kalon readoptions - open

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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby lumilys » Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:21 pm

    nova -
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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby lovage » Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:42 pm

bump - this ends on the 25th, extensions may still be asked for.
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Postby altiora » Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:53 am

boris -

username: altiora ⭒ name: archer ⭒ gender: male
if he had to go to any world, what world would it be?

It's hard to sleep, sometimes. There are many tips and suggestions and herbal remedies for this age-old malady, but Archer disregards all of it. He knows better. He knows himself.
When sleep does not come, he smiles, and creates.

A story. Or an animal. Or a large castle with many rooms, where wind echoes in the large dusty hallways and every room holds unknown mysteries. He doesn't know how many creations he has dreamt up, only to fall deep into hypnos' arms and forget it in tomorrows morn.
But more recently, there's been something else. Something much bigger. Every day he looks forward to the night, for then he can continue creating his masterpiece. His own world.

He began with a world as grey as his fur. The grass is soft, gentle against his paws, and is the colour of ash - and the world itself smells of ash, the wind carrying the fragrance of incense. Dark mountains rise against the horizon, harsh charcoal angles against a slate sky, outlined in silver snow. The only colour, he decided, was to be a burning umber sun. It would always be there, never moving, permanently on the cusp of setting. There would be no stars - even on the darkest side of the sky - because he loved the stars, and no place could be perfect. There was something sweet about the sensation of longing. Bittersweet.

He looked around, and he saw something shimmering on the ground. He walked to it slowly, no rush, and marvelled at the lush foliage between his toes. Even the stones felt like velvet. Closer to the shimmering, he saw it was little more than a puddle. Not of water - of something akin to liquid mercury. Beautiful colours, and high surface tension; it was so tempting to touch, to dive in, to see if he could touch the bottom - but he stopped, nose inches away.

And then he continued, nose first, then eyes and ears and paws. He stopped breathing, and this didn't cause him any harm; but then he became curious, and he opened his mouth, lacking all the fear and anxiety he holds in the waking world. It tasted of peppermint and smelt as fresh as snow. His eyes had instinctively closed, but once opened it reveals a creation long since forgotten. A large castle, of winding halls and floor to ceiling windows, in old chipped bricks crawling with poison ivy. He backs out of the puddle, suddenly unsure. In his original monochrome world, the burning sun stares down on him - and on the little mercury ponds that now dot the land, reflecting stars in the sky that aren't there when he looks to the heavens to check.

He walks to another, an unknown feeling bubbling in his chest. Is he scared? Is he delighted? He ducks his head into another puddle, to see a curious animal. It had four wings, and antlers that resembled trees. Hooves of stone made giant imprints into the trembling ground. It was familiar, and he remembered - it was another of his night-time creations.

He had once wondered, how much he had forgotten on the knife-edge between wakefulness and sleep. He retreated once more to his bittersweet world and looked upon the thousands of shimmering mercury cradles that dotted the landscape all the way to the distant and misty horizon. Not one single one reflected the burning sun above; instead, they held millions of stars that were not there. Sleep had taken his machinations away - and now, he realised, sleep had returned them. Somewhere along the line, he had stopped creating, and was simply, lucidly, dreaming. Perhaps these remembrance ponds were a gift, he wondered, from Hypnos himself. And then, he decided, this world would be called Hypnos.

His world, holding all his hearts. His escape.

Though he didn't realise it yet, it was a pivotal moment. Here, there suddenly was no difference to him in the world in which he was awake and the world in which he was asleep. In both, it is all in his head - his eyes take in light to create colours which aren't there; his brain creates movement from still images; everything is created and processed in his mind, no matter which world he resides in.

And when he wakes up, his mind becomes full of daydreams of Hypnos. His world, with the burning umber sun frozen in time and charcoal mountains with silver tips. With ash grey grass and incense winds and mercury ponds which he will one day merge into a river which will become a sea, which will reflect a star struck sky that isn't there, until he is full of vertigo and no longer knows which was is up. And he wouldn't change a single thing.
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Postby altiora » Sat Sep 12, 2020 10:11 am

- nova -

username: altiora ✤ name: daze ✤ gender: nonbinary
distrait - cantankerous - proud - ingenious - withdrawn

meteorite (yes yes)the woodsthe lonely towerbefore you snapmidnight blue

- an absentminded thought on a lazy summers day -

Nothing about Daze ever went to plan.

When they were young - and still even now, in the corners of their mind where dust bunnies and spider webs live - they dreamt of being an astronaut. It was as if the hollow inside their chest could only be filled with the true emptiness of space; something so big, something so void of anything that it would surely consume them and love them and most of all be them.

(Not much about Daze made sense, either.)

They left behind that dream when they realised it was as much about luck as it was about skill to achieve such a destiny, and if they hated anything more than luck they weren't aware of it.

That was when they were young anyway. These days, Daze finds themselves having plenty of things they hate more than luck, including but not limited to cold weather, bright lights, children, slow traffic, over-politeness, and most importantly those who don't look after their flowers properly.

They're not sure how they found themselves here, the owner of a florist-coffee shop; not because they didn't plan it, because they did - with a thoroughness that occupied their life for over three years - but because of how well it had flourished (no pun intended, they hated puns). It wasn't like they had an attitude suited for customer service, but their returning customers seem to just find her grumbling funny. The coffee-shop was an unexpected addition as well; it started with a simple offer of a warm drink to a customer (read: unexpectedly making a hot chocolate for a shivering child at winter then staring at them until they drank it with a nervous smile), then they felt obliged to make one for every loyal patron. Well, when news got around and a new client came in inquiring about flowers and coffee - well a little extra revenue never hurt, and they started charging for it. With the extra money, the house expanded and bought an actual coffee machine (which was much to the relief of their customers, who had only been drinking Daze's godawful coffee because they knew Daze liked providing for them/they were too afraid to say no/sometimes you just need caffeine even if it comes from sludge/all of the above).

They named it The Nova Florist and Coffeehouse. Locals just referred to it as The Nova. There was something important about acknowledging history, Daze thought.
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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby Broccoli_Bento » Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:40 am

boris -
username: Broccoli_Bento
name: Obi
gender: male

    As a video game playing Disney fan, Obi would hands down choose the world of Kingdom Hearts.
    There is so much to do there as it's possible to see all your favorite Disney characters and wield a keyblade of your very own!

    This world is filled with fantasy, excitement, adventure, and loads fun.
    From swimming under the sea with Ariel, to flying through the sky with Peter Pan, to finding all 99 dalmatian puppies.
    All the while fighting off countless heartless, finding treasure, facing off against organization IIIX, and the epic boss fights against super heartless or Disney villains.

    If Obi's keyblade was based off of himself it would probably look like a hybrid between the Pumpkinhead keyblade and the Divine Rose keyblade, as "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Beauty and the Beast" are two of his favorite Disney films.
    With pumpkins and roses included in its design.

    Kingdom Hearts is an incredible place full of imagination and the constant battle between light and darkness.
    Obi wishes to live in a world where he feels like whatever he does can make a difference for the greater good.
    His day to day life doesn't give him this kind of feeling, as he spends it working and not for a noble cause, it's just work.
    So that's why Kingdom Hearts would be the world he would choose.
    He knows it's just a fantasy, but perhaps one day he just might wake up and find he's there.

Heyo heyo have a happy dayo~!
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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby lovage » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:44 am

    due to requests, this has been extended to october second. extensions may not be asked for passed this point.
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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby nermal1999 » Fri Oct 02, 2020 7:12 pm

boris -
username: nermal1999
name: Orca
gender: male
I've been having this dream lately... Even when I'm awake.
A dream of a place I've never been to before, and yet it all feels familiar.
Its a place I could describe to the finest detail as though I was just looking at it.
And when I dream, I feel as though I could fade from the world I live in, and maybe... Just maybe I could transfer into this world, the world of my dreams.

The dark island caves slowly began to fill with light as the sun slowly rises over the horizon.
Morning dew drips from the mouth of the cave, as silent whispers Echo of the walls as the wind shifts through the many cracks.

In the distance the roar of the sea waves crashing against the shore can be hard.
Slowly I step out into the warmth of the sun and feel the cool of the sea breeze in my face.
As I walked I can feel my feet sinking into the soft cool sand.
Lifting my head up i let out a deep breath before running along sea shore with my eyes fixed straight head, grains of sand being kicked up with every step.

Finally I found myself at the Edge of a giant forest, lined with many trees.
As I began to step inside I was immediately greeted by a guest of wind with pink flower petals swirling around me before taking the fourm of a young kalon. She looked at me with a sweet smile before letting out a small giggle and waved to me before blowing away with the wind.

Filled with mystery and wonder I made my way further and further into the woods feels as though I was being watched with every step. But no matter were I looked all I saw were the trees, could they be the ones watching me?

Suddenly my focus was pulled towards a tall metal poll that stood in the distance, upon further inspiration I found myself scaring up at an old lamp post... A lamp post, here? But there was no building, no road, how and why would there be a lamp post here? This place was so intriguing and mysterious I wanted to no more about it.

Suddenly the sweet sound of a bird chirping caught my attention, looking up a saw a small bird flutter to the lamp post before looking me over. "psst" "psst is it safe?" suddenly I heard a small voice call out and before I knew it the bird slowly flew to the ground with one wi g straight out towards a bush. "It's all right Henry it's not an enemy, in fact I do believe it is a son of Adam" I was shocked behind words to see this bird talking, how! How was this bird talking!?
And if things could get weirder a small field mouse dressed in a clock came crawling out before meeting my gaze.
"by the Sowrd of Narnia! It is a Son of Adam! Oh Raven it has been several years since we saw a son of Adam!"

As the bird and mouse spoke I found myself feeling even more confused and yet intrigued, but then it hit me when I recollect what the mouse had just said... By the Sowrd if Narnia... Narnia... NAR-NARNIA! So that's why I know this place feels so familiar it's Narnia! I use to read these books all the time growing up. I remember that there wasn't a day that didn't go by that I didn't whish to go and live I. Narnia, even for just a day.

But why... Why now of all time do I dream of it? My life has been pretty hard lately and I have wished to start a new... But why do I dream of Narnia, and... And is this even a dream? I mean there's noway possible... Right?

"..." "ex----" " excuse me! Son of Adam!" I was suddenly sto see the Raven and mouse standing a little ways from me both looking at me as though they had been calling me for some time. "are you coming?" "for- for what?"
"to go see Aslan of course!"

At the mentione of that name my heart slowed to me. More then a flutter, if this was a dream then I never want to wake, but if this is real then I'm going to cherish every moment I can.

(Sorry for any mistakes/misspelling. Didn't have time to clean it up)

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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby Discontinued » Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:46 am


    boris -
    username: Discontinued
    name: Percival
    gender: male

    beautiful scents fill my nose...
    all i want to do is breathe.

    Though faded with age, beautifully drawn roses adorned the pages of the ancient book at Percival's lap. As he perused each and every page his smile only seemed to grow wider. Blue skies and pink-studded trees... birds and deer and beautiful things; each lined with vibrancy and detail. His fingertips brushed over the cool calm river on page fourteen and again on twenty-three. Though he had never actually seen these things with his own eyes, he feverishly dreamt of them with each passing eternal night. The dark kalon desperately wondered what it would be like to feel the lush green grass shown in his book rather than the coarse ash under each step. To smell what the word 'fresh' was really meant to mean, but instead he only knew the smell of dying things and suffering. He desperately wished for the pages of his fairy-tale book to spring forth and whisk him into it's colored surface. But once again, as he reached page thirty-two, his reality came crashing back in. Blue exchanged for black and green turned to gray. As he closed the cover of his precious artifact a tear threatened to roll down his cheek. Despite the misery quickly evaporating the joy in his heart, his smile remained in it's fixated place. Though the world outside his door threatened to devour him with every morn, he knew he could find comfort once again in the pages of his own fantasy.
    As Percival laid his head down to sleep, the book safely clutched in his arms, his mind wondered what beautiful things he would see in his dreams. What wonderful things he would taste, hear and feel. And within minutes he drifted into a deep slumber, a tear escaping from a guard drawn down.
    Though the book in his possession felt like a mere imagination concocted by some desperate kalon, deep down he felt like maybe, just maybe, the place he called home may have once looked like a picturesque sanctuary.

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Re: kalon readoptions - open

Postby altiora » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:12 am

good luck <3
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Re: kalon readoptions - closed

Postby lovage » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:43 am

lovage wrote:
welcome to this readoption! i am needing to downsize my kalons, so some just have to go.

follow all cs and kalon rules
anyone can enter this competition
don’t edit your form or post one after the closing post
you may go for all of them. but, please note if you go for multiple of them keep their forms on the different posts
no extras are allowed
prettying up is allowed.

ernest is on oekaki without the edits, found here, and has three breeding slots left.

won by Discontinued

nova has all of her breeding slots left and is completely off oekaki.

for her, it is unlimited impress me. remember quality over quantity.

Code: Select all
 nova -

boris is on- oekaki, found here, and has one breeding slot left.

if they had to go to any world, what world would it be?

Code: Select all
boris -

end dates
boris and nova - september 25th at rollover, extensions may be asked for
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