VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby DragonCave » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:29 am

Prompt 6 - Summer's End!

username; DragonCave
{words or art}
➤ Long Time No See
    Sasha walked alongside Dustin, lost in her own thoughts. How many years had it been since they had seen each other? Sasha figured they had been in their early teens when Dustin left their town, saying that he was going to "travel the world" or something of the like. Since then, she had only occasionally thought of him. But now he was back, and it seemed like he had settled somewhere. They made their way from stand to stand at the festival as they talk. Sasha decided to speak up.
    "Dustin, where did you go after you left town? After not hearing about you for years a lot of us thought you had died."
    Dustin ducked his head a little, only then having realized that he should have written back at some point. "I traveled the world, as I said I would. I met a lot of interesting viscets and got into a lot of trouble. It was.. rough, during some points. I was technically homeless by some standards, for about 6 years. I don't regret any of it though, it was amazing! The sights I saw, the foods I had, the places I slept, I wouldn't change it for the world." Dustin looked out over the fair grounds, appearing to have been remembering something.
    Sasha thought for a moment before replying, "What's your situation know? Did you come with anyone?"
    "Actually, I did. I came with my pack. I'm an alpha now."
    "That's amazing, Dustin! Who are they? Can you tell me about them?"
    "Yeah, calm down Sash. Alright, so I'm the leader. My territory is a few miles out past the county line. My betas are some real characters. Marcel and his mate Serafina are polar opposites, but they work quite well together. Serafina's adopted sister is our sentry, her name is Lucine. Lucine and our guard-slash-fighter do patrols with me a lot. Our guard also patrols at night, and helps our medic collect herbs. Serafina and Marcel have a viscling who I believe will move away soon. He doesn't seem to enjoy having to fight for anything, but he's wonderfully talented with medicine." Dustin rambled on for a few more minutes about their adventures, how he once had a crush on Serafina's sister, and other things that happened over the summer before asking how Sasha was doing.
    "I'm doing pretty good, actually. I'm renting with a few friends right now and we all get along real well," Sasha paused to laugh for a second, "Of course I'm the biggest and have the most fur so I'm always being used as a pillow."
    "Hah, I know the feeling. My pack all sleeps in one den. At least it keeps us warm in the winter." There was a moment of silence before Sasha spoke up again.
    "Hey, do you wanna spend the night at my place? My room mate is throwing an after party for the festival and I'm sure they'd all love to meet you."
    "I'd love to! I just have to tell someone where I'm going to be. My pack is staying with Serafina and Lucine's family this week." Seeking out someone to notify, they found Kodiak at Bellatrix at their stands. After a brief introduction and run-down of what was going on, the two started to head back to Sasha's shared home. The two partied with the other's invited until the break of dawn, streamers becoming caught in Sasha's antlers on multiple occasions. They shared stories, opinions, and drinks. Many party goes spent the night as well, and there was a mass of sleeping viscets strewn about the blanket-covered floor come daylight. Dustin was nice enough to stay behind and help with the clean up. Over all, both of the brown-furred viscets had a blast, and were more than happy to see each other again. The two said their goodbyes as Dustin made his way out the door, promising to visit her again some time. Sasha decided that she was glad to have reconnected with him. Another friend couldn't hurt, right?
    (675 words)
➤ Close Encounter
    Looking back, Bellatrix could admit that she may have been able to put a little more thought into planning the trip. Her and Oscar had resolved to spend a day on the lake, to relax and cool off in some non-chlorinated water. What she didn't count on was the wildlife. Their day started out relatively normal, with the duo arriving later than they intended to, just as always. Bellatrix made a magnificent castle out of the sand along the shore while Oscar flipped over rocks and stumps in the water to catch the crayfish underneath. They happily ate the lunch they packed while discussing their day jobs and coworkers. What they were blissfully unaware of, however was that their little spot was smack in the middle of bear country- something that they would have known had they looked into their destination even a little bit. Unbeknownst to them, a rather hungry bear had caught scent of their food, and was making it's way over to them. Oscar was notified to it's presence only when it emerged from the bushed, only about fifteen feet away from Bella. He had to alert her without provoking the bear.
    "Bellatrix, listen to me carefully. Get up slowly and without looking behind you." Oscar made a point to use her full name, something he rarely if ever did. Luckily enough, she realized that something was dreadfully off and followed Oscar's instructions to a tee. Bella gasped a little as she turned to face what she assumed Oscar was looking at, only to find herself facing a bear who was clearly unhappy about finding trespassers in it's territory. In spite of the fact that the bear was about three feet tall at the shoulder, making it a little less than half Bella's height and only one third of Oscar's, every viscet knew that a bear could deal serious damage if one got a hold of one of a viscet's long legs. Oscar started to growl as he slowly bent down to grab the blanket they were sitting on and the bag they had brought the food in, which still contained a bag of chips and some brownies. Once he had the items safely collected he turned to Bella.
    "We're going to back away, don't turn away from the bear and don't run, alright?"
    Bella glanced at the trail leading back out before whispering back, "Alright". At the end of the day, the two had ended up sprinting once out of the bears sight and they resigned to swim in Bella's pool. They would definitely do more research next time they traveled.
    (435 words)

{ Bellatrix, Oscar, Dustin, Sasha - all mine, other mentioned viscets can also be found on this thread }
Last edited by DragonCave on Sun Aug 27, 2017 12:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby ABeardedDragon » Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:55 am

Prompt 6 - Summer's End!

username; ABeardedDragon
That summer changed her.

The black and white viscet hobbled down the white beach, silent except for the palm trees in the breeze and the crash of the ocean. Her carved oak walking stick sank into the soft sand that dusted her brown tail. Freya stopped every now and again to slowly bend down and pick up seashells, groaning as her back ached. Her blue nails ran across the fine cracks on broken shells as she examined them closely with narrow green eyes. They were carefully placed into the leather bag on her left leg, and the undamaged ones on her right. From the rings on her bags dangled painted seashells, threaded through a black rope. The shells rattled with each step. She stepped over washed up dark green kelp, sometimes wrapping it around her walking stick. The old viscet stumbled on a small patch of particularly wet, slippery sand but caught her self, it didn't take long to notice a pain in her hip. She loosened the heavy satchels slightly.
"Must have sprained something," she grumbled. But deep down, she knew the truth; her age was catching up with her. Freya wiped the sweat off of her brow and sighed. Ahead of her was the familiar rocky outcrop she visited every year, for as long as she could remember. As she looked down at the vibrant starfish and a rainbow of coral in the tidepools, she noticed something else.

Tucked away in a small pocket between the rocks was an unusually thick pile of dry kelp, the ends pooling out into the water. Strands wrapped around a solid rock. Freya started to unravel the kelp as she pulled the heavy rock from its hiding place, revealing glimpses of a smooth, white surface.
"This is somethin' special," she chuckled.
Perhaps this could be the centerpiece of her collection of sea rocks. As more of the kelp was peeled away, she quickly realized it wouldn't be. A spotted egg lay in the sand before her. The piebald viscet glanced around the empty beach, then stared into the tropical forest behind her.
"Hello?" she shouted. Maybe it belongs to that tribe.
Freya sat with the egg as the sun started to set and the tide pool emptied.
But why would it be out here?
The first stars glowed dimly, the last light of the sun flickered on the still ocean.
Did it wash up from another island?

The worried viscet decided it had been too long. Her frail arms scooped up the egg and held it close to her fluffy chest, the weight threatened to topple her over. Carefully, she made her way off of the isolated beach, only reaching her holiday hut long after the sun had disappeared. Freya made a nest of blankets by her bed where the egg would rest. For a while, she sat and watched the egg with tired eyes.
"I'll find someone else to take care of it," she smiled as she turned off the lamp.
But she never did.

First skateboard.

Makes a potion that doesn't work and it's just a scam for money, something like 'prevents sunburn'.

She delicately wiped the dust from her sunflower trophy on the counter, surrounded by a neat bouquet of flowers. As she brushed the last of the brass petals, a small smile spread across her face.

She stood at her stand, covered with a floral sheet and carefully arranged her flowers. In a frosted glass vase stood an array of white and red roses with perfect petals that almost looked fake. In a rust red pot, a sunflower proudly towered above everything else on the table. A small white pot to the side contained flowering cacti, with a bunch of colourful flowers contrasted against it's simple green stem. Azalea smiled at the curious spectators and nervous competitors as they passed her stand. Some took pictures of her colourful stand, she was happy to pose by them with a proud smile.
"How's your sunflower so tall?" a passer-by asked.
"It's a little secret," she smiled, "all natural though."
The florist noticed that most questions she got where about her sunflower, and as she looked around she could see why. The yellow head was far above most of the sunflowers here, there were some daunting rivals though. After she shuffled her flowers about slightly and gently positioned their leaves, she stood patiently.
"Contestants, please do not touch your flowers, judging has started," a voice boomed through a microphone.
Her table was one of the first ones. The judges acted as if she was invisible and mumbled to each other about the flowers before scribbling down numbers and notes on their clipboards.
"Good job," one judge said to her as they left.

With her judging over, she decided to head off to the refreshments bar. She poured herself a cup of orange juice and sat down in a green garden chair.
Last edited by ABeardedDragon on Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:49 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby magpiemochi. » Sun Aug 20, 2017 8:06 am

Prompt 6 - Summer's End!

username; james.
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The devil needs a vacation too — 972 words wrote:
Panic spread like an uncontrollable wild fire through tiers of Tyramet's Kingdom, and it wasn't long before absolutely everyone was aware of the Hell King's disappearance. It was normal for him to leave the underworld to take care of business, but Azrael was always warned beforehand, and it never took more than a couple of hours — if that. Tyramet had been gone for half of the day.

Azrael wanted to keep it quiet as possible, but word spreads fast. He predicted that there would be no possible way to control the masses once everyone was notified, and he was entirely right, unfortunately for him.

"Azrael, what do you mean, 'you don't know'? Aren't you second in command? What sort of game are you playing?" They would ask, and Azrael had no other answer to give them except for the truth. He simply didn't know where Tyramet was.

"He didn't notify me before he left, as he usually does. I don't know what else to tell you. I don't know what else you want me to say. Do you want me to lie and tell you he's fine? And that I know he's just on some long business trip?" Azrael sighs in defeat. "I wish that were the case, but unfortunately, it's not. Perhaps he is on some long business trip, but I don't know. I'm right here with you lot; I'm just as clueless."

As the crowd grumbled and trudged away from where Azrael was standing, he couldn't help but think on some of the things the others were saying. 'What sort of second-in-command does that make you? Shouldn't you have been watching him?'

"Yeah," he says aloud with a solemn chuckle, "I suppose I should have been watching him, huh. That's my job, after all."

"Tyramet does what he wants, when he wants."

Azrael flinches at the sudden noise, and even though he recognises who the owner of the voice is before even looking, he still greets her with bared teeth and a guttural growl. "You know you can't sneak up on me like that, Farrago."

She doesn't seem at all fazed by his reaction and instead sits with him, placing a gentle paw against his. "Don't let their words weigh down on you so heavily. You know you're doing your job. He knows you're doing your job. If he didn't trust you to do a good job, he wouldn't leave unannounced. He wouldn't leave the kingdom for you to watch in his absence." She pauses in order to tilt her head, eyes sparkling with adoration as she speaks to her King's right-hand. "The panic will settle. This is merely a reaction, just the same as when you were ready to tear me to shreds just a moment ago, and now look at us." The soft grip on his paw tightened for a moment. "Speaking as if nothing even happened."

In the beginning, Azrael was jealous of the Hell King's mate. He was there first, why did he choose her? But it was times like these that he realised exactly why he chose her over him. He was the muscle and she was the brains. Beauty and brains. A perfect fit for the Hell King.

Just as he unhinged his jaw in order to reply to her, a loud noise behind them had Azrael's hackles raised and teeth bared once more. Calm as ever, Farrago doesn't even bother turning around until she hears the vulgarities spilling from the other's maw as he scurries from where he was sitting and over to the crimson viscet. Brows raised, Farrago can't help but smirk at the scene before her:

Tyramet is there — he had appeared with the help of his portals — and looking smug as ever.

"Do you understand that you had the Kingdom in an absolute panic? And guess what! You'll never know who they blamed." Azrael doesn't even allow him time to reply to the statement before laying in again. "Yep, that's right. Me. You had the Kingdom up in arms at me because you decided to take a stroll to who knows where?"

"I was on vacation." The crimson King rolls his shoulders in a shrug, a smug smirk still painted on his face, while Farrago does a wonderful job holding in the chuckle ready to break free from her throat at the look on Azrael's face.

"You were .. what?" He can't stop his left eye from twitching viciously as he asks the question, not entirely sure if he heard the Hell King correctly. "What do you mean you were on vacation?"

"I was on vacation, look." With a cheeky smirk, Tyramet holds out his arm, "I got to work on my tan."

Azrael manages to resist exploding at the moment and instead releases an exhale he didn't even realise he was holding before turning on his paws to leave, mumbling to himself all the while.

"So, a vacation, huh?" Farrago finally leaves the spot in which she was sitting in order to sashay over to her mate, paws pressing against his chest once she reaches him.

"Oh, cheeky thing. You can drop the act now." He places a gentle peck against the tip of her snout, an adoring smile spreading his maw. "The beach was interesting but far too hot. You would have hated it."

"Mm," she hums, still nestled comfortably against his chest. "I had been missing your company, but I suppose I should thank you for not forcing me to endure it then... Though, honestly, I'm not sure what would be worse. Azrael's temper, or the dreadful heat."

Chuckling in unison, the two agree that it would probably be best to notify the rest of the Kingdom of his return before they disappear to enjoy a quiet and very cold night in together.

There's no place like home.

Here's to the summer — 713 words wrote:
The Lecter household had been preparing all morning and afternoon to make sure everything would be absolutely perfect for 'Vasaros Vakarienės Pabaiga' which roughly translates to 'End of the Summer Feast.' Hannibal was a master of most everything he tried, but there was one thing he did flawlessly. Hannibal wasn't a legitimate professional Chef; he didn't learn from a mentor or anything like that, but he was arguably the best out there. That's why when he held his Seasonal feasts, everyone who knew about them scrambled to get an invitation. Sometimes, the invitations were based on pure luck while other times, the patriarch paid close attention to those around him throughout the season and off-handedly jotted their name down for future use.

This was one of those times.

He had paid very close attention to the actions of those around him, and to the good deeds that were accomplished as well. He noticed that most viscets would realise his way of doing things and start to hustle in order to make a good impression — but he wasn't interested in those. Rather, he was interested in the individuals who made heartfelt contributions in order to bring their society that much closer to finding peace. It was more likely that those specific individuals would prove to be well-behaved, presentable, and respectable dinner guests. He wasn't a fan of dramatics, after all. Especially not at the dinner table. Oh dear, never at the dinner table. His own children were afraid to even look at him the wrong way while they were eating at the dinner table. It was almost like that was sacred ground, besides his office of course. No one wanted to see what would happen if anyone made a scene at one of his infamous dinner parties, so sometimes, it was far better not to leave the invitations to chance. It definitely took a bit of stress from his mate's shoulders, that's for sure.

As he skims along the guest list for the evening, eyeing each viscet as they took their proper seat at the table, he can't help but smile. It wasn't a soft or adoring smile, but rather a cocky and confident smile. When he was a child, he never would have imagined this would be his life... And he didn't have a single complaint about it. Once the guests were settled and his mate took her seat at the opposite head of the table while their children followed in next to her, Hannibal clasped his paws together in order to begin his speech.

"It's an honour. Truly. To have you all here this wonderful evening. I couldn't be more pleased with the turnout. Not a single missing name on this list." He chances a smirk at his mate who only returns a quick wink back. "There, at the head of the table, you will see my beautiful mate and our wonderful children. As we look at them, take a moment to appreciate the beauty in your own lives. Mates, children, family. Whatever it is. Be thankful. Cherish it. Because you never know how long it will last." Raising his glass, the dark viscet smirks once more at the crowd. "Here's to a wonderful summer, and may the future seasons be just as kind."

Following suit, each guest took their glass in hand and raised it in a silent toast before smiling at each other. Hannibal was pleased to see that they were already doing what he asked; cherishing one another.

"Now, who's ready to eat?" The excitement in his voice is obvious and Monique can't keep the pleased smile from her maw. It was always a beautiful sight to behold — seeing her mate so happy and passionate about something. She always looked forward to their feasts, not only for the wonderful food, but to see Hannibal in his true element.

When he called for the waiter to bring their first course, Monique's heart jumped. It was silly, but she still giggled in excitement when he was around her.

"Another summer down, a lifetime of them to go, yeah?" She nuzzled her maw against his as he stopped beside her on his way to the other head of the table.

"A lifetime indeed, my dearest. A lifetime and then some."

Tyramet and Azrael belong to me. Farrago belongs to milo.

Hannibal and Monique belong to me.

overall word count: 1689 words
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby Mint Chip » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:42 am

bump;; remember this ends soon--
went ahead and extended it to the 26th.
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby Yugi » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:46 am

Prompt 6 - Summer's End!

username; Yugi
1. wrote:Scylla tugged on Camira's sleeve, smiling as the two walked along the rocky shore of the beach. "Hey, calm down there, Scylla," Camira began, keeping a tight hold onto long haired viscet's wrist to prevent her from following off. "Please watch your step here; I don't want you to go tumbling down into the lake; we still have quite a few days of vacation left, so we can take as long as we want to." The sun was already setting, but there was still enough daylight for them to spend about an hour or two at the beach without any worries.

Scylla scrunched up her nose, quickly glimpsing at Camira. "What's the fun of vacationing if there's no rush though," she said, jokingly. She let out a small giggle as she quickened her pace.

The shorter haired viscet did her best to keep up with Scylla's leading steps; she placed each bare foot on the same rock the other girl did. It didn't take them all that long until they were safely at the bottom of the rocky hill. As they made their way through the hot, summer sands of the beach, they left visible footsteps marking their tracks. Scylla released her grip on Camira's sleeve before pulling away and turning 180 degrees around to face her girlfriend. A big smile began to appear on her face as the two embraced; they began to slowly waltz on the beach's shore as they crept closer and closer to the water's edge with every movement. Complicated sandy footsteps marked the soft beach. They continued to dance in the water, kicking up splashes of it every so often. However, while their dance was smooth for a while, Camira ended up tripping on a rock, causing the two to crash into the fresh water below them, soaking them both completely.

The two looked at each other quietly before bursting out in joyful laughter. Their hands slid past each other and they interlocked their fingers as they sat in more silence. They tilted their head up towards the darkening sky, admiring the lovely hues of purple and orange, as well as how glistening the stars were that night.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Scylla muttered, pushing back her bangs with her free hand. "I miss spending time like this with you. Perhaps... we should do this more often? Even outside of the summer?"

Camira was a bit hesitant to answer. She didn't want to give Scylla false promises, but she also wanted to spend more time with the other female as well. "Yeah," she answered, a bit simply. "When we go back, we can try to discuss and find time to relax with each other. It's been a bit quiet anyways lately."

Scylla's smile still stayed genuine and happy; she relaxed her head on Camira's shoulder for a little while. When it began to get too cold, the two got up from the lake and squeezed out as much water as they could from their clothes. Camira lied a blanket down upon the beach for the two to lay on for the rest of the time. She called Scylla over after making herself comfortable on the covered ground, leaving enough room for the other girl.

The two relaxed on the colorful cloth, continuing their stargazing with each other. They were both content and warm, despite being completely drenched earlier.

2. wrote:Hand in hand, the small family walked down the paved route through the forest. They enjoyed viewing the wildlife around them; despite it being summer, the forest was still in full bloom. The sweet scent of beautiful flowers and ripe fruit lingered in the air around them. Neyla and Sabine chatted among each other, but Cereza was much too distracted by the new sights to really listen to them.

"Cereza, darling," Sabine began, "are you ready to pick some berries and flowers to use for this evening's ice cream?" She looked at the small, pink child. Sabine looked truly happy to be able to spend time with her little one, as it was something that she had been meaning to do for a while.

The young girl peered up at Sabine with bright eyes. "Ice cream?" she asked, completely enthralled with the idea of being able to savor the cold, sweet cream soon. She looked over to her other mother, waiting for Neyla to give her the go ahead. While she was already given indirect permission from Sabine, Cereza always refused to do anything until she received permission from both of her mothers. She held onto Neyla's hand, lightly tugging onto it to get her attention.

Neyla nodded her head, releasing her hold on her daughter's hand and patting her on the back gently. "Just remember to give them to me, so mommy can make sure that they're safe to eat, alright?" Neyla handed the little one a light, but still quite sturdy, basket crafted from wood, making sure that Cereza had firmly grasped it in her tiny hands. She pointed in a specific direction that she wanted her daughter to go off towards, as Neyla was certain that the area would be the safest for her while also providing an abundance of fresh plants for her to collect.

Cereza skipped her way towards the path her mother had marked in front of her, swinging the basket gently. Her parents followed behind her, keeping a close eye on their child together. When they fully entered into a heavily wooded part of the forest they were visiting, Neyla and Sabine began to place down the items they had packed for that day's outing. Sabine set up a large picnic blanket, enveloping the grass below them with its soft fabric. Neyla, on the other hand, began to put down another basket; this one was fairly larger, and had a top covering the items inside of it. She knelt down next to it, lifting up the fabric flap fully. She pulled out a few containers, dishware, and cutlery, as well as a miniature ice cream machine. She ordered everything on top of the picnic blanket nicely.

Cereza, on the other hand, was much too busy collecting various flowers and berries. She gathered a few red roses from a nearby rose bush, being sure to not prick her tender hands on its spikes. Nearby her were a few lavender plants growing wildly with the roses; she was gently with picking off sprigs of it, as she didn't want to damage the flowers if she could. Blackberries, strawberries, an cherries could easily be found within the forest too, which delighted the tiny viscling. She had never seen a place with so many different selections when it came down to fruit, but she was glad that she had the chance to be able to enjoy them now. The forest was nowhere close to Neyla's garden, as Cereza knew her mother was particular in the fruits she grew. And, while she did love peaches as much as her mother did, it was nice to have a break them every once in a while.

Time didn't pass them by too much; Cereza was fairly proficient when it came to gathering as she would always help her mother when it came down to harvesting their own plants. The happy viscling ran up to her mothers, holding the now heavy basket tightly in her arms. Sabine took the basket from her daughter, helping her place it down next to Neyla.

In response, Neyla pulled out a bottle of water and filled up an empty container with it. She took the berries, cleaning them free of any dirt residue that might have gotten onto them; when they were done being washed, she placed them on a cutting board for Sabine to chop. The older pink viscet then began to take the flowers, doing her best to pluck the petals off of them. She placed the petals into the water while tossing out the parts that they weren't going to use onto the grass next to them. Cereza watched her mothers work away at the fruit and flowers as she snacked on the picnic food they all had prepared.

It wasn't too long before Neyla brought the ice cream machine closer to her, filling the bottom with ice and salt. She grabbed cream, sugar, and sliced rose petals first, throwing them all into an upper part of the miniature machine. With a few flicks of her wrist and staff, the crank began to turn by itself. She began to make the other batches of flavors as well.

Within about thirty minutes, everything was successfully made; fresh ice cream with various flavors of the plants Cereza had collected only minutes before had been easily crafted. The small family of three began to test out the new flavors, enjoying every single bite of it together. Cereza had found a love for both the cherry and rose flavored desserts, and opted to focus her attention on eating just those two for the rest of the evening.

As they enjoyed the refreshing sweets together, they giggled joyfully, going on and on about how amazing their daughter was at discovering these flavors for them.

Total: 1,532/2,000

1. Scylla + Camira - Both viscets owned by me
2. Neyla + Sabine + Cereza - All viscets owned by me

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby _Alex_ » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:13 am

Prompt 6 - Summer's End!

username; _Alex_
{words} 1391/2000
a visit home - 976 words
    It was that summer that he returned to the his hometown.

    It had been years since he had made the voyage there. when he was not out traveling the world, he was resting either in his own territory, or the arms of his mate. Chronos. It was hard to believe at times, that his mate was not who he said he was originally. that he was the lord of chaos and time and not grace and order like he had originally believed. But that mattered little anymore. He had made his choice. He would stand by his mate until the day his soul was wiped out of existence.

    But for now, he was taking a much needed break.

    His hometown was small. nestled deep into the amazon where not even the loggers dared to venture. It was one of the few remaining places on earth untouched by humans (a blessing from years ago by his mate). It was wild, it was free, it was home. as soon as we stepped foot onto the road leading into town, every eye was on him. On his glowing blue markings, on his dark green drapes, on the worn leather satchel he had slung over one shoulder. This was a town where outsiders were not welcome, but he was not an outsider. So he just stood there, defenses down and peace in his eyes.

    One of the elders recognized him first. An old grey viscet who had sold him fruit when he was just a mere child. One of the few ones that had entertained his obsession with the old gods. (gods he knew now existed, but were no where near as powerful as his mate). "Curare?" she asked, voice rough with age. "Is that you?"

    "Yes." he said, a smile on his face. "I've come back home after all these years."

    Cries of welcome rose up from those old enough to remember him, they couldn't believe that one of their own had returned after so many years.

    The village threw a celebration the next night. Whole boars were roasted on open flames, seasoned and sweetened with honey and fruit. The old storyteller sat beside the fire and told the village's favorite legends. Visclings ran back and forth underfoot, happy to have the night free from chores and eager to braid flowers into his drapes and mane. Everything was nice, everything was perfect, everything spoke of home.

    It was at the end of the night that he caught the eye of another viscet. One with a pelt so vivid and bright and reminiscent of a tree frog. It was Rapheal. His oldest friend from childhood. He gestured towards the forest, and Raphael nodded. He turned and slipped through the crowd, muttering excuses to the few that asked where he was going. When he slipped into the forest, he moved faster, stopping underneath a tree that was far taller than all the rest.

    "How have you been the last few years?" he asked quietly as soon as he felt a presence behind him, not bothering to turn to face his friend.

    "Good." Raphael hummed out, moving until he was leaning up against the tree facing the other. "I'm mated now. To two guys surprisingly enough. Fritz and Kai. We're an unusual match i'll admit, but we work." Raphael shrugged, looking at his old friend. "What about you? Still traveling the world."

    "In a way." Curare stated, trying to figure out just how much to tell his friend. He was innocent, just a regular soul who had no dealings with devils and angels and gods and witches. "I've got a mate of my own now. Have had for the past while. It was complicated there for a bit, still is actually. But we're good now, and i'm pretty sure we can handle the storm that's heading for us."

    Raphael nodded. "You're hiding something from me." his voice held just a layer of betrayal.

    "I am." Curare confirmed. "I don't want you hurt. As far as I know, no one has any reason to go after you. And I want it to stay that way. You're too good of a person to be involved in my war."

    "Your war?" Raphael scoffed. "Since when do you fight in war's Curare? You're a healer. Everyone knows that."

    Curare growled and shook his head. "Not anymore Raph. I left that behind be awhile ago."

    "You left that behind, you're kidding me. What happened to you?." Raphael asked, genuine concern beginning to build for his friend.

    "Gods happened." Curare snapped, scowling. "I feel in love with Ugin, who turned out to be Chronos, and now I'm helping spearhead a war. I've taken more lives than i've saved the last few months and the thing is, it doesn't bother me. It's actually starting to feel good."

    "Oh." Raphael said quietly. Lost for all other words.

    "Yeah, oh." Curare huffed. "I didn't come here for that though." he said quietly. "I came here for a break from it all."

    Raphael hummed. "I'm sorry for ruining that for you then."
    "No, it's, it's okay." Curare sighed out. "Let's just go back and enjoy the party. And just, just forget this talk happened. The last thing i want is you tangled up in any of this."

    "Okay." Raphael agreed. "We can do that."

    The rest of the night was spent by the fire, enjoying the remnants of the welcome celebration. And in three days when he left the village again, he resisted the urge to press a protection talisman into his friend's paw. And it was like magic, that as soon as he was far enough from the town to not be seen, his mate appeared, shining in all his glory, to pull him into his arms. His trip home had been bittersweet, but it was one he would never regret.
next summer - 415 words
    "next summer," nethys hummed, stirring the pot of stew slowly, "next summer I see us on the edge of a dark forest."

    "a forest?" prometheus question, looking up from the giant book of ancient runes he was transcribing by hand. "are you sure you're seeing right my dear? never before have the powers that be lead us into a region that is not a swamp."

    "of course i am sure." she hummed. "since when has my sight ever been wrong?" her mate was silent, looking back down to his book. he had no argument for her she could tell. he never did really. they both knew better than to question the other's knowledge. "it can change of course." she said, going back to her cooking. "you know that as well as i. but for right now, i see us on the edge of a dark forest. bargaining with a creature that's half flower and half broken nightmare. i see the deal we make changing the tide of a war. but that is all i see."

    "a war?" her mate questioned hastily, looking up from his book. "i hope that changes. i care not to be caught up in the war that is to come."

    "so you know of this war?" nethys asked, sprinkling a handful of carrots into the pot.

    "i've heard of it. even now the sides whisper. there are almost too many to count. conversations and strings all tangled up in each other. but from what i can tell, there are four main facets." he set his quill down carefully. "there is the devil tyramet, the god chronos and his mate, ugin and her mate, and then a parasite? i know not what to call the fourth one but it's nothing like this world has ever seen. and that's just the leaders. i hear hundreds of smaller voices all trying to figure out where they align."

    nethys sighed, extinguishing the flame beneath her stew. "these next few years will not be pretty. not unless something changes." carefully, she began to ladle out three bowls of stew. "but enough of that for now. i see we have a guest coming."

    "a guest?" prometheus said, voice heavy with confusion even as he accepted his bowl. "who is coming to visit at this hour?"

    "a necromancer. one with skeletons in both his closet and fur and who hangs of the arm of a demon." a knock sounded at the door and she smiled. "i'll get that."

{viscets used / credits}
a visit home
next summer


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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby magpiemochi. » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:10 pm

{Prompt 6 Winners}

special mentions: (each user listed here will receive the following: x2 Stubs, Special Potion & 1 raffle ticket for weekly raffle)
Yugi, tiny little box, •Ash Wolf•, DragonCave, Wolfenhimer, ~Prophecy~, and ~Teya~

winners: (each user listed here will receive the following: x3 Stubs, x2 Special Potions & 1 raffle ticket for weekly raffle)
james., milo., _Alex_, Macyduke, and ABeardedDragon

Super congrats, dudes!! Mint will be back on Friday or Saturday to pull for the raffle(s) and close up the prompt event!

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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby Mint Chip » Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:42 am

james. wrote:
{Prompt 6 Winners}

special mentions: (each user listed here will receive the following: x2 Stubs, Special Potion & 1 raffle ticket for weekly raffle)
Yugi, tiny little box, •Ash Wolf•, DragonCave, Wolfenhimer, ~Prophecy~, and ~Teya~

winners: (each user listed here will receive the following: x3 Stubs, x2 Special Potions & 1 raffle ticket for weekly raffle)
james., milo., _Alex_, Macyduke, and ABeardedDragon

Super congrats, dudes!! Mint will be back on Friday or Saturday to pull for the raffle(s) and close up the prompt event!

sorry for the delay on the weekly raffle winner. c:
I am getting things in order to roll for the grand raffle today (hopefully).
Weekly Raffle 6:
  1. milo.
  2. Wolfenhimer
  3. ~Teya~
  4. Macyduke
  5. ~Prophecy~
  6. tiny little box
  7. •Ash Wolf•
  8. DragonCave
  9. ABeardedDragon
  10. james.
  11. Yugi
  12. _Alex_

weekly raffle 6 winner
#4 Macyduke!
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VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - Grand Raffle

Postby Mint Chip » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:10 am

Grand Raffle & Prizes

The grand raffle is the ending raffle for our summer prompt thread. This raffle combines all the previous raffles into one large raffle that numerous prizes will be given out from. The biggest of the prizes will be 3 UBP or Ultra Batch Potions which are potions for three specific legendaries: The Great Antlers (candle or wooden), The Bat, and The Magnificent Crystals.

Various other prizes will be drawn for as well including a few Extra Claim Item (for batches only), Extra Submission Items (Nursery or Hatchery), and some small potion bundles which will include 2 definite trait potions and 1 color additive potion. Alrighty so here's the list of names which are copied directly from the previous raffles so if you participated I should have missed you in here.

Prize Explanations wrote:note:*** when any of these potions or items are applied that proof of this win must be linked in the batch submission (or for the claim item; on the thread when claim is made.)
Grand Prizes:
    Ultra Batch Potion
      Three of these will be given out
      ultra batch potions are potions that when applied to a batch without any legendary parents yield a legendary offspring. each of the rolls will be for a specific UBP, and I will list beneath the winner the exact legendary potion won.
Extra Prizes:
    Extra Claim Item
      Three of these will be given out
      extra claim items can only be used on batches. these are one time use items that allow the user to keep an extra batch in the same month as a previous claim. these items are rare and currently this is the only give out of them.
    Extra Submission Item
      Four of these will be given out
      extra submission items can be used in either nursery or hatchery but be selected for which upon winning/claiming. these are one time use items that allow the user to post an extra batch submission (for either nursery or hatchery). these cannot be applied to nursery during the month the hatchery opens.
    Potion Bundle
      Twelve of these will be given out.
        these bundles contain three potions: 2 definite trait potions and 1 color additive potion. each of these potions can only be used once, information on how these potions work is listed on this threads front page as well as in the nursery and hatchery potion sections.

Grand Raffle
  1. tiny little box
  2. Divantae
  3. ~Prophecy~
  4. _Alex_
  5. PikachuTori25
  6. covfefe
  7. kiffell
  8. ~Teya~
  9. Gallifrey
  10. Strudel
  11. DragonCave
  12. ABeardedDragon
  13. Wobbuffet
  14. ShimmerSolarPets
  15. Sunlitsecrets
  16. MistCat
  17. Limuma
  18. tenlittlesoldierboys
  19. IKEA Lord
  20. Yugi
  21. Mint Chip
  22. Kydashing
  23. Macyduke
  24. finifugal ✨
  25. true knight
  26. Placebo
  27. true knight
  28. james.
  29. covfefe
  30. Gallifrey
  31. ~Prophecy~
  32. cyberdragon725
  33. IKEA Lord
  34. tiny little box
  35. Wobbuffet
  36. ~Teya~
  37. ABeardedDragon
  38. PikachuTori25
  39. DragonCave
  40. Yugi
  41. Strudel
  42. Mint Chip
  43. FluffyBirdie
  44. commandant
  45. Macyduke
  46. _Alex_
  47. Softballpup12
  48. steampunkvale
  49. booklover789
  50. IKEA Lord
  51. ~Teya~
  52. ~Prophecy~
  53. PikachuTori25
  54. oneinthecold
  55. Wobbuffet
  56. ABeardedDragon
  57. Strudel
  58. booklover789
  59. DragonCave
  60. Yugi
  61. humerussin
  62. Macyduke
  63. G1 Sunstreaker
  64. Gallifrey
  65. Kydashing
  66. Mint Chip
  67. _Alex_
  68. ~Teya~
  69. ~Prophecy~
  70. ABeardedDragon
  71. kiffell
  72. PikachuTori25
  73. Strudel
  74. Wolfenhimer
  75. _Alex_
  76. ShimmerSolarPets
  77. Yugi
  78. Wobbuffet
  79. Mint Chip
  80. Macyduke
  81. Placebo
  82. G1 Sunstreaker
  83. milo.
  84. Wolfenhimer
  85. ~Teya~
  86. Macyduke
  87. ~Prophecy~
  88. tiny little box
  89. •Ash Wolf•
  90. DragonCave
  91. ABeardedDragon
  92. james.
  93. Yugi
  94. _Alex_

Grand Prize Winners
#74 - Wolfenhimer!
Congratulations, you win UBP:
The Great Antlers
(pick candle or wooden)
#37 - ABeardedDragon
Congratulations, you win UBP:
The Bat
#50 - IKEA Lord!
Congratulations, you win UBP:
The Magnificent Crystals

***these items are tradeable for stubs, c$, pets or other items (such as potions or myos); however these are not permitted to be sold for money or points. however I have to be notified before the transaction takes place and afterwards to ensure all it recorded down.

Extra Prize Winners
Extra Claim Item
#85 ~Teya~
#72 PikachuTori25
#31 ~Prophecy~

Extra Submission Item
#29 otis (previously covfefe)
#11 DragonCave
#46 _Alex_
#88 tiny little box

Potion Bundles
#16 MistCat
#81 Placebo
#58 booklover789
#27 true knight
#8 ~Teya~
#62 Macyduke
#21 Mint Chip
#7 kiffell
#30 Gallifrey
#89 •Ash Wolf•
#35 Wobbuffet
#24 finifugal ✨
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Re: VISCETS : Summer Prompt Thread - New Prompt pg 16

Postby Vixen Luo » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:32 am

Congratulations, everyone, especially the ultra batch potion winners! I can't wait to see your ultra babies!! :'0

And thank you so much for the potion bundle!! :'> I'm super excited oml
    please stop asking me to give you my viscets. thank you!
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