VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby ABeardedDragon » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:22 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

Username; ABeardedDragon
Alduin and Ty
1351/1500 words
Alduin wiped the sweat off his face as he stood over the circular silver grill. His spatula, shining with a coat of grease, slipped under one of the sizzling burgers and flipped it gently. His other hand held tightly onto his beige frilled apron, a lizard badge crudely stitched on by himself. On his shoulder sits a blue tongue skink; her dark tongue slipped out to smell the cooking meat.
"Hey Ty!" he said with a strong Australian accent, looking over his shoulder, his cheek brushed the skink and startled her slightly. The green viscet was sat on the otger end of the stone patio, by the single table on a wooden chair like the other guests, his face rested on the back of his hand. He looked at Alduin with a flat stare.
"What is it?" Ty sighed.
"I've been practicing," the brown viscet said. With that, he took another burger onto the spatula. He checked to make sure his brother was watching. Then with a flick of his wrist, the burger was sent flying into the air. Alduin's proud smile vanished when he heard the disappointing splat. A collective 'aw' from the gathered viscets. At his feet was the burger. He bit his lip and shuffled to pick it up. He didn't dare look up at Ty, who had a smug sneer on his face as he held his breath. The smaller viscet buried the burger in his deep apron pocket. In silence, he tore off chunks to feed to the oblivious skink.

Ty was scrolling through the latest email from his biology team when one of the guests was nudging his arm with her elbow not long after. He glanced over to his brother by the grill, felt his green and orange striped ears droop. There, Alduin stood with his back turned and the skink close to his chest, rocking her softly. His heart sank. A weak smile and a gesture to the grill in the direction of the kind guest before he made his way over.
"Hey Al," he gently placed his large hand on a sweaty shoulder, "wanna go inside?"
The younger viscet nodded quickly. They walked together with Ty's arm over Alduin's shoulder, through the white sliding door. Each sat on a fluffy bean cushion in the middle of the living room, a wall of overflowing bookshelves behind him and rows of reptiles facing him. Ty's face crinkled with concern as they sat in silence. Alduin stroked his skink. Ty scratched his neck then sighed.
"What's up, Al?" he asked. Alduin stared at the floor, the only sign he actually listened to Ty was a flick of his ear.

"Alduin," he said firmly. He rubbed his striped face.
"I messed up," he said.
"It's just a burger," Ty tried to hide the annoyance in his tone, "no need to over-react, bud."
"You," Alduin paused with a sniffle, "you found it funny."
"I didn't," Ty said; a glare from glazed brown eyes quickly silenced him. A few seconds of silence felt like minutes, before the green viscet leant forwards. He picked up the skink, that had been left to wander on the wooden floor. Stroking the lizard, he held her to Alduin's face. A finger from his other hand was pointed to her nose.
"Boop," Ty pressed her nose, then did the same to his brother, "boop."
Alduin bit his lip and closed his teary eyes, trying his hardest to hold back a smile. Ty simply chuckled softly, like a father would to a child.
"My name is Izzy an' I like boops," the older viscet said in his horribly innacurate attempt at a female Aussie accent; his research across the world had long diluted his native accent. He held the reptile's face to his brother's black nose, which she gave a tender lick with her blue tongue. Alduin snickered and turned his head away.
"So whad'ya say about that barbie?" Ty stood up, pulling Alduin up before they headed back out.

It wasn't long before the food was ready. Alduin put burgers and sausages into their buns, organising them in a neat grid on the table. He noticed Ty was leaning against the fence, smoothing his orange mane, by the iguana pen at the end of the garden, with a group of girls he had invited. When he looked over with yellow eyes, Alduin waved at him to tell him to come over; to which Ty lifted an index finger and winked. One minute. The viscet shook his head with a smile and went to sit with his friend.
"Did ya read that book I gave ya?" Alduin asked.
"Yeah mate, it's pretty good," his friend answered. From there it was a long chat about everything they missed as they hadn't talked in so long. There was also that awkward squelch from the nearly empty sauce bottle, a small laugh from a viscling brought along. He also held his skink and fed her tomatoes. Soon Ty stumbled back after the girls got bored of his drunk scientific ramblings.
"That guy there," he mumbled, "stole my girl, she was real into me."
"Well, uh, that's nice," Alduin said slowly.
"He can fight me," he said. The two seated friends exchanged nervous glances before Alduin jolted up.
"No, no," he soothed, "no need for that."
He linked arms with his brother and slowly took him inside the house. They walked upstairs and Alduin helped him into bed before leaving him to nap.

It was the next day and Ty had woken up feeling unwell for yesterday. Alduin brought a stack of golden syrupy pancakes to his brother's room, opening the creaky door slowly.
"I made pancakes," he said.
"Thanks," the viscet groaned as he put a hand on his head.
"Um, Ty?" he asked.
"Yep?" he said with a mouth full of pancake.
"I wanted to go herping, but," Alduin stopped.
"Sorry Al," Ty mumbled.
"So I thought maybe," he paused and twitched nervously, "we could go fishing later."
"Of course," his brother laughed before grumbling in pain. Alduin waited for his brother to finish his morning routine and for him to feel a little better. Soon they were packing fishing gear into their truck; on top of the herping equipment, snake hooks, cages, gloves, that was always in the back. They hooked their small boat, Little Serpent, up on it's trailer and made their way to the nearest large lake.

They had been sat on the calm river for hours; a stream bubbled quietly nearby. The water was a murky, greenish-brown colour. A few fish had been caught already. Both had their rods cast far out. Alduin had closed his eyes but held the wire with a finger. Ty, however, was watching the surface with narrowed eyes. Still. A water dragon dived in from the raised stone bank to catch an unlucky fish. Suddenly Ty felt a sharp pull on his line. He nudged Alduin, making him jump awake. The green viscet leaned forwards and reeled the line in.
"It's a big 'un," he said.
"I don't think it's a fish," Alduin said. They peered down into the depths. A shadow. Frantically twistings its huge weight. As it came closer to the surface, it was clearly a turtle.
"Turtle!" they cried, both frowning. Ty carefully guided it to the side of the boat, before Alduin picked the hefty beast up with some effort. An older Mary River Turtle, covered in algae. The hook stuck in its mouth.
"You poor baby," Alduin sighed.
"I'm sorry, kid," Ty said.
"Let's fix ya right up," the brown viscet said.
Alduin struggled to hold the massive creature by the shell as Ty cut off as much of the fishing wire as he could. Some had tangled around the neck and feet. The turtle snapped wildly at the helping hands. They quickly shoved it into a plastic box with some water, shutting the lid tight. Alduin draped a towel over the container as Ty turned the boat around.
"We can come back out after," Alduin said.
"Sure thing," his brother replied.
Last edited by ABeardedDragon on Sat Jun 17, 2017 5:57 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby Wobbuffet » Wed Jun 14, 2017 10:33 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; Wobbuffet
Viscets Included wrote:Pansy and Dottie

A gust of wind pulled Pansy from her daydreams. She realized that she had been standing on her porch instead of preparing for Dottie’s visit! It was one of the warmest days of summer, and not a single cloud was in sight. The breeze was nice because it helped keep the heat at least somewhat bearable. Although Pansy was not a fan of hot weather, the heat could not quench her excitement. She had to hurry with the preparations, though. She had forgotten to get ready earlier, and with only three hours until her friend arrived, she would need to hurry.

Of course, they would need a blanket to lay on. What about snacks or dinner? The corn Pansy grew was pretty much ready for harvest, so she decided that she and Dottie could pick their dinner. Dottie lived in the city, so what felt ordinary to Pansy would feel exciting and rustic to her friend.

As Pansy turned to enter her home, she noticed that her mailbox’s flag was up. She hadn’t ordered anything, and wasn’t expecting any mail. Still, she decided to check it so she wouldn’t forget to do it later. She walked down the stairs of her porch and reached the mailbox. The road in front of her house felt rough and hot on her feet. She bounced from one foot to the other and she opened her mailbox and pulled out the letters. Hot pavement was one of her least favorite aspects of summer, and she was glad that there wasn’t much of it where she lived.

The letters were what she expected: junk, junk, and more junk. What a waste of trees… she thought. Pansy walked back on to her porch and into her home. She only had three hours until Dottie arrived. Now, what did I need to get… she thought to herself. I know! A big blanket to lay on.

She walked upstairs to her bedroom. She kept all of her blankets inside a large, dark, wooden wardrobe. She opened it. She wanted to use a special blanket to match the special occasion of her friend’s visit. Pansy fished around the wardrobe, tossing out blankets that were too small, too thin, or simply too plain. Finally, she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a bright pink blanket given to her by her grandmother. She didn’t use it often because it was special to her and she wanted to keep it looking nice. (Plus, it always dyed the rest of the laundry pink when it was washed.) Perfect, thought Pansy. What do we need next…

Pansy thought about getting out her grill, but quickly pushed the thought away. Last time she tried to use it, she walked away and forgot about what she was cooking, and ended up catching a bush on fire! No one was hurt (except the bush) and the whole incident ended up fine, but Pansy wasn’t in the mood to call the fire department that evening. She decided that it would be best to cook the corn in the oven instead.

Pansy walked out of the back door of her house. Her farm was quite large, and she wanted to pick the best place possible for Dottie and herself to sit. Sitting in the cornfield would probably have been fun, but the tall stalks would have obstructed their view. Pansy decided to sit somewhat close to the house, underneath an old tree that had been there for as long as anyone could remember. She set down the blanket and walked back inside.

Pansy walked to her kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She was glad to see that she had plenty of butter for the corn. She closed the refrigerator and pulled out some plates and napkins. She doubted that they would need the plates, but decided that it would be best to bring them out to the blanket just in case. Glancing at the clock, she soon realized that she still had a whole two hours before Dottie arrived. She had finished everything she needed to do around the farm, and was thankful to have a little time to relax.

Pansy loved to read, but she was often too busy to sit down and enjoy a book. She felt that books were only properly enjoyed when read in long sittings. She was never satisfied reading only a page or two at a time. Once she started reading, she was often sucked into the fantasy world of the pages, and only after reading a number of chapters could she return to reality.

A friend had recently recommended her a new book, and Pansy had been eager to start reading it. She sat in her coziest armchair, legs curled under her, and began to read…

Two hours and half of the book later, the familiar horn of an old VW Beetle yanked her out of the book’s world. “Dottie!” she called. Pansy dashed to the front porch, and sure enough, the familiar red “punchbuggy” was parked across the street.

“Pansy!” the brown and white Viscet called. The two Viscets ran over and threw their arms around each other.

“It’s so great so see you!” Pansy replied with a smile.

Dottie put her hands on Pansy’s shoulders and began to jump up and down. A smile spread across her entire face. “It’s been way too long!” Dottie said.

“Come on, let’s go-” Pansy replied.

“I’ll race you!” Dottie turned around and ran full-speed towards the porch. She jumped up the stairs two at a time.

“Calm down!” Pansy laughed. “We’re not going inside yet. First, we have to pick dinner.”

“Alrighty!” Dottie said as she slid down the railing before landing beside Pansy. Although she would be considered an adult in a year or two, Dottie still refused to act her age. Dottie was like a little sister to Pansy, and although they only met about a year ago, she was her best friend.

The two Viscets made their way behind Pansy’s house. Pansy heard Dottie gasp when she saw the field of corn. It extended almost as far as one could see, and Dottie’s surprise reminded Pansy of just how impressive it was. She often forgot that things she found normal were oftentimes shocking or amazing to others. Pansy turned to Dottie. “Let’s go pick dinner. That’s a field of corn, if you couldn’t tell. I’ll show you how to pick the best ones,” she said before walking towards it. Dottie nodded her head and raced after her.

The two picked and shucked a few pieces of corn, and Pansy placed them in the oven to cook. The sun had gone down while they were in the field, yet the twilight lingered. Pansy invited Dottie to sit down so they could talk while they waited for the corn.

Dottie told Pansy that a lot of her friends had graduated from high school and were heading off to colleges around the globe. Dottie hoped to go to college in the city where she and Pansy had both grown up. Pansy had graduated a few years back, but decided against to college. She came to regret the decision, but leaving the paradise of the farm would be challenging. Pansy couldn’t afford to go to college at the moment, so want to or not, she couldn’t go. She had spent almost all her money when purchasing the farm, and although she enjoyed life as a farmer, her occupation was not very profitable.

Finally, the corn was finished. With Dottie close on her heels, Pansy headed outside to where she had spread the blanket earlier. It was still warm out, but very dark. She and Dottie spread out the blanket, then sat down and began eating. The corn was amazing. It was picked at the perfect time, and tasted delicious. They finished their meal and lay back on the blanket.

“What are we going to do now?” Dottie asked Pansy.

“Just look up and wait,” Pansy said.

Soon, the sky above them filled with stars. They were much brighter than in the city because it was darker at night in the countryside. The stars weren’t what Pansy wanted Dottie to see, though. They continued waiting, and Pansy hoped what she wanted to show her friend would appear soon.

Suddenly, she saw what she wanted to see. A small firefly flew right above them, blinking its bright, yellow light. Soon, more and more began to appear, filling the sky above them with blinking, moving stars.

This was Pansy’s favorite moment of summer. Sitting with her friends, watching the fireflies and the stars, and trying not to be bitten by mosquitos, Pansy was truly happy.
Last edited by Wobbuffet on Sat Jun 17, 2017 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby ShimmerSolarPets » Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:17 pm

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; ShimmerSolarPets


    Ugh, summer. Achlys's least favorite time of the year. Sure, when some parts of the world are having summer, others are having winter, and Achlys would still be kept busy with handling the reaping of souls in the parts experiencing winter... But all of her favorite mortal places are having summer. Being made out of snow, Achlys couldn't very well waltz outside into the sunlight. Carrying around her Punishment Lantern was bad enough, but if she had to let herself melt in the sunlight on top of that... Achlys didn't really feel inclined to experience such a pain. Lucky Azura, she thought. Getting assigned to the summery places. While she's out reaping souls and enjoying the sunlight, I'm stuck in this dingy, gloomy place with nothing to do. The realm of the dead was so boring, and to top that off, she couldn't even show her boredom through her face. No, while the rest of her body was melting, her expression was frozen into a permanent smile. Wonderful!

    Achlys sat on a giant cliff overlooking the barren plains of the realm of the dead. In one paw, she held a list of names. A pen in another paw, she quickly crossed the names out. Her work in the mortal realm was done, and Azura was running late. So, now she's forced to wait it out in the realm of the dead. Achlys chucked pebbles down the cliff, being careful not to hit another spirit. Well, she couldn't care less anyways if she did. But, still, it was dreadfully boring. Her lantern continued to blaze beside her, melting off her mane and parts of her body. But they always regenerated. The pain was there, and then it was gone. Over and over in a never-ending cycle. Punishment for doing the extra-mile and going out of the quota. Achlys couldn't even remember how many thousand years ago that was. She'd gotten used to the pain- no, she was forced to get used to the pain. She considered going to the mortal world and seeing what summer was like, but... No, the sheer pain of doing that wasn't worth it.

    "You're early."
    Achlys looked behind her. Azura was standing there, the blue locks of her hair luminescent compared to the rest of the dreary realm. Azura wasn't carrying a list of her own, but from the look on her face, Achlys knew she'd been running everywhere in the heat of summer to do her job. She sat down next to Achlys and stared into the empty distance. A few other Death spirits were walking around the realm of the dead aimlessly. "What's summer like?" Achlys finally asked her best friend, after quite a bit of silence.
    "Hot," Azura replied, shortly. "And bright."
    ", you suck at descriptions," Achlys said in her usual deadpan voice. Both of them laughed.
    "Why don't you see it for yourself?" Azura suggested.
    "How many times do I have to tell you? I can't." Achlys gestured towards the melting bits of her body. A smirk formed on Azura's face.
    "I have a solution for that," said Azura. She stood up and grinned. "C'mon, I'm gonna give you a tour of the mortal world in summer!"
    Achlys stared at Azura for a while, trying to take this in. Was she being serious? Did she really have a plan to show her summer in the mortal world? What with everything that's been going on in Achlys's existence, it was hard for her to feel excitement about things any longer. Yet, ever since she met Azura, who used to be a mortal herself, her existence got a little bit more exciting. Achlys got up, grabbed her lantern, and raced after Azura. She didn't even feel the heat of the lantern anymore.

    "What the heck is this?"
    Azura was standing in front of a mortal vehicle, grinning. It had a large, metallic tank on the back, enough for a Viscet to climb inside. The tank was filled with ice. "Our ride," she said. The heat of the sun was beating down on Achlys. She longed for the coldness of that tank filled with ice, but... What in the world was Azura thinking?! "Did you just... steal this from the mortals?" Achlys asked. Not that she cared, but if Azura did... Wow, her best friend's got some guts. Azura laughed. "Hey, I'm a spirit of Death, not a petty thief," she said. "I'm borrowing this." Azura opened the metallic tank. The coolness spread into the air, drawing Achlys towards it. Every second longer she spent under the burning sun was getting more and more painful. "Get inside."
    "I'm not going into that thing!" the winter Death spirit protested. "I still want to preserve my dignity, thank you very much."
    Suddenly, Azura whacked the Punishment Lantern out of her paws and dragged it towards the tank. Achlys groaned, letting the magic of the Punishment Lantern drag her along. It was a strong enchantment that bound her to the lantern for eternity. She couldn't go far without it. Azura shoved Achlys into the tank, and set the Punishment Lantern outside of the tank. As soon as the ice inside the tank came into contact with her body, Achlys felt relief. She'd never been free from the aching pain of carrying around the lantern that kept melting bits of her body, but for once... She was actually free. It was a weird feeling, not feeling constant pain all the time even if the pain was more annoying than painful. There was even a small "window" to let Achlys peek outside. She couldn't believe it. Azura actually pulled it off! With this, she could actually experience the mortal realm in summer!

    For the first time in a very long time, Achlys felt excited.

    "All set?" Azura asked, after covering up the top of the tank. Achlys nodded. Azura drove the vehicle. Achlys's yellow eyes peered out of the small "window". The tank muffled a lot of noise from the outside, but that was fine. Azura was driving slowly, letting Achlys watch the world around her go by. Bright sunlight bathed the scenery. The fields stretched out with lush green grass. Colorful flowers dotted the fields, waving in the summer breeze. It was a stark contrast to the winter Achlys had always been familiar with. For some reason, it felt surreal to actually be experiencing this up close. Yes, Achlys had snuck into the mortal realm sometimes during summer. But, she'd never gotten to sightsee before. She always had some business to do: reaping souls, diplomatic meetings with other spirits, on an errand for Death himself... However, in that one moment, Achlys was free from responsibility. It was just a casual hang out with her best friend, Azura. The brightness and all the colors were overwhelming. She saw trees, usually bare in the winter, flaunt their bright green leaves and colorful fruits. She saw a Viscet couple spread a piece of fabric on the grass, and sit down on it. They took out food and drinks from a basket, chatting and laughing happily with each other. Achlys knew they were having a picnic: she'd seen it a lot of times before. However, even that sight was strange and wonderful to Achlys.

    "Hey, Azura!" she yelled from inside the tank.
    "Yeah?" came Azura's reply, muffled by the walls of the tank.
    "What do mortals usually do in summer?"
    There was a small pause. Azura used to be a mortal herself, so Achlys figured she knew. "Well," Azura's muffled voice rang out. "They have picnics, hang out with friends, go to the beach..."
    The beach.
    "I want to see the beach in summer, Azura! Take me there!"
    "Okie dokie!"

    Azura drove in a faster speed, but still slow enough for Achlys to sightsee. Soon, they came to the beach. They had to stop at the edge, just enough to see the beach. However, the sight took Achlys's breath away. Lots of Viscets were playing around in the beach. The sounds of laughter and screaming reached Achlys's ears even inside the tank. Mortals. Enjoying life and living life to the fullest... Being an immortal spirit of Death, Achlys could never understand how that felt like. Judging from the smiles and laughter... Well, perhaps she was a bit jealous of them. Still, all the hustle and bustle was so different from the realm of the dead.

    "Let's head back," Azura finally said after quite a long time. "Gotta return this thing anyways."
    "Seriously, you and your tendency to mess with mortals..." Achlys muttered.
    "We should do this again sometimes," Azura said, driving away. Achlys couldn't help but smile wider.

    It became a tradition for the two of them to go out into the mortal world during their spare time. Achlys could even handle being stuffed inside a container full of ice. It was worth it. They just needed to hide this, or Achlys will never hear the end of it...

1500/1500 words
Featuring Achlys & Azura
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby Sunlitsecrets » Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:51 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; Sunlitsecrets
If possible I'd like to do a one sentence description of each of the art pieces. If not allowed let me know and I will delete said text.

Asherah likes staring out at the ocean and thinking about big adventures.
Chimalli's decided to dabble in beach volleyball.
and finally Malorin's hobby is standing around in his shadowy woods and grumbling about how bright it is all the time.

featuring Asherah, Malorin, and Chimalli.
my characters!
-infj, hufflepuff
-traditional artist

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby Mint Chip » Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:57 am

yeah I'll allowed up to one sentence to describe each picture I certainly don't mind c:
edit;; and yes if you want to code your form you can but it is not required. I'd prefer that there isn't a whole lot of coding, I just want the forms to be easy to read or see for judging purposes c:
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby MistCat » Thu Jun 15, 2017 8:18 pm

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; MistCat

Lydia and Alex

I close my eyes and try to tune out the busy hum of the crowd around me as I set down the two lawn chairs I had hauled from the car. Lydia and I where here for the summer concert. Every year our town would host a concert in the park and it was free for everyone. Lydia loved it.
I could honestly due without.

I fight with the lawn chair for a bit and Lydia unpacks the food she brought.
I glance over at her and huff.
No, no, it's not like I need help or anything.
I only succeed in getting one chair open before tossing the other aside and curling up on the grass.

A large crowd is gathered, all jam packed around the stage. The singers ain't even out yet.
Just some crew setting up the instruments. I notice Lydia watching their every move.
"I bet this is going to the best concert yet." I comment, lying.
Lydia nodded eagerly. "Yeah! I love all the bands that are playing, I mean, I've actually heard of the bands that are playing. So they aren't just some random dude they got off the street."
I shrug. "You do know all song artist where 'one random dude' once, right?"
Lydia ignores me and continues rambling about the singers. She stops for a second and finally notices the slight scowl on my face.
She rolls her eyes. "Your just not happy because its pop, Mr I never listen to any mainstream music because I'm just too good for that"
I pause. "Well, to be fair, I don't like country music either" I reply.
Lydia looks like she has all but given up on me.

I chuckle. Honestly, I don't mind as much as I seem to.
Lydia and I go to this concert every year. She has actually been going for much longer then I have. My family moved here about five years ago. Around the same time we where moving in my parents decided to the annual summer concert to try to get my mind off of the move. I didn't like it, but it's where I first met Lydia.

And now we are dating.
So its now kind of a anniversary type thing, so that means we have to go each year.
It just doesn't play the type of music that I like.
But I really do enjoy seeing Lydia so happy about coming here or our anniversary.

My ear swivel around a bit to hear the first singer steps on stage. They look a little nervous.
They always send the rookies out first, so you have to stay to the end to ear the more popular bands.
The crowd immediately quiets and I see Lyida already has her phone out.
Whatever happened to lighters? I stretch out on the grass and listen to the first few lyrics before tuning it out and listening to the quiet hum of crickets.

493 words

I was really excited for the summer prompt thread but then, sometime while writing this I realized I had writer's block, kept writing though because I need the practice. Anyway prompt thread and art block. This should be interesting!
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Mist - She/Her - Adult‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎

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Always happy to talk ocs or designs or just cool doodles
in general! Sorta bad at keeping up conversation but I never
mind PMs! I'm not super active rn though.

Please credit my art and designs @ my TH, Mistcat.‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby LimeThing » Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:59 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; Limuma
Entering with Mimi, owned by me.

"Ah, the summer is finally here."
Mimi was walking trough her orchard, carrying her med bag. She was so delighted her work was over that she started humming unconsciously. She worked in a flower shop, but only during spring and winter. She hates working there because of the other viscets she couldn't stand, but with summer finally came the time where she can dedicate herself to her real job - and that is helping Mother Nature.She didn't mind the warmth of the summer months- all the playful creatures she encountered on her walk kept her distracted.
* * *
"There it is!"
She noticed the hut in the distance. It was covered in dust, spider webs, and moss. It's been a while since she visited this place. She didn't mind it though, it looked like that every year before she'd clean it. And that was exactly what she did. She entered the shack, accompanied by the sound of a creaking door. At first, it seemed dark and dull. with light coming just trough the open doors. There were cupboards leaned to the each wall, few chairs, small bed and a big fluffy rug in the center of the room. Everything was covered in dust, even the small clock that ticked above the doors that led to a small room filled with sheets, wooden baskets, a broom, and a lot of other supplies. She knew where everything was since she was leaving it in the same place every year. She was very organized. She took the broom and few rags and started cleaning her beloved hut. She revealed a window hidden by dusty curtains which made the place look better almost instantly. She enjoyed cleaning and decorating the place with just picked flowers knowing that she'll spend entire summer here.
* * *
"And... There! It's complete!"
She put the finishing touch in her little office- a picture of her family. She hasn't seen them in a long time, so she likes to keep them close. The hut was now transformed into a shelter for hurt and sick animals who can't take care of themselves. Mimi felt like it was her obligation to help them, but she enjoyed doing it as well. She took her med pouch and proceeded deeper in the forest. From time to time she would stop to listen to the birds' chant. She was delighted with a though that she probably helped some of those birds when they were in need. She knew she deserved to hear that lovely tones of nature.
* * *
"Oh no!"
She slowly opened her eyes to adjust them to the bright sunlight. After some time walking, she sat down to get some rest. But she must have fallen asleep. She quickly got back on her legs and shook off the left grass of her fur. Before she could even reach for her bag, she heard a growing sound somewhere close by. She raised her ears and quickly determined the direction it was coming from. After few fast, long steps she found herself between the fox and what seemed to be an injured rabbit.
"Be gone, fox!"
Her big appearance scared it away. She took rabbit in her arms and pet him until it calmed down.
"Shh... Everything will be ok..."
She then put him on the ground to examine him. He was bitten, his paw was bleeding. Other than that he wasn't in too serious of a situation- he will be ok. But he needed help instantly. She ran as fast as she could to her hut, carrying him in her arms and grabbing her bag on the way. The shack was soon in her view.
* * *
She rushed trough the door and put the hare on the small bed she always used to treat animals on. She took some antiseptic and a towel from a cupboard she cleaned recently and used it to disinfect his wound. She grabbed some bandage and hanged his injury.
"There. See? I told you you'll be ok."
She took one basket from the backroom and put a small white pillow into it. She carefully laid him down in it.
"You'll have to rest for a few days now. Don't worry, I'll make you a company."
She said as she brought him some carrots from her bag. She felt happy for both herself and the rabbit. She had a feeling this will be yet one more great summer.

Hi, I'm lime

Life is a bit rough
around the edges now

But every storm comes to an end
Stay safe <3

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby Softballpup12 » Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:39 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

Username: Softballpup12
{words or art}
Imma do tis in a bit!
Amazing Art by Sixbane ^^^^^


Hey! I'm Soft!
I'm a high school student taking all honors classes and procrastinating so much it's a surprise I still have all A's... We'll see how long that lasts. As such, I'm busier than I thought I would be and things are getting done much slower than I expected. Please bear with me while I catch up!

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby tenlittlesoldierboys » Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:17 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; tenlittlesoldierboys

"I'm gonna do it. And you won't be able to stop me."
A young female Viscet put one of her paws gently on the small plane standing right beside her. The wind was whistling through her fur, her aviator scarf fluttert gently and the sun was shining down on them. Them, that was the female Viscet whose name was Dorothy, and her mentor, an old cranky Viscet called Joe, who taught Dorothy how to fly in the first place. It was hot, very hot indeed, but this was not particularly uncommon for a day in mid-July in sunny California.
The year was 1937 and Dorothy just had decided, that she wanted to fly over the Pacific Ocean. Alone. Flying had been her most favourite thing to do since she could think - literally since she was a small Viscling, she had wanted to be able to fly. And her dream had come true, when she met Joe, who not only taught her to fly but also gifted her her first own plane when he resigned. And especially since she owned this plane, it was impossible to keep Dorothy down on the ground, especially on such a beautiful day like today. And normally, nobody would have said anything against seeing her up in the air, especially not Joe, but this time, he had quite a lot against that. And the reason was already mentioned - because Dorothy decided, that she wanted to be the first Viscet ever to fly over the Pacific Ocean.
Why? Well, flying was all good, indeed she could not imagine anything better, but she wanted to try out something new. She wanted to achieve something, something that would make her remembered, maybe even for centuries onwards. And just sitting in a plane and drawing circles around the sun certainly won't do the trick. But crossing the Pacific Ocean? It would turn out to be a sensation! And all who knew Dorothy, also knew that whatever she wanted to do, whatever she decided to do, well, she was going to do. And nobody, not even her mentor, whom she trusted with all her heart, could keep her from doing it. Dorothy didn't understand why her mentor was against that, anyway. She knew how to fly, and besides that, he was the one who taught her, so he knew. Also, the day was beautiful, not a single cloud in sight, and it was almost wind-still. Not that any waves would be able to reach her in her plane high above anyway. And what else was there to happen? The tank was full and her plane was fine. She checked her darling, which she had named Columbia of the Sky, short Columbia, every week at least once and she just had done that earlier today. No danger in near sight, no sir, she would be completely alright. And honestly, she did not care if her mentor believed her or not. She was going to do it. She would fly over the Pacific Ocean, being the First Viscet ever to cross it by plane and, of course, become famous. Her plan was bulletproof.
And she stood by her decision. California was well-known for its beautiful and clear summers and the weather forecast had promised the next two weeks to be exactly that. No thunderstorms, not even a little rain, there was even the danger of drought. And so, after a while of discussing and fighting with Dorothy, Joe finally gave up.
"Alright, Dorothy. Do what you want. I am just worried about you, that is all!"
"You really do not have to be worried, uncle Joe." She always called him that, even though the two Viscets were actually not related. But she liked the sound of it and furthermore, what made it even more funny, Joe hated it. Of course after a while he stopped saying something, but Dorothy could still see it in his face, that he did not like being called uncle Joe at all. Because whenever she would call him that, he would get that certain expression, even though he always tried to hide it - but it looked a little like as if he had bitten on a sour lemon. Made Dorothly laugh every time and this time was no execption.
"I was nothing but a mere bad feeling, Dorothy. A feeling, that something might happen to you." Joe always had these feelings, as he called them. It is something that you say old people seem to have quite alot. When Joe said that he felt, that is was going to rain, it probably was. So when he said that he felt, that something could happen to her, Dorothy should have listened. But being the person she was, and still is, known for, she of course did not. She shook her head laughing, smiled at her mentor and said:
"You are just jealous because you never had the guts to fly over the Pacific, uncle Joe. But I do. And I will. And you -"
"... won't be able to stop you, I know, I know." The old Viscet sighed and shook his head, but he had a smile on his lips. He had to be fair to himself, that Dorothy was not particulary wrong. Indeed, he had dreamed about doing something similar, but he always had been someone who was always listening to was he was told. And then it turned out to be too late. So yes, he might be a little jealous, but just a little. For the most he was actually proud. Proud by the thought that he was the guy who taught Dorothy how to fly a plane and proud by the fact, that she would indeed be the first. But this particular gut-feeling would not let him go. Perhaps, probably, he was just overreacting, but on the other hand, he had never been wrong before.
And it would turn out, that he would also not be wrong this time.
When Joe had finally give in, because even though she was a stubborn young female, she would never do anything risky without her mentor's consent - well at least not on a plane - Dorothy sat in her Columbia and headed off towards the sky. As always, she had her eyes closed, nose pointed towards the wind, breathing in the fresh and hot air, having a satisfied smile on her face. A part of her still could not really believe it - she was going to fly over the Pacific Ocean! And she was going to be the first Viscet who has ever done it! She opened her eyes and laughed out loud. This was certainly the best day ever and there was no way that would change! She glared ahead and saw the open sea right in front of her; she could already smell the salty water and hear the waves rush and the seagulls caw. In far distance, she thought to see a ship. Maybe pirates, she wondered. For some reason she hoped, that there were pirates, because that would certainly make for a good story, when she would come back home. Just imagine that, she thought, when she came back, she would not only be the first Viscet to ever cross the Pacific Ocean, but she would also be able to tell stories about pirates. Oh, maybe she would see whales and dolphins too? Or a giant squid? She was getting closer to something, at least, even though she couldn't yet tell what it was. But she was curious to find out, so she made her plane fly faster and even took her aviator glasses off her eyes, in order to get a better look at what she was flying towards to. She didn't care, that she had gone off course, she could turn around again later anyway. She was not willing to miss this.
How could she have known how wrong she was, saying this would turn out to be the best day ever? Well, it is hard to tell from her perspective, but it certainly would not be the best day ever for her mentor, Joe. Because only a few hours after Dorothy headed up, he lost connection to her. He tried to reach her via radio, but everything he heard was static. Anxiously, he waited for any sign of life from her, at least for message, if not for her return. But neither came and Joe could not deny, that the pebble in his guts has turned into a heavy rock. He was worried to death and not only that, he blamed himself. Why hadn't he been able to stop her from flying? After all, he had felt it all along, that something was going to happen. But what happened, he wondered. Dorothy had been right, the conditions were perfect for such a flight and there hadn't been a single reason to worry. But now there was, because Dorothy disappeared. But where to? What happened?

{1500 words total}


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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread

Postby crackerbox_palace » Fri Jun 16, 2017 7:58 am

Prompt 1 - Favorite Summer Hobby(s) or Activity(s)

username; IKEA Lord

lazy Abel spends his summers sunning on his favorite sea arch.


Finnara enjoys a summer french-fry picnic with all her seagull friends.


Kol, being rather reserved, likes to catch fireflies alone in the night.
Last edited by crackerbox_palace on Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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