VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - CLOSED

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Frisco » Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:29 am

Username: Frisco
Link to pride: The Dreamcatchers

Prompt Number: E19 [ 159 words ]
Completed Prompt:
“’tis the season to be spooky, fa la la la la la la la la.”
Rev was singing happily, finishing up the decorations in their headquarters by hanging fake spiderwebs next to the real ones. Soon the room will look like a spider’s lair.
It was richly decorated with some dim, orange lights and a couple of carved jack-o-lanterns that gave it an eerie look. Silhouettes of nightmares decorated the windows, letting only a portion of the light from outside. Bats and spooky ghosts hung from the ceiling on strings.
Rem, the only one currently in his lion cub form, was biting on a pumpkin larger than himself and growling loudly with satisfaction. It was now full of claw and teeth marks and spit.
Sen decided to be the last bastion of their team, remain sane and professional and not get carried away by the Halloween madness, so he locked himself upstairs and was filling up long overdue documents.

Prompt Number: E20 [ 171 words ]
Completed Prompt:
The door opened and Revas entered the office in his dreamsona form, holding a stack of documents.
“I’ve got the reports, captain.”
Sen, sat behind a desk, nodded his head and invited his corporal to come closer.
Rev looked uncomfortable, as if there was something bugging him, something he wanted to get off his chest.
“I’ll just start with this one. So, apparently there’s been sightings of a witch.”
“A witch?”
“Yes, sir. I know, sounds impossible and it’s probably just a regular nightmare, but that’s what the witness reported.”
“Any details?”
Rev scratched the back of his head, then flipped a couple of pages of the report and nodded his head.
“They described they saw a dark figure” he could immediately see sceptisism in Sen’s eyes. “surrounded by purple smoke. They also heard mumbling filled with malicious intent and… evil cackling.”
“I’m afraid so.”
Sen sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“We’ll still have to check it out, but I bet it was nothing more than wind.”

Prompt Number: E21 [ 158 words ]
Completed Prompt:
Arachnids are not a problem for any member of the Dreamcatchers. They’re not necessarily friendly towards them, but they’re not hostile either. There are always at least a couple of spiders present at their headquarters. While the lions enjoy their jobs and spending time there, none of them feels particularly interested in cleaning. Sweeping the floors from time to time is the most effort they can make. Therefore, spiderwebs in the corners are pretty common. The lions got used to them and don’t mind. If they find a spider on their files, they just sweep it off onto the floor and let it scurry off back into a corner of the room. The nightmares they sometimes have to fight come in all sorts of different shapes, so they have encountered those resembling giant insects, but that did not make any of them more frightened than usual. Spiders are rather weak creatures and no match for a lion’s strength.

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:10 am

Username: Ravenshadow17
Link to pride: Soul Pride
Prompt Number:E19, E20, E21
Completed Prompt:

E19 wrote:The Soul Pride is very much ready and ecstatic for the coming of Halloween. The cubs, Verja and Hlýtt have taken a hint from their mother and have filled the dens with carved pumpkins. Catching the cub's excitant, Frozz went out and collected spider webs to spread around the territory and at the cub's favorite places to play. One last big hunt has also been planned so that the pride can feast on the night of Halloween. The plan is to spend the night telling scary stories, feasting, and generally just spending time with each other. Malkia has helped the cubs plan costumes for every pride member, per their request, that will distributed the morning before the events begin. The entire pride is bursting with excitement and the celebrations will likely last a few days at least. When th Soul Pride celebrates, they celebrate with every fiber of their being.

E20 wrote:The Soul Pride itself is filled with lions with unexplainable abilities. Although culturally, they believe that this phenomena stems from the Soul that their founder Primeria acquired centuries ago. So the rumors of witched would certainly intrigue them. There would likely be debates as to if another Soul existed and had appeared. Some lions would wonder if there was another source of power outside the Soul. Regardless, the pride would wish to find and meet these lions, and potentially make them into allies. Other lions with power would be a great source of knowledge for the pride. The pride would be wary however. Any outsiders could be a threat. And if these strangers could go toe to toe with their powers, they have the potential to be a great threat. SO with wary interest and good intentions, a scouting party would be sent out to find the strangers fi possible and ask them to meet peacefully with the Soul Pride.

E21 wrote:The Soul Pride's opinion on spiders varies greatly from lion to lion. Verja finds them interesting and fun to chase. Hlýtt loves to observe them and watch them build their webs. She thinks that eh webs are simply beautiful. Frozz is indifferent but acknowledges the usefulness in spiders keeping pest insect numbers down. Altea will never admit it but the sheer number of eyes they have creeps her out. Why do they need so many?! As long as the spider isn't touching her then she's ok however. Malkia doesn't have much of an opionion on spiders. She agrees that they are useful but she cares not if they climb over her paws or stick to their webs. She merely acknowledges their existence and moves on. Tai finds Altea's "secret" fear hilarious and goes out of his way to catch spiders to scare her with. He'll even enlist the help of the cubs to find spiders for him.
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby hawkfire102 » Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:37 am

Username: hawkfire102
Link to pride: The Howling Crags Pride
Prompt Number: E19, E20, E21
Completed Prompt:


Halloween was fast approaching and there was some tension in the air. As prepared and as planned as they were, there's always some things that get left until the last minute. Most of the pride was more focused on letting the cubs decorate the dens that the fresh kill was slowly starting to diminish instead of growing to be stored for the winter. This did put stress on Tambo since this would be the first fall in his leadership and it wasn't going that well. So that would need to be handled.

The healer wasn't as prepared as he would have liked but that would be alright. There were enough herbs to last them just not if an epidemic came through. They told Tambo to stop worrying and that everything would be fine. Soon they would trek down to the winter dens and all Tambo could do was silently stress and hover over every detail.


On top of the stress of getting everything ready to come to the winter dens, the cubs raced up to Tambo and started going a mile a minute about some rumors of a witch being nearby. As much as they were protesting, he knew nothing would get done unless he went to take a look and see if the rumors were true.

He went on the trek to find this so-called witch. After an hour or so of walking and much to Tambo's surprise, he found the witch. She made her home in a giant tree and she was nestled in the roots when he approached. He sat with her for some time, wanting to understand what she was doing there, what her practices were and, when determined she meant no harm, offered to let her stay with the pride. She respectfully declined but had no problems with assisting the pride if there was anything she could help with. He thanked her for her kindness and made his way back to his pride where he scared the cubs back into working with tales of the witch.


Tambo and spiders have a love, hate relationship. He understands that spiders do important work for the environment just like lions do, but nothing creeps him out more than anything with more than four legs. He generally tried to stay away from them if he could but he also didn't want the cubs to grow up with the same fear.

He would try his best to teach them the importance of the spiders to the ecosystem around them and it seems to be getting through. That made him happy. What did not make him happy was when the cubs started bringing in the spiders to the caverns and letting them loose. Tambo waited until the night came and he carefully removed all of them by balancing them on a stick and carrying them outside. He did this until he was certain they were all gone but he could not sleep because he constantly felt like they were crawling on him.
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Raptocidic » Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:43 am

Username: RupturedRaptor
Link to pride: link
Prompt Number: E19
Completed Prompt:
Overall it appears like the pride have done a lot of preparation, but in reality they are trying out different things to see if they'd want to keep any as traditions.

Up until now the Wildfire Pride didn't really celebrate anything. The pride had just been Ozmore and his lack of beliefs for so long that when pride members joined the pride they just went with Ozmores views and abandoned any traditions they may have previously had. The no hassle attitude was even a sort of appealing point to some lions who were hoping to join the pride in the future, seeing as the pride invested almost all of their time into strategic defence and offence. Most time in the day was spent working on keeping boundaries inside their territory separated into chunks to allow the pride to better control where wildfires went in their territory. They would change these routes regularly to make sure only they would know where is safe and not safe during a wildfire.

However this year Ozmore was growing more weary of prides he didn't like and their celebrations around this time. He was jealous and decided to copy some of the traditions he had seen others participate in. He decided that if he found any of these activities to be helpful or entertaining he'd keep the traditions every year, maybe even participating in some of the activities all year round just to show off to other prides and any other potential rivals. He especially liked things that left a message of death and found his favourite activity so far to be decorating skulls using mud.

He didn't entirely copy this one tradition, rather he saw a strong rival pride dancing around whilst wearing skulls and holding bones of their prey from recent hunts. He decided that he could one-up them by painting patterns using mud, clay, anything that made a mark on the bones. He also started to make a stash of bones on the same day and he made some piles of them around his territory. He believed this would scare off rival animals from entering his territory. The rest of the pride found Ozmore's focus on bones to be a bit morbid but they just played along.

Since pumpkins can be found growing in a small patch in the treelands the pride already had access to pumpkins. They decided to try pumpkin carvings as well, to see what all the fuss was about. So far the pride haven't had a very good time with the pumpkins. Ozmores first attempt ended in him setting fire to it and sulking for the rest of the day and Itra just got bored halfway through. Ezyra doesn't seem too interested but says he might give it a go in the future and Mirra seemed very keen on trying to carve one, although its fairly clear that she just wants to annoy Ozmore by carving a really good pumpkin.

Ozmore had considered creating his own unique tradition of a large fire using all the dried out plants and leaves in their territory however he has decided against it, instead opting to store these materials for winter. Last year he struggled to survive, being on his own with a very small territory at the time, so he thinks that storing dry materials for a large fire in the winter would not only be something that would strike fear into his rivals but also help him and his pride to survive. It appears as if that might become a winter tradition for his pride, although only time can tell.

Username: RupturedRaptor
Link to pride: link
Prompt Number: E20
Completed Prompt:
Having recently discovered that there are a rare few lions with magic capabilities Ozmore was intrigued by rumours of a witch. He reckoned that if this indidivual truly was a witch then they would be a valuable member to his pride. Ozmore decided to set out and venture into rival territory in search of this elusive individual.

He went alone, which was either foolish or brave, most likely foolish. He was too fixated on the idea of making his pride stronger that he forgot to consider anything else. The rumours had come from deep in the treelands, far beyond the borders of Ozmore's territory. There was a lot of competition in that area, lots of predators. His biggest worry was snakes, the snakes in the area got extremely large. He also knew that there was a particularly hostile group of cats even further across the border. Whilst these cats were small in comparison to him he'd heard of them collectively taking down larger mammals and decided it was best to avoid that particular area if possible.

Ozmore searched for an entire day with no luck. He managed to stay away from any potential danger, although he did catch a glimpse of a large snake, but it was in the distance and he quickly turned and fled. He returned to his territory unsuccessful. Perhaps this individual didn't exist or if they did they defiantly didn't want to be found. It was becoming dark so he headed towards the rocklands to sleep to find that Mirra had taken his favourite spot yet again for the third day in a row. He was too tired to try and move her so he settled for a spot nearby, knowing full well that Mirra deliberately takes his spots whenever possible simply because she likes to annoy him.

Username: RupturedRaptor
Link to pride: link
Prompt Number: E21
Completed Prompt:
Spiders? Those things create an interesting dynamic in the Wildfire Pride.
In Ozmores world fire kills most unwanted guests so they really don't worry him much. Each member has their own reaction to spiders; Itra doesn't care at all unless she sees one that could actually hurt her if it bit her, Ozmore just tries to burn them, Ezyra is hopelessly afraid of them and completely melts down at the sight of one, Mirra loves them and likes to scare Ezyra by placing spiders on his fur. Ezyra was always afraid of spiders to an extent however the fact that Mirra actively uses them to freak him out has increased his fear of them. Often he'll get Ozmore to burn one (even a dead one) if possible. Ozmore think that trying to burn the spiders makes him look tough but in reality it has done the opposite as it as just made him look even more afraid of spiders than Ezyra, which truly is an accomplishment.

Spiders typically don't worry the pride much, its just on those rare occasions that they see a particularly large spider is whrn it can create an almost comedic scene. On one occasion Mirra flung a large spider onto Ezyra whilst Ozmore tried to set the spider alight (whilst also being careful not to set Ezyra on fire) whilst Itra was just watching them and thinking that they were all very stupid.
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby MySpoons » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:21 am

Username: MySpoons
Link to pride: The New Guard
Prompt Number: E19, E20, E21

E19 [204/150 words]

At the Silver Ruins, preparing for festivities always runs last minute. Not from a lack of planning, no. But from so many wanting to help, all the new ideas being spread to one another. And, families are always arriving at the Silver Ruins. Sometimes, to stay, but traffic increases around the holidays because everyone knows everyone else will be there, too.

Astrona, even when she was young, isn't one for huge festivals. She likes help-- a good thing for her because all the Rooks are tasked with helping. Being a Rook during Hallow's Eve means there are plenty of opportunities to chat while taking care of chores. Astrona doesn't mind what she does. Carrying around decorations, transporting food around. Usually, she gets a trinket or a small piece of delicious food as a thank-you.

Other Rooks do as few chores as they can, then scamper off to take part in the day time activities of Hallow's Eve. Astrona, though, knows what the real prize is. She helps adults through-out the night, her stash of trading good growing by the hour. And, it means she gets the following day off, too, for taking a night shift. Besides, who wants to sleep through Hallow's Eve anyway?

E20 [150/150 words]

"A witch?" Astrona repeats, confused as one of the locals tells her an increasingly ridiculous tale of a lioness living in the swaps, eating cubs. "Yes, I can investigate, of course. I'll do it alone, though. It's safer for me that way." It is-- Astrona cannot control how others behave, cannot prevent them from jeopardizing her diplomacy attempts.

And, if there really is something to be scared of, no one will be there to see her run.

But Astrona doubts it really is a witch. An old, lonely lioness... maybe. If cubs are going missing, then it could be a predator or bogs turning into tragic graves. Maybe this lonely witch even had some magic-- that has caused a lot of misunderstandings in the history of Guardian-mediated conflicts.

Astrona lifts her tail as she trots off towards the direction she was pointed in. Meeting a witch could be exciting, really!

E21 [174/150 words]

"Spiders?" Rook Astrona mutters to herself in confusion, twisting around in her bed. It is her second night at the Silver Ruins, the first away from her family. She shakes her fur, then starts to paw through her bedding. The young tigress can barely see the small forms of a few spiders crawling away from her, scattering in the sleeping quarters.

A few of the Rooks pout. "Aw, that's no fun. She's not scared of 'em."

Were they trying to prank her? Astrona does not give them a response in favor of chasing the last of the spiders out of her bedding. She's walked through many spiderwebs in her life while climbing trees. They're not so bad-- only the really big ones, and that's only if she accidentally squishes one.

"It was just a joke, Astrona," one of the nicer Rooks murmurs, half-asleep. "They do that to all the new Rooks."

Astrona grumbles and licks her fur a few times. Her tail sweeps over the area around her in one final check. "It's petty."
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby ~Soul~ » Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:58 am

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E19
Completed Prompt:
Always Ready

The Healani Pride was fully ready for the season as they have spent many days collecting thing the celebrate the dead. They have made flower arrangements out off the tropical flowers that are found on the beaches and had spent many hours digging up clams to feast on when the sun sets and everyone gathers to tell stories galore. The never leave anything till the last minute and are well organized. They like to know that things are going to run like a well oiled machine and know that things will work as plan. They know how to throw a great party or celebration and would be mortified if they where falling behind on the planning. Sometimes planning can be a stressful thing but when it all comes together things just click and magic happens. It is going to be a great night for the pride and it will last through out the night.
( 154 / 150 )

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E20
Completed Prompt:

A Rumor about there being a strange and powerful witch in the forest would cause the pride to be curious at first. It wouldn't cause alarm to them until they have investigated the place along with the witch inside it. For all they know the witch would be someone that can provide help or wisdom to the pride and would make a great ally. Though if the witch was something that would harm them they would have to take the right precautions in order to make sure that they would be safe from what ever possible evils are to come. Though they would give them a chance in hopes that they will be good or artless something that will not horribly effect them. Over all I think the pride would be curious at first and then eventually take what ever means needed to preserve the pride and their over all safety.
( 151 / 150 )

Username: ~Soul~
Link to pride: Healani Pride
Prompt Number: E21
Completed Prompt:
Yum Yum

Spiders are a considered a fun snack and the cubs in the caves love to play and chase them around. It kinda doubles as toy and a crunchy snack. They are almost like potato chips and you could never just have one potato chip. So often if you can't find another spider it tends to leave you longing for another one to enjoy. Spiders are not creepy as all to the pride and on occasion there is a couple that allows for a quick thinking to catch them all at once in order for a really good snack. Though most of the spiders that dwell in the cave are just tiny long legs, though one lion has claimed that they found a rather large harry spider that was the most excellent of treat but its more of a myth in the pride, though it would be an awesome thing if it was real.
( 153 / 150 )
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Sixbane » Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:07 am

New prompts are posted

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Meekins12345 has won an Edit magnifier (Doubles chances of already-present edits passing)
Lavellan Has won a Glowing eye edit
RupturedRaptor Has won a Claw edit
Frisco Has won a Breeding cooldown skipper (Skips month cooldown for breedings)

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby MySpoons » Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:51 pm

Username: MySpoons
Link to pride: The New Guard
Prompt Number: E22, E23, E24

E22 [177/150 words]

"Ugh, it's too early."
"... I think I'm gonna be sick..."
"Please, just a little longer."

Astrona does not open her eyes, but she hides her smirk behind her tail. The tigress curls up tighter, snuggling deeper into her bedding while the rest of the Rooks are roused from their deep sleep. Waking up the morning after a holiday is always hard-- it's why Astrona works holiday nights, so she has the following day off. It's great for someone like her who doesn't celebrate much.

Even while working Hallow's Eve, Astrona is able to enjoy everyone else having a good time. When she is well-rested and ready to start her day late in the afternoon, when the other Rooks are dragging, Astrona will offer to take over some chores for trading items, or perhaps a favor to cash in at a later day... it's quite a good system. And everyone knows Astrona does it every holiday-- they like that she'll take the overnight shift so the other Rooks can have their fun. They pay her for it always.

E23 [169/150 words]

Linanthus' mother was a very superstitious tigress. Astrona didn't like her much-- there were all these weird rules! And if she did something Grandma didn't like, Astrona had to undo the superstition with another one. It was exhausting and too much for a young cub.

The meanest one, though, was when Grandmother kept insisting to her son: "One is an unlucky number, Linanthus. You cannot have just one cub. Others will talk... they already think your wife is not going to bear you another child-- much less a son!"

Linanthus' patience was growing shorter with every reminder. Astrona hears her father's low, rumbling growl. "Astrona is a blessing, Mother. We are overjoyed to have her-- one is plenty. One is all."

Alone, now, in the valley... far away from her family, Astrona thinks back to all the weird things her late Grandmother did. One is an unlucky number, the tigress thinks into the quiet night in her den-- the only den in the camp she chose. One is lonely.

E24 [183/150 words]

Astrona stops for the second time and listens. She could have sworn she heard footsteps. The soft sound of paws on the dirt. Just near her! The tigress glances around her, confusion starting to become frustration. If someone was stalking her, why? And why can't she hear them breathing if their footsteps were this close?

They don't seem to wish her harm... but Astrona does not want to return home until she is certain no one is following her.

"Please, I'm of no threat. We can talk, if you'd like?" Her words fall upon silence. No more footsteps, no answer. No creature emerging from the leaves. Astrona is confident that whatever is haunting her is not hostile-- her fur does not prickle with warning.

"Yennifer?" The name escapes her without thought. She doesn't even know why the name of the plain lioness that crossed her path weeks ago comes to the forefront of her mind.

Astrona waits, maybe longer than she ought to. Waiting for something... she knows not. With a sigh, the tigress continues on. Mind still drifting to that lone lioness...
struggling mar. 14

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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Meekins12345 » Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:24 pm

Username: Meekins12345
Link to pride: In the signature - The Pride of Wikimak
Prompt Number: E22-Afterwards
Completed Prompt:

When Framunti ends, all the lions band together to help clean up the mess that is so often made. They put away decorations or reuse certain bits from them for accessories. Any treats from the night before are quickly eaten... that is, if it's pumpkins or mushrooms. Otherwise if it's meat, they leave it for the crows or drop it off for other creatures within the forest. For it gets bad after so long, you know. Once everything is nice and clean, they put away their costumes, congratulate each other, then return to their dens to sleep the day away. They all deserve it after such work. Hunting is rarely needed the day after Framunti, due to all that was consumed the day previous, so the kwahu get a well deserved day off. Everyone else is usually resting, though if there are cubs within the pride grounds, they tend to enjoy playtime in the den. Yep. The day after Framunti is a restful, peaceful day.(165 wc)

Prompt Number: E23-Numbers
Completed Prompt:

Numbers don't tend to be much of an issue when it comes to the Pride of Wikimak. Most numbers are considered virtuous, like 7 or 3. Although there is one number they tend to find a bit on the superstitious side, and that would be 9. They believe that 9 is unlucky, mostly because of it's association with Jorin, the Snake of Lava. When Jorin comes to visit the living, on the very rare occasions that he does, he and his minions will often leave symbols where they went, signifying they were there. They would be burnt into the ground or nearby trees, and stay for only a few days before disappearing as if they were never there before. Such symbols are most often 9, since, in a way, it looks much like a snake beginning to curl upon itself. One that sees a burnt number 9 is usually quick to call upon Wicasa. Those that stare upon it too long tend to see things no others should. (168 wc)

Prompt Number: E24-Pawsteps
Completed Prompt:

Etchemin's eyes were as wide as saucers as he quietly, slowly, padded onward, his maw pursed together as his teeth gently chattered. Goodness, he could hear them. Pawsteps behind him, following him to wherever he was going. Dare he look back? What would he see? A large, terrifying monster? Or Perhaps a large bear? Maybe even one of the silver pelts from the past?! His eyes widened at that thought, he quickly picking up the pace. Why were they following him? Why him, of all other creatures within this massive forest! Why did it always have to be him!

He seemed to stop after a moment, a wave of courage washing over him for only a moment. With his chest puffed up, he soon turned around, only to find himself looking upon...!

"Alosaka! Enough with that dumb bear pelt!" He'd squeal angrily.

The tominatoak just laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's just that face! It's hilarious!" (156 wc)
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Re: VOK Event - Halloween Prompts - Open

Postby Midnightkitkat » Tue Oct 29, 2019 2:35 pm

Username: Midnightkitkat
Link to pride: Oasis Basin
Prompt Number: E22
Completed Prompt:
Hallows Eve is spent reconnecting with the passed souls of the Oasis Basin pride, and those close to the members in an all day vigil near the river. Offerings to the prides deities are made the night before, and are given at the end of the vigil as thanks for the years protection, as this time is a sort of New Years as well. After the event is over most of the pride sleeps while the pride leader and a chosen few go on the years first hunt. The pride feeds from the youngest first to ensure they are protected and blessed to grow well in the coming years. The rest of the day is spent connecting with the members of the clan still living, and to share the stories of the deities, adventures, and warnings amongst the pride once more. After this the pride continues on in its normal function until the next celebration.

Username: Midnightkitkat
Link to pride: Oasis Basin
Prompt Number: E23
Completed Prompt:
Of all the numbers found unlucky Soma despises only one. One can be represented as single, or undefended. In his experiences being alone isn't something he finds comforting nor something to find joy in. Being alone reminds him of the times before the Oasis Basin pride, a time he spent fighting for survival. A time spent hunting what he physically could while avoiding the many horrors that dwelled amongst the peaks. Being alone strikes fear in him when others venture too close to the mountain range. Seeking to prove themselves able to defend the pride, but refusing to accept aid. The lucky ones returning to camp themselves, and unwilling to leave for days. The number one is something to avoid in his life. Insuring that no pride member is left alone in a hunt, or that no cub is left undefended at camp, without family again. One is Soma's unlucky number.

Username: Midnightkitkat
Link to pride: Oasis Basin
Prompt Number: E24
Completed Prompt:
The steps had started right after the hunt. Soma was dragging back his kill, struggling as his adolescent paws tripped over themselves in slowing efforts to move both his tired body and the heavy doe. The sounds started slow and quite, barely noticeable over the sound of crunching leaf fall underfoot. They were strong and heavy steps. Ones that eventually grew louder and more hurried. Quickly realizing the danger Soma dropped his kill, a decision of speed and self preservation over his growing hunger. The steps growing to a gallop that broke through the underground in a dark and angry shadow. Sprinting to the side in a quick decision Soma just barely avoided the terror stricken buck as its retreating form faded to the distance. Calming his racing heart the lion crumbled to the ground, laughing under his breath Soma went over the last few seconds and froze. Reviewing and understanding that he had not been the one to scare the buck, as it wasn't fleeing from Him.
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