[☆] silentclan: a rise clan

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[☆] silentclan: amberstar, the leader.

Postby dimi. » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:31 am




name;; amberstar
past names;; amberkit, amberpaw, ambersky
gender;; female
age;; 60 moons
rank;; founder
body build;; skinny

sexuality;; straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Amberstar is best described as mellow at first glance. She is incredibly calm and displays a reserved, serious demeanor around her clanmates most of the time. When around new cats, she is very welcoming, wanting to make sure they feel happy and not isolated/ignored like she did when she was kicked out of her own clan. She is very caring towards new cats at first, then her true opinion on them comes out after interacting for a while, typically after a couple moons.

      Amberstar is incredibly observant and cunning, making her very efficient at picking apart problems and figuring out how to go about solving them without causing conflict on both ends of the party. She is one for fairness, and will strive for it in the most major ways, as proven by her organization.

      In private, behind the closed doors where only a select few know of the operation she is controlling, she is calculating, not saying a word until she has efficiently observed the entire situation at hand. She uses her incredible observation skills to decide how to deal with a contract, and she is the final word in deciding if a contract should be final or not, as she wants to make sure Starclan remains on her side and doesn't abandon her clan.

      Amberstar has never known her real parents. As far as she herself is concerned, she remembers little to none about her past beyond her early apprentice days. As far as she knows, her life started whenever she was physically brought to a camp.

      Amberstar, at the start of her story, was a nameless kit. She was found on a hunting patrol by a group of cats, laid down at the base of a tree alone. She was only a couple of moons old at this point. When she was found, it was the middle of Leafbare, a thin sheet of snow coated the ground, but more snow was coming. When the hunting patrol found her, one of the cats, a female who was a mother of two apprentices herself, approached Amber and picked her up by the scruff.

      "I will be taking this kit back to the camp. It's against warrior code to leave a kit helpless. Continue on without me" The she-cat explained, her voice muffled by the soft fur of the kit, which was covered in undeniably cold snow. The other warriors mumbled something inaudible to one another before walking off deeper into the forest. The she-cat held the kit in her jaws, her lips folded back over her teeth to insure the kit wasn't hurt before quickly making her way back to the camp. When she entered the camp,
      several cats who were talking outside of their dens turned towards her, quiet gasps heard as they all saw the kit. She ignored these gasps and pressed on, heading to the leaders den. She walked in and sat the kit down, lapping at it's cold pelt briefly before the leader came out of his nest, freezing when he saw the kit.

      "Where did you find this kit?" He questioned, seeming suspicious.
      "I found it in the snow outside. I would be going against my code as a warrior to not bring it back." The she-cat explained, her tone seeming to almost challenge the leader.

      The leader ignored this tone and spoke softly. "Very well. We will keep the kit for now until it is a warrior and ready to face the winters alone. Do you understand?"

      The she-cat hesitantly nodded, not liking the idea of abandoning the kit after it was trained, but she accepted. "I do. I'll go get the kit to the nursery and give it a name." She said with a dip of her head before picking the kit back up, eagerly making her way to the nursery. She found one of the nursing queens, who was laying on her flank as her only kit drank.

      "Oh, look at what you got! Bring them over here, I got more than enough room for that kit." The she-cat sighed in relief at the Queen's kindness, gently placing the kit at her belly. Amber wriggled her way forward and immediately began to drink. The mother smiled, looking back at the other she-cat. "She's an eager one, isn't she dear?"

      "Yeah, she is. I wonder what we should name her.." She looked over Amber for a moment. After licking her, a cream pelt could be seen. "How about Amberkit?" The she-cat suggested, turning back to the queen to see her expression. The queen smiled as her eyes lingered on the kit, cooing excitedly for a moment before nodding. "Amberkit sounds like a wonderful name for her, dear."

      Several moons passed, and soon Amberkit become Amberpaw. She trained under the wing of this nameless she-cat, proving to be very skilled within just the first moon of fighting. She was agile, had a huge amount of strength for someone her age, and most of all, was confident in her skill. However, because she was so confident, her mentor found that she was too open about where she was going to strike, and Amber became predictable. Several more moons were spent training her to perfect her skills before she was formally named Ambersky. A day after she sat vigil, two warriors approached her while she was talking to the mother who had brought her to the clan, who was planning a hunting patrol with Ambersky.

      "Ambersky, the leader would like to speak to you." One of the warriors uttered, interrupting their conversation. Ambersky looked at the she-cat and smiled before getting to her paws. "I'll be right back." The she-cats gaze became concerned, she had just become a warrior - which meant she was about to be sent off. Ambersky bounded into the leaders den and sat on her haunches, and the leader approached, beginning to speak.

      "Hello, Ambersky. I have to break something to you. It is time that you leave our clan, and possibly begin your own. You have some exceptional talents, but this was an agreement your adoptive mother and I made when you came to this clan." Ambersky cocked her head to the side in confusion briefly before sighing softly, taking a deep, shaky breath before speaking. "Okay. I'll go." Ambersky glared at the leader, feeling abandoned before she took her leave.

      She wandered for several moons, hiding from clans and scraping together enough food to keep herself alive until she found herself sitting on a tree branch, dozing off. When she opened her eyes, the figure of a cat, the one of the cat who had brought her to the clan that abandoned her in the first place, was now a figure of stars speaking to Ambersky.

      "Amber, you can't keep hiding like this. You need to see the world, start your own clan. Your ancestors see so much in you, pleasee put it to use.." The vision disappeared after a moment, and at first Ambersky shook it off, then tensed up, jumping down from the tree to begin her new adventure. She ran through vast plains and forests, eagerly looking for a place to settle when she found an isolated forest, where no other cats seemed to roam. She began to craft dens out of sticks and cobwebs, gathered the few medical herbs she knew anything about, and set up camp. This was only the beginning for Ambersky, now known as Amberstar, crafting her clan.
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[☆] silentclan: heatherpool, the deputy.

Postby dimi. » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:38 am




name;; heatherpool
past names;; heath, heatherpaw
gender;; female
age;; 59 moons
rank;; deputy
body build;; large, bulky.

sexuality;; straight
crush;; adderstar
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Heatherpool's personality is difficult to describe; it simply depends on circumstances. She never has a static or consistent personality, it is different with every single cat she has come across. She can change her personality with the flick of a light switch; people might consider this a multi personality disorder, or perhaps even a matter of Heatherpool being bipolar. Neither of these are right. In fact, it is this talent that actually allowed her entry into the clan.

      She is manipulative, cunning, but she is not rude; simply skilled. She changes her personality to best fit the personality of the cat she is conversing with. If a cat she is talking to is often negative, she encourages them to be more positive, offers a shoulder to lean on, and helps them. If the cat she is talking to isn't one easy to intimidate, Heatherpool is incredibly vague and mysterious, hoping to throw the cat off guard. If she is talking to someone she likes, she picks up on their habits and typically expresses she shares similar interest with them with incredible, but not plastic-sounding enthusiasm. There are a multitude of other habits she has whenever dealing with a variety of cats, but these are just some she is found using most frequently.

      Her history isn't necessarily one that any newcomer to her tendencies would expect. At one point, Heatherpool was actually a kitty pet named Heath, owned by an old woman who loved the Heath chocolate bars. She lived a life of luxury, being pampered to with canned food, hand made cat trees, among other various things cats enjoyed. She was living the easy life. She knew what to do to get the old lady to give her whatever she wanted. High five her paw for a treat, lick her hand to get her attention, lay across her lap to get tons of pets, she could get anything she wanted with the right skills.

      Eventually, the old woman got too old to take care of her. But, oddly enough, instead of taking Heatherpool to a shelter, she took her to a forest and left her there. At first, Heath felt lost, betrayed, then she felt a new sense of adventure in her life. She went on an adventure throughout the forest, training herself to climb up trees to look up at the moon each night, wishing her previous owner good health wherever they were. She had a couple of encounters with other cats, which were all loners who simply shooed her away, given her kittypet past.

      She then reached the forest where Silentclan resided, after running along a river, wondering where it would take her next on her grand adventure! She saw the other cluster of trees just to the south of the river and made her way into them, bounding around happily until she found herself in the center of a camp. It was late at night, and not a single cat stirred. She assumed it was abandoned, plopped herself in the center, and dozed off.

      When she awoke, she found a tom sniffing her flank, pawing at her to wake up as he questioned who she was. She took a moment to wake up and sat up, acting casual. "My name is Heath." She had a mint green collar around her neck, which gave away her identity. "So, you come from the two-legs home? Why have you come so far out here?"

      "I left my owner quite a while ago. I just never got this thing off." She answered, trapping it in her jaws as she tugged at it. A cream coloured she-cat, Amberstar, soon approached, her voice soothing.

      "Here, let me help you with that." Amberstar clamped down on the collar and jerked back, her teeth slowly tearing through the fabric. It eventually fell off, and Amberstar tossed it to the side. "My name is Amberstar. This is Aspencloud, we must've been asleep when you showed up. Why didn't you wake one of us up?"

      "I'm Heath. I actually didn't even know you were here." Heath said with a soft giggle.

      After the introductions and explanation were exchanged, Amberstar turned to the two cats before her. "Heath, would you like to join the cats of Silentclan?"

      Although she didn't know what a clan even was, she nodded. "Yes, please." With a delighted purr and a few steps to the leader's rock to perform a ceremony, she was given the name Heatherpaw, and mentored underneath Amberstar herself.

      Her training lasted for only a short amount of time. Heatherpaw had become well adjusted to hunting and climbing trees in her time, needing only a couple moons worth of training to be considered a warrior. Since she became a warrior, she has also had the side job of conducting interviews in order to discuss contracts with cats that Amberstar or Aspencloud have sought out in the nearing clans.
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[☆] silentclan: willowsong, the first medicine cat

Postby dimi. » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:48 am




name;; willowsong
past names;; willow
gender;; female
age;; 50 moons
rank;; medicine cat
body build;; small, skinny.

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Willowsong is an incredibly obedient individual. She never dares to take action unless said action is approved of by Amberstar, her leader. She is incredibly cautious, almost to a point where those around her, if questioned, would considered Willowsong to be a bit paranoid. Her obedient and cautious nature derives from the fact that she herself is a perfectionist. If one thing, one minor flaw is present in something she does, she feel as if she is not doing something to her fullest ability and will panic over it. She has this major state of paranoia due to the fact she does not want to be shipped away from Silentclan like she was from her rogue pack that she once called home.

      When around those she is close to, she is a bit more open than she is around individuals she doesn't know, or those she is trying to impress (ex. Amberstar). She is not bubbly or over-energetic, but she is easier to maintain a conversation with if you're closer to her. She doesn't act as frightened, and instead cracks a few sarcastic humor jokes here. Among groups of friends, she is best known as the chill friend who's there to keep all the other rambunctious ones in line.

      However, due to her paranoia and frequent questioning, she is often found puzzled over the simplest of things. Some may consider this a cute quirk, but it often gets annoying whenever someone has to repeat something a dozen times before Willowsong understands it enough to feel like she is in a secure position and won't mess something up.

      Willowsong, formally known as Willow, was actually the member of a rogue pack long before she joined Silentclan. In fact, she was born into this rogue pack, and didn't know clans were a thing for the first 10 moons of her life. Her rogue pack was a violent one, her mother and father among the most violent cats of the pack. They were known to be the first to address issues; which would typically end in another cat dying. The pack was ruthless, cruel, and showed no remorse for their actions. They didn't consider anything or anyone above their survival. Willowsong, as a kit, was often treated with neglect. Her parents often neglected her so much that she had to rely on another queen to get her milk to keep her alive as a kit.

      Once she reached apprentice age, she began to train as a warrior. When she seemed to have incredible potential, her mentor proposed that she become an assassin for the clan; the role that her parents played. When this idea was brought to the table, she shook her head, huffed out a disrespectful response, and began to purposely fail her tasks as an apprentice, her fighting talent seeming to fizzle away. Willow's skills got so rusty, they changed her apprenticeship all together, and made her the medicine cat apprentice instead. She ended up sticking to this, as it allowed her to help cats that fell victim to injuries out on the job. She remained the medicine apprentice for the first 20 moons of her life, taking a while to get all the herbs engraved in her mind.

      She then became a medicine cat, and was labeled as one of the best that the rogue pack had come across. A wound could be tended to in just a few minutes by Willow, and wounds would come out feeling better almost immediately, just a bit sore. Just a couple moons after she received her rank, a large fight broke out in the clearing between two of the rogues. The fight was so brutal and so intense, one of the cats was almost left for dead, and would've been, had Willow not tended to them. The injured cat stayed in her dens for a while, getting tended to daily. The cat who assaulted him, however, got off without punishment - that is until Silentclan came into the picture.

      Just a moon after the incident, Willow woke up one night to find that her patient was gone. This was normal, sometimes patients would wander out trying to regain their strength. Willow exited the den and peered around, only to see the injured cat and a black-pelted cat talking to one another. The black cat sneered at Willow before turning and guiding the patient out of the camp. Willow fought the urge to follow, and retreated into her den for the night. The next morning, the patient came back, looking far healthier than before as he eagerly told Willow the tale.

      "They offered to take care of the cat that got me in this condition! Can ya believe that? Payback is coming for them, oh boy! All I had to do was offer em some payment!" The cat howled excitedly, only to stop and cough for a bit, his throat still aching from a minimally healed laceration that nearly killed him. Willow looked at the cat, pleased to see him looking lighter than usual. "That's great news," Willow replied with a smile. "Please get some rest though. You were out all night." The cat nodded his head and went into a slumber. Once he went to sleep, Willow sat in the den by her herbs, isolated from any others present in the den as she curiously thought to herself. What kind of payment? And what kind of payback..?

      The next few days passed by without incident. The day of the murder of the cat begins dull, with Willow organizing the herbs in her den as she always did when the cat that was assaulted ran in, howling excitedly. "They did it, Willow! Ya hear?! They took care of that cat for me!" Willow looked at the cat and smiled. "That's incredible, how did they do it?!" The cat's expression then turned to one of a sinister grin. "Come with me to find out~" Worry flashed over Willow in several waves, but she obeyed, following the cat.When she walked out of the den, she saw the leader of her rogue pack standing at the entrance, standing before a cream-coated she-cat. The two were discussing, the only part of the conversation that Willow could hear was a voice from the cream-coated she-cat. "The troublesome cat has been killed." Chills ran down Willow's spine when she heard this, her ears naturally lowering and pinning to her head. The cat then went on to say something more, "Our payment is in effect. Please bring forward the medicine cat." Willow swung her head up in confusion, looking at the leader with a puzzled look. I'm the payment!? Willow obeyed and hesitantly made her way forward.

      The cream-coated shecat took one look at Willow and smiled. "Hello. You'll be coming home to Silentclan with us." The welcoming nature of the she-cat comforted Willow, but only slightly. "May I ask what your name is?" The unfamiliar she-cat asked as she ushered Willow out of the camp, her sleek short-furred tail encouragingly brushing along Willow's back. Willow took a sharp breath in and locked her eyes with the she-cat's. "I'm Willow. What's your name?" The she-cat smiled back at Willow and nodded. "What a pretty name, Willow. It definitely fits you. I'm Amberstar, leader of Silentclan."

      After they exchanged names, they walked back to the camp of Silentclan, which was a long journey, lasting a day and a half. In this journey, they discussed how Amberstar came across her pack, and why she decided to resolve the issue. Willow and Amberstar quickly began to bond on this trip back, and Amberstar always willingly answered Willow's questions. When they arrived back at the camp,
      Willow was welcomed by the only other cat present in the clan at the time, which was Amberstar's deputy; Aspencloud.

      Amberstar called a small ceremony, where Willow was given the suffix of her name, now being called Willowsong. She found that the name was pretty, but would took some time to get used to. After the ceremony, Willowsong was shown her medicine den. Ever since the first day she was brought back to Silentclan, she has been studying the herbs to make sure her skills didn't get rusty.
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[☆] silentclan: poppyflame, the second medicine cat

Postby dimi. » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:34 am




name;; poppyflame
past names;; poppy
gender;; female
age;; 76 moons
rank;; medicine cat
body build;; large, broad shouldered.

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Poppyflame is incredibly confident. She never doubts her skill, and even when it seems to all be crumbling down, she believes that somehow and someway, she alone can solve it. She believes that the cause of faltering in other cats is their lack of confidence, so she strives to be the complete opposite. She is outgoing and social, often starting conversations with others to get to know them better. She rarely judges others, and only judges those who have done something wrong to someone she cares about, such as Rosethorn's attempt on Willowsong's alive.

      Some may find her annoying, though. When she doesn't like cats, she often addresses them with a tone of sarcasm, and throws hints of her hatred towards them, such as mocking them, directly insulting them, among a variety of other things. She has a dry wit sense of humor, often tying in mild joking insults towards those around her.

      Poppyflame's origin is unknown. No one, including herself, knows how she got to the rogue pack she started in. It isn't a bad thing, and Poppyflame doesn't particularly care about the existence of her parents somewhere out there, since she never saw them.

      She started in the rogue pack that Willowsong and Rosethorn were once apart of. She, like Willowsong, was initially training to become a warrior, but ultimately found that she was not fit to be one, and decided to go with being a medicine cat instead. Her training only lasted a couple of moons, as she quickly caught on to herbs and had most of them memorized by the time she was half way through training. While this would never be permitted in a traditional clan, Poppyflame's pack didn't particularly cared and awarded her the rank of the Over reigning Medicine Cat, meaning she would be the one to teach the apprentices to come.

      When Poppyflame became Willowsong's mentor, she developed an unbreakable bond with her, one that would be perceived as love from others. Willowsong trained for several moons underneath Poppyflame, until a rogue of the pack, Cedric, sabotaged Willowsong and traded her as payment for a murder to Silentclan. Poppyflame sacrificed her membership in the pack, and was exiled for attempting to break a deal with another clan, ultimately a form of treason. She never returned to the pack to receive this sentence, though.

      She eventually found Willowsong, and instead of taking her back to the pack, Poppyflame and Willowsong went back to Silentclan, and have been serving as medicine cats together ever since.
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[☆] silentclan: mallowshine, interpreter

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 11:40 am




name;; mallowshine
past names;; mallow
gender;; female
age;; 76 moons
rank;; interpreter
body build;; tall, bulky upper frame

sexuality;; straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Mallowshine is a remorseful she-cat. She spends a lot of her time reflecting on the past, and often gets silently emotional over it. Due to her seclusion in her den, she hardly interacts with anyone, and as a result, bottles up her emotions. When she interacts with others, however, she maintains a stoic demeanor. She seems to lack emotion around anyone, and often phrases her words in a far fancier or dramatic way than other cats would. Due to this, many of the cats view her as weird or deranged. She doesn't particularly care though, and knows she deserves the seclusion.

      With her job, she is supposed to analyze prophecies and omens given to Silentclan from Starclan. Because of this, Mallowshine is an analytic cat who tends to use logic and reason rather than deriving things directly from emotion. She is an incredibly observant feline, and can often get a good idea of who someone is from a single glance in their direction when they're talking to someone. Her job of analyzing things from Starclan has made her capable of picking up on patterns incredibly quickly, and she is incredibly efficient at giving someone advice. If not for her seclusion in the Interpreter's den, cats would most likely come to her for advice frequently.

      Previously known as Mallow, she hails from the same rogue pack that Willowsong was once a part of. Unlike Willowsong, she was not born into the pack, she essentially forced herself into it. When she was six moons, she attacked one of the rogue packs apprentices, and exchange to prevent her from taking their life, the rogue pack offered her food, shelter, and a place to sleep. For these many moons, she lived a life of luxury; being pampered to. But this was not out of respect, rather fear of what she could do. She was reckless, and many of the cats perceived her as not mentally stable.

      Once she reached warrior age, she was given the role of Assassin, as she was heartless and cruel enough to not feel anything as she dealt with presumably innocent cats. She became a figure with no emotion; only breathing and bleeding to accomplish her job. Until Willow(song) reached apprentice age, and she was forced to train her. She hated her apprentice with every fiber in her body, as her parents had almost kicked her out of the pack on multiple occasions. Due to this, she expressed her disgust with Willow by threatening to kill at her every twist and turn during training, training her until she felt like she could not stand any longer.

      Near the end of her training, she found willow was strong, and proposed she became an assassin like her. Willow ultimately ratted her tactics out to Poppy before changing her path to avoid training with Rosemary any longer. Willow finished her training, but seemed to still torture Rosemary mentally. After Willow was traded away, Poppy lost her care and ratted out Rosemary's cruel tactics toward her previous apprentice, resulting in the pack finally driving her away with a death threat.

      She roamed for a few moons alone, until she came across Silentclan, which was the clan Willow resided in. She stalked the ginger she-cat for a while, and eventually lead her to a forest she herself had set ablaze in an attempt to eliminate her. Willow is saved by Poppy, and Rosemary retreats into hiding once more. In a dream several moons later, Rosemary is surrounded by cats, who tell her she must atone for her sins, or they will never be forgiven, and she will join the cats in Dark Forest. At first, she never took it seriously, until an ambush occurred where a cat who screamed he was from the Dark Forest attacked her. After that, her perspective was changed.

      She became devoted to Starclan and their signals, and eventually decided to join Silentclan, swearing she would not lay a paw on Willowsong or Poppyflame, as she had learned from her mistakes. Since then, Rosemary, now known as Rosethorn, has been interpreting signs and words from Starclan, often being the receiver of them.
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[☆] silentclan: wolfwind, sanctuary holder.

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 11:54 am




name;; wolfwind
past names;; wolfpaw
gender;; female
age;; 70 moons
rank;; sanctuary holder
body build;; bigger than most.

sexuality;; straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Wolfwind is one of the most loyal if not the most loyal to the beliefs of Silentclan. She serves Silentclan as a Sanctuary Holder with upmost care, making sure that every contract that comes and goes go smoothly, making sure that conflict is kept to a minimum. With the job of Sanctuary Holder, as well as being a sub-assassin [someone who actually carries out contracts involving murder], her morals and knowledge of morals in other clans has become fade with the desire to serve Silentclan and fight for Silentclan's beliefs. Some would consider her a victim to savagery, others would consider her devoted. Wolfwind just thinks she has grown from her kithood phase and that her actions are "totally normal" and justified.

      To her friends, she is extremely kind. She is often seen offering to help other cats, including strangers, with things that she knows they are capable of doing alone. Wolfwind usually tneds to put others needs before her own, a habit picked up from the contract organization methods she has utilized over the many previous moons. She worries about contracts first before anything else, since the contracts let more know about Silentclan, which may aim more cats in their directions, making Silentclan more wealthy in the process. She is not afraid to stand up for her friends, and always enters an argument or debate, including contracts, ready to argue with every single point a cat may bring up.

      Wolfwind was previously a member of a clan where daily tournaments were held to determine the strongest cats of the clan, so that the weakest ones could be signled out and exiled. This tactic was used on several rounds of cats, and when it was Wolfwind's turn at her mere age of 14 moons, she was found to be not only one of the weakest, but actually the most weak out of all the cats. As a result, she was exiled, and left to fend for herself. When she first got kicked out of the clan, she felt betrayed, hurt, and found that there was no point in striving for anything. She wandered alone for a few moons, until coming across a clan; Silentclan.

      She first found the forest while wandering around, and suddenly found herself beneath the weight of a cream-coated she-cat. When Wolfwind flung the cat off and heard a thump when she landed, she heard the cat laugh. She was afraid, frozen in place, then suddenly, she received an introduction. The cat before her was Amberstar, leader of Silentclan. After a brief conversation, Amberstar introduced the rank of Sanctuary Holder, explaining the philosophies the clan had. The clan was basically full of cats that were hated or disliked by their previous clan or home; a perfect place for Wolfwind. When Wolfwind was settled in, she was given her apprentice name, Wolfpaw. She was mentored under Amberstar, despite the two being basically the same age. Amberstar taught Wolfpaw how to fight, how to intimidate opponents, among a variety of other things.

      After 7 moons of training, Wolfpaw received her name, Wolfwind. The suffix derives from Wolf's immense speed that she displayed during training, which has quickly become her most popular trait, a phrase being given to her regarding her running. "If you see Wolfwind coming your direction, don't even bother." When she became Sanctuary Holder, she was at first very emotional about the entire thing, scared that murder might eventually become justifiable. After a few moons, however, Wolfwind adjusted, attending to her duties efficiently. As the moons dragged on, Wolfwind's scared character began to demolish, replaced by a savage nature.
Last edited by dimi. on Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:34 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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[☆] silentclan: shellstep, sanctuary holder.

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 12:11 pm



name;; shellstep
past names;; shellpaw
gender;; males
age;; 73 moons
rank;; sanctuary holder
body build;; shorter for an adult,
wide cheeks.

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Shellstep is extremely cautious. He's always peering over his shoulder, whispering things he doesn't want others to hear, and being cautious with his word, for fear that one wrong word will come back to bite him in the future. In the business that he's a part of, this is a trait that is essential to his survival, essential to his well being, and essential to the success of Silentclan. His cautious nature is where the suffix of his name comes from; he never takes a step without thinking over every inch of it, every breath of it; even the smallest actions are carefully calculated.

      Those around Shellstep would all tell you one thing in common, and that is that he doesn't seem to ever show any sort of emotion. His face is always stuck in one position, rarely showing any sort of fear. It's his body language that shows how he feels, and even then figuring out how he feels about something through that can be a difficult task. This emotionless facade is the most prominent trait of Shellstep. Despite having obviously seen some weird and disturbing things in his life, he maintains a strong posture, and an intimidating demeanor, even when faced with the most dangerous cats of them all.

      Shellstep started as a kit in a small clan with only a couple of members. His parents loved and cherished him, caring for him until he was of apprentice age. However, his clan was disbanded abruptly whenever a large group of savage rogues ambushed the clan, killing just about everyone in the camp except for then Shellpaw, who hid in the back of the warriors den. His parents were both out of camp at the time, and he still has no clue where they are to this day; or if they are even still alive. He often wonders about his parents, but for him personally, it isn't a burden not knowing if they're still alive.

      Shellpaw kept his apprentice name, despite becoming a loner. He wandered for many moons, well over sixty moons in fact. It wasn't until he was walking along one day and found a kit stranded in the river that he found his true calling as a clan cat. After saving this kit, he was offered a position in their clan. He started as a warrior in the clan, but whenever Silentclan's contract system began to boom in popularity, Shellpaw, now named Shellstep, was promoted to the rank of Sanctuary Holder, taking the Sanctuary beneath the highway bridge in the Two-Leg city several miles east of Silentclan's forest.
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[☆] silentclan: riddlepaw, permanent apprentice.

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 12:24 pm



name;; riddlepaw
past names;; riddlekit, riddlemask
gender;; female
age;; 50 moons
rank;; permanent apprentice
body build;; large, lithe, snowshoe.

sexuality;; straight
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Riddlepaw is a deceptive individual, who is capable of altering reality for even the most strong headed cats, making cats question what is real and what is fictional. She has and speaks with a nature that draws cats around her in towards her, an aura unique to her within the clan. Her name is derived from the various forms of deception she is capable of, whether it be twisting small parts of a story to hide or enhance specific aspects. These traits come from his line of crimes that he committed towards Silentclan, which have been well hidden by Amberstar for fear she will turn the other cats against her.

      When she is not trying to trick anyone, Riddlepaw is a very intelligent cat who is capable of picking up on patterns and finding ways to go about addressing a cat safely without causing any other conflict along the way. Many of the cats of Silentclan would consider him a peer mediator, if not for the fact he was the cause of Amberstar losing two of her lives in one night. Due to her crimes, many of the cats despise her, resulting in Riddlepaw being isolated to herself to herself for the most part; becoming an introvert. Not necessarily by choice, but by force.

      Riddlepaw wasn't actually born in Silentclan. She was born in a clan pretty far away from Silentclan's actual location, a nameless clan as far as Riddlepaw knows. Riddlepaw was raised in the other clan, and trained as a warrior with them. She had strived and quickly become one of the best warriors in the clan, known for her stellar talent when it came to hunting or solving conflict between other members of the clan. However, one day, Riddlepaw was kicked out of the clan, and instantly transported to another clan. Riddlepaw had been the payment for a case of kidnapping a kit, which had been stolen from the clan just a couple moons prior. This is when Riddlepaw entered Silentclan; a clan she absolutely despises.

      Riddlepaw openly despised the concepts of Silentclan, and often tried to urge Amberstar to change her clan rules, change to a traditional clan style, but to no avail. Amberstar may have had Starclan still in her grasp, but Riddlepaw found Silentclan's entire concept to be wrong. Especially the fact that she could do something, and get a cat traded to her for free. Riddlepaw stayed in the clan, then named Riddlemask, and worked her way up the ranks, eventually becoming a Sanctuary Holder. She, however, despised the rank, and this is what sparked him to start the rebellion.

      Riddlepaw slipped out of camp one evening, and found a neighboring clan, which had despised the concepts of Silentclan for a while. When Riddlepaw expressed her concern to them and begged for an attack party, the clan agreed, every warrior and high ranking official attending the battle. Riddlepaw, on this evening, broke the two strongest rules in Silentclan; do not give away the location of their camp, and don't give away the location of the secret entrances or exits. One night, just a moon after Riddlepaw had conversed with the clan, the opposing clan stormed into the camp.

      In this battle, titled "Battle of the Riddled," because of it's instigator in Silentclan history, Amberstar lost two of her lives. The first was to the leader of the clan, when a cut on her neck had grown too deep. The second death was from Amberstar being dragged to the river up North and drowned. The battle only ended when Amberstar, struck with wounds, limped up the rock and howled out. When Riddlepaw revealed he had been behind the attack, instead of exiling her, made her a permanent apprentice. This startled the opposing clan and Riddlepaw herself, as she had been aiming to be exiled. Amberstar was smarter though; exiling was exactly what he wanted.

      The opposing clan retreated, and since the day of the battle, at 50 moons old, Riddlemask is Riddlepaw. A feline cursed with serving apprentice duties for the rest of her days.
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[☆] silentclan: honeywish, elder.

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 12:30 pm



name;; honeywish
past names;; honeykit, honeypaw
gender;; female
age;; 59 moons
rank;; elder
body build;; large, pudgy underbelly.

sexuality;; bisexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; cherryblaze
parents;; n/a

      Honeywish, as a kit, was a very optimistic and jumpy individual. Often, she was running around camp, seeking out new adventure and finding fun in even the most simple of things, like pebbles rolling around the camp. Her energetic nature was one that was difficult to control, and often the queens of the clan struggled with keeping the little playful kit under control. She was incredibly social, making conversation with even the most uptight and rude of cats, somehow managing to conquer their brutal nature and make them smile for even a split second. An injury that she obtained during her sister's kidnapping, however, made her personality drastically change.

      To start, she wasn't nearly as energetic. Each time someone addressed her, she just seemed emotionally and physically drained, and ultimately became incredibly lazy. She would hide in the back of her den, and sleep instead of training as a warrior. Whenever addressed by others, she would simply go with the flow, not bothering to have her normal energetic input to throw the others offguard. Some would consider her to be depressed because of her sister, others would just dismiss it as something to do with Honeypaw growing up. When she hit warrior age however, and reunited with Cherryblaze, her personality changed for the better.

      In conclusion, Honeywish has become an optimistic individual, but has left her energetic ways, instead showing gratitude for the fact she was able to retire early, and that she had accomplished her tasks in life despite her youthful age.

      Honeywish was born into Silentclan along side her sister Cherryblaze. The two of them resided in Silentclan for roughly 7 moons together, until one night a cat that had a reasonably notable hatred for Silentclan entered the camp at night when all other adult cats were asleep , and kidnapped Cherrykit in the process. Honeywish had attempted to fight the kidnapper off by biting his leg, but the tom had gotten angered and tossed Honeypaw into leader's rock, resulting in her right hind leg being permanently damaged, hindering her movements more and more as she progressed in age. For about thirty moons, the sisters were apart, and in this time, the kidnapping took a visible toll on Honeywish's personality.

      After thirty moons passed, Honeywish and Cherryblaze reunited when Honeywish was on a border patrol, and Amberstar spotted Cherryblaze in the distance, instantly recognizing who she was. When the two reunited, Honeywish's normal personality was restored, and she continued as a warrior for the next 20 moons, despite Cherryblaze deciding to stay with the clan she had found in her time away from Silentclan. The injury eventually took too much of a toll on Honeywish, resulting in her retiring early as an elder.
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[☆] silentclan: applesong, elder.

Postby dimi. » Thu May 03, 2018 12:43 pm



name;; Applesong
past names;; Applekit, Applepaw
gender;; female
age;; 100 moons
rank;; Elder
body build;; Maine coon like.

sexuality;; Asexual
crush;; n/a
mate;; n/a
kits;; n/a
siblings;; n/a
parents;; n/a

      Applesong is someone who prioritizes the needs of those around her before her own. Being a previous medicine cat, Applesong often looks too deeply into cats, often assuming what they are thinking of. Granted, she is usually not too far off, but some cats may find this aspect of her aggravating, as she jumps to conclusions about cats she never spoken to. Because she is too worried about the needs of those around her, Applesong will often sacrifice her own well being in order to make sure everyone else in the clan is content and in good health, despite being retired.

      While Applesong is compassionate, she is not afraid to speak her mind, and even when it seems to not be the best time to do so. She will challenge cats who she believes have invalid ways of living, a good example of this being her relationship with Wolfstar, and how she sat over him as he passed after 80 moons of torturing his past clan. When confronting someone, she tends to go about it softly, unless it is something that incredibly angers her, such as Amberstar being wrongfully exiled from Howlclan. Because of this, the cats of Silentclan try not to argue with her, as she has far more experience than any of them and can usually smoke them in an argument.

      Applesong was born into Howlclan, the previous clan Amberstar was exiled from. Shortly after her birth, her father "mysteriously disappeared" after challenging Wolfstar. Applesong was initially to be killed as an apprentice for being a presumably cursed kit for a stupid reason; her size. The cats of the clan thought she was an ex-clan cat that was a murderer that had been revived to continue terrorizing Howlclan. When Applesong came to be of apprentice age, she showed exceptional talent within the field of a medicine cat, something that began to make cats comfortable around her. Because Howlclan was desperate for a medicine cat at the time, Applesong was allowed to train with Starclan alone.

      Applesong became a medicine cat when she was only nineteen moons old, training for thirteen moons told. In that time, she memorized the herbs, and had a mental map of where particular herbs were in the forest. She had grown skilful at sneaking into other clan's territories without being caught in order to steal necessary resources, which Wolfstar saw nothing wrong with. Applesong ends up being a mother figure for Amberstar alongside Hauntingchirp, who the two raise as their own in hopes of keeping her away from Wolfstar's cruel nature.

      When Amberstar was exiled from the clan, Applesong challenged Wolfstar's views alongside 4 other angered warriors. One of these warriors, Cypresscloud, attempted to take Wolfstar's life, but utterly failed, being killed by Wolfstar in front of everyone in the clan. The other three warriors, Fawneye, Hauntingchirp, and Hollowcry were all exiled. The only reason Applesong wasn't exiled was because the clan would be without a medicine cat had she been. For the next 74 moons, Applesong would continue to serve Howlclan as their medicine cat.

      When Applesong began to grow interest in tracking Amberstar down, Wolfstar snapped, and stupidly exiled Applesong. Applesong proceeded to go on a moon-long journey in which she found Silentclan's forest, reuniting with Amberstar. Amberstar, with a soft spot for the elder, allowed her to join the clan and live comfortably in retirement for the rest of her days.
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