
Hands red, hands red just like he said

I am a little wicked

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Meekins12345 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:23 pm

Username: Meekins12345
Link to pride: Link in signature - The Pride of Wikimak
Prompt Number: E25-immortality
Completed Prompt:

"You, my child, will be blessed with the gift of immortality. You will never die for as long as you live upon this earth. Now, go, and do what you wish."

The words clung to her when she woke up. She could've sworn it was Wicasa's very voice! Pansola couldn't believe that she had had such a dream. Was she really immortal now? What could she possibly do first? Tell everyone? Get everyone jealous? No, that would be rude... She gasped as a sudden idea came to her mind.

She'd do what no lion in the pride had ever done before... down an elk all by herself! She couldn't die, so there was no risk in catching one! And she could feed the pride for a whole week, not having to hunt for so long. This would be great! She was quick to get to her paws and run off into the woods, off to the plains where the elk often were found. Time to take down a big one! (170 wc)

Prompt Number: E26-Undead
Completed Prompt:

"Dad? Is that really you?" Alosaka begged, eyes as wide as saucers as he looked upon the male before him. His father looked much like the tominatoak did, though there were a couple things Alosaka failed to acquire concerning the gene pool. His father had larger ears, bigger paws, darker colors. A lot of what he got he had gotten from his mother.

"Yes, son. I'm so happy to see you." The male bellowed contently, a happy smile on his face. Immediately the leader bounded up to his father, soon nuzzling gently into the long mane he barely remembered.

"Dad! I missed you! I thought you were dead."

"I was, Alosaka... I've come back, under the grace of The Mighty One, but only for a little while."

"Really? ...Can't you stay a while longer? I've got so many questions. How have you been? How's ma? What happened to you all?"

The slightly larger male only chuckled, soon nuzzling into his son lightly. "I'll be able to answer your questions, some of them, but not long after I must return to Wicasa. But I will see you again, my son, if you continue to stay upon the right path. You are doing a great work, my boy. Continue to do the work The Mighty One has given you."

"Yes, dad... Thank you, dad." (222 wc)

Prompt Number: E27-TruthOrDare
Completed Prompt:

"Chosovi, truth or dare?" Kwatoko begged the hataniki, her yellow gaze soon narrowing.


"Okay... Tell everyone here the stupidest thing you've ever found yourself doing."

The hataniki seemed to blink a moment, casting glances to all the other folks about the circle before breathing out a sigh. "I've run into a tree before... Then another right afterwards. I wasn't watching where I was going." All the lions around began laughing. It was hard to believe a lioness so dignified could run into a tree. Twice!

"Alright, Degotoga. Truth or dare?"

"Give me a dare."

"I dare you to try and stuff as many berries into your mouth as possible."

He rose a brow but ultimately shrugged, soon rising to his paws and wandering over to the pile of berries close by. Soon after all the other lions came to watch would he begin to stuff his face full of berries.

By the time he was finished, his cheeks were so puffed out, he looked like a big, white, fluffy chipmunk. All the lions were laughing, and only laughed more as he tried to speak. Only afterwards would he begin spitting them at the others, causing all of them to shriek playfully and run off.

Truth or dare is a weird game here... with even weirder folks to play it with. (221 wc)
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