A cozy log cabin... [Game #12 Closed!]

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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby Nightcrawler. » Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:20 am

    Tell me about yourself!
    Username: Stardust Cowboy
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    Fuji shifted uncomfortably when asked to talk about himself. After not speaking for a while, Carter stops splitting rocks for a moment and looks at Fuji and puts his hand on his shoulder as if to say it’s ok. Carter doesn’t press Fuji on, and they continue their work.


    When they are close to finishing up, Fuji has thought about what to say. He looked up and started to talk.
    “I didn’t really come from any place exciting.” He started. “My town was ridiculously small and I was an only child. My apartment could barely accommodate my Mother and I and I had to sleep in the couch once I grew to old to share a bed with my mother.” He looked down and started to twiddle his thumbs. Taking a deep breath, he continued. “Mom didn’t have enough money to afford me going to a nice school, so I attended the town’s public school. I was so exited to go to school because my mom had to dropout of college to support me, so I knew that if I could get a higher education, I’ll have more opportunities to make money to support her. Due to my living situation, I came into school late, but I managed to start with middle school thanks to me studying at home and taking tests that would determine what grade I would start in. I was about 11 when I started grade 6, and I knew nobody at school, but due to the town being so small, people knew me. Well they knew where I lived. I would get bullied a lot as a kid, but I would never fight back. I couldn’t allow myself to get in trouble or kicked out of the school that I finally was able to get into. So I let them bully me and I studied harder and harder.”

    “By the time I got into high school, I had grown quite tall and lean due to me doing the neighborhood’s landscaping, snow shoveling, gardening, working in the fields, workin on cars, ya name it! I was the guy who did everything and would help everyone. I started making money for my mother who gratefully appreciated all my effort. Thanks to my increase in height and muscle mass, the other teens would always want me on their team when it came to sports. I actually enjoyed sports, like, a lot. It was my way to let off a little stress. Shove a guy in football, slam dunk in basketball, be the dodgeball master and be able to singlehandedly obliterate the other team, I loved all of it! My gym teacher was also one of the most supporting characters in my life. He taught me that plenty of big names have started from nothing, and that if I tried hard, I could achieve whatever I wanted to do in life.”

    “So yeah, I’m a gym teacher now. I couldn’t quite join any professional teams but I because of my booksmarts, I found out that I loved tutoring and teaching others. I went to college, decided I wanted to be a teacher, and because I kept my love for sports, I became a gym teacher. Of course I would offer up tutoring services as well, and I have a lot of fun with helping out and stuff. But when I was able to play sports, I had an outlet for my pent up anger, now that I’m the teacher, I didn’t have that opportunity. My fuse grew shorter and shorter, I would snap sometimes and one day I got so angry, when I got home, I tore up the living room that doubled as my bedroom. My mother was concerned for me so she worked together with some neighbors and they bought me a ticket to go on this cruise. They thought it would be beneficial for me to relax and hopefully gain some inner peace on this trip. The principal gave me the time off, he’s always appreciated my hard work and he’s actually one of the neighbors who helped pitch in. So that’s the story of me I guess. Nothing interesting, just a poor guy on a boat.” He finished with a half hearted smile, looking down to the ground. He wiped his face and straightened up a moment later. “Well, I’ve had enough of mopin around, let’s get back to work.” And he started to split the remaining rocks quickly.



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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby suneater » Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:41 am

    Tell me about yourself!
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      "Well, I'm not sure if you'd want to hear about me..." Vanilla's voice shakily trailed off, muffled slightly by a sunhat she had tipped down to cover her face. "....ItsnotreallyanythingspecialIpromise" came a softer mumble a couple seconds later. Carter tipped up her hat and grinned at her, ignoring her shocked (and... almost queasy expression). Oh lord, where was Jem when his dear mother needed him? This vacation was supposed to be a nice break for her, he had said, and a chance to see the ocean again. He definitely hadn't mentioned the ship breaking down, or new people, much less energetic, nosy people. Sparing a glance towards the log cabin with nothing more than a mouthed "HELP", that same son lay, half-asleep on a bench. He looked up for a short moment, giving Vanilla a thumbs up and a sage nod. Her eyes crept back to the eager kalon, who seemed patiently awaiting a response. Cider's rather harsh reminder to "interact with someone for once" popped up in Vanilla's mind, and rather awkwardly stumbling over her words, she began to talk.

      "Well... I live with my son and wife." She looked up, a little concerned he was still up in her face, but Carter had gone back to splitting rocks. Readjusting her comically large mom bag, Vanilla hoped he was satisfied with that much of an answer. After a few agonizing seconds, she realized he was still waiting for her to talk.
      "We have a fancy penthouse in the city and.. it's cozy, I hope. Jem, he's my son, I'm so proud of him. He's managed to have a rather high position working for a fairly lucrative company, and he asked if we wanted to move in since our old house was falling apart. I miss the old house, and the penthouse isn't as homey as I would hope but... I try. Jem treated me to the vacation, too. He's with me, but he's a little preoccupied." She nodded over to his now fully-asleep body with a loving glance. "And Cider.. she's a little apprehensive about the penthouse too. She's more of a wanderer like my kiddo Pan. More often than not, Cider's somewhere in the forest. She loves that place... and it was where we first met, interestingly enough."

      Vanilla continued to ramble on. Carter could barely sneak in a word, but it was clear to see that her wife and kids were her real home, whether she was in a penthouse or a run-down house on the edge of a forest.

      425 words
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby Wolfiedog3 » Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:57 am

    Tell me about yourself!
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    Prompt response: ``Oh well, uhh. . .`` Thia trailed off, trying to explain how she kind of existed. Thia pulled at her bathing suit cover, seeing it was just as see-through as her.
    ``I'm a dream hopper per-say. I can jump into people's dreams, but this isn't my true form,`` she said showing her see-through self to the blond kalon, ``I'm actually in a coma.`` She chuckled.
    She rubbed the back of her neck and smiled when Carter looked at the kalon with what she was guessing a look of shock.
    ``My real body is back at my home, but my friend wanted me to come with her on the kruise, but uhh not being awake caused it to be hard, but we figured it out luckily!`` Thia smiled and sat down beside of Carter as he worked. Thinking of other things to talk about. She had quite a sad past and such and she didn't want to make others around her sad.
    ``But off that top, I'm kind of scared to be on this island, I uhh had a nightmare as a kid that I would get stuck on an island, so it's quite odd to be here.`` She chuckled once more and looked up at the trees and stood up to see if she could help Carter with moving the logs.
    ``Otherwise, I'm just kind of normal, I love to get to know most kalons, but I am a slight chatterbox so I annoy a lot of kalons, hehe, but I guess it's kind of expected.``
    She laughed to herself actually and went on talking about some of the adventures she had gone on in kalon's minds and how nice it was to be out of it and on a vacation for once. [291 words]
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby eros » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:07 am

    Tell me about yourself!
    Username: eros
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    Celeste plopped herself down on the floor, sitting cross-legged and looking up at Carter with a grin. Boy, did she love talking about herself!

    "Well, my twin sister, Ophelia, and I - I'm the older one - are from a big city back on the mainland! Our mom uh... didn't make it when we were born so our dad, Macy, raised us. He's, like, the absolute best dad in the world though! He loves teaching my sister and I how to do makeup and stuff and is always super supportive of what we wanna do as long as it isn't pranks! Oh, by the way, me and Ophelia are alllllways doing pranks on people's so watch out. But anyway, we wanna be pop stars when we get older and we practice, like, every day on our singing to make sure that it happens! I think we're pretty gosh dang good at it but Ophelia is always so scared that she missed a note or whatever (she never does)! Honestly I think she's the better singer but don't tell her that. Anyway, I also have a crush on my friend Anzu but, like, I don't know how to tell him? I'm really scared he doesn't feel the same way and that, like, people are gonna make fun of me because he's short. I don't care about that or anything, but what if, ya know? Do you think you could help me with that? So anyway..."

    ...Yeah, maybe Carter shouldn't have asked.
Last edited by eros on Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby fuiuki » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:08 am

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Watching Carter work, Allison wondered how she always managed to find herself in the company of high-energy blabbermouths. Although, Carter did seem capable of being quiet, which was very nice. She definitely needed to rest her ears now that she’d managed to get away from Jackston for a while.

She’d been asked a question however, and it was a question she could definitely answer without much trouble.

“What’s there to say about home, really? It’s nothing special, it’s just a big city. You know, lots of skyscrapers, small businesses, big businesses, lots of pizzerias… the usual. I guess it’s quite different from out here though, there’s definitely more… wilderness on this island. It’s a lot colder in the city, for sure” she pondered out loud. Her lazy gaze floated over to some nearby trees, watching as the leaves swayed a bit in a sudden breeze. It reminded her of…

“Although… I haven’t always lived in the big city. Me and my brother were born in a smaller town, although Jackston wouldn’t remember any of it. We moved a few years after he was born after all. We used to live in a small house next to a forest though. Had a lot of trees I guess, used to sway lightly in the breeze just like these trees are swaying right now. I… used to play in there, until we moved.”

Staring at the trees, now transfixed, Allison felt a memory bubble to the surface. Something… something had made them move. But what was it? She put a hand up to her chin, thinking, not noticing that Carter had stopped to watch her, waiting for her to go on. Soon enough however, Allison resumed her talking.

“I think it was a good thing we moved though. Was something in those woods, I tell ya. Something dark, and scary. I’m glad my brother didn’t see it, like I did. He might’ve not made it out... I'm lucky I did.” she thought out loud. After a few more quiet seconds, she shook her head and looked back up at Carter. “Anyway, I think that’s a topic best left alone. Now where was I, the city-”
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby Stephaaa » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:14 am

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    Fleur shook her head and laughed.
    "Me? It's a tiny bit complicated," she says. "I'm joking. I'm all the way from France, who knows how many kilometres away."

    "Cool So you like, eat baguettes everyday?"


    "I'm joking."

    "Well anyways," Fleur continues to explain, "I lived in a very small town there. I loved it very much. We had a tiny house, and a tiny little garage with old pieces of planes that my father used to work in. Needless to say, that garage was soon taken over by my.. extreme passion."

    "Extreme passion? What's that supposed to mean?"

    "I was obsessed with playing instruments, bud. Especially the violin. I could not stop, for real. I forgot to even eat! All I did was spend hours and hours in that little garage trying to perfect my skills." Fleur looks over at the kal throwing pebbles. "Do you still want to listen to me?"

    "Fleur, you know I haven't ever heard a tourist talk to me this much for such a simple question. I usually get like, one sentence. So yes, keep going!" Carter exclaims.

    "Alright then," Fleur sighs happily, " So as I said, since I was a kid, music was my life. I took just about any opportunity that had to do with music. I even tried opera once, which was absolutely horrendous. But without trying, I wouldn't have been able to perform anywhere. I held tight to my money as much as possible so that I could go to my 'dream school' at the time in France."

    "Did you get in?" Carter asks.

    "Nope, it was a huge flop! I was pretty upset for a few days. I got into another school thankfully, and it was great. Currently, I get to travel everywhere with my orchestra to perform some pretty awesome stuff! And I even get my own solo shows sometimes." Fleur was grinning from head to toe. "So, yeah, long story short (not really short but..) I have to meditate this workaholic brain of mine. Which is why I'm here."

    "Could you show me how you play? It's probably really good!"

    "I didn't bring my violin."

    "Aw, really?"

    "I'm joking, I did bring it. Silly me. I need to stop bringing it everywhere, or else I start practicing and forget where I am!" Fleur beams with delight as she jokes around about herself. "Okay, I'll show you how I play eventually."

    [403 words]
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby womp womp » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:15 am

    Tell me about yourself!
    Username: diamond sapphire
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    "well i, uh, um ---" estelle tripped on her words, taken aback by the sudden question. her mouth gaped open and close for a moment, only a small 'heh' sound escaping. estelle wasn't the most fond of sharing anything like that with someone she had just met -- after all, it wasn't too exciting anyhow. she wasn't entirely sure why she would always feel so stupidly uncomfortable after a question like that, but with carter's gaze locked onto her, expecting an answer, she couldn't help but feel almost pressured.
    xxx"hm? you 'kay there?" carter asked, followed by a tired huff of breath. "you seem a lil' uneasy." estelle almost snorted, realizing carter's mouth was still pointed upwards in a smile. a little smaller than before, but the grin was still visible. does he have a special ability that makes him not stop smiling? or are people naturally this chipper? estelle narrowed her eyes, but carter seemed to notice as well. "if you're not willing to share, tha--"
    xxx"oh -- ack, sorry. i'm just not, uh, completely used to being asked a question... like... that." estelle murmured, which slowly trailed off for a second. it was almost like she was saying it for herself, rather than him. with an abrupt shake of her head, she forced a grin. "i don't come from anywhere too interesting. just a quiet suburban town. yeah." estelle almost expected a "that's it?" from carter, but at this point of course he was just going to still act completely jovial in return.
    xxx"a quiet town, eh? sounds nice!" carter exclaimed cheerily.
    xxx"yeah. yeah sure it's nice." estelle's smile faded, followed by a long sigh. "being completely honest, my home isn't the place i really wanted to live. while i've had plenty of good experiences back at home, i don't think i could ever be completely satisfied there." estelle shrugged, kicking the loose pile of dirt under her feet. "but i wouldn't say i regret this being my home. i've met someone extremely special to me there." estelle's smile came back, but less fake this time. it was a wistful, genuine smile, paired with the sentimental shine in her eyes. "we both had passions that we couldn't grasp. and..." estelle trailed off once more, realizing carter had still been intently listening. she shot up and fixed her posture, laughing nervously. "neeeeevermind! sorry." she sighed softly. "maybe i'll finish telling you another day."
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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open

Postby lovestruck » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:18 am

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the never ending song... ugh.

Postby watts » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:31 am

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        aquila was quite excited by the question, quickly looking up at the sky to clear his throat, praying nothing would happen as he did so. continuing to sing, he danced around in a silly pantomime with every line. "i've got a job, and though it may seem silly to you, it's quite critical to do. you see, you remind me of me, kid! so busy with work, kid! and though we get tired it's for the best of the rest, kid! i sing all day, from sunrise 'til it sets, so it stays in the sky where it's supposed to sit. and if i don't sing, that'd be an awful thing; the world would end as we know it!" despite how quickly the end of the stanza got dark, he continued to dance and smile while making wild gestures. "and for that reason i don't pause, i don't stop, in order to help protect you all!"

        he spun, his long hair scraping the grass beneath him and creating a pool around his feet. "oh, but it's beautiful, where i live, it's true. it's not far from where we find ourselves now, with the sky and the water a gorgeous blue. i live in the mountaintops, spend my time amongst the rocks. don't need friends, don't know what to do with them! the others seem to think, 'what's the matter with him?' but i love my home, i do. the birds visit me twice a day, so it's only with them that i play. the birds understand me, since they always sing, too. i don't know what on earth for, but they're beautiful through and through." the words he spoke seemed to smoothly roll off his tongue as if this was a rehearsed performance. his eyes sparkled with joy as he sang, slightly clouded with a dreamy appearance. "down behind the mountains, there's an endless wood. there, i spent much of my childhood. now a dear friend of mine boards my cabin, beñat, the sweetest little kalon. we go fishing together, violetta calls us birds of a feather." he snickered towards the end.

        aquila's song seemed to never end, as he kept finding more little details to gush about. of course, he did have lots of time to kill.


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Re: A cozy log cabin... [Game #1 Open!]

Postby trans » Fri Jul 19, 2019 4:52 am

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"oh, it's absolutely dreamy... flowers and trees, and butterflies and bees, and happy families are everywhere, nature intertwined with the entire village... most people just ride their bicycles around or walk, there's no need for cars... the air is so clean and fresh, and the grass is so green... nature is allowed to grow as mother nature intended it to; wild and free, allowed to grow how it pleases... not kept in crisp, neat, very stiff plots that hurt the plants and ecosystem around it. everything has a somewhat unique style... i've tried for quite awhile but it's hard to place, because it's kind of all over the place in terms of style. though... if i had to compare it to something, i'd say belle's village from beauty and the beast! but quite a big bigger, and much more people than that." she pauses only to take a quick breath, before continuing.

"the fruits and vegetables we grow there are the best i've ever tasted, always fresh and homegrown or locally sourced. the streets are not pristine, but i think that's what gives them their charm... the cobblestone paths and stone streets are much nicer than they might sound, and just perfect for the village. oh, and the festivals and markets! how could i forget... autumn is absolutely the best time to see the village, with all the harvest festival preparations and halloween decor being added slowly until the day, and all the seasonal feelings that come with autumn... the warmth, the beginnings of a chill before winter arrives at the end of the season, pumpkin patches and apple orchards, hay rides, petting zoos and corn mazes, even hay mazes, and honey farms... oh, and of course all the festivals and markets! it's the most wonderous time to be in the village save christmas time, i do think! the air always smells of pumpkin spice and apple desserts, the scent of baked goods and candles and whatever else you could dream of wafting through the air, the ever present smell of candy as people prepare for halloween, and you can always tell when the bee apiaries start to collect their honey, or get close to it... it's just such a lovely place all around... very cozy and comforting... it has an inviting and welcome air to it, feels like stepping into home when you arrive..." she trails off and leans her cheek on her paw... she starts to space out and daydream almost immediately, very obviously stuck in in her own head, thinking about her home and getting to go back there.

it seems she's no longer going to go on an incredibly long tangent about this village of hers.
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